Pre L Disc Schedule
Pre L Disc Schedule
Pre L Disc Schedule
U .S .D .C . ~ Atlanb
VS .
FOX NEWS NETWORK, L .L .C ., d/b/a
Fox News Channel,
Defendant .
Description of Case :
Plaintiffs have filed a defamation action arising from a news report telecast
by defendant Fox News Network in December 2002 . Plaintiffs seek recovery for
injury to reputation and punitive damages .
Summarize, in the space provided below, the facts of this case. The
summary should not be argumentative nor recite evidence.
Plaintiffs' Description:
Plaintiffs are the parents and brother of JonBenet Ramsey, the 6-year-old
child who was murdered in December of 1996 in Boulder, Colorado . Defendant
owns and operates a twenty-four (24) hour cable news channel known as Fox
News Channel .
On December 27, 2002, in connection with the sixth (6`h) anniversary of the
death of JonBenet Ramsey, defendant televised a news segment about the
JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation on the Fox News Channel . In the news
segment, defendant's reporter and correspondent, Carol McKinley uttered the
following statements of and concerning plaintiffs :
Detectives say they had good reason to suspect the Ramseys. The
couple and JonBenet's nine-year-old brother, Burke, were the only
known people in the house the night she was killed. JonBenet had
been strangled, bludgeoned and sexually assaulted, most likely from
one of her mother's paintbrushes. The longest ransom note most
experts have ever seen - three pages - was left behind. Whomever
killed her spent a long time in the family home . Yet, there has never
been any evidence to link an intruder to her brutal murder.
Plaintiffs claim that the gist of the statements uttered by Ms. McKinley in
the December 27 Ramsey segment falsely conveyed (a) that Boulder detectives
suspected Burke Ramsey was involved in the murder of his sister ; (b) that Boulder
detectives had good reason to suspect that Burke Ramsey was involved in the
murder of his sister; and (c) that in all probability, one or more members of the
Ramsey family was involved in the murder of JonBenet .
Plaintiffs assert (a) that Burke Ramsey has never been a suspect in the
investigation of the murder of his sister; (b) that John and Patsy Ramsey are no
plaintiffs ;
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awarded to plaintiffs ;
Whether defendant's
broadcast in
wantonness, oppression or that entire want of care that would raise the
presumption of conscious indifference to consequences and whether the
false and defamatory statements were published by defendant with actual
malice, and
plaintiffs ;
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Whether plaintiffs can prove actual malice on the part of the Fox
News Channel ;
Whether the news report on the Fox News Channel was substantially
true .
The cases listed below (include both style and action number) are :
(1) Pending Related Cases:
This case is complex because it possesses one (1) or more of the features
listed below (please check) :
Plaintiffs' Position :
Plaintiffs submit that this case is not complex. Due to scheduling difficulties,
including the schedules of all counsel, Plaintiffs acknowledge that there may be a
need for the discovery period to be extended for a few months beyond the initial
four-month time period .
Defendant's Position:
This case is complex because it possesses one (1) or more of the features checked
Counsel :
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Plaintiffs :
Jurisdiction :
Is there any question regarding this Court's jurisdiction?
If "yes," please attach a statement, not to exceed one (1) page, explaining the
jurisdictional objection . When there are multiple claims, identify and discuss
separately the claim(s) on which the objection is based. Each objection should be
supported by authority.
The following persons are necessary parties who have not been
joined :
The names of the following parties are either inaccurately stated or
necessary portions of their names are omitted:
The parties are accurately stated.
The parties shall have a continuing duty to inform the Court of any
contentions regarding unnamed parties necessary to this action or any contentions
regarding misjoinder of parties or errors in the statement of a party's name.
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All motions should be filed as soon as possible. The local rules set specific
filing limits for some motions . These times are restated below.
All other motions must be filed WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS after the
beginning of discovery, unless the filing party has obtained prior permission of the
court to file later. Local Rule 7.1 A(2) .
Motions to Compel: before the close of discovery or within the
extension period allowed in some instances. Local Rule 37 .1 .
Summary Judgment Motions : within twenty (20) days after the close
of discovery, unless otherwise permitted by court order. Local Rule 56 .1 .
Other Limited Motions : Refer to Local Rules 7.2A, 7 .213, and 7 .2E,
respectively, regarding filing limitations for motions pending on removal,
emergency motions, and motions for reconsideration.
(d) Motions Objecting to Expert Testimony: Daubert motions with regard
to expert testimony no later than the date that the proposed pretrial order is
submitted. Refer to Local rule 7.2F .
The parties reserve the right to alter any of the above-listed local rules
regarding the time to file motions through a mutually agreed upon stipulation
endorsed by this Court.
Specifically, with regard to the timing for filing a motion for summary
judgment, the parties agree that they will confer in good faith at a future date to
stipulate to a mutually agreed upon date by which either party shall be required to
submit a motion for summary judgment . This date will extend beyond the 20-day
time limit contained in Local Rule 56 .1 .
Initial Disclosures :
Does any party request a scheduling conference with the Court? If so, please
state the issues which could be addressed and the position of each party .
No party presently requests a scheduling conference with the Court.
Discovery Period :
The discovery period commences thirty (30) days after the appearance of the
first defendant by answer to the complaint. As stated in LR 26.2A, responses to
initiated discovery must be completed before expiration of the assigned discovery
Cases in this Court are assigned to one of the following three (3) discovery
tracks : (a) zero (0)-months discovery period, (b) four (4)-months discovery period,
and (c) eight (8)-months discovery period . A chart showing the assignment of
cases to a discovery track by filing category is contained in Appendix F. The track
to which a particular case is assigned is also stamped on the complaint and service
copies of the complaint at the time of filing .
Please state below the subjects on which discovery may be needed :
Plaintiffs' Position :
Evidence linking an intruder to JonBenet Ramsey's death .
Ramsey's death .
information includes but is not limited to leads pursued, evidence collected and
analyzed, and suspects that have been interrogated .
circumstances of JonBenet Ramsey's death and of the investigation into her death.
If the parties anticipate that additional time beyond that allowed by the
assigned discovery track will be needed to complete discovery or that discovery
should be conducted in phases or be limited to or focused upon particular issues,
please state those reasons in detail below:
Plaintiffs' Position:
Due to scheduling difficulties, including the schedules of all counsel,
Plaintiffs acknowledge that there may be a need for the discovery period to be
extended for a few months beyond the initial four-month time period.
Defendant's Position :
Additional time will be needed to complete discovery due to the large
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Discovery Limitation :
Other Orders :
What other orders do the parties think that the Court should enter under Rule
26(c) or under Rule 16(b) and (c)?
Plaintiffs' Position :
order governing
Settlement Potential:
Lead counsel for the parties certify by their signatures below that they
conducted a Rule 26(f) conference that was held on May 11 , 2004, and that they
participated in settlement discussions. Other persons who participated in the
settlement discussions are listed according to party.
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%I )
Counsel (-) do or (~) do not intend to hold additional settlement
conferences among themselves prior to the close of discovery. The proposed date
of the next settlement conference is Not scheduled.
The following specific problems have created a hindrance to
settlement of this case.
The parties disagree on liability and damage issues .
The parties ( `! ) do not consent to having this case tried before a
Magistrate Judge of this Court.
signature because the parties have agreed that they cannot make a determination as
to the appropriate completion dates for various deadlines until the Court rules on
two outstanding motions . The parties have fully briefed a motion to transfer venue
to the District of Colorado that is currently pending before this Court. In addition,
the parties are in the process of completing the briefing for a motion to dismiss the
complaint filed by the Fox News Channel on April 28, 2004. When the Court has
decided these motions, the parties will be better able to determine the filing
deadlines required in a proposed scheduling order and will submit such a proposed
order for the Court's consideration at that time.
Submitted this
L. Lin Wood
Georgia Bar No . 774588
Katherine M. Ventulett
Georgia Bar No. 727027
The Equitable Building
Suite 2140
100 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Telephone : 404-522-1713
Telecopier : 404-522-1716
Counsel for Plaintiffs
Judson Graves
Georgia Bar No . 305700
One Atlantic Center
1201 West Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3424
Telephone : 404-881-7000
Telecopier : 404-881-7777
Counsel for Defendant
This ,'ld
L. Lin Wood
Georgia Bar No. 774588