Rules Summary - Matrix

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The document outlines various actions that can be performed in the matrix as well as different types of IC programs and their capabilities.

Some of the different types of IC programs that can be launched by a host include Acid, Binder, Black IC, Blaster, Crash, Jammer, Killer, Marker, Patrol, Probe, Scramble, Sparky, Tar Baby, and Track.

IC programs can perform actions like reducing attributes, gaining marks, link-locking targets, matrix damage, biofeedback damage, crashing programs, reducing skills, discovering physical locations, and forcing reboots.




[Data Processing]


2 Running
+2 Hot VR
2 if on Public Grid

Outside of a Host:
2 Target on different

Matrix Actions

OTHER ACTIONS Reconfigure Deck Free (your turn only)

p. 238

Switch Device/Persona to Running Silent Simple

Command Agent Simple (Send Message)




Cybercombat + LOG

WIL + Firewall


Gain Mark (-4 for 2 Marks, -10 for 3 ), 1 Matrix Damage/2 net hits, Grid Hop

Hacking + LOG

Protection Rating x 2


Remove protection from file so you can read it (reading sets off Data Bombs)

Crash Program

Cybercombat + LOG

INT + Firewall


Program stops running, cant be reloaded until device is rebooted

Data Spike

Cybercombat + LOG

INT + Firewall


Cause Matrix Damage = [Attack] + 1/net hit + 2/mark



Brute Force
Crack File


Erase Mark

Computer + LOG

WIL + Firewall


Remove Mark (-4 for 2 Marks, -10 for 3), need 3 Marks on target you are removing
Marks from (need none on whoever marked the target)

Jam Signals

Electronic Warfare + LOG



Turns your device into jammer , cant use device for Matrix actions while jamming, add
hits to Noise rating within 100 meters

Change Icon



Change icon to new image (Wrapper program required to disguise icon)

Create, change, copy, delete, or protect (test unopposed, Hits = Protection Rating) file,
sets off Data Bombs

Edit File

Computer + LOG

INT + Firewall


Enter/Exit Host


Enter or exit host (return to grid you entered from)

Grid Hop


Move to grid you have access to (if no access, Brute Force or Hack on the Fly)

Invite Mark



Let other icon put mark on you as Free Action, you decide # of marks & duration
In VR - Simple Action, in AR - Complex Action. Jump into device with rigger interface,
must have a control rig, device cant have someone else already jumped in.

Jump into Rigged Device

Electronic Warfare + LOG

WIL + Firewall


Matrix Perception

Computer + INT

LOG + Sleaze


Find hidden icons or icons 100+ meters away. Analyze icon: 1 piece of info per hit.

Matrix Search

Computer + INT


Search for information in general Matrix (see Matrix Search table). Searching for any
info in a Host always has Base Time of 1 minute. Divide Base Time by Hits above

Reboot Device

Computer + LOG

WIL + Firewall


Cant be link-locked, suffer Dumpshock, resets OS. Back online end of next Turn.

Send Message


Use device to send short message/file or open live feed to commcode you know

Switch Interface Mode



Switch from AR to VR or vice versa or enter/exit Matrix (cant be link-locked)

Trace Icon

Computer + INT

WIL + Sleaze


Find physical location of device or persona

Check Overwatch Score

Electronic Warfare + LOG

6 dice


Learn Overwatch Score (before hits from this roll are added)

Control Device

Electronic Warfare + INT

INT + Firewall



Use device, action type same as action device is doing, Marks Reqd = 1 Free, 2 Simple,
3 Complex. Use your skills. Can command multiple Devices with same action if Owner

Format Device

Computer + LOG

WIL + Firewall


When device is rebooted, wont start back up until Software + LOG (12,1 hour) [Mental]

Hack on the Fly

Hacking + LOG

INT + Firewall


Gain Mark (-4 for 2 Marks, -10 for 3), 1 Matrix Perception/2 net hits, Grid Hop


Electronic Warfare + INT

INT + Data Processing


Become hidden to target (cant use if they have mark on you)

Set Data Bomb

Software + LOG

Device Rating x 2


Rating = net hits, choose if trigger deletes file, does (Rating)d6 Matrix damage


Electronic Warfare + INT

LOG + Firewall


Intercept Matrix traffic to and from target

Spoof Command

Hacking + INT

LOG + Firewall


Give device or agent command (need Mark on owner you are imitating)

Disarm Data Bomb

Software + INT

Data Bomb Rating x 2


Safely remove Data Bomb (only need 1 net hit, must find w Matrix Perception)

Full Matrix Defense



-10 Initiative, +WIL to Defense tests against Matrix Actions (lasts for rest of Turn)

Jack Out

Hardware + WIL

LOG + Attack



Only roll if link-locked, exit Matrix, reboot device, suffer Dumpshock if in VR


Outside of a Host:
+2 Hot VR
2 Target on different Grid
2 Running Silent
2 On Public Grid
Reconfigure Deck Free (your turn only)
Switch Device/Persona to Running Silent Simple
Command Agent Simple (Send Message)

SPOTTING ICONS Use Matrix Perception action

Automatically spot:
Icons not Running Silent within 100meters of your
physical location
Hosts not Running Silent (anywhere in the world)
Icons you have a Mark on
Icon not Running Silent, more than 100meters away:
Computer + INT [Data Processing]: first hit finds
icon. Additional hits give info about icon (see Matrix
Perception list for examples)
Icons Running Silent:
Matrix Perception can tell Silent icons are near
Matrix Perception action (opposed test, defender
wins ties) can spot Silent icon. Can spot specific
icon if you know one of its features (i.e. icon that
deleted that file), otherwise choose randomly.
Once spotted, Running Silent doesnt cancel spot,
must use Hide Matrix Action or reboot
Gain info about icon youve spotted each hit gives 1
piece of info (see Matrix Perception list for samples)
Attack Actions: Target does not automatically spot
Attacker on successful Attack, but knows its under
attack. Will likely search next action (Hosts launch IC).
Failed Attack: Icon not aware Attack even happened
Sleaze Actions: Gain Mark on failure (auto spot)

RUNNING SILENT Simple Action Switch any device/

persona to Running Silent
2 to all Matrix Actions
Spotting you Requires opposed Matrix Perception

FILE PROTECTION RATING Set by Edit File action

PROGRAMS Running programs appear as icons
connected to persona. Small & thematically match
program purpose (Hammer program = hammer/gun)
Cant run on Commlink
Cant run multiple copies of same program

AGENTS Occupies program slot on deck

Autonomous program that performs Matrix Actions
Command Agent: Send Message Simple Action
When running, has own Persona icon
Damage on Agent just damages device its running on
(No separate Condition Monitor for Agent)
Not smart, lacks human intelligence (dog-brain)
When faced with unexpected situation:
Agent Rating x 2 test, threshold set by GM
Failure = does not respond correctly or stops and
asks for instructions
Attributes: Use Matrix Attributes of device running
Agent (your deck)
Other Attributes/Skills = Agent Rating
Skills: Computer, Hacking, Cybercombat
Benefits from other programs running on their device

MATRIX Matches physical map of the world, Hosts

COMMLINKS Size of a smartphone

float in sky overhead

Black flatland with black sky
Travel anywhere in the world instantly, can fly
Every device/persona/file/PAN represented by icon
Matrix protocols require icons to look like their
purpose/function (break with Wrapper program)
Personas always roughly metahuman-sized

Computer, smartphone, media player, wallet, credit

card, camera, GPS navigator,
Share images, floor plans, tacitical instructions
Holds SIN, licenses, permits, music, files, pictures,
Device is visibile on Matrix, so usually keep personal
files in protected folder
Matrix Attributes (Firewall, Data Processing) = Device
Rating (if slaved, use Masters Firewall)
Can slave Device Rating x 3 other devices (gun,)
Typical Matrix Actions: Full Matrix Defense, Change
Icon, Edit File, Matrix Search, Send Message

ARO Augmented Reality Object

Signs/Logos/Decorations/Audio in AR
Can create arrow/highlight on real world object, send
to others

CYBERDECKS Like Commlink, but has Attack & Sleaze

RFID Tag. Tiny computer. Can be microscopic or
size of a matchbox
Holds data (1 or 2 files), can create ARO

DNI Direct Neural Interface creates direct

connection between brain and computer system
Allows AR without Image Link / Earbuds
DNI plus Sim Module (incl with Cyberdeck) allows VR
To Get DNI: Trodes OR
Implanted Datajack/Commlink/Cyberdeck/Control Rig

Size of a tablet, incl. data cable for Direct Connections

Includes Sim Module with illegal Hot-Sim mod, need
DNI for VR (unless Cyberdeck is implanted)

RECONFIGURE DECK Free Action (cant be out of

turn), not Matrix Action, Swap 2 attributes/program

PERSONA Subsumes Device icon (commlink/deck)

Cant have multiple Personas
Also includes Agents, IC, Technomancers, Sprites

NOISE Distance and other factors create Noise

GRIDS Like Internet Provider provide connection to

Noise (less any Noise Reduction from gear) = penalty

to all Matrix Actions
Never applies to Defense / Damage Resistance

Matrix, determine connection speed/quality

Doesnt restrict what Hosts/Targets you can access
2 to Matrix Actions if Target on different Grid
(Doesnt apply inside Hosts)
Change Grids (without access): Brute Force or Hack
on the Fly

Attack & Sleaze:
Cyberdecks only
Assign Array to
all 4 Attributes
Data Processing
& Firewall:
Use Device
Rating unless

Public: Free, low quality, 2 to Matrix Actions

Local: Provided by local government, must be
physically in region to use (Seattle: Emerald City
grid, Salish-Shidhe: ChinookNet)
Global: accessible anywhere in world, run by 1 of 10
Lifestyle: Low/Lower - Public, Middle - Local, High Global (choose any 1 Megacorp), Luxury - All

Matrix Basics
ENTER/EXIT MATRIX Simple Action: Switch Interface
Mode to enter AR or VR. Cant exit if link-locked.

USER MODES Switch Interface Mode Simple

Action (cant use if link-locked)
AR (Augmented Reality): see Matrix as overlay of
Requires DNI OR (Image Link and Earbuds)
Normal/physical initiative
No Biofeedback Damage
2 to Perception Tests in real world

DEVICES Commlinks, guns, power tools, toasters,

DIRECT CONNECTIONS Plug directly into Device with

All have own icon in Matrix (smaller than Persona)

Attributes = Device Rating (unless Cyberdeck)

data cable (or use a Data Tap on a data cable)

If inside Host Directly Connected to all Slaved
Devices (its WAN)

Defend with higher of:

Device Rating (Matrix Attributes if Cyberdeck)
Owners Attributes if attended by Owner (for
Mental Attributes only, not Matrix Attributes)
If Slaved, can use Masters Matrix Attributes


PAN: Private Area Network
Commlink/Deck can Slave Device Rating x 3 Devices
Commlink/Deck is Master
WAN: Wide Area Network
Host can slave any number of Devices
Devices can still be hacked from outside of Host
(wirelessly or by Direct Connection)
Rarely not protected physically because of potential
Direct Connection hack
Only Devices can be Slaved, no Personas
Benefits: Use Masters Attributes to Defend if higher
Direct Connection: Slave cant use Masters ratings
Drawbacks: Mark on Slave = Mark on its Master
(even if Mark gained via Direct Connection)
Failed Sleaze: Slave & Owner get Mark (not Master)

Benefits: Ignore all Noise, no modifiers for Grids

Slaved Devices use Device Rating only, not
Owner/Host/Master Rating
Throwback: device without Wireless, access only with
direct connection

Cold Sim VR (Virtual Reality): body goes unconscious,

fully experience Matrix as reality, sim sense filters
protect against dangerous signals
Requires DNI plus Sim Module
Initiative: Data Processing + INT + 3d6
Biofeedback: Stun Damage
Hot Sim VR: as Cold Sim VR, but protective filters are
turned off
Requires DNI plus Sim Module with Hot-Sim Mod
Initiative: Data Processing + INT + 4d6
Biofeedback: Physical Damage
+2 to all Matrix Actions

OWNERS Only 1 Owner for each Matrix object

(device, file, persona, host)
Cant simulate ownership with Marks (like 4 Marks)
Owner always automatically spots their icons
Ownership registered with Device/Matrix
Intentionally transfer ownership in about a minute
Illegally changing owner
Device: need Hardware toolkit
Hardware + LOG [Mental] (24, 1 hour)
Glitch: report sent to authorities
File: Edit File to copy (copys owner is you),
Then Edit File to delete original
Persona / Host: Cant change owner

MARKS Matrix Authentication Recognition Key

In Matrix, literally slap your Mark on icon
Accept as valid user (More Marks = More Authority)
Obtain legally (Icon Invites Mark to you)
OR illegally (Hack on the Fly, Brute Force)
Cannot transfer Marks or have others place for you
All Marks lost with reboot
Max on any 1 icon: 3
Cannot simulate Owner (same as 4 Marks)
Can only see Marks with Matrix Perception Action

MATRIX COMBAT Basic Attack: Data Spike Matrix

OVERWATCH SCORE GOD Grid Overwatch Division

HOSTS Sculpted like a building/place to visit

Action (Damage enhanced by Marks)

Full Matrix Defense: -10 Initiative, +WIL to Defense

demiGOD oversees specific grid

Operatives called G-Men (1930s FBI persona icon)

MATRIX DAMAGE Resist with:

Overwatch Score (OS) reset every time you reboot

Attack/Sleaze generate OS (regardless of success)
Once you generate any OS, gain additional 2d6 every
15 minutes
OS is secret, unless running Baby Monitor program

Most float in sky in Matrix, unless associated with

specific physical location
Can spot/access from anywhere in the world
Every Host is on a specific Grid
No 2 for Target on Different Grid once inside Host
(2 for Public Grid still applies)
Host Rating: 1 to 12
Matrix Attributes Array = Host Rating +0/1/2/3
Other Attributes/Skills = Host Rating

Device Rating + Firewall

Condition Monitor: 8 + Device Rating / 2
Damage = Overheats, power spikes, shorts out
Persona damage applies to device its running on
Technomancers = Stun damage
No Wound Modifiers for Matrix Damage
Full Matrix Damage: Device bricked (doesnt function)
Decker - dumped from Matrix, suffer Dumpshock


Cold-Sim VR: Stun damage
Hot-Sim VR: Physical damage
Resist with: WIL + Firewall
If knocked unconscious: Commlink/Deck switches to
AR, unless link-locked IC will keep attacking you

DUMPSHOCK Disconnected from Matrix in VR

without switching to AR first
Suffer Biofeedback Damage & Disoriented
Biofeedback damage: Cold-Sim VR: 6S
Hot-Sim VR: 6P
Resist with WIL + Firewall
If dumped because deck just bricked, no Firewall
(Device not currently functioning)
Disoriented: 2 to all tests for 10 WIL minutes


Attack: Succeed or Fail: Defenders Hits (not Net Hits)
added to Overwatch Score
Fail: Take Defenders Net Hits as Matrix Damage, No
Resistance (target is not notified of Attack)
Sleaze: Succeed or Fail: Defenders Hits (not Net Hits)
added to Overwatch Score
Fail: Defender & Defenders Owner (not Master)
notified, gain Mark on you

Convergence: Overwatch Score = 40+

12DV Matrix Damage (resist normally)
Forced reboot, Suffer Dumpshock (if in VR)
Report physical location, Host you were in to
Host Convergence: OS continues normally inside Host
Convergence: Host gets 3 marks, starts deploying IC
Suffer normal (GOD) Convergence if leave Host

LINK-LOCKING Cant Switch Interface Mode (to

exit VR), Enter/Exit Host, or Reboot
Can only exit Matrix with Jack Out action (opposed by
icon link-locking you), suffer Dumpshock.

REPAIRING MATRIX DAMAGE Requires toolkit, 1hr.

Hardware + LOG [Mental]: each hit repairs 1 Matrix
Damage or halves time required (30mins, 15mins,)
Critical Glitch = device permanently bricked

If outside, cant directly interact with icons inside

If inside, cant directly interact with icons outside
(But can always make commcalls / send message)
Slaved Devices can be hacked from outside of Host
(wirelessly or with Direct Connection)
Archives hold files not in use, cant hack normally
Overwatch Score doesnt change from entering Host
Still generate Overwatch Score inside Host (no GOD
Convergence, instead suffer Host Convergence)
Spotting Hackers
Most Hosts have (only) Patrol IC running at all times
If spot Hacker: Inform owner (and/or security spider)
Begin launching other IC


IC Intrusion Countermeasures

p. 248









Host Rating x 2


WIL + Firewall


Reduces Firewall by 1 (regardless of Net Hits). If Firewall already 0, 1DV Matrix Damage per
Net Hit. Reduction is cumulative with multiple attacks, lasts until Reboot.


Host Rating x 2


WIL + Data


Reduces Data Processing by 1 (regardless of Net Hits). If Data Processing already 0, 1DV
Matrix Damage per Net Hit. Reduction is cumulative with multiple attacks, lasts until

Black IC

Host Rating x 2


INT + Firewall


Link-Locks target. Matrix Damage: (Attack)DV, +1/Net Hit, +2/Mark. Equal amount of
Biofeedback Damage.

(Grey IC)

Host Rating x 2




Link-Locks target. Matrix Damage: (Attack)DV, +1/Net Hit, +2/Mark. Equal amount of
Biofeedback Damage (always only Stun Damage).


Host Rating x 2


INT + Firewall


If IC/Host has 1 Mark, randomly crashes 1 of your programs (that program is unavailable
until Reboot)


Host Rating x 2


WIL + Attack


Reduces Attack by 1 (regardless of Net Hits). If Attack already 0, 1DV Matrix Damage per
Net Hit. Reduction is cumulative with multiple attacks, lasts until Reboot.


Host Rating x 2


INT + Firewall


Matrix Damage: (Attack)DV, +1/Net Hit, +2/Mark.


Host Rating x 2


WIL + Sleaze


Reduces Sleaze by 1 (regardless of Net Hits). If Sleaze already 0, 1DV Matrix Damage per Net
Hit. Reduction is cumulative with multiple attacks, lasts until Reboot.


Host Rating x 2


LOG + Sleaze


Patrols host, scans for marks, looks for illegal activity, icons running silent. Uses Matrix
Perception Action not an Attack, no damage on failed attempt. Shares info with Host &
other IC


Host Rating x 2


INT + Firewall


Gains Mark (shared with Host & other IC). Max Marks = 3.

Host Rating x 2


WIL + Firewall


If IC/Host has 3 Marks, forced to reboot. Suffer Dumpshock if in VR.

Host Rating x 2


INT + Firewall


Matrix Damage: (Attack)DV, +1/Net Hit, +2/Mark. Equal amount of Biofeedback Damage.


Link-locks target. If target already Link-locked, gains Mark (shared with other IC/Host). Max
Marks = 3.


If IC/Host has 2 Marks, Host (and owners/security spiders) discover physical location of
targets body. Usually immediately reported to real-world authorities.

Tar Baby

Host Rating x 2




Host Rating x 2


WIL + Sleaze

IC Lacks human intelligence (like Agent)

IC ATTRIBUTES Use Host Attributes

Always considered legal, no Overwatch Score

LAUNCHING IC Hosts can launch 1 IC per Turn at

Start of each Turn
Newly launched IC rolls initiative and acts as normal
that turn
Max IC programs running at 1 time = Host Rating

Each IC has own Condition Monitor:

8 + Host Rating / 2
If bricked, IC crashes, but Host can relaunch next
Each IC Has own Initiative: as Hot-Sim VR
Data Processing + INT + 4d6

IC ATTACKS Complex Action, Defender wins ties

Attack pool: Host Rating x 2, [Limit] = Hosts Attack
Failed Attack damages IC as normal
If target knocked unconscious while link-locked, IC
will continue attacking

IC MARKS IC & Host share Marks they get on other

icons (offensively only)

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