Airport Masterplan Terms of Reference

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1. Project Overview
In accordance with the direction of Regional Council, the Region of Waterloo International
Airport (the Airport) will initiate the process of updating its Master Plan and Business Plan,
completed in 2000 and 2009 respectively. Given that the objectives of these previous plans
have either been completed or in the process of completion, this new planning process will
result in the completion of a road map for the development of the Airport over the next 20 years.
2. What is a Master Plan?
It is a comprehensive study that will identify facility needs and evaluate alternatives to provide
guidance for the future development of the Airport in the short- (0-5 year), medium- (6-10 year),
and long- (11-20 year) terms. The information identified through the master planning process
will also ensure the continued operation of a safe, efficient, and environmentally compatible
airport. The Master Plan will recommend capital improvements over this period taking into
consideration the dynamic nature of the aviation industry.
Master plan updates provide an opportunity to identify and consider strategic development
opportunities. The Airport's last update, prepared during the late 1990's and adopted by
Regional Council in 2000, laid the foundation for development of the Airport as a multi-purpose
facility that now employs, both directly and indirectly, more than 250 people, accommodates
more than 100,000 aircraft movements annually and hosts three (3) regularly scheduled air
services with additional seasonal charter service.
This Master Plan will seek to position the Airport to capitalize on similar opportunities as well as
address many of the challenges that the Airport will face in future years.
Master Plan Guiding Principles
To make sure the project stays on course and achieves its key objectives, the Master Plan
Project Team will establish a set of guiding principles to be used during the project. These
guiding principles will take the following factors into consideration:
1. The recommended development plan should give priority to safety and security, followed
by financial feasibility, operational efficiency, environmental prudence, and social
responsibility; the plan should be beneficial to all users of the Airport and the community
as a whole, and the positive customer experience must be maintained or enhanced.
2. Airport development plans should preserve flexibility to permit changes to the plan as
industry and local conditions warrant.
3. The planning effort will seek to foster consensus among key stakeholders, including
Airport users, neighboring residents and businesses in the Region of Waterloo.





4. The master planning process will employ a focused public involvement program to
inform interested parties of the Airport's positive community impacts as well as future
5. The master planning process shall emphasize cost effective solutions and shall consider
the total cost of implementation when evaluating alternatives.
6. Planning for future facilities will consider the role of emerging technologies and industry
trends that could affect the requirements for future facilities.
7. The master planning process shall identify potential synergies between the future
development of adjacent land uses and the development of the rest of the Airport.
8. The master planning process will include a thorough evaluation of the various options
and models for airport governance ranging from, but not limited, to continued municipal
ownership and management to divestiture and third party management.
9. The master planning process shall take into consideration the impact upon the natural
environment of future airport development.
3. Purpose of Project Team
The purpose of the Project Team is to provide advice, feedback and endorsement to the Region
of Waterloo at key milestone periods during the Project. This includes providing feedback on
the following Master Plan components:

The Master Plan Terms of Reference

Key issues and context for the Master Plan decision process
Proposed development scenarios and community impacts
Proposed changes, if any, in the governance model for the airport
Public consultation activities and results
Individual Master Plan studies and final draft Master Plan document
Related project issues as may be identified during the project

4. Project Team Membership

The Project Team membership will allow for broad Regional interdepartmental representation as
will as representation from each area municipal corporation directly affected by the activities at
the Airport, namely the cities of Cambridge and Kitchener (situated in close proximity to the
Airport) and the Township of Woolwich. The Project Team will be led by Jeff Schelling and
Chris Wood and includes the following representatives:





Geoff Lorentz, Councillor, Region of Waterloo
Jim Wideman, Councillor, Region of Waterloo
Sean Strickland, Councillor, Region of Waterloo
Donna Reid, Councillor, City of Cambridge
Berry Vrbanovic, Councillor, City of Kitchener
Angela Vieth, Councillor, City of Waterloo
Julie-Anne Herteis, Councillor, Township of Woolwich
Calvin Barrett, Finance, Region of Waterloo
Chris Wood, Airport General Manager, Region of Waterloo International Airport
Ildiko Tiszovszky, Financial Analyst, Region of Waterloo
Jeff Schelling, Solicitor, Region of Waterloo
John Hammer, Director, Transportation, Region of Waterloo
Shilling Yip, Planner, Region of Waterloo
Leah Bozic, Senior Economic Development Officer, City of Cambridge
Della Ross, Manager, Development Review, City of Kitchener
Scott Nevin, Director, Growth Management, City of Waterloo
John Scarfone, Manager of Planning, Township of Woolwich
Beth Brown, Grand River Conservation Authority
Carmine Bello, will lead a multi-party consulting team comprised of MMM Group, Intervistas and
Airbiz Inc.
5. Meetings
Project team meetings will be convened approximately quarterly at key milestones in the Master
Plan process. The meetings will be held primarily at the Airport and it is anticipated that the
Project Team will have approximately five (5) meetings during the course of the project.
Project team members will be invited to key meetings with stakeholders, any project workshops
that may be scheduled and public information sessions.
The Project team will be provided with documentation and information relating to each step of
the project in advance of the meeting. Lengthy documents and studies will be posted to a
common use secure web access site for use of Project Team members.
6. Meeting Notes
Meeting notes will be made for each Project Team meeting and will be circulated to the Project
Team following each meeting for review and comment. Notes will be approved by the Project
Team at the following meeting.






7. Roles and Responsibilities of Project Team Members

As a Project Team member, each participant will:

Liase with the department/municipality each represents (as applicable) and bring forward
advice, issues or comment from their respective group or representative to the Project

Ensure that any matters that may affect other groups or departments within their
representative organization are brought to the attention of the appropriate party and that
persons views are communicated to the Project Team;

Consider any matters, issues or information referred to them by the Project Team
relating to the Airport Master Plan and provide advice, endorsement or
recommendations as required;

Strive to operate in a consensus mode, where participants openly discuss views and
opinions, and seek to develop common ground and narrow areas of disagreement to the
best of their ability;

Ensure that the results of Project Team discussions are accurately recorded in the
meeting records or additional reports that members determine may be needed; and

Ensure that the advice, endorsements, recommendations and consensus positions from
the Project Team are fully considered in the development of the preferred solution as
part of the Master Planning process.

8. Reporting Relationship
The Project Team is acting in an advisory capacity to the Region of Waterloo elected Council.
All meeting records and recommendations from the Project Team will be posted on a section of
the Airports website devoted specifically to the Project for review by all stakeholders, including
Regional Council and members of the public.



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