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Principles of Judicious Antibiotic Prescribing for Bacterial Upper Respiratory

Tract Infections in Pediatrics

Adam L. Hersh, Mary Anne Jackson, Lauri A. Hicks and the COMMITTEE ON
Pediatrics; originally published online November 18, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-3260

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned,
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
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of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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Guidance for the Clinician in

Rendering Pediatric Care


Principles of Judicious Antibiotic Prescribing for

Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
in Pediatrics

Adam L. Hersh, MD, PhD, Mary Anne Jackson, MD, Lauri A.


Most upper respiratory tract infections are caused by viruses and require no antibiotics. This clinical report focuses on antibiotic prescribing strategies for bacterial upper respiratory tract infections, including
acute otitis media, acute bacterial sinusitis, and streptococcal pharyngitis. The principles for judicious antibiotic prescribing that are outlined focus on applying stringent diagnostic criteria, weighing the
benets and harms of antibiotic therapy, and understanding situations
when antibiotics may not be indicated. The principles can be used to
amplify messages from recent clinical guidelines for local guideline
development and for patient communication; they are broadly applicable to antibiotic prescribing in general. Pediatrics 2013;132:11461154

respiratory tract infections, antibacterial agents

More than 1 in 5 pediatric ambulatory visits to a physician result in an
antibiotic prescription, which accounts for nearly 50 million antibiotic
prescriptions annually in the United States.1 It is widely documented
that inappropriate antibiotic prescribing, especially for upper respiratory tract infections (URIs) of viral origin, is common in ambulatory care.13 As many as 10 million antibiotic prescriptions per year
are directed toward respiratory conditions for which they are unlikely
to provide benet.1 Recent evidence shows that broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing has increased and frequently occurs when either
no therapy is necessary or when narrower-spectrum alternatives are
appropriate.1,2 Such overuse of antibiotics causes avoidable drugrelated adverse events,46 contributes to antibiotic resistance,7,8 and
adds unnecessary medical costs. This is compounded by the fact that
few new antibiotics to treat antibiotic-resistant infections are under
development.9 The growing health and economic threats of antibiotic
resistance make promoting judicious antibiotic prescribing, which
encompasses both reducing overuse and ensuring that appropriate
agents are prescribed, an urgent public health and patient safety
priority (

AAPAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
AOMacute otitis media
GASgroup A Streptococcus
NNTnumber needed to treat
PTAperitonsillar abscess
TMtympanic membrane
URIupper respiratory tract infection
This document is copyrighted and is property of the American
Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors
have led conict of interest statements with the American
Academy of Pediatrics. Any conicts have been resolved through
a process approved by the Board of Directors. The American
Academy of Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any
commercial involvement in the development of the content of
this publication.
The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive
course of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care.
Variations, taking into account individual circumstances, may be
All clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics
automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reafrmed,
revised, or retired at or before that time.
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright 2013 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

Clinical decision-making about whether to prescribe antibiotics for

a patient with URI symptoms is a daily occurrence for ambulatory-care
physicians and other health care professionals who provide care for
children. Although antibiotic prescribing is a routine part of clinical



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care, judicious antibiotic prescribing

is challenging because it is difcult to
distinguish between viral and bacterial
URIs. A major objective of this clinical
report is to provide a framework for
clinical decision-making regarding
antibiotic use for pediatric URIs. A point
of emphasis is the importance of using
stringent and validated clinical criteria
when diagnosing acute otitis media (AOM),
acute bacterial sinusitis, and pharyngitis caused by group A Streptococcus
(GAS), as established through clinical
guidelines. Additionally, this document
emphasizes situations in which the use
of antibiotics is not indicated, in particular for viral respiratory infections.
Considering the frequency of URIs and
the large proportion of antibiotic prescribing attributable to URI visits, these
conditions represent a high-impact target for guidelines and other interventions designed to optimize antibiotic
prescribing. The careful application of
these criteria has the potential to
mitigate overuse of antibiotics for
pediatric URIs.
The rst Principles of Judicious Use of
Antimicrobial Agents for Pediatric Upper Respiratory Tract Infections were
published in 1998 in response to concerns over the emergence and spread
of antibiotic-resistant organisms.10 The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in collaboration with the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), sought to
update these principles in a current
context. Antibiotic resistance remains
a major public health concern, and
appropriate antibiotic use is an important health care quality goal. Although
the introduction of a 7-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide-protein conjugate
vaccine (PCV7) in 2000 led to large
declines in the incidence of invasive
pneumococcal infections,11 an increase
in the prevalence of nonvaccine serotypes, most notably serotype 19A, a
commonly antibiotic-resistant serotype,12,13
prompted the 2010 introduction of

a 13-valent pneumococcal polysaccharideprotein conjugate vaccine (PCV13).

Provider concerns about antibiotic
resistance may be 1 factor leading
to increasing use of broad-spectrum
antibiotics. In recent years, several
high-quality randomized controlled
trials, meta-analyses, and new and
updated clinical guidelines have
been published that better dene the
effectiveness of antibiotic use for selected URIs, including AOM and acute
bacterial sinusitis.1423 At the same
time, new evidence highlighting the
extent to which antibiotics lead to adverse events requiring medical attention46 or potentially life-threatening
events24,25 has emerged.
This clinical report focuses on antibiotic prescribing for key pediatric URIs
that, in certain instances, may benet
from antibiotic therapy: AOM, acute
bacterial sinusitis, and pharyngitis.
The specic recommendations are
applicable to healthy children who do
not have underlying medical conditions
(eg, immunosuppression) placing them
at increased risk of developing serious
complications. The purpose of this
report is to provide practitioners
specic context using the most current
recommendations and guidelines while
applying 3 principles of judicious
antibiotic use: (1) determination of
the likelihood of a bacterial infection, (2) weighing the benets
and harms of antibiotics, and (3)
implementing judicious prescribing
strategies (Table 1).


Many aspects of the clinical history,
symptoms, and signs of bacterial URIs
overlap with or mirror those of viral
infections or noninfectious conditions.
To make a judicious decision about
antibiotic use, it is essential rst to
determine the likelihood of a bacterial

infection. When a practitioner has

made the diagnosis of viral infection
and has reasonably excluded the
presence of concurrent bacterial
infection, antibiotics should not be
used because the potential for harm
outweighs the potential benet. In the
specic cases of AOM, acute bacterial
sinusitis, and pharyngitis, there are
well-established stringent criteria that
aid in distinguishing bacterial from
nonbacterial causes.
The AAP and American Academy of
Family Physicians released updated
clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of AOM in
2013.22 AOM may be dened as the
rapid onset of signs and symptoms of
inammation in the middle ear. The
signs include bulging with or without
erythema of the tympanic membrane
(TM), and the symptoms may include
otalgia, irritability, otorrhea, and fever. The diagnosis of AOM always
requires a careful otoscopic examination to conrm the presence of inammatory changes in the TM. The
AAP guideline recommends that
physicians diagnose AOM denitively
under either of 2 conditions: (1) evidence of middle-ear effusion, as
demonstrated by moderate to severe
bulging of the TM, or (2) new onset of
otorrhea that is not attributable to
otitis externa. AOM may also be diagnosed when a child presents with
only mild bulging of the TM but with
additional symptoms of recent onset
of ear pain or with intense erythema
of the TM. Although clear visualization
of the TM at times is difcult and because AOM is typically a self-limiting
disease, a high degree of diagnostic
certainty is essential to minimize antibiotic overuse. After AOM is diagnosed, judicious antibiotic use can be
enhanced by further categorizing
patients on the basis of illness severity (severe otalgia, otalgia lasting

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TABLE 1 Application of Judicious Antibiotic Principles for Pediatric URIs

Principle 1: Determine the
likelihood of a bacterial


Acute Pharyngitis

Requires middle ear effusion and signs

of inammation:

URI symptoms that are either

worsening, severe, or persistent

Diagnosis of GAS pharyngitis requires

conrmation by rapid testing or culture

moderate or severe bulging of TM; or

Worsening symptoms: worsening or

new onset fever, daytime cough, or
nasal discharge after improvement
of viral URI
Severe symptoms: fever 39C,
purulent nasal discharge
Persistent symptoms without
improvement: nasal discharge or
daytime cough >10 d
No role for routine imaging
Benets: for strictly dened bacterial
sinusitis, antibiotics improve
symptoms at 3 and 14 d

Only test if 2 of the following are

present: fever, tonsillar exudate/
swelling, swollen/tender anterior
cervical nodes, absence of cough
Do not treat empirically

otorrhea not due to otitis externa; or

mild bulging of TM with ear pain or
erythema of TM

Principle 2: Weigh benets

versus harms of antibiotics

Acute Bacterial Sinusitis

Benets: for strictly dened AOM, NNT

of as few as 4 patients to achieve
improvements in symptoms

Benets: for conrmed GAS, antibiotics

shorten symptom duration, prevent
rheumatic fever and may limit
secondary transmission.
no signicant benets in preventing
no evidence that antibiotic therapy
Limited evidence that therapy prevents
complications such as PTA
complications such as mastoiditis
prevents complications such as brain
First-line therapy
Amoxicillin with or without clavulanate
Amoxicillin with or without clavulanate
Amoxicillin or penicillin
Harms: for all conditions, no benets to therapy when bacterial infection is not likely. Increased risk of adverse events including
diarrhea, dermatitis, C difcile colitis, antibiotic resistance
Principle 3: Implement judicious Consider watchful waiting for older
Consider watchful waiting for patients Once daily dosing of amoxicillin
prescribing strategies
patients (>2 y), those with unilateral
with persistent symptoms only
disease and without severe symptoms
Shorter-duration therapy (7 d)
Not recommended: azithromycin and oral third-generation cephalosporins are generally not recommended for these conditions
attributable to S pneumoniae resistance.

>48 hours, or temperature 39C),

laterality of infection (bilateral versus
unilateral), and age (23 months vs
24 months). Patients with more severe symptoms, bilateral involvement,
and younger age are more likely to
benet from antibiotics. Watchful
waiting is reasonable for patients who
are older and have nonsevere, unilateral disease.
Acute Bacterial Sinusitis
The AAP23 and the Infectious Diseases
Society of America21 recently developed
evidence-based clinical guidelines for
the diagnosis and treatment of acute
bacterial sinusitis. These guidelines
support use of strict diagnostic criteria
to distinguish bacterial from viral URIs.
In particular, acute bacterial sinusitis is
diagnosed on the basis of symptoms
that are (1) persistent and not improving, (2) worsening, or (3) severe.
Persistent symptoms are most common

and include nasal discharge (of any

quality) or daytime cough not improving by 10 days. Worsening symptoms
include a worsening or new onset of
fever, daytime cough, or nasal discharge after improvement of a typical
viral URI. Severe symptoms include
persistent fever (temperature 39C)
and purulent nasal discharge for at
least 3 days. These clinical criteria are
the basis for the diagnosis of acute
bacterial sinusitis. Because many children with viral URI will have radiographic abnormalities, imaging should
not be performed routinely.
Acute Pharyngitis
Pharyngitis, or sore throat, may be accompanied by other nonspecic symptoms including cough, congestion, and
fever. The most important diagnostic
consideration is whether -hemolytic
GAS is the cause. Unlike AOM and acute
bacterial sinusitis, the diagnosis of GAS

infection can be conrmed with laboratory testing (either a rapid-antigen

detection test or culture).26,27 Scoring
systems (Modied Centor or McIsaac
Scores28) can assist in identifying candidates for testing. Patients with 2 or
more of the following features should
undergo testing: (1) absence of cough,
(2) presence of tonsillar exudates or
swelling, (3) history of fever, (4) presence of swollen and tender anterior cervical lymph nodes, and (5) age younger
than 15 years. Children with URI signs
and symptoms, including cough, nasal
congestion, conjunctivitis, hoarseness,
diarrhea, or oropharyngeal lesions
(ulcers, vesicles) more likely have viral
illnesses and not GAS infection and
should not be tested for GAS. Testing
should generally not be performed in
children younger than 3 years in whom
GAS rarely causes pharyngitis and in
whom rheumatic fever is uncommon.
GAS should not be diagnosed in the


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absence of testing, even among

patients with all of the aforementioned
clinical criteria, with rare exceptions
(eg, symptomatic and household contact with conrmed GAS pharyngitis).
The importance of limiting testing to
children with appropriate clinical criteria is further supported by the fact
that colonization rates can reach 15%
to 20% even among asymptomatic
Common Cold, Nonspecic URI,
Acute Cough Illness, and Acute
Symptoms of the common cold, nonspecic URI, and bronchitis may
overlap with or mirror those of bacterial URIs and can include cough,
congestion, and sore throat. Collectively, these viral conditions account
for millions of ofce visits per year.
Acute bronchitis, in particular, is a
cough illness that is diagnosed during
more than 2 million pediatric ofce
visits annually, and antibiotics are
prescribed more than 70% of the time.1
Application of diagnostic clinical criteria for AOM, sinusitis, and pharyngitis should aid clinicians in excluding
these conditions. Management of the
common cold, nonspecic URI, acute
cough illness, and acute bronchitis
should focus on symptomatic relief.
Antibiotics should not be prescribed
for these conditions.


If a bacterial infection is determined to
be likely, the next step is to compare the
evidence about the benets of antibiotic
therapy for each condition to the potential for harms. Relevant outcomes to
consider for benets include the cure
rate, symptom reduction, prevention of
complications, and secondary cases.
Outcomes for harms include antibioticrelated adverse events (eg, abdominal
pain, diarrhea, rash), Clostridium difcile

colitis, development of resistance,

and cost.
Several high-quality randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses have
been published since the publication of
the rst principles of judicious use of
antibiotics.1820,2933 Collectively, these
have emphasized the following: (1) at
least half of patients with AOM will
recover without antibiotic therapy; (2)
recovery is more likely and is hastened for children who receive antibiotic therapy compared with placebo;
and (3) recovery without antibiotic therapy is less likely for younger children,
those with bilateral versus unilateral
disease, and those with more severe
signs and symptoms. These observations underlie the rationale for treatment recommendations for AOM.
Multiple meta-analyses indicate that
children receiving antibiotic therapy
are more likely to achieve clinical
success in terms of symptom resolution compared with placebo with
a number needed to treat (NNT) of 7 or
8 patients.18,33 Two recent randomized
controlled trials among younger children that used even more stringent
diagnostic criteria demonstrated that
children who received antibiotics had
more favorable symptom scores than
those who received placebo, achieved
faster symptom recovery, and had
signicantly lower rates of clinical
failure as measured by otoscopic examination and persistence of symptoms, with an NNT closer to 4.19,20
Nonetheless, it is important to note
that in numerous studies of antibiotic
efcacy for AOM, the majority of patients have symptoms that ultimately
resolve spontaneously regardless of
therapy and without complications.
The potential for preventing complications, such as mastoiditis, may
contribute, in part, to the clinical

decision to use antibiotics for AOM.

However, across the aforementioned
controlled studies and meta-analyses,
antibiotics have not demonstrated
signicant benet in preventing these
rare but serious complications. Observational data from the United
Kingdom including more than 1 million AOM episodes indicates that when
mastoiditis occurs, it typically is
present at time of initial clinical presentation to care.34 The estimated NNT
to prevent 1 episode of mastoiditis is
nearly 5000.34
The AAP recommends antibiotic therapy
for children diagnosed with AOM on the
basis of presence of established clinical
criteria. Observation can be considered
for selected children, particularly children older than 2 years with nonsevere
symptoms and unilateral disease.
Acute Bacterial Sinusitis
The evidence base evaluating the effectiveness of antibiotics for treatment
of acute bacterial sinusitis in children is
limited and mixed. Three randomized
controlled trials have assessed the effectiveness of antibiotics versus placebo for clinically diagnosed acute
bacterial sinusitis in children, 2 of
which have been published since the
1998 principles of judicious use of
antibiotics.14,17,35 Two trials concluded
that antibiotics signicantly improved
the likelihood of symptom resolution
after both 3 and 14 days,14,35 but 1
study revealed no benet of antibiotics
over placebo.17 Key differences in the
study design between these studies
likely contributed to the differences in
outcomes; the trials showing benet
included patients with more severe
symptoms and applied more strict diagnostic criteria. This emphasizes the
importance of careful attention to
clinical diagnosis because antibiotics
confer no clinical benet for patients

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without diagnostic criteria suggesting

acute bacterial sinusitis.
The benet of antibiotic therapy in
preventing suppurative complications,
such as orbital cellulitis or intracranial
abscess, is unproven. Individual efcacy trials lack the statistical power to
demonstrate effectiveness against
these rare complications, and a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials in children and adults found no
signicant association between antibiotic use and the rate of complications.36
The AAP recommends antibiotic therapy for children with clinical features
of acute bacterial sinusitis, especially
those with symptoms that are worsening or severe. Observation with
close follow-up or antibiotic therapy
can be considered for those with
persistent symptoms (>10 days).
GAS Pharyngitis
Antibiotic treatment of acute pharyngitis has been studied with respect to
the effects on symptom resolution,
transmission, and prevention of complications, including rheumatic fever.
Five randomized controlled studies
and 1 meta-analysis have examined the
effect of immediate antibiotics on
resolution of symptoms, 1 of which
was completed since publication of the
rst principles of judicious use of
antibiotics.3741 These studies provide
strong evidence that antibiotic therapy for children with pharyngitis and
conrmation of GAS shortens the duration of symptoms, including sore
throat and headache, by approximately 1 day. These benets are apparent within as few as 3 days.
However, the benets of antibiotic
therapy on shortening duration of fever are uncertain. Although data are
somewhat limited, antibiotic therapy
for index cases of GAS may reduce
horizontal transmission and thereby


prevent secondary cases.40,42 These

benets are especially relevant in
large households, child care settings,
schools, and military settings.

therapy (including for delayed prescriptions) for patients with nonspecic

cough and cold.48

Historically, the primary motivation for

prescribing antibiotics for GAS pharyngitis was prevention of rheumatic
fever. Randomized controlled trials in
children before 1975 showed a fourfold benet in preventing the onset of
rheumatic fever, which occurred in approximately 3% of untreated patients.43
Although localized outbreaks have occurred in recent decades, the incidence of rheumatic fever in most
developed countries has declined dramatically.44 Some of this decline might
be attributable to better recognition
and antibiotic treatment,45 but more
likely this relates to a decline in the
prevalence of rheumatogenic strains of

Harms of Antibiotic Therapy

Antibiotics may also have a role in

preventing suppurative complications
associated with GAS pharyngitis, such
as peritonsillar abscess (PTA), AOM, and
acute sinusitis. One meta-analysis
suggested that antibiotic treatment
prevents PTA; however, the majority of
cases were derived from a single study
conducted in 1951.43 Data from a large
observational cohort conducted in the
United Kingdom suggest that antibiotic
treatment may prevent development of
PTA, but with an NNT >4000.47
The AAP recommends antibiotic therapy
for children with pharyngitis conrmed
to be caused by GAS.
Common Cold, Nonspecic URI,
Acute Cough Illness, and Acute
Because the predominant etiologies for
these conditions are viruses, antibiotic
therapy is not indicated. Because of
uncertainty about the relevance of the
diagnosis of acute bronchitis for children, data are limited. Nonetheless,
a large meta-analysis concluded that
there was no benet to antibiotic

It is crucial to account for the potential

for antibiotics to cause harm when
used for treatment of URIs. The signicance of potential harms should be
directly balanced against the potential
for benet on a case-by-case basis. The
importance of harms associated with
antibiotic use is directly related to (1)
an assessment of the magnitude of
potential benet (eg, greater benet
achieved for young children with bilateral AOM than unilateral) and (2) the
extent to which uncertainty remains in
the diagnosis. The preponderance of
evidence for benets of antibiotic
therapy in treatment of bacterial URIs
relates to attenuation of symptoms.
When it is unclear whether the URI
represents an acute bacterial infection, in general, the harms of antibiotic use have the potential to
outweigh benets. The importance of
applying stringent clinical criteria to
establish the diagnosis of a bacterial
infection aids in differentiating children with nonspecic URI and common
cold. Prescribing antibiotics for nonspecic URI and colds generally does
not provide benet and only exposes
these children to potential harm.
Antibiotics are responsible for the
largest number of unplanned medical
visits for medication-related adverse
events among children, which exceeds
150 000 per year and incurs substantial potential morbidity and cost.4
Antibiotic-associated adverse events
can range from mild (diarrhea and
rash), to more severe (Stevens-Johnson
syndrome), to life-threatening (anaphylaxis or sudden cardiac death)
reactions. Most clinical trials conducted to assess the treatment of AOM,
sinusitis, and pharyngitis have used
amoxicillin or amoxicillin-clavulanate,


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and these remain the rst-line recommended agents for antibiotic therapy
for these conditions. Studies comparing antibiotic treatment to placebo for
AOM suggest a modestly increased
rate of adverse events among treated
patients, particularly diarrhea and rash.
Two meta-analyses estimated rate differences of approximately 5% for adverse events.18,32 Not included in these
are the results from 2 recent trials
using amoxicillin-clavulanate (older
studies frequently used amoxicillin),
which demonstrated even higher rates
of diarrhea and dermatitis among
patients receiving antibiotic therapy.19,20
Among studies of sinusitis, in the most
recent trial that demonstrated a benet
of antibiotic therapy, adverse events
(dened as rash, diarrhea, vomiting,
and abdominal pain) occurred in 44%
of patients treated with high-dose
amoxicillin-clavulanate compared with
14% in the placebo group.14
The adverse events described previously occur relatively frequently, although are relatively mild in most
cases. Antibiotics can produce serious
allergic reactions such as StevensJohnson syndrome.25 There is rapidly
growing evidence that antibiotic exposures early in life may disrupt the
microbial balance of the intestines and
other parts of the body in such a way
as to contribute to long-term adverse
health effects, such as inammatory
bowel disease, obesity, eczema, and
asthma.4951 A recent study highlighted
risk of sudden death in adults treated
with azithromycin, likely related to
drug-associated prolongation of the QT
interval.24 Azithromycin is not a rstline antibiotic for any pediatric URI
and is the antibiotic most likely to be
used inappropriately (inadequate coverage for the most common pathogens
causing AOM and sinusitis).1 The incidence of C difcile colitis in hospitalized
children has increased substantially
during the past decade.52 Although

children with comorbid conditions are

at greatest risk, community-onset
infections occur,53 with recent antibiotic exposure as an important risk
The relationship between antibiotic
exposure and development of antibiotic resistance at the level of the individual patient and at the level of the
community is well established.7,8 Because of limited therapeutic options,
antibiotic-resistant infections are difcult to treat and, in some cases, are
associated with poor clinical outcomes.54 Application of stringent diagnostic criteria and use of therapy
only when the diagnosis and potential
benets are well established is essential to minimizing the impact of
antibiotic overuse on resistance in
individuals and within communities.

When evidence suggests that antibiotics
may provide benet, several aspects of
judicious prescribing should be considered. These include selecting an
appropriate antibiotic agent that treats
the most likely pathogens (including
accounting for local resistance patterns), selecting the appropriate dose,
and treating for the shortest duration
required. Additionally, physicians may
consider the role of observation and
use of delayed prescribing strategies.
The treatment of AOM and acute bacterial sinusitis illustrates several key
aspects of judicious antibiotic use.
Amoxicillin has traditionally been the
recommended rst-line agent for these
conditions because Streptococcus
pneumoniae is the most important
cause. However, in some communities,
the prevalence of amoxicillin-resistant
-lactamase-producing Haemophilus
inuenzae among bacterial URIs has
increased signicantly.55 This underlies
(in part) the recommendation to

consider amoxicillin-clavulanate in certain instances (eg, severe symptoms,

recent [<6 weeks] antibiotic exposure,
known high local prevalence of
amoxicillin-resistant H inuenzae). It
is important to note, however, that the
benets of antibiotic therapy appear to
be greatest for patients with S pneumoniae infection, compared with other
bacterial causes of URI, including H
inuenzae and Moraxella species,
which may have higher rates of spontaneous resolution.16 In recognition of
the possibility of a higher rate of adverse events caused by amoxicillinclavulanate compared with amoxicillin,
some physicians may choose to use
amoxicillin as the rst-line agent in
most instances.
An understanding of local epidemiology
and resistance patterns is especially
important for understanding appropriate antibiotic selection. The rates of
pneumococcal resistance to macrolides56 and oral third-generation cephalosporins57,58 make these agents poor
choices for treating most children with
suspected bacterial URIs. Emergence of
macrolide resistance to GAS is also an
important problem, although susceptibility testing is not routinely performed.
The role of observation (also termed
wait and see or delayed prescribing)
instead of immediate antibiotic therapy
is an important consideration for children with AOM and acute bacterial sinusitis. Studies among patients with
AOM have shown that this approach
reduces antibiotic use, is well accepted
by families, and, when supported by
close follow-up, does not result in worse
clinical outcomes.22 Observation therapy
may be considered as an alternative
strategy to immediate therapy for AOM
and sinusitis for older patients without
severe symptoms.22,23 The use of this
approach is an opportunity to engage in
shared decision-making with patients
and families to include a discussion

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about the potential benets and risks

associated with immediate antibiotic
Another important consideration for
judicious antibiotic use is overall magnitude of exposure. Relatively short
courses of therapy may achieve the
same clinical benets as longer courses
while minimizing the risks of adverse
events and development of resistance
and lead to better compliance. Important examples are the use of once-daily
amoxicillin for GAS pharyngitis26 (vs 2
or 3 times daily dosing but the same
daily dose of 50 mg/kg) and shortcourse therapy (eg, 7 days vs 10
days) for older children with AOM.22

This clinical report discusses principles
of judicious antibiotic use for pediatric
URIs. There is a strong emphasis on
appropriate diagnosis, which is the
foundation for making judicious decisions about prescribing antibiotics. Although focused on specic URIs, the
main message has broader application
for antibiotic use in general. These
principles can be used to promote educational efforts for physicians, amplify

the messages from recent clinical

guidelines, assist with communication
about appropriate antibiotic use to
patients and families, and support
local guideline development for judicious antibiotic use.
DISEASES, 20132014
Michael T. Brady, MD, Chairperson, Red Book
Associate Editor
Carrie L. Byington, MD
H. Dele Davies, MD
Kathryn M. Edwards, MD
Mary Anne Jackson, MD, Red Book Associate
Yvonne A. Maldonado, MD
Dennis L. Murray, MD
Walter A. Orenstein, MD
Mobeen Rathore, MD
Mark Sawyer, MD
Gordon E. Schutze, MD
Rodney E. Willoughby, MD
Theoklis E. Zaoutis, MD

Joan Robinson, MD Canadian Pediatric Society

Marco Aurelio Palazzi Safadi, MD Sociedad
Latinoamericana de Infectologia Pediatrica
Jane Seward, MBBS, MPH Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
Jeffrey R. Starke, MD American Thoracic
Geoffrey Simon, MD Committee on Practice
Ambulatory Medicine
Tina Q. Tan, MD Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Henry H. Bernstein, DO, Red Book Online Associate Editor
David W. Kimberlin, MD, Red Book Editor
Sarah S. Long, MD, Red Book Associate Editor
H. Cody Meissner, MD, Visual Red Book Associate Editor

Adam L. Hersh, MD, PhD
Lauri A. Hicks, DO

Marc A. Fischer, MD Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
Bruce Gellin, MD National Vaccine Program
Richard L. Gorman, MD National Institutes of
Lucia Lee, MD Food and Drug Administration
R. Douglas Pratt, MD Food and Drug Administration
Jennifer S. Read, MD National Vaccine Program Ofce

Jennifer Frantz, MPH

The authors acknowledge the contributions of Daniel Shapiro and Jeffrey
Gerber for assistance in systematic review and critical review of early versions of this report.

1. Hersh AL, Shapiro DJ, Pavia AT, Shah SS.
Antibiotic prescribing in ambulatory pediatrics in the United States. Pediatrics. 2011;
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Principles of Judicious Antibiotic Prescribing for Bacterial Upper Respiratory

Tract Infections in Pediatrics
Adam L. Hersh, Mary Anne Jackson, Lauri A. Hicks and the COMMITTEE ON
Pediatrics; originally published online November 18, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-3260
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