A Scalable Framework For Provisioning Large-Scale IoT Deployments
A Scalable Framework For Provisioning Large-Scale IoT Deployments
A Scalable Framework For Provisioning Large-Scale IoT Deployments
Michael Vogler,
Johannes M. Schleicher, Christian Inzinger, and Schahram Dustdar,
{lastname}@dsg.tuwien.ac.at, Distributed Systems Group, TU Wien
Internet of Things (IoT) devices are usually considered as external application dependencies that only provide data, or process and execute simple instructions. The recent emergence of IoT devices with embedded
execution environments allows practitioners to deploy and execute custom application logic directly on the
device. This approach fundamentally changes the overall process of designing, developing, deploying, and
managing IoT systems. However, these devices exhibit significant differences in available execution environments, processing, and storage capabilities. To accommodate this diversity, a structured approach is
needed to uniformly and transparently deploy application components onto a large number of heterogeneous devices. This is especially important in the context of large-scale IoT systems, such as in the smart
city domain. In this paper, we present LEONORE, an infrastructure toolset that provides elastic provisioning of application components on resource-constrained and heterogeneous edge devices in large-scale IoT
deployments. LEONORE supports push-based as well as pull-based deployments. To improve scalability
and reduce generated network traffic between cloud and edge infrastructure, we present a distributed provisioning approach that deploys LEONORE local nodes within the deployment infrastructure close to the
actual edge devices. We show that our solution is able to elastically provision large numbers of devices using
a testbed based on a real-world industry scenario.
CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies Distributed computing methodologies; Computer
systems organization Distributed architectures;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: IoT, framework, provisioning, large-scale, resource-constrained, gateway
ACM Reference Format:
Michael Vogler, Johannes M. Schleicher, Christian Inzinger, and Schahram Dustdar, 2015. A Scalable
Framework for Provisioning Large-scale IoT Deployments ACM Trans. Internet Technol. V, N, Article A
(January YYYY), 20 pages.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/0000000.0000000
Traditional approaches for developing and designing Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as AWS IoT1 and Bluemix IoT Solutions2 , are based on rigid layered
architectures [Agrawal et al. 2010]. The bottom layer, consisting of deployed IoT devices and their communication facilities, is managed using a middleware layer that
exposes the underlying hardware in a unified manner for consumption by a top-level
application layer, which executes relevant business logic and visualizes processed sensor data [Li et al. 2014]. Such a layered architecture implies that business logic is only
executed in the application layer, and IoT devices are assumed to be deployed with appropriate software and readily available [Da Xu et al. 2014]. However, in practice this
is not the case. Currently, configuration and provisioning of IoT devices must largely
be performed manually, making it difficult to quickly react to changes in application or
1 http://aws.amazon.com/iot/
2 https://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/bluemix/solutions/iot/
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/0000000.0000000
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
infrastructure requirements. Moreover, we see the emergence of IoT devices (e.g., Intel
IoT gateway3 , SmartThings Hub4 , and Raspberry Pi5 ) that offer functionality beyond
basic connected sensors and provide constrained execution environments with limited
processing, storage, and memory resources to execute device firmware. These currently
unused execution environments can be incorporated in IoT systems to offload parts of
the business logic onto devices. In the context of our work, we refer to these devices as
IoT gateways.
In large-scale IoT systems, such as in the smart city domain, leveraging the processing capabilities of gateways is especially promising, as their currently untapped
processing capabilities can be used to improve dependability, resilience, and performance of IoT applications by moving parts of the business logic towards the edge of
the infrastructure. Incorporating edge devices as first-class execution environments in
the design of IoT applications allows them to dynamically adapt to inevitable changes,
such as new requirements or adjustments in regulations, by modifying their component deployment topology and edge processing logic. System integrators can avoid
infrastructure silos and vendor lock-in by implementing custom business logic to be
executed on gateways, and even purchase and sell such application components in
IoT application markets [Vogler et al. 2015a]. However, the heterogeneity of currently
available IoT gateways poses challenges for application delivery due to significant differences in device capabilities (e.g., available storage and processing resources), as well
as deployed and deployable software components. Furthermore, the large number of
devices in typical IoT systems calls for a scalable and elastic provisioning solution that
is specifically tailored to the resource-constrained nature of IoT devices.
In this paper, we present LEONORE, an infrastructure and toolset for provisioning
application components on edge devices in large-scale IoT deployments. To accommodate the resource constraints of IoT gateways, installable application packages are
fully prepared on the provisioning server and specifically catered to the device platform to be provisioned. Our solution allows for both, push- and pull-based provisioning
of devices. Pull-based provisioning, a common approach in contemporary configuration
management systems, allows devices to independently schedule provisioning runs at
off-peak times, whereas push-based provisioning allows for greater control over the
deployed application landscape by immediately initiating critical software updates or
security fixes. We illustrate the feasibility of our solution using a testbed based on a
real-world IoT deployment from one of our industry partners. We show that LEONORE
is able to elastically provision large numbers of IoT gateways in reasonable time. By
deploying application packages with significantly different sizes, we furthermore show
that our distributed provisioning mechanism can successfully scale with the size of IoT
deployments and can substantially reduce required network bandwidth between edge
devices and the central provisioning component. A preliminary version of our approach
has been presented in [Vogler et al. 2015c] where we introduce the basic concepts of the
LEONORE framework, along with a centralized mechanism for provisioning edge devices. In this work, we extend the framework with a distributed provisioning approach
to reduce network overhead, provide a detailed discussion of our prototype implementation, and significantly extend the evaluation of our framework.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In Section 2 we motivate our
work and outline the specific problems to be tackled. In Section 3 we introduce the
LEONORE infrastructure and toolset to address the identified problems in deploying
large-scale IoT systems, and present our distributed provisioning approach in Sec3 https://www-ssl.intel.com/content/www/us/en/embedded/solutions/
4 http://www.smartthings.com/
5 https://www.raspberrypi.org/
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
One of the most demanding aspects in the smart city domain is the ability to connect and manage millions of heterogeneous devices, which are emerging from the IoT.
The extremely fast-paced evolution within the IoT and the changing requirements in
the smart city domain itself make this not only a matter of handling large-scale deployments, but more importantly about supporting the ability to manage this change.
A specifically demanding area facing these specific challenges is large-scale Building
Management and Operations (BMO). BMO providers not only need to be able to manage and stage large numbers of new devices, they also need to be able to react on
rapidly changing requirements to their existing infrastructure. However, current solutions are mostly manual and only deal with fragments of a BMO providerss infrastructure, which leads to the incapability of dealing with the vast amount of devices and
changing requirements in an efficient, reliable, and cost-effective way. BMOs dealing
with large-scale IoT systems need to be able to handle two distinct stages. The first is
the initial deployment and staging of devices, the second is the management of updates
of varying frequency and priorities. To illustrate this, we consider the case of a BMO
that manages several hundreds of buildings with a broad variety of tenants in a large
city. These buildings are equipped with a huge amount of heterogeneous IoT devices
including simple sensors to detect smoke and heat, elevator and door controls, as well
as complex cooling and heating systems. To reliably operate this infrastructure, the
BMO relies on physical gateways [Zhu et al. 2010], which provide constrained execution environments with limited processing, storage, and memory resources to execute
the device firmware and simple routines. These gateways are usually installed once
in a specific location in a building and then connected and integrated into an infrastructure solution to enable the basic bundling and management of a wide variety of
connected devices. The current lack of standardization in this novel field combined
with the current market situation leads to a significant heterogeneity in terms of software environments when it comes to these gateways. Initially, the gateways need to be
staged with the necessary capabilities to ensure their basic functionality. They need
to support the connected sensors, must run the latest firmware and have to be integrated into a specific deployment structure. This is followed by long term evolution
requirements like changing deployments, shifting capabilities, as well as updating the
software environment or firmware. A special case of updates are security updates and
hot fixes that need to be deployed quickly to ensure that the infrastructure stays operational. Delays in these updates can expose severe security risks, which make them
time critical. The increasing number of connected devices leads to an increased vulnerability to hacks and exploits, and in the IoT domain, where these devices are connected
to the real world, this poses a major threat.
We therefore identify the following requirements in the context of this scenario:
(1) A provisioning framework must consider that participating gateways are resourceconstrained in terms of their processing, memory, and storage capabilities. (2) Scenarios dealing with large-scale deployments comprising thousands of gateways with a
wide variety of different execution environments must be supported. (3) Requirements
of deployed applications change over time, which makes updates necessary. These updates can either be non-time-critical or time-critical. (4) In order to sustain operations,
updates need to be efficient and fast, and therefore have to be performed at runtime.
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
User API
IoT Gateway
Provisioning Handler
Provisioning Connectivity
Package Builder
Device API
IoT Gateway
Dependency Management
Repository API
Artifact Repository
Package Management
Provisioning Agent
Package Container
Repository API
Package Repository
To efficiently provision edge devices, we first need a general and generic representation
of such devices. We analyzed the capabilities of several gateways that are commonly
applied by our industry partners in the domain of Building Management Systems.
Our findings show that in general such gateways have limited hardware components
and use some rudimentary, tailored operating system (e.g., a BusyBox6 user land on
a stripped down Linux distribution). Installing or updating software components is
a tedious manual task, since there are no supporting packaging or updating tools in
place, as known from full-featured operating system distributions7 . Furthermore, due
to limited resources in terms of disk space, adding new capabilities often requires the
removal of already installed components. Taking all these limitations into account, we
derived the final representation of a gateway for our approach as depicted on the righthand side in Figure 1. The IoT gateway has the following components: (i) a container,
6 http://www.busybox.net
7 e.g.,
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
hosting application packages, (ii) a profiler, monitoring the current status of the gateway, (iii) an agent, communicating with the provisioning framework, and (iv) a connectivity layer, supporting different communication protocols and provisioning strategies.
3.2.1. Profiler. As mentioned above, gateways are usually resource-constrained, which
means that they only provide limited disk space, memory and processing power. Therefore, keeping track of these resources is of utmost importance. In order to do that the
profiler uses pre-defined interfaces to constantly monitor the underlying system (e.g.,
static information like ID, MAC-address, and instruction set, or dynamic information
like disk- and memory-consumption). The profiler sends the collected information either periodically or on request to the provisioning framework. Based on this heartbeat information the provisioning framework can detect failures (e.g., gateway has a
malfunction), which allows notifying the operator. Once the framework receives the
heartbeat again, the gateway is considered back and running.
3.2.2. Application Package and Container. All packages that are not pre-installed on the
IoT gateway have to be provisioned by the framework at runtime. Therefore, the IoT
gateway uses a runtime container to store and run application packages. By using a
separate container we ensure that installing or removing packages does not interfere
with the underlying system, and avoids expensive reboots or configuration procedures.
3.2.3. Provisioning Agent. An essential part of the overall provisioning framework is the
provisioning agent. The pre-installed agent runs on each IoT gateway and manages
application packages that are locally hosted and stored. The management tasks of the
agent comprise installing, uninstalling, starting, and stopping packages. Furthermore,
the agent is responsible for handling requests from the framework and triggers the
respective actions on the IoT gateways (e.g., gather latest information via the profiler
or trigger the provisioning of an application package).
3.2.4. Connectivity Layer. Since gateways usually use different software communication protocols in large real world deployments (e.g., oBIX8 or CoAP9 ), our approach
provides a pluggable connectivity layer. This layer can either reuse the deployed software communication protocols or extend services provided by the underlying operating
system. Additionally, this layer provides extensible strategies to provision the gateway.
In the current implementation, we provide two strategies: (i) a pull-based approach
where the provisioning agent queries the framework for provisioning tasks, and (ii) a
push-based approach where the framework pushes new updates to the gateway and
the agent triggers the local provisioning.
3.3. The LEONORE Provisioning Framework
The enabling framework to provision edge devices in large-scale deployments is depicted on the left-hand side in Figure 1. LEONORE is a cloud-based framework and
the overall design follows the microservice architecture [Newman 2015]. This approach
enables building scalable, flexible, and evolvable applications. Especially the flexible
management and scaling of components is important for LEONORE when dealing
with large-scale deployments. In the following, we introduce the main components of
LEONORE and discuss the balancer-based scaling approach.
3.3.1. Repositories. To manage all relevant information for LEONORE, the framework
relies on a number of repositories:
8 http://www.obix.org
9 http://coap.technology
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
User API
LEONORE node 1
Deployment 1
IoT Gateway
node 2
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
Deployment 2
IoT Gateway
Device API
Repository API
Dependency Management
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
Deployment n
node n
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
Repository API
M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
by replicating them and therefore distributing the workload across multiple computing
resources. Following this approach, components of LEONORE are classified in scalable and not scalable. Components that should be scaleable are grouped together in
so-called LEONORE nodes. These nodes comprise all components that are required
to handle and provision IoT gateways. The classification in scalable and not scalable
is flexible and can be adapted depending on the requirements. Now that LEONORE
provides the ability to replicate components via the notion of nodes, we further need a
component that is responsible for creating and destroying these nodes, as well as distributing incoming requests to them. To this end, we introduce a balancer. In general,
a balancer aims to optimize resource usage, to minimize response time and to maximize throughput. Figure 2 depicts how LEONORE scales up with a growing number
of deployments by using the balancer. In Figure 2 we see that the balancer receives incoming requests from IoT gateways deployed in different areas. Based on a pluggable
strategy the balancer gathers a suitable node from the pool of available LEONORE
nodes and assigns the gateway to this node. The node is then responsible for handling any further interaction with the respective IoT gateway. LEONORE nodes are
deployed using a N + 1 strategy with one active node and one hot standby initially. As
load increases above the capacity of one node, the framework will immediately start to
use the standby node for handling device provisioning requests, and furthermore start
another LENORE node to again maintain a hot standby node. Currently, LEONORE
scales nodes based on the number of gateways to be provisioned. In the future, we will
provide additional strategies, such as a location-aware strategy that aims at deploying
nodes close to affected IoT gateways to reduce network overhead.
3.4. Provisioning of Application Packages
After presenting the overall approach and the realization in the previous section, we
now want to discuss certain limitations of our approach and propose an optimization
addressing these shortcomings. In the approach presented so far, we assumed that the
communication between the cloud and edge infrastructure is always available, reliable, and cheap. However, real world deployments use wireless communication links
like 3G or GPRS that are not only slow and unreliable [Shrestha and Jasperneite
2012], but also expensive as they are usually charged based on transferred data. Additionally, the current approach puts the server-side framework under heavy load, which
we already partly addressed by introducing a scalable LEONORE node concept. Nevertheless, by scaling LEONORE across several nodes and therefore provisioning more
resources in the cloud, operating expenses increase along with the additional overhead
of managing the provisioning and releasing of these nodes. In order to tackle these limitations, we apply the core notion of offloading business logic to the infrastructure edge
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
User API
Deployment 1
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
Device API
Service API
Local Gateway
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
Deployment 2
Repository API
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
IoT Gateway
To allow for the new concept of LEONORE local nodes, we extend LEONORE by adding
several new components, which we describe in the following and are depicted on the
left-hand side in Figure 3.
4.1.1. Monitoring. We introduce a central (i.e., not replicated) monitoring component
that collects the following information of the overall framework: (i) The number of provisioned packages. (ii) The consumed bandwidth based on the number of provisioned
packages and incoming pulling requests. (iii) The overall time that is needed for provisioning the edge infrastructure. (iv) Information about the provisioned gateways, e.g.,
used disk space, memory and processing power. (v) For each deployed LEONORE node,
relevant metrics of the node (e.g., average response time, uptime, and load average).
Based on this monitoring data, collected by LEONORE, it is possible to decide that a
LEONORE local node needs to be provisioned and where in the edge infrastructure it
is feasible to do so.
4.1.2. Service API. Since in the current version LEONORE does not automatically decide when and where to provision a LEONORE local node, we created a service API
that allows operators to retrieve the collected data from the monitoring component.
Additionally, operators query for gateways that are suitable for hosting a LEONORE
local node. Finally, the service API allows operators to trigger the provisioning and
releasing of LEONORE local nodes in the edge infrastructure.
4.1.3. Local Node Repository. To keep track of provisioned LEONORE local nodes, we
added a separate repository. For each LEONORE local node deployment, we store in
this repository the ID of the node and the gateway in the edge infrastructure that
is provisioned with the respective node. The combination of node ID, gateway ID,
and gateway IP uniquely identifies the node deployment. Furthermore, the repository
stores the current status of a LEONORE local node using the monitoring component.
4.2. LEONORE Local Node
In essence, the LEONORE local node provides the same capabilities as the server-side
LEONORE node, but is specifically catered to be more lightweight in terms of memory
consumption and CPU usage. This approach allows to execute LEONORE local nodes
on gateways residing in the edge infrastructure, which only provide a fraction of the
processing power of cloud resources. The architecture of the LEONORE local node
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
is depicted on the right-hand side in Figure 3. In the following, we outline the basic
components of a LEONORE local node.
4.2.1. Local Gateway Handler. Like the gateway handler on the server-side LEONORE
node, this component manages a local cluster of gateways. In order to know which gateways need to be handled, how to communicate with them, and what kind of provisioning strategy needs to be used, LEONORE provides this information when provisioning
a LEONORE local node. Compared to the server-side manager, this approach is not
as flexible, but since the local gateway handler is specifically built for this local cluster of gateways, we keep the overall footprint of the node small by avoiding resource
expensive protocol mediation and bootstrapping of gateways.
4.2.2. Local Repository. In order to save bandwidth, the application package that needs
to provisioned is not transferred to each gateway, but only sent to the LEONORE local
node, which then takes care of provisioning the respective gateways. The node stores
the package in a local cache repository using available RAM and/or disk resources if
available. This allows for fast read and write access, while explicitly considering the
underlying resources of the gateway. After successful provisioning, the cache is cleared
to save memory on the gateway.
4.2.3. Local Provisioner. In contrast to the provisioner on the server-side LEONORE
node, the local provisioner is more lightweight, since it does not have to deal with the
process of building application packages, but only uses the already transferred application package to provision the gateways. Furthermore, the local provisioner provides
an optimized local provisioning strategy, which solely supports the push mechanism,
since it consumes less resources and puts the node under less load compared to polling
in short intervals.
4.2.4. Bootstrapper. Once a LEONORE local node gets provisioned, the bootstrapper
component of the local node takes care of the following two tasks. First, it registers the
respective local node at LEONORE, which guarantees that the framework is aware of
all deployed local nodes. Second, once the registration was successful and the framework accepted the registration request, the bootstrapper gathers health and status
information about the local node. This information is then periodically published at a
configurable interval, which is then collected by LEONORE.
4.3. LEONORE Local Node Deployment
In order to deploy a LEONORE local node in the edge infrastructure, the operator uses
the previously described LEONORE service API to retrieve a list of suitable gateways
that are capable to run a local node. Next, the operator chooses how to distribute the
local nodes across the edge infrastructure. Since the distribution of nodes can depend
on various factors, such as available connectivity or logical location, LEONORE provides a pluggable distribution mechanism that can be easily extended. Following our
microservice architecture, this can be done by adding an additional microservice to
the framework that specifically implements a new distribution approach. In the current implementation, we form clusters of gateways based on physical proximity (e.g.,
all gateways that are residing on the same floor). Based on these clusters, the distribution mechanism elects a suitable gateway to host the LEONORE local node. Next,
after selecting the gateways that will host the local nodes, LEONORE provisions them
using the same approach we use for ordinary artifacts. This means that the local node
artifacts, which are already residing in the artifact repository, get bundled to an application package and then transferred to the gateway. On the gateway the application
package is installed and started by the provisioning agent. Finally, after the startup of
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
the local node the bootstrapper registers the local node at LEONORE. After registration, the LEONORE local node is ready for serving provisioning requests.
4.4. Application Provisioning with LEONORE Local Nodes
To evaluate our provisioning framework we created a test setup in the cloud using
CoreOS to virtualize devices as Docker containers. IoT gateways in our experiments
use two types of provisioning strategies a pull and a push based approach.
When an IoT gateway uses the pull approach, the gateways agent polls the provisioning framework for new tasks in a configurable interval (e.g., every second). The
framework only provides new provisioning tasks for the IoT gateway, which collects
and executes these tasks. With short polling intervals, this approach generates increased load on the framework, consumes more bandwidth, and uses more resources
on the IoT gateways, but is more fault-tolerant in case of connectivity problems due to
inherently frequent retries. For the push-based approach, the IoT gateways agent only
registers the gateway once at the framework and then remains idle until the framework pushes an update. When the agent gets pushed by the framework, it collects the
provisioning task, executes it and returns to the idle state. In general, the push-based
approach generates less load on both the IoT gateway and framework, but is more vulnerable to connectivity problems and operators need to take care to not inadvertently
disrupt gateway operations by placing additional load on it.
To simulate real-world provisioning requests, we use the following two application
packages. The first package uses the Sedona Virtual Machine11 (SVM). SVM is written
in ANSI C and is highly portable by design. It allows to execute applications written
in the Sedona programming language and is optimized to run on platforms with less
than 100KB of memory. For our experiments we developed a small sample application
and used SVM Version 1.2.28. The final application package created by LEONORE has
approximately 120KB including the application code (.sab, .sax, .scode and Kits-file)
and the required SVM binary. As second package we use Java 8 for ARM12 (JVM).
In general, using Java on an embedded device is a challenging task, since the JVM
binary is quite big and often does not fit due to limited disk space. However, for our
experiments we created a compact13 Java package specifically for our gateway. Additionally, we developed a small sample application that pushes temperature readings
to a web server. In total, the JVM application package created by LEONORE has approximately 12MB including the application code (compiled .class files), JVM binary,
11 http://www.sedonadev.org
12 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-arm-downloads-2187472.html
13 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/embedded/develop-apps-platforms/jrecreate.htm
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M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
and libraries. In the remainder of this section we give an overview of the used cloud
setup, present four scenarios, and analyze the gathered results.
5.1. Setup
To see how LEONORE deals with large-scale deployments, we created an IoT testbed
in our private OpenStack14 cloud. In order to simulate large-scale deployments, we
first created a snapshot of a real-world gateway that is used by our industry partner. Based on this snapshot, we created an image that can be run in Docker15 . The
running image (Docker container) is then used to virtualize and mimic the physical gateway in our cloud. Since for our evaluation we want to use several thousand
virtualized gateways, we employed CoreOS16 clusters. In general, CoreOS is a lightweight Linux distribution designed for security, consistency, and reliability. Instead of
installing packages via a package management system like apt, CoreOS uses Docker
to manage services at a higher level of abstraction. The service code and all dependencies are packaged within a container that can be run on one or many CoreOS machines.
Containers provide benefits similar to full-blown virtual machines, but focus on applications instead of entire virtualized hosts. Since containers use the Linux kernel of
the host, they have very little performance overhead, reducing the amount of required
compute resources compared to VMs. CoreOS also provides fleet17 , a distributed init
system that allows to treat a CoreOS cluster as if it is a single shared init system. We
used fleets notion of service units to dynamically generate according fleet unit files
and use fleet for the automated deployment of virtualized gateways.
For our experiments we used the following setup: a CoreOS cluster of 8-16 virtual
machines (depending on the scenario), where each VM is based on CoreOS 647.0.0
and uses the m1.medium flavor (3750MB RAM, 2 VCPUs and 40GB Disk space).
Our gateway-specific framework components are pre-installed in the containers. The
LEONORE framework is initially distributed over 2 VMs using Ubuntu 14.04. The
first VM hosts the balancer and uses the m1.medium flavor (3750MB RAM, 2 VCPUs
and 40GB Disk space). In order to represent a LEONORE node we created a reusable
snapshot of a VM hosting all necessary LEONORE framework components and repositories. For the initial deployment of LEONORE two instances of this snapshot are
started at the beginning of the experiment. However, only of of them is initially used
by the framework, whereas the other acts as standby node. During the experiments
LEONORE, more precisely the balancer, spins up this additional standby node to distribute the load created by the gateways. The VMs hosting the LEONORE nodes use
the m2.medium flavor (5760MB Ram, 3 VCPUs and 40GB Disk space).
In the following scenarios we measured the overall execution time needed for provisioning an increasing number of devices. The provisioning time includes analyzing desired gateways, building gateway-specific application packages, transferring the packages to the gateways, installing the packages on the gateway, and executing them.
5.2. Scenario 1: 100 - 1000 IoT Gateways
For the first experiments we picked a scenario with 1000 virtual gateways. The scale
of this scenario corresponds to a medium building management system, containing
several big buildings (each with more than 10 floors). The 1000 virtual gateways are
distributed among a CoreOS cluster consisting of 8 machines, where each machine
hosts 125 containers. To demonstrate the scalability of our framework we show how
14 http://www.openstack.org
15 https://www.docker.com
16 https://coreos.com
17 https://github.com/coreos/fleet
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
For the second experiment we used a scenario with 4000 virtual gateways, which corresponds to a large building management system containing dozens of big buildings
(each with more than 10 floors). The 4000 virtual gateways are distributed among two
CoreOS clusters, each consisting of 8 machines, where each machine hosts 250 containers. With this scenario we investigate how our framework scales when dealing with a
large-scale deployment by using a scaling strategy that spins up another standby node
when reaching 2500 IoT gateways.
Figure 6 shows the overall execution time of the provisioning process for different
numbers of gateways using the push-based approach. In Figure 6a we notice that due
to the deployment scale the overall execution time for provisioning the SVM application package got slower compared to the first scenario. This is expected since for
this scenario we doubled the amount of CoreOS hosts and deployed twice as many
containers on each CoreOS machine. This increase, in both the hosts and containers,
generates a lot of traffic for the underlying network infrastructure of our cloud, which
causes slower response times and therefore the overall provisioning takes longer. Furthermore, for this scenario we configured the balancer to handle 2500 IoT gateways
per LEONORE node. We clearly see that up to 2500 IoT gateways, the execution time
increases almost linearly. At 2500 the balancer schedules the requests evenly to two
nodes, which causes a constant execution time. When reaching 3000 deployments, the
execution time rises again, but once more starts to flatten at 4000. When looking at the
scatter plot depicted in Figure 6a we see that at the beginning of the experiments the
deviation among data points is very small and gets bigger with increasing number of
IoT gateways. Figure 6b depicts the provisioning time when using the JVM application
package. Compared to the first scenario, we also notice that the overall execution time
got slower. However, now we see that the execution time increases linearly throughout
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
For the first experiments we picked a scenario with 1000 virtual gateways, which corresponds to a medium building management system. The 1000 virtual gateways are
distributed among a CoreOS cluster consisting of 8 machines, where each machine
hosts 125 containers and an additional container hosting the LEONORE local node.
To demonstrate the scalability of our framework we show how our approach behaves
with increasing load (number of gateways). Figure 7 shows the overall execution times
of the provisioning process for different deployments by using the push-based approach
(framework pushes provisioning tasks to IoT gateways), with LEONORE local nodes
in place. In Figure 7a we see the overall execution time for provisioning the SVM application package. Compared to the basic provisioning approach (Figure 5a), we notice
an initial steeper increase of the provisioning time for the LEONORE local node approach. This initial overhead is expected, since the local nodes deployed on the gateway
are not as powerful as the server-side nodes and therefore need considerably longer for
serving the gateways. However, after 500 the initial overhead is compensated and the
local node provisioning provides faster results. We see that the provisioning time for
the local node stays stable after 500 gateways and results in better overall provisioning times, compared to the original approach. This fact can also be seen in the included
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
For the second experiment we used a scenario with 4000 virtual gateways, which corresponds to a large building management system containing dozens of big buildings
(each with more than 10 floors). The 4000 virtual gateways are distributed among two
CoreOS clusters, each consisting of 8 machines, where each machine hosts 250 containers and an additional container hosting the LEONORE local node. With this scenario
we want to see how our framework scales when dealing with a large-scale deployment.
Figure 8 shows the overall execution times of the local node provisioning process
for different numbers of deployments by using the push-based approach and the SVM
respectively the JVM application package. Once again we compare the provisioning
times with (Figure 8) and without (Figure 6) local nodes in place. In Figure 8a we notice that the execution time increases almost linearly when using the SVM application
package. However, due to the scale of the scenario we see that the server-side nodes
need to handle a lot of load, compared to the distributed local node setup, which explains why the local node setup provides better provisioning times from the beginning.
When reaching 2000 IoT gateways, the execution time using the local node provisioning stays constant and does not increase anymore. Here, the LEONORE local node
approach generates only a fraction of the load on the server-side framework, comACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
After finishing our experiments and evaluating the results, we see that the introduction of LEONORE local nodes leads to a significant improvement in terms of provisioning time. Additionally, next to the measurement of the provisioning time, we also
monitored the amount of data that gets transferred from the cloud to the edge infrastructure during the provisioning of gateway deployments. Our findings show that by
using local nodes deployed in the edge, which are managing a cluster of gateways, we
reduce the bandwidth usage drastically, since by using local nodes we avoid sending
the provisioning package to each gateway, but only send this package once to a local
node managing this cluster. Even by taking into account that the LEONORE local
nodes need to be provisioned initially, does not diminish the savings. In order to illustrate the bandwidth savings, we will use some numbers from the evaluation scenario
above. Let us consider the scenario where we need to provision 1000 gateways with
the SVM application package, which has a size of 120KB. With the original provisioning approach, two server-side nodes of LEONORE would transfer the package to each
gateway, resulting in 120MB of data that gets sent from the cloud to the edge for each
provisioning request. Compared to that, by using LEONORE local nodes we cluster the
gateway deployment to 8 clusters and therefore deploy 8 LEONORE local nodes. The
local node application package has a size of 14MB and therefore the transferred data
sums up to 112MB. Additionally, when provisioning the 1000 gateways we now transfer the SVM application package only to these 8 local nodes and therefore produce
in total 112.96MB. For a the relatively small SVM application package, we already
save 6% for the initial provisioning cycle. After that, since the LEONORE local nodes
are already deployed, we save 99% of the bandwidth for every additional provisioning
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
Since current applications in IoT are receiving a lot of attention, we notice that the
scale of these applications can vary from embedded services to enterprise applications.
In order to address different ways of designing, developing, deploying and managing
applications not only in the cloud, but also in the underlying IoT infrastructure, [Oriwoh et al. 2013] presents initial guiding principles. In addition, [Theodoridis et al.
2013] presents challenges for building a city-scale IoT framework, where among others the important challenge of fine-grained provisioning and management of resources
is discussed. To tackle some of the aforementioned challenges, [Bauer et al. 2013] defines an abstract IoT reference architecture for standardizing the Internet of Things.
In addition, [Sehgal et al. 2012] addresses general problems of managing resource constrained devices, which are often used for building IoT solutions, by adopting existing
network management protocols. Based on general challenges and reference architectures, platforms specifically targeted for deploying and provisioning of IoT applications emerged. INOX [Clayman and Galis 2011] is a robust and adaptable Platform
for IoT that provides enhanced application deployment capabilities by creating a resource overlay to virtualize the underlying IoT infrastructure. An additional abstraction layer on top of the IoT infrastructure is frequently used in the literature (e.g., [Li
et al. 2013a; Murphy et al. 2013; Li et al. 2013b]), which allows keeping the underlying
infrastructure untouched when deploying an IoT solution. In contrast, our approach
also considers IoT devices as first-class execution environments, which provides more
control and better resource utilization. The Smart-M3 platform [Korzun et al. 2013]
aims to create a M3 space by deploying agents on IoT devices that interact based on a
space-based communication model. Although the authors mention the provisioning of
IoT devices, they solely focus on the actual application design. [Chen et al. 2011] introduce over the air provisioning of IoT devices using Self Certified ECDH authentication
technology. Although this approach shares the same general idea, the authors explicitly focus on one specific device and do not provide a general and scalable approach.
[Papageorgiou et al. 2014] presents a solution for automatic configuration of IoT devices based on interpretable configurations. Compared to our approach, the authors
assume pre-installed application components on IoT devices and only focus on provisioning application-specific configurations. [Li et al. 2013b] presents an approach to
deploy applications on IoT devices by facilitating TOSCA. Since changing applications
at runtime is not addressed, our approach can be considered an extension to this work.
Configuration management (CM) solutions represent another important area of interest, which in general address a similar problem. The most prominent representatives being Chef18 and Puppet19 . However, current tools come with the following limitations that make them unsuitable for the IoT domain. First, they are inherently pull
based approaches with clients running on the respective machines, making push based
hot fixes (e.g. important security updates) impossible. Second, dependency resolution
is usually handed off to a distribution package manager, which is not suitable for the
strongly resource-constrained environments we are dealing with.
Finally, since our approach provides an optimization for provisioning edge devices
in the domain of building management, we also have to consider relevant work in this
research topic. Among others, [Petri et al. 2014] presents an approach that achieves
energy related optimizations for buildings by running simulations in the cloud. In addition, [Petri et al. 2015] proposes a service-oriented platform that allows performing
(near) real-time energy optimizations for buildings. While these approaches specifi18 http://chef.io
19 http://puppetlabs.com
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
cally focus on energy optimizations in buildings at the application level, our framework
aims at optimizing deployment topologies on the infrastructure level.
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M. Vogler,
J. M. Schleicher, C. Inzinger, and S. Dustdar
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