Intro To SRDF
Intro To SRDF
Intro To SRDF
Intro to SRDF
1 - Getting Started
provides a brief introduction to SRDF and the SRDF component of the Solutions Enabler
SYMCLI. It also explains which SRDF documents to read, considerations to be aware before
invoking any SRDF operation, and a detailed overview of SRDF pair states.
Performs the control operations on SRDF devices, such as:
Establishes (mirrors) an SRDF pair by initiating a data copy
from the source (R1) side to the target (R2) side. This operation
can be a full or incremental establish.
Restores remote mirroring. Initiates a data copy from the
target (R2) side to the source (R1) side. This operation can be a
full or incremental restore.
Splits an SRDF pair, which stops mirroring for the SRDF
pairs in a device group.
Fails over and back from the source (R1) side to the target
(R2) side, switching data processing to the target (R2) side.
Updates the source (R1) side after a failover, while the target
For more
See page 33 and
the symrdf man
WD (Write disabled)
NA (Not available)
A synchronization is currently in progress between the R1 and the R2. There are
existing invalid tracks between the two pairs and the logical links between both
sides of an SRDF pair are up.
Synchronized The R1 and the R2 are currently in a synchronized state. The same content exists
on the R2 as the R1. There are no invalid tracks between the two pairs.
The R1 and the R2 are currently ready to their hosts, but the links are not ready
or write disabled.
Failed Over The R1 is currently not ready or write disabled and operations have been failed
over to the R2.
R1 Updated The R1 is currently not ready or write disabled to the host, there are no local
invalid tracks on the R1 side, and the links are ready or write disabled.
The R1 is currently not ready or write disabled to the host, there are invalid local
UpdInProg (R1) tracks on the source side, data is being copied from the R2 to the R1 device,
and the links are ready.
The SRDF links have been suspended and are not ready or write disabled. If the
R1 is ready while the links are suspended, any I/O will accumulate as invalid
tracks owed to the R2.
Partitioned The SYMAPI is currently unable to communicate through the corresponding
SRDF path to the remote Symmetrix. Partitioned may apply to devices within an
RA group. For example, if SYMAPI is unable to communicate to a remote
Symmetrix from an RA group, devices in that RA group will be marked as being
in the Partitioned state. A half pair and a duplicate pair are also reported as
A composite SYMAPI device group SRDF pair state. There exist different SRDF
pair states within a device group.
This is the default state when no other SRDF state applies. The combination of
the R1 device, the R2 device, and the SRDF link states do not match any other
pair state. This state may occur if there is a problem at the disk director level.
The R2 SRDF/A capable devices are in a consistent state. Consistent state
signifies the normal state of operation for device pairs operating in asynchronous
Transmit Idle The SRDF/A session cannot push data in the transmit cycle across the link
because the link is down.
You can verify the state of the SRDF pairs by including the expected state option (such as,
-synchronized, -split, -failover, and so on) in the command line. For example, to verify that the
SRDF pair DEV007, in device group prod, is in the synchronized pair state, enter:
symrdf -g prod verify DEV007 -synchronized
Ready (RW)
Ready (RW)
Any statusb
Transmit Idle
Any status
Not Available
Ready (RW) or
Ready (RW) or
Not Ready or
Ready (RW)
Not Ready or
Not Ready
Not Ready
Any statusf
Ready (RW)f
Ready (RW)f
Any status
Ready (RW)
Ready (RW)
Any status
Not Ready or WD
Not Ready or WD
R1 Updated
Not Ready or WD
Ready (RW)
Ready (RW)
> 0a
Ready (RW)
Not Ready or WD
Not Ready or Write
Not Available
Any status
transmitted over an SRDF link. You enable and report on software and hardware compression at
the group level. Both software and hardware compression require Symmetrix arrays running
Enginuity 5875 and higher. Although you can enable software and hardware compression on the
R2 side, you must first enable it on the R1 side using the following parameters in the
symconfigure set command.
set [ra | rdf] group GroupNum
[rdf_sw_compression = ]
[rdf_hw_compression = ]
SRDF operations and copy sessions
Certain SRDF operations are not allowed within Symmetrix arrays employing either EMC
TimeFinder/Snap or TimeFinder/Clone operations, which use copy session pairs. The
availability of some SRDF actions depends on the current pair state of the TimeFinder/Snap or
TimeFinder/Clone copy session devices. Refer to Appendix A for a description of the
TimeFinder/Snap and TimeFinder/Clone pair states, and which SRDF operations are available
within each state.
Concatenated metadevices are not supported but striped metadevices are supported.
Note: Depending on the type of file system and attached host, certain host-dependent
operations may be required to access data migrated to a larger R2 device.
Most SRDF control operations are performed by the arguments specified in the symrdf
Table 5 lists each SRDF control operation, the argument to use to perform that control action,
and its result. The next section,SRDF control operations on page 44, provides explanations and
examples of each control operation, and are presented alphabetically.
Table 5: SRDF Control Operations
Activate SRDF/A write pacing
Deactivate SRDF/A write pacing
page 45
activate -rdfa_wpace
deactivate -rdfa_wpace
activate -rdfa_devpace
deactivate -rdfa_devpace
Activates or deactivates SRDF/A group-level and device-level write
pacing, which extends the availability of SRDF/A by preventing
conditions that result in cache overflow on both the R1 and R2
sides.The SRDF/A session must be active to activate SRDF/A write
Cleanup incomplete SRDF/A data
page 45
msc_cleanup Initiates a cleanup operation to discard any incomplete SRDF/A data
to maintain dependent write consistency.
Create SRDF pairs
page 46
createpair Creates the dynamic SRDF pairs specified in the device file.
Note: If the RA ends up supporting more than 64K devices in either
one of the RDF groups, this operation fails.
symrdf action
activate -rdfa_dse
deactivate -rdfa_dse
Activates or deactivates SRDF/A DSE, which
extends the available
cache space by using device SAVE pools.
EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix SRDF Family CLI Product Guide Version 7.3