Amperometric Assay Based On An Apoenzyme Signal Amplified Using NADH For The Detection of FAD
Amperometric Assay Based On An Apoenzyme Signal Amplified Using NADH For The Detection of FAD
Amperometric Assay Based On An Apoenzyme Signal Amplified Using NADH For The Detection of FAD
Short communication
Received4 August1994
Keywords: FAD sensor; FMN; Riboflavin; Amperometric assay; NADH
1. Introduction
An enzyme is generally characterized by having both
a high degree of specificity and a high catalytic efficiency, and there have been many attempts to use
these enzymatic functions. For example enzymes have
been used as sensor materials and for the detection of
various substrate compounds [1,2]. However, enzymes
have multifunctional receptors, so that the enzymatic
reaction is regulated and controlled by cofactor and
allosteric modulators. It is known that the enzymes
need cofactors, such as metals or nonprotein organic
substances, in order to express their catalytic activity.
The protein portion of the apoenzyme is catalytically
inactive. It follows that, if allesterism is utilized, these
mechanisms can be applied to the detection of organic
compounds that are difficult to recognize by ordinary
methods. Several biosensors based on the apoenzyme holoenzyme reaction which can be used to detect metals have been reported [3,4]. However, this kind of
sensor has rarely been used for the determination of
organic compounds. Therefore we have developed a
method using an enzymatic reaction which includes an
organic compound as a cofactor of the enzyme. The
type of enzyme that catalyzes the reaction requires a
cofactor to participate in the electron transfer step of
the overall reaction. In addition, the cofactor should
show allosteric effects and its effects on the enzymatic
reaction should be detectable by electrochemical methods. On the basis of these requirements, we investigated the behavior of salicylate hydroxylase, which is a
cofactor in the activation of flavin adenine dinucleotide
(FAD), and developed a new amperometric assay.
FAD is a derivative of vitamin B 2 with the 7,8-dimethyl-isoalloxazine structure. Almost all the vitamin
B 2 derivatives exist as FAD in vivo. Other vitamin B 2
0302-4598/95/$09.50 1995 Elsevier ScienceS.A. All rights reserved
SSDI 0302-4598(94)01755-7
derivatives, such as riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) are of less importance. In particular, it
is believed that trace amounts of FAD play an important role in physiological processes, for example
metabolism and normal growth. The FAD-bound enzyme is activated and converts salicylate into catechol.
Thus catechol can easily be detected by monitoring the
redox currents electrochemically [5]. We reasoned that
when FAD is removed from the enzyme active site, the
apoenzyme cannot be activated and no electrochemical
signal will be observed. However, when FAD is added
to the apoenzyme, the electrode response of catechol
will be promoted by activated enzyme. In order to
increase the electrochemical signal nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) was used to mediate catechol reduction. This catalytic magnification of the FAD
signal may be more effective than applications which
do not use catalytic reactions. It is also expected that
this method will be suitable for the determination of
FAD if the measurement conditions are investigated in
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
Salicylic acid was obtained from Wako Pure Chemical Industries Ltd. Pyrocatechol and riboflavin phosphate sodium salt dihydrate (FMN) were purchased
from the Kanto Chemical Co., Japan. Riboflavin and
salicylate hydroxylase ($2907) were supplied by Sigma.
Flavin adenine dinucleotide disodium salt (FAD-Na 2)
and /3-NADH were obtained from Merck AG, Germany, and the Oriental Yeast Co., Japan, respectively.
2.2. Methods
In the absence of FAD, the apoenzyme is unable to
convert salicylate and /3-NADH to catechol and flNAD +. However, when FAD is added to the apoenzyme, it is activated and catechol is formed. Hence,
FAD can be detected indirectly by using electrochemical methods to monitor catechol production. The electrochemical measurements were performed as follows.
Appropriate amounts of purified apoenzyme,
NADH and salicylate were prepared and dissolved in
the buffer solution. Catechol was produced enzymatically from salicylate acid when FAD was added to the
solution. The signal from electroactive catechol is increased in the presence of NADH. The amount of
FAD present is estimated from electrochemical measurements of catechol.
2.3. Apparatus
The electrochemical measurements were performed
using a BAS 100W system with a three-electrode cell
consisting of a Au working electrode, a Ag/AgC1 reference electrode and a Pt wire counter-electrode. All
potentials were measured against the Ag/AgC1 reference. The enzymatic reaction was performed at a temperature of 50 0.5C which was maintained by a
water bath.
E / m V vs. Ag/AgCI
Fig. 1. Redox behavior of catechol containing NADH (0-20 mM) in
20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) at 50C. Scan rate, 50 mV s-1.
(a) 0 NADH; (b) 10 mM NADH; (c) 20 mM NADH.
+ 2e- +2H
Catechol can be electrochemically oxidized to oquinone, which is reduced and recycled to the dihydro
form of catechol by protons from NADH oxidization.
Thus the increased peak current is attributed to catalysis of NADH oxidation by quinone moieties. Because
of this catalytic reaction, catechol can be detected
Fig. 2 shows the CVs of a solution containing salicylate, NADH and apoenzyme obtained in the presence
and absence of FAD. In the absence of FAD, the
prepared apoenzyme was completely inactive and could
not generate catechol. Therefore no oxidation currents
appeared in the potential range from - 1 0 0 to + 500
I ._
Table 1
Interference with the FAD signal by FMN and riboflavin
Current I/A
-8.89 10-s
- 10.6x 10-s
-9.00x 10-s
Response %
0 .,--
'< -1
E / m V vs. Ag/AgC!
Fig. 2. CVs of (a) apoenzyme and (b) FAD-bound apoenzyme obtained in 1.0 mM N A D H + 1.1 mM salicylate in 20 mM phosphate
buffer (pH 7.5) containing salicylate hydoroxylase at 50C. Scan rate,
3.2. Interference
50 mV s-~.
4. C o n c l u s i o n s
,~< -0.4
Time / min
[1] R.F. Taylor, Protein Immobilization, Dekker, New York, 1991.
[2] A.P.F. Turner, I. Karube and G.S. Wilson, Biosensors, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 1987.
[3] R.B. Thompson and E.R. Jones, Anal. Chem., 65 (1993) 730.
[4] I. Satoh, T. Kasahara and N. Goi, Sensors Actuators, B1 (1990)
[5] J.E. Frew, S.W. Bayliff, P.N.B. Gibbs and M.J. Green, Anal.
Chim. Acta, 224 (1989) 39.