Questions For Oral or Written Exam in Art Studies 1
Questions For Oral or Written Exam in Art Studies 1
Questions For Oral or Written Exam in Art Studies 1
1. Discuss Chapter 1 (Introducing Space and Related Concepts) of the book Space and
Identity, with subtopics as follows:
a. The Muslim Concept of Ilm or Knowledge in contrast with Western
epistemology or theory of knowledge
Ilm refers to the Islamic epistemology or the system of knowledge in Islam. Everything is
relevant in the Muslim Concept of Ilm while value is not included in Western epistemology. Ilm
incorporates almost every form of knowledge from pure observation to the highest metaphysics.
It emphasizes the interconnectedness and the pursuit of all forms of knowledge within the
framework of Quranic values. Western epistemology emphasizes the dichotomy between facts
and values. The non- pragmatic values are sacrificed in the pursuit of knowledge.
b. The Emic Paradigm as contrasted with the Etic or StructuralFunctional Paradigm in Western Social Science
Emic paradigm is subjective, spiritual, and divine. It is the opposite of etic paradigm which
is scientific and the only thing that matters is the real and objective. Emic refers to the method or
approach to, knowledge using among others the cultural, interpretative and symbolic methods of
study. The emic paradigm in sociology and anthropology are used to help explain spatial signs
and symbols in a non-Islamic context, as well as to situate certain Islamic spatial claims within
Western social science perspective.
Critics belonging to the Levy-Bruhl group asserted that Levi-Strauss penetrating and
insightful analysis of particular myths may not be dependent on structural approach. They have
According to Levy-Bruhl theory, myths may have more complex relationships and
oppositions than this, and that the binary structures do not capture the rich nuances and fluid
meanings which characterized cultural events such as religion and myth. In general, cultural
symbols in structuralism are not too luid and overdetermined in their meanings.
In Islam, the deeper mental structure and processes are explained by Sufis in terms of the
psyche or the inner senses that are just one part of a larger totality of the passive intellect or the
feminine principle or soul, incorporating the outer senses. The soul, the feminine principle, the
sensible and psychic structure within the human form, is believed to be of Divine origin.
On this regard, Laleh Bakhtiar explains that once this feminine principle has been
awakened to the realization that it came from some place other than the physical world, that the
physical world is, in a sense, only an illusion, it is overcome with an ardent desire to be known.
e. Theory on
(1989), involving the interaction between the so-called active and passive
memories in processing the meaning of symbol in art and religion
In symbolization, culture is viewed as the fabric of meaning in terms of which human
beings interpret their experience and guide their actions.
Sperber describes symbolization as a cognitive process through which uninterpretable
conceptual representations are altered to bring them into accord with established semantic
categories. Symbolization reinterprets defective conceptual representations.
Conceptual representations (canonical:at the top) - statements that describe the new
Auxiliary statements (in between) - may be deduced from the conjunction of the focal and
the memorized statements. Auxiliary statements relate the new information to the active memory
The Japanese notion of shin-gyo further elaborates on this view of things. Thsi term
embraces the three levels of spatial and temporal, mental and social organizations that are bound
together by the relationships of reciprocal implication. It informs the composition of spatial
ensembles accommodating the broadcast possible range of activity. Under its aegis the spaces of
social relationships and actions are connected with the private areas via mixed areas linking
thoroughfares and other functional spaces. Nature and Divinity, social life and relationships, and
individual and private life - all these aspects of human reality have their assigned places in
Japanese space, all implicitly linked in a concrete fashion.
3. Discuss about Rhythm as the expression of element of time, such as pattern f
design, on cloth and mat weaving (in pages 173-174 and 181-183 of the book Space and
A weaver in a contemplative mood unites the continuous and uninterrupted body rhythm
and repetitive motifs with her own inner complementary opposites- her active and passive
intelligence, masculine and feminine forces within her being, her body and soul, conscious and
subconscious cognition, emotion and intuition- which work together to produce a beautiful fabric.
This represents the interaction of warp and weft in weaving. Because of the harmonious weaving
of the horizontal weft and vertical warp, unity is achieved.
As a quality of time, rhythm when induced by a contemplative mind is conceived to be in
harmony with the Divine. The role of time as rhythm in traditional weaving allows an unbroken
flow of boundary lines, like the waves of the sea. Only through rhythm is one able to escape the
constraints of time.
Mat weaving is a rhythmic operation and at a high level of virtuosity, the weaver practices
an art of geometrical precision. The repetitions of if rhythmic body movements involved in
weaving cause elements and motifs to form into symmetrical patterns and to interact in ways that
cannot be reduced to a simple or fixed analytical thought.
4. Enumerate and discuss the 4 or 5 point summary or principles of composition of
space, as used in organizing curvilinear ukkil or okir composition, or on mat angular
geometrical design
a. Horror vacui (fear of empty space) - blank spaces as not visually pleasing,
making available spaces filled with varieties of motifs
b. Maranao okir composition generally observes symmetry - exception: panolong
of torogan
c. Continuity of line from a central motif- like a vine that continues to grow and be
nourished through its parts which are connected to the roots
d. Form follows function - obi-obid/tiali-tali as border design, binotoon as central
design, and potyok which determines the terminal or end part of the deisgn.
e. Interrelatedness of art elements - The ornament is defined as the relationship
between the forms or motifs rather than as the sum of these elements. It has the effect of
directing the believers mind to go beyond those lines and shapes and contemplate on an
encompassing Higher reality.
f. Axial Centers - The main geometric units of some ukkil and siyabit compositions
form symmetrical lines around a variable number of axes. The axes tend to be a form of
visual imagination for they do not exist by themselves but emerge as a result of the rest of
the design.
g. The infinite patterning - Infinite growth is possible because it is not the design of
the unit but the will of the artist which defines the limits of the design. The artist can
lose himself in the contemplation of details.
5. Discuss the culture and history of the Muslim or Moro people in the southern
How are the different Muslim ethnic groups in the Philippines similar and different from
each other.
The various Muslim groups speak different dialects. Maranaos and Maguindanaos
constitute one Mindanao language. The dialects of Samas and Badjaos are closely related. The
Yakan dialect has many aspects in common with that of the Samas but have difficulty
understanding what is being said by the other. The Tausug on the other hand is distinct from
other Muslim dialects.
6. Discuss the Islamic concept of Space in arts and culture as it relates to Muslim
Belief on Tawhid, Islamic Cosmology and the Muslim concept of Man, such as artist and
architect, as Khalifa or Gods trustee in this temporal life.
An islamic art is intertwined with Islamic space, understanding of the Muslim concept of
space is basically and profoundly approached from the underlying Islamic principles of Tawhid,
cosmology and man as Khalifah or Gods trustee. These three interrelated principles have varied
manifestations on the space of culture, arts and society of Muslims in the Philippines.
a. Tawhid - The Islamic core principle of Divine Unity. It is the single
most important doctrine of Islam which is related to the radical unity of God and
with God.
b. Islamic Cosmology - Muslims see the whole of nature in all its
dimensions not as a phenomenon divorced from the real world but as signs of
God. Cosmos contains the elements fire, water, earth and air combined and
controlled by One Supreme Necessary Being. It shows the unity of diversity that
offers peace as a dominant character reflecting the essence of the Divine.
c. Man as Khalifah - Every human being is bearer of Gods Trust in
the world. Islam has established a unique social order. Shared values and natural
correlation between individual actions produce a strong social network resulting
in coherent spatial patterns that can be seen in the Islamic architecture and
geographical settlements as well as in symbolic traditional visual art patterns.
Discuss also these Muslim ideals in relations to their struggle to preserve their identity
a. as human being with individual rights and freedom being secured
b. as member of the Ummah or Muslim global social community and
Muslim community and prevent this from becoming Dar-al Harb or hostile
territory of Religious Intolerance, corruptions and ices.
Today, Muslims are now living in the space of Dar-al-Aman but they can still pray
on Fridays and fast during Ramadan. There are Muslims who feel that their region is in
danger of becoming Dar-al-Harb and that the government policies are responsible for this.
Similarly, some aspects of Filipino scholarship seem to reduce Islam to insignificance
which is viewed by Muslims as a push towards Dar-al-Harb.
7. Cite and discuss the important Spatial points raised in Chapter 10 of the book
Space and Identity. What are the problems raised with respect to prevailing Western
conditioned or Molded World order as manifested through the dominance of Western
epistemology and economy. Mention and comment on the alternatives that was proposed
to reconstruct the global space or mitigate the global crisis of the environment.
***Problems: alienation, dehumanization, homogenization overcrowding and congestion
Environment Causes - destroys balance in environment
a. Technical Cause (industrial revolution, imperialism)
b. Trust in Knowledge (Reductive Method) - empirical, objective,
***do not give chance on the subjective, spiritual, moral and ethical
c. Highlight in pragmatic, practical (maximizes gains, loses ethical,
moral, intellectual in the equation and values not prioritized)
d. Instigate sense of Competition (outdoing others, kills instinctive
Emphasis on: the totality of experience and reality, promotes diverse ways of studying
nature, the Islamic concept of ilm, emphasis on interconnectedness of all forms of knowledge of
8. Discuss the Muslim Perspective of the so-called Moro Problem in the Philippines.
Define the Problem and highlight in your discussion the interrelated multi-dimensions
and levels of the problem. Include especially the following:
a. misreadings
Moro/Mindanao Problem
b. deeper cultural root of the problem citing specific cultural/identity
aspects for clarity
c. historical root: acts and criticisms and the 2-nation perspective of
the Philippine history
d. Dar-al Islam, Dar-al Harb (and alternative Dar-al Aman) Muslim
position, as far as the Shariah or Islamic law is concerned. This uncertainty makes
many Muslims assess whether their homeland can still be regarded as territorially
part Dar-al-Islam or whether it has already become Dar-al-Harb or the territory of
contradictions and greed. This dichotomy is an important parameter for
understanding the Philippines so-called Moro problems. There are three different
views taken by the Muslims on this issue. To many of them, they are pushed to the
Dar-al-Harb and this condition makes lawful for them to use force to oppose the
enemy. There are Muslims, however, who feel that because the government still
allows sufficient freedom of religion, their religion is still part of Dar-al-Islam.
Another view belongs to a group of Muslims who feel that their homeland is(pp.
36-37 is missing )
e. Structural/administrative dimension -- weakness of unitary and
government sponsored autonomy
f. Mitigating structural, political, historical and other positive
measures to deal with the problem
both the Law and the Way. Islam is derived from the word aslama which means to submit or to
>5 Pillars
Shahadah- "There is no God but God & Muhammad is the Messenger of God."
Salah- offer five daily prayers at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and evening
Zakat- almsgiving
Sawm- fasting during the holy month of Ramadan
Hajj- the pilgrimage to Makkah
> 6 Articles of Faith of Islam
One God (Allah)
The angels of God- spiritual creatures that serve the purposes of Allah
The books of God, especially the Qur'an- Quran means recitation
The prophets of God, especially Muhammad- Muhammad means highly praised
The Day of Judgment (or the afterlife)-belief in the continued existence of the soul and a
transformed physical existence after death
The supremacy of God's will (or predestination)
2. What is the Islamic concept of Tawhid? How does the Tawhid Model help explain
the concept of Man as Khalifa, Muslim Culture and Arts and the general world view of the
Tawhid means Divine Unity. It is the most important doctrine of Islam which is related to the
radical unity of God and with God. This defines God by the Will- The Omnipotent, The Perfect, The
Unknowable and The Incommensurable. He is One with no beginning and no ending, no one can equal
His power. Tawhid means monotheism. Tawhid, as an encompassing concept, considers everything in
relationship and in unity. In Sufism, Tawhid means the ultimate non-existence of nything but the Divine.
Some refer to tawhid as the condition leading to the attainment of a hal or state that makes Union or
Encounter between man and the Divine possible.
3. How does the Dar-al Ilam - Dar-al Harb Muslim spatial or territorial dichotomy
explain Muslims world view? What is the intermediary space of Dar-al Aman?
Dar-al-Islam (Space of Peace and Justice in Islam)
Dar-al-Harb (Space of Vices, Corruptions and Injustice)
Dar-al-Aman ( Space of Trust)
>>Territorially, the areas inhabited by Muslims in Mindanao had been regarded by them as part
of Dar-al-Islam. But the use of force and imposed migration and resettlements by the central
government put the Muslim region in dubious position, as far as the Shariah or Islamic law is
concerned. This uncertainty makes many Muslims assess whether their homeland can still be
regarded as territorially part Dar-al-Islam or whether it has already become Dar-al-Harb or the
territory of contradictions and greed. This dichotomy is an important parameter for
understanding the Philippines so-called Moro problems. There are three different views taken by
the Muslims on this issue. To many of them, they are pushed to the Dar-al-Harb and this condition
makes lawful for them to use force to oppose the enemy. There are Muslims, however, who feel
that because the government still allows sufficient freedom of religion, their religion is still part of
Dar-al-Islam. Another view belongs to a group of Muslims who feel that their homeland
16. Globally, what is this so-called Age of Muslim Wars? a Clash of Cilization beween
ISlam and the West, as well as the rest?
26. What are the flying arts of the Philippine Muslims? What does having wings
mean in Islamic art?
27. Why does the burraq have womans face?
28. How is kurah sambalani related related to the Muslims belief on martyrdom
29. What is naga? How does it figure in Philippine Muslim visual arts? What were its
symbolic significance in the Hindu context? How did Islamization affect its structural
30. Did sarimanok originate from a manok? How did sarimanok formally originate?
31. What make Muslim architecture in the Philippines distinct? What make a torogan
32. How does the Mecca- or Qiblah- orientation affect Muslims architecture and
spatial behavior
33. What is the Muslim view on the issue of figurative form (human or animal) in
Islam? Is the so-called prohibition of figurative form in Islam doctrinal or attitudinal? Cite
evidences from the Quran, Hadith (Saying) and Sunnah (traditions of Prophet
Muhammad and from Muslim history in general)
Andon Malong
Habul Tiyahian
(Tree of Life)
Pis siyabit
Yakan Pis