The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched Indias first 1950 kg,
Educational Satellite, EDUSAT, on September 20, 2004 into the Geosynchronous Transfer
orbit, the face of Indian Education is all set to undergo a sea chance. The EDUSAT as it is
being called is going to have 72 channels ready to be beamed from the height of 36,000
miles. The entire programme preparation constituted three stages. The first stage is already in
operation with Ku-band transponder on the board INSAT-3B being used as a part of the pilot
project. In the second stage the Satellite would be used in semi-operational mode with at least
one uplink in each of the first spot beams. In this stage about 100 to 200 classrooms would be
connected to each of them, providing educational programmes to an estimated 5000 students.
In the third stage or the final stage shall be reached when content transmission starts. The
proposed Satellite is going to give us far greater outreach and connectivity than hither to
possible. EDUSAT is a culmination of Indias determined efforts to launch an exclusive
educational satellite.
This exclusive Satellite for education will overcome the dearth of quality teachers.
Science classes and laboratory experiments too can thus be beamed from virtual
A single lecturer can reach 10,000 students at the same time.
The lecture can be stored as a computer file and the student can access according to
their convenience Audio CD can also be made if necessary.
EDUSAT is used for teaching learning process.