Evaluation of Disaster Preparedness and Perceived Barriers Among Student Nurses. I

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Evaluation of Disaster Preparedness and Perceived Barriers among Student


Disaster is defined as any occurrence upsetting the normal conditions of
existence and causing a level of suffering that exceeds the capacity of
adjustment of the affected community (WHO, 2007, 2009). Disasters are
complex, physical, social, economic, and political events that often do not
conform to patterns or recognize boundaries (WHO, 2007). It also has the
capacity to consume human and physical resources and require effective
preparedness and response strategies (Australian Emergency Management
Institute, 2011). Disasters do not discriminate race, gender, age, and places
(Adiyoso et al., 2012).
World Disasters Report (2007) reported a 60% increase in disasters in the
years 1997-2006 over the previous decade (1987-1996). Additionally, the number
of the reported death grew from 600,000 to over 1.2 million at the same time, the
number of people affected rose from 230 million to 70 million, a 17% increase
(Abdelalim et al., 2014).
Disasters occur at an average of one per week around the globe,
detrimentally impacting individuals, families and communities health well-being
(Landesman & Veeneme, 2007; World Health Organization, 2009). While
disasters are inevitable, their detrimental health effects can be significantly
reduced and prevented if both national and local authorities, including
surrounding communities, are well equipped and able to reduce the level of their
vulnerabilities and health risks (WHO, 2007)


Disaster preparedness is essential for reducing the damaging effects of
emergencies and disasters, since it is vital to meet the needs to deliver effective
and immediate responses reflecting the health needs of affected people (Baack
% Alfred, 2013; Fung, Loke, & Lai, 2008).
Nurses are traditionally considered "front lone workers" in disasters havibg
responded to public health needs and disasters since Florence Nightingale
defined the role in the 18th century (Jakeway et al. 2008).
The disaster preparedness of nursing students. In particular, the study
provides valuable data for designing appropriate educational resources to help
nirsing students prepare themeselves, their families, nd their nursing programs
for future manmade natural disasters (Schmidt, C.K [2006]). Nurses, as prime
respondents during disasters should have adequate skills and knowledge related
to disasters and disaster management (Baack & Alfred, 2013; Duong, 2009;

Fung et al., 2008; Ibrahim, 2014; Lim, Lim, & Vasu, 2013; Natan, Nigel,
Yevdayev, Qadan & Dudkiewicz, 2014).
Evidence suggests that awareness in disaster preparation among
healthcare workers has grown exponentially around the globe in the past decade.
With that being said, the majority of nurses are not yet adequately prepared to
respond. Despite the many initiatives that have been made locally and
internationally, knowledge and skills to effective respond to disasters remain
inadequate among nurses (Baack & Alfred, 2013; Duong, 2009; Natan, Nigel,
Yevdayev, Qadan & Dudkiewicz, 2014Yan, Turale, Stone, & Petrini, 2015).
There exists both a need and an opportunity to review what the nurses
who work within the field of public health perceive their roles and functions to be
in disaster preparedness and response; and what their knowledge and
understanding of disaster is (Rokkas, Cornell, Steenkamp. 2014). Disaster
education, training courses and facility drills would enhance their prepared ness
for disaster management. The importance of integrating disaster management
into educational programmes and the curricula of health care providers.(Barrett
CC. 2015).

To evaluate the effectiveness of disaster preparedness program and drill among
student nurses.
It is a descriptive quantitative study, non-experimental and conventional
Snowball sampling
Baguio City


I-It is interesting to know if student nurses are aware about disaster
preparedness and if disaster preparedness programs and drills really help
student nurses to learn and gain knowledge to give care to people or just to
give advise to their own family about disaster preparedness and also to help
their own community and able to lead community people towards safety in
case of emergency.

R- Because of the events and situations that occur in every country, several
researches about disaster and preparedness were conducted and published
thus to support our problem.
E- The tool we're going to use is a questionnaire. These questionnaires will
be accompanied by an introductory letter stating the purpose or objective of
the study. Also promising the confidentiality and anonymity of the persons

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