Rman Restore and Recovery Scenarios
Rman Restore and Recovery Scenarios
Rman Restore and Recovery Scenarios
mkdir D:\oradata\DB1
Redo and Archive Log Directories
mkdir D:\oradata\DB1\recovery1
mkdir D:\oradata\DB1\recovery2
Restore SPFILE and Control File
%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\rman target / nocatalog
RMAN> set dbid 161080442
RMAN> startup nomount;
Creates the file: %ORACLE_HOME%\database\hc_db1.dat
RMAN> restore spfile from R:\rman\C-161080442-20080313-00;
Creates the file: %ORACLE_HOME%\database\SPFILEDB1.ORA
RMAN> startup force nomount
RMAN> restore controlfile from R:\rman\C-161080442-20080313-00;
RMAN> shutdown immediate
RMAN> exit
Restore and Recover the Data
%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\rman target / nocatalog
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database;
For a large database this step may take some time.
RMAN> recover database;
If you do not have\need the very last log(s) you can disregard any error messages.
ORA-00310: archived log contains sequence 100; sequence 101 required
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
database opened