2003, Gulmine
2003, Gulmine
2003, Gulmine
Received 30 April 2002; received in revised form 14 October 2002; accepted 21 October 2002
Elucidation of the chemical changes that take place during the aging of polyethylene sheared electrical cables, and the correlation
of these changes with physical properties need experiments with accelerated aging assays. These were carried out using the most
representative polyethylene grades found in todays market: low density (LDPE), linear low density (LLDPE) and high density
(HDPE). The samples were exposed to UV- and xenon arc radiation using a varying exposure time and dierent temperature cycles.
The changes in the material structure and properties were analyzed by dierential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), FTIR-spectroscopy, density and hardness measurements. During degradation polar groups in the polyethylene
are generated, as well as chain scission and cross-linking. As net eects of these processes respective increases in crystallinity, density and hardness and surface cracking at late stages of degradation are observed. By varying the angle of incidence in attenuated
total reection (ATR) experiments using FTIR-spectroscopy it was possible to detect variations in composition of distinct layers
from the surface down to a depth of 1.2 mm. Deeper layers were reached by microtoming the samples in layers down to 60 mm. The
main chemical modications were carbonyl formation of various kinds which were identied in the FTIRATR spectra of degraded
polyethylene samples.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Polyethylene; Degradation; FTIRATR
1. Introduction
Polyethylene has been widely employed as an insulating material due to its dielectric properties combined
with long durability, low cost, easy manufacture, and
good chemical resistance [1,2]. Due to its chemical
inertness, a long term resistance to the most adverse
conditions could in principle be anticipated. Eventually,
however, it became evident that, when submitted to
prolonged exposure to weathering conditions [37],
extruded polyethylene used in insulation of energy distribution cables was susceptible to photo [820], thermal
[2137] and mechanical [38] degradation. The important
kinetic aspects of polyethylene degradation have been
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +55-41-336-7507; fax: +55-41-2663582.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.V. Gulmine), janissek@
zaz.com.br (P.R. Janissek), [email protected] (H.M. Heise),
[email protected] (L. Akcelrud).
0141-3910/03/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0141-3910(02)00338-5
total reection (ATR) technique for surface characterization [9,21,4449] or transmission spectroscopy for
specimens in the form of microtomed or pressed lms
Of particular relevance is information regarding the
qualitative and quantitative aspects of the degradation
below the surface, i.e., the depth prole of degradation
products within a given sample, after having been submitted to specic aging conditions. One way to determine the degradation prole is to microtome the sample
and, thus, to have access to dierent depths. However,
in order to get the prole of very ne layers, with
thickness less than 10 mm for example, the use of
microtomy becomes complicated. It is very dicult to
cut smooth slices of that order. A non-invasive and nondestructive method to approach this problem is to make
use of the full potential of the FTIRATR technique,
using dierent crystal materials and dierent reection
angles for the infrared beam at the samplecrystal interface. Such a procedure allows the analysis of layers up to
dierent depths below 2 mm. Furthermore, with the
appropriate mathematical treatment it is also possible to
isolate distinct layers for analysis, disregarding the inuence of the preceding layers. A review on rened experimental techniques will be given, further on.
In this paper, our contribution is dedicated to the
development of a methodology for analyzing and evaluating several polyethylene based materials after accelerated aging. It will be useful in the future to characterize
alterations and failures in aged materials based on the
diagnostic techniques chosen by us, with a particular
emphasis on the use of infrared ATR spectroscopy.
Results that were obtained from microtomed samples at
dierent depths and those obtained by FTIRATR spectroscopy are combined. The following, in todays market
most important commercial polymer grades were studied:
low density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low density
(LLDPE) and high density polyethylene (HDPE).
2. Experimental
2.1. Sample preparation
Three dierent grades of polyethylene samples were
obtained as pellets from OPP Polietilenos S.A. (Camacari, Brazil): LDPE (code PB 681/59), LLDPE (code
LFH 0726/20 AF), and HDPE (code HF 150), all stabilized for processing with Inganox 1076 (octadecyl 1-3(3,5-di-tert.butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-propionate)
Ciba Geigy and Weston 399 (Tris(nonyl phenyl)phosphite) from General Electric. Polymer sheets were
made from pellets with dimensions of (11110.1 cm),
using aluminum molds and polyester foils in a
SCHULZ press, model PHS 15 (Joinville, Brazil). The
thermo-pressing was carried out at 130, 140 and 150 C,
Fig. 4. Variation of the temperature of oxidation under WOM conditions (a) and under QUV conditions (b) (data were taken from the rst
derivative of the DSC curves from above 160 C).
a kind of mosaic pattern with no preferential propagation tendency. The importance of the wavelength of the
irradiation is again evident.
3.5. FTIR-spectroscopy
3.5.1. Attenuated total reectance (ATR) spectroscopy
ATR-spectroscopy is a useful technique to study of
samples showing large absorptivities in the mid-infrared
spectral range. Due to the low penetration depth of the
radiation experienced with this technique mainly surface
degradation can be studied. Another and more unique
application of ATR-spectroscopy is optical depth proling by which a component concentration or gradient
in structural changes can be probed near the bulk
material surface. Only a few spectroscopic techniques
allow the molecular structure to be probed as a function
of thickness on the order of micrometers. There have
been several approaches to obtain information on the
depth prole. A review on several approaches used in
the past has been given by Urban [71].
The rst investigations on surface depth proling
were performed using the well-established reection
theory for weakly absorbing homogeneous samples.
Penetration depth is varied by changing the reection
angle of incidence, polarization of the infrared radiation
and/or the refractive index by employing a dierent
crystal material. For this, the eective thickness
approach had been proposed, making use of the ATRspectra as if they were recorded in transmittance. However, for non-homogeneous materials the quantitative
relations must be modied.
By taking the inhomogeneity of the sample composition into account, more rened approaches were published. One example is the analysis of reectance spectra
recorded from polypropylene surfaces oxidized by O2
corona discharge, reported by Carlson and Wiles [72],
who used the eective thickness equation for thin lms
[73]. Hirschfeld proposed that the depth prole could be
obtained by applying a Laplace transformation to the
absorptance spectrum [74]. Several scientists advanced
the latter algorithm [7577]. However, as Fina pointed
out, the latter approaches were valid only for vibrational bands with small absorptivities [78]. Huang and
Marek [71,79] used exact optical theory in combination
with an iterative calculation. However, for all cases a
guessed prole is necessary for starting the evaluation.
Recently, two strategies were presented by Ishida and
coworkers. One method needs various ATR-spectra
recorded at dierent reection angles [80], whereas in
the other the intensities at various frequencies in a given
spectrum recorded with one single angle are taken to
calculate the depth prole in three calculation steps [81].
The sample is considered to be a anisotropic medium
consisting of isotropic stratied layers, and the calculating steps include estimation of the volume-fraction
prole by linear equations of absorbance, linear leastsquares tting of absorbance and non-linear tting of
reectance. The rst method (multiple angle approach)
utilizes an extinction coecent prole as a tting parameter [80], whereas the second (multiple frequency
approach) utilizes the volume-fraction prole as a tting
parameter [81].
In this context, a recent paper was published on the
accurate estimation of the mean square electric eld in
infrared ATR-spectroscopy also under strongly absorbing conditions, which is a necessary requisite for quantitative analysis without the a priori knowledge of the
optical constants of the material studied [82]. All these
approaches need rather sophisticated mathematics, so
that the simple strategy as outlined by Sack et al. [21]
was applied in this investigation.
3.5.2. Evolution of degradation with time
In Fig. 6 the main dierences observed between the
spectra of the original and aged LDPE materials are
shown for samples treated under WOM and QUV conditions. The dierences among the infrared spectra of
the various commercial polyethylene grades was
recently published by us allowing the distinction of each
type of polymer [83]. In the ATR spectrum of the nondegraded LDPE sample (Fig. 6a), were observed bands
in the interval between 3400 and 3200 cm1 and above
1600 cm1, which were attributed to the absorption of
the stabilizers: the bands at 3400 and 3200 cm1 corresponded to the phenolic OH group of Irganox and the
band near 1600 cm1 to the CC to the aromatic ring
of both additives (Irganox and Weston 399).With aging
the bands in the 34003200 cm1 region become broader
and coalesce, and the band at 1600 cm1 gradually disappears. One reason for the increased concentration of
antioxidant at the surface is its migration during the
thermo-pressing sample preparation. Transmission
spectra of thin PE foils prepared from the same pellet
material cannot provide these spectral features, because
the technique is not surface-sensitive enough. Traces of
the stabilizer compound are still observable in the spectra
of the other two samples aged under dierent conditions
(Fig. 6b and c). After extended weathering exposure
these absorptions are no longer noticeable.
Another aspect that deserves to be commented on is
related to the bands in the region of 11001300 cm1,
that are more pronounced for the samples aged in the
WOM chamber. They result from deposition of salts on
the samples surface, originating from the sprayed water
simulating rain inside of the chamber. This assumption
was conrmed by EDS analyses, discussed below.
The absorption band around 1714 cm1, which can be
assigned to the CO stretching vibration of a ketone
group, grows in intensity with extended aging, and at
the same time new bands begin to appear. These
absorption bands indicate that more than one oxidation
Fig. 6. FTIRATR spectrum of non-degraded LDPE material (a), of aged LDPE material under QUV conditions for 200 h (b), and under WOM
conditions for 400 h (c) (measurement conditions: ZnSe crystal, reection angle of incidence: 45 ; the latter two spectra were oset for clarity).
cm1) [9,23,44,68].The latter are seen after 200 h exposure in both aging regimes.
The carbonyl index, dened as the ratio between the
integrated band absorbance of the carbonyl around
1714 cm1 and that of the PE-polymer bands (1470
cm1), characterizes the degree of oxidation for each
polyethylene sample. The results for the samples after
dierent weathering exposure are shown in Fig. 8. These
curves were calculated from ATR spectra, using a ZnSe
Fig. 7. FTIRATR spectrum of LDPE aged during 400 h under WOM conditions showing the formation of various bands that can be assigned to
stretching vibrations of various carbonyl groups formed by the polymer oxidation processes.
2n1 sin2 eff n221
where dp
penetration depth, in mm
wavelength, in mm
refractive index of the ATR crystal
ratio of the refractive indexes of the
sample (n2) and of the crystal (n1)
eective angle of reection incidence,
in degrees
The eective path length of the beam (EPL) is inuenced by the refractive indexes of the sample and of the
ATR crystal, the wavelength and the number of reections (N) inside the crystal. The relationships among
these variables are:
N l=tcoteff
21.7 10.5
16.7 6.5
12.8 4.25
16.7 19.5
15.0 14.6
13.6 11.4
12.2 9.2
Fig. 9. Schematic representation of the dierent depths reached by the IR-radiation using dierent ATR measurement conditions by changing, e.g.,
the reection angle: dp1, dp2 and dp3 are the calculated depths dening the thickness of the layers 1, 2, and 3 from the surface. The values of A1, A2
and A3 are the absorbance values corresponding to each penetration depth. The values of A 1 , A 2 and A 3 are the average carbonyl indexes for the
respective layers, as obtained by subtracting the contribution of the preceding layers.
Fig. 10. Depth proles obtained for the oxidation products within
LDPE under WOM conditions (a) and QUV weathering (b), which
were based on the spectral evaluation of the normalized band area
around 1714 cm1 using dierent angles of reection and the ATR
crystal material of ZnSe and Ge (see also Table 1).
Fig. 11. Depth prole obtained for the oxidation products within
LDPE under WOM conditions for 400 h, as analyzed by ATR spectroscopy and microtomy based on the evaluation of the normalized
band area around 1714 cm1.
Fig. 12. EDS surface spectrum of aged LDPE (WOM, 1600 h). Magnication of 200. The peak seen around 2.1 keV is originated by the gold
utilized to cover the surface of the sample.
4. Conclusions
The accelerated aging within the three most important, commercially available polyethylene grades was
systematically studied using articial weathering conditions as made possible with WOM and QUV equipment. QUV conditions were more severe than those of
the WOM unit, since the irradiance in the latter is twofold more intense than in the rst mentioned. The stability against aging observed for the dierent
polyethylene materials was found the following order:
Increases in density and hardness with aging indicated
an increase in the polymers crystallinity and/or the
occurrence of cross-linking reactions. DSC scans
showed a broadening of the melting endotherm peak
and the appearance of new peaks for PE-samples
degraded by accelerated aging, which were attributed to
changes in crystallite sizes, molecular weight dierences,
that are brought about by chain breaking, and secondary recrystallization.
At late stages of aging the polymer material
became brittle and fragile. The surface examination
by SEM revealed that for samples under WOM
exposure the cracks seemed to have a preferential
propagation, whereas for QUV the damage was
much more severe with cracks propagating in all
We wish to thank COPEL (Companhia Paranaense de
Energia ) for nancial support, Dr. Gabriel Pinto de
Souza and M.Sc. Marilda Munaro for the DSC-measurements, Dr. Maurcio Pereira Cantao for the SEM- and
Dr. Carlos Mario Garcia for the XRD-measurements.
JVG thanks LACTEC for a doctoral scholarship and
LA thanks CNPq for a research grant. HMH acknowledges the support given by a CNPq travel grant. The
author from ISAS (HMH) also acknowledges gratefully
the nancial support given by the Ministerium fur
Schule, Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes
Nordrhein-Westfalen and by the Bundesministerium fur
Bildung und Forschung, Germany.
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