the World a Better Place
Founded and developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is an applied
religious philosophy which offers an exact route through which anyone can
regain the truth and simplicity of his spiritual self.
Scientology consists of specific axioms that define the underlying causes and
principles of existence and a vast area of observations in the humanities, a
philosophic body that literally applies to the entirety of life.
This broad body of knowledge resulted in two applications of the subject:
first, a technology for man to increase his spiritual awareness and attain the
freedom sought by many great philosophic teachings; and, second, a great
number of fundamental principles men can use to improve their lives. In fact, in
this second application, Scientology offers nothing less than practical methods
to better every aspect of our existence—means to create new ways of life. And
from this comes the subject matter you are about to read.
Compiled from the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the data presented here is
but one of the tools which can be found in The Scientology Handbook. A
comprehensive guide, the handbook contains numerous applications of
Scientology which can be used to improve many other areas of life.
In this booklet, the editors have augmented the data with a short
introduction, practical exercises and examples of successful application.
Courses to increase your understanding and further materials to broaden
your knowledge are available at your nearest Scientology church or mission.
Listings are available at
Many new phenomena about man and life are described in Scientology, and
so you may encounter terms in these pages you are not familiar with. These are
described the first time they appear and in the glossary at the back of the booklet.
Scientology is for use. It is a practical philosophy, something one does. Using
this data, you can change conditions.
Millions of people who want to do something about the conditions they see
around them have applied this knowledge. They know that life can be improved.
And they know that Scientology works.
Use what you read in these pages to help yourself and others and you will
Chap Page 2 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Chap Page 3 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
rom day to day and week to week, one can face many
less-than-desirable circumstances in his life. Somehow
one manages to slog through these situations, convinced
there is not much he can do to improve his lot. Perhaps a
project planned for months at work doesn’t come off
with the expected success; productivity in the office has
declined sharply during the past quarter; or the addition
to one’s house takes longer than first envisioned. Such situations are
common enough occurrences for many of us.
But these need not be the usual state of affairs. People can live a happy
existence and accomplish their goals in any area of life—individually, with the
family, the job and so on. The aims an individual once visualized for himself
can be accomplished.
If such goals are not being attained or if one is in a situation that has
deteriorated or worsened, there is a valid, locatable cause for this. This
concept is one people often do not realize—things are actually caused. They
don’t just happen. There are reasons behind every situation—reasons that
people themselves can control.
Chap Page 4 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
For example, a farmer with a very poor crop one year has no credible
explanation for it. He has no concept that he himself caused this condition.
However, looking into it, one would find that he had earlier failed to keep seed
grain secure for the spring planting, and thus it fell prey to insects. Not
knowing this, he might come up with all sorts of odd “reasons” or just blame
it on bad luck.
To look into, handle and improve any such situation in any area of life
requires skill in investigation—the ability to think logically and get to the
bottom of things.
A proper investigation gets to the bottom of the state of affairs facing one.
For instance, in any organization, one could observe that its production was
down. This is a nonoptimum situation which should be investigated and the
cause located. Investigations can also be utilized in an individual’s personal
life to improve conditions.
Chap Page 5 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Following this sequence isolates the cause of the trouble which can then
be handled so the area properly operates again. In an organization, one can
apply just these three steps over and over again, and it will usually be quite
enough to keep it running quite smoothly.
As one is going down the trail of things he can’t understand, one of two
things will happen. Either it is a dead end and it doesn’t go any further, at
which time he returns to the main line of the investigation, or it produces
further material. And if it produces further material, one will find more things
he can’t understand.
Chap Page 6 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
In encountering
two facts that
contradict, one
questions on FACT FACT
these two facts
and gets another CONTRADICTION
point he doesn’t
understand. He
continues on this
path of things he
doesn’t get until
the real reason is
Chap Page 7 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
shows up. Pull on the string by asking more questions. A baby gorilla shows
up. Pull some more. A tiger appears. Pull again and wow! You’ve got a General
Sherman tank!
It isn’t reasonable for people to be lazy or stupid. At the bottom you find
the real cause of no action in a portion of an organization or continuous upset.
When you have your “General Sherman tank,” you can take action.
Chap Page 8 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
The subject of logic has been under discussion for at least three
thousand years without any clean breakthrough of real use to those who
work with data.
“Logic” means the subject of reasoning. Some in ages past have sought to
label it a science. But that can be discarded as pretense and pompousness.
If there were such a “science,” men would be able to think. And they can’t.
The term itself is utterly forbidding. If you were to read a text on logic, you
would go quite mad trying to figure it out, much less learn how to think.
Thus logic has not been a supported subject, rather the opposite.
Even Western schools have sought to convince students they should study
geometry as “that is the way they think.” And of course it isn’t.
The administrator, the manager, the artisan and the clerk each have a
considerable use for logic. If they cannot reason, they make costly and
Chap Page 9 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
time-consuming errors and can send the entire organization into chaos and
Their stuff in trade are data and situations. Unless they can observe and
think their way through, they can reach wrong conclusions and take incorrect
Modern man thinks mathematics can serve him for logic and most of his
situations go utterly adrift because of this touching and misplaced confidence.
The complexity of human problems and the vast number of factors involved
make mathematics utterly inadequate.
Computers are at best only crutches to the mind. Yet the chromium-plated
civilization today has a childish faith in them. It depends on who asks the
questions and who reads the computer’s answers whether they are of any use
or not. And even then their answers are often madhouse silly.
Computers can’t think because the rules of live logic aren’t fully known to
man and computer builders. One false datum fed into a computer gives one a
completely wrong answer.
Whole civilizations vanish because of lack of logic in its rulers, leaders and
Chap Page 10 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Unlocking Logic
Scientology contains a way to unlock logic. This is a breakthrough which
is no small win. If by it a formidable and almost impossible subject can be
reduced to simplicity, then correct answers to situations can be far more
frequent and an organization or a civilization far more effective.
The breakthrough is a simple one:
In other words, if one has a grasp of what makes things illogical or irrational
(or crazy, if you please) it is then possible to conceive of what makes things
There are specific ways for a relay of information or a situation to become
illogical. These are the things which cause one to have an incorrect idea of a
situation. Each different way is called an outpoint, which is any one datum that
is offered as true that is in fact found to be illogical. Each one of these is
described below.
Omitted Data
An omitted anything is an outpoint.
This can be an omitted person, terminal (person who sends, receives and
relays communication), object, energy, space, time, form, sequence or even an
omitted scene. Anything that can be omitted that should be there is an outpoint.
This is easily the most overlooked outpoint as it isn’t there to directly
attract attention.
Birds of flight
Joe Jones
New York, N.Y.
Chap Page 11 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Altered Sequence
Any things, events, objects, sizes, in a wrong sequence is an outpoint.
Doing step two of a sequence of actions before doing step one can be
counted on to tangle any sequence of actions.
“Sequence” means linear (in a line) travel either through space or time or
Chap Page 12 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Dropped Time
Time that should be noted and isn’t would be an outpoint of “dropped
time.” It is a special case of an omitted datum.
Dropped time has a peculiarly ferocious effect that adds up to utter lunacy.
Mr. and Mrs.
Bernstein request
your presence at the
wedding of their
daughter Susan to
Mr. Richard Ellis
at Townville Church.
Chap Page 13 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
A news bulletin from 1814 and one from 1922 read consecutively without
time assigned produces otherwise undetectable madness.
A summary report of a situation containing events strung over half a year
without saying so can provoke a reaction not in keeping with the current
In madmen the present is the dropped time, leaving them in the haunted
past. Just telling a group of madmen to “come up to present time” will
produce a few miraculous “cures.” And getting the date of an ache or pain will
often cause it to vanish.
Time aberrations (illogicalities) are so strong that dropped time well
qualifies as an outpoint.
When you hear two facts that are contrary, one is a falsehood or both are.
Propaganda and other activities specialize in falsehoods and provoke great
Willful or unintentional, a falsehood is an outpoint. It may be a mistake or
a calculated or defensive falsehood and it is still an outpoint.
A false anything qualifies for this outpoint. A false being, terminal, act,
intention, anything that seeks to be what it isn’t is a falsehood and an
Fiction that does not pretend to be anything else is of course not a
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Chap Page 15 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Killing the king to be free from taxation leaves the tax collector alive for
the next regime.
Injustice is usually a wrong target outpoint.
Arrest the drug consumer, award the drug company would be an example.
Military tactics and strategy are almost always an effort to coax the
selection of a wrong target by the enemy.
And most dislikes and spontaneous hates in human relations are based on
mistaken associations of Bill for Pete.
A large sum of aberration is based on wrong targets, wrong sources, wrong
Incorrectly tell a patient he has ulcers when he hasn’t and he’s hung with
an outpoint which impedes recovery.
The industry spent on wrong objectives would light the world for a
Wrong Source
“Wrong source” is the other side of the coin of wrong target.
Information taken from wrong source, orders taken from the wrong
source, gifts or materiel (supplies) taken from wrong source all add up to
eventual confusion and possible trouble.
Chap Page 16 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Not only taking data from wrong source but officialdom from it can
therefore be sufficiently aberrated as to result in planetary insanity.
Chap Page 17 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Contrary Facts
When two statements are made on one subject which are contrary to each
other, we have “contrary facts.”
This illogic could be classified as a falsehood, since one of them must be
But in investigatory procedure one cannot offhand distinguish which is
the false fact. Thus it becomes a special outpoint.
“The company made an above average income that week” and “They
couldn’t pay the employees” occurring in the same time period gives us one
or both as false. We may not know which is true but we do know they are
contrary and can so label it.
Chap Page 18 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Added Time
In this outpoint we have the reverse of dropped time. In added time we have,
as the most common example, something taking longer than it possibly could.
To this degree it is a version of conflicting data—for example, something takes
three weeks to do but it is reported as taking six months. But added time must
be called to attention as an outpoint in its own right for there is a tendency to be
“reasonable” about it and not see that it is an outpoint in itself.
In its most severe sense, added time becomes a very serious outpoint
when, for example, two or more events occur at the same moment involving,
let us say, the same person who could not have experienced both. Time had
to be added to the physical universe for the data to be true. Like this: “I left for
Saigon at midnight on April 21, 1962, by ship from San Francisco.” “I took
over my duties at Saigon on April 30, 1962.” Here we have to add time to the
physical universe for both events to occur as a ship would take two or three
weeks to get from San Francisco to “Saigon.”
Chap Page 19 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Chap Page 20 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
“lens hoods.” To assemble or use the camera one spends hours trying to find its
parts in boxes neatly labeled “camera backs,” “lenses,” “tripods,” etc.
Here, when the scene of what a set-up camera looks like and operates like,
is missing, one gets a closer identification of data than exists. Lens hoods are
lens hoods. Tripods are tripods. Thus a wrong system of classification occurs
out of scene ignorance.
A traveler unable to distinguish one uniform from another “solves” it by
classifying all uniforms as “porters.” Hands his bag to an arrogant police
captain and that’s how he spent his vacation, in jail.
Lack of the scene brings about too tight an identification of one thing with
A newly called-up army lieutenant passes right on by an enemy spy
dressed as one of his own soldiers. An experienced sergeant right behind him
claps the spy in jail accurately because “he wasn’t wearing ’is ’at the way we
do in our regiment!”
Times change data classification. In 1920 anyone with a camera near a
seaport was a spy. In 1960 anyone not carrying a camera couldn’t be a tourist
so was watched!
So the scene for one cultural period is not the scene for another.
Chap Page 21 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
There are three other types of outpoints which should be known for use
in an investigation. These are as follows:
“Zippy” Cola is so
much better than “A1.” ASSUMED “DIFFERENCES”
Zippy A1
Cola Cola
Mfg. Co.
Chap Page 22 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Handling Data
There are hundreds of ways these mishandlings of data can then give one
a completely false picture.
When basing actions or orders on data which contains one of the above,
one then makes a mistake.
There are a vast number of combinations of these data. More than one (or
all) may be present in the same report.
If so, then any effort to handle the situation will be ineffective in correcting
or handling it.
If any body of data is given the above tests, it is often exposed as an
invitation to acting illogically.
Any body of data which contains one or more of the above faults can lead
one into illogical conclusions.
Chap Page 23 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
There are one or more conditions which exist when a situation or
circumstance is logical. These are called pluspoints. A pluspoint is a datum of
truth found to be true when compared to the following list of logical
Pluspoints show where logic exists and where things are going right or likely to.
Where things get better or there is a sudden improvement in an area or
organization, the cause for this should be found to reinforce what was
successful. Such an investigation is done by use of pluspoints.
The pluspoints are as follows:
RELATED FACTS KNOWN. (All relevant facts known.)
Chap Page 24 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
(Time is properly noted.)
Chap Page 25 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
EXPECTED TIME PERIOD. (Events occurring or done in the time one would
reasonably expect them to be.)
Joe Jones
124 W. 74th Street
New York, N.Y.
Chap Page 26 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
(Not wrong source.)
(Not going in some direction that would be wrong for the situation.)
Chap Page 27 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
down under bath down under bath
Chap Page 28 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
In finding out why things got better so they can be repeated, it is vital to
use the actual pluspoints by name as above.
Not Know
One can always know something about anything.
If he evaluates the data he does find out against the things above, he can
clarify the situation. Then he can reach a logical conclusion.
It is necessary to work out your own examples of the violations of logic
described herein.
By doing so, you will have gained skill in sorting out the data of a situation.
When you can sort out data and become skilled in it, you will become very
difficult to fool and you will have taken the first vital step in grasping a correct
estimate of any situation.
Chap Page 29 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
That one gains an excellent understanding of logic and a good grasp of the
types of outpoints and pluspoints is vital to investigation. With this as a
foundation, the two general steps one has to take to “find out what is really
going on” are:
The way to analyze data is to compare it to the outpoints and see if any of
those appear in the data.
The way to analyze the situation is to put in its smaller areas each of the
data analyzed as above.
Doing this gives you the locations of greatest error or disorganization and
also gives you areas of greatest effectiveness.
Example: There is trouble in the Refreshment Unit. There are three people
in the unit. Doing a data analysis on the whole area gives us a number of
outpoints. Then we assign these to employees A, B and C who work in the unit
and find B had the most outpoints. This indicates that the trouble in the
Refreshment Unit is with B. B can be handled in various ways such as training
him on the duties of his job, his attendance, etc. Note we analyzed the data of
the main area and assigned it to the bits in the area, then we had an analyzed
situation and we could handle.
Chap Page 30 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Example: We analyze all the data we have about the Bingo Car Plant. We
assign the data thus analyzed as out (outpoints) to each function of the Bingo
Car Plant. We thus pinpoint what function is the worst off. We then handle
that function in various ways, principally by organizing it and training its
executives and personnel.
We do this by grading all the data for outpoints (illogics). We now have a
long list of outpoints. This is data analysis.
We sort the outpoints we now have into the principal areas of the scene.
The majority will appear in one area. This is situation analysis.
The remarkable part of such an exercise is that the data analysis of the data
of a period of one day compares to three months operating experience.
Chap Page 31 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Data Data
One obtains an
analysis of a
situation by
analyzing all
the data one has
and assigning
the outpoint
data to the areas
A B C D E F G or posts. The
Situation Analysis area having the
most outpoints is
the target for
Chap Page 32 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
The quality of the data analysis depends on one knowing the ideal
organization and purpose on which the activity is based. This means one has
to know what its activities are supposed to be from a rational or logical
From the body of actual current today data on the clock company one
spots the outpoints for a data analysis.
One uses his admin know-how and expertise to repair the most aberrated
One gets a functioning clock factory that runs closer to the ideal.
Military, political and PR situations, etc., are handled all in the same way.
Chap Page 33 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
If one has no familiarity with how a scene (area) ought to be, one cannot
easily spot outpoints (illogical data) in it.
This is what also could be called an ideal scene or situation. If one doesn’t
know the ideal scene or situation then one is not likely to observe nonideal
points in it.
Let us send a farmer to sea. In a mild blow, with the sails and their gear
creaking and water hitting the hull, he is sure the ship is about to sink. He has
no familiarity with how it should sound or look so he misses any real
outpoints and may consider all pluspoints as outpoints.
Yet on a calm and pretty day he sees a freighter come within five hundred
feet of the side and go full astern and thinks everything is great.
An experienced officer may attempt madly to avoid collision and all the
farmer would think was that the officer was being impolite! The farmer,
lacking any familiarity with the sea and having no ideal as to what smooth
running would be, would rarely see real outpoints unless he drowned. Yet an
experienced sailor, familiar with the scene in all its changing faces sees an
outpoint in all small illogicals.
On the other hand, the sailor on the farm would completely miss disease
in the wheat and an open gate and see no outpoints in a farm that the farmer
knew was about to go bust.
The rule is:
If a staff hasn’t got an idea of how a real organization should run, then it
misses obvious outpoints.
One sees examples of this when an experienced organization executive
visiting an organization tries to point out to a green staff (which has no ideal
or familiarity) what is out. The green staff grudgingly fixes up what he says to
do but lets go of it the moment he departs. Lacking familiarity and an ideal of
a perfect organization, the green staff just doesn’t see anything wrong or
anything right either!
Chap Page 34 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Observation Errors
When the scene is not familiar one has to look hard to become aware of
things. You’ve noticed tourists doing this. Yet the old resident “sees” far more
than they do while walking straight ahead down the road.
It is easy to confuse the novel with the “important fact.” “It was a warm
day for winter” is a useful fact only when it turns out that actually everything
froze up on that day or it indicated some other outpoint.
Most errors in observation are made because one has no ideal for the scene
or no familiarity with it.
However there are other error sources.
“Being reasonable” is the chief offender. People dub in (presume or have
a false, delusory perception of) a missing piece of a sequence, for instance,
instead of seeing that it is missing. A false datum is imagined to exist because
a sequence is wrong or has a missing step.
It is horrifying to behold how easily people buy dub-in. This is because an
illogical sequence is uncomfortable. To relieve the discomfort they distort their
own observation by ignoring the outpoint and concluding something else.
Accurate Observation
There are certain conditions necessary for accurate observation.
First is a means of perception whether by remote communication by
various communication lines or by direct looking, feeling, experiencing.
Second is an ideal of how the scene or area should be.
Third is familiarity with how such scenes are when things are going well
or poorly.
Fourth is understanding pluspoints or rightnesses when present.
Chap Page 35 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Chap Page 36 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Correction of things which are not wrong and neglecting things which are
not right puts the tombstone on any organization or civilization.
This boils down to correct investigation. It is not a slight skill. It is the basic
skill behind any intelligent action.
Suppressive Justice
When justice goes astray (as it usually does) the things that have occurred are:
1. Use of justice for some other purpose than public safety (such as
maintaining a privileged group or indulging a fixed idea) or
All suppressive use of the forces of justice can be traced back to one or the
other of these.
Aberrations and hate very often find outlet by calling them “justice” or
“law and order.” This is why it can be said that man cannot be trusted with
Chap Page 37 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Investigations become necessary in the face of outpoints or pluspoints.
Investigations can occur out of idle curiosity or particular interest. They
can also occur to locate the cause of pluspoints.
Whatever the motive for investigation, the action itself is conducted by
If one is incapable mentally of tracing a series of events or actions, one
cannot investigate.
Altered sequence is a primary block to investigation.
At first glance, omitted data would seem to be the block. On the contrary,
it is the end product of an investigation and is what pulls an investigation
along—one is looking for omitted data.
An altered sequence of actions defeats any investigation. Examples: We
will hang him and then conduct a trial. We will assume who did it and then
find evidence to prove it. A crime should be provoked to find who commits
Any time an investigation gets back-to-front, it will not succeed.
Thus, if an investigator himself has any trouble with seeing or visualizing
sequences of actions, he will inevitably come up with the wrong answer.
Reversely, when one sees that someone has come up with a wrong or
incomplete answer, one can assume that the investigator has trouble with
sequences of events or, of course, did not really investigate.
One can’t really credit that Sherlock Holmes would say, “I have here the
fingerprint of Mr. Murgatroyd on the murder weapon. Have the police arrest
him. Now, Watson, hand me a magnifying glass and ask Sgt. Doherty to let us
look over his fingerprint files.”
If one cannot visualize a series of actions, like a ball bouncing down a
flight of stairs, or if one cannot relate in proper order several different actions
with one object into a proper sequence, he will not be able to investigate.
If one can, that’s fine.
Chap Page 38 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
All betterment of life depends on finding out pluspoints and why and
reinforcing them, locating outpoints and why and eradicating them.
The fisherman sees sea gulls clustering over a point on the sea. That’s the
beginning of a short sequence, point number one. He predicts a school of fish,
point number two. He sails over as sequence point number three. He looks
down as sequence point number four. He sees fish as point number five. He
gets out a net as point number six. He circles the school with the net, number
seven. He draws in the net, number eight. He brings the fish on board, number
nine. He goes to port, number ten. He sells the fish, number eleven. That’s
following a pluspoint—cluster of sea gulls.
All discoveries are the end product of a sequence of investigatory actions
that begin with either a pluspoint or an outpoint.
Chap Page 39 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
One uses the above knowledge and skill to track down the real reason for
the positive or nonoptimum situation. This is called a “Why.”
Why = that basic outness found which will lead to a recovery of statistics.
Wrong Why = the incorrectly identified outness which when applied does
not lead to recovery.
A mere explanation = a “Why” given as the Why that does not open the
door to any recovery.
The real Why when found and corrected leads straight back to improved
stats (statistics).
The stats of an area were down. Investigation disclosed there had been
sickness two weeks before. The report came in: “The statistics were down
because people were sick.” This was a mere explanation. Very reasonable. But
it solved nothing. What do we do now? Maybe we accept this as the correct
Why. And give an order, “All people in the area must get a medical exam and
unhealthy workers will not be accepted and unhealthy ones will be fired.” As
it’s a correction to a wrong Why, the stats really crash. So that’s not it. Looking
further we find the real Why. In the area, a boss gives orders to the wrong
people which, when executed, then hurt their individual stats. We organize
the place, train the boss and we get a stat recovery and even an improvement.
Chap Page 40 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
The correct Why led to a stat recovery. Here is another one. Statistics are
down in a school. An investigation comes up with a mere explanation: “The
students were all busy with sports.” So management says “No sports!”
Statistics go down again. A new investigation comes up with a wrong Why:
“The students are being taught wrongly.” Management sacks the dean.
Statistics really crash now. A further, more competent investigation occurs.
It turns out that there were 140 students and only the dean and one
instructor! And the dean had other duties! We return the dean to his job and
hire two more instructors making three. Statistics soar. Because we got the
right Why.
One really has to understand logic to get to the correct Why and must
really be on his toes not to use and correct a wrong Why.
The test of the real Why is “When it is corrected, do stats recover?” If they
do that was it. And any other remedial order given but based on a wrong Why
would have to be cancelled quickly.
Chap Page 41 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
When one begins to apply data analysis, he is often still trying to grasp the
data about data analysis rather than the outpoints in the data. The remedy is
just become more familiar with the materials of this booklet.
Further, one may not realize the ease with which one can acquire the
knowledge of an ideal scene. An outpoint is simply an illogical departure from
the ideal scene. By comparing the existing scene with the ideal scene, one
easily sees the outpoints.
To know the ideal scene, one has only to work out the correct products for
it. If these aren’t getting out, then there is a departure. One can then find the
outpoints of the various types and then locate a Why and in that way open the
door to handling. And by handling, one is simply trying to get the scene to get
out its products.
People who lead pointless lives are very unhappy people. Even the idler or
dilettante is happy only when he has a product!
Standard Action
A beginner can juggle around and go badly adrift if he doesn’t follow the
Chap Page 42 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
1. Work out exactly what the (person, unit, activity) should be producing.
Chap Page 43 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
There’s no lumber
on the shelves.
Why wasn’t
any lumber
Order Bill
Why weren’t
these bills paid?
erd e
Ov otic
Chap Page 44 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
5. Locate the real Why that will move the existing toward ideal.
Chap Page 45 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Employee Training
Chap Page 46 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
One has to be able to think with outpoints. A crude way of saying this is
“learn to think like an idiot.” One could also add “without abandoning any
ability to think like a genius.”
If one can’t tolerate outpoints at all or confront them, one can’t see them.
A madman can’t tolerate pluspoints and he doesn’t see them either.
But there can be a lot of pluspoints around and no production. Thus, one
can be told how great it all is while the place edges over to the point of
One who listens to people on the scene and takes their Whys runs a grave
risk. If these were the Whys, then things would be better.
A far safer way is to talk only insofar as finding what the product is
concerned and investigating.
One should observe the existing scene through data or through observers
or through direct observation.
One often has to guess what the Why might be. It is doing that which
brings up the phrase “Learn to think like an idiot.” The Why will be found at
the end of a trail of outpoints. Each one is an aberration when compared to
the ideal scene. The biggest idiocy which then explains all the rest and which
opens the door to improvement toward the ideal scene is the Why.
One also has to learn to think like a genius with pluspoints.
Get the big peak period of production (now or in the past). Compare it to
the existing scene just before.
Now find the pluspoints that were entered in. Trace these and you arrive
at the Why as the biggest pluspoint that opened the door to improvement.
But once more one considers resources available and has to get a bright
So it is the same series of steps as above but with pluspoints.
Chap Page 47 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Correct investigations depend on correct Whys. You can understand a real
Why if you realize this:
If you write down a Why, ask this question of it: “Does this open the door
to handling?”
When you have a right Why, handling becomes simple. The more one has
to beat his brains for a bright idea to handle, the more likely it is that he has a
wrong Why.
So if the handling doesn’t leap out at you then THE WHY HAS NOT
OPENED THE DOOR and is probably wrong.
A right Why opens the door to improvement, enabling one to work out a
handling which, if correctly done, will attain the envisioned ideal scene.
Investigatory Technology can be applied to situations good or bad, large or
small, dispelling many of life’s puzzles and making real solutions possible.■
Chap Page 48 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Here are some practical exercises to increase your knowledge and skill in
applying the basic data on investigations.
2 For each of the following outpoints, write down three examples that you
could observe or that could occur in your life:
Omitted Data Altered Sequence
Dropped Time Falsehood
Altered Importance Wrong Target
Wrong Source Contrary Facts
Added Time Added Inapplicable Data
Incorrectly Included Datum Assumed “Identities” Are Not Identical
Assumed “Similarities” Are Assumed “Differences”
Not Similar Are Not Different
3 For each of the following pluspoints, write down three examples that
you could observe or that could occur in your life:
Related Facts Known Events in Correct Sequence
Time Noted Data Proven Factual
Correct Relative Importance Expected Time Period
Adequate Data Applicable Data
Correct Source Correct Target
Data in Same Classification Identities Are Identical
Similarities Are Similar Differences Are Different
Chap Page 49 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
8 Do the following:
a. Write down an activity with which you have good familiarity.
b. Write down an ideal scene one could have for that activity.
c. Repeat steps (a) and (b) four more times for different activities.
13 Using an area or activity with which you are very familiar, apply steps
1–8 of the subsection, “Standard Action” (under “Doing an Investigation”)
and do the following:
a. Write down what the person, area or activity should be producing.
b. Using what you wrote up in step (a), write down its ideal scene.
c. Write down the existing scene for this area or activity.
d. Using the materials you studied in this booklet, investigate the
existing scene. Write down what you find.
e. Follow outpoints you find in this area or activity back from the
ideal scene to the existing scene.
f. Locate the real Why of the area or activity being investigated. Apply
the materials in the booklet to confirm this is a right Why by asking
the following question of it: “Does this open the door to handling?”
g. Based on what you found in steps (a)–(f) above, look over the
existing resources and get a bright idea of how to handle. Write down
these resources and your bright idea. Then list out the steps you would
do to handle the area or activity to move it toward the ideal scene.
Chap Page 50 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
Chap Page 51 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
was coming from another part of the not doing well in life. The consultant
company entirely! He was then able to used Investigatory Technology to handle
apply the proper handling to the this:
situation, which was of course, quite
different than the one he had anticipated.” “Initially it didn’t make sense that
this business was not doing well. My
Trained in investigatory procedure as client was a smart man and had done well
in the past. I started looking into this to
developed by Mr. Hubbard, an individual
find out what the Why was. Coincident
said the following about its use:
with the beginning of the business slump,
“I can’t say enough about L. Ron I found that he had employed a ‘silent
Hubbard’s Investigatory Technology. Not partner’ to do his books. So I looked into
only have I used it successfully on my job, this fellow carefully and discovered that
but I use it in everyday situations I he was not being wholly honest in his
encounter to make life go more smoothly bookkeeping and, in fact, was ripping my
for myself and my friends. Using this client off! Because this man had posed as
Investigatory Technology I have found lost a professional and as someone who knew
children, located misplaced money, figured what he was doing, my client had not
out and corrected the reason my computer looked into this area at all as a possible
would not work and have even discovered reason for his failing. Simply by applying
the Why behind a terrible tasting dessert! Mr. Hubbard’s technology on investigations,
Hardly a day goes by without being able to the answer fell into my lap. My client was
use this technology to make life better.” more than relieved. He took back over the
business in full and his statistics took off. He
A business consultant had a client who himself is back to battery, and once again I
ran an auto repair business. The business marvel at the simplicity of Investigatory
was struggling and the client himself was Technology.”
Chap Page 52 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
aberration: a departure from rational can become illogical; any one datum offered
thought or behavior; irrational thought or as true that is in fact found to be illogical.
conduct. It means basically to err, to make
mistakes, or more specifically to have fixed pluspoint: any one of several conditions
ideas which are not true. The word is also which exist when a situation or circum-
used in its scientific sense. It means depar- stance is logical. Pluspoints show where
ture from a straight line. If a line should go logic exists and where things are going right
from A to B, then if it is aberrated it would or likely to.
go from A to some other point, to some present time: the time which is now and
other point, to some other point, to some becomes the past as rapidly as it is observed.
other point, to some other point, and finally It is a term loosely applied to the environ-
arrive at B. Taken in this sense, it would also ment existing in now.
mean the lack of straightness or to see
crookedly as, for example, a man sees a Scientology: an applied religious philoso-
horse but thinks he sees an elephant. Aber- phy developed by L. Ron Hubbard. It is the
rated conduct would be wrong conduct, or study and handling of the spirit in relation-
conduct not supported by reason. Aberra- ship to itself, universes and other life. The
tion is opposed to sanity, which would be its word Scientology comes from the Latin scio,
opposite. From the Latin, aberrare, to wan- which means “know” and the Greek word
der from; Latin, ab, away, errare, to wander. logos, meaning “the word or outward form
by which the inward thought is expressed
communication line: the route along
and made known.” Thus, Scientology means
which a communication travels from one
knowing about knowing.
person to another.
confront: to face without flinching or terminal: a person, point or position which
avoiding. The ability to confront is actually can receive, relay or send a communication.
the ability to be there comfortably and
Why: reason or cause; the real reason for a
positive or nonoptimum situation.
dub in: presume or have a false, delusory
perception of. win: the accomplishment of any desired
improvement. Examples of wins would be a
outness: a condition or instance of some- person increasing his ability to communi-
thing being wrong, incorrect or missing. cate, experiencing an increased feeling of
outpoint: any one of several specific ways well-being or gaining more certainty about
in which a relay of information or a situation some area of his life.
Chap Page 53 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM
B orn in Tilden, Nebraska on March 13,
1911, his road of discovery and dedication
to the world in Dianetics: The Modern
Science of Mental Health. The first popular
to his fellows began at an early age. By the handbook on the human mind expressly
age of nineteen, he had traveled more than written for the man in the street, Dianetics
a quarter of a million miles, examining the ushered in a new era of hope for mankind
cultures of Java, Japan, India and the and a new phase of life for its author. He
Philippines. did, however, not cease his research, and as
Returning to the United States in 1929, breakthrough after breakthrough was
Ron resumed his formal education and carefully codified through late 1951, the
studied mathematics, engineering and the applied religious philosophy of Scientology
then new field of nuclear physics—all was born.
providing vital tools for continued Because Scientology explains the
research. To finance that research, Ron whole of life, there is no aspect of
embarked upon a literary career in the man’s existence that L. Ron Hubbard’s
early 1930s, and soon became one of the
subsequent work did not address. Residing
most widely read authors of popular
variously in the United States and England,
fiction. Yet never losing sight of his
primary goal, he continued his mainline his continued research brought forth
research through extensive travel and solutions to such social ills as declining
expeditions. educational standards and pandemic drug
With the advent of World War II, he abuse.
entered the United States Navy as a All told, L. Ron Hubbard’s works on
lieutenant (junior grade) and served as Scientology and Dianetics total forty
commander of antisubmarine corvettes. million words of recorded lectures, books
Left partially blind and lame from injuries and writings. Together, these constitute
sustained during combat, he was the legacy of a lifetime that ended on
diagnosed as permanently disabled by January 24, 1986. Yet the passing of L. Ron
1945. Through application of his theories Hubbard in no way constituted an end; for
on the mind, however, he was not only able with a hundred million of his books in
to help fellow servicemen, but also to circulation and millions of people daily
regain his own health. applying his technologies for betterment, it
After five more years of intensive can truly be said the world still has no
research, Ron’s discoveries were presented greater friend.■
Chap Page 54 Friday, September 21, 2001 3:13 PM