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Choir Handbook 2016-17 PDF

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Hanging in the choir room, are banners representing the ROHS

CHOIR CODE. It should be the basis upon which we create
beautiful music. These words should never be far away from every
decision we make in the classroom, on stage, or at festivals. Lets
dedicate our talents, devote our hearts and minds to the glorious creation of vocal music.



(Compiled by the Choir Officers and Choir Students of 2012.)

ENTHUSIASM: Consistently bringing a smile and a good mood to

every rehearsal and performance. Displaying excitement and optimism for your choir program. Always showing eagerness to sing.

PASSION: Experiencing a sincere love for music that cannot be described. Craving the best out of yourself and this group of singers.
Yearning for opportunities to sing and to perform.

PRIDE: Showing and feeling the strength of the choir. Promoting

your choir and supporting your program. Singing loud and proud,
wearing spirit wear for all to see. Believing in yourself and your choir.
Never hiding your talents.

COMMITMENT: Being there mentally as well as physically.

Trying your hardest to be dependable, punctual and engaged. Creating

a schedule that can handle the time a good choir needs to thrive and
honoring that time with a focus required to obtain success.


Conducting yourself in a mature and

trained manner. Behaving as though you were being paid. Acting
courteous, conscientious, and respectful at all times. Listening intensely and following directions.

EXCELLENCE: Caring about something enough to sacrifice what

Handbook for
Parents and students

you want for it. Using your heart, soul, and dedication to finish a task
to perfection.

UNITY: Abandoning selfishness and egotism for the well being of

the group as a whole. Never seeing yourself or anyone else as above
or below others. Work together as a family.


Presented by
Deborah Buffa
The Choir Boosters of ROHS

Our mission

Choir boostersExecutive board

(Facebook page royal oak high school choirs rohstempo@gmail.com)

royaloakschools.org/High School/Performing Arts/ROHS Choir

We welcome your daughter or son and family to the Royal Oak High
School Department of Vocal Music.

Deborah Buffa

Like any sports or fine arts program, Choir is a commitmentextra

effort and time and talent to improve musically and perform different
styles in a variety of groups. Also, like any organization of this kind,
the program absolutely depends on parent participation to assist at
performances, our fundraising activities and other events.
Parent involvement is expected when your child is in the vocal music
program at ROHS. The support of parents is critical to the success of
your student and the programs. Parents are given a volunteer request
form at the beginning of the school year and are expected to volunteer
for at least two activities during the year.
Please take time to read through this handbook; youll learn how to
keep your choir student prepared and on track. You will also learn
how you can contribute to the success of the program.

Jodi Rubin
Vice President
Angela Lewis

Have a wonderful year!

Interested and involved

parents are critical to
The success of
our choir program!

As indicated on your students Expectations Sheet, grades will be
based on 50% Class Participation, 25% on Music Theory (Quizzes
and Tests), and 25% on Concert/Extra Rehearsals. A Class Expectation Sheet, handed out the first day of school, covers the grading procedures for all choirs. (See page 14 of this booklet, for more detailed
information concerning Class Participation grading and Concert/Extra
Rehearsal attendance grading.)

(248) 435-8500 ext. 1019



(248) 506-7135


Shawn OConnell (248)230-0841 shawnmarieoconnell@gmail.com

Jennifer McNaughton (248) 250-3011

Recording Secretary
April Potter
(248)288-0662 aprilcatalina@wowway.com
Corresponding Secretary
Kelly Smigelski (248) 417-5053 kellysmigelski@gmail.com
Publicity Rep
Jane Stehney
(248) 514-3800
Flower Rep
Sherri Dubicki (248) 770-7586
Wardrobe Mistress
Kelly Bekemeyer (248) 977-2836
Ticket Sales
Judy Rosas
(248) 850-0102
Ron Kessler
(248) 818-3560 ronaldkessler@hotmail.com

Please be sure to say thank you to your

board members when you see them. Without their
help, the ROHS choir program could not accomplish the excellance we have thus far!




STUDENT concert attendance

This is a primary choir which expands music reading skills, ear training
techniques and vocal development exercises through a wide variety of
musical repertoire, written work and oral exercises. It is composed mostly of men and/or women from the sophomore through senior classes,
who meet during the school day. They will be singing primary level or
higher depending on the music in SAB, SSA, SATB and/or TB/TTBB
music literature. This class is mainly for upper classmen, starting their
vocal music career with little or no music reading experience

Each Spring, vocal music students elect the Choir President, VicePresident and two other choir officers. Interested students must be seniors and going into their second year of A Cappella Choir. They are
required to make a speech to the incoming A Cappella Choir. Choir
Officers work closely with Mrs. Buffa throughout the year. The Choir
Officers greatest responsibility is conducting auditions for and planning the springtime ROX Concert, with the assistance of Mrs. Buffa.
Please note: the ROX Concert program is determined by a panel,
made up the Choir Officers and Mrs. Buffa.

(Taken from Expectations Sheet)

Concert/Extra Rehearsal attendance is crucial! It is imperative that the

singer provides advance notice of not being able to participate in any
choir function. That notice may be written or it may be phoned in (248
-435-8500, EXT. 1019) before the performance or rehearsal begins,
especially when last minute emergencies arise. Extended holiday vacations are not excusable. Upon directors discretion, students will be
given an assignment to write a paper to cover their missed Concert/
Extra Rehearsal. Papers will be assigned only for Excused Absences.
Students that miss Concerts/Extra Rehearsals without the directors
prior knowledge, will be given a zero for that event. Illness, Death in
Family and Conflicting School Events are all considered Excused Absences. Students will be allowed to make up all Excused Absences for
their Concert/Extra Rehearsal attendance grade. Attending District and
State level Solo and Ensemble Festivals and Choral Festivals is mandatory. Please refer to the list of Choir Events in the middle of this
booklet, for the different events and the different choirs that are involved in those events.

Class participation
(Taken from Expectations Sheet)

Students need to have a pencil every day to mark their scores. It is

suggested to keep one in their choir folder. Class Participation includes
responsibility for music, performance attire and all items connected to
the music program. Poor citizenship, unexcused absences and excessive tardies will lower a singers Class Participation grade. Unexcused
Absences/Tardies (3 tardies = 1 unexcused absence) will lower the
Class Participation grade by 10 points. All absences will be reviewed
before the end of the marking period. Good rehearsals and great music
demands self-discipline!


Concert choir

Womens ensemble

This is an intermediate choir which expands musical reading skills, ear

training techniques and vocal music development exercises through a
wide variety of medium to difficult level of musical repertoire, written
work and oral exercises. The class is composed of women from all grade
levels that meet during the school day singing intermediate level music
in SSA or SSAA music literature. Students from all grade levels are accepted upon Mrs. Buffas recommendation only. Students are required to
attend District and State Solo and Ensemble Festival where the larger
choir will be separated into two smaller choirs of 20 or less to accommodate the requirements of MSVMA festival rules

A cappella choir

This is an advanced choir which requires well developed music reading

skills. The main thrust of this choir is refining the singers musicianship
through the performance of an extensive and highly diversified repertoire of standard choral literature. This choir demands that each student
be an independent singer and sight reader. Since this choir is frequently
called upon to represent ROHS on a local, state and national level, each
participant is also expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct
to, during and returning from these performances. A Cappella is comprised of men and women and meets during the regular school day. This
is an auditioned choir open to all grade levels.

Chamber singers

Auditions for this group are held in the spring. Members are chosen
based on total points earned from advanced sight reading skills, scales,
vocal renditions of The Star Spangled Banner and Amazing
Grace, application, grade point, essay and student resume. The group
meets after regular school hours on Wednesdays, this year, from 3:305:00 p.m. Some additional rehearsals are also scheduled on an as need

Summer scholarships
The Choir Boosters provide scholarship monies for eligible students to
offset expenses of summer programs that will enhance their vocal music
education. Students must actively participate in choir, actively participate
in fundraising events throughout the school year and submit a complete
application for consideration to Mrs. Buffa and the Executive Board of
the Choir Boosters.

Non-performance choir activities

BONDING ACTIVITY IN THE FALLopen to all choir members, and
not mandatory to attend. This activity is organized by the 2016-17 Choir

Traditional choir uniforms

In general, if you are in performance clothing, you are totally in performanceno bare feet, loose ties or overlays. You should also behave professionally when dressed in performance clothing.
Have pride in your professional appearance.
BASIC HYGIENEKeeping in mind the heat of the lights on stage,
hair should be clean, off the shoulders if long hair and styled appropriate to the occasion. Antiperspirant and deodorant keeps everyone comfortable in close quarters.

CONCERT CHOIRMen wear ALL BLACK pants, belt, dress

shoes, socks and long sleeved dress shirt. The school could supply
matching blue print ties. Women wear black evening gowns and pearl
necklaces, which could be supplied by the school. Women are responsible for proper shoes (black pumps appropriate for performance, no
straps, a plain 2 heelCLOSED TOE AND HEEL TYPE OF
SHOES). Women also purchase their own flesh tone hosiery, appropriate undergarments and fake diamond stud earrings.

A CAPPELLA ACTIVITESHayride and Bonfire at D Bar A Ranch in

September in Metamora; The 2016-2017 A Cappella Choir trip this year
is to Italy. It will be during Spring break, March 31April 7, 2017.
This trip was approved by our school board in May/June, of 2016. These
are not mandatory events.

Student directors
A student Director(s) may be chosen by Mrs. Buffa yearly, only if a student has the skills (vocal and piano skills) and interest. This is not a student assistant. This student directs choral songs at the Winter Concert
one classical and one contemporary with choreography. The Student Director also teaches the vocals for their choirs ROX concert songs. This is
a class for grade and credit.


WOMENS ENSEMBLEWomen wear navy blue evening gowns

All about choir boosters

The Choir Boosters are here to provide support for the ROHS Vocal
Music Program, both financially and through parent volunteerism. Our
Choir Boosters operate with a typical group of officers, choir parent
reps and other committee volunteers. Youll also find contact information for Mrs. Buffa and the Executive Board toward the back of this

Our Choir Boosters organize Fundraising Events such as Tag Days and
other fundraising activities. They also organize and host concert afterglows and the end of the year choir banquet. They sell cut stemmed
flowers before all evening concerts and organize a poinsettia sale a few
weeks before the Winter Concerts, where these lovely poinsettias dress
the Winter Concert stage.

Choir booster meetings

The general membership meetings are held twice a yearone in September and then again in May. The Executive Board meetings are held
monthly throughout the year to plan the afterglows and other events as
deemed necessary by Mrs. Buffa. Officer elections are held each year
in May and voted on at the general membership meeting.

Parent Fundraising Activities
The Vocal Music Department receives all funds from Concert Ticket
revenues and those monies are used to cover items that are not included in the district budget. Flower sales before concerts help the Choir
Boosters fund other choir activities.
Student Fundraising Activities
Choir Boosters are working out the logistics of fundraising ideas yearly. Any ideas from our parents would be greatly appreciated!


and pearl necklaces, which could be supplied by the school. Women are
responsible for proper shoes (black pumps appropriate for performance,
no straps, a plain 2 heel-CLOSED TOE AND HEEL TYPE OF
SHOES). Women also purchase their own flesh tone hosiery, appropriate
undergarments and fake diamond stud earrings. CASUA L OUTFIT
Black pants or jeans with a royal blue embroidered matching hoodie.

A CAPPELLA CHOIRWomen wear black velvet and taffeta

evening gowns, with matching fake diamond necklaces, which could be

supplied by the school. Women are responsible for proper shoes (black
pumps appropriate for performance, no straps, a plain 2 heel-CLOSED
TOE AND HEEL TYPE OF SHOES). Women also purchase their own
flesh tone hosiery, appropriate undergarments and fake diamond stud
earrings. Men wear a tux outfitjacket, pants, vest, ties and patent
shoes, which could be supplied by the school. Men must purchase their
own black dress socks and a matching tux shirt. CASUA L OUTFIT
Kacki colored pants or jeans with a black embroidered matching hoodie.

CHAMBER SINGERSWomen and men wear their same A Cappella choir outfit. CA SUA L OUTFITKacki colored pants or jeans
with a black embroidered matching polo.

School supplied uniform items are all identified by a numbering/name
system for each style of jewelry, dress, tie, pants, etc. It is the students
responsibility to recall their wardrobe number and to return the garment
and/or jewelry to the correct hanger after each use. HANGERS ARE
Every effort is made to fit each student in the best manner possible. We
hope your student will respect that effort by taking care of the garments
zippers, seams and hems.
Families may supply their own Choir Uniform, or they can pay a
Uniform Fee of $25.00. Men of Royal Oak Singers and Men of Concert Choir will only be asked for a $10 Uniform Fee. This r equest is
similar to those in other performing type of groups or any other group

using a school supplied uniform. Each item of our uniform needs regular cleaning, hemming and maintenance to protect our investment.
Please contact Mrs. Buffa for all questions about the Uniform Fee.

Code of behavior

In the Classroom

1. Be polite. Do not interrupt while your instructor is speaking, or

while other students are speaking. Follow directions the first time
they are given.
2. Be on time. Be in the room and ready to work when the bell rings.
3. Be prepared. Have your folder, pencil and any specified supplies
for the day, to class.
4. No one leaves the room during class.
5. Inappropriate behavior that detracts from the educational process
could result in a lower grade.
6. No phones, food, candy, gum or hats in the choir room.

At a Concert

1. Be on time. Arrive in enough time to change into your performance clothing.

2. Keep your street clothing near and protect your valuables.
3. Read the section in this book on concert etiquette and set an example.
4. SILENCE in all hallways during performances.
5. Cell phones and small electronics (i.e. iPods) are prohibited during
performances. If a student is found to have such a device, it will be
confiscated and locked up in the main office.
6. Remain seated in the auditorium during other groups performances.
7. Do not leave until the concert is over without express permission
from Mrs. Buffa.
8. Replace your choir wardrobe on the proper hangers when you are
done. Leave the room cleaner than you found it.
9. Let someone know if your wardrobe needs repair!

At a Festival

1. Be on time. Arrive at least 30 minutes before warm up time. Only

adult drivers are permitted during festival performances.
2. Read the section in this book on concert etiquette and set an example.

Cell phones, pagers, watch alarms, crying children, coughing and

candy wrappers all create sounds that can ruin a musical moment.
Please do not create a distraction for the performers or the rest of the
Please do not talk, hum or sing during the performance.
Applause is usually saved for the end of a full piece. Wait until all
movements of a multi-movement piece are finished before applauding. Watch the director: when their arms relax at their sides, the song
is finished.
Applaud for the director and the performers when they formally enter
the stage for the first time; it is considered a sign of respect for the
upcoming performance.
Whistling, hooting, hollering or shouting an individuals name
should be reserved for sporting events. This is not appropriate at any
choral concert.

Solo and ensemble festival

All students in the ROHS choir program are encouraged to participate in Solo and Ensemble Festival, a winter/spring event. They may
be judged as solos, duets, trios, quartets or larger ensembles. All participants need to prepare two pieces to sing for the festival, acquire a
teacher to teach their music and arrange for an accompanist.
(Accompanists get filled up quicklyplanning ahead of time is crucial!)
Fees to the festivals are paid in advance, usually the first of December.
Transportation to the festival is the responsibility of the individual student and his/her family, however, small ensembles, i.e. Chamber Singers,
may have carpools arranged at school.
Students who receive superior or excellent ratings should plan on
participating at the State level. In addition to preparing 2 songs of opposite styles, state level competition requires learning one new song and
sight-reading for a rating. Soloists need to be studying privately and must
choose their festival pieces from a required list of books.
If a student elects not to participate in Solo and Ensemble Festival, he/she will be required to write a term paper critiquing a live musical
performance, of their choosing. Information and due dates for the term
paper will be provided by Mrs. Buffa. Two critiques will be due; one before winter break in Dec. and one before spring recess. Students in A
Cappella Choir and Womens Ensemble are required to attend District
and State Solo and Ensemble Festival. All music will be taught in class
and both classes will be divided into smaller ensembles, following festival rules. This is a grade for their card-marking.


ROX CONCERTSThis concert is organized by the choir officers,

with Mrs. Buffas assistance. Students audition for special performance spots. The concert features all genres of pop music, with live
student bands. Students vote for their ensemble songs and vote for
their concert t-shirt design. T-shirts cost approximately $10 each, and
are a required purchase by all performers. Both of these concerts are
usually sold out before the concert date.

SENIOR RECITALThis is the last evening concert of the year.

This concert features only the seniors in the Vocal Music Department.
The junior parents and students are responsible for the afterglow in
honor of their senior friends.

There are various other events that require performances and those
events can be found on the Choir Events Calendar at the center of this
booklet. The concerts are popular with the ROHS community and we
suggest you plan and order tickets early for your seats.


All seating in the auditorium is reserved. Tickets are available prior to
all performances. Ticket order forms will be sent out via email. Adult
tickets are $10 and student tickets range from $5 to $10, depending on
the concert. At the beginning of the school year, students will be bringing home information forms for parents to fill out. Parent emails will
be used for reminders, pre-sale ticket forms and other pertinent information connected to the Vocal Music Department. Tickets are also
available at the door the day of the concert, approximately 1 hour before concert time. Ticket proceeds go directly into running the ROHS
Vocal Music Department.
Concert Attendance Etiquette
(Tips for Parents, Family and Friends)

You should arrive at the concert hall at least 15 minutes ahead of

the scheduled concertmuch earlier if you have not bought your
tickets yet, because we have had concerts sell out.
If you arrive late, wait until the end of a piece to find your reserved seat.
Conversation with those seated nearby is appropriate and welcome, but should cease when the lights go down.
Remain seated unless it is absolutely necessary to leave.


3. Performance clothing will be worn into the festival facility. All

coats, handbags, cell phones and small electronics (i.e. iPods) must
remain in the car or on the bus, which will be locked.
4. Stay with your group during other groups performances.
5. Do not leave the event without express permission from Mrs. Buffa.
6. Replace your choir wardrobe on the proper hangers when you return
to ROHS. Leave the room cleaner than when you found it.
7. Let someone know if your wardrobe needs repair.
Represent ROHS and all the work youve donewith pride!


Four major evening concerts are presented throughout the school year.
All choirs perform in the Spectrum Concert, Winter Concerts, PreFestival Concert and ROX Concerts.

SPECTRUM CONCERTThis concert is a unique event. All choir

students are eligible to audition for select solo/small ensemble performances. All choirs will be featured as the vocal ensembles in this concert. This concert features the best students in the vocal music department. The Spectrum Concert is unique because it is modeled after the
famous University of Michigan Collage concert, a decades old tradition
in Ann Arbor. Due to the nature of this concert, there is no applause between individual performances. Students will only be recognized
through applause at the end of the first half and the end of the concert.

WINTER CONCERTSThis very popular concert features all

choir ensembles. The first half of the concert is in a traditional choir

concert format, ending with the Hallelujah Chorus, featuring our older
ensemble members, along with alumni. The second half of the concert
features all choir members in unique costumes, in choreographed performancesfeaturing our traditional closing song, The Christmas Song,
directed by our Choir President.

PRE-FESTIVAL CONCERTThis concert is free and held at

Royal Oak Middle School. It features all choirs singing their choral festival pieces, with a guest clinician. This years clinician has not been
chosen as of the printing of this booklet.

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