Tutorial: Drop Ejection From A Printhead Nozzle: 26.3, Setting Up The VOF Model
Tutorial: Drop Ejection From A Printhead Nozzle: 26.3, Setting Up The VOF Model
Tutorial: Drop Ejection From A Printhead Nozzle: 26.3, Setting Up The VOF Model
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide guidelines for the transient simulation of drop
ejection from the nozzle of the printhead in an inkjet printer. The volume of fluid (VOF)
model is used to predict the droplet shape. The time-dependent boundary condition requires
a user-defined function (UDF).
This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:
Use the VOF multiphase model.
Use an UDF to define a time dependent boundary condition.
Set up and solve the case using appropriate solver settings.
Postprocess the resulting data.
This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have completed Tutorial 1 from
ANSYS FLUENT 13.0 Tutorial Guide, and that you are familiar with the ANSYS FLUENT
navigation pane and menu structure. Some steps in the setup and solution procedure will
not be shown explicitly.
In this tutorial, you will use VOF multiphase model. For details on VOF model, see Section
26.3, Setting Up the VOF Model in ANSYS FLUENT 13.0 Users Guide. This tutorial will
not cover the mechanics of using this model. Instead, it will focus on the application of this
model to the drop ejection from a printhead nozzle. For more details on UDFs, see ANSYS
FLUENT 13.0 UDF Manual.
Problem Description
The problem to be solved in this tutorial is shown in Figure 1.
To capture the capillary effect on the ejected ink, the surface tension and prescription of
the wetting angle will be specified. The surface inside the nozzle is neutrally wettable, while
the surface surrounding the nozzle orifice is non-wettable.
At time zero, ink fills the nozzle, while the rest of the domain is filled with air. Both fluids
are assumed to be at rest. To initiate the ejection, the ink velocity at the inlet boundary
suddenly rises from 0 to 3.58 m/s and drops according to a cosine law.
As the dimensions are small, ANSYS FLUENT is used with double precision. The primary
phase is air and the secondary phase is water-liquid. Patching is required to fill the ink
chamber with the secondary phase.
(a) Select Specify Scaling Factors from the Scaling group box.
(b) Scale the mesh using 1e-6 as the Scaling Factors for X and Y.
(c) Select mm from View Length Unit In drop-down list.
(d) Click Scale.
(e) Close the Scale Mesh dialog box.
4. Define the units for the mesh.
Define Units...
(a) Select mm as the unit for length.
(b) Select dyn/cm as the unit for surface-tension.
(c) Close the Set Units dialog box.
5. Mirror the view across the axis.
Display Views...
(a) Select axis from the Mirror Planes list.
(b) Click Apply.
This updates the mesh display with both sides of the chamber.
(c) Click Camera... to open the Camera Parameters dialog box.
i. Drag the indicator of the dial with the left mouse button in the counterclockwise direction until the upright view is displayed (see Figure 2).
ii. Click Apply and close the Camera Parameters dialog box.
(d) Click Apply and close the Views dialog box.
Step 3: Models
1. Define the multiphase model.
Step 4: Materials
The default properties of water and air are suitable for this problem. You can verify them
in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
Materials Create/Edit...
1. Retain the default settings for air.
2. Copy water-liquid (h2o<l>) from the database.
3. Click Change/Create and close the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
Step 5: Phases
1. Select air for primary phase and enter air for the Name.
2. Select water-liquid for secondary phase and enter water-liquid for the Name.
(a) Select mixture from the Phase drop-down list and click the Edit....
i. Select udf membrane speed from the Velocity Magnitude drop-down list.
ii. Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.
(b) Select water-liquid from the Phase drop-down list and click the Edit....
i. Click the Multiphase tab and enter 1 for Volume Fraction.
ii. Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.
2. Set the boundary conditions for outlet.
Boundary Conditions
outlet Edit...
(a) Select water-liquid from the Phase drop-down list and click the Edit....
i. Click the Multiphase tab and retain the default value of zero for Backflow
Volume Fraction.
ii. Click OK to close the Pressure Outlet dialog box.
3. Set the conditions for wall no wet.
Boundary Conditions
wall no wet
(a) Select mixture from the Phase drop-down list and click Edit....
i. Enter 175 degrees in the Contact Angles group box.
ii. Click OK to close the Wall dialog box.
4. Set the conditions for wall wet.
Boundary Conditions
(a) Retain the default value of 90 degrees in the Contact Angles group box.
(b) Click OK to close the Wall dialog box.
Step 8: Operating Conditions
Boundary Conditions Operating Conditions...
1. Enter 0.10 mm for X and 0.03 mm for Y in the Reference Pressure Location group
Set the Reference Pressure Location at a point where the fluid will always be 100% air.
2. Click OK to close the Operating Conditions dialog box.
Step 9: Solution
1. Set the solution method parameters.
Solution Methods
(a) Select PISO from the Scheme drop-down list.
(b) Select PRESTO! and Second Order Upwind from the Pressure and Momentum
drop-down lists respectively.
2. Retain the default solution control parameters.
Solution Controls
Residuals Edit...
(a) Enter 0.0001 for the Absolute Criteria for all equations.
(b) Click OK to close the Residual Monitors dialog box.
4. Initialize the solution.
Solution Initialization
(a) Retain 0 for Gauge Pressure, Axial Velocity, Radial Velocity, and water-liquid Volume Fraction.
(b) Click Initialize.
5. Define a register for the ink chamber region.
Adapt Region...
2. Similarly, display the contours of water-liquid volume fraction after 12, 18, 24, and 30
microseconds (see Figures 4-7) using the corresponding data files: inkjet0600.dat,
inkjet0900.dat, inkjet1200.dat, and inkjet1500.dat, respectively.
The contents of the UDF input file (inlet1.c) are as follows:
#include "udf.h"
#include "sg.h"
#include "sg_mphase.h"
#include "flow.h"
#define PI 3.141592654
/* function name
/* thread
/* variable number */
face_t f;
real x[ND_ND];
real f_time = RP_Get_Real("flow-time");
begin_f_loop (f,th)
if (f_time<=10e-6)
{F_PROFILE(f,th,nv) = 3.58*cos(PI*f_time/30e-6);
else F_PROFILE(f,th,nv) = 0;
end_f_loop (f,th)
The VOF model in ANSYS FLUENT was adequately able to predict the formation and
development of an ink droplet ejected from the printhead of an inkjet printer.
This tutorial demonstrated the application of the VOF model with surface tension effects.
The ANSYS FLUENT calculation agreed well with the prediction published in the literature
using the same injection scenario. Good agreement was achieved in predicting the number
and volume of the ink droplets. As these parameters are crucial to the print quality, ANSYS
FLUENT VOF model can be used in the design of inkjet printheads.
[1] W. J. Rider, D.B. Kothe, E.G. Pucket, I. D. Aleinov Accurate and robust methods
for variable density incompressible flow with discontinuities, 1996, Proc. of ICASE/LaRC
workshop on barriers and challenges in CFD, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton,
Virginia, August 5-7, M. Salas (Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers (in press).