Bob Goldberg
Fred Lechlider
Eric Spates
Greg Deaver
Marc Miller
Kevin Foster
Robin Ziek
The meeting began at 7:00 PM.
Minutes The January 26, 2010 minutes were approved with minor modifications.
Wildcat Road - T Mobile Cell Tower Letter The draft letter to the Hearing Examiner
regarding the upcoming special exception hearing (June 3) was reviewed and approved
with minor modifications. The committee discussed whether a tower with internal
antennae was as effective as one with external antennae. Leslie believed that they were as
effective but were more expensive.
Scenic Vistas - The cell tower discussion lead to a discussion of scenic views. Bob and
Marc felt that scenic views and esthetics are an important aspect of rustic roads that the
committee should comment on. Fred felt this was a grey area and questioned whether the
committee was overstepping its bounds in making recommendations. A separate meeting
or discussion of this topic was suggested.
Master Plan of Highways (MPOH) Members reported in on their inventories of the
rustic roads, for which there are currently no descriptions. Most of these are in the
Potomac area. The general consensus was that many of these roads no longer appear to
meet the rustic criteria and should be considered for de-listing and in some cases roadway
improvements. However, rather than take on this large task as part of the MPOH project,
which was not part of its original scope, the committee will make a statement that many
of these rustic roads outside the Ag Reserve do not appear to meet the requirements for
rustic designation.