How To Be A Teacher

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How to Be a Teacher

Six Methods:Initial set-up and approachTeacher conductOptions for student motivationFew rulesMany proceduresEducator
ResumeCommunity Q&A

Becoming a successful and wise teacher is more than just getting a degree, and getting a
position at a specific school. There is also more to teaching than just standing up in front of a
class and explaining lessons (being a lecturer is called "teacher centered" class) and is not very
engaging to the less motivated students. "Student-centered" classes mean that the teacher is a
leader, or guide, and not much time is spent lecturing (except when quickly introducing
concepts, assignments and to clarify concepts in closure).

Preparing the classroom, and the lessons takes time and so do keeping records and planning
so you need to set up routines and actually teach the procedures that you will require or else
you cannot say, "Sam, you know what I expect..." or "Cheri, you know what to do!"

Initial set-up and approach

The way in which you set up your classroom and your attitude will have an enormous impact on
your teaching effectiveness. It is worth putting a lot of effort into this aspect of your teaching and
starting off on the right foot each new year. The following suggestions will provide you with some
ideas for getting your classroom into good shape.

Decorate your classroom. Put up one wall section that says something like "Kids at Work."
Another wall area should say, "Focus Wall," that shows what the class is learning, and a "Word
Wall" of vocabulary is good for any new concepts.Another wall should be about a special topic
such as reading, spelling, social studies, or upcoming tests. The idea is that all wall spaces can
become learning centers, instead of just using bulletin boards.

Update displays and walls. They need to include current subject matter to be effective and
interesting. These displays are good for enrichment, review and for reminders.
Have helpers for the displays and walls: hold clubs outside of class or ask the six

weeks or quarterly class officers or even room parents to help with the subject walls and bulletin

Consider arranging your students' desks into two areas by room halves. Put about four or
six rows and have a walkway for yourself in between the two sections. This lends itself to
creating teams that inspire motivation. Your students' desks should allow easy viewing of the
main presentation area and whiteboard.

Be secure and keep your students and yourself safe. In many schools any visitors are
required to sign in at the office and have an identification sticker or "ID-tag" for security and
control (including regularly scheduled ones like room parents).
Always be prepared to challenge unknown people as to their purpose for being in

the school.

Establish a "Positive Zone". Post a sign above or by the door which reads "Positive Zone for
students, teachers and parents". Doing this creates a refuge from negative feelings, both yours
and the students' and their parents. Take a positive attitude. If you are not having a good day,
leave those feelings outside the classroom. Smile and "choose" the more positive attitude. This
doesn't mean there is trouble if you're not always positive, it simply means that you aim to
encourage everyone showing a positive attitude to each other, and that you encourage everyone
to get along and have a positive experience.


Teacher conduct


The manner in which you conduct yourself will flow through to your students. They are watching
you at all times, sizing you up and making choices based on how you respond and cope in the
class situation, so establishing your authority in a caring and respectful way from the start is of
great importance. Here are some suggestions for this aspect of your career.


Treat your students with respect. Students will respond to positive treatment. Students notice
how you treat other students and will react accordingly. Treat all students with equal respect. In
turn, expect respect back from the students.
If you're concerned that the students have a difficult time

understanding respectful behavior, besides showing it yourself, it can be helpful to have

discussions about respect in class groups. It could even serve as a class topic for a term.

Be firm and matter of fact about rules, not argumentative. Occasionally repeating an
important phrase or sentence (several times) is an effective way to make it definite
and without arguing, being harsh or rude.

Walk toward the source of noise, misconduct or toward a particular student, but remain
clear of the student's personal space. Back away saying: "I'll be back in a minute", if a
student becomes emotional when you confront them at their desk. Or, have the student sit
down, if you have a problem with one who is out of the student assigned seating. Unruly
students or shy students may object (act out) or withdraw if embarrassed orstressed by to much
or too close attention.

Focus on student achievement above all. The purpose of education is to improve the
knowledge of your students. Plan activities and lessons that will increase student achievement,
and plan ways of recognizing even small improvements for each individual student.

Collaborate with other successful teachers. You will learn a lot from other teachers on how to
deal with students and make your students successful learners. Spend some time talking to
them about how they have dealt with particular situations in class and what sorts of things they
do to encourage respect, trust, and learning.

Be a leader, a person to trust and a person to have learning-fun with. Don't compare one
student to another, except saying how great they all are working. "This is so great. Everyone is
working." or "What a fantastic job you've all done!"

Compliment the work, not the student. Say, "That work was great, so quick." or "Your work is
very good, aw perfect." (Not: "You are so smart.") The reason for this is that you focus on the
student's effort and therefore don't imply that only smart kids succeed but demonstrate that
anyone prepared to put in the effort will succeed.

Never threaten. Say what you mean. Do not make idle promises: things that you cannot do or
wouldn't do.
Don't back down. Bluff with a stone face as in playing cards when you need to

make your point. Put on your game-face, namely, be serious and mean it, or students may
actually say: "Act like a teacher." Joking around may bring sillinessout of students.

Use the "teacher-look". This is important because it engenders an air of authority, which
students look up to. Look in control, but kind. Smile, remain positive minded. You may want to
act like a coach sometimes. Cross the arms and strut. Or, act a little bit like a soldier or officer.
Look like you are not amused by misbehavior (that may simply encourage it), and look like you
are not confused or shaken up though you may be upset, do not show it.

But, sometimes you may need to calmly explain what is what!

Calmly: "I know you are teasing: you don't mean it:"

Misconduct occurs: Such as the student gets up and starts toward the door.

Instruct: "Stop." - "Go sit down." - "Obey me."

The student may turn around and stare at you, or just smile or shrug.

Explain: "Follow instructions. I can not allow that. Do as you are instructed."

If you say something sarcastic, cold, mean or irritating: Apologize quickly.

Say, "I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry."

Take a deep breath. Don't rage or cry when you feel embarrassed or infuriated. Observe. If
your throat tightens or tears well up in your eyes: Do not wipe your eyes, or sniff. Clear your
throat. Breathe. Narrow your eyes. Keep composure. Relax, though you may tremble/shake with
anger and dread. Walk. Walk around the room observing.

If a students asks, "Are you crying?"

Say, "No." Don't explain feelings. Act natural.

Just say, "No. No problem." Or, "It's alright. It's okay." (That's you overcoming it.)
Get busy, walk across the room and back, observing.
With some students: A teacher who cries, will be crying more and more if the

students see that they can trigger such emotions.

Be consistent. Be persistent. Be fair/wise: sometimes you must (need to) treat everybody the
same, whether good, bad or indifferent.

Fairness - Two opposite concepts (1) You must treat everybody as individuals
("differently" according to events/needs). Or conversely: (2) You must treat them all "the same"
in some matters as the only way to be fair.


Options for student motivation


There are many ways to motivate students and some of the ways may not be things you learned
when studying teacher. The most important thing is to experiment a bit to find out what works
best for you and to keep adding new ideas as you continue your teaching career. This section
provides a number of suggestions that you might like to try.

"Jigsaw" an assignment. Give groups a topic such as a reading assignment. Each student in a
group would (1) tell each other and agree how to split up and (2) read their part, find information
in their part and answer a question. Then (3) the group leader or reporter (or group members)
would present their findings to the class, (4) for all everyone to listen, write down notes or
answers, and perhaps, discuss and give their take on that groups answers.

Make a "scavenger hunt", so to speak. This is where (1) each student individually reads a slip
with one of several questions, processes or problems. (2) Each one writes an answer or
solution. (3) Then students mingle to seek missing information and write it down to fill in the
blanks on a chart, exercise sheet or data-gathering sheet.

"Read, pair and share." This involves (1) each one of the students reading separately. Then (2)
they form pairs when instructed to pair, and (3) the pairs answer questions or do problems
together. This may then move to "check and compare" if that is needed or if there is time.

"Check and compare." This is to (1) form groups of two students and work together as pairs to
do their part of the assignment and then (2) join with a second pair in a four member group
and check and compare the work with each other. Then (3) they return to their usual seating

"Interview, rotate and discuss." (1) Form an inner circle and an outer circle of students and
interview each other as a pair. Then (2) rotate and fill in blanks or boxes on an answer-sheet or
chart with information from each student's point of view, about thetopic to be discussed. Repeat
the interview and rotate once or twice. (3) Discuss the questions and answers to bring out and
put together variations of different interpretations, if any.

"Make multiple representations." Each group of students is given a math problemfor which
they are to make a poster, with (1) a drawing/diagram (sketch), or a chart of the situation in the
problem, (2) make a relation/function or math expression, (3) make agraph, (4) write a verbal
explanation/paragraph, and then the reporter gives a quick presentation to the class and reads
their paragraph.

"Play motivational Nerf basketball." For academics, get a four inch (10cm) soft-foam
plastic/rubber (Nerf) basketball and use a trash can sitting on a chair or table as the basket (or
use a plastic breakaway hoops-rim) in the front of the class. Divide the class into two teams, and
tape places on the floor or on the wall where the basketball hoop is located for point values for
scoring from behind the marks or below the marks (low shots: lying, squatting, or sitting on the
floor). Score a hoop from longer distances for more points: from about the opposite end of the
classroom for the 6 pointer, a 3 pointer goes closer, 2 is closer, and any similar point system for
low shots below the marks.

"Play a rewards game" similar to "basketball." This game may help by offering
reward points for attendance. Play basketball-shots for (1) good behavior/conduct, (2)
attendance, or (3) academics for making a score on classwork/test or quiz, or a reward for
catching up on classwork and improving ones own grades or as a team where a team member
would earn and receive a shot for their team to make points by shooting the Nerf ball. Shooters

could choose from five positions worth 1-5 points from different difficulties of questions
answered correctly to then shoot from the correspondingly difficult position if the answer is
correct. Lining up for shots in front of the class may make for some thrillingly moments for the
student and class.
Decide why and how to allow students on each teams to earn the opportunity to

play the game. This will be determined by your own rules but in any case, only how and when
you decide to allow playing. A team gets a shot for doing an objective or behavior very well.
If a member of the other team doesn't follow class rules then give the other team

a shot.
Or, as a variation give five free points without shooting, if that works better for test

days or other quiet times.

"Play Friday-shots quiz game." For academics, consider a variation of the Nerf basketball for
such things as a verbal "quiz/quiz-show". Members of the two teams compete for points that are
earned in a number of ways.

Make it so that the points enable each student to "buy" something (such as a piece
of candy, an item of stationery, or other things you know your students would
Points may be used for receiving "grand-raffle tickets" to be drawn after school is

out that year for improving by the end of the school year, and the prizes are mailed out.
The Nerf games can be a year long team type of competition. The winning team

may be announced after school is out at the end of the year.

Consider class offices, for each team. Have offices such as: a Scorekeeper, and Assistant
Coach, and a Captain and Co-Captain with each one serving for a certain time to help you with
certain things (in elementary classes call the captains "President" and "Vice President"). You,
(the teacher) are the Head Coach. Offices could be rotated among the students who display
better conduct.
Teams are good for motivation and control, since you can: when one team is

noisy, give another team turns to make points and they'll all learn to be quiet. If your class
walks noisily to recess, or anywhere, you might consider letting them out one to three minutes
later than they're supposed to be (at the end of the day)or if they're good, let them out a minute


Few rules


Where possible, it's a good idea to keep "rules" to a minimum, so that the students know what
really matters in terms of obeying, and for other issues are given much flexibility to be selfresponsible and thoughtful about doing the right thing and learning to get along with each other.

Enforce school rules of the entire building and school grounds, and explain that you will
follow the school and district rules. Rules such as: No cell phones on during class; keep your
hands to yourself; say only kind things; do as your teacher says; be on time; what to do if you
miss a day of school; lawful activities, etc.


Set your class rules. Perhaps five or six, at the most, but these are not " the situational
procedures". You will need several differing procedures that the students must know or that you

must explain at the time of necessity. An effective way to decide rules is to let your classes help
decide reasonable rules and consequences, and this way your class should follow and help you
to enforce them because they have bought into the ownership of them. They can also decide for
some fun things like the point values and reasons for shooting at various distances for the ball
game, etc. (see above).

Be strict and "you decide" how and when to allow any game or whatever else may be
needed. By the same token, be moderate and let a student occasionally have an "oops!", for
Give them each a credit, call it an "oops!-card", when students are good for a

certain length of time, then they can trade their oops!-card which allows them to miss one
night's homework or for some other reward.


Many procedures


Procedures in class help to keep things running smoothly, provide consistency, and let everyone
know where things stand. Procedures are different from rules in that they establish the
management of the classroom and develop expectations for responsiveness from the students.
This section provides some suggestions.


Teach how you manage the class. Use some non-verbal signals or prompts to

establish order. For example, perhaps when you raise your hand in a certain way to get class
attention (similar to the way they must get your attention by raising a hand) or instead you
start clapping a certain way (clap-clap, clap-clap-clap, clap-clap) and they can join the
clapping for a quick funny motivator (keep it short). This is better than shouting, stamping feet or
slapping on a wall or table, can get students to smile, and enjoy class, especially for harder

Some teachers use a noise like an instrument (perhaps a recorder) or running a

stick over a wooden animal to make a croaking sound. You can some up with many different
ideas for noise-makers, and visiting a local trade aid shop can provide many handcrafted
options for little cost!

Teach the students your classroom procedures the way you need them

to be observed. This is quite different from the few set rules. Develop as many procedures as
are needed according to and as you have different situations:
Classwork: Testing procedures, work turn-in, homework, grades, hallway

procedures, etc.
Smooth operations: You tell them what to do when entering class and to begin

the class, you must reserve the right to say when the class ends, not the bell in any case. Bells
may ring at the wrong time, and for varying reasons and you may not have finished class when
the bell rings.

General orders: Putting away and getting out supplies and books, pencil
sharpening, cleaning-up/throwing away trash.

On the whiteboard, list topics of what they need to do. Another trick for

the worksheets is to have team officers who can give out and take-up and file individual folders
or packets (daily or for a change of activity).

Know the school-wide procedures. Fire drill procedures versus storm

warning/storm watch, earthquake drills, etc. Get the bell schedules for different kinds of days,
and keep them available, such as half-days, assembly and pep-rally days, etc.

Balance your subjects. Every week, have a "Math Day" and "Language Arts

Day". Every other week have a "Science Day" and "History Day". This way you'll be sure that
your students have tons of things in mind.

Keep all subjects on track. Don't be the teacher who hardly ever gets

around to science or math because you only have time for reading, spelling, compositions
andhandwriting. You'll be in trouble and very unhappy when your students do not make
adequate progress or may even regress in those technical courses.

Have a class bank in the elementary class. During the beginning of every

trimester or semester, have your student's parents each donate five dollars or ten dollars. This
way, for parties, or anything, there is no need for parents to donate repeatedly.

Plan to have no free periods, no free days or parties, unless the entire

school is having a festival-day, homecoming, or other such observance. Talk to the other
teachers to get a feel for what goes on at your school.
Many school systems will no longer allow "homemade" foods or snacks to be

sold or given to students because they may be unsafe/unsanitary. Find out how your school
Some teachers do ignore food rules, and such, but the rules are there to protect

the school system (and you) against law suits and bad publicity as opposed to a food incident
that could be devastating to student health and safety.

Have a room mom or dad in elementary school. They will volunteer a week (or some

other period of time) and will help students that need help or can observe students doing an
assignment in one area of the room, while you work with a group on another routine or


Avoid messy and dangerous surprises. Keep all supplies put away and locked up if

possible, things like paints, glue, art-paper, stapler, paperclips, tape and such or some
student(s) will surprise you and get them out to make something or do something. Dangerous,
wasteful or messy mischief may be rare, but it is very problematic when it does happen,
especially when you have your mind and eye occupied elsewhere. This, of course, is an area for
a strict rule to be set.

Have things like tissues and wipes on hand for sneezes, messes, and other such
things. If you are a high school teacher, have spare sanitary ware on hand for students in need.

How to Be a Successful Teacher

Three Parts:Preparing for TeachingManaging the ClassroomWorking with StudentsCommunity Q&A

Teaching at any level is a challenging occupation: students can be demanding, the grading often
feels endless, and talking in front of a room full of people gives many teachers anxiety. However,
like any other worthwhile professional pursuit, teaching has a learning curve. Once youve
learned to feel comfortable in front of your students, teaching will become a fun, rewarding job.

You can become a successful teacher (at any pedagogical level) by preparing ahead of time,
successfully managing your classroom, and engaging directly with students.

Preparing for Teaching


Do your class preparation and lesson planning well in advance. For teachers, few
experiences are less enjoyable than staying up late the night before a class, preparing the
readings or assignments that your students will complete the next day. Keep your work
organized, and plan each lesson ahead of time.[1]
It helps to have written lesson plans. At the beginning of each week, write down

your lesson plan for each class you will teach.

Do your class preparation (writing assignments and quizzes, preparing videos,

etc.) at the beginning of the week as well.

Monthly calendars are often helpful for a big picture approach. Preparing a

detailed calendar a month or two in advance will help you schedule the various segments of the
course youre teaching.
If youre teaching at the high school or college level, consider sharing the

calendar with your students (even if the calendar will change slightly as the course develops).

Establish a regular schedule for your grading. Many inexperienced teachers find themselves
quickly bogged down in grading seemingly endless papers and tests. To avoid this, figure out
when during the week you have time to grade, and break the total amount of weekly grading
down into manageable pieces.[2]
It helps to use a timer when grading. For example, give yourself 15 minutes to

grade each essay, and 5 minutes to grade each quiz.

Use technology that will be helpful to your students. While you do not need to always use
the newest, most trendy teaching technique or teach from your students favorite website, it will
help both you and your students if you use some technology in the classroom.[3] Students
quickly become tired of repetitive class structures and lectures. Using technology could mean:

Create a Powerpoint or Prezi to convey information.

Show your students a short, relevant film or video that will spark classroom
There are even phone-based learning apps that instructors can incorporate into

new lessons.

Vary your teaching style and strategy. This will allow you to accommodate different learning
styles. Although you, as a teacher, may have a favorite way of teaching your students, consider
that various students may learn better through other methods, including verbal instruction,
reading texts, conversation, and hands-on experience. Experiment with different teaching
Skip the lecture, and instead help your students learn with an active group

Bring in tangible objects, related to the lesson, that your students can interact

with and learn from.


In discussions, provide a mixture of abstract thoughts and practical examples.

Take your students on a field tripeven in college!

Let teaching inspire your own learning. Part of the pleasure of teaching students is that,
along with sparking their curiosity to learn, you can remind yourself of the pleasure of learning
as well. You can allow your teaching to maintain your own academic and personal interests in
the subject matter of your classes.[4]
If youre permitted, make small changes to your teaching materials and

assignments each year; this will keep the material fresh for you and make it more enjoyable for
your students.


Managing the Classroom


Decide on your classroom policies, then follow through. Its important to show your
students that there are specific guidelines that they need to follow in your classroom. Clearly
state these policies on your syllabus, and expect your students to follow the policies. For
example, consider:

Will you allow students to use their cell phones while in class?

Can students take notes on a laptop computer or tablet?

How many times can a student arrive late before they lose points?

Although some of these may be school-wide policies that you have no control
over, you should still enforce and follow through on them.

Maintain your authority over the classroom. While teachers should not be seen as
authoritarian, its important that you do act with authority. Show that you are effectively leading
the class by explaining the daily class schedule ahead of time, and keeping the class focused on
the lesson.

Be clear that when you are speaking, all student conversation needs to stop.

Dont hesitate to call out individual students; say something like, Please dont
speak over me, and raise your hand if you have a question.
Politely but firmly insist that students put away their phones, and computers as

well, if your students are browsing the internet rather than taking notes.

Dress like a professional. The way you dress and act plays a large roll in how you are seen by
your students. Both men and womenespecially teachers in their 20sshould dress
Wear a jacket, a shirt and tie; wear a dress or skirt to look more professional and,

consequently, more authoritative.

Plan out how the class will spend its time every period. This should be a standard part of
your lesson planning. Its better to plan too many activities for any given class period than too

few. If you have an extra activity, save it for a day when you get through your lesson more
quickly than anticipated.
Aim for each activity to take about 25 minutes. This will give you a rough estimate

of how many activities you can plan in a class period. If you have a 50 minute class period, plan
on two major activities.
Have your students complete a quiz and then participate in a group discussion.

Or, for younger students, ask them to complete a hands-on activity in a group, then individually
write a summary of what they learned.
Dont plan to improvise or change plans in the middle of class.

Act confidently, even if you dont always feel confident. One of the most challenging parts of
teachingespecially for new teachersis showing confidence in front of a classroom full of
strangers. Even if you dont feel confident at first, fake itstudents usually cant tell the
difference, and your classroom successes will turn into genuine confidence soon enough.

Use occasional humor in the classroom. Humor can often show confidence; it
makes you look like you are in control of a situation if you can inject occasional humor.[5]

Show confidence by your physical presence. Dont huddle in a corner of the

classroom. During every class period, stand up, move around, gesture with your arms, and write
on the whiteboard. These motions will make you appear confident and dynamic.


Working with Students


Give your students plentiful and constructive feedback. Students enjoy and expect
feedback from their teachers; it shows that you are personally evaluating their work, and that
you have firm standards in place.[6]
When grading a students essay, try leaving four or five comments on the body of

the essay, and then a three to four sentence paragraph at the end, where you detail the major
successes and failures of the essay.
Give your students verbal feedback in class. Encourage their comments, and

gently push them to develop more complex ideas and solutions.

Engage personally with your students during in-class discussions.[7] This will communicate
your respect and consideration for the individual student.
Your student will, in turn, have a greater respect for you if its clear that you know

his or her name and care about his or her education.

Treat students with kindness. Showing your students respect and kindness should be a
guiding principle when you engage with your students.
This is true in all settings in which you communicate with students: in the

classroom, in your office hours, over email, or in any other manner.

Listen when they speak and do not speak over a student.

Give your students the benefit of the doubt. It can be easy for teachers to forget that their
students have a life outside of the class & required homework. However, you need to remember
that many students have busy schedules and complicated personal lives.

If students claim to have had a health problem or family emergency, evaluate

their claim with objectivity.

Encourage your students. Many students see their teachers primarily as disciplinarians; they
view a teacher as someone who punishes them for doing poorly on an assignment or for
speaking out of turn in class.[8] Contrary to this, through your own enthusiasm for the class topic
and the materials that you are teaching, you should encourage and inspire your students to
learn about the class topic.

Praise students individually and collectively for their work.

Find aspects of the class work that each student engages with, and encourage
the students to develop their own interests within the class.

Establish boundaries for you and your students to follow outside of the classroom. Many
inexperienced teachers plan to befriend their students, and to treat them like friends outside the
classroom. This can lead to encounters that may appear unprofessional, and a lack of a formal
relationship between you and your students. #* Make it clear to students how they can contact
you. For example, give them your email address, but avoid handing out your cell phone number.

Be clear with your students about how long it will take for you to reply to their
emails. Will you try to reply within the same hour, or within a 24-hour period?

Avoid meeting with students off campus. If you must, meet at a coffee shop;
avoid meeting in places that serve alcohol, as it could send a misleading message.

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