Personal Details: Day Month Year
Personal Details: Day Month Year
Personal Details: Day Month Year
Immigration Service
Chinese Visitors, Students and Workers Te Ratonga Manene
Personal Details
1 My full name is (surname underlined):
11 My partnership status is: Please tick box Married Never Married Separated Divorced
Partner Engaged Widowed
13 Regular occupation:
15 Details of partner and children, even if they are not travelling with you:
Name Relationship to applicant
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
day month year
Application Details
1 The reason I wish to visit New Zealand is: Please tick box. Work Holiday Study
Visiting friends or relatives Business Conference or convention Transit or stopover
Other (please state):
3 Name and address of any friends, relatives or contacts I have in New Zealand are:
Name Relationship to applicant
Name Relationship to applicant