Martial Arts of Various States in India
Martial Arts of Various States in India
Martial Arts of Various States in India
Kalaripayattu- Kalari is the Malayalam word for a
special kind of gymnasium, in which the martial art
known as kalari payattu is practiced. Kalari payattu
consists of various techniques and stages.
1. Uzhichil or the message with gingili oil(sesame) is
used for imparting suppleness to the body, but one
person with a thorough knowledge of the nervous
system and the human body, conduct the Uzhichil.
2. Miapayattu or Body exercise.After application of oil,
students start with a series of body movements
known as maipayattu. This includes twists and
turns of the body leaps and jumps and poses,
designed to gain control over various parts of the
human body. One sequence of such an exercise
helps make for easy movement of the body, along
with sharp eye contact.
3. Paliyankam (Sword fight). Wielding the sword in an
efficient manner is considered to be the peak of
perfection in Kalari Payattu. Various methods in the
use of the sword as a weapon of offence and
defence, are being practiced today but the most
one-inspiring and perhaps blood-curdling of
these,is the Paliyankam.
Kalari Payattu demonstration includes physical
exercises and mock duels armed and unarmed
combat. Kalari Payattu is not accompanied by nay
music or drumming. It is silent combat where style
matters most. The spiritual atmosphere is always
maintained. No performance or combat is began
without duly propitiating the Gods. Character,
6. Heinbong-Kangbi
2. Khuto- Theibi
3. Ninggong-Langba
4. Chepching Chinba
5. Khudong-Awangba
8. Khudong pukhtpa
Khudong10. Khuchep-
Without Weapons(Unarmed)
Aikido- The literal translation of aikido is ai, ki ,
do, the way of martial spiritual harmony. This
system of defense was originated by the late
master Morihei Uyeshiba, who was born in 1883 at
wakayamana Prefecture in japan. Master Uyeshiba
devoted many long, hard years to the practise and
study of several martial arts, before the
development of aikido was realized. The new art
was not only a form of physical defense and
exercise, but also a deeply spiritual activity. The
main schools of Aikido philosophy maintain that
the secret of this art is the oneness of mind, spirit
and body and that the supreme state is to be at
one with nature a spirit of the inverse. The
technique of Aikido are many and varied, each
individual movement can be easily and swiftly
followed by another. Essentially the techniques and
movements can be summarized as follows. Firstly
the basic knowledge, such as Kmae(posture), maai(distance), irimi(entering), Ukemi(breakfalls) and
chikari no Dashikate(extension of power). These
are followed by bsolo exercises (tandokudosa),
which include movements such as breathing and
wrist strengthing. After the tandoku dosa come the