TheQuestforTheCures 11EpisodeTranscriptsEbook
TheQuestforTheCures 11EpisodeTranscriptsEbook
TheQuestforTheCures 11EpisodeTranscriptsEbook
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Publishing, LLC or Ty Bollinger.
The information and statements conteained herein have not been
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The Bollinger Family & The Truth About Cancer
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Table of Contents
EPISODE 2: YOUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE ................................ 27
CANCER ................................................................................................ 49
EPISODE 4: YOUR SECRET FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH......................... 71
EPISODE 5: NATURES PHARMACY .................................................. 93
TREATMENT PROTOCOLS PART 1 .................................................. 137
EPISODE 10: DOCTORS ORDERS ................................................... 201
EPISODE 11: HOW TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE ................................ 226
CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE EXPERTS ............................... 263
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Ty Bollinger:
If you could for the viewers here, go into a brief five minute
history of modern medicine. How did we get to where we are today?
Dr. Robert Scott Bell:
Yes, this is an interesting thing, the history that is not
taught. And part of my interest in the subject not only because of my own health
challenges, but once I uncovered the fact that I was lied to about my health and my
body and health and medicine in general I began to question just about everything that I
was taught. And as I uncovered these different areas of inquiry I found out indeed there
is an official story about these things including the official story of modern medicine. We
are raised as if it has always been here; it has always been this way. And the only
doctors you can consult are medical doctors that prescribe patent medicines approved
by the Federal Food and Drug Administration that I often call the Fear and Death
Administration because of the promotion of products that are in fact the leading cause of
death, not the third, second, but the first, in fact, when you start taking it all into account.
So looking back at the history I became intrigued as to how did we get here. How did we
get here? And that opened a huge can of worms. Now as a homeopath eventually I
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Spread it.
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Jonathan Emord: It is a travesty and it is really when you think of the number of
people who have died or suffered immeasurably because of it, we want to those
responsible to account and yet they are protected by sovereign immunity and being
prosecuted despite the fact that they are very directly responsible for taking the lives of
these people by denying them the freedom to choose an alternative that works for them.
Ty Bollinger:
Right down the road from my house is a food scientist named
Mike Adams. He is also known as the health ranger. Let us see what he has to say
about the topic of censorship and the FDAs official position on supplements.
Mike Adams:
There is a system of censorship of nutritional knowledge. There is a
system that is trying to extinguish indigenous knowledge of anti-cancer herbs and
medicines, foods, and nutrition. And the predominant messages that we are told in
society today is that foods cannot be medicine. That is what they claim. That there is no
such thing as medicinal herbs. The FDAs official position is that there is no such thing
as a dietary supplement that has any effect on preventing or treating disease. Their
position is that you are not a complete human being unless you have interventionist
chemical medicine or vaccines.
Ty Bollinger:
Mike Adams:
You must be injected; you must be dosed with medications to be a
complete human being. So that message is the antithesis of the natural world. It is the
antithesis of natural living and holistic medicine, holistic healing. We, Ty, we are
spontaneous self-healing beings.
Ty Bollinger:
Mike Adams:
We are programmed from the day we are born to heal ourselves if
we give our bodies the right nutrients and do not poison ourselves with dangerous
toxins. Most of the so-called success that they would claim in radiotherapy treatments or
chemotherapy treatments is based on shrinking a tumor. Well, but most of these tumors
have cancer stem cells so you shrink the other cells in the tumor, you physically reduce
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Mike Adams:
You have not addressed the systemic problem. And what you have
even done is you have weakened the immune systems ability to deal with other
cancers. Chemotherapy also damages the brain. It causes chemo brain, it is a common
term. Every oncologist knows this is the case. It damages the kidneys. It damages the
liver. So what you are doing is with chemotherapy you are creating systemic damage to
the bodys ability to heal itself and to remove toxins. This is why cancer treatments
cause cancer which feeds into the profit cycle of the cancer industry.
Ty Bollinger:
It does.
Mike Adams:
Which is a for-profit industry. The cancer industry is exploding and
the GMO industry may in fact turn out to be the single best recruiting tool for the cancer
industry. So it is no wonder that they tend to operate in some of the same ways:
oppression of scientists, intimidation, oppression/censorship of scientific information,
shutting down anyone who asks questions.
Dr. Sunil Pai:
Well, the first thing I would say is follow the money, right. With any
kind of investigative journalism they would say the first thing is they follow the money.
And so if they look at, you know, what is the biggest industry right now it is the cancer
care industry, you know. So when the average one in two men and one in three women
in their lifetime in the US now will have cancer it is an epidemic. So you can watch
television tonight and you can see a commercial saying go to the Caribbean and then
go on a nice cruise or, you know, go to some, you know, resort with your child, and the
next following commercial will be go to this hospital for your treatment. And that, you
know, twenty years ago that would be absurd, almost shocking or taboo to talk about
cancer on television and now we are offering it as oh, if you get something you can go
to this place versus that place. So there is something that has gone askew. And now
since cancer is so prevalent it becomes a common aspect where people think well, I can
justwhen I get it I can just go to this place and check in for a while andbut
unfortunately most people do not check out, right. And so we have to look at why is this
occurring so commonly and why in the rest of the world it is occurring a lot less
Ty Bollinger:
Big pharma, the Flexner Report, FDA raids, censorship of
knowledge, we are starting to get the picture that not everything is as it appears
today. But let us take a step back and let us begin to ask the question what is
cancer. If you ask the common person on the street what is cancer they would
probably say it is a tumor. But is it really? So I hit the road for Amarillo, Texas to
talk to Dr. Roby Mitchell. Then I went to Atlanta to interview Dr. Vronique
Desaulniers and then to New York City to speak with Dr. Linda Isaacs. And then
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Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: Cancer are basically rogue cells that are mutant, have
DNA damage, and they have escaped the guard, so to speak, of the immune system.
And cancer cells are very smart, you know, once they start developing they stop
communicating with other cells around them, they create their own blood flow so they
can have lots of nutrition given to them, they even secrete specific enzymes to put the
immune system to sleep, and they create a protein called survivin. It is kind of a funny
name, survivin not surviving. But survivin which prevents the cancer cell from going
through the natural cycle of death, or apoptosis. So cancer cells resist dying. They
continue to multiply. They do not die like normal cells which is why traditional treatments
are so counterproductive and counterintuitive because cancer cells resist dying and so
they are trying to use stronger poisons and more radiation to force that cell to die but
they are not getting it.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Linda Isaacs: Cancer is a condition where some cells in the body are no longer
responding to the signals that tell them when to quit. In other words, most cells that
have a purpose for developing, they develop to a certain point and then they stop.
Cancer cells keep reproducing. So they keep growing and they could spread to other
places, that is what is called a metastasis. So cancer cells have escaped the normal
controls for regulation of how big a bunch of cells is supposed to become.
G. Edward Griffin: The present orthodox view is that cancer is a lump or a bump. That
is the cancer. And if that is the assumption. Now if that is true, then to get rid of cancer
all you have to do is get rid of the lump or the bump. And hence we have surgery. Well,
that gets rid of the lump or the bump. Or we have chemotherapy which poisons the lump
or the bump, we got rid of it. Or we have radiation which burns it and got rid of it. And
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The check engine light. The check engine light you are talking
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Exactly, the check engine light, the flashing that there is a problem
with the engine. So everybody thinks they can fix that. They are hitting that light but that
is not going to fix the engine. So my question to patients is very simple: if you took your
car to a mechanic and there was a flashing check engine light on your car and the
mechanic says, Yeah, I can fix that, and takes the fuse out, OK, and says, OK, now
your problems solved. Or, Ive got a knocking in my engine. OK well here, turn up
the radio, do you hear it now? Well, I can kinda still hear it. Here, put some earmuffs
on. Yeah, no, now I dont hear it. OK perfect. You have not done anything to the
engine. What you have
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Exactly. And that is the question that when you ask a person the
logical answer is yes, fire the mechanic. So then why arent they firing the doctors
because that is exactly what the doctors are doing. They have got a problem; they are
covering it up with a drug to cover up the symptoms so the person does not feel or
experience the negative which is the bodys own mechanism of information saying,
Hey, caution, there is a problem. And that is what cancer is.
Ty Bollinger:
Chris Wark:
Cancer is a symptom of a sick body. And you cannot cut a tumor off
or a shrink a tumor or poison a tumor and expect to stay well and stay healthy. Because
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Dr. Roby Mitchell: So, each situation is different. And so we have to approach each
situation as different. Unfortunately a lot of conventional medicinelike I was just down
at MD Anderson, people are treated more like a feedlot situation where, you know, if
you have this, you know, colon cancer, all right, this is the protocol that we use. If youve
got breast cancer this is the protocol that we use. And obviously, you know, that has
failed. Our problem with conventional therapy is when cancer has moved from one
place to another, when there is a metastasis from the prostate into the bone or from the
breast into the brain or from the colon into the lymph nodes then conventional therapy
does not work so well, all right. So it does depend on what type of cancer there is. There
are lots of rarer types of cancers like the cancer that Lance Armstrong had, right, that
was amenable to the conventional approach, right. And he goes on to to be able to
cheat and win, you know, some races. [laughter]
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Roby Mitchell: So it doesand there are some blood cancers, some blood borne
cancers also that respond to the conventional therapy. So but for the most part the
bread and butter cancers, so when we are looking at ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer,
prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, once the barn door gets
opened with any of those then the conventional therapeutic model does not work.
Dr. James Forsythe:
Then went into an internal medicine residency in San
Francisco where I got my internal medicine degree. And then from there I went to an
oncology fellowship which was another two years. I kind of over trained, actually. I
finished that up in 1973 and then went into practice in San Francisco as an oncologist
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Dr. Ben Johnson: We are using a drug to treat cancer that causes cancer, a known
carcinogen. How crazy is that? But that is what we do every day in every institution
across America. We use radiation. What do x-rays cause? Hello, cancer. And we are
using that supposedly to treat it? So, you know, stage IV cancer in America survival
rate is about two percent. You know, that is horrific. It cannot get any worse than two
percent. So two percent success rate for stage IV cancers is beyond comprehension.
Patients would live much longer and healthier if they did nothing, if they did not take the
drugs, because the drugs are hastening their death.
Ty Bollinger:
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Dr. Ben Johnson: It is estimated by twenty twenty that fifty percent of all cancer
America will be medical x-ray induced or drug induced. So we will be responsible in a
very few short years for fifty percent of all cancer in America.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Ben Johnson: That is a staggeringand the medical society is doing this to us.
We are doing it to the people.
Ty Bollinger:
That is mind blowing that by twenty twenty we will be
responsible for fifty percent of the cancers.
Dr. Ben Johnson: It is staggering.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow. And especially in light of the fact that the recent statistics
from the WHO and the ACS are indicating that one in two men, one in three
women alive today will face cancer and theyre saying that half of thats caused
by the medical system.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Absolutely.
Ty Bollinger:
I am blown away and I do not get blown away easily. [laughter]
Wow, fifty percent of cancers are actually caused by the treatments? In light of
this information do you think that oncologists themselves would take these
treatments if they were diagnosed with cancer?
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Eighty-six percent of oncologists polled or so said they would not
give themselves what they give their patients.
Ty Bollinger:
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You got rid of the good cells and the bad cells you just
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Right and the non-cancer stem cells are not necessarily good cells
Ty, but theyre cells that have a finite life span and they make the bulk of the tumor, you
see so then the tumor decreases because the chemo and radiation can affect the noncancer stem cell. So the patient has a PET scan, MRI, CT scan, bone scan whatever it
is and they have a false impression by their physician that now they cant see the tumor.
So youre in remission, but the cancer stem cells were never addressed with the chemo
and never will with the chemo and radiation. So Im going to your question about -Ty Bollinger: This is fantastic information.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yeah so the cancer stem cells are cells that survive in the blood
stream, theyre like Five Star Generals. Theyve been tested and in battle and theyre
going to metastasize. See non-cancer stem cells cannot metastasize; only cancer stem
cells can. So when we want to address the immune system in cancer the problem is the
immune system cannot recognize cancer stem cells. Why? Because they have a protein
on the cell surface that shields them or cloaks them from the immune system. Dr.
Robert Rowan a good friend of ours, I think it was in January 2014 newsletter, second
opinion he wrote an article on cancer stem cells ability to cloak or hide themselves from
the immune system. So a cancer patient may have the best immune system according
to white blood cells, T-cells, lymphocytes, natural killer cells but is that immune system
recognizing and able to penetrate a cancer stem cell? Thats the question.
Ty Bollinger: And what youre saying is that this cancer stem cells have some
kind of a cloaking to where the immune system cant see them.
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Ty Bollinger: Talk about some of the chemicals in the vaccines, some of the
additives, the adjuvants, and other ingredients that might be carcinogenic.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Sure. I think the biggest one, well the class of them, are heavy
metals. Mercury is number one. And if you look in a homeopathic materia medica there
are pages and pages and pages, almost more than any other lets say substance listed
in that materia medica of potential effects and actual effects at even minute doses,
minute exposure to mercury. And this affects every system of the body, the endocrine,
the neurological system, you name it, the digestive system, and the epithelial tissue.
Mercury is the biggest baddie of them all. And ultimately, I believe it facilitates cancer.
Ty Bollinger: And the interesting thing about these vaccines, these drugs, is that
most of the time theyre FDA approved, right.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Yeah, the FDA says theyre perfectly fine to take and give. And
there have never been any double blind placebo controlled crossover center studies to
determine safety or efficacy of any of these vaccines. So for them to claim that they
actually work based on what? Anecdote, they claim it and they say, well, it's good
enough for us. And you point out that the double blind placebo controlled studies have
not been done, they yell at you and scream at you and call you names and say, that
would be unscientific. Or, no, that would be unethical to do that. In the meantime, there
are thousands of families around the country that would happy to volunteer information
about the health of their children who have not been vaccinated so they can do cross
comparative studies looking back. Thats how they do these studies yet they claim they
cant do it. They dont want to do it because they find that the children who have not
been assaulted in this way by a syringe are much healthier and they have fewer and
fewer chronic diseases.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow! So mercury is in vaccines but we know that it causes
cancer. Dr. Tenpenny talked about at least a couple of ingredients that are in
other vaccines that we know have been linked to breast cancer. So lets talk to Dr.
Vronique Desaulniers who cured her own breast cancer about the environmental
toxins that can cause DNA damage and compromise our immune system and
potentially lead to cancer.
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: An environmental toxicity plays a huge role. As a matter of
fact, and I was shocked when heard these numbers, but the EPA estimates that theres
74 billion pounds of chemicals being produced every day, every day in the United States
Ty Bollinger: Wow! 74 billion pounds
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers:
brain around that?
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
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Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Youre adding more of the toxic pollutants that your body is then
having to give up the minerals to neutralize and bind and excrete and get it out of the
body. So as you deplete those minerals you have less of a defense. Youre immune
system becomes more dysregulated and now the toxins can proliferate unabated. And
at that point they impact the metabolic functioning of every cell in the body or specific
areas of you have enough strength to mobilize those toxic poisons in those cells, you
might wall it off in a tumor, but a lot of times now we see a systemic growth of cancer
because we no longer have certain minerals like silica which are critical for connective
tissue integrity. And that is what keeps a tumor, lets say, or a cancer or a cancerous
growth from metastasizing because it chews through connective tissue in this way. So
there are a lot of aspects to the toxin factor but you cant disconnect it from the nutrient
factor, the mineral factor. So they go hand in hand.
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Robert Scott Bell mentioned nutrients and minerals. Let me ask
you a question. What if your food wasnt really food and it didnt contain the
nutrients and minerals that you thought it contained? Lets listen to some jaw
dropping information from Jeffrey Smith, the worlds most renowned expert on
genetically modified foods, also known as GMO. What are GMOS?
Jeffrey Smith: Genetically modified organisms, you take genes from one species and
force it into the DNA of other species. Now the GM crops on the market, theres nine of
them, and the primary traits are either herbicide tolerance or pesticide production. So
herbicide tolerance, Round-Up ready is the most popular, Round-Up ready soy, corn,
cotton, canola, sugar beets, and alfalfa. Theyre engineered with genes from bacteria
and pieces of virus, etc. not to die. The plant doesnt die when it's sprayed with RoundUp herbicide, which normally kills plants. So it makes weeding easier for farmers. They
can simply spray over the crops and kill all of the weeds but not the Round-Up ready
crops. And the other genetically modified trait thats popular is pesticide production.
They take a gene from bacteria in the soil called bacillus thuringiensis or BT for short,
and take that gene which produces a known insecticide and put it into corn and cotton.
So when a bug, certain types of bugs, eat or try to bite the plant the toxin gets released
and then it breaks open little holes in their stomach walls and they die. So now we eat
that insecticide and we also eat the Round-Up laden crop. So were eating two types of
poisons in these GM crops. The FDA does not require a single safety study on GMOs.
Now this was determined in a policy in 1992 that was overseen by Michael Taylor.
Michael Taylor is the former attorney to Monsanto. And he was given a position that was
designed for him by the FDA when the agency was told by the White House to promote
GMOs. And Taylors policy falsely claimed that the agency wasnt aware of information
showing that GMOs were significantly different therefore no testing or labeling was
necessary. Companies like Monsanto could determine on their own if their GMOs are
safe. And Monsanto told us that Agent Orange and PCBs and DDT were safe and got
that wrong. Maybe theyll get it right with GMOs is the thinking by the FDA. Taylor then
became Monsantos vice president and chief lobbyist. Now hes back at the FDA as the
US food safety Czar.
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them mammary gland tumors, up to 50 percent of male rats had tumors compared to far
less in the controls.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Thats truly staggering information from Mr. Smith. The
Seralini study did show that the GMO corn was causing premature death and
cancer. Now thats important to me because Ive got four kids and I want them to
be healthy and to live a long, healthy life. Even more alarming is the fact that there
is no testing that is required for genetically modified foods because theyve been
deemed to be substantially equivalent to regular food. And so we dont need to
test them. Now who is in charge of this substantial equivalent policy? Michael
Taylor at Monsanto was the man responsible for this substantial equivalent
policy. Michael Taylor is now the deputy commission for food safety. Hes our
food safety Czar for the United States. It almost seems like the fox is guarding the
hen house. Despite the fact that there were over 44 thousand documents even
collaborated by the FDAs own scientists which said exactly the opposite, that
genetically modified foods are not substantially equivalent. So while I was in Las
Vegas I met up with Dr. Keith Scott Mumby to get his input on some of the causes
of cancer.
Dr. Keith Scott Mumby: We need to fix causes and, of course, cancer has causes. And
heres another problem. You know, its a multifactorial disease. Its not like malaria
where the cause is a mosquito bite and this plasmodium. Its not that simple. There are
many, many causes. You know, my three pillars ofI call it three pillars of healing in
canceremotions, which Ive talked about, we barely mentioned chemical overload but
our environment now is full of carcinogenic substances. Were a wash literally with
carcinogens. Some of them are choices and best not used like cosmetics. I love to see
the gals looking pretty, see my wife. Shes beautiful, right. So you like them to look good
but most of what women put on their skin is dangerous. I think the average women
would probably do less if they realized that they absorb about two pounds, around a
kilogram of cosmetics through their skin every year. Now thats two pounds of sludge
and slime, toxic sludge that your livers got to deal with. But you werent given a liver to
deal with cosmetics. Its supposed to deal with foods and environmental factors, not
manmade synthetics such as now.
Ty Bollinger: So skin absorbs the toxins from the makeups and the cosmetic
products that we wear. What about the foods that we eat, the vegetables, the
fruits that have been sprayed with pesticides and insecticides? They absorb
those toxins and then we eat them. What kind of an effect does that have on us?
Lets listen to a couple of experts chime in on this subject. Talk about pesticides
in cancer. One of the things that I have heard thus far from other doctors is that
pesticides have an estrogenic effect on the body.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Right.
Ty Bollinger: So can you talk about that?
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cancer. Now, the BT toxin produced by the corn, because it promotes allergic reactions
or immune system reactions, in humans and animals can create inflammation. And
again, inflammation is linked to cancer. Now the BT toxin, its interesting. They found the
BT toxin and Round-Up in the blood of pregnant women tested in Canada. In fact, 93
percent of the pregnant women had BT toxin in their blood and so too did 80 percent of
their unborn fetuses.
Now the BT toxin may have gotten into the blood through the leaky gut that it itself
created by poking holes in the cell walls. If it gets in the blood, it can be cytotoxic
damaging the red blood cells, and this was found in the case of a mouse study where
BT toxin damaged the red blood cells. If it gets into the fetus, the fetus dont have blood
brain barriers well developed so it might end up in the brains of the fetuses. So you
have a hole poking toxin in the brains of the next generation in North America. If the BT
gene transfers to gut bacteria and continues to function, it can covert our intestinal flora
into living pesticide factories producing BT toxin 24/7, which might poke holes along the
cell walls causing inflammation and all sorts of gastrointestinal disorders, possibly
creating leaky gut, which is also linked to cancer, and that might explain this production
of the BT toxin, why 93 percent of the pregnant women tested in Canada had it in their
blood, because they were producing it in their gut.
As far as the gut bacteria I mean it is now a huge source, a huge topic of study.
Everyones into the micro bio now. Its like its the new tofu. Everyones into the micro
bio. And so we have a situation where the devastation of Round-Up becomes bigger
and bigger the more they realize this because it is a potent antibiotic but it is selective. It
kills the lactobacillus and the bifidobacteria, the stuff thats good for us.
Ty Bollinger: The ones that you want in yogurt.
Jeffrey Smith: The stuff that youre buying and paying for and then you wash it down
with something with Round-Up in it and you just kill everything youve just put in there
plus more. And it allows the overgrowth of salmonella or botulism or e-coli, the negative
Ty Bollinger: Let me ask you this. So youve talked about the Round-Up ready
corn and the soy potentially thats sprayed with Round-Up. Do they use Round-Up
or glyphosate on other non-organic vegetables as well or is it just the corn and
Jeffrey Smith: Oh yeah. No, no, it's used as a ripening agent. They spray it on wheat,
on barley, on rye, on lentils, on sweet potatoes, on sugar canetheres a 160 or so
different fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, etc. that are allowed high residues because of
this now practice of using it as whats called a desiccant or ripening agent. Not every
farmer uses it but its hard to tell where it is and where it isnt because its not labeled. So
thats why buying organic is much safer.
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Mike Adams: We dont know how they might harm us. The research hasnt been done.
The real story in this is that we are the lab rats, we the people. So there is a long term
experiment being conducted now on the entire population. Do people have more tumors
now than they used to 20 years ago? Absolutely! Are they getting tumors at younger
and younger ages? Absolutely! Is there more infertility now than ever before in human
history? Absolutely! More organ damage, more people on dialysis, more people
suffering from early unexplained deaths.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. Everyone seems to be sick.
Mike Adams: Yeah. The cancer industry is exploding and the GMO industry may, in
fact, turn out to be the single best recruiting tool for the cancer industry. So it's no
wonder that they tend to operate in some of the same ways, oppression of scientists
intimidation, oppression, and censorship of scientific information, shutting down anyone
who asks questions. Many of the foods that people eat today arent contaminated with
heavy metals.
Ty Bollinger: Would you give me an example of a few heavy metals that you
Mike Adams: Oh yeah. Okay, so lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, tungsten is one that
weve started to look at, and then there are the lighter metals such as aluminum. And
lead is so common in the food supply today because for over a century lead arsenic was
used as a pesticide. So you combine lead and arsenic, you make lead arsenate, you
spray it on all the crops. It kills the bugs, imagine that.
Ty Bollinger: But what does it do to you?
Mike Adams: Yeah. Exactly! So in agricultural lands across the world for over a
hundred years lead arsenate was sprayed on almost everything. And it was the miracle.
It was the new science of food production. For a few years food production goes up and
then your soils are contaminated. And guess how long theyre contaminated for? A
thousand years.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, the equivalent of forever.
Mike Adams: Right. So today the food thats being grown thats feeding much of our
population is being grown in soils that were heavily, heavily contaminated with lead and
arsenic as spraying. But then weve got the coal fired power plants in China and in the
US. The US plants are much cleaner. The plants in China are spewing out tens of
thousands of tons of heavy metals into the air every year, mercury being one of the big
ones. The jet stream carries these metals across the Pacific Ocean, deposits them over
North America. They fall onto forests of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California.
They get into the soil. The tree roots take up the heavy metals into the leaves. The trees
growing there now are heavily contaminated with mercury and other heavy metals.
When those forests burn because they do catch fire from time to time, they release
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Mike Adams: So the radioactive cesium elements in the plant go into your body and get
taken up into your bodys cells as if they were potassium, which means you now have
radioactive cesium bound to the cell membrane of every cell in your body everywhere
that the food goes. Where does food go in your body? Everywhere the blood goes.
Where does blood go? Everywhere that you have a living cell.
Ty Bollinger: Everywhere.
Mike Adams: Everywhere.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! Wow, thats fascinating information from the Health Ranger,
Mike Adams, about the way that our bodies intake radioactive isotopes because
they mimic essential minerals. Speaking of mimicking, did you know that there
are substances that mimic estrogens? Theyre called xenoestrogens. One of the
most toxic is called BPA and it's in almost every bottle of water on the shelves.
Burton Goldberg: The head of the FDA is on the board of the Shine [ph] company, the
largest manufacturers of silver fillings which have 50 percent mercury in them.
Ty Bollinger: Conflict of interest.
Burton Goldberg: The head of the FDA, she knows that this bisphenyl A is one of the
major causes. She has the research of cancer of the breast and prostate. Plastics are
one of the major causation of cancer in this nation. She knows it and its not banned.
Every single can that you use has a liningheres a can of water that was given to me,
guaranteed bisphenol A is lining every can. It comes in plastic. Harvard just did a study.
They gave a man a can of minestrone soup. It happened to be a brand. It doesnt
matter. Theyre all the same, whether its beer or whether its water or minestrone. They
checked his body burden of bisphenol A. One week later after eating the can of
Progresso minestrone his BPA level went up 12 hundred percent. In one week it was
still 12 hundred percent. Dentistry plays an enormous role. 95 percent of females with
breast cancer have a dental involvement. A German university study, as much as 50
percent in the remission of cancer can be in the oral cavity on ordinary cancers, other
cancers, other than the breast. But in breast cancer its 95 percent. So every one of my
clients are sent to a biologic dentist.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! BPA, dental toxins, that comment by Burton Goldberg about
the dental involvement with cancer really got me to thinking. I had to interview Bill
Henderson about this issue because I knew that one of the first things that he has
cancer patients do is to clean up their dental toxins.
Bill Henderson: The thing that most people dont even think about that I found is so
common is dental toxins, okay. Whats coming out of our jaw for most people from the
dental work weve had done generally, root canals, cavitation sites, as theyre called,
where youd had wisdom teeth or other teeth removed, mercury amalgam fillings, the
metal that the dentist put in our mouth, all of this stuff effects our system dramatically
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Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It is very toxic. I always joke with my students that it's a preservative
because it breaks down into formaldehyde. Thats what they preserve dead bodies with.
Ty Bollinger: So what
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It's not an antioxidant though, so.
Ty Bollinger: What is the chemical makeup of aspartame? So you said it breaks
down into formaldehyde.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: As aspartame is metabolized it ends up as formaldehyde. And
formaldehyde is a toxic chemical itself thats cancer causing. It's a corrosive chemical.
Ty Bollinger: It's embalming fluid.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It's embalmingExactly! Thats whats in embalming fluid.
Ty Bollinger: Got it.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Thats what they use to preserve dead bodies. Okay. It's the
embalming fluid. Formaldehyde is number one a neurotoxin, okay, and it was originally
designed as a neurotoxin in biological warfare weapons. It was a nerve gas component.
Okay. So when we eat this we ingest aspartame, it converts into formaldehyde and then
starts to eat or corrode our nervous system. It's toxic to our nervous system.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow! And so were eating something that is potentially a
biological warfare agent.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Yes, agentexactly. Now the symptoms of neurotoxicity due to
aspartame are identical to the symptoms of MS, multiple sclerosis, identical. It can give
you the exact same symptomatology. And weve hadIve hadI cant tell you how
many patients that weve pulled off of aspartame, off all artificial sweeteners of any kind
and their diagnosis for MS had
Ty Bollinger: Disappeared
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Yeah, disappeared.
Ty Bollinger: Well, Ive read in the literature about the initial days of aspartame in
the late 60s, early 70s, with Judy Seral [ph]. And apparently they found that it was
eating holes in the brains of the rats, or of the monkeys they tested it on.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Exactly! It's a neurotoxin and it's corrosive. It does. It's in essence
what salt does to a car, a car body, it eats holes in it.
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so you saw when he came out with quoting the study that said 77 percent of all cancers
can be prevented if you have enough D3. But if you had iodine into that it's probably 80
or 85 percent of all cancers can be prevented if you have enough iodine and D3.
Ty Bollinger: The sun actually doesnt cause cancer; it's the sunscreens with the
toxic chemicals that cause cancer. There was a 2009 German study that showed
that the sunlight is three to five times better than any other substance we know of
at stimulating the immune system. But what about cell phones? What about EMF?
These are things that are ubiquitous. Theyre everywhere. EMF, electromagnetic
frequencies, cell phones, everybodys carrying a cell phone and a handheld. Is
there any relationship between these and cancer?
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Ill tell you an experiment. My daughter whos 19 now she was
in eighth grade and we did this experiment in the office because we had thermography
in our office. So we took a picture of someones brain and they took a picture of their
brain, their head rather, first before cell phone use. And the after one minute of cell use,
after five minutes of cell phone use, and after one hour. And four hours later the brain
was still inflamed after cell phone use. So people do not understand the power of the
cell phone and how much it affects our body. You haveand it's accumulative. And they
actually have published online rat brains exposed to cell phone and see what it does. So
like I mentioned before, theres such thing as a precautionary principle. If we have a little
bit of knowledge and thereswe have a lot of knowledge now. Theres a lot more
knowledge then you hear. You just dont hear about it because the largest industry
lobbying in Washington is the electrical lobby. So they want all these electronics. Okay,
yes, these electronics allows us to tape this interview and talk to each other and the
computer, now we can all communicate and socialize together. Yes, but we know have
to invent things to counteract all the wonderful inventions weve made.
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: For people who dont think that EMFs are a problem I
encourage them to go to the to take a look. 27 scientists from
various countries looked at 10 years of data and their conclusion was that EMFs cause
cancer, brain tumors, disrupt the immune system, suppress the reproductive functions
of the body, affect your sleep and your memory, so EMFs are a huge problem. And its
been labeled one of the most insidious toxins on the planet because we dont see it, we
dont feel it, we dont taste it, but its affecting us 24/7. for example, in this office here you
can go to and find out how many antenna are within a four mile
radius. So I just Googled and put the address here. Theres 91 antennas, cell towers,
and a 144 antennas within a four mile radius of this location.
Ty Bollinger: Wow!
Dr. Vronique Desaulniers: Now as you move closer to big cities like Atlanta youre
looking at hundreds, like 200, 300, 400 cell towers in just a few miles. So were literally
swimming in a soup of EMFs and electro smog.
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banned Wi-Fi. I mean you know logic, let logic prevail. You know what we think is easy
is deadly. The microwave is easy
Ty Bollinger: Deadly.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Yeah. The Wi-Fi, I mean if you allow your children to lay in bed with
their iPads, with their iPhones, they are going to be so damaged.
Ty Bollinger:
A mutual friend of ours, Im not going to mention his name,
because Im not at liberty to discuss it but you know who it, talked about Steve
Jobs. He knew Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs went for treatment in Lichtenstein, was
completely controlling his cancer naturally until several times after he would go
and he would go into remission, he came back to Apple and what happened?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: Well, he was forced to come back to Apple.
Ty Bollinger: But what happened to his cancer when he came back?
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe: It came back.
Ty Bollinger: All the EMFs
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe:
It came back three times when he came back into Apple because
of all the EMF, his tumor came back. And then he went for therapy and he did this three
times until but isnt that kind of ironic, three times and youre out. Yeah.
Ty Bollinger: And the main stream stories that we got was that Steve Jobs should
have gone conventional but instead he went alternative and thats what killed him.
When the reality was he was going natural in Lichtenstein and it was curing him.
And he came back and the EMFs potentially killed him.
Dr. Darrelll Wolfe:
Yeah, thats one of those and the rest of the story is Ty.
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Ty Bollinger:
That is good. I have never had a mulberry that was that shape.
Why is it so long?
Dr. Patrick Quillin:
There are several different types of mulberry trees. That is a
Pakistan mulberry that you just had. I have Oscar mulberry too. When I was trying to
select fruit trees, first of all, I live in California. It is a desert. We have a water shortage.
We have a particular water shortage this year, with the drought. Why would you water
something if you cannot eat it? That does not make any sense to me. I am watering just
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Like what, Ty?
I have taken L-lysine many times.
Okay, L-lysine.
Sure. Anytime I get a fever blister on my mouth, I will take a few L-
Dr. Jimenez:
The others are carnitine, methionine and proline. What is the letter in
front of that amino acid?
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:
L. Lets discuss what L means. L stands for levorotatory. That means
left spin. The molecules in the L-lysine that you have taken are spinning to the left.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:
Remember that I said cancer cells can only assimilate right spin
molecules. That is the opposite. Human mammalian cells can only absorb left spin
molecules. That is why you take L-lysine, not an R-lysine. Okay? The difference with
cancer cells is that they could only absorb right spin molecules, right spin sugars. What
are the right spin sugars? The processed sugars, the white sugars, the enriched sugars,
the synthetic sugars. At Hope for Cancer, we allow our patients, in moderation as
everything should be, to eat organic, pesticide-free, clean and natural fruits. When God
places fruits in the Garden of Eden, they are left spin molecules. Of these, thou shalt
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:
They are helping our normal cells. When man fools with all this We
are in California for this interview. In California, they have something called a grapple. It
is a combination of an apple and a grape, right?
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:
It looks like an appel and tastes like a grape. That is not God-made,
right? For sure, that has an R-spin. Do not take that if you have cancer, but this is my
concept. Cancer patients can take, in moderation, healthy sugars. We need healthy
sugars, right? Lets think about a PET scan. We know about PET scans. What molecule
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Dr. Jimenez: Any right spin sugar is an unnatural sugar, okay? Cancer patients, in Dr.
Tonys opinion, and I respect what they have to say, you could have honey, maple
syrup, molasses and sugar cane, as long as it is natural, unprocessed and
unadulterated, and of course, free of pesticides and all those things. They are not going
to feed cancer cells.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow, that is fascinating. That really answers the question that I
hear a lot, and sometimes it is kind of hard to answer these questions. People
say, Okay, cancer feeds on sugar. We all know that. Is it okay to eat blueberries?
Is it okay to eat grapes? Is it okay to eat fruit, because it has natural sugar? That
explains why it would be okay to eat natural fruits, whereas the processed sugars
are right spin. The naturals are left spin. Cancer absorbs the right spin, not the
left spin.
Dr. Jimenez:
Ty Bollinger:
That is fascinating.
Dr. Jimenez:
Lets look at another viewpoint on this. Dr. Max Gerson and juicing, a
juice every hour in his therapy, five or six coffee enemas a day. I know, I worked with
him years ago. What was his main juice, one of his main juices?
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Jimenez:
Ty Bollinger:
Carrot. Isnt carrot a high glycemic index?
One of the highest.
Dr. Jimenez: One of the highest. He knew that the carrot juice and the sugar in there
was not going to feed cancer cells, because why? It is a left spin molecule. See?
Ty Bollinger:
That is fascinating.
Dr. Jimenez:
Lets think of another concept Ty. If sugar feeds cancer and it is as
simple as that, wow. We do not need hypothermia. We do not need pseudo
photodynamic therapy. We do not need anything. We know how to starve cancer cells.
It is not that easy. You think a cancer is going to say, Oh, I am not getting sugar. I am
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Ty Bollinger: That would then feed the cancer and make it a lot easier for them
to get the nutrition, if you just hand it to them on a silver platter.
Dr. Jimenez:
Ty Bollinger:
That is some fascinating information from Dr. Jimenez, left spin versus right spin.
Cancer cells feed on right spin sugars. Natural sugars are left spin. I did not know
that information. I will tell you what; you learn something new every day, dont
In this next interview, Dr. Robert Scott Bell shares the importance of minerals in
the diet with us, specifically silica, chromium and selenium.
Dr. Bell:
You think about the superfoods, right? A lot of foods may contain high
calories and some minerals and vitamins. They might not be as dense, proportionally
speaking there, because we have to counteract so much in our environment. Where it
may have been simple enough to grow your own food and eat all of the food as it was
growing, I believe that right now, we are dealing with extraordinary times, maybe
catastrophic, in the devastation to the environment. Because of that, just selecting
certain foods that I think would be good I am not personally a big fan of beets. I had
an allergy to them as a child. I believe now, looking back, that I was not allergic to beets,
but because beets have such a powerful and beneficial impact to the liver, for instance,
that it was helping me to detoxify and it was misinterpreted as an allergy. That is a great
Superfoods and super greens, kale is an excellent food. It contains a lot of good things.
Sea vegetation, if you can find non-irradiated and non-contaminated forms of sea
vegetation, and there many strains of this, they create the most minerally rich and
abundant superfoods on the planet. We also need to look at the mineral content for the
connective tissue. I talked about silica. Most of the foods, unfortunately, that we eat,
have been robbed of these trace elements because industry has found it much more
profitable to take those minerals and use them for different reasons. They leave us with
the deficient foods.
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Dr. Brownstein: Iodines main job in the body Iodine has a lot of jobs in the body.
The immune system cannot function without it. You cannot fight infections without it.
One of its main jobs is in the endocrine glands. The endocrine glands include the
thyroid, breasts, ovaries, uterus and prostate. What are we having problems with out
there? The thyroid, the ovaries, uterus, breasts and prostate. I have mentioned the
prostate. I have mentioned the breasts. The fastest growing cancer in the United States
is thyroid cancer. We have uterine and ovarian cancer growing at epidemic rates. All of
these tissues, we are having epidemic rates of problems with.
Iodines main job is to maintain the normal architecture of those tissues. In iodine
deficiency, the first thing that happens is that you get cystic formation in the breasts, the
ovaries, uterus, thyroid and prostate. Lets throw the pancreas in here as well, which is
also increasing at epidemic rates, pancreatic cancer. Cysts start to form when iodine
deficiency is there. If it goes on longer, they become nodular and hard. If it goes on
longer, they become hyperplasia, hyperplastic tissue, which is the precursor to cancer. I
say that is the iodine deficiency continuum.
The good thing about iodine is that iodine has apoptotic properties. It can stop a cell, a
cancer cell, from just continuing to divide and divide until it kills somebody. Iodine can
stop this continuum wherever it catches it, and hopefully reverse it, but at least put the
brakes on what is happening.
Over 80% of women suffer from fibrocystic breast disease. That is a precursor to breast
cancer, which as I said, one in seven women have. I say it is an iodine deficiency
problem, period. That is what it is. We either recognize this and start treating it, or we
are still going to see one in seven women with breast cancer.
Ty Bollinger:
Wow. I knew that iodine was important. I did not know that it
creates apoptosis in the cancer cells.
Dr. Brownstein: Iodine has been shown to have apoptotic properties for cancer cells.
Iodine has been shown to be effective for treating a multitude of cancers, all those
tissues that I mentioned before, including pancreatic cancer and some brain cancers. It
is too bad that the cancer industrial complex is not studying iodine as a good therapy for
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Dr. Brownstein: What I am seeing right now is this. We are getting too much bromide
and not enough iodine. We are getting too much fluoride from our water supply. That is
another story too. The good thing about iodine is that iodine can kick out both of those, if
we start ingesting it again.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. Why do you think it is, that so many people are deficient in
iodine? I know one study or article that I read, and I cannot remember whom it
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Dr. Brownstein: That is in my iodine book. I have written a bunch of articles on that.
Before the 1970s, iodine was used in bakery products as a conditioning agent. For
some reason in the early 1970s, they substituted bromide for iodine. It is not clear why,
but we started to get all this bromide in our bakery products. Every slice of bread,
cracker, cookie or cake, now has bromide instead of iodine. If you look at the breast
cancer rates and the prostate cancer rates, when they really took off was right about
that time frame. I say that is when our iodine levels really fell off the cliff.
What has also happened lately is that our soil has become more deficient in iodine. I live
in a nice area, a suburb of Detroit. In the Great Lakes area where I live, our soil is one of
most iodine deficient areas of the world. It is not just the Great Lakes area. If you draw a
line down the center of the country between the coasts, most of it is iodine deficient,
except for the two coasts. Where you live is a very iodine deficient area of the world.
This has been going on for a long time. What has not been going on for a long time is
this exposure to bromide and fluoride, which has exacerbated this iodine deficiency
problem and I think exacerbated the breast, prostate, thyroid, ovarian, uterine and
pancreatic problems that we are seeing now.
The U.S. government recognized iodine deficiency was a big problem in the 1920s, as
goiter was at epidemic rates in women, especially in the Midwest area. I have a map of
around 1915. Goiter was around the whole country, north, south, east and west. There
was as study done and the government recommended that they could put a little bit of
iodine in salt, and take care of this goiter epidemic, which they did. It was a very
effective treatment to prevent goiter and it is still in salt now. It is refined salt, as we
know it. The problem is that only 10% of the iodine in that salt is bioavailable for the
body. It is not a great way to get iodine in. Then you couple it with this bromide and
fluoride overexposure that we are getting and it is a recipe for disaster.
Salt is not the best way to get iodine in. at this point in our lives, I think with our
overexposure to bromide and fluoride, we have to supplement with iodine. I think that
the best way to supplement with it is either to use Lugols solution, which has been
around for almost 200 years, or tablet of Lugols solution. There are forms of tablet of
Lugols. Iodorol is one of them. Iodozyme-HP is another name for a tablet of Lugols
product. I have tested all of these products. They are all fine. They are all made from
Lugols solution.
Ty Bollinger:
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Dr. Susser: We said before that the cancer cells consume sugar about 19 times as
fast as healthy cells. Then the question is no junk, wholesome foods. You can eat
animal foods. I do not believe in the vegetarian diet. Some people do. I have seen
people who really seem to waste away on vegetarian diets.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser: I think you can do a low-meat diet, but you have to have enough protein
to rebuild your cells. You need some animal foods, I believe. You could probably do a
Diet for a Small Planet. Remember that book, Diet for a Small Planet? That was one of
the first nutritional books about cancer and about nutrition in general. If you combine
beans and grains, you can get a complete protein. Vegetarian proteins never have all
the amino acids that you need. If you combine beans and grains, then you can have
If you are going to try to do something low animal food, read Diet for a Small Planet and
be sure that you get enough of the broad spectrum of amino acids. There are 20 or 22,
depending on who you believe, amino acids that are essential to our bodies. All but
about eight of them we can make ourselves, eight or arguably ten, depending on whom
you talk to.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser:
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Dr. Susser: Lets just say you need ten amino acids that are considered to be essential
because we cannot make them. We have to eat them. If we have a complete list diet of
amino acids, all the good fatty acids, the omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9, in the right
proportion, and good starches of course The good starches, you know what I am
saying? One of the best foods is watercress.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser: Yes. It is high in sulforaphanes. Sulforaphanes are plant hormones that
fight infection, and fight damage. When you crush a plant, it releases sulforaphanes.
Sulfur is one of the best ways to fight invaders like cancer or infection.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser:
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser: Those are the cruciferous vegetables. I like those. You can overdo those
also, because then they start binding iodine and your thyroid gets depleted. By the way,
iodine is another important item that we are very neglectful of. I treat almost every one
of my patients with iodine. The recommended daily allowance of iodine is 160
micrograms. I have a product that has 20 milligrams per drop, SSKI.
Ty Bollinger: Okay. That is what Dr. Brownstein said, anywhere from 12 to 25
milligrams a day.
Dr. Susser:
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser:
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Susser:
Ty Bollinger:
UCLA versus Pittsburgh, that would be a good football game, wouldnt it? We are
not talking about football here. We are talking about cancer. Dr. Sunil Pai is
another conventionally trained medical doctor that has stepped outside of the
box, and is now using nutrition to help people get healthy. Lets listen to what he
has to say.
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Dr. Pai: Everybody thinks that the history started with the Greeks and Romans. There
is a lot more history than that, right, depending on what school you went to.
We look at a variety of things, and one of the natural therapies that has been very
effective, and now that we have a preponderance of data in terms of clinical efficacy,
cell culture and studies in human clinical trials, is many of the ingredients I spoke about
today, such as curcumin. Curcumin is an ingredient that comes from turmeric. Turmeric
is a root, okay? We use it in cooking. We think of curry. It is a spice, but it is not spicy. A
lot of people have the misconception that it is spices or something. It is a spice, but it is
not spicy. It does not have the heat component, like a chili for example.
Yellow curry, if you went to a Thai restaurant, or when people have mustard, what
makes it yellow, is turmeric powder. Unfortunately, in American cooking, it is used as a
colorant. It does have that yellow color. It is a natural colorant. It is a variety of other
benefits. One of the benefits is that it is a strong anti-inflammatory. It has now been
shown to block over 97 different mechanisms of inflammation. Eating it as a food, or
even taking it as a supplement, has a variety of benefits. We can see a lot of data
showing the support and use, of why we have used this historically in our past and also
now, what we use now in clinical trials, as a supplement. Many companies are looking
at how to do it pharmaceutically as well.
Most of the data right now There are 5,000 published studies on the benefits of
curcuminoids. Now in the last ten years, there is a lot of data on how that affects cancer
cell growth. Through these mechanisms of inflammation, like NF-kappaB, which I talked
about today, one of the major switches of the immune system, COX enzymes, LOX
enzymes, these are things that we take certain drugs like ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil and
Celebrex for. The nice thing with the curcumin is that we have no GI, kidney or liver side
effects. We can take this in higher doses or lower doses.
I did not mention it today. I forgot to mention that India, for example, has the lowest
dementia rates in the world. One of the issues that we are looking at is why. As a
culture, it is not that they are smarter people. We are finding out that they consume
about 25 to 50 milligrams of turmeric daily, over their lifetime. That prevents
inflammation of the brain.
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Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Pai:
Ty Bollinger:
Wow. The gold that the magi gave to the Baby Jesus may have
actually been curcumin, the golden spice. I have never heard that before, but it is
definitely in the realm of possibility. It makes sense.
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Dr. Connealy:
Yes. Wheatgrass is wonderful. Juicing A lot of people, they have
undergone chemotherapy and the gastrointestinal system is not working. We have to do
the work for them. We give them juices so they quickly absorb the nutrients they need
to. Some people need to put on weight. I have people that need to put on weight. I put
them on a special program. It depends.
One thing is that most of your plate is going to be vegetables, and a little protein. Seeds
are great, all different kinds of seeds, from pomegranate seeds to pumpkin seeds to
sunflower seeds. God, it is amazing. It is amazing what is going on in the food industry.
They are making food taste so wonderful. Grapefruit tastes so wonderful. People cannot
tell me they cannot go. Every year, a couple of times a year, they have the natural
products expo. It is absolutely fabulous how we are reinventing food.
Ty Bollinger: I agree with Dr. Connealy. Food that is good for us does not have
to taste bad. It should actually taste good. In todays world, we have a ton of
choices of good foods that are actually healthy for us, that taste good as well.
One of the things that Dr. Connealy mentioned was seeds. Lets go and talk to Dr.
Brad Weeks and find out the importance of seeds in our daily diet.
What are the most important foods, in your opinion, that have medicinal value,
that can help to prevent disease, cancer?
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Dr. Weeks: Indeed it is. The thing I have paid a lot of attention to recently is eating
seeds. I am going to use that term generally. Seeds would include nuts, beans and
anything that you can put in the ground and will grow. A pea would be a seed in that
regard. Eggs, something like that, caviar in particular, are fabulous. Seeds are
tremendously valuable because the seed is such a wise little packet. It concentrates
nutrients about 20-fold and 30-fold more than the rest of the fruit. It is this fabulous
packet of concentrated nutrition. What we know is that it has all sorts of genetic spare
parts. If it is not going to be a seed, it grows into a plant that is available for you and me,
to repair our DNA and our RNA with. It also has tremendous stem cell precursors,
especially in the husks of seeds.
Ty Bollinger: After that information from Dr. Weeks, I think I am going to start
incorporating more seeds into my diet.
This is the end of the episode, Natures Pharmacy. I am going to shift gears a
little bit. We have all heard the phrase laughter is the best medicine. Lets find
out some information about laughter and about music, and how these things can
impact our health. We are going to talk to Dr. Patrick Quillin and we are going to
talk to Dr. Francisco Contreras about this very important issue.
What kind of a role does music have in the overall health equation, treating
cancer or other diseases?
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Ty Bollinger:
He mentioned two important facets of any cancer treatment are
music and laughter.
Dr. Contreras: They are the most potent immunostimulating agents available. There
is no drug and there is no vaccine that is more potent to stimulate the immune system.
There is a study, a very interesting study, which shows that for every minute of anger,
you will depress significantly and measurably of course, the quality and quantity of your
immune system. One minute of anger, six hours of depression.
One minute of laughter will boost significantly, your immune system for 24 hours. That is
why children, up to the age of five, laugh around 400 times a day. Adults only laugh
about 40. The reason why children can eat dirt and be dirty all the time is because they
are laughing.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. Contreras: They are protected. At the Oasis of Hope, we have laughter sessions
every day. Every time we get together with them, no matter how serious the thing is, we
try to put in several jokes for them. They do not have to be good. We laugh. Sometimes
we laugh at the people telling the joke, not because
Ty Bollinger:
Sometimes you are laughing at how bad the jokes were [laughter]
Dr. Contreras:
Exactly. It is amazing how powerful things that cost nothing are,
meditation and colors. There are studies that show that the most immune depressing
colors are white and blue, the typical hospital colors, imagine that. We painted all our
walls in mauve, because there are studies that show that it is the most immune lifting
color. We take into account all of those things. Those little things sometimes account for
a lot.
Ty Bollinger: Those little things do sometimes account for a lot. I totally agree.
Music and laughter are two things that are free. They stimulate the immune
system and they help us to be healthy. They are part of natures natural
pharmacy. Laughter is the best medicine. We can access them 24/7. I recommend
that you do.
Wow, that is some amazing information that we learned tonight about Natures
Pharmacy. You know, food is so important and a lot of people do not understand
the importance of food, the nutrition of your diet, in preventing disease. That is
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Mike Adams:
Ty Bollinger:
Mike Adams:
So the good news is that it becomes very easy to start waking
people up and start educating people about whats real in terms of nutrition and health,
because people can understand this, we live in a materialistic type of society. So if you
start with a material metaphor, or a material explanation, you can make good progress
in this. You can say, Well look. What you eat and drink is digested, right? And it
becomes your blood composition. Your blood is made of what you eat and drink. And
people say, Yeah, I get that. Okay, great. Unless you think your blood is made
magically, which doesnt happen.
Ty Bollinger:
Mike Adams:
So then your blood circulates throughout your body, your blood
brings the materials that then become your organs, that fuel your brain, your cognitive
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Mike Adams:
Not natural. That idea is not yet recognized by the entire system of
modern medicine with all of its claimed advances, with all the billions of dollars that have
gone into the cancer research industry. They still cannot yet grasp a simple concept that
a five-year-old understands almost automatically, You are what you eat.
Ty Bollinger:
A five-year-old understands this, What you eat becomes your
blood. It becomes your organs, and that fuels your brain and eventually
replenishes the cells. It seems pretty basic to me. You are what you eat. So if we
want to be healthy, we need to eat health foods. Ive heard it said that cancer is a
disease of malnutrition. So lets see what Dr. Patrick Quillin, who wrote the
bestselling definitive book on cancer nutrition, has to say about this ever so
important issue.
Beautiful fruit trees. Youve already given me a small tour. Were going to take
another one later around your yard. Youve at least a couple dozen different types
of fruits. So I can see from the place that you live that you understand the impact
of nutrition. And so talk about the impact of nutrition specifically on cancer. What
is cancer? What does nutrition have to do with cancer?
Dr. Patrick Quillin: A broad expansive sort of global question here Ty. So forgive me if
we take a couple of side spurs. My book, Beating Cancer with Nutrition, which has sold
a half million copies and is considered the definitive work in that area. Its been
translated into five languages. I organized three international symposia on the subject of
adjuvant or helpful nutrition in cancer treatment. And then a textbook came out of that
adjuvant nutrition and cancer treatment. So all of this is not just hearsay and innuendo,
but essentially there are five main reasons why all cancer patients need to use nutrition
as a part of their comprehensive cancer treatment. Im forewarning I would not use
nutrition as sole therapy against cancer. Its insufficient, but it is irreplaceable. So given
that, lets think of the five main reasons why every cancer patient needs to include
nutrition as a part of their comprehensive therapy.
Number one, nutrition actually is a big part of the malnutrition. Forty percent of cancer
patients die of malnutrition, not of the cancer. Cancer is a wasting disease. Appetite is
affected. You end up in the hospital with food that youre unfamiliar with. Chemo and
radiation can induce cachexia, or lean tissue loss. So malnutrition kills forty percent of
cancer patients. The only therapy for that is proper nutrition. It sometimes needs to be
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Imagine that.
Dr. David Brownstein: So I suggest number one, lets go back to the basics. I think
one of my jobs as a doctor is to counsel people on how to eat appropriately. And I can
guarantee that most people are not eating appropriately. The standard American diet is
nutrient depleting for people. It supplies them with toxic chemicals that set the stage for
a chronic illness like cancer, arthritis, and other illnesses to appear. And unless they
learn to number one eat appropriately or eat better, I think that were going to still suffer
this cancer problem. Basic number one is, Lets eat a better diet. When we were
growing up we learned in elementary school the food pyramid.
Ty Bollinger:
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Ty Bollinger:
What about other kinds of oils to cook with? What oils should
we cook with? What oils should we be intaking? I know one of the oils thats a
staple in our diet is coconut oil.
Dr. David Brownstein: We were taught in elementary school on the top of that food
pyramid that you use fats and oils sparingly. We were also taught to switch to
polyunsaturated vegetable oils like corn oil and soybean oil. Those things are a disaster
for the body. They are nutrient-depleted. Theyre full of trans fatty acids. They gum up
the bodys receptors. I think the single best cooking oil is coconut oil; palm oil is a good
choice. These things survive high heat cooking very well. Olive oil is okay for low heat
cooking or just in cool foods. For high heat cooking theres nothing better than coconut
Ty Bollinger:
Okay. We love to cook up organic popcorn in coconut oil. The
kids get popcorn that way.
Dr. David Brownstein:
and good unrefined salt.
Ty Bollinger:
While were on the subject of fats you mentioned good oils, you
mentioned the butter, the eggs, what about nuts? What are some good sources of
fats, because I know that nuts are almost all fat?
Dr. David Brownstein:
I think nuts make a great snack. They supply the right fatty
acids for our bodies, both Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids. That can be a healthy
snack. Its much better than a cracker or some kind of grain-based product.
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And now the GMO factor as well with soy and corn, right?
Ty Bollinger:
So Dr. Brownstein just elaborated on good oils and healthy
fats. Lets listen to Bob Wright and Suzanne Somers expound on this subject.
Talk about the good oils like coconut oil.
Bob Wright:
Well first of all you go into a supermarket and you see all the oils
there, the sunflower, the safflower, the canola oil. Folks, canola oil is rapeseed oil. Its
used as a pesticide. Its poison. But most of these bottles of oils sitting on the shelves in
there are already rancid before you buy them. They put in industrial perfumes in them to
make them smell good. Dont eat them. The good oils of course are olive oil, extra virgin
olive oil particularly. I also like extra virgin because its the least processed, but youve
got to be careful today. Fifty percent of the extra virgin olive oils out there have other oils
in them. So youve got to know what youre choosing. I like extra virgin coconut oil. I
have a couple tablespoons every day, because were seeing remarkable things with
people with neurodegenerative diseases like ALS and Parkinsons and Alzheimers.
Were seeing almost immediate results with people that use these. The folks that are
listening to this can go up on the internet and Google this. You can find the stories.
Theyre just rife on the internet now about how these people are utilizing these oils, two
to six tablespoons a day, and theyre seeing results in twenty minutes. Of course you
need to do more than one day to get results in twenty minutes, but were finding that
many people are getting incredible results all the way to almost reversing their sickness
and disease. This is a great start, because there are no drugs out there that as we know
help these people. They may ameliorate a few symptoms for a little while, but these
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Thats phenomenal.
So coconut oil is not just great to eat, its also good for your skin as Suzanne just
talked about, because your skin absorbs whatever touches it. And so if youre
putting toxic makeups and perfumes on your skin, youre going to absorb them
as well. While were on the subject of healthy fats I wanted to talk to Dr. David
Jockers, whos an expert on the ketogenic diet, which really relies on healthy fats
to help the body work the way that its supposed to.
You had mentioned the ketosis and the ketogenic diet and to me it sounds almost
like the Atkins diet, if you remember from twenty years ago when the Atkins diet
was real popular. Is it the same thing as the Atkins diet? What is different? When
you hear about the ketogenic diet versus the old Atkins diet where a lot of body
builders that I knew back in the 90s went from the low fat diet to the Atkins diet.
They were literally guys at the gym working out eating cheese and bacon and
peanut butter in between sets. Whats the difference between these two types of
Dr. David Jockers: Thats a great question. Im really glad that you brought that up,
because in general the Atkins diet is a ketogenic diet. It does stimulate ketone
development. And the way that some individuals teach it theyre almost identical.
However, when were really trying to promote optimal health, weve got to make some
differentiations from the Atkins diet. Where Atkins went right was his approach with a
low carbohydrate diet, getting our body running off the ketones, so Im in total
agreement with him about that. Keeping our body very sensitive to insulin is very, very
important. However, where I disagree with him was he really had no regulation on the
kind of fats that you put into your body. We want to focus on good fats, as opposed to
bad fats. Most people in our society assume that saturated fat is a bad fat. What we
know is actually saturated fat is one of the most healthiest fats we can be putting into
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So the way that the animals are raised effects the meat.
Dr. Ben Johnson: We have all of these studies showing that two eggs a week causes
an increase in prostate cancer, and red meat causes colon cancer. But you dont see
anybody comparing organic free-range eggs against pen-fed chickens. I would love to
see those studies done. Of course no drug company is going to fund those and no
independent farmer has the money to do that. I dont think the meat, the eggs, the
things are the problem. I think its what we do to them. We put a chicken or a cow or a
hog in a pen and we fed them genetically modified corn. Thats not their diet. Theyre
out there eating grass, including the chickens and crickets. Theyre out there eating
things that when we raise them commercially, thats not what were feeding them. So
now they have concentrated genetically modified corn and other chemicals in their body,
and then we ate that and concentrated it into ours. Im not a vegetarian. I have no
problem with vegetarians as long as they get adequate amounts of protein, which is
sometimes difficult to do unless theyre educated as to how to get that. There are certain
amino acids that you just dont find in vegetables at all, but we have nice supplements
these days, so you can go to a supplement store and get those. So I dont have a
problem with a patient being a vegetarian, but I certainly dont have a problem with them
being omnivarian because we need protein. Especially our immune systems need
protein. I just want it to be healthy protein.
Ty Bollinger:
I dont know about you, but when I eat some good grass-fed
meat or some pasture poultry, I like to put some spices on it. One of the spices
that I like to include is sodium. Weve heard a lot of bad things about sodium. Its
gotten a bad rap. Its been demonized, You should not include sodium in your
diet, but is that true? Lets listen to a man whos written a book on sodium, Dr.
David Brownstein.
Dr. B I know youve written a book about salt. What bearing does that have on our
conversation here?
Dr. David Brownstein:
Well Ty weve been talking about doing the basics, eating
a better diet. One of the other basics is making sure you maintain adequate hydration,
drink enough water. Taking iodine I consider one of the basics and salt is one of the four
basic things people need. Our bodies need and require adequate amounts of salt daily.
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Paul Barattiero:
Its oxygen. If a free radical is oxygen, its missing one of its eight
electrons, so it only has seven electrons.
Ty Bollinger:
Paul Barattiero:
Uh-huh. Yeah.
Ty Bollinger:
of them?
Okay and the free radical is an oxygen atom that is missing one
Paul Barattiero:
Thats right. So what itll do is it will go throughout the body and
steal electrons from healthy cells that are weaker than the oxygen itself and take it from
it. But when it does that cell no longer functions appropriately or cant function at all
depending on what kind of a cell it is. So thats why free radicals harm our system. If we
take out a percentage of ourselves not functioning, we lessen the entire effectiveness of
our system. Its like taking a part of your engine away in a vehicle; its not going to go.
So in our body being taxed and taxed and taxed not only toxins, but were actually
oxidizing ourselves. Thats what free radicals do is theyre stealing electrons and
electrons are the fuel. Its got to function electrically. Youve got to have those electrons.
So when we have water that is properly structured with a negative electrical charge, for
instance if theres a net gain or an increase of one electron, which can be donated to
complete those free radicals. Its basically with antioxidants. Antioxidants that people
are choosing have an extra electron, and thats how antioxidants function with the
cellular system.
Ty Bollinger:
So they donate that extra electron to the oxygen atom thats
missing the electron.
Paul Barattiero:
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Paul Barattiero:
Thats right.
Ty Bollinger:
So your blood is ninety-three percent water. Wow. And properly
structured water acts as an antioxidant and is rich in minerals delivering them to
your body. Minerals are important. Lets listen to some experts talk about the
difference between the old diet, the primitive diet, and our modern diet full of fast
foods and virtually worthless foods.
Dr. Patrick Quillin: There are over three hundred studies showing that a diet rich in
fruits and vegetables can dramatically lower the risk for most cancers. That should be
enough evidence. In the meanwhile the United States Department of Agriculture claims
that the top three most commonly consumed vegetables in America is ketchup, French
fries, and onion rings. I know that sounds humorous because those are not vegetables
in my opinion. Theyre highly processed. Ketchup is mostly sugar, corn syrup, and the
others are high in hydrogenated fats. So there are very few vegetables and fruits being
consumed. The Government sort of bends rules to basically accommodate big
Dr. Keith Scott Mumby:
If you look at every simple, Im using the word simple
rather than primitive, or an Aboriginal society, cancer is unknown. There was a famous
Harvard researcher called Vilhjalmur Stefansson. Im not sure how to pronounce his
name. Its obviously a Norwegian or a Swedish name. My best shot is Vilhjalmur
Stefansson. He lived with Eskimos for about thirty years. I shouldnt say Eskimos, Inuit,
but you know what I mean. He lived with them and he ate their food and he lived their
lifestyle. At first he couldnt tolerate the diet. It was about fifty percent fat. It was just
slopping with grease in the dish. He said that he couldnt take it and that he would eat
more of the western way. Within a few weeks he was pretty sick, and he had to eat that
way. As soon as he did his body recovered enormously. He was fit and well. He was out
on the ice, and he could walk fifty miles in a day. He was a really fit man for his age and
he brought back an interesting story. He wrote a book. But basically in all of that time in
that territory he never saw a case of cancer. Its pretty well unknown among the Inuits.
Its only when they came onto the bases and started eating the burgers and the colas
that they started to get diabetes and disease and cancer, the same as the rest of us.
Thats a picture that repeats itself all over the world. Do you know Albert Schweitzer, the
famous humanitarian? He went to work in the Gabon in Africa, and he said he never
saw a case of cancer in anyone that was living the natural lifestyle. He directly attributed
it to food. He was pretty sure that was the reason. They just eat differently. Its tempting
to think that its genetic; its just strong against cancer. They do eat a lot of selenium
from the seafood, and we know how thats protected. But the real killer in the story Ty is
that if they go and move into a different environment and eat somebody elses diet, they
get sick as dogs just the same as the rest of us. So its not really a genetic factor. But
thats pretty stark epidemiological evidence. You almost dont need any other cause of
cancer if you know that people living the natural lifestyle in the Stone Age or in an
Aboriginal way like a hunter/gatherer and keeping their lifestyle pure never gets cancer.
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Mike Adams:
I couldnt. Everything around us was medicine in one form or
another, even the soil beneath our feet; the microbes in the soil are medicine. The
minerals in the stones are medicine. The chemical constituents in the tree bark are
traditional Chinese medicine. A lot of those are tree barks. The herbs, the plants,
everything had a medicinal component, even the sky, the sunlight was medicinal. The
water in the plants is medicinal. I couldnt find anything that wasnt medicine. And so
when people come up to me like, I dont know what to do about cancer. Ive tried
everything, have you tried nature. I bet you on the way to your Cancer Clinic you
walked by nature, you walked by some plants that probably have anticancer medicines
in them.
Ty Bollinger:
Mike Adams:
I used to live in the desert in Arizona, and there were anticancer
treatment centers there where in the parking lots had anticancer plants that were very
Ty Bollinger: And they probably were better treatments than what were inside.
Mike Adams:
Absolutely. So people would park their cars, ignoring the medicine
right there for free, and they would walk inside the cancer treatment center and get
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Suzanne Somers: Right. I was doing a radio interview the other day and they were
talking about the obesity epidemic with children. I said, Lets just stop for a minute. Do
you really think by giving kids smaller sodas and less French fries that thats going to
tackle the obesity issue? I said, No one wants to call it what it is. The kids are eating
chemicals, processed foods, and packaged foods. I remembered when I was
interviewing Dr. Russell Blalock, he said, They design chemicals to taste scrumptious.
He said, So if thats the first food the kid gets you have to bribe them to get Florida
broccoli in them and a piece of chicken, so that they can have the foods they really
love. Thats what needs to happen in schools is education about, There are no safe
levels of chemicals for any human body. That needs to just be known.
Ty Bollinger:
I agree with Suzanne Somers. We are what we eat, and if we eat
chemicals were going to become chemicals. Lets listen to cancer survivor Chris
Wark share how he cured his cancer changing only his nutrition.
Chris Wark:
So what did my diet look like? It was very simple. I think a hardcore
nutritional approach to cancer needs to be very simple, because there are a lot of
options out there. It can get very complicated. A lot of people are seeing so many
different directions that they dont even know where to go and they get paralyzed. And
so I realized, Okay. What is the most fundamental foundational part of my healing
approach, and thats food? Ive got to get as much nutrition in my body as I can from
the earth. And so I started juicing and I drank about sixty-four ounces of vegetable juice
every day, mostly carrot juice. I ate giant salads full of cruciferous and allium
vegetables. Thats broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, onions, garlic, peppers, spinach,
and all of that good stuff.
Ty Bollinger:
Chris Wark: Yeah, I just made amazing giant salads. We shared one at Jasons Deli
Ty Bollinger:
Chris Wark:
Just a giant salad full of all of this really amazing food from the earth
that was put here for us, and I ate that twice a day. Then I would make fruit smoothies
with a fresh coconut and berries, two cups of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries,
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Dr. Rashid Buttar: Clean as clean as possible, meaning that it should be organic range
fed. In my book, The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away, I specifically talk about food.
People have asked me many times, When are you going to write a more detailed book
on food? And I said, Ive actually got one written on that too, but Im never going to put
that out. Why, because I want people to become empowered rather than becoming
dependent on a book? So its a very, very simple rule. G stands for God. M stands for
man. If God made it its good, and if man made it its madness. Simply follow that rule.
So if its butter and the doctor says, Dont eat butter because of the fat, its not
manmade. Its God made and eat it. If its margarine its manmade, use it for lubrication
on your cars axel, but dont use it for anything else. Thats my general rule. High protein
and lower carbohydrates, because protein is a part of how the body regenerates itself,
whereas carbohydrates is fuel. We have too much fuel in our diet nowadays. We
needed more fuel going back into our Paleolithic ancestry because we had to hunt our
food. We dont hunt our hamburgers now. And so we dont really need as much fuel
anymore. So you need more of a rebuilder protein component, and you need less of the
carbohydrate fuel component. So my general rule is manmade, madness, and God
made, good. Eat as clean as you can, meaning organic range fed, fruits and vegetables.
If youre going to eat meat then eat range-fed meat, and eat as healthy as possible. Ill
start explaining that to them and theyll say, What about reading ingredients? Read the
ingredients, Well how do I know whats good for me and whats bad for me? If there
are two things in the food that youre eating that you dont know what they are, thats
enough to say, Im not going to eat it. I happen to know a little bit more than the
average bear so when Im reading it I understand more of those things. If theres EDTA,
if it says Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid Ill still eat it, because thats what I infuse into
patients anyway. Its a chelator, so Im not worried about it. Its a preservative. But my
rule for general people is, If you dont know more than two ingredients, dont eat it.
Mike Adams:
The other big aha moment of this is that it gets us back to the
amazing power of a common sense whole food diet. When you look at there might be
toxins in some of these foods, but if you actually eat whole foods there are natural
things in there that will absorb the toxins without you even knowing about it. So as I
have done this research, what it has really done is given me more and more respect for
Mother Nature, and more amazement at how nature achieves balance and protects your
body from toxins in the environment through things that you never were even aware of.
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Mike Adams:
Ty Bollinger:
Now you look a lot different than you did about five months
ago. You were a participant in the Quest for the Cures and you shared a lot of
valuable information with us, but youve lost a lot of weight since then.
The Quest for The CuresCONTINUES
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Ty Bollinger:
Well you do have a goatee that you didnt have before, but can
you tell us what else has happened between last May and the current day?
Dr. Irvin Sahni:
Yeah, the whole project really inspired me. I probably was a little
less than completely satisfied with the way I looked on camera, but I was also inspired
and interested in improving my overall health and that resulted in some pretty significant
weight loss. So a lot of it I got from the Quest for the Cures and some of it I got from
some research that I did on my own, primarily some intermittent fasting.
Ty Bollinger:
What was it specifically in The Quest for the Cures that you
learned about that got you on that road?
Dr. Irvin Sahni:
ketogenic diet.
Ty Bollinger:
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Ty Bollinger:
So its great to see you this way. Its great to see you healthy
again, and I really appreciate you joining us tonight to share your story.
Dr. Irvin Sahni:
Ty Bollinger:
Wow, thats an amazingly powerful story from Dr. Irvin Sahni.
The Quest for the Cures back in the spring influenced him to such an extent as a
medical doctor that he totally changed his diet and now hes lost fifty pounds. I
went to college with Dr. Sahni. He looks as good as he did back in college, maybe
even better. What a great story to hear. What a great encouraging story for you,
because you now understand coming from a medical doctors story that you are
what you eat. Did you know that certain diagnostics that are used today to detect
cancer actually cause cancer? They increase your risk of cancer. Do you know
what tests are good, which tests are bad? There are many tests that are noninvasive tests that do not increase your risk of cancer, but many of them as I said
do. Tomorrow night, youre going to learn which ones do. Youre going to learn
about the good tests and youre going to learn about the tests that you should
stay away from. And not only that, were going to begin to teach you about natural
treatments for cancer. As a matter of fact, there are so many natural treatments
for cancer that the next three episodes are dedicated to that topic. I hope you
learned a lot tonight, and I know youre going to learn a lot in tomorrow nights
episode. So I hope to see you back tomorrow night. In the meantime, enjoy your
evening and God bless you all.
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under 50. It's like 52 percent effective, sensitive. That means 52 is pretty close to 50,
right, so about half. That means that half the women that half breast cancer it would not
detect their cancer. Thats a terrible test. And so there are much better tests and yet this
is whats still being crammed down womens throats today, a terrible test that causes
breast cancer.
Ty Bollinger: And it doesnt detectit detects 50 percent and causes cancer.
You said there are better options. What better options are there for detecting
breast cancer?
Dr. Ben Johnson: Well, theres two better options if youve got a lump, if you think
youve got something ultrasound is great. It's a test of anatomy. Mammograms are tests
of anatomy. Ultrasounds are tests of anatomy. MRIs are tests of anatomy. So if youve
already got a lump you want a test of anatomy. So that would be like an ultrasound
because they can see the lump, they can see its consistency. They can see whether
theres calcium in it. And they can look at blood flow because tumors are going to have
increased blood flow. So, for instance, the sensitivity of ultrasound is up around 80
percent. It's much higher than mammograms. And the sensitivity is higher too. But if
youre looking about prevention, youre talking about a screening theres really only one
device out there and that is thermography, an infrared thermal camera. Nothing touches
the lady, nothing smashes her breasts. Theres no cancer causing radiation. As we sit
here we are emitting heat in the spectrum called infrared. Theres infrared visual and
ultraviolent. So this is the infrared spectrum of light which our eyes dont see but which
is very detectable by the cancer. The military developed this so that they could see
people sneaking at them at night time and so that they could shoot down missiles and
things because theyre producing heat.
Ty Bollinger: Sure, like the night vision goggles.
Dr. Ben Johnson: There you go; night vision goggles are infrared goggles. So we use
this as a medical application to detect hot spots in the breast. Well, long before there
was a tumor there there were cancer cells. Probably eight to ten years before there was
a tumor there were cancer cells starting to grow; two cells, four cells, sixteen cells, a
hundred and forty-four cells, etc., etc. And it takes about eight years until you get to
about a sonometer in size for a mammogram or an ultrasound to detect it. Well, thats
too late because that one sonometer tumor, about five-sixteenths of an inch, less than
half an inch, is about one billion cells. When you get to one billion cells the cancer has
already eroded into the lymphatic system and the venous system and its shedding
cancer cells all through the body. So thats why mammograms, one of the many
reasons mammograms, dont save lives. It is not early detection. And thats one of the
little lies that they propagated along. Early detection saves lives. Get your mammogram
Ty Bollinger: Right.
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Ty Bollinger:
And the ACS knows that but they have not changed their
Mike Adams: No, because mammography is the recruitment method for the cancer
industry. The cancer industry is a multi-billion dollar for-profit industry. Anyone who
thinks that the cancer industry is primarily motivated by compassionate love for
womens health is kidding themselves. This is an industry that is insidiously engaged in
routine, systemic censorship of information about natural cancer cures, treatments, and
prevention methodologies that really work. This is an industry that uses mammography
as a way to scare woman to use fear-based tactics, fear medicine, into receiving
treatments that most of the time are not necessary and dont help them.
Dr. Ben Johnson: What is tamoxifen? So on a cancer cell, especially a breast cancer
cell; it has receptor sites, tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of receptor
sites. And some of those receptor sites are for estrogen. And so tamoxifen is a drug that
hooks to the estrogen receptor site and occupies it. Now you want that site occupied.
There are three natural female estrogens, estrone, estriol, and estradiol, estradiol being
the more potent, naturally cancer causing one. So you want to occupy that receptor site
to keep estradiol from docking there but you could be giving that patient, and I do give
my breast cancer patients, estriol, and a normal hormone that their body makes and is
used to. I just give it in abundance to block those receptor sites. You can block those
receptor sites with soy. You can block those receptor sites with many non-stimulating
things. You want those estrogen receptor sites blocked but not with tamoxifen.
Ty Bollinger: Well, I know youre not a conspiracy theorist but nothing better to
create repeat business than to perpetuate the disease that youre supposedly
trying to treat.
Dr. Ben Johnson: Mammograms, tamoxifen, you got a built-in clientele. Youre going to
get that patient back. Theyre going to getif they dont have breast cancer you take
enough mammograms and they will have breast cancer. You give them tamoxifen you
know youre going to get that patient back. It's good repeat business. It's a good
business model.
Ty Bollinger:
Dr. David Brownstein: I see medical students; they come in and train at our office. They
are two to three hundred thousand dollars in debt. And what are they going to do out
there? Wheres the money going to be? The money is in diagnosis and treatment. And
unfortunately thats where weve gone with things. But I always tell people they should
look twice before donating to charities like Komen Foundation or the American Cancer
Society and really look, are they really searching for an underlying cause of these
problems or are they just perpetuating the same old model thats not working.
Ty Bollinger: Right. We should be running for the cause.
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Society and the powers that be recommend doing yearly PSA screenings. They backed
off a little bit from that recently. But basically they recommending yearly PSA testing for
men over the age of 50. And what happens is when the PSA elevates which it can
elevate from a lot of reasons besides cancer, prostatitis, if the prostates been stimulated
within 24 hours of the blood testing.
Ty Bollinger: Inflammation, right?
Dr. David Brownstein: Anything that causes inflammation, and then they go into the
whole cancer industrial complex themselves where theyre getting ultrasounds, biopsies,
chemotherapy surgery, radiation, and most people, most men with prostate cancer can
outlive it if they dont do anything. Theyll end up dying of something else. So weve got
a whole mess on that and, again, we need to search for the underlying cause of why
one in three men have it. And we need to certainly do a lot less therapy on men with
prostate cancer. Were not saving enough men for it and putting way too many men
through too many toxic and traumatic therapies for it. I think the numbers are if youre
over 80-years-old about 88 percent of men will have prostate cancer at the time of death
if they do an autopsy. Three percent will die from it, eight percent are affected by it, the
rest are dying of something else, and they have prostate cancer.
Ty Bollinger: They with it and may not even know.
Dr. David Brownstein: And were treating every man as if it's the same thing. And it's
just a disaster. It's sad.
Ty Bollinger: Wow! 80 percent false-positives with the PSA tests. So then what
happens? You go in for chemo, you go in for radiation, and they actually
perpetuate a disease that you might have never even had. Theres better options,
the AMAS test stands for antimalignant antibody and serum, the Navarro urine
test, which measures the amount of HCG in the blood. Those are two very noninvasive tests, very effective tests as well. In this next clip Dr. Tony Jimenez a
conventionally trained medical doctor shares the story of how is father was
diagnosed with prostate cancer and how he went to natural methods to treat it.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: My dad who lived in Texas developed prostate cancer. So he went
to MD Anderson, right. And of course, they wanted to do the surgery, the radiation, the
Lupron, and all that, and I said there has to be a better way. So that was the impetus
that drove me into seeking better ways of treating my dad. And thankfully he was cured,
totally free of cancer even though he had already external metastasis beyond the
prostate to lymph nodes, and a little bit on bone. So it was a fabulous result. Based on
that there was no turning back.
Ty Bollinger: So what treatments did he use then to turn around his cancer that
had already metastasized?
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them go thats when the true healing can take place because remember buried feelings
never die. And we can suppress it. We can say Ive put it in the back burner but it's
always there having an impact on your immune system and everything else, right. And
number seven is the oxygen therapies or oxygenation and were well aware of the
reason for why oxygen therapy is so important. So I say if we adhere to these seven key
principles we will have the best possibility of not only placing a patient or helping a
patient go into remission but ultimately affecting a resolution of disease.
Ty Bollinger: You just listed these seven and it's amazing the similarities
between those seven and then Dr. Buttar has the seven toxicities.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: After a lot of research and dialogue I believe that hyperthermia, sono
photo dynamic therapy, which is another big therapy that we do at Hope for Cancer.
Theres actually three clinics in the world doing sono photo dynamic therapy and were
the one with the most experience in this using sound and light to affect cancer cells. So
hyperthermia, sono photo dynamic therapy, oxygen therapy, and our latest addition to
our arsenal at Hope for Cancer is viral therapy. And this is called Rigvir. You know,
maybe in the news recently Ty that someone with multiple myeloma had an injection
with measles vaccine and they were pronounced cured of multiple myeloma. So
vaccines have been used in medicine to try to attack cancer. And Amgen Oncology, Am-g-e-n Oncology in the US is in phase III clinical trials of a genetically
biotechnologically engineered virus that will attack cancer cells. But would you ever,
would I, want to administer this to ourselves, right, genetically modified bioengineered
virus? Forget it, right?
Ty Bollinger: Right
Dr. Tony Jimenez: So this is where viral therapy in the form of Rigvir comes into play at
Hope for Cancer. This is a virus that is non-pathogenic meaning it cannot cause disease
in humans. It's non-genetically modified. It's a wild string. That means it's found in
nature in the healthy gut of children between seven and eleven years of age.
Ty Bollinger: So it's part of your microflora.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Part of your microflora So in the mid-60s in the old Soviet Union
they were really focusing on viruses. And theyre the ones that developed the polio
vaccine thats used all around the world. So the same team found a virus, as I just
describe, non-pathogenic, that has two mechanisms of action. Once as it migrates
towards cancer cells. The scientific word for that is oncotropism.
Ty Bollinger: I like that.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Oncotropism
Ty Bollinger: Big, fancy word.
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Dr. Tony Jimenez: The other 14 percent I think maybe when they would extend their
arm and start the drip of the chemo they will pull it back but you know. So I took an
injection of the viral therapy, Rigvir because I know it's not pathogenic. My dad had
prostate cancer as I said so I want an optimal immune system. I want an immune
system that has the ability to recognize any developing cancer cells in my body and
youll be hearing a lot more about viral therapy in the months and years to come.
Ty Bollinger: The second treatment that you mentioned sono photo
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Sono photo dynamic therapy
Ty Bollinger: I cant even say it.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yes. It took me a couple of months to.
Ty Bollinger: Can you describe what that is?
Dr. Tony Jimenez:
Yes. We know in conventional medicine that photodynamic
therapy, PDT, has been used for many, many years and decades to treat skin cancers.
You use a sensitizer thats absorbed by the cancer cells, and you use light thats
phototherapy. It could be in the form of lasers. It could be in the form of LEDs, light
emitting diodes, and thats been proven without a doubt that kills cancer cells. And
Cancer Treatment Centers of America in the US, they do photodynamic therapy, PDT,
to treat skin cancer as I just mentioned but they also do it to treat esophagus and
stomach cancer because they go through an endoscopy. They put in a laser and target
the esophagus or cancer tumor. Okay. So thats photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic
therapy has a depth of penetration limitation because as you know light has a
penetration limit, right, the thicker the membrane the light wont go through. So if youre
behind a wall and you shine a light you cant see it on the other side of the wall.
Ty Bollinger: Thats why I have curtains on the windows.
Dr. Tony Jimenez:
Thats why we have curtains on the windows. But what about
sound Ty? Sound travels much further, right.
Ty Bollinger: Especially when youre in New York City.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: Yeah, and dolphins love that, right, the sound. So we know that
sound travels in water. If our body is 70 75 percent water then we can have good
effect of sound therapy. This is where the sono part of this therapy comes together. So
sono photodynamic therapy is using sound and light or photo to affect cancer cells. So
the sono part is we use an ultrasound emitting sound frequencies at specific amplitude,
intensity, wavelength, and we know that the substance that is used, the photosensitizer,
is absorbed by cancer cells. This is a chlorophyll derivative so totally non-toxic.
Ty Bollinger: Lots of oxygen too.
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Ty Bollinger: Sure.
Dr. Tony Jimenez: So detoxing those psychological, emotional, biological conflicts and
trauma is key. And then we could talk about other things to detoxify. The list is extensive
but I would say these are the primary basic ones.
Ty Bollinger: Those are the keys.
Dr. Tony Jimenez:
Those are the keys, yeah. So for cancer patients my big
recommendation is faith in God, be strong with your spiritual aspect of your life, the
emotional, and then the physical as it was in the ancient times when someone went to
Hope for Cancer Institute the first person they saw was the spiritual advisor. The second
person they saw was an emotional/psychological counselor, and then they saw us the
Ty Bollinger: So Dr. Jimenez just shared with us his seven key principles in
treating cancer. And in this next clip Dr. Rashid Buttar shares with us what he
calls the seven toxicities that he tries to remove when treating cancer.
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Again, , all disease, not just cancer, is a deficiency of some type of a
nutrient or its a toxicity and its dissolved as a toxicity. It can be a toxicity plus a
deficiency, or it can just be the toxicity but if you can address those two things then
youve got a chance of actually resolving the situation. And of those toxicities we have
defined seven different toxicities. And those seven toxicities are heavy metals, second
one is persistent organic food, the third one is opportunistics of bacteria, virus,
spirochete, microplasma, yeast, those type of things meaning something that needs,
and it needs an opportunity to set up house. So a yeast, for example, a fungus would
not affect you unless youre immunocompromised. So the first toxicity, heavy metals, or
the second toxicity persistent organic food, just the chemicals, will suppress the immune
system that allows for that third toxicity, the opportunistics to actually set up house.
Then the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh toxicities, theyre a little bit more esoteric. The
fourth one is energetic, ambient cellphone radiation, electromagnetic radiation, that type
of stuff, fifth one emotional psychological, sixth one, food, not what is in the food that we
eat but whats done to the food, the genetic modification, the eradiation, the
homogenization, pasteurization, that type of stuff, and then the seventh one is spiritual.
Ty Bollinger: Ive read about your cancer protocol, and you have something that
you call AARSOTA. Can you talk about what your AARSOTA is? Is it a vaccine?
What is AASOTA?
Dr. Rashid Buttar: AARSOTA is an acronym that stands for autogenous antigen
receptor specific oncogenic target acquisition.
Ty Bollinger: Im glad you called it AARSOTA.
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probably they will make another announcement that I am making false advertisement.
So what we do now will be part of false advertisement.
Ty Bollinger: False advertisement.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Thats right, yes.
Ty Bollinger: Even though it's completely 100 percent true
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Yes. Well, the other thing which I can say publicly is the
address of the clinic. Okay. Yes, thats it. Well, thats the state of freedom of speech in
the state of Texas these days. According to Texas Medical Board, of course, but this is
somewhat distorted view of America, I believe.
Ty Bollinger: It seems like the dark ages.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Yes, they are Dark Ages of Medicine. We are beginning to
have Dark Ages unless people will take some action.
Ty Bollinger: Talk about the way that the antineoplastons act sort of like an
epigenetic trigger and the way thatwhat would cause certain cancer cells to
map incorrectly and become cancerous? What are cancer cells and what causes
these genetic switches to map incorrectly that you would be diagnosed with
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski: Well, cancer cells have their own genome, which is an
abnormal genome. And this genome is directed to rapidly multiply cells, create a lot of
new cells, which do not play a normal function in the body. They are pretty much
useless for the body. And because of this they spread, they take away nutrients from
normal cells, they exhaust the body, they invade vital organs, and finally they kill the
body. So, basically, these are the cells which have their own genome, the cancerous
genome. And its not a single gene which can cause such problems. Initially, it can start
with some abnormality in a single gene which can be inherited or which can be caused
by exposure to radiation, by virus infection, by lack of sleep, by exposure to
electromagnetic waves, by thousands of different factors. And most of these changes
will come and go, and the body is able to protect itself and eliminate this. So then
cancer is not so easy to really start because the body has a very good protective
system. We believe that antineoplastons play a very good line of defense. They
immediately switch off these abnormal genes and they get rid of cancer cells. They all
die out, and there are no new cells which contain this problem. If you dont have enough
antineoplastons, then obviously these changes will get established. And then there will
be some more changes, so its not just single changes that cause the problem. Its a
number of different changes in various genes to build a network which will cause
malignant transformation. And then once this gets going, it gets worse and worse and is
changing all the time, and it is becoming more and more malignant, and finally the body
is unable to control it. So that is pretty much what happens. It is a multitude of factors at
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Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Thats one of the toxic reactions to fluoride. Thats one of the signs
of fluoride toxicity actually.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Rotten teeth
Ty Bollinger: Your teeth fall out.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Right.
Ty Bollinger: Okay.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: It does the same thing with your bones, it rots your bones. It causes
the bones to become soft and brittle.
Ty Bollinger: Is that whyI read a study within the last couple of years that
fluoride has been linked to osteosarcoma.
Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Yes.
Ty Bollinger:
Thats why.
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Kevin Campbell: Uh-huh, the upper level sort of penthouse view of the nice forests of
Atlanta and
Cortney Campbell: But when youre walking through that chemo room and theres
these people receiving their chemotherapy you dont see the forest and the plush chairs
and the personal television
Kevin Campbell: Right. Youre having this sort of out of body experience.
Cortney Campbell: Yeah. You see these sick, sick, sick people
Kevin Campbell: And people that just almost look like a shell or a ghost of themselves.
And your mind is just beside itself and in the midst of all the chaos as we were going
through this room, and again, this is only, what, our third appointment.
Cortney Campbell: Uh-huh, yeah, something like that.
Kevin Campbell: She was in front of me and I waswe were both getting the tour and I
just remember sitting there just having this crazy, this cannot be happening to us. What
are we going to do? All this sort of panicky thoughts like one moment at a time, one
breath at a time.
Cortney Campbell: Right, this is right after they had told us about the 30 to 70 percent
chance of infertility because of the RCHOP, which is a very , very harsh chemotherapy.
Kevin Campbell: Well, our doctor, our oncologist, his residency was it
Cortney Campbell: At MD Anderson
Kevin Campbell: Was it at MD Anderson?
Cortney Campbell: Yeah
Kevin Campbell: I don't know if thats what its called residency
Cortney Campbell: And they were the ones to say
Kevin Campbell: He wasyeah, he had not had a lot of experience with this type of
cancer so he referred his colleagues back at MD Anderson and so the best
recommendation from one of the best cancer hospitals in the world came backchemo,
radiation, surgery. So
Cortney Campbell: And because of thatthey gave us that 30 to 70 percent chance,
giant window, of infertility he actually referred us
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Kevin Campbell: The cancers inside of her and we just want to get it out.
Cortney Campbell: Yeah, just get it out of me.
Kevin Campbell: And that was not
Cortney Campbell: Thats not reality.
Kevin Campbell: Thats not reality. Its not an option. And being highly sensitive as it is,
Cortneys the sweetest person in the world, and so now shes got this cancer and so her
emotions are running high. Im like buckling down. Shes going more into an emotional
state and Im going more into the Im going to be the
Cortney Campbell: The protector
Kevin Campbell: the protector and the
Cortney Campbell: and save her.
Kevin Campbell:
Yeah and just do my part to logically make sure this doesnt
anyway. So yeah, I just remember it was some really hard times and family didnt
understand and we were trying to
Cortney Campbell: Oh yeah, that was hard.
Kevin Campbell: come up quickly with answers to the questions that we didnt know
the answers to.
Cortney Campbell:
Why were you notwhy are you not already going through
treatment. Its been three weeks or its been four weeks or its beenit eventually
became six weeks orand on and on from there. The real turning point for me was one
day I got home and Bill Hendersons book arrived at the door and I actually started
fishing through it.
Kevin Campbell: What was it called?
Cortney Campbell: Its called Cancer Free; Your Guide to Gentle Non-Toxic Healing.
And it just made sense to me. It was just like a meant to be kind of thing because it was
simply written. It was in simple terms and he also lays out a protocol in it. And I actually
read through it in probably two or three days and I decided that I was going to give itI
don't knowI think I decided three months. Ill give this three months and Im going to
try it and Im going to hard core. And if anyone knows me I go hard-core on things if I
put my mind to it. I accomplish it whether its running or natural child birth or a cancer
treatment. And soor whether its eating. And this wasit was a huge change for me
because I ate diet coke and Cheez-its. Im not joking. I didnt eat salads. I didnt eat
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Suzanne Somers
Cancer Survivor, Author, and Actress
Mike Adams
Mike Adams aka The Health Ranger,
Food Scientist, Author, and Lecturer
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Jonathan Emord
Constitutional Attorney
The FDA Dragonslayer
Page 265
Burton Goldberg
aka The Voice of Alternative Medicine
Best-selling Author and Lecturer
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Chris Wark
AJ Lanigan
G. Edward Griffin
Bill Henderson
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K.C. Craichy
Author and Nutritional Expert
CEO of LivingFuel
R. Webster Kehr
Jason Vale
Cancer Survivor
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Charlene Bollinger
Researcher & Health Freedom
Advocate, Co-Founder of
Jeffrey M. Smith
GMO Expert, Filmmaker, Researcher,
and Lecturer
Wendy Wilson
Master Herbalist
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Shannon Knight
Cancer Survivor
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Kevin Irish
Cancer Survivor
Staci Marshall
Kevil Murray
Cancer Survivor
Cancer Survivor
Chris Walsh
Cancer Survivor
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Bob Wright
Natural Health-International
Peter Starr
Cortney Campbell
Cancer Survivor
Frank Cousineau
Ian Jacklin
Control Society
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