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Vehicle Routing Problem

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Jurnal Teknik Industri, Vol. 13, No.

1, Juni 2011, 1-10

ISSN 1411-2485 print / ISSN 2087-7439 online

Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhaul,

Multiple Trips and Time Window
Johan Oscar Ong1, Suprayogi2

Abstract: Transportation planning is one of the important components to increase efficiency and
effectiveness in the supply chain system. Good planning will give a saving in total cost of the
supply chain. This paper develops the new VRP variants, VRP with backhauls, multiple trips,
and time window (VRPBMTTW) along with its problem solving techniques using Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO) and Sequential Insertion as initial solution algorithm. ACO is modified by
adding the decoding process in order to determine the number of vehicles, total duration time,
and range of duration time regardless of checking capacity constraint and time window. This
algorithm is tested by using set of random data and verified as well as analyzed its parameter
changing. The computational results for hypothetical data with 50% backhaul and mix time
windows are reported.
Keywords: Vehicle routing problem, vehicle routing problem with backhauls, multiple trips,
time window, sequential insertion, ant colony optimization, ant system.
Crispim et al. [6] explained that VRPB has same
constraint with VRP but there is an addition
constraint, linehauls customers are served before
backhaul customers. VRPB model must be adjusted
with real condition that considers multiple trips and
time window, VRPBMTTW. The example problem
for this variant is finding the vehicle routes for
chemical distributors. Distributors have to deliver
chemical substances to a lot of agents and retailers
which spread at certain area. Distributors also have
to pick up the chemical substances from suppliers.
The separation between linehauls and backhaul is
caused by hazardous chemical substances that
cannot be put together at the same vehicle.

The Transportation cost is one of component cost in
logistic system which has dominated total cost
wholly. This transportation cost must be efficient in
order to give contribution for decreasing total cost
and increasing the firms competitive advantage.
Finding efficient vehicle routes and its schedule are a
representative logistics problem. Vehicle routing problem (VRP) goals to find a set of tour for several
vehicles from a depot to a lot of customers and return
to the depot without exceeding the capacity constraints of each vehicle at minimum cost (Bin et al.
[1]). Brandao [2] defines more specific that is distributing products to number of customers in certain
region with deterministic demand.

A number of vehicles are assigned to deliver

chemical substances and after that, the vehicles are
assigned to pick up chemical substances. This service
can be done in the time window and certain planning
horizon, as well as vehicles are allowed to go back
and forth to distributor for loading and unloading
chemical substances.

Various types of VRP model have been developed to

accommodate various real situations. Suprayogi [14]
explained it such as VRP with time windows (VRPTW), VRP with multiple trips (VRPMT), and VRP
with simultaneous pick-up delivery (VRPPD). There
is a specific variant that discusses the separating
service between linehauls customer and backhaul
customer, VRP with backhauls (VRPB). Generally,
VRPB can be classified as two types of problem;
those are VRPB with customer priority and VRPB
without customer priority (Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et
al. [15]).

Various techniques have been developed to solve

VRP. Bin et al. [1] said that VRP is a hard combinatorial problem. Consequently, VRP is generally
solved by using heuristic and meta-heuristic
approach, such as 2 opt, 3 opt, simulated annealing,
genetic algorithm, tabu search, ant colony optimization, etc.

Faculty of Industrial Teknology, Industrial Engineering

Department, Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa. Jl. Dipatiukur
80-84, Bandung 40132. Email: [email protected].
2 Faculty of
Industrial Technology, Industrial Engineering
Department, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10,
Bandung 40132. Email: [email protected]

Now, metaheuristic approach is mainly used because

of its ability to solve the problem more intensively.
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is one of the
metaheuristic approaches that can be used to solve
hard combinatorial problems. Dorigo and Blum [10]
concluded that ACO gives a good solution in short
time for assignment problems, scheduling problems,

Received 19 January 2011; revised1 28 February 2011; revised2 15

March 2011; Accepted for publication 30 March 2011.

Ong, et al. / Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhaul / JTI, Vol. 13, No. 1, Juni 2011, pp. 110

vehicle routing problems, sequential ordering

problems, resource constraint problems, and open
shop scheduling problems. Mong Sim and Hong Sun
[12] also said that ACO results good solution for
routing and balancing problem. In his research, Bell
and McMullen [3] explained that ACO results good
solution for VRP. ACO gives good solution and
efficient enough for very complex problem (Doerner
et al.[7]).

receives the supply of goods from the depot and send

the goods to the depot. These models will get a set of
tours that meet the delivery demand and also pickup
demand (Suprayogi and Priyandari [13]).
There are three objectives to be achieved on the
model VRPMTTWPD, i.e, minimize the number of
tours, total tour duration time, and a range of
duration time of the langest and shortest tour. The
number of tour represents capital cost that is minimized, labor cost and other operating costs. Total
duration time represents vehicle operiational cost,
e.g., fuel consumption. Total tour duration time
represents the minimization of operational costs of
vehicles, fuel samples. Generally, these objectives are
usually found in the vehicle routing problem model.
The third objective represents a balance total
duration time of each tour. Suprayogi and
Priyandari [13] solved this model by using genetic
algorithm and tabu search.

There are two general ways to generate VRP initial

solution, those are using savings criterion and
inserting customer sequentially to the route with
cost criteria (Laporte et al. [11]). Sequential insertion is often used to solve vehicle routing problem
because it is easy to be modified to accommodate
complex constraints.

VRP with Backhaul and Time Window (VRPBTW)

Each of these goals is weighted W1, W2 and W3.

While, W1 > W2 > W3 reflects that the first goal has
greather priority than the second one, and the
second goal has a greater priority than the third one.
We set W1: 100000, W2 : 100, W3 : 0.00005 with the
objective function as:

VRPB-TW model is a model developed from the

basic model VRPB by adding constraint of time
window on each customer. Cho and Wang [5]
developed a model VRPB-TW that minimize the
amount of vehicles and routing time by starting from
the depot and ends at the depot. The VRPB-TW
consists of finding a set of vehicle routes with a lot of
constrains, such that: (1) each vehicle services one
route; (2) each customer node i is visited exactly
once; (3) the quantity of goods on-board never
exceeds the vehicle capacity; (4) the linehauls
customers precede the backhauls on each vehicle
route; (5) the start time on each vehicle route is
greater than or equal to the time windows lower
bound at depot; (6) the return time on each vehicle
route is less than or equal to the time windows
upper bound at depot; (7) the time of beginning of
service at each node i is less than or equal to the time
windows upper bound li; and (8) the time of
beginning of service at each vertex i is greater than
or equal to the time windows lower bound ei. Cho
and Wang [5] solve this model with metaheurisic
technique threshold accepting (TA). Unlike Zhong
and Cole [16] complete with local search techniques for similar problems.


Result and Discussion

System Description
In this paper, the system is defined as system that
connected with finding set of tour for several vehicles
in distributing products. This system consists of a
depot, linehauls customers, and backhaul customers.
Every activities starts from depot and ends to the
depot. For every customer and depot, there is
loading/unloading time. The unit measurement for
loading/unloading time is same as unit measurement for customers demand. Figure 1 shows the
representation of system structure. In a planning
horizon, one vehicle can serve more than one
customer starting linehauls customer and after that
backhaul customer. One vehicle can serve more than
one route, only same product each delivery, and only
at customers time window.

VRP with Multiple Trips, Time Window, and

Pickup Delivery (VRP-MTTWPD)

We used conceptual model to find a set of routes for

vehicles which considers separating linehauls and
backhaul customers, multiple trips, and time
window (VRPB-MTTW). This variant of VRP is
combined from vehicle routing problem with
backhauls and time window (VRPB-TW) which is
introduced by Cho and Wang [5] and vehicle routing
problem with multi trips, time window, dan pickupdelivery (VRP-MTTWPD) which is developed by
Suprayogi and Priyandari [13].

VRPMTTWPD is a combination of variants vehicle

routing problem with multiple trips (VRPMT),
vehicle routing problem with time window (VRPTW), and vehicle routing problem with pickup
delivery (VRPPD). The characteristics of VRPMTTWPD model is that each customer has a time-window, each vehicle can have more than one route
during the planning horizon, and the customer

Ong, et al. / Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhaul / JTI, Vol. 13, No. 1, Juni 2011, pp. 110

There are a lot of constraints in vehicles routing

problem with backhaul, multiple trips, and time
window (VRPB-MTTW):
(i) Every route starts and ends at depot
(ii) Planning horizon indicates the starting and the
ending of vehicle activity
(iii) Delivery demand and pickup demand are
deterministic and known.
(iv) Vehicle serves backhauls customer after
linehauls customer
(v) Every customer can only be served once by one
(vi) The vehicles load must not exceed vehicles
(vii) Service time can only be started at earliest
time and before or equal with latest time










Planning Horison

Range of Duration Time (RDT) is a difference

between the longest tour duration time and the
shortest tour duration time

Figure 1. System architecture

Backhauls can be defined as vehicle serves customer

in a route apart from pick up activity and delivery
activity. Delivery customers (linehauls customer) are
served first before pick up customers (backhauls
customer).Vehicle serves a set of routes in every tour,
is called multiple trips, and returns to depot before
serving others route. This condition can only be
fulfilled if service time is in planning horizon. Vehicle
goes to customer in a certain time window that has
been stated before and also deterministic demand.
This constraint makes vehicle waiting if it has
arrived before the time windows. Time window is an
interval time that customers provide to accept the
service. In this research, there are loading and
unloading times which respectively represent the
time to move goods from warehouse to vehicle and
just the opposite. The loading and unloading time
will not exceed initial service time and the end of
service time.

Mathematical Representation
: tour
: route
: position
: node (
0 is depot,
backhauls customers)

1,2, , are linehauls

2, ,

Decision variable:
: number of tours
: number of routes in tour
: number of positions in route from tour
, : number of linehauls customers positions in route from tour
, : number of backhaul customers positions
in route from tour
, ,
: Location at position
in route
, ,
: arrival time at node position in route
from tour
, , : earliest arrival time at node position in
route from tour
, , : latest arrival time at node position
route from tour
, ,
: departure time at node position
route from tour
, , : earliest departure time at node position
in route from tour
, , : latest departure time at node position
in route from tour
, ,
: starting time for service at node position
in route from tour
, , : earliest starting time for service at node
position in route from tour

This model considers the customers priority which

linehauls customer serves before backhauls customer. The objective functions are to minimize the
number of vehicles, minimize total tour completion
time, and minimize range of duration time. We find
the solution lexicographically or alphabetically. It
means that the objective function are given priority
consecutively, which the first objective has higher
priority than the second objective and the third
Decision variables are number of tours, customers
sequence served in every route and tour, arrive time,
earliest service time, latest service time, and
departure time at every customer. The parameters
are number of linehauls customer, a number of
backhauls customers, linehauls customers demand,
backhauls customers demand, distance, vehicles
speed, time window, and planning horizon.

Ong, et al. / Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhaul / JTI, Vol. 13, No. 1, Juni 2011, pp. 110

, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,


: latest starting time for service at node

position in route from tour
: waiting time at node position in route
from tour
: Total delivery load in route r from tour
: Total pick-up load in route from tour
: Total load at position
in route from
: Loading-unloading time at position
route from tour

, : travel time from node to
: earliest time window at node
: latest time window at node
: delivery demand at node with 0
: pick up demand at node with 0
: vehicle capacity
: service time
: number of linehauls customer
: number of backhauls customer

, ,
, ,

location for certain , and





, ,

Earliest arrival time, starting time for service and

earliest departure time at location can be determined
by forward counting as follow:
, ,

, ,
, ,

, ,

, ,

, ,

1 ,

, , ,
, ,
, ,


, ,


refers to

, 1,0
, ,0



, ,
, ,
for equation (15), (16) and (19)




, ,
, ,

, ,
, ,

, ,0
, ,

, ,
, ,
1,2, ,

Total load in vehicle for any location can be stated

recursively as:
, ,
, ,



, ,
, ,



Latest arrival time time and latest departure time at

any location is determined by backward counting as


, ,k
, ,k

Especially for node 0 (depot), loading/unloading time

from depot and ends to depot can be stated as:

1,2, ,

Total delivery and pickup load for any route can be

stated respectively as:

1,2, ,

Loading/unloading time at any node for linehauls

customer is the total delivery demand at that node
and as well as for backhauls customer, as follow:

From this equation onward, we use these following

indexes; instead they are stated differently.

, ,
, ,

2, ,

To make sure that linehauls customer must be

served before backhaul customer, can be expressed
in the following equality:

To assure that every node can only visited exactly

once, every appears once at certain , and ,
except for
0. Therefore, this can be stated as:




1,2, ,
1,2, ,
, ,


The visibility of time window can be stated as:

, ,

, ,0


The vehicles capacity constraint can be expressed in

the following inequalities:

Performance criteria:
NV : number of vehicles
TDT : total duration time
RDT : difference between the longest tour duration
time and the shortest tour duration time
, ,
node , thus

, ,


To assure the time windows visibility for any

location can be stated as:


Ong, et al. / Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhaul / JTI, Vol. 13, No. 1, Juni 2011, pp. 110

, ,

range of duration time (RDT). Therefore, It can be

formulated as:


, ,

so that, the expression can be stated as:

, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,


, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,

For equation (26) and (27)

meanwhile for equation (28)-(30)

Various techniques both optimal and heuristics have

been developed to solve the vehicle routing problem.
Bullnheimer et al. [4] stated that the vehicle routing
problem is a hard combinatorial problem with a
computational combinatorial increased along the
increasing size of the problem. Vehicle routing problem is generally solved with heuristic and metaheuristic approach e.g. 2 opt, 3 opt, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, tabu search, ant colony
optimization, etc.

1, ,0;
0,1, ,

, ,
, ,

0, if

, ,

1, ,

, ,

, ,

, ,

Sequential insertion is the most often used method

in solving vehicle routing problems. This is caused by
the speed in delivering solution, easy to use and
easily modified to handle a difficult constraint.
Sequential insertion algorithm is used to generate
the initial feasible solution. First, algorithm will
generate a tour and the first route. Algorithm
chooses linehauls customer by using predetermined
rule. These rules are earliest deadline, earliest ready
time, shortest time window, and longest travel time.


Tour duration time is defined as difference between

the arrival time (starting time for service) at the
depot for the first time and the departure time
(ending time for service) at the depot for the last
time. This can be expressed as:
1, ,

, 1,0


Steps of the sequential insertion algorithm are

described as follows.

The total tour duration time is a summation of all

tour duration times stated as:

Step 0:
Input all the parameters and initialize the set of
unassigned linehauls customer
and the set of
unassigned backhauls customer
. Go to step 1.


Range of Duration Time (RDT) is defined as a

difference between the maximum of tour duration
time and the maximum of tour duration time, is
formulated as follow:



Solution Approach

Waiting time for any location is represented in the

following expression:
, ,

Step 1:
Create a tour and a route of this tour by setting
1 and
1, starts from depot.


Step 2:
As long as there are unassigned linehauls customers
, do this step. If all linehauls custo-mers have been
served, go to step 9. For
1 and
1, choose
unassigned linehauls customers as seed customer
using predeter-mined rule. Then go to step 4.
1, then go to step 3.

RDT will be set zero if there is only one vehicle to

serve all customers.
Every vehicle can only serve exactly one tour. Thus,
number of vehicles used is equal to number of tours.
This can be stated as:

Step 3:
For each unassigned linehauls customer , choose
the minimum tour duration time for new route.
Then arrange unassigned linehauls customer that
possibly can be inserted. Check delivery demand for
this route. If linehauls customers demand does not
exceed the vehicle capacity, go to step 4. If it does, go
to step 7.

This model has three objectives preference structures considered. For all structures, minimizing
number of vehicles (NV) is always place as first
objective. The second objective is minimizing the
total duration time (TDT) and the last is minimizing

Ong, et al. / Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhaul / JTI, Vol. 13, No. 1, Juni 2011, pp. 110

Step 4:
Check the feasibility of time window for linehauls
customer . If it is feasible, then insert customer
and calculate the load after exit from customer .
Then go to step 5. If time window is not feasible,
return to step 2 and create new tour (
1) and
starts from the first route (

matrix; generating solution; and updating the

pheromone matrix. In this research, ACO algorithm
uses one colony to generate customers sequence that
will be served. Modification in ACO is done by
adding the decoding process to generate solution
based on VRPB-MTTWs constraint. Decoding
process assures that three objective functions can be

Step 5:
Update the information about tour and route that
have been created. Check whether there is
unassigned linehauls customer . If unassigned
linehauls customer
still exists, return to step 2.
Otherwise, go to step 6.

First, ACO has to be set its parameter, i.e. number of
iteration, number of ants, , and . Next step,
calculate initial pheromone matrix by using following expression:

Step 6:
Calculate tour duration time and route that has been
created. Choose minimum tour duration time for
assigning backhauls customer (
). Update information about minimum tour duration that has been
chosen. Then go to step 7.

Initial pheromone matrix needs total duration time
(TDT) that has been calculated from initial solution
by sequential insertion algorithm. Visibility matrix
shows the willingness of the ant to leave each
customer. This constraint depends on the latest time
window for any customer ( ). The matrix can be
calculated by using following expression:

Step 7:
Check unassigned backhauls customer
. If all
has been served, then go to step 9. Otherwise, create
possible insertion for backhauls customer
the existing route. Check the pickup demand for this
route. If backhauls customers demand does not
exceed vehicles capacity, then go to step 8. If it
exceeds the vehicles capacity, then create new route,
1 and repeat step 7.


The decision making about combining customers is

based on a probabilistic rule taking into account both
the visibility and the pheromone information. First,
arrange all the customers sequentially from linehauls to backhauls customer. Linehauls customer
has the high priority than any backhauls customer.
To select the next customer j for the kth ant at the
ith node, the ant uses the following probabilistic

Step 8:
Check the feasibility of time window backhauls
customer. If it is feasible, backhauls customer
can be inserted and calculate vehicles load. Then
repeat step 7.
Step 9:
Calculate tour duration time for route that has been
created. Choose minimum tour duration time. If all
customers have been served, stop this step.


Decoding Process

The result shows that these four rules have a

contribution to the solution using sequential
insertion. The rule of earliest deadline, earliest ready
time, shortest time window, and longest travel time
respectively result 10 vehicles, 11 vehicles, 13
vehicles, and 13 vehicles. So we choose earliest
deadline result as initial solution for ant colony
optimization technique.

Decoding process is a calculating process to

determine number of vehicles based on customers
time window and vehicle capacity. From the
initialization, we will get a sequence of all customers
that will be served. Thus, we check the feasible time
window and the load constraint for each customer. If
it is not feasible, then we add node 0 (depot) after the
customer. Flowchart of our decoding process for
VRPBMTTW is shown in Figure. 2.

Ant Colony Optimization

This technique is modified from ant system which is
developed by Dorigo and Stutzle [9]. Ant colony
optimization (ACO) consists of three parts, i.e.
initialization data, parameter and pheromone

After we get number of vehicles, then we calculate

tour duration time and range of duration time. Thus,
each ant generates customers sequence and also

Ong, et al. / Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhaul / JTI, Vol. 13, No. 1, Juni 2011, pp. 110

the objective function. There is a contradiction

between equation (1) and the objective function. In
this case, we want to find the algorithm performance
in easy way. So, we use weight for each criterion.

results number of vehicles, total duration tour, and

range duration time. From those results, we choose
one ant based on objective function that has been
predetermined. First priority is number of vehicles.
If the first criterion is same from all ants, we choose
the second criterion that is the minimum total
duration time. So, we do the same thing for the third
criterion that is the minimum range of duration
Pheromone Update
Pheromone matrix has to be updated in order to
make ants choosing the path that is frequently
passed. We need total duration time to update the
matrix. For the path that has not been passed by
ant, we use the following formula:

Mean while, for the path that has been passed by
ant uses the following formula:


We generate data based on number of backhauls

customers and time window. For each data, we use
random demand for each customer ranges from 1 to
10 and random distance with coordinate (0,0) to
(540,540).We calculate the distance using Euclidean
Metric for each customer. A set of data consists of
100 customers whom 50% backhauls customers. The
time window varies from tight time window to wide
time window. In detail, a tight time window intervals ranging from 10 to 50 minutes, while the wide
time window ranges from 390 to 540 minutes. We
use the mix time window ranging from 10 to 540
minutes and the horizon planning for depot ranges
from 0 to 540 minutes.
We used Borland Delphi 2007 and executed on Intel
Atom CPU N270 1,6 GHz with 1G DDRAM. Our
aim is to find standard parameter settings in order
to get good combination of these parameters for
VRPBMTTW. Dorigo [8] suggested parameter that
express the sensitivity to trace, =1, parameter that
states the sensitivity to the desirability, 2 5, and
parameter pheromone trail evaporation, = 0.5 for
travelling salesman problem. From that information,
we observed all possibilities to find the combination
of these parameters. Finally, we suggested
5, and

Figure 2 The flowchart of decoding process

Table 1. Experiment results using ACO with z,


5, and


We analyzed the algorithm performance with 95%

confidence level and 10% error. To simplify the
analysis, we use equation (1) to compare the results.
This equation is totally different if it is compared to


Number of
Total Tour
Vehicles Duration Time







Ong, et al. / Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhaul / JTI, Vol. 13, No. 1, Juni 2011, pp. 110

Column 5-7 in Table 1 present the results using

modified ACO including number of vehicles, total
tour duration time, and range of duration time.
Column 8 is used to calculate the number of replication by using the following formula:

This paper has presented a new variant of the
vehicle routing problem with backhauls including
the characteristics such as multiple trips, and time
windows. The multiple objectives are considered in
this paper. An ant colony optimization technique is
modified based on the characteristics. The initial
feasible solution is generated using sequential
insertion with different four seed customer. The
computational experiments for others percentage of
backhauls should be conducted to show the
effectiveness and efficiency of the solution technique
including the parameters proposed.


The result shows that the algorithm has a

consistency in solving VRPBMTTW.
We also compare the algorithm to the sequential
insertion. The algorithm results better solution to
the initial solution. The algorithm provide 8.3
vehicles in average, while the sequential insertion
results 10 vehicles.


Four rules for selecting the seed customer in the

sequential insertion algorithm are provided. These
rules are earliest deadline, earliest ready time,
shortest time window, and longest travel time.
Figure 3 shows four improvement operator arrangements are provided.


Figure 4 shows a tour and schedule plan generated

using earliest deadline criterion. The tour and
schedule plan has information such as sequence of
visiting customers, time window, linehauls demand,
backhauls demand, arrival and departure time,
service time, and travel time.





Figure 3. Input dialog box


Figure 4. An output showing tour and schedule plan

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