Membrane Reactor
Membrane Reactor
Membrane Reactor
A membrane reactor is really just a plug-flow reactor that contains an additional cylinder of some
porous material within it, kind of like the tube within the shell of a shell-and-tube heat
exchanger. This porous inner cylinder is the membrane that gives the membrane reactor its name.
The membrane is a barrier that only allows certain components to pass through it. The selectivity
of the membrane is controlled by its pore diameter, which can be on the order of Angstroms, for
microporous layers, or on the order of microns for macroporous layers.
The basic algorithm for solving reaction engineering problems is described below. This
algorithm is a useful tool, and it can be applied to a wide variety of reactor problems, not just
membrane reactor problems.
For demonstration purposes, we'll examine a membrane reactor in which the following gas phase
reaction occurs:
Product B diffuses through the membrane, but reactant A and product C do not.
1. Mole Balance:
For a differential mole balance on A in the catalytic bed at steady state:
IN (by flow) - OUT (by flow) + Generation = Accumulation
Dividing by
Similarly, a differential mole balance on C in the catalytic bed at steady state will give:
IN (by flow) - OUT (by flow) + Generation = Accumulation
Dividing by
The steady state, differential mole balance on B looks slightly different, since B is the only
species that passes through the membrane:
IN (by flow) - OUT (by flow) + Generation - OUT (by diffusion) = Accumulation
where RB is the molar flowrate of B through the membrane per unit volume of the reactor.
Dividing by
and taking the limit as
2. Rate Law:
The rate of disappearance of reactant A follows the rate law:
where k is the specific reaction rate constant, and KC is the equilibrium constant. Products B and
C obey the following rate laws:
3. Transport Law:
The transport or flux of species B through the membrane follows the transport law:
where km is a mass transport coefficient for the flow of product B through the membrane.
4. Stoichiometry:
For gas-phase reactions:
The subscript o indicates initial conditions and v is the volumetric flow rate.
The concentrations, in terms of molar flow rates, are:
Quite often we can make the assumption that the reactor operates isothermally and isobarically:
5. Combine:
Substituting the concentration terms into the rate law yields:
6.0 atm
373 K
0.7 min-1
0.05 mol/dm3
0.2 min-1
15 mol/min
0 mol/min
Base Case
List of Equations:
Summary Table
Base Case
List of Equations:
Question 2
Summary Table
4. Base Case
5. List of Equations:
8. Question 3
9. Summary Table
12. FA, FB, and FC versus Volume
15. Isolating FB versus Volume
18. Conversion versus Volume
8. Question 4
9. Summary Table
12. FA, FB, and FC versus Volume
15. Conversion versus Volume
8. Question 5
9. Summary Table
12. FA, FB, and FC versus Volume
15. Conversion versus Volume
List of Equations
Summary Tables
o Membrane Reactor
Flowrates versus Volume
o Membrane Reactor
Conversion versus Volume
o Membrane Reactor
List of Equations The same equations are used by both membrane reactors and PFRs
(note that km will be set to zero for a PFR).
Changing km
The transport coefficient, km, is a measure of how easily a species will pass through a
given substance (i.e., the membrane). The lower the value of k m, the more difficult it
will be for species B to pass through the membrane, so it makes sense that our highest
conversion occurs when km is highest. (See the page on flux for more information.)
The resulting effect on our flowrates is also no surprise, since the removal of species
B through the membrane will drive our reaction equilibrium to the right. In our
extreme case of large km, species B is removed as quickly as it is produced.