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O, Inspector (Fictitious character)

USE Inspector O (Fictitious character)

O,O-dimethyl S-phthalimidomethyl phosphorodithioate
USE Phosmet
O., Ophelia (Fictitious character)
USE Ophelia O. (Fictitious character)
O/100 (Bomber)
USE Handley Page Type O (Bomber)
O/400 (Bomber)
USE Handley Page Type O (Bomber)
O and M instructors
USE Orientation and mobility instructors
O Briain family
USE O'Brien family
O Broin family
USE Burns family
O.C. Fisher Dam (Tex.)
BT DamsTexas
O.C. Fisher Lake (Tex.)
UF Culbertson Deal Reservoir (Tex.)
San Angelo Lake (Tex.)
San Angelo Reservoir (Tex.)
BT LakesTexas
O Caireallain family
USE Carolan family
O Carolan family
USE Carolan family
O Cathain family
USE Cain family
O Ceallaigh family
USE Kelly family
O Cearbhallain family
USE Carolan family
O Cinneide family
USE Kennedy family
O Cleirigh family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Chleirigh family
Cleirigh family
Clerigh family
O Clerigh family
O Clery family
Ua Cleirigh family
RT Cleary family
O Clerigh family
USE O Cleirigh family
O Clery family
USE O Cleirigh family
O Coig family
USE Quigg family
O Coigligh family
USE Quigley family
O Coinneachain family
USE Kinane family
O Conchobhair family
USE O'Connor family
O Conchuir family
USE O'Connor family
O Cuaig family
USE Quigg family
O.D.T. (Game)
BT Video games
O Dalaigh, Cearbhall (Legendary character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Carol O'Daly (Legendary character)
Cearbhall O Dalaigh (Legendary character)
O'Daly, Carol (Legendary character)
BT LegendsIreland
O Dochartaigh family
USE Dougherty family
O Doine family
USE O Doyne family
O Doyne family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Doine family
Doyne family
Duinn family
O Doine family
O Duinn family
RT Dunn family
O Dubhghaill family
USE Doyle family
O Duinn family
USE O Doyne family
O-er-do-su Basin (China)
USE Ordos Desert (China)
O-er-do-su Desert (China)
USE Ordos Desert (China)
O-erh-kun Ho (Mongolia)
USE Orhon River (Mongolia)
O-erh-kun River (Mongolia)
USE Orhon River (Mongolia)

O-erh-to-ssu Basin (China)

USE Ordos Desert (China)
O-erh-to-ssu Desert (China)
USE Ordos Desert (China)
O family (Not Subd Geog)
O Flannabhra family
USE Flannery family
O-kee-pa (Religious ceremony)
BT Mandan dance
Mandan IndiansRites and ceremonies
O.L. Kipp State Park (Minn.)
USE Great River Bluffs State Park (Minn.)
O.-L.-V. Basiliek van Tongeren Mariaretabel (Sculpture)
USE Mariaretabel van Tongeren (Sculpture)
O Le Fagaloa (American Samoa)
USE Pago Pago Harbor (American Samoa)
O Lochlainn family
USE Laughlin family
O Loughran family
USE Loughran family
O-luan, Cape (Taiwan)
USE O-luan-pi, Cape (Taiwan)
O-luan-pi, Cape (Taiwan)
UF Cape O-luan-pi (Taiwan)
E-luan Pi (Taiwan)
Garam Bi, Cape (Taiwan)
Garanbi, Cape (Taiwan)
Minami, Cape (Taiwan)
Nan Chia (Taiwan)
O-luan, Cape (Taiwan)
Olanpi, Cape (Taiwan)
Oluanpi, Cape (Taiwan)
Olwanpi, Cape (Taiwan)
BT Capes (Coasts)Taiwan
O-luan-pi Park (Taiwan)
BT ParksTaiwan
O Luchrain family
USE Loughran family
O.M. automobiles
USE OM automobiles
O Maoilmhiadhaigh family
USE Mulvey family
O Maoilriain family
USE Ryan family
O Maolachain family
USE Mollohan family
O. Max Gardner Award
USE Oliver Max Gardner Award
O-mei Mountain (China)
USE Emei Mountain (China)
O-mei Shan (China)
USE Emei Mountain (China)
O Mountain (Kanagawa-ken, Japan)
USE Oyama (Kanagawa-ken, Japan)
O Murchadha family
USE Murphy family
O/N funds
USE Overnight funds
O Neachtain family
USE Naughton family
O-ooa Island (Tonga)
USE Oua Island (Tonga)
O.P. Riots, London, England, 1809
USE Old Price Riots, London, England, 1809
O Puluot (Micronesia)
USE Puluwat Atoll (Micronesia)
O Raghallaigh family
USE Riley family
O-rings (May Subd Geog)
BT Rings
Sealing (Technology)Equipment and

O-se-ilth (Wash.)
USE Ozette Lake (Wash.)
O Siodhachain family
USE Sheehan family
O stars (Not Subd Geog)
BT Early stars
O Suak (Micronesia)
USE Puluwat Atoll (Micronesia)
O Suilleabhain family
USE O'Sullivan family
O.T. Hawkins Post Office (Cherry Fork, Ohio)
USE Staff Sergeant Omer "O.T." Hawkins Post

Office (Cherry Fork, Ohio)

O.T. Site (Wis.)
USE OT Site (Wis.)
O-wee-kay-no Indians
USE Oowekeeno Indians


O-wen-ko (Tribe)
USE Evenki (Asian people)
O-wen-ko language
USE Evenki language
O-yama (Kanagawa-ken, Japan)
USE Oyama (Kanagawa-ken, Japan)
O2 Ranch (Tex.)
BT RanchesTexas
OA (Disease)
USE Osteoarthritis
Oa language
USE Pamoa language
Oab Luang National Park (Thailand)
USE Utthayan hng Chat Op Luang (Thailand)
Oad Rajput (South Asian people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Oads (South Asian people)
Od Rajput (South Asian people)
Odhs (South Asian people)
Orh Rajput (South Asian people)
BT EthnologyIndia
Rajput (Indic people)
Oadell family
USE O'Dell family
Oads (South Asian people)
USE Oad Rajput (South Asian people)
Oagari shima (Japan)
USE Daito Islands (Japan)
Oahe, Lake (S.D. and N.D.)
UF Lake Oahe (S.D. and N.D.)
Oahe Dam Reservoir (S.D. and N.D.)
Oahe Reservoir (S.D. and N.D.)
BT LakesNorth Dakota
LakesSouth Dakota
ReservoirsNorth Dakota
ReservoirsSouth Dakota
Oahe Dam (S.D.)
BT DamsSouth Dakota
Oahe Dam Reservoir (S.D. and N.D.)
USE Oahe, Lake (S.D. and N.D.)
Oahe Reservoir (S.D. and N.D.)
USE Oahe, Lake (S.D. and N.D.)
Oahu, Operation, 1966
USE Operation Oahu, 1966
Oahu elepaio (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P255 (Zoology)]
UF Chasiempis ibidis
Chasiempis sandwichensis ibidis
BT Chasiempis
Oahu National Wildlife Refuge (Hawaii)
UF Oahu National Wildlife Refuge Complex

BT National parks and reservesHawaii
Wildlife refugesHawaii
Oahu National Wildlife Refuge Complex (Hawaii)
USE Oahu National Wildlife Refuge (Hawaii)
Oaica Indians
USE Waica Indians
Oak (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.F14 (Botany)]
[SB413.O34 (Ornamental plants)]
[SD397.O12 (Forestry)]
UF Oaks
BT Fagaceae
NT Acorns
Aleppo oak
Bartram oak
Blue oak
Bur oak
California black oak
Coast live oak
Cork oak
Durmast oak
Emory oak
English oak
European Turkey oak
Furniture, Oak
Holm oak
Live oak
Mongolian oak
Oregon oak
Pin oak
Pyrenean oak
Quercus coccifera
Quercus coccinea
Quercus gambelii
Quercus havardii
Quercus ithaburensis
Quercus prinus
Quercus pubescens
Quercus rubra

USE Orhon River (Mongolia)

Oak (Continued)
Quercus sessilifolia
Quercus velutina
Sawtooth oak
Valley oak
Valonia oak
White oak
Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog)
SA names of specific diseases and pests, e.g.

Oak wilt
NT Eastern gall rust
Oak dieback
Sudden oak death
Oak, Australian
USE Eucalyptus regnans
Oak, Tasmanian
USE Eucalyptus regnans
Oak Alley Plantation (La.)
BT DwellingsLouisiana
Oak Creek Basin (Ariz.)
USE Oak Creek Watershed (Ariz.)
Oak Creek Canyon (Ariz.)
BT CanyonsArizona
Oak Creek Watershed (Ariz.)
UF Oak Creek Basin (Ariz.)
BT WatershedsArizona
Oak dieback (May Subd Geog)
BT Dieback
OakDiseases and pests
Oak family
USE Oakes family
Oak fungus disease
USE Armillaria root rot
Oak Hill (Loudoun County, Va.)
BT DwellingsVirginia
Oak Hill (Tenn.)
BT DwellingsTennessee
Oak Hill Lodge (Waltham Forest, London, England)
BT DwellingsEngland
Oak Hills, Battle of, Mo., 1861
USE Wilson's Creek, Battle of, Mo., 1861
Oak in art (Not Subd Geog)
Oak Island (Lunenburg, N.S.)
UF Oak Island (N.S.) [Former heading]
BT IslandsNova Scotia
Oak Island (N.S.)
USE Oak Island (Lunenburg, N.S.)
Oak Island (Suffolk County, N.Y.)
BT IslandsNew York (State)
Oak Island Treasure Site (N.S.)
BT Nova ScotiaAntiquities
Oak Knoll (Danvers, Mass.)
BT DwellingsMassachusetts
Oak leaf caterpillar, Variable
USE Variable oak leaf caterpillar
Oak Mulgee River (Ga.)
USE Ocmulgee River (Ga.)
Oak mushroom
USE Shiitake
Oak of Abraham (Hebron)
USE Abraham's Oak (Hebron)
Oak of Mamre (Hebron)
USE Abraham's Oak (Hebron)
Oak Orchard National Wildlife Refuge (N.Y.)
USE Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge (N.Y.)
Oak Park (Calif.)
BT ParksCalifornia
Oak Park, Ill. Frank Lloyd Wright Studio
USE Frank Lloyd Wright Studio (Oak Park, Ill.)
Oak procession moth
USE Oak processionary moth
Oak processionary moth (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.N8 (Zoology)]
UF Oak procession moth
Phalaena processionea
Thaumetopoea processionea
BT Thaumetopoea
Oak root fungus disease
USE Armillaria root rot
Oak silkworm, Chinese
USE Chinese oak silkworm
Oak silkworm moth, Japanese
USE Yamamai
Oak swill baskets
USE Swill baskets
Oak tasar silkworm (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.S2 (Entomology)]
[SF560.O18 (Sericulture)]
UF Antheraea proylei

BT Antheraea
Silkworms, Non-mulberry
Oak titmouse (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P2615 (Zoology)]
UF Baeolophus inornatus
Parus inornatus
Plain titmouse [Former heading]
BT Baeolophus
Oak wilt (May Subd Geog)
RT Ceratocystis fagacearum
BT Wilt diseases
Oak wilt fungus
USE Ceratocystis fagacearum
Oakajee Industrial Park (Geraldton, W.A.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT Industrial districtsAustralia
Oakatoma Creek (Miss.)
USE Okatoma Creek (Miss.)
Oakdale Formation
UF Oakdale Quartzite
BT Formations (Geology)Connecticut
Formations (Geology)Massachusetts
Formations (Geology)New Hampshire
Geology, StratigraphicSilurian
Oakdale Quartzite
USE Oakdale Formation
Oakdale Road (Atlanta, Ga.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsGeorgia
Oakes, Blackford (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Blackford Oakes (Fictitious character)
Oakes, Boysie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Boysie Oakes (Fictitious character)
Oakes family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oak family [Former heading]
Oaks family
Okes family
Oakes Pond (Fla.)
BT PondsFlorida
USE Greenland shark
Oakey family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Okey family
Okie family
RT Oke family
Oakfield Plantation (S.C.)
BT DwellingsSouth Carolina
PlantationsSouth Carolina
Oakford House (Alloway, N.J.)
UF William and Mary Oakford House (Alloway,

BT DwellingsNew Jersey
Oakham Canal (England)
BT CanalsEngland
Oakhill (Stockholm, Sweden) (May Subd Geog)
BT AmbassadorsDwellingsSweden
Official residencesSweden
Oakland automobile (Not Subd Geog)
BT Automobiles
Oakland Bay (Wash.)
BT BaysWashington (State)
Oakland Bay Bridge (Oakland and San Francisco,
USE San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge (Oakland

and San Francisco, Calif.)

Oakland Estuary (Calif.)
USE Oakland Inner Harbor (Calif.)
Oakland Free Market (Oakland, Calif.)
USE Swan's Marketplace (Oakland, Calif.)
Oakland Harbor (Calif.)
USE Oakland Inner Harbor (Calif.)
Oakland Inner Harbor (Calif.)
UF Estuary of San Antonio (Calif.)
Oakland Estuary (Calif.)
Oakland Harbor (Calif.)
San Antonio Creek (Oakland, Calif.)
San Antonio Estuary (Calif.)
BT HarborsCalifornia
Oakland Paramount Theatre (Oakland, Calif.)
USE Paramount Theatre (Oakland, Calif.)
Oakland Speedway (Oakland, Calif.)
BT Racetracks (Automobile racing)California
Oakland Stadium (Oakland, Calif.)
BT Racetracks (Automobile racing)California
Oaklawn Plantation (Anderson County, S.C.)
BT DwellingsSouth Carolina
PlantationsSouth Carolina
Oakleaf family (Not Subd Geog)


Quercus rubra
Oakleaf poison ivy
USE Poison oak
Oakley family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oakly family
Okeley family
Okely family
Oakley Plantation (La.)
BT DwellingsLouisiana
Oakly family
USE Oakley family
Oakmulga River (Ga.)
USE Ocmulgee River (Ga.)
Oakmulge River (Ga.)
USE Ocmulgee River (Ga.)
Oakmulgee River (Ga.)
USE Ocmulgee River (Ga.)
Oakridge (Los Angeles, Calif.)
BT DwellingsCalifornia
Oaks Amusement Park (Portland, Or.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oaks Amusement Park and Skating Rink

(Portland, Or.)
Oaks Park (Portland, Or.)
BT Amusement parksOregon
Oaks Amusement Park and Skating Rink (Portland, Or.)
USE Oaks Amusement Park (Portland, Or.)
Oaks family
USE Oakes family
Oaks Park (Portland, Or.)
USE Oaks Amusement Park (Portland, Or.)
[TS1747.O3 (Manufacture)]
Oakville Aquifer (Tex.)
BT AquifersTexas
Oakville Creek (Ont.)
BT RiversOntario
Oakville Creek Watershed (Ont.)
BT WatershedsOntario
Oakwood family (Not Subd Geog)
Oaldham family
USE Oldham family
Oaldhum family
USE Oldham family
Oalds family
USE Olds family
OAO (Orbiting astronomical observatories)
USE Orbiting astronomical observatories
Oar family
USE Orr family
Oarlocks (May Subd Geog)
UF Rowlocks
BT Boats and boating
OARS Multidimensional Functional Assessment
UF Multidimensional Functional Assessment

Older Americans Resources and Services

Multidimensional Functional Assessment

OMFAQ (Questionnaire)
BT Older peopleFunctional assessment
USE Rowers
Oas (Romania)
UF Depresiunea Oas (Romania)
Tara Oasului (Romania)
OAS (Investment analysis)
USE Option-adjusted spread analysis
Oas Mountains (Romania)
UF Muntii Oasului (Romania)
Muntii Ouas (Romania)
Muntii Ouasului (Romania)
Ouasul (Romania)
BT MountainsRomania
OASDI (United States)
USE Social securityUnited States
Oases (May Subd Geog)
BT Deserts
NT Bou Saada (Algeria)
Mzab (Algeria)
Touat Region (Algeria)
NT Kara Shahr Oasis (China)
NT Bahariya Oasis (Egypt)
Bir Kiseiba (Egypt)

Dakhla Oasis (Egypt)

Farafra Oasis (Egypt)
Kharga (Egypt : Oasis)
Siwah Oasis (Egypt)

NT Kufra Oases (Libya)
NT Boumdeid Oasis (Mauritania)
NT Ktawa Oasis (Morocco)
NT Kaouar (Niger)
NT Buraymi Oasis (Oman and United Arab

Saudi Arabia
NT Hasa Oasis (Saudi Arabia)
Riyad al-Khabra (Saudi Arabia)
NT Taibe Oasis (Syria)
NT Nefzaoua (Tunisia)
Turkmen S.S.R.
USE OasesTurkmenistan
UF OasesTurkmen S.S.R. [Former

NT Iolotan Oasis (Turkmenistan)
United Arab Emirates
NT Buraymi Oasis (Oman and United Arab

Liwa Oasis (United Arab Emirates)
Oases of Khufra (Libya)
USE Kufra Oases (Libya)
OASI (Old age and survivors insurance)
USE Old age pensions
Oasis Berber language
USE Siwa language
Oasis of Kufrah (Libya)
USE Kufra Oases (Libya)
Oasis of McMurdo Sound (Antarctica)
USE McMurdo Dry Valleys (Antarctica)
OASIS Open Data Protocol
USE Open Data Protocol
Oasis Parva (Egypt)
USE Bahariya Oasis (Egypt)
Oasis State Park (N.M.)
BT ParksNew Mexico
Oasthouse Theatre (Rainham, Kent, England)
BT TheatersEngland
Oat, Common
USE Oats
OAT (Educational test)
USE Optometry Admission Test
Oat aphid
USE Rhopalosiphum padi
Oat aphis (May Subd Geog)
Oat-birdcherry aphid
USE Rhopalosiphum padi
Oat black cumin
USE Nigella arvensis
Oat blue dwarf disease (May Subd Geog)
BT OatsDiseases and pests
Oat bran
BT Bran
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Oat bran)
USE Oatcakes
Oat cyst nematode
USE Heterodera avenae
Oat grass, Tall
USE Arrhenatherum elatius
Oat mosaic (May Subd Geog)
BT OatsDiseases and pests
Oat Mountain (Los Angeles County, Calif.)
BT MountainsCalifornia
Oat nematode
USE Heterodera avenae
Oat root nematode
USE Heterodera avenae
Oat thistle
USE Scotch thistle
Oatafu Island (Tokelau)
USE Atafu (Tokelau)
USE Oatcakes
Oatcakes (May Subd Geog)
UF Oat-cakes

Oatmeal cakes
BT Baked products
Cooking (Oats)
Oates family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oats family
Otes family
RT Otis family
Oatgrass, Tall
USE Arrhenatherum elatius
Oath more judaico
Here are entered works on the special oath which
Jews were required to take in European courts of law
before their emancipation. Works on oaths in Jewish
religious courts are entered under Oaths (Jewish

UF Juramentum judaeorum
OathsJews [Former heading]
BT JewsLegal status, laws, etc.
Oath of allegiance, 1601
UF Disabilities, Political (Great Britain)
Oath of allegiance, 1606
UF Allegiance, Oath of, 1606
Oath of obedience, 1606
Obedience, Oath of, 1606
Political disabilities (Great Britain)
BT Catholic ChurchGreat Britain
CatholicsGreat Britain
Church and stateEngland
Oath of obedience, 1606
USE Oath of allegiance, 1606
Oaths (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on judicial or official oaths.
Works on profane language are entered under
Swearing. Works on blasphemy in the legal and
theological sense of maliciously reviling God or
religion, are entered under Blasphemy.

UF OathsLaw and legislation

BT Manners and customs
RT Vows
NT Affidavits
Ephebic oath
Loyalty oaths
Poor debtor's oath
Biblical teaching (Not Subd Geog)
NT Ten commandmentsFalse witness
USE Oath more judaico
Law and legislation
USE Oaths
Quranic teaching
USE Oaths in the Quran
Oaths (Canon law)
BT Canon law
Oaths (Greek law)
BT Law, Greek
Oaths (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog)
BT Islamic law
Oaths (Jewish law)
Here are entered works on oaths in Jewish
religious courts. Works on the special oath which
Jews were required to take in European courts of law
before their emancipation are entered under Oath
more judaico.

BT Jewish law
Oaths (Roman law)
BT Roman law
Oaths in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oaths in rabbinical literature
BT Rabbinical literature
Oaths in the Bible
[BS680.O22 (General)]
[BS1199.O27 (Old Testament)]
[BS2545.O25 (New Testament)]
Oaths in the Book of Mormon
Oaths in the Koran
USE Oaths in the Quran
Oaths in the Quran
UF Oaths in the Koran [Former heading]
OathsQuranic teaching
Oatland Plantation Site (S.C.)
BT South CarolinaAntiquities
Oatlands (Va.)
BT DwellingsVirginia
Oatlands Palace Site (England)
BT EnglandAntiquities
Oatman family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Othman family
Otman family
Outman family


[TS2159.O (Milling)]
[TX393 (Food-supply)]
BT Meal
Oatmeal cakes
USE Oatcakes
Oats (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.G74 (Botany)]
[SB191.O2 (Culture)]
UF Avena
Avena sativa
Common oat
Oat, Common
BT Grain
NT Oat bran
Wild oat
Disease and pest resistance (May Subd Geog)
Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog)
NT Oat blue dwarf disease
Oat mosaic
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Oats)
Varieties (May Subd Geog)
Oats as feed (May Subd Geog)
BT Feeds
Oats as food
BT Food
Oats family
USE Oates family
Oats industry (May Subd Geog)
UF Oats trade
BT Grain trade
Oats trade
USE Oats industry
Oaxaca palmetto
USE Sabal mexicana
Oaxaca Uplands (Mexico)
USE Sierra Madre de Oaxaca (Mexico)
Oaxaca Valley (Mexico)
UF Valle de Oaxaca (Mexico)
BT ValleysMexico
Oaxacan spinytail iguana
USE Ctenosaura quinquecarinata
Oayana language
USE Wayana language
Oayca Indians
USE Waica Indians
Oaza Bungera (Antarctica)
USE Bunger Hills (Antarctica)
Ob, Gulf of (Russia)
UF Gulf of Ob (Russia)
Ob Bay (Russia)
Ob Gulf (Russia)
Obskaia Guba (Russia)
Obskaya Bay (Russia)
Obskaya Guba (Russia)
BT BaysRussia (Federation)
Ob (The German word)
BT German languageEtymology
Ob Bay (Russia)
USE Ob, Gulf of (Russia)
Ob Gulf (Russia)
USE Ob, Gulf of (Russia)
OB-GYN hospitals
USE Women's hospitals
Ob Luang National Park (Thailand)
USE Utthayan hng Chat Op Luang (Thailand)
Ob protein
USE Leptin
Ob River (R.S.F.S.R.)
USE Ob River (Russia)
Ob River (Russia)
UF Ob River (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading]
BT RiversRussia (Federation)
Ob River Valley (Russia)
UF Ob Valley (Russia)
BT ValleysRussia (Federation)
Ob River Watershed (Russia)
BT WatershedsRussia (Federation)
Ob-Ugrian languages
USE Ob-Ugric languages
Ob-Ugrian poetry
USE Ob-Ugric poetry
Ob-Ugrian textile fabrics
USE Textile fabrics, Ob-Ugrian

Ob-Ugric languages (May Subd Geog)

UF Ob-Ugrian languages [Former heading]
BT Finno-Ugric languages
NT Khanty language
Mansi language
Ob-Ugric literature (May Subd Geog)
BT Soviet literature
NT Ob-Ugric poetry
Ob-Ugric poetry (May Subd Geog)
UF Ob-Ugrian poetry [Former heading]
BT Ob-Ugric literature
Ob Valley (Russia)
USE Ob River Valley (Russia)
Oba (Vanuatu)
USE Aoba (Vanuatu)
Oba (African people)
USE Ogba (African people)
Oba (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Obba (Yoruba deity)
BT Gods, Yoruba
Oba family (Not Subd Geog)
Oba Kita Iseki (Moriguchi-shi, Japan)
USE Oba Kita Site (Moriguchi-shi, Japan)
Oba Kita Site (Moriguchi-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oba Kita Iseki (Moriguchi-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Obac, Parque Natural de Sant Llorenc del Munt i l'
USE Parque Natural de Sant Llorenc del Munt i

l'Obac (Spain)
Obadiah (Biblical prophet)
In rabbinical literature
BT Rabbinical literature
Obadiah Jones (Fictitious character)
USE Jones, Obadiah (Fictitious character)
Obaku (Sect) (May Subd Geog)
BT Buddhist sects
Zen Buddhism
Obaku ink painting
USE Ink painting, Obaku
Obalouaye (Afro-Brazilian deity)
USE Obaluaie (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Obaluaie (Afro-Brazilian deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Abalouaie (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Abaluaie (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Obalouaye (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Obaluaiye (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Omolu (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Omoulou (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Onile (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Sapata (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Xapana (Afro-Brazilian deity)
BT Gods, Afro-Brazilian
Obaluaiye (Afro-Brazilian deity)
USE Obaluaie (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Obam-saween (Vt.)
USE Bomoseen, Lake (Vt.)
Obama Castle (Obama-shi, Japan)
USE Obamajo (Obama-shi, Japan)
Obama family (Not Subd Geog)
Obamajo (Obama-shi, Japan)
UF Obama Castle (Obama-shi, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Obamaseen (Vt.)
USE Bomoseen, Lake (Vt.)
Obamasek River (Quebec)
USE Bayonne River (Quebec)
Obamayama Iseki (Nagato-shi, Japan)
USE Obamayama Site (Nagato-shi, Japan)
Obamayama Site (Nagato-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Obamayama Iseki (Nagato-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Obamba (African people)
USE Mbete (African people)
Obamba language
USE Mbete language
Obando family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Banion, Margot (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Margot O'Banion (Fictitious character)
O'Banion family (Not Subd Geog)
UF O'Bannion family
O'Bannion family
USE O'Banion family

O'Bannon family (Not Subd Geog)

UF Bannon family
O'Bannon Woods State Park (Ind.)
BT ParksIndiana
O'Bar family
USE O'Barr family
Obarenes Mountains (Spain)
UF Montes Obarenes (Spain)
BT MountainsSpain
O'Barr family (Not Subd Geog)
UF O'Bar family
Obarushimo Iseki (Ariake-cho, Nagasaki-ken, Japan)
USE Obarushimo Site (Ariake-cho, Nagasaki-ken,

Obarushimo Site (Ariake-cho, Nagasaki-ken, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Obarushimo Iseki (Ariake-cho, Nagasaki-ken,

BT JapanAntiquities
Obasama Tombs (Kashimadai-machi, Japan)
UF Obasama Yokoanagun (Kashimadai-machi,

BT JapanAntiquities
Obasama Yokoanagun (Kashimadai-machi, Japan)
USE Obasama Tombs (Kashimadai-machi, Japan)
Obata family (Not Subd Geog)
Obatala (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orisainla (Yoruba deity)
Orixala (Yoruba deity)
Oxala (Yoruba deity)
BT Gods, Yoruba
Obatanga Provincial Park (Ont.)
UF Parc provincial Obatanga (Ont.)
BT ParksOntario
O'Baugh family
USE Oberbeck family
Obba (May Subd Geog)
BT Camaenidae
NT Obba marmorata
Obba (Yoruba deity)
USE Oba (Yoruba deity)
Obba marmorata (May Subd Geog)
BT Obba
Obcinele Bucovinei (Romania)
BT MountainsRomania
Obdeijn family
USE Op 't Eijnde family
USE Hardness of heart
OBE (Education)
USE Competency-based education
OBE (Parapsychology)
USE Astral projection
Obeah (Cult) (May Subd Geog)
UF Roots (Cult)
BT CultsSouthern States
CultsWest Indies
Obear family
USE Ober family
UF Arere
Obed Heights (Conn.)
BT MountainsConnecticut
Obed Lake (Alta.)
BT LakesAlberta
Obed Lake Provincial Park (Alta.)
BT ParksAlberta
Obed River (Tenn.)
BT RiversTennessee
Obed River Watershed (Tenn.)
BT WatershedsTennessee
Obed Wild and Scenic River (Tenn.)
BT National parks and reservesTennessee
Wild and scenic riversTennessee
BT Conduct of life
Biblical teaching (Not Subd Geog)
UF ObedienceReligious aspectsBiblical

teaching [Former heading]

NT Ten commandmentsParents
Religious aspects
Biblical teaching
USE ObedienceBiblical teaching
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]


Obedience, Oath of, 1606
USE Oath of allegiance, 1606
Obedience, Vow of
UF Vow of obedience
BT Vows
Obedience (Canon law)
BT Catholic ChurchDiscipline
Obedience (Law) (May Subd Geog)
UF Legal obligation
Obligation, Legal
Obligation to obey the law
BT LawPhilosophy
Obedience in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Obedience judging (Dog shows)
USE DogsObedience trialsJudging
Obedience trials for dogs
USE DogsObedience trials
Obee family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Beirne family
USE Beirne family
Obel family (Not Subd Geog)
Obelia (May Subd Geog)
BT Campanulariidae
NT Obelia dichotoma
Obelia dichotoma (May Subd Geog)
BT Obelia
Obelisk Range (N.Z.)
USE Old Man Range/Kopuwai (N.Z.)
Obelisks (May Subd Geog)
BT Archaeology
NT Obelisque de la Concorde (Paris, France)
NT Lowenwall-Obelisk (Braunschweig,

New York (State)
NT Cleopatra's Needle (New York, N.Y.)
Obelisks in art (Not Subd Geog)
Obelisque de la Concorde (Paris, France)
UF Concorde Obelisk (Paris, France)
Obelisque de Louxor (Paris, France)
BT ObelisksFrance
Obelisque de Louxor (Paris, France)
USE Obelisque de la Concorde (Paris, France)
Obelix (Fictitious character : Uderzo) (Not Subd Geog)
Obento cooking
USE Bento cooking
Ober family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Obear family
Ober-Olmer Forest (Germany)
UF Ober-Olmer Wald (Germany)
BT Forest reservesGermany
Ober-Olmer Wald (Germany)
USE Ober-Olmer Forest (Germany)
Oberacker family (Not Subd Geog)
Oberbayerischer Kulturpreis
BT AwardsGermany
Oberbeck family (Not Subd Geog)
UF O'Baugh family
Obaugh family
Oberpack family
Oberpeck family
Orbaugh family
Orebaugh family
Overback family
Overpack family
Overpeck family
Oberberger family (Not Subd Geog)
Oberburg (Kobern-Gondorf, Germany)
UF Altenburg (Kobern-Gondorf, Germany)
Castle Oberburg (Kobern-Gondorf, Germany)
Oberburg Kobern (Kobern-Gondorf, Germany)
Upper Castle (Kobern-Gondorf, Germany)
BT CastlesGermany
Oberburg Kobern (Kobern-Gondorf, Germany)
USE Oberburg (Kobern-Gondorf, Germany)
Obere Donau, Naturpark (Germany)
USE Naturpark Obere Donau (Germany)
Oberg family (Not Subd Geog)
Oberharz Mountains (Germany)
UF Upper Harz Mountains (Germany)
BT Harz Mountains (Germany)

Oberhausener Stadttheater (Oberhausen, Germany)

USE Stadttheater Oberhausen (Oberhausen,

Oberhof Brockhausen (Unna, Germany)
USE Konferenzzentrum Oberhof Brockhausen

(Unna, Germany)
Oberhof Brockhausen Convention Center (Unna,
USE Konferenzzentrum Oberhof Brockhausen

(Unna, Germany)
Oberholtz family
USE Oberholtzer family
Oberholtzer family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oberholtz family
Oberholz family
Oberholzer family
Overholser family
Overholt family
Overholts family
Overholtz family
Overholtzer family
Overholzer family
Overhults family
Oberholz family
USE Oberholtzer family
Oberholzer family
USE Oberholtzer family
USE Towhees
Oberhueber family (Not Subd Geog)
Oberinntal cattle
USE Grey Tirolean cattle
Oberkampf family (Not Subd Geog)
Oberkommissar Pappenheim (Fictitious character)
USE Pappenheim, Oberkommissar (Fictitious

Oberkrain (Slovenia)
USE Gorenjsko (Slovenia)
Oberlach family
USE Overlock family
Oberlack family
USE Overlock family
Oberland bernois (Switzerland)
USE Bernese Alps (Switzerland)
Oberlandische Kanal (Poland)
USE Elblag Canal (Poland)
Oberlausitz (Germany)
USE Upper Lusatia (Germany)
Oberle family (Not Subd Geog)
Oberlin (Ohio)
NT Oberlin-Wellington Rescue, 1858
Oberlin-Wellington Rescue, 1858
BT Fugitive slavesOhioHistory
Oberlin (Ohio)History
Wellington (Ohio)History
Oberloch family
USE Overlock family
Obermaier family
USE Obermayer family
Obermair family
USE Obermayer family
Oberman family (May Subd Geog)
UF Obermann family
Obermann family
USE Oberman family
Obermayer family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Obermaier family
Obermair family
Obermeier family
Obermeyer family
Obermier family
Overmayer family
Overmeyer family
Overmire family
Overmyer family
Obermeier family
USE Obermayer family
Obermeyer family
USE Obermayer family
Obermier family
USE Obermayer family
Obernai service (Ceramics) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Loux service (Ceramics)
BT Ceramic tablewareFrance
Oberneder Cave (Germany)
UF Oberneder-Hohle (Germany)
BT CavesGermany
Oberneder-Hohle (Germany)
USE Oberneder Cave (Germany)

Oberon (Legendary character) (Not Subd Geog)

UF Auberon (Legendary character)
Oberycom (Legendary character)
BT LegendsEurope
Oberonia (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O64 (Botany)]
BT Orchids
Oberpack family
USE Oberbeck family
Oberpeck family
USE Oberbeck family
Oberpfalz Forest (Germany)
USE Oberpfalzer Wald (Germany)
Oberpfalzer Wald (Germany)
UF Oberpfalz Forest (Germany)
BT Forests and forestryGermany
Oberschlesien (Poland and Czech Republic)
USE Silesia, Upper (Poland and Czech Republic)
Oberschwaben (Germany)
Oberschwabischer Kunstpreis
BT ArtAwardsGermany
Oberschwappach Castle (Knetzgau, Germany)
USE Schloss Oberschwappach (Knetzgau,

Obersee (Switzerland)
USE Zurich, Lake of (Switzerland)
Oberst family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oberste family
Oberste family
USE Oberst family
Obert de Thieusies family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Thieusies family
Obertenghi family (Not Subd Geog)
Obertin, Battle of, 1531
USE Obertyn, Battle of, Obertyn, Ukraine, 1531
Obertyn, Battle of, Obertyn, Ukraine, 1531
UF Obertin, Battle of, 1531 [Former heading]
Obertyn (Ukraine), Battle of, 1531 [Former

BT PolandHistorySigismund I, 1506-1548
Obertyn (Ukraine), Battle of, 1531
USE Obertyn, Battle of, Obertyn, Ukraine, 1531
Oberweseler Goldaltar (Sculpture)
UF Oberweseler Hochaltar (Sculpture)
BT Sculpture, German
Oberweseler Hochaltar (Sculpture)
USE Oberweseler Goldaltar (Sculpture)
Oberwinder family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Metcalf family
Oberycom (Legendary character)
USE Oberon (Legendary character)
Obese-hyperglycemic syndrome (May Subd Geog)
UF Hyperglycemic-obese syndrome
BT Endocrine glandsDiseases
Obese persons
USE Overweight persons
Obesity (May Subd Geog)
UF Adiposity
Corpulence [Former heading]
BT Body weight
Nutrition disorders
NT Morbid obesity
Obese-hyperglycemic syndrome
Pickwickian syndrome
Prader-Willi syndrome
USE Weight loss
Diet therapy
USE Reducing diets
USE Overweight persons
Psychological aspects
BT Gluttony
RT Compulsive eating
Surgery (May Subd Geog)
UF Bariatric surgery
Weight loss surgery
NT Gastric bypass
Jejunoileal bypass
Obesity bias
USE Discrimination against overweight persons


Obesity discrimination
USE Discrimination against overweight persons
Obesity in adolescence (May Subd Geog)
UF Adolescent obesity
BT Nutrition disorders in adolescence
Obesity in animals (May Subd Geog)
BT Nutrition disorders in animals
Obesity in art (Not Subd Geog)
Obesity in children (May Subd Geog)
UF Childhood obesity
Corpulence in children [Former heading]
BT Metabolic disorders in children
Nutrition disorders in children
USE Overweight children
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Public health laws
Obesity in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Obesity in mass media (Not Subd Geog)
BT Mass media
Obesity in men (May Subd Geog)
UF Male obesity
BT MenDiseases
RT Overweight men
Obesity in women (May Subd Geog)
BT WomenDiseases
RT Overweight women
Obesity reversing factor, Pituitary
USE Lipotropin
Obi (May Subd Geog)
BT Kimonos
Sashes (Clothing)
Obi Booker (Fictitious character)
USE Booker, Obi (Fictitious character)
Obi-Khingou River (Tajikistan)
USE Khingou River (Tajikistan)
Obi-Rakhmat Site (Uzbekistan)
UF Grot Obi-Rakhmat (Uzbekistan)
BT CavesUzbekistan
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Fictitious character)
USE Kenobi, Obi-Wan (Fictitious character)
O'Biasta family
USE Biesty family
Obidos, Castelo de (Obidos, Portugal)
USE Castelo de Obidos (Obidos, Portugal)
Obie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
Obikhingou River (Tajikistan)
USE Khingou River (Tajikistan)
Obion River (Tenn.)
BT RiversTennessee
Obion River Watershed (Tenn.)
BT WatershedsTennessee
Obion Site (Tenn.)
BT TennesseeAntiquities
Obispa Island (Ga.)
USE Ossabaw Island (Ga.)
Obispado (Monterrey, Mexico)
USE Palacio de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe

(Monterrey, Mexico)
Obispo Formation (Calif.)
BT Formations (Geology)California
Geology, StratigraphicMiocene
Obispo Street (Havana, Cuba)
USE Calle del Obispo (Havana, Cuba)
Obituaries (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered short biographical sketches,
especially in newspapers, published upon a person's
death. Works on announcements of death either
published in the press or mailed individually are
entered under Death notices. Works on registers of
deaths in ecclesiastical or other organizations or
registers of anniversary days when services are
performed for the dead are entered under

UF NewspapersSections, columns,

BT Biography
RT Dead
Death notices
SA subdivision Obituaries under classes of

persons and ethnic groups

UF Deaths, Registers of
Registers of deaths
BT Registers of births, etc.
Obizzi family (Not Subd Geog)

Object (Aesthetics)
UF Aesthetic object
BT Aesthetics
NT Art objects
Object (Aesthetics) in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Object (Philosophy)
BT Philosophy
NT Nonexistent objects (Philosophy)
Object (Philosophy) in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Object animation films
USE Stop-motion animation films
Object constancy (Psychoanalysis) (May Subd Geog)
[BF175.5.O22 (Psychoanalysis)]
[RC489.O24 (Psychiatry)]
UF Constancy, Object (Psychoanalysis)
Constant object (Psychoanalysis)
BT Object relations (Psychoanalysis)
Object development methods (Computer science)
USE Object-oriented methods (Computer science)
Object monitors (Computer software) (May Subd Geog)
UF Monitors, Object (Computer software)
Object transaction monitors (Computer

BT Middleware
Object-oriented methods (Computer science)
Object orientation (Computer science)
USE Object-oriented methods (Computer science)
Object-oriented data bases
USE Object-oriented databases
Object-oriented databases (May Subd Geog)
UF Object-oriented data bases [Former heading]
BT Databases
Object-oriented methods (Computer science)
NT Geodatabases
Object-oriented development (Computer science)
USE Object-oriented methods (Computer science)
Object-oriented languages (Computer program
USE Object-oriented programming languages
Object-oriented methods (Computer science)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Object development methods (Computer

Object orientation (Computer science)
Object-oriented development (Computer

Object technology (Computer science)
BT System design
NT Booch method
COM (Computer architecture)
CORBA (Computer architecture)
DCOM (Computer architecture)
Object monitors (Computer software)
Object-oriented databases
Object-oriented programming (Computer

UML (Computer science)
Object-oriented Process, Environment and Notation
(Computer science)
USE OPEN method (Computer science)
Object-oriented programming (Computer science)
(May Subd Geog)
BT Computer programming
Object-oriented methods (Computer science)
RT Document Object Model (Web site

development technology)
NT Cocoa (Application development environment)
OPEN method (Computer science)
Object-oriented programming languages
(May Subd Geog)
UF Object-oriented languages (Computer program

OO languages (Computer program languages)
OOLs (Computer program languages)
OOP languages (Computer program

BT Programming languages (Electronic

NT ABAP Objects (Computer program language)
ActionScript (Computer program language)
Ada 95 (Computer program language)
Alice (Computer program language)
April++ (Computer program language)
BETA (Computer program language)
C# (Computer program language)
C++ (Computer program language)
C++/CLI (Computer program language)
CA-Realizer (Computer program language)

Charm++ (Computer program language)

Clarion for Windows (Computer program

CoffeeScript (Computer program language)
COMMON LISP (Computer program language)
ConcurrentSmalltalk (Computer program

Curl (Computer program language)
D (Computer program language)
DataPlan (Computer program language)
DRAGOON (Computer program language)
Dylan (Computer program language)
Eiffel (Computer program language)
F (Computer program language)
FORTRAN 2003 (Computer program

Fortran 2008 (Computer program language)
Groovy (Computer program language)
IronRuby (Computer program language)
J (Computer program language)
J# (Computer program language)
Java (Computer program language)
JavaScript (Computer program language)
JR (Computer program language)
JScript (Computer program language)
Jython (Computer program language)
Lingo (Computer program language)
Objective-C (Computer program language)
ObjectPAL (Computer program language)
OCaml (Computer program language)
Omnibus (Computer program language)
Ox (Computer program language)
packetC (Computer program language)
Processing (Computer program language)
Prolog++ (Computer program language)
Ruby (Computer program language)
SattLine (Computer program language)
Scala (Computer program language)
Smalltalk (Computer program language)
Smalltalk-80 (Computer program language)
Smalltalk/V (Computer program language)
Spin (Computer program language)
TypeScript (Computer program language)
VRML (Computer program language)
WebGL (Computer program language)
Object-oriented programs (Computer programs)
UF OO programs (Object-oriented programs)
BT Computer programs
Object relations (Psychoanalysis) (May Subd Geog)
[BF175.5.O24 (Psychoanalytic theory)]
[RC455.4.O23 (Psychiatry)]
[RC489.O25 (Psychotherapy)]
Here are entered works on the psychoanalytic
description of emotional attachments formed between
one person and another, as opposed to interest in
and love for oneself.

UF Object relations theory (Psychoanalysis)

BT Psychoanalysis
RT Interpersonal relations
NT Holding (Psychoanalysis)
Object constancy (Psychoanalysis)
Religious aspects
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Object relations (Psychoanalysis) in literature
(Not Subd Geog)
Object Relations Technique (May Subd Geog)
UF ORT (Personality test)
BT Personality tests
Object relations theory (Psychoanalysis)
USE Object relations (Psychoanalysis)
[LB1519-LB1520 (Primary education)]
BT Kindergarten
NT Project method in teaching
Visual education
Object technology (Computer science)
USE Object-oriented methods (Computer science)
Object transaction monitors (Computer software)
USE Object monitors (Computer software)
Objections (Evidence) (May Subd Geog)
BT Evidence (Law)
Examination of witnesses
NT Confidential communications
Evidence, Hearsay
Objective-analytic test
BT Personality tests
Objective-C (Computer program language)
(May Subd Geog)


BT Object-oriented programming languages
RT C (Computer program language)
Objective Caml (Computer program language)
USE OCaml (Computer program language)
Objective Categorical Abstract Machine Language
(Computer program language)
USE OCaml (Computer program language)
Objective tests (May Subd Geog)
BT Achievement tests
NT Domain-referenced tests
Objectives, Educational
USE EducationAims and objectives
Objectives of Islamic law
USE Maqasid (Islamic law)
Objectivism (Philosophy)
Here are entered works on the philosophy inspired
by Ayn Rand, which upholds the supremacy of
individual rights through advocacy of reason as the
ultimate source of knowledge, self-interest as the
proper code of ethics, and laissez-faire capitalism as
the ideal political-economic system.

BT Philosophy
BT Knowledge, Theory of
RT Personal equation
NT American newspapersObjectivity
Arabic newspapersObjectivity
Canadian newspapersObjectivity
Documentary television programsObjectivity
Egyptian newspapersObjectivity
Japanese newspapersObjectivity
Mass mediaObjectivity
Singaporean newspapersObjectivity
Swedish newspapersObjectivity
Swiss newspapersObjectivity
Television broadcasting of newsObjectivity
Turkish newspapersObjectivity
Objectivity in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Objectors, Conscientious
USE Conscientious objectors
ObjectPAL (Computer program language)
BT Domain-specific programming languages
Object-oriented programming languages
Objects, Art
USE Art objects
Objects, Ceremonial
USE Ceremonial objects
Objects, Compact (Astronomy)
USE Compact objects (Astronomy)
Objects, Cooperating (Computer systems)
USE Cooperating objects (Computer systems)
Objects, Found (Art)
USE Found objects (Art)
Objects, Junk (Art)
USE Junk sculpture
Objects, Liturgical
USE Liturgical objects
Objects, Lost
USE Lost articles
Objects, Miniature
USE Miniature objects
Objects, Nonexistent (Philosophy)
USE Nonexistent objects (Philosophy)
Objects, Religious
USE Religious articles
Objects, Transitional (Psychology)
USE Transitional objects (Psychology)
Objets d'art
USE Art objects
Oblates, Child
USE Child oblates
Oblation (Lord's Supper)
USE Lord's SupperSacrifice
Oblation to pretas (Buddhist rite)
USE Offering to pretas (Buddhist rite)
Obazowa Cave (Poland)
BT CavesPoland
Obligado, Battle of, 1845
USE Obligado, Battle of, Argentina, 1845
Obligado, Battle of, Argentina, 1845
UF La Vuelta de Obligado, Battle of, Argentina,

Obligado, Battle of, 1845 [Former heading]

Vuelta de Obligado, Battle of, Argentina, 1845

BT ArgentinaHistory1817-1860
Obligado family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Duty
Obligation, Legal
USE Obedience (Law)
Obligation, Political
USE Political obligation
Obligation to obey the law
USE Obedience (Law)
Obligations, Natural
USE Natural obligations
Obligations (Greek law)
BT Law, Greek
Obligations (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog)
BT Islamic law
Obligations (Jewish law)
BT Jewish law
Obligations (Law) (May Subd Geog)
UF Personal obligations (Law)
BT Civil law
RT Promise (Law)
NT Accessory obligations
Correality and solidarity
Debtor and creditor
Jus ad rem
Liability (Law)
Natural obligations
Quasi contracts
Real obligations
USE Obligations (Law)Digests
Conflict of laws
USE Conflict of lawsObligations
UF Obligations (Law)CasesDigests
Obligations (Roman-Dutch law)
BT Roman-Dutch law
Obligations (Roman law)
BT Roman law
NT Retentio (Roman law)
Oblik (Czech Republic)
UF Hoblik (Czech Republic)
Oblik (Czechoslovakia) [Former heading]
BT MountainsCzech Republic
Ceske Stredohori (Czech Republic)
Oblik (Czechoslovakia)
USE Oblik (Czech Republic)
Oblinger family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oplinger family
Uplinger family
Oblique arches (May Subd Geog)
UF Arches, Oblique [Former heading]
BT Arches
Oblique-banded leafroller moth
USE Obliquebanded leafroller
Oblique coordinates
USE Coordinates, Oblique
Oblique cylindrical orthomorphic projection
USE Oblique Mercator projection (Cartography)
Oblique Lambert azimuthal equidistant projection
BT Map projection
Oblique Mercator projection (Cartography)
UF Oblique cylindrical orthomorphic projection

BT Map projection
Oblique projection
BT Projection
Oblique wing airplanes (May Subd Geog)
UF Pivoting wing airplanes
Scissors wing airplanes
Skew wing airplanes
Skewed wing airplanes
Swivel wing airplanes
BT Airplanes
RT AirplanesOblique wings
Handling characteristics (May Subd Geog)
BT AirplanesHandling characteristics
Oblique wings (Airplanes)
USE AirplanesOblique wings
AirplanesWings, Swept-back
Obliquebanded leafroller (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.T8 (Zoology)]

UF Choristoneura rosaceana
Oblique-banded leafroller moth
BT Choristoneura
Oblitacythereis (May Subd Geog)
BT Trachyleberididae, Fossil
Obliterative arteriosclerosis
USE Arteriosclerosis obliterans
Oblong leaf alder
USE Arizona alder
Oblongleaf bluebells (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.B73 (Botany)]
UF Bluebells, Oblongleaf
Bluebells, Sagebrush
Languid-lady (Plant)
Mertensia oblongifolia
Sagebrush bluebells
BT Mertensia
Obmocje naravnega spomenika Skocjanske jame
UF Skocjan Caves Nature Reserve (Slovenia)
BT Natural areasSlovenia
Obo Bagobo language
USE Obo Manobo language
Obo Manobo hymns
USE Hymns, Obo Manobo
Obo Manobo language (May Subd Geog)
UF Bagobo language (Manobo)
Kidapawan Manobo language
Manobo language, Kidapawan
Manobo language, Obo
Obo Bagobo language
BT Manobo languages
OBO ships
USE Ore-bulk-oil ships
Oboda (Extinct city)
USE Avedat (Extinct city)
Obodrites (May Subd Geog)
UF Abodriten
BT EthnologyGermany
Slavs, Western
USE Obodrites
USE Obodrites
Oboe (May Subd Geog)
[ML940-ML943 (History)]
[MT360-MT378 (Instruction)]
BT Woodwind instruments
RT English horn
Oboe d'amore
NT Balaban
Chirimia (Musical instrument)
Duduk (Oboe)
Kol (Musical instrument)
Musette (Oboe)
Suo na
Orchestra studies
USE OboeOrchestral excerpts
Orchestral excerpts
UF OboeOrchestra studies [Former

USE Oboe reeds
Studies and exercises
Oboe, violin, cello with orchestra (May Subd Geog)
UF Oboe, violin, violoncello with orchestra

[Former heading]
Oboe, violin, cello with string orchestra
(May Subd Geog)


UF Oboe, violin, violoncello with string orchestra

[Former heading]
Oboe, violin, violoncello with orchestra
USE Oboe, violin, cello with orchestra
Oboe, violin, violoncello with string orchestra
USE Oboe, violin, cello with string orchestra
Oboe and accordion music
UF Accordion and oboe music
Oboe and bassoon music
USE Bassoon and oboe music
Oboe and cello music (May Subd Geog)
UF Cello and oboe music
Oboe and violoncello music [Former heading]
NT Oboe and cello with string orchestra
Oboe and cello with orchestra (May Subd Geog)
UF Oboe and violoncello with orchestra [Former

Oboe and cello with string orchestra (May Subd Geog)
UF Oboe and violoncello with string orchestra

[Former heading]
BT Oboe and cello music
Oboe and cimbalom music (May Subd Geog)
UF Cimbalom and oboe music
Oboe and clarinet music
USE Clarinet and oboe music
Oboe and claves music
UF Claves and oboe music
Oboe and computer music
UF Computer and oboe music
Oboe and continuo music (May Subd Geog)
UF Continuo and oboe music
Oboe and digital player piano music (May Subd Geog)
UF Digital player piano and oboe music
Oboe and double bass music
UF Double bass and oboe music
Oboe and electronic music
UF Electronic and oboe music
Oboe and English horn music
USE English horn and oboe music
Oboe and flute music
USE Flute and oboe music
Oboe and guitar music
UF Guitar and oboe music
Oboe and harp music
UF Harp and oboe music
Oboe and harp with chamber orchestra
Oboe and harp with orchestra
Oboe and harp with string orchestra
Scores and parts
Oboe and harpsichord music (May Subd Geog)
UF Harpsichord and oboe music
Oboe and harpsichord with string orchestra
Oboe and horn music
USE Horn and oboe music
Oboe and keyboard instrument music
UF Keyboard instrument and oboe music
Oboe and marimba music (May Subd Geog)
UF Marimba and oboe music
Oboe and organ music
UF Organ and oboe music
Oboe and percussion music
UF Percussion and oboe music
Oboe and percussion with string orchestra
Oboe and piano music
UF Piano and oboe music
Oboe and piano music, Arranged
NT Oboe with bandSolo with piano
Oboe with chamber orchestraSolo with piano

Oboe and piano music, Arranged (Continued)

Oboe with orchestraSolo with piano
Oboe with string orchestraSolo with piano
Oboe and piano with string ensemble
Oboe and piccolo music
UF Piccolo and oboe music
Oboe and recorder music
UF Recorder and oboe music
Oboe and recorder with string orchestra
Oboe and theorbo music
UF Theorbo and oboe music
Oboe and trombone music
UF Trombone and oboe music
Oboe and trumpet music
UF Trumpet and oboe music
Oboe and trumpet with string orchestra
Oboe and viola music
UF Viola and oboe music
Oboe and viola with string orchestra
Oboe and violin music
UF Violin and oboe music
Oboe and violin with chamber orchestra
Oboe and violin with orchestra
Oboe and violin with string orchestra
Oboe and violoncello music
USE Oboe and cello music
Oboe and violoncello with orchestra
USE Oboe and cello with orchestra
Oboe and violoncello with string orchestra
USE Oboe and cello with string orchestra
Oboe da caccia (May Subd Geog)
BT English horn
Oboe da caccia and harpsichord music
[M270.O24 (Collections)]
[M271.O24 (Separate works)]
UF Harpsichord and oboe da caccia music
Oboe da caccia music
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo oboe da caccia, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for solo oboe da caccia.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "oboe da caccia" or "oboi da caccia"

and headings with medium of performance

that include "oboe da caccia" or "oboi da

Oboe d'amore (May Subd Geog)
BT Woodwind instruments
RT Oboe
Oboe d'amore and clarinet music
USE Clarinet and oboe d'amore music
Oboe d'amore and continuo music
UF Continuo and oboe d'amore music
Oboe d'amore and guitar music
UF Guitar and oboe d'amore music
Oboe d'amore and harp music (May Subd Geog)
UF Harp and oboe d'amore music
Oboe d'amore and harpsichord music
[M270.O26 (Collections)]
[M271.O26 (Separate works)]
UF Harpsichord and oboe d'amore music
Oboe d'amore and piano music
[M270.O26 (Collections)]
[M271.O26 (Separate works)]
UF Piano and oboe d'amore music
Oboe d'amore and piano music, Arranged
[M270.O26 (Collections)]
[M271.O26 (Separate works)]
Oboe d'amore music
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo oboe d'amore, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for solo oboe d'amore.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "oboe d'amore" or "oboi d'amore"

and headings with medium of performance

that include "oboe d'amore" or "oboi

Oboe d'amore with orchestra (May Subd Geog)
[M1034.O26 (Scores)]
[M1034.5.O26 (Cadenzas)]
[M1035.O26 (Solo(s) with piano)]
Oboe d'amore with string orchestra (May Subd Geog)
[M1134.O26 (Scores)]
[M1134.5.O26 (Cadenzas)]
[M1135.O26 (Solo with piano)]
Oboe duets
USE Oboe music (Oboes (2))
Oboe ensembles
Here are entered compositions for ten or more solo
oboes and collections of compositions for a varying
number of solo oboes.

Oboe music (May Subd Geog)

Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo oboe, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for solo oboe.

RT Recorded accompaniments (Oboe)

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "oboe" or "oboes" and headings with

medium of performance that include "oboe"

or "oboes"
Oboe music (Oboes (2)) (May Subd Geog)
UF Oboe duets
Oboe music (Oboes (3))
USE Woodwind trios (Oboes (3))
Oboe music (Oboes (4))
USE Woodwind quartets (Oboes (4))
Oboe players (May Subd Geog)
UF Oboists
BT Woodwind instrument players
NT Duduk (Oboe) players
Dulzaina players
Nagasvaram players
Shehnai players
Oboe reeds (May Subd Geog)
UF OboeReeds [Former heading]
BT Woodwind reeds
Oboe with band
Solo with piano
BT Oboe and piano music, Arranged
Oboe with chamber orchestra
Solo with piano
BT Oboe and piano music, Arranged
Oboe with instrumental ensemble
Oboe with orchestra
Solo with piano
BT Oboe and piano music, Arranged
Oboe with orchestra, Arranged
Oboe with string ensemble
Oboe with string orchestra
Solo with piano
BT Oboe and piano music, Arranged
Oboe with string orchestra, Arranged
Scores and parts
Oboe with wind ensemble
Oboes (2), trumpet with string orchestra
Oboes (2) with orchestra
Oboes (2) with string orchestra
Oboes (3) with string orchestra
Oboes (4) with string orchestra
Oboi d'amore (2) with string orchestra
USE Oboe players


Obolenskii family
USE Obolensky family
Obolensky family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Obolenskii family
Obolo (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Andone (African people)
Andoni (African people)
Andonni (African people)
Doni (African people)
Dony (African people)
Ebi-Obolo (African people)
BT EthnologyNigeria
Obolo language (May Subd Geog)
UF Andone language
Andoni language
Andonni language
BT Benue-Congo languages
USE Ullambana
Obonai Kaido (Japan)
BT RoadsJapan
Obonya language
USE Denya language
USE Obodrites
Obovaria (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.7.U6 (Zoology)]
BT Unionidae
NT Round hickorynut
Obovaria subrotunda
USE Round hickorynut
Obra River (Poland)
BT RiversPoland
Obradoiro (Catedral de Santiago de Compostela)
UF West Facade (Catedral de Santiago de

BT Catedral de Santiago de Compostela
Obradoiro Plaza (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
USE Plaza del Obradoiro (Santiago de Compostela,

Obrenovic, House of
USE Obrenovic dynasty
Obrenovic dynasty (Not Subd Geog)
UF Obrenovic, House of
Obrenovich dynasty
BT SerbiaKings and rulers
Obrenovich dynasty
USE Obrenovic dynasty
Obretenov family (Not Subd Geog)
Obriachi family
USE Embriachi family
O'Brian family
USE O'Brien family
O'Brien, Fort (Me.)
USE Fort O'Brien (Me.)
O'Brien, Kali (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Kali O'Brien (Fictitious character)
O'Brien family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Breen family
O Briain family
O'Brian family
O'Brion family
O'Bryan family
O'Bryant family
O'Bryen family
O'Bryon family
RT Bryant family
Obrigheim Nuclear Power Plant (Germany)
BT Nuclear power plantsGermany
O'Brion family
USE O'Brien family
Obruchev family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Bryan family
USE O'Brien family
O'Bryant family
USE O'Brien family
O'Bryen family
USE O'Brien family
O'Bryon family
USE O'Brien family
Obscene gestures (May Subd Geog)
BT Gesture
NT Middle-finger gesture
Obscene words
USE Words, Obscene
Obscenities (Words)
USE Words, Obscene

Obscenity (Law) (May Subd Geog)

UF Erotic artLaw and legislation
BT Crimes without victims
Criminal law
Erotic literature
Law and literature
Press law
Publicity (Law)
RT PornographyLaw and legislation
NT Postal serviceLaw and legislation
Trials (Obscenity)
USE Oscans
OBSCIS (Information retrieval system)
UF Offender-Based State Corrections Information

BT Information storage and retrieval

Obscure buttercup
USE Ranunculus triternatus
USE Funeral rites and ceremonies
Obsequious flattery
USE Toadyism
Observability (Control theory)
USE Observers (Control theory)
Observation, Aerial (Military science)
USE Aerial observation (Military science)
Observation, Nature
USE Nature observation
Observation, Nursing
USE Nursing assessment
Observation (Educational method)
[LB1027.28 (Teaching)]
[LB1731.6 (Training of teachers)]
UF Classroom observation
BT TeachersTraining of
NT Interaction analysis in education
Observation (Psychology)
[BF76.6.O27 (Psychological research)]
[BF323.O2 (Apperception)]
BT Knowledge, Theory of
NT Critical incident technique
Participant observation
Personal equation
Observation (Scientific method) (May Subd Geog)
BT ScienceMethodology
SA subdivision Observations under scientific

headings for works consisting of numerical

data obtained by the observation of natural

phenomena or for discussions on the

processing and use of these data, e.g.

Observation Point (Wash.)
USE Observation Rock (Wash.)
Observation Post Alpha (Geisa, Germany)
USE Point Alpha (Geisa, Germany)
Observation Rock (Wash.)
UF Observation Point (Wash.)
BT MountainsWashington (State)
Cascade Range
Observation services in hospitals
USE HospitalsObservation units
Observation towers
USE Watchtowers
Observation units in hospitals
USE HospitalsObservation units
Observation wheels (May Subd Geog)
BT Visitors' centers
RT Ferris wheels
NT London Eye (London, England)
Observations, Astronomical
USE AstronomyObservations
Observations, Geodetic
USE GeodesyObservations
Observations, Geophysical
USE GeophysicsObservations
Observations, Meteorological
USE MeteorologyObservations
Observations, Missing (Statistics)
USE Missing observations (Statistics)
Observations, Oceanographic
USE OceanographyObservations
Observatories (May Subd Geog)
BT Buildings

NT Astronomical observatories
Geophysical observatories
Observatory domes
Oceanographic research stations
Scientific satellites
Observatories, Cultural
USE Cultural observatories
Observatories, Hydrometeorological
USE Hydrometeorological stations
Observatories, Meteorological
USE Meteorological stations
Observatory domes (May Subd Geog)
UF Domes, Observatory
BT Observatories
Observatory Park (Denver, Colo.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT ParksColorado
Observed confidence levels (Statistics)
UF Confidence levels, Observed (Statistics)
BT Mathematical statistics
Observers (Control theory)
UF Observability (Control theory)
State estimator (Control theory)
State observer (Control theory)
BT Control theory
Observers' manuals
USE subdivision Observers' manuals under

scientific headings for instruction books on

making observations of natural phenomena

Observing nature
USE Nature observation
Obsession, Sexual
USE Sex addiction
Obsession (Psychology)
USE Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (May Subd Geog)
UF Compulsive disorder
Fixed ideas
Obsession (Psychology)
Obsessive-compulsive neuroses [Former

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis [Former

OCD (Disease)
BT Neuroses
RT Compulsive behavior
NT Compulsive hair pulling
Compulsive skin picking
Compulsive washing
Religious addiction
Obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence
(May Subd Geog)
UF Obsessive-compulsive neurosis in adolescence

[Former heading]
BT Neuroses in adolescence
Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children
(May Subd Geog)
UF Obsessive-compulsive neurosis in children

[Former heading]
BT Neuroses in children
Obsessive-compulsive disorder in literature
(Not Subd Geog)
Obsessive-compulsive neuroses
USE Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive neurosis
USE Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive neurosis in adolescence
USE Obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence
Obsessive-compulsive neurosis in children
USE Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children
Obshchestvennogo priznaniia, Znak
USE Znak obshchestvennogo priznaniia
Obshchestvo khudozhnikov "Bubnovyi valet" (Group of
USE Bubnovyi valet (Group of artists)
Obsidian (May Subd Geog)
UF Iceland agate
BT Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.
Obsidian Butterfly (Aztec deity)
USE Itzpapalotl (Aztec deity)
Obsidian Cliff (Wyo.)
UF Effervescent Spring (Wyo.)
BT CliffsWyoming


Obsidian dating
USE Hydration rind dating
Obsidian hydration dating
USE Hydration rind dating
Obsidian implements (May Subd Geog)
BT Stone implements
Obsidian mines and mining (May Subd Geog)
BT Mines and mineral resources
USE Tektite
Obsidional coins (May Subd Geog)
UF Siege coins
BT Coins
Obskaia Guba (Russia)
USE Ob, Gulf of (Russia)
Obskaya Bay (Russia)
USE Ob, Gulf of (Russia)
Obskaya Guba (Russia)
USE Ob, Gulf of (Russia)
Obsolescence, Product
USE Product obsolescence
Obsolescence (Accounting)
USE Depreciation
Obsolescence of books, periodicals, etc.
(May Subd Geog)
UF Obsolete books, periodicals, etc.
Obsolete information in books, periodicals, etc.
Out-of-date books, periodicals, etc.
BT Books
Collection development (Libraries)
Obsolescence of languages
USE Language obsolescence
Obsolete books, periodicals, etc.
USE Obsolescence of books, periodicals, etc.
Obsolete information in books, periodicals, etc.
USE Obsolescence of books, periodicals, etc.
Obsolete securities
USE Securities, Obsolete
Obsolete words
USE subdivision Obsolete words under individual

languages, e.g. English language--Obsolete

Obstacle courses (Horse sports)
USE Courses (Horse sports)
Obstacle racing (May Subd Geog)
BT Running races
NT Hurdling (Track and field)
Obstacles (Military science)
UF Barriers (Military science)
Obstruction (Military science)
BT Military art and science
Military field engineering
NT Demolition, Military
Roadblocks (Military science)
Wire obstacles
Obstetric anesthesia
USE Anesthesia in obstetrics
Obstetric emergencies
USE Obstetrical emergencies
Obstetric endocrinology
USE Obstetrical endocrinology
Obstetric forceps
USE Obstetrical forceps
Obstetric labor
USE Labor (Obstetrics)
Obstetric nursing
USE Maternity nursing
Obstetric palsy
USE Obstetrical paralysis
Obstetric paralysis
USE Obstetrical paralysis
Obstetrical diagnosis
USE ObstetricsDiagnosis
Obstetrical emergencies (May Subd Geog)
UF Emergencies, Obstetrical
Emergency obstetrics
Obstetric emergencies
BT Medical emergencies
NT Labor (Obstetrics)Complications
Obstetrical endocrinology (May Subd Geog)
UF Endocrine obstetrics
Hormonal aspects of pregnancy
Obstetric endocrinology
PregnancyEndocrine aspects

Obstetrical endocrinology (Continued)

PregnancyHormonal aspects
BT Endocrine gynecology
Human reproductionEndocrine aspects
NT Labor (Obstetrics)Endocrine aspects
Placental hormones
Obstetrical equipment industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical instruments and apparatus industry
Obstetrical errors (May Subd Geog)
UF Errors, Obstetrical
Obstetrics errors
BT Medical errors
Obstetrical extraction (May Subd Geog)
UF Extraction, Obstetrical
Vacuum extraction, Obstetrical
BT Delivery (Obstetrics)
Labor (Obstetrics)Complications
Obstetrical forceps (May Subd Geog)
UF Forceps, Obstetric [Former heading]
Obstetric forceps
BT ObstetricsApparatus and instruments
Obstetrical nursing
USE Maternity nursing
Obstetrical paralysis (May Subd Geog)
UF Obstetric palsy
Obstetric paralysis
BT Paralysis
Obstetrical pharmacology (May Subd Geog)
BT Obstetrics
NT Abortifacients
Drug abuse in pregnancy
Human embryoEffect of drugs on
Perinatal pharmacology
Obstetrical practice
USE ObstetricsPractice
Obstetrical research
USE ObstetricsResearch
Obstetrical roentgenology
USE Radiography in obstetrics
Obstetrical toad
USE Alytes obstetricans
Obstetrical ultrasonic imaging
USE Ultrasonics in obstetrics
Obstetrical ultrasonics
USE Ultrasonics in obstetrics
Obstetrical ultrasonography
USE Ultrasonics in obstetrics
Obstetrical ultrasound
USE Ultrasonics in obstetrics
Obstetricans vulgaris
USE Alytes obstetricans
Obstetricians (May Subd Geog)
UF Birth attendants
BT Physicians
Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog)
Malpractice (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on legal actions
resulting from negligence by obstetricians during
childbirth. Works on legal actions resulting from
failures in human sterilization, abortion or
pregnancy testing, or failures to test for or
diagnose potential or actual fetal abnormalities are
entered under Wrongful life.

UF Tort liability of obstetricians

BT Malpractice
Obstetrics (May Subd Geog)
UF Maternal-fetal medicine
BT Medicine
NT Anesthesia in obstetrics
Communication in obstetrics
Delivery (Obstetrics)
Delivery date (Obstetrics)
Forensic obstetrics
Homeopathic obstetrics
Hypnotism in obstetrics
Labor (Obstetrics)
Maternal health services
Maternity nursing
Obstetrical emergencies
Obstetrical endocrinology

Obstetrical errors
Obstetrical pharmacology
Parity (Obstetrics)
Radiography in obstetrics
Radioisotopes in obstetrics
Ultrasonics in obstetrics
Veterinary obstetrics
Apparatus and instruments
UF ObstetricsEquipment and supplies
BT Medical instruments and apparatus
NT Obstetrical forceps
Case studies
UF ObstetricsCases, clinical reports,

statistics [Former heading]

Cases, clinical reports, statistics
USE ObstetricsCase studies
Diagnosis (May Subd Geog)
UF Obstetrical diagnosis
BT Diagnosis
NT PregnancySigns and diagnosis
Prenatal diagnosis
Radiography in obstetrics
Equipment and supplies
USE ObstetricsApparatus and instruments
Formulae, receipts, prescriptions
Immunological aspects
USE ObstetricsApparatus and instruments
USE Forensic obstetrics
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical laws and legislation
Practice (May Subd Geog)
UF Obstetrical practice
Psychosomatic aspects (May Subd Geog)
BT Medicine, Psychosomatic
Research (May Subd Geog)
UF Obstetrical research [Former heading]
United States
Social aspects (May Subd Geog)
UF Society and obstetrics
UF ObstetricsCases, clinical reports,

Study and teaching (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on professional
education in obstetrics. Works on education about
childbirth, including classes for expectant parents,
are entered under Childbirth--Study and teaching.

Surgery (May Subd Geog)

Here are entered works on obstetrical
operations. Works on non-obstetrical operations
performed on pregnant women are entered under
Pregnant women--Surgery.

UF Obstetrics, Operative
Operative obstetrics
NT Abortion
Abortion, Therapeutic
Cesarean section
Labor, Induced (Obstetrics)
Complications (May Subd Geog)
UF ObstetricsSurgeryComplications

and sequelae [Former heading]

Complications and sequelae
USE ObstetricsSurgeryComplications
Obstetrics, Antiseptics in
USE Antiseptics in obstetrics
Obstetrics, Eclectic
UF Eclectic obstetrics
BT Medicine, Eclectic


Obstetrics, Forensic
USE Forensic obstetrics
Obstetrics, Homeopathic
USE Homeopathic obstetrics
Obstetrics, Operative
USE ObstetricsSurgery
Obstetrics, Veterinary
USE Veterinary obstetrics
Obstetrics departments in hospitals
USE HospitalsMaternity services
Obstetrics errors
USE Obstetrical errors
Obstetrics hospitals
USE Women's hospitals
Obstetrics services in hospitals
USE HospitalsMaternity services
UF Stubbornness
RT Toughness (Personality trait)
NT Hardness of heart
USE Midwife toads
Obstructing justice
USE Obstruction of justice
Obstruction (Military science)
USE Obstacles (Military science)
Obstruction of justice (May Subd Geog)
UF Obstructing justice
BT Justice, Administration of
NT Evidence fabrication
Evidence tampering
Obstruction theory
BT Algebraic topology
Obstructions, Alimentary
USE Alimentary canalObstructions
Obstructions, Arterial
USE Arterial occlusions
Obstructions, Intestinal
USE IntestinesObstructions
Obstructions, Respiratory
USE Respiratory organsObstructions
Obstructions, Ureteral
USE UretersObstructions
Obstructions, Urinary
USE Urinary organsObstructions
Obstructions of lighting
USE LightingObstructions
Obstructions of the bile ducts
USE Bile ductsObstructions
Obstructions of the bladder
USE BladderObstructions
Obstructions of the mediastinum blood vessels
USE MediastinumBlood-vesselsObstructions
Obstructive jaundice
USE Jaundice, Obstructive
Obstructive lung diseases
USE LungsDiseases, Obstructive
Obturators, Palatal
USE Artificial palate
Obuchowicz family (Not Subd Geog)
Obugezi (The Ganda word)
BT Ganda languageEtymology
Obviousness (Patent law) (May Subd Geog)
UF Non-obviousness (Patent law)
BT Patent laws and legislation
O'Byrne family (Not Subd Geog)
OC (Organizational commitment)
USE Organizational commitment
O'Cahan family
USE Cain family
Ocaina Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Anuja Indians
Ducaiya Indians
Okaina Indians
BT Indians of South AmericaColombia
Indians of South AmericaPeru
Ocaina language (May Subd Geog)
UF Anuja language
Ducaiya language
Okaina language
BT ColombiaLanguages
Witotoan languages
O'Cain's Island (Antarctica)
USE Nelson Island (Antarctica)
OCAIRS (Occupational therapy)
USE Occupational Case Analysis Interview and

Rating Scale

Ocala National Forest (Fla.)

BT Forest reservesFlorida
National parks and reservesFlorida
O'Callaghan family
USE Callahan family
O'Callaghan-Tillman Memorial Bridge (Ariz. and Nev.)
USE Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge

(Ariz. and Nev.)

O'Callanane family
USE Callahan family
O'Callinan family
USE Callahan family
OCaml (Computer program language)
UF Objective Caml (Computer program language)
Objective Categorical Abstract Machine

Language (Computer program language)

BT Object-oriented programming languages
Ocampo family (Not Subd Geog)
Ocana, Battle of, Ocana, Spain, 1809
BT Peninsular War, 1807
O'Cannan family
USE Cannon family
Ocarina (May Subd Geog)
[ML990.O3 (History)]
[MT526 (Instruction)]
BT Flute
UF OcarinaSelf-instruction
USE OcarinaMethodsSelf-instruction
Ocarina and organ music
UF Organ and ocarina music
Ocarina and piano music
[M270.O3 (Collections)]
[M271.O3 (Separate works)]
UF Piano and ocarina music
Ocarina music
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo ocarina, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for solo ocarina.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "ocarina" or "ocarinas" and headings

with medium of performance that include

"ocarina" or "ocarinas"
Ocarina with plectral ensemble
USE Ocarina with plucked instrument ensemble
Ocarina with plucked instrument ensemble
UF Ocarina with plectral ensemble [Former

Ocatona Creek (Miss.)
USE Okatoma Creek (Miss.)
Occahonnock Creek (Va.)
USE Occohannock Creek (Va.)
Occam (N.C.)
USE Croatan Sound (N.C.)
occam (Computer program language)
BT Programming languages (Electronic

occam2 (Computer program language)
BT Programming languages (Electronic

Occaneches Indians
USE Occaneechi Indians
Occaneechi Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Acconeechy Indians
Aconichi Indians
Botshenins Indians
Occaneches Indians
Occanichi Indians
Occanuchee Indians
Occoneechee Indians [Former heading]
Ocheneechee Indians
Okenechee Indians
Patshenins Indians
BT Indians of North AmericaNorth Carolina
Indians of North AmericaVirginia
Siouan Indians
Occaneechi Town Site (N.C.)
UF Fredricks Site (N.C.)
BT North CarolinaAntiquities
Occanichi Indians
USE Occaneechi Indians

Occanuchee Indians
USE Occaneechi Indians
Occasio (Roman deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Tempus (Roman deity)
BT Gods, Roman
RT Kairos (Greek deity)
Occasional criminals (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminals
Occasional poetry
USE Occasional verse
Occasional sermons (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works containing sermons
preached on special days or for special occasions,
e.g. Christmas, Easter, dedications, anniversaries,
etc. Single sermons, or works containing sermons of
one kind only, are entered under the specific subject,
e.g. Confirmation sermons.

UF Sermons, Occasional
BT Occasional services
NT Anniversary sermons
Assize sermons
Baptismal sermons
Canonization sermons
Church dedication sermons
Communion sermons
Confirmation sermons
Coronation sermons
Evangelistic sermons
Execution sermons
Farewell sermons
Fast-day sermons
First communion sermons
Funeral sermons
Memorial Day sermons
Mother's Day sermons
New Year sermons
Ordination sermons
Red mass sermons
Wedding sermons
Occasional sermons, Jewish
USE Jewish occasional sermons
Occasional services
UF Services, Occasional
BT Liturgies
Worship programs
NT Occasional sermons
Anglican Communion, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Occasional speeches (May Subd Geog)
[PN4193.O4 (Oratory)]
BT Speeches, addresses, etc.
NT Baccalaureate addresses
Confederate Memorial Day addresses
Fourth of July orations
Funeral orations
Independence Day (Mexico) orations
LegislatorsFarewell addresses
Lincoln Day addresses
Memorial Day addresses
PresidentsUnited StatesInaugural

Saint Patrick's Day addresses
Thanksgiving Day addresses
Washington's Birthday addresses
Occasional stool, Eames
USE Time-Life stool
Occasional verse (Not Subd Geog)
UF Epideictic poetry
Occasional poetry
BT Poetry
NT Epithalamia
Occasional verse, American (May Subd Geog)
UF American occasional verse
BT American poetry
Occasional verse, Classical (May Subd Geog)
UF Classical occasional verse
BT Classical poetry
Occasional verse, Danish (May Subd Geog)
UF Danish occasional verse
BT Danish poetry
Occasional verse, Dutch (May Subd Geog)
UF Dutch occasional verse
BT Dutch poetry
Occasional verse, English (May Subd Geog)
UF English occasional verse
BT English poetry
Occasional verse, Estonian (May Subd Geog)
UF Estonian occasional verse
BT Estonian poetry


Occasional verse, French (May Subd Geog)

UF French occasional verse
BT French poetry
Occasional verse, German (May Subd Geog)
UF German occasional verse
BT German poetry
Occasional verse, Hungarian (May Subd Geog)
UF Hungarian occasional verse
BT Hungarian poetry
Occasional verse, Latin (May Subd Geog)
UF Latin occasional verse
BT Latin poetry
Occasional verse, Latin (Medieval and modern)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Latin occasional verse, Medieval and modern
BT Latin poetry, Medieval and modern
Occasional verse, Polish (May Subd Geog)
UF Polish occasional verse
BT Polish poetry
Occasional verse, Swedish (May Subd Geog)
UF Swedish occasional verse
BT Swedish poetry
Occasional verse, Thai (May Subd Geog)
UF Thai occasional verse
BT Thai poetry
BT Causation
RT Dualism
BT Fate and fatalism
Mind and body
Occhiola Site (Italy)
USE Terravecchia di Grammichele Site (Italy)
USE Western countries
Occident and Orient
USE East and West
Occidental (Artificial language)
USE Interlingue (Artificial language)
Occidental art
Occidental Avenue (Seattle, Wash.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsWashington (State)
Occidental civilization
USE Civilization, Western
Occidental imprints
USE Western imprints (Western countries)
Occidental Park (Seattle, Wash.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Occidental Square (Seattle, Wash.)

Occidental Square Park (Seattle, Wash.)
BT ParksWashington (State)
Occidental Square (Seattle, Wash.)
USE Occidental Park (Seattle, Wash.)
Occidental Square Park (Seattle, Wash.)
USE Occidental Park (Seattle, Wash.)
Occidentals in Oriental art
USE Westerners in Asian art
Occidentula (May Subd Geog)
BT Lentulidae
Occipital bone
BT Craniology
NT Atlanto-occipital joint
Basioccipital bone
Occipital lobes
[QP382.O22 (Physiology)]
BT Cerebral cortex
NT Visual cortex
Occipitoatlantal joint
USE Atlanto-occipital joint
Occitan anonyms and pseudonyms
USE Anonyms and pseudonyms, Occitan
Occitan authors
USE Authors, Occitan
Occitan ballads
USE Ballads, Occitan
Occitan carols
USE Carols, Occitan
Occitan children's plays
USE Children's plays, Occitan
Occitan children's songs
USE Children's songs, Occitan
Occitan children's writings
USE Children's writings, Occitan

Occitan drama (May Subd Geog)

[PC3386 (History)]
UF Langue d'oc drama [Former heading]
Provencal drama, Modern [Former heading]
BT Occitan literature
NT Children's plays, Occitan
Folk drama, Occitan
Pastoral drama, Occitan
Occitan fiction (May Subd Geog)
BT Occitan literature
NT Short stories, Occitan
Occitan folk drama
USE Folk drama, Occitan
Occitan folk songs
USE Folk songs, Occitan
Occitan imprints (May Subd Geog)
UF Langue d'oc imprints [Former heading]
Occitan Jewish religious poetry
USE Jewish religious poetry, Occitan
Occitan language (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works about the speech or
dialects of the Midi (the South) of France after 1500.
Works about the language of that region before 1500
are entered under the heading Provencal language.

UF Langue d'oc [Former heading]

Languedoc language
Provencal language, Modern [Former heading]
BT FranceLanguages
Romance languages
NT Bearnais dialect
Franco-Provencal dialects
Gascon dialect
To 1500
USE Provencal language
USE Names, Occitan
Occitan literature (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered collections of works written after
1500 in the modern language of Southern France
called "occitan." Collections of works written in the
medieval Provencal language before 1500 are
entered under the heading Provencal literature.

UF Langue d'oc literature [Former heading]

Provencal literature, Modern [Former heading]
BT FranceLiteratures
NT Children's writings, Occitan
Occitan drama
Occitan fiction
Occitan poetry
Occitan prose literature
Religious literature, Occitan
Occitan manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Occitan
Occitan movement
UF Occitanian movement
BT France, SouthernHistoryAutonomy and

independence movements
France, SouthernPolitics and government
Occitan names
USE Names, Occitan
Occitan pastoral drama
USE Pastoral drama, Occitan
Occitan periodicals (May Subd Geog)
BT Periodicals
Occitan philology (May Subd Geog)
UF Langue d'oc philology [Former heading]
Occitan poetry (May Subd Geog)
[PC3385 (History)]
UF Langue d'oc poetry [Former heading]
Provencal poetry, Modern [Former heading]
BT Occitan literature
NT Jewish religious poetry, Occitan
Sonnets, Occitan
Occitan poets
USE Poets, Occitan
Occitan prose literature (May Subd Geog)
[PC3387 (History)]
UF Langue d'oc prose literature [Former heading]
BT Occitan literature
Occitan proverbs
USE Proverbs, Occitan
Occitan religious literature
USE Religious literature, Occitan
Occitan short stories
USE Short stories, Occitan
Occitan songs
USE Songs, Occitan

Occitan sonnets
USE Sonnets, Occitan
Occitania (France)
USE France, Southern
Occitanian movement
USE Occitan movement
Occitanie (France)
USE France, Southern
USE Occitans
Occitans (May Subd Geog)
UF Meridionaux
BT EthnologyFrance
Occluded fronts (Meteorology) (May Subd Geog)
UF Frontal occlusion (Meteorology)
Occlusion (Meteorology)
BT Fronts (Meteorology)
Occlusal adjustment (May Subd Geog)
UF Adjustment, Occlusal
Equilibration, Occlusal
Grinding of occlusal tooth surfaces, Selective
Occlusal equilibration
Selective grinding of occlusal tooth surfaces
TeethGrinding of occlusal surfaces, Selective
BT MalocclusionTreatment
Occlusal bite plane splints
USE Splints, Bite plane
Occlusal equilibration
USE Occlusal adjustment
Occlusal sealants
USE Pit and fissure sealants (Dentistry)
Occlusion (Dentistry)
UF Dental occlusion
BT Dentistry
NT Dental articulators
Jaw relation records
MandibleHinge axis determination
Occlusion (Meteorology)
USE Occluded fronts (Meteorology)
Occlusion of gases
USE GasesOcclusion
Occlusion of the vas deferens
USE Vas occlusion
Occlusions, Arterial
USE Arterial occlusions
Occlusive bandages
USE Occlusive surgical dressings
Occlusive dressings (Surgery)
USE Occlusive surgical dressings
Occlusive surgical dressings (May Subd Geog)
UF Bandages, Occlusive
Occlusive bandages
Occlusive dressings (Surgery)
Surgical dressings, Occlusive
BT Surgical dressings
NT Hydrocolloid surgical dressings
Occohannock Creek (Va.)
UF Ac-co-hon-noc River (Va.)
Occahonnock Creek (Va.)
BT RiversVirginia
Occoneechee Indians
USE Occaneechi Indians
Occoquan Bay (Va.)
BT BaysVirginia
Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge (Va.)
BT National parks and reservesVirginia
Wildlife refugesVirginia
Occoquan Creek (Va.)
USE Occoquan River (Va.)
Occoquan Reservoir (Va.)
BT ReservoirsVirginia
Occoquan River, Little Branch (Va.)
USE Bull Run (Loudoun County-Fairfax County and

Prince William County, Va.)

Occoquan River (Va.)
UF Occoquan Creek (Va.)
Occoquon Creek (Va.)
BT RiversVirginia
Occoquan River Watershed (Va.)
BT WatershedsVirginia
Occoquon Creek (Va.)
USE Occoquan River (Va.)
Occult, The
USE Occultism
Occult crime (May Subd Geog)
BT Crime
RT Ritual abuse


Occult crime investigation (May Subd Geog)

Here are entered works on the investigation of
occult crimes.

BT Criminal investigation
Occult fecal blood tests
USE Fecal occult blood tests
Occult fiction
USE Paranormal fiction
Occult fiction, American
USE Paranormal fiction, American
Occult fiction, Argentine
USE Paranormal fiction, Argentine
Occult fiction, Australian
USE Paranormal fiction, Australian
Occult fiction, Brazilian
USE Paranormal fiction, Brazilian
Occult fiction, Chinese
USE Paranormal fiction, Chinese
Occult fiction, English
USE Paranormal fiction, English
Occult fiction, German
USE Paranormal fiction, German
Occult fiction, Russian American
USE Paranormal fiction, Russian American
Occult fiction, South African (English)
USE Paranormal fiction, South African (English)
Occult medicine
USE Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric
Occult primary cancer
USE Cancer of unknown primary origin
Occult sciences
USE Occultism
Occult sciences, Muslim
USE Islamic occultism
Occult sciences and criminal investigation
USE Occultism and criminal investigation
Occult Special Investigator Tess Corday (Fictitious
USE Corday, Tess (Fictitious character)
Occult stories
USE Paranormal fiction
[QB175 (Calculation)]
BT Spherical astronomy
RT Eclipses
Occultism (May Subd Geog)
UF Art, Black (Magic)
Arts, Black (Magic)
Black art (Magic)
Black arts (Magic)
Occult, The
Occult sciences [Former heading]
OccultismControversial literature [Former

BT Religions
RT New Age movement
NT Alchemy
Ascended masters
Bodies of man (Occultism)
Crystal skulls
Fourth Way (Occultism)
Haunted places
Islamic occultism
Light body (Occultism)
Magical correspondences
Music and occultism
National socialism and occultism
Prophecies (Occultism)
Seven rays (Occultism)
Stock exchanges and occultism
Controversial literature
USE Occultism
Early works to 1900

USE Paranormal fiction
Investigation (May Subd Geog)
BT Investigations
Juvenile fiction
USE Paranormal fiction
Religious aspects
Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Catholic Church
UF Christianity and occult sciences

[Former heading]
Occultism, Islamic
USE Islamic occultism
Occultism and criminal investigation (May Subd Geog)
UF Criminal investigation and occultism
Occult sciences and criminal investigation

[Former heading]
BT Criminal investigation
Occultism and music
USE Music and occultism
Occultism and national socialism
USE National socialism and occultism
Occultism and science (May Subd Geog)
UF Science and occultism
BT Science
Occultism and stock exchanges
USE Stock exchanges and occultism
Occultism in art (Not Subd Geog)
Occultism in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Occultism in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Occultism on television (Not Subd Geog)
BT Television
Occultists (May Subd Geog)
BT Religious adherents
NT Astrologers
Cunning folk
United States
NT African American occultists
Occultists, African American
USE African American occultists
Occupancy (International law)
BT International law
Occupancy (Law) (May Subd Geog)
BT Acquisition of property
NT Squatters
Occupancy (Roman law)
BT Roman law
Occupancy of buildings, Joint
USE Joint occupancy of buildings
Occupant restraint systems in automobiles
USE AutomobilesOccupant restraint systems
Occupants, Aircraft
USE Aircraft occupants
Occupants, Airplane
USE Airplane occupants
Occupants, Automobile
USE Automobile occupants
Occupants, Bus
USE Bus occupants
Occupants, Helicopter
USE Helicopter occupants
Occupants, Motor vehicle
USE Motor vehicle occupants
Occupants, Truck
USE Truck occupants
Occupation, Choice of
USE Vocational guidance
Occupation, Free choice of
USE Free choice of employment
Occupation, Military
USE Military occupation
Occupation and personality
USE Personality and occupation
Occupation currency (May Subd Geog)
UF Currency, Occupation
BT Emergency currency
RT Military currency
BT Military occupation

Occupation currency, Japanese (May Subd Geog)

Here are entered works on special currency used
in Japanese-occupied areas.

UF Japanese occupation currency

Occupation damages, Military
USE Military occupation damages
Occupation Day (P.R.)
USE Constitution Day (P.R.)
Occupation diseases
USE Occupational diseases
Occupation issues (Philately)
USE Occupation stamps
Occupation of factories
USE Sit-down strikes
Occupation postage stamps
USE Occupation stamps
Occupation stamps (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on postage stamps issued
by one state while occupying another state or portion
of another state by force of arms.

UF Occupation issues (Philately)

Occupation postage stamps [Former heading]
BT Postage stamps
Occupation tax
USE Business tax
Occupation therapy
USE Occupational therapy
Occupational accidents
USE Industrial accidents
Occupational aptitude tests (May Subd Geog)
UF Vocational aptitude tests
BT AbilityTesting
RT Employment tests
Vocational qualifications
NT Theological school inventory
Occupational aspirations
USE Vocational interests
Occupational Case Analysis Interview and Rating Scale
(May Subd Geog)
UF OCAIRS (Occupational therapy)
BT Interviewing in occupational

Occupational choice
USE Vocational guidance
Occupational crimes
USE Employee crimes
White collar crimes
Occupational dermatitis (May Subd Geog)
UF Industrial dermatitis
BT Occupational diseases
Occupational descriptions
USE Job descriptions
Occupational disease diagnostic equipment industry
(May Subd Geog)
BT Diagnostic equipment industry
Occupational diseases (May Subd Geog)
UF Diseases of occupations
Industrial diseases
Occupation diseases
Work-related diseases
BT Diseases
RT Medicine, Industrial
SA subdivision Diseases under occupational

groups, e.g. Printers--Diseases; and

subdivision Employees--Diseases under

types of industries, e.g. Construction

NT Decompression sickness
Industrial toxicology
Inert gas narcosis
Laboratory infections
LungsDust diseases
Miners' phthisis
Occupational dermatitis
Occupational neuroses
Vibration syndrome
Weil's disease
Diagnosis (May Subd Geog)
Equipment and supplies
Psychosomatic aspects (May Subd Geog)
Reporting (May Subd Geog)
Occupational exposure limits
USE Threshold limit values (Industrial toxicology)


Occupational hazards, Prevention of

USE Industrial safety
Occupational health and safety
USE Industrial hygiene
Industrial safety
Occupational health libraries (May Subd Geog)
UF Industrial hygiene libraries
Industrial safety libraries
Occupational safety libraries
BT Public health libraries
Occupational health nursing
USE Industrial nursing
Occupational health promotion
USE Employee health promotion
Occupational health services (May Subd Geog)
[RC968-RC969 (Industrial medicine)]
Here are entered works on health services for
employees, usually provided at the place of work.

UF Employee health services

BT Medical care
Medicine, Industrial
SA subdivision Employees--Medical care under

types of industries, e.g. Construction

industry--Employees--Medical care; and

subdivision Medical care under occupational

NT Employee health promotion
Occupational hierarchy
USE Occupational prestige
Occupational injuries
USE Industrial accidents
Occupational interests inventories
USE Occupational values inventory
Occupational literacy
USE Workplace literacy
Occupational medicine
USE Medicine, Industrial
Occupational mobility (May Subd Geog)
UF Job mobility
Mobility, Occupational
BT Social mobility
NT Career changes
Teacher mobility
Occupational mortality (May Subd Geog)
BT Mortality
SA subdivision Mortality under individual

occupational groups
Occupational neuroses (May Subd Geog)
BT Neuroses
Occupational diseases
NT Telegraphers' cramp
Writers' cramp
Occupational physicians (May Subd Geog)
UF Company doctors
Company physicians
Factory doctors
Factory physicians
Industrial doctors
Industrial physicians
Physicians, Occupational
BT Physicians
Occupational poisoning
USE Industrial toxicology
Occupational prestige (May Subd Geog)
UF Job status (Occupational prestige)
Occupational hierarchy
Occupational status (Occupational prestige)
BT Prestige
Occupational psychiatry
USE Industrial psychiatry
Occupational psychologists
USE Industrial psychologists
Occupational representation
USE Functional representation
Occupational retraining (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on retraining persons with
obsolete vocational skills. Works on on-the-job
training of employees are entered under Employees-Training of. Works on vocational instruction within the
standard educational system, usually at the
secondary level, are entered under Vocational
education. Works on the efforts of educational
institutions and the community to teach individuals
the values of a work-oriented society in preparation
for meaningful employment are entered under Career
education. Works on the process of training
individuals in a particular skill after termination of their

Occupational retraining (Continued)

formal education are entered under Occupational

UF Retraining, Occupational [Former heading]

BT Occupational training
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Occupational safety and health
USE Industrial hygiene
Industrial safety
Occupational safety libraries
USE Occupational health libraries
Occupational satisfaction
USE Job satisfaction
Occupational social work
USE Industrial welfare
Occupational specialties (United States Armed Forces)
USE United StatesArmed ForcesOccupational

Occupational status (Occupational prestige)
USE Occupational prestige
Occupational stress
USE Job stress
Occupational success, Prediction of
USE Prediction of occupational success
Occupational surveys (May Subd Geog)
BT Social surveys
Occupational therapists (May Subd Geog)
BT Allied health personnel
NT Occupational therapists with disabilities
Occupational therapy assistants
Malpractice (May Subd Geog)
UF Tort liability of occupational therapists
BT Malpractice
Occupational therapists with disabilities
(May Subd Geog)
UF Handicapped occupational therapists [Former

BT Medical personnel with disabilities
Occupational therapists
Occupational therapy (May Subd Geog)
[RC487 (Psychotherapy)]
[RM735-RM735.7 (Rehabilitation)]
UF Activity programs, Therapeutic effect of
Occupation therapy
Work, Therapeutic effect of
BT Medical rehabilitation
Physical therapy
Therapeutics, Physiological
NT Art therapy
Interviewing in occupational therapy
Neurodevelopmental treatment
Occupational therapy services
Recreational therapy
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical laws and legislation
Symbolic aspects (May Subd Geog)
UF Symbolic aspects of occupational therapy
BT Symbolism
Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog)
UF Occupational therapy as a profession

[Former heading]
Occupational therapy as a profession
USE Occupational therapyVocational guidance
Occupational therapy assistants (May Subd Geog)
BT Allied health personnel
Occupational therapists
Occupational therapy for children (May Subd Geog)
UF Pediatric occupational therapy
BT ChildrenDiseasesTreatment
Occupational therapy for older people
(May Subd Geog)
UF Geriatric occupational therapy
Occupational therapy for the aged [Former

BT Older peopleDiseasesTreatment
Occupational therapy for teenagers (May Subd Geog)
UF Adolescent occupational therapy
BT TeenagersDiseasesTreatment
Occupational therapy for the aged
USE Occupational therapy for older people
Occupational therapy services (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical care
Occupational therapy
Occupational titles
USE Job titles
Occupational toxicology
USE Industrial toxicology

Occupational training (May Subd Geog)

Here are entered works on the process of training
individuals in a particular skill after termination of their
formal education. Works on retraining persons with
obsolete vocational skills are entered under
Occupational retraining. Works on on-the-job training
of employees are entered under Employees--Training
of. Works on vocational instruction within the
standard educational system, usually at the
secondary level are entered under Vocational
education. Works on the efforts of educational
institutions and the community to teach individuals
the values of a work-oriented society in preparation
for meaningful employment are entered under Career

UF Job training
Manpower development and training
Manpower training programs
Vocational training
BT Education
RT Education and training services industry
Practice firms
NT EmployeesTraining of
Job shadowing
Non-formal education
Occupational retraining
Training needs
Federal aid
USE Federal aid to occupational training
NT Federal aid to occupational training
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Occupational training, Military (May Subd Geog)
UF Military occupational training
BT Military education
SoldiersEducation, Non-military
SA individual military occupational specialties

under names of armies, navies, etc., e.g.

United States. Army--Photographers; United

States. Navy--Draftsmen
Contracting out (May Subd Geog)
BT Contracting out
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Educational law and legislation
Military law
Occupational training centers
USE Vocational training centers
Occupational training centers, Mobile (May Subd Geog)
UF Mobile occupational training centers
Occupational training for Jews (May Subd Geog)
BT JewsEconomic conditions
Occupational training for minorities (May Subd Geog)
UF MinoritiesTraining of
BT MinoritiesEmployment
Occupational training for women (May Subd Geog)
BT WomenEmployment
Occupational training industry
USE Education and training services industry
Occupational values inventory
UF Occupational interests inventories
BT ValuesTesting
Vocational interestsTesting
Occupations (May Subd Geog)
[GR890-GR915 (Folklore)]
[GT5750-GT6390 (Manners and customs)]
[HB2581-HB2787 (Statistics)]
[HF5381-HF5382.5 (Vocational guidance)]
[HT675-HT690 (Social classes)]
UF Career patterns
RT Handicraft
Vocational guidance
SA subdivision Occupations under names of

individual religious and monastic orders, e.g.

Jesuits--Occupations; and subdivision

Vocational guidance under names of

individual corporate bodies and military

services, and under occupations, fields of

endeavor, and types of industries, e.g.,

United States. Army--Vocational guidance;

Construction industry--Vocational guidance;

and subdivision Career in [field] under

names of persons
NT Civil service positions
Clerical occupations


Hazardous occupations
Job descriptions
Job evaluation
Monasticism and religious

Personality and occupation
Sports officiating
Vocational interests
Vocational qualifications
Certification (May Subd Geog)
SA subdivision Certification under specific

occupational groups and types of

employees for works on official

confirmation that standards have been

met, e.g. Teachers--Certification

UF Job classification
Labor classification [Former heading]
Position classification
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Labor laws and legislation
USE Occupational diseases
Early works to 1900
Health aspects
USE Industrial hygiene
Licenses (May Subd Geog)
Religious aspects
Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Sociological aspects
Here are entered works on sociological theories
applied to occupations.

UF Sociology of occupations
BT Sociology
UF CzechoslovakiaOccupations [Former

UF FranceOccupations [Former heading]
United States
UF United StatesOccupations [Former

Occupations, Dangerous
USE Hazardous occupations
Occupations and busy work
USE Creative activities and seat work
Occupations and race
UF Race and occupations
BT Race
Occupations as a theme in art
USE Occupations in art
Occupations in art (Not Subd Geog)
UF Occupations as a theme in art
Professions in art
Occupations in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Occupations in television
USE Occupations on television
Occupations on television (Not Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the portrayal of
occupations on television. Works on the occupational
opportunities in the field of television are entered
under Television--Vocational guidance.

UF Occupations in television [Former heading]

BT Television
Occupied Japan collectibles
USE JapanHistoryAllied occupation, 1945
Occupied territory
USE Military occupation
Occupy movement (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the protest movement
against social and economic inequality that originated
with Occupy Wall Street in New York, N.Y., and
spread from the United States to locations throughout
the world.

BT Protest movements
New York (State)
New York
UF Occupy Wall Street movement
Occupy Wall Street movement
USE Occupy movementNew York (State)New

OCD (Disease)
USE Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Ocean (May Subd Geog)

Here are entered geographical descriptions of the
world's oceans, including popular accounts of their
various features and "mysteries." Works on the
scientific study of the ocean and its phenomena are
entered under Oceanography.

UF Oceans
Sea, The
BT Bodies of water
RT Oceanography
NT Antarctic Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Children and the sea
Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Radioactive pollution of the sea
Radioactive waste disposal in the ocean
Rheic Ocean
Women and the sea
USE Ocean color
USE Marine ecology
Economic aspects
USE Marine resources
USE Sea stories
NT Flying Dutchman
Sea monsters
Juvenile fiction
USE Sea stories
Juvenile poetry
USE Sea poetry
Law and legislation
USE Law of the sea
UF Oceanographic maps
SA subdivision Maps under individual oceans

and seas
Mythology (May Subd Geog)
NT Mermaids
Sea monsters
USE Sea poetry
Quotations, maxims, etc.
NT Sea proverbs
USE Marine radioecology
Religious aspects
Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
USE OceanographyResearch
Songs and music
Here are entered extended vocal and
instrumental works about or representing the sea.
Folk songs and popular songs meant to be sung
by sailors, or about sailing, ships, or the sea are
entered under Sea songs.

RT Sea songs
USE Ocean temperature
USE Ocean zoning
Ocean acidification (May Subd Geog)
UF Seawater acidification
BT Water acidification
Ocean acoustic tomography
USE Ocean tomography
Ocean and civilization
UF Civilization and ocean
BT Civilization
Ocean animals
USE Marine animals
Ocean-atmosphere interaction (May Subd Geog)
UF Air-sea interaction
Air-sea interactions
Atmosphere-ocean interaction
Atmosphere-ocean interactions
Atmospheric-oceanic interactions
Interaction of atmosphere and ocean
Interactions of atmosphere and ocean
Ocean-meteorological relations
Oceanic-atmospheric interactions
Sea-air interaction
Sea-air interactions

BT Marine meteorology
RT Teleconnections (Climatology)
NT Arctic oscillation
Land breeze
Madden-Julian oscillation
North Atlantic oscillation
Sea surface microlayer
Southern oscillation
Thermoclines (Oceanography)
Ocean banks
USE Banks (Oceanography)
Ocean basses
USE Acropomatidae
Ocean Beach (San Francisco, Calif.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT BeachesCalifornia
Ocean biology
USE Marine biology
Ocean birds
USE Sea birds
Ocean bonito
USE Skipjack tuna
Ocean bottles (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered general works on bottles
containing messages. Works on bottles containing a
record of the time and place at which they were set
adrift in the ocean for use in determining the
circulation of surface waters in the ocean are entered
under Drift bottles.

UF Bottles, Messages in
Messages in bottles
Seagoing bottles
BT Bottles
NT Drift bottles
Ocean bottom (May Subd Geog)
UF Bottom of the ocean
Floor of the ocean
Ocean floor
Sea bed
Sea floor
Subsoil of the ocean floor
BT Submarine topography
NT Abyssal zone
Marine geophysics
Marine sediments
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
UF Ocean bottom (Maritime law) [Former

BT Law of the sea
USE Ocean bottom temperature
Ocean bottom (Maritime law)
USE Ocean bottomLaw and legislation
Ocean bottom ecology (May Subd Geog)
UF Seabed ecology
BT Marine ecology
Ocean bottom temperature (May Subd Geog)
UF Ocean bottomTemperature
BT Temperature
Ocean cables
USE Cables, Submarine
Ocean circulation (May Subd Geog)
UF Circulation, Ocean
BT Oceanography
NT Convection (Oceanography)
Meridional overturning circulation
Ocean currents
Oceanic mixing
Upwelling (Oceanography)
Indian Ocean
Ocean City (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Imaginary places
Ocean color (May Subd Geog)
UF OceanColor
BT Color in nature
Optical oceanography
Ocean conveyor belt
USE Meridional overturning circulation
Ocean County Courthouse (Toms River, N.J.)
BT CourthousesNew Jersey


Ocean currents (May Subd Geog)

UF Currents, Oceanic
BT Ocean circulation
Water currents
RT Ocean surface topography
NT Bottle-charts
Geostrophic currents
Guinea Current
Gulf Stream
Pacific Equatorial Countercurrent
Sea ice drift
Tidal currents
Turbidity currents
Atlantic Ocean
NT Benguela Current
Brazil Current
Canary Current
Florida Current
Indian Ocean
NT Agulhas Current
Japan, Sea of
NT Tsushima Current
Mexico, Gulf of
NT Loop Current
Pacific Ocean
NT California Current
East Australian Current
El Nino Current
La Nina Current
Oyashio Current
Peru Current
Ocean development
USE Marine resources development
Ocean disposal of wastes
USE Waste disposal in the ocean
Ocean drilling platforms
USE Drilling platforms
Ocean drilling ships
USE Deep-sea drilling ships
Ocean Drive (Miami Beach, Fla.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT RoadsFlorida
Ocean dumping
USE Waste disposal in the ocean
Ocean energy resources
UF Energy from the ocean
BT Marine resources
Ocean engineering
Power resources
NT Natural gas in submerged lands
Ocean thermal power plants
Ocean wave power
Petroleum in submerged lands
Tidal power
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Ocean engineering (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the engineering
aspects of equipment and techniques facilitating
operations beneath the surface of the ocean in order
to exploit its resources. General works on the
application of engineering to ships and their
machinery are entered under Marine engineering.

UF Deep-sea engineering
Submarine engineering
Underwater engineering
BT Engineering
Marine resources
OceanographyEquipment and supplies
NT Deep divingEquipment and supplies
Electricity in ocean engineering
Marine geotechnics
Ocean energy resources
Ocean mining
Offshore structures
Ocean engineering industry (May Subd Geog)
Ocean engineering steel
USE Marine steel
Ocean exploration
USE Underwater exploration
Ocean farming
USE Mariculture
Ocean fertilization
USE SeawaterFertilization
Ocean fishing
USE Saltwater fishing

Ocean floor
USE Ocean bottom
Ocean floor mining
USE Ocean mining
Ocean floor spreading
USE Sea-floor spreading
Ocean freight forwarders (May Subd Geog)
UF Foreign freight forwarders
Independent ocean freight forwarders
International forwarding agents
BT Contracts, Maritime
RT Customhouse brokers
BT Freight forwarders
Ocean freight rates
USE ShippingRates
Ocean freighters
USE Cargo ships
Ocean Gods, House of the (Saint-Romain-en-Gal,
USE House of the Ocean Gods (Saint-Romain-en
Gal, France)
Ocean health
USE Marine ecosystem health
Ocean Highway
USE Ocean Hiway
Ocean Hiway
Here are entered works on the named highway
running along the Atlantic Coast from Maine to

UF Ocean Highway
BT RoadsAtlantic States
Ocean in art
USE Sea in art
Ocean in bookplates (May Subd Geog)
BT Bookplates
Ocean in literature
USE Sea in literature
Ocean in motion pictures
USE Sea in motion pictures
Ocean in opera
USE Sea in opera
Ocean Island (Hawaii)
USE Kure Island (Hawaii)
Ocean Island (Kiribati)
USE Banaba (Kiribati)
Ocean law
USE Law of the sea
Ocean liner passengers (May Subd Geog)
UF Liner passengers, Ocean
Passengers, Ocean liner
BT Persons
NT Gay ocean liner passengers
Ocean liners (May Subd Geog)
[HE566.O25 (Vessels)]
[HE945 (Companies)]
[VM381 (Naval architecture)]
UF Liners
BT Passenger ships
Decoration (May Subd Geog)
BT Ship decoration
Ocean liners in art (Not Subd Geog)
Ocean mail stamps (May Subd Geog)
BT Postage stamps
Ocean mealybug
USE Pseudococcus maritimus
Ocean-meteorological relations
USE Ocean-atmosphere interaction
Ocean mineral resources
USE Marine mineral resources
Ocean mining (May Subd Geog)
UF Deep-sea mining
Marine mining
Mining, Ocean
Mining of marine mineral resources
Ocean floor mining
Seabed mining
BT Mining engineering
Ocean engineering
NT Manganese mines and mining, Submarine
Offshore gas well drilling
Offshore oil well drilling
Shell deposits
Environmental aspects (May Subd Geog)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Mining law
Ocean outfalls (May Subd Geog)

UF Marine outfalls
Outfalls, Ocean
BT Hydraulic structures
Waste disposal in the ocean
Ocean passages
USE Offshore sailing
Ocean perch
USE Sebastes marinus
Ocean perch, Pacific
USE Pacific ocean perch
Ocean Point (Alaska)
BT Slopes (Physical geography)Alaska
Ocean pollution
USE Marine pollution
Ocean Pond, Battle of, Olustee, Fla., 1864
USE Olustee, Battle of, Olustee, Fla., 1864
Ocean pout (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.Z6 (Zoology)]
UF Macrozoarces americanus
Pout, Ocean
BT Macrozoarces
Ocean quahog (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.7.A74 (Zoology)]
UF Arctica islandica
BT Arctica
Ocean Ranger (Drilling rig)
BT Oil well drilling rigs
Ocean reptiles
USE Marine reptiles
Ocean resources
USE Marine resources
Ocean Ridge Inlet (Fla.)
USE Boynton Inlet (Fla.)
Ocean ridges
USE Mid-ocean ridges
Ocean routes
USE Trade routes
Ocean sciences
USE Marine sciences
Ocean shrimp
USE Pandalus borealis
Pandalus jordani
Ocean sounds
UF Sea sounds
BT Oceanography
NT Waterfront sounds
Ocean squid, Red
USE Ommastrephes bartramii
Ocean sunfish (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.M64 (Zoology)]
UF Mola mola
Sunfish, Ocean
BT Mola (Genus)
Ocean surface topography
UF Dynamic sea surface topography
Sea surface topography
Topography, Dynamic sea surface
Topography, Ocean surface
Topography, Sea surface
BT Oceanography
RT Hydrographic surveying
Ocean currents
Ocean temperature (May Subd Geog)
UF OceanTemperature
Sea temperature
BT Water temperature
NT Deep-sea temperature
Thermoclines (Oceanography)
Atlantic Ocean
Ocean terminals
USE Marine terminals
Ocean thermal power plants (May Subd Geog)
UF Ocean thermal power systems
Sea thermal power plants
Solar sea power plants
BT Electric power-plants
Ocean energy resources
Renewable energy sources
Solar power plants
Thermoclines (Oceanography)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Law of the sea
Ocean thermal power systems
USE Ocean thermal power plants
Ocean tomography (May Subd Geog)
UF Acoustic tomography, Ocean
Ocean acoustic tomography
Tomography, Ocean


Tomography, Ocean acoustic

BT Underwater acoustics
Ocean towing
USE Marine towing
Ocean traffic
USE Shipping
Ocean transportation
USE Shipping
Ocean trash
USE Marine debris
Ocean travel
UF Cruises
Ocean voyages
Routes of travel
Sea travel
Voyages, Ocean
BT Transportation
Voyages and travels
RT SteamboatsPassenger accommodation
NT Shipping conferences
Steamboat lines
Transatlantic voyages
Ocean travel in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Ocean trenches
USE Submarine trenches
Ocean View Avenue (Monterey, Calif.)
USE Cannery Row (Monterey, Calif.)
Ocean voyages
USE Ocean travel
Ocean water
USE Seawater
Ocean water masses
USE Water masses
Ocean wave power (May Subd Geog)
UF Power, Ocean wave
Wave power, Ocean
BT Ocean energy resources
Awards (May Subd Geog)
NT Saltire Prize
Ocean waves (May Subd Geog)
UF Breakers
Sea waves
BT Oceanography
Water waves
NT Internal waves
Rogue waves
Wave resistance (Hydrodynamics)
Atlantic Ocean
Ocean waves in art (Not Subd Geog)
Ocean zoning (May Subd Geog)
UF OceanZoning
Zoning, Ocean
BT Marine resourcesManagement
USE Public marine aquariums
USE Ocean engineering
Oceanfront gardening
USE Seaside gardening
Here are entered comprehensive works on the
islands of the Pacific Ocean belonging to the island
groups of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.
Comprehensive works on all of the islands of the
Pacific Ocean as well as works on the islands of the
North Pacific are entered under Islands of the Pacific.

UF IslandsSouth Pacific Ocean

Oceanica [Former heading]
South Pacific
South Pacific Ocean Region
South Pacific Region [Former heading]
South Sea Islands
South Seas
Southwest Pacific Region
BT Islands of the Pacific
NT Kermadec Islands
Spanish influences
BT SpainCivilization

Description and travel

UF OceaniaDescription and travel1951
1980 [Former heading]
OceaniaDescription and travel1981
[Former heading]
USE OceaniaDescription and travel
1981USE OceaniaDescription and travel
NT Australian languages
Melanesian languages
Micronesian languages
Oceanic languages
Papuan languages
Polynesian languages
Tasmanian languages
USE Pacific Island literature
Oceanian . . .
USE subject headings beginning with the words

Pacific Island
Oceanian American librarians
USE Pacific Islander American librarians
Oceanian American women
USE Pacific Islander American women
Oceanian Americans
USE Pacific Islander Americans
Oceanian fiction (English)
USE Pacific Island fiction (English)
Oceanian literature
USE Pacific Island literature
Oceanian literature (English)
USE Pacific Island literature (English)
Oceanian mythology
USE Mythology, Oceanian
Oceanian newspapers
USE Pacific Island newspapers
Oceanian periodicals
USE Pacific Island periodicals
USE Pacific Islanders
Oceanic-atmospheric interactions
USE Ocean-atmosphere interaction
Oceanic banks
USE Banks (Oceanography)
Oceanic basses
USE Acropomatidae
Oceanic biology
USE Marine biology
Oceanic bonito
USE Skipjack tuna
Oceanic disposal of radioactive wastes
USE Radioactive waste disposal in the ocean
Oceanic drilling ships
USE Deep-sea drilling ships
Oceanic field cricket (May Subd Geog)
[QL508.G8 (Zoology)]
UF Black field cricket
Field cricket, Oceanic
Teleogryllus innotabilis
Teleogryllus oceanicus
BT Teleogryllus
Oceanic hot springs
USE Hydrothermal vents
Oceanic languages
Here are entered works dealing collectively with
the Polynesian, Melanesian and Micronesian

UF Eastern Austronesian languages

BT Austronesian languages
RT Proto-Oceanic language
NT Melanesian languages
Micronesian languages
Polynesian languages
Oceanic mixing
UF Mixing, Oceanic
BT Ocean circulation
Oceanic pipelines
USE Underwater pipelines
Oceanic plateaus (May Subd Geog)
UF Submarine plateaus
BT Plateaus
Submarine topography
New Zealand
NT Campbell Plateau
Challenger Plateau
Northland Plateau

North Atlantic Ocean

NT Blake Plateau
South Pacific Ocean
NT Campbell Plateau
Northland Plateau
Tasman Sea
NT Challenger Plateau
Oceanic whitetip shark (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.95.C3 (Zoology)]
UF Carcharhinus longimanus
Carcharhinus maou
Carcharias insularum
Carcharias obtusus
Pterolamiops budkeri
Pterolamiops magnipinnis
Squalus longimanus
Whitetip shark, Oceanic
BT Carcharhinus
USE Oceania
Oceanids (Greek deities) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Goddesses, Greek
NT Styx (Greek deity)
USE Ocean liners
Oceanodroma (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P64 (Zoology)]
BT Storm petrels
NT Fork-tailed storm petrel
Leach's storm petrel
Oceanodroma castro
Wedge-rumped storm petrel
Oceanodroma castro (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P64 (Zoology)]
UF Band-rumped storm petrel
Harcourt's storm petrel
Madeiran storm petrel
BT Oceanodroma
Oceanodroma furcata
USE Fork-tailed storm petrel
Oceanodroma leucorhoa
USE Leach's storm petrel
Oceanodroma tethys
USE Wedge-rumped storm petrel
Oceanographers (May Subd Geog)
BT Earth scientists
NT Women oceanographers
Oceanographic buoys (May Subd Geog)
UF Floating instrument platforms
Instrument platforms, Floating
Moored oceanographic buoys
Unmanned floating instrument platforms
BT Buoys
Oceanographic information, Exchange of
USE Exchange of oceanographic information
Oceanographic instruments (May Subd Geog)
UF Instruments, Oceanographic
Marine instruments
BT Earth science instruments
NT Bathometer
Oceanographic laboratories
USE Oceanographic research stations
Oceanographic libraries (May Subd Geog)
BT Marine science libraries
Oceanographic maps
USE OceanMaps
OceanographyCharts, diagrams, etc.
Oceanographic observations
USE OceanographyObservations
Oceanographic research
USE OceanographyResearch
Oceanographic research ships (May Subd Geog)
UF Oceanographic ships
BT Research vessels
SA names of individual oceanographic research

NT Deep-sea drilling ships
Marine biology research vessels
Oceanographic research stations (May Subd Geog)
UF Anchor stations (Oceanography)
Deep-sea instrument stations
Oceanographic laboratories
Research stations, Oceanographic
Stations, Oceanographic research
Unmanned instrument stations



BT Observatories
NT Drifting ice stations
Manned undersea research stations
Tide stations
USE Deep-sea moorings
Oceanographic ships
USE Oceanographic research ships
Oceanographic submersibles (May Subd Geog)
UF Deep diving vehicles
Deep-sea research vessels
Deep submergence vehicles
Manned exploration devices
BT Submersibles
NT Bathyscaphe
Submarine rescue vehicles
Electric equipment (May Subd Geog)
Rules for classification and construction
USE Oceanographic submersiblesStandards
Standards (May Subd Geog)
UF Oceanographic submersiblesRules for

classification and construction [Former

Oceanography (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the scientific study of
the ocean and its phenomena. Geographical
descriptions of the world's oceans, including popular
accounts of their various features and "mysteries" are
entered under Ocean.

UF Oceanography, Physical
Physical oceanography
BT Earth sciences
Marine sciences
RT Ocean
NT Aerial photography in oceanography
Aeronautics in oceanography
Artificial satellites in oceanography
Astronautics in oceanography
Chemical oceanography
Estuarine oceanography
FisheriesHydrologic factors
Fishery oceanography
Marine meteorology
Marine pollution
Marine resources
Military oceanography
Ocean-atmosphere interaction
Ocean circulation
Ocean engineering
Ocean sounds
Ocean surface topography
Ocean waves
Optical oceanography
Photography in oceanography
Radio in oceanography
Radioactive tracers in oceanography
Radioisotopes in oceanography
Sea ice
Sea level
Sounding and soundings
Television in oceanography
Underwater exploration
Water masses
Charts, diagrams, etc.
UF Oceanographic maps
Computer programs
Equipment and supplies
NT Drift bottles
Ocean engineering
Secchi disks
USE Oceanographic instruments
International cooperation
USE OceanographyCharts, diagrams, etc.
UF Observations, Oceanographic
Oceanographic observations
Research (May Subd Geog)
This heading may be subdivided by the
geographical area investigated, e.g.
Oceanography--Research--Pacific Ocean. Where

Research (Continued)
applicable, also make a second subject entry for
the country conducting the research, .e.g.

UF OceanResearch
Oceanographic research [Former

NT Oceanographic research stations
International cooperation
NT Global Ocean Observing System
International Decade of Ocean

Exploration, 1970-1980
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Pacific Ocean
United States
Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog)
UF Oceanography as a profession [Former

Atlantic Ocean
Caribbean Sea
Chesapeake Bay
USE OceanographyChesapeake Bay (Md.

and Va.)
Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.)
UF OceanographyChesapeake Bay

[Former heading]
Oceanography, Physical
USE Oceanography
Oceanography and state (May Subd Geog)
UF State and oceanography
BT State, The
Oceanography as a profession
USE OceanographyVocational guidance
USE Oceanography
USE Ocean
Oceanus (Greek deity) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Gods, Greek
Titans (Mythology)
Ocellated antbird (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P2816 (Zoology)]
UF Ocellated antthrush
Phaenostictus mcleannani
BT Phaenostictus
Ocellated antthrush
USE Ocellated antbird
Ocellated quail (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.G259 (Zoology)]
UF Cyrtonyx ocellatus
BT Cyrtonyx
Ocellated turkey (May Subd Geog)
UF Agriocharis ocellata
Meleagris ocellata
BT Meleagris
Oceloapan Site (Mexico)
BT MexicoAntiquities
Ocelot (May Subd Geog)
UF Felis pardalis
Leopardus griseus
Leopardus pardalis
Ocelots [Former heading]
BT Leopardus
USE Ocelot
Ocelots as pets (May Subd Geog)
BT Pets
Oceola Member (South Africa)
BT Formations (Geology)South Africa
Vryburg Formation (South Africa)
Ocha (Religion)
USE Santeria
Ochakiv (Ukraine), Battle of, 1737
USE Ochakov, Battle of, Ochakiv, Ukraine, 1737
Ochakov, Battle of, 1737
USE Ochakov, Battle of, Ochakiv, Ukraine, 1737
Ochakov, Battle of, Ochakiv, Ukraine, 1737
UF Ochakiv (Ukraine), Battle of, 1737 [Former

Ochakov, Battle of, 1737 [Former heading]
Oczakov, Battle of, Ochakiv, Ukraine, 1737
BT Russo-Turkish War, 1736
Ocheese Creek (Ga.)
USE Ocmulgee River (Ga.)

Ochekwu (African people)

USE Idoma (African people)
Ocheltree family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ochiltree family
Ocheneechee Indians
USE Occaneechi Indians
Ochenrider family
USE Oxenreider family
Ochepwa Indians
USE Ojibwa Indians
Ochepwa language
USE Ojibwa language
Ocher (May Subd Geog)
UF Ochre
BT Sedimentary rocks
Ocher mines and mining (May Subd Geog)
BT Mines and mineral resources
Ocher people
USE Red Paint culture
Ochetosomatidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Plagiorchiida
Ochi Day (Greek holiday)
USE Hemera tou Ochi (Greek holiday)
Ochi family (Not Subd Geog)
Ochiherero (African people)
USE Herero (African people)
Ochikwanyama language
USE Kuanyama language
Ochil Hills (Scotland)
BT MountainsScotland
Ochiltree family
USE Ocheltree family
Ochindonga (African people)
USE Ndonga (African people)
Ochindonga language
USE Ndonga language
Ochise Creek (Ga.)
USE Ocmulgee River (Ga.)
Ochlerotatus dorsalis
USE Salt marsh mosquito
Ochlockonee River (Ga. and Fla.)
BT RiversFlorida
Ochna (Genus)
USE Ochnas
Ochna andamanica
USE Ochna integerrima
Ochna harmandii
USE Ochna integerrima
Ochna integerrima (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O3 (Botany)]
UF Elaeocarpus integerrimus
Ochna andamanica
Ochna harmandii
Ochna pruinosa
Ochna pumila
Ochna squarrosa
Ochna wallichii
BT Ochnas
Ochna pruinosa
USE Ochna integerrima
Ochna pumila
USE Ochna integerrima
Ochna squarrosa
USE Ochna integerrima
Ochna wallichii
USE Ochna integerrima
Ochnaceae (May Subd Geog)
BT Guttiferales
NT Ochnas
Ochnas (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O3 (Botany)]
UF Diporidium
Ochna (Genus)
BT Ochnaceae
NT Ochna integerrima
Ocho reales
USE Piece of eight
Ochoa family (Not Subd Geog)
Ochoco Creek (Or.)
BT RiversOregon
Ochoco Creek Flood Plain (Or.)
UF Ochoco Creek Floodplain (Or.)
BT FloodplainsOregon
Ochoco Creek Floodplain (Or.)
USE Ochoco Creek Flood Plain (Or.)
Ochoco Creek Watershed (Or.)
BT WatershedsOregon


Ochoco Lake (Or.)

USE Ochoco Reservoir (Or.)
Ochoco Mountains (Or.)
BT MountainsOregon
Ochoco National Forest (Or.)
BT Forest reservesOregon
National parks and reservesOregon
Ochoco Reservoir (Or.)
UF Ochoco Lake (Or.)
BT LakesOregon
USE Scarabaeidae
Ochollo (African people) (May Subd Geog)
BT EthnologyEthiopia
Ochomazo Indians
USE Uru Indians
Ochomazo language
USE Uru language
Ochosi (Yoruba deity)
USE Oshosi (Yoruba deity)
USE Pikas
Ochotona princeps
USE American pika
Ochotonidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Lagomorpha
NT Pikas
Ochotonidae, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Lagomorpha, Fossil
NT Pikas, Fossil
Ochozuma Indians
USE Uru Indians
Ochozuma language
USE Uru language
Ochquay Creek (Va.)
USE Aquia Creek (Va.)
[RA1242.O25 (Toxicology)]
BT Mycotoxins
USE Ocher
Ochrida, Lake (Macedonia and Albania)
USE Ohrid, Lake (Macedonia and Albania)
Ochrolechia (May Subd Geog)
[QK585.L37 (Botany)]
BT Lecanoraceae
Ochroma lagopus
USE Balsa wood
Ochromonadaceae (May Subd Geog)
[QK569.O37 (Algology)]
BT Ochromonadales
NT Ochromonas
Ochromonadales (May Subd Geog)
BT Chrysophyceae
NT Mallomonadaceae
Ochromonas (May Subd Geog)
[QK569.O37 (Algology)]
BT Ochromonadaceae
NT Ochromonas danica
Ochromonas malhamensis
Ochromonas danica (May Subd Geog)
[QK569.O37 (Algology)]
BT Ochromonas
Ochromonas malhamensis (May Subd Geog)
[QK569.O37 (Algology)]
BT Ochromonas
Ochroporus nigricans
USE Trametes versicolor
Ochrotrichia (May Subd Geog)
BT Hydroptilidae
Ochs family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ochsen family
Ochsen family
USE Ochs family
Ochsen Islands (Germany)
UF Ochseninseln (Germany)
BT IslandsGermany
Ochsenheimeria (May Subd Geog)
BT Ochsenheimeriidae
NT Ochsenheimeria vacculella
Ochsenheimeria vacculella (May Subd Geog)
BT Ochsenheimeria

Ochsenheimeriidae (May Subd Geog)

BT Lepidoptera
NT Ochsenheimeria
Ochseninseln (Germany)
USE Ochsen Islands (Germany)
Ochsenreider family
USE Oxenreider family
Ochsenreiter family
USE Oxenreider family
Ochsenreither family
USE Oxenreider family
Ochsenreuter family
USE Oxenreider family
Ochsner family (Not Subd Geog)
Ochteridae (May Subd Geog)
UF Pelogonidae
BT Hemiptera
NT Ochterus
Ochterus (May Subd Geog)
UF Pelogonus
BT Ochteridae
Ochterus minor (May Subd Geog)
Ochterus piliferus (May Subd Geog)
Ochthebius (May Subd Geog)
[QL596.H79 (Zoology)]
UF Colalius
BT Hydraenidae
NT Rockface beetle
Ochthebius poweri
USE Rockface beetle
USE Chamaemyiidae
Ochwesnicki jargon
UF Argot des marchands d'images
BT Lingua francas
Ochylski family (Not Subd Geog)
Ocicat (May Subd Geog)
BT Cat breeds
Ociherero language
USE Herero language
Ocilla River (Ga. and Fla.)
USE Aucilla River (Ga. and Fla.)
USE Basil
Ocimum basilicum
USE Basil
Ocimum bullatum
USE Basil
Ocimum sanctum (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.L25 (Botany)]
UF Holy basil
Monks basil
Purple-stalked basil
Sacred basil
BT Basil
Ocker family
USE Oker family
Ocker River (Germany)
USE Oker River (Germany)
Ockey family (Not Subd Geog)
Ockham algebras
BT Lattice theory
Ocklawaha, Lake (Fla.)
UF Lake Ocklawaha (Fla.)
Lake Ocklwaha (Fla.)
Lake Oklawaha (Fla.)
Ocklwaha, Lake (Fla.)
Oklawaha, Lake (Fla.)
Rodman Reservoir (Fla.)
BT LakesFlorida
Ocklawaha River (Fla.)
USE Oklawaha River (Fla.)
Ocklwaha, Lake (Fla.)
USE Ocklawaha, Lake (Fla.)
Ocksrider family
USE Oxenreider family

Oclair family
USE Le Clere family
O'Claire family
USE Le Clere family
O'Clare, Mairead (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Mairead O'Clare (Fictitious character)
O'Clare family
USE Le Clere family
Oclawaha River (Fla.)
USE Oklawaha River (Fla.)
OCLC Acquisitions Subsystem
BT Acquisitions (Libraries)Automation
OCLC Cataloging Subsystem
BT Cooperative catalogingData processing
OCLC EPIC (Information retrieval system)
USE EPIC (Information retrieval system)
OCLC FirstSearch (Online information service)
USE FirstSearch (Online information service)
OCLC Interlibrary Loan Subsystem
BT Interlibrary loansUnited States
OCLC M300 Workstation (Not Subd Geog)
UF M300 Workstation
BT IBM Personal Computer
OCLC workstations
OCLC PRISM (Information retrieval system)
UF OCLC PRISM Service (Information retrieval

PRISM (Information retrieval system)
BT Information storage and retrieval systems
OCLC PRISM Service (Information retrieval system)
USE OCLC PRISM (Information retrieval system)
OCLC Serials Control Subsystem
BT Serials control systemsAutomation
OCLC workstations
UF Workstations, OCLC
BT Microcomputer workstations
NT OCLC M300 Workstation
Oclerc family
USE Le Clere family
O'Cloney family
USE Clune family
Ocloya Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Ocloyas Indians
BT Indians of South AmericaArgentina
Ocloyas Indians
USE Ocloya Indians
Ocmulgee National Monument (Ga.)
BT National monumentsGeorgia
Ocmulgee River (Ga.)
UF Oak Mulgee River (Ga.)
Oakmulga River (Ga.)
Oakmulge River (Ga.)
Oakmulgee River (Ga.)
Ocheese Creek (Ga.)
Ochise Creek (Ga.)
Ocmulgia River (Ga.)
Okmulgi River (Ga.)
BT RiversGeorgia
Ocmulgee River Valley (Ga.)
UF Ocmulgee Valley (Ga.)
BT ValleysGeorgia
Ocmulgee Valley (Ga.)
USE Ocmulgee River Valley (Ga.)
Ocmulgee Wildlife Management Area (Ga.)
BT Wildlife management areasGeorgia
Ocmulgia River (Ga.)
USE Ocmulgee River (Ga.)
USE Porthetria
USE Lymantriidae
Ocoa Bay (Dominican Republic)
UF Bahia de Ocoa (Dominican Republic)
Baie de Ocoa (Dominican Republic)
BT BaysDominican Republic
Ocoee River (Ga. and Tenn.)
UF Toccoa River (Ga. and Tenn.)
BT RiversGeorgia
Ocoee River Valley (Ga. and Tenn.)
UF Toccoa River Valley (Ga. and Tenn.)
BT ValleysGeorgia
Ocoee Whitewater Center (Tenn.)
BT Aquatic sports facilitiesTennessee
Recreation areasTennessee
O'Coffey family
USE Coffey family


Ocona River (Peru)

UF Rio de Ocona (Peru)
Rio Ocona (Peru)
BT RiversPeru
Ocona River Valley (Peru)
UF Ocona Valley (Peru)
BT ValleysPeru
Ocona Valley (Peru)
USE Ocona River Valley (Peru)
O'Conaghty family
USE Conerty family
Oconee National Forest (Ga.)
BT Forest reservesGeorgia
National parks and reservesGeorgia
Oconee River (Ga.)
BT RiversGeorgia
Oconee River Basin (Ga.)
USE Oconee River Watershed (Ga.)
Oconee River Valley (Ga.)
UF Oconee Valley (Ga.)
BT ValleysGeorgia
Oconee River Watershed (Ga.)
UF Oconee River Basin (Ga.)
BT WatershedsGeorgia
Oconee State Park (S.C.)
BT ParksSouth Carolina
Oconee Valley (Ga.)
USE Oconee River Valley (Ga.)
O'Connell Center (Gainesville, Fla.)
USE Stephen C. O'Connell Student Activities Center

(Gainesville, Fla.)
O'Connell family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Connell Street (Dublin, Ireland)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsIreland
O'Connell Student Activities Center (Gainesville, Fla.)
USE Stephen C. O'Connell Student Activities Center

(Gainesville, Fla.)
O'Conner family
USE O'Connor family
O'Connor, Cork (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Cork O'Connor (Fictitious character)
O'Connor, Dallas (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Dallas O'Connor (Fictitious character)
O'Connor, Molly (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Molly O'Connor (Fictitious character)
O'Connor family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Coner family
Conner family [Former heading]
Conners family
Connor family [Former heading]
Connors family
Conors family
O Conchobhair family
O Conchuir family
O'Conner family
O'Conor family [Former heading]
O'Connor Site (B.C.)
BT British ColumbiaAntiquities
O'Connor United States Courthouse (Phoenix, Ariz.)
USE Sandra Day O'Connor United States

Courthouse (Phoenix, Ariz.)

O'Conor family
USE O'Connor family
Oconto River (Wis.)
UF Black Bess River (Wis.)
Cantone River (Wis.)
Counton River (Wis.)
Katon River (Wis.)
Lagaspardi River (Wis.)
BT RiversWisconsin
Oconto River Watershed (Wis.)
BT WatershedsWisconsin
O'Corcoran family
USE Corcoran family
O'Cornyn family
USE Corning family
USE Perezia ocorzonera
Ocote Reserve (Mexico)
USE Reserva El Ocote (Mexico)
Ocotlan, Nuestra Senora de
UF Nuestra Senora de Ocotlan
Ocotlan, Our Lady of
Ocotlan, Virgen de
Our Lady of Ocotlan
Virgen de Ocotlan
BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, SaintDevotion


Ocotlan, Our Lady of

USE Ocotlan, Nuestra Senora de
Ocotlan, Virgen de
USE Ocotlan, Nuestra Senora de
Ocoya Landfill (Ill.)
BT Sanitary landfillsIllinois
OCR (Optical character recognition)
USE Optical character recognition
OCR devices
USE Optical character recognition devices
Ocracoke Inlet (N.C.)
BT InletsNorth Carolina
Ocracoke Island (N.C.)
BT IslandsNorth Carolina
Outer Banks (N.C.)
Ocracoke Lighthouse (N.C.)
BT LighthousesNorth Carolina
OCT (Tomography)
USE Optical coherence tomography
Octadecadienoic acid
USE Linoleic acid
Octadecanoic acid
USE Oleic acid
Stearic acid
Octadecatrienoic acids
USE Linolenic acids
Octadecenoic acid
USE Oleic acid
Octagon House (Va.)
USE Abijah Thomas House (Va.)
Octagon House (Washington, Macomb County, Mich.)
USE Washington Octagon House (Washington,

Macomb County, Mich.)

Octagon House (Watertown, Wis.)
BT DwellingsWisconsin
Octagon Plantation (S.C.)
BT DwellingsSouth Carolina
PlantationsSouth Carolina
Octagonal buildings
USE Buildings, Octagonal
Octagonal Courtyard (Museo Pio-Clementino, Vatican
USE Galleria delle statue (Museo Pio-Clementino,

Vatican City)
Octagonal House (Va.)
USE Abijah Thomas House (Va.)
Octagonal houses (May Subd Geog)
UF Houses, Octagonal
BT Buildings, Octagonal
USE Titanium dioxide
Octal system
UF Base eight numeration
Numeration, Base eight
Octimal system
BT Arithmetic
Octane number
USE GasolineAnti-knock and anti-knock mixtures
Motor fuelsAnti-knock and anti-knock

USE Octyl alcohol
Octave (Fictitious character : Hayes)
USE Otto (Fictitious character : Hayes)
Octave rhymes
USE Ottava rimas
Octavian's Campsite Memorial for the Actian War
USE Actian War Memorial (Greece)
Octdon family
USE Ogden family
Octets (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered collections of compositions for
eight instruments belonging to various families and in
various combinations. Collections of compositions not
in a specific form or of a specific type for a single
combination of eight instruments, and individual
works, are entered under this heading followed by a
parenthetical qualifier with the names of the
instruments or the term "unspecified instrument(s)."
Compositions for eight bowed stringed instruments
are entered under String octets; for eight wind
instruments under Wind octets; for eight brass
instruments under Brass octets; for eight woodwind
instruments under Woodwind octets; and for eight
plucked stringed instruments under Plucked
instrument octets.
Compositions for eight percussionists are entered

under Percussion ensembles.

Compositions for eight solo voices are entered
under Sacred vocal octets or Vocal octets.

SA headings for forms and types of music for eight

Octets, Brass
USE Brass octets
Octets, Percussion
USE Percussion ensembles
Octets, Plucked instrument
USE Plucked instrument octets
Octets, String
USE String octets
Octets, Wind
USE Wind octets
Octets, Woodwind
USE Woodwind octets
Octets (Accordion, piano, clarinet, flute, guitar,
mandolin, percussion, double bass)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Piano, clarinet, flute, guitar, mandolin,

accordion, percussion, double bass)

[Former heading]
Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, harp, violin, viola,
double bass)
Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, oboe, trombone,
trumpet, double bass)
Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet, violin,
cello, double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet,

violin, violoncello, double bass) [Former

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet, violin,
cello, double bass), Arranged (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet,

violin, violoncello, double bass), Arranged

[Former heading]
Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet, violin,
violoncello, double bass)
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet,

violin, cello, double bass)

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet, violin,
violoncello, double bass), Arranged
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet,

violin, cello, double bass), Arranged

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, violin, viola, cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, violin,

viola, violoncello, double bass) [Former

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, violin, viola,
violoncello, double bass)
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, violin,

viola, cello, double bass)

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, violins (2), viola,
cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, violins

(2), viola, violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, violins (2), viola,
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, violins

(2), viola, cello)

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horns (2), oboe,
Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horns (2), violin, viola,
cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horns (2),

violin, viola, violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horns (2), violin, viola,
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horns (2),

violin, viola, cello)

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violin, viola, cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violin,

viola, violoncello, double bass) [Former

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violin, viola,
violoncello, double bass)
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violin,

viola, cello, double bass)


Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violins (2), viola,

cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violins

(2), viola, violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violins (2), viola,
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, violins

(2), viola, cello)

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, violin, viola, cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, violin,

viola, violoncello, double bass) [Former

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, violin, viola,
violoncello, double bass)
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, violin,

viola, cello, double bass)

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, violins (2), viola,
cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, violins

(2), viola, violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, violins (2), viola,
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, violins

(2), viola, cello)

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, violin, violas (2), cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, violin, violas

(2), violoncello, double bass) [Former

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, violin, violas (2),
violoncello, double bass)
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, violin, violas

(2), cello, double bass)

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, violins (2), viola, cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, violins (2),

viola, violoncello, double bass) [Former

Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, violins (2), viola,
violoncello, double bass)
USE Octets (Bassoon, clarinet, horn, violins (2),

viola, cello, double bass)

Octets (Bassoon, clarinets (2), flute, horn, oboe, violin,
double bass)
Octets (Clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet, percussion,
vibraphone, violin, violoncello)
USE Octets (Clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet,

percussion, violin, cello)

Octets (Clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet, percussion, violin,
cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet,

percussion, vibraphone, violin, violoncello)

[Former heading]
Octets (Clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet,

percussion, violin, violoncello) [Former

Octets (Clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet, percussion, violin,
USE Octets (Clarinet, flute, horn, trumpet,

percussion, violin, cello)

Octets (Clarinet, flute, oboe, percussion, violin, viola,
cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Clarinet, flute, oboe, percussion, violin,

viola, violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Clarinet, flute, oboe, percussion, violin, viola,
USE Octets (Clarinet, flute, oboe, percussion, violin,

viola, cello)
Octets (Clarinet, flute, saxophone, percussion,
vibraphone, violin, voice)
USE Vocalises with instrumental ensemble
Octets (Clarinet, horns (2), violin, violas (2), cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Clarinet, horns (2), violin, violas (2),

violoncello, double bass) [Former heading]

Octets (Clarinet, horns (2), violin, violas (2), violoncello,
double bass)
USE Octets (Clarinet, horns (2), violin, violas (2),

cello, double bass)

Octets (Clarinets (2), flute, drums, percussion, viola,
violoncello, double bass)

USE Octets (Clarinets (2), flute, percussion, viola,

cello, double bass)

Octets (Clarinets (2), flute, percussion, viola, cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Clarinets (2), flute, drums, percussion,

viola, violoncello, double bass) [Former

Octets (Clarinets (2), flute, percussion, viola,

violoncello, double bass) [Former heading]

Octets (Clarinets (2), flute, percussion, viola, violoncello,
double bass)
USE Octets (Clarinets (2), flute, percussion, viola,

cello, double bass)

Octets (Clarinets (2), harp, violins (2), viola, cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Clarinets (2), harp, violins (2), viola,

violoncello, double bass) [Former heading]

Octets (Clarinets (2), harp, violins (2), viola, violoncello,
double bass)
USE Octets (Clarinets (2), harp, violins (2), viola,

cello, double bass)

Octets (Clarinets (2), horns (2), violins (2), viola, double
Octets (Clarinets (2), horns (4), harp, double bass)
Octets (Clarinets (2), horns (4), harp, double bass),
Octets (Flute, horn, oboe, harp, percussion, violin, viola,
cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Flute, horn, oboe, harp, percussion,

violin, viola, violoncello) [Former heading]

NT Flute, horn, oboe, harp, percussion, violin,

viola, cello with orchestra

Octets (Flute, horn, oboe, harp, percussion, violin, viola,
USE Octets (Flute, horn, oboe, harp, percussion,

violin, viola, cello)

Octets (Flute, horns (2), oboes (2), violins (2), cello)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Flute, horns (2), oboes (2), violins (2),

violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Flute, horns (2), oboes (2), violins (2),
USE Octets (Flute, horns (2), oboes (2), violins (2),

Octets (Flute, horns (2), violins (2), viola, cello, double
bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Flute, horns (2), violins (2), viola,

violoncello, double bass) [Former heading]

Octets (Flute, horns (2), violins (2), viola, violoncello,
double bass)
USE Octets (Flute, horns (2), violins (2), viola, cello,

double bass)
Octets (Flutes (2), trumpets (5), percussion)
Octets (Guitars (8))
USE Plucked instrument octets (Guitars (8))
Octets (Harps (8))
USE Plucked instrument octets (Harps (8))
Octets (Harpsichord, bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn,
oboe, viola, cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Harpsichord, bassoon, clarinet, flute,

horn, oboe, viola, violoncello) [Former

Octets (Harpsichord, bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn,
oboe, viola, violoncello)
USE Octets (Harpsichord, bassoon, clarinet, flute,

horn, oboe, viola, cello)

Octets (Harpsichord, guitar, violins (6))
Octets (Harpsichord, recorders (7)) (May Subd Geog)
Octets (Horns (2), oboes (2), violins (2), viola, cello)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Horns (2), oboes (2), violins (2), viola,

violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Horns (2), oboes (2), violins (2), viola,
USE Octets (Horns (2), oboes (2), violins (2), viola,

Octets (Horns (2), trombones (2), trumpets (2), tuba,

Octets (Horns (2), trombones (2), trumpets (2), tuba,

percussion), Arranged
Octets (Organ, trombones (3), trumpets (3), percussion)
(May Subd Geog)
Octets (Percussion, violins (2), viola, cello)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Percussion, violins (2), viola,

violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Percussion, violins (2), viola, violoncello)
USE Octets (Percussion, violins (2), viola, cello)
Octets (Piano, bassoon, clarinet, flute, trumpet,
percussion, violin, cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Piano, bassoon, clarinet, flute, trumpet,

percussion, violin, violoncello) [Former

Octets (Piano, bassoon, clarinet, flute, trumpet,
percussion, violin, violoncello)
USE Octets (Piano, bassoon, clarinet, flute, trumpet,

percussion, violin, cello)

Octets (Piano, clarinet, cymbals (2), violins (2), viola,
cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Piano, clarinet, cymbals (2), violins (2),

viola, violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Piano, clarinet, cymbals (2), violins (2), viola,
USE Octets (Piano, clarinet, cymbals (2), violins (2),

viola, cello)
Octets (Piano, clarinet, flute, guitar, mandolin,
accordion, percussion, double bass)
USE Octets (Accordion, piano, clarinet, flute, guitar,

mandolin, percussion, double bass)

Octets (Piano, clarinet, flute, violins (2), viola, cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Piano, clarinet, flute, violins (2), viola,

violoncello, double bass) [Former heading]

Octets (Piano, clarinet, flute, violins (2), viola,
violoncello, double bass)
USE Octets (Piano, clarinet, flute, violins (2), viola,

cello, double bass)

Octets (Piano, clarinets (2), flute, trombone, trumpets
(2), percussion)
Octets (Piano, flute, horn, oboe, violin, viola, cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Piano, flute, horn, oboe, violin, viola,

violoncello, double bass) [Former heading]

Octets (Piano, flute, horn, oboe, violin, viola, violoncello,
double bass)
USE Octets (Piano, flute, horn, oboe, violin, viola,

cello, double bass)

Octets (Piano, flute, violins (2), violas (2), cellos (2))
(May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Piano, flute, violins (2), violas (2),

violoncellos (2)) [Former heading]

Octets (Piano, flute, violins (2), violas (2), violoncellos
USE Octets (Piano, flute, violins (2), violas (2),

cellos (2))
Octets (Piano, flutes (7))
Octets (Piano, horn, violins (2), violas (2), cello, double
bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Piano, horn, violins (2), violas (2),

violoncello, double bass) [Former heading]

Octets (Piano, horn, violins (2), violas (2), violoncello,
double bass)
USE Octets (Piano, horn, violins (2), violas (2), cello,

double bass)
Octets (Piano, horns (2), trombone, trumpets (2),
Octets (Piano, percussion, vibraphone, violins (2), viola,
violoncello, double bass)
USE Octets (Piano, percussion, violins (2), viola,

cello, double bass)

Octets (Piano, percussion, violins (2), viola, cello,
double bass) (May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Piano, percussion, vibraphone, violins

(2), viola, violoncello, double bass) [Former

Octets (Piano, percussion, violins (2), viola,

violoncello, double bass) [Former heading]


Octets (Piano, percussion, violins (2), viola, violoncello,

double bass)
USE Octets (Piano, percussion, violins (2), viola,

cello, double bass)

Octets (Piano, recorders (3), violins (2), viola, cello)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Piano, recorders (3), violins (2), viola,

violoncello) [Former heading]

Octets (Piano, recorders (3), violins (2), viola,
USE Octets (Piano, recorders (3), violins (2), viola,

Octets (Piano, recorders (6), guitar)
Octets (Piano, trombones (2), trumpets (3), percussion,
double bass)
Octets (Piano, trombones (3), trumpets (4))
Octets (Piano, trombones (3), trumpets (4)), Arranged
Octets (Pianos (2), bassoon, clarinets (2), English horn,
horn, trombone)
Octets (Pianos (2), chimes (2), violins (2), violoncellos
USE Octets (Pianos (2), chimes, violins (2), cellos

Octets (Pianos (2), chimes, violins (2), cellos (2))
UF Octets (Pianos (2), chimes (2), violins (2),

violoncellos (2)) [Former heading]

Octets (Pianos (2), percussion, cellos (4))
(May Subd Geog)
UF Octets (Pianos (2), percussion, violoncellos (4))

[Former heading]
Octets (Pianos (2), percussion, violoncellos (4))
USE Octets (Pianos (2), percussion, cellos (4))
Octets (Recorder, percussion, double bass)
Octets (Trombones (3), trumpets (3), percussion)
Octets (Trumpets (4), percussion)
Octets (Trumpets (5), drum, kettledrums, percussion)
USE Octets (Trumpets (5), percussion)
Octets (Trumpets (5), percussion)
UF Octets (Trumpets (5), drum, kettledrums,

percussion) [Former heading]

Octets (Unspecified instruments (8)) (May Subd Geog)
UF Unspecified instruments (8)
USE Octyl alcohol
Octimal system
USE Octal system
October (May Subd Geog)
BT Months
October Crisis, Moscow, Russia, 1993
USE Russia (Federation)HistoryOctober Crisis,

October Crisis, Quebec, 1970
USE Quebec (Province)HistoryOctober Crisis,

October Incident, 1931 (Japan)
USE JapanHistoryMarch and October Incidents,

October Middle East War, 1973
USE Israel-Arab War, 1973
October Mountain Lake (Mass.)
BT LakesMassachusetts
October Rebellion, Moscow, Russia, 1993
USE Russia (Federation)HistoryOctober Crisis,

October Revolt, Thailand, 1973
USE ThailandHistoryStudent Uprising, 1973
October Revolution, 1917-1921
USE Soviet UnionHistoryRevolution, 1917-1921
October Revolution, Guatemala, 1944
USE GuatemalaHistoryOctober Revolution,

October Revolution Monument (Kiev, Ukraine)
USE Velykii Zhovtnevii sotsialistychnii

revoliutsii monument (Kiev, Ukraine)

October twenty-eighth (Greek holiday)
USE Hemera tou Ochi (Greek holiday)
October Uprising, Cyprus, 1931
USE CyprusHistoryOctober Uprising, 1931

USE Oktoberfest
Octobothrium leptogaster
USE Chimaericola leptogaster
Octobriana (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
Octocorallia (May Subd Geog)
[QL377.C6 (Zoology)]
UF Alcyonaria [Former heading]
BT Anthozoa
NT Alcyonacea
Sea pens
USE Octocorallia
USE Octocorallia
USE Degus
Octodontidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.R67 (Zoology)]
UF Octodonts
BT Rodents
NT Degus
Octodontidae, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Rodents, Fossil
USE Octodontidae
USE Hexagrammos
USE Hexamita
USE Cayley numbers (Algebra)
USE Octopuses
Octopoda (May Subd Geog)
UF Octopodida
BT Cephalopoda
NT Octopuses
USE Octopoda
USE Octopuses
USE Octopoda
USE Octopuses
Octopus, Common
USE Common octopus
Octopus, Cooking with
USE Cooking (Octopus)
Octopus (Genus) (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.3.O2 (Zoology)]
BT Octopuses
NT Common octopus
Octopus aldrovandi
USE Eledone cirrhosa
Octopus cirrhosus
USE Eledone cirrhosa
Octopus dofleini
USE North Pacific giant octopus
Octopus fisheries (May Subd Geog)
BT Shellfish fisheries
NT Common octopus fisheries
North Pacific giant octopus fisheries
Octopus leucoderma
USE Eledone cirrhosa
Octopus vulgaris
USE Common octopus
Octopuses (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.3.O2 (Zoology)]
UF Devilfishes (Mollusks)
Octopodidae [Former heading]
Octopus [Former heading]
BT Octopoda
NT Blue-ringed octopuses
Octopus (Genus)
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Octopus)
Octopuses in art (Not Subd Geog)
Octorara Creek (Pa. and Md.)
USE Octoraro Creek (Pa. and Md.)

Octoraro Creek (Pa. and Md.)

UF Octorara Creek (Pa. and Md.)
BT RiversMaryland
Octoraro Creek Valley (Pa. and Md.)
USE Octoraro Valley (Pa. and Md.)
Octoraro Valley (Pa. and Md.)
UF Octoraro Creek Valley (Pa. and Md.)
BT ValleysMaryland
Octospora (May Subd Geog)
[QK623.O75 (Mycology)]
BT Otideaceae
Octreotide acetate (May Subd Geog)
[RC271.O25 (Cancer therapy)]
[RM666.O27 (Therapeutics)]
BT Antineoplastic agents
Gastrointestinal agents
Octroi (May Subd Geog)
UF Customs duties, Internal
Tariff, Internal
BT Internal revenue
Local taxation
Municipal finance
RT Taxation of articles of consumption
Octubre, Premis
USE Premis Octubre
Octuplets (May Subd Geog)
[GN63.6 (Ahthropology)]
[HQ777.35 (Sociology)]
BT Brothers and sisters
Multiple birth
Octyl alcohol (May Subd Geog)
[QD305.A4 (Chemistry)]
UF Alcohol C-8
Alfol 8
Caprylic alcohol
Heptyl carbinol
Octylic alcohol
Primary octyl alcohol
Sipol L8
BT Alcohols
Octylic alcohol
USE Octyl alcohol
Ocuiltec language (May Subd Geog)
UF Atzinca language
Maclatzinca language
Ocuilteca language
Ocuilteco language
Tlahuica language
BT MexicoLanguages
Otomian languages
Ocuilteca language
USE Ocuiltec language
Ocuilteco language
USE Ocuiltec language
O'Cuirnin family
USE Corning family
Ocular accommodation
USE EyeAccommodation and refraction
Ocular adaptation
USE EyeAdaptation
Ocular adnexa
USE Adnexa oculi
Ocular biomicroscopy (May Subd Geog)
UF Biomicroscopy, Ocular
Ocular slit-lamp microscopy
Slit-lamp microscopy, Ocular
BT EyeExamination
Medical microscopy
Ocular emergencies
USE Ophthalmologic emergencies
Ocular exercises
USE Orthoptics
Ocular fundus
USE Fundus oculi
Ocular herpes zoster
USE Ophthalmic zoster


Ocular histoplasmosis (May Subd Geog)

UF Histoplasmosis, Ocular [Former heading]
Presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
BT Histoplasmosis
Ocular hypotony (May Subd Geog)
UF Hypotonia oculi
Hypotony, Ocular
Intraocular pressure, Low
Low intraocular pressure
BT EyeDiseases
Ocular manifestations of general diseases
(May Subd Geog)
UF Ocular symptoms of general diseases
Ophthalmological manifestations of general

Ophthalmological symptoms of general

BT EyeDiseases
NT Iridology
Ocular motility
USE EyeMovements
Ocular motility disorders
USE EyeMovement disorders
Ocular permeability
USE CorneaPermeability
Ocular pharmacology (May Subd Geog)
UF EyeDrug effects
EyeEffect of drugs on
BT Pharmacology
RT Ophthalmic drugs
Ocular plastic surgery
USE Ophthalmic plastic surgery
Ocular refraction
USE EyeAccommodation and refraction
Ocular slit-lamp microscopy
USE Ocular biomicroscopy
Ocular symptoms of general diseases
USE Ocular manifestations of general diseases
Ocular tension
USE Intraocular pressure
Ocular therapeutics
USE Therapeutics, Ophthalmological
Ocular toxicity
USE Ocular toxicology
Ocular toxicology (May Subd Geog)
UF Ocular toxicity
BT Toxicology
Ocular toxoplasmosis (May Subd Geog)
UF Toxoplasmic chorioretinitis
Toxoplasmosis, Ocular [Former heading]
BT Chorioretinitis
Ocular zoster
USE Ophthalmic zoster
Oculinidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Scleractinia
USE Ophthalmologists
Oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome
USE Lowe's syndrome
Oculocerebrorenal syndrome
USE Lowe's syndrome
Oculomotor disorders
USE EyeMovement disorders
Oculomotor paralysis (May Subd Geog)
UF Paralysis, Oculomotor
BT EyeParalysis
Oculomotor system
USE EyeMovements
Oculomycoses (May Subd Geog)
UF EyeDiseases, Fungal
EyeFungi [Former heading]
Fungal eye infections
Fungous eye diseases
BT EyeInfections

NT Ocular histoplasmosis
Oculoplastic surgery
USE Ophthalmic plastic surgery
USE Ophthalmic plastic surgery
USE Ocular toxicology
USE Ocular toxicology
Oculovestibular reflex
USE Vestibulo-ocular reflex
USE Aucoumea klaineana
Ocypoda gigantea
USE Cardisoma guanhumi
USE Ghost crabs
Ocypode albicans
USE Atlantic ghost crab
Ocypode arenaria
USE Atlantic ghost crab
Ocypode quadrata
USE Atlantic ghost crab
Ocypodidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Crabs
Decapoda (Crustacea)
NT Fiddler crabs
Ghost crabs
Ocypus (Hemiptera)
USE Coridromius
Oczakov, Battle of, Ochakiv, Ukraine, 1737
USE Ochakov, Battle of, Ochakiv, Ukraine, 1737
USE Bhovis
Od (Punjab tribe)
BT EthnologyIndia
Od Rajput (South Asian people)
USE Oad Rajput (South Asian people)
ODA (Computer network standard)
USE Open Document Architecture (Computer

network standard)
Oda family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Ground beetles
Odacidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Perciformes
Odae Mountain (Korea)
UF Godaizan (Korea)
Gotaizan (Korea)
Mount Odae (Korea)
Odae-san (Korea)
Odaesan (Korea)
BT MountainsKorea (South)
Odae-san (Korea)
USE Odae Mountain (Korea)
Odaesan (Korea)
USE Odae Mountain (Korea)
Odaesan Kungnip Kongwon (Korea)
UF Odaesan National Park (Korea)
BT National parks and reservesKorea (South)
Odaesan National Park (Korea)
USE Odaesan Kungnip Kongwon (Korea)
Odahwah language
USE Ottawa language
O'Daly, Carol (Legendary character)
USE O Dalaigh, Cearbhall (Legendary character)
O'Daly family
USE Daly family
Odam family
USE Odom family
O'dam language
USE Tepehuan language
Odami Indians
USE Tepehuan Indians
Odan B C Iseki (Yonezawa-shi, Japan)
USE Odan B C Site (Yonezawa-shi, Japan)
Odan B C Site (Yonezawa-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Odan B C Iseki (Yonezawa-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
O'Daniel family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Daniels family
O'Dargan family
USE Dorgan family
OData (Computer network protocol)
USE Open Data Protocol

Odate Cave (Takahata-machi, Japan)

This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Odate Dogetsu (Takahata-machi, Japan)

BT CavesJapan
Odate Dogetsu (Takahata-machi, Japan)
USE Odate Cave (Takahata-machi, Japan)
Odate Iseki (Yuza-machi, Japan)
USE Odate Site (Yuza-machi, Japan)
Odate Site (Yuza-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Gosho Baba Iseki (Yuza-machi, Japan)

Odate Iseki (Yuza-machi, Japan)
Otsuki Iseki (Yuza-machi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Odawa Indians
USE Ottawa Indians
Odawa language
USE Ottawa language
Odawara, Battle of, Odawara-shi, Japan, 1590
UF Odawara, Japan, Battle of, 1590 [Former

Odawara-shi (Japan), Battle of, 1590 [Former

BT JapanHistoryAzuchi-Momoyama period,

Odawara, Japan, Battle of, 1590
USE Odawara, Battle of, Odawara-shi, Japan, 1590
Odawara-shi (Japan), Battle of, 1590
USE Odawara, Battle of, Odawara-shi, Japan, 1590
O'Day family
USE O'Dea family
O'Day Post Office Building (Rye, N.Y.)
USE Caroline O'Day Post Office Building (Rye, N.Y.)
ODD (Child psychiatry)
USE Oppositional defiant disorder in children
Odd or even (Game)
USE Morra (Game)
Odd order theorem
USE Feit-Thompson theorem
Odd Thomas (Fictitious character)
USE Thomas, Odd (Fictitious character)
Odd-toed ungulates
USE Perissodactyla
USE Bhovis
Oddaverjar family (Not Subd Geog)
Oddball comedy films
USE Screwball comedy films
USE Bhovis
Odden family (Not Subd Geog)
Oddershede family (Not Subd Geog)
Oddi sphincter
USE Sphincter of Oddi
Oddi's muscle
USE Sphincter of Oddi
Oddi's sphincter
USE Sphincter of Oddi
USE Curiosities and wonders
Oddle family
USE O'Dell family
Oddsstair (Iceland)
UF Oddsstaur (Iceland)
BT FarmsIceland
Oddsstaur (Iceland)
USE Oddsstair (Iceland)
de family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Dea family (Not Subd Geog)
UF O'Day family
RT Day family
Odeio tou Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
Odeio tou Perikleous (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
Odeion (Ephesus)
USE Odeon (Ephesus)
Odeion (Gortyna)
USE Odeum (Gortyna)
Odeion of Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
Odeion of Athens (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
Odeion of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Greece)
Odeion of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
Odekirk family
USE Ouderkerk family


Odel family
USE O'Dell family
Odelia Grey (Fictitious character)
USE Grey, Odelia (Fictitious character)
O'Dell, Maggie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Maggie O'Dell (Fictitious character)
O'Dell family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oadell family
Oddle family
Odel family
Odelle family
Odil family
Odle family
Odell Lake (Or.)
BT LakesOregon
Odelle family
USE O'Dell family
Odem family
USE Odom family
Oden family (Not Subd Geog)
Odenwald, Naturpark Bergstrasse (Germany)
USE Naturpark Bergstrasse-Odenwald (Germany)
Odenwald (Germany)
BT MountainsGermany
Odeo Cornaro (Padua, Italy)
BT Arts facilitiesItaly
Odeon (Ephesus)
UF Bouleuterion (Ephesus)
Odeion (Ephesus)
Odeum (Ephesus)
BT TheatersTurkey
Odeon (Gortyna)
USE Odeum (Gortyna)
Odeon (Sheffield, England)
UF Odeon Sheffield (Sheffield, England)
BT Motion picture theatersEngland
Odeon-Astoria, Brixton (London, England)
USE Carling Academy Brixton (London, England)
Odeon De Spiegel (Zwolle, Netherlands)
USE Theater De Spiegel (Zwolle, Netherlands)
Odeon of Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
UF Agrippa, Odeon of (Athens, Greece)
Agrippeion (Athens, Greece)
Odeio tou Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
Odeion of Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
Odeum of Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
BT TheatersGreece
Odeon of Athens (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Greece)
UF Herodes Atticus, Odeon of (Athens, Greece)
Odeion of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Greece)

[Former heading]
Odeum of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Greece)
BT TheatersGreece
Odeon of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
UF Athens, Odeon of (Athens, Greece)
Odeio tou Perikleous (Athens, Greece)
Odeion of Athens (Athens, Greece)
Odeon of Athens (Athens, Greece)
Odeion of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
Odeum of Athens (Athens, Greece)
Odeum of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
Pericles, Odeon of (Athens, Greece)
BT TheatersGreece
Odeon Sheffield (Sheffield, England)
USE Odeon (Sheffield, England)
Oder-Neisse Line (Germany and Poland)
BT GermanyBoundariesPoland
Neisse River
Oder River
World War, 1939-1945Territorial

World War, 1939-1945Territorial

NT Western and Northern Territories (Poland)
Oder River
UF Odra River
BT RiversCzech Republic
NT Oder-Neisse Line (Germany and Poland)
Oder River Estuary (Germany and Poland)
BT EstuariesGermany
Oder River Valley
UF Oder Valley
BT ValleysCzech Republic

Oder River Valley (Continued)

Oder River Watershed
BT WatershedsCzech Republic
Oder Valley
USE Oder River Valley
Oderhaff (Poland and Germany)
USE Szczecin Lagoon (Poland and Germany)
Oderiga language
USE Cross River Mbembe language
Oderkirk family
USE Ouderkerk family
[PN1371 (History: general)]
[PN6110.O4 (Collections: general)]
[PR509.O3 (English)]
[PR1195.O3 (English)]
BT Lyric poetry
Odes, American (May Subd Geog)
UF American odes
BT American poetry
Odes, Australian (May Subd Geog)
UF Australian odes
BT Australian poetry
Odes, Bengali (May Subd Geog)
UF Bengali odes
BT Bengali poetry
Odes, English (May Subd Geog)
UF English odes
BT English poetry
Odes, French (May Subd Geog)
UF French odes
BT French poetry
Odes, German (May Subd Geog)
UF German odes
BT German poetry
Odes, Greek (May Subd Geog)
UF Greek odes
BT Greek poetry
Odes, Italian (May Subd Geog)
UF Italian odes
BT Italian poetry
Odes, Latin (May Subd Geog)
UF Latin odes
BT Latin poetry
Odes, Latin (Medieval and modern) (May Subd Geog)
UF Latin odes, Medieval and modern
BT Latin poetry, Medieval and modern
Odes, Malayalam (May Subd Geog)
UF Malayalam odes
BT Malayalam poetry
Odes, Polish (May Subd Geog)
UF Polish odes
BT Polish poetry
Odes, Russian (May Subd Geog)
UF Russian odes
BT Russian poetry
Odes, Spanish (May Subd Geog)
UF Spanish odes
BT Spanish poetry
Odes (Insects)
USE Odonata
Odesa (Ukraine), Battle of, 1941
USE Odessa, Battle of, Odesa, Ukraine, 1941
Odesa (Ukraine), Battle of, 1944
USE Odessa, Battle of, Odesa, Ukraine, 1944
Odesa Bay (Ukraine)
UF Odessa Bay (Ukraine) [Former heading]
Odessa Gulf (Ukraine)
Odesskii zaliv (Ukraine)
BT BaysUkraine
Odescalchi Castle (Bracciano, Italy)
USE Castello Orsini Odescalchi (Bracciano, Italy)
Odescalchi family (Not Subd Geog)
Odescalchi Palazzo (Bassano Romano, Italy)
USE Villa Giustiniani-Odescalchi (Bassano Romano,

Odessa, Battle of, 1941
USE Odessa, Battle of, Odesa, Ukraine, 1941
Odessa, Battle of, 1944
USE Odessa, Battle of, Odesa, Ukraine, 1944
Odessa, Battle of, Odesa, Ukraine, 1941
UF Odesa (Ukraine), Battle of, 1941 [Former

Odessa, Battle of, 1941 [Former heading]
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsUkraine

Odessa, Battle of, Odesa, Ukraine, 1944

UF Odesa (Ukraine), Battle of, 1944 [Former

Odessa, Battle of, 1944 [Former heading]
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsUkraine
Odessa Bay (Ukraine)
USE Odesa Bay (Ukraine)
Odessa Gulf (Ukraine)
USE Odesa Bay (Ukraine)
Odesskii zaliv (Ukraine)
USE Odesa Bay (Ukraine)
Odeum (Ephesus)
USE Odeon (Ephesus)
Odeum (Gortyna)
UF Odeion (Gortyna)
Odeon (Gortyna)
BT TheatersGreece
Odeum of Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Agrippa (Athens, Greece)
Odeum of Athens (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
Odeum of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Greece)
Odeum of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
USE Odeon of Pericles (Athens, Greece)
USE Bhovis
Odhiambo, James (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Chief Inspector James Odhiambo (Fictitious

Chief Inspector Odhiambo (Fictitious character)
James Odhiambo (Fictitious character)
Odhos Piraios (Athens, Greece)
USE Hodos Peiraios (Athens, Greece)
Odhs (South Asian people)
USE Oad Rajput (South Asian people)
USE Bhovis
Odian family
USE Oldham family
Odiham Castle (North Warnborough, England)
BT CastlesEngland
Odil family
USE O'Dell family
Odilienberg (France)
USE Sainte-Odile, Mount (France)
Odin (Norse deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Othin (Norse deity)
BT Gods, Norse
USE Lannea
Odinia (May Subd Geog)
BT Odiniidae
USE Odiniidae
Odiniidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Odinidae
BT Diptera
NT Odinia
Odionganon language
USE Banton language
Odiorne Point (N.H.)
USE Odiornes Point (N.H.)
Odiorne Point State Park (N.H.)
BT ParksNew Hampshire
Odiornes Point (N.H.)
UF Odiorne Point (N.H.)
BT Capes (Coasts)New Hampshire
Odisi dance
USE Odissi dance
Odissi dance (May Subd Geog)
UF Odisi dance
Orissi dance
BT Dance
Odjibway Indians
USE Ojibwa Indians
Odjibway language
USE Ojibwa language
Odland family
USE Aadland family
Odle family
USE O'Dell family
Odo (Cult) (May Subd Geog)
UF Odo Masque (Cult)
Odo Masquerade (Cult)
BT CultsNigeria


Odo (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)

Odo Masque (Cult)
USE Odo (Cult)
Odo Masquerade (Cult)
USE Odo (Cult)
Odo pottery (May Subd Geog)
UF Pottery, Odo
BT Pottery, Japanese
RT Nosayama pottery
Odoard family (Not Subd Geog)
Odobenidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.P62 (Zoology)]
BT Pinnipedia
NT Odobenus
Odobenus (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.P62 (Zoology)]
BT Odobenidae
NT Walrus
Odobenus arcticus
USE Walrus
Odobenus cookii
USE Walrus
Odobenus divergens
USE Walrus
Odobenus obesus
USE Walrus
Odobenus orientalis
USE Walrus
Odobenus rosmarus
USE Walrus
Odocoileus (May Subd Geog)
BT Cervidae
NT Mule deer
White-tailed deer
Odocoileus columbianus
USE Mule deer
Odocoileus hemionus
USE Mule deer
Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis
USE Mule deer
Odocoileus virginianus
USE White-tailed deer
Ododei language
USE Odoodee language
O'Doherty family
USE Dougherty family
Odom family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Odam family
Odem family
Odum family
RT Oldham family
Odomankoma (Akan deity)
USE Onyame (Akan deity)
Odomari Harbor (Russia)
USE Korsakov Harbor (Russia)
O'Dome (Gainesville, Fla.)
USE Stephen C. O'Connell Student Activities Center

(Gainesville, Fla.)
Odometers (May Subd Geog)
UF AutomobilesOdometers [Former heading]
BT DistancesMeasurementEquipment and

RT Speedometers
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
O'Domhnaill family
USE O'Donnell family
Odonata (May Subd Geog)
UF Libelluloidea
Odes (Insects)
BT Insects
NT Aeshnidae
Larvae (May Subd Geog)
NT Naiads (Insects)

Odonata, Fossil (May Subd Geog)

BT Insects, Fossil
NT Dragonflies, Fossil
USE Odonata
Odonatology (May Subd Geog)
BT Entomology
O'Donill family
USE O'Donnell family
O'Donnagain family
USE Donegan family
O'Donnell, Peter, 1920-2010
Modesty Blaise
O'Donnell, Maureen (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Maureen O'Donnell (Fictitious character)
O'Donnell family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Domhnaill family
Donals family
Donell family
Donnal family
Donnel family
Donnell family
Donnels family
O'Domhnaill family
O'Donill family
O'Donnoghue family
USE Donahue family
O'Donoghue family
USE Donahue family
O'Donohue family
USE Donahue family
O'Donovan family
USE Donovan family
USE Toothache
USE Odontaspididae
Odontaspididae (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.95.O3 (Zoology)]
UF Carchariidae
Sand tiger sharks
Sand tigers
BT Lamniformes
NT Carcharias
Odontaspis (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.95.O3 (Zoology)]
BT Odontaspididae
NT Odontaspis Kamoharai
Odontaspis americanus
USE Sand tiger shark
Odontaspis cinerea
USE Sand tiger shark
Odontaspis ferox
USE Sand tiger shark
Odontaspis Kamoharai (May Subd Geog)
BT Odontaspis
Odontaspis platensis
USE Sand tiger shark
Odontaspis taurus
USE Sand tiger shark
Odontesthes (May Subd Geog)
UF Odonthestes [Former heading]
BT Silversides
RT Pejerrey fishing
NT Odontesthes bonariensis
Odontesthes regia
Odontesthes bonariensis (May Subd Geog)
UF Basilichthys bonariensis
Odonthestes bonariensis [Former heading]
BT Odontesthes
Odontesthes regia (May Subd Geog)
UF Austromenidia regia
Odonthestes regia [Former heading]
BT Odontesthes
USE Odontesthes
Odonthestes bonariensis
USE Odontesthes bonariensis
Odonthestes regia
USE Odontesthes regia

Odontites (May Subd Geog)

BT Scrophulariaceae
Odontobuthus (May Subd Geog)
[QL458.72.B8 (Zoology)]
BT Buthidae
NT Odontobuthus brevidigitus
Odontobuthus brevidigitus (May Subd Geog)
[QL458.72.B8 (Zoology)]
BT Odontobuthus
Odontobutidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.O23 (Zoology)]
BT Perciformes
NT Perccottus
Odontoceridae (May Subd Geog)
[QL518.O4 (Zoology)]
UF Mortarjoint casemaker caddisflies
BT Caddisflies
NT Psilotreta
USE Odontoceridae
USE Toothed whales
USE Toothed whales
Odontogadus merlangus
USE Whiting (Fish)
Odontogenesis imperfecta
USE Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Odontogenic cysts (May Subd Geog)
BT JawsCysts
NT Dentigerous cyst
Radicular cyst
Odontogenic tumors
BT JawsTumors
Odontogeton (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxyuridae
NT Odontogeton phacochoeri
Odontogeton phacochoeri (May Subd Geog)
BT Odontogeton
Odontoglossum (May Subd Geog)
BT Orchids
NT Odontoglossum subcruciforme
Odontoglossum subcruciforme (May Subd Geog)
BT Odontoglossum
BT Gearing
USE Teeth
USE Dentistry
Odontophoridae (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.G259 (Zoology)]
UF New World quails
BT Galliformes
NT Bobwhites
Wood partridges
Wood quails
USE Wood quails
Odontophorus gujanensis
USE Marbled wood quail
Odontostilbe (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.C5 (Zoology)]
BT Characidae
Odontostilbe yatai
USE Heterocheirodon yatai
Odontota (May Subd Geog)
[QL596.C5 (Zoology)]
BT Chrysomelidae
NT Locust leafminer
Odontota dorsalis
USE Locust leafminer
Odontotermes (May Subd Geog)
BT Termitidae
NT Odontotermes feae
Odontotermes magdalenae


Odontotermes feae (May Subd Geog)

[QL529.3.T4 (Zoology)]
UF Odontotermes indicus
BT Odontotermes
Odontotermes indicus
USE Odontotermes feae
Odontotermes magdalenae (May Subd Geog)
BT Odontotermes
Odoodee language (May Subd Geog)
UF Kalamo language
Nomad language (Odoodee)
Ododei language
Tomu language (Odoodee)
Tomu River language
BT Papua New GuineaLanguages
Papuan languages
Odor control (May Subd Geog)
UF OdorsControl
BT AirPollution
NT Animal housingOdor control
Cat litter boxesOdor control
Chemical plantsOdor control
Dairy barnsOdor control
Farm manure, LiquidOdor control
Fish handlingOdor control
Fishery processing industriesOdor control
LivestockHousingOdor control
Paper millsOdor control
Pulp millsOdor control
Sewage disposal plantsOdor control
SewerageOdor control
WaterPurificationTaste and odor control
Odor effects in theaters
USE TheatersOlfactory effects
Odor receptor genes
USE Olfactory receptor genes
Odor receptor proteins
USE Olfactory receptors
Odor receptors
USE Olfactory receptors
Odor sensors
USE Olfactory sensors
Odorant receptors
USE Olfactory receptors
Odori (Sapporo-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsJapan
Odori-dori (Japan)
USE Odorido (Japan)
Odorido (Japan)
UF Odori-dori (Japan)
BT RoadsJapan
Odorizing of gas
USE GasOdorizing
Odors (May Subd Geog)
UF Aromas
BT AirPollution
SA subdivisions Odor and Effect of odors on under

individual animals and groups of animals,

e.g. Fishes--Odor; Fishes--Effect of odors on

NT Alcoholic beveragesFlavor and odor
BeerFlavor and odor
Body odor
ButterFlavor and odor
Dairy productsFlavor and odor
FeedsFlavor and odor
FruitFlavor and odor
Fruit juicesFlavor and odor
GelatinFlavor and odor
Glands, Odoriferous
LiquorsFlavor and odor
MilkFlavor and odor
Odor control
Oils and fatsFlavor and odor
Orange juiceFlavor and odor
Precooked meatFlavor and odor

Odors (Continued)
Reconstituted milkFlavor and odor
SeafoodFlavor and odor
Stench fire-warning system in mines
VegetablesFlavor and odor
WineFlavor and odor
USE Odor control
Odors and language
USE Language and smell
Odors as a marketing device
USE Scent as a marketing device
Odors in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Odors in the Bible
[BS680.O34 (General)]
[BS1199.O36 (Old Testament)]
UF Fragrances in the Bible
Odos Castle (Odos, France)
USE Chateau d'Odos (Odos, France)
USE Mahonia
O'Dowd family
USE Dowd family
O'Dowda family
USE Dowd family
ODR (Online dispute resolution)
USE Online dispute resolution
ODRA computer (Not Subd Geog)
BT Electronic digital computers
Programming (May Subd Geog)
Odra River
USE Oder River
Odri (Indic people)
USE Oriya (Indic people)
O'Drisceoil family
USE Driscoll family
O'Driscoll family
USE Driscoll family
Odrowaz family (Not Subd Geog)
Odrum (Indic people)
USE Oriya (Indic people)
ODS (Information retrieval system)
USE United Nations Optical Disk System

(Information retrieval system)

ODs (Optometry)
USE Optometrists
ODS mitigation
USE Ozone-depleting substance mitigation
Odsal Stadium (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England)
UF Grattan Stadium (Bradford, West Yorkshire,

Provident Stadium (Bradford, West Yorkshire,

BT StadiumsEngland
Odschi language
USE Twi language
Odt family
USE Ott family
Odu Sangsong (Paju-gun, Korea)
BT FortificationKorea (South)
Odual language (May Subd Geog)
UF Saka language (Nigeria)
BT Abua-Ogbia languages
Odual language (Congo)
USE Sakata language
O'Dubhda family
USE Dowd family
O'Duire family
USE Dwyer family
Odum family
USE Odom family
Odumbara (Indic people)
USE Audumbara (Indic people)
O'Dwyer family
USE Dwyer family
Odysseus (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ulixes (Greek mythology)
Ulysses (Greek mythology)
BT Mythology, Greek
Odysseus (Greek mythology) in literature
(Not Subd Geog)
Odyssey (Dune buggy) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Honda Odyssey (Dune buggy)
BT Dune buggies
Honda automobile
Odyssey Dawn, Operation, 2011
USE Operation Odyssey Dawn, 2011
Odyssey van (Not Subd Geog)
UF Honda Odyssey van

BT Honda vans
Odzala National Park (Congo)
USE Parc national d'Odzala (Congo)
Oe, Mount (Kyoto, Japan)
USE Oe Mountain (Kyoto, Japan)
Oe family (Not Subd Geog)
Oe Kita Iseki (Setaka-machi, Japan)
USE Oe Kita Site (Setaka-machi, Japan)
Oe Kita Site (Setaka-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oe Kita Iseki (Setaka-machi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oe Mountain (Kyoto, Japan)
UF Oe, Mount (Kyoto, Japan)
Oe-yama (Kyoto, Japan)
Oeyama (Kyoto, Japan)
Senjogadake (Kyoto, Japan)
BT MountainsJapan
Oe-yama (Kyoto, Japan)
USE Oe Mountain (Kyoto, Japan)
USE Tree crickets
USE Tree crickets
OECD Compatible Trade and Production Data Base
USE COMTAP (Information retrieval system)
OECD countries
Here are entered works on the member countries
of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development. Works on the OECD as an
international body are entered under Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development.

UF OECD member countries

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development countries
OECD member countries
USE OECD countries
Oecetis (May Subd Geog)
[QL518.L48 (Zoology)]
BT Leptoceridae
Oecobiidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Spiders
USE Ecology
Oecophoridae (May Subd Geog)
UF Aecophoridae
BT Lepidoptera
NT Agonopteryx
Oecophthora perniciosa
USE Pheidole megacephala
Oecophthora pusilla
USE Pheidole megacephala
Oecumenical councils and synods
USE Councils and synods, Ecumenical
Oecumenical movement
USE Ecumenical movement
Oedaleus (May Subd Geog)
BT Grasshoppers
NT Oedaleus senegalensis
Oedaleus senegalensis (May Subd Geog)
UF Senegalese grasshopper
BT Oedaleus
Oedanes River
USE Brahmaputra River
USE Edema
Oedemeridae (May Subd Geog)
BT Beetles
NT Vasaces
Oedenburg Site (Haut-Rhin, France)
BT FranceAntiquities


Oedheim Castle (Oedheim, Germany)

USE Bautzen-Schloss Oedheim (Oedheim,

Oedheimer Schloss (Oedheim, Germany)
USE Bautzen-Schloss Oedheim (Oedheim,

Oedionychis (May Subd Geog)
BT Chrysomelidae
Oedipoda (May Subd Geog)
BT Grasshoppers
USE Saguinus
Oedipus (Amphibians)
USE Bolitoglossa
Oedipus (Tale) (May Subd Geog)
BT Tales
Oedipus (Tale) in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oedipus (Tale) in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Oedipus complex
UF Edipus complex
BT Complexes (Psychology)
RT Electra complex
BT Mothers and sons
Parent and child
Psychology, Pathological
Sex (Psychology)
Oedipus complex in art (Not Subd Geog)
Oedipus complex in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oedipus complex in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Oedogoniaceae (May Subd Geog)
BT Oedogoniales
NT Oedogonium
Oedogoniales (May Subd Geog)
BT Green algae
NT Oedogoniaceae
Oedogonium (May Subd Geog)
BT Oedogoniaceae
OEF, 2001- (Operation Enduring Freedom)
USE Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001Oegopsida
USE Squids
USE Squids
Oehler family (Not Subd Geog)
Oehlke family
USE Oelke family
Oehoendoeni (Indonesian people)
USE Uhunduni (Indonesian people)
Oehserchestes (May Subd Geog)
BT Oehserchestidae
Oehserchestidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Hybalicidae
NT Oehserchestes
Oelgart family
USE llgaard family
Oelke family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oehlke family
Oelknitz Site (Germany)
BT GermanyAntiquities
Oelmicker family
USE Ellmaker family
Oelschlager family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oelschlegel family
Oelschlegel family
USE Oelschlager family
Oelsner family
USE Elsner family
Oelwes family
USE Alves family
Oema language
USE Uma language
Oen family (Not Subd Geog)
Oenanthe (Birds)
USE Wheatears
Oenanthe oenanthe
USE Northern wheatear
nectria pilleriana
USE Sparganothis pilleriana
Oengus (Celtic deity)
USE Aengus (Celtic deity)

Oengus Mac Oc (Celtic deity)

USE Aengus (Celtic deity)
Oeniadae (Extinct city)
USE Oiniadai (Extinct city)
Oenoanda (Extinct city)
USE Oinoanda (Extinct city)
Oenocarpus (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.P17 (Botany)]
BT Palms
Oenocarpus bataua
USE Jessenia bataua
Oenochoes (May Subd Geog)
UF Oinochoai
BT Pottery, Greek
Oenochoes in art (Not Subd Geog)
USE Geometridae
USE Geometridae
Oenock Indians
USE Eno Indians
USE Enocyanin
USE Wine and wine making
Oenomaus (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Mythology, Greek
Oenone (Greek deity) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Nymphs (Greek deities)
USE Tineidae
nophthira pilleriana
USE Sparganothis pilleriana
Oenosandridae (May Subd Geog)
UF Snub moths
BT Lepidoptera
Oenothera (May Subd Geog)
UF Anogra
BT Onagraceae
NT Oenothera lamarkiana
Oenothera biennis
USE Evening primrose
Oenothera coloradensis neomexicana
USE Gaura neomexicana
Oenothera lamarkiana (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O46 (Botany)]
BT Oenothera
Oenothera muricata
USE Evening primrose
Oenothera whitneyi
USE Clarkia amoenia
USE Onagraceae
USE WineTherapeutic use
Oenotri (Italic people)
USE Enotri (Italic people)
USE Oecophoridae
Oeringoep language
USE Western Dani language
Oertel family (Not Subd Geog)
Oerter family
USE Arthur family
Oerther family
USE Arthur family
Oertley family
USE Oertli family
Ortley family
Oertli family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oertley family
Oertly family
Oertly family
USE Oertli family
Oertzen family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Von Oertzen family
Oesau family (Not Subd Geog)
Oescus (Extinct city)
UF Ulpia Oescus (Extinct city)
Ulpiia Eskus (Extinct city)
BT BulgariaAntiquities
Extinct citiesBulgaria
Oescus River (Bulgaria)
USE Iskur River (Bulgaria)
Oesel Island (Estonia)
USE Saaremaa Island (Estonia)
Oesling (Luxembourg)
UF Luxembourg, Northern
Nordregion (Luxembourg)

USE Esophagus
Oester Bay (R.I. and Conn.)
USE Little Narragansett Bay (R.I. and Conn.)
Oesterlen family
USE Easterling family
Oesterlin family
USE Easterling family
Oesterling family
USE Easterling family
Oesterly family
USE Easterling family
Oesterreicher family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Estradiol
Oestradiol monobenzoate
USE Estradiol benzoate
Oestrelata externa
USE Juan Fernandez petrel
Oestridae (May Subd Geog)
UF Hypodermatidae
BT Botflies
NT Oestrus (Insect)
USE Estrogen
USE Botflies
USE Estrone
USE Estrus
USE Estrus
Oestrus (Insect) (May Subd Geog)
BT Oestridae
NT Sheep botfly
Oestrus ovis
USE Sheep botfly
Oeta, Mount (Greece)
USE Oiti, Mount (Greece)
Oetinger family
USE Oettingen family
Oetting family
USE Oettingen family
Oettingen family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oetinger family
Oetting family
Oettinger family
Oettinger family
USE Oettingen family
Oetzel family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oezel family
Oetzi (Ice mummy)
USE Otzi (Ice mummy)
Oetztal Alps (Austria and Italy)
USE Otztal Alps (Austria and Italy)
Oever family
USE Vanover family
Oeyama (Kyoto, Japan)
USE Oe Mountain (Kyoto, Japan)
Oezel family
USE Oetzel family
Of (The English word)
BT English languageEtymology
"Of counsel" relationships (Practice of law)
(May Subd Geog)
BT Practice of law
Ofaie Indians
USE Opaye Indians
Ofaie-Xavante Indians
USE Opaye Indians
Ofakim hadashim (Group of artists)
UF New Horizons (Group of artists)
RT Art, Israeli
O'Fallon family
USE Fallon family
Ofanto River (Italy)
UF Fiume Ofanto (Italy)
BT RiversItaly
Ofanto River Valley (Italy)
UF Valle dell'Ofanto (Italy)
BT ValleysItaly
Ofaye Indians
USE Opaye Indians
OFDM (Telecommunication)
USE Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
Ofe Island (Tonga)
USE Ofu Island (Tonga)


Ofe River (Benin)

USE Oueme River (Benin)
Ofel (Jerusalem)
USE Ophel (Jerusalem)
OFETs (Transistors)
USE Organic field-effect transistors
Off balance sheet financing (May Subd Geog)
BT Business enterprisesFinance
Off-Broadway theater (Not Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on regular productions at
New York City theaters usually having fewer than 300
seats and located outside the main Broadway theater
district. Works on experimental or showcase
performances at small theaters, lofts, churches and
changeable locations in the New York City area
generally produced at wage scales below those
normally prescribed by theatrical unions are entered
under Off Off-Broadway theater.

BT TheaterNew York (State)

Off-budget government entities (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on government-chartered
entities whose financial transactions do not appear in
official budgets and are not subject to debt or
spending limitations.

BT Administrative agencies
Government business enterprises
Off-campus services of academic libraries
USE Academic librariesOff-campus services
Off-design performance of pumps
USE Pumping machineryPerformance
Off family
USE Eoff family
Off-gassing (Low pressure environments)
USE Outgassing (Low pressure environments)
Off-highway motorcycle trails
USE Trail bike trails
Off-highway motorcycles
USE Trail bikes
Off-highway vehicles
USE Off-road vehicles
Off-limits areas
USE Travel restrictions
Off Off-Broadway theater (Not Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on experimental or
showcase performances at small theaters, lofts,
churches and changeable locations in the New York
City area generally produced at wage scales below
those normally prescribed by theatrical unions. Works
on regular productions at New York City theaters
usually having fewer than 300 seats and located
outside the main Broadway theater district are
entered under Off-Broadway theater.

BT TheaterNew York (State)

Off-reservation boarding schools (May Subd Geog)
UF Indian residential schools
Non-reservation boarding schools
Non-reservation schools
Off-reservation Indian boarding schools
Off-reservation Indian schools
Off-the-reservation boarding schools
Residential schools, Indian
BT Boarding schools
RT Indians of North AmericaEducation
Off-reservation casinos (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on gambling enterprises
owned by Indian tribes, but located off Indian

UF Indian gaming
BT Casinos
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Off-reservation Indian boarding schools
USE Off-reservation boarding schools
Off-reservation Indian schools
USE Off-reservation boarding schools
Off-reservation Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Non-reservation Indians
BT Indians of North America
Off-road bicycles
USE Mountain bikes
Off-road bicycling
USE Mountain biking
Off-road bikes
USE Mountain bikes
Off-road bikes (Motorcycles)
USE Trail bikes
Off-road biking
USE Mountain biking
Off-road boarders
USE Dirtboarders
Off-road cycling
USE Mountain biking

Off-road motorcycles
USE Trail bikes
Off-road operation of automobiles
USE AutomobilesOff-road operation
Off-road racing (May Subd Geog)
UF Off-road vehicle racing
BT Motorsports
NT Motocross
Snowmobile racing
Off-road vehicle racing
USE Off-road racing
Off-road vehicle trails (May Subd Geog)
UF ORV trails
BT Trails
NT All terrain vehicle trails
Snowmobile trails
Trail bike trails
NT Spider Lake RMV Trails (Minn.)
NT James V. Hansen Shoshone National Trail

Off-road vehicles (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on any motor vehicle with
features to support travel away from conventional

UF Off-highway vehicles
Off-the-road vehicles
Offroad vehicles
ORVs (Off road vehicles)
BT Motor vehicles
RT Four-wheel drive vehicles
NT All terrain vehicles
AnimalsEffect of off-road vehicles on
Dune buggies
PlantsEffect of off-road vehicles on
Sport utility vehicles
Trail bikes
Tundra vehicles
Off-shore sailing
USE Offshore sailing
Off-shore whaling
USE Offshore whaling
USE Offshore outsourcing
Off-site storage of library materials
USE Library storage centers
Off stage action (Drama)
USE Offstage action (Drama)
Off-the-peg clothing
USE Ready-to-wear clothing
Off-the-rack clothing
USE Ready-to-wear clothing
Off-the-record communications (Law)
USE Ex parte communications
Off-the-reservation boarding schools
USE Off-reservation boarding schools
Off-the-road vehicles
USE Off-road vehicles
Off-track betting
USE Horse racingBetting
Off-tracking (Motor vehicle steering) (May Subd Geog)
UF Cheating (Motor vehicle steering)
Offtracking (Motor vehicle steering)
BT Motor vehicle drivingSteering
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Variety meats)
Offal (Meat)
USE Variety meats
Offa's Dyke (Wales and England)
BT Dikes (Engineering)England
Dikes (Engineering)Wales
Offem (Netherlands)
BT ManorsNetherlands
Offenbach Dollhouse
USE Orville Dollhouse
Offenbacher Puppenhaus
USE Orville Dollhouse
Offender-Based State Corrections Information System
USE OBSCIS (Information retrieval system)
Offender profilers
USE Criminal profilers
Offender profiling
USE Criminal behavior, Prediction of
USE Criminals

Offenders, Chronic
USE Recidivists
Offenders, Female
USE Female offenders
Offenders, Habitual
USE Recidivists
Offenders, Juvenile
USE Juvenile delinquents
Offenders, Mentally ill
USE Mentally ill offenders
Offenders, Older
USE Older offenders
Offenders, Repeat
USE Recidivists
Offenders, Serial
USE Recidivists
Offenders, Sex
USE Sex offenders
Offenders, Youthful
USE Juvenile delinquents
Offenders with mental disabilities (May Subd Geog)
UF Mentally handicapped offenders [Former

BT Criminals
People with mental disabilities
Offenhauser engines (Not Subd Geog)
BT Automobiles, RacingMotors
Spark ignition engines
Offense (Baseball)
USE BaseballOffense
Offense (Basketball)
USE BasketballOffense
Offense (Football)
USE FootballOffense
Offense (Hockey)
USE HockeyOffense
Offense (Oriental hand-to-hand fighting)
USE Hand-to-hand fighting, OrientalOffense
Offense (Soccer)
USE SoccerOffense
Offensend family (Not Subd Geog)
Offenses, Compound
USE Compound offenses
Offenses, Environmental
USE Offenses against the environment
Offenses, Military
USE Military offenses
Offenses, Naval
USE Naval offenses
Offenses, Political
USE Political crimes and offenses
Offenses, Pollution
USE Offenses against the environment
Offenses, Religious
USE Offenses against religion
Offenses, Repeat
USE Recidivism
Offenses affecting the public trade
USE Commercial crimes
Offenses against foreign heads of state
(May Subd Geog)
UF Crimes against foreign heads of state
Foreign heads of state, Crimes against
Foreign heads of state, Offenses against
BT Heads of state
Political crimes and offenses
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Personality (Law)
Offenses against heads of state (May Subd Geog)
UF Crimes against heads of state
BT Heads of state
Political crimes and offenses
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Personality (Law)
Offenses against persons
USE Offenses against the person
Offenses against property (May Subd Geog)
UF Crimes against property
BT Crime
NT Arson
Forcible entry and detainer
Malicious mischief


Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)

BT Criminal law
Offenses against property (Islamic law)
(May Subd Geog)
BT Islamic law
Offenses against public morality
USE Crimes without victims
Offenses against public safety (May Subd Geog)
UF Crimes against public safety
BT Crime
Public safety
NT Bombings
Crimes aboard aircraft
Crimes aboard buses
Local transit crime
Traffic violations
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Safety regulations
Offenses against religion (May Subd Geog)
UF Crimes against religion
Offenses, Religious
Religious crimes
Religious offenses
BT Crime
NT Apostasy
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Religious law and legislation
Offenses against religion (Canon law)
BT Canon law
Offenses against religion (Roman law)
BT Roman law
Offenses against socialist property (May Subd Geog)
UF Crimes against socialist property
BT Crime
Socialist property
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Offenses against the environment (May Subd Geog)
[HV6401-HV6405 (Criminology)]
UF Crimes against the environment
Environmental crimes
Environmental offenses
Offenses, Environmental
Offenses, Pollution
Pollution crimes
Pollution offenses
BT Crime
Environmental sciences
NT Trials (Offenses against the environment)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Environmental law
Offenses against the person (May Subd Geog)
UF Abuse of persons
Crimes against persons
Crimes against the person
Offenses against persons
BT Crime
SA subdivision Abuse of under classes of persons,

and subdivision Crimes against under

classes of persons and ethnic groups

NT Assault and battery
False imprisonment
Marital violence
Organ trafficking
Psychological abuse
Ritual abuse
Same-sex partner abuse
Trials (Offenses against the person)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Personality (Law)
SA subdivision Crimes against--Law and

legislation under classes of persons and

ethnic groups
NT Exposure (Criminal law)
Offenses against the person (Islamic law)
(May Subd Geog)
BT Islamic law
Offenses in the Bible
[BS2545.O42 (New Testament)]
Offensive (Military science)
UF Attack and defense (Military science) [Former

Offensive (Military strategy) [Former heading]
BT Military art and science
Offensive (Military strategy)
USE Offensive (Military science)
Offensive (Oriental hand-to-hand fighting)
USE Hand-to-hand fighting, OrientalOffense
Offensive backs (Football)
USE Running backs (Football)
Offensive baseball
USE BaseballOffense
Offensive basketball
USE BasketballOffense
Offensive breath
USE Bad breath
Offensive football
USE FootballOffense
Offensive hockey
USE HockeyOffense
Offensive soccer
USE SoccerOffense
Offer and acceptance (May Subd Geog)
UF Acceptance (Contracts)
BT Contracts
NT Option (Contract)
Right of first refusal
Offer and acceptance (Jewish law)
BT Jewish law
Offer family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orfeuere family
Orfeur family
Orfeure family
Orfevre family
Orfres family
Offer to purchase (Securities)
USE Tender offers (Securities)
Offer Wadham Island (N.L.)
UF Offer Wadham Island (Nfld.) [Former heading]
BT IslandsNewfoundland and Labrador
Offer Wadham Island (Nfld.)
USE Offer Wadham Island (N.L.)
Offering boxes (Fund raising equipment)
USE Collection boxes (Fund raising equipment)
Offering to pretas (Buddhist rite) (May Subd Geog)
UF Oblation to pretas (Buddhist rite)
BT BuddhismRituals
Pretas (Buddhism)
Offerings, Votive
USE Votive offerings
Offermann family (Not Subd Geog)
Offers, Job
USE Job offers
Here, without subdivision, are entered works on
the place of the offertory in the Mass of the Catholic
Church; also general works of an inclusive nature.

UF Offertory
NT Great entrance
Anglican Communion, [Lutheran Church, etc.]
Orthodox Eastern Church
NT Great entrance
Offertories (Music)
BT Propers (Music)
Sacred vocal music
USE Offertories
Offertory boxes (Fund raising equipment)
USE Collection boxes (Fund raising equipment)
Offgassing (Low pressure environments)
USE Outgassing (Low pressure environments)
Office, Applications for
USE Applications for office
Office, Appointment to
USE subdivision Officials and employees--Selection

and appointment under names of countries,

cities, etc. and names of individual

government agencies; and subdivision

Selection and appointment under types of

Office, Chains of
USE Chains of office

Office, Divine
USE Divine office
Office, Ecclesiastical
USE ClergyOffice
Office, Nominations for
USE Nominations for office
Office, Qualifications for
USE Nominations for office
Office, Rabbinical
USE RabbisOffice
Office, Resignation from
USE subdivision Resignation from office under

names of individual persons

Office accidents (May Subd Geog)
BT Accidents
Office administration
USE Office management
Office automation
USE Office practiceAutomation
Office buildings (May Subd Geog)
[HD1393.55-HD1393.58 (Land use)]
[NA6230-NA6234 (Architecture)]
UF Buildings, Office
Office space
BT Commercial buildings
Industrial buildings
NT Condominium office buildings
Employees' buildings and facilities
Newspaper buildings
Real estate management
Real estate office buildings
USE AdvertisingOffice buildings
Conservation and restoration (May Subd Geog)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Lighting (May Subd Geog)
UF Office lighting
Live loads (May Subd Geog)
BT Live loads
Structural dynamics
Reconstruction (May Subd Geog)
UF Reconstruction of office buildings
Remodeling for other use (May Subd Geog)
Tenant satisfaction (May Subd Geog)
UF Office tenant satisfaction
Tenant satisfaction with offices
BT Satisfaction
Alabama (Not Subd Geog)
NT Richards DAR House (Mobile, Ala.)
NT Gibson Block (Edmonton, Alta.)
Lougheed Building (Calgary, Alta.)
NT Hafengebaude Rohner (Fussach, Austria)
Ringturm (Vienna, Austria)
Schloss Premstatten (Austria)
T-Center Sankt Marx (Vienna, Austria)
UNIQA Tower (Vienna, Austria)
NT 130 Bush Street (San Francisco, Calif.)
Getty Center (Los Angeles, Calif.)
PS Building (Culver City, Calif.)
NT Zhongguo guo ji mao yi zhong xin (Beijing,

NT Edificio Francisco Camacho (Bogota,

NT Denver Federal Center (Lakewood, Colo.)
Tabor Block (Denver, Colo.)
NT Huize Belvedere (Willemstad, Curacao)
NT 1-2 Montague Place (London, England)
4 Cowley Street (London, England)
9-10 Stock Orchard Street (London,

30 Saint Mary Axe (London, England)
48 Pall Mall (London, England)
66 Portland Place (London, England)
Boone's Chapel (London, England)
Centre Point (London, England)
Cunard Building (Liverpool, England)
Donington Hall (England)
Downside Mill (England)
Eagle House (London, England)
Electric Works (Sheffield, England)


Government Offices Great George Street

(London, England)
Greater London House (London, England)
Local Government House (London,

Mere, The (Slough, London, England)
Old Hall (West Auckland, England)
Portcullis House (London, England)
Renault Centre (England)
Rotunda (Birmingham, England)
Somerset House (London, England)
Swakeleys House (Ickenham, England)
Trinity House (Hull, England)
Wellcome Building (London, England)
NT W.A. Blount Building (Pensacola, Fla.)
W.S. Payne Medical Arts Building

(Pensacola, Fla.)
NT Centre-bus RATP de Thiais (Thiais,

Etik (Boulogne-Billancourt, France)
Tour Hines (Paris, France)
Yris (Saint-Herblain, France)
NT Alexanderhaus (Berlin, Germany)
Bayer-Konzernzentrale (Leverkusen,

Chilehaus (Hamburg, Germany)
Dorotheenhofe (Berlin, Germany)
Energie-Forum-Innovation (Bad

Oeynhausen, Germany)
Eremitage Waghausel (Waghausel,

Eschborn Plaza (Eschborn, Germany)
Haus der Deutschen Erziehung (Bayreuth,

Haus des Deutschen Handwerks (Berlin,

Haus Wiegand (Berlin, Germany)
Herbert-Quandt-Haus (Bad Homburg von

der Hohe, Germany)

HighLight Towers (Munich, Germany)
Kurfurstenstrasse 115/116 (Berlin,

MesseTurm (Frankfurt am Main,

Neuer Zollhof (Dusseldorf, Germany)
RWE Tower (Dortmund, Germany)
Speicherstadt Munster (Munster in

Westfalen, Germany)
Stadttor (Dusseldorf, Germany)
Vereinte Versicherungen (Munich,

Germany : Building)
Vogtshaus (Oschatz, Germany)
Wacker-Haus (Munich, Germany)
NT Blum Building (Chicago, Ill.)
Cable Building (Chicago, Ill.)
Chicago Federal Center (Chicago, Ill.)
Chicago Stock Exchange Building

(Chicago, Ill.)
Frank Lloyd Wright Studio (Oak Park, Ill.)
John Hancock Center (Chicago, Ill.)
Manhattan Building (Chicago, Ill.)
Mann Building (Evanston, Ill.)
Marquette Building (Chicago, Ill.)
Mile-High Illinois (Chicago, Ill.)
Monadnock Building (Chicago, Ill.)
Old Colony Building (Chicago, Ill.)
Reliance Building (Chicago, Ill.)
Rookery Building (Chicago, Ill.)
Tribune Tower (Chicago, Ill.)
Willis Tower (Chicago, Ill.)
NT Burj-i Tihran (Tehran, Iran)
NT Migdal Shalom Meir (Tel Aviv, Israel)
NT Casa del fascio (Como, Italy)
Palazzo Carrega Cataldi (Genoa, Italy)
Palazzo del Commendatore (Rome, Italy)
Palazzo della Camera di commercio

(Mantua, Italy)
Palazzo della nuova borsa (Genoa, Italy)
Palazzo dell'Informazione (Milan, Italy)
Palazzo Magnani (Bologna, Italy)
Palazzo Mattei di Paganica (Rome, Italy)
Palazzo Montani Leoni (Terni, Italy)
Palazzo Montecatini (Milan, Italy)
Palazzo Sirignano (Naples, Italy)

Office buildings
Italy (Continued)
Torre Galfa (Milan, Italy)
Villa Ghirlanda Silva (Cinisello Balsamo,

Villa Savorelli (Sutri, Italy)
NT Century Tower (Tokyo, Japan)
ITM Biru (Matsuyama-shi, Japan)
Osaka Tokyo Marin Puraza (Osaka,

NT Humana, Inc. Headquarters (Louisville,

NT Menara Berkembar Petronas (Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia)
NT Latrobe Building (Baltimore, Md.)
NT Genzyme Center (Cambridge, Mass.)
NT Guardian Building (Detroit, Mich.)
NT Metropolitan Building (Minneapolis, Minn.)
Norwest Center (Minneapolis, Minn.)
NT AZL Pensionfund (Heerlen, Netherlands :

Bazel, De (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
ING House (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Kraanspoor (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Ovale Toren (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Scheepvaarthuis (Amsterdam,

Shell-gebouw (Hague, Netherlands)
New Jersey
NT PA Technology Center (Princeton, N.J.)
New York (State)
NT 2 Park Avenue (New York, N.Y.)
7 World Trade Center (New York, N.Y.)
21 West Street Building (New York, N.Y.)
56-58 Pine Street (New York, N.Y.)
130 West 30th Street Building (New York,

195 Broadway (New York, N.Y.)
275 Madison Avenue (New York, N.Y.)
345 Park Avenue (New York, N.Y.)
500 Fifth Avenue (New York, N.Y.)
600 Lexington Avenue (New York, N.Y.)
AIG Building (New York, N.Y.)
American Bank Note Company Office

Building (New York, N.Y.)

American Tract Society Building (New

York, N.Y.)
Bowling Green Offices Building (New

York, N.Y.)
Brill Building (New York, N.Y.)
CBS Building (New York, N.Y.)
Chrysler Building (New York, N.Y.)
Crossroads Tower (New York, N.Y.)
Empire Building (New York, N.Y.)
Empire State Building (New York, N.Y.)
Equitable Building (New York, N.Y.)
Flatiron Building (New York, N.Y.)
Ford Foundation Building (New York, N.Y.)
Germania Fire Insurance Company

Bowery Building (New York, N.Y.)

Granite Building (Rochester, N.Y.)
Guaranty Building (Buffalo, N.Y.)
Haffen Building (New York, N.Y.)
Haskins & Sells Building (New York, N.Y.)
Hearst Tower (New York, N.Y.)
Hecla Iron Works Building (New York,

International Building (New York, N.Y.)
International Mercantile Marine Company

Building (New York, N.Y.)

Larkin Building (Buffalo, N.Y.)
Lever House (New York, N.Y.)
Long Island Headquarters of the New York

Telephone Company (New York, N.Y. :

Look Building (New York, N.Y.)
M & T Bank Building (Buffalo, N.Y.)
Madison Belmont Building (New York,

MetLife Building (New York, N.Y.)
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Tower (New York, N.Y.)

Morse Building (New York, N.Y.)
Mutual Reserve Building (New York, N.Y.)

New York and Long Island Coignet Stone

Company Building (New York, N.Y.)

New York and New Jersey Telephone and

Telegraph Building (New York, N.Y.)

New York Times Building (New York, N.Y.

: 43rd Street)
New York Times Building (New York, N.Y.

: Park Row)
Park Row Building (New York, N.Y.)
Potter Building (New York, N.Y.)
Seagram Building (New York, N.Y.)
Socony-Mobil Building (New York, N.Y.)
Sony Building (New York, N.Y.)
Springs Mills Building (New York, N.Y.)
Standard Oil Building (New York, N.Y.)
Standard Varnish Works Factory Office

Building (New York, N.Y.)

Steinway Hall (New York, N.Y.)
Temple Court Annex (New York, N.Y.)
Temple Court Building (New York, N.Y.)
United Charities Building (New York, N.Y.)
West Street Building (New York, N.Y.)
Whitehall Building (New York, N.Y.)
Woolworth Building (New York, N.Y.)
World Trade Center (New York, N.Y.)
Northern Ireland
NT Cuyahoga Building (Cleveland, Ohio)
Hippodrome Building (Cleveland, Ohio)
NT Price Tower (Bartlesville, Okla.)
NT Lippincott Press Building (Philadelphia,

PSFS Building (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Speaker Matthew J. Ryan Legislative

Office Building (Harrisburg, Pa.)

NT Dom pod globusem (Krakow, Poland)
Kamienica Pod Kruki (Krakow, Poland)
Quebec (Province)
NT Stock Exchange Tower (Montreal,

NT Murchison House (Edinburgh, Scotland)
NT Edificio Beatriz (Madrid, Spain)
Palacio de Quintana (Madrid, Spain)
Torre Agbar (Barcelona, Spain)
NT Centre William Rappard (Geneva,

Messeturm Basel (Basel, Switzerland)
NT Gulf Building (Houston, Tex.)
Southwest Center (Houston, Tex.)
Transco Tower (Houston, Tex.)
NT Brigham Young University Faculty Office

Building (Provo, Utah)

Vatican city
NT Philip Morris Operations Center

(Richmond, Va.)
Wales (May Subd Geog)
NT Senedd (Cardiff, Wales)
Washington (D.C.)
NT Cannon House Office Building

(Washington, D.C.)
Dirksen Senate Office Building

(Washington, D.C.)
Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office

Building (Washington, D.C.)

Federal Office Building 8 (Washington,

Gerald R. Ford House of Representatives

Office Building (Washington, D.C.)

Hart Senate Office Building (Washington,

Heurich Building (Washington, D.C. : K

Longworth House Office Building

(Washington, D.C.)
Portals (Washington, D.C.)
Rayburn House Office Building

(Washington, D.C.)
Russell Senate Office Building

(Washington, D.C.)
Tallmadge Hall (Washington, D.C.)
Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., House of

Representatives Office Building


(Washington, D.C.)
Treasury Building (Washington, D.C.)
Washington (State)
NT Bellevue City Hall (Bellevue, Wash. :

110th Avenue Northeast)

One Bellevue Center (Bellevue, Wash.)
Rainier Tower (Seattle, Wash.)
Smith Tower (Seattle, Wash.)
NT Germania Building (Milwaukee, Wis.)
Office chairs (May Subd Geog)
UF Desk chairs
BT Chairs
Office furniture
Office clutter, Elimination of
USE Paperwork (Office practice)Management
Office decoration (May Subd Geog)
UF OfficesDecoration
BT Interior decoration
NT House plants in office decoration
Office Document Architecture (Computer network
USE Open Document Architecture (Computer

network standard)
Office employees
USE Clerks
Office equipment and supplies (May Subd Geog)
UF Business machines
Office machines
Office products
Office supplies
Office systems
BT Industrial equipment
NT Accounting machines
Addressing machine ribbons
Card system in business
Cash registers
Copying machines
Desk pads
Desk sets
Dictating machines
Electronic office machines
Loose-leaf binders
Magnetic recorders and recordingBusiness

Marking devices
Office furniture
Paper clips
Plastics in business machines
Printer ribbons
Rubber stamps
Stamp pads
Staple removers
Tabulating machines
Ticket selling registers
Time clocks
Typewriter ribbons
Writing materials and instruments
Parts (May Subd Geog)
BT Machine parts
USE SellingOffice equipment and supplies
Office equipment and supplies industry
(May Subd Geog)
BT Industrial equipment industry
NT Accounting machine industry
Copying machine equipment industry
Copying machine industry
Electronic office machine industry
Manifold business forms industry
Typewriter industry
Word processing equipment industry
Office equipment leases (May Subd Geog)
UF Equipment leasing
Office equipment leasesLaw and legislation
BT Industrial equipment leases
Lease and rental services
Law and legislation
USE Office equipment leases
Office etiquette
USE Business etiquette
Office furniture (May Subd Geog)
BT Furniture

Office equipment and supplies

NT Filing cabinets
Office chairs
Office furniture industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Furniture industry and trade
Office house plants
USE House plants in office decoration
Office information systems (May Subd Geog)
UF OIS (Office information systems)
BT BusinessData processing
Management information systems
Office landscaping
USE Office layout
Office layout
UF Layout, Office
Office landscaping
Office planning
BT Interior architecture
NT Medical officesPlanning
Office leases (May Subd Geog)
BT Commercial leases
Office lighting
USE Office buildingsLighting
Office location
USE OfficesLocation
Office machines
USE Electronic office machines
Office equipment and supplies
Office mail procedures (May Subd Geog)
UF Mail procedures, Office
Mailroom management
Mailroom procedures
BT Office procedures
Office management
UF Office administration
BT Management
NT Business records
Letter services
Office practice
Office practice in government
Office procedures
Organization charts
Research (May Subd Geog)
UF Office management research
USE Office managementResearch
Office managers, Dental
USE Dental office managers
Office nursing, Medical
USE Medical office nursing
Office of readings (Divine office) (May Subd Geog)
UF Officium lectionis (Divine office)
BT Divine office
Office parks
USE Business parks
Office parties (May Subd Geog)
UF Company parties
Corporate parties
BT Parties
Office picnics
USE Company picnics
Office planning
USE Office layout
Office politics (May Subd Geog)
UF Corporate politics
Politics, Office
BT Industrial sociology
Organizational behavior
Office practice (May Subd Geog)
UF Secretarial practice
BT Office management
NT Filing systems
Paperwork (Office practice)
UF Office automation
Office practiceData processing
RT Electronic data processing
Electronic filing systems
Electronic office machines
Data processing
USE Office practiceAutomation
NT English languageConversation and

phrase books (for secretaries)

Office practice in churches (May Subd Geog)

BT Church work
Office practice in government (May Subd Geog)
UF Government office practice
BT Office management
Public administration
NT Congressional secretaries
Government paperwork
Office procedures
BT Office management
NT Office mail procedures
Office products
USE Office equipment and supplies
Office records
USE Business records
Office romance
USE Sex in the workplace
Office signs (May Subd Geog)
UF Signs, Office
BT Signs and signboards
Office sounds
BT Sounds
Office space
USE Office buildings
Office supplies
USE Office equipment and supplies
Office surgery
USE Ambulatory surgery
Office systems
USE Office equipment and supplies
Office tenant satisfaction
USE Office buildingsTenant satisfaction
Office workers
USE Clerks
Officer, Resisting an
USE Resisting an officer
Officer Basin (W.A. and S. Aust.)
BT Sedimentary basinsAustralia
Officer Chee (Fictitious character)
USE Chee, Jim (Fictitious character)
Officer efficiency reports (United States Army)
USE United States. ArmyOfficer efficiency reports
Officer Espinosa (Fictitious character)
USE Espinosa, Inspector (Fictitious character)
Officer Jeremy Todd Charron Post Office (Hillsborough,
UF Charron Post Office (Hillsborough, N.H.)
Jeremy Todd Charron Post Office

(Hillsborough, N.H.)
BT Post office buildingsNew Hampshire
Officer Jim (Fictitious character)
USE Chee, Jim (Fictitious character)
Officer John Maguire Post Office (Woburn, Mass.)
UF John Maguire Post Office (Woburn, Mass.)
Maguire Post Office (Woburn, Mass.)
BT Post office buildingsMassachusetts
Officer personnel
USE subdivision Officers under armies, navies, etc.,

e.g. United States. Army--Officers

Officers, Church
USE Church officers
Officers, Congressional
USE United States. CongressOfficials and

Officers, Enlisted (Armed Forces)
USE Armed ForcesNon-commissioned officers
Officers, Ethics and compliance
USE Ethics and compliance officers
Officers, Law enforcement
USE Police
Officers, Mosque
USE Mosque officers
Officers, Non-commissioned
USE Armed ForcesNon-commissioned officers
Officers, Noncommissioned
USE Armed ForcesNon-commissioned officers
Officers, Police
USE Police
Officers, Public
USE Public officers
Officers, Sub- (Armed Forces)
USE Armed ForcesNon-commissioned officers
Officers, Subordinate (Armed Forces)
USE Armed ForcesNon-commissioned officers
Officers, Synagogue
USE Synagogue officers
Officers, Zoning
USE Zoning officers
Officers' clubs
USE subdivision Officers' clubs under armed forces,


armies, navies, etc., e.g. United States-

Armed Forces--Officers' clubs
Officers' spouses (May Subd Geog)
UF Officers' wives [Former heading]
BT Military spouses
NT Admirals' spouses
Generals' spouses
Marshals' spouses
Non-commissioned officers' spouses
Officers' wives
USE Officers' spouses
Offices (May Subd Geog)
BT Office buildings
NT Architectural offices
Dental offices
Home offices
Law offices
Medical offices
USE Office decoration
Location (May Subd Geog)
UF Location of offices
Office location
Offices, Sale of
USE Sale of public office
Offices in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Official bibliography
USE Bibliography, Official
Official English movement
USE English-only movement
Official gazettes
USE Gazettes
Official jargon
USE subdivision Government jargon under names of

languages, e.g. English language-

Government jargon
Official languages
USE Language policy
Official libraries
USE Government libraries
Official misconduct
USE Misconduct in office
Official Production System Version 5 (Computer
program language)
USE OPS5 (Computer program language)
Official publications
USE Government publications
Official Residence of Duke Yansheng (Qufu Shi, China)
USE Kong fu (Qufu Shi, China)
Official residences (May Subd Geog)
[NA4440-NA4447 (Architecture)]
BT Dwellings
SA subdivision Dwellings under classes of

government or other officials, e.g.

NT Parsonages
NT Casa Rosada (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
NT Arkansas Governor's Mansion (Little Rock,

NT Government House (Sydney, N.S.W.)
Old Government House (Parramatta,

NT Ballhausplatz 2 (Vienna, Austria)
NT Palais Presidentiel (Yaounde, Cameroon)
NT Casa de Narino (Bogota, Colombia)
NT Governor's Residence at the Boettcher

Mansion (Denver, Colo.)

NT Palacio Presidencial (Havana, Cuba)
NT Gouverneurshuis van de Nederlandse

Antillen (Willemstad, Curacao)

NT Proedriko Megaro (Nicosia, Cyprus)
Dominican Republic
NT Alcazar de Diego Colon (Santo Domingo,

Dominican Republic)
NT Palacio de Gobierno (Quito, Ecuador)
NT 21-23 Belgrave Square (London, England)
Bishopthorpe Palace (Bishopthorpe,

Chequers (England)

Official residences
England (Continued)
Clarence House (London, England)
Flanders House (London, England)
Highveld (London, England)
Mansion House (London, England)
Number 10 Downing Street (London,

Warren House (Loughton, Essex,

Winfield House (London, England)
NT Mantyniemi (Helsinki, Finland)
Presidentinlinna (Helsinki, Finland)
NT Florida Governor's Mansion (Tallahassee,

NT Elysee (Paris, France)
Hotel de Charost (Paris, France)
Hotel de Lassay (Paris, France)
Latche (Soustons, France)
Palace of the Popes (Avignon, France)
NT Georgia Governor's Mansion (Atlanta,

NT Haus Tannhof (Munich, Germany)
Kanzlerbungalow (Bonn, Germany)
Schloss Bellevue (Berlin, Germany)
NT Convent, The (Gibraltar)
NT Governor's Palace (Hagatna, Guam)
NT Washington Place (Honolulu, Hawaii)
NT Raj Bhavan (Bangalore, India)
Raj Bhavan (Goa, India)
Raj Bhavan (Kolkata, India)
Raj Bhavan (Lucknow, India)
Raj Bhawan (Simla, India)
Rashtrapati Bhavan (New Delhi, India)
NT Istana Bogor (Bogor, Indonesia)
NT Papal Palace (Viterbo, Italy)
Villa Abamelek (Rome, Italy)
Villa Taverna (Rome, Italy)
NT Bet ha-nasi (Jerusalem)
NT Kentucky Governor's Mansion (Frankfort,

Korea (South)
NT Chongwadae (Seoul, Korea)
NT Blaine House (Augusta, Me.)
NT Seri Perdana (Putrajaya)
NT Inquisitor's Palace (Birgu, Malta)
NT Government House (Winnipeg, Man.)
NT Commandant's House (Charlestown Navy

Yard, Mass.)
NT Castillo de San Juan de Ulua (Mexico)
Los Pinos (Mexico City, Mexico)
NT Minnesota Governor's Residence (Saint

Paul, Minn.)
NT Mississippi Governor's Mansion (Jackson,

NT Nebraska State Governor's Mansion

(Lincoln, Neb.)
Netherlands Antilles
NT Nevada Governor's Mansion (Carson City,

New Jersey
NT Morven (Princeton, N.J.)
New Mexico
NT University House (Albuquerque, N.M.)
New York (State)
NT Gracie Mansion (New York, N.Y.)
New York State Executive Mansion

(Albany, N.Y.)

North Carolina
NT North Carolina Executive Mansion

(Raleigh, N.C.)
Tryon Palace (New Bern, N.C.)
North Dakota
NT Old Governor's Mansion (Bismarck, N.D.)
NT Ohio Governor's Residence (Columbus,

NT Oklahoma Governor's Mansion (Oklahoma

City, Okla.)
NT Earnscliffe (Ottawa, Ont.)
Rideau Hall (Ottawa, Ont.)
NT Governor's House (Lahore, Pakistan)
NT Palacio de Gobierno (Lima, Peru)
NT Malacanan Palace (Manila, Philippines)
NT Paac Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej

Polskiej (Warsaw, Poland)

Zamek Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej

Polskiej w Wisle (Poland)

Puerto Rico
NT Fortaleza (San Juan, P.R.)
Russia (Federation)
NT Spaso House (Moscow, Russia)
Saint Helena
NT Plantation House (Saint Helena)
NT Bute House (Edinburgh, Scotland)
NT Istana (Singapore)
South Africa
NT Groote Schuur (Cape Town, South Africa)
Leeuwenhof (Cape Town, South Africa)
South Carolina
NT South Carolina Governor's Mansion

(Columbia, S.C.)
Sri Lanka
NT Araliyagaha Mandiraya (Colombo, Sri

India House (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
President's House (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
NT Lansresidenset (Malmo, Sweden)
Marieholm (Mariestads kommun, Sweden)
Oakhill (Stockholm, Sweden)
Tessinska palatset (Stockholm, Sweden)
NT Spanish Governor's Palace (San Antonio,

Texas Governor's Mansion (Austin, Tex.)
NT Babali (Istanbul, Turkey)
Palais de France (Istanbul, Turkey)
Vatican City
NT Vatican Palace (Vatican City)
NT Casona (Caracas, Venezuela)
NT Air House (Fort Myer, Va.)
Quarters One (Fort Myer, Va.)
Virginia Executive Mansion (Richmond,

Washington (D.C.)
NT German Embassy Residence

(Washington, D.C.)
Quarters Eight (Washington, D.C.)
White House (Washington, D.C.)
Washington (State)
NT Walker-Ames Residence (Seattle, Wash.)
NT Wyoming Governor's Residence

(Cheyenne, Wyo.)
Wyoming Historic Governors' Mansion

(Cheyenne, Wyo.)
Official secrets (May Subd Geog)
UF Disclosing official secrets
Government secrecy
Secrecy in government
Secrets, Official
Secrets of state
BT Confidential communications
Criminal law
Government and the press
Government information
Ministerial responsibility


NT Defense information, Classified

Executive privilege (Government information)
Security classification (Government

USE English languageGovernment jargon
Officials, Elected
USE Public officers
Officials, Figure skating
USE Figure skating officials
Officials, Government
USE Public officers
Officials, Public
USE Public officers
Officials, Zoning
USE Zoning officers
Officials and employees
USE subdivision Officials and employees under

names of countries, cities, etc., also under

types of government agencies and names of

individual international and governmental

agencies; and phrase headings for particular

types of officials and employees

Officials and employees, Honorary
USE subdivision Officials and employees, Honorary

under names of countries

Officials and employees, International
USE International officials and employees
Officiating, Sports
USE Sports officiating
Officierskruis (Medal)
USE Onderscheidingsteken voor Langdurige Dienst

als Officier (Medal)

Officine Meccaniche automobiles
USE OM automobiles
Officine Meccaniche Reggiane aircraft
USE Reggiane aircraft
Officium lectionis (Divine office)
USE Office of readings (Divine office)
Offill family (Not Subd Geog)
Offley family (Not Subd Geog)
Offroad vehicles
USE Off-road vehicles
Offset (Accounting)
UF Offset accounts
BT Accounting
Offset accounts
USE Offset (Accounting)
Offset-dependent amplitude analysis
USE Amplitude variation with offset analysis
Offset lithography (May Subd Geog)
UF Lithography, Offset
Offset prints
Prints, Offset
BT Lithography20th century
LithographyMetal plate processes
Offset printing
NT Camera-ready copy
Waterless printing
Offset lithography, American (May Subd Geog)
UF American offset lithography
Offset printing (May Subd Geog)
UF Lithoprinting
Printing, Offset
BT Lithography
LithographyMetal plate processes
RT Lithography, Direct
BT Printing
NT Offset lithography
Industrial capacity (May Subd Geog)
Offset printing of newspapers (May Subd Geog)
UF Newspaper printing, Offset
BT Newspapers
Offset prints
USE Offset lithography
Offshore assembly industry (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the industry in which
unfinished goods are delivered to foreign factories
where they are assembled and exported.



Assembly industry, Offshore

Export assembly industry
In-bond industry
Maquila plants
Maquiladora industry
Offshore manufacturing
Outsourcing (International trade)
Overseas assembly industry
Twin plant industry
Export processing zones

NT Women offshore assembly industry

Labor unions (May Subd Geog)
Strikes and lockouts
USE Strikes and lockoutsOffshore assembly

USE WagesOffshore assembly industry
Offshore atomic power plants
USE Offshore nuclear power plants
Offshore banking (Finance)
USE Banks and banking, Foreign
Banks and banking, International
Offshore commercial radio
USE Pirate radio broadcasting
Offshore construction contracts (May Subd Geog)
UF Drilling platform construction contracts
Offshore structures construction contracts
BT Construction contracts
Offshore drilling for gas
USE Offshore gas well drilling
Offshore drilling for oil
USE Offshore oil well drilling
Offshore electric power plants (May Subd Geog)
UF Electric power-plants, Offshore [Former

BT Electric power-plants
Offshore gas field equipment industry
(May Subd Geog)
BT Gas field equipment industry
Offshore gas fields
USE Natural gas in submerged lands
Offshore gas industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Gas industry
RT Natural gas in submerged lands
Offshore oil industry
Offshore gas operations
USE Offshore gas well drilling
Offshore gas well drilling (May Subd Geog)
UF Offshore drilling for gas
Offshore gas operations
BT Gas well drilling
Ocean mining
RT Natural gas in submerged lands
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Offshore hake (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.M4 (Zoology)]
UF Merluccius albidus [Former heading]
Offshore whiting
Whiting, Offshore
BT Merluccius
Offshore higher education
USE Transnational education
Offshore installations
USE Offshore structures
Offshore investments
USE Investments, Foreign
Offshore manufacturing
USE Offshore assembly industry
Offshore mobile installations
USE Mobile offshore structures
Offshore mobile structures
USE Mobile offshore structures
Offshore nuclear power plants (May Subd Geog)
UF Atomic power plants, Offshore [Former

Offshore atomic power plants
BT Nuclear power plants
NT Submerged nuclear power plants
Offshore oil and gas leases (May Subd Geog)
BT Oil and gas leases
Offshore oil field equipment industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Oil field equipment and supplies industry
Offshore oil fields
USE Petroleum in submerged lands
Offshore oil industry (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil industry, Offshore
Petroleum in submerged lands industry
Tidelands oil industry
RT Offshore gas industry
Petroleum in submerged lands
BT Petroleum industry and trade
Equipment and supplies
NT Drilling platforms
Offshore support vessels
Offshore oil operations
USE Offshore oil well drilling

Offshore oil storage

USE PetroleumOffshore storage
Offshore oil well drilling (May Subd Geog)
UF Offshore drilling for oil
Offshore oil operations
Oil well drilling, Submarine [Former heading]
BT Ocean mining
Oil well drilling
RT Petroleum in submerged lands
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Petroleum law and legislation
Offshore outsourcing (May Subd Geog)
UF Off-shoring
BT Contracting out
NT Legal process outsourcing
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Commercial law
Offshore petroleum shipping terminals
USE Petroleum shipping terminals
Offshore pipelines
USE Underwater pipelines
Offshore radio broadcasting
USE Pirate radio broadcasting
Offshore reef fishing
USE Reef fishing
Offshore sailing (May Subd Geog)
UF Cruising (Boats and boating)
Ocean passages
Off-shore sailing
Passage making (Nautical)
Passagemaking (Nautical)
BT Navigation
NT Great-circle sailing
Single-handed sailing
Offshore structures (May Subd Geog)
[TC1665-TC1703 (Engineering)]
UF Marine structures
Offshore installations
Structures, Offshore
BT Hydraulic engineering
Ocean engineering
NT Accommodation rigs (Offshore structures)
Compliant platforms
Drilling platforms
Mobile offshore structures
Satellite launching ships
BT Aerodynamics
BT Anchorage
Deep-sea moorings
BT Dynamics
Foundations (May Subd Geog)
BT Foundations
BT Hydrodynamics
BT Joints (Engineering)
NT Offshore structuresWelded joints
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
UF Offshore structures (International law)

[Former heading]
BT Law of the sea
Materials (May Subd Geog)
NT Marine steel
Vibration (May Subd Geog)
Welded joints
BT Offshore structuresJoints
Welded joints
Welding (May Subd Geog)
North Sea
NT Brent Spar (Oil storage tank)
Offshore structures (International law)
USE Offshore structuresLaw and legislation
Offshore structures construction contracts
USE Offshore construction contracts
Offshore support vessels (May Subd Geog)
UF Ships, Offshore support
Supply boats, Offshore
Supply vessels, Offshore
Support vessels, Offshore
BT Offshore oil industryEquipment and supplies
Work boats
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Maritime law


Offshore water pollution

USE Marine pollution
Offshore whaling (May Subd Geog)
UF Off-shore whaling [Former heading]
Shore whaling
BT Whaling
Offshore whiting
USE Offshore hake
Offshore wind farms
USE Offshore wind power plants
Offshore wind power plants (May Subd Geog)
UF Offshore wind farms
Offshore windfarms
BT Wind power plants
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Industrial laws and legislation
Offshore windfarms
USE Offshore wind power plants
USE Offshore outsourcing
Offsite storage of library materials
USE Library storage centers
Offstage action (Drama)
UF Off stage action (Drama)
Offstage events (Drama)
Offstage lines (Drama)
Offstage speech (Drama)
Stage absence (Drama)
BT DramaTechnique
Offstage events (Drama)
USE Offstage action (Drama)
Offstage lines (Drama)
USE Offstage action (Drama)
Offstage speech (Drama)
USE Offstage action (Drama)
Offtracking (Motor vehicle steering)
USE Off-tracking (Motor vehicle steering)
O'Finnegan family
USE Finnegan family
O'Fionnagain family
USE Finnegan family
Ofitserskaia ulitsa (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
USE Ulitsa Dekabristov (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
O'Flaherty, Danny (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Danny O'Flaherty (Fictitious character)
O'Flaherty family
USE Flaherty family
O'Flanagan family
USE Flanagan family
O'Fling family
USE Fling family
O'Flyng family
USE Fling family
Ofo language (May Subd Geog)
UF Chongue language
Mosopelea language
Mosoperea language
Ofogoula language [Former heading]
Ossipe language
Ouispe language
Ushpee language
BT LouisianaLanguages
Siouan languages
Ofogoula language
USE Ofo language
Ofot Fjord Region (Norway)
USE Ofoten (Norway)
Ofoten (Norway)
UF Ofot Fjord Region (Norway)
Ofoten Fjord Region (Norway)
Ofotenfjorden Region (Norway)
Ofoten Fjord Region (Norway)
USE Ofoten (Norway)
Ofotenfjorden Region (Norway)
USE Ofoten (Norway)
Ofoue River (Benin)
USE Oueme River (Benin)
O'Friel family
USE Friel family
Ofsted, Lee (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Lee Ofsted (Fictitious character)
OFT (Flight simulator)
USE Flight simulators
Oftedal family (Not Subd Geog)
Ofu Island (American Samoa)
UF Afua Island (American Samoa)
BT IslandsAmerican Samoa
Manua Islands (American Samoa)

Ofu Island (Tonga)

UF Ofe Island (Tonga)
BT IslandsTonga
Vavau (Tonga)
Ofunobwam language
USE Cross River Mbembe language
Oga family (Not Subd Geog)
Oga-hanto (Japan)
USE Oga Peninsula (Japan)
Oga Kaido (Japan)
UF Oga Shinkaido (Japan)
Ogado (Japan)
BT RoadsJapan
Oga Peninsula (Japan)
UF Oga-hanto (Japan)
BT PeninsulasJapan
Oga Shinkaido (Japan)
USE Oga Kaido (Japan)
Ogaden (Ethiopia)
O'Gadhra, Lough (Ireland)
USE Gara, Lough (Ireland)
Ogado (Japan)
USE Oga Kaido (Japan)
Ogalalla Formation
USE Ogallala Formation
O'Gallagher family
USE Gallagher family
Ogallala Aquifer
BT AquifersGreat Plains
Ogallala Formation
UF Ogalalla Formation
BT Formations (Geology)Great Plains
Geology, StratigraphicPliocene
Ogallalla Indians
USE Oglala Indians
Ogam alphabet
USE Ogham alphabet
Ogam stones
USE Ogham stones
Ogami, Itto (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Itto Ogami (Fictitious character)
Lone Wolf (Fictitious character)
Ogan-Besemah (Indonesian people)
USE Besemah (Indonesian people)
Ogan dialect (May Subd Geog)
BT Malay language
Ogan folk literature
USE Folk literature, Ogan
Ogan literature (May Subd Geog)
BT IndonesiaLiteratures
NT Folk literature, Ogan
Ogando Encarnacion family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Gara family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Gara's Lake (Ireland)
USE Gara, Lough (Ireland)
Ogarev family (Not Subd Geog)
Ogasa-gun (Japan)
Bombardment, 1942-1945
BT Bombing, AerialJapan
World War, 1939
Ogasawara family (Not Subd Geog)
Ogasawara-gunto (Japan)
USE Bonin Islands (Japan)
Ogasawara Islands (Japan)
USE Bonin Islands (Japan)
Ogata family (Not Subd Geog)
Ogawa Castle (Shigaraki-cho, Japan)
USE Ogawajo (Shigaraki-cho, Japan)
Ogawa Castle (Tsukiyono-machi, Japan)
USE Ogawajo (Tsukiyono-machi, Japan)
Ogawa Daichi Iseki (Shari-cho, Japan)
USE Ogawa Daichi Site (Shari-cho, Japan)
Ogawa Daichi Site (Shari-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ogawa Daichi Iseki (Shari-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Ogawa family (Not Subd Geog)
Ogawa Forest Reserve (Japan)
USE Ogawa Gunraku Hogorin (Japan)
Ogawa Gunraku Hogorin (Japan)
UF Ogawa Forest Reserve (Japan)
BT Forest reservesJapan
Ogawajo (Shigaraki-cho, Japan)
UF Ogawa Castle (Shigaraki-cho, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Ogawajo (Tsukiyono-machi, Japan)
UF Ogawa Castle (Tsukiyono-machi, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan

Ogaxpa Indians
USE Quapaw Indians
Ogba (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Oba (African people)
Ogbah (African people)
BT EthnologyNigeria
Igbo (African people)
Ogba language (May Subd Geog)
UF Ogbah language [Former heading]
BT Igbo language
Ogbah (African people)
USE Ogba (African people)
Ogbah language
USE Ogba language
Ogbaidze family
USE Ogbaize family
Ogbaize family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ogbaidze family
Ogbia dialect
USE Abua-Ogbia languages
Ogboni (Cult) (May Subd Geog)
BT CultsNigeria
Ogborn family
USE Ogburn family
Ogborne family
USE Ogburn family
Ogbourn family
USE Ogburn family
Ogbourne family
USE Ogburn family
Ogbronuagum language (May Subd Geog)
UF Bukuma language
BT Abua-Ogbia languages
Ogburn family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ogborn family
Ogborne family
Ogbourn family
Ogbourne family
Ogburne family
Ogburne family
USE Ogburn family
Ogcocephalidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Batfishes
BT Anglerfishes
NT Dibranchus
Ogcodes (May Subd Geog)
UF Oncodes
BT Acroceridae
Ogcodes, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Acroceridae, Fossil
NT Ogcodes exotica
Ogcodes exotica (May Subd Geog)
BT Ogcodes, Fossil
Ogden Canyon (Utah)
BT CanyonsUtah
Ogden family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Octdon family
Ogdin family
Ogdon family
Ogden River (Utah)
BT RiversUtah
Ogden rocky mountain snail
USE Ogden rocky mountainsnail
Ogden rocky mountainsnail (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.5.O73 (Zoology)]
UF Ogden rocky mountain snail
Oreohelix peripherica wasatchnesis
BT Deseret mountainsnail
Ogden Valley (Utah)
BT ValleysUtah
Ogdens River (Nev.)
USE Humboldt River (Nev.)
Ogdens River (Nev. and Idaho)
USE Owyhee River, South Fork (Nev. and Idaho)
Ogdin family
USE Ogden family
Ogdon family
USE Ogden family


Ogeche Island (Ga.)

USE Ossabaw Island (Ga.)
Ogee wings (Airplanes)
USE AirplanesWings, Ogee
Ogeechee River (Ga.)
UF Big Ogeechee River (Ga.)
Great Hogoheeche River (Ga.)
Great Ogeechee River (Ga.)
BT RiversGeorgia
Ogeechee River Valley (Ga.)
UF Ogeechee Valley (Ga.)
BT ValleysGeorgia
Ogeechee Valley (Ga.)
USE Ogeechee River Valley (Ga.)
Ogelsby family
USE Ogilvie family
Ogg family (Not Subd Geog)
Ogger family
USE Oker family
Ogham alphabet (May Subd Geog)
UF Ogam alphabet
Ogum alphabet
BT Inscriptions, Irish
Irish languageAlphabet
Ogham stones (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on stones bearing
inscriptions in the Ogham alphabet.

UF Ogam stones
BT Megalithic monumentsGreat Britain
Megalithic monumentsIreland
Oghoriok (African people)
USE Lokoya (African people)
USE Oghuz (Turkic people)
Oghuz (Turkic people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Ghuz (Turkic people)
Ghuzz (Turkic people)
Guzy (Turkic people)
Oghuz [Former heading]
Oguz (Turkic people)
Toquz Oghuz (Turkic people)
Uzy (Turkic people)
BT EthnologyAsia, Central
Turkic peoples
NT Gagauz (Turkic people)
Qashqai (Turkic people)
Oghuz epic literature
USE Epic literature, Oghuz
Oghuz-Kipchak language
USE Khorezmian Turkic language
Oghuz language (May Subd Geog)
BT Turkic languages
Turkic languages, Southwest
Oghuz literature (May Subd Geog)
BT Soviet literature
NT Epic literature, Oghuz
Oghuz Turkic languages
USE Turkic languages, Southwest
Ogiek (African people)
USE Okiek (African people)
Ogier family (Not Subd Geog)
Ogii Lake (Mongolia)
UF Ogii Nuur (Mongolia)
Ogiy Nuur (Mongolia)
Ugey Nuur (Mongolia)
BT LakesMongolia
Ogii Nuur (Mongolia)
USE Ogii Lake (Mongolia)
Ogijo (Horai-cho, Japan)
USE Nagashinojo (Horai-cho, Japan)
Ogilby family
USE Ogilvie family
Ogilvie, James (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF James Ogilvie (Fictitious character)
Ogilvie family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ogelsby family
Ogilby family
Ogilvy family
Oglebay family [Former heading]
Oglesbee family
Oglesby family
Ogilvy family
USE Ogilvie family
Ogino family (Not Subd Geog)
Ogiy Nuur (Mongolia)
USE Ogii Lake (Mongolia)
Ogiyama Iseki (Tokyo, Japan)
USE Ogiyama Site (Tokyo, Japan)
Ogiyama Site (Tokyo, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic


UF Ogiyama Iseki (Tokyo, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oglala art (May Subd Geog)
UF Art, Oglala
BT Art, American
Oglala calendar (May Subd Geog)
UF Calendar, Oglala
Oglala IndiansCalendar [Former heading]
BT Calendar
Oglala children (May Subd Geog)
UF Children, Oglala
BT ChildrenGreat Plains
Oglala dance (May Subd Geog)
UF Dance, Oglala
Oglala IndiansDances [Former heading]
BT DanceGreat Plains
Oglala Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Ogallalla Indians
BT Indians of North AmericaGreat Plains
Teton Indians
USE Oglala calendar
USE Oglala dance
Government relations
NT Wounded Knee (S.D.)HistoryIndian

occupation, 1973
USE Oglala philosophy
USE Oglala women
Oglala mythology (May Subd Geog)
UF Mythology, Oglala
Oglala National Grassland (Neb.)
BT GrasslandsNebraska
National parks and reservesNebraska
Oglala philosophy (May Subd Geog)
UF Oglala IndiansPhilosophy [Former heading]
Philosophy, Oglala
BT Philosophy, American
Oglala sculpture (May Subd Geog)
UF Sculpture, Oglala
BT Sculpture, American
Oglala women (May Subd Geog)
UF Oglala IndiansWomen [Former heading]
Women, Oglala
BT WomenUnited States
Ogle family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ogles family
Ogle Lake (Ind.)
BT LakesIndiana
Oglebay family
USE Ogilvie family
Oglebay Park (Wheeling, W. Va.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT ParksWest Virginia
Ogles family
USE Ogle family
Oglesbee family
USE Ogilvie family
Oglesby family
USE Ogilvie family
Oglesby Station (Greenville, S.C.)
USE Keith D. Oglesby Station (Greenville, S.C.)
Oglethorpe family (Not Subd Geog)
Oglethorpe Street (Washington, D.C.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsWashington (D.C.)
Ogletree family (Not Subd Geog)
Oglio River (Italy)
UF Fiume Oglio (Italy)
Ollius River (Italy)
BT RiversItaly
Oglio River Valley (Italy)
UF Oglio Valley (Italy)
Valle dell'Oglio (Italy)
BT ValleysItaly
Oglio Valley (Italy)
USE Oglio River Valley (Italy)
USE Hypodontia
Oglivie, Ned (Fictitious character)
USE Dog (Fictitious character : Galligan)
Ogmore Castle (Wales)
BT CastlesWales
Ogmore River (Wales)
USE Ogwr River (Wales)

OGO (Orbiting geophysical observatories)

USE Orbiting geophysical observatories
Ogo Castle (Kobe-shi, Japan)
USE Ogojo (Kobe-shi, Japan)
Ogoda language
USE Boni language (Kenya and Somalia)
Ogofau Gold Mine (Wales)
USE Dolaucothi Gold Mines (Wales)
Ogojo (Kobe-shi, Japan)
UF Kamiyamajo (Kobe-shi, Japan)
Ogo Castle (Kobe-shi, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Ogoki River (Ont.)
BT RiversOntario
Ogoki River Valley (Ont.)
UF Ogoki Valley (Ont.)
BT ValleysOntario
Ogoki Valley (Ont.)
USE Ogoki River Valley (Ont.)
Ogolnopolski Konkurs Literacki imienia Zdzisawa
BT Literary prizesPoland
Ogon (The Russian word) (May Subd Geog)
BT Russian languageEtymology
Ogoni (African people) (May Subd Geog)
BT EthnologyNigeria
Ogoni arts
USE Arts, Ogoni
Ogoni Land (Nigeria)
USE Ogoniland (Nigeria)
Ogoni language (Kana)
USE Kana language
Ogoni masks
USE Masks, Ogoni
Ogoni Region (Nigeria)
USE Ogoniland (Nigeria)
Ogoniland (Nigeria)
UF Ogoni Land (Nigeria)
Ogoni Region (Nigeria)
Ogooue River (Gabon)
UF Ogowe River (Gabon)
BT RiversGabon
Ogooue River Valley (Gabon)
UF Ogooue Valley (Gabon)
Vallee de l'Ogooue (Gabon)
BT ValleysGabon
Ogooue Valley (Gabon)
USE Ogooue River Valley (Gabon)
BT Sea monsters
Ogori language
USE Oko language
Ogori-Magongo language
USE Oko language
Ogori-Osayen language
USE Oko language
O'Gorman family
USE Gorman family
Ogoshibaru Iseki (Nishigoshi-machi, Japan)
USE Ogoshibaru Site (Nishigoshi-machi, Japan)
Ogoshibaru Site (Nishigoshi-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ogoshibaru Iseki (Nishigoshi-machi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Ogowe River (Gabon)
USE Ogooue River (Gabon)
O'Grady, Canyon (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Canyon O'Grady (Fictitious character)
O'Grady, Brown, Paige Post Office Building (Nyack,
USE Edward O'Grady, Waverly Brown, Peter Paige

Post Office Building (Nyack, N.Y.)

O'Grady family
USE Grady family
Ogram family (Not Subd Geog)
Ogre Battle (Game)
BT Video games
Ogre-faced spiders
USE Deinopis
USE Ghouls and ogres
Ogri (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
O'Griobtha family
USE Griffee family
Ogrizovic family
USE Ogrizovich family


Ogrizovich family (Not Subd Geog)

UF Ogrizovic family
Ogrodzieniec Castle (Ogrodzieniec, Wojewodztwo
Slaskie, Poland)
USE Zamek ogrodzieniecki (Ogrodzieniec,

Wojewodztwo Slaskie, Poland)

OGS (Sign language)
USE Austrian Sign Language
OGT (Achievement test)
USE Ohio Graduation Test
Ogum alphabet
USE Ogham alphabet
Oguma Deguchi Iseki (Amagi-shi, Japan)
USE Oguma Deguchi Site (Amagi-shi, Japan)
Oguma Deguchi Site (Amagi-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oguma Deguchi Iseki (Amagi-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oguma Matsuyama Iseki (Amagi-shi, Japan)
USE Oguma Matsuyama Site (Amagi-shi, Japan)
Oguma Matsuyama Site (Amagi-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oguma Matsuyama Iseki (Amagi-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Ogume A Iseki (Himi-shi, Japan)
USE Ogume A Site (Himi-shi, Japan)
Ogume A Site (Himi-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ogume A Iseki (Himi-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Ogume Kofungun (Himi-shi, Japan)
USE Ogume Tombs (Himi-shi, Japan)
Ogume Tombs (Himi-shi, Japan)
UF Ogume Kofungun (Himi-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Ogun (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Gods, Yoruba
Ogun State House of Assembly Sessional Hall
(Abeokuta, Nigeria)
UF Sessional Hall of the House of Assembly

(Abeokuta, Nigeria)
BT Public buildingsNigeria
Ogunquit Playhouse (Ogunquit, Me.)
BT TheatersMaine
Ogura family (Not Subd Geog)
Ogura hyakunin isshu karuta (Game)
USE Utagaruta (Game)
Ogurikyappu (Race horse) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Horses
Oguro family (Not Subd Geog)
Oguz (Turkic people)
USE Oghuz (Turkic people)
Ogwen, River, Valley (Wales)
USE Ogwen Valley (Wales)
Ogwen, River (Wales)
UF Afon Ogwen (Wales)
River Ogwen (Wales)
BT RiversWales
Ogwen Valley (Wales)
UF Dyffryn Ogwen (Wales)
Ogwen, River, Valley (Wales)
BT ValleysWales
Ogwia (African people)
USE Mbato (African people)
Ogwr River (Wales)
UF Ogmore River (Wales)
BT RiversWales
Ogwr River Valley (Wales)
UF Ogwr Valley (Wales)
BT ValleysWales
Ogwr Valley (Wales)
USE Ogwr River Valley (Wales)
OH-6A (Observation helicopter)
USE McDonnell Douglas OH-6A (Observation

OH-58D Kiowa Warrior (Observation helicopter)
USE Armed OH-58D Kiowa Warrior (Observation

OH airglow
UF Hydroxyl airglow
BT Airglow
Oh family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Hair family (Not Subd Geog)
UF O'Hare family
O'Hallaran family
USE Holleran family

O'Hallaren family
USE Holleran family
O'Halleran family
USE Holleran family
O'Hallern family
USE Holleran family
O'Halloran family
USE Holleran family
O'Halloren family
USE Holleran family
Ohanapecosh Glacier (Wash.)
UF Ohanapecosh Glaciers (Wash.)
BT GlaciersWashington (State)
Ohanapecosh Glaciers (Wash.)
USE Ohanapecosh Glacier (Wash.)
Ohanapecosh Park (Wash.)
BT Mountain meadowsWashington (State)
Ohanapecosh River (Wash.)
BT RiversWashington (State)
Ohanayama Kofungun (Yamagata-shi, Japan)
USE Ohanayama Tombs (Yamagata-shi, Japan)
Ohanayama Tombs (Yamagata-shi, Japan)
UF Ohanayama Kofungun (Yamagata-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Ohangchon (Korea)
BT RiversKorea (South)
Ohanian family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Hanrahan family
USE Hanrahan family
Ohantaala (Australian people) (May Subd Geog)
BT Aboriginal Australians
O'Hara, Scarlett (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Scarlett O'Hara (Fictitious character)
O'Hara family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Harrah family
O'Harra family
Ohara-ryu ikebana
USE Flower arrangement, JapaneseOhara school
Ohara school of Japanese flower arrangement
USE Flower arrangement, JapaneseOhara school
O'Hare airport seating
USE Eames tandem sling seating
O'Hare family
USE O'Hair family
O'Harra family
USE O'Hara family
Ohashi family (Not Subd Geog)
Ohayashi Iseki (Hasuda-shi, Japan)
USE Ohayashi Site (Hasuda-shi, Japan)
Ohayashi Site (Hasuda-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ohayashi Iseki (Hasuda-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Ohayon, Michael (Fictitious character)
UF Michael Ohayon (Fictitious character)
O'Hearn family
USE Hearn family
O'Hearne family
USE Hearn family
Ohendo (African people) (May Subd Geog)
BT EthnologyCongo (Democratic Republic)
O'Hern family
USE Hearn family
Ohetehoa (French Polynesia)
USE Rurutu (French Polynesia)
Oheteroa (French Polynesia)
USE Rurutu (French Polynesia)
O'Heverin family
USE Heavrin family
Ohia dieback (May Subd Geog)
BT Dieback
Ohia lehuaDiseases and pests
Ohia lehua (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.M9 (Botany)]
UF Lehua tree
Metrosideros collina
Metrosideros polymorpha
Ohia tree
BT Metrosideros
Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog)
NT Ohia dieback
Ecology (May Subd Geog)
Ohia tree
USE Ohia lehua
O'Higgins, Lake (Chile and Argentina)
USE San Martin, Lake (Chile and Argentina)

NT Camp Stillwater Site (Ohio)

Edwin Harness Mound (Ohio)
Hopewell Site (Ohio)
Kramer Village Site (Ohio)
Krill Cave (Ohio)
Locust Site (Ohio)
Madisonville Site (Ohio)
Paleo Crossing Site (Ohio)
Petersen Site (Ohio)
Reeve Village Site (Ohio)
South Park Site (Ohio)
Sunwatch Site (Dayton, Ohio)
Tower Site (Ohio)
White Rocks Rockshelter (Ohio)
Wise Rockshelter (Ohio)
Wright Brothers Memorial Mound Group

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Mound

Boundaries (May Subd Geog)
NT Toledo War, 1835
Capital and capitol
NT Ohio Statehouse (Columbus, Ohio)
Description and travel
UF OhioDescription and travel1951-1980

[Former heading]
OhioDescription and travel1981
[Former heading]
USE OhioDescription and travel
1981USE OhioDescription and travel
To 1787
Revolution, 1775-1783
NT Crawford's Indian Campaign, Ohio,

Piqua, Battle of, Piqua, Clark County,

Ohio, 1780
NT Captina Creek, Battle of, Ohio, 1791
Fallen Timbers, Battle of, Ohio, 1794
War of 1812
NT Peninsula, Battle of the, Ohio, 1812
Civil War, 1861-1865
NT Morgan's Ohio Raid, 1863
Politics and government
UF OhioPolitics and governmentCivil

War, 1861-1865 [Former heading]

Civil War, 1861-1865
USE OhioPolitics and government1861
1951Ohio, Falls of the (Ky. and Ind.)
USE Falls of the Ohio (Ky. and Ind.)
Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation (Ohio)
UF Ohio and Erie Canal Reservation (Ohio)
BT ParksOhio
Ohio & Erie Canalway National Heritage Area (Ohio)
USE Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor

Ohio Achievement Assessment
UF Ohio Achievement Test [Former heading]
BT Achievement testsOhio
Ohio Achievement Test
USE Ohio Achievement Assessment
Ohio and Erie Canal (Ohio)
BT CanalsOhio
Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor (Ohio)
UF Ohio and Erie Canalway National Heritage

Area (Ohio)
Ohio & Erie Canalway National Heritage Area

BT National parks and reservesOhio
Ohio and Erie Canal Reservation (Ohio)
USE Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation (Ohio)
Ohio and Erie Canalway National Heritage Area (Ohio)
USE Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor

Ohio Bridge (Cincinnati, Ohio, and Covington, Ky.)
USE John A. Roebling Bridge (Cincinnati, Ohio, and

Covington, Ky.)


Ohio buckeye (May Subd Geog)

[QK495.H65 (Botany)]
UF Aesculus glabra
American horse chestnut
American horsechestnut
Horse chestnut, American
Horsechestnut, American
Fetid buckeye
Stinking buckeye
Texas buckeye
BT Aesculus
Ohio Governor's Residence (Columbus, Ohio)
UF Governor's Residence (Columbus, Ohio)
BT GovernorsDwellingsOhio
Official residencesOhio
Ohio Graduation Test
UF OGT (Achievement test)
BT Achievement testsOhio
Ohio Library and Information Network (Information
retrieval system)
USE OhioLINK (Information retrieval system)
Ohio-Michigan Boundary Dispute, 1835
USE Toledo War, 1835
Ohio muskellunge
USE Muskellunge
Ohio muskie
USE Muskellunge
Ohio Peninsula (Ohio)
USE Marblehead Peninsula (Ohio)
Ohio Proficiency Test
BT Achievement testsOhio
Ohio Rapids, Operation, 1969
USE Operation Ohio Rapids, 1969
Ohio River
BT RiversUnited States
USE BridgesOhio River
Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge
BT National parks and reservesUnited States
Wildlife refugesUnited States
Ohio River pike
USE Muskellunge
Ohio River Scenic Byway
BT Scenic bywaysUnited States
Ohio River Valley
UF Ohio Valley [Former heading]
BT ValleysUnited States
NT Fort Ancient culture
Description and travel
UF Ohio River ValleyDescription and

travel1951-1980 [Former heading]

Ohio River ValleyDescription and

travel1981- [Former heading]

USE Ohio River ValleyDescription and

1981USE Ohio River ValleyDescription and

To 1795
Revolution, 1775-1783
Civil War, 1861-1865
Ohio River Watershed
BT WatershedsUnited States
Ohio Shale
BT Formations (Geology)Kentucky
Formations (Geology)Ohio
Formations (Geology)West Virginia
Geology, StratigraphicDevonian
Ohio State House (Columbus, Ohio)
USE Ohio Statehouse (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State Route 48 (Ohio)
UF Dayton-Covington Pike (Ohio)
Route 48 (Ohio)
State Route 48 (Ohio)
BT RoadsOhio
Ohio Statehouse (Columbus, Ohio)
UF Ohio State House (Columbus, Ohio)
State house (Columbus, Ohio)
Statehouse (Columbus, Ohio)
BT OhioCapital and capitol
Ohio Street (Sedalia, Mo.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsMissouri

Ohio Tests of Articulation and Perception of Sounds

BT ChildrenLanguageTesting
Educational tests and measurements
Ohio Theatre (Columbus, Ohio)
UF Loew's Ohio Theatre (Columbus, Ohio)
United Artists Ohio Theatre (Columbus, Ohio)
BT TheatersOhio
Ohio Turnpike (Ohio)
UF James W. Shocknessy Ohio Turnpike (Ohio)
Shocknessy Ohio Turnpike (Ohio)
BT Express highwaysOhio
Toll roadsOhio
Ohio Valley
USE Ohio River Valley
OhioLINK (Information retrieval system)
UF Ohio Library and Information Network

(Information retrieval system)

BT Information storage and retrieval systems
Library information networks
Ohiopyle State Park (Pa.)
BT ParksPennsylvania
Ohiwa Harbour (N.Z.)
BT HarborsNew Zealand
Ohka (Airplane)
USE Oka (Airplane)
Ohl family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ohlen family
Ohler family
Ohlen family
USE Ohl family
Ohler family
USE Ohl family
Oler family
Ohlewine family
USE Olwin family
Ohlhausen family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Von Ohlhausen family
Ohliger family (Not Subd Geog)
Ohlone cosmology (Not Subd Geog)
UF Cosmology, Ohlone
BT Cosmology
Ohlone Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Costano Indians
Costanoan Indians [Former heading]
Costanos Indians
BT Indians of North AmericaCalifornia
Ohlone language (May Subd Geog)
UF Costano language
Costanoan language [Former heading]
BT CaliforniaLanguages
Penutian languages
NT Mutsun dialect
Ohlwein family
USE Olwin family
OHM trails
USE Trail bike trails
Ohmer family (Not Subd Geog)
Ohmic contacts
BT Electric contactors
Semiconductor-metal boundaries
USE Ohmmeters
Ohmmeters (May Subd Geog)
UF Ohmmeter [Former heading]
BT Electric meters
OHMs (Motorcycles)
USE Trail bikes
Ohm's law
BT Electric currents, Direct
Ohnheiser family
USE Anhaiser family
Oho family (Not Subd Geog)
O'ho Wroi (Calif.)
USE Ah Pah Creek (Calif.)
Ohod, Battle of, Saudi Arabia, 625
USE Uhud, Battle of, Saudi Arabia, 625
O'Holleran family
USE Holleran family
O'Holloran family
USE Holleran family
Ohop Creek (Wash.)
UF Ow-hap Creek (Wash.)
BT RiversWashington (State)
Ohop Creek Valley (Wash.)
USE Ohop Valley (Wash.)

Ohop Lake (Wash.)

BT LakesWashington (State)
Ohop Valley (Wash.)
UF Ohop Creek Valley (Wash.)
BT ValleysWashington (State)
O'Horan family
USE Horan family
Ohoryok (African people)
USE Lokoya (African people)
Ohotsuku culture
USE Okhotsk culture
USE Okhotsk, Sea of
Ohre River (Germany and Czech Republic)
UF Eger River (Germany and Czech Republic)
BT RiversCzech Republic
Ohre River Valley (Germany and Czech Republic)
UF Ohre Valley (Germany and Czech Republic)
BT ValleysCzech Republic
Ohre Valley (Germany and Czech Republic)
USE Ohre River Valley (Germany and Czech

Ohrid, Lake (Macedonia and Albania)
UF Lake Ochrida (Macedonia and Albania)
Lake Ohrid (Macedonia and Albania)
Ligeni i Ohrit (Macedonia and Albania)
Ochrida, Lake (Macedonia and Albania)
Ohridsko Ezero (Macedonia and Albania)
Ohrit, Liqeni i (Macedonia and Albania)
Okhrida (Macedonia and Albania)
BT LakesAlbania
LakesMacedonia (Republic)
Ohrid trout (May Subd Geog)
UF Salmo letnica
Trutta balcanica
BT Salmo
Ohridsko Ezero (Macedonia and Albania)
USE Ohrid, Lake (Macedonia and Albania)
Ohrig family
USE Orwig family
Ohrit, Liqeni i (Macedonia and Albania)
USE Ohrid, Lake (Macedonia and Albania)
Ohrndorff family
USE Orndorff family
O'Hurley family
USE Hurley family
Ohziri Site (Kuji-shi, Japan)
USE Ojiri Site (Kuji-shi, Japan)
Oi (Bird)
USE Great-winged petrel
Oi-gawa (Japan)
USE Oi River (Japan)
Oi Kashima Iseki (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
USE Oi Kashima Site (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
Oi Kashima Site (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oi Kashima Iseki (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo,

BT JapanAntiquities
Oi Kawa (Japan)
USE Oi River (Japan)
Oi music (May Subd Geog)
BT Punk rock music
Oi River (Japan)
UF Oi-gawa (Japan)
Oi Kawa (Japan)
BT RiversJapan
Oia (Yoruba deity)
USE Oya (Yoruba deity)
Oiampi Indians
USE Wayampi Indians
Oiampi language
USE Wayampi language
Oiampipuco Indians
USE Wayampi Indians
Oiampipuco language
USE Wayampi language
Oiana Indians
USE Wayana Indians
Oiana language
USE Wayana language
Oiapoque River (French Guiana and Brazil)
UF Fleuve Oyapock (French Guiana and Brazil)
Fleuve Oyapok (French Guiana and Brazil)
Japoc River (French Guiana and Brazil)
Oyapock River (French Guiana and Brazil)
Oyapok Fleuve (French Guiana and Brazil)


Oyapok River (French Guiana and Brazil)

Rio Oiapoc (French Guiana and Brazil)
Rio Oiapoque (French Guiana and Brazil)
Rio Oyapok (French Guiana and Brazil)
Rio Oyapoque (French Guiana and Brazil)
Vicente Pinzon River (French Guiana and

BT RiversBrazil
RiversFrench Guiana
Oiat River (R.S.F.S.R.)
USE Oyat River (Russia)
Oiat River (Russia)
USE Oyat River (Russia)
Oiclus (May Subd Geog)
[QL458.72.S3 (Zoology)]
BT Scorpionidae
NT Oiclus nanus
Oiclus nanus (May Subd Geog)
[QL458.72.S3 (Zoology)]
BT Oiclus
OID (Bonds)
USE Original issue discount (Bonds)
Oidemia nigra
USE Black scoter
USE Grape powdery mildew disease
Oidium tuckeri
USE Uncinula necator
Oie family (Not Subd Geog)
ieb family (Not Subd Geog)
ien family (Not Subd Geog)
Oies, Ile aux (Quebec)
USE Oies Island (Montmagny, Quebec)
Oies Island (Montmagny, Quebec)
UF Geese, Island of (Quebec)
Goose Island (Quebec)
Ile aux Oies (Montmagny, Quebec)
Island of Geese (Quebec)
Oies, Ile aux (Quebec) [Former heading]
BT IslandsQuebec (Province)
Oikia Chronake (Erakleion, Greece)
UF Chronake, Oikia (Erakleion, Greece)
Chronakes House (Erakleion, Greece)
Oikia Chronake (Herakleion, Greece) [Former

BT DwellingsGreece
Oikia Chronake (Herakleion, Greece)
USE Oikia Chronake (Erakleion, Greece)
Oikodome (The Greek word)
BT Greek languageEtymology
Oikodomein (The Greek word)
BT Greek languageEtymology
Oikonomia (The Greek word)
BT Greek languageEtymology
Oikonomides family (Not Subd Geog)
Oikonomou family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Economou family
Economu family
Oikos (The Greek word)
BT Greek language, BiblicalEtymology
Oikos tou Dionysou (Paphos, Cyprus)
USE House of Dionysus (Paphos, Cyprus)
USE Oils and fats
Oil, Holy
USE Holy oils
Oil, Oleo
USE Premier jus
Oil adjuvant vaccines, Inactivated
USE Inactivated oil adjuvant vaccines
Oil analysis
USE Oils and fatsAnalysis
Oil and gas law
USE Natural gasLaw and legislation
Petroleum law and legislation
Oil and gas leases (May Subd Geog)
UF Gas and oil leases
Gas leases
Oil and gas leasesLaw and legislation
Oil leases
Oil royalties
BT Mining leases
Natural gasLaw and legislation
Petroleum law and legislation
NT Offshore oil and gas leases
Law and legislation
USE Oil and gas leases
Oil and gas tank batteries (May Subd Geog)
UF Batteries (Petroleum industry)
Tank batteries, Oil and gas
BT Gas wellsEquipment and supplies

Oil and gas tank batteries (Continued)

Oil wellsEquipment and supplies
Oil storage tanks
Oil as fuel
USE Petroleum as fuel
Oil as pesticide
UF Oil pesticides
Oil spray pesticides
Petroleum pesticides
Spray oil as pesticide
BT Pesticides
Oil-bearing sands
USE Oil sands
Oil burner industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Heating equipment industry
Oil burners (May Subd Geog)
[TH7466.O6 (Heating of buildings)]
UF Fuel oil burners
BT Heating
Petroleum as fuel
NT Argand burner
Oil cake (May Subd Geog)
UF Oilcake
BT Oilseed products
NT Cottonseed cake
Neem cake
Oil cake as feed (May Subd Geog)
BT Feeds
Oil cans
USE Oilcans
USE Oilcloth
Oil conservation
USE Petroleum conservation
Oil contamination of the sea
USE Oil pollution of the sea
Oil Creek (Allegany County, N.Y.)
USE Rawson Creek (N.Y.)
Oil Creek (Cattaraugus County and Allegany County,
BT RiversNew York (State)
Oil Creek (Crawford County and Venango County, Pa.)
BT RiversPennsylvania
Oil Creek Lake (Pa.)
USE Canadohta, Lake (Pa. : Lake)
Oil Creek State Park (Pa.)
BT ParksPennsylvania
Oil Creek Valley (Crawford County and Venango
County, Pa.)
BT ValleysPennsylvania
Oil crops
USE Oilseed plants
Oil depletion theory
USE Hubbert peak theory
Oil derricks
USE Oil well drilling rigs
Oil drilling platforms
USE Drilling platforms
Oil drums
USE Drums (Containers)
Oil emulsion vaccines, Inactivated
USE Inactivated oil adjuvant vaccines
Oil engines
USE Diesel motor
Oil exploration
USE PetroleumProspecting
USE Oilfeeders
Oil field brines (May Subd Geog)
UF Formation waters (Oil fields)
Oil field waters
Produced waters (Oil fields)
BT Groundwater
Petroleum engineering
Saline waters
Oil field chemicals
BT Chemicals
NT Completion fluids
Drilling muds
Workover fluids
Oil field chemicals industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Oil field equipment and supplies industry
Oil field equipment
USE Oil fieldsEquipment and supplies
Oil field equipment and supplies industry
(May Subd Geog)

BT Oil fieldsEquipment and supplies
NT Offshore oil field equipment industry
Oil field chemicals industry
Oil field flooding (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil wellsFlooding
Water flooding of oil wells
Water injection in oil fields
BT Oil fieldsProduction methods
Oil wells
Secondary recovery of oil
NT Miscible displacement (Petroleum engineering)
Oil field waters
USE Oil field brines
Oil field workers
USE Petroleum workers
Oil fields (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil lands
Oil pools
Petroleum fields
BT Mines and mineral resources
SA headings beginning with the phrase Oil field
NT Gas condensate reservoirs
Oil seepage
Oil wells
Petroleum in submerged lands
Petroleum reserves
Enhanced recovery operations
USE Enhanced oil recovery
Equipment and supplies
UF Oil field equipment
PetroleumEquipment and supplies
BT Petroleum industry and tradeEquipment

and supplies
NT Oil field equipment and supplies industry
Oil well pumps
Oil wellsEquipment and supplies
Paraffin deposition
Petroleum pipelines
Valuation (May Subd Geog)
Hydraulic equipment
BT Hydraulic machinery
Production methods (May Subd Geog)
UF Production methods in oil fields
BT Oil reservoir engineering
NT Enhanced oil recovery
Oil field flooding
Oil well completion
Oil well drilling
Oil well pumps
Oil well shooting
Oil wellsAcidization
Oil wellsArtificial lift
Oil wellsHydraulic fracturing
Petroleum mining
Secondary recovery of oil
USE Secondary recovery of oil
Safety measures
UF Oil wellsSafety measures
BT Petroleum industry and tradeSafety

Secondary recovery operations
USE Secondary recovery of oil
Unit operation
USE Unit operation of oil fields
Valuation (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil land valuation
Oil properties valuation
NT Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province (Alaska)
Arctic Ocean
NT Amerasia Basin Petroleum Province
NT Sargent Oil Field (Calif.)
NT Huabei Oil Field (China)
Shengli Oil Field (China)
Zhongyuan Oil Field (China)
NT Cano Limon (Colombia)
Great Plains
NT Bartelso Oil Field (Ill.)
Stewardson Oil Field (Ill.)
NT Gorham Oil Field (Kan.)


UF Oil fieldsKazakstan [Former heading]
NT Karachaganak Oil Field (Kazakhstan)
Tengiz Oil Field (Kazakhstan)
USE Oil fieldsKazakhstan
NT Kevin Sunburst Oil Field (Mont.)
North Sea
NT Troll Field
NT Brea y Parinas (Peru)
Russia (Federation)
NT Bazhenov-Neocomian Petroleum System

Romashkino Oil Field (Russia)
USE Oil fieldsSuriname
UF Oil fieldsSurinam [Former heading]
NT Tambaredjo Oil Field (Suriname)
NT Big Wells Field (Tex.)
NT Bluebell Oil Field (Utah)
Harley Dome Gas Field (Utah)
West Virginia
NT Granny Creek Stockly Oil Field (W. Va.)
Rock Creek Oil Field (W. Va.)
Oil fields, Offshore
USE Petroleum in submerged lands
Oil fields, Unit operation of
USE Unit operation of oil fields
Oil filters
BT Filters and filtration
Lubricating oils
SA subdivision Motors--Oil filters under individual

land vehicles and types of land vehicles, e.g.

Automobiles--Motors--Oil filters
NT AirplanesMotorsOil filters
Diesel locomotivesOil filters
Diesel motorOil filters
TractorsMotorsOil filters
Oil flower plants (May Subd Geog)
BT Flowers
USE Petroleum as fuel
Oil gas
BT Cracking process
Gas as fuel
NT Oil gasification
Oil gasification
UF Gasification of oil
Petroleum gasification
BT Gas manufacture and works
Oil gas
Oil grass
USE Cymbopogon
Oil gushers
USE Gushers
Oil Heritage Region (Pa.)
USE Oil Region National Heritage Area (Pa.)
Oil hydraulic machinery (May Subd Geog)
UF Hydraulic transmission
BT Hydraulic machinery
NT Diesel locomotivesHydraulic drive
Hydraulic couplings
Hydraulic cylinders
Hydraulic servomechanisms
Hydraulic torque converters
Machine-toolsHydraulic drive
Fluid dynamics
Vibration (May Subd Geog)
Oil hydraulic machinery industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Hydraulic machinery industry
Oil industries (May Subd Geog)
[HD9490 (Economics)]
[TP669-TP699 (Chemical technology)]
Here are entered works on the economic aspects
of oils and fats. Works on fat in its relation to the
animal organism are entered under Fat. Works on the
technological aspects of oils and fats are entered
under Oils and fats.

UF Oilseed industry

RT Petroleum industry and trade

NT Castor oil industry
Margarine industry
Oleoresin industry
Rendering industry
Sesame industry
Shea butter industry
Vegetable oil industry
Collective labor agreements
USE Collective labor agreementsOil

NT Oil industry workers
Strikes and lockouts
USE Strikes and lockoutsOil industries
Taxation (May Subd Geog)
RT Oils and fatsTaxation
USE WagesOil industries
Oil industry, Offshore
USE Offshore oil industry
Oil industry workers (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil workers
BT Oil industriesEmployees
NT Petroleum workers
Women oil industry workers
Oil inspection (May Subd Geog)
[HD9560.9 (Industry)]
[TP691 (Technology)]
UF Gasoline inspection
Inspection of oil
Petroleum inspection
NT Oil tagging
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Petroleum law and legislation
Oil land valuation
USE Oil fieldsValuation
Oil lands
USE Oil fields
Oil leases
USE Oil and gas leases
Oil migration
USE PetroleumMigration
Oil mills (May Subd Geog)
BT Milling machinery
NT Cottonseed oil mills
Olive oil mills
Soybean oil mills
Oil mist lubrication (May Subd Geog)
UF Mist lubrication
BT Lubrication and lubricants
Oil nut
USE Butternut
Oil of guaiac wood
USE Guaiac wood oil
Oil of henbane
USE Hyoscyamus (Drug)
Oil of katchung
USE Peanut oil
Oil of lavender
USE Lavender oil
Oil of Melaleuca
USE Tea tree oil
Oil of mirbane
USE Nitrobenzene
Oil of petitgrain
USE Petitgrain oil
Oil of rose
USE Attar of roses
Oil of vitriol
USE Sulfuric acid
Oil overcharge funds
USE Petroleum overcharge restitution funds
Oil painting
USE Painting
Oil palm (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.P17 (Botany)]
[SB299.P3 (Culture)]
UF African oil palm
Elaeis guineensis
Elaeis melanococca
Palm oil tree
BT Elaeis
Oilseed plants
RT Palm oil
Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog)
NT Oil palm wilt
Oil palm pollinating weevil
USE Elaeidobius kamerunicus

Oil palm wilt (May Subd Geog)

UF Fusarium wilt of oil palm
BT Fusarium diseases of plants
Oil palmDiseases and pests
Wilt diseases
Oil pesticides
USE Oil as pesticide
Oil platforms
USE Drilling platforms
Oil pollution damages, Liability for
USE Liability for oil pollution damages
Oil pollution of groundwater (May Subd Geog)
UF GroundwaterOil pollution
BT GroundwaterPollution
Oil pollution of water
Oil pollution of rivers, harbors, etc. (May Subd Geog)
UF Petroleum contamination of rivers, harbors, etc.
BT Oil pollution of water
RT Oil spills
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
NT Liability for oil pollution damages
Oil pollution of soils (May Subd Geog)
UF Petroleum contamination of soils
Petroleum pollution of soils
SoilsOil pollution
BT Soil pollution
Oil pollution of the sea (May Subd Geog)
UF Marine oil pollution
Oil contamination of the sea
Petroleum contamination of the sea
BT Marine pollution
Oil pollution of water
RT Oil spills
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Environmental law
Law of the sea
NT Liability for oil pollution damages
Oil pollution of water (May Subd Geog)
UF Petroleum contamination of water
Petroleum pollution of water [Former heading]
WaterOil pollution
BT Oil spills
Petroleum waste
NT Oil pollution of groundwater
Oil pollution of rivers, harbors, etc.
Oil pollution of the sea
Oil pools
USE Oil fields
Oil poppy
USE Opium poppy
Oil printing (Photography)
USE PhotographyPrinting processesOil
Oil process (Photography)
USE PhotographyPrinting processesOil
Oil properties valuation
USE Oil fieldsValuation
Oil reclamation
USE Petroleum wasteRecycling
Oil recovery, Thermal
USE Thermal oil recovery
Oil refineries
USE Petroleum refineries
Oil Region National Heritage Area (Pa.)
UF Oil Heritage Region (Pa.)
BT Historic sitesPennsylvania
National parks and reservesPennsylvania
Oil removal (Sewage purification)
USE SewagePurificationOil removal
Oil reserves
USE Petroleum reserves
Oil Reserves Scandal, 1921-1924
USE Teapot Dome Scandal, 1921-1924
Oil reservoir engineering (May Subd Geog)
BT Petroleum engineering
NT Oil fieldsProduction methods
Oil saturation in reservoirs
Oil rigs
USE Oil well drilling rigs
Oil royalties
USE Oil and gas leases
Oil sands (May Subd Geog)
UF Bituminous sand
Oil-bearing sands
Tar sand
BT Oil-shales
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Petroleum law and legislation


NT Formation damage (Petroleum

NT Athabasca Tar Sands (Alta.)
Oil sands extraction plants (May Subd Geog)
BT Oil sands industry
Petroleum refineries
Oil sands industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Petroleum industry and trade
NT Oil sands extraction plants
Oil sardine, Indian
USE Sardinella longiceps
Oil saturation in reservoirs
UF Reservoir oil saturation
Residual oil saturation in reservoirs
Saturation of oil in reservoirs
BT Oil reservoir engineering
Secondary recovery of oil
Oil seed plants
USE Oilseed plants
Oil seeds
USE Oilseeds
Oil seep
USE Oil seepage
Oil seepage (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil seep
BT Oil fields
Oil separators (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil skimmers
Oil-water separators
BT Separators (Machines)
WaterPurificationEquipment and supplies
NT Oil spill booms
Oil-shale industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Petroleum industry and trade
NT Shale oilsRefining
Equipment and supplies
Oil shale reserves (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil-shalesReserves [Former heading]
Reserves of oil-shale
BT Oil-shales
Oil-shales (May Subd Geog)
UF Kerogen shales
Shales, Kerogen
Shales, Oil
BT Energy minerals
NT Kerogen
Oil sands
Oil shale reserves
Shale gas reservoirs
USE Oil shale reserves
Oil silk
UF Oilsilk
Silk, Oiled
BT Silk
Waterproofing of fabrics
Oil sketches (May Subd Geog)
UF Painted sketches
BT Artists' preparatory studies
Oil skimmers
USE Oil separators
Oil slick containment booms
USE Oil spill booms
Oil spill booms (May Subd Geog)
UF Booms, Oil spill
Oil slick containment booms
BT Booms (Hydraulic engineering)
Oil separators
Oil spill cleanup
USE Oil spillsCleanup
Oil spill damages, Liability for
USE Liability for oil pollution damages
Oil spill drills (May Subd Geog)
UF Drills, Oil spill
BT Emergency drills
Oil spillsPrevention
Oil spill prevention
USE Oil spillsPrevention
Oil spills (May Subd Geog)
UF Oilspills
BT Environmental disasters

Oil spills (Continued)

RT Oil pollution of rivers, harbors, etc.
Oil pollution of the sea
NT Oil pollution of water
UF Claims against oil spill damage
RT Liability for oil pollution damages
USE Oil spillsCleanup
Cleanup (May Subd Geog)
UF Cleanup of oil spills
Oil spill cleanup
Oil spillsCleaning
BT Oil spillsManagement
Containment (May Subd Geog)
UF Containment of oil spills
Environmental aspects (May Subd Geog)
NT Oil spills and wildlife
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Environmental law
Petroleum law and legislation
NT Liability for oil pollution damages
NT Fishing boats in oil spill management
Oil spillsCleanup
UF Oil spill prevention
Prevention of oil spills
BT Pollution prevention
NT Oil spill drills
Risk assessment (May Subd Geog)
BT Risk assessment
NT Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Alaska, 1989
Mexico, Gulf of
NT BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil

Spill, 2010
NT Enbridge Oil Spill, Marshall, Mich., 2010
Oil spills and wildlife (May Subd Geog)
UF Wildlife and oil spills
BT Oil spillsEnvironmental aspects
Wildlife conservation
SA subdivision Effect of oil spills on under

individual animals and groups of animals,

e.g. Fishes--Effect of oil spills on

Oil spills in art (Not Subd Geog)
Oil spray pesticides
USE Oil as pesticide
Oil Spring Reservation (N.Y.)
UF Oil Springs Reservation (N.Y.)
BT Indian reservationsNew York (State)
Oil Springs Reservation (N.Y.)
USE Oil Spring Reservation (N.Y.)
Oil storage tank industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Tank industry
Oil storage tanks (May Subd Geog)
BT Storage tanks
RT PetroleumStorage
NT Oil and gas tank batteries
Decommissioning (May Subd Geog)
UF Decommissioning of oil storage tanks
Evaporation control (May Subd Geog)
BT Evaporation control
Insulation (May Subd Geog)
BT Insulation (Heat)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Petroleum law and legislation
NT Buncefield Oil Storage Depot (Hemel

Hempstead, England)
North Sea
NT Brent Spar (Oil storage tank)
Oil stoves
USE Stoves, Oil
Oil supply
USE Petroleum reserves
Oil tagging (May Subd Geog)
BT Oil inspection
Petroleum productsAnalysis
Oil tankers
USE Tankers
Oil transfer operations (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the physical transfer of
petroleum products, typically from ship to ship and
occasionally involving the interim storage of the
petroleum product as well.

UF Bunkering of oil

Oil transfer procedures

Petroleum transfer operations
Transfer of oil
BT PetroleumTransportation
Oil transfer procedures
USE Oil transfer operations
Oil-water separators
USE Oil separators
Oil well blowouts
USE Oil wellsBlowouts
Oil well boring
USE Oil well drilling
Oil well casing
UF Casing, Oil well
BT Oil well drilling
Oil wellsEquipment and supplies
NT Casinghead gas
Cathodic protection (May Subd Geog)
BT Cathodic protection
Welding (May Subd Geog)
Oil well cementing
UF Oil well plugging
BT Oil well drilling
Oil wellsMaintenance and repair
Oil well completion
UF Oil wellsCompletion
BT Oil fieldsProduction methods
Oil well drilling
Oil well drilling (May Subd Geog)
UF Drilling, Oil well
Oil well boring
Well drilling, Oil
BT Boring
Oil fieldsProduction methods
Petroleum engineering
NT Air drilling (Petroleum engineering)
Drilling muds
Extended-reach oil well drilling
Formation damage (Petroleum engineering)
Gas drilling (Petroleum engineering)
High-angle oil well drilling
Horizontal oil well drilling
Managed pressure drilling (Petroleum

Offshore oil well drilling
Oil well casing
Oil well cementing
Oil well completion
Oil wellsBlowouts
Underbalanced drilling (Petroleum engineering)
UF Oil well drilling rigsAutomatic control
Equipment and supplies
NT Shale shakers
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Petroleum law and legislation
Lost circulation
UF Lost circulation in oil well drilling
BT Drilling muds
Research (May Subd Geog)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Oil well drilling, Electric
Oil well drilling, Submarine
USE Offshore oil well drilling
Oil well drilling fluids
USE Drilling muds
Oil well drilling muds
USE Drilling muds
Oil well drilling rig evacuation
USE Oil well drilling rigsEvacuation
Oil well drilling rigs (May Subd Geog)
UF Derricks, Oil
Drill rigs
Drilling rigs
Drilling rigs, Oil well
Oil derricks
Oil rigs
Rigs, Drill
Rigs, Drilling
Rigs, Oil
Rigs, Oil well drilling
BT Cranes, derricks, etc.
Oil wellsEquipment and supplies
NT Deepwater Horizon (Drilling rig)
Drill pipe


Drill stem
Drilling platforms
Ocean Ranger (Drilling rig)
Automatic control
USE Oil well drillingAutomation
Electric driving (May Subd Geog)
BT Electric driving
Evacuation (May Subd Geog)
UF Evacuation of oil well drilling rigs
Oil well drilling rig evacuation
Vibration (May Subd Geog)
Oil well equipment
USE Oil wellsEquipment and supplies
Oil well logging (May Subd Geog)
UF Logging, Oil well
Well logging, Oil
BT Borings
Geology, Stratigraphic
Petroleum engineering
NT Mud logging
Oil well logging, Acoustic (May Subd Geog)
UF Acoustic logging (Oil wells)
Acoustic well logging
Sonic well logging
BT Acoustical engineering
Petroleum engineering
Oil well logging, Electric (May Subd Geog)
UF Electric logging (Oil wells)
Electric oil well logging
Logging, Electric (Oil wells)
BT Electric logging
Petroleum engineering
Oil well logging, Radiation (May Subd Geog)
UF Radiation logging (Oil wells)
Radioactivity logs
BT PetroleumGeology
Petroleum engineering
Radiation well logging
Radioactive prospecting
Oil well maintenance
USE Oil wellsMaintenance and repair
Oil well plugging
USE Oil well cementing
Oil well pumps (May Subd Geog)
UF PetroleumPumping
BT Oil fieldsEquipment and supplies
Oil fieldsProduction methods
Oil wellsArtificial lift
Oil wellsEquipment and supplies
Pumping machinery
NT Sucker rods
Electric driving (May Subd Geog)
BT Electric driving
Transmission devices
BT Gearing
Power transmission
Oil well servicing
USE Oil wellsMaintenance and repair
Oil well shooting
UF Oil well torpedoing
BT Oil fieldsProduction methods
Oil well torpedoing
USE Oil well shooting
Oil well workover
USE Oil wellsMaintenance and repair
Oil wells (May Subd Geog)
UF Wells, Oil
RT Gas wells
BT Oil fields
Petroleum engineering
SA headings beginning with the phrase Oil well
NT Condensate oil wells
Oil field flooding
Abandonment (May Subd Geog)
UF Abandonment of oil wells
UF Acidization of oil wells
BT Oil fieldsProduction methods
Artificial lift
UF Artificial lift (Oil wells)
BT Oil fieldsProduction methods
NT Oil well pumps
Oil wellsGas lift

UF Blow outs, Oil well

Blowouts, Oil well
Oil well blowouts [Former heading]
BT Oil well drilling
USE Oil well completion
Equipment and supplies
UF Oil well equipment
BT Oil fieldsEquipment and supplies
NT Inclinometer
Mud pumps
Oil and gas tank batteries
Oil well casing
Oil well drilling rigs
Oil well pumps
Well packers
UF Fishing for lost oil well equipment
Recovery of lost oil well equipment
USE Oil wellsMaintenance and repair
USE Oil field flooding
Gas lift (May Subd Geog)
UF Gas cycling (Oil wells)
Gas injection (Oil wells)
Gas-lift (Petroleum)
Gas reinjection (Oil wells)
BT Oil wellsArtificial lift
Secondary recovery of oil
RT Gas lift pumps
Hydraulic fracturing
BT Hydraulic fracturing
Oil fieldsProduction methods
Maintenance and repair
UF Oil well maintenance
Oil well servicing
Oil well workover
Oil wellsEquipment and

Oil wellsRepairing
Oil wellsServicing
Oil wellsWorkover
NT Oil well cementing
USE Oil wellsMaintenance and repair
Safety measures
USE Oil fieldsSafety measures
Sand control
UF Sand control in oil wells
Sand exclusion in oil wells
Silt control in oil wells
BT Soil stabilization
USE Oil wellsMaintenance and repair
NT Drill stem testing
USE Oil wellsMaintenance and repair
Oil workers
USE Oil industry workers
Petroleum workers
Oil Workers' Strike, 1939
USE Assam Oil Company Workers' Strike, 1939
Oilbird (May Subd Geog)
UF Steatornis caripensis
BT Steatornis
USE Oil cake
Oilcans (May Subd Geog)
[NK8459.O54 (Decorative arts)]
UF Cans, Oil
Oil cans
Oilers (Cans)
BT Containers
NT Oilfeeders
USE Tariff on oilcans
Oilcloth (May Subd Geog)
[TS1779.O5 (Floor coverings)]
UF Oil-cloth [Former heading]
BT Coated fabrics
Oilcloth flowers
USE Anthuriums
Oilcloth industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Coated fabrics industry
Oilean an Lochain (Ireland)
USE Illaunloughan Island (Ireland)

Oilean Dheilginse (Ireland)

USE Dalkey Island (Ireland)
Oilean Fhota (Ireland)
USE Fota Island (Ireland)
Oileann Baoi (Ireland)
USE Dursey Island (Ireland)
Oiled roads (May Subd Geog)
UF Roads, Oiled [Former heading]
BT Roads
Oilers (Cans)
USE Oilcans
Oilfeeders (May Subd Geog)
UF Force-feed oilcans
Oil-feeders [Former heading]
BT Lubrication systems
USE Tariff on oilfeeders
USE Thaleichthys pacificus
Oilfishes, Baikal
USE Comephoridae
Oilliamson family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Williamson family
Oils, Insulating
USE Electric insulators and insulationOils
Oils, Lubricating
USE Lubricating oils
Oils, Single cell
USE Single cell lipids
Oils, Synthetic
USE Synthetic lubricants
Oils and fats (May Subd Geog)
[TP669-TP695 (Chemical technology)]
Here are entered works on the technological
aspects of oils and fats. Works on the economic
aspects of oils and fats are entered under Oil
industries. Works on fat in its relation to the animal
organism are entered under Fat.

UF Animal oils
RT Lubrication and lubricants
Rendering industry
NT Drying oils
Electric insulators and insulationOils
Grape seed oil
Lard oil
Marine animal oils
Mineral oils
Oils and fats, Edible
Silkworm oil
Single cell lipids
Sulfonated oils
Vegetable oils
[TP671 (Chemical technology)]
UF Oil analysis [Former heading]
Flavor and odor (May Subd Geog)
BT Flavor
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Microbiology (May Subd Geog)
Taxation (May Subd Geog)
RT Oil industriesTaxation
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Oils and fats)
Oils and fats, Edible
UF Edible oils and fats
BT Oils and fats
RT Low-fat diet
NT Butter
Cocoa butter
FoodFat content
Shea butter


Deterioration (May Subd Geog)

UF Deterioration of edible oils and fats
USE Tariff on edible oils and fats
Oils and fats, Edible, in human nutrition
USE Lipids in human nutrition
Oils and fats in animal nutrition (May Subd Geog)
BT Animal nutrition
Oilseed industry
USE Oil industries
Oilseed plants (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil crops
Oil seed plants
BT Hydrocarbon-producing plants
Seed crops
NT Candlenut tree
Castor oil plant
Cnidoscolus marcgravii
Coconut palm
Oil palm
Oiticica tree
Opium poppy
Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog)
Research (May Subd Geog)
USE Oilseeds
Oilseed products (May Subd Geog)
BT Seed products
NT Oil cake
Rapeseed products
Sal seed products
Oilseeds (May Subd Geog)
UF Oil seeds
Oilseed plantsSeeds
BT Seeds
NT Castor beans
USE Oil silk
USE Oil spills
Oinavara dynasty
USE Oinwar dynasty
Oiniadai (Extinct city)
UF Oeniadae (Extinct city)
Oiniades (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesGreece
Oiniades (Extinct city)
USE Oiniadai (Extinct city)
Oinoanda (Extinct city)
UF Enoanda (Extinct city)
Oenoanda (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesTurkey
USE Oenochoes
Oinophilia (May Subd Geog)
BT Tineidae
USE Tineidae
Oinousa Island (Greece)
UF Agnousa Island (Greece)
Ignusi Island (Greece)
Inoussai Island (Greece)
Inousses Island (Greece)
Nesos Oinouses (Greece)
Nisis Oinousa (Greece)
Oinouses Island (Greece)
Oinousses Island (Greece)
BT IslandsGreece
Aegean Islands (Greece and Turkey)
Oinouses Island (Greece)
USE Oinousa Island (Greece)
Oinousses Island (Greece)
USE Oinousa Island (Greece)
UF Salves
BT Cosmetics

Ointments (Continued)
DrugsDosage forms
Oils and fats
Solid dosage forms
NT Barrier creams
Oinwar dynasty (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oinavara dynasty
BT IndiaKings and rulers
Maithili (Indic people)Kings and rulers
Oirat epic poetry
USE Epic poetry, Oirat
Oirat folk literature
USE Folk literature, Oirat
Oirat folk poetry
USE Folk poetry, Oirat
Oirat incantations
USE Incantations, Oirat
Oirat language (May Subd Geog)
UF Oyrat language
BT ChinaLanguages
RT Kalmyk language
BT MongoliaLanguages
Mongolian languages
NT Dorvod dialect
Zakhchin dialect
NT Tod alphabet
Oirat language (Turkic)
USE Altai language
Oirat literature (May Subd Geog)
BT ChinaLiteratures
Mongolian literature
NT Folk literature, Oirat
Oirat poetry
Oirat wit and humor
Oirat manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Oirat
Oirat philology (May Subd Geog)
Oirat poetry (May Subd Geog)
BT Oirat literature
NT Epic poetry, Oirat
Folk poetry, Oirat
Oirat proverbs
USE Proverbs, Oirat
Oirat riddles
USE Riddles, Oirat
Oirat wit and humor (May Subd Geog)
BT Oirat literature
Oirats (May Subd Geog)
UF Dorbon oirat (Asian people)
Dorvon Oirad (Asian people)
Western mongols
BT EthnologyChina
NT Bayad (Mongolian people)
Dorvod (Mongolian people)
Miangad (Mongolian people)
Olot (Mongolian people)
Zakhchin (Mongolian people)
Oiron Castle (Oiron, France)
USE Chateau d'Oiron (Oiron, France)
Oirot (Turkic people)
USE Altai (Turkic people)
Oirot language
USE Altai language
Oirot literature
USE Altai literature
Oirot poetry
USE Altai poetry
Oirya (African people)
USE Lokoya (African people)
OIS (Office information systems)
USE Office information systems
Ois River (Austria)
BT RiversAustria
Oisako Iseki (Kumage-cho, Japan)
USE Oisako Site (Kumage-cho, Japan)
Oisako Site (Kumage-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oisako Iseki (Kumage-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities

Oisans, Tour of the (France)

USE Tour de l'Oisans (France)
Oisans (France)
Oise River Valley (France)
UF Oise Valley (France)
BT ValleysFrance
Oise Valley (France)
USE Oise River Valley (France)
Oiseau River (Ont. and Man.)
USE Bird River (Ont. and Man.)
Oishi 2 Iseki (Sakata-shi, Japan)
USE Oishi 2 Site (Sakata-shi, Japan)
Oishi 2 Site (Sakata-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oishi 2 Iseki (Sakata-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oishi 4 Iseki (Sakata-shi, Japan)
USE Oishi 4 Site (Sakata-shi, Japan)
Oishi 4 Site (Sakata-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oishi 4 Iseki (Sakata-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oishi family (Not Subd Geog)
Oishidaira Iseki (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)
USE Oishidaira Site (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)
Oishidaira Site (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oishidaira Iseki (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oishiyama Iseki (Toshima-mura, Tokyo, Japan)
USE Oishiyama Site (Toshima-mura, Tokyo, Japan)
Oishiyama Site (Toshima-mura, Tokyo, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oishiyama Iseki (Toshima-mura, Tokyo, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oitai Iseki (Ogori-shi, Japan)
USE Oitai Site (Ogori-shi, Japan)
Oitai Site (Ogori-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oitai Iseki (Ogori-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oite, Mount (Greece)
USE Oiti, Mount (Greece)
Oite Oros (Greece)
USE Oiti, Mount (Greece)
Oithona (May Subd Geog)
BT Oithonidae
NT Oithona nana
Oithona nana (May Subd Geog)
BT Oithona
Oithonidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Cyclopoida
NT Oithona
Oiti, Mount (Greece)
UF Iti, Mount (Greece)
Mount Oiti (Greece)
Oeta, Mount (Greece)
Oite, Mount (Greece)
Oite Oros (Greece)
Oiti Oros (Greece)
BT MountainsGreece
Oiti National Park (Greece)
USE Ethnikos Drymos Oites (Greece)
Oiti Oros (Greece)
USE Oiti, Mount (Greece)
Oiticica oil (May Subd Geog)
BT Drying oils
Vegetable oils
Oiticica tree (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.C48 (Botany)]
[SB299.O (Oilseed plants)]
UF Licania rigida
BT Licania
Oilseed plants
Oittisen family (Not Subd Geog)
Oium (African people)
USE Papel (African people)
USE Hawaiians
Oja River (Spain)
USE Glera River (Spain)


Ojai City Hall (Ojai, Calif.)

UF City Hall (Ojai, Calif.)
BT City hallsCalifornia
Ojai Valley (Calif.)
BT ValleysCalifornia
Ojallera River (Spain)
USE Glera River (Spain)
Ojana Indians
USE Wayana Indians
Ojana language
USE Wayana language
Ojanjur language
USE Majang language
Ojarikoelle Indians
USE Oyaricoulet Indians
Ojasen Site (Tex.)
BT TexasAntiquities
Ojaski Lake (Wis.)
USE Mud Lake (Chetek, Barron County, Wis.)
Ojcow National Park (Poland)
USE Ojcowski Park Narodowy (Poland)
Ojcowski Park Narodowy (Poland)
UF Ojcow National Park (Poland)
BT National parks and reservesPoland
Ojebwa Indians
USE Ojibwa Indians
Ojebwa language
USE Ojibwa language
Oji language
USE Twi language
Oji Seishi Strike, 1958
BT Strikes and lockoutsPaper industryJapan
Ojibua Indians
USE Ojibwa Indians
Ojibuak language
USE Ojibwa language
Ojibwa aged
USE Older Ojibwa Indians
Ojibwa art (May Subd Geog)
UF Art, Ojibwa
Ojibwa IndiansArt [Former heading]
BT Art, American
Art, Canadian
NT Ojibwa painting
Ojibwa artists (May Subd Geog)
UF Artists, Ojibwa
BT ArtistsUnited States
Ojibwa baskets (May Subd Geog)
UF Baskets, Ojibwa
BT BasketsGreat Lakes Region (North America)
Ojibwa beadwork (May Subd Geog)
UF Beadwork, Ojibwa
BT BeadworkUnited States
Ojibwa Bible stories
USE Bible stories, Ojibwa
Ojibwa business enterprises (May Subd Geog)
UF Business enterprises, Ojibwa
Ojibwa IndiansBusiness enterprises [Former

BT Business enterprisesUnited States
Ojibwa children (May Subd Geog)
UF Children, Ojibwa
Ojibwa IndiansChildren [Former heading]
BT ChildrenCanada
ChildrenUnited States
Ojibwa dance (May Subd Geog)
UF Dance, Ojibwa
Ojibwa IndiansDances [Former heading]
BT DanceNorth America
Ojibwa hymns
USE Hymns, Ojibwa
Ojibwa Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Algic Indians
Anishinabe Indians
Bawichtigoutek Indians
Bungee Indians
Bungi Indians
Chipouais Indians
Chippewa Indians [Former heading]
Lac Courte Oreilles Indians
Ochepwa Indians
Odjibway Indians
Ojebwa Indians
Ojibua Indians
Ojibwauk Indians
Ojibway Indians
Ojibwe Indians
Otchilpwe Indians
Otchipwe Indians
Salteaux Indians
Saulteaux Indians

BT Algonquian Indians
Indians of North America
NT Missisauga Indians
Older Ojibwa Indians
USE Older Ojibwa Indians
USE Ojibwa art
Business enterprises
USE Ojibwa business enterprises
USE Ojibwa children
USE Ojibwa dance
Government relations
Land tenure (May Subd Geog)
Medicine (May Subd Geog)
NT Essiac
Mixed descent (May Subd Geog)
BT Racially mixed peopleUnited States
USE Names, Ojibwa
USE Ojibwa painting
USE Ojibwa philosophy
NT Midewiwin
Wars, 1898 (Not Subd Geog)
USE Ojibwa women
Ojibwa language (May Subd Geog)
UF Algic language
Anishinaabe language
Anishinabe language
Anishinaubae language
Bawichtigoutek language
Bungee language
Bungi language
Chipouais language
Chippewa language [Former heading]
Chippeway language
Ochepwa language
Odjibway language
Ojebwa language
Ojibuak language
Ojibway language
Ojibwe language
Otchilpwe language
Otchipwe language
Salteaux language
Saulteaux language
BT Algonquian languages
United StatesLanguages
NT Picture dictionaries, Ojibwa
USE Names, Ojibwa
Ojibwa law
UF Law, Ojibwa
BT Customary lawCanada
Customary lawUnited States
Ojibwa literature (May Subd Geog)
UF Chippewa literature [Former heading]
BT CanadaLiteratures
United StatesLiteratures
NT Ojibwa poetry
Ojibwa wit and humor
Ojibwa mythology (May Subd Geog)
UF Mythology, Ojibwa
Ojibwa names
USE Names, Ojibwa
Ojibwa older people
USE Older Ojibwa Indians
Ojibwa orations
USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Ojibwa
Ojibwa painting (May Subd Geog)
UF Ojibwa IndiansPainting [Former heading]
Painting, Ojibwa
BT Ojibwa art
Painting, American
Painting, Canadian
Ojibwa philosophy (May Subd Geog)
UF Ojibwa IndiansPhilosophy [Former heading]

Philosophy, Ojibwa
BT Philosophy, American
Ojibwa picture dictionaries
USE Picture dictionaries, Ojibwa
Ojibwa poetry (May Subd Geog)
UF Chippewa poetry [Former heading]
BT Ojibwa literature
Ojibwa songs
USE Songs, Ojibwa
Ojibwa speeches
USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Ojibwa
Ojibwa wit and humor (May Subd Geog)
BT Ojibwa literature
Ojibwa women (May Subd Geog)
UF Ojibwa IndiansWomen [Former heading]
Women, Ojibwa
BT WomenCanada
WomenUnited States
Ojibwa youth (May Subd Geog)
UF Youth, Ojibwa
BT YouthCanada
YouthUnited States
Ojibwauk Indians
USE Ojibwa Indians
Ojibway Indians
USE Ojibwa Indians
Ojibway language
USE Ojibwa language
Ojibwe Indians
USE Ojibwa Indians
Ojibwe language
USE Ojibwa language
Ojili family (Not Subd Geog)
Ojime (May Subd Geog)
[NK3650 (Art industries)]
[TS2301.B4 (Technology)]
BT Art objects, Japanese
Ojiri Iseki (Kuji-shi, Japan)
USE Ojiri Site (Kuji-shi, Japan)
Ojiri Site (Kuji-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ohziri Site (Kuji-shi, Japan)

Ojiri Iseki (Kuji-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Ojito Wilderness (N.M.)
UF Ojito Wilderness Study Area (N.M.)
BT National parks and reservesNew Mexico
Wilderness areasNew Mexico
Ojito Wilderness Study Area (N.M.)
USE Ojito Wilderness (N.M.)
Ojo Caliente Creek (N.M.)
USE Rio Ojo Caliente (N.M.)
Ojo Caliente River (N.M.)
USE Rio Ojo Caliente (N.M.)
Ojo Caliente River Valley (N.M.)
UF Ojo Caliente Valley (N.M.)
BT ValleysNew Mexico
RT Rio Ojo Caliente (N.M.)
Ojo Caliente Valley (N.M.)
USE Ojo Caliente River Valley (N.M.)
Ojo de Agua Site (Mexico)
BT MexicoAntiquities
Ojo de Dios (Talisman) (May Subd Geog)
UF Crosses, String (Talisman)
Eye of God (Talisman)
God's eye (Talisman)
String crosses (Talisman)
BT EyeReligious aspects
Indian craft
Indian textile fabricsMexico
Indian textile fabricsSouthwest, New
Ojo de Liebre, Laguna (Mexico)
USE Scammon's Lagoon (Mexico)
Ojo Guarena Cave (Spain)
UF Cueva Ojo Guarena (Spain)
BT CavesSpain
Ojo language
USE Ijo language
Ojocaliente Hacienda (Mexico)
UF Hacienda de Ojocaliente (Mexico)
BT HaciendasMexico
Ojolava (Samoa)
USE Upolu (Samoa)
Ojos del Arquillo Lagoon (Spain)
USE Arquillo Lagoon (Spain)


Ok (Papua New Guinea people)

USE Ok (Papua New Guinean people)
Ok (Papua New Guinean people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Ok (Papua New Guinea people) [Former

BT EthnologyPapua New Guinea
NT Wopkaimin (Papua New Guinean people)
Oka (Russia : Preserve)
USE Okskii zapovednik (Russia)
Oka (Airplane) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Baka (Airplane)
Cherry Blossom (Airplane)
Ohka (Airplane)
Yokosuka MXY7, Navy Suicide Attacker

BT Airplanes
Oka Crisis, Quebec, 1990
USE Quebec (Province)HistoryNative Crisis,

Oka Daichi Iseki (Shari-cho, Japan)
USE Oka Site (Shari-cho, Japan)
Oka family (Not Subd Geog)
Oka Indians
USE Mohawk Indians
Oka Iseki (Shari-cho, Japan)
USE Oka Site (Shari-cho, Japan)
Oka language
USE Mohawk language
Oka Reserve (Russia)
USE Okskii zapovednik (Russia)
Oka River (Kurskaia oblast-Gorkovskaia oblast,
USE Oka River (Kurskaia oblast
Nizhegorodskaia oblast, Russia)
Oka River (Kurskaia oblast-Nizhegorodskaia
oblast, Russia)
UF Oka River (Kurskaia oblast-Gorkovskaia

oblast, R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading]

Oka River (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading]
BT RiversRussia (Federation)
Oka River (R.S.F.S.R.)
USE Oka River (Kurskaia oblast
Nizhegorodskaia oblast, Russia)
Oka River Valley (Kurskaia oblast-Nizhegorodskaia
oblast, Russia)
UF Oka Valley (Kurskaia oblast
Nizhegorodskaia oblast, Russia)
BT ValleysRussia (Federation)
Oka River Watershed (Kurskaia oblastNizhegorodskaia oblast, Russia)
BT WatershedsRussia (Federation)
Oka Site (Shari-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oka Daichi Iseki (Shari-cho, Japan)

Oka Iseki (Shari-cho, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Oka Toma Creek (Miss.)
USE Okatoma Creek (Miss.)
Oka Valley (Kurskaia oblast-Nizhegorodskaia
oblast, Russia)
USE Oka River Valley (Kurskaia oblast
Nizhegorodskaia oblast, Russia)
Okabayashi family (Not Subd Geog)
Okabe family (Not Subd Geog)
Okahu (N.Z. : Bay)
USE Jackson Bay/Okahu (N.Z.)
Okaina Indians
USE Ocaina Indians
Okaina language
USE Ocaina language
Okaloacoochee Slough (Fla.)
UF Big Callaway (Fla.)
Callaway (Fla. : Slough)
Callaway Coochee (Fla.)
BT LakesFlorida
Okalopasaw River (Miss.)
USE Coldwater River (Miss.)
Okam language
USE Cross River Mbembe language
Okamiya Kofun (Sakaide-shi, Japan)
USE Okamiya Tomb (Sakaide-shi, Japan)
Okamiya Tomb (Sakaide-shi, Japan)
UF Okamiya Kofun (Sakaide-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Okamok Island (Alaska)
USE Chirikof Island (Alaska)
Okamoto family (Not Subd Geog)

Okamura Iseki (Japan)

USE Okamura Site (Japan)
Okamura Site (Japan)
UF Okamura Iseki (Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Okan (Japan)
USE Hokuriku Kaido (Japan)
Okanagan art (May Subd Geog)
UF Art, Okanagan
BT Art, American
Art, Canadian
Okanagan Basin (B.C. and Wash.)
USE Okanagan River Watershed (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanagan Country (B.C.)
USE Okanagan Valley (B.C. : Region)
Okanagan Drainage Basin (B.C. and Wash.)
USE Okanagan River Watershed (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanagan Highland (B.C.)
UF Okanagan Highlands (B.C.)
BT MountainsBritish Columbia
NT Big White Mountain (B.C.)
Okanagan Highlands (B.C.)
USE Okanagan Highland (B.C.)
Okanagan Highlands (Wash.)
USE Okanogan Highlands (Wash.)
Okanagan Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Okanagon Indians
Okanakan Indians
Okanogan Indians
Okinagan Indians [Former heading]
Okinakan Indians
Okinaken Indians
BT Indians of North AmericaBritish Columbia
Indians of North AmericaWashington (State)
Salishan Indians
Okanagan Lake (B.C.)
UF Lake Okanagan (B.C.)
BT LakesBritish Columbia
Okanagan Lake Region (B.C.)
USE Okanagan Valley (B.C. : Region)
Okanagan language (May Subd Geog)
UF Okanagen language
Okanagon language
Okanakan language
Okanogan language
Okinagan language [Former heading]
Okinakan language
Okinaken language
Wakyanakane language
BT British ColumbiaLanguages
Salishan languages
Washington (State)Languages
NT Colville dialect
Okanagan Mountain Park (B.C.)
USE Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park (B.C.)
Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park (B.C.)
UF Okanagan Mountain Park (B.C.)
BT ParksBritish Columbia
Okanagan Region (B.C.)
USE Okanagan Valley (B.C. : Region)
Okanagan River (B.C. and Wash.)
UF Okanagane River (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanogan River (B.C. and Wash.)
Okinakane River (B.C. and Wash.)
BT RiversBritish Columbia
RiversWashington (State)
Okanagan River Basin (B.C. and Wash.)
USE Okanagan River Watershed (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanagan River Valley (B.C. and Wash.)
Here are entered works on the valley of the
Okanagan River from its source in Okanagan Lake to
its mouth. Works on the region of south central British
Columbia comprising the system of lakes and rivers
from Shuswap Lake south to Okanagan Lake are
entered under Okanagan Valley (B.C. : Region).

UF Okanagan Valley (B.C. and Wash.)

BT ValleysBritish Columbia
ValleysWashington (State)
Okanagan River Watershed (B.C. and Wash.)
UF Bassin de l'Okanagane (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanagan Basin (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanagan Drainage Basin (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanagan River Basin (B.C. and Wash.)
BT WatershedsBritish Columbia
WatershedsWashington (State)
Okanagan Valley (B.C. and Wash.)
USE Okanagan River Valley (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanagan Valley (B.C. : Region)
Here are entered works on the region of south
central British Columbia comprising the system of

lakes and rivers from Shuswap Lake south to

Okanagan Lake. Works on the valley of the
Okanagan River from its source in Okanagan Lake to
its mouth are entered under Okanagan River Valley
(B.C. and Wash.).

UF Okanagan Country (B.C.)

Okanagan Lake Region (B.C.)
Okanagan Region (B.C.)
Vallee de l'Okanagan (B.C. : Region)
BT ValleysBritish Columbia
Okanagana (May Subd Geog)
[QL527.C5 (Zoology)]
BT Cicadas
NT Okanagana pallidula
Okanagana striatipes
Okanagana utahensis
Okanagana pallidula (May Subd Geog)
[QL527.C5 (Zoology)]
BT Okanagana
Okanagana striatipes (May Subd Geog)
[QL527.C5 (Zoology)]
BT Okanagana
Okanagana utahensis (May Subd Geog)
[QL527.C5 (Zoology)]
BT Okanagana
Okanagane River (B.C. and Wash.)
USE Okanagan River (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanagen language
USE Okanagan language
Okanagon Indians
USE Okanagan Indians
Okanagon language
USE Okanagan language
Okanakan Indians
USE Okanagan Indians
Okanakan language
USE Okanagan language
Okanda, Reserve de Lope- (Gabon)
USE Reserve de Lope-Okanda (Gabon)
O'Kane family
USE Cain family
Okanisi language
USE Ndjuka language
Okanisi people
USE Ndjuka people
Okanisi sama people
USE Ndjuka people
Okanogan, Fort (Wash.)
USE Fort Okanogan (Wash.)
Okanogan Highlands (Wash.)
UF Okanagan Highlands (Wash.)
Okanogan Indians
USE Okanagan Indians
Okanogan language
USE Okanagan language
Okanogan National Forest (Wash.)
UF Chelan National Forest (Wash.)
Okanogon National Forest (Wash.)
BT Forest reservesWashington (State)
National parks and reservesWashington

Okanogan River (B.C. and Wash.)
USE Okanagan River (B.C. and Wash.)
Okanogon National Forest (Wash.)
USE Okanogan National Forest (Wash.)
Okanoyama Iseki (Kumage-cho, Japan)
USE Okanoyama Site (Kumage-cho, Japan)
Okanoyama Site (Kumage-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okanoyama Iseki (Kumage-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Okapi (May Subd Geog)
UF Okapia johnstoni
BT Okapia
Okapi (Information retrieval system)
BT Information storage and retrieval systems
Okapia (May Subd Geog)
BT Giraffidae
NT Okapi
Okapia johnstoni
USE Okapi
Okara (May Subd Geog)
UF Pulp, Soy
Pulp, Soymilk
Soy pulp
Soymilk pulp
BT Nonfermented soyfoods


Okara-Dipalpur Road (Pakistan)

USE Dipalpur-Okara Road (Pakistan)
Okarito Lagoon (N.Z.)
BT LagoonsNew Zealand
Okasho-wan (Japan)
USE Gokasho Bay (Japan)
Okata family (Not Subd Geog)
Okatibbee Lake (Miss.)
UF Okatibbee Reservoir (Miss.)
BT LakesMississippi
Okatibbee Reservoir (Miss.)
USE Okatibbee Lake (Miss.)
Okatoma Creek (Miss.)
UF Lawsons Creek (Miss.)
Oakatoma Creek (Miss.)
Ocatona Creek (Miss.)
Oka Toma Creek (Miss.)
Okatoma River (Miss.)
Okatomy Creek (Miss.)
Okatona Creek (Miss.)
Sun Creek (Miss.)
BT RiversMississippi
Okatoma River (Miss.)
USE Okatoma Creek (Miss.)
Okatomy Creek (Miss.)
USE Okatoma Creek (Miss.)
Okatona Creek (Miss.)
USE Okatoma Creek (Miss.)
Okavango River
UF Cubango River
Kubango River
Okovanggo River
Rio Cubango
BT RiversAngola
USE Okavango River Delta (Botswana)
Okavango River Delta (Botswana)
UF Okavango RiverDelta [Former heading]
BT DeltasBotswana
Okavango River Valley
UF Okavango Valley
BT ValleysAngola
Okavango River Watershed
BT WatershedsAngola
Okavango Valley
USE Okavango River Valley
Okawa family (Not Subd Geog)
Okawa Iseki (Yoichi-cho, Japan)
USE Okawa Site (Yoichi-cho, Japan)
Okawa Site (Yoichi-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okawa Iseki (Yoichi-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Okawachi family
USE Okochi family
Okayama Castle (Minakuchi-cho, Japan)
USE Okayamajo (Minakuchi-cho, Japan)
Okayama Korakuen (Okayama-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Korakuen (Okayama-shi, Japan)

BT GardensJapan
Okayamajo (Japan)
USE Mizukuki Okayamajo (Japan)
Okayamajo (Minakuchi-cho, Japan)
UF Minakuchijo (Minakuchi-cho, Japan)
Okayama Castle (Minakuchi-cho, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Okayamajo (Okayama-shi, Japan)
UF Ishiyamajo (Okayama-shi, Japan)
Karasujo (Okayama-shi, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Okazaki Castle (Okazaki-shi, Japan)
USE Okazakijo (Okazaki-shi, Japan)
Okazaki family (Not Subd Geog)
Okazakijo (Okazaki-shi, Japan)
UF Mikawa Okazakijo (Okazaki-shi, Japan)
Okazaki Castle (Okazaki-shi, Japan)
Ryujo (Okazaki-shi, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Oke family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Oakey family

Okebo (African people)

USE Ndo (African people)
Okebu (African people)
USE Ndo (African people)
Okechobee, Battle of, 1837
USE Okeechobee, Battle of, Fla., 1837
Okeechobee, Lake (Fla.)
UF Lake Okeechobee (Fla.)
BT LakesFlorida
Okeechobee, Battle of, Fla., 1837
UF Lake Okeechobee, Battle of, Fla., 1837
Okechobee, Battle of, 1837 [Former heading]
BT Seminole War, 2nd, 1835-1842Campaigns
Okeechobee Waterway (Fla.)
UF Cross-Florida Waterway (Fla.)
Lake Okeechobee-Cross Florida Waterway

BT WaterwaysFlorida
O'Keefe family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Keefe family
Keeffe family
Kieffe family
O'Keeffe family
O'Keeffe family
USE O'Keefe family
Okefenoke Swamp (Ga. and Fla.)
USE Okefenokee Swamp (Ga. and Fla.)
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (Ga. and Fla.)
BT National parks and reservesFlorida
National parks and reservesGeorgia
Wildlife refugesFlorida
Wildlife refugesGeorgia
Okefenokee Swamp (Ga. and Fla.)
UF Okefenoke Swamp (Ga. and Fla.)
Okefinokee Swamp (Ga. and Fla.)
BT SwampsFlorida
Okefinokee Swamp (Ga. and Fla.)
USE Okefenokee Swamp (Ga. and Fla.)
Okehampton Castle (England)
BT CastlesEngland
Okehazama, Battle of, Japan, 1560
UF Okehazama (Japan), Battle of, 1560 [Former

BT JapanHistoryPeriod of civil wars, 1480
Okehazama (Japan), Battle of, 1560
USE Okehazama, Battle of, Japan, 1560
Okeina language
USE Korape language
Okela (African people)
USE Kela (African people)
Okela language
USE Kela language
Okeley family
USE Oakley family
O'Kelia family
USE Kelly family
O'Kelley family
USE Kelly family
O'Kelly (Name)
BT Names, Personal
O'Kelly family
USE Kelly family
Okely family
USE Oakley family
Okemah Lake (Okla.)
UF Lake Okemah (Okla.)
BT LakesOklahoma
Okenechee Indians
USE Occaneechi Indians
O'Kennedy family
USE Kennedy family
Oker family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ocker family
Ogger family
Oker River (Germany)
UF Ocker River (Germany)
BT RiversGermany
Oker River Valley (Germany)
UF Oker Valley (Germany)
BT ValleysGermany
Oker Valley (Germany)
USE Oker River Valley (Germany)
Okes family
USE Oakes family
Okeson family
USE Casson family
Okey family
USE Oakey family

OKFTZ (Nigeria)
USE Olokola Port/Free Trade Zone (Nigeria)
Okfuskee Indians
USE Coosa Indians
Okhotsk, Sea of
UF Lamutski
Okhotsk Sea
Okhotskoe More
Okhotskoye More
Sea of Okhotsk
BT Seas
Okhotsk culture (May Subd Geog)
UF Ohotsuku culture
BT Neolithic period
Okhotsk Sea
USE Okhotsk, Sea of
Okhotskoe More
USE Okhotsk, Sea of
Okhotskoye More
USE Okhotsk, Sea of
Okhrida (Macedonia and Albania)
USE Ohrid, Lake (Macedonia and Albania)
Oki Archipelago (Japan)
USE Oki Islands (Japan)
Oki family (Not Subd Geog)
Oki Gunto (Japan)
USE Oki Islands (Japan)
Oki Iseki (Yasu-machi, Fukuoka-ken, Japan)
USE Oki Site (Yasu-machi, Fukuoka-ken, Japan)
Oki Islands (Japan)
UF Oki Archipelago (Japan)
Oki Gunto (Japan)
Oki no Shima (Japan)
Oki Retto (Japan)
Oki-shoto (Japan)
BT ArchipelagoesJapan
Oki-kaikyo (Japan)
USE Oki Strait (Japan)
Oki language
USE Tuki language
Oki no Shima (Japan)
USE Oki Islands (Japan)
Oki Retto (Japan)
USE Oki Islands (Japan)
Oki-shoto (Japan)
USE Oki Islands (Japan)
Oki Site (Yasu-machi, Fukuoka-ken, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oki Iseki (Yasu-machi, Fukuoka-ken, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oki Strait (Japan)
UF Oki-kaikyo (Japan)
BT StraitsJapan
Oki Terayama Kofun (Shimonoseki-shi, Japan)
USE Oki Terayama Tomb (Shimonoseki-shi, Japan)
Oki Terayama Tomb (Shimonoseki-shi, Japan)
UF Oki Terayama Kofun (Shimonoseki-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Oki Unomarujo (Yunotsu-machi, Japan)
USE Unomarujo (Yunotsu-machi, Japan)
Okidata printers (Not Subd Geog)
BT Computer printers
Okie family
USE Oakey family
Okiek (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Akiek (African people)
Ogiek (African people)
BT Dorobo (African people)
Okiek women
USE Women, Okiek
Okiep (South Africa)
Siege, 1899-1900
BT SiegesSouth Africa
South African War, 1899
Okiep Mine (South Africa)
USE O'Okiep Copper Mine (South Africa)
Okierabu Island (Japan)
USE Okinoerabu Island (Japan)
Okii (African people)
USE Boki (African people)
Okii language
USE Bokyi language


Okiide Iseki (Ukiha-machi, Japan)

USE Okiide Site (Ukiha-machi, Japan)
Okiide Site (Ukiha-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okiide Iseki (Ukiha-machi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
O'Killey family
USE Kelly family
O'Killia family
USE Kelly family
Okimijo (Shingu-shi, Japan)
USE Shingujo (Shingu-shi, Japan)
Okin family (Not Subd Geog)
Okinaga family (Not Subd Geog)
Okinagan Indians
USE Okanagan Indians
Okinagan language
USE Okanagan language
Okinakan Indians
USE Okanagan Indians
Okinakan language
USE Okanagan language
Okinakane River (B.C. and Wash.)
USE Okanagan River (B.C. and Wash.)
Okinaken Indians
USE Okanagan Indians
Okinaken language
USE Okanagan language
Okinawa, Battle of, Japan, 1945
USE World War, 1939
1945CampaignsJapanOkinawa Island
Okinawa Island (Japan)
BT IslandsJapan
Ryukyu Islands
Okinawa-ken Chosha (Naha-shi, Japan)
BT Naha-shi (Japan)Capital and capitol
Okinawa woodpecker
USE Sapheopipo noguchii
Okinawan . . .
USE subject headings including the word Ryukyuan,

e.g. Portrait painting, Ryukyuan

Okinawan language
USE Ryukyuan language
USE Ryukyuans
O'Kincheloe family
USE Kinsella family
Okininoerabu Island (Japan)
USE Okinoerabu Island (Japan)
Okinnarabe Island (Japan)
USE Okinoerabu Island (Japan)
Okino-daito Island, Battle of, 1945
USE Okino-daito Island, Battle of, Japan, 1945
Okino-daito Island, Battle of, Japan, 1945
UF Okino-daito Island, Battle of, 1945 [Former

BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsJapan
Okinoerabu Island (Japan)
UF Okierabu Island (Japan)
Okininoerabu Island (Japan)
Okinnarabe Island (Japan)
Okinoerabu-jima (Japan)
Okinoerabu-shima (Japan)
BT Amami Islands (Japan)
Okinoerabu-jima (Japan)
USE Okinoerabu Island (Japan)
Okinoerabu-shima (Japan)
USE Okinoerabu Island (Japan)
Okinohara Iseki (Itsuwa-machi, Japan)
USE Okinohara Site (Itsuwa-machi, Japan)
Okinohara Site (Itsuwa-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okinohara Iseki (Itsuwa-machi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Okishio Castle (Yumesaki-cho, Japan)
USE Okishiojo (Yumesaki-cho, Japan)
Okishiojo (Yumesaki-cho, Japan)
UF Fujimarujo (Yumesaki-cho, Japan)
Okishio Castle (Yumesaki-cho, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Okisuga Iseki (Tamano-shi, Japan)
USE Okisuga Site (Tamano-shi, Japan)
Okisuga Site (Tamano-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okisuga Iseki (Tamano-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Okitama Region (Japan)

Okitsuke Iseki (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)

USE Okitsuke Site (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)
Okitsuke Site (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okitsuke Iseki (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Okiura Iseki (Kamagari-cho, Japan)
USE Okiura Site (Kamagari-cho, Japan)
Okiura Site (Kamagari-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okiura Iseki (Kamagari-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Okkaligas (May Subd Geog)
BT CasteIndia
NT Kunchitigas
Uppina Kolaga Okkaligas
Vaisnava Okkaligas
USE Lampetra
Okkonen family (Not Subd Geog)
Okladnikov Cave (Russia)
UF Peshchera im. Okladnikova (Russia)
Peshchera Sibiriachikha (Russia)
BT CavesRussia (Federation)
Russia (Federation)Antiquities
NT Arthur Site (Okla.)
Bellcow Site (Okla.)
Bug Hill Site (Okla.)
Burnham Site (Okla.)
Burton Sites (Okla.)
Coody Creek Site (Okla.)
Cooper Site (Okla.)
Edwards I Site (Okla.)
Ferdinandina Site (Okla.)
Grobin Davis Site (Okla.)
Kenton Caves (Okla.)
Mahaffey Site (Okla.)
Panhandle culture
Roden Site (Okla.)
Sallee G. Site (Okla.)
Spiro Mounds Archaeological State Park

Uncas Site (Okla.)
Capital and capitol
NT Oklahoma State Capitol (Oklahoma City,

Description and travel
UF OklahomaDescription and travel1951
1980 [Former heading]
OklahomaDescription and travel1981
[Former heading]
USE OklahomaDescription and travel
1981USE OklahomaDescription and travel
NT Cabin Creek, 2nd Battle of, Okla., 1864
Honey Springs, Battle of, Okla., 1863
Civil War, 1861-1865
NT Locust Grove, Battle of, Okla., 1862
Land Rush, 1889
UF Land Rush, Okla., 1889
Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889
Land Rush, 1893
UF Land Rush, Okla., 1893
Oklahoma Land Rush, Okla., 1893
NT Caddo language
Cherokee language
Comanche language
Dhegiha language
Hitchiti language
Kansa language
Kickapoo language
Miami language (Ind. and Okla.)
Mikasuki language
Munsee language
Natchez language
Oto language
Ottawa language
Seminole language
Seneca language
Shawnee language
Tonkawa language

Wichita language
Wyandot language
Politics and government
To 1907
1907Oklahoma (Game)
BT Rummy (Game)
Oklahoma Aquifer, Central (Okla.)
USE Central Oklahoma Aquifer (Okla.)
Oklahoma Bat Caves National Wildlife Refuge (Okla.)
USE Ozark Plateau National Wildlife Refuge (Okla.)
Oklahoma cave amphipod (May Subd Geog)
UF Allocrangonyx pellucidus
BT Allocrangonyx
Oklahoma City Federal Building (Oklahoma City, Okla. :
USE Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (Oklahoma

City, Okla.)
Oklahoma City Federal Building (Oklahoma City, Okla. :
2004- )
BT Public buildingsOklahoma
Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing, Oklahoma
City, Okla., 1995
UF Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing,

Oklahoma City, Okla., 1995

Bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal

Building, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1995

Murrah Federal Building Bombing, Oklahoma

City, Okla., 1995

BT BombingsOklahoma
Oklahoma City National Memorial (Okla.)
BT MemorialsOklahoma
National parks and reservesOklahoma
Oklahoma Governor's Mansion (Oklahoma City, Okla.)
UF Governor's Mansion (Oklahoma City, Okla.)
BT GovernorsDwellingsOklahoma
Official residencesOklahoma
Oklahoma Land Rush, Okla., 1893
USE OklahomaHistoryLand Rush, 1893
Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889
USE OklahomaHistoryLand Rush, 1889
Oklahoma Library Technology Network
USE OLTN (Library information network)
Oklahoma Panhandle (Okla.)
UF Cimarron, Territory of (Okla.)
No Man's Land (Okla.)
Noman's Land (Okla.)
Panhandle (Okla.)
Public Land Strip (Okla.)
Oklahoma Route 66 Scenic Byway (Okla.)
BT Scenic bywaysOklahoma
United States Highway 66
Oklahoma State Capitol (Oklahoma City, Okla.)
UF State Capitol (Oklahoma City, Okla.)
BT OklahomaCapital and capitol
Oklawaha, Lake (Fla.)
USE Ocklawaha, Lake (Fla.)
Oklawaha River (Fla.)
UF Ocklawaha River (Fla.)
Oclawaha River (Fla.)
BT RiversFlorida
Oklawaha River Watershed (Fla.)
BT WatershedsFlorida
Okleshen family (Not Subd Geog)
Okmok, Mount (Alaska)
UF Mount Okmok (Alaska)
Okmok Volcano (Alaska)
BT MountainsAlaska
Okmok Volcano (Alaska)
USE Okmok, Mount (Alaska)
Okmuk Canyon
BT Submarine valleysBering Sea
Okmulgi River (Ga.)
USE Ocmulgee River (Ga.)
Oko-Eni-Osayen language
USE Oko language
Oko language (May Subd Geog)
UF Ogori language
Ogori-Magongo language
Ogori-Osayen language
Oko-Eni-Osayen language
Osanyen language
Osanyin language
Osayen language
BT Benue-Congo languages


Okoa Island (Tonga)

BT IslandsTonga
Vavau (Tonga)
Okoboji Lakes (Iowa)
BT LakesIowa
Okochi family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Okawachi family
Okochi Memorial Prize
BT Research, IndustrialAwardsJapan
Okolona, Battle of, Miss., 1864
BT MississippiHistoryCivil War, 1861-1865
United StatesHistoryCivil War, 1861
Okonjati Game Sanctuary (Namibia)
USE Okonjati Wildlife Sanctuary (Namibia)
Okonjati Wildlife Sanctuary (Namibia)
UF Okonjati Game Sanctuary (Namibia)
Okonyati Game Sanctuary (Namibia)
BT Game reservesNamibia
Wildlife refugesNamibia
Okonyati Game Sanctuary (Namibia)
USE Okonjati Wildlife Sanctuary (Namibia)
USE Kunten
Okouahou (African people)
USE Kwahu (African people)
USE Aucoumea klaineana
Okovanggo River
USE Okavango River
Okpamheri (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Opameri (African people)
BT Edo-speaking peoples
Okpara River (Benin)
USE Oueme River (Benin)
Okpe language (May Subd Geog)
BT Edoid languages
Vowel harmony (Not Subd Geog)
BT Grammar, Comparative and

generalVowel harmony
Okpele language
USE Bekwil language
Okra (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.M27 (Botany)]
[SB351.O5 (Culture)]
UF Abelmoschus esculentus
Gumbo (Plant)
Hibiscus esculentus
BT Abelmoschus
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Okra)
Okrafo-Smart family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Smart family
Okrika (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Kirike (African people)
BT EthnologyNigeria
Okrika dialect (May Subd Geog)
BT Ijo language
Okrouhle Hradiste Site (Czech Republic)
UF Okrouhle Hradiste Site (Czechoslovakia)

[Former heading]
BT Czech RepublicAntiquities
Okrouhle Hradiste Site (Czechoslovakia)
USE Okrouhle Hradiste Site (Czech Republic)
Oksa Temple (Tajikistan)
USE Khram Oksa (Tajikistan)
Oksapmin (Papua New Guinea people)
USE Oksapmin (Papua New Guinean people)
Oksapmin (Papua New Guinean people)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Oksapmin (Papua New Guinea people)

[Former heading]
BT EthnologyPapua New Guinea
Oksapmin children
USE Children, Oksapmin
Oksapmin language (May Subd Geog)
BT Papua New GuineaLanguages
Papuan languages
Okski (Russia : Preserve)
USE Okskii zapovednik (Russia)
Okskii gosudarstvennyi zapovednik (Russia)
USE Okskii zapovednik (Russia)
Okskii Preserve (Russia)
USE Okskii zapovednik (Russia)

Okskii zapovednik (R.S.F.S.R.)

USE Okskii zapovednik (Russia)
Okskii zapovednik (Russia)
UF Oka (Russia : Preserve)
Oka Reserve (Russia)
Okski (Russia : Preserve)
Okskii gosudarstvennyi zapovednik (Russia)
Okskii Preserve (Russia)
Okskii zapovednik (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former

Okskij zapovednik (Russia)
BT National parks and reservesRussia

Natural areasRussia (Federation)
Okskij zapovednik (Russia)
USE Okskii zapovednik (Russia)
Oksnes family
USE Oksness family
Oksness family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Axness family
Oksnes family
Oksywie culture (May Subd Geog)
UF Oksywska kultura
BT Iron agePoland
Oksywie Hill (Poland)
UF Kepa Oksywska (Poland)
BT MorainesPoland
Oksywie Hill, Battle of, Poland, 1939
UF Oksywie Hill (Poland), Battle of, 1939 [Former

BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsPoland
Oksywie Hill (Poland), Battle of, 1939
USE Oksywie Hill, Battle of, Poland, 1939
Oksywska kultura
USE Oksywie culture
Oktengban (Indonesian people)
USE Ketengban (Indonesian people)
Oktengban language
USE Ketengban language
Oktoberfest (May Subd Geog)
UF Octoberfest
BT Harvest festivals
Oktoberfest Bombing, Munich, Germany, 1980
BT BombingsGermany
Oktogon (Kassel, Germany)
USE Herkules-Bauwerk (Kassel, Germany)
Oku, Mount (Cameroon)
UF Kilum, Mount (Cameroon)
Mount Kilum (Cameroon)
Mount Oku (Cameroon)
BT MountainsCameroon
Oku (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Bamuku (African people)
BT EthnologyCameroon
Ibibio (African people)
Oku language (May Subd Geog)
UF Bvukoo language
Ebkuo language
Ekpwo language
Kuo language (Oku)
Ukfwo language
Uku language (Oku)
BT CameroonLanguages
Grassfields Bantu languages
Oku Tama Lake (Japan)
USE Okutama Lake (Japan)
Okubo A Iseki (Yoshioka-mura, Gunma-ken, Japan)
USE Okubo A Site (Yoshioka-mura, Gunma-ken,

Okubo A Site (Yoshioka-mura, Gunma-ken, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okubo A Iseki (Yoshioka-mura, Gunma-ken,

BT JapanAntiquities
Okuda family (Not Subd Geog)
Okujiri-jima (Japan)
USE Okushiri Island (Japan)
Okuma family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Aucoumea klaineana
Okumiomote Dam (Japan)
BT DamsJapan
Okumura family (Not Subd Geog)
Okun (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Kabba (Nigerian people)
BT EthnologyNigeria
Yoruba (African people)

Okuneva Site (Russia)

USE Okunevo Site (Russia)
Okunevo Site (Russia)
UF Okuneva Site (Russia)
BT Russia (Federation)Antiquities
Okuninushi no kami
UF Onamuchi no kami
BT Gods, Shinto
Mythology, Japanese
RT Daikokuten (Japanese deity)
Okuno Island (Japan)
UF Okuno-jima (Japan)
Okunojima (Japan)
BT Geiyo Islands (Japan)
Okuno-jima (Japan)
USE Okuno Island (Japan)
Okunojima (Japan)
USE Okuno Island (Japan)
Okunuki-ke Jutaku (Kawagoe-shi, Japan)
BT DwellingsJapan
Okura Zaibatsu
BT Trusts, IndustrialJapan
Okusa Castle Site (Nagakute-cho, Japan)
USE Okusajo Site (Nagakute-cho, Japan)
Okusa-jo Ato (Nagakute-cho, Japan)
USE Okusajo Site (Nagakute-cho, Japan)
Okusajo Ato (Nagakute-cho, Japan)
USE Okusajo Site (Nagakute-cho, Japan)
Okusajo Site (Nagakute-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okusa Castle Site (Nagakute-cho, Japan)

Okusa-jo Ato (Nagakute-cho, Japan)
Okusajo Ato (Nagakute-cho, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Okusaka Iseki (Okayama-shi, Japan)
USE Okusaka Site (Okayama-shi, Japan)
Okusaka Site (Okayama-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okusaka Iseki (Okayama-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Okusawadai Iseki (Tokyo, Japan)
USE Okusawadai Site (Tokyo, Japan)
Okusawadai Site (Tokyo, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okusawadai Iseki (Tokyo, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Okushibetsu-gawa (Japan)
USE Okushibetsu River (Japan)
Okushibetsu-gawa Iseki (Shari-cho, Japan)
USE Okushibetsu River Site (Shari-cho, Japan)
Okushibetsu River (Japan)
UF Okushibetsu-gawa (Japan)
Okushibetsugawa (Japan)
BT RiversJapan
Okushibetsu River Site (Shari-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okushibetsu-gawa Iseki (Shari-cho, Japan)

Okushibetsugawa Iseki (Sharicho, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Okushibetsugawa (Japan)
USE Okushibetsu River (Japan)
Okushibetsugawa Iseki (Sharicho, Japan)
USE Okushibetsu River Site (Shari-cho, Japan)
Okushiri Island (Japan)
UF Okujiri-jima (Japan)
Okushiri-shima (Japan)
BT IslandsJapan
Okushiri-shima (Japan)
USE Okushiri Island (Japan)
Okushogonji Iseki (Hofu-shi, Japan)
USE Okushogonji Site (Hofu-shi, Japan)
Okushogonji Site (Hofu-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Okushogonji Iseki (Hofu-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Okutadami-ko (Japan)
USE Okutadami Lake (Japan)
Okutadami Lake (Japan)
UF Ginzan-ko (Japan)
Ginzan Lake (Japan)
Okutadami-ko (Japan)
BT LakesJapan


Okutama-ko (Japan)
USE Okutama Lake (Japan)
Okutama Lake (Japan)
UF Oku Tama Lake (Japan)
Okutama-ko (Japan)
Okutamako (Japan)
BT LakesJapan
Okutamako (Japan)
USE Okutama Lake (Japan)
Okuzini Cave (Turkey)
BT CavesTurkey
Okwasar language
USE Saberi language
USE Ayo (Game)
Okwoga (African people)
USE Idoma (African people)
OL/2 (Computer program language)
UF Operator language/2
Ol alphabet
BT Alphabet
Santali languageAlphabet
Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania)
USE Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania)
Ol Jogi (Kenya)
UF Oljogi (Kenya)
BT Game reservesKenya
Ol Moruo (African people)
USE Elmolo (African people)
Ol Pusimoru Forest Reserve (Kenya)
BT Forest reservesKenya
National parks and reservesKenya
Ola Valley (Idaho)
UF Upper Squaw Creek Valley (Idaho)
BT ValleysIdaho
Olabarri family (Not Subd Geog)
Olacaceae (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O35 (Botany)]
UF Aptandraceae
BT Santalales
NT Liriosma
USE Santalales
Olacha Peak (Calif.)
USE Olancha Peak (Calif.)
USE Thaleichthys pacificus
USE Thaleichthys pacificus
Olaf Prydz Bay (Antarctica)
USE Prydz Bay (Antarctica)
Olafsson family (Not Subd Geog)
Olallie Scenic Area (Or.)
BT Recreation areasOregon
Olallie State Park (Wash.)
BT ParksWashington (State)
Olana (Hudson, N.Y.) (Not Subd Geog)
BT DwellingsNew York (State)
Olana State Historic Site (Hudson, N.Y.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT Historic sitesNew York (State)

Olancha Peak (Calif.)
UF Olacha Peak (Calif.)
BT MountainsCalifornia
Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.)
Oland (Sweden)
BT IslandsSweden
Olander family (Not Subd Geog)
Olando kepure (Lithuania)
UF Dutch Cap (Lithuania)
Olandu kepure (Lithuania)
BT CliffsLithuania
Oland's Stora Alvar (Sweden)
USE Great Alvar (Sweden)
Olandu kepure (Lithuania)
USE Olando kepure (Lithuania)
Olane (African people)
USE Wolane (African people)
Olane language
USE Wolane language

Olanpi, Cape (Taiwan)

USE O-luan-pi, Cape (Taiwan)
Olanzapine (May Subd Geog)
UF OLZ (Drug)
BT Antipsychotic drugs
OLAP technology (May Subd Geog)
UF Online Analytical Processing technology
BT Data mining
Decision support systems
Online data processing
RT Multidimensional databases
Olassina Island (American Samoa)
USE Olosega Island (American Samoa)
Olat ha-tamid
USE Tamid
Olat tamid
USE Tamid
Olathe, Lake (Kan.)
UF Lake Olathe (Kan.)
BT LakesKansas
Olathe, Lake, Watershed (Kan.)
BT WatershedsKansas
OLaughlin family
USE Laughlin family
Olavinlinna (Savonlinna, Finland)
UF Olavinlinna Castle (Savonlinna, Finland)
Olofsborg (Savonlinna, Finland)
Saint Olaf's Castle (Savonlinna, Finland)
St. Olaf's Castle (Savonlinna, Finland)
BT CastlesFinland
Olavinlinna Castle (Savonlinna, Finland)
USE Olavinlinna (Savonlinna, Finland)
Olba (Extinct city)
USE Olbasa (Extinct city)
Olbasa (Extinct city)
UF Diocaesarea (Extinct city)
Diocaesarea-Olba (Extinct city)
Diokaisereia (Extinct city)
Olba (Extinct city)
Olbe (Extinct city)
Olbia (Extinct city)
Olbos (Extinct city)
Orba (Extinct city)
Oura (Extinct city)
BT TurkeyAntiquities
Olbe (Extinct city)
USE Olbasa (Extinct city)
Olbers comet
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF 13P/Olbers (Comet)
Comet 13P/Olbers
Comet Olbers
BT Comets
Olbers' paradox
UF Paradox, Olbers'
BT Astronomy
Olbia (Ancient city)
USE Olbia (Ukraine : Extinct city)
Olbia (Extinct city)
USE Olbasa (Extinct city)
Olbia (Ukraine : Extinct city)
UF Borysthenes (Extinct city)
Olbia (Ancient city) [Former heading]
Olbiia (Extinct city)
Olbiopolis (Extinct city)
Olviia (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesUkraine
Olbiia (Extinct city)
USE Olbia (Ukraine : Extinct city)
Olbiopolis (Extinct city)
USE Olbia (Ukraine : Extinct city)
Olbiorchilus hiemalis
USE Troglodytes hiemalis
Olbos (Extinct city)
USE Olbasa (Extinct city)
Olbruck Castle Site (Germany)
UF Burg Olbruck Site (Germany)
BT GermanyAntiquities
Olby family (Not Subd Geog)
Olca (Asian people)
USE Nanai (Asian people)
Olca language
USE Olcha language

Olch language
USE Olcha language
USE Nanai (Asian people)
Olcha (Asian people)
USE Nanai (Asian people)
Olcha family (Not Subd Geog)
Olcha language (May Subd Geog)
UF Hoche language
Hol-Chih language
Olca language
Olch language
Olchis language
Ulch language
Ulcha language
Ulchi language
Ulych language
BT Russia (Federation)Languages
Tungus-Manchu languages
Olcha literature (May Subd Geog)
BT Russia (Federation)Literatures
Olchis (Asian people)
USE Nanai (Asian people)
Olchis language
USE Olcha language
Olczak family (Not Subd Geog)
Old Abe (Eagle) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Eagles
Old age (May Subd Geog)
[BJ1691 (Ethics)]
[HV1451-HV1493 (Charities)]
[QP86 (Physiology)]
UF Later life (Human life cycle)
BT Adulthood
RT Longevity
Older people
SA subdivision Last years under names of

individual persons
NT Retirement
USE Older peopleDiseases
Mythology (May Subd Geog)
Research (May Subd Geog)
Simulation games
Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (United
USE Social securityUnited States
Old age and survivors insurance
USE Old age pensions
Old age arthritis
USE Osteoarthritis
Old age assistance (May Subd Geog)
UF Old age benefits
BT Economic assistance, Domestic
Supplemental security income program
NT Older peopleEnergy assistance
Older peoplePharmaceutical assistance
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Old age benefits
USE Old age assistance
Old age home boards
USE Old age home trustees
Old age home trustees (May Subd Geog)
UF Old age home boards
Old age homesBoards
Old age homesTrustees
Trustees, Old age home
BT Trusts and trustees
Old age homes (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on old age homes in
general, and when divided by place, old age homes
located in a particular place. The heading may be
qualified by ethnic group to indicate old age homes
for a particular group of people located outside their
place of origin.

UF Homes (Institutions)
Homes for older people
Homes for the aged
BT Older peopleHousing
Older peopleInstitutional care
RT Almshouses
NT Jewish old age homes
Activity programs (May Subd Geog)
UF Activity programs for old age homes
USE Old age home trustees


Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)

BT Building laws
Charity laws and legislation
USE Old age home trustees
Old age homes, Jewish
USE Jewish old age homes
Old age homes, Latvian (May Subd Geog)
UF Latvian old age homes
Old age homes, Ukrainian (May Subd Geog)
UF Ukrainian old age homes
Old age in art (Not Subd Geog)
Old age in literature (Not Subd Geog)
UF Older people in literature
SA subdivision Characters--Older people under

names of individual literary authors, e.g.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616-

Characters--Older people
Old age pensions (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on regular payments of
money to individuals who have retired from
employment because of age, including payments to
survivors upon the death of the retiree. Works on
benefits from any source, public or private, made to
survivors, are entered under Survivors' benefits.

UF EmployeesPensions
OASI (Old age and survivors insurance)
Old age and survivors insurance
Older peoplePensions
Retirement pensions
Survivors' benefits (Old age pensions)
BT Pensions
SA subdivision Pensions under classes of persons

and ethnic groups

Cost-of-living adjustments (May Subd Geog)
Effect of inflation on (May Subd Geog)
BT Inflation (Finance)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Retirement test (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the provision in
pension plans by which one's pension benefits are
reduced in proportion as one's earned income

UF Earnings test (Old age pensions)

Retirement test (Old age pensions)
Social securityEarnings test
Social securityRetirement test
Social securityWork clause
Taxation (May Subd Geog)
UF Taxation of pensions
BT Income tax
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Old Albanian literature
USE Albanian literatureTo 1700
Old Anatolian Turkish language
USE Turkish languageTo 1500
Old and new
USE New and old
Old Armenian language
USE Armenian language, Classical
Old Ashmolean Building (Oxford, England)
BT Museum buildingsEngland
Old Bactrian language
USE Avestan language
Old Badger (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
Old Baldy (Okla.)
USE Holmes Peak (Okla.)
Old Baltimore Pike (Del.)
UF Delaware Road 336 (Del.)
Road 336 (Del.)
State Road 336 (Del.)
State Road Three hundred thirty-six (Del.)
BT RoadsDelaware
Old Bear (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
Old Bedlam (Fort Laramie, Wyo.)
UF Bedlam (Fort Laramie, Wyo.)
BT Fort Laramie (Wyo. : Fort)
United States. ArmyBarracks and quarters
Old Belarusian language
USE Belarusian languageTo 1700
Old Belarusian literature
USE Belarusian literatureTo 1700
Old Belarusian manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Belarusian (Old)
Old Believers (May Subd Geog)
UF Old Ritualists
Raskolniks [Former heading]

BT Christian sects
Old Bet (Elephant) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Elephants
Old Blanco County Courthouse (Blanco, Tex.)
BT CourthousesTexas
Old Bohemians (Group of artists)
RT Art, American
Old Bond Street (London, England)
USE Bond Street (London, England)
Old Bones (Race horse)
USE Exterminator (Race horse)
Old Boston Post Road
USE Boston Post Roads
Old Boston Post Roads
USE Boston Post Roads
Old Bow Fort (Alta.)
UF Peigan Post (Alta.)
Piegan Post (Alta.)
BT Trading postsAlberta
Old Breton language
USE Breton languageTo 1100
Old Bridge (Florence, Italy)
USE Ponte Vecchio (Florence, Italy)
Old Bridge (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
USE Alte Brucke (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Old Brooks Road (Lincoln, Mass.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT RoadsMassachusetts
Old Bulgarian language
USE Church Slavic language
Old Burmese language
USE Burmese languageTo 1500
Old Calendarists (May Subd Geog)
UF Calendarists, Old
BT Christian sects
Old Camp Rucker Ranch (Ariz.)
UF Rucker's Camp Ranch (Ariz.)
BT RanchesArizona
Old Cape Hinlopen (Del.)
USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.)
Old Capitol (Iowa City, Iowa)
UF Old State Capitol (Iowa City, Iowa)
BT IowaCapital and capitol
Old Capitol (Jackson, Miss.)
Here are entered works on the building now
housing the Mississippi State Historical Museum.
Works on the museum itself are entered under the
name heading Mississippi State Historical Museum.

UF Old State Capitol (Jackson, Miss.)

BT MississippiCapital and capitol
Old Capitol (Olympia, Wash.)
USE Old Capitol Building (Olympia, Wash.)
Old Capitol (Springfield, Ill.)
USE Old State Capitol (Springfield, Ill.)
Old Capitol Building (Olympia, Wash.)
UF Old Capitol (Olympia, Wash.)
BT CourthousesWashington (State)
Public buildingsWashington (State)
Washington (State)Capital and capitol
Old Carolina Road
USE United States Highway 15
Old Castle (Erlangen, Germany)
USE Alte Schloss (Erlangen, Germany)
Old Castle (Hrodna, Belarus)
USE Stary zamak u Hrodne (Hrodna, Belarus)
Old Castle (Munich, Germany)
USE Alter Hof (Munich, Germany)
Old Castlewood Dam (Colo.)
USE Castlewood Dam (Colo.)
Old Catholic Church (May Subd Geog)
UF Old Catholicism [Former heading]
BT Independent Catholic churches
United States
Old Catholicism
USE Old Catholic Church
Old Cherokee Reservation (Ark.)
USE Cherokee Reservation (Ark.)
Old Church Slavic language
USE Church Slavic language
Old City Hall (Bratislava, Slovakia)
USE Stara radnica (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Old City Hall (Erkelenz, Germany)
USE Altes Rathaus (Erkelenz, Germany)
Old City Hall (Gilroy, Calif.)
UF Gilroy City Hall (Gilroy, Calif.)
BT City hallsCalifornia

Old City Hall (Halle an der Saale, Germany)

USE Altes Rathaus (Halle an der Saale, Germany)
Old City Hall (Lowell, Mass.)
UF City Hall, Old (Lowell, Mass.)
Lowell Town House (Lowell, Mass.)
Town House (Lowell, Mass.)
BT City hallsMassachusetts
Old City Hall (Munich, Germany)
USE Altes Rathaus (Munich, Germany)
Old City Hall in Olsztyn (Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland)
USE Stary Ratusz w Olsztynie (Olsztyn, Olsztyn,

Old City Palace (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
USE Paco da Cidade (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Old Coach House (Hillingdon, London, England)
BT Carriage housesEngland
Old College (Edinburgh, Scotland)
BT College buildingsScotland
Old College Formation (Del.)
BT Formations (Geology)Delaware
Geology, StratigraphicPleistocene
Old Colony Building (Chicago, Ill.)
BT Office buildingsIllinois
Old Colony Mennonites
BT Mennonites
Old Country, Busch Gardens (Williamsburg, Va.)
USE Busch Gardens (Williamsburg, Va.)
Old Course (St. Andrews, Scotland)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT Golf coursesScotland
Old Courthouse (Painesville, Ohio)
BT CourthousesOhio
Old Courthouse (Saint Louis, Mo.)
BT CourthousesMissouri
Old Coyote Administrative Site (N.M.)
BT Forest districtsNew Mexico
Old Cross-cut Canal (Ariz.)
USE Old Crosscut Canal (Ariz.)
Old Crosscut Canal (Ariz.)
UF Crosscut Canal, Old (Ariz.)
Old Cross-cut Canal (Ariz.)
BT CanalsArizona
Old Croton Trailway State Park (N.Y.)
BT ParksNew York (State)
Old Crow Indians
USE Vuntut Gwich'in Indians
Old Customhouse (Auckland, N.Z.)
USE Customhouse (Auckland, N.Z.)
Old Customs Line (India and Pakistan)
USE Customs Line (India and Pakistan)
Old Czech language
USE Czech languageTo 1500
Old Danish language
USE Danish languageTo 1500
Old Danish proverbs
USE Proverbs, DanishTo 1500
Old Danube (Austria)
USE Alte Donau (Austria)
Old dark house mysteries (Motion pictures)
USE Haunted house films
Old dark house mysteries (Television programs)
USE Haunted house television programs
Old Dedeaux Home Site (Miss.)
USE Ladner-Dedeaux Site (Miss.)
Old Deseret Village (Salt Lake City, Utah)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Heritage Village (Salt Lake City, Utah)

BT Historic sitesUtah
Old Desolate (Wash.)
UF Old Desolate Mountain (Wash.)
BT MountainsWashington (State)
Cascade Range
Old Desolate Mountain (Wash.)
USE Old Desolate (Wash.)
Old Dorchester State Park (Summerville, S.C.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Old Fort Dorchester State Park (Summerville,

BT ParksSouth Carolina
Old Drury (New York, N.Y.)
USE Franklin Museum (New York, N.Y.)
Old Duchy Palace (Lostwithiel, England)
UF Convocation Hall (Lostwithiel, England)
Duchy Palace (Lostwithiel, England)
Great Hall of Lostwithiel (Lostwithiel, England)
Lostwithiel, Great Hall of (Lostwithiel, England)
Stannary Hall (Lostwithiel, England)


Stannary Palace (Lostwithiel, England)

BT PalacesEngland
Old East Slavic language
USE Russian languageTo 1300
Old Economy Village (Ambridge, Pa.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT Historic sitesPennsylvania
Old Edwardsville Road Site (Ill.)
BT IllinoisAntiquities
Old Emigrant Road
USE Hensley Cutoff
Old English authors
USE Authors, EnglishOld English, ca. 450-1100
Old English Christian literature
USE Christian literature, English (Old)
Old English Christian poetry
USE Christian poetry, English (Old)
Old English dialogues
USE Dialogues, English (Old)
Old English didactic poetry
USE Didactic poetry, English (Old)
Old English elegiac poetry
USE Elegiac poetry, English (Old)
Old English epic poetry
USE Epic poetry, English (Old)
Old English folk poetry
USE Folk poetry, English (Old)
Old English Game (Chickens)
USE Old English Game chicken
Old English Game bantam chicken (May Subd Geog)
UF Old English Game bantams [Former heading]
BT Bantam chickens
Old English Game chicken
Old English Game bantams
USE Old English Game bantam chicken
Old English Game chicken (May Subd Geog)
UF Old English Game (Chickens) [Former

BT Game fowl
NT Old English Game bantam chicken
Old English gnomic poetry
USE Gnomic poetry, English (Old)
Old English inscriptions
USE Inscriptions, English (Old)
Old English language
USE English languageOld English, ca. 450-1100
Old English literature
USE English literatureOld English, ca. 450-1100
Old English manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, English (Old)
Old English mastiff
USE Mastiff
Old English names
USE Names, English (Old)
Old English philology
USE English philologyOld English, ca. 450-1100
Old English poetry
USE English poetryOld English, ca. 450-1100
Old English poets
USE Poets, EnglishOld English, ca. 450-1100
Old English prose literature
USE English prose literatureOld English, ca. 450
Old English riddles
USE Riddles, English (Old)
Old English sea poetry
USE Sea poetry, English (Old)
Old English sermons
USE Sermons, English (Old)
Old English sheep-dogs
USE Old English sheepdog
Old English sheepdog (May Subd Geog)
UF Bobtail dog
English sheepdog, Old
Old English sheep-dogs [Former heading]
Sheepdog, Old English
BT Sheep dogs
Old English songs
USE Songs, English (Old)
Old English type
USE Gothic type
Old English war poetry
USE War poetry, English (Old)
Old Erie Canal State Park (N.Y.)
BT ParksNew York (State)
Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon
(Charleston, S.C.)
UF Exchange and Provost (Charleston, S.C.)
Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon

Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon

(Charleston, S.C.) (Continued)

(Charleston, S.C.)
Provost and Exchange (Charleston, S.C.)
BT Commercial buildingsSouth Carolina
Old Executive Office Building (Washington, D.C.)
USE Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office

Building (Washington, D.C.)

Old Faithful Geyser (Wyo.)
BT GeysersWyoming
Old family
USE Olds family
Old-fashioned potato beetle
USE Striped blister beetle
Old-fashioned roses
USE Old roses
Old-fashioned varieties (Plants)
USE Heirloom varieties (Plants)
Old Federal Road (Ala. and Ga.)
USE Federal Road (Ala. and Ga.)
Old Fields, Battle of, Ky., 1862
USE Mill Springs, Battle of, Ky., 1862
Old Fly (Conn.)
USE Silver Lake (Hartford County, Conn.)
Old Fort Dorchester State Park (Summerville, S.C.)
USE Old Dorchester State Park (Summerville, S.C.)
Old Fort Henry (Kingston, Ont.)
USE Fort Henry (Kingston, Ont.)
Old Fort Kearny (Nebraska City, Neb.)
USE Fort Kearny (Nebraska City, Neb.)
Old Fort Mifflin (Philadelphia, Pa.)
USE Fort Mifflin (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Old Fort Niagara (N.Y.)
UF Fort Niagara (N.Y.)
Niagara, Fort (N.Y.)
BT FortificationNew York (State)
Siege, 1759
BT SiegesNew York (State)
United StatesHistoryFrench and

Indian War, 1754-1763Campaigns

Old Fort Shaw (Mont.)
USE Fort Shaw (Mont. : Fort)
Old Fort Spokane (Wash.)
USE Fort Spokane (Spokane County, Wash.)
Old Fort Townsend State Park (Wash.)
BT ParksWashington (State)
Old Fort Vasquez (Colo.)
USE Fort Vasquez (Colo.)
Old Fort Walla Walla (Wash.)
USE Fort Nez Perces (Wash.)
Old Fort William (Thunder Bay, Ont.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Fort William (Thunder Bay, Ont. : Fort)

Kaministiquia (Thunder Bay, Ont.)
William, Fort (Thunder Bay, Ont. : Fort)
BT FortificationOntario
Old Fortress (Kerkyra, Greece)
USE Palaio Phrourio (Kerkyra, Greece)
Old four legs (Fish)
USE Coelacanth
Old Frankford Plantation (Philadelphia, Pa.)
USE Chalkley Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Old French Embassy (Austin, Tex.)
USE French Legation (Austin, Tex.)
Old French folk songs
USE Folk songs, Old French
Old French language
USE French languageTo 1300
Old French literature
USE French literatureTo 1500
Old French poetry
USE French poetryTo 1500
Old French songs
USE Songs, Old French
Old garden roses
USE Old roses
Old George (Wood sculpture)
BT Wood-carvingVirginia
Old Georgetown Pike (Va.)
USE Georgetown Pike (Va.)
Old Georgian language
USE Georgian languageTo 1100
Old Georgian literature
USE Georgian literatureTo 1500
Old Glade Road (Pa.)
USE Forbes Road (Pa.)
Old Government House (Parramatta, N.S.W.)
BT GovernorsDwellingsAustralia
Official residencesAustralia
Old Government Road (Calif. and Nev.)
USE Mojave Road (Calif. and Nev.)

Old Governor's Mansion (Bismarck, N.D.)

UF Asa Fisher House (Bismarck, N.D.)
Fisher House (Bismarck, N.D.)
Former North Dakota Executive Mansion

(Bismarck, N.D.)
Governor's Mansion, Old (Bismarck, N.D.)
BT GovernorsDwellingsNorth Dakota
Official residencesNorth Dakota
Old growth forest conservation (May Subd Geog)
UF Old growth forestsConservation
BT Forest conservation
Old growth forest ecology (May Subd Geog)
[QH101-QH198 (Local)]
[QH541.5.F6 (General)]
UF Old growth forestsEcology
BT Forest ecology
Old growth forests (May Subd Geog)
[QH86 (Natural history)]
[SD387.O43 (Forestry)]
UF Ancient forests
Virgin forests
BT Forests and forestry
USE Old growth forest conservation
USE Old growth forest ecology
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Forestry law and legislation
Old Hall (Church Warsop, England)
UF Old Hall Farm (Church Warsop, England)
Warsop Parish Centre (Church Warsop,

BT DwellingsEngland
Old Hall (East Bergholt, England)
BT ManorsEngland
Old Hall (West Auckland, England)
BT DwellingsEngland
Office buildingsEngland
Old Hall Farm (Church Warsop, England)
USE Old Hall (Church Warsop, England)
Old Hall Street (Hanley, England)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsEngland
Old Hall Street Site (Wolverhampton, England)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT EnglandAntiquities
Old Harbour Bay (Jamaica)
USE Portland Bight (Jamaica)
Old Hickory Lake (Tenn.)
BT LakesTennessee
Old High German language
USE German languageOld High German, 750
Old High German literature
USE German literatureOld High German, 750
Old High German songs
USE Songs, German (Old High German)
Old Hilltop (Baltimore, Md. : Racetrack)
USE Pimlico Race Course (Baltimore, Md.)
Old Hilston (Wales)
USE Hilston Park (Wales)
Old Hollow Bridge (Ferrisburgh, Vt.)
USE Spade Farm Bridge (Ferrisburgh, Vt.)
Old Home Week, New Hampshire
USE New Hampshire Old Home Week
Old Hospital Complex Site (Colo.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Old Hospital Complex Site (Fort Carson, Colo.)

[Former heading]
BT ColoradoAntiquities
Old Hospital Complex Site (Fort Carson, Colo.)
USE Old Hospital Complex Site (Colo.)
Old House (Norwell, England)
BT DwellingsEngland
Old House (Quincy, Mass.)
UF Peace Field (Quincy, Mass.)
Peacefields (Quincy, Mass.)
BT DwellingsMassachusetts
Old House Creek Site (S.C.)
BT Kitchen-middensSouth Carolina
South CarolinaAntiquities
Old House Farm (Leytonstone, London, England)
USE Five Mile Farm (Leytonstone, London,

Old House Plantation Site (S.C.)
BT South CarolinaAntiquities


Old house thrillers (Motion pictures)

USE Haunted house films
Old house thrillers (Television programs)
USE Haunted house television programs
Old Hundredth (Tune)
[ML3186 (History and criticism)]
BT Doxology
Hymn tunes
Old Icelandic language
USE Old Norse language
Old Idaho Penitentiary State Historic Site (Idaho)
BT Historic sitesIdaho
Old IJssel River (Germany and Netherlands)
USE Oude IJssel River (Germany and Netherlands)
Old Indian Trail (Ont.)
USE Scugog Carrying Place (Ont.)
Old Indic language
USE Vedic language
Old Irish hymns
USE Hymns, Irish (Old)
Old Irish language
USE Irish languageTo 1100
Old Ivory China
USE Old Ivory dinnerware
Old Ivory dinnerware
[NK4399.O43 (Decorative arts)]
UF Old Ivory China
BT Ceramic tablewareSilesia
Porcelain, German
Old Japanese language
USE Japanese languageTo 794
Old Javanese language
USE Kawi language
Old John Lake (Alaska)
UF Van Choo (Alaska)
BT LakesAlaska
Old Kasaan National Monument (Alaska)
BT National monumentsAlaska
Old Kelsey Point (Conn.)
UF Chapman Point (Conn. : Old Kelsey Point)
Kelsey Point (Conn. : Old Kelsey Point)
Money Point (Conn. : Old Kelsey Point)
BT Capes (Coasts)Connecticut
Old Khmer language
USE Khmer languageTo 800
Old Khmer language (Kui)
USE Kui language (Mon-Khmer)
Old Khotanese language
USE Khotanese language
Old Kirghiz language
USE Old Turkic language
Old Korean language
USE Korean languageTo 935
Old Kukis (Indic people)
USE Hmar (Indic people)
Old Kurehaza (Inuyama-shi, Japan)
USE Kyu Kurehaza (Inuyama-shi, Japan)
Old Lake (Gibson County, Ind.)
UF Old Oakland City Lake (Ind.)
BT LakesIndiana
Old Lake (Whitley County, Ind.)
BT LakesIndiana
Old Landmark Tavern Site (Ill.)
BT IllinoisAntiquities
Old Light (England)
UF Lundy Island Light (England)
Lundy Lighthouse (England)
BT LighthousesEngland
Old Low Franconian language
USE Dutch languageTo 1500
Old Low German language
USE Low German languageTo 1500
Old Maid's Kitchen Cave (Ohio)
USE Krill Cave (Ohio)
Old Main (Bozeman, Mont.)
USE Montana Hall (Bozeman, Mont.)
Old Main (Galesburg, Ill.)
BT College buildingsIllinois
Old Malatya Castle (Battalgazi, Malatya Ili, Turkey)
USE Malatya Kalesi (Battalgazi, Malatya Ili, Turkey)
Old man (Fish)
USE Pagrus auratus
Old-man-in-the-ground (Plant)
USE Marah oreganus
Old Man Lake (N.W.T.)
BT LakesNorthwest Territories
Old Man Mountain (Colo.)
BT MountainsColorado
Old Man of the Mountain (N.H.)
UF Great Stone Face (N.H.)
Profile (N.H.)

BT Cannon Mountain (N.H.)

Natural monumentsNew Hampshire
Old Man of the Sea (Greek mythology)
USE Nereus (Greek mythology)
Old Man Range (Otago, N.Z.)
USE Old Man Range/Kopuwai (N.Z.)
Old Man Range/Kopuwai (N.Z.)
UF Kopuwai (N.Z.)
Obelisk Range (N.Z.)
Old Man Range (Otago, N.Z.)
BT MountainsNew Zealand
Old man red snapper
USE Pagrus auratus
Old man snapper
USE Pagrus auratus
Old Manor House (Manningham, Bradford, England)
UF Manningham Old Manor House (Manningham,

Bradford, England)
BT DwellingsEngland
Old man's beard (Plant)
USE Spanish moss
Old Man's Playing Ground Site (Alta.)
BT AlbertaAntiquities
Old Manse (Concord, Mass.)
BT DwellingsMassachusetts
Old Merchant's House (New York, N.Y.)
UF Brewster House (New York, N.Y.)
Joseph Brewster House (New York, N.Y.)
Seabury Tredwell House (New York, N.Y.)
BT DwellingsNew York (State)
Old Merv (Extinct city)
USE Merv (Extinct city)
Old Milwaukee Depot (Missoula, Mont.)
USE Milwaukee Depot (Missoula, Mont.)
Old Mint (Munich, Germany)
USE Alte Munze (Munich, Germany)
Old Mint (San Francisco, Calif.)
USE Old United States Mint (San Francisco, Calif.)
Old Mint Building (San Francisco, Calif.)
USE Old United States Mint (San Francisco, Calif.)
Old Mission Peninsula (Mich.)
BT PeninsulasMichigan
Old Mission State Park (Idaho)
BT Historic sitesIdaho
Old Moshi language
USE Mochi language
Old Mount Pleasant Post Office (Vancouver, B.C.)
USE Heritage Hall (Vancouver, B.C.)
Old National Pike
USE Cumberland Road
Old Nectar Garden (South Africa)
USE Old Nectar Homestead and Garden (South

Old Nectar Homestead and Garden (South Africa)
UF Old Nectar Garden (South Africa)
BT DwellingsSouth Africa
GardensSouth Africa
Historic sitesSouth Africa
Old New York County Courthouse (New York, N.Y.)
USE Tweed Courthouse (New York, N.Y.)
Old Norse authors
USE Authors, Old Norse
Old Norse ballads
USE Ballads, Old Norse
Old Norse elegiac poetry
USE Elegiac poetry, Old Norse
Old Norse epic literature
USE Epic literature, Old Norse
Old Norse fiction (May Subd Geog)
BT Old Norse literature
NT Short stories, Old Norse
Old Norse language (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works about the Old Norse
(Western Norse) language in general, as well as the
Icelandic language to 1550 and the Norwegian
language to 1350. Works about the East Norse
languages, i.e. Old Danish and Old Swedish, are
entered under Danish language and Swedish
language with the appropriate period subdivision.



Altnordish language
Icelandic and Old Norse languages [Former
Icelandic languageTo 1550
Norwegian languageTo 1350
Old Icelandic language
Old Norwegian language
Western Norse language
Extinct languages
Scandinavian languages

NT Ni (The Old Norse word)
Viking (The Old Norse word)
USE Names, Old Norse
Old Norse letters (May Subd Geog)
UF Icelandic and Old Norse letters [Former

BT Old Norse literature
Old Norse literature (May Subd Geog)
UF Icelandic and Old Norse literature [Former

BT IcelandLiteratures
NT Epic literature, Old Norse
Manuscripts, Old Norse
Old Norse fiction
Old Norse letters
Old Norse poetry
Old Norse prose literature
Old Norse wit and humor
Romances, Old Norse
Old Norse manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Old Norse
Old Norse names
USE Names, Old Norse
Old Norse paleography
USE Paleography, Old Norse
Old Norse philology
UF Icelandic and Old Norse philology [Former

Old Norse poetry (May Subd Geog)
[PT7170-PT7175 (History)]
[PT7230-PT7252 (Collections)]
UF Icelandic and Old Norse poetry [Former

BT Old Norse literature
NT Eddas
Elegiac poetry, Old Norse
Religious poetry, Old Norse
Scalds and scaldic poetry
Old Norse prose literature (May Subd Geog)
UF Icelandic and Old Norse prose literature

[Former heading]
BT Old Norse literature
Old Norse religious poetry
USE Religious poetry, Old Norse
Old Norse riddles
USE Riddles, Old Norse
Old Norse romances
USE Romances, Old Norse
Old Norse sermons
USE Sermons, Old Norse
Old Norse short stories
USE Short stories, Old Norse
Old Norse wit and humor (May Subd Geog)
BT Old Norse literature
Old North (Washington, D.C.)
BT College buildingsWashington (D.C.)
DormitoriesWashington (D.C.)
Old North Road (W.A.)
BT RoadsAustralia
Old North Trail
BT Indian trailsNorth America
Old Norwegian language
USE Old Norse language
Old Oakland City Lake (Ind.)
USE Old Lake (Gibson County, Ind.)
Old Occitan language
USE Provencal language
Old Oghuz language
USE Old Turkic language
Old Opry House (Nashville, Tenn.)
USE Ryman Auditorium (Nashville, Tenn.)
Old Orange County Courthouse (Santa Ana, Calif.)
BT CourthousesCalifornia
Old Orangerie (Warsaw, Poland)
USE Stara Pomaranczarnia (Warsaw, Poland)
Old Orchard Ocean Pier (Old Orchard Beach, Me.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT PiersMaine
Old Orchard Shoal (N.Y.)
UF Orchard Shoal (N.Y.)
BT Banks (Oceanography)New York (State)
Old Order Amish
USE Amish


Old Order Mennonites (May Subd Geog)

Here are entered works on those Mennonites who
especially emphasize a strict adherence to the
Anabaptist inheritance in doctrine and worship, and
who strongly resist assimilation and acculturation,
especially in the areas of traditional dress, modes of
transportation, and language.

BT Christian sects
NT Reidenbach Mennonites
Wenger Mennonites
Old Osmanic language
USE Turkish languageTo 1500
Old Oswestry Hill Fort Site (England)
USE Old Oswestry Site (England)
Old Oswestry Hillfort Site (England)
USE Old Oswestry Site (England)
Old Oswestry Site (England)
UF Caer Ogyrfan Site (England)
Hen Dinas Site (England)
Old Oswestry Hill Fort Site (England)
Old Oswestry Hillfort Site (England)
BT EnglandAntiquities
Fortification, PrehistoricEngland
Old Ottoman Turkish language
USE Turkish languageTo 1500
Old Palace (Worcester, England)
UF Bishop's Palace (Worcester, England)
Worcester Palace (Worcester, England)
BT PalacesEngland
Old Palace of the Ayuntamiento (Mexico City, Mexico)
USE Antiguo Palacio del Ayuntamiento (Mexico City,

Old Palais (Berlin, Germany)
USE Altes Palais (Berlin, Germany)
Old Pension Building (Washington, D.C.)
USE Pension Building (Washington, D.C.)
Old people
USE Older people
Old Persian inscriptions
UF Behistun inscriptions
Cuneiform inscriptions, Persian
Inscriptions, Behistun
Inscriptions, Persian (Old)
Persian cuneiform inscriptions
Persian literatureOld Persian
RT Cuneiform inscriptions
Old Persian language
NT Achaemenian inscriptions
Old Persian language (May Subd Geog)
UF Persian languageOld Persian
BT Iranian languages
RT Old Persian inscriptions
USE Names, Old Persian
BT Cuneiform writing
Old Persian names
USE Names, Old Persian
Old Pike
USE Cumberland Road
Old Point Comfort Light (Va.)
USE Old Point Comfort Lighthouse (Va.)
Old Point Comfort Lighthouse (Va.)
UF Fort Monroe Lighthouse (Va.)
Old Point Comfort Light (Va.)
BT LighthousesVirginia
Old Polish language
USE Polish languageTo 1500
Old Polish literature
USE Polish literatureTo 1500
Polish literature16th century
Polish literature17th century
Old Post Office (Saint Louis, Mo.)
UF Saint Louis Old Post Office (Saint Louis, Mo.)
United States Customhouse and Post Office

(Saint Louis, Mo.)

BT CourthousesMissouri
Post office buildingsMissouri
Old Post Office (Tintagel, England)
UF Tintagel Old Post Office (Tintagel, England)
BT ManorsEngland
Post office buildingsEngland
Old Post Office and Clock Tower (Washington, D.C.)
BT BuildingsWashington (D.C.)
Old Price Riots, London, England, 1809
UF O.P. Riots, London, England, 1809

Old Price Riots, London, England, 1809 (Continued)

Old Prices Riots, London, England, 1809
BT London (England)History1800-1950
Old Prices Riots, London, England, 1809
USE Old Price Riots, London, England, 1809
Old Providence Island (Colombia)
USE Providence Island (Colombia)
Old Prussian language
USE Prussian language
Old Quaker Meeting House (New York, N.Y.)
USE Flushing Meeting House (New York, N.Y.)
Old Rajasthani language
USE Rajasthani languageTo 1500
Old Razorback Road (N.S.W.)
USE Great South Road (N.S.W.)
Old Rectory (Whitchurch, Shropshire, England)
BT DwellingsEngland
Old Red (Galveston, Tex.)
USE Ashbel Smith Building (Galveston, Tex.)
Old Red House (Hamden, Conn.)
USE Jonathan Dickerman House (Hamden, Conn.)
Old Regular Baptists (May Subd Geog)
UF Old Regulars
BT Baptists
Old Regulars
USE Old Regular Baptists
Old Republic, Brazil, 1889-1930
USE BrazilHistory1889-1930
Old Rhine River (Netherlands)
UF Oude Rijn River (Netherlands)
Oude Ryn River (Netherlands)
BT RiversNetherlands
Old Ridge Route (Calif.)
USE Ridge Route (Calif.)
Old Ritualists
USE Old Believers
Old Roman chants
USE Gregorian chants
Old Romanian language
USE Romanian languageTo 1500
Old roses (May Subd Geog)
UF Old-fashioned roses
Old garden roses
Old shrub roses
BT Roses
NT Damask rose
Gallica rose
Tea roses
Old Royal Palace (Athens, Greece)
USE Voule ton Hellenon (Athens, Greece)
Old Russian inscriptions
USE Inscriptions, Russian (Old)
Old Russian language
USE Russian languageTo 1300
Old Russian letters
USE Russian lettersTo 1700
Old Russian literature
USE Russian literatureTo 1700
Old Russian manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Russian (Old)
Old Russian poetry
USE Russian poetryTo 1700
Old Ryazan (Extinct city)
USE Staraia Riazan (Extinct city)
Old San Antonio Road (Tex.)
UF Camino Real (Tex.)
El Camino Real (Tex.)
King's Highway (Tex.)
BT El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic

Trail (Tex. and La.)

Old Santa Fe Trail Building National Historic Landmark
(Santa Fe, N.M.)
BT Historic sitesNew Mexico
National parks and reservesNew Mexico
Old Santee Canal Park (S.C.)
USE Old Santee Canal State Park (S.C.)
Old Santee Canal State Park (S.C.)
UF Old Santee Canal Park (S.C.)
BT ParksSouth Carolina
Old Santiam Road (Or.)
USE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain

Wagon Road (Or.)

Old Sarum (Extinct city)
UF Sarum, Old (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesEngland
Old Saxon language (May Subd Geog)

UF Low German languageOld Low German,

RT Low German languageTo 1500
NT English languageOld English, ca. 450-1100
Old Scatness Broch (Scotland)
BT Brochs
Old School (Pitminster, England)
UF Pitminster Old School (Pitminster, England)
Pitminster Old School Hall (Pitminster,

Pitminster School (Pitminster, England)
BT Community centersEngland
Old School Baptists
USE Primitive Baptists
Old Senate Chamber (United States Capitol,
Washington, D.C.)
BT RoomsWashington (D.C.)
United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.)
Old Senate Office Building (Washington, D.C.)
USE Russell Senate Office Building (Washington,

Old Serbian literature
USE Serbian literatureTo 1700
Old Serbo-Croatian language
USE Serbo-Croatian languageTo 1500
Old Sharp Place Site (Ark.)
USE Moser Farmstead Site (Ark.)
Old Shep (Dog)
USE Shep (Dog)
Old shrub roses
USE Old roses
Old Sirinek language
USE Sirinek language
Old Slavic language
USE Church Slavic language
Proto-Slavic language
Old Slovenian language
USE Church Slavic language
Old soaker (Fish)
USE Atlantic cod
Old South Arabian language
USE Epigraphic South Arabian language
Old South Arabic language
USE Epigraphic South Arabian language
Old Southwest
USE Southwest, Old
Old Spanish Fort Site (Pascagoula, Miss.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Krebs House Site (Pascagoula, Miss.)

BT MississippiAntiquities
Old Spanish language
USE Spanish languageTo 1500
Old Spanish Trail
UF Spanish Trail
BT TrailsSouthwest, New
Old Square (Havana, Cuba)
USE Plaza Vieja (Havana, Cuba)
USE Long-tailed duck
Old Standard Theatre (Shoreditch, London, England)
USE Standard Theatre (Shoreditch, London,

Old State Capitol (Corydon, Ind.)
USE Corydon Capitol (Corydon, Ind.)
Old State Capitol (Iowa City, Iowa)
USE Old Capitol (Iowa City, Iowa)
Old State Capitol (Jackson, Miss.)
USE Old Capitol (Jackson, Miss.)
Old State Capitol (Springfield, Ill.)
UF Old Capitol (Springfield, Ill.)
Old State House (Springfield, Ill.)
BT IllinoisCapital and capitol
Old State House (Boston, Mass.)
UF Old Statehouse (Boston, Mass.)
BT MassachusettsCapital and capitol
Old State House (Hartford, Conn.)
BT ConnecticutCapital and capitol
Old State House (Little Rock, Ark.)
Here are entered works on the Old State House as
a structure. Works on the museum housed within this
building are entered under the name heading Old
State House Museum (Ark.).

BT ArkansasCapital and capitol

Old State House (Springfield, Ill.)
USE Old State Capitol (Springfield, Ill.)
Old Statehouse (Boston, Mass.)
USE Old State House (Boston, Mass.)
Old Stone age
USE Paleolithic period


Old Stone Commissary (Fort Smith, Ark.)

BT WarehousesArkansas
RT Fort Smith National Historic Site (Fort Smith,

Old Stone Fort (Nacogdoches, Tex.)
UF Stone Fort (Nacogdoches, Tex.)
Stone House (Nacogdoches, Tex.)
YBarbo's Stone House (Nacogdoches, Tex.)
BT BuildingsTexas
Old Stone House (Mineral County, W. Va.)
USE Traveller's Rest (Mineral County, W. Va.)
Old Stone House (Princeton, N.J.)
UF Stone House (Princeton, N.J.)
BT DwellingsNew Jersey
Old Stone House (Washington, D.C.)
BT DwellingsWashington (D.C.)
Old Stormalong (Legendary character)
USE Stormalong, Alfred Bulltop (Legendary

Old-style (Irish folk music)
USE Sean-nos
Old Supreme Court Chamber (United States Capitol,
Washington, D.C.)
BT RoomsWashington (D.C.)
United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.)
Old Swedish language
USE Swedish languageTo 1550
Old switch panic grass
USE Switchgrass
Old Tatar language
USE Tatar languageTo 1500
Old Telegraph Station National Park (N.T.)
USE Alice Springs Telegraph Station Historical

Reserve (N.T.)
Old Testament apocryphal books
USE Apocryphal books (Old Testament)
Old Testament scholars (May Subd Geog)
UF Bible scholars (Old Testament)
Scholars, Old Testament
BT Biblical scholars
Old-time country music
USE Old-time music
Old-time mountain music
USE Old-time music
Old-time music (May Subd Geog)
Here is entered country music of the 1930's and
earlier periods played and sung in the old-time styles
as well as music of later periods performed in those

UF Country music1931-1940 [Former heading]

Country musicTo 1931 [Former heading]
Hillbilly music
Mountain music
Old-time country music
Old-time mountain music
Old-time musicUnited States
Old timey music
BT Folk musicUnited States
Popular music
RT Bluegrass music
Country music
NT Jug band music
String band music
United States
USE Old-time music
Old timey music
USE Old-time music
Old Tom (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ti-Tom (Fictitious character)
Old Topsail Inlet (Carteret County, N.C.)
USE Beaufort Inlet (N.C.)
Old Town Hall (Fairfield, Conn.)
USE Fairfield Town Hall (Fairfield, Conn.)
Old Town Hall (Lincoln, Mass.)
UF Town Hall (Lincoln, Mass.)
BT City hallsMassachusetts
Old Town Hall (Mexico City, Mexico)
USE Antiguo Palacio del Ayuntamiento (Mexico City,

Old Town Market (Torun, Poland)
USE Rynek Staromiejski (Torun, Poland)
Old Town Ruin (N.M.)
UF Old Town Site (N.M.)
BT New MexicoAntiquities
PueblosNew Mexico
Old Town Site (N.M.)
USE Old Town Ruin (N.M.)
Old Traveled Road
USE Hensley Cutoff
Old Turkic inscriptions
USE Inscriptions, Old Turkic

Old Turkic language (May Subd Geog)

UF Kok-Turk language
Old Kirghiz language
Old Oghuz language
Old Turkish language [Former heading]
Old Uighur language
Uighur languageTo 900
BT Inscriptions, Old Turkic
Turkic languages, Northeast
BT Writing
NT Manichaean script
Old Turkic manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Old Turkic
Old Turkic paleography
USE Paleography, Old Turkic
Old Turkish language
USE Old Turkic language
Old U.S. 80 Bridge (Ariz.)
USE Gillespie Dam Bridge (Ariz.)
Old U.S. Mint (San Francisco, Calif.)
USE Old United States Mint (San Francisco, Calif.)
Old Udi language
USE Caucasian Albanian language
Old Uighur language
USE Old Turkic language
Old Ukrainian language
USE Ukrainian language1300-1700
Old Ukrainian manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Ukrainian (Old)
Old United States Mint (San Francisco, Calif.)
UF Old Mint (San Francisco, Calif.)
Old Mint Building (San Francisco, Calif.)
Old U.S. Mint (San Francisco, Calif.)
U.S. Mint Building (San Francisco, Calif.)
United States Mint Building (San Francisco,

BT MintsCalifornia
Old University Site (Seattle, Wash.)
USE Metropolitan Tract (Seattle, Wash.)
Old Ute Trail (Colo.)
USE Ute Trail (Colo.)
Old Uzbek language
USE Chagatai language
Old Vaasa Court of Appeals Building (Vaasa, Finland)
USE Vaasan hovioikeudentalo (Vaasa, Finland)
Old Vicarage (Grantchester, England) (Not Subd Geog)
BT ParsonagesEngland
Old Vicarage (Mortimer West End, England)
UF Parsonage (Mortimer West End, England)
BT ParsonagesEngland
Old Vicarage (Much Wenlock, England)
UF High Street House (Much Wenlock, England)
Vicarage (Much Wenlock, England)
BT ParsonagesEngland
Old Wardour Castle (England)
BT CastlesEngland
Old Washoe Club (Virginia City, Nev.)
UF Washoe Club (Virginia City, Nev. : Clubhouse)
BT ClubhousesNevada
Old Well (Chapel Hill, N.C.)
BT RotundasNorth Carolina
Old Welsh language
USE Welsh languageTo 1100
Old Westbury House (Old Westbury, N.Y.)
BT DwellingsNew York (State)
Old Winnebago Reservation (S.D.)
USE Winnebago Indian Reservation (S.D.)
Old Wives Lake (Sask.)
UF Johnston Lake (Sask. : Old Wives Lake)
Johnstone Lake (Sask.)
BT LakesSaskatchewan
Old Woman Creek (Ohio)
UF Antone Creek (Ohio)
Old Womans Creek (Ohio)
Woman Creek (Ohio)
BT RiversOhio
Old Woman Creek Estuary (Ohio)
BT EstuariesOhio
Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research
Reserve (Ohio)
UF Old Woman Creek National Estuarine

Research Reserve and Nature State

Preserve (Ohio)
Old Woman Creek Nature Preserve (Ohio)
Old Woman Creek Reserve (Ohio)
BT Estuarine reservesOhio
Research natural areasOhio
Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research
Reserve and Nature State Preserve (Ohio)

USE Old Woman Creek National Estuarine

Research Reserve (Ohio)

Old Woman Creek Nature Preserve (Ohio)
USE Old Woman Creek National Estuarine

Research Reserve (Ohio)

Old Woman Creek Reserve (Ohio)
USE Old Woman Creek National Estuarine

Research Reserve (Ohio)

Old Woman in the Mountains (Legendary character)
USE Yama-uba (Legendary character)
Old Woman Springs Valley (Calif.)
USE Johnson Valley (Calif.)
Old Womans Creek (Ohio)
USE Old Woman Creek (Ohio)
Old World
USE Eastern Hemisphere
Old World badger (May Subd Geog)
UF Badger, Old World [Former heading]
Eurasian badger
European badger
Meles meles [Former heading]
BT Meles
Old World badger as carriers of disease
USE Old World badgers as carriers of disease
Old World badgers as carriers of disease
(May Subd Geog)
UF Old World badger as carriers of disease

[Former heading]
BT Animals as carriers of disease
Old World beaver
USE European beaver
Old world bluestem
USE Bothriochloa ischaemum
Old World bollworm
USE Helicoverpa armigera
Old World fruit bats
USE Pteropodidae
Old World harvest mouse (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.R666 (Zoology)]
UF European harvest mouse
Harvest mouse, European
Harvest mouse, Old World
Micromys danubialis
Micromys minutus [Former heading]
Red mouse
Red ranny
BT Micromys
Old World kestrel
USE Eurasian kestrel
Old World leaf-nosed bats
USE Hipposideridae
Old World monkeys
USE Cercopithecidae
Old World orioles
USE Oriolus
Old World porcupines
USE Hystricidae
Old World rabbit
USE European rabbit
Old World rats
USE Rattus
Old World vultures (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.F32 (Zoology)]
UF Accipitrine vultures
BT Accipitridae
NT Aegypius
Old World warblers
USE Sylviidae
Old World woodcock
USE Woodcock, Eurasian
Old Yaquina Bay Lighthouse (Or.)
USE Yaquina Bay Lighthouse (Or.)
Old Yssel River (Germany and Netherlands)
USE Oude IJssel River (Germany and Netherlands)
Oldacre family
USE Oldaker family
Oldaker family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oldacre family
Oldam family
USE Oldham family
Oldbury Castle Site (England)
BT EnglandAntiquities
Fortification, PrehistoricEngland
Oldcotes (England)
BT ManorsEngland
Olde English District (S.C.)


Olde Field (Pa.)

Oldeholtwolde Site (Netherlands)
BT NetherlandsAntiquities
Oldekop family (Not Subd Geog)
Olden family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oldyn family
RT Alden family
Oldenbarnevelt family
USE Van Oldenbarnevelt family
Oldenborg family
USE Oldenburg family
Oldenbourg family
USE Oldenburg family
Oldenburg (Germany : Landkreis)
Revolution, 1848-1849
Oldenburg, House of (Not Subd Geog)
UF House of Oldenburg
BT DenmarkKings and rulers
RT Gottorp, House of
Oldenburg family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oldenborg family
Oldenbourg family
Oldenburger family
RT Uylenburgh family
Oldenburger family
USE Oldenburg family
Oldenburger horse (May Subd Geog)
Oldenburgische Schloss Birkenfeld (Birkenfeld,
USE Schloss Birkenfeld (Birkenfeld, Germany)
Oldenburgskii family (Not Subd Geog)
Oldendorf, Battle of, 1633
USE Oldendorf, Battle of, Germany, 1633
Oldendorf, Battle of, Germany, 1633
UF Hessisch-Oldendorf, Battle of, Germany, 1633
Oldendorf, Battle of, 1633 [Former heading]
BT Thirty Years' War, 1618
USE Oldenlandia
Oldenlandia (May Subd Geog)
UF Oldenlanda
BT Rubiaceae
NT Oldenlandia affinis
Oldenlandia affinis (May Subd Geog)
UF Hedyotis affinis
Oldenlandia decumbens
Oldenlandia dichotoma
Oldenlandia prostrata
BT Oldenlandia
Oldenlandia decumbens
USE Oldenlandia affinis
Oldenlandia dichotoma
USE Oldenlandia affinis
Oldenlandia prostrata
USE Oldenlandia affinis
Older Aboriginal Australians (May Subd Geog)
UF Aboriginal Australian older people
Aged, Aboriginal Australian [Former heading]
Aged, Australian Aboriginal [Former heading]
Older people, Aboriginal Australian
BT Aboriginal Australians
Older peopleAustralia
Older adults
USE Older people
Older African American women (May Subd Geog)
UF African American aged women [Former

African American older women
Older women, African American
BT African American women
Older womenUnited States
Older African Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF African American aged [Former heading]
African American older people
Afro-American aged [Former heading]
Older African AmericansUnited States
Older people, African American
BT African Americans
Older peopleUnited States
United States
USE Older African Americans
Older Alaska Natives (May Subd Geog)
UF Alaska Native older people
Older people, Alaska Native

Older Alaska Natives (Continued)

BT Alaska Natives
Older peopleUnited States
Older Americans Resources and Services
Multidimensional Functional Assessment
USE OARS Multidimensional Functional

Assessment Questionnaire
Older anthropologists (May Subd Geog)
BT Anthropologists
Older artists (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged artists [Former heading]
Aged as artists [Former heading]
BT Artists
Older Asian Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF Asian American aged [Former heading]
Asian American older people
Older people, Asian American
BT Asian Americans
Older peopleUnited States
Older athletes (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged athletes [Former heading]
BT Athletes
NT Older track and field athletes
Older women athletes
Older authors (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged as authors [Former heading]
Aged authors [Former heading]
BT Authors
Older automobile drivers (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged automobile drivers [Former heading]
BT Automobile drivers
NT Older women automobile drivers
Rating of (May Subd Geog)
NT Older automobile driversSelf-rating of
Self-rating of (May Subd Geog)
UF Self-rating of older automobile drivers
BT Older automobile driversRating of
Older blacks (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Black [Former heading]
Black older people
Older people, Black
BT Blacks
Older people
Older blind people (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Blind [Former heading]
Blind aged [Former heading]
Blind older people
BT Blind
Older people
Services for (May Subd Geog)
Older caregivers (May Subd Geog)
BT Caregivers
Older Catholics (May Subd Geog)
UF Catholic older people
BT Catholics
Older Christians
Older Chickasaw Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Chickasaw older people
Older people, Chickasaw
BT Chickasaw Indians
Older peopleOklahoma
Older child adoption (May Subd Geog)
UF Adoption of older children
BT Adoption
Older Chinese Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF Chinese American aged [Former heading]
Chinese American older people
Older people, Chinese American
BT Chinese Americans
Older peopleUnited States
Older Chipewyan Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Chipewyan aged [Former heading]
Chipewyan older people
Older people, Chipewyan
BT Chipewyan Indians
Older peopleCanada, Northern
Older Choctaw Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Choctaw aged [Former heading]
Choctaw IndiansAged [Former heading]
Choctaw older people
Older people, Choctaw
BT Choctaw Indians
Older peopleSouthern States
Older Christians (May Subd Geog)
UF Christian aged [Former heading]
Christian older people
BT Christians
Older people

NT Older Catholics
Older Mormons
Older consumers (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged as consumers [Former heading]
Aged consumers [Former heading]
BT Consumers
Older couples (May Subd Geog)
BT Couples
Older people
Older criminals
USE Older offenders
Older Dakota Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Dakota older people
Older people, Dakota
BT Dakota Indians
Older peopleGreat Plains
Older Dakota women (May Subd Geog)
UF Dakota aged women [Former heading]
Dakota older women
Older women, Dakota
BT Dakota women
Older womenGreat Plains
Older deaf people (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Deaf [Former heading]
Deaf older people
BT Deaf
Older people
Means of communication (May Subd Geog)
Older disaster victims (May Subd Geog)
BT Disaster victims
Older Eskimos (May Subd Geog)
UF Eskimo aged [Former heading]
Eskimo older people
Older people, Eskimo
BT Eskimos
Older peopleArctic regions
Older European Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF European American aged [Former heading]
European American older people
Older people, European American
BT European Americans
Older peopleUnited States
Older farmers (May Subd Geog)
BT Farmers
Rural elderly
Older gay men (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged gay men [Former heading]
BT Gay men
Older gays
Older men
Older gays (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged gays [Former heading]
BT Gays
Older people
NT Older gay men
Older lesbians
Older gifted persons
USE Gifted older people
Older Gwich'in Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Gwich'in aged [Former heading]
Gwich'in older people
Older people, Gwich'in
BT Gwich'in Indians
Older peopleAlaska
Older peopleCanada, Northern
Older Hispanic American women (May Subd Geog)
UF Hispanic American aged women [Former

Hispanic American older women
Older women, Hispanic American
BT Hispanic American women
Older womenUnited States
Older Hispanic Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF Hispanic American aged [Former heading]
Hispanic American older people
Older people, Hispanic American
BT Hispanic Americans
Older peopleUnited States
Older HIV-positive persons (May Subd Geog)
UF HIV-positive older people
BT HIV-positive persons
Older people
Older homeless persons (May Subd Geog)
UF Elderly homeless persons
Homeless aged [Former heading]
Homeless elderly people
Homeless older people
BT Homeless persons
Older people
Older homeowners (May Subd Geog)
BT Homeowners


Older immigrants (May Subd Geog)

UF Aged immigrants [Former heading]
BT Immigrants
Older Incas (May Subd Geog)
BT Incas
Older peopleAndes Region
Older Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Indian aged [Former heading]
Indian older people
Indians of North AmericaAged [Former

Older people, Indian
BT Indians
Older people
Mental health (May Subd Geog)
Older Inuit (May Subd Geog)
UF Inuit older people
Older people, Inuit
BT Inuit
Older peopleArctic regions
Older Irish Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF Irish American aged [Former heading]
Irish American older people
Older people, Irish American
BT Irish Americans
Older peopleUnited States
Older Japanese Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF Japanese American aged [Former heading]
Japanese American older people
Older people, Japanese American
BT Japanese Americans
Older peopleUnited States
Older Jews (May Subd Geog)
UF Jewish aged [Former heading]
Jewish older people
Older people, Jewish
BT Jews
Older people
Older Kootenai Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Kootenai older people
Kutenai aged [Former heading]
Older people, Kootenai
BT Kootenai Indians
Older peopleNorthwest, Pacific
Older Laguna Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Laguna aged [Former heading]
Laguna IndiansAged [Former heading]
Laguna older people
Older people, Laguna
BT Laguna Indians
Older peopleUnited States
Older Lebanese Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF Lebanese American aged [Former heading]
Lebanese American older people
Older people, Lebanese American
BT Lebanese Americans
Older peopleUnited States
Older lesbians (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged lesbians [Former heading]
BT Lesbians
Older gays
Older women
Older Maori (New Zealand people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Maori [Former heading]
Maori older people
Older people, Maori
BT Maori (New Zealand people)
Older peopleNew Zealand
Older men (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on men older than middle

UF Aged men [Former heading]

BT Men
Older people
NT Older gay men
Older men (Middle-aged men)
USE Middle-aged men
Older men in literature (Not Subd Geog)
UF Aged men in literature [Former heading]
Older mental patients
USE Mentally ill older people
Older mentally ill
USE Mentally ill older people
Older Mexican American women (May Subd Geog)
UF Mexican American aged women [Former

Mexican American older women
Older women, Mexican American

BT Mexican American women

Older womenUnited States
Older Mexican Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF Mexican American aged [Former heading]
Mexican American older people
BT Mexican Americans
Older peopleUnited States
Older minority members
USE Minority older people
Older Mormons (May Subd Geog)
UF Mormon aged [Former heading]
Mormon older people
BT Older Christians
Older musicians (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged musicians [Former heading]
BT Musicians
NT Older singers
Older Muslims (May Subd Geog)
UF Muslim older people
Older people, Muslim
BT Muslims
Older people
Older Navajo Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Navajo aged [Former heading]
Navajo IndiansAged [Former heading]
Navajo older people
Older people, Navajo
BT Navajo Indians
Older peopleSouthwest, New
Older Navajo women (May Subd Geog)
UF Navajo older women
Older women, Navajo
BT Navajo women
Older womenGreat Plains
Older offenders (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged as criminals [Former heading]
Aged offenders [Former heading]
Offenders, Older
Older criminals
BT Criminals
Older Ojibwa Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Ojibwa aged [Former heading]
Ojibwa IndiansAged [Former heading]
Ojibwa older people
Older people, Ojibwa
BT Ojibwa Indians
Older peopleCanada
Older peopleUnited States
Older Pacific Islander Americans (May Subd Geog)
UF Older people, Pacific Islander American
Pacific Islander American aged [Former

Pacific Islander American older people
BT Older peopleUnited States
Pacific Islander Americans
Older parents (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on persons who became
parents after reaching middle age. Works on parents
who have grown old and whose children are middleaged or older are entered under Aging parents.

BT Parents
NT Children of older parents
Older parents' children
USE Children of older parents
Older people (May Subd Geog)
[HQ1060-HQ1064 (Sociology)]
[HV1450-HV1494 (Public welfare)]
Here are entered works on people older than
middle age.





Aged [Former heading]

Aging people
Elderly people
Old people
Older adults
Older persons
Senior citizens
Seniors (Older people)
Age groups
Old age
Abused elderly
Art and older people
Arts and older people
Barrier-free design for older people
Bodybuilding for older people
Camps for older people
Children and older people
Christian education of older people
Church work with older people

Computers and older people

Dance for older people
Developmentally disabled older people
Discounts for older people
Domestic architecture for older people
Elderly poor
Exercise for older people
Frail elderly
Gardening for older people
Gifted older people
Group psychotherapy for older people
Handicraft for older people
Internet and older people
Killing of the elderly
Landscape architecture for older people
Libraries and older people
Mass media and older people
Mentally ill older people
Minority older people
Museums and older people
Music and older people
Older blacks
Older blind people
Older Christians
Older couples
Older deaf people
Older gays
Older HIV-positive persons
Older homeless persons
Older Indians
Older Jews
Older men
Older Muslims
Older sexual minorities
Older South Asians
Older transsexuals
Older unemployed
Older whites
Older women
Pets and older people
Physical fitness for older people
Police services for older people
Preaching to older people
Private flying for older people
Rural elderly
Self-help devices for older people
Sex instruction for older people
Social case work with older people
Social work with older people
Sports for older people
Technology and older people
Television and older people
Theater and older people
Urban elderly
Web sites for older people
Abuse of (May Subd Geog)
UF Cruelty to the aged [Former heading]
Elder abuse
RT Abused elderly
Investigation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal investigation
Reporting (May Subd Geog)
UF Reporting of elder abuse
Anthropometry (May Subd Geog)
Care (May Subd Geog)
UF Elder care
Clothing (May Subd Geog)
Communication (May Subd Geog)
BT Communication
Crimes against (May Subd Geog)
Cross-cultural studies
Dental care (May Subd Geog)
UF Geriatric dentistry
Diseases (May Subd Geog)
UF Old ageDiseases [Former heading]
RT Geriatrics
NT Achlorhydria in old age
AIDS (Disease) in old age
Cardiovascular diseases in old age
Communicable diseases in old age
Connective tissue diseases in old age
Constipation in old age
Convulsions in old age


Diabetes in old age

Diarrhea in old age
Epilepsy in old age
Fecal incontinence in old age
Gastritis in old age
Hypertension in old age
Kidney diseases in old age
Movement disorders in old age
Musculoskeletal diseases in old age
Nutrition disorders in old age
Pain in old age
Respiratory diseases in old age
Sensory disorders in old age
Sleep apnea syndromes in old age
Tuberculosis in old age
Urinary incontinence in old age
Psychosomatic aspects
USE GeriatricsPsychosomatic aspects
Treatment (May Subd Geog)
NT Art therapy for older people
Diet therapy for older people
Exercise therapy for older people
Music therapy for older people
Occupational therapy for older people
Physical therapy for older people
Psychotherapy for older people
Recreational therapy for older people
Dwellings (May Subd Geog)
NT Granny flats
Economic conditions
Education (May Subd Geog)
UF Education of the aged [Former heading]
NT Elderhostels
Physical education for older people
University of the Third Age movement
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Educational law and legislation
Employment (May Subd Geog)
[HD6279-HD6283 (Labor)]
[HF5549.5.O44 (Personnel management)]
RT Older unemployed
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Labor laws and legislation
Energy assistance (May Subd Geog)
UF Energy assistance for older people
Energy cost assistance for older people
Fuel assistance for older people
BT Old age assistance
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Family relationships (May Subd Geog)
Functional assessment (May Subd Geog)
UF Assessment of function of older people
Functional assessment of older people
BT Disability evaluation
NT OARS Multidimensional Functional

Assessment Questionnaire
Government policy (May Subd Geog)
Health and hygiene (May Subd Geog)
[RA564.8 (Public health)]
[RA777.6 (Personal health)]
RT Geriatrics
NT Stress management for older people
Health risk assessment (May Subd Geog)
Home care (May Subd Geog)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Hospital care (May Subd Geog)
Housing (May Subd Geog)
UF Housing for the elderly
Senior housing
NT Group homes for older people
Old age homes
Retirement communities
USE Immunization of older people
Institutional care (May Subd Geog)
NT Old age homes
International cooperation
NT International Year of Older Persons, 1999
Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog)
UF Elder law
NT Legal assistance to older people
Life skills guides
Long-term care (May Subd Geog)
NT Employer-supported elder care assistance
Social health maintenance organizations

Older people
Long-term care (Continued)
Medical care (May Subd Geog)
NT Community health services for older

Preventive health services for older people
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical laws and legislation
United States
NT Medicare
Mental health (May Subd Geog)
RT Geriatric psychiatry
Mental health services (May Subd Geog)
NT Preventive mental health services for older

USE Older peopleOrientation and mobility
Nutrition (May Subd Geog)
NT Meals on wheels programs
Orientation and mobility (May Subd Geog)
UF Mobility of older people
Older peopleMobility
BT Orientation
USE Old age pensions
Pharmaceutical assistance (May Subd Geog)
UF Pharmaceutical assistance for older

BT Old age assistance
Pharmaceutical policy
Physiology (May Subd Geog)
NT Senses and sensation in old age
Political activity (May Subd Geog)
NT Senior power
Prayer-books and devotions
USE Older peoplePrayers and devotions
Prayers and devotions
UF Older peoplePrayer-books and

devotions [Former heading]

Psychiatric care
USE Geriatric psychiatry
Psychic ability (May Subd Geog)
BT Psychic ability
Psychological testing (May Subd Geog)
NT AGP System
Personality tests for older people
UF Geropsychology
NT Adaptability (Psychology) in old age
Adjustment (Psychology) in old age
Altruism in old age
Anxiety in old age
Autonomy (Psychology) in old age
Bereavement in old age
Cognition in old age
Control (Psychology) in old age
Creative ability in old age
Decision making in old age
Dependency (Psychology) in old age
Emotions in old age
Food preferences in old age
Happiness in old age
Helping behavior in old age
Helplessness (Psychology) in old age
Identity (Psychology) in old age
Learning, Psychology of, in old age
Life change events in old age
Loneliness in old age
Loss (Psychology) in old age
Love in old age
Memory in old age
Motivation (Psychology) in old age
Optimism in older people
Projective assessment of aging method
Reading comprehension in old age
Regression (Psychology) in old age
Reminiscing in old age
Self-actualization (Psychology) in old age
Self-esteem in old age
Self-perception in old age
Self-realization in old age
Self-reliance in old age
Senses and sensation in old age
Sex differences (Psychology) in old age
Social perception in old age
Speech perception in older people
Stress in old age

Suffering in old age

Verbal learning in old age
Rating of (May Subd Geog)
NT Older peopleSelf-rating of
Recreation (May Subd Geog)
Religious life (May Subd Geog)
[BL625.4 (General)]
[BL1237.42 (Hinduism)]
[BP188.18.O43 (Islam)]
[BV4580 (Christianity)]
Respite care (May Subd Geog)
USE Retirement
Self-rating of (May Subd Geog)
UF Self-rating of older people
BT Older peopleRating of
Services for (May Subd Geog)
NT Financial institutionsServices to older

Social health maintenance organizations
Sexual behavior (May Subd Geog)
Social conditions
Social networks (May Subd Geog)
UF Elderly networks
Societies and clubs
USE Sports for older people
Suffrage (May Subd Geog)
Surgery (May Subd Geog)
UF Geriatric surgery
NT Geriatric orthopedics
Taxation (May Subd Geog)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Transportation (May Subd Geog)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Travel (May Subd Geog)
USE Geriatric oncology
USE WagesOlder people
Wounds and injuries (May Subd Geog)
NT Falls (Accidents) in old age
Fractures in old age
NT Older Gwich'in Indians
Andes Region
NT Older Incas
Arctic regions
NT Older Eskimos
Older Inuit
NT Older Aboriginal Australians
NT Older Ojibwa Indians
Canada, Northern
NT Older Chipewyan Indians
Older Gwich'in Indians
Great Plains
NT Older Dakota Indians
New Zealand
NT Older Maori (New Zealand people)
Northwest, Pacific
NT Older Kootenai Indians
Older Salish Indians
NT Older Chickasaw Indians
Russia (Federation)
NT Older Yupik Eskimos
NT Older Tuaregs
Southern States
NT Older Choctaw Indians
Southwest, New
NT Older Navajo Indians
United States
NT Older African Americans
Older Alaska Natives
Older Asian Americans
Older Chinese Americans
Older European Americans
Older Hispanic Americans
Older Irish Americans
Older Japanese Americans
Older Laguna Indians
Older Lebanese Americans
Older Mexican Americans
Older Ojibwa Indians


Older Pacific Islander Americans

Older Pueblo Indians
Older Seneca Indians
Older Taos Indians
Older Yupik Eskimos
Older people, Aboriginal Australian
USE Older Aboriginal Australians
Older people, African American
USE Older African Americans
Older people, Alaska Native
USE Older Alaska Natives
Older people, Asian American
USE Older Asian Americans
Older people, Black
USE Older blacks
Older people, Centers for
USE Senior centers
Older people, Chickasaw
USE Older Chickasaw Indians
Older people, Chinese American
USE Older Chinese Americans
Older people, Chipewyan
USE Older Chipewyan Indians
Older people, Choctaw
USE Older Choctaw Indians
Older people, Dakota
USE Older Dakota Indians
Older people, Eskimo
USE Older Eskimos
Older people, European American
USE Older European Americans
Older people, Gwich'in
USE Older Gwich'in Indians
Older people, Hispanic American
USE Older Hispanic Americans
Older people, Indian
USE Older Indians
Older people, Inuit
USE Older Inuit
Older people, Irish American
USE Older Irish Americans
Older people, Japanese American
USE Older Japanese Americans
Older people, Jewish
USE Older Jews
Older people, Kootenai
USE Older Kootenai Indians
Older people, Laguna
USE Older Laguna Indians
Older people, Lebanese American
USE Older Lebanese Americans
Older people, Maori
USE Older Maori (New Zealand people)
Older people, Muslim
USE Older Muslims
Older people, Navajo
USE Older Navajo Indians
Older people, Ojibwa
USE Older Ojibwa Indians
Older people, Pacific Islander American
USE Older Pacific Islander Americans
Older people, Pueblo
USE Older Pueblo Indians
Older people, Salish
USE Older Salish Indians
Older people, Seneca
USE Older Seneca Indians
Older people, South Asian
USE Older South Asians
Older people, Taos
USE Older Taos Indians
Older people, Tuareg
USE Older Tuaregs
Older people, Writings of
USE Older people's writings
Older people, Yupik
USE Older Yupik Eskimos
Older people (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog)
BT Islamic law
Older people and art
USE Art and older people
Older people and children
USE Children and older people
Older people and computers
USE Computers and older people
Older people and libraries
USE Libraries and older people
Older people and mass media
USE Mass media and older people
Older people and museums
USE Museums and older people

Older people and music

USE Music and older people
Older people and pets
USE Pets and older people
Older people and technology
USE Technology and older people
Older people and television
USE Television and older people
Older people and the arts
USE Arts and older people
Older people and the Internet
USE Internet and older people
Older people and theater
USE Theater and older people
Older people in advertising (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works discussing the portrayal of
older people in advertising.

UF Aged in advertising [Former heading]

BT Advertising
Older people in art (Not Subd Geog)
UF Aged in art [Former heading]
Older people in literature
USE Old age in literature
Older people in mass media (Not Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the portrayal of older
people in the mass media.

UF Aged in mass media [Former heading]

BT Mass media
Older people in mental health (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the involvement of
older people as employees or volunteers in the field
of mental health.

UF Aged in mental health [Former heading]

BT Mental health
Older people in missionary work (May Subd Geog)
BT Missionaries
Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Older people in popular culture (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the representation of
older people in popular culture.

UF Aged in popular culture [Former heading]

BT Popular culture
Older people in the Bible
UF Aged in the Bible [Former heading]
Older people on television (Not Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the portrayal of older
people on television.

UF Aged in television [Former heading]

Aged on television [Former heading]
BT Television
Older people with disabilities (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Physically handicapped [Former

Aged people with disabilities [Former heading]
BT People with disabilities
NT Older people with mental disabilities
Older people with visual disabilities
Long-term care (May Subd Geog)
Older people with mental disabilities (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged people with mental disabilities [Former

Mentally handicapped aged [Former heading]
BT Older people with disabilities
People with mental disabilities
Older people with visual disabilities (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Visually handicapped [Former heading]
Aged people with visual disabilities [Former

Visually handicapped aged [Former heading]
BT Older people with disabilities
People with visual disabilities
RT Vision disorders in old age
Older people's writings (Not Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Writings of the [Former heading]
Older people, Writings of
Writings of older people
BT Literature
Older people's writings, American (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Writings of the, American [Former

American older people's writings
BT American literature
Older people's writings, British (Not Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Writings of the, British [Former heading]
British older people's writings
BT British literature
Older people's writings, Canadian (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Writings of the, Canadian [Former

Canadian older people's writings
BT Canadian literature
Older people's writings, Czech (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Writings of the, Czech [Former heading]
Czech older people's writings
BT Czech literature
Older people's writings, French-Canadian
(May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Writings of the, French-Canadian

[Former heading]
French-Canadian older people's writings
BT French-Canadian literature
Older people's writings, Peruvian (May Subd Geog)
UF Peruvian older people's writings
BT Peruvian literature
Older people's writings, Serbian (May Subd Geog)
UF Serbian older people's writings
BT Serbian literature
Older people's writings, Slovenian (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Writings of the, Slovenian [Former

Slovenian older people's writings
BT Slovenian literature
Older persons
USE Older people
Older politicians (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged politicians [Former heading]
BT Politicians
Older poor people
USE Elderly poor
Older prisoners (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged prisoners [Former heading]
BT Prisoners
Older psychiatric patients
USE Mentally ill older people
Older psychoanalysts (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged psychoanalysists
BT Psychoanalysts
Older Pueblo Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Older people, Pueblo
Pueblo aged [Former heading]
Pueblo IndiansAged [Former heading]
Pueblo older people
BT Older peopleUnited States
Pueblo Indians
Older refugees (May Subd Geog)
BT Refugees
Older rural people
USE Rural elderly
Older Salish Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Older people, Salish
Salish aged [Former heading]
Salish older people
BT Older peopleNorthwest, Pacific
Salish Indians
Older Scots language
USE Scots languageTo 1700
Older Seneca Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Older people, Seneca
Seneca aged [Former heading]
Seneca older people
BT Older peopleUnited States
Seneca Indians
Older sexual minorities (May Subd Geog)
UF GLBT seniors
BT Older people
Sexual minorities
NT Social work with older sexual minorities
Older singers (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged singers [Former heading]
BT Older musicians
Older slaves (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged slaves [Former heading]
BT Slaves
Older South Asians (May Subd Geog)
UF Older people, South Asian
South Asian older people
BT Older people
South Asians
Older Taos Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Older people, Taos
Taos aged [Former heading]
Taos older people
BT Older peopleUnited States
Taos Indians
Older television viewers (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on television viewers who
are older than middle age.

BT Television viewers


Older Teton women (May Subd Geog)

UF Older women, Teton
Teton aged women [Former heading]
Teton older women
BT Older womenGreat Plains
Teton women
Older track and field athletes (May Subd Geog)
UF Masters track and field athletes
Veteran track and field athletes
BT Older athletes
Track and field athletes
Older transsexuals (May Subd Geog)
UF Transsexual older people
BT Older people
Older Tuaregs (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged, Tuareg [Former heading]
Older people, Tuareg
Tuareg older people
BT Older peopleSahara
Older unemployed (May Subd Geog)
UF Unemployed older people
BT Older people
RT Older peopleEmployment
Older urban people
USE Urban elderly
Older veterans (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged veterans [Former heading]
BT Veterans
Older volunteers (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged volunteers [Former heading]
BT Volunteers
Older volunteers in education (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged volunteers in education [Former

BT Education
Older volunteers in hospitals (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged volunteers in hospitals [Former heading]
BT Hospitals
Older volunteers in museums (May Subd Geog)
BT Museums
Older volunteers in social service (May Subd Geog)
UF Aged volunteers in social service [Former

BT Social service
NT Foster grandparents
Older whites (May Subd Geog)
UF White older people
BT Older people
Older women (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on women older than
middle age.

UF Aged women [Former heading]

BT Older people
NT Chronically ill older women
Church work with older women
Older lesbians
Diseases (May Subd Geog)
NT Geriatric gynecology
Employment (May Subd Geog)
Surgery (May Subd Geog)
Great Plains
NT Older Dakota women
Older Navajo women
Older Teton women
United States
NT Older African American women
Older Hispanic American women
Older Mexican American women
Older women, African American
USE Older African American women
Older women, Dakota
USE Older Dakota women
Older women, Hispanic American
USE Older Hispanic American women
Older women, Mexican American
USE Older Mexican American women
Older women, Navajo
USE Older Navajo women
Older women, Teton
USE Older Teton women
Older women (Middle-aged women)
USE Middle-aged women
Older women athletes (May Subd Geog)
BT Older athletes
Women athletes

Older women automobile drivers (May Subd Geog)

BT Older automobile drivers
Women automobile drivers
Older women in art (Not Subd Geog)
UF Aged women in art [Former heading]
Older women in literature (Not Subd Geog)
UF Aged women in literature [Former heading]
Older Yupik Eskimos (May Subd Geog)
UF Older people, Yupik
Yupik older people
Yupik aged [Former heading]
Yupik EskimosAged [Former heading]
BT Older peopleRussia (Federation)
Older peopleUnited States
Yupik Eskimos
Olderogge family (Not Subd Geog)
Oldfield Estuary (W.A.)
UF Munglinup Inlet (W.A.)
Oldfield River Estuary (W.A.)
BT EstuariesAustralia
Oldfield family (Not Subd Geog)
Oldfield mouse (May Subd Geog)
UF Beach mouse
Peromyscus polionotus
BT Peromyscus
Oldfield River (W.A.)
BT RiversAustralia
Oldfield River Estuary (W.A.)
USE Oldfield Estuary (W.A.)
Oldham family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oaldham family
Oaldhum family
Odian family
Oldam family
RT Odom family
Oldham Post Office (Saint Louis, Mo.)
USE Marian Oldham Post Office (Saint Louis, Mo.)
Oldis family
USE Olds family
Oldman Reservoir (Alta.)
USE Oldman River Reservoir (Alta.)
Oldman River (Alta.)
BT RiversAlberta
Oldman River Dam (Alta.)
BT DamsAlberta
Oldman River Reservoir (Alta.)
UF Oldman Reservoir (Alta.)
BT ReservoirsAlberta
Oldman River Valley (Alta.)
BT ValleysAlberta
Oldman River Watershed (Alta.)
BT WatershedsAlberta
Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania)
UF Lengai, Ol Doinyo (Tanzania)
Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania)
BT MountainsTanzania
Olds family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oalds family
Old family
Oldis family
Ould family
Oldsmobile 98 automobile
USE Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight automobile
Oldsmobile Achieva automobile
USE Achieva automobile
Oldsmobile Aurora automobile (Not Subd Geog)
UF Aurora automobile, Oldsmobile
BT Oldsmobile automobile
Oldsmobile automobile (Not Subd Geog)
BT General Motors automobiles
NT Achieva automobile
Alero automobile
Bravada sport utility vehicle
Calais automobile
Cutlass automobile
Cutlass Ciera automobile
Cutlass Cruiser automobile
Cutlass Supreme automobile
Firenza automobile
Intrigue automobile
Oldsmobile Aurora automobile
Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser automobile
Oldsmobile Delta 88 automobile
Oldsmobile Futuramic automobile
Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight automobile
Omega automobile
Toronado automobile
Trofeo automobile
Oldsmobile Bravada sport utility vehicle
USE Bravada sport utility vehicle

Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser automobile

(Not Subd Geog)
UF Custom Cruiser automobile
BT Oldsmobile automobile
Oldsmobile Cutlass Cruiser automobile
USE Cutlass Cruiser automobile
Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme automobile
USE Cutlass Supreme automobile
Oldsmobile Delta 88 automobile (Not Subd Geog)
UF Delta 88 automobile
BT Oldsmobile automobile
Oldsmobile Firenza automobile
USE Firenza automobile
Oldsmobile Futuramic automobile (Not Subd Geog)
UF Futuramic automobile
BT Oldsmobile automobile
Oldsmobile Intrigue automobile
USE Intrigue automobile
Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight automobile (Not Subd Geog)
UF 98 automobile
Ninety-Eight automobile
Oldsmobile 98 automobile
BT Oldsmobile automobile
Oldsmobile Silhouette van
USE Silhouette van
Oldsmobile Toronado automobile
USE Toronado automobile
Oldsmobile Trofeo automobile
USE Trofeo automobile
USE Long-tailed duck
Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)
UF Olduwai Gorge (Tanzania)
BT GorgesTanzania
Olduwai Gorge (Tanzania)
USE Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)
Oldway Mansion (Paignton, England)
BT DwellingsEngland
Public buildingsEngland
Oldwine family
USE Olwin family
Oldyn family
USE Olden family
Ole Devil (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Baines, Jackson (Fictitious character)
Jackson Baines (Fictitious character)
USE Olive
Olea africana (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O44 (Botany)]
BT Olive
Olea laperrini (May Subd Geog)
BT Olive
Oleaceae (May Subd Geog)
NT Ash (Plants)
Oleai Inseln (Micronesia)
USE Woleai Atoll (Micronesia)
USE Lamiales
Oleander (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.A66 (Botany)]
[SB413.O43 (Ornamental plant)]
UF Nerium indicum
Nerium odorum
Nerium oleander
Rose bay
BT Nerium
Oleander, Yellow
USE Thevetia peruviana
Oleander scale (May Subd Geog)
[QL527.D5 (Zoology)]
UF Aspidiotus hederae
Aspidiotus nerii
BT Aspidiotus
USE Dryopteridaceae
Olearia (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.C74 (Botany)]
UF Bushes, Daisy
Daisies, Tree
Daisy bushes


Tree daisies
BT Compositae
NT Olearia gardneri
Olearia gardneri (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.C74 (Botany)]
UF Daisy, Gardner's tree
Daisy bush
Gardner's tree daisy
BT Olearia
Olearius family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ulearius family
Von Olearius family
O'Leary family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Leary family
USE Russian olive
Oleaster family (Plants)
USE Elaeagnaceae
Oleei (Micronesia)
USE Woleai Atoll (Micronesia)
Olefad (Legendary character)
USE Olofat (Legendary character)
Olefer family
USE Oliver family
USE Alkenes
USE Alkenes
O'Legs, Jack (Legendary character)
USE Jack O'Legs (Legendary character)
Oleic acid
[QD305.A2 (Organic chemistry)]
UF Octadecanoic acid
Octadecenoic acid
Oleinic acid
Red oil
BT Unsaturated fatty acids
USE Stiligeridae
Oleinic acid
USE Oleic acid
Oleiocarpon panamense
USE Dipteryx oleifera
Olejar family (Not Subd Geog)
Olejarczyk family (Not Subd Geog)
Olek (Fictitious character : Kruusval)
USE Olle (Fictitious character : Kruusval)
Olekma River (Russia)
BT RiversRussia (Federation)
Olekma River Valley (Russia)
UF Olekma Valley (Russia)
BT ValleysRussia (Federation)
Olekma Valley (Russia)
USE Olekma River Valley (Russia)
Olelkovich family
USE Olelkowicz family
Olel'kovyc family
USE Olelkowicz family
Olel'kovych family
USE Olelkowicz family
Olelkowicz family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Alelkavich family
Olel'kovyc family
Olel'kovych family
Olelkovich family
Olen Passage (Alaska)
USE Deer Passage (Alaska)
Olenei Passage (Alaska)
USE Deer Passage (Alaska)
Olenek River (R.S.F.S.R.)
USE Olenek River (Russia)
Olenek River (Russia)
UF Olenek River (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading]
Reka Olenek (Russia)
BT RiversRussia (Federation)
Olenek River Watershed (Russia)
BT WatershedsRussia (Federation)
Oleneothyris (May Subd Geog)
BT Terebratulidae, Fossil
Oleneothyris fragilis (May Subd Geog)
Oleni Passage (Alaska)
USE Deer Passage (Alaska)
Olenidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Ptychopariida
NT Triarthrus
Olenin family (Not Subd Geog)

Oleno State Forest (Fla.)

USE O'Leno State Park (Fla.)
O'Leno State Park (Fla.)
UF Oleno State Forest (Fla.)
BT Forest reservesFlorida
Olentangy Creek (Ohio)
USE Big Darby Creek (Ohio)
Olentangy Shale
BT Formations (Geology)Indiana
Formations (Geology)Kentucky
Formations (Geology)Ohio
Geology, StratigraphicDevonian
Olentzaro (Legendary character)
USE Olentzero (Legendary character)
Olentzero (Legendary character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olentzaro (Legendary character)
Onentzaro (Legendary character)
Onenzaro (Legendary character)
Ononzaro (Legendary character)
Orentzago (Legendary character)
BT BasquesFolklore
Oleo, Liquid
USE Premier jus
Oleo oil
USE Premier jus
Oleo stock
USE Premier jus
USE Margarine
Oleoresin industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Oil industries
Oleoresins (May Subd Geog)
[RS201.O6 (Pharmacy)]
BT Gums and resins
Oils and fats
USE Premier jus
Olequa Creek (Wash.)
UF Olequah Creek (Wash.)
BT RiversWashington (State)
Olequa Creek Watershed (Wash.)
BT WatershedsWashington (State)
Olequah Creek (Wash.)
USE Olequa Creek (Wash.)
Oler family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ohler family
Oleron, Ile d' (France)
UF Ile d'Oleron (France)
Uliarus Island (France)
BT IslandsFrance
Olerud family (Not Subd Geog)
OLEs (Optoelectronics)
USE Optical lattice emulators
Olesen family
USE Olson family
Olesko Castle (Olesko, Ukraine)
USE Olesky Castle (Olesko, Ukraine)
Olesky Castle (Olesko, Ukraine)
UF Olesko Castle (Olesko, Ukraine)
Oleskyi zamok (Olesko, Ukraine)
BT CastlesUkraine
Oleskyi zamok (Olesko, Ukraine)
USE Olesky Castle (Olesko, Ukraine)
Oleson family
USE Olson family
Olestra (Trademark)
USE Sucrose polyester
Olestra sucrose polyester
USE Sucrose polyester
Oleta River (Fla.)
BT RiversFlorida
USE Tortricidae
Oletzke family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Sulfuric acid
Oleum hyoscyami
USE Hyoscyamus (Drug)
Oleum ligni guaiaci
USE Guaiac wood oil
Oleum rosae
USE Attar of roses
Oleum sinapis volatile
USE Mustard oils
Olewine family
USE Olwin family
Oley Valley (Pa.)
BT ValleysPennsylvania

USE Smell
Olfaction disorders
USE Smell disorders
UF SmellMeasurement
BT Smell
Olfactory brain
USE Rhinencephalon
Olfactory disorders
USE Smell disorders
Olfactory effects in theaters
USE TheatersOlfactory effects
Olfactory mucosa
[QL947 (Comparative anatomy)]
[QM561 (Histology)]
[QP458 (Physiology)]
BT Nasal mucosa
Olfactory nerve
[QL947 (Comparative anatomy, QL939)]
[QM505 (Human anatomy, QM471)]
BT Nerves, Cranial
NT Septum (Brain)
Olfactory receptor genes
UF Odor receptor genes
OR genes
Receptor genes, Odor
Receptor genes, Olfactory
BT Genes
Olfactory receptor proteins
USE Olfactory receptors
Olfactory receptors
UF Odor receptor proteins
Odor receptors
Odorant receptors
Olfactory receptor proteins
ORs (Olfactory receptors)
Receptor proteins, Odor
Receptor proteins, Olfactory
Receptors, Odor
Receptors, Odorant
BT Cell receptors
Olfactory sensors (May Subd Geog)
UF Odor sensors
BT Detectors
Olfactory threshold
USE SmellThreshold
Olfus River (Iceland)
USE Olfusa (Iceland)
Olfusa (Iceland)
UF Olfus River (Iceland)
BT RiversIceland
Olga da Polga (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
lgaard family
USE llgaard family
Olguin family (Not Subd Geog)
Oliansky family
USE Oljansky family
USE Frankincense
Olico Creek (Ga.)
USE Potato Creek (Spalding County-Upson County,

Olie (Micronesia)
USE Woleai Atoll (Micronesia)
Olie, Rolie Polie (Fictitious character)
USE Rolie Polie Olie (Fictitious character)
Olie (Fictitious character)
USE Rolie Polie Olie (Fictitious character)
Olifad (Legendary character)
USE Olofat (Legendary character)
USE Oliphant
Olifants Catchment (South Africa)
USE Olifants River Watershed (South Africa)
Olifants River (South Africa)
UF Olifantsrivier (South Africa)
BT RiversSouth Africa
Olifants River Watershed (South Africa)
UF Olifants Catchment (South Africa)
BT WatershedsSouth Africa
Olifantsrivier (South Africa)
USE Olifants River (South Africa)
Olifat (Legendary character)
USE Olofat (Legendary character)


Olifer family
USE Oliver family
Oliff family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oliffe family
Olive family
Ollif family
Olliff family
Olliffe family
Ollive family
Oliffe family
USE Oliff family
Oligacanthorhynchida (May Subd Geog)
BT Archiacanthocephala
NT Oligacanthorhynchidae
Oligacanthorhynchidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Oligacanthorhynchida
NT Macracanthorhynchus
Oligarchy (May Subd Geog)
BT Political science
Oligist iron
USE Hematite
UF Adenyladenosine oligonucleotides
BT Adenylic acid
USE Bradycardia
Oligocene-Eocene boundary
USE Eocene-Oligocene boundary
Oligocene Epoch
USE Geology, StratigraphicOligocene
Oligochaeta (May Subd Geog)
[QL391.A6 (Zoology)]
UF Chaetopoda [Former heading]
Oligochaete worms
BT Clitellata
NT Haplotaxida
Oligochaete worms
USE Oligochaeta
USE Oligochaeta
USE Oligochaeta
USE Oligochaeta
UF Mesoglia
BT Nervous system
Oligohymenophora (May Subd Geog)
UF Holotricha
BT Ciliata
NT Astomatida
Oligolactoria (May Subd Geog)
BT Boxfishes, Fossil
NT Oligolactoria bubiki
Oligolactoria bubiki (May Subd Geog)
BT Oligolactoria
USE Phalangiidae
USE Nothosaurus
Oligomenorrhea (May Subd Geog)
UF Infrequent menstruation
BT Menstruation disorders
USE Oligomenorrhea
[QD196 (Inorganic chemistry)]
[QD281.P6 (Organic chemistry)]
[TP156.P6 (Chemical technology)]
UF OligomersSynthesis

Oligomerization (Continued)
Synthesis of oligomers
BT Polymerization
BT Polymers
NT Conjugated oligomers
USE Oligomerization
Oligomers, Thiophene
USE Oligothiophenes
Oligonucleotide probes
USE Nucleic acid probes
BT Nucleotides
NT Oligoadenylates
Triple-helix-forming oligonucleotides
Oligonychus (May Subd Geog)
UF Paratetranychus [Former heading]
Spruce mites
BT Spider mites
NT Avocado brown mite
Oligonychus punicae
USE Avocado brown mite
Oligonychus yothersi
USE Avocado brown mite
Oligopeptides (May Subd Geog)
BT Peptides
NT Amanitins
Oligophrenia, Phenylpyruvic
USE Phenylketonuria
Oligopolies (May Subd Geog)
UF Economic concentration
Monopolies, Partial
Partial monopolies
BT Competition, Imperfect
Interorganizational relations
NT Duopolies
Industrial concentration
Oligorus gibbiceps
USE Trout cod
Oligorus mitchelii
USE Trout cod
Oligorus mitchellii
USE Trout cod
BT Glucosides
Oligosoma (May Subd Geog)
[QL666.L28 (Zoology)]
BT Skinks
NT Chevron skink
Grand skink
Lord Howe Island skink
McCann's skink
Oligosoma nigriplantare
Otago skink
Small-scaled skink
Oligosoma grande
USE Grand skink
Oligosoma homalonotum
USE Chevron skink
Oligosoma lichenigera
USE Lord Howe Island skink
Oligosoma maccanni
USE McCann's skink
Oligosoma microlepis
USE Small-scaled skink
Oligosoma nigriplantare (May Subd Geog)
[QL666.L28 (Zoology)]
UF Hinulia variegata
Leiolopisma dendyi
Leiolopisma nigriplantare
Leiolopisma turbotti
Lygosoma dendyi

Lygosoma nigriplantare
BT Oligosoma
Oligosoma otagense
USE Otago skink
Oligospermia (May Subd Geog)
UF Oligozoospermatism
BT Infertility, Male
Oligosporus filifolius
USE Artemisia filifolia
USE Mycosphaerella
Oligothiophenes (May Subd Geog)
UF Oligomers, Thiophene
Thiophene oligomers
BT Conjugated oligomers
Oligotrichida (May Subd Geog)
BT Spirotricha
NT Halteriidae
USE Oligospermia
USE Oligospermia
USE Oliguria
UF Oliguresia
Oliktok Point (Alaska)
BT Capes (Coasts)Alaska
Olimarao Atoll (Micronesia)
UF Namoliaour (Micronesia)
Namoliaoure (Micronesia : Atoll)
Olimarao Islands (Micronesia)
Olimarau Inseln (Micronesia : Atoll)
Olimario (Micronesia : Atoll)
Onomarai-to (Micronesia : Atoll)
Walhimreahw (Micronesia)
BT Caroline Islands
IslandsMicronesia (Federated States)
Olimarao Islands (Micronesia)
USE Olimarao Atoll (Micronesia)
Olimarau Inseln (Micronesia : Atoll)
USE Olimarao Atoll (Micronesia)
Olimario (Micronesia : Atoll)
USE Olimarao Atoll (Micronesia)
Olimbos, Mount (Greece)
USE Olympus, Mount (Greece)
Olimstad family (Not Subd Geog)
Olin family (Not Subd Geog)
Olin Lake (Ind.)
BT LakesIndiana
Olin Nature Preserve (Ill.)
USE John M. Olin Nature Preserve (Ill.)
USE Olindiidae
USE Olindiidae
USE Olindiidae
Olindiidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL377.H9 (Zoology)]
UF Limnocnididae
BT Limnomedusae
NT Craspedacusta
Olingo (Artificial language)
BT Languages, Artificial
Oliniaceae (May Subd Geog)
BT Myrtales
Oliphant (May Subd Geog)
UF Olifant
Oliphants [Former heading]
BT Ivories
Wind instruments
Oliphant family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olivant family
Oliphant music (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo oliphant, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types


for solo oliphant.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "oliphant" or "oliphants" and

headings with medium of performance that

include "oliphant" or "oliphant"

USE Oliphant
Olipher family
USE Oliver family
Olisthodiscus carterae
USE Heterosigma carterae
Olisthodiscus luteus
USE Heterosigma akashiwo
Olistostromes (May Subd Geog)
UF Megabreccia
BT Sedimentary rocks
Olite Palace (Olite, Spain)
USE Palacio Real de Olite (Olite, Spain)
Oliva (May Subd Geog)
BT Olividae
Oliva, Battle of, Poland, 1627
USE Oliwa, Battle of, Poland, 1627
Oliva (Mollusks) (May Subd Geog)
BT Olividae
Oliva (Neurology)
USE Olivary nucleus
Olivaceous cormorant
USE Neotropic cormorant
Olivant family
USE Oliphant family
Olivar family
USE Oliver family
Olivary body
USE Olivary nucleus
Olivary nucleus
UF Inferior olivary body
Inferior olivary nucleus
Nucleus, Olivary
Oliva (Neurology)
Olivary body
Olive (Neurology)
BT Medulla oblongata
Olivas family (Not Subd Geog)
Olive (May Subd Geog)
UF Olea
BT Oilseed plants
NT Olea africana
Olea laperrini
Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog)
SA names of specific diseases and pests, e.g.

Olive fly
NT Prays oleae
USE Tariff on olives
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Olives)
Varieties (May Subd Geog)
Olive (Neurology)
USE Olivary nucleus
Olive Avenue (Washington, D.C.)
USE Olive Street (Washington, D.C.)
Olive baboon (May Subd Geog)
UF Papio anubis
BT Papio
Olive-backed pocket mouse (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.R66 (Zoology)]
UF Perognathus fasciatus [Former heading]
Wyoming pocket mouse
BT Perognathus
Olive Branch Site (Ill.)
BT IllinoisAntiquities
Olive-brown salamander
USE Red salamander
Olive clubtail (May Subd Geog)
[QL520.3.G6 (Zoology)]
UF Gomphus olivaceus
Stylurus olivaceus
BT Stylurus
Olive family
USE Oliff family
Olive fly (May Subd Geog)
UF Bactrocera oleae
Dacus oleae

Olive fruit fly

BT Bactrocera
Olive fruit fly
USE Olive fly
Olive hymenachne
USE Hymenachne amplexicaulis
Olive in art (Not Subd Geog)
Olive in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Olive in the Bible
Olive industry and trade (May Subd Geog)
[HD9259.O3-HD9259.O4 (Economics)]
[SB367 (Agriculture)]
BT Fruit trade
NT Olive oil industry
Olive kernel borer
USE Prays oleae
Olive loggerhead turtle
USE Olive ridley turtle
Olive midwife toad
USE Alytes obstetricans
Olive moth
USE Prays oleae
Olive oil (May Subd Geog)
[TP683 (Chemical technology)]
BT Vegetable oils
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Olive oil)
Olive oil in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Olive oil industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Olive industry and trade
Vegetable oil industry
Equipment and supplies
NT Olive oil presses
Olive oil mills (May Subd Geog)
BT Oil mills
Olive oil presses (May Subd Geog)
UF Presses, Olive oil
BT Olive oil industryEquipment and supplies
Vegetable oil presses
Olive Oyl (Fictitious character)
USE Oyl, Olive (Fictitious character)
Olive ridley sea turtle
USE Olive ridley turtle
Olive ridley turtle (May Subd Geog)
[QL666.C536 (Zoology)]
UF Chelonia olivacea
Lepidochelys olivacea [Former heading]
Olive loggerhead turtle
Olive ridley sea turtle
Pacific ridley turtle
Ridley turtle, Olive
Ridley turtle, Pacific
Testudo mydas minor
BT Lepidochelys
Olive shark
USE Silky shark
Olive shells
USE Olividae
Olive-sided flycatcher (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P289 (Zoology)]
UF Contopus borealis
Contopus cooperi
Nuttallornis borealis
BT Contopus
Olive Street (Seattle, Wash.)
USE Olive Way (Seattle, Wash.)
Olive Street (Washington, D.C.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Olive Avenue (Washington, D.C.)

BT StreetsWashington (D.C.)
Olive thrush (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P288 (Zoology)]
UF Turdus olivaceus
BT Turdus
Olive tinea
USE Prays oleae
Olive Way (Seattle, Wash.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Olive Street (Seattle, Wash.)

BT StreetsWashington (State)
Oliveira family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Oliver family
Oliver, Ariadne (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ariadne Oliver (Fictitious character)
Oliver, Gideon (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Gideon Oliver (Fictitious character)
Professor Gideon Oliver (Fictitious character)

Professor Oliver (Fictitious character)

Skeleton Detective (Fictitious character)
Oliver, Ruby (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ruby Oliver (Fictitious character)
Oliver (Fictitious character : Shakespeare)
(Not Subd Geog)
Oliver (Name)
BT Names, Personal
Oliver & Abigal Ellsworth Homestead (Windsor, Conn.)
USE Oliver Ellsworth Homestead (Windsor, Conn.)
Oliver and Abigal Ellsworth Homestead (Windsor,
USE Oliver Ellsworth Homestead (Windsor, Conn.)
Oliver Dam (Ala.)
UF William Bacon Oliver Dam (Ala.)
BT DamsAlabama
Oliver Ellsworth Homestead (Windsor, Conn.)
UF Ellsworth Homestead (Windsor, Conn.)
Elmwood (Windsor, Conn.)
Oliver & Abigal Ellsworth Homestead (Windsor,

Oliver and Abigal Ellsworth Homestead

(Windsor, Conn.)
BT DwellingsConnecticut
Oliver family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olefer family
Olifer family
Olipher family
Olivar family
Olivier family
Ollavor family
Ollefer family
Olliver family
Ollivier family
Ollivor family
Olover family
Olver family
RT Oliveira family
Oliver Goodall Post Office Building (Pasadena, Calif.)
USE First Lieutenant Oliver Goodall Post Office

Building (Pasadena, Calif.)

Oliver H. Perry House (Ky.)
UF Perry House (Ky.)
BT DwellingsKentucky
Oliver House (Mentor, Ohio)
USE Wildwood Estate (Mentor, Ohio)
Oliver Lake (Ind. : Lake)
BT LakesIndiana
Oliver Lee Memorial State Park (N.M.)
USE Oliver Lee State Park (N.M.)
Oliver Lee State Park (N.M.)
UF Lee Memorial State Park (N.M.)
Lee State Park (N.M.)
Oliver Lee Memorial State Park (N.M.)
BT ParksNew Mexico
Oliver Max Gardner Award
UF O. Max Gardner Award
BT EducationAwardsNorth Carolina
Oliver Pig (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Cochon, Olivier (Fictitious character)
Olivier Cochon (Fictitious character)
Pig, Oliver (Fictitious character)
Oliver Queen (Fictitious character)
USE Green Arrow (Fictitious character)
Oliver Stone (Fictitious character)
USE Stone, Oliver (Fictitious character)
Oliver tractors (Not Subd Geog)
UF Cockshutt tractors
BT Tractors
Oliverez, Elena (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Elena Oliverez (Fictitious character)
Olives, Mount of (Jerusalem)
USE Mount of Olives (Jerusalem)
Olivet, Mount of (Jerusalem)
USE Mount of Olives (Jerusalem)
Olivet Camp (Wis.)
USE Norman B. Barr Camp (Wis.)
Olivetti family (Not Subd Geog)
Olivetti M-10 (Computer) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Microcomputers
Olivetti M-24 (Computer) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Microcomputers
Olivia (Fictitious character : Falconer) (Not Subd Geog)
Olivia (Fictitious character : Shakespeare)
(Not Subd Geog)
Olivia Clemens (Fictitious character)
USE Clemens, Atta Olivia (Fictitious character)
Olivia Kidney (Fictitious character)
USE Kidney, Olivia (Fictitious character)
Olivia Paras (Fictitious character)
USE Paras, Olivia (Fictitious character)


Olivia Sharp (Fictitious character)

USE Sharp, Olivia (Fictitious character)
Olividae (May Subd Geog)
UF Olive shells
BT Neogastropoda
NT Oliva
Oliva (Mollusks)
Olivier (Legendary character) (Not Subd Geog)
BT LegendsFrance
Olivier Awards
UF Laurence Olivier Awards
Society of West End Theatre Awards
BT TheaterAwardsGreat Britain
Olivier Cochon (Fictitious character)
USE Oliver Pig (Fictitious character)
Olivier family
USE Oliver family
Olivieri family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Mesobuthus
Olivierus caucasicus
USE Mesobuthus caucasicus
Olivin-diabase (May Subd Geog)
UF Olivine diabase
BT Diabase
Olivine (May Subd Geog)
UF Chrysolite [Former heading]
BT Rock-forming minerals
Silicate minerals
NT Forsterite
Olivine diabase
USE Olivin-diabase
Olivinite (May Subd Geog)
BT Igneous rocks
Olivo di Venafro, Parco regionale storico agricolo dell'
USE Parco regionale dell'olivo di Venafro (Italy)
Olivopontocerebellar atrophies (May Subd Geog)
UF Atrophies, Olivopontocerebellar
Olivopontocerebellar degenerations
BT Ataxia
Brain stemDiseases
Olivopontocerebellar degenerations
USE Olivopontocerebellar atrophies
Oliwa, Battle of, 1627
USE Oliwa, Battle of, Poland, 1627
Oliwa, Battle of, Poland, 1627
UF Oliva, Battle of, Poland, 1627
Oliwa, Battle of, 1627 [Former heading]
Oliwa (Poland), Battle of, 1627 [Former

BT Swedish-Polish War, 1617
Oliwa (Poland), Battle of, 1627
USE Oliwa, Battle of, Poland, 1627
Oliwa, Peace of, 1660
BT Swedish-Polish War, 1655-1660
Oljansky family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oliansky family
Oljogi (Kenya)
USE Ol Jogi (Kenya)
Olkha Plateau (Russia)
UF Olkhinskoe ploskogore (Russia)
Olkhinskoye ploskogorye (Russia)
BT PlateausRussia (Federation)
Olkhinskoe ploskogore (Russia)
USE Olkha Plateau (Russia)
Olkhinskoye ploskogorye (Russia)
USE Olkha Plateau (Russia)
Olkhon Island (R.S.F.S.R.)
USE Olkhon Island (Russia)
Olkhon Island (Russia)
UF Olkhon Island (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading]
BT IslandsRussia (Federation)
Olkkala (Vihti, Finland)
BT ManorsFinland
Ollam family
USE Woolum family
Ollama (Indian game)
USE Pok-ta-pok (Indian game)
Ollantaytambo Site (Ollantaytambo, Peru)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT PeruAntiquities

Ollap Atoll (Micronesia)

USE Pulap Atoll (Micronesia)
Ollar (Indic people)
USE Gadaba (Indic people)
Ollari language
USE Gadaba language (Dravidian)
Ollavor family
USE Oliver family
Olle (Fictitious character : Kruusval) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olek (Fictitious character : Kruusval)
Ollefer family
USE Oliver family
llgaard family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oelgart family
lgaard family
Ollie Schantz (Fictitious character)
USE Schantz, Ollie (Fictitious character)
Ollif family
USE Oliff family
Olliff family
USE Oliff family
Olliffe family
USE Oliff family
Olling-Smedegard family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Smedegard family
Ollius River (Italy)
USE Oglio River (Italy)
Ollive family
USE Oliff family
Olliver family
USE Oliver family
Ollivier family
USE Oliver family
Ollivor family
USE Oliver family
Olm (May Subd Geog)
UF Proteus (Amphibian)
Proteus anguinus
BT Proteidae
Olmec architecture (May Subd Geog)
UF Architecture, Olmec
OlmecsArchitecture [Former heading]
BT ArchitectureMexico
Olmec art (May Subd Geog)
UF Art, Olmec
OlmecsArt [Former heading]
BT Art, Mexican
NT Olmec painting
Olmec sculpture
Olmec cosmology (Not Subd Geog)
UF Cosmology, Olmec
BT Cosmology
Olmec Indians
USE Olmecs
Olmec mythology (May Subd Geog)
UF Mythology, Olmec
Olmec painting (May Subd Geog)
UF Painting, Olmec
BT Olmec art
Painting, Mexican
Olmec pottery (May Subd Geog)
UF OlmecsPottery [Former heading]
Pottery, Olmec
BT Pottery, Mexican
Olmec sculpture (May Subd Geog)
UF Sculpture, Olmec
BT Olmec art
Sculpture, Mexican
Olmeca Indians
USE Olmecs
Olmeca Otomangue languages
USE Otomanguean languages
Olmecs (May Subd Geog)
UF Hulmeca Indians
Olmec Indians
Olmeca Indians
Ulmeca Indians
BT Indians of Mexico
African influences
BT AfricaCivilization
USE Olmec architecture
USE Olmec art
USE Olmec pottery
Transatlantic influences
UF Transatlantic influences on Olmecs
Olmedo family (Not Subd Geog)

Olmen de Poederle family (Not Subd Geog)

UF Poederle family
Olmested family
USE Olmstead family
Olmo Villa (Como, Italy)
USE Villa Olmo (Como, Italy)
Olmos Formation (Tex.)
BT Formations (Geology)Texas
Geology, StratigraphicCretaceous
Olmscheid family (Not Subd Geog)
Olmstead family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olmested family
Olmsted family
Olmstord family
Omstead family
Omsted family
Onstead family
Ormsted family
Ormstid family
Ulmsted family
Umpstead family
Umstad family
Umstadt family
Umstatt family
Umstattd family
Umstead family
Umsted family
Olmstead Locks and Dam (Ill. and Ky.)
UF Lock and Dam Number 53 (Ill. and Ky.)
Olmsted Locks and Dam (Ill. and Ky.)
BT DamsIllinois
Locks (Hydraulic engineering)Illinois
Locks (Hydraulic engineering)Kentucky
Olmsted family
USE Olmstead family
Olmsted Locks and Dam (Ill. and Ky.)
USE Olmstead Locks and Dam (Ill. and Ky.)
Olmsted National Historic Site (Brookline, Mass.)
USE Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site

(Brookline, Mass.)
Olmstord family
USE Olmstead family
Olmutzer Burg (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
USE Olomouc Castle (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Olnea (Micronesia)
USE Woleai Atoll (Micronesia)
Olney family (Not Subd Geog)
Olneya (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.L52 (Botany)]
BT Legumes
NT Desert ironwood
Olneya tesota
USE Desert ironwood
Olo language (May Subd Geog)
UF Orlei language
Wape language (West Sepik Province, Papua

New Guinea)
Wapi language (West Sepik Province, Papua

New Guinea)
BT Papua New GuineaLanguages
Papuan languages
Olo Ngadjoe (Indonesian people)
USE Ngaju (Indonesian people)
OLochlainn family
USE Laughlin family
Oloddumare (Yorudba deity)
USE Olodumare (Yoruba deity)
Olodumare (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oloddumare (Yorudba deity)
Olofi (Yoruba deity)
Olofin-Orun (Yoruba deity)
Olorun (Yoruba deity)
BT Gods, Yoruba
Olof language
USE Wolof language
Olofat (Legendary character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olefad (Legendary character)
Olifad (Legendary character)
Olifat (Legendary character)
Olopat (Legendary character)
Olufath (Legendary character)
Orofad (Legendary character)
Orofat (Legendary character)
Orosat (Legendary character)
Oulefat (Legendary character)
Serau (Legendary character)
Wolfat (Legendary character)
Yelafath (Legendary character)
Yolufath (Legendary character)
BT LegendsMicronesia (Federated States)


Olofi (Yoruba deity)

USE Olodumare (Yoruba deity)
Olofin-Orun (Yoruba deity)
USE Olodumare (Yoruba deity)
Olofsborg (Savonlinna, Finland)
USE Olavinlinna (Savonlinna, Finland)
Olofson family
USE Olson family
Olofsson family
USE Olson family
OLoghlen family
USE Laughlin family
Ologhlin family
USE Laughlin family
Olokola Free Trade Zone (Nigeria)
USE Olokola Port/Free Trade Zone (Nigeria)
Olokola Port/Free Trade Zone (Nigeria)
UF OKFTZ (Nigeria)
Olokola Free Trade Zone (Nigeria)
BT Free ports and zonesNigeria
Olokun (Bini deity) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Gods, Bini
Olokun (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olookun (Yoruba deity)
BT Gods, Yoruba
Olol Gruppe (Micronesia)
USE Namonuito Islands (Micronesia)
Olol Inseln (Micronesia)
USE Namonuito Islands (Micronesia)
USE Rivea corymbosa
Olomouc, Battle of, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 1242
UF Olomouc (Czech Republic), Battle of, 1242

[Former heading]
BT Moravia (Czech Republic)HistoryMongol

Invasion, 1242
Olomouc (Czech Republic), Battle of, 1242
USE Olomouc, Battle of, Olomouc, Czech Republic,

Olomouc Castle (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
UF Olmutzer Burg (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Olomoucky hrad (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
BT CastlesCzech Republic
Olomoucky hrad (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
USE Olomouc Castle (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Olompali, Mount (Calif.)
USE Burdell Mountain (Calif.)
Olompali State Historic Park (Calif.)
USE Rancho Olompali State Historic Park (Calif.)
Olon-ko Indians
USE Moquelumnan Indians
Olona River (Italy)
UF Fiume Olona (Italy)
Torrente Olona (Italy)
BT RiversItaly
Olona River Valley (Italy)
USE Olona Valley (Italy)
Olona Valley (Italy)
UF Olona River Valley (Italy)
Valle Olona (Italy)
BT ValleysItaly
Olonets Campaign, 1919
UF Aunus Campaign, 1919
BT FinlandHistory1918-1939
Soviet UnionHistory1917-1936
Olonets dialect (May Subd Geog)
UF Olonetsian language [Former heading]
BT Karelian language
Russia (Federation)Languages
Olonetsian language
USE Olonets dialect
Olookun (Yoruba deity)
USE Olokun (Yoruba deity)
Olopat (Legendary character)
USE Olofat (Legendary character)
Olor columbianus
USE Tundra swan
Olorgesailie Site (Kenya)
BT KenyaAntiquities
Oloris Site (Slovenia)
BT SloveniaAntiquities
Olorun (Yoruba deity)
USE Olodumare (Yoruba deity)
Olos Mountain (Finland)
USE Olostunturi (Finland)
Olosega Island (American Samoa)
UF Fanfoue Island (American Samoa)
Olassina Island (American Samoa)
Orosenga Island (American Samoa)
BT IslandsAmerican Samoa
Manua Islands (American Samoa)

Olostunturi (Finland)
UF Olos Mountain (Finland)
BT MountainsFinland
Olot (Mongolian people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Eleuth (Mongolian people)
Elyut (Mongolian people)
Oold (Mongolian people)
BT EthnologyMongolia
Olotorit (African people)
USE Lotuko (African people)
Olotorit language
USE Lotuko language
O'Loughlan family
USE Laughlin family
O'Loughlin family
USE Laughlin family
Olover family
USE Oliver family
Olschki family (Not Subd Geog)
Olschwanger family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olshwanger family
Olswanger family
Olsen, James Bartholomew (Fictitious character)
USE Olsen, Jimmy (Fictitious character)
Olsen, Jimmy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF James Bartholomew Olsen (Fictitious

Jimmy Olsen (Fictitious character)
Olsen, James Bartholomew (Fictitious

Olsen-Chubbuck Site (Colo.)
BT ColoradoAntiquities
Olsen family
USE Olson family
Olshwanger family
USE Olschwanger family
Olson, Christina
UF Olson, ChristinaPortraits, caricatures,

etc. [Former heading]

Portraits, caricatures, etc.
USE Olson, ChristinaPortraits
Olson family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olesen family
Oleson family
Olofson family
Olofsson family
Olsen family
Olsson family
Olsson family
USE Olson family
Olstad family (Not Subd Geog)
Olswanger family
USE Olschwanger family
Olszanica Site (Poland)
UF Cracow-Olszanica Site (Poland)
Krakow-Olszanica Site (Poland)
BT PolandAntiquities
Olt River (Romania)
UF Alt River (Romania)
Aluta River (Romania)
Oltul (Romania)
BT RiversRomania
Olt River Valley (Romania)
UF Olt Valley (Romania)
BT ValleysRomania
Olt River Watershed (Romania)
BT WatershedsRomania
Olt Valley (Romania)
USE Olt River Valley (Romania)
Oltenita (Romania), Battle of, 1853
USE Oltenitza, Battle of, Oltenita, Romania, 1853
Oltenitza, Battle of, 1853
USE Oltenitza, Battle of, Oltenita, Romania, 1853
Oltenitza, Battle of, Oltenita, Romania, 1853
UF Oltenita (Romania), Battle of, 1853 [Former

Oltenitza, Battle of, 1853 [Former heading]
BT Crimean War, 1853
Oltis River (France)
USE Lot River (France)
Oltman family
USE Oltmanns family
Oltmann family
USE Oltmanns family
Oltmanns family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oltman family
Oltmann family

OLTN (Library information network)

UF Oklahoma Library Technology Network
BT Library information networks
Oltul (Romania)
USE Olt River (Romania)
Oluanpi, Cape (Taiwan)
USE O-luan-pi, Cape (Taiwan)
Oluchiga (African people)
USE Chiga (African people)
Oluchiga language
USE Chiga language
Olufath (Legendary character)
USE Olofat (Legendary character)
Olugwere language
USE Gwere language
Oluhanga dialect
USE Hanga dialect (Kenya)
Olukonjo language
USE Konjo language
Olukonzo language
USE Konjo language
Oluluyia language
USE Luyia language
Olunchun (Chinese people)
USE Oroqen (Chinese people)
Olunyaneka language
USE Nyaneka language
Olunyole (Kenyan people)
USE Nyore (Kenyan people)
Olunyole language (Kenya)
USE Nyore language
Olunyore (Kenyan people)
USE Nyore (Kenyan people)
Olunyore language
USE Nyore language
Olusaamya language
USE Saamia language
Olusamia language
USE Saamia language
Olushisa dialect
USE Kisa dialect
Olustee, Battle of, Olustee, Fla., 1864
UF Ocean Pond, Battle of, Olustee, Fla., 1864
Olustee (Fla.), Battle of, 1864 [Former

BT FloridaHistoryCivil War, 1861-1865
United StatesHistoryCivil War, 1861
Olustee (Fla.), Battle of, 1864
USE Olustee, Battle of, Olustee, Fla., 1864
Oluta language (May Subd Geog)
UF Oluta Popoluca language
Popoluca language, Oluta
BT MexicoLanguages
Penutian languages
Oluta Popoluca language
USE Oluta language
Olutai (Micronesia)
USE Elato Atoll (Micronesia)
Olutel (Micronesia)
USE Elato Atoll (Micronesia)
Oluwanga dialect
USE Hanga dialect (Kenya)
Olver family
USE Oliver family
Olvera family (Not Subd Geog)
Olvera Street (Los Angeles, Calif.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsCalifornia
Olvey family
USE Alvey family
Olviia (Extinct city)
USE Olbia (Ukraine : Extinct city)
Olwanpi, Cape (Taiwan)
USE O-luan-pi, Cape (Taiwan)
Olwein family
USE Olwin family
Olwin family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ohlewine family
Ohlwein family
Oldwine family
Olewine family
Olwein family
Olwine family
Olwine family
USE Olwin family
Olyka Castle (Olyka, Ukraine)
USE Olytskyi zamok (Olyka, Ukraine)


Olymbos, Mount (Greece)

USE Olympus, Mount (Greece)
Olympia (Greece : Ancient sanctuary)
BT GreeceAntiquities
NT Metroon (Olympia, Greece)
Temple of Zeus (Olympia, Greece)
Olympia automobile
USE Opel automobile
Olympia HHC (Computer)
USE HHC (Computer)
Olympia oyster (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.7.O9 (Zoology)]
UF California oyster
Native oyster
Native Pacific oyster
Ostrea conchaphila
Ostrea lurida
Ostreola conchaphila
Ostreola expansa
Ostreola laticaudata
Ostreola lurida
Ostreola rufoides
Pacific oyster, Native
Rock oyster
Shell-loving oyster
Shoalwater oyster
Yaquina Bay oyster
BT Ostreola
Olympia-Stadion (Munich, Germany)
USE Olympiastadion (Munich, Germany)
Olympia Stadium (Berlin, Germany)
USE Olympiastadion (Berlin, Germany)
Olympiads (Chess)
UF Chess Olympiads
BT ChessTournaments
Olympiads (Computers)
UF Computer olympiads
BT Computer programsTournaments
Olympiagelande (Berlin, Germany)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Berlin Olympic Grounds (Berlin, Germany)

Olympic Grounds (Berlin, Germany)
Reichssportfeld (Berlin, Germany) [Former

BT Sports facilitiesGermany
Olympian (Express train)
BT Express trainsUnited States
Olympian buses (Not Subd Geog)
UF Bristol Olympian buses
Leyland Olympian buses
Volvo Olympian buses
BT Bristol buses
Leyland buses
Volvo buses
Olympian Mountains (Wash.)
USE Olympic Mountains (Wash.)
Olympian Zeus, Temple of (Agrigento, Italy)
USE Temple of Olympian Zeus (Agrigento, Italy)
Olympian Zeus, Temple of (Athens, Greece)
USE Olympieion (Athens, Greece)
Olympians (Olympic athletes)
USE Olympic athletes
Olympiastadion (Berlin, Germany)
UF Olympia Stadium (Berlin, Germany)
Olympic Stadium (Berlin, Germany)
BT StadiumsGermany
Olympiastadion (Munich, Germany)
UF Munchner Olympiastadion (Munich, Germany)
Olympia-Stadion (Munich, Germany)
Olympic Stadium (Munich, Germany)
BT StadiumsGermany
Olympic, Operation, 1945
USE Operation Olympic, 1945
Olympic art competitions (May Subd Geog)
UF Olympic arts competitions
Olympic fine arts competitions
Olympics art competitions
BT ArtCompetitions
Olympic arts competitions
USE Olympic art competitions
Olympic athletes (May Subd Geog)
UF Olympians (Olympic athletes)
Olympics athletes
BT Athletes
NT Women Olympic athletes
Olympic Centennial Park Bombing, Atlanta, Ga., 1996
USE Centennial Olympic Park Bombing, Atlanta,

Ga., 1996

Olympic Coast Marine Sanctuary (Wash.)

USE Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary

Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (Wash.)
UF NOAA/Olympic Coast National Marine

Sanctuary (Wash.)
Olympic Coast Marine Sanctuary (Wash.)
Western Washington Outer Coast National

Marine Sanctuary (Wash.)

BT Marine parks and reservesWashington

National parks and reservesWashington

Olympic dinner service
USE Sevres Olympic service
Olympic elk
USE Roosevelt elk
Olympic Experimental State Forest (Wash.)
BT Experimental forestsWashington (State)
Olympic fine arts competitions
USE Olympic art competitions
Olympic Game Farm (Wash.)
UF Walt Disney's Wild Animal Ranch (Wash.)
BT Game farmsWashington (State)
Olympic games
USE Olympics
Olympic games (Ancient)
UF Ancient Olympic games
BT Olympics
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Olympic games (Ancient) in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Olympic games (in numismatics)
USE Olympics in numismatics
Olympic games (Winter)
USE Winter Olympics
Olympic games in art
USE Olympics in art
Olympic Grounds (Berlin, Germany)
USE Olympiagelande (Berlin, Germany)
Olympic gymnastics
USE Artistic gymnastics
Olympic host city selection (Not Subd Geog)
This heading may be subdivided by the year of a
specific Olympics competition, e.g. Olympic host city

UF Bids to host the Olympics

Candidate cities to host the Olympics
Host city selection for the Olympics
Location of the Olympics
OlympicsHost city selection
Selection of the host city for the Olympics
BT OlympicsPlanning
RT Hosting of sporting events
Olympic ideal
USE OlympicsPhilosophy
Olympic marmot (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.R68 (Zoology)]
UF Marmota olympus
BT Marmots
Olympic Mountains (Wash.)
UF Coast Range (Wash.)
Olympian Mountains (Wash.)
Olympic Range (Wash.)
Olympus Range (Wash.)
BT MountainsWashington (State)
Coast Ranges
NT Anderson, Mount (Wash.)
Appleton, Mount (Wash.)
Bailey Range (Wash.)
Baldy, Mount (Clallam County, Wash.)
Barnes, Mount (Wash.)
Bogachiel Peak (Wash.)
Boulder Peak (Wash.)
Brothers, The (Wash.)
Christie, Mount (Wash.)
Claywood, Mount (Wash.)
Constance, Mount (Wash.)
Deception, Mount (Wash.)
Fromme, Mount (Wash.)
Hurricane Ridge (Wash.)
Jupiter, Mount (Wash.)
Meany, Mount (Wash.)
Mystery, Mount (Jefferson County, Wash.)
Noyes, Mount (Wash.)
Olympus, Mount (Wash.)
Queets, Mount (Wash.)
Seattle, Mount (Wash.)
Sentinel Peak (Jefferson County, Wash.)

Sore Thumb (Wash.)

Storm King, Mount (Wash.)
Olympic mudminnow (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.U5 (Zoology)]
UF Novumbra hubbsi
BT Novumbra
Olympic National Forest (Wash.)
BT Forest reservesWashington (State)
National parks and reservesWashington

Olympic National Park (Wash.)
BT National parks and reservesWashington

Olympic Park (N.J.)
BT Amusement parksNew Jersey
Olympic Park Bombing, Atlanta, Ga., 1996
USE Centennial Olympic Park Bombing, Atlanta,

Ga., 1996
Olympic Peninsula (Wash.)
BT PeninsulasWashington (State)
Olympic Power Plant Dam (Wash.)
USE Elwha Dam (Wash.)
Olympic Range (Wash.)
USE Olympic Mountains (Wash.)
Olympic Sculpture Park (Seattle, Wash.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF SAM Olympic Sculpture Park (Seattle, Wash.)

Seattle Art Museum Olympic Sculpture Park

(Seattle, Wash.)
BT Sculpture parksWashington (State)
Olympic Stadium (Berlin, Germany)
USE Olympiastadion (Berlin, Germany)
Olympic Stadium (Munich, Germany)
USE Olympiastadion (Munich, Germany)
Olympic tailed frog
USE Tailed frog
Olympic Theatre (New York, N.Y.)
USE Olympic Theatre (New York, N.Y. : 444

Olympic Theatre (New York, N.Y. : 444 Broadway)
UF Mitchell's Olympic Theatre (New York, N.Y.)
Olympic Theatre (New York, N.Y.) [Former

BT TheatersNew York (State)
Olympic women athletes
USE Women Olympic athletes
Here are entered comprehensive works on the
Olympics, as well as general works on the summer
Olympics. General works on the winter Olympics are
entered under Winter Olympics. Works on the
summer or winter Olympic games of a particular year
are entered under the appropriate name heading, e.g.
Olympic Games (21st : 1976 : Montreal, Quebec);
Olympic Winter Games (20th : 2006 : Turin, Italy)

UF Games, Olympic
Olympic games [Former heading]
Summer Olympics
BT Sports
NT Grand Prix de Dressage
Olympic games (Ancient)
Special Olympics
Winter Olympics
Host city selection
USE Olympic host city selection
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
USE Olympic host city selection
Participation, German, [Irish, Swiss, etc.]
UF Olympic ideal
NT Olympic host city selection
USE Olympics programs
Records (May Subd Geog)
BT Sports records
Revival, 1896Rules
Olympics, Senior
USE Senior Olympics
Olympics art competitions
USE Olympic art competitions
Olympics athletes
USE Olympic athletes
Olympics in art (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olympic games in art [Former heading]
Olympics in numismatics
UF Olympic games (in numismatics) [Former


BT Numismatics
Olympics on postage stamps
BT Postage stamps
Olympics programs (May Subd Geog)
UF OlympicsPrograms [Former heading]
BT Programs
Olympieion (Agrigento, Italy)
USE Temple of Olympian Zeus (Agrigento, Italy)
Olympieion (Athens, Greece)
UF Olympian Zeus, Temple of (Athens, Greece)
Temple of Olympian Zeus (Athens, Greece)
BT GreeceAntiquities
Olympik, Kamp (N.J.)
USE Kamp Olympik (N.J.)
Olympisch Stadion (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
BT StadiumsNetherlands
Olympos (Turkey : Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesTurkey
Olympus, Mount (Greece)
UF Mount Olympus (Greece)
Olimbos, Mount (Greece)
Olymbos, Mount (Greece)
Oros Olimbos (Greece)
BT MountainsGreece
Olympus, Mount (Wash.)
UF Mount Olympus (Wash.)
Sunh-a-do (Wash.)
BT MountainsWashington (State)
Olympic Mountains (Wash.)
NT East Peak (Mount Olympus, Jefferson County,

Middle Peak (Jefferson County, Wash.)
West Peak (Mount Olympus, Jefferson County,

Olympus camera (Not Subd Geog)
BT Cameras
Olympus Cumulus Project
BT Cloud physics
Olympus Mons (Mars)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Olympus Mons Volcano (Mars)

BT Mars (Planet)
Olympus Mons Volcano (Mars)
USE Olympus Mons (Mars)
Olympus Mountains (Cyprus)
USE Troodos Mountains (Cyprus)
Olympus Range (Wash.)
USE Olympic Mountains (Wash.)
Olynthios (Extinct city)
USE Olynthus (Extinct city)
Olynthos (Extinct city)
USE Olynthus (Extinct city)
Olynthus (Extinct city)
UF Olynthios (Extinct city)
Olynthos (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesGreece
Olyra (May Subd Geog)
BT Bamboo
Olytskyi zamok (Olyka, Ukraine)
UF Olyka Castle (Olyka, Ukraine)
Zamek Oycki (Olyka, Ukraine)
BT PalacesUkraine
Olyutor language
USE Alutor language
OLZ (Drug)
USE Olanzapine
BT Mantras
UF Om (Hinduism) [Former heading]
UF Om (Sikhism) [Former heading]
Om (Hinduism)
USE OmHinduism
Om (Sikhism)
USE OmSikhism
OM automobiles (Not Subd Geog)
UF O.M. automobiles

Officine Meccaniche automobiles

BT Automobiles
Om soils
USE Fluvisols
Om-Vaam River (Russia)
USE Amguema River (Russia)
Oma Longh Kenyah language
USE Upper Baram Kenyah language
Omachi Kaido (Japan)
USE Chikuni Kaido (Japan)
Omaday Lake (Minn.)
BT LakesMinnesota
Omae Cape (Japan)
UF Omae-saki (Japan)
Omae-zaki (Japan)
Omaezaki (Japan)
BT Capes (Coasts)Japan
Omae-saki (Japan)
USE Omae Cape (Japan)
Omae-zaki (Japan)
USE Omae Cape (Japan)
OMAERE Ethno-Botanical Park (Ecuador)
USE Parque OMAERE (Ecuador)
OMAERE Park (Ecuador)
USE Parque OMAERE (Ecuador)
Omaezaki (Japan)
USE Omae Cape (Japan)
Omage language
USE Amuesha language
O'Maghir family
USE Maher family
Omagua Indians (Colombia)
USE Carijona Indians
Omagua Indians (Ecuador and Peru) (May Subd Geog)
UF Agua Indians
Anapia Indians
Ariana Indians
Cambeba Indians
Cambela Indians
Campeba Indians
Campeua Indians
Canga-Peba Indians
Carari Indians
Compeva Indians
Kambeba Indians
Macanipa Indians
Omagua-Yete Indians
Pariana Indians
Yhuata Indians
BT Indians of South AmericaEcuador
Indians of South AmericaPeru
Tupi Indians
Omagua-Yete Indians
USE Omagua Indians (Ecuador and Peru)
Omaguaca Indians
USE Humahuaca Indians
Omaha, Fort (Neb.)
USE Fort Omaha (Neb.)
Omaha Barracks (Neb.)
USE Fort Omaha (Neb.)
Omaha Beach (France)
USE Operation Neptune
Omaha children (May Subd Geog)
UF Children, Omaha
Omaha IndiansChildren [Former heading]
BT ChildrenGreat Plains
Omaha dance
USE Grass dance
Omaha Indian Reservation (Neb.)
UF Omaha Reservation (Neb.)
Omaha Reserve (Neb.)
BT Indian reservationsNebraska
Omaha Indians (May Subd Geog)
BT Dhegiha Indians
Indians of North AmericaGreat Plains
USE Omaha children
Land tenure (May Subd Geog)
UF Omaha IndiansLand transfers [Former

Land transfers
USE Omaha IndiansLand tenure
Rites and ceremonies
NT Sacred Pole (Omaha rite)
Social life and customs
Tribal citizenship (May Subd Geog)
BT Citizenship
USE Omaha weapons

Omaha language (May Subd Geog)

Omaha Reservation (Neb.)
USE Omaha Indian Reservation (Neb.)
Omaha Reserve (Neb.)
USE Omaha Indian Reservation (Neb.)
Omaha weapons (May Subd Geog)
UF Omaha IndiansWeapons [Former heading]
Weapons, Omaha
BT WeaponsUnited States
Omaha women (May Subd Geog)
UF Women, Omaha
BT WomenUnited States
O'Mahoney family
USE Mahoney family
O'Mahony family
USE Mahoney family
USE Staphylinidae
O'Malley, Charles Cronin (Fictitious character)
USE O'Malley, Chucky (Fictitious character)
O'Malley, Chucky (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Charles Cronin O'Malley (Fictitious character)
Chucky O'Malley (Fictitious character)
O'Malley, Charles Cronin (Fictitious character)
O'Malley, John (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Father John O'Malley (Fictitious character)
John O'Malley (Fictitious character)
O'Malley, Skye (Fictitious character)
USE O'Malley de Marisco, Skye (Fictitious

O'Malley de Marisco, Skye (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF De Marisco, Skye O'Malley (Fictitious

Marisco, Skye O'Malley de (Fictitious

O'Malley, Skye (Fictitious character)
Skye O'Malley de Marisco (Ficitious character)
O'Malley family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Malley family (Fictitious characters : Henderson)
(Not Subd Geog)
O'Malley family (Fictitious characters : Small)
(Not Subd Geog)
Omalysidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Beetles
USE Tahiti flycatcher
NT Amqat Site (Oman)
Maysar Site (Oman)
Samad al-Shan Site (Oman)
Sumhuram (Extinct city)
Ubar (Extinct city)
Dhofar War, 1964-1976
UF Dhofar Rebellion, Oman, 1964-1976
OmanHistoryZufar War, 1964-1976

[Former heading]
Zufar Rebellion, Oman, 1964-1976
BT Dhofar (Oman)History
Zufar War, 1964-1976
USE OmanHistoryDhofar War, 1964
Kings and rulers
NT Bu Said dynasty, 1749Languages
NT Jibbali language
Oman, Gulf of
UF Bahr-i Makran
Bahr Uman
Darya-yi Uman
Gulf of Oman
Khalij Uman
BT Arabian Sea
Oman Mountains (Oman and United Arab Emirates)
USE Hajar Mountains (Oman and United Arab

Oman Promontory (Oman)
USE Musandam Peninsula (Oman)
Oman Range (Oman and United Arab Emirates)
USE Hajar Mountains (Oman and United Arab

Omana (Spain)
UF La Omana (Spain)
Omanassuaq, Cape (Greenland)
USE Farewell, Cape (Greenland)
Omand language
USE Nomaande language


Omani atlases
USE Atlases, Omani
Omani civics
USE Civics, Omani
Omani cooking
USE Cooking, Omani
Omani drama
USE Arabic dramaOman
Omani essays
USE Arabic essaysOman
Omani fiction
USE Arabic fictionOman
Omani literature
USE Arabic literatureOman
Omani poetry
USE Arabic poetryOman
Omani prose literature
USE Arabic prose literatureOman
Omar Yussef (Fictitious character)
USE Yussef, Omar (Fictitious character)
O'Mara family
USE O'Meara family
Omarunui, Battle of, Omarunui, N.Z., 1866
UF Omarunui (New Zealand), Battle of, 1866

[Former heading]
BT New ZealandHistoryNew Zealand Wars,

Omarunui (New Zealand), Battle of, 1866
USE Omarunui, Battle of, Omarunui, N.Z., 1866
Omas River (Peru)
UF Rio de Omas (Peru)
Rio Omas (Peru)
BT RiversPeru
Omas River Valley (Peru)
UF Omas Valley (Peru)
BT ValleysPeru
Omas Valley (Peru)
USE Omas River Valley (Peru)
Omavire (African people)
USE Mambila (African people)
Omayyad coins
USE Coins, Umayyad
USE Umayyad dynasty
Omayyads in Spain
USE Umayyad dynasty
Omba (Vanuatu)
USE Aoba (Vanuatu)
Ombaai Strait
USE Ombai Strait
Ombai (Indonesia)
USE Alor (Indonesia)
Ombai Passage
USE Ombai Strait
Ombai Strait
UF Estreito de Ombai
Maloea Strait
Malua Strait
Matua Strait
Ombaai Strait
Ombai Passage
Ombay Strait
Selat Ombai
Straat Maloea
Straat Ombaai
BT StraitsIndonesia
Ombay Strait
USE Ombai Strait
Ombeke (African people)
USE Orungu (African people)
Omber (Game)
USE Ombre (Game)
Omberg family (Not Subd Geog)
Ombessa language
USE Gunu language
Ombila language
USE Umpila language
Ombo language (May Subd Geog)
UF Hombo language
Loombo language
Songola language
BT Bantu languages
Ombos (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesEgypt
Ombosi (African people)
USE Mbosi (African people)
Ombre (Game)
UF Omber (Game)

Ombre (Game) (Continued)

Tresillo (Game)
BT Card games
Ombrone River (Italy)
UF Umbro River (Italy)
BT RiversItaly
Ombrone River Valley (Italy)
UF Valle dell'Ombrone (Italy)
BT ValleysItaly
Ombu (May Subd Geog)
UF Ombutree pokeberry
Phytolacca dioica
Pircunia dioica
BT Phytolacca
USE Ombudspersons
USE Ombudspersons
Ombudspersons (May Subd Geog)
UF Citizens' defenders (Ombudspersons)
Ombudsman [Former heading]
OmbudspersonsLegal status, laws, etc.
BT Mediators (Persons)
Public officers
NT Patient representatives
Taxpayer advocates
Legal status, laws, etc.
USE Ombudspersons
Ombudspersons, News
USE News ombudspersons
Ombule language
USE Wambule language
Ombutree pokeberry
USE Ombu
OMCVD (Vapor deposition)
USE Metal organic chemical vapor deposition
OMDoc (Document markup language)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Open Mathematical Documents (Document

markup language)
BT Document markup languages
Omdurman, Battle of, 1898
USE Omdurman, Battle of, Omdurman, Sudan, 1898
Omdurman, Battle of, Omdurman, Sudan, 1898
UF Omdurman, Battle of, 1898 [Former heading]
Omdurman (Sudan), Battle of, 1898 [Former

BT SudanHistory1881-1899
Omdurman (Sudan), Battle of, 1898
USE Omdurman, Battle of, Omdurman, Sudan, 1898
Omdurman scorpion
USE Leiurus quinquestriatus
Ome Kaido (Japan)
BT RoadsJapan
O'Meachair family
USE Maher family
O'Meadhra family
USE O'Meara family
O'Meagher family
USE Maher family
O'Meara family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Meara family
O'Mara family
O'Meadhra family
RT Mara family
Omega-3 EFA
USE Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 essential fatty acids
USE Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids (May Subd Geog)
UF N-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 EFA
Omega-3 essential fatty acids
BT Unsaturated fatty acids
RT High-omega-3 fatty acid diet
NT Docosahexaenoic acid
Eicosapentaenoic acid
Omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio
Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acid ratio
USE Omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio
Omega-6 fatty acids
UF N-6 fatty acids
BT Unsaturated fatty acids
NT Omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio
Omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio (May Subd Geog)
UF Fatty acid ratio, Omega-6/omega-3
Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acid ratio
Omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio

Ratio, Omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid

BT Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-6 fatty acids
Omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio
USE Omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio
Omega automobile (Not Subd Geog)
BT General Motors X-cars
Oldsmobile automobile
Omega Navigation System
BT Electronics in navigation
Omega Point
UF Point Omega
BT Evolution
Omega protein
USE DNA topoisomerase I
Omei Shan (China)
USE Emei Mountain (China)
UF Omelettes
BT Cooking (Eggs)
USE Omelets
Omeneca River (B.C.)
USE Omineca River (B.C.)
Omens (May Subd Geog)
UF Portents
Prodigies (Omens)
Signs (Omens)
BT Superstition
RT Signs and symbols
Religious aspects
Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Omens in the Hadith
BT Hadith
[QL864 (Comparative anatomy)]
[QM367 (Human anatomy)]
[QP157 (Physiology)]
BT Peritoneum
NT Bursa omentalis
Tumors (May Subd Geog)
Omeprazole (May Subd Geog)
BT Benzimidazoles
Proton pump inhibitors
Omer days
USE Sefirah period
Omer Hawkins Post Office (Cherry Fork, Ohio)
USE Staff Sergeant Omer "O.T." Hawkins Post

Office (Cherry Fork, Ohio)

Omete (African people)
USE Dawro (African people)
Ometepe Island (Nicaragua)
BT IslandsNicaragua
Ometo (African people)
USE Wolayta (African people)
Ometo language
USE Wolayta language
Omeya, Palacio (Amman, Jordan)
USE Qasr al-Umawi (Amman, Jordan)
Omeyyad dynasty
USE Umayyad dynasty
OMFAQ (Questionnaire)
USE OARS Multidimensional Functional

Assessment Questionnaire
OMG SysML (Computer science)
USE SysML (Computer science)
Omi-Fuji (Shiga-ken, Japan)
USE Mikami Mountain (Shiga-ken, Japan)
Omi Hinojo (Hino-cho, Shiga-ken, Japan)
USE Hinojo (Hino-cho, Shiga-ken, Japan)
Omi language (May Subd Geog)
BT Central Sudanic languages
Congo (Democratic Republic)Languages
Omi Mizukukijo (Japan)
USE Mizukuki Okayamajo (Japan)
Omi Okayamajo (Japan)
USE Mizukuki Okayamajo (Japan)
Omi Onoejo (Kohoku-cho, Japan)
USE Onoejo (Kohoku-cho, Japan)
Omi Shan (China)
USE Emei Mountain (China)
Omie language
USE Aomie language
Omiltemi, Parque Ecologico Estatal (Mexico)
USE Parque Ecologico Estatal Omiltemi (Mexico)
Ominato Chikagawa Iseki (Mutsu-shi, Japan)
USE Ominato Chikagawa Site (Mutsu-shi, Japan)


Ominato Chikagawa Site (Mutsu-shi, Japan)

This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ominato Chikagawa Iseki (Mutsu-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Omine Mountains (Japan)
UF Omine Sammyaku (Japan)
Omine-san (Japan)
Omine Sanmyaku (Japan)
Ominesan (Japan)
Yamato Alps (Japan)
Yamato Arupusu (Japan)
BT MountainsJapan
NT Kinpu, Mount (Nara-ken, Japan)
Omine Sammyaku (Japan)
USE Omine Mountains (Japan)
Omine-san (Japan)
USE Omine Mountains (Japan)
Omine Sanmyaku (Japan)
USE Omine Mountains (Japan)
Omineca River (B.C.)
UF Omeneca River (B.C.)
BT RiversBritish Columbia
Ominesan (Japan)
USE Omine Mountains (Japan)
Omiodes (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.C73 (Zoology)]
BT Crambidae
NT Sugarcane leafroller
Omiodes accepta
USE Sugarcane leafroller
Omission, Criminal (May Subd Geog)
UF Criminal omission
Omission, CriminalLaw and legislation
BT Criminal act
NT Misprision
Law and legislation
USE Omission, Criminal
Omission, Criminal (Jewish law)
BT Jewish law
Omiya Iseki (Kannabe-cho, Japan)
USE Omiya Site (Kannabe-cho, Japan)
Omiya Site (Kannabe-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Omiya Iseki (Kannabe-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
UF Mizutori
Nigatsudo shunie
BT BuddhismRituals
USE Cupedidae
Ommastrephes (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.3.O5 (Zoology)]
[SH374.5 (Fisheries)]
BT Ommastrephidae
NT Ommastrephes bartramii
Ommastrephes argentinus
USE Argentine shortfin squid
Ommastrephes bartrami
USE Ommastrephes bartramii
Ommastrephes bartramii (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.3.O5 (Zoology)]
[SH374.5 (Fisheries)]
UF Flying squid
Loligo bartramii
Loligo pironneauii
Loligo touchardii
Loligo vitreus
Lolimnites meridionalis
Neon flying squid
Ocean squid, Red
Ommastrephes bartrami [Former heading]
Ommastrephes caroli
Ommastrephes cylindraceus
Ommatostrephes caroli
Onychoteuthis brevimanus
Red flying squid
Red ocean squid
Stenoteuthis bartrami
Sthenoteuthis bartramii
BT Ommastrephes
Ommastrephes bartramii fisheries (May Subd Geog)
BT Squid fisheries
Ommastrephes caroli
USE Ommastrephes bartramii

Ommastrephes cylindraceus
USE Ommastrephes bartramii
Ommastrephes illecebrosus
USE Northern shortfin squid
Ommastrephidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Flying squids
BT Cephalopoda
NT Dosidicus
Ommatophoca (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.P64 (Zoology)]
BT Phocidae
NT Ross seal
Ommatophoca rossi
USE Ross seal
Ommatophoca rossii
USE Ross seal
USE Noctuidae
Ommatostrephes caroli
USE Ommastrephes bartramii
Ommiad dynasty
USE Umayyad dynasty
USE Yin-yang cults
Omnes gentes, plaudite (Music)
USE Psalms (Music)47th Psalm
OMNI (Personality test)
USE OMNI Personality Inventory
Omni automobile
USE Dodge Omni automobile
OMNI-IV (Personality test)
USE OMNI-IV Personality Disorder Inventory
OMNI-IV Personality Disorder Inventory
(May Subd Geog)
UF OMNI-IV (Personality test)
BT Personality disordersDiagnosis
OMNI Personality Inventory (May Subd Geog)
UF OMNI (Personality test)
BT Personality tests
Omnibus (Computer program language)
BT Object-oriented programming languages
Omnibus Bill, 1850
USE Compromise of 1850
Omnibus films
USE Anthology films
Omnibus service
USE Bus lines
Cab and omnibus service
USE Horse-drawn omnibuses
Omnibuses (Motor buses)
USE Buses
Omnidata (Computer system)
BT Database management
Information storage and retrieval systems
Interactive computer systems
Omnidirectional range system
USE Omnirange system
OmniMark (Computer program language)
BT Programming languages (Electronic

Omnipotence of God
USE GodOmnipotence
God (Christianity)Omnipotence
Omnipresence of God
USE GodOmnipresence
God (Christianity)Omnipresence
Omnirange system
UF Omnidirectional range system
VAR (Aeronautics)
Visual-aural range
VOR (Aeronautics)
BT Aeronautical instruments
Air traffic control
Instrument flying
Navigation (Aeronautics)
NT Distance measuring equipment (Aircraft to

ground station)
Omniscience (Theory of knowledge)
BT Knowledge, Theory of
NT GodOmniscience
God (Christianity)Omniscience

God (Jainism)Omniscience
God (Judaism)Omniscience
Omniscience (Theory of knowledge) in literature
(Not Subd Geog)
Omnivores (May Subd Geog)
UF Omnivorous animals
BT Animals
Omnivorous animals
USE Omnivores
Omnivorous leaf tier (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.T8 (Zoology)]
UF Cnephasia longana
Leaf tier, Omnivorous
BT Cnephasia
Omnivorous looper (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.G6 (Zoology)]
UF Sabulodes aegrotata
Sabulodes caberata
Tetracis aegrotata
BT Sabulodes
Omo (Rabbit) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Rabbits
Omo Botego (Ethiopia and Kenya)
USE Omo River (Ethiopia and Kenya)
Omo Group (Ethiopia and Kenya)
BT Geology, StratigraphicPleistocene
Geology, StratigraphicPliocene
Groups (Stratigraphy)Ethiopia
Groups (Stratigraphy)Kenya
Omo language
USE Tigak language
Omo National Park (Ethiopia)
BT National parks and reservesEthiopia
Omo River (Ethiopia and Kenya)
UF Omo Botego (Ethiopia and Kenya)
Omo Wenz (Ethiopia and Kenya)
BT RiversEthiopia
Omo River Delta (Ethiopia and Kenya)
BT DeltasEthiopia
Omo River Valley (Ethiopia and Kenya)
UF Omo Valley (Ethiopia) [Former heading]
Omo Valley (Ethiopia)
USE Omo River Valley (Ethiopia and Kenya)
Omo Wenz (Ethiopia and Kenya)
USE Omo River (Ethiopia and Kenya)
Omoa Castle (Omoa, Cortes, Honduras)
USE Fortaleza de San Fernando (Omoa, Cortes,

Omobranchus (May Subd Geog)
BT Blenniidae
USE Hyperlophus
Omodei Palace (Cusano Milanino, Italy)
USE Palazzo Omodei (Cusano Milanino, Italy)
Omohundro family (Not Subd Geog)
Omolon River (R.S.F.S.R.)
USE Omolon River (Russia)
Omolon River (Russia)
UF Omolon River (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading]
Reka Omolon (Russia)
BT RiversRussia (Federation)
Omolon River Valley (Russia)
UF Omolon Valley (Russia)
BT ValleysRussia (Federation)
Omolon River Watershed (Russia)
BT WatershedsRussia (Federation)
Omolon Valley (Russia)
USE Omolon River Valley (Russia)
Omolu (Afro-Brazilian deity)
USE Obaluaie (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Omomyidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Primates, Fossil
NT Omomys
Omomys (May Subd Geog)
BT Omomyidae
NT Omomys carteri
Omomys carteri (May Subd Geog)
UF Euryacodon lepidus
Hemiacodon nanus
Hemiacodon pucillus
Palaeacodon vagus
BT Omomys
Omono-gawa (Japan)
USE Omono River (Japan)
Omono River (Japan)
UF Omono-gawa (Japan)


Omonogawa (Japan)
BT RiversJapan
Omonogawa (Japan)
USE Omono River (Japan)
Omononushi no Kami (Shinto deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Omononushigami (Shinto deity)
Omononushinokami (Shinto deity)
BT Gods, Shinto
Omononushigami (Shinto deity)
USE Omononushi no Kami (Shinto deity)
Omononushinokami (Shinto deity)
USE Omononushi no Kami (Shinto deity)
USE Ground beetles
USE Scapulimancy
Omora Ethnobotanical Park (Chile)
USE Parque Etnobotanico Omora (Chile)
Omora Park (Chile)
USE Parque Etnobotanico Omora (Chile)
USE Gastornis
Omori Iseki (Tokyo, Japan)
USE Omori Shell Mounds (Tokyo, Japan)
Omori Kaizuka (Tokyo, Japan)
USE Omori Shell Mounds (Tokyo, Japan)
Omori Shell Mounds (Tokyo, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Omori Iseki (Tokyo, Japan)

Omori Kaizuka (Tokyo, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
O'Moriarty family
USE Moriarty family
O'Moroney family
USE Moroney family
Omoshiroshi (The Japanese word)
BT Japanese languageEtymology
Omote Nihon (Japan)
USE Pacific Coast (Japan)
Omote Nippon (Japan)
USE Pacific Coast (Japan)
Omote Senke school of Japanese tea ceremony
USE Japanese tea ceremonyOmote Senke school
Omotedate Iseki (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)
USE Omotedate Site (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)
Omotedate Site (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Omotedate Iseki (Rokkasho-mura, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Omotic languages (May Subd Geog)
UF Cushitic languages, Western
West Cushitic languages
BT Afroasiatic languages
NT Basketo language
Dizi language
Gamo language (Ethiopia)
Kaffa language
Koorete language
Male language (Ethiopia)
Mocha language
Sheko language
Wolayta language
Yemsa language
USE Rohdea japonica
Omoto (Religious organization) members
(May Subd Geog)
Omoto Kaido (Japan)
BT RoadsJapan
Omoulou (Afro-Brazilian deity)
USE Obaluaie (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Ompela language
USE Umpila language
Omphale (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Mythology, Greek
USE NavelHernia
Omphalometridae (May Subd Geog)
BT Plagiorchiida
USE NavelHemorrhage
USE Navel
Omphalos (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Mythology, Greek

USE Scenopinidae
Ompula language
USE Umpila language
OMR (Organic moderated reactors)
USE Organic moderated reactors
Omri (Fictitious character : Banks) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Omri (Fictitious character : Reid Banks)

[Former heading]
Omri (Fictitious character : Reid Banks)
USE Omri (Fictitious character : Banks)
Omri dynasty, 9th century B.C. (Not Subd Geog)
UF Omride dynasty
BT JewsKings and rulers
Omride dynasty
USE Omri dynasty, 9th century B.C.
Omrit Site (Israel)
UF Horbat Omrit Site (Israel)
BT IsraelAntiquities
Omsk hemorrhagic fever
USE Hemorrhagic fever, Omsk
Omstead family
USE Olmstead family
Omsted family
USE Olmstead family
Omtae-do Island (Korea)
USE Amtae Island (Korea)
O'Mullryan family
USE Ryan family
O'Mulryan family
USE Ryan family
Omuriki language
USE Tima language
Omuro family (Not Subd Geog)
Omuro ikebana
USE Flower arrangement, JapaneseOmuro

Omuro school of Japanese flower arrangement
USE Flower arrangement, JapaneseOmuro

Omuroryu ikebana
USE Flower arrangement, JapaneseOmuro

Omus (May Subd Geog)
BT Tiger beetles
Omusu family (Not Subd Geog)
Omuta-shi (Japan)
Bombardment, 1944-1945
BT Bombing, AerialJapan
World War, 1939
OMVPE (Vapor deposition)
USE Metal organic chemical vapor deposition
Omweso (Game)
BT Board games
Omyene (African people)
USE Myene (African people)
On (Extinct city)
USE Heliopolis (Egypt : Extinct city)
On-chip charge pumps (May Subd Geog)
UF Charge pumps, On-chip
BT DC-to-DC converters
On-demand advertising (May Subd Geog)
BT Advertising
On-demand marketing (May Subd Geog)
BT Marketing
On-demand printing (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on printing large or small
numbers of copies from a computer file stored for use
when copies are needed. Works on fast-turnaround
printing from eye-readable copy are entered under
Instant printing.

UF Demand printing
Printing on demand
BT Printing
On-demand publications (May Subd Geog)
BT Publications
NT On-demand reprints (Publications)
On-demand reprints (Publications) (May Subd Geog)
BT On-demand publications
Reprints (Publications)
On-farm experimentation in agroforestry
USE AgroforestryResearchOn-farm

On-farm research, Agricultural

USE AgricultureResearchOn-farm
On-farm research in agroforestry
USE AgroforestryResearchOn-farm
On-farm trials, Agricultural
USE AgricultureResearchOn-farm
On-gin Ho (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
On-line bibliographic searching
USE Online bibliographic searching
On-line catalogs (Libraries)
USE Online library catalogs
On-line comic strips
USE Webcomics
On-line data processing
USE Online data processing
On-line databases
USE Online databases
On-line dating
USE Online dating
On-line etiquette
USE Online etiquette
On-line information services
USE Online information services
On-line museums
USE Virtual museums
On-line sex
USE Computer sex
On location painting
USE Plein air painting
On-nara BPS (Computer system)
USE Onnara BPS (Computer system)
On-orbit assembly of space vehicles
USE Space vehiclesOrbital assembly
On Pan lay Kan (Burma)
USE On Pan lay Lake (Burma)
On Pan lay Lake (Burma)
UF Kan Man On Pan lay (Burma)
On Pan lay Kan (Burma)
BT LakesBurma
On-screen advertising (Motion pictures)
USE Theater commercials (Motion pictures)
On-site electric power production (Total energy
USE Total energy systems (On-site electric power

On-site inspection (Disarmament)
USE DisarmamentOn-site inspection
On-site screening of hazardous waste sites
USE Hazardous waste sitesField screening
On-the-job stress
USE Job stress
On-the-job training
USE EmployeesTraining of
On-the-spot fines (May Subd Geog)
BT Fines (Penalties)
Ona Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Aona Indians
Selknam Indians
Shelknam Indians
BT Fuegians
Indians of South AmericaArgentina
Indians of South AmericaChile
Ona language (May Subd Geog)
UF Aona language
Aonik language
Selknam language
BT ArgentinaLanguages
Indians of South AmericaLanguages
Ona mythology (May Subd Geog)
UF Mythology, Ona
Onager (May Subd Geog)
UF Equus hemionus onager
Equus hemippus
Equus khur
Equus kulan
Equus onager
Persian wild ass
Wild ass, Persian
BT Asiatic wild asses
O'Naghten family
USE Naughton family


USE Oenothera
Onagraceae (May Subd Geog)
UF Epilobiaceae
BT Myrtales
NT Camissonia
Onagraceae, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Myrtales, Fossil
NT Hartziella
Onakatomi family (Not Subd Geog)
Onamuchi no kami
USE Okuninushi no kami
O'Nan family (Not Subd Geog)
Onanda Park (N.Y.)
BT ParksNew York (State)
Onandaga language
USE Onondaga language
Onangst family
USE Unangst family
USE Coitus interruptus
Onaqui Mountains (Utah)
USE Sheeprock Mountains (Utah)
Onarimichi (Yamaguchi-ken, Japan)
USE Hagi Kaido (Yamaguchi-ken, Japan)
Onassis family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Naughton family
USE Naughton family
Onc genes
USE Oncogenes
Onca, Amigo da (Fictitious character)
USE Amigo da Onca (Fictitious character)
Oncaeidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Cyclopoida
NT Lubbockia
USE Ogcocephalidae
Onchocerca (May Subd Geog)
BT Dipetalonematidae
NT Onchocerca volvulus
Onchocerca volvulus (May Subd Geog)
BT Onchocerca
Onchocerciasis (May Subd Geog)
[RA644.O53 (Public health)]
[RC142.5 (Internal medicine)]
UF Onchocercosis
River blindness
Robles' disease
BT Filariasis
USE Onchocerciasis
Oncidium (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O64 (Botany)]
[SB409.8.O53 (Culture)]
UF Butterfly orchids
Butterfly plants
BT Orchids
Oncifelis (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.C23 (Zoology)]
UF Dendrailurus
BT Felidae
NT Kodkod
Oncifelis guigna
USE Kodkod
Oncle Edmee (Fictitious character)
USE Uncle Tooth (Fictitious character)
Oncle Picsou (Fictitious character)
USE McDuck, Scrooge (Fictitious character)
USE Ogcocephalidae
Oncocus River (N.J.)
USE Rancocas Creek (N.J.)
USE Ogcodes
Oncodevelopmental antigens
USE CEA (Oncology)

Oncodevelopmental markers
USE CEA (Oncology)
USE Acroceridae
Oncofetal antigens
USE CEA (Oncology)
Oncofetal proteins
USE CEA (Oncology)
Oncogenes (May Subd Geog)
UF Onc genes
BT Cancer genes
RT Proto-oncogenes
NT Fos oncogenes
Jun oncogenes
Myc oncogenes
Ras oncogenes
USE Carcinogenesis
Oncogenic DNA viruses (May Subd Geog)
UF DNA tumor viruses
Tumorigenic DNA viruses
BT DNA viruses
Oncogenic viruses
NT Epstein-Barr virus
BT Reproduction
Oncogenic viruses (May Subd Geog)
UF Cancer-causing viruses
Cancer viruses
Oncoviruses (Oncogenic viruses)
Tumor viruses
Tumorigenic viruses
BT Viruses
RT Viral carcinogenesis
NT Mouse mammary tumor virus
Oncogenic DNA viruses
BT Reproduction
USE Carcinogens
Oncologic surgery
USE CancerSurgery
Oncologic vaccines
USE Cancer vaccines
Oncological pain
USE Cancer pain
Oncological surgery
USE CancerSurgery
Oncologists (May Subd Geog)
[RC265.7-RC265.8 (Biography)]
UF Cancer specialists
BT Medical scientists
Malpractice (May Subd Geog)
UF Tort liability of oncologists
BT Malpractice
Oncology (May Subd Geog)
RT Tumors
NT Anesthesia in oncology
Forensic oncology
Geriatric oncology
Hematological oncology
Oncology, Experimental
Veterinary oncology
USE TumorsClassification
Information storage and retrieval systems
USE Information storage and retrieval

UF CancerNomenclature
USE TumorsClassification
Oncology, Experimental (May Subd Geog)
UF Experimental oncology
BT Oncology
NT Carcinogenicity testing
Leukemia, Experimental
Oncology, Forensic
USE Forensic oncology
Oncology nursing
USE CancerNursing

Oncology vaccines
USE Cancer vaccines
Oncopeltus (May Subd Geog)
[QL523.L9 (Zoology)]
BT Lygaeidae
NT Large milkweed bug
Oncopeltus fasciatus
USE Large milkweed bug
Oncoproteins, Myc
USE Myc proteins
Oncorhynchus (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.S2 ((Zoology))]
BT Salmonidae
NT Chinook salmon
Chum salmon
Coho salmon
Cutthroat trout
Gila trout
Golden trout
Oncorhynchus formosanus
Oncorhynchus masou
Pacific salmon
Pink salmon
Rainbow trout
Sockeye salmon
Steelhead (Fish)
Oncorhynchus aguabonita
USE Golden trout
Oncorhynchus clarki
USE Cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki behnkei
USE Snake River finespotted cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri
USE Yellowstone cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki clarki
USE Coastal cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi
USE Lahontan cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi
USE Westslope cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus
USE Colorado River cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki seleniris
USE Paiute cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki stomias
USE Greenback cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki utah
USE Bonneville cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis
USE Rio Grande cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus clarkii
USE Cutthroat trout
Oncorhynchus formosanus (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.S2 (Zoology)]
UF Formosan land-locked salmon
Formosan landlocked salmon
Formosan salmon
Land-locked salmon, Formosan
Land-locked salmon, Taiwanese
Landlocked salmon, Formosan
Oncorhynchus masou formosanum
Oncorhynchus masou formosanus
Salmo formosanus
Taiwan salmon
Taiwanese land-locked salmon
Taiwanese salmon
BT Oncorhynchus
Oncorhynchus gilae
USE Gila trout
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
USE Pink salmon
Oncorhynchus ishikawae
USE Oncorhynchus masou
Oncorhynchus ishikawai
USE Oncorhynchus masou
Oncorhynchus keta
USE Chum salmon
Oncorhynchus kisutch
USE Coho salmon
Oncorhynchus macrostomus
USE Oncorhynchus masou
Oncorhynchus masou (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.S2 (Zoology)]
UF Cherry salmon
Japanese salmon
Japanese trout
Masu (Fish)
Masu salmon
Oncorhynchus ishikawae
Oncorhynchus ishikawai
Oncorhynchus macrostomus
Oncorhynchus rhodorus


Oncorhynchus rhodurus
Salmo masou
Salmon trout
Satsukimasu salmon
BT Oncorhynchus
Oncorhynchus masou formosanum
USE Oncorhynchus formosanus
Oncorhynchus masou formosanus
USE Oncorhynchus formosanus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
USE Rainbow trout
Steelhead (Fish)
Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri
USE Columbia River redband trout
Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdnerii
USE Columbia River redband trout
Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus
USE Beardslee rainbow trout
Oncorhynchus nerka
USE Sockeye salmon
Oncorhynchus nerka kennerlyi
USE Kokanee salmon
Oncorhynchus rhodorus
USE Oncorhynchus masou
Oncorhynchus rhodurus
USE Oncorhynchus masou
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
USE Chinook salmon
USE Retroviruses
USE Retroviruses
Oncoviruses (Oncogenic viruses)
USE Oncogenic viruses
Onda pottery (May Subd Geog)
UF Onta pottery
Pottery, Onda
BT Pottery, Japanese
Ondagaish language
USE Onondaga language
Ondaine River (France)
BT RiversFrance
Ondaine River Valley (France)
UF Ondaine Valley (France)
BT ValleysFrance
Ondaine Valley (France)
USE Ondaine River Valley (France)
Ondatra (May Subd Geog)
BT Muridae
NT Muskrat
Ondatra zibethica
USE Muskrat
Ondatra zibethicus
USE Muskrat
Ondava River (Slovakia)
UF Topla Ondava River (Slovakia)
BT RiversSlovakia
Ondava River Valley (Slovakia)
UF Ondava Valley (Slovakia)
BT ValleysSlovakia
Ondava River Watershed (Slovakia)
UF Povodie Ondavy (Slovakia)
BT WatershedsSlovakia
Ondava Valley (Slovakia)
USE Ondava River Valley (Slovakia)
Onderscheidingsteken voor Langdurige, Eerlijke en
Trouwe Dienst (Medal)
UF Decoration for Long, Honourable and Faithful

Service in the Army (Medal)

BT Military decorationsNetherlands
Onderscheidingsteken voor Langdurige Dienst als
Officier (Medal)
UF Officierskruis (Medal)
BT Military decorationsNetherlands
Ondervaizer family
USE Onderwijzer family
Ondervayzer family
USE Onderwijzer family
Ondervitser family
USE Onderwijzer family
Onderwijzer family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ondervaizer family
Ondervayzer family
Ondervitser family
Underveyzer family
Ondes Martenot (May Subd Geog)
UF Martenot (Musical instrument)
Martenot's ondes musicales
Ondes musicales

Ondes Martenot (Continued)

Ondium Martenot
BT Electronic musical instruments
Ondes Martenot and flute music
USE Flute and ondes Martenot music
Ondes Martenot and percussion music
UF Percussion and ondes Martenot music
Ondes Martenot and piano music
UF Piano and ondes Martenot music
Ondes Martenot and piano music, Arranged
[M284.O5 (Collections)]
[M285.O5 (Separate works)]
Ondes Martenot duets
USE Ondes Martenot music (Ondes Martenot (2))
Ondes Martenot music
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo ondes Martenot,
and collections of compositions in several forms or
types for solo ondes Martenot.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "ondes Martenot" and headings with

medium of performance that include "ondes

Ondes Martenot music (Ondes Martenot (2))
(May Subd Geog)
UF Ondes Martenot duets
Ondes Martenot music (Ondes Martenot (3))
USE Trios (Ondes Martenot (3))
Ondes Martenot music (Ondes Martenot (6))
USE Sextets (Ondes Martenot (6))
Ondes Martenot with orchestra
Ondes Martenot with string orchestra
Ondes musicales
USE Ondes Martenot
Ondine (Tale)
USE Undine (Tale)
USE Water spirits
Ondine's curse
USE Sleep apnea syndromes
Ondium Martenot
USE Ondes Martenot
Ondogaike 1-gofun (Kyoto, Japan)
USE Ondogaike No. 1 Tomb (Kyoto, Japan)
Ondogaike No. 1 Tomb (Kyoto, Japan)
UF Ondogaike 1-gofun (Kyoto, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Ondol (May Subd Geog)
UF Kudul
BT Hot-air heating
Ondonga (African people)
USE Ndonga (African people)
Ondoumbo language
USE Ndumu language
Ondrej (Name)
USE Andrew (Name)
ONE, 2001- (Operation Noble Eagle)
USE Operation Noble Eagle, 2001One, Cooking for
USE Cooking for one
One, Games for
USE Games for one
One (Game)
BT Video games
One (The English word)
BT English languageEtymology
One (The number)
BT Cardinal numbers
One (The One in philosophy)
UF The One (Philosophy) [Former heading]
BT Ontology
RT Absolute, The
One-act plays (Not Subd Geog)
UF Short plays
BT Drama
NT Ten-minute plays
BT Authorship
One-act plays, American (May Subd Geog)
UF American one-act plays
BT American drama

One-act plays, American (Italian)

USE One-act plays, Italian American
One-act plays, Arabic (May Subd Geog)
UF Arabic one-act plays
BT Arabic drama
One-act plays, Argentine (May Subd Geog)
UF Argentine one-act plays
BT Argentine drama
One-act plays, Assamese (May Subd Geog)
UF Assamese one-act plays
BT Assamese drama
One-act plays, Australian (May Subd Geog)
UF Australian one-act plays
BT Australian drama
One-act plays, Austrian (May Subd Geog)
UF Austrian one-act plays
BT Austrian drama
One-act plays, Bengali (May Subd Geog)
UF Bengali one-act plays
BT Bengali drama
One-act plays, Bhojpuri (May Subd Geog)
UF Bhojpuri one-act plays
BT Bhojpuri drama
One-act plays, Bolivian (May Subd Geog)
UF Bolivian one-act plays
BT Bolivian drama
One-act plays, Brazilian (May Subd Geog)
UF Brazilian one-act plays
BT Brazilian drama
One-act plays, Burmese (May Subd Geog)
UF Burmese one-act plays
BT Burmese drama
One-act plays, Canadian (May Subd Geog)
UF Canadian one-act plays
BT Canadian drama
One-act plays, Catalan (May Subd Geog)
UF Catalan one-act plays
BT Catalan drama
One-act plays, Chilean (May Subd Geog)
UF Chilean one-act plays
BT Chilean drama
One-act plays, Chinese (May Subd Geog)
[PL2368.O53 (History)]
[PL2579.O53 (Collections)]
UF Chinese one-act plays
BT Chinese drama
One-act plays, Cuban (May Subd Geog)
UF Cuban one-act plays
BT Cuban drama
One-act plays, Czech (May Subd Geog)
UF Czech one-act plays
BT Czech drama
One-act plays, Danish (May Subd Geog)
UF Danish one-act plays
BT Danish drama
One-act plays, Dogri (May Subd Geog)
UF Dogri one-act plays
BT Dogri drama
One-act plays, Dominican (May Subd Geog)
UF Dominican one-act plays
BT Dominican drama
One-act plays, Dutch (May Subd Geog)
UF Dutch one-act plays
BT Dutch drama
One-act plays, English (May Subd Geog)
UF English one-act plays
BT English drama
USE One-act plays, Indic (English)
USE One-act plays, Nigerian (English)
USE One-act plays, Philippine (English)
South Africa
USE One-act plays, South African (English)
West Indies
USE One-act plays, West Indian (English)
One-act plays, European (May Subd Geog)
UF European one-act plays
BT European drama
One-act plays, French (May Subd Geog)
UF French one-act plays
BT French drama
One-act plays, French-Canadian (May Subd Geog)
[PQ3911 (History)]
[PQ3915 (Collections)]
UF French-Canadian one-act plays
BT French-Canadian drama
One-act plays, German (May Subd Geog)
UF German one-act plays
BT German drama


One-act plays, Greek (Modern) (May Subd Geog)

UF Greek one-act plays, Modern
Modern Greek one-act plays
BT Greek drama, Modern
One-act plays, Guatemalan (May Subd Geog)
[PQ7493 (History)]
[PQ7497 (Collections)]
UF Guatemalan one-act plays
BT Guatemalan drama
One-act plays, Gujarati (May Subd Geog)
UF Gujarati one-act plays
BT Gujarati drama
One-act plays, Hindi (May Subd Geog)
UF Hindi one-act plays
BT Hindi drama
One-act plays, Hungarian (May Subd Geog)
[PH3084 (History)]
[PH3171.O53 (Collections)]
UF Hungarian one-act plays
BT Hungarian drama
One-act plays, Indic (English) (May Subd Geog)
UF Indic one-act plays (English)
One-act plays, EnglishIndia
BT Indic drama (English)
One-act plays, Irish (May Subd Geog)
UF Irish one-act plays
BT Irish drama
One-act plays, Italian (May Subd Geog)
UF Italian one-act plays
BT Italian drama
United States
USE One-act plays, Italian American
One-act plays, Italian American (May Subd Geog)
UF American one-act plays (Italian)
Italian American one-act plays
One-act plays, American (Italian)
One-act plays, ItalianUnited States
BT Italian American drama
One-act plays, Japanese (May Subd Geog)
[PL768.O53 (Collections)]
UF Japanese one-act plays
BT Japanese drama
One-act plays, Kashmiri (May Subd Geog)
UF Kashmiri one-act plays
BT Kashmiri drama
One-act plays, Konkani (May Subd Geog)
UF Konkani one-act plays
BT Konkani drama
One-act plays, Korean (May Subd Geog)
UF Korean one-act plays
BT Korean drama
One-act plays, Latin American (Not Subd Geog)
UF Latin American one-act plays
BT Latin American drama
One-act plays, Marathi (May Subd Geog)
UF Marathi one-act plays
BT Marathi drama
One-act plays, Mexican (May Subd Geog)
UF Mexican one-act plays
BT Mexican drama
One-act plays, Nepali (May Subd Geog)
UF Nepali one-act plays
BT Nepali drama
One-act plays, Nigerian (English) (May Subd Geog)
UF Nigerian one-act plays (English)
One-act plays, EnglishNigeria
BT Nigerian drama (English)
One-act plays, Norwegian (May Subd Geog)
[PT8718.O53 (Collections)]
UF Norwegian one-act plays
BT Norwegian drama
One-act plays, Oriya (May Subd Geog)
UF Oriya one-act plays
BT Oriya drama
One-act plays, Panjabi (May Subd Geog)
UF Panjabi one-act plays
BT Panjabi drama
One-act plays, Philippine (English) (May Subd Geog)
UF One-act plays, EnglishPhilippines
Philippine one-act plays (English)
BT Philippine drama (English)
One-act plays, Polish (May Subd Geog)
UF Polish one-act plays
BT Polish drama
One-act plays, Portuguese (May Subd Geog)
UF Portuguese one-act plays
BT Portuguese drama
One-act plays, Rajasthani (May Subd Geog)
UF Rajasthani one-act plays
BT Rajasthani drama

One-act plays, Romanian (May Subd Geog)

UF Romanian one-act plays
BT Romanian drama
One-act plays, Russian (May Subd Geog)
UF Russian one-act plays
BT Russian drama
One-act plays, Sanskrit (May Subd Geog)
UF Sanskrit one-act plays
BT Sanskrit drama
One-act plays, Scandinavian (Not Subd Geog)
UF Scandinavian one-act plays
BT Scandinavian drama
One-act plays, Shona (May Subd Geog)
UF Shona one-act plays
BT Shona drama
One-act plays, Sindhi (May Subd Geog)
UF Sindhi one-act plays
BT Sindhi drama
One-act plays, South African (English)
(May Subd Geog)
UF One-act plays, EnglishSouth Africa
South African one-act plays (English)
BT South African drama (English)
One-act plays, Spanish (May Subd Geog)
UF Spanish one-act plays
BT Spanish drama
NT Sainetes
One-act plays, Spanish American (Not Subd Geog)
UF Spanish American one-act plays
BT Spanish American drama
One-act plays, Swedish (May Subd Geog)
UF Swedish one-act plays
BT Swedish drama
One-act plays, Tamil (May Subd Geog)
UF Tamil one-act plays
BT Tamil drama
One-act plays, Telugu (May Subd Geog)
UF Telugu one-act plays
BT Telugu drama
One-act plays, Ukrainian (May Subd Geog)
UF Ukrainian one-act plays
BT Ukrainian drama
One-act plays, Urdu (May Subd Geog)
UF Urdu one-act plays
BT Urdu drama
One-act plays, West Indian (English) (Not Subd Geog)
UF One-act plays, EnglishWest Indies
West Indian one-act plays (English)
BT West Indian drama (English)
One-act plays, Yiddish (May Subd Geog)
UF Yiddish one-act plays
BT Yiddish drama
One-act plays, Zulu (May Subd Geog)
UF Zulu one-act plays
BT Zulu drama
One arm bandits (Slot machines)
USE Slot machines
One-armed bandits (Slot machines)
USE Slot machines
One-basket basketball
USE Halfcourt basketball
One Bellevue Center (Bellevue, Wash.)
UF 1 Bellevue Center (Bellevue, Wash.)
1 Bellevue Center Building (Bellevue, Wash.)
One Bellevue Center Building (Bellevue,

BT Commercial buildingsWashington (State)
Office buildingsWashington (State)
One Bellevue Center Building (Bellevue, Wash.)
USE One Bellevue Center (Bellevue, Wash.)
One Broadway (New York, N.Y.)
USE International Mercantile Marine Company

Building (New York, N.Y.)

One Bush Villas (Portsmouth, England)
USE Bush Villa (Portsmouth, England)
One Capitol District Building (Honolulu, Hawaii)
USE No. 1 Capitol District Building (Honolulu,

One-cent newspapers
USE Penny newspapers
One-cent papers (Newspapers)
USE Penny newspapers
One Chase Manhattan Plaza (New York, N.Y.)
USE 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza (New York, N.Y.)
One-dimensional conductors
UF Conductors, One-dimensional
BT Electric conductors
Energy-band theory of solids
Free electron theory of metals
NT Organic conductors

One-dimensional flow
UF Flow, One-dimensional
BT Fluid dynamics
One-dish meals (May Subd Geog)
UF One-pot meals
BT Cooking
RT Casserole cooking
One-Eye, Johnny (Fictitious character : Davies)
USE Hawke, Johnny (Fictitious character)
One-eyed Mack (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Mack, One-eyed (Fictitious character)
One-eyed vision
USE Vision, Monocular
One-family houses
USE Architecture, Domestic
One-Five Bond Street (New York, N.Y.)
USE Robbins and Appleton Building (New York,

One flower Indian pipe
USE Indian pipe (Plant)
One-hand typewriting
USE Typewriting, One-hand
One-horned rhinoceros, Indian
USE Indian rhinoceros
One-humped camel
USE Camels
One Hundred and One Ranch Historic District (Okla.)
USE 101 Ranch Historic District (Okla.)
One hundred cranes (Painting)
USE Pai ho tu (Painting)
One-hundred eighteenth Avenue (Edmonton, Alta.)
USE 118th Avenue (Edmonton, Alta.)
One-hundred fourteenth Street (Edmonton, Alta.)
USE 114th Street (Edmonton, Alta.)
One Hundred Nineteenth Street Gatehouse (New York,
USE Croton Aqueduct West 119th Street Gatehouse

(New York, N.Y.)

One Hundred One Ranch Historic District (Okla.)
USE 101 Ranch Historic District (Okla.)
One-hundred seventy-ninth Street Interchange
(Interstate 5)
USE 179th Street Interchange (Interstate 5)
One hundred thirty Bush Street (San Francisco, Calif.)
USE 130 Bush Street (San Francisco, Calif.)
One Hundred Thirty-fifth Street Gate House (New York,
USE Croton Aqueduct Gate House (New York, N.Y.)
One hundred three The Circle (New York, N.Y.)
USE Gillett-Tyler House (New York, N.Y.)
One Hundred Twentieth Police Precinct Station House
(New York, N.Y.)
USE 120th Police Precinct Station House (New

York, N.Y.)
One Hundred Twenty-fifth Street (New York, N.Y.)
USE 125th Street (New York, N.Y.)
One-hundredth Street (New York, N.Y.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF 100th Street (New York, N.Y.)

BT StreetsNew York (State)
One-leg resting position
UF Nilotic position
Standing on one foot
BT Posture
One-letter words
UF Words, One-letter
BT Vocabulary
One M & T Plaza (Buffalo, N.Y.)
USE M & T Bank Building (Buffalo, N.Y.)
One-man companies
USE One-person corporations
One-man corporations
USE One-person corporations
One-man shows (Performing arts)
USE One-person shows (Performing arts)
One-parent families
USE Single-parent families
One-party systems (May Subd Geog)
UF Single-party systems
BT Political parties
One-person companies
USE One-person corporations
One-person corporations (May Subd Geog)
UF Companies, One-person
Corporations, One-person
One-man companies [Former heading]
One-man corporations
One-person companies


BT Private companies
RT Sole proprietorship
One-person households
USE Living alone
One-person plays
USE Monodramas
One-person shows (Performing arts) (May Subd Geog)
UF One-man shows (Performing arts)
One-woman shows (Performing arts)
Solo acts (Performing arts)
BT Performing arts
One-pot meals
USE One-dish meals
One Poultry (London, England)
USE 1 Poultry (London, England)
One price, Law of
USE Purchasing power parity
One-room schools
USE Rural schools
One-seed juniper (May Subd Geog)
[QK494.5.C975 (Botany)]
UF Cedar, New Mexico
Cherrystone juniper
Juniperus gymnocarpa
Juniperus monosperma
Juniperus occidentalis gymnocarpa
Juniperus occidentalis monosperma
New Mexico cedar
New Mexico juniper
One-seeded juniper
Oneseed juniper [Former heading]
Sabina monosperma
Shagbark juniper
Single-seeded juniper
West Texas juniper
BT Junipers
One-seeded juniper
USE One-seed juniper
One-sheet posters (May Subd Geog)
UF 1-sheet posters
BT AdvertisingMotion pictures
Film posters
One-sided communications (Law)
USE Ex parte communications
One-teacher schools
USE Rural schools
One thousand, A.D. (Not Subd Geog)
UF 1000 A.D.
Year one thousand, A.D.
BT Eleventh century
Tenth century
One thousand automobile
USE Pontiac 1000 automobile
One Thousand Eighty Degree Snowboarding (Game)
USE 1080 Degree Snowboarding (Game)
One Tree Island (Qld.)
BT IslandsAustralia
Great Barrier Reef (Qld.)
One Wall Street (New York, N.Y. : 1931- )
UF 1 Wall Street (New York, N.Y. : 1931- )
Irving Trust Building (New York, N.Y.)
Irving Trust Company Building (New York,

Number One Wall Street (New York, N.Y. :

1931- )
BT Commercial buildingsNew York (State)
One-way mirrors
USE Transparent mirrors
One-way streets (May Subd Geog)
BT Streets
Conversion to two-way streets (May Subd Geog)
UF Conversion of one-way streets to two-way

BT Traffic engineering
Two-way streets
One-woman shows (Performing arts)
USE One-person shows (Performing arts)
One World Week (May Subd Geog)
BT Special weeks
O'Neail family
USE O'Neill family
O'Neal, Boots (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Boots O'Neal (Fictitious character)
O'Neal, Freddie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Freddie O'Neal (Fictitious character)
O'Neal Ecological Reserve (Idaho)
UF Idaho State University O'Neall Reserve (Idaho)
O'Neal Reserve (Idaho)
O'Neall Reserve (Idaho)
BT Ecological reservesIdaho
Research natural areasIdaho

O'Neal family
USE O'Neill family
O'Neal Reserve (Idaho)
USE O'Neal Ecological Reserve (Idaho)
O'Neale family
USE O'Neill family
O'Neall family
USE O'Neill family
O'Neall Reserve (Idaho)
USE O'Neal Ecological Reserve (Idaho)
O'Neals family
USE O'Neill family
Onecchechaug Indians
USE Unkechaug Indians
Onega Bay (Russia)
UF Gulf of Onega (Russia)
Onezha Bay (Russia)
Onezha guba (Russia)
Onezhskaia guba (Russia)
Onezhskaya guba (Russia)
Onezhskii zaliv (Russia)
Onezhskiy zaliv (Russia)
BT BaysRussia (Federation)
Onega Lake (R.S.F.S.R.)
USE Onega Lake (Russia)
Onega Lake (Russia)
UF Lake Onega (Russia)
Onega Lake (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading]
Onezhskoe ozero (Russia)
Onezhskoye ozero (Russia)
BT LakesRussia (Federation)
Onega River (R.S.F.S.R.)
USE Onega River (Russia)
Onega River (Russia)
UF Onega River (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading]
Reka Onega (Russia)
BT RiversRussia (Federation)
Onega River Watershed (Russia)
BT WatershedsRussia (Federation)
Onegin, Eugen (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Eugen Onegin (Fictitious character)
Eugene Onegin (Fictitious character)
Evgenii Onegin (Fictitious character)
Evgeniy Onegin (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Eugene (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Evgenii (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Evgeniy (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Yevgeni (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Yevgeniy (Fictitious character)
Onyegin, Yevgeny (Fictitious character)
Yevgeni Onegin (Fictitious character)
Yevgeniy Onegin (Fictitious character)
Yevgeny Onyegin (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Eugene (Fictitious character)
USE Onegin, Eugen (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Evgenii (Fictitious character)
USE Onegin, Eugen (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Evgeniy (Fictitious character)
USE Onegin, Eugen (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Yevgeni (Fictitious character)
USE Onegin, Eugen (Fictitious character)
Onegin, Yevgeniy (Fictitious character)
USE Onegin, Eugen (Fictitious character)
Oneida children (May Subd Geog)
UF Children, Oneida
BT ChildrenNew York (State)
Oneida Creek (N.Y.)
BT RiversNew York (State)
Oneida hymns
USE Hymns, Oneida
Oneida Indian Reservation (Wis.)
USE Oneida Reservation (Wis.)
Oneida Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Oneota Indians (New York)
Onneiout Indians
BT Indians of North AmericaNew York (State)
Indians of North AmericaOntario
Iroquois Indians
Oneida Lake (N.Y.)
BT LakesNew York (State)
Oneida language (May Subd Geog)
UF Oneidah language
Oneider language
Oneydoe language
BT Iroquoian languages
New York (State)Languages

Oneida mythology (May Subd Geog)

UF Mythology, Oneida
Oneida philosophy (May Subd Geog)
UF Philosophy, Oneida
BT Philosophy, American
Oneida Reservation (Wis.)
UF Oneida Indian Reservation (Wis.)
BT Indian reservationsWisconsin
Oneida women (May Subd Geog)
UF Women, Oneida
BT WomenNew York (State)
Oneidah language
USE Oneida language
Oneider language
USE Oneida language
O'Neil family
USE O'Neill family
O'Neill, House of
USE Ui Neill, House of
O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953
Homes and haunts (May Subd Geog)
O'Neill, Maggie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Maggie O'Neill (Fictitious character)
Margaret Mary-Catherine O'Neill (Fictitious

O'Neill, Margaret Mary-Catherine (Fictitious

O'Neill, Margaret Mary-Catherine (Fictitious character)
USE O'Neill, Maggie (Fictitious character)
O'Neill, Peggy (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Peggy O'Neill (Fictitious character)
O'Neill family (Not Subd Geog)
UF O'Neail family
O'Neal family
O'Neale family
O'Neall family
O'Neals family
O'Neil family
RT Neal family
O'Neill Federal Building (Boston, Mass.)
USE Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Federal Building

(Boston, Mass.)
O'Neill House of Representatives Office Building
(Washington, D.C.)
USE Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., House of

Representatives Office Building

(Washington, D.C.)
O'Neill National Historic Site (Calif.)
USE Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site (Calif.)
O'Neill Point (Ariz.)
USE Yavapai Point (Ariz.)
O'Neill Ranch (Calif.)
USE Rancho Santa Margarita (Calif.)
O'Neill Theater (New York, N.Y.)
USE Eugene O'Neill Theatre (New York, N.Y.)
Oneirodes (May Subd Geog)
BT Oneirodidae
Oneirodidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Deep-sea anglerfishes
Deepsea anglerfishes
BT Anglerfishes
NT Chaenophryne
USE Fortune-telling by dreams
Onekotan Island (Russia)
UF Onnekotan Island (Russia)
Onnekotan-to (Russia)
Ostrov Onekotan (Russia)
BT IslandsRussia (Federation)
Kuril Islands (Russia)
Oneness doctrine (Pentecostalism)
UF Doctrine of Oneness (Pentecostalism)
Jesus only doctrine (Pentecostalism)
Oneness movement (Pentecostalism)
Oneness Pentecostalism
Oneness theology (Pentecostalism)
BT Jesus ChristPerson and offices
Oneness movement (Pentecostalism)
USE Oneness doctrine (Pentecostalism)
Oneness of God
USE GodSimplicity
God (Christianity)Simplicity
Oneness Pentecostal churches (May Subd Geog)
UF Apostolic Pentecostal churches
Jesus-only Pentecostal churches


Non-Trinitarian Pentecostal churches

BT Pentecostal churches
Oneness Pentecostalism
USE Oneness doctrine (Pentecostalism)
Oneness theology (Pentecostalism)
USE Oneness doctrine (Pentecostalism)
OneNet (Computer network) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Internet service providersOklahoma
Wide area networks (Computer

Onentzaro (Legendary character)
USE Olentzero (Legendary character)
Onenzaro (Legendary character)
USE Olentzero (Legendary character)
Oneota Indians (Great Plains) (May Subd Geog)
BT Dakota Indians
Indians of North AmericaGreat Plains
Mississippian culture
Oneota Indians (New York)
USE Oneida Indians
Oneota River (Minn. and Iowa)
USE Upper Iowa River (Minn. and Iowa)
Oneseed hawthorn
USE Crataegus monogyna
Oneseed juniper
USE One-seed juniper
Onespa (May Subd Geog)
BT Hesperiidae
Onespot damselfish
USE Hawaiian dascyllus
Onesquethaw Creek (N.Y.)
UF Oniskethau Creek (N.Y.)
BT RiversNew York (State)
Oness family (Not Subd Geog)
Oneto family (Not Subd Geog)
Oneyama Kofungun (Isehara-shi, Japan)
USE Oneyama Tombs (Isehara-shi, Japan)
Oneyama Tombs (Isehara-shi, Japan)
UF Oneyama Kofungun (Isehara-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Oneyan language
USE Bassari language
Oneydoe language
USE Oneida language
Onezha Bay (Russia)
USE Onega Bay (Russia)
Onezha guba (Russia)
USE Onega Bay (Russia)
Onezhskaia guba (Russia)
USE Onega Bay (Russia)
Onezhskaya guba (Russia)
USE Onega Bay (Russia)
Onezhskii zaliv (Russia)
USE Onega Bay (Russia)
Onezhskiy zaliv (Russia)
USE Onega Bay (Russia)
Onezhskoe ozero (Russia)
USE Onega Lake (Russia)
Onezhskoye ozero (Russia)
USE Onega Lake (Russia)
Onffroy family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Onfroy family
Onfroy family
USE Onffroy family
Ong-Be language
USE Be language
Ong family (Not Subd Geog)
Ong language
USE Onge language
Ong Thanh River (Vietnam)
UF Suoi Ong Thanh (Vietnam)
BT RiversVietnam
Ong Thanh River, Battle of, Vietnam, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Ongbe language
USE Be language
Onge (Indic people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Ongi (Indic people)
BT Andamanese (Indic people)
Onge language (May Subd Geog)
UF Ong language
BT Andamanese language
Ongi (Indic people)
USE Onge (Indic people)

Ongi Gol (Mongolia)

USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Ongi Golyn Sav Nutag (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River Watershed (Mongolia)
Ongi River (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Ongi'iin Gol (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Ongiin Gol (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Ongiin Goru (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Ongil Golyn Sav Gazar (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River Watershed (Mongolia)
Ongin Gol (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
UF On-gin Ho (Mongolia)
Ongi River (Mongolia)
Ongi Gol (Mongolia)
Ongi'iin Gol (Mongolia)
Ongiin Gol (Mongolia)
Ongiin Goru (Mongolia)
Ongin Gol (Mongolia)
Ongoin Gol (Mongolia)
Ongoyn Gol (Mongolia)
Ongyin Gol (Mongolia)
Ongyn-Gol (Mongolia)
Weng-chin Ho (Mongolia)
Wengjin He (Mongolia)
BT RiversMongolia
Ongiyn River Watershed (Mongolia)
UF Ongil Golyn Sav Gazar (Mongolia)
Ongi Golyn Sav Nutag (Mongolia)
BT WatershedsMongolia
Onglais Site (Acquigny, France)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF L'Onglais Site (Acquigny, France)

BT FranceAntiquities
Ongnyugum (May Subd Geog)
BT Musical instrumentsKorea
Ongoin Gol (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Ongota language (May Subd Geog)
UF Birale language
Birayle language
Birelle language
Ifa 'Ongota language
Ifa'ongota language
BT Afroasiatic languages
Ongoyn Gol (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Ongyin Gol (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Ongyn-Gol (Mongolia)
USE Ongiyn River (Mongolia)
Oni no Makura Kofun (Amagi-shi, Japan)
USE Oni no Makura Tomb (Amagi-shi, Japan)
Oni no Makura Tomb (Amagi-shi, Japan)
UF Oni no Makura Kofun (Amagi-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Onian (Senegalese and Guinean people)
USE Bassari (Senegalese and Guinean people)
Onian language
USE Bassari language
Onias, Temple of (Qalyubiyah, Egypt)
USE Temple of Onias (Qalyubiyah, Egypt)
Onie no Matsuri
USE Daijosai
Onile (Afro-Brazilian deity)
USE Obaluaie (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Onin Bummei no ran, 1467-1477
USE Onin War, 1467-1477
Onin no ran, 1467-1477
USE Onin War, 1467-1477
Onin War, 1467-1477
UF Onin Bummei no ran, 1467-1477
Onin no ran, 1467-1477
BT JapanHistory1333-1600
Onion, Climbing
USE Bowiea volubilis
Onion, Fool's
USE Triteleia laxa
Onion, Sea
USE Drimia maritima

Onion Camp (Falkland Islands)

BT Military campsFalkland Islands
Onion family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Bunyan family
Onions family
Oniun family
Onyon family
Pinyon family
Onion family (Plants)
USE Alliaceae
Onion industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Vegetable trade
NT Onion Johnnies
Great Britain
NT Onion Johnnies
Onion Johnnies (May Subd Geog)
UF Ingan Johnnies
Johnny onions
BT Onion industryFrance
Onion industryGreat Britain
PeddlersGreat Britain
Onion Land River (Vt.)
USE Winooski River (Vt.)
Onion maggot (May Subd Geog)
[QL537.A5 (Zoology)]
UF Anthomyia antiqua
Anthomyia ceparum
Delia antiqua
Hylemya antiqua
Maggot, Onion
Phorbia cepetorum
BT Delia
Onion pink-root disease
USE Pink-root disease
Onion rings (May Subd Geog)
UF Rings, Onion
BT Cooking (Onions)
Onion River (Vt.)
USE Winooski River (Vt.)
Onion sets (May Subd Geog)
UF Sets, Onion
BT Bulbs (Plants)
Onion smudge (May Subd Geog)
Onion thrips (May Subd Geog)
UF Thrips tabaci
BT Thrips (Genus)
Onionna (Legendary character)
USE Yama-uba (Legendary character)
Onions (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.A42 (Botany)]
[SB341 (Culture)]
UF Allium cepa
BT Allium
NT Frozen onions
Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog)
SA names of specific diseases and pests, e.g.

Pink-root disease; Onion thrips

NT Downy mildew of onion
USE Tariff on onions
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Onions)
Onions family
USE Onion family
Onisawa Sarusawa Iseki (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)
USE Onisawa Sarusawa Site (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)
Onisawa Sarusawa Site (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Onisawa Sarusawa Iseki (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)

Onisawasarusawa Iseki (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Onisawasarusawa Iseki (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)
USE Onisawa Sarusawa Site (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)
Oniscidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL444.M34 (Zoology)]
BT Isopoda
Wood lice (Crustaceans)
NT Acanthoniscus
USE Wood lice (Crustaceans)
USE Siphlonuridae


USE Wood lice (Crustaceans)
Oniscus (May Subd Geog)
BT Oniscidae
NT Oniscus asellus
Oniscus asellus (May Subd Geog)
BT Oniscus
Onishi Iseki (Buzen-shi, Japan)
USE Onishi Site (Buzen-shi, Japan)
Onishi Site (Buzen-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Onishi Iseki (Buzen-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oniskethau Creek (N.Y.)
USE Onesquethaw Creek (N.Y.)
Onitis (May Subd Geog)
BT Scarabaeidae
Onitsha market literature
USE Chapbooks, Nigerian
Onium ions
BT Cations
NT Ammonium ions
Oxonium ions
Oniun family
USE Onion family
ONIX format
UF ONIX International format
Online Information Exchange format
BT Document markup languages
ONIX International format
USE ONIX format
Onji Site (Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Onkaparinga River (S.A.)
UF Field River (Onkaparinga, S.A.)
Field's River (S.A.)
Ngangkaparri River (S.A.)
Ngangkiparri River (S.A.)
Ponkepurringa River (S.A.)
BT RiversAustralia
USE OmHinduism
Onkatema Island (Mass.)
USE Uncatena Island (Mass.)
Onkatonka Island (Mass.)
USE Uncatena Island (Mass.)
USE Ogcodes
Online algorithms
BT Computer algorithms
Online data processing
Online Analytical Processing technology
USE OLAP technology
Online auctions
USE Internet auctions
Online authorship (May Subd Geog)
UF Internet authorship
Web authorship
BT Authorship
Online bibliographic searching (May Subd Geog)
UF On-line bibliographic searching [Former

BT Electronic information resource searching
Searching, Bibliographical
Online books
USE Electronic books
Online bullying
USE Cyberbullying
Online calendars
USE Electronic calendars
Online casino gambling
USE Internet gambling
Online catalogs
USE Online library catalogs
Online chat groups (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on services that allow a
person, using a computer, to engage in an actual
"conversation" with other people in real time. Works
on services, commonly called newsgroups and
LISTSERV lists, that allow a computer user to post
messages to, and read messages from, a group of
people who have a common interest, usually by
means of the Internet, a commercial online service, or

Online chat groups (Continued)

electronic mail are entered under Electronic
discussion groups. Works on services that allow a
computer user to post messages to, and read
messages from, a group of people who have a
common interest, via a dedicated telephone line
established for the purpose, are entered under
Computer bulletin boards.

UF Chat groups, Online

Chat rooms, Online
Chat services, Online
Chat sites, Online
Chatboxes, Online
Chatrooms, Online
Chats, Online
Chatsites, Online
Electronic chat groups
Internet-based chat sites
Internet chat groups
Online chatrooms
Online chats
BT Conversation
Real-time data processing
Social media
Web sites
RT Computer bulletin boards
Electronic discussion groups
SA subdivision Online chat groups under subjects

for online chat groups devoted to that

NT Gay online chat groups
Online chatrooms
USE Online chat groups
Online chats
USE Online chat groups
Online comic strips
USE Webcomics
Online commerce
USE Electronic commerce
Online contracts
USE Electronic contracts
Online data bases
USE Online databases
Online data processing (May Subd Geog)
UF In-line data processing
On-line data processing [Former heading]
BT Electronic data processing
RT Teleprocessing monitors (Computer programs)
Time-sharing computer systems
NT ADSO (Computer system)
GAMMA (Electronic computer system)
GRAIL (Electronic computer system)
GRASS (Electronic computer system)
Interactive computer systems
JOSS (Electronic computer system)
OLAP technology
Online algorithms
PEG (Electronic computer system)
PROCSY (Computer system)
VIMCOS (Electronic computer system)
USE Downloading of data
USE Uploading of data
Online databases (May Subd Geog)
[QA76.9.D32 (Computer science)]
[ZA4450-ZA4460 (Information resources)]
UF On-line databases
Online data bases [Former heading]
BT Databases
Online information services
Telephone directories
BT TelephoneDirectories
Online dating (May Subd Geog)
UF Internet dating
On-line dating
Web dating
World Wide Web dating
BT Dating (Social customs)
Online directories
USE Electronic directories
Online discussion groups
USE Electronic discussion groups
Online dispute resolution (May Subd Geog)
UF ODR (Online dispute resolution)
Online dispute resolutionLaw and legislation
BT Dispute resolution (Law)
Law and legislation
USE Online dispute resolution
Online encyclopedias
USE Electronic encyclopedias

Online entertainment
USE Internet entertainment
Online etiquette (May Subd Geog)
UF Netiquette
On-line etiquette
BT Etiquette
Online forums
USE Electronic discussion groups
Online gambling
USE Internet gambling
Online games industry
USE Internet games industry
Online government
USE Internet in public administration
Online hate speech (May Subd Geog)
UF Internet hate speech
BT Hate speech
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Online help
USE Help systems (Software)
Online identities (May Subd Geog)
UF Internet usersIdentities
Virtual identities
BT Identity (Psychology)
Online identity theft (May Subd Geog)
BT Computer crimes
Identity theft
Online Information Exchange format
USE ONIX format
Online information services (May Subd Geog)
[QA76.55-QA76.57 (Computer science)]
UF Electronic information services
On-line information services
Online services (Information services)
BT Information services
NT America Online (Online service)
AOL Canada (Online service)
AT&T WorldNet (Online service)
Campus WorkLink : NGR (Information retrieval

Children's online information services
CompuServe (Online service)
Echo (Online service)
eWorld (Online service)
FirstSearch (Online information service)
GaleNet (Information retrieval system)
GNN (Online service)
.Mac (Online service)
Microsoft Network (Online service)
Online databases
Online library catalogs
Prodigy (Online service)
ProfNet (Online service)
Well (Online service)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Online information services industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Computer service industry
Information services industry
NT Infomediaries
Online instruction, Web-based
USE Web-based instruction
Online investing
USE Electronic trading of securities
Online journalism (May Subd Geog)
UF Electronic journalism
Internet journalism
BT Journalism
RT Digital media
Online journals
USE Electronic journals
Online library catalog quality
USE Online library catalogsQuality
Online library catalogs (May Subd Geog)
UF Catalogs, On-line [Former heading]
Library online catalogs
On-line catalogs (Libraries)
Online catalogs [Former heading]
Online public access catalogs (Libraries)
OPACs (Libraries)
BT Library catalogs
Online information services
Dial-in access
USE Online library catalogsRemote access
Dial-up access
USE Online library catalogsRemote access
USE Cataloging errors


Quality (May Subd Geog)

UF Online library catalog quality
BT Quality of products
Remote access (May Subd Geog)
UF Dial-in access to online library catalogs
Dial-up access to online library catalogs
Online library catalogsDial-in access
Online library catalogsDial-up access
Online library catalogsTelephone

Remote access to online library catalogs
Remote use of online library catalogs
Telephone access to online library

Subject access (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on processes and
systems used in retrieving topical information from
an online library catalog.

UF Subject access in online library catalogs

Subject retrieval in online library catalogs
BT Information storage and retrieval systems
Subject cataloging
Telephone access
USE Online library catalogsRemote access
Use studies
BT Library use studies
User education (May Subd Geog)
UF User education (Online library catalogs)
BT Library orientation
Online magazines
USE Electronic journals
Online marketing
USE Internet marketing
Online museums
USE Virtual museums
Online news groups
USE Electronic discussion groups
Online news sites
USE News Web sites
Online newsgroups
USE Electronic discussion groups
Online newspapers
USE Electronic newspapers
Online periodicals
USE Electronic journals
Online pornography
USE Internet pornography
Online predators (Sex offenders)
USE Online sexual predators
Online public access catalogs (Libraries)
USE Online library catalogs
Online publications
USE Electronic publications
Online publishing
USE Electronic publishing
Online reserve collections in libraries
USE Electronic reserve collections in libraries
Online searching
USE Electronic information resource searching
Online serials
USE Electronic journals
Online services (Information services)
USE Online information services
Online sex
USE Computer sex
Online sex predators
USE Online sexual predators
Online sexual predators (May Subd Geog)
UF Internet predators (Sex offenders)
Internet sex predators
Internet sexual predators
Online predators (Sex offenders)
Online sex predators
Predators, Online sexual
Sex predators, Online
Sexual predators, Online
BT Sex offenders
Online shopping
USE Teleshopping
Online social networks (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on Web services, such as
Facebook, Twitter, etc., that enable people to meet,
interact with, and develop personal relationships with




Electronic social networks

Social networking Web sites
Social media
Social networks
Web sites
Social bookmarking

Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)

Library applications (May Subd Geog)
Religious aspects
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Online stalking
USE Cyberstalking
Online stockbrokers (May Subd Geog)
UF Electronic stockbrokers
Internet stockbrokers
Web stockbrokers
BT Stockbrokers
RT Electronic trading of securities
Online trading of securities
USE Electronic trading of securities
Online videos
USE Internet videos
Online voting
USE Internet voting
Only (The English word)
BT English languageEtymology
Only child
BT Families
Onn europeio dalla musica, 1985
USE European Year of Music, 1985
Onna Island (Micronesia)
USE Wonno (Micronesia)
Onna no Hi (Kyoto, Japan)
BT Single womenMonumentsJapan
Onnara BPS (Computer system)
UF On-nara BPS (Computer system)
BT Computer systems
Internet in public administrationKorea

(South)Data processing
Onneiout Indians
USE Oneida Indians
Onnekotan Island (Russia)
USE Onekotan Island (Russia)
Onnekotan-to (Russia)
USE Onekotan Island (Russia)
Onnotague language
USE Onondaga language
Onny, River (England)
UF River Onny (England)
BT RiversEngland
Ono family (Not Subd Geog)
Ono Kofun (Isahaya-shi, Japan)
USE Ono Site (Isahaya-shi, Japan)
Ono language (May Subd Geog)
BT Finisterre-Huon languages
Papua New GuineaLanguages
Ono Site (Isahaya-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ono Kofun (Isahaya-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
USE Rissoidae
Onobrychis (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.L52 (Botany)]
BT Legumes
Onochi Iseki (Igawa-machi, Akita-ken, Japan)
USE Onochi Site (Igawa-machi, Akita-ken, Japan)
Onochi Site (Igawa-machi, Akita-ken, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Onochi Iseki (Igawa-machi, Akita-ken, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Onoclea (May Subd Geog)
UF Calypterium
BT Dryopteridaceae
USE Dryopteridaceae
Onocleopsis (May Subd Geog)
BT Aspleniaceae
Onodrim (Fictitious characters)
USE Ents (Fictitious characters)
Onoe Castle (Kohoku-cho, Japan)
USE Onoejo (Kohoku-cho, Japan)
Onoe family (Not Subd Geog)
Onoejo (Kohoku-cho, Japan)
UF Omi Onoejo (Kohoku-cho, Japan)
Onoe Castle (Kohoku-cho, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Onoeyama Iseki (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)
USE Onoeyama Site (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)

Onoeyama Site (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)

This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Onoeyama Iseki (Hirosaki-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Onogo Iseki (Mitsukaido-shi, Japan)
USE Onogo Site (Mitsukaido-shi, Japan)
Onogo Site (Mitsukaido-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Onogo Iseki (Mitsukaido-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Onojo (Onojo-shi, Japan)
UF Onojo Castle (Onojo-shi, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Onojo Castle (Onojo-shi, Japan)
USE Onojo (Onojo-shi, Japan)
Onoka-Katzi Site (Alta.)
USE Sundial Butte Site (Alta.)
O'Nolan family
USE Nolan family
Onolu (Micronesia)
USE Ngulu Islands (Micronesia)
Onomarai-to (Micronesia : Atoll)
USE Olimarao Atoll (Micronesia)
Onomasiology (May Subd Geog)
UF Naming (Semantics)
Nomination (Semantics)
BT Semantics
NT Onomastics
Reference (Linguistics)
Onomastics (May Subd Geog)
UF NamesEtymology [Former heading]
BT Language and languagesEtymology
SA subdivision Etymology--Names under names of

languages and groups of languages, e.g.

English language--Etymology--Names
NT Names, Ethnological
Names, GeographicalEtymology
Names, Personal
Names derived from animals
Onomastics in literature (Not Subd Geog)
USE Onomastics
BT Language and languages
Sound symbolism
Sounds, Words for
RT Mimetic words
SA subdivision Onomatopoeic words under names

of languages and groups of languages, e.g.

English language--Onomatopoeic words

Onon-Inseln (Micronesia)
USE Namonuito Islands (Micronesia)
Onon Islands (Micronesia)
USE Namonuito Islands (Micronesia)
Onondaga Creek (N.Y.)
BT RiversNew York (State)
Onondaga Creek Watershed (N.Y.)
BT WatershedsNew York (State)
Onondaga Indian Reservation (N.Y.)
UF Onondaga Reservation (N.Y.)
BT Indian reservationsNew York (State)
Onondaga Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Gannentaha Indians
BT Indians of North AmericaNew York (State)
Indians of North AmericaOntario
Iroquois Indians
Missions (May Subd Geog)
Onondaga Lake (N.Y.)
BT LakesNew York (State)
Onondaga language (May Subd Geog)
UF Onandaga language
Ondagaish language
Onnotague language
Onontager language
BT Iroquoian languages
New York (State)Languages
Onondaga Reservation (N.Y.)
USE Onondaga Indian Reservation (N.Y.)


Onondaga women (May Subd Geog)

UF Women, Onondaga
BT WomenUnited States
Onontager language
USE Onondaga language
Ononzaro (Legendary character)
USE Olentzero (Legendary character)
O'Noonan family
USE Noonan family
Onopordum (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.C74 (Botany)]
BT Compositae
NT Scotch thistle
Onopordum acanthium
USE Scotch thistle
Onotoa Atoll (Kiribati)
UF Clerk Island (Kiribati)
Onotoa Island (Kiribati)
BT IslandsKiribati
Onotoa Island (Kiribati)
USE Onotoa Atoll (Kiribati)
Onoun Grouppe (Micronesia)
USE Namonuito Islands (Micronesia)
Onoun Gruppe (Micronesia)
USE Namonuito Islands (Micronesia)
Onoune (Micronesia)
USE Namonuito Islands (Micronesia)
Onozaki family (Not Subd Geog)
Onrust Island (Indonesia)
UF Kapal Island (Indonesia)
Kapel Island (Indonesia)
Pulau Kapal (Indonesia)
Pulu Kapel (Indonesia)
Ship Island (Indonesia)
BT IslandsIndonesia
Thousand Islands (Indonesia)
Ons Island (Spain)
UF Illa de Ons (Spain)
Isla de Ons (Spain)
Isla Ons (Spain)
BT IslandsSpain
Onsernone Valley (Switzerland)
UF Val Onsernone (Switzerland)
BT ValleysSwitzerland
Onslet family
USE Ancelet family
Onslow Bay (N.C.)
UF Onslow Embayment (N.C.)
BT BaysNorth Carolina
Onslow Embayment (N.C.)
USE Onslow Bay (N.C.)
Onslow family (Not Subd Geog)
Onslow Square (London, England)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT PlazasEngland
Onstead family
USE Olmstead family
Onta pottery
USE Onda pottery
Ontake Mountain (Japan)
UF Ontake-san (Japan)
BT Japanese Alps (Japan)
Eruption, 1979
Ontake-san (Japan)
USE Ontake Mountain (Japan)
Ontanon family (Not Subd Geog)
Ontari (Indic people)
USE Balija (Indic people)
NT Adder Orchard Site (Ont.)
Agawa Site (Ont.)
Beckstead Site (Ont.)
Bruner-Colasanti Site (Ont.)
Calvert Site (Ont.)
Christianson Site (Ont.)
Draper Site (Ont.)
Fisher Site (Ont.)
Fisk Site (Ont.)
Fort Saint Joseph National Historic Site

Foxie Otter Site (Ont.)
Glenbrook Site (Ont.)
Halstead Site (Ont.)
Hamilton Site (Ont.)
Heron Site (Ont.)
Kirche Site (Ont.)
Lady Rapids Site (Ont.)

Antiquities (Continued)
Mantle Site (Ont.)
McIntyre Site (Ont.)
Moatfield Site (Toronto, Ont.)
Myers Road Site (Cambridge, Ont.)
Nodwell Site (Ont.)
Orchid Site (Fort Erie, Ont.)
Parkhill Site (Ont.)
Plater-Martin Site (Ont.)
Princess Point culture
Robin Hood Site (Ont.)
Sandy Ridge Site (Ont.)
Sheguiandah Site (Ont.)
Snake Hill Cemetery Site (Fort Erie, Ont.)
Thedford II Site (Ont.)
Uren Site (Ont.)
Walker Site (Ont.)
Wenasaga Rapids Site (Ont.)
White Site (Ont.)
Wolfe Creek Site (Chatham, Ont.)
NT Windmill, Battle of the, Ont., 1838
French and Indian War, 1754-1763
NT Fort Frontenac (Ont. : Fort)Capture,

War of 1812
NT Beaver Dams, Battle of, Beaver Dams,

Ont., 1813
Chippewa, Battle of, Ont., 1814
Chrysler's Farm, Battle of, Ont., 1813
Cook's Mills, Battle of, Welland, Ont.,

Lundy's Lane, Battle of, Ont., 1814
Malcolm's Mills, Battle of, Ont., 1814
Queenston Heights, Battle of, Ont.,

Thames, Battle of the, Ont., 1813
York, Battle of, Toronto, Ont., 1813
NT Cayuga language
Iroquois language
Mohawk language
Munsee language
Oneida language
Onondaga language
Seneca language
Tuscarora language
Wyandot language
Ontario, Eastern
UF Eastern Ontario
Ontario, Lake (N.Y. and Ont.)
UF Lake Ontario (N.Y. and Ont.)
BT Great Lakes (North America)
LakesNew York (State)
Ontario, Lake, Region (N.Y. and Ont.)
NT Golden Horseshoe (Ont.)
Ontario, Lake, Watershed (N.Y. and Ont.)
BT WatershedsNew York (State)
Ontario, Northeastern
USE Ontario, Northern
Ontario, Northern
UF Northeastern Ontario
Northern Ontario
Northwestern Ontario
Ontario, Northeastern
Ontario, Northwestern
Ontario, Northwestern
USE Ontario, Northern
Ontario, Southern
UF Southern Ontario
Ontario, Southwestern
UF Southwestern Ontario
Ontario Delaware Indians
USE Munsee Indians
Ontario Delaware language
USE Munsee language
Ontario Legislative Building (Toronto, Ont.)
USE Parliament Buildings (Toronto, Ont.)
Ontcommer (Legendary saint)
USE Wilgefortis (Legendary saint)
Onthank family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Unthank family
Ontherus (May Subd Geog)
BT Scarabaeidae
Ontic (Computer system)
BT Automatic theorem proving

Ontigola, Reserva Natural El Regajal-Mar de (Spain)

USE Reserva Natural El Regajal-Mar de Ontigola

Ontiveros Adobe Site (Santa Fe Springs, Calif.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT Adobe housesCalifornia
Ontiveros family (Not Subd Geog)
Ontkommena (Legendary saint)
USE Wilgefortis (Legendary saint)
USE Ontogeny
UF Ontogenesis
BT Biology
RT Developmental biology
NT PlantsOntogeny
Ontological argument
USE GodProof, Ontological
Ontologies (Information retrieval) (May Subd Geog)
BT Data structures (Computer science)
NT MOLES (Semantic computing)
BT Philosophy
UF Being
BT Philosophy
RT Metaphysics
Necessity (Philosophy)
Substance (Philosophy)
NT Absolute, The
All (Philosophy)
Catastrophical, The
Categories (Philosophy)
Chain of being (Philosophy)
Concrete (Philosophy)
Ding an sich
Finite, The
Four elements (Philosophy)
GodProof, Ontological
Haecceity (Philosophy)
Nothing (Philosophy)
One (The One in philosophy)
Perspective (Philosophy)
Philosophical anthropology
Relation (Philosophy)
Situation (Philosophy)
Spiritualism (Philosophy)
Tropes (Philosophy)
Ontology in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Ontology in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Ontonagan River Valley (Mich.)
UF Ontonagan Valley (Mich.)
BT ValleysMichigan
Ontonagan Valley (Mich.)
USE Ontonagan River Valley (Mich.)
Ontonagon River (Mich.)
BT RiversMichigan
Ontonagon River Watershed (Mich.)
BT WatershedsMichigan
Ontong Java Atoll (Solomon Islands)
UF Lord Howe Group (Solomon Islands)
Lord Howe Islands (Solomon Islands)
BT IslandsSolomon Islands
Ontong Java Plateau
UF Ontong Java Platform
Ontong Java Rise
Solomon Islands Plateau
Solomon Plateau
Solomon Rise
BT Submarine topographySouth Pacific Ocean
Ontong Java Platform
USE Ontong Java Plateau
Ontong Java Rise
USE Ontong Java Plateau
Ontos (Armored military vehicle) (Not Subd Geog)
UF M50A1 (Armored military vehicle)
BT Armored vehicles, Military
Onu (Extinct city)
USE Heliopolis (Egypt : Extinct city)
Onua language
USE Unua language


Onufry Zagoba (Fictitious character)

USE Zagoba, Onufry (Fictitious character)
Onuphidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Eunicida
Onur Odulu Altn Madalyas
USE Vakf Onur Odulu Altn Madalyas
Onus guttatus
USE European hake
Onus probandi
USE Burden of proof
Onus riali
USE European hake
Onverwacht Group (South Africa)
BT Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa and

Groups (Stratigraphy)South Africa
Groups (Stratigraphy)Swaziland
Onyame (Akan deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Nyame (Akan deity)
Nyankopon (Akan deity)
Odomankoma (Akan deity)
Onyankopon (Akan deity)
BT Gods, Akan
Onyamee Kwaame (Akan deity)
USE Nyankopon Kwaame (Akan deity)
Onyamee Tweaduampon Kwaame (Akan deity)
USE Nyankopon Kwaame (Akan deity)
Onyankopon (Akan deity)
USE Onyame (Akan deity)
Onyankopon Kwaame (Akan deity)
USE Nyankopon Kwaame (Akan deity)
Onychiuridae (May Subd Geog)
UF Aphoruridae
BT Collembola
NT Onychiurus
USE Onychiuridae
Onychiurus (May Subd Geog)
BT Onychiuridae
Onychocellidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Cheilostomata
NT Inversaria
Onychodactylus (May Subd Geog)
BT Hynobiidae
NT Long-tailed clawed salamander
Onychodactylus japonicus
Onychodactylus fischeri
USE Long-tailed clawed salamander
Onychodactylus japonicus (May Subd Geog)
BT Onychodactylus
Onychodactylus rossicus
USE Long-tailed clawed salamander
Onychodactylus sischeni
USE Long-tailed clawed salamander
USE Nail-tailed wallabies
Onychogalea fraenata
USE Bridled nail-tailed wallaby
Onychomycosis (May Subd Geog)
BT Dermatomycoses
Nails (Anatomy)Diseases
USE Grasshopper mice
Onychomys albescens
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys arcticeps
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys breviauritus
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys brevicaudus
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys capitulatus
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys durranti
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys fuliginosus
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys fuscogriseus
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys leucogaster
USE Northern grasshopper mouse

Onychomys longipes
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys melanophrys
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys missouriensis
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys pallescens
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys pallidus
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys ruidosae
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys utahensis
USE Northern grasshopper mouse
Onychophora (May Subd Geog)
UF Peripatus
BT Invertebrates
Onychopoda (May Subd Geog)
[QL444.B83 (Zoology)]
UF Polyphemiformes
BT Cladocera
NT Polyphemidae
Onychoteuthis brevimanus
USE Ommastrephes bartramii
Onyegin, Yevgeny (Fictitious character)
USE Onegin, Eugen (Fictitious character)
USE Yin-yang cults
Onyon family
USE Onion family
Onyszkiewicz family (Not Subd Geog)
Onyx marble (May Subd Geog)
UF Algerian onyx
Gibraltar stone
Mexican onyx
BT Calcite
Onza de oro
USE Doubloons
Onze de Junho Plaza (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
USE Praca Onze de Junho (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Onze de setembre (Catalan holiday)
UF Eleventh of September (Catalan holiday)
BT HolidaysSpain
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Banneux
USE Banneux, Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Virga Jesse (Sculpture)
USE Virga Jesse (Sculpture)
Onze-Lieve-Vrouwetoren (Amersfoort, Netherlands)
BT Bell towersNetherlands
Oo Iseki (Tawaramoto-cho, Japan)
USE Oo Site (Tawaramoto-cho, Japan)
OO languages (Computer program languages)
USE Object-oriented programming languages
OO programs (Object-oriented programs)
USE Object-oriented programs (Computer

Oo Site (Tawaramoto-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oo Iseki (Tawaramoto-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oochi Lake (Ont.)
USE Uchi Lake (Ont. : Lake)
Oochoristica (May Subd Geog)
BT Anoplocephalidae
NT Oochoristica deserti
Oochoristica scelopori
Oochoristica deserti (May Subd Geog)
BT Oochoristica
Oochoristica scelopori (May Subd Geog)
[QL391.P7 (Zoology)]
BT Oochoristica
USE Tonnidae
USE Tonnidae
USE Ovum
Oocyte atresia
USE Ovarian atresia
BT Blood
Oodnadatta Track (S. Aust.)
BT TrailsAustralia
Ooe Kokota language
USE Kokota language

Ooganak Island (Alaska)

USE Uganik Island (Alaska)
UF Formation of ovum
BT Gametogenesis
NT Vitellogenesis
Oogy (Dog) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Dogs
Oohanick Island (Alaska)
USE Uganik Island (Alaska)
Oohenonpa Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Two Kettle Indians
BT Indians of North AmericaGreat Plains
Teton Indians
Ooka family (Not Subd Geog)
Ooka-gawa (Japan)
USE Ooka River (Japan)
Ooka River (Japan)
UF Ooka-gawa (Japan)
BT RiversJapan
Ookamok Island (Alaska)
USE Chirikof Island (Alaska)
O'Okiep Copper Mine (South Africa)
UF Okiep Mine (South Africa)
O'Okiep Mine (South Africa)
BT Copper mines and miningSouth Africa
O'Okiep Mine (South Africa)
USE O'Okiep Copper Mine (South Africa)
USE Thaleichthys pacificus
USE Thaleichthys pacificus
Oold (Mongolian people)
USE Olot (Mongolian people)
Ooldea (Australian people)
USE Kukatja (Australian people)
Ooldea language
USE Kukatja language
USE Zona pellucida
USE Thaleichthys pacificus
USE Thaleichthys pacificus
Oolite (May Subd Geog)
BT Sedimentary rocks
NT Pisolites (Petrology)
Oologah Lake (Okla.)
UF Oologah Reservoir (Okla.)
BT LakesOklahoma
Oologah Reservoir (Okla.)
USE Oologah Lake (Okla.)
Oolooroo (N.T.)
USE Uluru/Ayers Rock (N.T.)
OOLs (Computer program languages)
USE Object-oriented programming languages
Oom Schalk Lourens (Fictitious character)
USE Lourens, Oom Schalk (Fictitious character)
USE Umiaks
[QK621.A1 (Botany)]
BT Phycomycetes
NT Lagenidiales
Oonemak Island (Alaska)
USE Unimak Island (Alaska)
Oonimak Island (Alaska)
USE Unimak Island (Alaska)
Oonopidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Spiders
NT Australoonops


OOP languages (Computer program languages)

USE Object-oriented programming languages
USE Ovariectomy
Oophoritis (May Subd Geog)
UF OvariesInflammation
BT OvariesDiseases
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Oor Wullie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF William (Fictitious character : DC Thomson

Wullie, Oor (Fictitious character)
Oorazhi (Indic people)
USE Urali (Indic people)
Oorazhi language
USE Urali language
Oore Yeye Osun (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Gods, Yoruba
Oorlam (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Orlam (African people)
BT EthnologyNamibia
EthnologySouth Africa
Khoikhoi (African people)
Oort Cloud
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Cloud, Oort
Oort-Opik Cloud
BT Interstellar matter
Trans-Neptunian objects
RT Comets
Oort-Opik Cloud
USE Oort Cloud
Ooru Golla (Indic people)
USE Golla (Indic people)
Oospora lactis
USE Geotrichum candidum
Ooster Schelde (Netherlands)
USE Oosterschelde (Netherlands)
Oosteranden family
USE Ostrander family
Oostereng (Netherlands)
UF Landgoed Oostereng (Netherlands)
Oostereng Estate (Netherlands)
BT ManorsNetherlands
Natural areasNetherlands
Oostereng Estate (Netherlands)
USE Oostereng (Netherlands)
Oosterhout family
USE Osterhout family
Oosterling family
USE Easterling family
Oosterschelde (Netherlands)
UF East Schelde (Netherlands)
Eastern Scheldt (Netherlands)
Ooster Schelde (Netherlands)
BT EstuariesNetherlands
Oosthuizen family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oosthuyzen family
Oosthuyse family (Not Subd Geog)
Oosthuyzen family
USE Oosthuizen family
Oostindisch Huis (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
UF East Indies House (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
BT Public buildingsNetherlands
Oostrande family
USE Ostrander family
Oostrander family
USE Ostrander family
Ootheca (Zoology)
USE Egg cases (Zoology)
Oothoudt family (Not Subd Geog)
Oothrix (May Subd Geog)
UF Neoscolecithrix
BT Phaennidae
NT Oothrix borealis
Oothrix borealis (May Subd Geog)
BT Oothrix
OOTW (Military science)
USE Armed ForcesOperations other than war
Oou language
USE Tsou language
Oowekeeno Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Awikenox Indians
Awikyenoq Indians
O-wee-kay-no Indians
Oweekano Indians

Oowekeeno Indians (Continued)

Oweekayo Indians
Owikeno Indians
Wee-kee-mock Indians
Weekenoch Indians
Wik'eno Indians
Wikanee Indians
Wikeinoh Indians
Wikeno Indians
Wykenas Indians
BT Indians of North AmericaBritish Columbia
Kwakiutl Indians
Oowekyala language (May Subd Geog)
BT British ColumbiaLanguages
Wakashan languages
Oowooyoowah (Calif.)
USE Glacier Point (Calif.)
Op, Continental (Fictitious character)
USE Continental Op (Fictitious character)
OP Alpha (Geisa, Germany)
USE Point Alpha (Geisa, Germany)
Op art
USE Optical art
Op den Graeff family
USE Updegraff family
Op-ed pages (May Subd Geog)
UF NewspapersSections, columns, etc.Op-ed

pages [Former heading]

BT NewspapersSections, columns, etc.
United States
UF American newspapersSections,

columns, etc.Op-ed pages [Former

Op Luang National Park (Thailand)
USE Utthayan hng Chat Op Luang (Thailand)
Op 't Eijnde family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Obdeijn family
Opdien family
Opa (Vanuatu)
USE Aoba (Vanuatu)
Opa language
USE Maricopa language
Opacity (Linguistics)
UF Opaque (Linguistics)
BT Linguistics
Opacity (Optics)
UF Absorptivity (Optics)
Density, Optical
Optical density
BT Optics
RT Light absorption
OPACs (Libraries)
USE Online library catalogs
USE Grapholita
Opaeula Gulch (Hawaii)
USE Opaeula Stream (Hawaii)
Opaeula Stream (Hawaii)
UF Opaeula Gulch (Hawaii)
BT RiversHawaii
Opah (May Subd Geog)
UF Lampris guttatus
Lampris luna
Lampris regius
BT Lampris
Opaie Indians
USE Opaye Indians
Opaie-Shavante Indians
USE Opaye Indians
Opaina Indians
USE Tanimuca-Retuama Indians
Opaina language
USE Tanimuca-Retuama language
Opal, Hurricane, 1995
USE Hurricane Opal, 1995
Opal Creek (Marion County, Or.)
BT RiversOregon
Opal Creek Forest Preserve (Or.)
BT Forest reservesOregon
Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area (Or.)
BT Recreation areasOregon
Opal Creek Wilderness (Or.)
BT National parks and reservesOregon
Wilderness areasOregon
Opal glass (May Subd Geog)
UF Glass, Opal
Opalescent glass
Opaline glass
BT Glassware

United States
NT Wave crest ware
Opal mines and mining (May Subd Geog)
BT Mines and mineral resources
Opal phytoliths
USE Phytoliths
Opal squid
USE Loligo opalescens
Opale Coast (France)
UF Cote d'Opale (France)
BT CoastsFrance
Opalescence, Critical
USE Critical opalescence
Opalescent dentin, Hereditary
USE Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Opalescent glass
USE Opal glass
Opalescent inshore squid
USE Loligo opalescens
Opaline glass
USE Opal glass
Opals (May Subd Geog)
[QE394.O7 (Mineralogy)]
[TN997.O7 (Mineral resources)]
[TS755.O73 (Precious stones)]
BT Precious stones
Silicate minerals
Opameri (African people)
USE Okpamheri (African people)
USE Rhodamnia
Opaque (Linguistics)
USE Opacity (Linguistics)
Opaque glass
USE Milk glass
Opaque porcelain
USE Ironstone china
Oparanthus (May Subd Geog)
BT Compositae
Oparara River (N.Z.)
BT RiversNew Zealand
Oparara River Valley (N.Z.)
UF Oparara Valley (N.Z.)
BT ValleysNew Zealand
Oparara Valley (N.Z.)
USE Oparara River Valley (N.Z.)
Opari (Albania)
Opat family (Not Subd Geog)
Opata Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Opataice Indians
Ore Indians
Sorora Teguima Indians
Teguima Indians
Tequima Indians
Ure Indians
BT Indians of Mexico
Piman Indians
USE Names, Opata
Opata language (May Subd Geog)
UF Opataice language
Ore language
Sonora language
Teguima language
Tequima language
BT MexicoLanguages
Piman languages
NT Eudeve language
USE Names, Opata
Opata names
USE Names, Opata
Opataice Indians
USE Opata Indians
Opataice language
USE Opata language
Opaye Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Ofaie Indians
Ofaie-Xavante Indians
Ofaye Indians
Opaie Indians
Opaie-Shavante Indians
BT Indians of South AmericaBrazil
Opderbecke family (Not Subd Geog)
Opdien family
USE Op 't Eijnde family
Opdyke family (Not Subd Geog)


Opeacon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)

USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeaquean Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeccon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opechee Island (Me.)
UF Calf Island (Hancock County, Me.)
BT IslandsMaine
Opeckan Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeckon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeckon River (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeekhan Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opegraphaceae (May Subd Geog)
[QK585.O63 (Lichens)]
BT Opegraphales
Opegraphales (May Subd Geog)
[QK623.O (Mycology)]
BT Ascomycetes
NT Opegraphaceae
Opel (Adam) A.G., Strike, 1973
[HD5379.A82 1973 B]
BT Strikes and lockoutsAutomobile

Opel automobile (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olympia automobile
Opel-Olympia automobile
BT Automobiles
NT Opel GT automobile
Opel GT automobile (Not Subd Geog)
BT Opel automobile
Opel-Olympia automobile
USE Opel automobile
USE Flathead catfish
Opelousas Bay (La.)
BT BaysLouisiana
Opemisca Lake (Quebec)
UF Lac Opemisca (Quebec)
BT LakesQuebec (Province)
Open access publishing (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on publishing on the public
Internet, allowing users to read, copy, distribute, and
print texts without copyright restrictions.

UF Open access to research

Research, Open access to
BT Electronic publishing
Open access to research
USE Open access publishing
Open admission to universities and colleges
USE Universities and collegesOpen admission
Open adoption (May Subd Geog)
BT Adoption
Open-air concert facilities
USE Outdoor concert facilities
Open-air concert halls
USE Outdoor concert facilities
Open-air institutions (May Subd Geog)
UF Institutions, Open-air
BT Associations, institutions, etc.
NT Open-air museums
Open-air schools
Open-air zoos
Open-air museums (May Subd Geog)
UF Outdoor museums
BT Museums
Open-air institutions
NT Archaeological parks
Open-air music halls
USE Outdoor concert facilities
Open-air music parks
USE Outdoor concert facilities
Open air painting
USE Plein air painting
Open-air preaching (May Subd Geog)
BT Preaching
Open-air schools (May Subd Geog)
UF Outdoor schools
BT Open-air institutions
Open-air theater
USE Theater, Open-air
Open Air Theatre (London, England)
BT TheatersEngland

Open-air treatment (May Subd Geog)

BT Climatotherapy
Open-air zoos (May Subd Geog)
UF Jungle zoos
Outdoor zoos
Zoos, Open-air
BT Open-air institutions
Wildlife refuges
New Jersey
NT Six Flags Great Adventure Safari Park

Open and closed collections in archives
USE Restricted collections in archives
Open and closed shelves (May Subd Geog)
UF Access to books in libraries
Closed shelves in libraries
Closed stacks in libraries
Open shelves in libraries
Open stacks in libraries
Stack access in libraries
BT Library science
RT Library browsing
Open and closed shop (May Subd Geog)
UF Agency shop
Closed shop
Labor unions and right to work
Open shop
Right to labor (Union membership)
Right to work and labor unions
Shop, Open and closed
Union shop
BT Collective labor agreements
Union security
NT Yellow dog contract
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Labor laws and legislation
United States
UF Right-to-work laws
Religious aspects
Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Open-angle glaucoma (May Subd Geog)
UF Chronic simple glaucoma
Glaucoma, Open angle [Former heading]
Glaucoma simplex
Pigmentary glaucoma
Simple glaucoma
Wide-angle glaucoma
Open architecture (Building)
USE Open plan (Building)
Open Arms Program
USE Chieu Hoi Program
Open-book management (May Subd Geog)
BT ManagementEmployee participation
Open building
USE Open plan (Building)
Open caissons
UF Sunk wells
BT Caissons
Open-cast mining
USE Strip mining
Open-channel flow
[TC175-TC175.2 (Hydrodynamics)]
UF Flow, Free-surface
Flow, Open-channel
Free-surface flow
BT Fluid dynamics
Open city (International law)
UF City, Open (International law)
BT WarProtection of civilians
International law
Open CL (Computer program language)
USE OpenCL (Computer program language)
Open classroom approach to teaching
USE Classroom learning centers
Open plan schools
Open clusters of stars
USE StarsOpen clusters
Open code dating of food
USE FoodShelf-life dating
Open code software
USE Open source software
Open college admission
USE Universities and collegesOpen admission
Open communion
USE Close and open communion

Open Computing Language (Computer program

USE OpenCL (Computer program language)
Open connectivity (Telecommunication)
USE Roaming (Telecommunication)
Open culture (Microbiology)
USE Continuous culture (Microbiology)
Open-cut mining
USE Strip mining
Open Data Protocol
UF OASIS Open Data Protocol
OData (Computer network protocol)
BT Computer network protocols
Open dating of food
USE FoodShelf-life dating
Open Document Architecture (Computer network
UF ODA (Computer network standard)
Office Document Architecture (Computer

network standard)
BT Computer network architectures
Data transmission systemsStandards
Information storage and retrieval

Open-door college admission
USE Universities and collegesOpen admission
Open door policy (Far East)
USE Eastern question (Far East)
Open education
USE Open plan schools
Open-end mutual funds
USE Mutual funds
Open form music
Here are entered works in which the sections are
played in an order determined by the performers.

UF Mobile form music

BT Aleatory music
Open forums
USE Forums (Discussion and debate)
Open fractures
USE Fractures, Open
Open Gates (Galveston, Tex.)
UF George Sealy House (Galveston, Tex.)
George Sealy Residence (Galveston, Tex.)
Sealy House (Galveston, Tex.)
Sealy Residence (Galveston, Tex.)
BT DwellingsTexas
Open-heart surgery
USE HeartSurgery
Open-hearth furnaces (May Subd Geog)
UF Siemens-Martin furnace
BT Metallurgical furnaces
Open-hearth process
BT Steel
Open housing
USE Discrimination in housing
Open learning (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on learning such as that
provided by open universities and associated with
courses flexibly designed to meet individual
requirements, aimed at removing barriers that
prevent attendance at more traditional courses.

UF Flexible learning
Self-supported study
BT Learning
RT Adult education
Distance education
Independent study
Open letters (May Subd Geog)
BT Letters
Open linked data
USE Linked data
Open market operations (May Subd Geog)
BT Banks and banking, Central
Monetary policy
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Open marriage (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on marital relationships in
which each partner agrees to allow the other to
engage in sexual relationships with other people.

BT Marriage
Non-monogamous relationships


Open Mathematical Documents (Document markup

USE OMDoc (Document markup language)
Open meetings
USE Public meetings
Open meetings of administrative agencies
USE Administrative agenciesPublic meetings
Open meetings of legislative bodies
USE Legislative bodiesPublic meetings
OPEN method (Computer science)
UF Object-oriented Process, Environment and

Notation (Computer science)

BT Object-oriented programming (Computer

Open mics, Musical
USE Musical open mics
Open mikes, Musical
USE Musical open mics
Open MP
Open Multi-Processing
Open-pit mining
USE Strip mining
Open plan (Building) (May Subd Geog)
UF Open architecture (Building)
Open building
Support/Infill (Building)
BT Industrialized building
Open plan schools (May Subd Geog)
UF Interest centers approach to teaching
Learning center approach to teaching
Open classroom approach to teaching
Open education
Open schools
Open-space plan schools
BT EducationExperimental methods
RT Free schools
Individualized instruction
Open price system (May Subd Geog)
BT Pricing
RT Competition
Open prisons (May Subd Geog)
BT Prisons
Open pulpit
UF Pulpit, Open
BT Christian union
Open Query File (Computer science)
USE OPNQRYF (Computer science)
Open rain screens (May Subd Geog)
UF Rain barriers
Rain screens, Open
Two-stage weathertightening
BT Curtain walls
Open salts
USE Saltcellars
Open schools
USE Open plan schools
Open seas (Law)
USE Freedom of the seas
Open shelf-life dating of food
USE FoodShelf-life dating
Open shelves in libraries
USE Open and closed shelves
Open shop
USE Open and closed shop
Open Shortest Path First (Computer network protocol)
UF OSPF (Computer network protocol)
BT Computer network protocols
Open-sided enclosed spaces (Architecture)
USE Semi-enclosed spaces (Architecture)
Open source intelligence (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on intelligence gathered
from public sources of information.

UF Intelligence, Open source

OSCINT (Open source intelligence)
OSINT (Open source intelligence)
Open source software (May Subd Geog)
UF Free software (Open source software)
Open code software
Opensource software
BT Computer software
NT PhoneGap (Application development

Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)

Open source software (Continued)

Open space, Fear of
USE Agoraphobia
Open-space plan schools
USE Open plan schools
Open Space Theatre (London, England)
BT TheatersEngland
Open spaces (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on land designated for
recreation, watershed, wildlife, agriculture, etc., and
intended as an amenity for neighboring occupants.

BT Land use
NT Garden squares
Planned unit developments
Recreation areas
Scenic overlooks
Competitions (May Subd Geog)
Great Britain
UF Open spacesGreat

BritainCompetitions [Former

Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
NT Red Rock Canyon Open Space (Colorado

Springs, Colo.)
Great Britain
USE Open spacesCompetitionsGreat

Open spaces, Fear of
USE Agoraphobia
Open stacks in libraries
USE Open and closed shelves
Open-system culture (Microbiology)
USE Continuous culture (Microbiology)
Open System Interconnect (Computer network
USE OSI (Computer network standard)
Open System Interconnection (Computer network
USE OSI (Computer network standard)
Open systems (Physics)
UF Systems, Open (Physics)
BT Irreversible processes
Statistical mechanics
Statistical physics
Open Systems Interconnect (Computer network
USE OSI (Computer network standard)
Open Systems Interconnection (Computer network
USE OSI (Computer network standard)
Open Systems Interconnections (Computer network
USE OSI (Computer network standard)
Open theism (May Subd Geog)
UF Free-will theism
God, Open view of
God, Openness of
Open view of God
Openness of God
Openness theology
Theism, Open
BT Theology, Doctrinal
Open-timbered roofs
USE Roofs, Open-timbered
Open view of God
USE Open theism
Open-web beams
USE Castellated beams
Open-web expanded beams
USE Castellated beams
Openango language
USE Passamaquoddy language
OpenCL (Computer program language)
UF Open CL (Computer program language)
Open Computing Language (Computer

program language)
BT Programming languages (Electronic

Opendata, Linked
USE Linked data

Openers (Implements) (May Subd Geog)

[NK8459.O64 (Applied arts)]
BT Implements, utensils, etc.
NT Advertising openers (Implements)
Can openers
Figural bottle openers
Letter openers
OpenFlow (Computer network protocol)
BT Computer network protocols
Opening of the eyes of one blind at Bethsaida (Miracle)
UF Bethsaida, Healing of the blind man at

Blind man at Bethsaida, Healing of the

Healing of the blind man at Bethsaida (Miracle)
BT Jesus ChristMiracles
Opening rites
USE Gathering rites
Opening sentences
USE Openings (Rhetoric)
Opening statements (Law) (May Subd Geog)
UF Opening statements of counsel
BT Trial practice
Opening statements of counsel
USE Opening statements (Law)
Openings (Games)
USE CheckersOpenings
Chinese chessOpenings
Go (Game)Openings
Openings (Holes)
USE Holes
Openings (Rhetoric)
UF Beginnings (Rhetoric)
First lines (Rhetoric)
Opening sentences
BT Rhetoric
NT NewspapersLeads
Openings for black in chess
USE ChessDefenses
OpenLaszlo (Computer program language)
USE Laszlo (Computer program language)
OpenMP (May Subd Geog)
UF Open MP
Open Multi-Processing
BT Application program interfaces (Computer

Openness in government
USE Transparency in government
Openness of God
USE Open theism
Openness theology
USE Open theism
Openo Site (Mexico)
UF El Openo Site (Mexico)
BT MexicoAntiquities
Openshaw family (Not Subd Geog)
Opensource software
USE Open source software
OpenVMS device drivers
BT Device drivers (Computer programs)
Opeongo Lake (Ont.)
UF Lake Opeongo (Ont.)
BT LakesOntario
Opeongo Line (Ont.)
BT RoadsOntario
Opeoquon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opepe Bush Scenic and Historic Reserve (N.Z.)
BT Historic sitesNew Zealand
Protected areasNew Zealand
Opequan, Battle of, Va., 1864
USE Winchester, 3rd Battle of, Winchester, Va.,

Opequan Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
UF Opeacon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeaquean Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeccon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeckan Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeckon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeckon River (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeekhan Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opeoquon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opequan Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opequon River (Va. and W. Va.)
Operkon River (Va. and W. Va.)
Opickhon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)


Opicon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)

Poeckan Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
BT RiversVirginia
RiversWest Virginia
Opequon Creek Watershed (Va. and W. Va.)
BT WatershedsVirginia
WatershedsWest Virginia
Opequon River (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opera (May Subd Geog)
[ML1700-ML2110 (History and criticism)]
[ML3858 (Aesthetics)]
Here are entered general works about opera.
Musical compositions in this form are entered under
the heading Operas.





Comic opera
Lyric drama
OperaHistory and criticism [Former heading]
Opera, Comic
OperasHistory and criticism
Dramatic musicHistory and criticism
subdivision In opera under names of individual
persons, under names of individual deities,
mythological and legendary figures, and
fictitious characters, and under names of
countries, cities, etc., for works on those
persons and places in opera.
Abduction in opera
Acting in opera
Alcestis (Greek mythology) in opera
Americans in opera
Art and opera
Ballad opera
Blacks in opera
Body image in opera
ChinaIn opera
Christianity in opera
Curses in opera
Death in opera
Desire in opera
Diseases in opera
Dreams in opera
Education in opera
Eighteenth century in opera
Eurydice (Greek mythology) in opera
Exoticism in opera
Fantastic, The, in opera
Femmes fatales in opera
Future life in opera
Gesture in opera
God in opera
Heroes in opera
Heroines in opera
History in opera
Homosexuality in opera
Human sacrifice in opera
Ideology in opera
Indigenous peoples in opera
JapanIn opera
Jews in opera
Kings and rulers in opera
Knowledge, Theory of, in opera
Law in opera
Lesbianism in opera
Liturgical drama
Love in opera
Marriage in opera
Martyrdom in opera
Mexico in opera
Motion pictures and opera
Mountains in opera
Mythology, Classical, in opera
Mythology, Greek, in opera
National characteristics, Italian, in opera
Naturalism in opera
Opera comique
OrientIn opera
Orpheus (Greek mythology) in opera
Paris (France)In opera
Perception in opera
Physicians in opera
Psychoanalysis and opera
Race in opera
Realism in opera
Recognition (Psychology) in opera
Ritual in opera
Saints in opera
Sea in opera

Seduction in opera
Seville (Spain)In opera
Sex in opera
Silence in opera
Stereotypes (Social psychology) in opera
Subjectivity in opera
Supernatural in opera
Symbolism in opera
Turks in opera
Ugliness in opera
United StatesIn opera
Virginity in opera
Wine in opera
Wisdom in opera
Women in opera
Anthropological aspects (May Subd Geog)
BT Anthropology
Casting (May Subd Geog)
BT Casting (Performing arts)
OperaProduction and direction
USE OperasCharacters
Classical influences
BT Civilization, Classical
USE Costume
USE OperaProduction and direction
Here are entered discussions of the technique
of writing operas.

UF Dramaturgy
RT OperasStage guides
SA subdivision Dramaturgy under names of

composers, e.g. Wagner, Richard,

Film adaptations
USE OperasFilm adaptations
French influences
BT FranceCivilization
Greek influences
BT GreeceCivilization
History and criticism
USE Opera
BT Interviews
Here are entered works about operas written for
children to perform. For operas of this type see

UF Children's opera
Juvenile opera
Opera, Children's
Opera, Juvenile [Former heading]
OperaJuvenileHistory and criticism
USE OperaJuvenileProduction and

History and criticism
USE OperaJuvenile
Production and direction (May Subd Geog)
UF OperaJuvenileDirection
USE OperasLibrettos
USE Opera posters
Production and direction (May Subd Geog)
UF OperaDirection
Opera direction
Opera production
OperasProduction and direction
NT OperaCasting
Opera producers and directors
Roman influences
BT RomeCivilization
Stage-setting and scenery (May Subd Geog)
BT TheatersStage-setting and scenery
Stories, plots, etc.
USE OperasStories, plots, etc.
Television adaptations
USE OperasTelevision adaptations
NT Operas, ChineseHistory and criticism

18th century
RT Gluck-Piccinni controversy
Querelle des Bouffons
18th century
RT Gluck-Piccinni controversy
Querelle des Bouffons
NT Changguk
NT Hat boi
Hat cheo
Opera, Children's
USE OperaJuvenile
Opera, Comic
USE Opera
Opera, Juvenile
USE OperaJuvenile
Opera, Operation, 1981
USE Osirak Nuclear Reactor Bombing, Iraq, 1981
Opera, Phantom of the (Fictitious character)
USE Phantom of the Opera (Fictitious character)
Opera and art
USE Art and opera
Opera and motion pictures
USE Motion pictures and opera
Opera and psychoanalysis
USE Psychoanalysis and opera
Opera audiences (May Subd Geog)
BT Music audiences
Opera audiences in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Opera auditions
USE Opera companiesAuditions
Opera buffas
USE Operas
USE OperasCharacters
Opera coaching (May Subd Geog)
BT Music coaching
Opera comique (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works about opera comique.
Musical compositions in this form are entered under
the heading Operas.

UF Opera comique francais

BT Opera
Opera comique francais
USE Opera comique
Opera companies (May Subd Geog)
UF Companies, Opera
BT Associations, institutions, etc.
Auditions (May Subd Geog)
UF Opera auditions
BT Auditions
USE OperaProduction and direction
Opera directors and producers
USE Opera producers and directors
Opera festivals (May Subd Geog)
BT Music festivals
Opera glasses (May Subd Geog)
[GT2370 (Manners and customs)]
BT Binoculars
Opera House (Alexandria, Va.)
UF New Opera House (Alexandria, Va.)
BT TheatersVirginia
Opera House (Oslo, Norway)
USE Operahuset (Oslo, Norway)
Opera House (Provo, Utah)
USE Provo Opera House (Provo, Utah)
USE Theaters
Opera in advertising (May Subd Geog)
BT Advertising
Opera in art (Not Subd Geog)
Opera in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Opera in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Opera in popular music (Not Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the representation of
opera in popular music.

BT Popular music
Opera librettists
USE Librettists


Opera parodies
USE Musical parodies
Opera plots
USE OperasStories, plots, etc.
Opera posters (May Subd Geog)
UF OperaPosters
BT Posters
Opera posters, French (May Subd Geog)
UF French opera posters
Opera posters, Polish (May Subd Geog)
UF Polish opera posters
Opera producers and directors (May Subd Geog)
UF Directors, Opera
Opera directors and producers
Producers, Opera
BT OperaProduction and direction
NT Impresarios
Women opera producers and directors
Opera producers' and directors' spouses
(May Subd Geog)
BT Spouses
Opera production
USE OperaProduction and direction
Opera programs (May Subd Geog)
UF OperasPrograms [Former heading]
BT Programs
Opera serias
USE Operas
Opera stories
USE OperasStories, plots, etc.
Opera tickets (May Subd Geog)
BT Tickets
BT Categories (Mathematics)
Operahuset (Oslo, Norway)
UF Opera House (Oslo, Norway)
Oslo Opera House (Oslo, Norway)
BT TheatersNorway
Operant behavior
UF Behavior, Instrumental
Behavior, Operant
Instrumental behavior
Intervention (Psychology)
BT Conditioned response
Operant conditioning (May Subd Geog)
UF Conditioned operant response
Conditioning, Instrumental
Conditioning, Operant
Instrumental conditioning
BT Conditioned response
NT Biofeedback training
Clicker training (Animal training)
Operas (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered musical compositions. General
works about opera are entered under the heading

UF Burlettas
Comic operas
Intermezzos (Operas)
Light operas
Opera buffas
Opera serias
Operas comiques
Puppet operas
BT Dramatic music
NT Ballad operas
Monodramas (Music)
Operatic scenes
Radio operas
Revolutionary operas
Television operas
To 500
15th century
16th century
17th century
18th century
19th century
20th century
21st century
2-harpsichord scores

Operas (Continued)
2-organ scores
2-piano scores
3-piano scores
Analysis, appreciation
UF OperasAnalytical guides [Former

Analytical guides
USE OperasAnalysis, appreciation
Graded lists
UF Characters and characteristics in opera
Opera characters
Operatic characters
Chorus scores with organ
Chorus scores with piano
Chorus scores without accompaniment
USE CopyrightOperas
UF OperasPartsExcerpts
UF OperasScoresExcerpts
Vocal scores with guitar
UF OperasVocal scores with

Vocal scores with piano
UF OperasVocal scores with

Excerpts, Arranged
UF Operas, ArrangedExcerpts
Film adaptations
UF OperaFilm adaptations
OperasFilm and video adaptations

[Former heading]
Film and video adaptations
USE OperasFilm adaptations
OperasTelevision adaptations
First performances (May Subd Geog)
History and criticism
USE Opera
Instruction and study (May Subd Geog)
UF OperasJuvenileInstruction and

study [Former heading]

Instructive editions
Instrumental settings
Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.)
Here are entered operas written to be performed
by children.

UF Children's operas
Operas, Juvenile [Former heading]
Instruction and study
USE OperasInstruction and

UF OperaLibrettos
NT OperasScenarios
Literary themes, motives
UF OperasThemes, motives, Literary

[Former heading]
Organ scores
UF OperasParts (instrumental) [Former

OperasVocal scores with piano and

parts (instrumental) [Former heading]

USE OperasExcerptsParts
Parts (instrumental)
USE OperasParts
Parts (solo)

Performances (May Subd Geog)

Piano scores
BT Piano music, Arranged
Piano scores (4 hands)
Production and direction
USE OperaProduction and direction
USE Opera programs
BT OperasLibrettos
USE OperasExcerptsScores
Scores and parts
UF OperasScores and parts (instrumental)

[Former heading]
Scores and parts (instrumental)
USE OperasScores and parts
Scores and parts (solo)
Simplified editions
Stage guides
RT OperaDramaturgy
BT TheatersStage-setting and scenery
Stories, plots, etc.
UF OperaStories, plots, etc.
Opera plots
Opera stories
OperettaStories, plots, etc.
Stories of operas
Stories of operettas
BT Plots (Drama, novel, etc.)
SA subdivision Stories, plots, etc. under

names of individual composers

Teaching pieces
Television adaptations
UF OperaTelevision adaptations
OperasFilm and video adaptations

[Former heading]
Thematic catalogs
Themes, motives, Literary
USE OperasLiterary themes, motives
Vocal scores with accordion
Vocal scores with continuo
Vocal scores with guitar
USE OperasExcerptsVocal scores with

Vocal scores with harp
Vocal scores with harpsichord
Vocal scores with keyboard instrument
Vocal scores with organ
Vocal scores with organ and piano
UF OperasVocal scores with piano and

organ [Former heading]

Vocal scores with piano
UF OperasVocal scores with piano and

parts (instrumental) [Former heading]

USE OperasExcerptsVocal scores with

Vocal scores with piano (4 hands)
Vocal scores with piano and organ
USE OperasVocal scores with organ and

Vocal scores with piano and parts (instrumental)
USE OperasParts
OperasVocal scores with piano
Vocal scores with pianos (2)
Vocal scores without accompaniment
Operas, Arranged
UF Operas arranged for flute [Former heading]
Operas arranged for flute, violin, viola, and

violoncello [Former heading]

Operas arranged for string quartets [Former

Operas arranged for violin and piano [Former



USE OperasExcerpts, Arranged
Operas, Beijing
USE Operas, Chinese
Operas, Chinese (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered Chinese musical dramas,
including Beijing operas, and, with local subdivision,
regional operas written and performed in the style of
a particular locality.

UF Beijing operas
Chinese operas
Ching chu
Operas, Beijing
Operas, Peking
Peking operas
Ping chu (Chinese operas)
BT Chinese drama
USE Operas, ChineseProduction and

History and criticism
BT OperaChina
Production and direction (May Subd Geog)
UF Operas, ChineseDirection
Operas, Ethiopian (Minstrel music)
USE Minstrel music
Operas, Juvenile
USE OperasJuvenile
Operas, Peking
USE Operas, Chinese
Operas arranged for flute
USE Operas, Arranged
Operas arranged for flute, violin, viola, and violoncello
USE Operas, Arranged
Operas arranged for string quartets
USE Operas, Arranged
Operas arranged for violin and piano
USE Operas, Arranged
Operas comiques
USE Operas
Operas for radio
USE Radio operas
Operas for television
USE Television operas
Operatic characters
USE OperasCharacters
Operatic parodies
USE Musical parodies
Operatic scenes
BT Operas
Operating cameramen
USE Camera operators
Operating costs
USE subdivision Cost of operation under topical

headings, e.g. Automobiles--Cost of

Operating income
USE Working capital
Operating leases (May Subd Geog)
UF Operating leasesLaw and legislation
BT Leases
Law and legislation
USE Operating leases
Operating leverage (May Subd Geog)
BT Financial leverage
Operating life (Engineering)
USE Service life (Engineering)
Operating microscopes (May Subd Geog)
UF Operation microscopes
Surgical microscopes
BT Microscopes
Operating officers, Chief
USE Chief operating officers
Operating room alarms
USE Monitor alarms (Medicine)
Operating room nurses (May Subd Geog)
BT Nurses
Operating room personnel
Operating room nursing (May Subd Geog)
UF Perioperative nursing
BT Surgical nursing
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Operating room personnel (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical personnel
NT Anesthesiologist assistants

Nurse anesthetists
Operating room nurses
Operating room technicians
Operating room technicians (May Subd Geog)
UF Surgical technologists
BT Biomedical technicians
Operating room personnel
SA subdivision Operating room technicians under

military services, e.g. United States--Armed

Forces--Operating room technicians

NT Perfusionists
Operating room technology
USE Surgical technology
Operating rooms (May Subd Geog)
UF ORs (Operating rooms)
BT Hospital buildings
Surgical clinics
Environmental engineering (May Subd Geog)
BT Environmental engineering
Exhaust systems
BT Exhaust systems
Operating statements
USE Financial statements
Operating System/8 (Computer system)
USE OS/8 (Computer system)
Operating System Pub (Electronic computer system)
USE OSPub (Electronic computer system)
Operating systems (Computers)
UF Computer operating systems
ComputersOperating systems
Disk operating systems
BT Systems software
NT Coroutines (Computer programs)
Debian (Computer system)
Distributed operating systems (Computers)
Medusa (Computer system)
SIRIS (Computer system)
Standards (May Subd Geog)
NT POSIX (Computer software standard)
Operating under the influence of alcohol (Drunk driving)
USE Drunk driving
Operating while under the influence
USE Drugged driving
Drunk driving
Operation 1005, 1942-1944
UF 1005, Operation, 1942-1944
Aktion 1005, 1942-1944
Sonderaktion 1005, 1942-1944
BT Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
World War, 1939-1945Atrocities
Operation Abilene, 1966
UF Abilene, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Adairsville, 1968
UF Adairsville, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Adams, 1966-1967
UF Adams, Operation, 1966-1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Agreement, 1942
Here are entered works on the operation carried
out by British, Rhodesian, and New Zealand forces
against Tobruk, Libya, on Sept. 13-14, 1942.

UF Agreement, Operation, 1942

BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsLibya
Operation Ahina, 1967
UF Ahina, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Aiea, 1966
UF Aiea, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Ajax, 1953
USE IranHistoryCoup d'etat, 1953
Operation Akron, 1967
UF Akron, Operation, June 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Akron III, 1967
UF Akron III, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Ala Moana, 1966-1967
UF Ala Moana, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Alba, 1997
UF Alba Operation, 1997
MPF in Albania, 1997
Multinational Protection Force in Albania, 1997

BT AlbaniaPolitics and government1990 Peacekeeping forcesAlbania

Operation Albion, 1917
UF Albion, Operation, 1917
BT World War, 1914-1918CampaignsBaltic

Sea Region
Operation Allied Force, 1999
Here are entered works on the NATO military
operation in Kosovo from March to June 1999.

UF Allied Force, Operation, 1999

BT Kosovo War, 1998-1999Campaigns
Operation Allons, 1968
UF Allons, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Altoona, 1968
UF Altoona, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Anaconda, 2002
UF Anaconda, Operation, 2002
BT Afghan War, 2001-Campaigns
Operation Anfal, Iraq, 1986-1989
USE Anfal Campaign, Iraq, 1986-1989
Operation Anthropoid, 1942
UF Anthropoid, Operation, 1942
BT Heydrich, Reinhard, 1904
Operation Anvil, 1944
USE Operation Dragoon, 1944
Operation Aquatint, 1942
UF Aquatint, Operation, 1942
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Arc Light, 1965-1973
UF Arc Light, Operation, 1965-1973
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Archery, 1941
UF Archery, Operation, 1941
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsNorway
Operation Arkansas City, 1967
UF Arkansas City, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Artemis, 2003
UF Artemis, Operation, 2003
BT Congo (Democratic Republic)History1997Operation Ashland, 1967
UF Ashland, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Atlanta, 1966
UF Atlanta, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Atlanta, 1967
UF Atlanta, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Atlas Wedge, 1969
UF Atlas Wedge, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Attleboro, 1966
UF Attleboro, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation audits
USE Management audit
Operation Aurora II, 1966
UF Aurora II, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Austin VI, 1966
UF Austin VI, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Avalanche, 1943
UF Avalanche, Operation, 1943
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsItaly
Operation Babylift, 1975
UF Babylift, Operation, 1975
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Evacuation of

Operation Badger Catch, 1968
UF Badger Catch, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Badr, 1999
USE Kargil War, 1999
Operation Bagration, 1944
UF Bagration, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsEastern

Operation Barbarossa, 1941
USE World War, 1939-1945CampaignsEastern

World War, 1939-1945CampaignsSoviet

Operation Barney, 1945
UF Barney, Operation, 1945


BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsJapan,

Sea of
Operation Barras, 2000
UF Barras, Operation, 2000
BT Sierra LeoneHistoryCivil War, 1991-2002
Operation Batten Down, 1966
USE Operation Dagger Thrust, 1965
Operation Battleaxe, 1941
UF Battleaxe, Operation, 1941
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsLibya
Operation Beau Diddley, 1967
UF Beau Diddley, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Beaver Cage, 1967
UF Beaver Cage, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Beneficiary, 1944
UF Beneficiary, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Benton, 1967
UF Benton, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Bernhard, Germany, 1940-1945
UF Bernard Operation, Germany, 1940-1945
Unternehmen Bernhard, Germany, 1940-1945
BT World War, 1939-1945Counterfeit money
Operation Big Spring, 1967
UF Big Spring, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Big Switch, 1953
UF Big Switch, Operation, 1953
BT Korean War, 1950-1953Prisoners and

Operation Billings, 1967
UF Billings, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Birmingham, 1966
UF Birmingham, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Bismark, 1966
UF Bismark, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Black Horse, 1966
UF Black Horse, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Black Thunder II, Amritsar, India, 1988
UF Golden Temple Siege, Amritsar, India, 1988
BT Amritsar (India)History
Operation Blackcock, 1945
UF Blackcock, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939
Operation Blackjack 25, 1967
UF Blackjack 25, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Blacklist, 1945
UF Blacklist, Operation, 1945
BT JapanHistoryAllied occupation, 1945-1952
KoreaHistoryAllied occupation, 1945-1948
Operation Blau, 1942
UF Blau, Operation, 1942
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsSoviet

Operation Blue Jay, 1966
UF Blue Jay, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Blue Light, 1965-1966
UF Blue Light, Operation, 1965-1966
Holokai XII, Operation, 1965-1966
Operation Holokai XII, 1965-1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Blue Marlin, 1965
UF Blue Marlin, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Blue Star, Amritsar, India, 1984
USE IndiaHistoryGolden Temple (Amritsar)

Assault, 1984
Operation Bluecoat, 1944
UF Bluecoat, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Bluefield, 1967
UF Bluefield, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Bolero, 1942
UF Bolero, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Bolling, 1967-1969
UF Bolling, Operation, 1967-1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Boxsprings, 1968
USE Operation Uniontown III, 1968

Operation Bremerton, 1966

UF Bremerton, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Brevity, 1941
UF Brevity, Operation, 1941
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsAfrica,

RT Tobruk, Battles of Tobruk, Libya, 1941-1942
Operation Buckskin, 1966
UF Buckskin, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Buffalo, 1967
UF Buffalo, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Bull Run I, 1969
UF Bull Run I, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Bull Run II, 1970
UF Bull Run II, Operation, 1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Bullseye V, 1967
UF Bullseye V, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Burlington Trail, 1968
UF Burlington Trail, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Burtrand, 1969
UF Burtrand, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Buttress, 1943
UF Buttress, Operation, 1943
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsItaly
Operation Byrd, 1966-1968
UF Byrd, Operation, 1966-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Campus, 1945
UF Campus, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsJapan
Operation Carentan II, 1968
UF Carentan II, Operation, 1968
Carrington II, Operation, 1968
Operation Carrington II, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Carrington II, 1968
USE Operation Carentan II, 1968
Operation Cartwheel, 1943-1944
UF Cartwheel, Operation, 1943-1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsPacific

Operation Cast Lead, 2008-2009
USE Gaza War, 2008-2009
Operation Castle, 1954
USE Operation Castle, Marshall Islands, 1954
Operation Castle, Marshall Islands, 1954
UF Castle, Operation, Marshall Islands, 1954
Operation Castle, 1954 [Former heading]
BT Nuclear weaponsMarshall IslandsTesting
Nuclear weaponsUnited StatesTesting
Operation Cedar Falls, 1967
UF Cedar Falls, Operation, 1967
Niagara Cedar Falls, Operation, 1967
Operation Niagara Cedar Falls, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Cerberus, 1942
UF Cerberus, Operation, 1942
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsEnglish

Operation Chastise, 1943
UF Chastise, Operation, 1943
BT World War, 1939
Operation Chastity, 1944
UF Chastity, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Checkerboard, 1965
UF Checkerboard, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Chromite, 1950
USE Inchon Landing, Inchon, Korea, 1950
Operation Circle Pines, 1966
UF Circle Pines, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Citadel
UF Citadel Operation
BT Kursk, Battle of, Russia, 1943
World War, 1939-1945CampaignsRussia

Operation Clean Sweep I, 1965
USE Operation Cleansweep I, 1968
Operation Clean-Up, Zimbabwe, 2005USE Operation Murambatsvina, Zimbabwe, 2005-

Operation Cleansweep I, 1968

UF Operation Clean Sweep I, 1965
Cleansweep I, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Cliff Dweller, 1969
UF Cliff Dweller, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Cliff Dweller IV, 1970
UF Cliff Dweller IV, Operation, 1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Clifton Corral, 1968
UF Clifton Corral, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Clipper, 1944
UF Clipper, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Cobra, 1944
UF Cobra, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Cobra, 1965
UF Cobra, Operation, 1965
Operation Settlement, 1965
Settlement, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Cochise, 1968-1969
UF Cochise, Operation, 1968-1969
Cochise Green, Operation, 1968-1969
Dan Sinh, Operation, 1968-1969
Operation Cochise Green, 1968-1969
Operation Dan Sinh, 1968-1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Cochise Green, 1968-1969
USE Operation Cochise, 1968-1969
Operation Colby, 1967
UF Colby, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Colorado, 1966
UF Colorado, Operation, 1966
Lien Ket 52, Operation, 1966
Operation Lien Ket 52, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Colossus, 1941
UF Colossus, Operation, 1941
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsItaly
Operation Comeback Ridge, 1970
UF Comeback Ridge, Operation, 1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Compass, 1940
UF Compass, Operation, 1940
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsAfrica,

Operation Complete Victory, 1968
USE Operation Toan Thang, 1968
Operation Cook, 1967
UF Cook, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Coronado II, 1967
UF Coronado II, Operation, 1967
Operation Song Thang 3, 1967
Song Thang 3, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Coronado V, 1967
UF Coronado V, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Coronado X, 1968
UF Coronado X, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Coronet
UF Coronet, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsJapan
Operation Corporate, 1982
USE Falkland Islands War, 1982
Operation Crazy Horse, 1966
UF Crazy Horse, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Crimp, 1966
UF Crimp, Operation, 1966
Crimp I, Operation, 1966
Operation Crimp I, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Crimp I, 1966
USE Operation Crimp, 1966
Operation Crossroads, 1946
USE Operation Crossroads, Marshall Islands, 1946
Operation Crossroads, Marshall Islands, 1946
UF Bikini Nuclear Tests, Marshall Islands, 1946
Crossroads, Operation, Marshall Islands, 1946
Operation Crossroads, 1946 [Former heading]
BT Nuclear weaponsMarshall IslandsTesting
Nuclear weaponsUnited StatesTesting


Operation Crusader, 1941

UF Crusader, Operation, 1941
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsAfrica,

Operation Cumberland Thunder, 1969
UF Cumberland Thunder, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Dagger Thrust, 1965
UF Batten Down, Operation, 1966
Dagger Thrust, Operation, 1965
Operation Batten Down, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Dallas, 1967
UF Dallas, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Dan Sinh, 1968-1969
USE Operation Cochise, 1968-1969
Operation Dan Tam 81, 1966-1967
UF Dan Tam 81, Operation, 1966-1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Darby Talon, 1970
UF Darby Talon, Operation, 1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Dauntless, 1944
USE Operation Martlet, 1944
Operation Davy Crockett, 1966
UF Davy Crockett, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Dazzlem, 1966
UF Dazzlem, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Deadstick, 1944
UF Deadstick, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Deckhouse II, 1966
USE Operation Hastings, 1966
Operation Deckhouse III, 1966
UF Deckhouse III, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Deckhouse VI, 1967
UF Deckhouse VI, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Delaware, 1968
UF Delaware, Operation, 1968
Lam Son 216, Operation, 1968
Operation Lam Son 216, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Denver, 1966
UF Denver, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Desert Fox, 1998
Here are entered works on the U.S.-led military
attack on targets in Iraq on December 16-20, 1998.

UF Desert Fox Operation, 1998

BT IraqMilitary relationsUnited States
United StatesHistory, Military20th century
United StatesMilitary relationsIraq
Operation Desert Shield, 1990-1991
UF Desert Shield, Operation, 1990-1991
BT Iraq-Kuwait Crisis, 1990-1991
United StatesHistory, Military20th century
Operation Desert Shield, 1990-1991, in mass media
(Not Subd Geog)
BT Mass media
Operation Desert Storm, 1991
USE Persian Gulf War, 1991
Operation DeSoto, 1967
UF DeSoto, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Detachment, 1945
UF Detachment, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsJapan
Operation Dewey Canyon, 1969
UF Dewey Canyon, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Dewey Canyon II, 1971
UF Dewey Canyon II, Operation, 1971
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975CampaignsLaos
Operation Dexter, 1966
UF Dexter, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Diamond Head, 1967
UF Diamond Head, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Double Eagle, 1966
UF Double Eagle, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Downfall, 1945-1946
Here are entered works on the overall Allied plan
for the invasion of Japan at the end of World War II,
which was cancelled when Japan surrendered

following the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and

Nagasaki, and the Soviet declaration of war against

UF Downfall, Operation, 1945-1946

BT World War, 1939-1945Japan
Operation Dragoon, 1944
UF Anvil, Operation, 1944
Dragoon, Operation, 1944
Operation Anvil, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Drive Out Trash, Zimbabwe, 2005USE Operation Murambatsvina, Zimbabwe, 2005Operation Drumbeat, 1942
UF Drumbeat, Operation, 1942
Operation Paukenschlag, 1942
Paukenschlag, Operation, 1942
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsNorth

Atlantic Ocean
Operation Duck, 1966-1967
UF Duck, Operation, 1966-1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Eagle Claw, Iran, 1980
UF Eagle Claw, Operation, Iran, 1980
BT Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979-1981
United StatesArmed ForcesSearch and

rescue operationsIran
Operation Eagle Pull, 1975
UF Eagle Pull, Operation, 1975
BT Vietnam War, 1961
Operation Eagles Claw, 1966
UF Eagles Claw, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Earnest Will, 1987-1988
UF Earnest Will, Operation, 1987-1988
BT Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988Naval operations
Operation Edelweiss
UF Edelweiss, Operation
BT Nuremberg Trial of Major German War

Criminals, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946

Operation El Dorado, 1966
UF El Dorado, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation El Paso I, 1966
UF El Paso I, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation El Paso II, 1966
UF El Paso II, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001UF OEF, 2001- (Operation Enduring Freedom)
BT TerrorismUnited StatesPrevention
RT War on Terrorism, 2001-2009
NT Afghan War, 2001Operation Enterprise, 1967-1968
UF Enterprise, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Entre, 1966
UF Entre, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Epsom, 1944
UF Epsom, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Fabius I
UF Fabius I, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Fairfax, 1966-1967
UF Fairfax, Operation, 1966-1967
Operation Rang Dong, 1966-1967
Rang Dong, Operation, 1966-1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Fargo, 1966
UF Fargo, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Fargo, 1967-1968
UF Fargo, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Farragut, 1967
UF Farragut, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Fast and Furious, 2009-2011
UF Fast and Furious, Operation, 2009-2011
BT GunwalkingMexican-American Border

Operation Felix, 1940
UF Felix, Operation, 1940
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsGibraltar
Operation Fillmore, 1966
UF Fillmore, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns

Operation Fitchburg, 1966-1967

UF Fitchburg, Operation, 1966-1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Flintlock, 1944
UF Flintlock, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsMarshall

Operation Forager, 1944
UF Forager, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsMariana

Operation Fort Smith, 1966
UF Fort Smith, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Fortitude
Here are entered works on the military strategy to
deceive the German High Command over the
Normandy invasion during World War II. Works on
the general military planning and diplomatic
negotiations for the Normandy invasion are entered
under Operation Overlord. Works on the Normandy
invasion and campaign of 1944 are entered under
World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--France-Normandy.

UF Normandy Invasion, 1944 (Planning)

Fortitude, Operation
BT World War, 1939
RT Operation Overlord
Operation Francis Marion, 1967
UF Francis Marion, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Frequent Wind, 1975
UF Frequent Wind, Operation, 1975
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Freshman, 1942
UF Freshman, Operation, 1942
Rjukan Heavy Water Raid, 1942
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsNorway
Operation Gadsden, 1967
UF Gadsden, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Galvanic, 1943
UF Galvanic, Operation, 1943
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsKiribati
Operation Game Warden, 1965-1973
UF Game Warden, Operation, 1965-1973
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Garden City, 1967
UF Garden City, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Garfield, 1966
UF Garfield, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Geronimo I, 1966
UF Geronimo I, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Gold, Berlin, Germany, 1955-1956
USE Operation Stopwatch/Gold, Berlin, Germany,

Operation Golden Fleece, 1965
UF Golden Fleece, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Golden Valley, 1968
UF Golden Valley, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Gomorrah, 1943
UF Gomorrah, Operation 1943
BT World War, 1939
Operation Goodwood
UF Goodwood Operation
BT World War, 1939
Operation Goodwood, 1968-1969
UF Goodwood, Operation, 1968-1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Gooseberry, 1944
UF Gooseberry, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Gothic Serpent, 1993
UF Gothic Serpent, Operation, 1993
BT SomaliaHistory1991Operation Gowainghat, Bangladesh, 1971
UF Aparesana Goyainaghata, Bangladesh, 1971
Gowainghat, Operation, Bangladesh, 1971
BT BangladeshHistoryRevolution, 1971
Operation Grapes of Wrath, 1996
USE LebanonHistoryIsraeli intervention, 1996
Operation Grapple, 1956-1958
USE Operation Grapple, Kiribati, 1956-1958


Operation Grapple, Kiribati, 1956-1958

UF Christmas Island Nuclear Tests, Kiribati, 1956
Grapple, Operation, Kiribati, 1956-1958
Kiritimati Nuclear Tests, Kiribati, 1956-1958
Malden Island Nuclear Tests, Kiribati, 1956
Operation Grapple, 1956-1958 [Former

BT Nuclear weaponsGreat BritainTesting
Nuclear weaponsKiribatiTesting
Operation Greeley, 1967
USE Operation MacArthur, 1967-1969
Operation Greenhouse, 1951
USE Operation Greenhouse, Marshall Islands, 1951
Operation Greenhouse, Marshall Islands, 1951
UF Greenhouse, Operation, Marshall Islands, 1951
Operation Greenhouse, 1951 [Former

BT Nuclear weaponsMarshall IslandsTesting
Nuclear weaponsUnited StatesTesting
Operation Grenade, 1945
UF Grenade, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939
Operation Gymnast, 1942
USE Operation Torch, 1942
Operation Halyard, 1944
UF Halyard, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945Search and rescue

Operation Hancock I, 1967
UF Hancock I, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hancock Queen, 1969
UF Hancock Queen, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hands Up
UF Hands Up, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Happy Valley, 1965
UF Happy Valley, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hardiwood, 1966
UF Hardiwood, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hardtack, 1958
UF Hardtack, Operation, 1958
BT Nuclear weaponsTesting
Operation Harrison, 1966
UF Harrison, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Harvest Moon, 1965
UF Harvest Moon, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Harvest Moon, 1967
UF Harvest Moon, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hastings, 1966
UF Deckhouse II, Operation, 1966
Hastings, Operation, 1966
Operation Deckhouse II, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Helpem Fren, 2003USE Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon

Islands, 2003Operation Henry Clay, 1966

UF Henry Clay, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hickory, 1966
UF Hickory, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hickory, 1967
UF Hickory, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Highland, 1965
UF Highland, Operation, 1965
Operation Ramrod, 1965
Ramrod, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hollandia, 1966
UF Hollandia, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Holokai XII, 1965-1966
USE Operation Blue Light, 1965-1966
Operation Homecoming, 1973
UF Homecoming, Operation, 1973
RT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Prisoners and

prisons, American
Operation Honolulu, 1966
UF Honolulu, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns

Operation Hood River, 1967

UF Hood River, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hooker I, 1966
UF Hooker I, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hoptac VII, 1967
UF Hoptac VII, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hoptac XVI, 1967
UF Hoptac XVI, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hump, 1965
UF Hump, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Hung Quang 1/81, 1968
USE Operation Meade River, 1968
Operation Husky, 1943
Here are entered works on the military planning
and strategy for the Sicily invasion. Works on the
Sicily invasion and campaign of 1943 are entered
under World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Italy-Sicily.

UF Husky, Operation, 1943

Sicily Invasion, 1943 (Planning)
BT World War, 1939
Operation Iceberg, 1945
UF Iceberg, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsJapan
Operation identification (Burglary protection)
(May Subd Geog)
BT Burglary protection
Personal propertyMarking
Operation Ingham, 1966
UF Ingham, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Initiator, 1966
UF Initiator, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Interlude, 1944
UF Interlude, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003-2010
USE Iraq War, 2003-2011
Operation Iron Mountain, 1969-1971
UF Iron Mountain, Operation, 1969-1971
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Iron Triangle, Iraq, 2006
UF Iron Triangle, Operation, 2006
BT Iraq War, 2003-2011Campaigns
Operation Irving, 1966
UF Irving, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Ivy, 1952
USE Operation Ivy, Marshall Islands, 1952
Operation Ivy, Marshall Islands, 1952
UF Ivy, Operation, Marshall Islands, 1952
Operation Ivy, 1952 [Former heading]
BT Nuclear weaponsMarshall IslandsTesting
Nuclear weaponsUnited StatesTesting
Operation James Bond, 1966
UF James Bond, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Jaywick
UF Jaywick, Operation
BT World War, 1939
Operation Jeb Stuart, 1968
UF Jeb Stuart, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Jeb Stuart III, 1968
UF Jeb Stuart III, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Jericho
UF Jericho Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Jim Bowie, 1966
UF Jim Bowie, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation John Paul Jones, 1966
UF John Paul Jones, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Joint Endeavor, 1995-1996
BT Bosnia and HercegovinaPolitics and

government1992 Peacekeeping forcesBosnia and


Operation Joint Guardian, 1999UF Joint Guardian, Operation, 1999BT Kosovo (Republic)History1980-2008
Kosovo (Republic)History2008Operation Jonathan, 1976
USE Entebbe Airport Raid, 1976
Operation Jump Start, 2006-2008
UF Jump Start, Operation, 2006-2008
BT Border securityUnited States
Operation Junction City, 1967
UF Junction City, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Just Cause, Panama, 1989
USE PanamaHistoryAmerican Invasion, 1989
Operation Kahala, 1966
UF Kahala, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Kahuku, 1966
UF Kahuku, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Kailua, 1966
UF Kailua, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Kalihi, 1966
UF Kalihi, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Kamuela, 1966
UF Kamuela, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Katum, 1971
UF Katum, Operation, 1971
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Kawela, 1967
UF Kawela, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation KE, 1943
UF KE, Operation, 1943
BT World War, 1939
1945CampaignsSolomon Islands
Operation Keystone Blue Jay, 1970
UF Keystone Blue Jay, Operation, 1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Keystone Cardinal, 1969
UF Keystone Cardinal, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Kien Giang, 1967
UF Kien Giang, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation King II, 1944
UF King II, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Kipapa, 1966
UF Kipapa, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Kolekole, 1967
UF Kolekole, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Lahaina, 1966
UF Lahaina, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Lake, 1967
UF Lake, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Lam Son 207, 1968
USE Operation Pegasus, 1968
Operation Lam Son 216, 1968
USE Operation Delaware, 1968
Operation Lam Son 719, 1971
UF Lam Son 719, Operation, 1971
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975CampaignsLaos
Operation Lanikai, 1966-1967
UF Lanikai, Operation, 1966-1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Lazarus, 1982
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Search and rescue

Operation Lexington, 1966
UF Lexington, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Liberty Canyon, 1968
UF Liberty Canyon, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Lien Ket 52, 1966
USE Operation Colorado, 1966
Operation Lightning Bug, 1966
UF Lightning Bug, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Lila, 1942
UF Lila, Operation, 1942
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance


Operation Linebacker, 1972

UF Linebacker, Operation, 1972
Linebacker I, Operation, 1972
Operation Linebacker I, 1972
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Linebacker I, 1972
USE Operation Linebacker, 1972
Operation Linebacker II, 1972
USE Hanoi (Vietnam)HistoryBombardment,

Operation Little Switch, 1953
UF Little Switch, Operation, 1953
BT Korean War, 1950-1953Prisoners and

Operation Long Jump
UF Long Jump, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945Diplomatic history
Operation Long Reach, 1965
UF Long Reach, Operation, 1965
Operation Plei Me, 1965
Plei Me, Operation, 1965
Pleiku Campaign, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Longcloth, 1943
UF Longcloth, Operation, 1943
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsBurma
Operation Longfellow, 1966
UF Longfellow, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Longtom, 1945
UF Longtom, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsChina
Operation Longview, 1966
UF Longview, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Lulu, 1969
UF Lulu, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation MacArthur, 1967-1969
UF Greeley, Operation, 1967
MacArthur, Operation, 1967-1969
Operation Greeley, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Macon, 1966
UF Macon, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Manchester, 1967-1968
UF Manchester, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Manhattan, 1967
UF Manhattan, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Market Garden, 1944
USE Arnhem, Battle of, Arnhem, Netherlands, 1944
Operation Market Time, 1965-1973
UF Market Time, Operation, 1965-1973
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Martlet, 1944
UF Dauntless, Operation, 1944
Martlet, Operation, 1944
Operation Dauntless, 1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Masher, 1966
UF Masher, Operation, 1966
Operation White Wing, 1966
White Wing, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Mastiff, 1966
UF Mastiff, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Match
Operation Meade River, 1968
UF Hung Quang 1/81, Operation, 1968
Meade River, Operation, 1968
Operation Hung Quang 1/81, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Medina, 1967
UF Medina, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Medusa, 2006
UF Medusa, Operation, 2006
RT Afghan War, 2001-Campaigns
Operation Menace
UF Menace, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsAfrica,

French-speaking West
NT Dakar, Battle of, Dakar, Senegal, 1940
Operation MENDEX
UF MENDEX Operation
BT Disaster medicineStudy and

Emergency medical servicesStudy and

Medicine, MilitaryStudy and teachingTexas
United States. ArmyCivic action
Operation Mercury, 1941
UF Mercury, Operation, 1941
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsGreece
Operation microscopes
USE Operating microscopes
Operation Mikado, 1982
UF Mikado, Operation, 1982
BT Falkland Islands War, 1982Campaigns
Operation Mike I, 1945
UF Mike I, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939
Operation Mincemeat
UF Mincemeat, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945Secret serviceGreat

Operation Mokuliea, 1966
UF Mokuliea, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Montana Raider, 1969
UF Montana Raider, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Montclair, 1945
USE Operation Musketeer, 1945
Operation Moses, 1984-1985
UF Airlift of Ethiopian Jews, 1984-1985
Falasha Rescue, 1984-1985 [Former heading]
Moses, Operation, 1984-1985
BT Search and rescue operationsEthiopia
Search and rescue operationsSudan
RT Jews, EthiopianIsrael
Operation Moshtarak, 2010
UF Moshtarak, Operation, 2010
BT Afghan War, 2001-Campaigns
Operation Murambatsvina, Zimbabwe, 2005UF Clean-Up, Operation, Zimbabwe, 2005 Drive Out Trash, Operation, Zimbabwe, 2005 Murambatsvina, Operation, Zimbabwe, 2005 Operation Clean-Up, Zimbabwe, 2005 Operation Drive Out Trash, Zimbabwe, 2005 Operation Restore Order, Zimbabwe, 2005 Restore Order, Operation, Zimbabwe, 2005BT ZimbabweHistory1980Operation Muscatine, 1967-1968
UF Muscatine, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Musketeer, 1945
UF Montclair, Operation, 1945
Musketeer, Operation, 1945
Operation Montclair, 1945
BT World War, 1939
Operation Nathan Hale, 1966
UF Nathan Hale, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Neptune
UF Omaha Beach (France)
BT World War, 1939-1945Amphibious

World War, 1939
Operation Nevada Eagle, 1968-1969
UF Nevada Eagle, Operation, 1968-1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation New Castle, 1967
UF New Castle, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation New Dawn, 2010-2011
USE Iraq War, 2003-2011
Operation Niagara Cedar Falls, 1967
USE Operation Cedar Falls, 1967
Operation Noble Eagle, 2001UF ONE, 2001- (Operation Noble Eagle)
BT Air defensesNorth America
TerrorismNorth AmericaPrevention
Operation Nordwind, 1944-1945
UF Nordwind Offensive, 1944-1945
Nordwind Operation, 1944-1945
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Norton Falls, 1969
UF Norton Falls, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Oahu, 1966
UF Oahu, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns

Operation Odyssey Dawn, 2011

UF Odyssey Dawn, Operation, 2011
BT LibyaHistoryCivil War, 2011-Campaigns
Operation Ohio Rapids, 1969
UF Ohio Rapids, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Olympic, 1945
UF Olympic, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsJapan
Operation Opera, 1981
USE Osirak Nuclear Reactor Bombing, Iraq, 1981
Operation Orange, 1966
UF Orange, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Oregon, 1967
UF Oregon, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Osage, 1966
UF Osage, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Overlord
Here are entered works on the military planning
and diplomatic negotiations for the Normandy
invasion during World War II. Works on the military
strategy to deceive the German High Command over
the Normandy invasion are entered under Operation
Fortitude. Works on the Normandy invasion and
campaign of 1944 are entered under World War,

UF Normandy Invasion, 1944 (Planning)

Overlord, Operation
BT World War, 1939
RT Operation Fortitude
NT Mulberry harbors
Operation Paddington, 1967
UF Paddington, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Paddle, 1944
UF Paddle, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Palliser, 2000
UF Palliser, Operation, 2000
BT Sierra LeoneHistoryCivil War, 1991-2002
Operation Palm Beach, 1967
UF Palm Beach, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Palm Beach II, 1967
UF Operation Palm Beach II/Coronado, 1967
Palm Beach II, Operation, 1967
Palm Beach II/Coronado, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Palm Beach II/Coronado, 1967
USE Operation Palm Beach II, 1967
Operation Parakram, India, 2001-2002
UF Parakram, Operation, India, 2001-2002
BT IndiaHistory1947 IndiaHistory, Military21st century
Operation Passage to Freedom, 1954-1955
UF Passage to Freedom, Operation, 1954-1955
BT United States. NavyOperations other than

Operation Paukenschlag, 1942
USE Operation Drumbeat, 1942
Operation Paul Bunyan, 1967
UF Paul Bunyan, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Paul Revere IV, 1966
UF Paul Revere IV, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Pawan, 1987
UF Pawan, Operation, 1987
BT Sri LankaHistoryCivil War, 1983
Operation Pegasus, 1968
UF Lam Son 207, Operation, 1968
Operation Lam Son 207, 1968
Pegasus, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Peoples Road, 1968
UF Peoples Road, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Pershing, 1967
UF Pershing, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Pershing I, 1967-1968
UF Pershing I, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Pershing II, 1968
UF Pershing II, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns


Operation Pickett, 1966-1967

UF Pickett, Operation, 1966-1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Pilgrim, 1941
UF Pilgrim, Operation, 1941
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsAtlantic

Operation Pipe-Lines Under the Ocean, 1942-1945
USE Operation Pluto, 1942-1945
Operation Pipeline Under the Ocean, 1942-1945
USE Operation Pluto, 1942-1945
Operation Piranha, 1965
UF Piranha, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Pittsburg, 1967
UF Pittsburg, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Plei Me, 1965
USE Operation Long Reach, 1965
Operation Plumbbob, Nev., 1957
UF Operation Plumbob, 1957 [Former heading]
Operation Plumbob, Nev., 1957 [Former

Plumbbob, Operation, Nev., 1957
BT Nuclear weaponsNevadaTesting
Operation Plumbob, 1957
USE Operation Plumbbob, Nev., 1957
Operation Plumbob, Nev., 1957
USE Operation Plumbbob, Nev., 1957
Operation Plunder, 1945
UF Plunder, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939
Operation Pluto, 1942-1945
UF Operation Pipe-Lines Under the Ocean, 1942
Operation Pipeline Under the Ocean, 1942
Pipe-Lines Under the Ocean, Operation, 1942
Pipeline Under the Ocean, Operation, 1942
Pluto, Operation, 1942-1945
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsEnglish

RT Petroleum pipelinesEnglish Channel
Operation Pluto, Cuba, 1961
USE CubaHistoryInvasion, 1961
Operation Pocahontas Forest, 1968
UF Pocahontas Forest, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Pocket Money, 1972
UF Pocket Money, Operation, 1972
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Pointblank, 1943-1944
UF Pointblank, Operation, 1943-1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Poland, 1938
UF JewsAustriaHistoryExpulsion, 1938
JewsGermanyHistoryExpulsion, 1938
Poland, Operation, 1938
BT JewsAustriaHistory
Operation Portsea, 1967
UF Portsea, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Prairie, 1966-1967
UF Prairie, Operation, 1966-1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Quick Kick II, 1966
UF Quick Kick II, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Quick Kick IV, 1966
UF Quick Kick IV, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Quicksilver, 1967
UF Quicksilver, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Quyet Thang, 1968
UF Operation Resolve to Win, 1968
Quyet Thang, Operation, 1968
Resolve to Win, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Ramrod, 1965
USE Operation Highland, 1965
Operation Ranch Hand, 1962-1971
UF Ranch Hand, Operation, 1962-1971
Ranch Hand Project, 1962-1971
BT HerbicidesWar use
Vietnam War, 1961-1975Chemical warfare

Operation Randolph Glen, 1969-1970

UF Randolph Glen, Operation, 1969-1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Rang Dong, 1966-1967
USE Operation Fairfax, 1966-1967
Operation Rankin C
USE Operation Rankin Case C
Operation Rankin Case C
UF Operation Rankin C
Rankin C, Operation
Rankin Case C, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsWestern

Operation Ransom Raider, 1969
UF Ransom Raider, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Red Wing, 2005
USE Operation Red Wings, 2005
Operation Red Wings, 2005
UF Red Wing, Operation, 2005
Red Wings, Operation, 2005
Operation Red Wing, 2005
BT Afghan War, 2001-Campaigns
Operation Redwing, Marshall Islands, 1956
UF Redwing, Operation, Marshall Islands, 1956
BT Nuclear weaponsMarshall IslandsTesting
Nuclear weaponsUnited StatesTesting
Operation Reinhard, Poland, 1942-1943
UF Aktion Reinhard, Poland, 1942-1943
Reinhard, Operation, Poland, 1942-1943
BT Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
World War, 1939-1945Jews
Operation Resolve to Win, 1968
USE Operation Quyet Thang, 1968
Operation Restore Democracy, Haiti, 1994-1995
USE HaitiHistoryAmerican intervention, 1994
Operation Restore Hope, 1992-1993
UF Restore Hope, Operation, 1992-1993
BT SomaliaHistory1991 United StatesHistory, Military20th century
Operation Restore Order, Zimbabwe, 2005USE Operation Murambatsvina, Zimbabwe, 2005Operation Resurrection, France, 1958
USE FranceHistoryCoup d'etat, 1958
Operation Riley, 1967-1968
UF Riley, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Rimau
UF Rimau, Operation
BT World War, 1939
Operation Road Runner, 1965
UF Road Runner, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Rocket, 1967
UF Rocket, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Rolling Thunder, 1965-1968
UF Rolling Thunder, Operation, 1965-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Rooster 53, 1969
UF Rooster 53, Operation, 1969
BT War of Attrition, Middle East, 1969
Operation Rosario, 1982
USE Falkland Islands War, 1982
Operation Sail
USE Operation Sail, 1976
Operation Sail, 1976 (May Subd Geog)
UF Operation Sail [Former heading]
OpSail, 1976
RT American Revolution Bicentennial, 1976
Operation Sail, 1986 (May Subd Geog)
UF OpSail, 1986
BT Statue of Liberty (New York, N.Y.)Centennial

celebrations, etc.
Operation Sam Houston, 1967
UF Sam Houston, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation San Angelo, 1968
UF San Angelo, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Sandstone, 1948
USE Operation Sandstone, Marshall Islands, 1948
Operation Sandstone, Marshall Islands, 1948
UF Operation Sandstone, 1948 [Former heading]
Sandstone, Operation, Marshall Islands, 1948
BT Nuclear weaponsMarshall IslandsTesting
Nuclear weaponsUnited StatesTesting

Operation Sandy, 1947 (Not Subd Geog)

UF Sandy, Operation, 1947
BT V-2 rocketTesting
Operation Santa Fe, 1967-1968
UF Santa Fe, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Saratoga, 1967-1968
UF Saratoga, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Sayonara, 1965
UF Sayonara, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Scalping Mustang, 1965
UF Scalping Mustang, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Sea Dragon, 1966-1968
UF Sea Dragon, Operation, 1966-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Sea Lion
UF Operation Sealion
Sea Lion Operation
Sealion Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsEngland
Operation Sea Wolf, 1966
UF Sea Wolf, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Sealion
USE Operation Sea Lion
Operation Settlement, 1965
USE Operation Cobra, 1965
Operation Seward, 1966
UF Seward, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Shakespeare, 2004-2009
UF Shakespeare, Operation, 2004-2009
BT Command and control systems
Espionage, American
Operation Shenandoah, 1966
UF Shenandoah, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Shenandoah II, 1967
UF Shenandoah II, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Sherwood Forest, 1965
UF Sherwood Forest, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Shocker
UF Shocker, Operation
BT Espionage, American
Operation Silver Bayonet, 1965
UF Silver Bayonet, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Silver City, 1966
UF Silver City, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Sioux City, 1966
UF Sioux City, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Sledgehammer, 1942
UF Sledgehammer, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Solomon, 1991
UF Airlift of Ethiopian Jews, 1991
Rescue of Ethiopian Jews, 1991
Solomon, Operation, 1991
BT Search and rescue operationsEthiopia
RT Jews, EthiopianIsrael
Operation Solstice, 1945 (Not Subd Geog)
UF Solstice, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsEastern

Operation Song Thang 3, 1967
USE Operation Coronado II, 1967
Operation Speedy Express, 1968-1969
UF Speedy Express, Operation, 1968-1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Spring, 1944
UF Spring, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance
Operation Squeeze Play, Iraq, 2006
UF Squeeze Play, Operation, 2006
BT Iraq War, 2003-2011Campaigns
Operation Stable, 1966
UF Stable, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Stalemate, 1944
UF Stalemate, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsPalau
Operation Starkey, 1943
UF Starkey, Operation, 1943
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsFrance


Operation Starlight, 1965

UF Operation Starlite, 1965
Starlight, Operation, 1965
Starlite, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Starlite, 1965
USE Operation Starlight, 1965
Operation Stella Polaris, 1944
UF Stella Polaris, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsSweden
Operation Stopwatch, Berlin, Germany, 1955-1956
USE Operation Stopwatch/Gold, Berlin, Germany,

Operation Stopwatch/Gold, Berlin, Germany, 1955-1956
UF Operation Gold, Berlin, Germany, 1955-1956
Operation Stopwatch, Berlin, Germany, 1955
BT Espionage, AmericanGermany
Espionage, BritishGermany
Operation Storm, 1995
UF Storm, Operation, 1995
BT Yugoslav War, 1991
Operation Sullivan, 1968
UF Sullivan, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Sunrise
UF Sunrise, Operation
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsItaly
World War, 1939-1945Diplomatic history
Operation Sunrise, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2007
USE PakistanHistoryLal Masjid (Islamabad)

Assault, 2007
Operation Sunset Beach, 1966
UF Sunset Beach, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Support Hope, 1994
UF Support Hope, Operation, 1994
BT Humanitarian assistance, AmericanRwanda
RwandaHistoryCivil War, 1994Civilian

Operation Susannah
UF Susannah Operation
BT Espionage, IsraeliEgypt
Operation Switchback, 1962-1963
UF Switchback, Operation, 1962-1963
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tailwind, 1970
UF Tailwind, Operation, 1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975CampaignsLaos
Operation Take Out, 1965
UF Take Out, Operation, 1965
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tally Ho, 1966
UF Tally Ho, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tat Thang 18, 1970
UF Tat Thang 18, Operation, 1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Telic, 2003-2011
USE Iraq War, 2003-2011
Operation Texas Traveler, 1969
UF Texas Traveler, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Thayer I, 1966
UF Thayer I, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Thayer II, 1966-1967
UF Thayer II, Operation, 1966-1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Thursday, 1944
UF Thursday, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsBurma
Operation Tiger Concordia VIII, 1967
UF Tiger Concordia VIII, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tiger Coronado, 1967
UF Tiger Coronado, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tiger Coronado III, 1967
UF Tiger Coronado III, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tiger Coronado IV, 1967
UF Tiger Coronado IV, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tiger Coronado IX, 1967
UF Tiger Coronado IX, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns

Operation Tiger Coronado V, 1967

UF Tiger Coronado V, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tiger Hound, 1965-1973
UF Tiger Hound, Operation, 1965-1973
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975CampaignsLaos
Operation Toan Thang, 1968
UF Complete Victory, Operation, 1968
Operation Complete Victory, 1968
Toan Thang, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Toan Thang 43, 1970
UF Operation Total Victory, 1970
Toan Thang 43, Operation, 1970
Total Victory, Operation, 1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Toan Thang II, 1968-1969
UF Toan Thang II, Operation, 1968-1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Toan Thang III, 1969
UF Toan Thang III, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Toledo, 1966
UF Toledo, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Torch
USE Operation Torch, 1942
Operation Torch, 1942
UF Gymnast, Operation, 1942
Operation Gymnast, 1942
Operation Torch [Former heading]
Torch, Operation, 1942
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsAfrica,

Operation Total Victory, 1970
USE Operation Toan Thang 43, 1970
Operation Totalize, 1944
UF Totalize, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Tractable, 1944
UF Tractable, Operation, 1944
BT World War, 1939
Operation Truong Cong Dinh, 1968
UF Truong Cong Dinh, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tucson, 1967
UF Tucson, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tucson Delta, 1967
UF Tucson Delta, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Tulsa, 1966
UF Tulsa, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Unified Protector, 2011
UF Unified Protector, Operation, 2011
BT LibyaHistoryCivil War, 2011-Campaigns
Operation Uniontown III, 1968
UF Boxsprings, Operation, 1968
Operation Boxsprings, 1968
Uniontown III, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Uphold Democracy, Haiti, 1994-1995
USE HaitiHistoryAmerican intervention, 1994
Operation Urgent Fury, Grenada, 1983
USE GrenadaHistoryAmerican Invasion, 1983
Operation Utah Mesa, 1969
UF Utah Mesa, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Valdosta, 1967
UF Valdosta, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Valkyrie, 1944
UF Operation Walkure, 1944
Valkyrie, Operation, 1944
Walkure, Operation, 1944
BT Anti-Nazi movementGermany
Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945Assassination

attempt, 1944 (July 20)

Operation Van Buren, 1966
UF Van Buren, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Vance Canyon, 1968
UF Vance Canyon, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Varsity, 1945
UF Varsity, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939

Operation Vengeance, 1943

UF Vengeance, Operation, 1943
BT World War, 1939
1945CampaignsSolomon Islands
Operation Veritable, 1945
UF Veritable, Operation, 1945
BT World War, 1939
Operation Vernon Lake I, 1969
UF Vernon Lake I, Operation, 1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Vernon Lake II, 1968-1969
UF Vernon Lake II, Operation, 1968-1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Victor Search
USE Operation Victor Search, Wales, 1959-1960
Operation Victor Search, Wales, 1959-1960
UF Operation Victor Search [Former heading]
Victor Search Operation, Wales, 1959-1960
BT AirplanesSalvagingWales
RT Victor (Jet bomber)
Operation Vijay, 1961
Here are entered works on the military invasion of
Goa, Daman and Diu by India. Works on the political
annexation of Goa, Daman and Diu are entered
under Goa, Daman and Diu (India)--Annexation to

UF Vijay, Operation, 1961

BT IndiaHistory1947Operation Vijay, 1999
USE Kargil War, 1999
Operation Vin Loc, 1968
UF Vin Loc, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Vistula, 1947
UF Wisla Action, Poland, 1947
Wisla Operation, Poland, 1947
BT Forced migrationPoland
Operation Waco, 1966
UF Waco, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Wahiawa, 1966
UF Wahiawa, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Walker, 1968-1969
UF Walker, Operation, 1968-1969
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Walkure, 1944
USE Operation Valkyrie, 1944
Operation Wallowa, 1967-1968
UF Operation Wheeler, 1967-1968
Wallowa, Operation, 1967-1968
Wheeler, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Wasco Rapids, 1971
UF Wasco Rapids, Operation, 1971
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Washington Green, 1969-1970
UF Washington Green, Operation, 1969-1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Wasservogel, 1943
UF Wasservogel, Operation, 1943
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsWales
Operation Waycross, 1966
UF Waycross, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Whalers, 2005
UF Whalers, Operation, 2005
BT Afghan War, 2001-Campaigns
Operation Wheeler, 1967
UF Wheeler, Operation, 1967
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Wheeler, 1967-1968
USE Operation Wallowa, 1967-1968
Operation White Wing, 1966
USE Operation Masher, 1966
Operation Winchester, 1966
UF Winchester, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Worth, 1968
UF Worth, Operation, 1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Yellowstone, 1967-1968
UF Yellowstone, Operation, 1967-1968
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation York Market, 1970
UF York Market, Operation, 1970
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns
Operation Yorktown, 1966
UF Yorktown, Operation, 1966
BT Vietnam War, 1961-1975Campaigns


Operational amplifiers
BT Amplifiers (Electronics)
Operational analysis
USE Operations research
Operational art (Military science)
UF Operational level of war
BT Strategy
Operational auditing
USE Management audit
Operational calculus
USE Calculus, Operational
Operational level of war
USE Operational art (Military science)
Operational psychologists (May Subd Geog)
BT Psychologists
Operational psychology
BT Psychology, Applied
RT Psychology, Military
Operational rations (Military supplies) (May Subd Geog)
UF Combat rations
Field rations
BT ArmiesCommissariat
Operational readiness (Military science)
(Not Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the capability and
readiness of military equipment and personnel to
perform the mission or functions for which they were
organized or designed. Works on the capability of
military equipment and personnel to maintain the
necessary level and duration of combat activity are
entered under Combat sustainability (Military

UF Combat readiness (Military science)

Readiness, Operational (Military science)
BT Military readiness
SA subdivision Operational readiness under

military services, e.g. United States--Armed

Forces--Operational readiness
Operational research
USE Operations research
Operational risk (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on a company's risk of
loss that results from inadequate or failed internal
processes, people and systems, or from external

BT Financial risk
BT Philosophy
Operations, Calculus of
USE Calculus of operations
Operations, Concrete (Psychology)
USE Concrete operations (Psychology)
Operations, Dyer-Lashof
USE Dyer-Lashof operations
Operations, Elective (Surgery)
USE Surgery, Elective
Operations, Generalized Pontrjagin cohomology
USE Generalized Pontrjagin cohomology operations
Operations, Low-intensity (Military science)
USE Low-intensity conflicts (Military science)
Operations, Naval
USE Sea control
Operations, Psychological (Military science)
USE Psychological warfare
Operations, Surgical (May Subd Geog)
Here is entered literature relating to the risks and
accidents of surgical operations, treatment of patients
after operations, mortality, and other generalities.
Works on the details of the operations themselves
are entered under Surgery, Operative. Works relating
especially to methods of securing asepsis are
entered under Surgery, Aseptic and antiseptic.

UF Surgical operations
BT Surgery
Surgery, Operative
NT Surgery, Elective
BT Nosology
Psychological aspects
USE SurgeryPsychological aspects
Operations, Undercover
USE Undercover operations

Operations, Undercover (Espionage)

USE Espionage
Operations, Word processing
USE Word processing operations
Operations (Algebraic topology)
USE Cohomology operations
Operations auditing
USE Management audit
Operations officers (United States Navy)
USE United States. NavyOperations officers
Operations other than war (Military science)
USE Armed ForcesOperations other than war
Operations research (May Subd Geog)
UF Operational analysis
Operational research
BT Industrial engineering
RT Management science
BT Research
System theory
NT Cutting stock problem
Decomposition method
Maintainability (Engineering)
ManagementSimulation methods
Mathematical optimization
Programming (Mathematics)
Resource allocation
Search theory
Simulation methods
Statistical decision
Operations specialists (United States Navy)
USE United States. NavyOperations specialists
Operative ankylosis
USE Arthrodesis
Operative dentistry
USE Dentistry, Operative
Operative diagnosis
USE Diagnosis, Surgical
Operative endoscopy
USE Endoscopic surgery
Operative gynecology
USE Generative organs, FemaleSurgery
Operative laparoscopy
USE Laparoscopic surgery
Operative obstetrics
USE ObstetricsSurgery
Operative orthopedics
USE Orthopedic surgery
Operative otolaryngology
USE Otolaryngology, Operative
Operative peritoneoscopy
USE Laparoscopic surgery
Operative sonography
USE Operative ultrasonography
Operative surgery
USE Surgery, Operative
Operative ultrasonography (May Subd Geog)
UF Interventional sonography
Interventional ultrasonography
Interventional ultrasound
Intraoperative ultrasonography
Operative sonography
Operative ultrasound
Surgical ultrasonography
BT Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging
Ultrasonics in surgery
Operative ultrasound
USE Operative ultrasonography
Operative urogynecology
USE Urogynecologic surgery
Operative urology
USE Genitourinary organsSurgery
Operative wound infections
USE Surgical wound infections
Operatives (Spies)
USE Spies
Operator, Calderon-Zygmund
USE Calderon-Zygmund operator
Operator, D'Alembertian
USE D'Alembertian operator
Operator, Hamiltonian
USE Hamiltonian operator
Operator, Laplacian
USE Laplacian operator
Operator, Schrodinger
USE Schrodinger operator
Operator 5 (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Christopher, Jimmy (Fictitious character)
Jimmy Christopher (Fictitious character)
Operator algebras

UF Algebras, Operator
BT Operator theory
Topological algebras
NT Bose algebras
Free probability theory
Noncommutative differential geometry
Triangular operator algebras
Vertex operator algebras
Operator colligations
UF Colligations, Operator
BT Operator theory
Operator equations
UF Equations, Operator
BT Differential equations, Partial
Asymptotic theory
BT Asymptotic expansions
Numerical solutions
BT Numerical analysis
Operator equations, Nonlinear
UF Nonlinear operator equations
Numerical solutions
BT Numerical analysis
Operator functions
USE Operator-valued functions
Operator ideals
BT Ideals (Algebra)
Operator language/2
USE OL/2 (Computer program language)
Operator logos (Cell phones) (May Subd Geog)
BT Logos (Symbols)
RT Cell phones
Operator-machine systems
USE Human-machine systems
Operator pencils, Polynomial
USE Polynomial operator pencils
Operator polynomials
USE Polynomial operator pencils
Operator product expansions
UF Expansions, Operator product
Product expansions, Operator
BT Operator theory
Operator spaces
UF Matricially normed spaces
Non-commutative Banach space theory
BT Banach spaces
Operator theory
Operator theory
[QA329-QA329.9 (Mathematics)]
[QC20.7.O66 (Mathematical physics)]
[QC174.17.O63 (Quantum mechanics)]
[QC174.52.O6 (Quantum field theory)]
BT Functional analysis
NT Aggregation operators
Almost periodic operators
Differential operators
Dilation theory (Operator theory)
Eigenfunction expansions
Factorization of operators
Hecke operators
Integral operators
Linear operators
Mellin operators
Monotone operators
Narrow operators
Nonlinear operators
Operator algebras
Operator colligations
Operator product expansions
Operator spaces
Operator-valued measures
Polynomial operators
Product formulas (Operator theory)
Pseudodifferential operators
Random operators
Resolvents (Mathematics)
Scattering operator
Semigroups of operators
Transfer operators
Transmutation operators
Unitary operators
Operator-valued functions
UF Operator functions
BT Functional analysis
Operator-valued measures
UF Measures, Operator-valued
BT Measure theory
Operator theory
Operatories, Dental
USE Dental offices
Operators, Absolutely summing
USE Absolutely summing operators


Operators, Almost periodic

USE Almost periodic operators
Operators, Call center
USE Call center agents
Operators, Camera
USE Camera operators
Operators, Closed
USE Closed operators
Operators, Closure
USE Closure operators
Operators, Compact
USE Compact operators
Operators, Completely continuous
USE Compact operators
Operators, Composition
USE Composition operators
Operators, Cones of
USE Cones (Operator theory)
Operators, Contracting
USE Contraction operators
Operators, Contraction
USE Contraction operators
Operators, Differential
USE Differential operators
Operators, Elliptic
USE Elliptic operators
Operators, Factorization of
USE Factorization of operators
Operators, Farm
USE Farmers
Operators, Fredholm
USE Fredholm operators
Operators, Hankel
USE Hankel operators
Operators, Hecke
USE Hecke operators
Operators, Hermitian
USE Hermitian operators
Operators, Hypoelliptic
USE Hypoelliptic operators
Operators, Hyponormal
USE Hyponormal operators
Operators, Integral
USE Integral operators
Operators, Linear
USE Linear operators
Operators, Markov
USE Markov operators
Operators, Mellin
USE Mellin operators
Operators, Motor vehicle
USE Motor vehicle drivers
Operators, Narrow
USE Narrow operators
Operators, Non-self-adjoint
USE Nonselfadjoint operators
Operators, Nonlinear
USE Nonlinear operators
Operators, Nonselfadjoint
USE Nonselfadjoint operators
Operators, Normal
USE Normal operators
Operators, Nuclear power plant
USE Nuclear power plant operators
Operators, Parabolic
USE Parabolic operators
Operators, Positive
USE Positive operators
Operators, Pseudodifferential
USE Pseudodifferential operators
Operators, Random
USE Random operators
Operators, Selfadjoint
USE Selfadjoint operators
Operators, Semigroups of
USE Semigroups of operators
Operators, Shift (Operator theory)
USE Shift operators (Operator theory)
Operators, Subnormal
USE Subnormal operators
Operators, Symmetric
USE Symmetric operators
Operators, Symmetrical
USE Hermitian operators
Operators, Toeplitz
USE Toeplitz operators
Operators, Tour (Industry)
USE Tourism
Operators, Transmutation
USE Transmutation operators
Operators, Unitary
USE Unitary operators

Operators, Voice stress

USE Voice stress operators
Operators, Volterra
USE Volterra operators
Operators, Wiener-Hopf
USE Wiener-Hopf operators
Operators' permits, Motor vehicle
USE Drivers' licenses
USE Discomycetes
Operetta (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works about operetta. Musical
compositions in this form are entered under headings
such as Musicals, Operas, Zarzuelas.

UF Comic opera
Musical farce
BT Opera
RT Liederspiel
NT Women in operetta
Stories, plots, etc.
USE OperasStories, plots, etc.
USE Musicals
Operkon River (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
BT Genetic regulation
Genetic transcription
NT Lac operon
Promoters (Genetics)
Repressors, Genetic
Operophtera (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.G6 (Zoology)]
UF Cheimatobia
Operophthera [Former heading]
BT Geometridae
NT Northern winter moth
Winter moth
Operophtera boreata
USE Northern winter moth
Operophtera brumata
USE Winter moth
Operophtera fagata
USE Northern winter moth
USE Operophtera
Operophthera fagata
USE Northern winter moth
Opfikerpark (Opfikon, Switzerland)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT ParksSwitzerland
Opheim family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oppheim family
Ophel (Jerusalem)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ofel (Jerusalem)
BT MountainsJerusalem
Ophel Archaeological Garden (Jerusalem)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Yitzhak ben Youssef Levy Archaeological

Garden (Jerusalem)
Yitzhak ben Youssef Levy Garden (Jerusalem)
BT Archaeological parksJerusalem
Ophelia (Annelida)
BT Opheliidae
NT Ophelia bicornis
Ophelia (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
Ophelia (Fictitious character) in art (Not Subd Geog)
Ophelia bicornis (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophelia (Annelida)
Ophelia O. (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF O., Ophelia (Fictitious character)
Opheliida (May Subd Geog)
[QL391.A6 (Zoology)]
BT Polychaeta
NT Opheliidae
Opheliidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL391.A6 (Zoology)]
BT Opheliida
NT Armandia

Ophelia (Annelida)
USE Green snakes
Opheodrys aestivus
USE Rough green snake
Opheodrys vernalis
USE Smooth green snake
USE Operophtera
USE Lampropeltis
USE Snakeheads (Fish)
USE Channa
USE Snake eels
USE Snake eels
Ophicleide (May Subd Geog)
[ML990.O7 (History)]
BT Serpent (Musical instrument)
Ophicleide and piano music (May Subd Geog)
UF Piano and ophicleide music
Ophicleide music (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo ophicleide, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for solo ophicleide.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "ophicleide" or "ophicleides" and

headings with medium of performance that

include "ophicleide" or "ophicleides"

USE Noctuidae
Ophiderpetontidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Aistopoda
USE Snakes
USE Snakes
Ophidiidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.O637 (Zoology)]
UF Brotulas
Brotulidae [Former heading]
Cusk eels
Eels, Cusk
BT Ophidiiformes
NT Genypterus
Ophidiiformes (May Subd Geog)
[QL637.O63 (Zoology)]
BT Osteichthyes
NT Carapidae
Ophidium blacodes
USE Genypterus blacodes
Ophiobolus graminis
USE Gaeumannomyces graminis
USE Bowiea
Ophiobostryx volubilis
USE Bowiea volubilis
Ophiochaeta graminis
USE Gaeumannomyces graminis
Ophiocomidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophiurida
Ophiocten (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophiuridae
NT Ophiocten sericeum
Ophiocten sericeum (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophiocten
Ophiodon (May Subd Geog)
UF Ophiodontidae
BT Hexagrammidae
NT Lingcod
Ophiodon elongatus
USE Lingcod
USE Hexagrammidae
USE Green snakes


Ophioglossaceae (May Subd Geog)

[QK524.O7 (Botany)]
UF Adder's tongue family (Plants)
Adder's tongue fern family
BT Ophioglossales
NT Botrychium
Ophioglossales (May Subd Geog)
BT Ferns
NT Ophioglossaceae
USE Ophiura
Ophiolites (May Subd Geog)
BT Igneous rocks
USE Snakes
Ophiomorpha (May Subd Geog)
BT Trace fossils
BT Skinks
Ophionyssus (May Subd Geog)
BT Macronyssidae
NT Ophionyssus natricis
Ophionyssus natricis (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophionyssus
Ophiophagus hannah
USE King cobra
Ophiopogon (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.L72 (Botany)]
UF Lily turfs
Mondo grasses
BT Liliaceae
NT Dwarf lilyturf
Ophiopogon japonica
USE Dwarf lilyturf
Ophiopogon japonicus
USE Dwarf lilyturf
USE Asparagaceae
USE Ophiorrhiza
Ophiorrhiza (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.R85 (Botany)]
UF Ophiorhiza
Ophioscion (May Subd Geog)
BT Sciaenidae
Ophioscion woodwardi
USE Micropogonias furnieri
Ophiostoma (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophiostomataceae
NT Ophiostoma multiannulatum
Ophiostoma multiannulatum (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophiostoma
Ophiostomataceae (May Subd Geog)
BT Sphaeriales
NT Ceratocystiopsis
Ophioxylon serpentinum
USE Rauvolfia serpentina
Ophir (Not Subd Geog)
BT Geographical myths
Ophir Creek (Washoe County, Nev.)
BT RiversNevada
Ophir Creek Valley (Washoe County, Nev.)
UF Ophir Valley (Washoe County, Nev.)
BT ValleysNevada
Ophir Planum (Mars)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT Mars (Planet)
Ophir Valley (Washoe County, Nev.)
USE Ophir Creek Valley (Washoe County, Nev.)
Ophisaurus (May Subd Geog)
UF Glass lizards
BT Anguidae
NT Ophisaurus apodus
Ophisaurus apodus (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophisaurus
Ophisternon (May Subd Geog)

Ophisternon (Continued)
BT Synbranchidae
NT Ophisternon aenigmaticum
Ophisternon aenigmaticum (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophisternon
USE Opisthonema
BT Gnosticism
Ophiura (May Subd Geog)
UF Ophioglypha
BT Ophiuridae
NT Ophiura robusta
Ophiura robusta (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophiura
Ophiurida (May Subd Geog)
UF Brittle stars, Typical
BT Ophiuroidea
NT Amphiuridae
Ophiuridae (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophiurida
NT Ophiocten
Ophiuroidea (May Subd Geog)
UF Brittle-stars
Serpent stars
BT Echinodermata
NT Ophiurida
Ophiuroidea, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
NT Stenurida
Ophiusa (Spain)
USE Formentera (Spain)
USE Noctuidae
BT Church officers
Orthodox Eastern ChurchGovernment
Ophraella (May Subd Geog)
BT Chrysomelidae
Ophryoglena (May Subd Geog)
BT Ophryoglenidae
Ophryoglenidae (May Subd Geog)
NT Ophryoglena
Ophryoscolecidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Cunhaiidae
BT Entodiniomorphida
Ophryotrocha (May Subd Geog)
BT Dorvilleidae
NT Ophryotrocha geryonicola
Ophryotrocha geryonicola (May Subd Geog)
UF Eteonopsis geryonicola
BT Ophryotrocha
Ophrys (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O64 (Botany)]
UF Arachnites
BT Orchids
Ophrys cernua
USE Spiranthes cernua
Ophrys ovata
USE Eggleaf twayblade
USE ConjunctivaDiseases
Ophthalmia neonatorum
USE Conjunctivitis, Infantile
Ophthalmic agents
USE Ophthalmic drugs
Ophthalmic and aural dispensaries
USE Dispensaries, Ophthalmic and aural
Ophthalmic and aural hospitals
USE Hospitals, Ophthalmic and aural
Ophthalmic assistants (May Subd Geog)
BT Allied health personnel

Ophthalmic diagnostic device industry

USE Ophthalmic diagnostic equipment industry
Ophthalmic diagnostic equipment industry
(May Subd Geog)
UF Diagnostic ophthalmic equipment industry
Ophthalmic diagnostic device industry [Former

BT Diagnostic equipment industry
Ophthalmic equipment industry
RT EyeDiseasesDiagnosisEquipment and

Ophthalmic dispensing
USE Opticianry
Ophthalmic drugs (May Subd Geog)
UF Materia medica, Ophthalmological [Former

Ophthalmic agents
BT Drugs
Therapeutics, Ophthalmological
RT Ocular pharmacology
NT Mydriatics
Timolol maleate
Vitreous humor substitutes
Ophthalmic drugs industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Pharmaceutical industry
Ophthalmic echography
USE Ultrasonics in ophthalmology
Ophthalmic emergencies
USE Ophthalmologic emergencies
Ophthalmic equipment industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical instruments and apparatus industry
RT OphthalmologyEquipment and supplies
NT Eye surgery instruments industry
Ophthalmic diagnostic equipment industry
Ophthalmic ganglion
USE Ciliary ganglion
Ophthalmic lasers
USE Lasers in ophthalmology
Ophthalmic lenses (May Subd Geog)
UF Corrective lenses
Prosthetic lenses
BT Lenses
NT Bifocal lenses
Contact lenses
Intraocular lenses
Progressive lenses (Ophthalmology)
Ophthalmic mallein
Ophthalmic nursing (May Subd Geog)
UF EyeDiseasesNursing
BT Nursing
Ophthalmic opticians
USE Optometrists
Ophthalmic photography (May Subd Geog)
UF EyePhotography
Photography, Ophthalmic [Former heading]
Photography in ophthalmology
BT EyeExamination
Medical photography
NT EyeMovementsPhotographic

Fluorescence angiography
Ophthalmic plastic surgery (May Subd Geog)
UF Ocular plastic surgery
Oculoplastic surgery
Ophthalmoplastic surgery
BT EyeSurgery
Surgery, Plastic
NT Blepharoplasty
Complications (May Subd Geog)
Ophthalmic surgery
USE EyeSurgery
Ophthalmic zoster (May Subd Geog)
UF Ganglionitis, Gasserian
Gasserian ganglionitis
Herpes ophthalmicus
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus


Ocular herpes zoster

Ocular zoster
BT EyeInfections
Shingles (Disease)
Ophthalmodynamometry (May Subd Geog)
BT Blood pressureMeasurement
Ophthalmologic emergencies (May Subd Geog)
UF Emergency ophthalmology
Ocular emergencies
Ophthalmic emergencies
BT Medical emergencies
NT EyeWounds and injuries
Ophthalmological manifestations of general diseases
USE Ocular manifestations of general diseases
Ophthalmological symptoms of general diseases
USE Ocular manifestations of general diseases
Ophthalmological therapeutics
USE Therapeutics, Ophthalmological
Ophthalmologists (May Subd Geog)
UF Oculists
BT Ophthalmology
NT Ophthalmic assistants
Malpractice (May Subd Geog)
UF Tort liability of ophthalmologists
BT Malpractice
Ophthalmology (May Subd Geog)
BT Medicine
RT EyeDiseases
NT Anesthesia in ophthalmology
Forensic ophthalmology
Geriatric ophthalmology
Hypnotism in ophthalmology
Lasers in ophthalmology
Pediatric ophthalmology
Radioisotopes in ophthalmology
Sports ophthalmology
Ultrasonics in ophthalmology
Veterinary ophthalmology
Early works to 1800
Equipment and supplies
UF Eye, Instruments and apparatus for

[Former heading]
RT Ophthalmic equipment industry
Formulae, receipts, prescriptions
UF Eye, Instruments and apparatus for

[Former heading]
NT Ophthalmoscopes
USE Forensic ophthalmology
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical laws and legislation
Medals (May Subd Geog)
NT Medaille Gonin
UF EyePeriodicals
Popular works
Practice (May Subd Geog)
NT Ophthalmic assistants
Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog)
UF Ophthalmology as a profession [Former

Ophthalmology, Industrial
USE Industrial ophthalmology
Ophthalmology as a profession
USE OphthalmologyVocational guidance
USE EyeExamination
USE Ocular pharmacology
Ophthalmoplastic surgery
USE Ophthalmic plastic surgery
USE Ophthalmic plastic surgery
USE EyeParalysis
USE Pachycondyla

USE Pachycondyla
USE Exophthalmos
Ophthalmoscope and ophthalmoscopy
USE Ophthalmoscopes
Ophthalmoscopes (May Subd Geog)
UF Funduscopes
Ophthalmoscope and ophthalmoscopy

[Former heading]
BT OphthalmologyInstruments
Ophthalmoscopy (May Subd Geog)
UF Fundoscopy
Ophthalmoscope and ophthalmoscopy

[Former heading]
BT EyeExamination
NT Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
USE Phlaeothripidae
USE Xerophthalmia
Opial inequalities
UF Inequalities, Opial
Opial-type inequalities
Opial's inequalities
BT Integral inequalities
Opial-type inequalities
USE Opial inequalities
Opial's inequalities
USE Opial inequalities
Opiate receptors
USE EndorphinsReceptors
USE Narcotics
Opiates, Endogenous
USE Opioid peptides
USE Oscans
Opickhon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opicon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
USE Opequon Creek (Va. and W. Va.)
Opie family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oppie family
Opiliaceae (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O62 (Botany)]
BT Santalales
NT Cansjera
USE Snow crab
USE Opilioacariformes
Opilioacariformes (May Subd Geog)
UF Leathery mites
BT Mites
USE Opiliones
Opiliones (May Subd Geog)
[QL458.5-QL458.52 (Zoology)]
UF Daddy longlegs
Granddaddy longlegs
Harvest spiders
Harvestmen (Arachnida)
Phalangida [Former heading]
BT Arachnida
NT Leiobunidae
Opiliones, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Arachnida, Fossil
Opinaca Lake (Quebec)
UF Lac Opinaca (Quebec)
Opinaca Reservoir (Quebec)
Opinaka Lake (Quebec)
Reservoir Opinaca (Quebec)
BT LakesQuebec (Province)
ReservoirsQuebec (Province)

Opinaca Reservoir (Quebec)

USE Opinaca Lake (Quebec)
Opinaka Lake (Quebec)
USE Opinaca Lake (Quebec)
Opinion, Public
USE Public opinion
Opinion (Philosophy)
BT Philosophy
Opinion evidence
USE Evidence, Expert
Opinion polls
USE Public opinion polls
Opinions, Advisory
USE Advisory opinions
Opinions, Auditors'
USE Auditors' reports
Opinions, Judicial
USE Judicial opinions
Opinions, Legal
USE Legal opinions
Opinsky Post Office Building (Anchorage, Alaska)
USE Robert J. Opinsky Post Office Building

(Anchorage, Alaska)
Opioid abuse (May Subd Geog)
UF Opioid addiction
Opioid habit [Former heading]
BT Drug abuse
Opioid addiction
USE Opioid abuse
Opioid habit
USE Opioid abuse
Opioid peptides (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on naturally occuring
peptides that exert opiate-like effects by interacting
with opiate receptors of cell membranes.

UF Anodynins
Brain opioids
Endogenous narcotics
Endogenous opiates
Endogenous opioids
Opiates, Endogenous
BT Neuropeptides
RT Lipotropin
NT Dynorphins
Opioid receptors
USE OpioidsReceptors
[RC483.5.O64 (Psychotherapy)]
[RD86.O64 (Anesthesiology)]
UF Opium-like agents
BT Psychotropic drugs
RT Opium
NT Codeine
UF Opioid receptors
Opisthobranchia (May Subd Geog)
UF Opisthobranchiata [Former heading]
BT Gastropoda
NT Acochlidioidea
Sea hares (Mollusks)
Opisthobranchia, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Gastropoda, Fossil
NT Actaeonellidae
USE Opisthobranchia
USE Dimarcus
USE Gunnels
USE Hoactzin
USE Hoactzin
Opisthoglyphia (May Subd Geog)
BT Colubridae
Opisthognathidae (May Subd Geog)


UF Jawfishes
BT Perciformes
NT Gnathypops
Opisthonema (May Subd Geog)
UF Ophistonema
BT Clupeidae
USE Haplotaxida
Opisthoproctidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.O657 (Zoology)]
UF Barreleyes (Fish)
BT Osmeriformes
Opisthorchiasis (May Subd Geog)
BT Helminthiasis
USE Opisthorchiida
USE Opisthorchiidae
Opisthorchiida (May Subd Geog)
UF Opisthorchida
BT Digenea
NT Cryptogonimidae
Opisthorchiidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL391.P7 (Zoology)]
UF Opisthorchidae
BT Opisthorchiida
NT Clonorchis
Opisthorchis (May Subd Geog)
[QL391.P7 (Zoology)]
BT Liver flukes
NT Opisthorchis viverrini
Opisthorchis sinensis
USE Clonorchis sinensis
Opisthorchis viverrini (May Subd Geog)
[QL391.P7 (Zoology)]
UF Asian liver fluke, Southeast
Southeast Asian liver fluke
BT Opisthorchis
USE Gnamptogenys
Opisthotropis (May Subd Geog)
BT Colubridae
RT Morphine
BT Narcotics
RT Opioids
Opium abuse (May Subd Geog)
[HV5816 (Social aspects)]
[RC568.O6 (Medicine)]
UF Opium addiction
Opium habit [Former heading]
BT Drug abuse
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Narcotic laws
Opium abuse in literature (Not Subd Geog)
UF Opium habit in literature [Former heading]
Opium addiction
USE Opium abuse
Opium habit
USE Opium abuse
Opium habit in literature
USE Opium abuse in literature
Opium industry
USE Opium trade
Opium-like agents
USE Opioids
Opium poppy (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.P22 (Botany)]
[SB295.O65 (Medicinal plant)]
[SB299.O65 (Oilseed plant)]
UF Oil poppy
Papaver setigerum
Papaver somniferum
Poppy, Oil
Poppy, Opium
Poppy, Seed
Seed poppy
BT Medicinal plants
Oilseed plants
Psychotropic plants

Opium poppy growers (May Subd Geog)

UF Growers, Opium poppy
BT Farmers
Opium trade (May Subd Geog)
[HD9675.O65HD9675.O654 (Pharmaceutical industry)]
[HV5816 (Drug abuse)]
UF Opium industry
BT Drug traffic
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Narcotic laws
Opium War, China, 1840-1842
USE ChinaHistoryOpium War, 1840-1842
Opius (May Subd Geog)
BT Braconidae
OPL (Computer program language)
UF Optimization Programming Language

(Computer program language)

BT Programming languages (Electronic

Oplandsplads family (Not Subd Geog)
Oplinger family
USE Oblinger family
Oplonia (May Subd Geog)
UF Anthacanthus
BT Acanthaceae
Oplonti (Extinct city)
USE Oplontis (Extinct city)
Oplontis (Extinct city)
UF Oplonti (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesItaly
Oplurid lizards
USE Opluridae
Opluridae (May Subd Geog)
[QL666.L265 (Zoology)]
UF Oplurid lizards
Oplurine lizards
BT Lizards
USE Opluridae
Oplurine lizards
USE Opluridae
USE Opluridae
OPNQRYF (Computer science)
UF Open Query File (Computer science)
BT File processing (Computer science)
Opocopa Lake (Quebec)
UF Lac Opocopa (Quebec)
BT LakesQuebec (Province)
Opogona (May Subd Geog)
BT Tineidae
Opoloo (Samoa)
USE Upolu (Samoa)
Opomyza (May Subd Geog)
BT Opomyzidae
Opomyzidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Geomyzidae
BT Diptera
NT Opomyza
Opon River (Colombia)
UF Rio Opon (Colombia)
BT RiversColombia
Opon River Valley (Colombia)
UF Opon Valley (Colombia)
BT ValleysColombia
Opon Valley (Colombia)
USE Opon River Valley (Colombia)
USE Oporinia
Oporinia (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.G6 (Zoology)]
UF Cidaria
BT Geometridae
NT Oporinia autumnata
Oporinia autumnata (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.G6 (Zoology)]
[SB945.O57 (Pest)]

UF Autumnal moth
BT Oporinia
Oporornis (May Subd Geog)
BT Emberizidae
Wood warblers
NT Connecticut warbler
Oporornis agilia
USE Connecticut warbler
Oporornis agilis
USE Connecticut warbler
OPOs (Optical parametric oscillators)
USE Optical parametric oscillators
Opossum, Australian brush-tailed
USE Trichosurus vulpecula
Opossum, Brushtail
USE Trichosurus vulpecula
Opossum, Common
USE Virginia opossum
Opossum, North American
USE Virginia opossum
Opossum, Virginia
USE Virginia opossum
Opossum Creek (Hanover County, Va.)
USE Totopotomoy Creek (Va.)
USE Hispaniolan solenodon
Opossum shrimps
USE Mysidacea
Opossums (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.M34 (Zoology)]
UF American opossums
American possums
Possums, American
BT Didelphimorphia
NT Didelphis
Fat-tailed mouse opossums
Philander (Mammals)
Short-tailed opossums
Opossums, Australasian
USE Phalangeridae
Opossums, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Didelphimorphia, Fossil
NT Pucadelphys
Opossums, Rat
USE Caenolestidae
Opossums, Shrew
USE Caenolestidae
Opostegidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Lepidoptera
USE Organotherapy
Opovo Site (Serbia)
UF Opovo-Ugar Bajbuk Site (Serbia)
BT SerbiaAntiquities
Opovo-Ugar Bajbuk Site (Serbia)
USE Opovo Site (Serbia)
Opp family
USE Upp family
USE Rubber, Artificial
Oppatajo (Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Oppegaard family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oppegard family
Oppegard family
USE Oppegaard family
Oppenheim family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oppenheimer family
Oppenheim-Ziehen disease
USE Dystonia musculorum deformans
Oppenheimer family
USE Oppenheim family
Oppenweiler family
USE Sturmfeder family
Opperman family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oppermann family
Oppermann family
USE Opperman family
Oppersdorff family (Not Subd Geog)
Oppheim family
USE Opheim family
Oppidum dArgentomagus (Saint-Marcel, Indre, France)
USE Argentomagus Site (Saint-Marcel, Indre,



Oppidum de Giribaile (Extinct city)

USE Giribaile (Extinct city)
Oppidum d'Enserune (Extinct city)
USE Enserune (Extinct city)
Oppidum des Encourdoules (Vallauris, France)
USE Encourdoules Site (Vallauris, France)
Oppidum Heidengraben Site (Germany)
USE Heidengraben Site (Germany)
Oppidum Nesactium (Extinct city)
USE Nesactium (Extinct city)
Oppidum Zidovar (Serbia)
USE Zidovar Site (Serbia)
Oppie family
USE Opie family
Opple family
USE Appel family
USE subdivision Adversaries under names of

individual persons
USE Enemies
Opponents of immigration
USE Immigration opponents
Opportunism (Psychology) (May Subd Geog)
BT Human behavior
Opportunistic infections (May Subd Geog)
BT Infection
NT Microsporidiosis
Opportunity (May Subd Geog)
[B105.O67 (Philosophy)]
RT Fortune
Opportunity costs (May Subd Geog)
UF Alternative costs
Costs, Alternative
Costs, Opportunity
Implicit costs
Imputed costs
BT Cost
NT Sunk costs
Opposed piston engines (May Subd Geog)
BT Engines
Internal combustion engines
USE Polarity
Opposition, Theory of
[BC199.O6 (Logic)]
[BF455 (Psychology)]
UF Contrariety
BT Philosophy
RT Polarity
BT Psychology
Opposition, Theory of, in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Opposition (Linguistics)
UF Distinctive oppositions (Linguistics)
BT Binary principle (Linguistics)
Opposition (Political science) (May Subd Geog)
[JF518 (Legislative bodies)]
UF Political opposition
BT Political science
RT Divided government
Opposition (Political science) in literature
(Not Subd Geog)
Opposition (Political science) in the Bible
Oppositional behavior in adolescence
USE Oppositional defiant disorder in adolescence
Oppositional behavior in children
USE Oppositional defiant disorder in children
Oppositional defiant disorder in adolescence
(May Subd Geog)
UF Oppositional behavior in adolescence
BT Adolescent psychopathology
Oppositional defiant disorder in children
(May Subd Geog)
UF ODD (Child psychiatry)
Oppositional behavior in children
Oppositional disorder (Child psychiatry)
Passive-aggressive personality disorder in

BT Behavior disorders in children
Oppositional disorder (Child psychiatry)
USE Oppositional defiant disorder in children
Opposum (Genus)
USE Vombatus
Oppression, Fat
USE Discrimination against overweight persons
Oppression (Psychology)
BT Criminal psychology
Social psychology

Oppression (Psychology) in mass media

(Not Subd Geog)
BT Mass media
Ops (Roman deity) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Gods, Roman
OPS5 (Computer program language)
UF Official Production System Version 5

(Computer program language)

OPS5 (Computer system) [Former heading]
BT Programming languages (Electronic

OPS5 (Computer system)
USE OPS5 (Computer program language)
OpSail, 1976
USE Operation Sail, 1976
OpSail, 1986
USE Operation Sail, 1986
Opsanus (May Subd Geog)
BT Toadfishes
NT Oyster toadfish
Opsanus tau
USE Oyster toadfish
USE Upsheren
Opsiphanes (May Subd Geog)
BT Satyridae
NT Opsiphanes tamarindi
Opsiphanes tamarindi (May Subd Geog)
BT Opsiphanes
Opsius tenellus
USE Beet leafhopper
Opsodexia (May Subd Geog)
BT Muscidae
Opsonins and opsonic index
BT Immunoglobulins
Opsopoeodus emiliae
USE Pugnose minnow
USE Pachycondyla
Optic chiasm
BT Brain
Optic nerve
Visual pathways
Wounds and injuries (May Subd Geog)
Optic disc
UF Blind spot
Disc, Optic
Optic papills
Papills, Optic
BT Optic nerve
Optic ganglion
USE Ciliary ganglion
Optic lobes
Optic lobes
UF Optic ganglion
BT Brain
Optic nerve
[QL949 (Comparative anatomy)]
[QM511 (Human anatomy)]
BT Nerves, Cranial
Posterior segment (Eye)
Visual pathways
NT Optic chiasm
Optic disc
RT Retinal ganglion cells
Diseases (May Subd Geog)
BT Neuroophthalmology
NT Optic neuritis
USE Optic neuritis
Tumors (May Subd Geog)
Wounds and injuries (May Subd Geog)
Optic neuritis (May Subd Geog)
UF Optic nerveInflammation

BT Neuritis
Optic nerveDiseases
NT Subacute myelooptic neuropathy
Optic papills
USE Optic disc
Optic thalamus
USE Thalamus
Optical absorption
USE Light absorption
Optical alignment
USE Optical tooling
Optical amplifiers (May Subd Geog)
UF Amplifiers, Optical
BT Light amplifiers
Optoelectronic devices
Optical antennas (May Subd Geog)
[TK8360.O65 (Optoelectronic devices)]
UF Nanoantennas
BT Antennas (Electronics)
Integrated optics
Optoelectronic devices
Optical antipodes
USE Enantiomers
Optical art (May Subd Geog)
UF Art, Optical
Op art
BT Art, Modern20th century
Concrete art
Kinetic art
Visual perception
Optical bistability
UF Bistability, Optical
BT Quantum optics
Statistical physics
Optical bleaches
USE Optical brighteners
Optical brighteners
UF Brighteners, Optical
Fluorescent bleaches
Fluorescent brighteners
Fluorescent whitening agents
Optical bleaches
Optical whiteners
BT Bleaching materials
Dyes and dyeing
Optical character recognition (May Subd Geog)
UF OCR (Optical character recognition)
BT Optical pattern recognition
Optical character recognition device industry
(May Subd Geog)
BT Electronic industries
Optical character recognition devices (May Subd Geog)
UF Character recognition devices, Optical
OCR devices
BT ComputersOptical equipment
Optical pattern recognition
Optical scanners
Optoelectronic devices
Pattern recognition systems
Reading machines (Data processing

Optical coatings
Here are entered works on coatings applied to
optical surfaces.

BT Coatings
Optical materials
Optical coherence
USE Coherence (Optics)
Optical coherence tomography (May Subd Geog)
UF OCT (Tomography)
BT Interferometry
Optical tomography
RT Coherence (Optics)
Optical communication systems, Laser-based
USE Laser communication systems
Optical communications
UF Communications, Optical
Light communications
BT Photonics
NT AstronauticsOptical communication systems
Laser communication systems
Optical fiber communication
Optical radar
Optical wave guides
Quantum communication


SONET (Data transmission)
Wavelength division multiplexing
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Trade regulation
Optical computers
USE Computers, Optical
Optical computing
USE Optical data processing
Optical constants
BT Physical constants
Optical correlation filters
USE Optical correlators
Optical correlators (May Subd Geog)
UF Filters, Optical correlation
Optical correlation filters
BT Correlators
Optoelectronic devices
Optical coupler losses
USE Optical losses
Optical crystallography
USE Crystal optics
Optical data processing
[TA1630-TA1650 (Engineering)]
UF Optical computing
Visual data processing
BT Bionics
Electronic data processing
Integrated optics
RT ComputersOptical equipment
NT Computers, Optical
Flying spot scanners
Image processing
Image transmission
Information display systems
Laser recording
Optical pattern recognition
RadarOptical equipment
Ray tracing algorithms
Show-and-Tell (Electronic computer system)
Stellar inertial navigation systems
Television bandwidth compression
Optical density
USE Opacity (Optics)
Optical detectors (May Subd Geog)
[QC373.O59 (Optical instruments)]
[TK8360.O67 (Optoelectronic devices)]
UF Light-sensitive cells
Light-sensitive detectors
Light sensor photodevices
Photodevices, Light sensor
Photoelectric detectors
BT Detectors
Optical transducers
Optoelectronic devices
NT Bolometer
Optical fiber detectors
Surface plasmon resonance
Optical discs
USE Optical disks
Optical disk devices, Computer output
USE Computer output optical disk devices
Optical disks (May Subd Geog)
UF Discs, Optical
Disks, Optical
Laser discs
Laser disks
Optical discs
BT Optical storage devices
NT Blu-ray discs
Compact discs
Computer output optical disks
Optical engineering (May Subd Geog)
BT Mechanical engineering
NT Optical instrumentsDesign and construction
Optical engineers (May Subd Geog)
BT Engineers

Optical fiber communication (May Subd Geog)

[TK5103.592.F52 (Telecommunication)]
UF Fiber-optic communication
Fiber optic telecommunication
BT Optical communications
RT Fiber optics
NT FiWi access networks
Optical fiber subscriber loops
Passive optical networks
Optical fiber detectors (May Subd Geog)
UF Fiber optic sensors
Optical fiber sensors
BT Optical detectors
Optical fiber industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Optoelectronics industry
Optical fiber losses
USE Optical losses
Optical fiber sensors
USE Optical fiber detectors
Optical fiber subscriber loops (May Subd Geog)
UF Fiber to the home
Subscriber loops, Optical fiber
BT Optical fiber communication
Optical fibers
UF Light guides (Optical fibers)
BT Fiber optics
Optical materials
Optical wave guides
NT Plastic optical fibers
Single-mode optical fibers
USE Optical fibersJoints
USE Optical fibersJoints
UF Connectors, Optical fiber
Contacts, Optical fiber
Optical fibersConnectors
Optical fibersContacts
Optical fibersSplices
Splices, Optical fiber
BT Joints (Engineering)
USE Optical fibersJoints
Optical fibers in biochemistry (May Subd Geog)
BT Biochemistry
Optical fibers in medicine (May Subd Geog)
BT Medicine
Optical films (May Subd Geog)
UF Films, Optical
BT Optical materials
Thin films
Optical furnaces
USE Image furnaces
Optical glass (May Subd Geog)
UF Glass, Optical [Former heading]
BT Glass
Optical materials
NT Glass grinding and polishing
Optical gyroscopes (May Subd Geog)
UF Laser gyroscopes
BT Gyroscopes
Optical instruments
Optical hole burning
UF Hole burning, Optical
Photochemical hole burning
Spectral hole burning
BT Nonlinear optics
Optical illusions (May Subd Geog)
UF Illusions, Optical
BT Hallucinations and illusions
Physiological optics
Visual perception
NT Anamorphosis (Visual perception)
Black box theaters
Upside-down books
Optical illusions in art (Not Subd Geog)
Optical images
UF Images, Optical [Former heading]
BT Geometrical optics

Physiological optics
Visual perception
NT Images, Photographic
Mirror images
Optical imaging, Intrinsic
USE Intrinsic optical imaging
Optical industry (May Subd Geog)
[HD9707-HD9707.5 (Economics)]
[TS510-TS518 (Manufacturing)]
Here are entered works on the manufacture of
optical instruments and systems for scientific and
engineering applications. Works on the optometrist's
and optician's trade are entered under Optical trade.

UF Optical instrument industry

BT Instrument industry
NT Holography industry
Laser industry
Microscope industry
Stereoscope industry
Optical inertial navigation systems
USE Stellar inertial navigation systems
Optical inspection
USE Quality controlOptical methods
Optical instrument industry
USE Optical industry
Optical instrument repairers (United States Armed
USE United StatesArmed ForcesOptical

instrument repairers
Optical instruments (May Subd Geog)
[QC370.5-QC379 (Optics)]
[TS510-TS518 (Manufacturing)]
UF OpticsInstruments
BT Physical instruments
NT AirplanesOptical equipment
Astronomical instruments
Beam splitters
Camera lucidas
Collimators (Optical instrument)
Crime preventionOptical equipment
Cuvettes (Optical instrument)
Electrooptical devices
Fire control (Gunnery)Optical equipment
Law enforcementOptical equipment
Light deflectors
Mangin mirror
Manipulators (Mechanism)Optical equipment
Mining machineryBlind-area viewers
Neutron optical devices
Night vision devices
Optical gyroscopes
Optical spectrometers
Optoelectronic devices
Orbiting geophysical observatoriesOptical

Petrographic microscope
Polarizers (Light)
RadarOptical equipment
Rockets (Aeronautics)Optical equipment
Zone plates
Design and construction
BT Optical engineering
Computer programs
Optical instruments in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Optical interconnections
USE Optical interconnects
Optical interconnects
UF Optical interconnections
BT Integrated optics
NT Free space optical interconnects
Optical interferometers (May Subd Geog)
BT Astronomical instruments


NT Very Large Telescope Interferometer (Chile)
Optical isomers
UF Isomers, Optical
Isomers, Optically active
Optically active isomers
BT Stereoisomers
NT Diastereoisomers
Optical laboratories (May Subd Geog)
UF Optics laboratories
BT Physical laboratories
Optical lattice emulators (Not Subd Geog)
UF OLEs (Optoelectronics)
BT Optoelectronic devices
Optical lattices (May Subd Geog)
BT Optoelectronics
Optical losses
UF Losses, Optical
Optical coupler losses
Optical fiber losses
Optical waveguide losses
BT Physical optics
Optical masers
USE Lasers
Optical materials (May Subd Geog)
UF OpticsMaterials
BT Materials
NT Optical coatings
Optical fibers
Optical films
Optical glass
Two-photon absorbing materials
Optical measurements (May Subd Geog)
BT Physical measurements
NT AirPollutionMeasurementOptical

Optical radiometry
Optical tooling
Optical transfer function
Photometry, Ultraviolet
PollutionMeasurementOptical methods
Quality controlOptical methods
Speckle metrology
Optical MEMS (May Subd Geog)
UF Micro-optomechanical systems
MOMS (Micro-optomechanical systems)
Optical microelectromechanical systems
BT Integrated optics
Microelectromechanical systems
Optical microelectromechanical systems
USE Optical MEMS
Optical microscopes
USE Microscopes
Optical microscopy
USE Microscopy
Optical mineralogy
UF Mineralogy, Optical
BT Mineralogy, Determinative
NT Refractive index of minerals
Optical models, Nuclear
USE Nuclear optical models
Optical oceanography (May Subd Geog)
UF Optics of the sea
BT Oceanography
RT SeawaterOptical properties
NT Ocean color
Underwater imaging systems
Underwater television
Optical parametric oscillators (May Subd Geog)
UF OPOs (Optical parametric oscillators)
Oscillators, Optical parametric
BT Optoelectronic devices
Parametric oscillators
RT Lasers
Optical pattern recognition
BT Optical data processing
Pattern perception
Visual discrimination
NT Human face recognition (Computer science)

LINDA (Computer system)

Optical character recognition
Optical character recognition devices
Optical phase conjugation
UF Optics, Phase conjugated
Optics, Phase conjugating
Phase conjugated optics
Phase conjugating optics
Phase conjugation, Optical
BT Beam optics
Nonlinear optics
Optical phenomena, Influence of magnetism on
USE Magnetooptics
Optical potentials, Nuclear
USE Nuclear optical potentials
Optical properties
USE subdivisions Optical properties and Surfaces-
Optical properties under individual chemicals

and groups of chemicals and individual

materials and types of materials, e.g.

Metals--Optical properties; Metals-

Surfaces--Optical properties
Optical properties of spiral galaxies
USE Spiral galaxiesOptical properties
Optical publishing (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the publication of
information by means of optical storage media such
as optical disks, CD-ROM, etc.

UF Publishing, Optical
BT Electronic publishing
NT CD-ROM publishing
Optical pumping
[QC446.3.O68 (Physics)]
UF Pumping, Optical
BT Atoms
NT Masers
Optical pyrometers (May Subd Geog)
BT Pyrometers
Optical quality control
USE Quality controlOptical methods
Optical radar (May Subd Geog)
UF Laser radar
BT Laser communication systems
Optical communications
Optoelectronic devices
NT RadarOptical equipment
Shuttle Atmosphere Lidar Research Program
Optical radar in archaeology (May Subd Geog)
BT Archaeology
Optical radar in atmospheric chemistry
(May Subd Geog)
BT Atmospheric chemistry
Optical radiation measurement
USE Optical radiometry
Optical radiometry (May Subd Geog)
UF Optical radiation measurement
BT Optical measurements
Optical range finders
UF Range finders, Optical
BT Range-finding
Optical resolution
USE Resolution (Chemistry)
Optical resolving power
USE Resolution (Optics)
Optical resonance
BT Luminescence
Quantum optics
Optical rotation
BT Molecular rotation
RT Polarization (Light)
NT Optical rotatory dispersion
Walden inversion
Optical rotatory dispersion
BT Dispersion
Optical rotation
Optical scanners
BT Laser recording
Scanning systems
NT CHLOE scanner

HP ScanJet scanners
Optical character recognition devices
Optical second harmonic generation
USE Second harmonic generation
Optical shaft-angle encoders
USE Optical shaft encoders
Optical shaft encoders (May Subd Geog)
UF Optical shaft-angle encoders
BT Optoelectronic devices
Optical signal imaging, Intrinsic
USE Intrinsic optical imaging
Optical space communication systems
USE AstronauticsOptical communication systems
Optical spectrometers (May Subd Geog)
BT Optical instruments
Optical spectroscopy (May Subd Geog)
UF Spectroscopy, Optical
Visible spectroscopy
BT Spectrum analysis
NT Infrared spectroscopy
Spectral imaging
Ultraviolet spectroscopy
Optical storage device industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Optical storage devices
NT Compact disc industry
Videodisc industry
Optical storage devices (May Subd Geog)
[TA1635 (Applied optics)]
BT Computer storage devices
ComputersOptical equipment
RT Laser recording
NT Bank records in optical storage
Computer output optical disk devices
Documents in optical storage
Holographic storage devices (Computer

Optical disks
Optical storage device industry
Optical storage of documents
USE Documents in optical storage
Optical synthetic apertures
USE Synthetic apertures
Optical telescopes
USE Telescopes
Optical tomography (May Subd Geog)
BT Tomography
NT Optical coherence tomography
Optical tooling (May Subd Geog)
UF Alignment, Optical
Optical alignment
Tooling, Optical
BT Engineering inspection
Optical measurements
Optical trade (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the optometrist's and
optician's trade. Works on the manufacture of optical
instruments and systems for scientific and
engineering applications are entered under Optical

NT Contact lens industry

Eyeglass frame industry
Eyeglass industry
Intraocular lens industry
Sunglasses industry
USE AdvertisingOptical trade
Collective labor agreements
USE Collective labor agreementsOptical

Optical transducers
UF Transducers, Optical
BT Transducers
NT Optical detectors
Optical transfer function
UF Function, Optical transfer
BT Fourier transformations
Optical measurements
Transfer functions
Optical transforms
USE Diffraction patterns
Optical transmission factor
USE LightTransmission
Optical tweezers (May Subd Geog)


UF Tweezers, Optical
BT Optoelectronic devices
Optical wave guides (May Subd Geog)
UF Optical waveguides
BT Integrated optics
Optical communications
Optoelectronic devices
Wave guides
NT Optical fibers
Optical waveguide losses
USE Optical losses
Optical waveguides
USE Optical wave guides
Optical whiteners
USE Optical brighteners
Optical zone plates
USE Zone plates
Optically active isomers
USE Optical isomers
Optically stimulated luminescence dating
(May Subd Geog)
UF Dating, Optically stimulated luminescence
OSL dating
Stimulated luminescence dating, Optically
BT Luminescence dating
Optically stored documents
USE Documents in optical storage
Opticalmen (United States Navy)
USE United StatesArmed ForcesOptical

instrument repairers
Opticianry (May Subd Geog)
UF Dispensing, Ophthalmic
Ophthalmic dispensing
BT Optical trade
NT Eyeglasses
Ophthalmic lenses
Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog)
Opticians (May Subd Geog)
UF Dispensing opticians
BT Allied health personnel
RT Optometrists
NT Telescope makers
Optics (May Subd Geog)
BT Physics
RT Light
SA headings beginning with the word Optical
NT Aberration
Beam optics
Blackbody radiation
Cherenkov radiation
Coherence (Optics)
Electron optics
Focal planes
Fourier transform optics
Geometrical optics
Grazing incidence
Information theory in optics
Interference (Light)
Kerr effect
Light, Corpuscular theory of
Light deflectors
Light filters
Neutron optics
Nonlinear optics
Opacity (Optics)
Optical transfer function
Physical optics
Physiological optics
Polarization (Light)
Quantum optics
Reflection (Optics)
Space optics
Spectral irradiance

Optics (Continued)
Spectrum analysis
Wave theory of light
USE Optical instruments
Laboratory manuals
USE Optical materials
UF OpticsTables, etc. [Former heading]
Tables, etc.
USE OpticsTables
Optics, Adaptive
UF Adaptive optics
BT Aberration
NT Image stabilization
Laser guide star adaptive optics
Optics, Electronic
USE Electron optics
Optics, Fiber
USE Fiber optics
Optics, Geometrical
USE Geometrical optics
Optics, Hadamard transform
USE Hadamard transform spectroscopy
Optics, Meteorological
USE Meteorological optics
Optics, Neutron
USE Neutron optics
Optics, Nonlinear
USE Nonlinear optics
Optics, Phase conjugated
USE Optical phase conjugation
Optics, Phase conjugating
USE Optical phase conjugation
Optics, Photographic
USE Photographic optics
Optics, Physical
USE Physical optics
Optics, Physiological
USE Physiological optics
Optics, Psychological
USE Visual perception
Optics and art (May Subd Geog)
UF Art and optics
BT Art
Optics in agriculture (May Subd Geog)
BT Agriculture
Optics in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Optics laboratories
USE Optical laboratories
Optics of the sea
USE Optical oceanography
Optima automobile (Not Subd Geog)
UF Kia Optima automobile
BT Kia automobiles
Optima camera (Not Subd Geog)
BT Cameras
Optimal designs (Statistics)
BT Experimental design
Optimal stopping (Mathematical statistics)
UF Stopping, Optimal (Mathematical statistics)
BT Sequential analysis
NT Secretary problem (Probability theory)
Optimal structural design
USE Structural optimization
Optimality (Linguistics)
USE Optimality theory (Linguistics)
Optimality theory (Linguistics)
UF Optimality (Linguistics) [Former heading]
Optimization (Linguistics)
BT Generative grammar
Optimisation . . .
USE subject headings containing the word

Optimization, e.g. Mathematical optimization

Optimism (May Subd Geog)
[B829 (Philosophy)]
[BF698.35.O57 (Psychology)]
[BJ1477 (Ethics)]
BT Personality
RT Cheerfulness

Optimism in children (May Subd Geog)

BT Child psychology
Optimism in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Optimism in older people (May Subd Geog)
BT Older peoplePsychology
Optimization, Combinatorial
USE Combinatorial optimization
Optimization, Constrained
USE Constrained optimization
Optimization, Nonsmooth
USE Nonsmooth optimization
Optimization, Robust
USE Robust optimization
Optimization, Structural
USE Structural optimization
Optimization, Trajectory
USE Trajectory optimization
Optimization (Linguistics)
USE Optimality theory (Linguistics)
Optimization (Mathematics)
USE Mathematical optimization
Optimization of computer programs
USE Program transformation (Computer

Optimization of structural systems
USE Structural optimization
Optimization Programming Language (Computer
program language)
USE OPL (Computer program language)
Optimization techniques
USE Mathematical optimization
Optimization theory
USE Mathematical optimization
Optimizations, Cross-layer (Telecommunications)
USE Cross-layer designs (Telecommunications)
Optimizing compilers
BT Compilers (Computer programs)
Optimum currency areas
USE Monetary unions
Optimum design of structures
USE Structural optimization
Optimum ship routing
UF Least-time ship routing
Ship routing
BT Shipping
Optimum structural design
USE Structural optimization
Optimum structures
USE Structural optimization
Option, Fundamental (Ethics)
USE Fundamental option (Ethics)
Option (Contract) (May Subd Geog)
BT Contracts
Offer and acceptance
NT Options (Finance)Law and legislation
Option (Contract law, Islamic) (May Subd Geog)
BT Contracts (Islamic law)
Option-adjusted spread analysis (May Subd Geog)
UF OAS (Investment analysis)
Option-based valuation
BT Investment analysis
Option-based valuation
USE Option-adjusted spread analysis
Option of nationality (May Subd Geog)
UF Nationality, Option of
BT Citizenship
Option value
BT Value
Options, Employee stock
USE Employee stock options
Options, Stock
USE Stock options
Options (Finance) (May Subd Geog)
UF Call options
Calls (Finance)
Listed options
Options exchange
Options market
Options trading
Put and call transactions [Former heading]
Put options
Puts (Finance)
BT Derivative securities
NT Commodity options
Exotic options (Finance)
Foreign exchange options
Hedging (Finance)


Real options (Finance)

Stock options
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Option (Contract)
Taxation (May Subd Geog)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Options exchange
USE Options (Finance)
Options market
USE Options (Finance)
Options trading
USE Options (Finance)
Opto-acoustic devices
USE Acoustooptical devices
Optoacoustic devices
USE Acoustooptical devices
Optoacoustic spectroscopy (May Subd Geog)
[QD96.O6 (General analytical chemistry)]
UF PAS (Spectroscopy)
Photoacoustic spectroscopy
BT Laser spectroscopy
Optodes (May Subd Geog)
UF Optrodes
BT Optical detectors
Optoelectronic devices (May Subd Geog)
[TJ223.P5 (Control engineering)]
[TK8300-TK8360 (Electronics)]
UF Photo electric devices
Photo electronic devices
Photoelectronic devices [Former heading]
BT Electronic apparatus and appliances
Optical instruments
RT Electrooptical devices
Integrated optics
NT Acoustooptical devices
ComputersOptical equipment
Electroluminescent devices
Fiber optics
Image converters
Image intensifiers
Information display systems
Infrared detectors
Infrared equipment
Light modulators
Light pens
Liquid crystal devices
Microresonators (Optoelectronics)
Optical amplifiers
Optical antennas
Optical character recognition devices
Optical correlators
Optical detectors
Optical lattice emulators
Optical parametric oscillators
Optical radar
Optical shaft encoders
Optical tweezers
Optical wave guides
Photoelectric cells
Photoelectric multipliers
Scanning systems
Solar batteries
Optoelectronics (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the branch of
electronics involving devices that generate, control,
transform, transmit, or sense visible, infrared, or
ultraviolet radiation. Works on the branch of optics
involving the effects of electromagnetism or electricity
on light and on the optical properties of materials are
entered under Electrooptics. Works on the use of
electric and magnetic fields to focus and direct beams
of electrons are entered under Electron optics.

BT Electronics
NT Electrooptical photography
Optical lattices
Photoelectric photometry
Optoelectronics industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Electronic industries
NT Fiber optics industry
Information display systems industry
Military optoelectronics industry
Optical fiber industry

Optofluidics (May Subd Geog)

BT Fluidics
Optogalvanic spectroscopy (May Subd Geog)
BT Atomic absorption spectroscopy
Optogenetics (May Subd Geog)
BT Genetic engineering
Optical engineering
Optomechanics (May Subd Geog)
BT Optical engineering
Optometric assistants (May Subd Geog)
BT Allied health personnel
Supply and demand (May Subd Geog)
Optometric services insurance (May Subd Geog)
UF Insurance, Optometric services [Former

BT Insurance
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Insurance law
Optometric visual training
USE Visual training
Optometrists (May Subd Geog)
UF Doctors of optometry
DOs (Optometry)
ODs (Optometry)
Ophthalmic opticians
BT Medical personnel
RT Opticians
NT Women optometrists
Fees (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical fees
Malpractice (May Subd Geog)
UF Tort liability of optometrists
BT Malpractice
Supply and demand (May Subd Geog)
United States
NT African American optometrists
Optometrists, African American
USE African American optometrists
Optometry (May Subd Geog)
RT EyeAccommodation and refraction
NT Behavioral optometry
Ophthalmic lenses
Pediatric optometry
Business methods
USE OptometryPractice
Economic aspects (May Subd Geog)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical laws and legislation
Practice (May Subd Geog)
UF OptometryBusiness methods [Former

Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog)
UF Optometry as a profession [Former

Optometry Admission Test
UF OAT (Educational test)
BT Optometry schoolsUnited StatesEntrance

Optometry as a profession
USE OptometryVocational guidance
Optometry colleges
USE Optometry schools
Optometry schools (May Subd Geog)
UF Optometry colleges
BT Health occupations schools
United States
Entrance examinations
NT Optometry Admission Test
Optothermal spectroscopy
USE Photothermal spectroscopy
USE Optodes
Opuha Dam (N.Z.)
BT DamsNew Zealand
Opuha River (N.Z.)
BT RiversNew Zealand
Opulus (The Latin word)
BT Latin languageEtymology
Opuntia (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.C11 (Botany)]
[SB317.O68 (Economic plants)]
UF Brasiliopuntia

BT Cactus
NT Brittle prickly pear
Opuntia ficus-indica
Plains pricklypear
Prickly pears
Opuntia engelmanni (May Subd Geog)
UF Engelmann prickly pear
BT Prickly pears
Opuntia ficus-indica (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.C11 (Botany)]
[SB379.P8 (Fruit culture)]
UF Indian fig
BT Opuntia
Prickly pears
Opuntia fragilis
USE Brittle prickly pear
Opuntia fulgida (May Subd Geog)
UF Sonora jumping cholla
BT Prickly pears
Opuntia polyacantha
USE Plains pricklypear
Opuntia santa-rita (May Subd Geog)
UF Santa Rita prickly pear
BT Prickly pears
USE Cactus
USE Opuntia
Opuntiaspis sexspina
USE Lepidosaphes gloverii
USE Cactus
O'Quig family
USE Quigg family
O'Quin family
USE Quinn family
O'Quinn family
USE Quinn family
O'Quirke family
USE Quirke family
Oquirrh Mountains (Utah)
BT MountainsUtah
Or (The English word)
BT English languageEtymology
Or (The French word)
BT French languageEtymology
OR 42 (Or.)
USE Oregon Route 42 (Or.)
OR 201 (Or.)
USE Oregon Route 201 (Or.)
OR genes
USE Olfactory receptor genes
Or Islands (France)
USE Hyeres Islands (France)
Or Lagoon (France)
UF Etang de l'Or (France)
Etang de Lorc (France)
Etang de Lord (France)
Etang de l'Ort (France)
Etang de Mauguio (France)
L'Or, Etang de (France)
Lorc, Etang de (France)
Lord, Etang de (France)
L'Ort, Etang de (France)
Mauguio, Etang de (France)
BT LagoonsFrance
OR Route 201 (Or.)
USE Oregon Route 201 (Or.)
Ora dialect (May Subd Geog)
BT Emai-Iuleha-Ora language
Ora-wan (Okinawa Island, Japan)
USE Oura Bay (Okinawa Island, Japan)
Oraba River (Mexico)
USE Culiacan River (Mexico)
Orach (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.C46 (Botany)]
[SB351.O7 (Crop)]
UF French spinach
Garden orach
Mountain spinach
Oracle bone style writing of Chinese
USE Chinese languageWritingJia gu style


Oracle bones (May Subd Geog)

BT Bone carving
Inscriptions, Chinese
RT Scapulimancy
ORACLE SQL*PLUS (Computer program language)
USE SQL*PLUS (Computer program language)
[BF1745-BF1779 (Occult sciences)]
[BL613 (Comparative religion)]
BT Mysteries, Religious
Oracles, Assyro-Babylonian (May Subd Geog)
UF Assyro-Babylonian oracles
Oracles, Chinese (May Subd Geog)
UF Chinese oracles
Oracles, Egyptian (May Subd Geog)
UF Egyptian oracles
Oracles, Greek (May Subd Geog)
UF Greek oracles
BT CultsGreece
NT Delphian oracle
Oracles, Greek, in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oracles, Hittite
UF Hittite oracles
Oracles, Roman (May Subd Geog)
UF Roman oracles
Oracles in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oradour-sur-Glane Massacre, 1944
BT MassacresFrance
World War, 1939-1945Atrocities
Orfi (Iceland)
BT UplandsIceland
Orak Lawoi (Thai people)
USE Urak Lawoi (Thai people)
Orak Lawoi language
USE Urak Lawoi language
Oraka (N.Z. : Bay)
USE Colac Bay/Oraka (N.Z. : Bay)
Orakaiva (Papua New Guinean people)
USE Orokaiva (Papua New Guinean people)
Orakaiva language
USE Orokaiva language
Oral anovulants
USE Oral contraceptives
Oral antiseptics
USE Mouthwashes
Oral biography
Here are entered works on the technique of
recording the oral recollections of persons concerning
their lives and the lives of their families, as well as
collections of such recollections. Individual oral
biographies are entered under the name of the
individual interviewed.

BT Biography
NT Oral history
Oral cancer
USE MouthCancer
Oral communication (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on speaking as a means
of communication. Works on the oral production of
meaningful sounds in language are entered under

UF Oral transmission
Speech communication
Verbal communication
BT Communication
NT Conversation
Conversation analysis
Conversational repair
Dialogue analysis
Oral interpretation
Oral tradition
Public speaking
Speech processing systems
Telephone calls
Verbal ability
Whistle speech
Digital techniques
BT Digital communications
Religious aspects
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Oral communication in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oral contraceptives (May Subd Geog)
UF Anovulants, Oral
Birth control pills

Oral contraceptives (Continued)

Contraceptives, Oral
Oral anovulants
Oral contraceptives, Female
Pill, Birth control
Pill, The
BT Contraceptive drugs
Gynecologic drugs
Progestational hormones
NT Ethinyl estradiol
Religious aspects
Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Side effects (May Subd Geog)
Social aspects (May Subd Geog)
UF Society and oral contraceptives
Oral contraceptives, Female
USE Oral contraceptives
Oral contraceptives, Male (May Subd Geog)
UF Birth control pills, Male
Male birth control pills
Male oral contraceptives
BT Contraceptive drugs
Male contraceptives
Oral diagnosis
USE MouthDiseasesDiagnosis
Oral examination (Medicine)
USE MouthExamination
Oral examinations (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on tests of acquired
knowledge given orally. Works on oral examinations
on specific subjects are entered under two headings:
1. [subject]--Examinations, or [subject]-Examinations, questions, etc. 2. Oral examinations.

BT Examinations
Oral fluid replacement therapy
USE Oral rehydration therapy
Oral-formulaic analysis
UF Formulaic analysis, Oral
BT Folk literatureHistory and criticism
Oral tradition
Oral habits (May Subd Geog)
UF Mouth habits
Oral motor behavior
RT Drinking behavior
Food habits
BT Habit
NT Betel chewing
Finger sucking
Mouth breathing
Tongue thrust
Oral habits in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oral hemorrhage (May Subd Geog)
UF MouthHemorrhage
BT Hemorrhage
Oral history (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the technique of
recording the oral recollections of persons concerning
their knowledge of historical events as well as
collections of such recollections. Individual oral
histories are entered under the appropriate subject,
e.g. United States--Civilization--1918-1945. Works on
the technique of recording sounds of events for
historical examination as well as collections of such
recordings are entered under Aural history.

BT HistoryMethodology
Oral biography
RT Oral tradition
NT Cataloging of oral history materials
Oral hygiene
USE MouthCare and hygiene
Oral hygiene products (May Subd Geog)
UF Dental hygiene products
Products, Oral hygiene
BT Hygiene products
RT MouthCare and hygiene
NT Dental floss

Oral hygiene products industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Dental instruments and apparatus industry
Oral implantology
USE Dental implants
Oral intercourse
USE Oral sex
Oral interpretation
Here are entered works on understanding and
appreciation of various forms of literature through oral
presentation. Works on the art and technical skill of
reading aloud are entered under Oral reading.

UF Interpretative reading
Interpretative speech
Reading, Interpretative
Speech, Interpretative
BT Oral communication
Oral reading
RT Intonation (Phonetics)
NT Chamber theater
Choral speaking
Readers' theater
Oral interpretation of fiction
UF FictionOral interpretation
Fiction reading
Reading fiction aloud
BT Fiction
RT Storytelling
Oral interpretation of poetry
UF PoetryOral interpretation
Poetry reading
Reading poetry aloud
NT Performance poetry
Oral irrigators (May Subd Geog)
UF Irrigators, Oral
Water irrigators (Dentistry)
BT Dental instruments and apparatus
Oral law (Judaism)
USE Tradition (Judaism)
Oral leukoplakia
USE Leukoplakia, Oral
Oral literature
USE Folk literature
Oral manifestations of general diseases
(May Subd Geog)
UF Oral symptoms of general diseases
BT GumsDiseases
Oral medication (May Subd Geog)
UF Drugs by mouth
Medication, Oral
Mouth, Medication by
Peroral medication
BT DrugsAdministration
NT DiabetesOral therapy
Oral rehydration therapy
Sugar-free liquid medication
Oral medicine (May Subd Geog)
UF Oralogy
Stomatology [Former heading]
BT Medicine
RT Dentistry
NT Experimental oral medicine
Pediatric oral medicine
Veterinary oral medicine
Oral microbiology
USE MouthMicrobiology
Oral moniliasis
USE Thrush (Mouth disease)
Oral motor behavior
USE Oral habits
Oral mucosa
BT Mouth
Mucous membrane
Diseases (May Subd Geog)
NT Leukoplakia, Oral


USE Stomatitis
Oral oncology
USE MouthCancer
Oral pleading (May Subd Geog)
BT Pleading
Trial practice
NT Forensic orations
Oral pleading (Canon law)
BT Canon law
Oral poetry
USE Folk poetry
Oral poliomyelitis vaccine
USE Poliomyelitis vaccine, Oral
Oral prophylaxis
USE Dental prophylaxis
Oral radiography
USE MouthRadiography
Oral radiology
USE MouthRadiography
Oral reading
Here are entered works on the art and technical
skill of reading aloud. Works on understanding and
appreciation of various literary forms through oral
presentation are entered under Oral interpretation.

UF Reading, Oral
Reading aloud
Reading out loud
BT Elocution
NT Oral interpretation
Oral reading in public worship
USE Reading in public worship
Oral rehydration therapy (May Subd Geog)
UF Dehydration (Physiology)Oral rehydration

Dehydration (Physiology)Oral therapy
Oral fluid replacement therapy
ORT (Therapy)
Rehydration therapy, Oral
BT Fluid therapy
Oral medication
Oral rehydration therapy for children (May Subd Geog)
UF Dehydration in childrenOral rehydration

Dehydration in childrenOral therapy
BT ChildrenDiseasesTreatment
Oral rehydration therapy for infants (May Subd Geog)
UF Dehydration in infantsOral rehydration

Dehydration in infantsOral therapy
BT InfantsDiseasesTreatment
Oral self-defense
USE Verbal self-defense
Oral sepsis (May Subd Geog)
UF MouthSepsis [Former heading]
BT MouthInfections
Oral sex (May Subd Geog)
UF Cunnilingus [Former heading]
Fellatio [Former heading]
Oral intercourse [Former heading]
Sex, Oral
BT Sexual intercourse
Oral sex in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oral Site (San Fulgencio, Spain)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF El Oral Site (San Fulgencio, Spain)

BT SpainAntiquities
Oral surgeons (May Subd Geog)
BT Dentists
RT MouthSurgery
Oral surgery
USE MouthSurgery
Oral symptoms of general diseases
USE Oral manifestations of general diseases
Oral tobacco
USE Smokeless tobacco
Oral tradition (May Subd Geog)
UF Tradition, Oral
BT Oral communication
RT Folklore
Oral history
NT Oral-formulaic analysis
NT Kataribe

United States
NT African American oral tradition
Oral tradition, African American
USE African American oral tradition
Oral tradition (Judaism)
USE Tradition (Judaism)
Oral tradition in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oral tradition in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Oral transmission
USE Oral communication
Oral ulcerations
USE MouthUlcers
Oral vaccines (May Subd Geog)
BT Vaccines
Orality (May Subd Geog)
BT Psychoanalysis
Orality in literature (Not Subd Geog)
USE Oral medicine
Oram family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orem family
Orum family
Oram's Arbour Site (Winchester, England)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT EnglandAntiquities
Oran (Algeria)
Siege, 1791
BT AlgeriaHistory1516-1830
Oran Bay (Algeria)
UF Baie d'Oran (Algeria)
Golfe d'Oran (Algeria)
BT BaysAlgeria
Orana Region (N.S.W.)
Orander family
USE Arender family
Orang (Indic people)
USE Oraon (Indic people)
Orang Abung
USE Abung (Indonesian people)
Orang Abung (Indonesian people)
USE Abung (Indonesian people)
Orang asli (Malaysian people)
USE Indigenous peoplesMalaysia
Orang Babian (Indonesian people)
USE Boyanese (Indonesian people)
Orang Bawean (Indonesian people)
USE Boyanese (Indonesian people)
Orang Betew (Indonesian people)
USE Betew (Indonesian people)
Orang Boyan (Indonesian people)
USE Boyanese (Indonesian people)
Orang Bukit (Malaysian people)
USE Semang (Malaysian people)
Orang Bukit language
USE Brunei language
Orang Gunung (Indonesian people)
USE Timor (Indonesian people)
Orang Gunung language
USE Timor language
Orang Hulu (Malayan people)
USE Orang Hulu (Malaysian people)
Orang Hulu (Malaysian people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Orang Hulu (Malayan people) [Former

BT EthnologyMalaysia
Jakun (Malaysian people)
Orang Kubu (Indonesian people)
USE Kubu (Indonesian people)
Orang Laut (Malaysian people)
USE Seletar (Malaysian people)
Orang Laut (Southeast Asian people)
USE Bajau (Southeast Asian people)
Orang Laut (Thai people)
USE Urak Lawoi (Thai people)
Orang Laut language (Indonesia)
USE Bajau language
Orang Laut language (Thailand and Malaysia)
USE Urak Lawoi language
Orang Liar (Malaysian people)
USE Semang (Malaysian people)
Orang Mee (Indonesian people)
USE Mee (Indonesian people)
Orang Melayu (Asian people)
USE Malays (Asian people)
Orang Moni (Indonesian people)
USE Moni (Indonesian people)

USE Orangutans
Orang Pagu (Indonesian people)
USE Pagu (Indonesian people)
Orang Rembong (Indonesian people)
USE Rembong (Indonesian people)
Orang Rimba (Indonesian people)
USE Kubu (Indonesian people)
Orang Seletar (Malaysian people)
USE Seletar (Malaysian people)
Orang Seliter (Malaysian people)
USE Seletar (Malaysian people)
Orang Sletar (Malaysian people)
USE Seletar (Malaysian people)
Orang Suku Laut (Southeast Asian people)
USE Bajau (Southeast Asian people)
Orang Tanembar (Indonesian people)
USE Tanimbar (Indonesian people)
Orang Timor Laut (Indonesian people)
USE Tanimbar (Indonesian people)
USE Bornean orangutan
USE Bornean orangutan
USE Oranges
Orange, Agent
USE Agent Orange
Orange, Herbicide
USE Agent Orange
Orange, Kid-glove
USE Mandarin orange
Orange, Mandarin
USE Mandarin orange
Orange, Operation, 1966
USE Operation Orange, 1966
Orange, Quito
USE Naranjilla
Orange, Slip-skin
USE Mandarin orange
Orange (Color)
BT Colors
Orange azalea (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.E68 (Botany)]
UF Azalea austrina
Rhododendron austrinum
BT Azaleas
Orange-banded blue butterfly
USE Melissa blue butterfly
Orange-bellied frog (May Subd Geog)
[QL668.E2615 (Zoology)]
UF Geocrinia vitellina
Yellow-bellied frog
BT Geocrinia
Orange Blossom (Express train)
USE Orange Blossom Special (Express train)
Orange Blossom Special (Express train)
UF Orange Blossom (Express train)
BT Express trainsUnited States
Orange-bordered blue butterfly
USE Karner blue butterfly
Melissa blue butterfly
Orange Bowl Stadium (Miami, Fla.)
UF Miami Orange Bowl Stadium (Miami, Fla.)
BT StadiumsFlorida
Orange box labels (May Subd Geog)
BT Citrus crate labels
Orange clownfish
USE False clown anemonefish
Orange clownfish, Black-finned
USE Clown anemonefish
Orange Coast National Urban Park (Calif.)
BT National parks and reservesCalifornia
Recreation areasCalifornia
Orange coffee rust disease
USE Coffee rust disease
Orange coffee rust fungus
USE Hemileia vastatrix
Orange cosmos
USE Sulphur cosmos
Orange County Park (Calif.)
USE Irvine Park (Calif.)
Orange-eye (Plant)
USE Buddleja davidii
Orange eye butterfly bush
USE Buddleja davidii
Orange family (Not Subd Geog)
Orange-flanked parakeet
USE Gray-cheeked parakeet
Orange growers (May Subd Geog)
BT Fruit growers


Orange hawkweed (May Subd Geog)

[QK495.C74 (Botany)]
UF Devil, King (Plant)
Devil's paintbrush (Plant)
Fox and cubs (Plant)
Hieracium aurantiacum
King devil (Plant)
Paintbrush, Devil's (Plant)
Pilosella aurantiaca
BT Hawkweeds
Orange head (Algae)
USE Nereocystis luetkeana
Orange industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Citrus fruit industry
NT Women orange industry workers
Orange Island (Philippines)
USE Itbayat Island (Philippines)
Orange juice (May Subd Geog)
BT Citrus juices
Orange products
NT Canned orange juice
Frozen concentrated orange juice
Flavor and odor (May Subd Geog)
UF Orange juiceOdor
BT Flavor
USE Orange juiceFlavor and odor
Orange juice, Canned
USE Canned orange juice
Orange juice, Frozen concentrated
USE Frozen concentrated orange juice
Orange juice industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Citrus juice industry
NT Frozen concentrated orange juice industry
Orange Lake (Alachua County, Fla.)
BT LakesFlorida
Orange Lake (N.Y. : Lake)
BT LakesNew York (State)
Orange leaf rust disease of coffee
USE Coffee rust disease
Orange leaf rust fungus of coffee
USE Hemileia vastatrix
Orange-leaf scab
USE Sour orange scab
Orange-margined blue butterfly
USE Melissa blue butterfly
Orange Mountains (N.J.)
USE Watchung Mountains (N.J.)
Orange mud shrimp
USE Bay ghost shrimp
Orange-Nassau, House of (Not Subd Geog)
BT NetherlandsKings and rulers
Orange oil (May Subd Geog)
UF Orange peel oil
BT Citrus oils
Orange products
Orange peel (May Subd Geog)
UF Peel, Orange
BT Oranges
Orange peel oil
USE Orange oil
Orange products (May Subd Geog)
BT Citrus products
NT Bitter orange oil
Orange juice
Orange oil
Orange Range (Indonesia)
USE Djajawidjaja Range (Indonesia)
Orange Revolution, Ukraine, 2004
USE UkraineHistoryOrange Revolution, 2004
Orange River
UF Oranjerivier
BT RiversLesotho
RiversSouth Africa
Orange River Estuary
USE Orange River Estuary (Namibia and South

Orange River Estuary (Namibia and South Africa)
UF Orange River Estuary [Former heading]
BT EstuariesNamibia
EstuariesSouth Africa
Orange River Project
BT Water resources developmentSouth Africa
Orange River Valley
UF Orange Valley

Orange River Valley (Continued)

BT ValleysLesotho
ValleysSouth Africa
Orange River Watershed
BT WatershedsLesotho
WatershedsSouth Africa
Orange rockfish
USE Canary rockfish
Orange roughy (May Subd Geog)
UF Hoplostethus atlanticus
Hoplostethus islandicus
Red roughy
Roughy, Orange
Roughy, Red
BT Hoplostethus
Orange roughy fisheries (May Subd Geog)
BT Fisheries
Catch effort (May Subd Geog)
BT Fishery management
Orange scale
USE Lepidosaphes beckii
Orange sneezeweed
USE Helenium hoopesii
Orange thrips
USE Citrus thrips
Orange-tips (Insects)
USE Pieridae
Orange tree
USE Oranges
Orange Valley
USE Orange River Valley
Orange-wattled crow
USE South Island kokako
Orange Way (England)
BT TrailsEngland
Orange-winged parakeet
USE Gray-cheeked parakeet
Orange worm, Navel
USE Navel orangeworm
Orange wrappers (May Subd Geog)
[NC1002.W72 (Commercial art)]
BT OrangesPackaging
Orangeburg Massacre, Orangeburg, S.C., 1968
BT MassacresSouth Carolina
Orangeite (May Subd Geog)
UF Group II kimberlite
Kimberlite, Group II
Kimberlite, Micaceous
Micaceous kimberlite
Orangite (Petrology)
BT Igneous rocks
Orangemen (May Subd Geog)
BT Irish
ProtestantsNorthern Ireland
Orangerie (Schonbrunn, Vienna, Austria)
UF Orangery (Schonbrunn, Vienna, Austria)
Orangeriegebaude (Schonbrunn, Vienna,

BT OrangeriesAustria
Schonbrunn (Vienna, Austria)
Orangeriegebaude (Schonbrunn, Vienna, Austria)
USE Orangerie (Schonbrunn, Vienna, Austria)
Orangeries (May Subd Geog)
BT Conservatories
NT Orangerie (Schonbrunn, Vienna, Austria)
NT Aranciera di Villa Borghese (Rome, Italy)
USE Goldenseal
Orangery (Schonbrunn, Vienna, Austria)
USE Orangerie (Schonbrunn, Vienna, Austria)
Orangery of the Villa Borghese (Rome, Italy)
USE Aranciera di Villa Borghese (Rome, Italy)
Oranges (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.R98 (Botany)]
[SB370.O7 (Fruit culture)]
UF Citrus sinensis
Common oranges
Orange [Former heading]
Orange tree
Sweet oranges
BT Citrus
NT Orange peel

UF Coloring of oranges
Degreening of oranges
USE OrangesColoring
Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog)
Irrigation (May Subd Geog)
Packaging (May Subd Geog)
NT Orange wrappers
USE Tariff on oranges
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Oranges)
Varieties (May Subd Geog)
Oranges, War of the, Portugal, 1801
USE PortugalHistoryWar of the Oranges, 1801
Orangespot sardine
USE Sardinella brasiliensis
Orangespotted rockcod
USE Quillback rockfish
Orangespotted sunfish (May Subd Geog)
UF Lepomis humilis
Orangestriped oakworm
USE Anisota senatoria
Orangethroat darter (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.P4 (Zoology)]
UF Etheostoma spectabile
Poecilichthys spectabilis
BT Etheostoma
Orangeworm, Navel
USE Navel orangeworm
Orangite (Petrology)
USE Orangeite
Orango National Park (Guinea-Bissau)
USE Parque Nacional de Orango (Guinea-Bissau)
USE Bornean orangutan
Orangutans (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.P94 (Zoology)]
UF Faunus
Pongo [Former heading]
BT Hominids
NT Bornean orangutan
Sumatran orangutan
Behavior (May Subd Geog)
Juvenile literature
Research (May Subd Geog)
Juvenile literature
Juvenile literature
Orangutans as pets (May Subd Geog)
BT Pets
ORANI model
BT Econometric models
AustraliaEconomic conditionsEconometric

Oranienbaum Palace (Oranienbaum, Germany)
USE Schloss Oranienbaum (Oranienbaum,

Oranienbaumer Schloss (Oranienbaum, Germany)
USE Schloss Oranienbaum (Oranienbaum,

Oranienburger Strasse (Berlin, Germany)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oranienburgerstrasse (Berlin, Germany)

BT StreetsGermany
Oranienburgerstrasse (Berlin, Germany)
USE Oranienburger Strasse (Berlin, Germany)
Oranik, Battle of, Macedonia, 1448
UF Orovnik, Macedonia, Battle of, 1448 [Former

BT AlbaniaHistoryTurkish Wars, 15th

Macedonia (Republic)History
Oranje-Nassau, Fort (Curacao)
USE Fort Nassau (Curacao)
Oranje Zigt (Cape Town, South Africa)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT FarmsSouth Africa


USE Orange River
Oransay (Scotland)
USE Oronsay (Strathclyde, Scotland)
Orantes family (Not Subd Geog)
Oraon (Indic people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Dhagar (Indic people)
Dhanka (Indic people)
Jhagad (Indic people)
Jhagar (Indic people)
Kadukali (Indic people)
Kurka (Indic people)
Kurukh (Indic people)
Kurux (Indic people)
Orang (Indic people)
Oraons [Former heading]
Sadri (Indic people)
Urang (Indic people)
Uraon (Indic people)
BT EthnologyIndia
Missions (May Subd Geog)
UF Missions to Oraons [Former heading]
Oraon (Southeast Asian people)
USE Dhangar (Southeast Asian people)
Oraon language
USE Kurukh language
Oraon songs
USE Songs, Oraon
USE Oraon (Indic people)
Orapa Mine (Botswana)
BT Diamond mines and miningBotswana
Orastie Mountains (Romania)
USE Sureanu Mountains (Romania)
USE Speeches, addresses, etc.
Oratories (May Subd Geog)
BT Chapels
Church buildings
Oratories (Canon law)
BT Canon law
Oratorio (May Subd Geog)
[ML3201-ML3251 (History)]
[ML3867 (Aesthetics)]
Here are entered works about the oratorio. Musical
compositions in this form are entered under

UF OratorioHistory and criticism

OratoriosHistory and criticism
BT Church music
Sacred dramatic musicHistory and criticism
History and criticism
USE Oratorio
Oratorios (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered musical compositions. Works
about the oratorio are entered under the heading

BT Sacred dramatic music

SA the heading Secular oratorios for oratorios with

secular texts
NT Secular oratorios
Analysis, appreciation
UF OratoriosAnalytical guides [Former

Analytical guides
USE OratoriosAnalysis, appreciation
Excerpts, Arranged
History and criticism
USE Oratorio
UF Children's oratorios [Former heading]
UF OratoriosTexts
USE OratoriosLibrettos
Oratorios, Arranged
UF Oratorios arranged for string quartets [Former

Oratorios arranged for string quintets [Former

Oratorios, Secular
USE Secular oratorios
Oratorios arranged for string quartets
USE Oratorios, Arranged
Oratorios arranged for string quintets
USE Oratorios, Arranged

Orators (May Subd Geog)

[PN4057 (Collective biography)]
UF Speakers
BT Elocutionists
NT Motivational speakers
Women orators
United States
NT African American orators
Orators, African American
USE African American orators
Oratory (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the rhetorical aspects
of speeches. Works on speaking effectively in public
are entered under Public speaking.

UF Argumentation
Oratory, Primitive [Former heading]
BT Language and languages
Speeches, addresses, etc.
RT Debates and debating
Lectures and lecturing
Persuasion (Rhetoric)
Public speaking
SA subdivision Oratory under names of individual

NT Expression
Forensic oratory
Forensics (Public speaking)
Introduction of speakers
Political oratory
Rhetorical criticism
Voice culture
Oratory, Ancient
[PA6138 (Collections, PA3479-3842)]
[PA6144 (Criticism, PA3561)]
[PA6083 (History, PA3038, PA3263-4)]
Oratory, Extemporaneous
USE Extemporaneous speaking
Oratory, Primitive
USE Oratory
Oratory in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oratosquilla (May Subd Geog)
BT Squillidae
NT Oratosquilla ornata
Oratosquilla tweediei
Oratosquilla ornata (May Subd Geog)
BT Oratosquilla
Oratosquilla tweediei (May Subd Geog)
BT Oratosquilla
Oratta-Ikwerri language
USE Ikwere language
Orava (Czechoslovakia and Poland)
USE Orava (Slovakia and Poland)
Orava (Slovakia and Poland)
UF Arva (Slovakia and Poland)
Orava (Czechoslovakia and Poland) [Former

Orawa (Slovakia and Poland)
Orava River (Czechoslovakia)
USE Orava River (Slovakia)
Orava River (Slovakia)
UF Orava River (Czechoslovakia) [Former

BT RiversSlovakia
Orava River Valley (Slovakia)
UF Orava Valley (Slovakia)
BT ValleysSlovakia
Orava Valley (Slovakia)
USE Orava River Valley (Slovakia)
Orawa (Slovakia and Poland)
USE Orava (Slovakia and Poland)
Orazio di Gonzaga Castle (Solferino, Italy)
USE Solferino Castle (Solferino, Italy)
Orb Luang National Park (Thailand)
USE Utthayan hng Chat Op Luang (Thailand)
Orb spiders
USE Orb weavers
Orb weavers (May Subd Geog)
[QL458.42.A7 (Zoology)]
UF Araneidae [Former heading]
Argiopidae [Former heading]
Orb spiders
Orb-weaving spiders

Orb web spiders

Orbweaving spiders
BT Spiders
NT Aculepeira
Orb-weaving spiders
USE Orb weavers
Orb web spiders
USE Orb weavers
Orba (Extinct city)
USE Olbasa (Extinct city)
Orba River (Italy)
UF Torrente Orba (Italy)
Urba River (Italy)
BT RiversItaly
Orba River Valley (Italy)
UF Orba Valley (Italy)
Valle dell'Orba (Italy)
Valle Orba (Italy)
BT ValleysItaly
Orba Valley (Italy)
USE Orba River Valley (Italy)
rbk family (Not Subd Geog)
Orbaugh family
USE Oberbeck family
Orbeli family (Not Subd Geog)
Orbetello, Battle of, Orbetello, Italy, 1646
UF Orbetello (Italy), Battle of, 1646 [Former

BT Thirty Years' War, 1618
Orbetello (Italy), Battle of, 1646
USE Orbetello, Battle of, Orbetello, Italy, 1646
Orbiculus ciliaris
USE Pars plana
BT Manifolds (Mathematics)
Orbig family
USE Orwig family
Orbignya (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.P17 (Botany)]
BT Palms
NT Babassu
Orbignya barbosiana
USE Babassu
Orbignya martiana
USE Babassu
Orbignya speciosa
USE Babassu
Orbiniida (May Subd Geog)
[QL391.A6 (Zoology)]
BT Polychaeta
NT Orbiniidae
Orbiniidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL391.A6 (Zoology)]
UF Ariciidae
BT Orbiniida
NT Scoloplos
Orbis Pictus Award
UF National Council of Teachers of English Orbis

Pictus Award
NCTE Orbis Pictus Award
Orbis Pictus Award books
Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction

for Children
BT Literary prizesUnited States
Orbis Pictus Award books
USE Orbis Pictus Award
Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for
USE Orbis Pictus Award


Orbit (Eye)
USE Eye-sockets
ORBIT (Information retrieval system)
BT Information storage and retrieval systems
Orbit determination
UF Determination of orbits
BT Celestial mechanics
Orbit method
UF Method of orbits
Orbits, Method of
BT Representations of algebras
Representations of groups
Orbit transfer (Space flight)
USE Orbital transfer (Space flight)
Orbital assembly of space vehicles
USE Space vehiclesOrbital assembly
Orbital cavity (Eye)
USE Eye-sockets
Orbital debris
USE Space debris
Orbital ganglion
USE Ciliary ganglion
Orbital lifetimes of artificial satellites
USE Artificial satellitesOrbital lifetimes
Orbital mechanics (Not Subd Geog)
BT Astrodynamics
RT Orbits
Orbital Motorway, London (England)
USE London Orbital Motorway (England)
Orbital motorways
USE Beltways
Orbital rendezvous (Space flight)
UF Rendezvous, Orbital
Rendezvous (Space)
Rendezvous in space
Space orbital rendezvous
BT Space flight
Space ships
Space stations
Orbital space suits
USE Extravehicular space suits
Orbital spacing of geostationary satellites
USE Geostationary satellitesSpacing
Orbital symmetry, Conservation of
USE Conservation of orbital symmetry
Orbital transfer (Space flight)
UF Orbit transfer (Space flight)
Transfer orbits (Space flight)
Transfer trajectories
BT Space flight
Space trajectories
NT Gravity assist (Astrodynamics)
Orbitals, Atomic
USE Atomic orbitals
Orbitals, Molecular
USE Molecular orbitals
Orbiting astronomical observatories
UF OAO (Orbiting astronomical observatories)
BT Astronomical observatories
Scientific satellites
NT High Energy Astronomy Observatories
Orbiting radio astronomy observatories
Orbiting solar observatories
Orbiting geophysical observatories
UF OGO (Orbiting geophysical observatories)
BT Geophysical observatories
Scientific satellites
Optical equipment
BT Optical instruments
Orbiting radio astronomy observatories
(May Subd Geog)
BT Orbiting astronomical observatories
Radio astronomy observatories
Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio
USE OSCAR (Artificial satellite)
Orbiting solar observatories
UF OSO (Orbiting solar observatories)
Solar observatories, Orbiting
BT Orbiting astronomical observatories
Orbiting vehicles
USE Artificial satellites
Space stations
Orbitoides, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Orbitoididae, Fossil

Orbitoididae, Fossil (May Subd Geog)

BT Foraminifera, Fossil
NT Orbitoides, Fossil
Orbits (Not Subd Geog)
[QB355-QB357 (Theoretical astronomy)]
RT Kepler's equation
Orbital mechanics
NT Artificial satellitesOrbits
Artificial satellitesJupiter (Planet)Orbits
Artificial satellitesMars (Planet)Orbits
Artificial satellitesMoonOrbits
Artificial satellitesVenus (Planet)Orbits
Double starsOrbits
Eclipsing binariesOrbits
Elliptical orbits
K starsOrbits
Lagrangian points
Lysithea (Satellite)Orbit
Space vehiclesOrbits
USE Orbit determination
Orbits, Method of
USE Orbit method
Orbituliporidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Cheilostomata
Orbituliporidae, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Cheilostomata, Fossil
USE Orbiviruses
Orbivirus diseases
USE Orbivirus infections
Orbivirus infections (May Subd Geog)
UF Orbivirus diseases
BT Arbovirus infections
Orbivirus infections in animals (May Subd Geog)
BT Arbovirus infections in animals
NT African horse sickness
Orbiviruses (May Subd Geog)
UF Orbivirus
BT Arboviruses
NT African horse sickness virus
Bluetongue virus
BT Regalia (Insignia)
RT Globes
USE Orb weavers
Orbweaving spiders
USE Orb weavers
Orc (Fictitious character : Blake) (Not Subd Geog)
Orc (Fictitious character : Farmer)
USE Red Orc (Fictitious character)
USE Killer whale
Orca (Genus)
USE Hyperoodon
Orca Basin
BT Submarine topographyMexico, Gulf of
Orca Bay (Alaska)
UF Puerto Cordova (Alaska)
BT BaysAlaska
Orca Group (Alaska)
BT Geology, StratigraphicEocene
Geology, StratigraphicPaleocene
Groups (Stratigraphy)Alaska
Orca Inlet (Alaska)
BT InletsAlaska
Orca orca
USE Killer whale
Orcagna, Loggia dell' (Florence, Italy)
USE Loggia della Signoria (Florence, Italy)
Orcaizaguirre family
USE Orcazaguirre family
Orcas Island (Wash.)
BT IslandsWashington (State)
San Juan Islands (Wash.)
Orcazaguirre family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orcaizaguirre family

Orceau family (Not Subd Geog)

UF Hourceau family
Ourceau family
Orchard, Port (Wash. : Bay)
UF Port Orchard (Wash. : Bay)
Port Orchard Bay (Wash.)
RT BaysWashington (State)
Orchard Beach Bathhouse and Promenade (New York,
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT BathhousesNew York (State)

Recreation areasNew York (State)
Orchard Estate (Jamaica)
BT PlantationsJamaica
Orchard Gap (Va.)
BT Mountain passesVirginia
Orchard grass (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.G74 (Botany)]
[SB201.O6 (Culture)]
UF Cocksfoot grass
Dactylis glomerata
BT Dactylis
NT Petrozavodsk orchard grass
Orchard mason bee (May Subd Geog)
[QL568.M4 (Zoology)]
[SF539.8.O (Beneficial insect)]
UF Blue orchard bee
Blue orchard mason bee
Osmia lignaria propinqua
BT Osmia lignaria
Orchard Park Station (Greenville, S.C.)
USE Keith D. Oglesby Station (Greenville, S.C.)
Orchard Road (Singapore)
UF Jalan Kebun (Singapore)
Jalan Orchard (Singapore)
Kebun, Jalan (Singapore)
BT StreetsSingapore
Orchard Shoal (N.Y.)
USE Old Orchard Shoal (N.Y.)
Orchard Training Area (Idaho)
BT Bombing and gunnery rangesIdaho
USE Orchard grass
USE Fruit growers
Nut growers
Orchardleigh Estate (England)
BT ManorsEngland
Orchards (May Subd Geog)
UF Fruit orchards
BT Farms
RT Fruit trees
NT Dragon Orchard (England)
NT Huerta de Alvarez (Colima, Colima,

Huerta de San Miguel (Colima, Colima,

Orchards, Seed
USE Seed orchards
USE Orchitis
Orchesella (May Subd Geog)
BT Entomobryidae
Orchestia (May Subd Geog)
BT Talitridae
NT Orchestia gammarella
Orchestia grillus
Orchestia spinifera
Orchestia gammarella (May Subd Geog)
BT Orchestia
Orchestia grillus (May Subd Geog)
UF Orchestia palustris
BT Orchestia
Orchestia palustris
USE Orchestia grillus
Orchestia spinifera (May Subd Geog)
BT Orchestia
USE Talitridae
Orchestra (May Subd Geog)
UF Orchestras
BT Musical groups


SA subdivision Orchestras under names of

individual educational institutions, e.g.

Harvard University--Orchestras
NT Accordion bands
Balalaika orchestras
Bandoneon orchestras
Chamber orchestra
Dance orchestras
Harmonica bands
Mandolin orchestras
Plucked instrument orchestras
Plung orchestras
Rhythm bands and orchestras
Siku orchestras
Steel bands (Music)
Symphony orchestras
NT Gamelan
Kolintang (Xylophone ensemble)
NT Khruang sai
Orchestra bells
USE Glockenspiel
Tubular bells
Orchestra conducting
USE Conducting
Orchestra music
USE Orchestral music
Orchestral chimes
USE Tubular bells
Orchestral jazz
USE Big band music
Orchestral music (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for orchestra, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for orchestra.

UF Orchestra music
BT Instrumental music
SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "orchestra" and headings with

medium of performance that include

"orchestra"; also Concertos [Solo

instrument(s)] and the headings Overtures,

Symphonic poems, and Symphonies

NT Dance orchestra music
String orchestra music
Analysis, appreciation
UF Orchestral musicAnalytical guides

[Former heading]
Analytical guides
USE Orchestral musicAnalysis, appreciation
History and criticism
NT Overture
Scores and parts
Orchestral music, Arranged
Orchestral musicians (May Subd Geog)
BT Instrumentalists
Collective labor agreements
USE Collective labor agreementsOrchestral

United States
NT African American orchestral musicians
Orchestral musicians, African American
USE African American orchestral musicians
USE Orchestra
Orchestras, Plucked instrument
USE Plucked instrument orchestras
USE Orchestrators
USE Instrumentation and orchestration
Orchestration (Band)
USE Instrumentation and orchestration (Band)
Orchestrators (May Subd Geog)
UF Orchestraters
BT Composers
RT Arrangers (Musicians)
Orchestrion (May Subd Geog)
UF Nickelodeon

BT Mechanical musical instruments

RT Panharmonicon
Orchestrion music
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for orchestrion, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for orchestrion.

Orchid culture (May Subd Geog)

BT Floriculture
Orchid dottyback (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.P84 (Zoology)]
[SF458.O73 (Aquarium fish)]
UF Pseudochromis fridmani
BT Pseudochromis
Orchid industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Orchids
NT Dendrobium industry
Orchid Island (Taiwan)
USE Lan Island (Taiwan)
Orchid mantis (May Subd Geog)
[QL505.9.H94 (Zoology)]
UF Asian flower mantis
Hymenopus coronatus
Malaysian orchid mantis
Pink orchid mantis
BT Hymenopus
Orchid mosaic virus
USE Cymbidium mosaic virus
Orchid Ossuary Site (Fort Erie, Ont.)
USE Orchid Site (Fort Erie, Ont.)
Orchid populations (May Subd Geog)
BT Plant populations
Orchid Site (Fort Erie, Ont.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Orchid Ossuary Site (Fort Erie, Ont.)

BT OntarioAntiquities
USE Orchids
Orchidales (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.A14 (Botany)]
BT Monocotyledons
NT Orchids
USE Orchiopexy
Orchids (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.O64 (Botany)]
[SB409-SB409.8 (Ornamental plants)]
UF Orchidaceae
BT Orchidales
NT Aceras
Acronia (Plants)
Dracula (Plants)

Miniature orchids
Orchid industry
Pholidota (Plants)
Slipper orchids
Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog)
NT Cymbidium mosaic disease
Flowering time
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Orchids)
Varieties (May Subd Geog)
Orchids in art (Not Subd Geog)
Orchids in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Orchids on postage stamps
BT Postage stamps
UF Archil
Orchiopexy (May Subd Geog)
UF Orchidopexy
BT CryptorchismSurgery
USE Orchiopexy
Orchis (May Subd Geog)
BT Orchids
Orchis bifolia
USE Lesser butterfly orchid
Orchitis (May Subd Geog)
UF Orcheitis
BT Inflammation
Orchoe (Extinct city)
USE Erech (Extinct city)
Orchoi (Extinct city)
USE Erech (Extinct city)
Orchomenos (Extinct city)
USE Orchomenus (Extinct city)
Orchomenus (Extinct city)
UF Erchomenos (Extinct city)
Orchomenos (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesGreece
Orchon sheep
USE Orkhon sheep
Orchy, Glen (Scotland)
UF Glen Orchy (Scotland)
Glenorchy (Scotland)


Orchy, River, Valley (Scotland)

BT ValleysScotland
Orchy, River (Scotland)
UF River Orchy (Scotland)
BT RiversScotland
Orchy, River, Valley (Scotland)
USE Orchy, Glen (Scotland)
Orcia River (Italy)
UF Fiume Orcia (Italy)
BT RiversItaly
Orcia River Valley (Italy)
UF Orcia Valley (Italy)
Val d'Orcia (Italy)
BT ValleysItaly
Orcia Valley (Italy)
USE Orcia River Valley (Italy)
Orcinus (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.C432 (Zoology)]
BT Delphinidae
NT Killer whale
Orcinus orca
USE Killer whale
Orco River (Italy)
UF Torrente Orco (Italy)
BT RiversItaly
Orco River Valley (Italy)
UF Orco Valley (Italy)
Valle dell'Orco (Italy)
Valle Orco (Italy)
BT ValleysItaly
Orco Valley (Italy)
USE Orco River Valley (Italy)
Orcocoyana Indians
USE Wayana Indians
Orcocoyana language
USE Wayana language
Orconectes (May Subd Geog)
BT Astacidae
NT Orconectes causeyi
Orconectes causeyi (May Subd Geog)
BT Orconectes
USE Pupillidae
Orcutt family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Urquhart family
Orczy family (Not Subd Geog)
Ord, Mount (Gila County and Maricopa County, Ariz.)
UF Mesa del Oso (Ariz.)
Mese la Oso (Ariz.)
Mount Ord (Gila County and Maricopa County,

BT MountainsArizona
Ord Basin (W.A. and N.T.)
BT Sedimentary basinsAustralia
Ord Mountain (Calif.)
BT MountainsCalifornia
Ord River (W.A. : River)
BT RiversAustralia
Ord River Dam (W.A.)
BT DamsAustralia
Ord River Irrigation Scheme (W.A.)
UF Ord River Scheme (W.A.)
Ord Scheme (W.A.)
BT DamsAustralia
Ord River Scheme (W.A.)
USE Ord River Irrigation Scheme (W.A.)
Ord Scheme (W.A.)
USE Ord River Irrigation Scheme (W.A.)
Ordained clergy
USE Clergy
Ordained ministers
USE Clergy
Ordas Region (Spain)
UF Comarca de Ordas (Spain)
BT ComarcasSpain
Orday family
USE Ordway family
Orde van de Unie
USE Ordre royal de l'union
Ordeal (May Subd Geog)
[GN493 (Primitive)]
UF Trial by ordeal
BT Civilization, Medieval
Criminal procedure
Evidence (Law)
Manners and customs

Ordeal (Continued)
Ordeal (Hindu law)
BT Hindu law
Ordeal (Jewish law)
BT Jewish law
Ordeal bean
USE Calabar bean
Ordeal in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Ordelaffi family (Not Subd Geog)
Ordem do Merito
UF National Order of Merit Medal (Brazil)
Order of Merit Medal (Brazil)
BT Decorations of honorBrazil
Orden al Merito en el Trabajo
BT Decorations of honorVenezuela
Orden de la Santa Faz (May Subd Geog)
BT Catholic ChurchSpain
Orden Mexicana del Aguila Azteca
UF Aguila Azteca, Orden Mexicana del
Aztec Eagle, Mexican Order of the
Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle
Order of the Aztec Eagle
BT AwardsMexico
Orden Otechestvennoi voiny
Orden Pour le Merite
UF Blue Max
Order Pour le Merite
Pour le Merite
BT Military decorationsGermany
Orden Slavy
UF Order of Glory
Slavy, Orden
BT Military decorationsSoviet Union
Orden sv. ravnoapostolnogo kniazia Vladimira
USE Orden sviatogo ravnoapostolnogo

kniazia Vladimira
Orden sv. Vladimira
USE Orden sviatogo ravnoapostolnogo

kniazia Vladimira
Orden sviatitelia Nikolaia Chudotvortsa
UF Nikolaia Chudotvortsa, Orden
Sviatitelia Nikolaia Chudotvortsa,

BT Military decorationsSoviet Union
Orden sviatogo ravnoapostolnogo kniazia
UF Orden sv. ravnoapostolnogo kniazia

Orden sv. Vladimira
Orden sviatogo Vladimira
Order of Saint Vladimir
Saint Vladimir Order
Saint Vladimir, Order of
St. Vladimir Order
St. Vladimir, Order of
BT Decorations of honorRussia (Federation)
Orden sviatogo Vladimira
USE Orden sviatogo ravnoapostolnogo

kniazia Vladimira
Orden "Trudovoe Krasnoe Znamia"
USE Orden Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni
Orden Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni
UF Orden "Trudovoe Krasnoe Znamia"
Orden Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni RSFSR
Order of the Red Banner of Labour
Red Banner of Labour, Order of the
"Trudovoe Krasnoe Znamia," Orden
BT Decorations of honorRussia (Federation)
Orden Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni RSFSR
USE Orden Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni
Ordena "Znak Pocheta" Kolkhoz imeni Krupskoi
USE Kolkhoz imeni Krupskoi (Ukraine)
Ordenana Goxenechea family (Not Subd Geog)
Ordensburg Konigsberg (Kaliningrad,
Kaliningradskaia oblast, Russia)
USE Kenigsbergskii zamok (Kaliningrad,

Kaliningradskaia oblast, Russia)

Ordensschloss (Kaliningrad, Kaliningradskaia oblast,
USE Kenigsbergskii zamok (Kaliningrad,

Kaliningradskaia oblast, Russia)

NT Hierarchies
Religious aspects
UF Order (in religion, folklore, etc.) [Former


Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]

Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Order, Birth
USE Birth order
Order, Rules of
USE Parliamentary practice
Order (Grammar)
UF Linear ordering (Grammar)
Ordering constraints (Grammar)
BT Grammar, Comparative and general
RT Sequence (Linguistics)
NT Grammar, Comparative and generalWord

Order (in religion, folklore, etc.)
USE OrderReligious aspects
Order (Philosophy)
BT Philosophy
Order (Philosophy) in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Order (Terrorist group)
USE Silent Brotherhood
USE subdivision Order-books under names of

armies or armed forces, e.g. United States-

Armed Forces--Order-books
Order Budowniczych Polski Ludowej
BT AwardsPoland
Order-disorder in alloys
UF Ordering in alloys
BT Alloys
Domain structure
Order-disorder models
Phase rule and equilibrium
Physical metallurgy
Order-disorder models
UF Disorder models
Models, Order-disorder
BT Matter
NT Anderson model
Long range order (Solid state physics)
Order-disorder in alloys
Order filling systems
USE Order picking systems
Order in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Order Krzyza Grunwaldu
BT Decorations of honorPoland
Order of British Columbia
UF British Columbia, Order of
BT AwardsBritish Columbia
Order of Canada
UF Canada, Order of
Ordre du Canada
BT AwardsCanada
Order of Glory
USE Orden Slavy
Order of Merit (Great Britain)
BT Decorations of honorGreat Britain
Order of Merit Medal (Brazil)
USE Ordem do Merito
Order of Merit of the Prussian Crown
USE Verdienstorden der Preussischen Krone
Order of pericopes argument (Synoptics criticism)
USE Argument from order of pericopes (Synoptics

Order of Saint Stanislas
USE Order of Saint Stanislaus
Order of Saint Stanislaus
UF Order of Saint Stanislas
Order sv. Stanislava
Order sviatogo Stanislava
Order Sw. Stanisawa
Order Swietego Stanisawa
Saint Stanislaus, Order of
Sovereign Order of St. Stanislas
Suwerenny Order Swietego Stanisawa
BT Decorations of honorPoland
Decorations of honorRussia
Order of Saint Vladimir
USE Orden sviatogo ravnoapostolnogo

kniazia Vladimira
Order of the Aztec Eagle
USE Orden Mexicana del Aguila Azteca
Order of the Cross of Liberty (Finland)
USE Vapaudenristin ritarikunta
Order of the Crown of Italy
USE Ordine della corona d'Italia
Order of the Fancy (Group of writers)
RT English literature


Order of the Red Banner of Labour

USE Orden Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni
Order Ora Biaego
BT Decorations of honorPoland
Order picking systems
UF Order filling systems
BT Physical distribution of goods
Order Pour le Merite
USE Orden Pour le Merite
Order stars (Mathematics)
BT Numerical analysis
Order statistics
UF Statistics, Order
BT Nonparametric statistics
RT Ranking and selection (Statistics)
Order sv. Stanislava
USE Order of Saint Stanislaus
Order sviatogo Stanislava
USE Order of Saint Stanislaus
Order Sw. Stanisawa
USE Order of Saint Stanislaus
Order Swietego Stanisawa
USE Order of Saint Stanislaus
Order theorem, Odd
USE Feit-Thompson theorem
Order Virtuti Militari
UF Order Wojenny Virtuti Militari
Virtuti Militari, Order
BT Military decorationsPoland
Order Wojenny Virtuti Militari
USE Order Virtuti Militari
Orderable groups
UF Groups, Orderable
BT Infinite groups
Ordered groups
Ordered algebraic structures
UF Algebraic structures, Ordered
Structures, Ordered algebraic
BT Algebra
Ordered fields
BT Topological fields
Ordered groups
BT Group theory
NT Groups of divisibility
Orderable groups
Ordered groups, Lattice
USE Lattice ordered groups
Ordered linear topological spaces
USE Linear topological spaces, Ordered
Ordered rings, Lattice
USE Lattice ordered rings
Ordered sets
UF Sets, Ordered
BT Set theory
NT Partially ordered sets
Ordered topological spaces
UF Spaces, Ordered topological
BT Topological spaces
NT Linear topological spaces, Ordered
Partially ordered spaces
Ordered topological vector spaces
USE Linear topological spaces, Ordered
Ordering constraints (Grammar)
USE Order (Grammar)
Ordering in alloys
USE Order-disorder in alloys
Orderings, Linear
USE Linear orderings
Orderings, Stochastic
USE Stochastic orders
UF Clutter, Elimination of
BT Order
Orderly books
USE subdivision Order-books under names of

armies or armed forces, e.g. United States-

Armed Forces--Order-books
Orders, Anglican
USE Anglican orders
Orders, Architectural
USE ArchitectureOrders
Orders, Executive
USE Executive orders

Orders, Major
USE Bishops
Orders, Monastic
USE Monasticism and religious orders
Orders, Preparation of (Military science)
USE Military orders
Orders, Small
USE Small orders
Orders, Speaking
USE Speaking orders (Law)
Orders, Stochastic
USE Stochastic orders
Orders in council
BT International relations
Orders of knighthood and chivalry (May Subd Geog)
UF Knighthood, Orders of
BT Decorations of honor
RT Knights and knighthood
NT Chivalry
Islamic orders of knighthood and chivalry
Military religious orders
BT Insignia
NT Decorations of honor
Orders of knighthood and chivalry, Islamic
USE Islamic orders of knighthood and chivalry
Orders of knighthood and chivalry, Papal
(May Subd Geog)
[CR4701-CR4731 (Military religious orders)]
[CR5547-CR5575 (Papal States)]
UF Papal orders of knighthood and chivalry
Ordes-Val do Dubra Region (Spain)
UF Comarca de Ordes-Val do Dubra (Spain)
BT ComarcasSpain
Ordesa, Parque Nacional de (Spain)
USE Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido

Ordesa y Monte Perdido, Parque Nacional de (Spain)
USE Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido

Ordeway family
USE Ordway family
USE Alderflies
Ordinal numbers
USE Numbers, Ordinal
Ordinals (Liturgical books)
BT Liturgies
Ordination (Liturgy)
Ordinance of Alsno, 1280
USE Alsno, Ordinance of, 1280
Ordinances, County
USE County ordinances
Ordinances, Model
USE Model ordinances
Ordinances, Municipal (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered collections of texts of ordinances
passed by municipal corporations, not limited to a
specific topic, as well as works about these

UF By-laws, Municipal
City ordinances
Municipal ordinances
BT Statutes
NT Model ordinances
Ordinances for the dead (Mormon Church)
BT DeadReligious aspectsMormon Church
SacramentsMormon Church
Temple work (Mormon Church)
NT Baptism for the dead
Ordinaries (May Subd Geog)
BT County officials and employees
CourtsOfficials and employees
Guardian and ward
Non-contentious jurisdiction
Probate courts
Ordinary-language analysis
USE Ordinary-language philosophy
Ordinary-language method
USE Ordinary-language philosophy
Ordinary-language philosophy
UF Ordinary-language analysis
Ordinary-language method
Philosophy, Ordinary-language
BT Analysis (Philosophy)
Language and languagesPhilosophy

Ordinary ray
USE Refraction, Double
Ordinary's courts
USE Probate courts
[BV830 (Sacrament)]
BT Bishops
Rites and ceremonies
NT Consecration of bishops
Imposition of hands
Ordination of women
Ordination sermons
Per saltum (Ordination)
Anglican Communion, [Methodist Church, etc.]
Anniversary sermons
BT Anniversary sermons
USE RabbisOrdination
USE Ordination (Liturgy)
Ordination (Buddhism) (May Subd Geog)
UF Buddhist monasticism and religious

Buddhist ordination
BT BuddhismRituals
Buddhist priests
Ordination (Canon law)
BT Canon law
NT Irregularities (Canon law)
Ordination (Liturgy)
UF OrdinationLiturgy
BT Liturgics
Sacraments (Liturgy)
NT Ordinals (Liturgical books)
Ordination (Statistics)
BT Biometry
Multivariate analysis
Ordination of gays (May Subd Geog)
BT Gays
Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Ordination of lesbians (May Subd Geog)
BT Lesbians
Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]
Ordination of women (May Subd Geog)
UF Women, Ordination of
BT Ordination
Women clergy
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Catholic Church, [Church of England, etc.]
Ordination sermons (May Subd Geog)
UF Sermons, Ordination
BT Occasional sermons
Ordine della corona d'Italia
UF Corona d'Italia, Ordine della
Crown of Italy, Order of the
Iron Crown of Italy
Order of the Crown of Italy [Former heading]
BT Decorations of honorItaly
Ordine di Malta, Commenda dell' (Genoa, Italy)
USE Commenda di Pre (Genoa, Italy)
Ording family (Not Subd Geog)
Ordnance (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on large guns such as
cannons. Works on small arms are entered under




Military weapons
subdivision Ordnance and ordnance stores
under armies and navies, e.g. United States.
Army--Ordnance and ordnance stores
88 mm FlaK gun
Antitank guns
Antitank missiles
Antitank weapons
Armstrong gun
Batteries (Ordnance)
Come and Take It Cannon
Directed-energy weapons
Fire control (Gunnery)Optical equipment
Grenade launchers


Long Cecil (Ordnance)
Long Tom (Ordnance)
Machine guns
Mortars (Ordnance)
Ordnance, Naval
Ordnance disposal units
Parrott gun
QF 4.7-inch gun
Railway artillery
Rocket launchers (Ordnance)
Siege artillery
Steam guns (Ordnance)
Trench mortars
Unexploded ordnance
Decoration (May Subd Geog)
BT Decoration and ornament
UF Reproduction of ordnance
Research (May Subd Geog)
UF Ordnance research [Former heading]
Ordnance, Air force
USE Airplanes, MilitaryArmament
Ordnance, Coast (May Subd Geog)
UF Coast guns
Coast ordnance
Seacoast ordnance
BT Artillery, Coast
Coast defenses
Ordnance, Naval (May Subd Geog)
UF Naval ordnance
BT Naval art and science
NT Carronades
Depth charges
Fire control (Naval gunnery)
Naval gunnery
Polaris (Missile)
Ridgway's revolving battery
Ordnance, Rapid-fire
UF Rapid-fire guns
Ordnance (Military supplies)
USE Military supplies
Ordnance disposal units (May Subd Geog)
UF Bomb disposal units
Explosive ordnance disposal units
Unexploded bomb disposal units
UXB disposal units
BT Ordnance
Ordnance research
USE OrdnanceResearch
Ordnance testing (May Subd Geog)
[UF890 (Military)]
[VF540 (Naval)]
UF Testing of ordnance
RT Proving grounds
Ordo decurionum
USE Decurions (Roman municipal government)
Ordona, Reduta (Warsaw, Poland)
USE Reduta Ordona (Warsaw, Poland)
Ordonez family (Not Subd Geog)
Ordono II Street (Leon, Spain)
USE Calle Ordono II (Leon, Spain)
Ordos (Mongolian people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Ordos (Mongolian tribe) [Former heading]
BT EthnologyChina
Ordos (Mongolian tribe)
USE Ordos (Mongolian people)
Ordos Desert (China)
UF Eerduosi Shamo (China)
Khetao (China)
Mao-wu-su Sha-mo (China)
Maowusu Desert (China)
Mu Us Shamo (China)
O-er-do-su Basin (China)
O-er-do-su Desert (China)
O-erh-to-ssu Basin (China)
O-erh-to-ssu Desert (China)
BT DesertsChina

Ordos dialect (May Subd Geog)

UF Ordos language [Former heading]
BT Mongolian language
Ordos folk songs
USE Folk songs, Ordos
Ordos language
USE Ordos dialect
Ordovician Period
USE Geology, StratigraphicOrdovician
Ordre du Canada
USE Order of Canada
Ordre national du Quebec
BT Decorations of honorQuebec (Province)
Ordre public
USE Public policy (Law)
Ordre royal de l'union
UF Orde van de Unie
BT Decorations of honorNetherlands
Ord's kangaroo rat
USE Dipodomys ordii
Orduna family (Not Subd Geog)
Ordway family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orday family
Ordeway family
Ordway Preserve (Fla.)
USE Katharine Ordway Preserve-Carl Swisher

Memorial Sanctuary (Fla.)

Ordway-Swisher Preserve (Fla.)
USE Katharine Ordway Preserve-Carl Swisher

Memorial Sanctuary (Fla.)

Ordway-Swisher Tract (Fla.)
USE Katharine Ordway Preserve-Carl Swisher

Memorial Sanctuary (Fla.)

Ore, River (England)
UF River Ore (England)
BT RiversEngland
Ore, River, Valley (England)
USE Ore Valley (England)
ORE 42 (Or.)
USE Oregon Route 42 (Or.)
Ore-bulk-oil ships (May Subd Geog)
UF OBO ships
BT Bulk carrier cargo ships
Cargo ships
Iron oresTransportation
Merchant ships
Ore carriers (May Subd Geog)
[HE566.O7 (Transportation)]
[VM457 (Naval architecture)]
UF Ore ships
BT Bulk carrier cargo ships
Cargo ships
Ore cars
USE Mine railroad cars
Ore deposits (May Subd Geog)
[QE390-QE390.5 (Geology)]
[TN263 (General)]
[TN400-TN495 (Specific ores)]
UF Deposits, Ore
BT Mines and mineral resources
NT Disseminated deposits
Hydrothermal deposits
Metallogenic provinces
Placer deposits
Ore-dressing (May Subd Geog)
UF Beneficiation of ores
Dressing of ores
Milling (Metallurgy)
Mineral dressing
Mineral processing
Ore treatment
BT Smelting
NT Dielectric separation
Gravity concentrators
Magnetic separation of ores
Pelletizing (Ore-dressing)
Screens (Mining)
Spiral concentrators

Tailings (Metallurgy)
Tailings embankments
Ore-dressing plants (May Subd Geog)
UF Ore-treatment plants
BT Metallurgical plants
NT Uranium ore processing plants
Electric equipment (May Subd Geog)
Equipment and supplies
NT Ball millsGrinding media
Electronic ore sorters
Radiometric ore sorters
Valuation (May Subd Geog)
Ore-dressing plants equipment industry
(May Subd Geog)
BT Industrial equipment industry
Ore family
USE Orr family
Ore handling (May Subd Geog)
BT Bulk solids handling
Loading and unloading
Materials handling
Equipment and supplies
NT Hulett iron-ore unloaders
Ore Indians
USE Opata Indians
Ore language
USE Opata language
Ore Mountains (Czech Republic and Germany)
USE Erzgebirge (Czech Republic and Germany)
Ore ships
USE Ore carriers
Ore sorters, Electronic
USE Electronic ore sorters
Ore sorters, Radiometric
USE Radiometric ore sorters
Ore transportation
USE OresTransportation
Ore treatment
USE Ore-dressing
Ore-treatment plants
USE Ore-dressing plants
Ore Valley (England)
UF Ore, River, Valley (England)
BT ValleysEngland
Oread Street (Worcester, Mass.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsMassachusetts
Oreamnos (May Subd Geog)
BT Bovidae
NT Mountain goat
Oreamnos americanus
USE Mountain goat
Oreamnos columbiae
USE Mountain goat
Oreamnos columbiana
USE Mountain goat
Oreamnos dorsata
USE Mountain goat
Oreamnos kennedyi
USE Mountain goat
Oreamnos lanigera
USE Mountain goat
Oreamnos missoulae
USE Mountain goat
Oreamnos montanus
USE Mountain goat
Oreamnos sericea
USE Mountain goat
O'Rear family (Not Subd Geog)
Orebaugh family
USE Oberbeck family
Orebro, Treaty of, 1812
[DA520.A25 1812]
Oreby-Berritzgard (Denmark)
UF Berritzgard (Denmark)
Berritzgard-Oreby (Denmark)
Orebygard (Denmark)
BT ManorsDenmark
Orebygard (Denmark)
USE Oreby-Berritzgard (Denmark)
Orechon Indians
USE Orejon Indians
Orechon language
USE Orejon language
Oreck family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oreckovsky family
Oreckovsky family
USE Oreck family


Orectolobidae (May Subd Geog)

[QL638.95.O7 (Zoology)]
UF Crossorhinidae
Wobbegong sharks
BT Orectolobiformes
Orectolobiformes (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.94.O74 (Zoology)]
UF Carpet sharks
BT Chondrichthyes
NT Ginglymostomatidae
Orecton Island (Pa.)
USE Biles Island (Pa.)
Oreehoua (Hawaii)
USE Lehua Island (Hawaii)
O'Regan family
USE Regan family
Oregano (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.L25 (Botany)]
[SB351.O74 (Culture)]
UF Marjoram, Wild
Origanum vulgare
Wild marjoram
BT Origanum
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Oregano)
NT Blue Bucket Mine Site (Or.)
Bravo Creek Site (Or.)
Carlon Village Site (Or.)
Chalker Site (Or.)
Cougar Mountain Cave (Or.)
Dirty Shame Rockshelter (Or.)
Fort Klamath Site (Or.)
Hager's Grove Sites (Salem, Or.)
Headquarters Site (Or.)
Heath Cliffs Site (Or.)
Hells Canyon Creek Village Site (Or.)
Indian Sands Site (Or.)
Lava Butte Site (Or.)
Limpy Creek Site (Or.)
Long Tom Site (Or.)
Looney Site (Or.)
Medicine Creek Site (Or.)
Rattlesnake Shelter Site (Or.)
Rigdon's Horse Pasture Cave (Or.)
Ripple Site (Or.)
Steiwer Ranch Site (Or.)
Stubblefield Lookout Tower Site (Or.)
Wildcat Canyon Site (Or.)
Willamette Station Site (Or.)
Williamson River Bridge Site (Or.)
Yaquina Head Site (Or.)
Capital and capitol
NT Oregon State Capitol (Salem, Or. : 1938- )
Description and travel
UF OregonDescription and travel1951
1980 [Former heading]
OregonDescription and travel1981
[Former heading]
USE OregonDescription and travel
1981USE OregonDescription and travel
To 1859
USE Oregon TerritoryHistory
1859Civil War, 1861-1865
NT Alsea language
Cathlamet dialect
Chastacosta language
Chinook language
Chinookan languages
Coos language
Coquille language
Kalapuya language
Klamath language
Kuitsh language
Kusan languages
Lutuamian languages

Nez Perce language

Shahaptian languages
Siuslaw language
Takelma language
Tillamook language
Tlakluit language
Wasco language
Yakama language
Yakonan languages
Politics and government
To 1859
USE Oregon TerritoryPolitics and

1951Oregon, Central
Here are entered works on the region of Oregon
consisting of Deschutes, Jefferson, and Crook
counties and sometimes also Klamath, Lake,
Sherman, Wasco, and western Harvey counties.

UF Central Oregon
Oregon, Eastern
UF Eastern Oregon
Oregon, Western
UF Western Oregon
Oregon, Operation, 1967
USE Operation Oregon, 1967
Oregon & Washington Railroad Depot (Seattle, Wash.)
USE Union Station (Seattle, Wash.)
Oregon and Washington Railroad Depot (Seattle,
USE Union Station (Seattle, Wash.)
Oregon and Washington Station (Seattle, Wash.)
USE Union Station (Seattle, Wash.)
Oregon bitterroot
USE Bitterroot
Oregon Buttes Wilderness (Wyo.)
UF Oregon Buttes Wilderness Study Area (Wyo.)
BT National parks and reservesWyoming
Wilderness areasWyoming
Oregon Buttes Wilderness Study Area (Wyo.)
USE Oregon Buttes Wilderness (Wyo.)
Oregon Canyon (El Dorado County, Calif.)
BT CanyonsCalifornia
Oregon Canyon Wilderness (Or.)
UF Oregon Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Or.)
BT National parks and reservesOregon
Wilderness areasOregon
Oregon Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Or.)
USE Oregon Canyon Wilderness (Or.)
Oregon Capitol (Salem, Or. : 1938- )
USE Oregon State Capitol (Salem, Or. : 1938- )
Oregon Caves National Monument (Or.)
BT National monumentsOregon
Oregon char
USE Dolly Varden (Fish)
Oregon checker mallow
USE Oregon checkermallow
Oregon checkerbloom
USE Oregon checkermallow
Oregon checkermallow (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.M27 (Botany)]
UF Oregon checker mallow
Oregon checkerbloom
Sida oregana
Sidalcea oregana
BT Sidalcea
NT Wenatchee Mountains checkermallow
Oregon chub (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.C94 (Zoology)]
UF Chub, Oregon
Hybopsis crameri
Oregonichthys crameri
BT Oregonichthys
Oregon Coast (Or.)
USE Pacific Coast (Or.)
Oregon Coast Range (Or.)
UF Coast Range (Or.)
Oregon Coast Ranges (Or.)
Pacific Coast Range (Or.)
BT Coast Ranges
Oregon Coast Ranges (Or.)
USE Oregon Coast Range (Or.)
Oregon Coast Trail
BT TrailsOregon
Oregon Country
USE Northwest, Pacific
Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (Or.)
BT National parks and reservesOregon
Recreation areasOregon

Oregon Garden (Silverton, Or.)

This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT GardensOregon
Oregon garter snake
USE Thamnophis couchii
Oregon Highway 62 (Or.)
UF Highway 62 (Or.)
State Highway 62 (Or.)
BT RoadsOregon
Oregon Holocaust Memorial (Portland, Or.)
BT Holocaust memorialsOregon
Oregon Indians
USE Orejon Indians
Oregon Inlet (N.C.)
BT InletsNorth Carolina
Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge (Or.)
BT National parks and reservesOregon
Wildlife refugesOregon
Oregon language
USE Orejon language
Oregon larch
USE Western larch
Oregon laurel
USE Pacific madrone
Oregon lupine (May Subd Geog)
[QK495. L52 (Botany)]
UF Lupinus amabilis
Lupinus biddlei
Lupinus oreganus
BT Lupines
Oregon myrtle
USE Umbellularia californica
Oregon National Historic Trail
UF Oregon Trail [Former heading]
BT National parks and reservesUnited States
TrailsUnited States
RT Overland Trails
Saint Joe Road
NT Cowlitz Trail (Wash.)
Lander Cutoff (Wyo.)
Sublette Cutoff (Wyo.)
Oregon oak (May Subd Geog)
UF Garry oak
Oregon white oak
Quercus garryana
Western oak
White oak, Oregon
BT Oak
Oregon pill bug
USE Gnorimosphaeroma oregonensis
Oregon pillbug
USE Gnorimosphaeroma oregonensis
Oregon pine
USE Douglas fir
Oregon Quality Award
BT Total quality managementAwardsOregon
Oregon question
RT Northwest boundary of the United States
Oregon Route 42 (Or.)
UF Coos Bay-Roseburg Highway (Or.)
Highway 35 (Or.)
OR 42 (Or.)
ORE 42 (Or.)
Route 42 (Or.)
BT RoadsOregon
Oregon Route 201 (Or.)
UF Highway 201 (Or.)
OR 201 (Or.)
OR Route 201 (Or.)
Route 201 (Or.)
BT RoadsOregon
Oregon salamander
USE Northwestern salamander
Oregon silverspot butterfly (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.N9 (Zoology)]
UF Silverspot butterfly, Oregon
Speyeria zerene hippolyta
BT Zerene fritillary
Oregon slender salamander (May Subd Geog)
[QL668.C274 (Zoology)]
UF Batrachoseps wrighti
Batrachoseps wrightorum
Four-toed salamander, Western
Plethopsis wrighti
Western four-toed salamander
BT Slender salamanders
Oregon Slough (Or.)
USE North Portland Harbor (Or.)


Oregon spotted frog (May Subd Geog)

[QL668.E27 (Zoology)]
UF Pacific frog
Rana pretiosa
Rana temporaria pretiosa
Red-bellied frog
Salmon frog
Spotted frog [Former heading]
Western frog
Western spotted frog
BT Rana
Oregon State Capitol (Salem, Or. : 1938- )
UF Oregon Capitol (Salem, Or. : 1938- )
State Capitol (Salem, Or. : 1938- )
BT OregonCapital and capitol
Oregon sturgeon
USE White sturgeon
Oregon Territory
UF OregonHistoryTo 1859 [Former

NT Grande Ronde, Battle of the, Or., 1856
Politics and government
UF OregonPolitics and governmentTo

1859 [Former heading]

Oregon Trail
USE Oregon National Historic Trail
Oregon-Washington Station (Seattle, Wash.)
USE Union Station (Seattle, Wash.)
Oregon white oak
USE Oregon oak
Oregon wintergreen
USE Salal
Oregon yew
USE Pacific yew
Oregonichthys (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.C94 (Zoology)]
BT Cyprinidae
NT Oregon chub
Oregonichthys crameri
USE Oregon chub
Oregrunasgrepen (Sweden)
USE Oregrundsgrepen (Sweden)
Oregrund-Grepen (Sweden)
USE Oregrundsgrepen (Sweden)
Oregrundsgrepen (Sweden)
UF Oregrunasgrepen (Sweden)
Oregrund-Grepen (Sweden)
BT BaysSweden
Bothnia, Gulf of
Oregu language
USE Desana language
Oregus (May Subd Geog)
[QL596.C2 (Zoology)]
BT Ground beetles
NT Oregus inaequalis
Oregus inaequalis (May Subd Geog)
[QL596.C2 (Zoology)]
UF Mecodema inaequale
Mecodema inaequalis
BT Oregus
O'Reilley, Monette (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Monette O'Reilley (Fictitious character)
O'Reilly, Fingal Flahertie (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Fingal Flahertie O'Reilly (Fictitious character)
O'Reilly family
USE Riley family
Orejana Canyon Wilderness (Or.)
UF Orejana Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Or.)
BT National parks and reservesOregon
Wilderness areasOregon
Orejana Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Or.)
USE Orejana Canyon Wilderness (Or.)
Orejon Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Coto Indians
Koto Indians
Mai Huna Indians
Mai Ja Indians
Orechon Indians
Oregon Indians
Orejone Indians
Payagua Indians (Peru)
Payoguaje Indians
Tutapi Indians
Tutapischo Indians
BT Indians of South AmericaPeru
Tucanoan Indians
Orejon language (May Subd Geog)

Orejon language (Continued)

UF Coto language (Tucanoan) [Former heading]
Koto language
Mai Huna language
Mai Ja language
Orechon language
Oregon language
Payagua language
Payoguaje language
Tutapi language
Tutapischo language
BT PeruLanguages
Tucanoan languages
Orejone Indians
USE Orejon Indians
Orel, Battle of, 1943
USE Orel, Battle of, Orel, Orlovskaia oblast,

Russia, 1943
Orel, Battle of, Orel, Orlovskaia oblast, Russia, 1943
UF Orel, Battle of, 1943 [Former heading]
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsRussia

Orel-Kromy Campaign, Russia, 1919
BT Soviet UnionHistoryRevolution, 1917
Orellana River
USE Amazon River
Orelli family (Not Subd Geog)
Orem family
USE Oram family
Orem model of nursing
USE Orem's model of nursing
Orem's model of nursing (Not Subd Geog)
UF Dorothea Orem's model of nursing
Orem model of nursing
Orem's self-care model of nursing
Self care model of nursing
BT Nursing models
Orem's self-care model of nursing
USE Orem's model of nursing
Orenshtain family
USE Ornstein family
Orenstein family
USE Ornstein family
Orentzago (Legendary character)
USE Olentzero (Legendary character)
Oreo Channel (Greece)
USE Oreos Channel (Greece)
Oreo dories
USE Oreos (Fish)
Oreo fisheries (May Subd Geog)
BT Fisheries
NT Black oreo fisheries
Smooth oreo fisheries
USE Lewisia
Oreobroma pygmaea
USE Lewisia pygmaea
Oreobroma pygmaeum
USE Lewisia pygmaea
Oreochromis mossambicus
USE Mozambique tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus
USE Nile tilapia
Oreocnemus (May Subd Geog)
BT Platycnemididae
USE Oreos (Fish)
Oreohelicidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.5.O73 (Zoology)]
BT Stylommatophora
NT Oreohelix
Oreohelix (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.5.O73 (Zoology)]
BT Oreohelicidae
NT Brian Head mountainsnail
Deseret mountainsnail
Oreohelix strigosa
Oreohelix parawanensis
USE Brian Head mountainsnail
Oreohelix peripherica
USE Deseret mountainsnail
Oreohelix peripherica wasatchnesis
USE Ogden rocky mountainsnail
Oreohelix strigosa (May Subd Geog)
BT Oreohelix
Oreoica (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P2595 (Zoology)]

BT Pachycephalidae
NT Crested bellbird
Oreoica gutturalis
USE Crested bellbird
Oreomyrrhis (May Subd Geog)
BT Umbelliferae
Oreophrynella (May Subd Geog)
BT Bufonidae
Oreortyx (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.G259 (Zoology)]
BT Odontophoridae
NT Mountain quail
Oreortyx picta
USE Mountain quail
Oreortyx pictus
USE Mountain quail
Oreos (Fish) (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.O7 (Zoology)]
UF Dories, Oreo
Dories, Warty
Oreo dories
Oreosomatidae [Former heading]
Warty dories
BT Zeiformes
NT Allocyttus
Oreos Channel (Greece)
UF Dhiavlos Oreon (Greece)
Oreo Channel (Greece)
BT StraitsGreece
Oreoscoptes (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P25 (Zoology)]
BT Mimidae
Thrashers (Birds)
NT Sage thrasher
Oreoscoptes montanus
USE Sage thrasher
USE Oreos (Fish)
USE Towhees
USE Asters
Oreotrochilus estella
USE Andean hillstar
Ores (May Subd Geog)
[QE390.2 (Mineralogy)]
[TN265 (Metallic ores)]
[TN400-TN538 (Mineral resources)]
BT Geology, Economic
RT Metallurgy
NT Aluminum ores
Antimony ores
Arsenic ores
Beryllium ores
Bismuth ores
Boron ores
Chromium ores
Cobalt ores
Copper ores
Gold ores
Hafnium ores
Indium ores
Iron ores
Lead ores
Lithium ores
Manganese ores
Mercury ores
Molybdenum ores
Nickel ores
Niobium ores
Palladium ores
Platinum ores
Potassium ores
Rhenium ores
Scandium ores
Selenium ores
Silver ores
Strontium ores
Tantalum ores
Tellurium ores
Thorium ores
Tin ores
Titanium ores
Tungsten ores
Uranium ores
Vanadium ores


Zinc ores
Zirconium ores
USE OresSampling and estimation
Optical properties
Sampling and estimation
UF OresAnalysis
Sampling of ores
RT Assaying
BT Mineralogy, Determinative
Mines and mineral resources
Transportation (May Subd Geog)
[HE199.5.O7 (Freight)]
UF Ore transportation
NT Ore-bulk-oil ships
Ore carriers
Ore handling
Ores, Magnetic separation of
USE Magnetic separation of ores
Ores family
USE Orr family
BT Poeciliidae
USE Olearia
resund (Denmark and Sweden)
USE Sound, The (Denmark and Sweden)
Oresund Bridge (Copenhagen, Denmark, and Malmo,
USE resundsbron (Copenhagen, Denmark, and

Malmo, Sweden)
resundsbron (Copenhagen, Denmark, and Malmo,
UF Oresund Bridge (Copenhagen, Denmark, and

Malmo, Sweden)
BT BridgesDenmark
Oreto Site (Granatula de Calatrava, Spain)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Cerro de Oreto Site (Granatula de Calatrava,

Cerro Dominguez Site (Granatula de

Calatrava, Spain)
Dominguez Site (Granatula de Calatrava,

BT SpainAntiquities
Orexigenic drugs
USE Appetite stimulants
USE Appetite stimulants
Orexins (May Subd Geog)
UF Hypocretins
BT Hypothalamic hormones
USE Campnosperma panamense
Orfani, Gulf of (Greece)
USE Strymonic Gulf (Greece)
Orfanon, Gulf of (Greece)
USE Strymonic Gulf (Greece)
Orfeuere family
USE Offer family
Orfeur family
USE Offer family
Orfeure family
USE Offer family
Orfevre family
USE Offer family
Orford Ness (England)
UF Orford Ness National Nature Reserve

BT Natural areasEngland
Spits (Geomorphology)England
Orford Ness National Nature Reserve (England)
USE Orford Ness (England)
Orfres family
USE Offer family
Orga family (Not Subd Geog)
Orga-sonic organ
USE Baldwin organ
USE Organ (Musical instrument)
Organ, harp, timpani with string orchestra
Organ, percussion, timpani with orchestra
USE Percussion and organ with orchestra
Organ, piano, guitars (3), percussion with orchestra

Organ (Musical instrument) (May Subd Geog)

[ML549.8-ML649 (History)]
[MT180-MT191 (Instruction)]
UF Enharmonic organ
Organ [Former heading]
Organs [Former heading]
Pipe organ
BT Keyboard instruments
SA subdivision Organs under names of individual

corporate bodies having one or more

organs, especially churches, concert halls,

NT Archiphone
Bambuso sonoro (Musical instrument)
Chamber organ
Electronic organ
Hydraulic organ
Mechanical organs
Organ pipes
Organ stops
Positive organ (Musical instrument)
Reed organ
Theater organ
Construction (May Subd Geog)
Instruction and study (May Subd Geog)
Methods (Jazz)
UF Registration, Organ
RT Organ stops
SA subdivision Registration under types of

organs, e.g. Electronic organ-

Registration; Hammond organ-
Studies and exercises
Organ (Musical instrument) in art (Not Subd Geog)
UF Organs in art [Former heading]
Organ (Musical instrument) in literature
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Organ in literature [Former heading]
Organ (Musical instrument) in motion pictures
(Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Organ (Musical instrument) on postage stamps
UF Organs on postage stamps [Former heading]
BT Postage stamps
Organ allocation (Surgery)
USE Allocation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organ and accordion music
USE Accordion and organ music
Organ and alphorn music
USE Alphorn and organ music
Organ and bagpipe music
USE Bagpipe and organ music
Organ and bass clarinet music
USE Bass clarinet and organ music
Organ and bass trombone music
USE Bass trombone and organ music
Organ and bassoon music
USE Bassoon and organ music
Organ and bugle music
USE Bugle and organ music
Organ and carillon music
USE Carillon and organ music
Organ and cello music
USE Cello and organ music
Organ and clarinet music
USE Clarinet and organ music
Organ and cornet music
USE Cornet and organ music
Organ and double bass music
USE Double bass and organ music
Organ and electronic music (May Subd Geog)
UF Electronic and organ music [Former heading]
Organ and English horn music
USE English horn and organ music
Organ and euphonium music
USE Euphonium and organ music

Organ and flugelhorn music

USE Flugelhorn and organ music
Organ and flute music
USE Flute and organ music
Organ and guitar music
USE Guitar and organ music
Organ and handbell music
USE Handbell and organ music
Organ and harp music
USE Harp and organ music
Organ and harpsichord music
USE Harpsichord and organ music
Organ and horn music
USE Horn and organ music
Organ and lute music
USE Lute and organ music
Organ and marimba music
USE Marimba and organ music
Organ and oboe music
USE Oboe and organ music
Organ and ocarina music
USE Ocarina and organ music
Organ and panpipes music
USE Panpipes and organ music
Organ and percussion music
USE Percussion and organ music
Organ and piano music (May Subd Geog)
UF Piano and organ music [Former heading]
Organ and piano music, Arranged (May Subd Geog)
UF Piano and organ music, Arranged [Former

Organ and recorder music
USE Recorder and organ music
Organ and sackbut music
USE Sackbut and organ music
Organ and saxophone music
USE Saxophone and organ music
Organ and shakuhachi music
USE Shakuhachi and organ music
Organ and shawm music
USE Shawm and organ music
Organ and tam-tam music
USE Tam-tam and organ music
Organ and tarogato music
USE Tarogato and organ music
Organ and theorbo music
USE Theorbo and organ music
Organ and timpani music
USE Timpani and organ music
Organ and trombone music
USE Trombone and organ music
Organ and trumpet music
USE Trumpet and organ music
Organ and tuba music
USE Tuba and organ music
Organ and unspecified instrument music
USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and organ)
Organ and viola da gamba music
USE Viola da gamba and organ music
Organ and viola d'amore music
USE Viola d'amore and organ music
Organ and viola music
USE Viola and organ music
Organ and violin music
USE Violin and organ music
Organ banks
USE Tissue banks
Organ bellows pumpers (Persons)
USE Organ blowers (Persons)
Organ blowers (Persons) (May Subd Geog)
UF Bellows pumpers, Organ (Persons)
Blowers, Organ (Persons)
Organ bellows pumpers (Persons)
Organ pumpers (Persons)
Pumpers, Organ (Persons)
BT Persons
RT Organists
Organ builders (May Subd Geog)
BT Musical instrument makers
NT Mechanical organ builders
Reed organ builders
Organ culture (May Subd Geog)
UF Organs, Culture of [Former heading]
Organs (Anatomy)Cultures and culture

BT Cultures (Biology)
RT Tissue culture
SA subdivision Cultures and culture media under

individual organs and regions of the body,

e.g. Heart--Cultures and culture media


Organ distribution (Surgery)

USE Allocation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organ donation
USE Donation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organ donors (May Subd Geog)
UF Donors, Organ
BT Persons
Organ duets
USE Organ music (4 hands)
Organ ensembles (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for three or more solo

UF Organ music (Organs (3)) [Former heading]

Organ music (Organs (4)) [Former heading]
SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "organ ensemble" and headings with

medium of performance that include "organ

Organ failure, Multiple
USE Multiple organ failure
Organ grinders (May Subd Geog)
UF Barrel organ players
Barrel organists [Former heading]
BT Street musicians
Organ in literature
USE Organ (Musical instrument) in literature
Organ mass
BT Mass (Music)
Organ masses (May Subd Geog)
UF Instrumental masses
BT Masses
Organ music
Organ Mountains (N.M.)
BT MountainsNew Mexico
Organ Mountains (Tex. and N.M.)
USE Franklin Mountains (Tex. and N.M.)
Organ Mountains Wilderness (N.M.)
UF Organ Mountains Wilderness Study Area

BT National parks and reservesNew Mexico
Wilderness areasNew Mexico
Organ Mountains Wilderness Study Area (N.M.)
USE Organ Mountains Wilderness (N.M.)
Organ music (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo organ, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for solo organ.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "organ" or "organs" and headings

with medium of performance that include

"organ" or "organs"; also the heading

Chorale preludes
NT Intabulations (Organ)
Organ masses
Graded lists
UF Organ musicGraded lists
Graded lists
USE Organ musicBibliographyGraded lists
History and criticism
Instructive editions
Teaching pieces
Organ music, Arranged
Organ music (1 hand) (May Subd Geog)
UF Left-hand organ music
Right-hand organ music
Organ music (4 hands) (May Subd Geog)
UF Organ duets
Organ music (8 hands) (May Subd Geog)
Organ music (Blues) (May Subd Geog)
BT Blues (Music)
Organ music (Honky-tonk) (May Subd Geog)
UF Honky-tonk organ
BT Honky-tonk music
Organ music (Jazz)
BT Jazz
Organ music (Organs (2))

Organ music (Organs (3))

USE Organ ensembles
Organ music (Organs (4))
USE Organ ensembles
Organ music (Pedals)
UF Organ pedal music
Organ music (Ragtime)
BT Ragtime music
Organ of Corti
USE Corti's organ
Organ of Jacobson
USE Jacobson's organ
Organ pedal music
USE Organ music (Pedals)
Organ pipe cactus
USE Organpipe cactus
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (Ariz.)
BT National monumentsArizona
Organ pipes
BT Organ (Musical instrument)
NT Flue pipes (Organ pipes)
Reed pipes (Organ pipes)
Organ Pipes National Park (Vic.)
BT National parks and reservesAustralia
Organ placement (Surgery)
USE Allocation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organ players
USE Organists
USE Pedal point
Organ preservation (Anatomy)
USE Preservation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organ procurement (Surgery)
USE Procurement of organs, tissues, etc.
Organ pumpers (Persons)
USE Organ blowers (Persons)
Organ specificity (Immunology)
USE Tissue-specific antibodies
Tissue-specific antigens
Organ stops
UF Stops, Organ
BT Organ (Musical instrument)
RT Organ (Musical instrument)Registration
NT Mixture stops
Organ teachers (May Subd Geog)
BT Music teachers
Organ trafficking (May Subd Geog)
UF Illegal trade in human body parts
Trafficking in organs
BT Offenses against the person
Sale of organs, tissues, etc.
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
Medical laws and legislation
Organ trafficking victims (May Subd Geog)
UF Victims of organ trafficking
BT Victims of crimes
Organ transplantation
USE Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organ transplantation criteria
USE Allocation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organ transplants
USE Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organ with band
Solo with piano
Organ with brass ensemble
Organ with chamber orchestra
Organ with instrumental ensemble
Organ with orchestra
Solo with piano
Organ with percussion ensemble
Organ with plucked instrument orchestra
Organ with string orchestra
Organ with string orchestra, Arranged
Scores and parts
Organ with wind ensemble

Organa (May Subd Geog)

UF Organums
BT Part songs, Sacred500-1400
History and criticism
UF Organum [Former heading]
Organa genitalia
USE Generative organs
Organa oculi accessoria
USE Adnexa oculi
Organelles, Cell
USE Cell organelles
Organelles, Plant
USE Plant organelles
Organette (May Subd Geog)
UF Organina [Former heading]
BT Player organ
Organic acids
[QD305.A2 (Aliphatic compounds)]
[QD341.A2 (Aromatic compounds)]
[TP247.2 (Chemical technology)]
Individual acids are entered under their specific
names, but the prefixes -, -, -, di-, tri-, tetra-, iso-,
ortho-, para-, meta- are usually omitted.

UF Acids, Organic [Former heading]

BT Acids
Organic compounds
NT Allantoic acid
Amino acids
Cacodylic acid
Carbamic acid
Carbonic acid
Carboxylic acids
Cyanic acid
Fulvic acids
Humic acid
Hyaluronic acid
Ketonic acids
Lupulinic acid
Naphthenic acids
Patellaric acid
Phenolic acids
Phenoxyalkanoic acids
Phosphonic acids
Pyruvic acid
Santonic acid
Sulfenic acids
Thiocyanic acid
Xanthic acids
Organic architecture (May Subd Geog)
BT Architecture
NT Usonian houses
Organic bases (May Subd Geog)
BT Bases (Chemistry)
Organic compounds
Organic beer (May Subd Geog)
BT Beer
Natural foods
Organic brain syndromes
USE Neurobehavioral disorders
Organic chemicals
USE Organic compounds
Organic chemistry
USE Chemistry, Organic
Organic clothing (May Subd Geog)
BT Clothing and dress
Organic compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Compounds, Organic
Organic chemicals
BT Carbon compounds
SA groups and classes of organic compounds and

individual organic substances, e.g.,

Organothallium compounds; Organic cyclic

NT Alcohols
Intermediates (Chemistry)
Organic acids
Organic bases


Organic cyclic compounds

Organic oxides
Organic solvents
Organohalogen compounds
Organometallic compounds
Organonitrogen compounds
Organophosphorus compounds
Organoselenium compounds
Organosilicon compounds
Organosulfur compounds
SeawaterOrganic compound content
Seed storage compounds
SoilsOrganic compound content
Volatile organic compounds
WaterOrganic compound content
Biodegradation (May Subd Geog)
UF Chemistry, OrganicSynthesis [Former

Chemistry, Synthetic organic
Organic synthesis (Chemistry)
Synthetic organic chemistry
SA subdivision Synthesis under individual

chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g.

NT Asymmetric synthesis
Combinatorial chemistry
Solid-phase synthesis
Organic compounds removal (Sewage purification)
USE SewagePurificationOrganic compounds

Organic compounds removal (Water purification)
USE WaterPurificationOrganic compounds

Organic conductor industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Plastics industry and trade
Organic conductors
UF Conductors, Organic
Molecular metals
Organic metals
Polymer metals
BT One-dimensional conductors
Organometallic compounds
RT Conducting polymers
NT Organic superconductors
Organic cooled reactors (May Subd Geog)
UF Reactors, Organic cooled
BT Nuclear reactors
Organic corn farming
USE CornOrganic farming
Organic corn production
USE CornOrganic farming
Organic crops
USE Organic farming
Organic cultivation
USE Organic farming
Organic cultivation of corn
USE CornOrganic farming
Organic cyclic compounds
UF Compounds, Organic cyclic
BT Cyclic compounds
Organic compounds
NT Alicyclic compounds
Aromatic compounds
Bisantrene hydrochloride
Cyclic peptides
Heterocyclic compounds
Mitoxantrone hydrochloride
Organic dairy farming (May Subd Geog)
BT Dairy farming
Organic farming
Organic debris, Large
USE Coarse woody debris
Organic design (May Subd Geog)
UF Design, Organic
BT Design
Organic dust pneumoconiosis
USE Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Organic electrochemistry (May Subd Geog)

UF Electro-organic chemistry
Electroorganic chemistry
BT Electrochemistry
Physical organic chemistry
Organic electronics (May Subd Geog)
BT Organic solid state chemistry
Solid state electronics
NT Electronic polymers
Organic farmers (May Subd Geog)
UF Growers, Organic
Organic growers
BT Farmers
Organic farming (May Subd Geog)
UF Biodynamic agriculture
Biodynamic farming
Biological agriculture
Ecological agriculture
Organic crops
Organic cultivation
Organic production of crops
Regenerative agriculture
BT Agriculture
SA subdivision Organic farming under individual

crops and groups of crops, e.g. Corn-

Organic farming
NT Organic dairy farming
Organic floriculture
Organic viticulture
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Agricultural laws and legislation
Organic farming of corn
USE CornOrganic farming
Organic fertilizers (May Subd Geog)
BT Fertilizers
NT Biofertilizers
Green manuring
Night soil
Organic field-effect transistors (May Subd Geog)
UF OFETs (Transistors)
BT Field-effect transistors
Organic semiconductors
Organic floriculture (May Subd Geog)
BT Floriculture
Organic farming
Organic food
USE Natural foods
Organic foods
USE Natural foods
Organic gardening (May Subd Geog)
UF Biodynamic gardening
Natural gardening
BT Gardening
RT Companion planting
NT Biointensive gardening
Weedless gardening
UF Formulas for organic gardening
Organic geochemistry (May Subd Geog)
BT Chemistry, Organic
Organic growers
USE Organic farmers
Organic lifestyle
USE Organic living
Organic living (May Subd Geog)
UF Organic lifestyle
BT Alternative lifestyles
Human ecology
Organic matter in soil
USE Humus
Organic mental disorders
USE Neurobehavioral disorders
Organic metals
USE Organic conductors
Organic moderated reactors (May Subd Geog)
UF Moderated reactors, Organic
OMR (Organic moderated reactors)
BT Nuclear reactors
Organic mounds
USE Bioherms

Organic oxides (May Subd Geog)

BT Organic compounds
NT Cholesterol oxides
Dodecyldimethylamine oxide
Polyethylene oxide
Styrene oxide
Organic photochemistry (May Subd Geog)
BT Photochemistry
Physical organic chemistry
NT Photobiochemistry
Organic production of corn
USE CornOrganic farming
Organic production of crops
USE Organic farming
Organic reaction mechanisms
UF Mechanisms, Organic reaction
BT Reaction mechanisms (Chemistry)
Organic scintillators (May Subd Geog)
BT Scintillators
Organic semiconductors
[QC611.8.O7 (Physics)]
[TK7871.99.O74 (Electrical engineering)]
BT Semiconductors
NT Conjugated polymers
Organic field-effect transistors
Organic soils
USE Histosols
Organic solid state chemistry (May Subd Geog)
UF Chemistry, Organic solid state
Chemistry, Solid state organic
Solid state organic chemistry
BT Chemistry, Organic
Solid state chemistry
NT Organic electronics
Organic solvents (May Subd Geog)
[QC463.S72 (Spectroscopy)]
[QD544.5 (Physical chemistry)]
[TP247.5 (Chemical technology)]
BT Nonaqueous solvents
Organic compounds
NT Hexone
Methyl ethyl ketone
Organic superconductors
BT Organic conductors
Organic synthesis (Chemistry)
USE Organic compoundsSynthesis
Organic thin films (May Subd Geog)
BT Thin films
NT Photoreactive organic thin films
Organic viticulture (May Subd Geog)
BT Organic farming
RT Organic wines
Organic waste as fuel
USE Waste products as fuel
Organic wastes (May Subd Geog)
UF Garbage
Wastes, Organic
BT Factory and trade waste
Refuse and refuse disposal
Waste products
NT Agricultural wastes
Organic water pollutants
Plant litter
Yard waste
UF Burning of organic wastes
BT Incineration
Purification (May Subd Geog)
UF Purification of organic wastes
Recycling (May Subd Geog)
BT Recycling (Waste, etc.)
NT Vermicomposting
Organic wastes as feed (May Subd Geog)
[SF99.W34 (Use)]
BT Feeds
Organic wastes as fertilizer (May Subd Geog)
[S654 (Use)]


BT Fertilizers
NT Farm manure
Fish-scrap fertilizer
Night soil
Sewage irrigation
Wood waste as mulch, soil conditioner, etc.
Organic wastes as soil amendments (May Subd Geog)
BT Soil amendments
NT Wood waste as mulch, soil conditioner, etc.
Organic water pollutants (May Subd Geog)
UF Contaminants, Organic water
Water pollutants, Organic
BT Organic wastes
RT WaterOrganic compound content
WaterPurificationOrganic compounds

Biodegradation (May Subd Geog)
Organic wines (May Subd Geog)
UF Wines, Organic
BT Natural foods
Wine and wine making
RT Organic viticulture
Organically grown foods
USE Natural foods
USE Organic farming
Organic gardening
USE Organette
USE Organization
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Economic assistance
UF Economic assistance, OECD countries
BT Economic assistance
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development countries
USE OECD countries
Organised crime
USE Organized crime
Organism (Philosophy)
BT Philosophy
Organism names
USE BiologyNomenclature
Organisms (May Subd Geog)
UF Biological organisms
Living organisms
BT Life (Biology)
RT Species
NT Animals
Antibiotic-producing organisms
Aquatic organisms
Coastal organisms
Coprophilous organisms
Halophilic organisms
Introduced organisms
Laboratory organisms
Living fossils
Transgenic organisms
USE BiologyClassification
USE Biochemistry
Host plants
USE Host plants
USE BiologyNomenclature
USE Hurdy-gurdy
Organists (May Subd Geog)
[ML396 (Collective biography)]
[ML416 (Individual biography)]
UF Organ players
BT Keyboard players
RT Organ blowers
NT Reed organists
Women organists
UF Organisation
RT Management
SA subdivision Organization under military

services, e.g. United States--Armed Forces--

Organization (Continued)

NT Communication in organizations
Comparative organization
Industrial organization
Interorganizational relations
Line and staff organization
Matrix organization
Organizational behavior
Organizational change
Organizational effectiveness
Political party organization
Resource allocation
Symbolism in organizations
Research (May Subd Geog)
UF Organizational research [Former heading]
Organization, Computer
USE Computer organization
Organization, File (Computer science)
USE File organization (Computer science)
Organization, International
USE International organization
Organization, Social
USE Social structure
Organization (Sociology)
USE Organizational sociology
Organization center (Embryology)
USE Organizer (Embryology)
Organization charts
BT Business
Graphic methods
Office management
Organization development
USE Organizational change
Organization in popular culture (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the representation of
organization in popular culture.

BT Popular culture
Organization manuals
USE ManagementHandbooks, manuals, etc.
Organization of American States. General Assembly
Organization of information
USE Information organization
Organization theory
USE Organizational sociology
Organizational behavior (May Subd Geog)
UF Behavior in organizations
BT Management
Psychology, Industrial
Social psychology
NT Corporate culture
Office politics
Police subculture
Religious aspects
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Organizational behavior in motion pictures
(Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Organizational behavior in television
USE Organizational behavior on television
Organizational behavior on television (Not Subd Geog)
UF Organizational behavior in television [Former

BT Television
Organizational career development
USE Career development
Organizational change (May Subd Geog)
UF Change, Organizational
Organization development
Organizational development
Organizational innovation
BT Management
RT Manpower planning
NT Appreciative inquiry
Downsizing of organizations
Job enrichment
Organizational resilience
Organizational commitment (May Subd Geog)
UF OC (Organizational commitment)
BT Commitment (Psychology)
RT Employee loyalty

Organizational communication
USE Communication in organizations
Organizational culture
USE Corporate culture
Organizational development
USE Organizational change
Organizational downsizing
USE Downsizing of organizations
Organizational effectiveness (May Subd Geog)
BT Management
NT Denison Organisational Culture Survey
Organizational innovation
USE Organizational change
Organizational justice (May Subd Geog)
UF Workplace justice
BT Justice
Organizational learning (May Subd Geog)
UF Learning organizations
BT Learning
RT Communities of practice
Knowledge management
NT Self-managed learning
Organizational research
USE OrganizationResearch
Organizational sociologyResearch
Organizational resilience (May Subd Geog)
UF Resilience of organizations
BT Organizational change
Organizational sociology
UF Organization (Sociology)
Organization theory
Sociology of organizations
BT Sociology
RT Bureaucracy
NT Comparative organization
Complex organizations
International agenciesSociological aspects
Research (May Subd Geog)
UF Organizational research [Former heading]
Organizational stress
USE Job stress
Organizational symbolism
USE Symbolism in organizations
USE Associations, institutions, etc.
Organizations, Business
USE Business enterprises
Organizations, International
USE International agencies
Organizations, Non-governmental (International
USE Non-governmental organizations
Organizations, Nonprofit
USE Nonprofit organizations
Organizations, Physician-hospital
USE Hospital-physician joint ventures
Organized camps
USE Camps
Organized crime (May Subd Geog)
UF Crime syndicates
Organised crime
BT Crime
NT Mafia
Triads (Gangs)
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal law
UF Organized crime prevention
Prevention of organized crime
BT Crime prevention
NT Camorra
NT Mungiki (Organization)
New York (State)
Trinidad and Tobago
United States
NT Black Hand (United States)


Organized crime films

USE Gangster films
Organized crime investigation (May Subd Geog)
BT Criminal investigation
Organized crime prevention
USE Organized crimePrevention
Organized labor
USE Central labor councils
Labor unions
Organizer (Embryology)
UF Organization center (Embryology)
BT Developmental biology
Organizers, Graphic
USE Graphic organizers
Organizing, Labor
USE Labor unionsOrganizing
OrganoUSE subject headings beginning with the word

Organic, e.g., Organic cyclic compounds

Organo, Fontana dell' (Rome, Italy)
USE Fontana dell'organo (Rome, Italy)
Organo-metal vapor phase epitaxy
USE Metal organic chemical vapor deposition
Organoaluminum compounds
UF Aluminum organic compounds
BT Aluminum compounds
Organometallic compounds
NT Sodium dihydrobismethoxyethanolatoaluminate
Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum
Organoantimony compounds
UF Antimony organic compounds
BT Antimony compounds
Organometallic compounds
Organoarsenic compounds
UF Arsenic organic compounds
BT Arsenic compounds
Organometallic compounds
NT Cacodylic acid
Organobarium compounds (May Subd Geog)
BT Barium compounds
Organometallic compounds
Organoberyllium compounds
UF Beryllium organic compounds
BT Beryllium compounds
Organometallic compounds
Organobismuth compounds
UF Bismuth organic compounds
BT Bismuth compounds
Organometallic compounds
Organoboron compounds
UF Boron organic compounds
BT Boron compounds
Organometallic compounds
NT Carboranes
Organoboron polymers
Organoboron polymers (May Subd Geog)
UF Boron organic polymers
BT Organoboron compounds
Organobromine compounds
[QD305.H15 (Aliphatic compounds)]
[QD341.H3 (Aromatic compounds)]
UF Bromine organic compounds
BT Bromine compounds
Organohalogen compounds
NT Bromoform
Polybrominated biphenyls
Organocadmium compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Cadmium organic compounds
BT Cadmium compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
Organochlorine compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Chlorine organic compounds
BT Chlorine compounds
Organohalogen compounds
NT Aldrin

Chloroacetic acids
DDT (Insecticide)
Dichloroethyl ether
Dichloromethyl ether
Methyl chloride
Mustard gas
Pine needlesOrganochlorine content
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Polychlorinated butadienes
Polychlorinated dibenzofurans
Polychlorinated terphenyls
Polychloroethyl methacrylates
USE Organochlorine compounds
Organochromium compounds
UF Chromium organic compounds
BT Chromium compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
Organocobalt compounds
UF Cobalt organic compounds
BT Cobalt compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
NT Cobaloximes
Organocopper compounds
UF Copper organic compounds
BT Copper compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
NT Copper naphthenate
Copper proteins
Organofluorine compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Fluorine organic compounds
BT Fluorine compounds
Organohalogen compounds
NT Aromatic fluorine compounds
Electric insulators and

insulationOrganofluorine compounds
Sodium fluoroacetate
Organogallium compounds
UF Gallium organic compounds
BT Gallium compounds
Organometallic compounds
USE Morphogenesis
Organogermanium compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Germanium organic compounds
BT Germanium compounds
Organometallic compounds
Organogold compounds
UF Gold organic compounds
BT Gold compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
NT Auranofin

USE BotanyOrganography
Natural historyOrganography
Organohafnium compounds
UF Hafnium organic compounds
BT Hafnium compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
Organohalogen compounds (May Subd Geog)
[QD305.H15 (Aliphatic compounds)]
[QD341.H3 (Aromatic compounds)]
[QD412 (Organometallic compounds)]
UF Halogen organic compounds
Halogenated organic compounds
BT Halogen compounds
Organic compounds
NT Dibromochloropropane
Organobromine compounds
Organochlorine compounds
Organofluorine compounds
Organoiodine compounds
Organoindium compounds
UF Indium organic compounds
BT Indium compounds
Organometallic compounds
Organoiodine compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Iodine organic compounds
BT Iodine compounds
Organohalogen compounds
NT Iodide peroxidase
Methyl iodide
Organoiridium compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Iridium organic compounds
BT Iridium compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
Organoiron compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Iron organic compounds
BT Iron compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
NT Ferrocene
Iron proteins
Organolanthanide compounds
USE Organorare earth metal compounds
Organolead compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Lead organic compounds
BT Lead compounds
Organometallic compounds
NT Lead styphnate
Organoleptic analysis of food
USE FoodSensory evaluation
Organolithium compounds
UF Lithium organic compounds
BT Organometallic compounds
Organology (Music)
USE Musical instruments
Organomagnesium compounds
UF Magnesium organic compounds
BT Magnesium compounds
Organometallic compounds
RT Grignard reagents
NT Protochlorophyllide
Organomanganese compounds
UF Manganese organic compounds
BT Manganese compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
NT Maneb
Organomercury compounds
UF Mercury organic compounds
BT Mercury compounds
Organometallic compounds
NT Diuretics, Mercurial
Mercury fulminate


Organometallic chemical vapor deposition

USE Metal organic chemical vapor deposition
Organometallic chemistry (May Subd Geog)
UF Chemistry, Organometallic
Metallo-organic chemistry
BT Chemistry, Organic
NT Supramolecular organometallic chemistry
Organometallic compounds
UF Metallo-organic compounds
Metalloids, Organic
Metalorganic compounds
BT Organic compounds
NT Alkoxides
Diphenylarsinic acid
Organic conductors
Organoaluminum compounds
Organoantimony compounds
Organoarsenic compounds
Organobarium compounds
Organoberyllium compounds
Organobismuth compounds
Organoboron compounds
Organogallium compounds
Organogermanium compounds
Organoindium compounds
Organolead compounds
Organolithium compounds
Organomagnesium compounds
Organomercury compounds
Organometallic polymers
Organopotassium compounds
Organorare earth metal compounds
Organosodium compounds
Organostrontium compounds
Organothallium compounds
Organotin compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
Organozinc compounds
Water-soluble organometallic compounds
Organometallic polymers
BT Organometallic compounds
Organometallic vapor phase epitaxy
USE Metal organic chemical vapor deposition
USE Organometallic compounds
Organomolybdenum compounds
UF Molybdenum organic compounds
BT Molybdenum compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
Organon vasculosum laminae terminalis
UF Lamina terminalis, Vascular organ of
Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis
BT Brain
Organonickel compounds
UF Nickel organic compounds
BT Nickel compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
NT Nickel disalecylaldehyde
Organonitrogen compounds (May Subd Geog)
[QD305.N84 (Aliphatic compounds)]
[QD341.N83 (Aromatic compounds)]
UF Nitrogen organic compounds
BT Nitrogen compounds
Organic compounds
NT Alkaloids
Diazo compounds
Imino compounds
Nitro compounds
Nitroaromatic compounds
Nitroquinoline oxide
Nitroso compounds
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate

Organonitrogen compounds (Continued)

TNT (Chemical)
Organoosmium compounds
UF Osmium organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Osmium compounds
Organopalladium compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Palladium organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Palladium compounds
Organophosphorus compounds (May Subd Geog)
[QD305.P46 (Aliphatic compounds)]
[QD406 (Heterocyclic compounds)]
UF Phosphoorganic compounds
Phosphorus organic compounds
BT Organic compounds
Phosphorus compounds
NT Acephate
Dibromopropanol phosphate
Naled (Insecticide)
Nerve gases
Phosphazo compounds
Phosphonic acids
Triethyl phosphate
Tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate
Organoplatinum compounds
UF Platinum organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Platinum compounds
NT Oxaliplatin
Organopotassium compounds (May Subd Geog)
BT Organometallic compounds
Potassium compounds
NT Potassium ethylxanthate
Organorare earth metal compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Organolanthanide compounds
Rare earth metal organic compounds
BT Organometallic compounds
Rare earth metal compounds
Organorhenium compounds
UF Rhenium organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Rhenium compounds
Organorhodium compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Rhodium organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Rhodium compounds
Organoruthenium compounds
UF Ruthenium organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Ruthenium compounds
Organoselenium compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Selenium organic compounds
BT Organic compounds
Selenium compounds
NT Benzoselenadiazole
Organosilicon compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Silicon organic compounds
BT Organic compounds
Silicon compounds
NT Electric insulators and

insulationOrganosilicon compounds

USE Silicones
Organosilver compounds
UF Silver organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Silver compounds
Organosodium compounds
UF Sodium organic compounds
BT Organometallic compounds
Sodium compounds
Organostrontium compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Strontium organic compounds
BT Organometallic compounds
Strontium compounds
NT Strontium ranelate
Organosulfur compounds (May Subd Geog)
[QD305.S84 (Aliphatic compounds)]
[QD341.S3 (Aromatic compounds)]
UF Organosulphur compounds [Former heading]
Sulfur organic compounds
BT Organic compounds
Sulfur compounds
NT Auranofin
Iron-sulfur proteins
Sulfenic acids
Sulfonium compounds
Sulfur amino acids
Sulfur dyes
Organosulphur compounds
USE Organosulfur compounds
Organotellurium compounds
UF Tellurium organic compounds
BT Tellurium compounds
Organothallium compounds (May Subd Geog)
UF Thallium organic compounds
BT Organometallic compounds
Thallium compounds
Organotherapy (May Subd Geog)
UF Opotherapy
BT Therapeutics
NT Cellular therapy
Thymus extract
Organotin compounds
UF Tin organic compounds
BT Organometallic compounds
Tin compounds
NT Dibutyltin
Organotitanium compounds
UF Titanium organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Titanium compounds
Organotransition metal compounds
UF Transition metal organic compounds
BT Organometallic compounds
Transition metal compounds
NT Organocadmium compounds
Organochromium compounds


Organocobalt compounds
Organocopper compounds
Organogold compounds
Organohafnium compounds
Organoiridium compounds
Organoiron compounds
Organomanganese compounds
Organomolybdenum compounds
Organonickel compounds
Organoosmium compounds
Organopalladium compounds
Organoplatinum compounds
Organorhenium compounds
Organorhodium compounds
Organoruthenium compounds
Organosilver compounds
Organotitanium compounds
Organotungsten compounds
Organozirconium compounds
Organotungsten compounds
UF Tungsten organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Tungsten compounds
Organozinc compounds
UF Zinc organic compounds
BT Organometallic compounds
Zinc compounds
NT Zinc naphthenate
Organozirconium compounds
UF Zirconium organic compounds
BT Organotransition metal compounds
Zirconium compounds
Organpipe cactus (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.C11 (Botany)]
UF Cereus thurberi
Lemaireocereus thurberi
Organ pipe cactus
Pachycereus thurberi
Stenocereus thurberi
BT Stenocereus
USE Organ (Musical instrument)
Organs, Artificial
USE Artificial organs
Organs, Culture of
USE Organ culture
Organs (2) with orchestra
Organs (Anatomy)
UF Body organs
BT Anatomy
RT Tissues
NT Cardiopulmonary system
Digestive organs
Donation of organs, tissues, etc.
Genitourinary organs
Nervous system
Sale of organs, tissues, etc.
Sense organs
Target organs (Anatomy)
Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.
Cultures and culture media
USE Organ culture
USE Donation of organs, tissues, etc.
USE Isolation perfusion (Physiology)
USE Preservation of organs, tissues, etc.
Sale of
USE Sale of organs, tissues, etc.
USE Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.
Organs in art
USE Organ (Musical instrument) in art
Organs of Zuckerkandl
USE Aortic paraganglia
Organs on postage stamps
USE Organ (Musical instrument) on postage stamps
USE OrganaHistory and criticism
Organum spirale
USE Corti's organ
Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis
USE Organon vasculosum laminae terminalis
Organum vomeronasale
USE Jacobson's organ

USE Organa
USE Oregano
Orgaos National Park (Brazil)
USE Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgaos (Brazil)
Orgasm (May Subd Geog)
UF Climax, Sexual
Sexual climax
BT Sexual excitement
Sexual intercourse
NT Anorgasmy
Female orgasm
Male orgasm
Orgasm, Female
USE Female orgasm
Orgasmic cephalgia
USE Sexual headache
Orgasmic dysfunction
USE Anorgasmy
Orgasmic headache
USE Sexual headache
Orge River (France)
BT RiversFrance
Orge River Valley (France)
UF Orge Valley (France)
BT ValleysFrance
Orge Valley (France)
USE Orge River Valley (France)
Orgeat (May Subd Geog)
UF Horchata
Horchata de chufa
BT Beverages
Flavoring essences
Orgia (The Greek word)
BT Greek languageEtymology
USE Group sex
Orgill family (Not Subd Geog)
Orgilus (May Subd Geog)
BT Braconidae
Orgone energy
USE Orgonomy
UF Orgone energy
BT Radiation
Orgueil meteorite
BT Meteorites
Orgy (Game)
BT Games
Orgyia (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.L9 (Zoology)]
UF Notolophus
BT Lymantriidae
NT Douglas fir tussock moth
Orgyia antiqua
White-marked tussock moth
Orgyia antiqua (May Subd Geog)
UF Notolophus antiqua
Phalaena antiqua
Rusty tussock moth
Tussock moth, Rusty
Vapourer moth
BT Orgyia
Orgyia leucostigma
USE White-marked tussock moth
Orgyia marginata
USE Alaria marginata
Orgyia pseudotsugata
USE Douglas fir tussock moth
USE Lymantriidae
USE Lymantriidae
USE Bhovis
Orh Rajput (South Asian people)
USE Oad Rajput (South Asian people)
Orhon Gol (Mongolia)
USE Orhon River (Mongolia)
Orhon River (Mongolia)
UF O-erh-kun Ho (Mongolia)
O-erh-kun River (Mongolia)
Orhon Gol (Mongolia)
Orkbon River (Mongolia)
Orkhon River (Mongolia)

Reka Orkhon (Mongolia)

BT RiversMongolia
Orhon River Valley (Mongolia)
UF Orhon Valley (Mongolia)
BT ValleysMongolia
Orhon sheep
USE Orkhon sheep
Orhon Valley (Mongolia)
USE Orhon River Valley (Mongolia)
Ori (Dance)
USE Ori Tahiti (Dance)
Ori Tahiti (Dance) (May Subd Geog)
UF Ori (Dance)
BT Dance
Oria language
USE Orya language
Oriamendi, Battle of, 1837
USE Oriamendi, Battle of, Spain, 1837
Oriamendi, Battle of, Spain, 1837
UF Oriamendi, Battle of, 1837 [Former heading]
BT SpainHistoryCarlist War, 1833
USE Acariformes
USE Acariformes
Oribatidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Acariformes
NT Mucronothrus
Oribe family (Not Subd Geog)
Oribe pottery (May Subd Geog)
UF Pottery, Oribe
BT Pottery, Japanese
Seto pottery
RT Shino pottery
Oribe school of Japanese tea ceremony
USE Japanese tea ceremonyOribe school
Oric 1 (Computer) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Microcomputers
Programming (May Subd Geog)
Oric Atmos (Computer) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Atmos (Computer)
BT Microcomputers
Oric family (Not Subd Geog)
Oricellari, Orti, Conspiracy, 1522
USE Orti Oricellari Conspiracy, 1522
Oricellari Garden (Florence, Italy)
USE Giardino degli Orti Oricellari (Florence, Italy)
Oricellari Garden Group
USE Orti Oricellari Group
[TN616 (Ancient metals)]
[TS650 (Alloys)]
BT Brass
USE Orishas
Oriels (May Subd Geog)
BT Windows
Here are entered works on the region that extends
from the Mediterranean and Red Seas to the Pacific
Ocean, encompassing the Middle East, South Asia,
East Asia, Southeast Asia, etc., but excluding Siberia.
Works that focus on a narrower region within the
Orient are entered under the name of the more
specific region, e.g. East Asia.

UF East [Former heading]

BT Asia
NT East Asia
Latin Orient
Middle East
South Asia
In opera
Here are entered works about the depiction of
the Orient in opera.

UF Orient in opera [Former heading]

BT Opera
Orient, Latin
USE Latin Orient
Orient (Dog) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Dogs
Orient and Occident
USE East and West
Orient Express (Express train)
BT Express trainsEurope
Orient in opera
USE OrientIn opera


Orientacja Poetycka Hybryd (Group of writers)

USE Hybrydy (Group of writers)
Orientacja Poetycka "Hybrydy" (Group of writers)
USE Hybrydy (Group of writers)
Oriental, Cordillera (Colombia)
USE Cordillera Oriental (Colombia)
Oriental aesthetics
USE Aesthetics, Oriental
Oriental antiquities (Not Subd Geog)
[DS11 (Asia)]
[DS56 (Ancient Orient)]
[N5343-N5345 (Art)]
BT Antiquities
SA subdivision Antiquities under names of

countries, cities, etc.

Oriental armyworm
USE Mythimna separata
Oriental art
USE Art, Asian
Oriental astrology
USE Astrology, Oriental
Oriental authors
USE Authors, Oriental
Oriental bazaars
USE Bazaars (Markets)
Oriental bittersweet
USE Celastrus orbiculatus
Oriental bonito
USE Thunnus tonggol
Oriental brown shrimp
USE Penaeus japonicus
Oriental brush painting
USE Ink painting
Oriental children
USE ChildrenAsia
Oriental children's stories
USE Children's stories, Oriental
Oriental chronology
USE Chronology, Oriental
Oriental civilization
USE Civilization, Oriental
Oriental coins
USE Coins, Oriental
Oriental cooking
USE Cooking, Asian
Oriental Cordillera (Peru)
USE Cordillera Oriental (Peru)
Oriental Crown (Expo, International Exhibitions Bureau,
2010, Shanghai, China)
USE Zhongguo guan (Expo, International

Exhibitions Bureau, 2010, Shanghai, China)

Oriental dance (Middle East)
USE Alsharqi (Dance)
Oriental drama (Not Subd Geog)
[PJ334 (History)]
[PJ371 (Collections)]
[PJ464 (Translations, PJ431-3)]
BT Oriental literature
NT Folk drama, Oriental
Puppet plays, Oriental
Oriental drama (American)
USE American dramaAsian American authors
Oriental ethics
USE Ethics, Oriental
Oriental fables
USE Fables, Oriental
Oriental fencing
USE Fencing, Oriental
Oriental fiction (Not Subd Geog)
BT Oriental literature
NT Children's stories, Oriental
Short stories, Oriental
Oriental fiction (American)
USE American fictionAsian American authors
Oriental fiction (English) (Not Subd Geog)
UF English fictionAsia
BT Oriental literature (English)
NT Short stories, Oriental (English)
Oriental fire-bellied toad (May Subd Geog)
[QL668.E224 (Zoology)]
UF Bombina orientalis
Chinese fire-bellied toad
Far-eastern fire-bellied toad
Korean firebellied toad
Oriental firebelly toad
Red-bellied toad
BT Bombina
Oriental fire-bellied toads as pets (May Subd Geog)
BT Pets
Oriental firebelly toad
USE Oriental fire-bellied toad

Oriental folk drama

USE Folk drama, Oriental
Oriental fruit fly (May Subd Geog)
[QL537.T42 (Zoology)]
[SB945.O63 (Pest)]
UF Bactrocera dorsalis
Dacus dorsalis
Dacus ferrugineus
BT Bactrocera
Biological control (May Subd Geog)
Control (May Subd Geog)
Host plants (May Subd Geog)
Oriental fruit moth (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.T8 (Zoology)]
[SB945.O65 (Pest)]
UF Fruit moth, Oriental
Grapholita molesta
Grapholitha molesta
Laspeyresia molesta
Oriental peach moth
Peach moth, Oriental
BT Grapholita
Oriental Garden (Austin, Tex.)
USE Isamu Taniguchi Oriental Garden (Austin, Tex.)
Oriental Garden (Berlin, Germany)
USE Orientalischer Garten (Berlin, Germany)
Oriental gardens
USE Gardens, Oriental
Oriental grass lizards
USE Takydromus
Oriental hand-to-hand fighting
USE Hand-to-hand fighting, Oriental
Oriental hygiene
USE Hygiene, Oriental
Oriental inscriptions
USE Inscriptions, Oriental
Oriental Jewish authors
USE Jewish authors, Oriental
Oriental Jews
USE Jews, Oriental
Oriental languages
Here are entered works on the indigenous
languages of Asia. General works on the languages
used in Asia, including languages originating in
Europe or other places outside Asia, are entered
under Asia--Languages.

UF Languages, Oriental
BT AsiaLanguages
SA names of languages and groups of languages
Study and teaching (May Subd Geog)
UF Orientalism (Asian studies)
Oriental law
USE Law, Oriental
Oriental literature (Not Subd Geog)
UF AsiaLiteratures
Asian literature
NT Cataloging of Oriental literature
ClassificationBooksOriental literature
Oriental drama
Oriental fiction
Oriental literature (English)
Oriental literature (French)
Oriental literature (Portuguese)
Oriental poetry
Oriental wit and humor
Tibeto-Burman literature
Travelers' writings, Oriental
Turkic literature
Occidental influences
USE Oriental literatureWestern influences
Study and teaching (May Subd Geog)
UF Orientalism (Asian studies)
Western influences
UF Oriental literatureOccidental influences

[Former heading]
BT Civilization, Western
Oriental literature (American)
USE American literatureAsian American authors
Oriental literature (English) (Not Subd Geog)
Here are entered works of literature written in Asia
in the English language. Works of English literature
written in Britain by authors of Asian origin or
ancestry are entered under English literature--Asian

UF English literatureAsia
BT Oriental literature
NT Oriental fiction (English)
Oriental poetry (English)
Oriental literature (French) (Not Subd Geog)
UF French literatureAsia
BT Oriental literature

Oriental literature (Portuguese) (Not Subd Geog)

UF Portuguese literatureAsia
BT Oriental literature
NT Oriental poetry (Portuguese)
Oriental liver fluke
USE Clonorchis sinensis
Oriental longhair cat (May Subd Geog)
UF Longhair cat, Oriental
BT Cat breeds
Oriental Lowestoft
USE China trade porcelain
Oriental manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Oriental
Oriental maxims
USE Maxims, Oriental
Oriental medicine
USE Medicine, Oriental
Oriental mythology
USE Mythology, Asian
Mythology, Middle Eastern
Oriental Orthodox churches (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the Syrian Jacobite,
Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian and Indian Orthodox
churches treated collectively. Works on the followers
of Eutyches are entered under Monophysites.

UF Ancient Oriental churches

Ante-Chalcedonian Orthodox churches
Lesser Eastern Orthodox churches
Orthodox Oriental churches
Pre-Chalcedonian Orthodox churches
BT Eastern churches
RT Monophysites
Oriental Paraguay
USE Paraguay, Eastern
Oriental peach moth
USE Oriental fruit moth
Oriental persimmon
USE Kaki persimmon
Oriental philology
Here are entered works on the ancient and/or
modern Oriental languages and literatures of Asia as
a whole, or of the Far East only. Works on the ancient
and/or modern languages and literatures of the
Middle East are entered under Middle Eastern

UF Philology, Oriental
NT Middle Eastern philology
Oriental philosophy
USE Philosophy, Asian
Oriental poetry (Not Subd Geog)
[PJ356 (Collections)]
[PJ327 (History)]
BT Oriental literature
NT War poetry, Oriental
Oriental poetry (American)
USE American poetryAsian American authors
Oriental poetry (Canadian)
USE Canadian poetryAsian authors
Oriental poetry (English) (Not Subd Geog)
UF English poetryAsia
BT Oriental literature (English)
Oriental poetry (Latin American)
USE Latin American poetryAsian authors
Oriental poetry (Portuguese) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Portuguese poetryAsia
BT Oriental literature (Portuguese)
Oriental poppy (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.P22 (Botany)]
UF Papaver bracteatum
Papaver orientale
Poppy, Oriental
BT Poppies
Oriental proverbs
USE Proverbs, Oriental
Oriental puppet plays
USE Puppet plays, Oriental
Oriental racers (Reptiles)
USE Takydromus
Oriental rat flea (May Subd Geog)
UF Rat flea, Oriental
Xenopsylla cheopis
BT Xenopsylla
Oriental rugs
USE Rugs, Oriental
Oriental sandplover
USE Snowy plover
Oriental scrolls
USE Scrolls, Oriental
Oriental short stories
USE Short stories, Oriental


Oriental short stories (English)

USE Short stories, Oriental (English)
Oriental shorthair cat (May Subd Geog)
UF Shorthair cat, Oriental
BT Cat breeds
Oriental small-clawed otter (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.C25 (Zoology)]
[SF408.6.O74 (Zoo animal)]
UF Amblonyx cinerea
Amblonyx cinereus
Aonyx cinerea
Aonyx cinereus
Asian short-clawed otter
Asian small-clawed otter
Lutra cinerea
Small-clawed otter, Asian
Small-clawed otter, Oriental
BT Aonyx
Oriental sore
USE Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous
Oriental spiny rats
USE Maxomys
Oriental spruce (May Subd Geog)
[QK494.5.P66 (Botany)]
[SD397.O74 (Forestry)]
UF Caucasian spruce
Picea orientalis
BT Spruce
Oriental staff vine
USE Celastrus orbiculatus
Oriental stork (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.C535 (Zoology)]
UF Ciconia boyciana
Eastern white stork
Japanese white stork
Oriental white stork
White stork, Oriental
BT Ciconia
Oriental studies
USE AsiaStudy and teaching
Middle EastStudy and teaching
Oriental swan goose
USE Swan goose
Oriental temples
USE Temples, Oriental
Oriental Theatre (Chicago, Ill.)
UF Balaban & Katz Oriental Theatre (Chicago, Ill.)
BT Motion picture theatersIllinois
Oriental travelers' writings
USE Travelers' writings, Oriental
Oriental type (May Subd Geog)
UF Type and type-foundingOriental types

[Former heading]
BT Type and type-founding
Oriental virgin's bower
USE Chinese clematis
Oriental virginsbower
USE Chinese clematis
Oriental war poetry
USE War poetry, Oriental
Oriental white eye
USE Zosterops palpebrosa
Oriental white stork
USE Oriental stork
Oriental wit and humor (Not Subd Geog)
BT Oriental literature
Orientale, Mare (Moon)
USE Mare Orientale (Moon)
Orientale sesame
USE Sesame
Orientalia libraries (May Subd Geog)
UF Orientalist libraries
BT Area studies libraries
Orientalia publishing (May Subd Geog)
UF Asian studies publishing
Orientalist publishing
BT Publishers and publishing
Orientalischer Garten (Berlin, Germany)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Garten der Vier Strome (Berlin, Germany)

Janan al Anhar al Arbaa (Berlin, Germany)
Jardin Oriental (Berlin, Germany)
Oriental Garden (Berlin, Germany)
BT GardensGermany
Orientalism (May Subd Geog)
[DS61.85 (Middle East)]
Here are entered works on Western views of Asia
or the Middle East and/or adoption of characteristics

of Asian or Middle Eastern culture by Westerners.

BT AsiaForeign public opinion, Western

East and West
Middle EastForeign public opinion, Western
Orientalism (Asian studies)
USE AsiaStudy and teaching
Oriental languagesStudy and teaching
Oriental literatureStudy and teaching
Orientalism in art (May Subd Geog)
Orientalism in dance (May Subd Geog)
BT Dance
Orientalism in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Orientalism in music (May Subd Geog)
BT Music
Orientalist libraries
USE Orientalia libraries
Orientalist publishing
USE Orientalia publishing
USE Asianists
Middle East specialists
USE Asians
USE Anoplius
Orientation (May Subd Geog)
UF Direction, Sense of
NT Animal orientation
BlindOrientation and mobility
Blind childrenOrientation and mobility
Children with disabilitiesOrientation and

Children with visual disabilitiesOrientation

and mobility
Deafblind childrenOrientation and mobility
Deafblind peopleOrientation and mobility
Older peopleOrientation and mobility
Orientation (Physiology)
Orientation (Psychology)
Orienting reflex
People with disabilitiesOrientation and

People with mental disabilitiesOrientation

and mobility
People with visual disabilitiesOrientation and

USE OrienteeringOfficiating
USE OrienteeringOfficiating
Psychic aspects (May Subd Geog)
BT Parapsychology
BT PerceptionTesting
Psychological tests
Orientation, College student
USE College student orientation
Orientation, Cross-cultural
USE Cross-cultural orientation
Orientation, High school student
USE High school student orientation
Orientation, Junior high school student
USE Junior high school student orientation
Orientation, Nuclear
USE Nuclear orientation
Orientation, Sexual
USE Sexual orientation
Orientation (Architecture)
[NA4800 (Churches)]
BT Architecture
Architecture and religion
Church architecture
Orientation (Information services)
USE Information servicesUser education
Orientation (Library use)
USE Library orientation
Orientation (Military science)
USE Range-finding
Orientation (Physiology)
BT Instinct
Senses and sensation
NT Phototropism
Orientation (Psychology)
RT Geographical perception

BT Instinct
Senses and sensation
Spatial behavior
NT Time perception
Orientation (Psychology) in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Orientation (Religion) (May Subd Geog)
BT Cardinal points
Christian art and symbolism
Church architecture
Funeral rites and ceremonies
Religion and geography
Rites and ceremonies
Sun worship
Orientation and mobility instructors (May Subd Geog)
UF Mobility trainers
O and M instructors
Therapists for the blind
BT Allied health personnel
Orientation centers for visitors
USE Visitors' centers
Orientation of employees
USE Employee orientation
Orientation of teachers
USE Teacher orientation
Orientation reaction
USE Orienting reflex
Oriente (Bolivia)
Here are entered works that deal collectively with
the departments of Santa Cruz, Beni, and Pando in

UF Bolivia, Eastern
Eastern Bolivia
Oriente Boliviano (Bolivia)
Oriente (Colombia)
Here are entered works that deal collectively with
the departments of Boyaca, Meta, Norte de
Santander, and Santander in Colombia.

UF Oriente Colombiano (Colombia)

Oriente (Ecuador)
Here are entered works that deal collectively with
the provinces of Napo, Pastaza, Morona-Santiago
and Zamora-Chinchipe.

UF Amazonica (Ecuador)
Eastern Lowlands (Ecuador)
Eastern Region (Ecuador)
Ecuador Amazonico (Ecuador)
Ecuadorian Oriente (Ecuador)
La Region Oriental (Ecuador)
Region Oriental (Ecuador)
Transandina (Ecuador)
Oriente (Peru)
Oriente (Venezuela)
Here are entered works that deal collectively with
the states of Anzoategui, Monagas, Sucre, Nueva
Esparta, and Delta Amacuro in Venezuela.

UF Oriente Venezolano (Venezuela)

Oriente Boliviano (Bolivia)
USE Oriente (Bolivia)
Oriente Colombiano (Colombia)
USE Oriente (Colombia)
Oriente Venezolano (Venezuela)
USE Oriente (Venezuela)
Oriented graphs
USE Directed graphs
Oriented matroids
BT Matroids
Orienteering (May Subd Geog)
BT Orientation
NT Rogaining
Officiating (May Subd Geog)
UF OrientationJudging [Former heading]
OrientationOfficiating [Former heading]
BT Sports officiating
Training (May Subd Geog)
BT Physical education and training
Orienteers (May Subd Geog)
BT Athletes
NT Women orienteers
Orienting devices
USE Orienting mechanisms
Orienting mechanisms (May Subd Geog)


UF Mechanisms, Orienting
Orienting devices
BT Assembling machines
Mechanical movements
RT Feed mechanisms
Orienting reaction
USE Orienting reflex
Orienting reflex
UF Orientation reaction
Orienting reaction
Orienting response
BT Conditioned response
Orienting response
USE Orienting reflex
Orierh language
USE Malfaxal language
Orieri Island (N.Z.)
USE Maud Island (N.Z.)
USE Holes
Orificial surgery
USE Surgery, Orificial
Orig dialect (Sudan) (May Subd Geog)
BT SudanLanguages
Tagoi language
Origami (May Subd Geog)
UF Japanese paper folding
Paper folding, Japanese
BT Paper work
Origami cootie catchers
USE Cootie catchers
Origami in education (May Subd Geog)
BT Education
USE Oregano
Origanum (May Subd Geog)
UF Majorana
BT Lamiaceae
NT Oregano
Origanum vulgare
USE Oregano
USE subdivision Origin under ethnic groups,

individual animals and groups of animals,

individual plants and groups of plants, and

religions, e.g. Indians of North America-

Origin; Cattle--Origin; Corn--Origin;

Origin, Marks of
USE Marks of origin
Origin (Philosophy)
BT Philosophy
Origin (Philosophy) in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Origin and destination traffic statistics
USE Origin and destination traffic surveys
Origin and destination traffic surveys (May Subd Geog)
UF Origin and destination traffic statistics
Origin-destination traffic surveys
BT Traffic surveys
NT Traffic assignment
Trip generation
Origin-destination traffic surveys
USE Origin and destination traffic surveys
Origin of agriculture
USE AgricultureOrigin
Origin of cell membranes
USE Cell membranesFormation
Origin of cell organelles
USE Cell organellesFormation
Origin of crops
USE CropsOrigin
Origin of cultivated plants
USE Plants, CultivatedOrigin
Origin of culture
USE CultureOrigin
Origin of dance
USE DanceOrigin
Origin of domestic animals
USE Domestic animalsOrigin
Origin of drama
USE DramaOrigin
Origin of earth
USE Earth (Planet)Origin
Origin of focal adhesions
USE Focal adhesionsFormation

Origin of human beings

USE Human beingsOrigin
Origin of languages
USE Language and languagesOrigin
Origin of life
USE LifeOrigin
Origin of manners and customs
USE Manners and customsOrigin
Origin of mitochondria
USE MitochondriaFormation
Origin of money
USE MoneyOrigin
Origin of moon
USE MoonOrigin
Origin of music
USE MusicOrigin
Origin of peptide amphiphiles
USE Peptide amphiphilesFormation
Origin of planets
USE PlanetsOrigin
Origin of pottery
USE PotteryOrigin
Origin of solar system
USE Solar systemOrigin
Origin of species
USE Evolution (Biology)
Origin of the State
USE State, TheOrigin
Origin of theater
USE TheaterOrigin
Original Buddhism
USE BuddhismDoctrinesHistoryEarly period,

to ca. 250 B.C.

Original Indian title
USE Indian title
Original issue discount (Bonds) (May Subd Geog)
UF OID (Bonds)
BT Bonds
Original jurisdiction, Courts of
USE Courts of first instance
Original Shaftesbury Theatre (London, England)
USE Shaftesbury Theatre (London, England : 1888
Original sin
USE Sin, Original
RT Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.)
BT Creative ability
PlanningAbility testing
Originality (Aesthetics)
BT Aesthetics
Originality in art (Not Subd Geog)
Originality in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Origination, Dependent (Buddhism)
USE Pratityasamutpada
Origination fees, Loan
USE Settlement costs
Origine (Group of artists)
UF Gruppo Origine (Group of artists)
RT Art, Italian
Orignaux Lake (Quebec)
UF Lac des Orignaux (Quebec)
BT LakesQuebec (Province)
Origuela family
USE Orihuela family
Orihashi family (Not Subd Geog)
Orihaua (Hawaii)
USE Lehua Island (Hawaii)
Orihoua Island (Hawaii)
USE Lehua Island (Hawaii)
Orihuela family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Origuela family
Orikaka River (N.Z.)
UF Mackley River (N.Z.)
BT RiversNew Zealand
Orimoto Nishihara Iseki (Yokohama-shi, Japan)
USE Orimoto Nishihara Site (Yokohama-shi, Japan)
Orimoto Nishihara Site (Yokohama-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Orimoto Nishihara Iseki (Yokohama-shi, Japan)

Orimotonishihara Site (Yokohama-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Orimotonishihara Site (Yokohama-shi, Japan)
USE Orimoto Nishihara Site (Yokohama-shi, Japan)
Orin (Fictitious character)
USE Aquaman (Fictitious character)

Orino Castle (Italy)

USE Rocca di Orino (Italy)
Orinoco crocodile (May Subd Geog)
[QL666.C925 (Zoology)]
UF Crocodylus intermedius
BT Crocodylus
Orinoco Delta (Venezuela)
USE Orinoco River Delta (Venezuela)
Orinoco River (Venezuela)
USE Orinoco River (Venezuela and Colombia)
Orinoco River (Venezuela and Colombia)
UF Orinoco River (Venezuela) [Former heading]
Rio Orinoco (Venezuela and Colombia)
BT RiversColombia
USE Orinoco River Delta (Venezuela)
Orinoco River Delta (Venezuela)
UF Delta del Rio Orinoco (Venezuela)
Orinoco Delta (Venezuela)
Orinoco River (Venezuela and

Colombia)Delta [Former heading]

BT DeltasVenezuela
Orinoco River Valley (Venezuela and Colombia)
UF Orinoco Valley (Venezuela and Colombia)
BT ValleysColombia
Orinoco River Watershed (Venezuela and Colombia)
BT WatershedsColombia
Orinoco Valley (Venezuela and Colombia)
USE Orinoco River Valley (Venezuela and

Orinoquia (Colombia)
USE Llanos (Colombia and Venezuela)
Oriole, Baltimore (Bird)
USE Northern oriole
Oriole, Northern
USE Northern oriole
Oriole, Rusty
USE Rusty blackbird
Oriole Park at Camden Yards (Baltimore, Md.)
UF Camden Yards (Baltimore, Md.)
Orioles Park at Camden Yards (Baltimore, Md.)
BT StadiumsMaryland
Orioles (May Subd Geog)
BT Passeriformes
NT Icterus (Birds)
Orioles, New World
USE Icterus (Birds)
Orioles, Old World
USE Oriolus
Orioles Park at Camden Yards (Baltimore, Md.)
USE Oriole Park at Camden Yards (Baltimore, Md.)
Oriolidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Passeriformes
NT Oriolus
Oriolus (May Subd Geog)
UF Old World orioles
Orioles, Old World
BT Orioles
NT Golden oriole
Oriolus oriolus
USE Golden oriole
Oriomo (Papua New Guinean people : Wipi)
USE Wipi (Papua New Guinean people)
Oriomo language (Wipi)
USE Wipi language
Orion (Constellation)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Hunter (Constellation)
Warrior (Constellation)
BT Constellations
Orion (Antisubmarine aircraft)
USE Orion (Patrol aircraft)
Orion (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF John O'Ryan (Fictitious character)
O'Ryan, John (Fictitious character)
Orion (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Mythology, Greek
Orion (Patrol aircraft) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Lockheed P-3 Orion (Patrol aircraft)
Orion (Antisubmarine aircraft) [Former

Orion (Reconnaissance aircraft) [Former


P-3 (Patrol aircraft)
BT Antisubmarine aircraft
Lockheed aircraft
Reconnaissance aircraft
Orion (Reconnaissance aircraft)
USE Orion (Patrol aircraft)
Orion automobile (Not Subd Geog)
BT Ford automobile
Orion Nebula
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Great Nebula of Orion

M42 (Nebula)
NGC 1976 (Nebula)
BT Nebulae
Orion televisions (Not Subd Geog)
BT TelevisionReceivers and reception
Orion videocassette recorders (Not Subd Geog)
BT Videocassette recorders
Orione (Fighter plane) (Not Subd Geog)
UF C.205N (Fighter plane)
Macchi C.205N (Fighter plane)
Macchi Orione (Fighter plane)
BT Fighter planes
Macchi aircraft
USE Ord River Irrigation Scheme (W.A.)
Orisa (Indic people)
USE Oriya (Indic people)
Orisa religion
USE Orisha religion
Orisainla (Yoruba deity)
USE Obatala (Yoruba deity)
USE Orishas
Orisha religion (May Subd Geog)
UF Orisa religion
Shango [Former heading]
Shango (Cult) [Former heading]
BT Religions
Orishas (May Subd Geog)
UF Orichas
Orixas [Former heading]
BT Goddesses, Afro-Brazilian
Gods, Afro-Brazilian
Gods, Afro-Caribbean
Gods, Yoruba
NT Esu (Afro-Caribbean deity)
Iansa (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Inhaca (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Nana (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Oba (Yoruba deity)
Obaluaie (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Obatala (Yoruba deity)
Orunmila (Yoruba deity)
Oshosi (Yoruba deity)
Oxosse (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Oxum (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Oya (Yoruba deity)
Pombagira (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Shango (Yoruba deity)
Xango (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Yewa (Yoruba deity)
Orishas in art (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orixas in art [Former heading]
Oriskany, Battle of, 1777
USE Oriskany, Battle of, N.Y., 1777
Oriskany, Battle of, N.Y., 1777
UF Oriskany, Battle of, 1777 [Former heading]
St. Leger's Expedition, 1777 [Former heading]
BT New York (State)HistoryRevolution, 1775
United StatesHistoryRevolution, 1775
Oriskany Creek (Oneida County and Madison County,
BT RiversNew York (State)
Oriskany Sandstone
BT Formations (Geology)Appalachian Region
Formations (Geology)Ohio River Valley
Geology, StratigraphicDevonian
Oriskany Valley (Oneida County and Madison County,
BT ValleysNew York (State)
Orissa (India)

Islamic influences
BT Islamic civilization
Orissa, Cyclone, 1999
USE Cyclone Orissa, 1999
Orissa Super Cyclone, 1999
USE Cyclone Orissa, 1999
Orissi dance
USE Odissi dance
Oristano, Gulf of (Italy)
UF Golfo di Oristano (Italy)
Gulf of Oristano (Italy)
BT BaysItaly
Orituco River (Venezuela)
BT RiversVenezuela
Orituco River Valley (Venezuela)
UF Orituco Valley (Venezuela)
Valle de Orituco (Venezuela)
BT ValleysVenezuela
Orituco Valley (Venezuela)
USE Orituco River Valley (Venezuela)
Orius (May Subd Geog)
[QL523.A5 (Zoology)]
[SF562.O74 (Culture)]
BT Anthocoridae
Orixala (Yoruba deity)
USE Obatala (Yoruba deity)
USE Orishas
Orixas in art
USE Orishas in art
Oriya (Indic people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Odri (Indic people)
Odrum (Indic people)
Orisa (Indic people)
Oriyas [Former heading]
Uriya (Indic people)
Uthali (Indic people)
Vadiya (Indic people)
Yudhia (Indic people)
BT EthnologyIndia
Oriya anti-war poetry
USE Anti-war poetry, Oriya
Oriya art
USE Art, Oriya
Oriya arts
USE Arts, Oriya
Oriya authors
USE Authors, Oriya
Oriya ballads
USE Ballads, Oriya
Oriya bhajans
USE Bhajans, Oriya
Oriya children's encyclopedias and dictionaries
USE Children's encyclopedias and dictionaries,

Oriya children's literature
USE Children's literature, Oriya
Oriya children's periodicals
USE Children's periodicals, Oriya
Oriya children's plays
USE Children's plays, Oriya
Oriya children's poetry
USE Children's poetry, Oriya
Oriya children's stories
USE Children's stories, Oriya
Oriya cooking
USE Cooking, Oriya
Oriya didactic poetry
USE Didactic poetry, Oriya
Oriya drama (May Subd Geog)
BT Oriya literature
NT Children's plays, Oriya
Folk drama, Oriya
Historical drama, Oriya
One-act plays, Oriya
Oriya dramatists
USE Dramatists, Oriya
Oriya encyclopedias and dictionaries
USE Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Oriya
Oriya essays (May Subd Geog)
BT Oriya literature
Oriya fiction (May Subd Geog)
BT Oriya literature
NT Children's stories, Oriya
Historical fiction, Oriya
Short stories, Oriya
Oriya folk drama
USE Folk drama, Oriya
Oriya folk literature
USE Folk literature, Oriya

Oriya folk songs

USE Folk songs, Oriya
Oriya Hindu hymns
USE Hindu hymns, Oriya
Oriya Hindu literature
USE Hindu literature, Oriya
Oriya historical drama
USE Historical drama, Oriya
Oriya historical fiction
USE Historical fiction, Oriya
Oriya humorous poetry
USE Humorous poetry, Oriya
Oriya hymns
USE Hymns, Oriya
Oriya imprints (May Subd Geog)
Oriya language (May Subd Geog)
UF Uriya language
BT Indo-Aryan languages, Modern
RT Halbi language
NT Adiwasi Oriya language
Bhatri dialect
Sambalpuri dialect
New words
UF Words, NewOriya [Former heading]
Oriya laudatory poetry
USE Laudatory poetry, Oriya
Oriya literature (May Subd Geog)
BT Indic literature
NT Children's literature, Oriya
Folk literature, Oriya
Hindu literature, Oriya
Oriya drama
Oriya essays
Oriya fiction
Oriya poetry
Oriya prose literature
Oriya wit and humor
Rasa literature, Oriya
Religious literature, Oriya
To 1500
20th century
Women authors
Oriya manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Oriya
Oriya mythology
USE Mythology, Oriya
Oriya newspapers (May Subd Geog)
BT Newspapers
Oriya one-act plays
USE One-act plays, Oriya
Oriya paleography
USE Paleography, Oriya
Oriya patriotic poetry
USE Patriotic poetry, Oriya
Oriya periodicals (May Subd Geog)
BT Periodicals
NT Children's periodicals, Oriya
Oriya philology
Oriya poetry (May Subd Geog)
BT Oriya literature
NT Anti-war poetry, Oriya
Children's poetry, Oriya
Didactic poetry, Oriya
Humorous poetry, Oriya
Laudatory poetry, Oriya
Patriotic poetry, Oriya
Quatrains, Oriya
Religious poetry, Oriya
Revolutionary poetry, Oriya
Vaishnava poetry, Oriya
To 1500
20th century
Occidental influences
USE Oriya poetryWestern influences
Western influences
UF Oriya poetryOccidental influences

[Former heading]
BT Civilization, Western
Oriya poets
USE Poets, Oriya
Oriya prose literature (May Subd Geog)
BT Oriya literature
To 1500
Oriya proverbs
USE Proverbs, Oriya
Oriya quatrains
USE Quatrains, Oriya
Oriya quotations
USE Quotations, Oriya


Oriya Rasa literature

USE Rasa literature, Oriya
Oriya religious literature
USE Religious literature, Oriya
Oriya religious poetry
USE Religious poetry, Oriya
Oriya revolutionary poetry
USE Revolutionary poetry, Oriya
Oriya riddles
USE Riddles, Oriya
Oriya satire
USE Satire, Oriya
Oriya short stories
USE Short stories, Oriya
Oriya songs
USE Songs, Oriya
Oriya Vaishnava poetry
USE Vaishnava poetry, Oriya
Oriya wit and humor (May Subd Geog)
BT Oriya literature
NT Humorous poetry, Oriya
Satire, Oriya
USE Oriya (Indic people)
Oriyo Timbo Site (India)
BT IndiaAntiquities
Orizaba, Pico de (Mexico)
UF Citlaltepetl (Mexico)
Orizaba Peak (Mexico)
Pico de Orizaba (Mexico)
San Andres Volcano (Mexico)
Volcan de San Andres (Mexico)
BT MountainsMexico
Transverse Volcanic Range (Mexico)
Orizaba Peak (Mexico)
USE Orizaba, Pico de (Mexico)
Orjen Mountain (Bosnia and Hercegovina and
UF Oryen Mountain (Bosnia and Hercegovina and

BT Dinaric Alps
MountainsBosnia and Hercegovina
Orkatucket River (R.I.)
USE Annaquatucket River (R.I.)
Orkbon River (Mongolia)
USE Orhon River (Mongolia)
Orke (Extinct city)
USE Urci (Extinct city)
Orkhon inscriptions (Turkic)
USE Inscriptions, Old Turkic
Orkhon River (Mongolia)
USE Orhon River (Mongolia)
Orkhon sheep (May Subd Geog)
UF Orchon sheep
Orhon sheep
BT Sheep breeds
Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape (Mongolia)
UF Orkhony Khondiin Soelyn Dursgalt Gazar

BT MongoliaAntiquities
World Heritage areasMongolia
Orkhony Khondiin Soelyn Dursgalt Gazar (Mongolia)
USE Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape (Mongolia)
Orkla River (Norway)
BT RiversNorway
Orkla River Valley (Norway)
UF Orkla Valley (Norway)
BT ValleysNorway
Orkla Valley (Norway)
USE Orkla River Valley (Norway)
Orkney (Scotland)
NT Brough of Birsay (Scotland)
Burray (Scotland)
Eynhallow Island (Scotland)
Graemsay (Scotland)
Hoy Island (Scotland)
Lamb Holm (Scotland)
North Ronaldsay (Scotland)
Papa Westray (Scotland)
Rousay (Scotland)
Sanday (Scotland)
Stronsay (Scotland)
Swona (Scotland)
Westray (Scotland)
Orkon (May Subd Geog)
[MT358.O7 (Instruction)]
UF Chromette
BT Recorder (Musical instrument)

Orkon music (May Subd Geog)

Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo orkon, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for solo orkon.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "orkon" or "orkons" and headings

with medium of performance that include

"orkon" or "orkons"
Orlam (African people)
USE Oorlam (African people)
Orland family (Not Subd Geog)
Orlandini family (Not Subd Geog)
Orlando (Fictitious character : Shakespeare)
(Not Subd Geog)
Orlando (Legendary character)
USE Roland (Legendary character)
Orlando-Haus (Munich, Germany)
USE Orlandohaus (Munich, Germany)
Orlando the Marmalade Cat (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
Orlandoblock (Munich, Germany)
USE Orlandohaus (Munich, Germany)
Orlandohaus (Munich, Germany)
UF Orlando-Haus (Munich, Germany)
Orlandoblock (Munich, Germany)
BT Commercial buildingsGermany
USE Annatto
Orlean tree
USE Annatto tree
Orleans, Forest of (France)
UF Forest of Orleans (France)
Foret d'Orleans (France)
BT Forests and forestryFrance
Orleans, Island of (Quebec)
UF Ile d'Orleans (Quebec : Island)
Island of Orleans (Quebec)
Isle of Orleans (Quebec)
Orleans Island (Quebec)
BT IslandsQuebec (Province)
Orleans (France)
Siege, 1428-1429
BT Hundred Years' War, 1339
Orleans, House of (Not Subd Geog)
BT FranceKings and rulers
Orleans, Battle of, 1870
USE Orleans, Battle of, Orleans, France, 1870
Orleans, Battle of, Orleans, France, 1870
UF Orleans, Battle of, 1870 [Former heading]
BT Franco-Prussian War, 1870
Orleans Beach (Mass.)
USE Nauset Beach (Mass.)
Orleans Canal (France)
UF Canal d'Orleans (France)
BT CanalsFrance
Orleans Island (Quebec)
USE Orleans, Island of (Quebec)
Orleans River (La.)
USE Saint John, Bayou (Orleans Parish, La.)
Orlei language
USE Olo language
Orleyl Site (Spain)
UF Punta de Orleyl Site (Spain)
BT SpainAntiquities
Orlice Mountains (Czech Republic)
USE Orlicke Mountains (Czech Republic)
Orlicke hory (Czech Republic)
USE Orlicke Mountains (Czech Republic)
Orlicke Mountains (Czech Republic)
UF Adler Gebirge (Czech Republic)
Adlergebirge (Czech Republic)
Gory Orlicke (Czech Republic)
Orlice Mountains (Czech Republic)
Orlicke hory (Czech Republic)
Orlicke Mountains (Czechoslovakia) [Former

BT MountainsCzech Republic
Orlicke Mountains (Czechoslovakia)
USE Orlicke Mountains (Czech Republic)
Orlicz lattice representations
USE Representations of Orlicz lattices
Orlicz lattices
UF Lattices, Orlicz

BT Lattice theory
NT Representations of Orlicz lattices
Orlicz spaces
UF Spaces, Orlicz
BT Ideal spaces
NT Fenchel-Orlicz spaces
Orlistat (May Subd Geog)
UF Tetrahydrolipstatin
Xenical (Trademark)
BT LipaseInhibitors
Weight loss preparations
Orlof family
USE Orloff family
Orloff family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orlof family
Orlov family
Orlow family
Orloff Lake (Alta.)
BT LakesAlberta
UF Acrylic fibers, Orlon
Orlon acrylic fibers
BT Textile fibers, Synthetic
Orlon acrylic fibers
USE Orlon
Orlov family
USE Orloff family
Orlov trotter horse (May Subd Geog)
BT Horse breeds
Orlovaca Cave (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
UF Pecina Orlovaca (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
BT CavesBosnia and Hercegovina
Orlovo Site (Bulgaria)
BT BulgariaAntiquities
"Orlovskoe Polese" National Park (Russia)
USE Natsionalnyi park "Orlovskoe Polese"

"Orlovskoye Polesye" National Park (Russia)
USE Natsionalnyi park "Orlovskoe Polese"

Orlow family
USE Orloff family
Orm family
USE Orme family
Orma (African people)
USE Oromo (African people)
Orma dialect (May Subd Geog)
UF Black Warday dialect
Uardai dialect
Wadai dialect
Warday dialect
Warday Madow dialect
Wardei dialect
Warra Daayu dialect
BT KenyaLanguages
Oromo language
Ormaig Site (Scotland)
BT ScotlandAntiquities
Orman family
USE Ormond family
Orman Fidanlg Site (Turkey)
BT TurkeyAntiquities
Ormand family
USE Ormond family
Ormand Site (N.M.)
UF Ormand Village Site (N.M.)
BT New MexicoAntiquities
Ormand Village Site (N.M.)
USE Ormand Site (N.M.)
Ormansag (Hungary)
UF Ormanysag (Hungary)
Ormanysag (Hungary)
USE Ormansag (Hungary)
Ormaye, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France, 1652-1653
USE Bordeaux (Aquitaine,

France)HistoryUprising, 1652-1653
USE God (Zoroastrianism)
Ormby family
USE Ormsby family
Orme Dam (Ariz.)
BT DamsArizona
Orme family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orm family
Ormes family
Orms family
Ormee, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France, 1652-1653
USE Bordeaux (Aquitaine,

France)HistoryUprising, 1652-1653
Ormerod family (Not Subd Geog)


USE Abalones
Ormes family
USE Orme family
Ormesson family (Not Subd Geog)
Ormia Lake (Iran)
USE Urmia, Lake (Iran)
Ormingat (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Imaginary places
USE God (Zoroastrianism)
Ormond Castle (Carrick-on-Suir, Ireland)
BT CastlesIreland
Ormond disease
USE Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Ormond family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orman family
Ormand family
Ormonde House (Newbury, England)
BT DwellingsEngland
Ormond's disease
USE Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Ormos Navarinou (Greece)
USE Navarino Bay (Greece)
Ormos Soudhas (Greece)
USE Suda Bay (Greece)
Ormosia (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.L52 (Botany)]
UF Toulichiba
BT Legumes
Ormoz Island (Iran)
USE Hormuz Island (Iran)
Orms family
USE Orme family
Ormsbe family
USE Ormsby family
Ormsbee family
USE Ormsby family
Ormsbey family
USE Ormsby family
Ormsbry family
USE Ormsby family
Ormsburg family
USE Ormsby family
Ormsbury family
USE Ormsby family
Ormsby family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Armesbee family
Armsby family
Armsley family
Arnsby family
Earnsby family
Harmsby family
Ormby family
Ormsbe family
Ormsbee family
Ormsbey family
Ormsbry family
Ormsburg family
Ormsbury family
Ornsbey family
Ornsbough family
Ornsby family
Ormskirk heeler
USE Lancashire heeler
Ormsted family
USE Olmstead family
Ormstid family
USE Olmstead family
Ormu language (May Subd Geog)
BT IndonesiaLanguages
Malayan languages
Ormuri language (May Subd Geog)
UF Baraks language
Bargista language
BT AfghanistanLanguages
Iranian languages
Ormuz, Strait of
USE Hormuz, Strait of
USE Decoration and ornament
Ornamental alphabets
USE Alphabets
Illumination of books and manuscripts
Ornamental berries (May Subd Geog)
UF Colorful ornamental berries
BT Berries
Plants, Ornamental

Ornamental birds (May Subd Geog)

UF Birds, Ornamental [Former heading]
Birds as pets
BT Birds
NT Color pigeons
Ornamental waterfowl
Ornamental bookbindings
USE Fine bindings
Ornamental borders (Decorative arts)
USE Borders, Ornamental (Decorative arts)
Ornamental borders (Gardening)
USE Garden borders
Ornamental boxes (May Subd Geog)
UF Boxes, Ornamental [Former heading]
BT Boxes
Decoration and ornament
NT Brass boxes
Bronze boxes
Cockspur cases
Enamel boxes
Gold boxes
Lacquer boxes
Painted wooden boxes
Porcelain boxes
Silver boxes
Ornamental carp
Ornamental cartouches (Decorative arts)
USE Cartouches, Ornamental (Decorative arts)
Ornamental climbing plants (May Subd Geog)
UF Garden vines
Ornamental vines
BT Climbing plants
RT Hanging plants
BT Ornamental woody plants
NT Climbing roses
Ornamental combs (May Subd Geog)
[NK4890.C63 (Decorative arts)]
UF Combs, Ornamental [Former heading]
BT Combs
Dress accessories
Ornamental conifers (May Subd Geog)
BT Conifers
Ornamental woody plants
NT Dwarf conifers
Slow-growing conifers
Ornamental crabapples
USE Flowering crabapples
Ornamental dairies
USE Pleasure dairies
Ornamental evergreens (May Subd Geog)
BT Evergreens
Plants, Ornamental
Ornamental ferns
USE Ferns, Ornamental
Ornamental fish trade (May Subd Geog)
UF Aquarium fish trade
Pet fish trade
Tropical fish trade
BT Fish trade
Pet industry
Wild animal trade
NT Aquarium fish collecting
Syngnathid industry
Ornamental fishes (May Subd Geog)
UF Fishes as pets
Pet fishes
BT Fishes
NT Koi
Tropical fish
Ornamental foliage industry
USE Foliage plant industry
Ornamental grasses (May Subd Geog)
BT Grasses
Plants, Ornamental
Ornamental hairwork (May Subd Geog)
UF Hair-work, Ornamental [Former heading]
BT Hairwork
NT Hairwork jewelry
Ornamental hedges (May Subd Geog)
BT Hedges
Ornamental woody plants

Ornamental heraldry
USE Heraldry, Ornamental
Ornamental horticultural industry
USE Ornamental plant industry
Ornamental horticulture (May Subd Geog)
BT Horticulture
RT Landscape gardening
Landscaping industry
NT Arboriculture
Florist suppliers
Horticultural service industry
Ornamental plant industry
Ornamental horticulture industry
USE Ornamental plant industry
Ornamental kale (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.C9 (Botany)]
UF Brassica acephala
Brassica oleracea acephala
Decorative kale
Flowering cabbage
Flowering kale
Kale, Ornamental
Ornamental-leaved kale
BT Cole crops
Ornamental-leaved kale
USE Ornamental kale
Ornamental plant industry (May Subd Geog)
UF Ornamental horticultural industry
Ornamental horticulture industry
BT Horticultural products industry
Ornamental horticulture
RT Plants, Ornamental
NT Annuals (Plants) industry
Anthurium industry
Bedding plant industry
Bulb industry
Christmas tree industry
Corm industry
Cut flower industry
Cut foliage industry
Dried flower industry
Foliage plant industry
House plant industry
Rose industry
Succulent plant industry
Wild flower industry
Ornamental plants
USE Plants, Ornamental
Ornamental purpleleaf plums
USE Purpleleaf plums
Ornamental rocks (May Subd Geog)
UF Rocks, Ornamental
BT Decoration and ornament
NT Chinese scholars' rocks
Ornamental shrimps (May Subd Geog)
[SF458.O76 (Aquarium animals)]
BT Aquarium animals
Ornamental shrubs (May Subd Geog)
UF Garden shrubs
BT Ornamental woody plants
NT Flowering shrubs
Fullmoon maple
Japanese maple
Ornamental trees (May Subd Geog)
UF Garden trees
BT Ornamental woody plants
NT Flowering trees
Fullmoon maple
Japanese maple
Shade trees
Ornamental vines
USE Ornamental climbing plants
Ornamental waterfowl (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornamental birds
Ornamental woody plants (May Subd Geog)
UF Woody ornamentals
BT Plants, Ornamental
Woody plants
RT Topiary work


NT Flowering woody plants

Ornamental climbing plants
Ornamental conifers
Ornamental hedges
Ornamental shrubs
Ornamental trees
Screens (Plants)
Ornamentals (Plants)
USE Plants, Ornamental
Ornamentation (Music)
USE Embellishment (Music)
Ornaments, Christmas tree
USE Christmas tree ornaments
Ornaments (Music)
USE Embellishment (Music)
Ornano family (Not Subd Geog)
UF D'Ornano family
Ornate box turtle (May Subd Geog)
[QL666.C547 (Zoology)]
UF Terrapene ornata
BT Terrapene
Ornate butterfly-cod
USE Pterois volitans
Ornate tree lizard
USE Tree lizard
Ornatocephalus (May Subd Geog)
BT Lizards, Fossil
NT Ornatocephalus metzleri
Ornatocephalus metzleri (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornatocephalus
Orndorff family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Arndorff family
Ohrndorff family
Orne River (Orne and Calvados, France)
BT RiversFrance
Orne River Estuary (Orne and Calvados, France)
UF Embouchure de l'Orne (Orne and Calvados,

BT EstuariesFrance
USE Alucitidae
Orner family
USE Auner family
Ornesan family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ornezan family
Ornezan family
USE Ornesan family
USE Maxillarias
Ornithine (May Subd Geog)
BT Amino acids
Ornithine carbamoyltransferase (May Subd Geog)
UF Carbamylphosphate-ornithine

Carbamoyltransferase, Ornithine
Citrulline phosphorylase
Ornithine carbamyltransferase
Ornithine transcarbamylase
OTC (Enzyme)
BT Phosphorylase
Ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency
(May Subd Geog)
UF Deficiency, Ornithine carbamoyltransferase
BT Amino acidsMetabolismDisorders
Metabolism, Inborn errors of
Ornithine carbamyltransferase
USE Ornithine carbamoyltransferase
Ornithine carboxy-lyase
USE Ornithine decarboxylase
Ornithine decarboxylase (May Subd Geog)
UF Ornithine carboxy-lyase
BT Decarboxylases
Ornithine transcarbamylase
USE Ornithine carbamoyltransferase
Ornithischia (May Subd Geog)
UF Ornithischians
BT Dinosaurs
NT Ankylosauridae
Scutellosaurus lawleri

Ornithischia (Continued)
USE Ornithischia
Ornithobilharzia (May Subd Geog)
BT Schistosomatidae
Ornithobilharzia pricei (May Subd Geog)
USE Pterodactylus
Ornithocheiridae (May Subd Geog)
BT Pterodactyls
NT Pteranodon
Ornithochorous seed dispersal
USE Seed dispersal by birds
USE Seed dispersal by birds
Ornithodoros (May Subd Geog)
BT Argasidae
Relapsing fever
NT Ornithodoros concanensis
Ornithodoros coprophilus
Ornithodoros coriaceus
Ornithodoros hermsi
Ornithodoros kelleyi
Ornithodoros moubata
Ornithodoros parkeri
Ornithodoros turicata
Ornithodoros viguerasi
Ornithodoros concanensis (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithodoros
Ornithodoros coprophilus (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithodoros
Ornithodoros coriaceus (May Subd Geog)
UF Pajaroello tick
BT Ornithodoros
Ornithodoros hermsi (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithodoros
Ornithodoros kelleyi (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithodoros
Ornithodoros moubata (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithodoros
Ornithodoros parkeri (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithodoros
Ornithodoros turicata (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithodoros
Ornithodoros viguerasi (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithodoros
USE Gastornis
USE Asparagaceae
Ornitholepas (May Subd Geog)
BT Lepadidae
Ornitholestes (May Subd Geog)
BT Coeluridae
USE Gastornis
Ornithological dejecta
USE Bird droppings
Ornithological illustration (May Subd Geog)
UF Bird illustration
BT Zoological illustration
Ornithological inventories
USE Bird surveys
Ornithological libraries (May Subd Geog)
UF Ornithology libraries
BT Zoological libraries
Ornithological literature (May Subd Geog)
BT Biological literature
RT OrnithologyBibliography
Ornithological research
USE BirdsResearch

Ornithological societies
USE BirdsSocieties, etc.
OrnithologySocieties, etc.
Ornithological surveys
USE Bird surveys
Ornithologists (May Subd Geog)
BT Naturalists
Ornithology (May Subd Geog)
UF Avian biology
BT Zoology
RT Birds
NT Ethnoornithology
Radar in ornithology
RT Ornithological literature
NT Bird surveys
USE BirdsResearch
Societies, etc. (May Subd Geog)
UF Ornithological societies [Former heading]
Study and teaching (May Subd Geog)
UF BirdsStudy and teaching
NT Bird populationsEstimates
Cormorant populationsEstimates
Duck populationsEstimates
Gull populationsEstimates
Sea bird populationsEstimates
Ornithology libraries
USE Ornithological libraries
Ornithomimidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Saurischia
NT Gallimimus
Ornithomimus (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithomimidae
Ornithoptera (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.P2 (Zoology)]
BT Birdwing butterflies
NT Queen Alexandra's birdwing
Richmond birdwing
Ornithoptera alexandrae
USE Queen Alexandra's birdwing
Ornithoptera richmondia
USE Richmond birdwing
Ornithopters (May Subd Geog)
UF Orthopters
BT Flying-machines
Ornithopus (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.L52 (Botany)]
BT Legumes
Ornithorhynchidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.M72 (Zoology)]
BT Monotremes
NT Ornithorhynchus
Ornithorhynchus (May Subd Geog)
BT Ornithorhynchidae
NT Platypus
Ornithorhynchus anatinus
USE Platypus
Ornithorhynchus brevirostris
USE Platypus
Ornithorhynchus crispus
USE Platypus
Ornithorhynchus fuscus
USE Platypus
Ornithorhynchus laevis
USE Platypus
Ornithorhynchus novaehollandiae
USE Platypus
Ornithorhynchus paradoxus
USE Platypus
Ornithorhynchus phoxinus
USE Platypus
Ornithorhynchus rufus
USE Platypus
Ornithorhynchus triton
USE Platypus


USE Psittacosis
Ornsbey family
USE Ormsby family
Ornsbough family
USE Ormsby family
Ornsby family
USE Ormsby family
Ornstein family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orenshtain family
Orenstein family
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
BT Brownian motion processes
Gaussian processes
Stationary processes
rntoft family (Not Subd Geog)
Oro, Canada del (Ariz.)
UF Canada del Oro (Ariz.)
BT CanyonsArizona
Oro, Conca d' (Italy)
USE Conca d'Oro (Italy)
Oro, Torre del (Seville, Spain)
USE Torre del Oro (Seville, Spain)
Oro (African people)
USE Oron (African people)
Oro (Dance)
USE Hora (Dance)
Oro-facial pain
USE Orofacial pain
Oro Fino Creek (Idaho)
USE Orofino Creek (Idaho)
Oro Fino River (Idaho)
USE Orofino Creek (Idaho)
Oro language
USE Oron language
ORO Ranch (Ariz.)
USE Baca Float Ranch (Ariz.)
Oro Ukpaban (African people)
USE Oron (African people)
Oro Villa (Milan, Italy)
USE Villa Oro (Milan, Italy)
Oro Wari Indians
USE Pakaasnovos Indians
Oro Wari language
USE Pakaasnovos language
Oroantral fistula
USE Fistula, Oroantral
O'Roark family
USE O'Rourke family
O'Roarke, Jocelyn (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Jocelyn O'Roarke (Fictitious character)
Josh O'Roarke (Fictitious character)
O'Roarke, Josh (Fictitious character)
O'Roarke, Josh (Fictitious character)
USE O'Roarke, Jocelyn (Fictitious character)
Orobanchaceae (May Subd Geog)
BT Tubiflorae
NT Broomrapes
USE Broomrapes
Orobanche aegyptiaca (May Subd Geog)
BT Broomrapes
Orobanche hederae (May Subd Geog)
BT Broomrapes
Orobian Alps (Italy)
UF Alpi Orobie (Italy)
Orobie, Alpi (Italy)
BT MountainsItaly
NT Resegone Mountain (Italy)
Orobie, Alpi (Italy)
USE Orobian Alps (Italy)
Orobothriurus (May Subd Geog)
[QL458.72.B6 (Zoology)]
BT Bothriuridae
Oroch (Asian people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Oroches [Former heading]
Orochi (Asian people)
BT EthnologyRussia (Federation)
Evenki (Asian people)
RT Udekhe (Asian people)
Implements (May Subd Geog)
Oroch language (May Subd Geog)
UF Orochee language
BT Tungus-Manchu languages

Orochee language
USE Oroch language
USE Oroch (Asian people)
Orochi (Asian people)
USE Oroch (Asian people)
Orochon (Chinese people)
USE Oroqen (Chinese people)
Orochon dialect
USE Oroqen language
Orocopia Mountains Wilderness (Calif.)
UF Orocopia Mountains Wilderness Study Area

BT National parks and reservesCalifornia
Wilderness areasCalifornia
Orocopia Mountains Wilderness Study Area (Calif.)
USE Orocopia Mountains Wilderness (Calif.)
Orodrassus (May Subd Geog)
BT Gnaphosidae
Orofacial pain (May Subd Geog)
UF Oro-facial pain
BT Facial pain
Orofad (Legendary character)
USE Olofat (Legendary character)
Orofat (Legendary character)
USE Olofat (Legendary character)
Orofino Creek (Idaho)
UF Oro Fino Creek (Idaho)
Oro Fino River (Idaho)
BT RiversIdaho
Orofino Creek Watershed (Idaho)
BT WatershedsIdaho
USE Orogenic belts
USE Orogeny
Orogenic belts (May Subd Geog)
UF Belts, Fold
Belts, Orogenic
Fold belts
BT Geology, Structural
NT Irumide Belt (Zambia and Malawi)
NT Damara Mobile Belt (Namibia)
Gariep Belt (Namibia and South Africa)
Kaoko Belt (Namibia)
Newfoundland and Labrador
NT Labrador Trough (N.L. and Quebec)
Quebec (Province)
NT Labrador Trough (N.L. and Quebec)
South Africa
NT Gariep Belt (Namibia and South Africa)
NT Irumide Belt (Zambia and Malawi)
USE Orogenic belts
Orogeny (May Subd Geog)
UF Mountain building
BT Geology, Structural
Orogrande Basin (N.M.)
BT Sedimentary basinsNew Mexico
Orographic clouds (May Subd Geog)
BT Clouds
Mountain climate
USE Mountains
Orohai Mountains (Ariz.)
USE Goldfield Mountains (Ariz.)
Oroin Indians
USE Uruewawau Indians
Orok (Asian people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Nani (Asian people)
Oroki (Asian people)
Uilta Wilta (Asian people)
Ulta (Asian people)
BT EthnologyRussia (Federation)
Orok language (May Subd Geog)
UF Ul'ta language
BT Tungus-Manchu languages

Orokaiva (Papua New Guinea people)

USE Orokaiva (Papua New Guinean people)
Orokaiva (Papua New Guinean people)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Orakaiva (Papua New Guinean people)
Orokaiva (Papua New Guinea people) [Former

BT Binandere (Papua New Guinean people)
EthnologyPapua New Guinea
Orokaiva language (May Subd Geog)
UF Orakaiva language
BT Papua New GuineaLanguages
Papuan languages
Oroki (Asian people)
USE Orok (Asian people)
Oroko language
USE Bakundu-Balue language
Orokolo Bay (Papua New Guinea)
BT BaysPapua New Guinea
Orokolo dialect
USE Orokolo language
Orokolo language (May Subd Geog)
UF Muru language
Orokolo dialect [Former heading]
BT Papua New GuineaLanguages
Toaripi languages
Orokonui Creek (N.Z.)
BT RiversNew Zealand
USE Mountains
Oroluk Lagoon (Micronesia)
UF Oroluk-Lagune (Micronesia)
BT LagoonsMicronesia (Federated States)
Oroluk-Lagune (Micronesia)
USE Oroluk Lagoon (Micronesia)
Orom (The Korean word)
BT Korean languageEtymology
Oromo (African people) (May Subd Geog)
[DT390.G2 (Ethiopia)]
UF Gala (African people)
Galla (African people)
Gallas [Former heading]
Orma (African people)
BT Cushites
NT Ajuran (African people)
Arsi (African people)
Boran (African people)
Gabbra (African people)
Guji (African people)
Karrayu (African people)
Raya (African people)
Missions (May Subd Geog)
UF Missions to Oromo (African people)

[Former heading]
Rites and ceremonies
NT Ateetee (Rite)
Oromo folk literature
USE Folk literature, Oromo
Oromo folk poetry
USE Folk poetry, Oromo
Oromo folk songs
USE Folk songs, Oromo
Oromo language (May Subd Geog)
UF Afan language
Galla language [Former heading]
Gallinya language
BT Cushitic languages
NT Boran dialect
Orma dialect
Qottu dialect
Oromo literature (May Subd Geog)
BT EthiopiaLiteratures
Kenyan literature
NT Folk literature, Oromo
Oromo poetry
Oromo poetry (May Subd Geog)
BT Oromo literature
NT Folk poetry, Oromo
Oromo pottery
USE Pottery, Oromo
Oromo proverbs
USE Proverbs, Oromo
Oromo songs
USE Songs, Oromo
Oron (African people) (May Subd Geog)


UF Oro (African people)

Oro Ukpaban (African people)
BT EthnologyNigeria
Oron language (May Subd Geog)
UF Oro language
BT Benue-Congo languages
Oron sculpture
USE Sculpture, Oron
Orona Atoll (Kiribati)
UF Hull Atoll (Kiribati)
Hull Island (Kiribati)
Orona Island (Kiribati)
Orono Atoll (Kiribati)
BT IslandsKiribati
Phoenix Islands (Kiribati)
Orona Island (Kiribati)
USE Orona Atoll (Kiribati)
Oronchon (Chinese people)
USE Oroqen (Chinese people)
Orongo Ceremonial Center Site (Easter Island)
USE Orongo Site (Easter Island)
Orongo Site (Easter Island)
UF Orongo Ceremonial Center Site (Easter Island)
BT Easter IslandAntiquities
Orono Atoll (Kiribati)
USE Orona Atoll (Kiribati)
Oronsay (Strathclyde, Scotland)
UF Oransay (Scotland)
Oronsay Island (Scotland) [Former heading]
BT Inner Hebrides (Scotland)
Oronsay Island (Scotland)
USE Oronsay (Strathclyde, Scotland)
Oronte River
USE Orontes River
Orontes River
UF Aassi River
As River
Asi River
Assi River
Nahr al As
Nahr al Asi
Nahr el Aassi
Nahr el Assi
Nehir Oronte
Oronte River
BT RiversLebanon
Orontes River Valley
UF Orontes Valley
BT ValleysLebanon
Orontes Valley
USE Orontes River Valley
Orontium (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.A685 (Botany)]
BT Araceae
NT Golden club
Orontium aquaticum
USE Golden club
USE Astragalus (Plants)
Oropos (Extinct city)
UF Oropus (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesGreece
Oropus (Extinct city)
USE Oropos (Extinct city)
Oroqen (Chinese people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Elunchun (Chinese people)
Olunchun (Chinese people)
Orochon (Chinese people)
Oronchon (Chinese people)
Ulunchun (Chinese people)
BT EthnologyChina
Tungusic peoples
Oroqen language (May Subd Geog)
UF Orochon dialect [Former heading]
BT ChinaLanguages
Tungus-Manchu languages
O'Rorke, Patrick (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Detective Inspector Patrick O'Rorke (Fictitious

Inspector O'Rorke (Fictitious character)
Inspector Patrick O'Rorke (Fictitious character)
Patrick O'Rorke (Fictitious character)

O'Rorke family
USE O'Rourke family
Ororu Shoto (Micronesia)
USE Namonuito Islands (Micronesia)
Ororu Syoto (Micronesia)
USE Namonuito Islands (Micronesia)
Oros Hymettos (Greece)
USE Hymettus, Mount (Greece)
Oros Olimbos (Greece)
USE Olympus, Mount (Greece)
Oros Parnassos (Greece)
USE Parnassus, Mount (Greece)
Oros Parnon (Greece)
USE Parnon, Mount (Greece)
Oros Parnonas (Greece)
USE Parnon, Mount (Greece)
Oros Pilion (Greece)
USE Pelion Mountains (Greece)
Oros Ymittos (Greece)
USE Hymettus, Mount (Greece)
Orosat (Legendary character)
USE Olofat (Legendary character)
Orosenga Island (American Samoa)
USE Olosega Island (American Samoa)
Orosira Rodhopis
USE Rhodope Mountains
Orosius (May Subd Geog)
[QL527.C49 (Zoology)]
Orosius cellulosus (May Subd Geog)
[QL527.C49 (Zoology)]
BT CottonDiseases and pests
RT Cotton phyllody
Orotic acid
BT Carboxylic acids
Orotina language
USE Mangue language
O'Rourke Construction Camp (Ariz.)
USE O'Rourke's Camp (Ariz.)
O'Rourke family (Not Subd Geog)
UF O'Roark family
O'Rorke family
Roark family
Rorke family
Rourke family
Rurick family
O'Rourke's Camp (Ariz.)
UF O'Rourke Construction Camp (Ariz.)
BT Labor campsArizona
Oroville, Lake (Calif.)
UF Lake Oroville (Calif.)
BT LakesCalifornia
Oroville Dam (Calif.)
BT DamsCalifornia
Orovnik, Macedonia, Battle of, 1448
USE Oranik, Battle of, Macedonia, 1448
Oroya fever
USE Verruga peruana
Orp (Fictitious character : Kline) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orville Rudmeyer Pygenski (Fictitious

Pygenski, Orville Rudmeyer (Fictitious

Orphan Annie (Fictitious character)
USE Little Orphan Annie (Fictitious character)
Orphan asylums
USE Orphanages
Orphan drugs (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on drugs which appear to
be useful for the treatment of rare disorders, but have
difficulty in finding a sponsor for development and
marketing because of insufficient anticipated financial

UF Drugs of limited commercial value

Nonprofitable drugs
BT Drugs
Orphan trains (May Subd Geog)
UF Orphan trainsUnited States
Trains, Orphan
BT Foster home care
Railroad trains
United States
USE Orphan trains
Orphan works (Copyright) (May Subd Geog)
BT Copyright
Orphanages (May Subd Geog)
UF Orphan asylums
Orphans and orphan-asylums [Former


BT ChildrenInstitutional care
NT Indian orphanages
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Orphanages, Jewish
USE Jewish orphanages
Orphane, Gulf of (Greece)
USE Strymonic Gulf (Greece)
Orphaned animals (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on animals that have been
separated from or abandoned by their parents.

UF Animal orphans
Orphans, Animal
BT Animals
Orphans (May Subd Geog)
UF Orphans and orphan-asylums [Former

BT Children
NT Church work with orphans
Jewish orphans
Orphans, Animal
USE Orphaned animals
Orphans and orphan-asylums
USE Orphanages
Orphans' courts
USE Probate courts
Orphans in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Orphans in the Bible
Orpharion (May Subd Geog)
BT Bandora
Orpharion music
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo orpharion, and
collections of compositions in several forms or types
for solo orpharion.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include orpharion or orpharions and

headings with medium of performance that

include orpharion or orpharions

Orpheal (May Subd Geog)
BT Keyboard instruments
Orpheal music (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo orpheal, and
collections of compositions in serveral forms or types
for solo orpheal.

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "orpheal" or "orpheals" and headings

with medium of performance that include

"orpheal" or "orpheals"
Orpheum Theatre (Sioux Falls, S.D.)
BT TheatersSouth Dakota
Orpheus (Game)
BT Fantasy games
Orpheus (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Mythology, Greek
Orpheus (Greek mythology) in literature
(Not Subd Geog)
Orpheus (Greek mythology) in opera (Not Subd Geog)
BT Opera
Orpheus mosaic (New Paphos)
USE Orpheus mosaic (Paphos, Cyprus)
Orpheus mosaic (Paphos, Cyprus)
UF Orpheus mosaic (New Paphos) [Former

BT Mosaics, RomanCyprus
Pavements, MosaicCyprus
Orphic mysteries
USE Dionysia
USE Scarabaeidae
USE Dionysia
Orphism (Art) (May Subd Geog)
BT Art, Modern20th century
Painting, Modern20th century
USE Solitary midges
Orpington chicken (May Subd Geog)
UF Orpingtons [Former heading]
BT Chicken breeds
USE Orpington chicken
Orr, Terry (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Terry Orr (Fictitious character)


Orr family (Not Subd Geog)

UF Oar family
Ore family [Former heading]
Ores family
Orrell family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Planetariums
Orria Pithinna (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesItaly
Orrinder family
USE Arender family
ORs (Olfactory receptors)
USE Olfactory receptors
ORs (Operating rooms)
USE Operating rooms
Orsborn family
USE Osborne family
Orsborne family
USE Osborne family
Orsbourn family
USE Osborne family
Orsburn family
USE Osborne family
Orseg (Hungary)
UF Orseg Hegyhat (Hungary)
Orseg Hegyhat (Hungary)
USE Orseg (Hungary)
Orser family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Aertszen family
Auser family
Orsera Valley (Switzerland)
USE Urseren Valley (Switzerland)
Orsett Cock Enclosure Site (England)
BT EnglandAntiquities
Orsetti Palace (Lucca, Italy)
USE Palazzo Orsetti (Lucca, Italy)
Orsi family
USE Orsini family
Orsic family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orsich family
Orssich family
Orsych family
Orsich family
USE Orsic family
Orsiera-Rocciavre, Parco dell' (Italy)
USE Parco dell'Orsiera-Rocciavre (Italy)
Orsini Baroni family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Orsini family
Orsini Castle (Bomarzo, Italy)
USE Villa Orsini (Bomarzo, Italy)
Orsini Castle (Bracciano, Italy)
USE Castello Orsini Odescalchi (Bracciano, Italy)
Orsini Castle (Pitigliano, Grosseto, Italy)
USE Palazzo Orsini (Pitigliano, Grosseto, Italy)
Orsini Castle (Scurcola Marsicana, Italy)
USE Rocca Orsini (Scurcola Marsicana, Italy)
Orsini family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orsi family
Orsino family
RT Orsini Baroni family
Orsini-Rosenberg family
Orsini Palace (Pitigliano, Grosseto, Italy)
USE Palazzo Orsini (Pitigliano, Grosseto, Italy)
Orsini-Rosenberg family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Orsini family
Rosenberg family
Orsini Villa (Bomarzo, Italy)
USE Villa Orsini (Bomarzo, Italy)
Orsino (Fictitious character : Shakespeare)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Duke of Illyria (Fictitious character :

Illyria, Duke of (Fictitious character :

Orsino family
USE Orsini family
USE Chrysomelidae
Orssich family
USE Orsic family
rsted family (Not Subd Geog)
Orsych family
USE Orsic family
Orszaghaz (Budapest, Hungary)
UF Hungarian Parliament Building (Budapest,

Parliament Building (Budapest, Hungary)
BT Public buildingsHungary
ORT (Personality test)
USE Object Relations Technique

ORT (Therapy)
USE Oral rehydration therapy
Ort family
USE Orth family
Orta, Lake (Italy)
UF Lago d'Orta (Italy)
BT LakesItaly
Orta Island (Italy)
USE San Giulio Island (Italy)
USE Otitidae
Ortalis (May Subd Geog)
BT Cracidae
NT Chachalaca
Ortalis vetula
USE Chachalaca
Ortega Adobe (Ventura, Calif.)
BT DwellingsCalifornia
Ortega Creek (Ariz.)
USE Silver Creek (Navajo County, Ariz. : Creek)
Ortega family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ortego family
Ortega River (Fla.)
UF McGirts Creek (Fla.)
BT RiversFlorida
Ortegal, Cape (Spain)
UF Cabo Ortegal(Spain)
Cape Ortegal (Spain)
BT Capes (Coasts)Spain
Ortego family
USE Ortega family
Ortel family
USE Ortell family
Ortell family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ortel family
Ortil family
Ortyl family
RT Ertel family
Orten family
USE Orton family
Ortenburg, Counts of (Not Subd Geog)
UF Counts of Ortenburg
Counts of Ortenburg-Tambach
Ortenburg-Tambach, Counts of
BT NobilityGermany
Ortenburg-Tambach, Counts of
USE Ortenburg, Counts of
Ortenburger family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orttenburger family
Von Ortenburg family
Orter family
USE Arthur family
ORTF/Maison de la radio (Paris, France)
USE Maison de la radio (Paris, France)
Orth an der Donau Castle (Orth an der Donau, Austria)
USE Schloss Orth an der Donau (Orth an der

Donau, Austria)
Orth family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ort family
Orthacanthacris aegyptia
USE Anacridium aegyptium
Orthagoriscus (May Subd Geog)
BT Molidae
Orthalicidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Stylommatophora
NT Liguus
Orthez, Battle of, 1814
USE Orthez, Battle of, Orthez, France, 1814
Orthez, Battle of, Orthez, France, 1814
UF Orthez, Battle of, 1814 [Former heading]
BT Peninsular War, 1807
Orthida (May Subd Geog)
BT Brachiopoda, Fossil
NT Dalmanellidae
Orthidae, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
NT Enteletacea
USE Allanite
USE Toluidine
Orthocarpus faucibarbatus
USE Yellowbeak owl's clover
Orthocerida (May Subd Geog)
BT Cephalopoda, Fossil
NT Lamellorthoceratidae

Orthochirus (May Subd Geog)

[QL458.72.B8 (Zoology)]
UF Afghanorthochirus
BT Buthidae
NT Orthochirus bastawadei
Orthochirus bastawadei (May Subd Geog)
[QL458.72.B8 (Zoology)]
BT Orthochirus
USE Epistylis
Orthochromatic photography
USE Photography, Orthochromatic
Orthocladius (May Subd Geog)
BT Chironomidae
USE Orthochirus
Orthodemus terrestris
USE Rhynchodemus terrestris
UF Orthodiascopy
BT HeartDilatation
USE Orthodiagraphy
USE Orthodontics
Orthodontic appliances (May Subd Geog)
UF Braces, Orthodontic
BT Dental instruments and apparatus
NT Begg appliance
Universal appliance (Dentistry)
Orthodontic appliances, Extraoral traction
(May Subd Geog)
UF Extraoral orthodontic appliances
Extraoral traction appliances
BT Orthodontic appliances, Removable
Orthopedic traction
Orthodontic appliances, Removable (May Subd Geog)
UF Removable orthodontic appliances
NT Orthodontic appliances, Extraoral traction
Splints, Bite plane
Orthodontics (May Subd Geog)
UF Dental orthopedics
Orthodontia [Former heading]
BT Dentistry
NT Malocclusion
Orthodontic appliances
Diagnosis (May Subd Geog)
BT Diagnosis
Orthodontics, Corrective (May Subd Geog)
UF Corrective orthodontics
Tooth movement, Orthodontic
BT Dental therapeutics
NT Maxillary expansion
Complications (May Subd Geog)
UF Orthodontics, CorrectiveComplications

and sequelae [Former heading]

Complications and sequelae
USE Orthodontics, CorrectiveComplications
Orthodontics, Interceptive (May Subd Geog)
UF Interceptive orthodontics
BT Pedodontics
Orthodontics, Preventive (May Subd Geog)
UF MalocclusionPrevention
Preventive orthodontics
BT Preventive dentistry
Orthodontists (May Subd Geog)
BT Dentists
Orthodontium (May Subd Geog)
BT Bryaceae
Orthodox (Orthodox Eastern Church)
USE Orthodox Eastern Church members
Orthodox Eastern Church (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on Orthodox Eastern
denominations treated collectively and works for


which the individual Orthodox denomination cannot

be identified. Works on individual Orthodox
denominations are entered under the name of the

UF Eastern Orthodox Church

Greek Church
Holy Orthodox Eastern Catholic and Apostolic

BT Eastern churches
NT Women in the Orthodox Eastern Church
Youth in the Orthodox Eastern Church
Anglican use churches
USE Anglican use churches
USE AsceticismOrthodox Eastern Church
USE ConfessionOrthodox Eastern Church
NT Metropolitanates
NT Arsenite Schism, 1261-1310
SchismEastern and Western Church
Liturgical objects (May Subd Geog)
NT Akathists
Byzantine chants
Syrian chants
Catholic Church
NT SchismEastern and Western Church
Schism, Acacian, 484-519
Western rites (May Subd Geog)
UF Western rites (Orthodox Eastern Church)
NT Zoe Movement (Christianity)
Orthodox Eastern Church and art
USE Christianity and artOrthodox Eastern Church
Orthodox Eastern church buildings (May Subd Geog)
UF Churches, Orthodox Eastern [Former heading]
BT Church buildings
Orthodox Eastern Church members (May Subd Geog)
UF Eastern Orthodox people
Orthodox (Orthodox Eastern Church) [Former

Orthodox people
BT Christians
NT Orthodox Eastern converts
Orthodox Eastern converts (May Subd Geog)
UF Converts, Orthodox Eastern [Former heading]
BT Christian converts
Orthodox Eastern Church members
Orthodox Eastern journalism
USE Orthodox Eastern press
Orthodox Eastern literature
BT Literature
SA subdivision Orthodox Eastern authors under

individual literatures, e.g. English literature-

Orthodox Eastern authors
Orthodox Eastern monasteries (May Subd Geog)
UF Monasteries, Orthodox Eastern [Former

BT Monasteries
RT Orthodox Eastern monasticism and religious

NT Meteora Monasteries (Greece)
Orthodox Eastern monasticism and religious orders
(May Subd Geog)
UF Monasticism and religious orders, Orthodox

Eastern [Former heading]

BT Monasticism and religious orders
RT Orthodox Eastern monasteries
Orthodox Eastern names
USE Names, PersonalOrthodox Eastern
Orthodox Eastern personal names
USE Names, PersonalOrthodox Eastern
Orthodox Eastern preaching (May Subd Geog)
BT Preaching
Orthodox Eastern press (May Subd Geog)
UF Orthodox Eastern journalism
Press, Orthodox Eastern [Former heading]
BT Journalism, Religious
Religious newspapers and periodicals

Orthodox Eastern teenagers (May Subd Geog)

BT Christian teenagers
Orthodox Judaism (May Subd Geog)
UF Judaism, Orthodox
BT Jewish sects
NT JewsReturn to Orthodox Judaism
Nontraditional Jews
UF Jews, Nontraditional and Orthodox

Nontraditional Jews and Orthodox

Orthodox Oriental churches
USE Oriental Orthodox churches
Orthodox people
USE Orthodox Eastern Church members
Orthodox school of economics
USE Classical school of economics
Orthodox school of painting
UF Cheng tung hua pai
Standard school of painting
BT Painting, Chinese
USE Phonetics
Orthoferrites (May Subd Geog)
BT Ferrites (Magnetic materials)
Metallic oxides
Orthogeomys (May Subd Geog)
UF Heterogeomys
BT Pocket gophers
NT Orthogeomys cherriei
Orthogeomys cherriei (May Subd Geog)
UF Cherrie pocket gopher
BT Orthogeomys
Orthogonal arrays
UF Arrays, Orthogonal
BT Combinatorial designs and configurations
Orthogonal curves
USE Curves, Orthogonal
Orthogonal decompositions
BT Decomposition (Mathematics)
Orthogonal family of functions
USE Orthogonalization methods
Orthogonal frame bundles
USE Frame bundles
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
(May Subd Geog)
UF OFDM (Telecommunication)
BT Broadband communication systems
Spread spectrum communications
Orthogonal functions
USE Functions, Orthogonal
Orthogonal polynomials
BT Fourier analysis
Functions, Orthogonal
NT Chebyshev polynomials
Christoffel-Darboux formula
Hermite polynomials
Jacobi polynomials
Laguerre polynomials
Legendre's polynomials
Asymptotic theory
UF Asymptotic theory of orthogonal

Orthogonal projection
USE Orthographic projection
Orthogonal random measures
USE Random measures
Orthogonal series
USE Series, Orthogonal
Orthogonal set of functions
USE Orthogonalization methods
Orthogonal sets
USE Orthogonalization methods
Orthogonal surfaces
USE Surfaces, Orthogonal
Orthogonal systems
USE Orthogonalization methods
Orthogonalization (Numerical analysis)
USE Orthogonalization methods
Orthogonalization methods
UF Functions, Orthogonal family of
Functions, Orthogonal set of

Orthogonal family of functions

Orthogonal set of functions
Orthogonal sets
Orthogonal systems
Orthogonalization (Numerical analysis)
Sets, Orthogonal
Systems, Orthogonal
BT Algebras, Linear
Numerical analysis
USE Ground beetles
USE Megaloceros
Orthographic projection
[GA115 (Cartography)]
[QA503 (Mathematics)]
[T363 (Mechanical drawing)]
UF Orthogonal projection
Projection, Orthographic
BT Map projection
Orthographic shorthand
USE Stenotypy
USE Language and languagesOrthography and

Spelling reform
Orthography and spelling
USE subdivision Orthography and spelling under

names of languages, e.g. English language-

Orthography and spelling
Orthokeratology (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on a method of improving
unaided vision by molding the cornea with contact

UF Orthokeratotherapy
BT Therapeutics, Ophthalmological
RT Contact lenses
USE Orthokeratology
Orthomodular lattices
UF Lattices, Orthomodular
BT Modular lattices
Orthomolecular medicine
USE Orthomolecular therapy
Orthomolecular psychiatry
USE Orthomolecular therapy
Orthomolecular therapy (May Subd Geog)
UF Meganutrition
Megavitamin therapy
Orthomolecular medicine [Former heading]
Orthomolecular psychiatry [Former heading]
Supernutrition therapy
BT Therapeutics
NT Vitamin therapy
USE Orthomyxoviruses
Orthomyxovirus type A
USE Influenza A virus
Orthomyxoviruses (May Subd Geog)
UF Myxoviruses [Former heading]
BT RNA viruses
NT Influenza viruses
Orthon River (Bolivia)
UF Orton River (Bolivia)
Rio Orthon (Bolivia)
Rio Orton (Bolivia)
BT RiversBolivia
Orthon River Watershed (Bolivia)
BT WatershedsBolivia
Orthonops (May Subd Geog)
BT Caponiidae
Orthopaedic . . .
USE subject headings beginning with the word

USE Orthopedics
USE Radiography, Panoramic
USE Orthopedics
Orthopedic anesthesia
USE Anesthesia in orthopedics
Orthopedic apparatus (May Subd Geog)
UF Apparatus, Orthopedic
Orthotic devices
BT Surgical instruments and apparatus


NT Artificial limbs
Knee pads
Orthopedic braces
Orthopedic implants
Orthopedic shoes
Orthopedic slings
Splints (Surgery)
Surgical casts
Walkers (Orthopedic apparatus)
Orthopedic apparatus industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical instruments and apparatus industry
Orthopedic bone screws
USE Bone screws (Orthopedics)
Orthopedic braces (May Subd Geog)
UF Braces, Orthopedic
BT Orthopedic apparatus
NT Knee braces
Complications (May Subd Geog)
UF Orthopedic bracesComplications and

sequelae [Former heading]

Complications and sequelae
USE Orthopedic bracesComplications
Orthopedic casts
USE Surgical casts
Orthopedic disability evaluation (May Subd Geog)
UF Evaluation of orthopedic disability
Orthopedic disability rating
BT Disability evaluation
Orthopedic disability rating
USE Orthopedic disability evaluation
Orthopedic emergencies (May Subd Geog)
UF Emergency orthopedics
BT Medical emergencies
Orthopedic hospitals (May Subd Geog)
BT Specialty hospitals
Orthopedic implants (May Subd Geog)
UF Implants, Orthopedic
BT Implants, Artificial
Orthopedic apparatus
Orthopedic surgery
NT Artificial joints
Bone nails (Orthopedics)
Bone plates (Orthopedics)
Bone screws (Orthopedics)
Bone substitutes
Internal fixation in fractures
Intramedullary rods
Spinal implants
Complications (May Subd Geog)
UF Orthopedic implantsComplications and

sequelae [Former heading]

Complications and sequelae
USE Orthopedic implantsComplications
Radiography (May Subd Geog)
BT Radiography, Medical
Orthopedic implants industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Surgical instruments and apparatus industry
NT Spinal implants industry
Orthopedic manipulation
USE Manipulation (Therapeutics)
Orthopedic nursing (May Subd Geog)
BT Orthopedics
Rehabilitation nursing
Surgical nursing
Orthopedic plaster casts
USE Surgical plaster casts
Orthopedic radiography
USE Radiography in orthopedics
Orthopedic radiology
USE Radiography in orthopedics
Orthopedic shoes (May Subd Geog)
RT FootAbnormalities
BT Orthopedic apparatus
Orthopedic slings (May Subd Geog)
UF Slings, Orthopedic
BT Bandages and bandaging
Orthopedic apparatus

Orthopedic surgeons
USE Orthopedists
Orthopedic surgery (May Subd Geog)
UF Operative orthopedics
BT Orthopedics
Surgery, Operative
NT Amputation
Bone lengthening (Orthopedics)
Bone wiring (Orthopedics)
Cerebral palsySurgery
Computer-assisted orthopedic surgery
Orthopedic implants
Complications (May Subd Geog)
UF Orthopedic surgeryComplications and

sequelae [Former heading]

Complications and sequelae
USE Orthopedic surgeryComplications
Orthopedic tests, Physical
USE Physical orthopedic tests
Orthopedic traction (May Subd Geog)
UF Traction (Orthopedics)
BT Orthopedics
SA subdivision Traction under individual parts of

the body, e.g. Foot--Traction

NT Orthodontic appliances, Extraoral traction
Orthopedic trauma
USE Musculoskeletal systemWounds and injuries
Orthopedics (May Subd Geog)
UF Orthopaedics
Orthopedia [Former heading]
BT Surgery
NT Anesthesia in orthopedics
Geriatric orthopedics
Lasers in orthopedics
Manipulation (Therapeutics)
Orthopedic nursing
Orthopedic surgery
Orthopedic traction
Osteopathic orthopedics
Pediatric orthopedics
Veterinary orthopedics
Diagnosis (May Subd Geog)
BT Diagnosis
NT Orthopedic disability evaluation
Physical orthopedic tests
Radiography in orthopedics
Orthopedics in art (Not Subd Geog)
Orthopedists (May Subd Geog)
UF Orthopedic surgeons
BT Surgeons
Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical laws and legislation
Malpractice (May Subd Geog)
UF Tort liability of orthopedists
BT Malpractice
USE Corylophidae
Orthoperus (May Subd Geog)
BT Corylophidae
Orthophotography (May Subd Geog)
BT Aerial photogrammetry
NT Orthophotomaps
Orthophotomaps (May Subd Geog)
BT Cartography
USE Orthopedists
Orthopoxviruses (May Subd Geog)
BT Poxviruses
NT Buffalopox virus
Monkeypox virus
Orthopristis (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.H23 (Zoology)]
UF Evapristis
Pigfishes (Genus)

BT Grunts (Fishes)
NT Pigfish
Orthopristis chrysoptera
USE Pigfish
Orthopristis chrysopterus
USE Pigfish
Orthopristis duplex
USE Pigfish
Orthopristis fulvomaculatus
USE Pigfish
Orthopsychiatry (May Subd Geog)
BT Mental health
Orthoptera (May Subd Geog)
UF Ensifera [Former heading]
Ensifera (Insects)
Saltatoria [Former heading]
BT Insects
NT Anostostomatidae
Jerusalem crickets
Mole crickets
Orthoptera, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
UF Ensifera, Fossil [Former heading]
BT Insects, Fossil
USE Orthoptera
USE Orthoptera
USE Ornithopters
Orthoptics (May Subd Geog)
UF Exercises, Eye
Exercises, Ocular
Eye exercises
Ocular exercises
BT Exercise therapy
Therapeutics, Ophthalmological
NT Bates method of orthoptics
USE Orthoreoviruses
Orthoreoviruses (May Subd Geog)
UF Orthoreovirus
BT Reoviruses
NT Nelson Bay virus
USE Orthopedic apparatus
USE Noctuidae
Orthosphinctes (May Subd Geog)
BT Perisphinctidae
Orthostatic hypotension
USE Hypotension, Orthostatic
USE Geometridae
USE Yponomeutidae
USE Yponomeutidae
Orthotelluric acid
USE Telluric acid
Orthotic devices
USE Orthopedic apparatus
Orthotrichaceae (May Subd Geog)
BT Isobryales
NT Orthotrichum
Orthotrichum (May Subd Geog)
BT Orthotrichaceae
Orthotungstic acid
USE Tungstic acid


Orthros (Music) (May Subd Geog)

BT Morning service music
Orti Oricellari Conspiracy, 1522
UF Congiura degli Orti Oricellari, 1522
Oricellari, Orti, Conspiracy, 1522
BT Florence (Italy)History1421-1737
Orti Oricellari Group
Orti Oricellari Garden (Florence, Italy)
USE Giardino degli Orti Oricellari (Florence, Italy)
Orti Oricellari Group
UF Oricellari Garden Group
BT Florence (Italy)History1421-1737
Florence (Italy)Intellectual life
NT Orti Oricellari Conspiracy, 1522
Ortigara, Mount (Italy)
UF Monte Ortigara (Italy)
Mount Ortigara (Italy)
BT MountainsItaly
Ortigara, Battle of, 1917
USE Ortigara, Battle of, Italy, 1917
Ortigara, Battle of, Italy, 1917
UF Ortigara, Battle of, 1917 [Former heading]
BT World War, 1914-1918CampaignsItaly
Ortil family
USE Ortell family
Ortiz, Benni Harper (Fictitious character)
USE Harper, Benni (Fictitious character)
Ortiz de Taranco family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Ortiz family
Ortiz de Zuniga family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Ortiz family
Ortiz family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Ortiz de Taranco family
Ortiz de Zuniga family
Ortiz y Pino family
Ortiz Mountains (N.M.)
UF Dolores, Sierra de (N.M.)
San Lazaro, Sierra de (N.M.)
Sierra de Dolores (N.M.)
Sierra de los Ortizes (N.M.)
Sierra de San Lazaro (N.M.)
Sierra Ortiz (N.M.)
BT MountainsNew Mexico
Ortiz y Pino family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Ortiz family
Ortler (Italy)
UF Ortles (Italy)
BT Alps, Eastern
Ortles (Italy)
USE Ortler (Italy)
Ortley family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oertley family
USE Brethren of the Free Spirit
Ortlieb family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ortlip family
Ortlip family
USE Ortlieb family
Ortman family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ortmann family
Ortmann family
USE Ortman family
UF Ortugids
BT SyriaHistory750-1260
Ortolan bunting (May Subd Geog)
UF Emberiza hortulana
Ortolans [Former heading]
BT Emberiza
USE Ortolan bunting
Orton, Joanna (Fictitious character)
USE Johannsson, Joanna (Fictitious character)
Orton family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orten family
Orton Hall Farm Site (England)
BT EnglandAntiquities
Orton River (Bolivia)
USE Orthon River (Bolivia)
Ortona, Battle of, Ortona, Italy, 1943
UF Ortona (Italy), Battle of, 1943 [Former heading]
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsItaly
Ortona (Italy), Battle of, 1943
USE Ortona, Battle of, Ortona, Italy, 1943
USE Methaqualone
Orton's Pasture Site (Rocester, England)
BT EnglandAntiquities

Orts family (Not Subd Geog)

Orttenburger family
USE Ortenburger family
USE Ortokids
Ortuno family (Not Subd Geog)
Ortyl family
USE Ortell family
Oru language
USE Ijo language
Oruarangi Pa Sites (N.Z.)
USE Oruarangi Sites (N.Z.)
Oruarangi Sites (N.Z.)
UF Oruarangi Pa Sites (N.Z.)
BT New ZealandAntiquities
Orukiga (African people)
USE Chiga (African people)
Orukiga language
USE Chiga language
Orula (Yoruba deity)
USE Orunmila (Yoruba deity)
Orum family
USE Oram family
Orumieh, Lake (Iran)
USE Urmia, Lake (Iran)
Orumiyeh Lake (Iran)
USE Urmia, Lake (Iran)
Orundande language
USE Nande language
Orungu (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Ombeke (African people)
BT EthnologyGabon
Myene (African people)
Orungu language (May Subd Geog)
UF Sekiani language
Shekiani language
BT Bantu languages
Orunla (Yoruba deity)
USE Orunmila (Yoruba deity)
Orunmila (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Fa (Yoruba deity)
Gbaye-Gborun (Yoruba deity)
Ifa (Yoruba deity)
Orula (Yoruba deity)
Orunla (Yoruba deity)
BT Gods, Yoruba
Orunyarwanda language
USE Kinyarwanda language
Oruro Indians
USE Aymara Indians
Orussidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Oryssidae
Parasitic wood wasps
BT Hymenoptera
Orust Island (Sweden)
BT IslandsSweden
ORV trails
USE Off-road vehicle trails
Orvieto family (Not Subd Geog)
Orville Coast (Antarctic regions)
USE Orville Coast (Antarctica)
Orville Coast (Antarctica)
UF Orville Coast (Antarctic regions) [Former

BT CoastsAntarctica
Orville Dollhouse
UF Offenbach Dollhouse
Offenbacher Puppenhaus
Orvillesche Puppenhaus
Puppenhaus der Agathe d'Orville
BT DollhousesGermany
Orville Rudmeyer Pygenski (Fictitious character)
USE Orp (Fictitious character : Kline)
Orville Wright Federal Building (Washington, D.C.)
UF Wright Federal Building (Washington, D.C.)
BT Public buildingsWashington (D.C.)
Orvillesche Puppenhaus
USE Orville Dollhouse
Orvilliers family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Guillouet d'Orvilliers family
ORVs (Off road vehicles)
USE Off-road vehicles
Orwell, Lake (Minn.)
UF Lake Orwell (Minn.)
BT LakesMinnesota
Orwell, River (England)
UF River Orwell (England)
BT RiversEngland

Orwick family
USE Orwig family
Orwig family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ohrig family
Orbig family
Orwick family
Urbig family
Orx Lake (France)
USE Orx Marsh (France)
Orx Marsh (France)
UF Ancien etang d'Orx (France)
Etang d'Orx (France)
Lac d'Orx (France)
Marais d'Orx (France)
Orx Lake (France)
BT MarshesFrance
Orya language (May Subd Geog)
UF Oria language
Uria language
BT IndonesiaLanguages
Papuan languages
O'Ryan, John (Fictitious character)
USE Orion (Fictitious character)
Orycteropodidae (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.T8 (Zoology)]
BT Tubulidentata
NT Orycteropus
Orycteropus (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.T8 (Zoology)]
BT Orycteropodidae
NT Aardvark
Orycteropus adametzi
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus aethiopicus
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus afer
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus albicaudus
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus angolensis
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus erikssoni
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus faradjius
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus haussanus
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus kordofanicus
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus lademanni
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus leptodon
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus matschiei
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus observandus
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus ruvanensis
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus senegalensis
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus somalicus
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus wardi
USE Aardvark
Orycteropus wertheri
USE Aardvark
Oryctes (May Subd Geog)
BT Scarabaeidae
NT Oryctes rhinoceros
Oryctes rhinoceros (May Subd Geog)
UF Indian rhinoceros beetle
Rhinoceros beetle, Asiatic
Rhinoceros beetle, Coconut
Rhinoceros beetle, Indian
BT Oryctes
USE Hog-nosed skunks
Oryctolagus (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.L32 (Zoology)]
UF Cuniculus
BT Leporidae
NT European rabbit
Oryctolagus cuniculus
USE European rabbit
Oryen Mountain (Bosnia and Hercegovina and
USE Orjen Mountain (Bosnia and Hercegovina and



Orynin, Battle of, Orynyn, Ukraine, 1618

USE Orynyn, Battle of, Orynyn, Ukraine, 1618
Orynyn, Battle of, Orynyn, Ukraine, 1618
UF Orynin, Battle of, Orynyn, Ukraine, 1618
BT Russo-Polish War, 1609
USE Orussidae
Oryx (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.U53 (Zoology)]
UF Oryxes
BT Antelopes
NT Arabian oryx
Religious aspects
UF Oryx (in religion, folklore, etc.) [Former

Oryx (in religion, folklore, etc.)
USE OryxReligious aspects
Oryx gazella
USE Gemsbok
Oryx leucoryx
USE Arabian oryx
USE Oryx
Oryza (May Subd Geog)
BT Grasses
NT Red rice
Oryza rufipogon
USE Red rice
Oryza sativa
USE Rice
Oryzaephilus (May Subd Geog)
[QL596.C8 (Zoology)]
BT Cucujidae
NT Merchant grain beetle
Sawtoothed grain beetle
Oryzaephilus mercator
USE Merchant grain beetle
Oryzaephilus surinamensis
USE Sawtoothed grain beetle
Oryzias (May Subd Geog)
BT Oryziatidae
NT Oryzias latipes
Oryzias latipes (May Subd Geog)
UF Aplocheilus latipes
Haplochilus latipes
Poecilia latipes
BT Oryzias
Oryziatidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Atheriniformes
NT Oryzias
Oryzomys (May Subd Geog)
UF Rice rats
BT Muridae
USE Ricegrasses
Oryzopsis hendersonii
USE Henderson's needlegrass
Oryzopsis holciformis (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.G74 (Botany)]
[SB201.R52 (Forage plant)]
BT Ricegrasses
Orzinuovi Fortress (Orzinuovi, Italy)
USE Fortezza di Orzinuovi (Orzinuovi, Italy)
Os (The rune)
UF As (The rune)
BT Runes
OS/2 device drivers (Computer programs)
BT Device drivers (Computer programs)
OS/2 warp device drivers (Computer programs)
BT Device drivers (Computer programs)
OS/8 (Computer system)
UF Operating System/8 (Computer system)
BT PDP-8 (Computer)Programming
Os calcis
USE Heel bone
Os coccygis
USE Coccyx
Os sacrum
USE Sacrum

Os scaphoideum
USE Scaphoid bone
Os sphenoidale
USE Sphenoid bone
Os tarsi fibulare
USE Heel bone
Os tarsi tibialis
USE Anklebone
Os trigonum
USE Anklebone
OS2U (Reconnaissance aircraft)
USE Kingfisher (Reconnaissance aircraft)
Osa, Gulf of (Costa Rica)
USE Dulce, Gulf of (Costa Rica)
Osa Anna Mine (Idaho)
USE Idaho Almaden Mine (Idaho)
Osa Gulf (Costa Rica)
USE Dulce, Gulf of (Costa Rica)
Osa Nanga language
USE Tuki language
Osa Peninsula (Costa Rica)
UF Peninsula de Osa (Costa Rica)
BT PeninsulasCosta Rica
Osage, Fort (Mo. : Fort)
USE Fort Osage (Mo. : Fort)
Osage, Operation, 1966
USE Operation Osage, 1966
Osage art (May Subd Geog)
UF Art, Osage
BT Art, American
Osage Ceded Lands (Kan.)
USE Osage Reserve (Kan.)
Osage copperhead (May Subd Geog)
UF Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster
BT Copperhead
Osage Creek (Benton County and Washington County,
UF Big Osage Creek (Ark.)
Osage River (Benton County and Washington

County, Ark.)
BT RiversArkansas
Osage Dam (Mo.)
USE Bagnell Dam (Mo.)
Osage dance (May Subd Geog)
UF Dance, Osage
Osage IndiansDances [Former heading]
BT DanceMissouri River Valley
Osage Diminished Reservation (Kan.)
USE Osage Reserve (Kan.)
Osage Diminished Reserve (Kan.)
USE Osage Reserve (Kan.)
Osage Fork (Mo.)
BT RiversMissouri
Osage Fork Watershed (Mo.)
BT WatershedsMissouri
Osage Indian Reservation (Okla.)
USE Osage Reservation (Okla.)
Osage Indian Trust and Diminished Reserve Lands
USE Osage Reserve (Kan.)
Osage Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Wazhazhe Indians
BT Dhegiha Indians
Indians of North AmericaMissouri River

USE Osage dance
Land tenure (May Subd Geog)
UF Osage IndiansLand transfers [Former

Land transfers
USE Osage IndiansLand tenure
Missions (May Subd Geog)
USE Names, Osage
Osage Lands (Kan.)
USE Osage Reserve (Kan.)
Osage language (May Subd Geog)
BT Great PlainsLanguages
Siouan languages
USE Names, Osage
Osage mythology (May Subd Geog)
UF Mythology, Osage
Osage names
USE Names, Osage
Osage Nation Reservation (Okla.)
USE Osage Reservation (Okla.)

Osage orange (May Subd Geog)

Osage Reservation (Okla.)
UF Osage Indian Reservation (Okla.)
Osage Nation Reservation (Okla.)
BT Indian reservationsOklahoma
Osage Reserve (Kan.)
UF Great and Little Osage Indians Reservation

Osage Ceded Lands (Kan.)
Osage Diminished Reservation (Kan.)
Osage Diminished Reserve (Kan.)
Osage Indian Trust and Diminished Reserve

Lands (Kan.)
Osage Lands (Kan.)
Osage Trust Lands (Kan.)
BT Indian reservationsKansas
Osage River (Benton County and Washington County,
USE Osage Creek (Benton County and Washington

County, Ark.)
Osage River (Mo.)
BT RiversMissouri
Osage River Valley (Mo.)
UF Osage Valley (Mo.)
BT ValleysMissouri
Osage Trust Lands (Kan.)
USE Osage Reserve (Kan.)
Osage Valley (Mo.)
USE Osage River Valley (Mo.)
Osages River (Mont.-Mo.)
USE Missouri River
Osaka (Japan)
Siege, 1614
UF Osaka (Japan)Siege, 1614 [Former

BT JapanHistoryTokugawa period,

Pictorial works
Siege, 1615
UF Osaka (Japan)Siege, 1615 [Former

BT JapanHistoryTokugawa period,

Pictorial works
Meiji period, 1868-1912
Taisho period, 1912-1926
Bombardment, 1945
BT Bombing, AerialJapan
World War, 1939
Siege, 1614
USE Osaka (Japan)HistorySiege, 1614
Siege, 1615
USE Osaka (Japan)HistorySiege, 1615
Social conditions
Osaka Bay (Japan)
UF Izumi Nada (Japan)
Osaka-wan (Japan)
BT BaysJapan
Osaka Bay Route (Japan)
USE Osaka fudo kosoku wangansen (Japan)
Osaka Castle (Osaka, Japan)
USE Osakajo (Osaka, Japan)
Osaka fudo kosoku wangansen (Japan)
UF Hyogo kendo kosoku wangansen (Japan)
Kosoku wangansen (Japan)
Osaka Bay Route (Japan)
BT Express highwaysJapan
Osaka fuyu no jin zu (Screen painting)
BT Screen painting, Japanese
Osaka Incident, Japan, 1885
USE JapanHistoryOsaka Incident, 1885
Osaka Kaido (Japan)
USE Kishu Kaido (Japan)
Kyokaido (Japan)
Osaka Kikai Kosakujo sogi, Osaka, Japan, 1934
USE Osaka Kikai Kosakujo Strike, Osaka, Japan,

Osaka Kikai Kosakujo Strike, Osaka, Japan, 1934
UF Osaka Kikai Kosakujo sogi, Osaka, Japan,



BT Strikes and lockoutsMachinery

Osaka natsu no jin zu (Screen painting)
BT Screen painting, Japanese
Osaka-shi Chuo Kokaido (Osaka, Japan)
UF Nakanoshima Kokaido (Osaka, Japan)
BT Arts facilitiesJapan
Civic centersJapan
Osaka Tokio-Kaijyo Building (Osaka, Japan)
USE Osaka Tokyo Marin Puraza (Osaka, Japan)
Osaka Tokyo Marin Puraza (Osaka, Japan)
UF Osaka Tokio-Kaijyo Building (Osaka, Japan)
Tokio Marine Plaza (Osaka, Japan)
Tokio Marine Plaza Building (Osaka, Japan)
Tokyo Marine Building (Osaka, Japan)
BT Office buildingsJapan
Osaka-wan (Japan)
USE Osaka Bay (Japan)
Osakajo (Osaka, Japan)
UF Osaka Castle (Osaka, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
RT Osakajo Sannomaru Site (Osaka, Japan)
Osakajo Sannomaru Ato (Osaka, Japan)
USE Osakajo Sannomaru Site (Osaka, Japan)
Osakajo Sannomaru Site (Osaka, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Osakajo Sannomaru Ato (Osaka, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
RT Osakajo (Osaka, Japan)
Osaki Iseki (Tokyo, Japan)
USE Osaki Site (Tokyo, Japan)
Osaki Maeyama Iseki (Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki-ken,
USE Osaki Maeyama Site (Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki
ken, Japan)
Osaki Maeyama Site (Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki-ken,
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Osaki Maeyama Iseki (Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki

ken, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Osaki Site (Tokyo, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Osaki Iseki (Tokyo, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Osakis, Lake (Minn.)
UF Lake Osakis (Minn.)
BT LakesMinnesota
Osanyen language
USE Oko language
Osanyin language
USE Oko language
USE Eskers
Osasio, Palazzo (Turin, Italy)
USE Palazzo Lascaris (Turin, Italy)
Osat (Bosnia and Hercegovina : Region)
Osato Iseki (Nose-cho, Japan)
USE Osato Site (Nose-cho, Japan)
Osato Site (Nose-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Osato Iseki (Nose-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
USE Oswals
Osawatomie, Battle of, 1856
USE Osawatomie, Battle of, Osawatomie, Kan.,

Osawatomie, Battle of, Osawatomie, Kan., 1856
UF Osawatomie, Battle of, 1856 [Former heading]
BT KansasHistory1854-1861
Osayen language
USE Oko language
Osback family
USE Osbeck family
Osband family
USE Osman family
Osbeck family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Osback family
Ousback family
Osbeckia (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.M514 (Botany)]
BT Melastomataceae
Osborn family
USE Osborne family

Osborne, Porter, Jr. (Fictitious character)

(Not Subd Geog)
UF Porter Osborne, Jr. (Fictitious character)
Osborne, Thea (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Thea Osborne (Fictitious character)
Osborne 1 (Computer) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Portable computers
Programming (May Subd Geog)
Osborne computer (Not Subd Geog)
BT Electronic digital computers
Programming (May Subd Geog)
NT OSGLAS (Computer system)
Osborne family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Orsborn family
Orsborne family [Former heading]
Orsbourn family
Orsburn family
Osborn family [Former heading]
Osbourn family
Osbourne family
Osburn family [Former heading]
Osburne family
Osborne House (Victor, N.Y.)
UF D. H. Osborne House (Victor, N.Y.)
BT DwellingsNew York (State)
Osbourn family
USE Osborne family
Osbourne, Doc (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Doc Osbourne (Fictitious character)
Osbourne, Paul (Fictitious character)
Paul Osbourne (Fictitious character)
Osbourne, Paul (Fictitious character)
USE Osbourne, Doc (Fictitious character)
Osbourne family
USE Osborne family
Osbrook family
USE Ausbrooks family
Osbrooks family
USE Ausbrooks family
Osburn family
USE Osborne family
Osburne family
USE Osborne family
O'Scallan family
USE Scallan family
Oscan coins
USE Coins, Oscan
Oscan inscriptions
USE Inscriptions, Oscan
Oscan language (May Subd Geog)
UF Samnite language
BT Italic languages and dialects
Oscans (May Subd Geog)
UF Civilization, Oscan
BT EthnologyItaly
Italic peoples
RT Frentani (Italic people)
OSCAR (Artificial satellite)
UF Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio
BT Amateur radio stations
Artificial satellites in telecommunication
Radio relay systems
Oscar (Fighter plane)
USE Hayabusa (Fighter plane)
Oscar (Fish) (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.C55 (Zoology)]
[SF458.O83 (Aquarium fish)]
UF Astronotus ocellatus
Lobotes ocellatus
Marble cichlid
Marbled cichlid
Peacock cichlid
Peacock-eyed cichlid
Red oscar
Tiger oscar
Velvet cichlid
BT Astronotus
Oscar di bilancio
BT AccountingAwardsItaly
Oscar Garcia Rivera Post Office Building (New York,
UF Rivera Post Office Building (New York, N.Y.)
BT Post office buildingsNew York (State)

Oscar Scott Woody Post Office Building (Roxboro, N.C.)

UF Woody Post Office Building (Roxboro, N.C.)
BT Post office buildingsNorth Carolina
Oscar the Grouch (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
Oscar TV
USE Premio Regia Televisiva
Oscar Wenberg State Park (Wash.)
USE Wenberg State Park (Wash.)
Oscars (Motion pictures)
USE Academy Awards (Motion pictures)
Oscarsborg (Norway)
UF Oskarsborg (Norway)
BT FortificationNorway
Oscawana Lake (N.Y. : Lake)
BT LakesNew York (State)
Oscella (Medal)
USE Osella (Medal)
Osceola, Chief (Mascot)
USE Chief Osceola (Mascot)
Osceola Creek (Wis.)
UF Trout Brook (Polk County, Wis.)
BT RiversWisconsin
Osceola Creek Watershed (Wis.)
BT WatershedsWisconsin
Osceola National Forest (Fla.)
BT Forest reservesFlorida
National parks and reservesFlorida
Oschatzer Vogtshaus (Oschatz, Germany)
USE Vogtshaus (Oschatz, Germany)
USE Oscans
Oschrin family
USE Oshrin family
USE Oscans
Oscillating chemical reactions
UF Chemical oscillations
Chemical systems, Oscillations in
Oscillating reactions
Oscillations, Chemical
Oscillations (Chemical kinetics)
Oscillations in chemical reactions
Oscillations in chemical systems
Oscillatory reactions
Reactions, Oscillating
Reactions, Oscillations in chemical
Reactions, Oscillatory
BT Chemical reactions
Oscillating foil propulsion (Marine engineering)
USE Flipper propulsion (Marine engineering)
Oscillating positive-displacement pumps
(May Subd Geog)
UF Positive-displacement pumps, Oscillating
Pumps, Oscillating positive-displacement
BT Pumping machinery
Oscillating reactions
USE Oscillating chemical reactions
Oscillating wings (Aerodynamics)
UF Wings, Oscillating (Aerodynamics)
BT Aerofoils
RT AirplanesWings
BT Flutter (Aerodynamics)
Oscillation theory of difference equations
USE Difference equationsOscillation theory
Oscillation theory of differential equations
USE Differential equationsOscillation theory
Oscillation theory of functional differential equations
USE Functional differential equationsOscillation

[QA865-QA867.5 (Dynamics)]
BT Cycles
Fluctuations (Physics)
NT Arctic oscillation
Coupled mode theory
Damping (Mechanics)
Difference equationsOscillation theory
Differential equationsOscillation theory
Electric noise
Flutter (Aerodynamics)
Free earth oscillations
Frequencies of oscillating systems
Frequency response (Dynamics)
Functional differential equationsOscillation

Geomagnetic micropulsations
Madden-Julian oscillation
Mechanical impedance


Nonlinear oscillations
North Atlantic oscillation
Oscillating wings (Aerodynamics)
Plasma oscillations
Stellar oscillations
Transients (Dynamics)
Van der Pol oscillators (Physics)
Oscillations, Betatron
USE Betatron oscillations
Oscillations, Chemical
USE Oscillating chemical reactions
Oscillations (Chemical kinetics)
USE Oscillating chemical reactions
Oscillations in chemical reactions
USE Oscillating chemical reactions
Oscillations in chemical systems
USE Oscillating chemical reactions
Oscillations of the sun
USE Solar oscillations
Oscillator strengths
UF f-value
Ladenburg f-value
BT Atomic transition probabilities
Oscillatoria (May Subd Geog)
BT Oscillatoriaceae
NT Oscillatoria rubescens
Oscillatoria rubescens (May Subd Geog)
BT Oscillatoria
Oscillatoriaceae (May Subd Geog)
BT Nostocales
NT Lyngbya
USE Nostocales
Oscillators, Audio-frequency
UF Audio-frequency oscillators
Audio oscillators
BT Audio frequency
Oscillators, Electric
Oscillators, Blocking
USE Blocking oscillators
Oscillators, Crystal
UF Piezo-electric oscillators
Quartz oscillators
Quartz plate oscillators
Quartz resonators
BT Crystallography
Electron tubes
Frequency standards
Oscillators, Electric
Piezoelectric devices
NT Frequency synthesizers
Oscillators, Electric (May Subd Geog)
[TK6565.O7 (Radio)]
[TK7872.O7 (Electronics)]
UF Electric oscillators
BT Electric apparatus and appliances
Electric machinery
NT Avalanche diode oscillators
Blocking oscillators
Feedback oscillators
Noise generators (Electronics)
Nonlinear oscillators
Oscillators, Audio-frequency
Oscillators, Crystal
Oscillators, Microwave
Oscillators, Resistance-capacitance
Oscillators, Transistor
Oscillators, Vacuum-tube
Phase-locked loops
Pulse generators
Radio frequency oscillators
Relaxation oscillators
Signal generators
Transients (Electricity)
Tunnel diode oscillators
Voltage-controlled oscillators

Oscillators, Feedback
USE Feedback oscillators
Oscillators, Harmonic
USE Harmonic oscillators
Oscillators, Linear
USE Harmonic oscillators
Oscillators, Microwave
UF Gunn oscillators
Microwave oscillators
BT Microwave devices
Oscillators, Electric
NT Gunn effect
Oscillators, Nonlinear
USE Nonlinear oscillators
Oscillators, Optical parametric
USE Optical parametric oscillators
Oscillators, Parametric
USE Parametric oscillators
Oscillators, Relaxation
USE Relaxation oscillators
Oscillators, Resistance-capacitance
UF Resistance-capacitance oscillators
BT Electric capacity
Electric resistance
Oscillators, Electric
Oscillators, Simple
USE Harmonic oscillators
Oscillators, Sweep
UF Sweep oscillators
Time-base generators
BT Cathode ray tubes
Television scanning
Oscillators, Transistor
UF Transistor oscillators
BT Oscillators, Electric
Oscillators, Tunnel diode
USE Tunnel diode oscillators
Oscillators, Vacuum-tube
[TK6565.O7 (Radio)]
[TK7872.O (Electronics)]
UF Vacuum-tube oscillators
BT Oscillators, Electric
Oscillators, Van der Pol (Physics)
USE Van der Pol oscillators (Physics)
Oscillatory reactions
USE Oscillating chemical reactions
USE Oscillographs
Oscillograph recorders
USE Oscillographs
Oscillographic polarography (May Subd Geog)
UF Cathode-ray polarography
BT Polarography
Oscillographs (May Subd Geog)
UF Oscillograph [Former heading]
Oscillograph recorders
BT Electric measurementsInstruments
NT Cathode ray oscillographs
Light-beam oscillographs
BT Oscillations
USE Oscillographic polarography
Oscilloscopes (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on test instruments in
which the variations in an electrical quantity appear
temporarily as a visible waveform on the screen of a
cathode ray tube. Works on instruments that combine
an oscilloscope with a camera to produce a
permanent record of a waveform are entered under
Cathode ray oscillographs.

UF Cathode ray oscilloscope [Former heading]

Cathode ray oscilloscopes
BT Electric measurementsInstruments
Electronic instruments
NT Digital oscilloscopes
Sampling oscilloscopes
Oscinella (May Subd Geog)
BT Chloropidae
NT Frit fly
Oscinella frit
USE Frit fly
USE Songbirds

USE Chloropidae
Oscinis brassicae
USE Serpentine leafminer
Oscinis trifolii
USE Liriomyza trifolii
OSCINT (Open source intelligence)
USE Open source intelligence
USE Yawning
Oscos Region (Spain)
UF Comarca de Los Oscos (Spain)
Los Oscos Region (Spain)
BT ComarcasSpain
USE Pax (Osculatory)
USE Pax (Osculatory)
O'Scullin family
USE Scallan family
Oscuro, Rio (N.M.)
USE Rio Oscuro (N.M.)
Ose family (Not Subd Geog)
Ose Marsh (Japan)
USE Oze Marsh (Japan)
Ose-numa (Japan)
USE Oze Lake (Japan)
Oseberg Ship Burial (Norway)
BT NorwayAntiquities
Ship burialsNorway
Osehara (Japan)
USE Oze Marsh (Japan)
Osel Island (Estonia)
USE Saaremaa Island (Estonia)
Oseley family
USE Ousley family
Osella (Medal)
UF Oscella (Medal)
BT MedalsItaly
Oser family (Not Subd Geog)
Oser Reservoir (Ind.)
BT LakesIndiana
Oserhout family
USE Osterhout family
Oseti language
USE Ossetic language
Osetnica River (Poland)
USE Skrwa Lewa River (Poland)
Osette Lake (Wash.)
USE Ozette Lake (Wash.)
OSGLAS (Computer system)
UF General Ledger Accounting System for

Osborne Computers (Computer system)

BT AccountingData processing
Osborne computerProgramming
Osgodby Hall (England)
USE Osgoodby Hall (England)
Osgood family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ossgood family
Osgood Mountains (Nev.)
BT MountainsNevada
Osgoodby Hall (England)
UF Osgodby Hall (England)
BT DwellingsEngland
Osha (Plant)
USE Porter's licorice-root
O'Shaughnessy, Kiernan (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Kiernan O'Shaughnessy (Fictitious character)
O'Shaughnessy family (Not Subd Geog)
O'Shay family
USE Shea family
O'Shea, Torie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Torie O'Shea (Fictitious character)
O'Shea family
USE Shea family
Osheba (African people)
USE Makina (African people)
O'Shee family
USE Shea family
O'Sheehan family
USE Sheehan family
O'Shehane family
USE Sheehan family
Osher-Sethian level set methods
USE Level set methods
O'Shevelan family
USE Shovlin family
Oshibat Site (Pakistan)
BT PakistanAntiquities


Oshidonga (African people)

USE Ndonga (African people)
Oshieba (African people)
USE Makina (African people)
O'Shiel family
USE Shields family
Oshikojidono Ato (Kyoto, Japan)
USE Oshikojidono Site (Kyoto, Japan)
Oshikojidono Mansion Site (Kyoto, Japan)
USE Oshikojidono Site (Kyoto, Japan)
Oshikojidono Site (Kyoto, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oshikojidono Ato (Kyoto, Japan)

Oshikojidono Mansion Site (Kyoto, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Oshikuanjame (African people)
USE Kuanyama (African people)
Oshikwanyama language
USE Kuanyama language
Oshima (Yamaguchi-ken, Japan)
USE Yashiro Island (Japan)
Oshima-hanto (Japan)
USE Oshima Peninsula (Japan)
Oshima Islands (Japan)
USE Amami Islands (Japan)
Oshima-kaikyo (Japan)
USE Oshima Strait (Japan)
Oshima Peninsula (Japan)
UF Oshima-hanto (Japan)
Watari Shima (Japan)
BT PeninsulasJapan
NT Matsumae Peninsula (Japan)
Oshima Strait (Japan)
UF Oshima-kaikyo (Japan)
BT StraitsJapan
Oshindonga language
USE Ndonga language
Oshino Nishi Iseki (Kanazawa-shi, Japan)
USE Oshino Nishi Site (Kanazawa-shi, Japan)
Oshino Nishi Site (Kanazawa-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oshino Nishi Iseki (Kanazawa-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oshio Heihachiro no Ran, Japan, 1837
USE JapanHistoryOshio Heihachiro Rebellion,

UF Oshirabotoke
BT Gods, Shinto
USE Oshira-sama
Oshita Iseki (Akasaka-cho, Okayama-ken, Japan)
USE Oshita Site (Akasaka-cho, Okayama-ken,

Oshita Site (Akasaka-cho, Okayama-ken, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oshita Iseki (Akasaka-cho, Okayama-ken,

BT JapanAntiquities
Oshiwambo language
USE Ndonga language
Oshkosh Woodworkers' Strike of 1898
USE Woodworkers' Strike, Oshkosh, Wis., 1898
Oshosi (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ochosi (Yoruba deity)
BT Gods, Yoruba
Oshrin family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oschrin family
Oshrine family
Oshrine family
USE Oshrin family
Oshu (Japan)
USE Mutsu Region (Japan)
Oshu Dochu (Japan)
USE Oshu Kaido (Japan)
Oshu Kaido (Japan)
UF Oshu Dochu (Japan)
BT RoadsJapan
Oshu Saikaido (Japan)
USE Soma Kaido (Japan)
OSI (Computer network standard)
UF Open System Interconnect (Computer network

Open System Interconnection (Computer

network standard)
Open Systems Interconnect (Computer

network standard)

OSI (Computer network standard) (Continued)

Open Systems Interconnection (Computer

network standard)
Open Systems Interconnections (Computer

network standard)
BT Computer networksStandards
NT IS-IS (Computer network protocol)
X.500 directory standard (Telecommunication)
OSI directory (Telecommunication)
USE X.500 directory standard (Telecommunication)
Osi language
USE Ossetic language
Osidonga (African people)
USE Ndonga (African people)
USE Salix viminalis
Osier, Red
USE Cornus sericea
Osier dogwood, Red
USE Cornus sericea
Osier family (Not Subd Geog)
Osier weevil
USE Poplar and willow borer
Osiers (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.S16 (Botany)]
[SD397.O82 (Forestry)]
UF Basket willows
BT Willows
NT Basket making
Salix viminalis
Osikom (African people)
USE Boki (African people)
Osikom language
USE Bokyi language
Osikuanyame (African people)
USE Kuanyama (African people)
Osindonga language
USE Ndonga language
Osing (Indonesian people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Banyuwangi (Indonesian people)
Using (Indonesian people)
BT EthnologyIndonesia
Osing dialect (May Subd Geog)
UF Banjuwangi dialect
Banyuwangi dialect
Using dialect
BT IndonesiaLanguages
Javanese language
OSINT (Open source intelligence)
USE Open source intelligence
Osirak Nuclear Reactor Bombing, Iraq, 1981
UF Opera, Operation, 1981
Operation Opera, 1981
Osiraq Nuclear Reactor Bombing, Iraq, 1981
Tammuz 1 Nuclear Reactor Bombing, Iraq,

Tammuz I Nuclear Reactor Bombing, Iraq,

BT Arab-Israeli conflict1973-1993
Bombing, AerialIraq
Osiraq Nuclear Reactor Bombing, Iraq, 1981
USE Osirak Nuclear Reactor Bombing, Iraq, 1981
USE Osiris (Egyptian deity)
Osiris (Egyptian deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Osiris [Former heading]
BT Gods, Egyptian
OSIRIS (Electronic computer system)
Osiris mummies
USE Corn mummies
Osismi (Celtic people)
USE Osismii (Celtic people)
Osismii (Celtic people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Osismi (Celtic people)
BT CeltsFrance
Osito (Fictitious character)
USE Little Bear (Fictitious character : Minarik)
Oskar Kolberg Award
USE Nagroda imienia Oskara Kolberga
Oskar Rheinhardt (Fictitious character)
USE Rheinhardt, Oskar (Fictitious character)
Oskar von Miller Forum (Munich, Germany)
UF Miller Forum (Munich, Germany)
Von Miller Forum (Munich, Germany)
BT Multipurpose buildingsGermany
Oskari (Fictitious character : Lindgren)
USE Sam (Fictitious character : Lindgren)

Oskarsborg (Norway)
USE Oscarsborg (Norway)
Oskarshamn Nuclear Power Plant (Sweden)
USE Oskarshamnsverket (Sweden)
Oskarshamns karnkraftverk (Sweden)
USE Oskarshamnsverket (Sweden)
Oskarshamnsverket (Sweden)
UF Nuclear Power Station Oskarshamn (Sweden)
Oskarshamn Nuclear Power Plant (Sweden)
Oskarshamns karnkraftverk (Sweden)
BT Nuclear power plantsSweden
Oskian family (Not Subd Geog)
OSL dating
USE Optically stimulated luminescence dating
Oslava River (Czech Republic)
BT RiversCzech Republic
Oslava River Valley (Czech Republic)
UF Oslava Valley (Czech Republic)
BT ValleysCzech Republic
Oslava Valley (Czech Republic)
USE Oslava River Valley (Czech Republic)
Osler-Vaquez disease
USE Polycythemia vera
Oslerhout family
USE Osterhout family
Oslo City Hall (Oslo, Norway)
USE Radhuset i Oslo (Oslo, Norway)
Oslo Fjord (Norway)
USE Oslofjorden (Norway)
Oslo Nye Centralteatret (Oslo Nye Teater, Oslo,
RT Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo, Norway)
BT TheatersNorway
Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo, Norway)
BT TheatersNorway
Oslo Opera House (Oslo, Norway)
USE Operahuset (Oslo, Norway)
Oslo Paleorift (Norway)
USE Oslo Rift (Norway)
Oslo radhus (Oslo, Norway)
USE Radhuset i Oslo (Oslo, Norway)
Oslo Rift (Norway)
UF Oslo Paleorift (Norway)
BT Rifts (Geology)Norway
Oslofjord (Norway)
USE Oslofjorden (Norway)
Oslofjorden (Norway)
UF Christiania Sound (Norway)
Oslo Fjord (Norway)
Oslofjord (Norway)
BT BaysNorway
NT Dramsfjorden (Norway)
Oslofjorden, Battle of, 1940
USE Oslofjorden, Battle of, Norway, 1940
Oslofjorden, Battle of, Norway, 1940
UF Oslofjorden, Battle of, 1940 [Former heading]
BT World War, 1939-1945CampaignsNorway
Oslofjorden Watershed (Norway)
BT WatershedsNorway
Osma (Group of artists)
UF Eight (Group of Czech artists)
RT Art, Czech
Osmajlic family (Not Subd Geog)
Osman family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Osband family
Osmon family
Osmun family
RT Osmond family
Osmanic language
USE Turkish language
Osmanli language
USE Turkish language
Osmant family
USE Osmond family
Osment family
USE Osmond family
USE Smelts
Osmeriformes (May Subd Geog)
[QL637.9.O76 (Zoology)]
BT Osteichthyes
NT Alepocephalidae


Osmerus (May Subd Geog)

[QL638.O84 (Zoology)]
BT Smelts
NT European smelt
Rainbow smelt
Osmerus albatrossis
USE Thaleichthys pacificus
Osmerus dentex
USE Rainbow smelt
Osmerus eperlanus
USE European smelt
Osmerus mordax
USE Rainbow smelt
Osmia (May Subd Geog)
BT Megachilidae
NT Osmia lignaria
Osmia lignaria (May Subd Geog)
[QL568.M4 (Zoology)]
BT Mason bees
NT Orchard mason bee
Osmia lignaria propinqua
USE Orchard mason bee
Osmic acid
USE Osmium tetroxide
Osmic acid anhydride
USE Osmium tetroxide
Osminia (May Subd Geog)
BT Clearwing moths
Osmint family
USE Osmond family
Osmium (May Subd Geog)
[QD181.O7 (General and inorganic chemistry)]
[QD412.O7 (Organometallic chemistry)]
[QD464.O7 (Atomic and molecular weights)]
[QE516.O7 (Geochemistry)]
[TP245.O7 (Chemical technology)]
BT Platinum group
Isotopes (May Subd Geog)
Osmium compounds (May Subd Geog)
[QD181.O7 (General and inorganic chemistry)]
[QD412.O7 (Organometallic chemistry)]
[TP245.O7 (Chemical engineering)]
BT Transition metal compounds
NT Organoosmium compounds
Osmium dioxide
Osmium tetroxide
Osmium dioxide (May Subd Geog)
BT Osmium compounds
Transition metal oxides
Osmium organic compounds
USE Organoosmium compounds
Osmium oxide
USE Osmium tetroxide
Osmium tetraoxide
USE Osmium tetroxide
Osmium tetroxide (May Subd Geog)
UF Milas' reagent
Osmic acid
Osmic acid anhydride
Osmium oxide
Osmium tetraoxide
BT Osmium compounds
Transition metal oxides
USE Mannitol
Osmole receptors
USE Osmoreceptors
Osmon family
USE Osman family
Osmond family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Osmant family
Osment family
Osmint family
Osmund family
Osmunt family
RT Osman family
Osmond-Hoffer diagnostic test
USE Hoffer-Osmond diagnostic test
Osmophores, Plant
USE Plant osmophors
Osmophors, Plant
USE Plant osmophors

Osmore River (Peru)

UF Rio de Osmore (Peru)
BT RiversPeru
Osmore River Valley (Peru)
UF Osmore Valley (Peru)
BT ValleysPeru
Osmore Valley (Peru)
USE Osmore River Valley (Peru)
Osmoreceptors (May Subd Geog)
UF Osmole receptors
BT Neural receptors
UF Osmotic regulation
Water balance (Physiology)
BT Osmosis
Salt in the body
RT Water-electrolyte balance (Physiology)
BT Water in the body
NT Chloride cells
Physiologic salines
Salt gland
Osmorhiza (May Subd Geog)
UF Washingtonia (Umbelliferae)
BT Umbelliferae
[QD543 (Chemistry)]
[QH615 (Cytology)]
BT Fluids
Separation (Technology)
RT Absorption (Physiology)
Solution (Chemistry)
NT Biological transport
PlantsOsmotic potential
Reverse osmosis
Root pressure
Osmotic potential of plants
USE PlantsOsmotic potential
Osmotic regulation
USE Osmoregulation
Osmoxylon (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.A6853 (Botany)]
BT Araliaceae
NT Osmoxylon mariannense
Osmoxylon mariannense (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.A6853 (Botany)]
BT Osmoxylon
Osmun family
USE Osman family
Osmund family
USE Osmond family
Osmunda multifida
USE Botrychium multifidum
Osmunda phyllitidis
USE Anemia phyllitidis
Osmundaceae (May Subd Geog)
[QK524.O8 (Botany)]
UF Royal fern family (Plants)
BT Polypodiales
USE Botrychium
Osmundsen family
USE Osmundson family
Osmundson family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Osmundsen family
Osmunt family
USE Osmond family
Osmylidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Neuroptera
Osnabaugh (French Polynesia)
USE Mururoa Atoll (French Polynesia)
Osnabrucker Land (Germany)
Osnabrucker Rathaus (Osnabruck, Germany)
USE Rathaus Osnabruck (Osnabruck, Germany)
Osnabrucker Schloss (Osnabruck, Germany)
USE Konigliches Schloss (Osnabruck, Germany)
Osnaburg (French Polynesia)
USE Mururoa Atoll (French Polynesia)
Osning (Germany)
USE Teutoburg Forest (Germany)

OSO (Orbiting solar observatories)

USE Orbiting solar observatories
Oso Bay (Tex.)
BT BaysTexas
Oso Creek (Nueces County, Tex.)
UF La Purisima Concepcion (Nueces County,

Purisima Concepcion (Nueces County, Tex.)
BT RiversTexas
Oso Creek Watershed (Nueces County, Tex.)
BT WatershedsTexas
OSOB (Classification system)
USE Osterreichische Systematik fur Offentliche

Osobniak I.A. Mindovskogo (Moscow, Russia)
UF I.A. Mindovsky's Mansion (Moscow, Russia)
Osobniak Mindovskogo (Moscow, Russia)
BT DwellingsRussia (Federation)
Embassy buildingsRussia (Federation)
Osobniak kniazia Kochubeia (Saint Petersburg,
UF House with Moors (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Kotchubey House (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Kotchubey Mansion (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Osobniak Kochubeia (Saint Petersburg,

Prince Kotchubey Mansion (Saint Petersburg,

BT DwellingsRussia (Federation)
Osobniak Kochubeia (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
USE Osobniak kniazia Kochubeia (Saint

Petersburg, Russia)
Osobniak Mindovskogo (Moscow, Russia)
USE Osobniak I.A. Mindovskogo (Moscow,

Osobniak "Moskovskogo Morgana" (Moscow, Russia)
USE Spaso House (Moscow, Russia)
Osobniak Rumiantseva (Saint Petersburg,
UF 44 English Embankment (Saint Petersburg,

Dom no. 44 na Angliiskoi naberezhnoi (Saint

Petersburg, Russia)
Mansion of Rumiantsev (Saint Petersburg,

Rumiantsev Mansion (Saint Petersburg,

Rumiantsevskii osobniak (Saint

Petersburg, Russia)
Rumyantsev House (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Rumyantsev Mansion (Saint Petersburg,

BT DwellingsRussia (Federation)
Osobniak Vargunina (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
UF Vargunin Mansion (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
BT DwellingsRussia (Federation)
Osobniak Veinerov (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
UF Dom P.P. Veinera (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
BT DwellingsRussia (Federation)
Osona family (Not Subd Geog)
Osona Region (Spain)
UF Comarca de Osona (Spain)
BT ComarcasSpain
Osooyos Lake (B.C. and Wash.)
USE Osoyoos Lake (B.C. and Wash.)
Osore Mountains (Japan)
UF Osore-yama (Japan)
Osore-zan (Japan)
Usori Mountains (Japan)
Usori-yama (Japan)
BT MountainsJapan
Osore-yama (Japan)
USE Osore Mountains (Japan)
Osore-zan (Japan)
USE Osore Mountains (Japan)
Osorgin family (Not Subd Geog)
Osorio family (Not Subd Geog)
Osoyoos Lake (B.C. and Wash.)
UF Forks Lake (B.C. and Wash.)
Osooyos Lake (B.C. and Wash.)
Osoyos Lake (B.C. and Wash.)
Soyoos Lake (B.C. and Wash.)
BT LakesBritish Columbia
LakesWashington (State)
Osoyos Lake (B.C. and Wash.)
USE Osoyoos Lake (B.C. and Wash.)
Ospedale degli incurabili (Venice, Italy)
USE Complesso degli incurabili (Venice, Italy)
Ospedale di San Paolo (Florence, Italy)
UF San Paolo Hospital (Florence, Italy)
BT BuildingsItaly


OSPF (Computer network protocol)

USE Open Shortest Path First (Computer network

USE Macropus
Osphranter erubescens
USE Common wallaroo
Osphranter isabellinus
USE Common wallaroo
Osphranter robustus
USE Common wallaroo
Osphronemus goramy
USE Gourami
Ospitale River (Italy)
UF Rio Ospitale (Italy)
BT RiversItaly
Ospitale River Valley (Italy)
UF Lamola Valley (Italy)
Ospitale Valley (Italy)
Val di Lamola (Italy)
Valle di Ospitale (Italy)
BT ValleysItaly
Ospitale Valley (Italy)
USE Ospitale River Valley (Italy)
Osprey (May Subd Geog)
UF Fish hawk
Ospreys [Former heading]
Pandion haliaetus
BT Pandion
Osprey (Transport plane)
USE V-22 Osprey (Transport plane)
Osprey Marsh Site (S.C.)
BT South CarolinaAntiquities
USE Osprey
Ospriocerus (May Subd Geog)
BT Robber flies
OSPub (Electronic computer system)
UF Operating System Pub (Electronic computer

Oss family
USE Van Oss family
Ossa carpalia
USE Carpal bones
Ossa carpi
USE Carpal bones
Ossa faciei
USE Facial bones
Ossa motorcycle (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motorcycles
Ossa Mountains (Greece)
UF Kissavos Mountains (Greece)
Ossa Oros (Greece)
BT MountainsGreece
Ossa Oros (Greece)
USE Ossa Mountains (Greece)
Ossa sesamoidea
USE Sesamoid bones
Ossabaw Island (Ga.)
UF Asopo Island (Ga.)
Ausabaw Island (Ga.)
Hussaba Island (Ga.)
Hussapar Island (Ga.)
Montgomery Island (Ga.)
Obispa Island (Ga.)
Ogeche Island (Ga.)
Ossebah Island (Ga.)
Ussuybaw Island (Ga.)
BT IslandsGeorgia
Ossabaw Sound (Ga.)
BT Sounds (Geomorphology)Georgia
Ossaia Site (Italy)
BT ItalyAntiquities
Ossau Valley (France)
UF Vallee d'Ossau (France)
BT ValleysFrance
Ossebah Island (Ga.)
USE Ossabaw Island (Ga.)
Osseointegrated dental implants (May Subd Geog)
UF Osseointegrated dentures
Osteointegrated dental implants
Osteointegrated dentures
BT Endosseous dental implants
Tissue-integrated prostheses
Osseointegrated dentures
USE Osseointegrated dental implants

Osseointegration (May Subd Geog)

UF Osteointegration
BT Guided bone regeneration
RT Bone substitutes
Tissue-integrated prostheses
Osseous cells
USE Bone cells
Osseous manifestations of general diseases
USE Osteal manifestations of general diseases
Osseous metastasis
USE Bone metastasis
Osses, Theatre des (Givisiez, Switzerland)
USE Theatre des Osses (Givisiez, Switzerland)
Ossete language
USE Ossetic language
Ossetes (May Subd Geog)
UF Ossetians
BT EthnologyCaucasus
NT Alani
Ossetian language
USE Ossetic language
Ossetian Military Road (Georgia and Russia)
USE Voenno-Osetinskaia doroga (Georgia and

USE Ossetes
Ossetic art
USE Art, Ossetic
Ossetic arts
USE Arts, Ossetic
Ossetic authors
USE Authors, Ossetic
Ossetic drama (May Subd Geog)
BT Ossetic literature
Ossetic epic literature
USE Epic literature, Ossetic
Ossetic fiction (May Subd Geog)
BT Ossetic literature
NT Historical fiction, Ossetic
Ossetic folk literature
USE Folk literature, Ossetic
Ossetic folk poetry
USE Folk poetry, Ossetic
Ossetic folk songs
USE Folk songs, Ossetic
Ossetic historical fiction
USE Historical fiction, Ossetic
Ossetic imprints (May Subd Geog)
Ossetic inscriptions
USE Inscriptions, Ossetic
Ossetic language (May Subd Geog)
UF Asi language
Oseti language
Osi language
Ossete language
Ossetian language
Usati language
BT Iranian languages
Ossetic literature (May Subd Geog)
BT Soviet literature
NT Epic literature, Ossetic
Folk literature, Ossetic
Ossetic drama
Ossetic fiction
Ossetic poetry
Ossetic prose literature
Ossetic mythology
USE Mythology, Ossetic
Ossetic philology
Ossetic poetry (May Subd Geog)
BT Ossetic literature
NT Folk poetry, Ossetic
Ossetic poets
USE Poets, Ossetic
Ossetic prose literature (May Subd Geog)
BT Ossetic literature
Ossetic proverbs
USE Proverbs, Ossetic
Ossetic riddles
USE Riddles, Ossetic
Ossetic songs
USE Songs, Ossetic
USE Ossetes
Ossgood family
USE Osgood family

Ossicles (Ear)
USE Ear ossicles
Ossicula mentalia
USE Carl-von-Ossietzky-Medaille
Ossietzky Medal
USE Carl-von-Ossietzky-Medaille
USE Carl-von-Ossietzky-Preis
Ossietzky Prize
USE Carl-von-Ossietzky-Preis
BT Bones
NT Endochondral ossification
Metaplastic ossification
Posterior longitudinal ligamentOssification
Ossipa River (N.H. and Me.)
USE Ossipee River (N.H. and Me.)
Ossipe language
USE Ofo language
Ossipee Lake (N.H.)
BT LakesNew Hampshire
Ossipee Lake Watershed (N.H.)
BT WatershedsNew Hampshire
Ossipee River (Me.)
USE Little Ossipee River (Me.)
Ossipee River (N.H. and Me.)
UF Great Ossapy River (N.H. and Me.)
Koos-sipe River (N.H. and Me.)
Ossipa River (N.H. and Me.)
BT RiversMaine
RiversNew Hampshire
Ossipee River Valley (N.H. and Me.)
USE Ossipee Valley (N.H. and Me.)
Ossipee Valley (N.H. and Me.)
UF Ossipee River Valley (N.H. and Me.)
BT ValleysMaine
ValleysNew Hampshire
Osso, Parque Natural Morro do (Porto Alegre, Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil)
USE Parque Natural Morro do Osso (Porto Alegre,

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Ossola Valley (Italy)
UF Val d'Ossola (Italy)
BT ValleysItaly
Ossolinski family (Not Subd Geog)
Ossuaries (May Subd Geog)
UF Burial chests
Chests, Burial
BT Funeral rites and ceremonies
NT James Ossuary
NT Moatfield Site (Toronto, Ont.)
Ossyeba (African people)
USE Makina (African people)
Ost-West-Strasse (Hamburg, Germany)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsGermany
USE Cypriniformes
USE Catfishes
Ostasului Necunoscut, Mormantul (Bucharest,
USE Mormantul Ostasului Necunoscut (Bucharest,

Ostbahnhof (Berlin, Germany)
UF Berlin Ostbahnhof (Berlin, Germany)
Hauptbahnhof (Berlin, Germany) [Former

Schlesische Bahnhof (Berlin, Germany)
BT Railroad stationsGermany
Ostdeutscher Literaturpreis
USE Andreas-Gryphius-Preis
Ostdiek family (Not Subd Geog)
Oste (Germany)
BT RiversGermany
Osteal manifestations of general diseases
(May Subd Geog)
UF Bone manifestations of general diseases
Osseous manifestations of general diseases
Osteological manifestations of general

BT BonesDiseases
Osteichthyes (May Subd Geog)
[QL637.9-QL638 (Zoology)]
UF Bony fishes


Malacopterygii [Former heading]

BT Fishes
NT Acipenseriformes
Relict bony fishes
NT Yolk extension
Osteichthyes, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
UF Chondrostei, Fossil [Former heading]
Teleostei, Fossil [Former heading]
BT Fishes, Fossil
NT Acipenseriformes, Fossil
Amiiformes, Fossil
Beryciformes, Fossil
Catfishes, Fossil
Clupeiformes, Fossil
Coelacanthiformes, Fossil
Crossopterygii, Fossil
Cypriniformes, Fossil
Eels, Fossil
Elopiformes, Fossil
Flatfishes, Fossil
Gadiformes, Fossil
Gasterosteiformes, Fossil
Gonorhynchiformes, Fossil
Lungfishes, Fossil
Osteoglossiformes, Fossil
Perciformes, Fossil
Salmoniformes, Fossil
Semionotiformes, Fossil
Tetraodontiformes, Fossil
Osteitis (May Subd Geog)
UF BonesInflammation
BT BonesDiseases
NT Osteitis deformans
Osteitis fibrosa

Osteitis deformans (May Subd Geog)

UF Paget's disease of bone
BT BonesDiseases
Osteitis fibrosa (May Subd Geog)
BT BonesDiseases
Parathyroid glands
Osten family
UF Von der Osten family
Ostend (Belgium)
Siege, 1601-1604
BT SiegesBelgium
NetherlandsHistoryEighty Years'

War, 1568-1648Campaigns
Ostenoselache (May Subd Geog)
BT Ostenoselachidae
NT Ostenoselache stenosoma
Ostenoselache stenosoma (May Subd Geog)
BT Ostenoselache
Ostenoselachidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Chondrichthyes, Fossil
NT Ostenoselache
Osteoarthritis (May Subd Geog)
[RA645.O74 (Public health)]
[RC931.O67 (Internal medicine)]
UF Degenerative arthritis
Degenerative joint disease
Joint disease, Degenerative
OA (Disease)
Old age arthritis
Wear and tear arthritis
BT Arthritis
NT Spinal osteophytosis
USE Osteoarthritis
Osteoblast metabolism
USE OsteoblastsMetabolism
BT Bone cells
UF Osteoblast metabolism
BT Cell metabolism
Osteocephalus (May Subd Geog)
BT Hylidae
USE Osteochondrosis
Osteochondritis deformans juvenilis
USE Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
Osteochondroma (May Subd Geog)
BT BonesTumors
Osteochondrosis (May Subd Geog)
UF Epiphyseal ischemic necrosis
BT BonesNecrosis
NT Blount's disease
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
Scheuermann's disease
Osteochondrosis deformans tibiae
USE Blount's disease
Osteoclasis (May Subd Geog)
BT BonesSurgery
Orthopedic surgery
Osteoclast inhibition
UF Inhibition of osteoclasts
UF Bone-resorbing cells
BT Bone cells
USE Osteoclast inhibition
BT Ultrastructure (Biology)
BT Bone cells
BT Ultrastructure (Biology)
Osteodystrophy, Albright's hereditary
USE Pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism

USE BonesGrowth
Osteogenesis imperfecta (May Subd Geog)
[RC931.O68 (Internal medicine)]
[RD684 (Surgery)]
[RJ482.O82 (Pediatrics)]
UF Brittle bones
Fragilitas ossium
Lobstein's disease
Osteogenesis imperfecta congenita
Osteogenesis imperfecta tarda
Osteopsathyrosis [Former heading]
BT BonesDiseases
Collagen diseases
Muscle hypotonia
NT Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Fractures, Spontaneous
Osteogenesis imperfecta congenita
USE Osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteogenesis imperfecta tarda
USE Osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteogenic sarcoma
USE Osteosarcoma
Osteoglossidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Osteoglossiformes
NT Arapaima
Osteoglossiformes (May Subd Geog)
BT Osteichthyes
NT Hiodontidae
Osteoglossiformes, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Osteichthyes, Fossil
Osteoglossum (May Subd Geog)
BT Osteoglossidae
NT Osteoglossum ferreirai
Osteoglossum ferreirai (May Subd Geog)
UF Arawana, Black
Arowana, Black
Aruana, Black (Fish)
Black arawana
Black arowana
Black aruana (Fish)
BT Osteoglossum
Osteoid sarcoma
USE Osteosarcoma
Osteointegrated dental implants
USE Osseointegrated dental implants
Osteointegrated dentures
USE Osseointegrated dental implants
USE Osseointegration
USE Osteolepididae
Osteolepididae (May Subd Geog)
UF Osteolepidae
BT Crossopterygii, Fossil
NT Gogonasus
Osteological manifestations of general diseases
USE Osteal manifestations of general diseases
USE Bones
Osteology, Forensic
USE Forensic osteology
USE Bone resorption
Osteolytic sarcoma
USE Osteosarcoma
Osteomalacia (May Subd Geog)
BT BonesDiseases
Vitamin D deficiency
USE Fortune-telling by bones
Osteomeles (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.R78 (Botany)]
BT Rosaceae
Osteomeles anthyllidifolia (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.R78 (Botany)]
UF Pyrus anthyllidifolia
BT Rosaceae


Osteomyelitis (May Subd Geog)

BT BonesDiseases
USE BonesNecrosis
Osteopathic gynecology (May Subd Geog)
UF Gynecology, Osteopathic [Former heading]
BT Gynecology
Osteopathic medicine
Osteopathic hospitals (May Subd Geog)
BT Specialty hospitals
Osteopathic medicine (May Subd Geog)
UF Osteopathy [Former heading]
BT Medicine
NT Osteopathic gynecology
Osteopathic orthopedics
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
UF Osteopathic physiciansLegal status,

laws, etc.
BT Medical laws and legislation
Scholarships, fellowships, etc. (May Subd Geog)
Study and teaching (May Subd Geog)
Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog)
UF Osteopathy as a profession [Former

Osteopathic orthopedics (May Subd Geog)
BT Orthopedics
Osteopathic medicine
Osteopathic physicians (May Subd Geog)
UF Doctors of osteopathy
DOs (Osteopathic medicine)
Osteopaths [Former heading]
BT Physicians
Legal status, laws, etc.
USE Osteopathic medicineLaw and

Supply and demand (May Subd Geog)
Osteopathic schools (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical colleges
Osteopathic students (May Subd Geog)
BT Health occupations students
USE Osteopathic physicians
USE Osteopathic physicians
USE Osteopathic medicine
Osteopathy, Cranial
USE Craniosacral therapy
Osteopathy as a profession
USE Osteopathic medicineVocational guidance
Osteopenia (May Subd Geog)
BT BonesDiseases
Osteopetrosis (May Subd Geog)
UF Albers-Schoenberg disease
Osteosclerosis fragilis
BT BonesDiseases
USE Osteoclasts
USE West Indian treefrogs
Osteopilus septentrionalis
USE Cuban treefrog
USE Bone-grafting
BT Cell adhesion molecules
Second messengers (Biochemistry)
Osteoporosis (May Subd Geog)
BT BonesDiseases
Vitamin D deficiency
NT Osteogenesis imperfecta
Sudeck's atrophy
Osteoporosis drug industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Pharmaceutical industry

Osteoporosis drugs (May Subd Geog)

BT Drugs
NT Strontium ranelate
Osteoporosis in children (May Subd Geog)
BT Bone diseases in children
Osteoporosis in women (May Subd Geog)
UF Postmenopausal osteoporosis
BT WomenDiseases
USE Osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteopygis (May Subd Geog)
BT Toxochelyidae
Osteosarcoma (May Subd Geog)
UF Bone sarcoma
Osteogenic sarcoma
Osteoid sarcoma
Osteolytic sarcoma
BT BonesCancer
NT Ewing's sarcoma
Osteosarcoma in children (May Subd Geog)
BT Cancer in children
Osteosclerosis (May Subd Geog)
BT BonesDiseases
NT Hyperostosis corticalis generalisata
Osteosclerosis fragilis
USE Osteopetrosis
Osteostraci (May Subd Geog)
UF Cephalaspida
BT Agnatha, Fossil
USE Internal fixation in fractures
Osteosynthesis, Intramedullary
USE Intramedullary fracture fixation
Osteotomy (May Subd Geog)
BT BonesSurgery
Orthopedic surgery
Oster family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Easter family
ster Street (Kolding, Denmark)
USE stergade (Kolding, Denmark)
ster Valley (Norway)
USE sterdalen (Norway)
Osterbery family
USE Austerberry family
Osterbotten (Finland)
USE Pohjanmaa (Finland)
sterdalen (Norway)
UF ster Valley (Norway)
BT ValleysNorway
stergaard family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ostergard family
stergade (Kolding, Denmark)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF ster Street (Kolding, Denmark)

BT StreetsDenmark
Ostergard family
USE stergaard family
stergard Site (Denmark)
BT DenmarkAntiquities
Osterhant family
USE Osterhout family
Osterhaus family (Not Subd Geog)
Osterhont family
USE Osterhout family
Osterhoudt family
USE Osterhout family
Osterhout family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oosterhout family
Oserhout family
Oslerhout family
Osterhant family
Osterhont family
Osterhoudt family
Osterlen (Sweden)
Osterley Park and House (Hounslow, London, England)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic



Osterley Park House (Hounslow, London,

England) [Former heading]

Osterley Park House (Hounslow, London, England)

USE Osterley Park and House (Hounslow, London,

Osterling family
USE Easterling family
Osterman family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ostermann family
Ostermann family
USE Osterman family
Ostern (The German word)
BT German languageEtymology
Ostero (Faroe Islands)
USE Eysturoy (Faroe Islands)
Osterreichische Gebardensprache
USE Austrian Sign Language
Osterreichische Mathematik-Olympiade
BT MathematicsCompetitionsAustria
Osterreichische Systematik fur Offentliche Bibliotheken
(Not Subd Geog)
UF OSOB (Classification system)
BT ClassificationBooks
Osterreichischer Bauherrenpreis
USE Bauherrenpreis der Zentralvereinigung der

Architektinnen und Architekten Osterreichs

Ostersunds Posthus (Ostersund, Sweden)
BT Post office buildingsSweden
Osteryoung family (Not Subd Geog)
Ostfalen (Germany)
USE Eastphalia (Germany)
Ostfriesische Inseln (Germany)
USE East Frisian Islands (Germany)
stgardstren family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Ostrogoths
Ostia (Ancient city)
USE Ostia (Extinct city)
Ostia (Extinct city)
UF Ostia (Ancient city) [Former heading]
BT Extinct citiesItaly
Ostiak language
USE Khanty language
Ostiak poetry
USE Khanty poetry
Ostiak Samoyeds
USE Selkups
USE Khanty
Ostiaks of the Yenisei
USE Kets
Ostiense, Via (Italy)
USE Via Ostiense (Italy)
Ostiensis, Via (Italy)
USE Via Ostiense (Italy)
Ostiguy family (Not Subd Geog)
Ostinato (May Subd Geog)
BT Repetition in music
NT Ground bass
Ostinato (Ground bass)
USE Ground bass
Ostindiska huset (Goteborg, Sweden)
BT BuildingsSweden
USE Echinogammarus
USE Haematoloechus
Ostiolum formosum
USE Haematoloechus medioplexus
USE Osteitis
Ostium cardiacum
USE Cardia
stland (Norway)
USE stlandet (Norway)
stlandet (Norway)
UF Austlandet (Norway)
stland (Norway)
Ostler family (Not Subd Geog)
Ostliche Mulde River (Germany)
USE Freiberger Mulde River (Germany)
stmarka naturreservat (Norway)
BT Natural areasNorway
stmoe family (Not Subd Geog)
Ostokpoga, Lake (Fla.)
USE Istokpoga, Lake (Fla.)
Ostomates (May Subd Geog)
UF Ostomy patients
BT Enterostomy
People with disabilities


Sex counseling (May Subd Geog)

BT Sex counseling
USE Trogositidae
USE Trogositidae
Ostomy, Intestinal
USE Enterostomy
Ostomy, Renal
USE Nephrostomy
Ostomy patients
USE Ostomates
Ostorhinchus rubrimacula
USE Apogon rubrimacula
Ostpreussen (Poland and Russia)
USE Prussia, East (Poland and Russia)
Ostpreussen cattle
USE East Prussian cattle
Ostpreussisch Hollander cattle
USE East Prussian cattle
Ostra Brama (Vilnius, Lithuania)
USE Ausros Vartai (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Ostra Peninsula (Croatia)
UF Ostri Rt (Croatia)
Poluotok Ostra (Croatia)
Rt Ostra (Croatia)
BT PeninsulasCroatia
USE Ostraka
USE Boxfishes
USE Boxfishes
Ostracism (Exile)
USE Exile (Punishment)
Ostracoda (May Subd Geog)
UF Mussel shrimps
Seed shrimps
BT Crustacea
NT Brackish water Ostracoda
Ostracoda, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Crustacea, Fossil
NT Archaeocopida
Cytheridae, Fossil
Halocyprida, Fossil
Myodocopida, Fossil
Podocopida, Fossil
Geographical distribution
USE Ostracoda
USE Ostracoda
Ostraka (May Subd Geog)
[PA3371 (Greek)]
[PJ1675-PJ2194 (Coptic)]
UF Ostraca
Potsherds (Ostraka)
BT Paleography
Writing materials and instruments
Ostram family
USE Ostrom family
Ostrand family
USE Ostrander family
Ostrande family
USE Ostrander family
Ostranden family
USE Ostrander family
Ostrander family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oosteranden family
Oostrande family
Oostrander family
Ostrand family
Ostrande family
Ostranden family
Ostranter family
Van Oosterande family
Van Oostrad family
Van Oostranden family
Van Oostrander family

Van Oostrant family

Van Ostrand family
Van Ostrander family
RT Van Nostrand family
Ostranter family
USE Ostrander family
Ostrava (Czech Republic)
Bombardment, 1944
BT Bombing, AerialCzech Republic
World War, 1939
1945CampaignsCzech Republic
Ostre Shelf-Is (Antarctica)
USE Ekstrom Ice Shelf (Antarctica)
Ostrea (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.7.O9 (Zoology)]
[SH371.3.O77 (Culture)]
BT Oysters
NT European oyster
Ostrea angasi
Ostrea chilensis
Ostrea rivularis
Ostrea angasi (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.7.O9 (Zoology)]
UF Angasi oyster
Flat oyster
Mud oyster, Southern
Native flat oyster
Southern mud oyster
BT Ostrea
Ostrea chilensis (May Subd Geog)
BT Ostrea
Ostrea cinnabarina
USE Iceland scallop
Ostrea commercialis
USE Sydney rock oyster
Ostrea conchaphila
USE Olympia oyster
Ostrea edulis
USE European oyster
Ostrea gigantea
USE Pacific oyster
Ostrea glomerata
USE Sydney rock oyster
Ostrea japonica
USE Saucer scallop
Ostrea lurida
USE Olympia oyster
Ostrea rivularis (May Subd Geog)
BT Ostrea
Ostrea virginica
USE American oyster
USE Oysters
Ostreoida (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.6 (Zoology)]
BT Bivalves
NT Dimyidae
Ostreoida, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Bivalves, Fossil
NT Gryphaeidae, Fossil
Scallops, Fossil
Ostreola (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.7.O9 (Zoology)]
BT Oysters
NT Olympia oyster
Ostreola conchaphila
USE Olympia oyster
Ostreola expansa
USE Olympia oyster
Ostreola laticaudata
USE Olympia oyster
Ostreola lurida
USE Olympia oyster
Ostreola rufoides
USE Olympia oyster
Ostrer family (Not Subd Geog)
Ostrevant (France)
BT PlainsFrance
Ostrevent Region (France)
UF L'Ostrevent (France)
Ostri Rt (Croatia)
USE Ostra Peninsula (Croatia)
Ostrich, South American
USE Greater rhea

Ostrich Bay (Wash.)

BT BaysWashington (State)
Ostrich farming (May Subd Geog)
UF Ostrich farms and farming [Former heading]
Ostrich ranching
BT Ratite farming
Ostrich farms (May Subd Geog)
UF Ostrich farms and farming [Former heading]
Ostrich ranches
BT Ratite farms
Ostrich farms and farming
USE Ostrich farming
Ostrich farms
Ostrich feather industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Feather industry
Ostrich products industry
Ostrich feathers (May Subd Geog)
BT Feathers
Ostrich fern
USE Fiddleheads
Ostrich industry
USE Ostrich products industry
Ostrich meat, Cooking with
USE Cooking (Ostrich meat)
Ostrich products industry (May Subd Geog)
UF Ostrich industry
BT Animal industry
NT Ostrich feather industry
Ostrich ranches
USE Ostrich farms
Ostrich ranching
USE Ostrich farming
Ostriches (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.S9 (Zoology)]
UF Struthio
Struthio camelus
BT Birds
NT Ostrich feathers
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Ostrich meat)
Ostriches, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Birds, Fossil
Ostrinia (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.C73 (Zoology)]
BT Crambidae
Ostriv Berezan (Ukraine)
USE Berezan Island (Ukraine)
Ostriv Tuzla (Ukraine)
USE Tuzla Island (Ukraine)
USE Ostrogoths
USE Ostrogoths
Ostrobothnia (Finland)
USE Pohjanmaa (Finland)
USE Ostrogoths
Ostrogothic coins
USE Coins, Ostrogothic
Ostrogoths (May Subd Geog)
[D138 (Migrations)]
UF Austro-Gothi
East Goths
Eastern Goths
BT Goths
Ostrogski family
USE Ostrozkyi family
Ostroleka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Ostroeka, Poland, 1831
USE Ostrolenka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Wojewodztwo

Mazowieckie, Poland, 1831

Ostroleka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Ostroeka, Poland, 1831,
in art
USE Ostrolenka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Wojewodztwo

Mazowieckie, Poland, 1831, in art

Ostroeka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Wojewodztwo
Mazowieckie, Poland, 1807


USE Ostrolenka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Wojewodztwo

Mazowieckie, Poland, 1807

Ostroeka (Ostroeka, Poland), Battle of, 1831
USE Ostrolenka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Wojewodztwo

Mazowieckie, Poland, 1831

Ostrolenka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Wojewodztwo
Mazowieckie, Poland, 1807
UF Ostroeka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Wojewodztwo

Mazowieckie, Poland, 1807

BT Napoleonic Wars, 1800
Ostrolenka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Wojewodztwo
Mazowieckie, Poland, 1831
UF Ostroeka (Ostroeka, Poland), Battle of, 1831

[Former heading]
Ostroleka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Ostroeka,

Poland, 1831 [Former heading]

BT PolandHistoryRevolution, 1830
Ostrolenka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Wojewodztwo
Mazowieckie, Poland, 1831, in art (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ostroleka, Battle of, Ostroeka, Ostroeka,

Poland, 1831, in art [Former heading]

Ostrom family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ostram family
Ostrum family
Ostropales (May Subd Geog)
UF Gyalectales
BT Ascomycetes
NT Thelotremataceae
Ostrov, Novago Goda (Marshall Islands)
USE Mejit Island (Marshall Islands)
Ostrov Aegna (Estonia)
USE Aegna Island (Estonia)
Ostrov Amukhta (Alaska)
USE Amukta Island (Alaska)
Ostrov Anzerskii (Russia)
USE Anzerski Island (Russia)
Ostrov Anzerskiy (Russia)
USE Anzerski Island (Russia)
Ostrov Askold (Russia)
USE Askold Island (Russia)
Ostrov Cheleken (Turkmenistan)
USE Cheleken Peninsula (Turkmenistan)
Ostrov Chirikov (Alaska)
USE Chirikof Island (Alaska)
Ostrov Chuginok (Alaska)
USE Kagamil Island (Alaska)
Ostrov Dage (Estonia)
USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia)
Ostrov Dago (Estonia)
USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia)
Ostrov Dolgii (Russia)
USE Dolgii Island (Russia)
Ostrov Dolgiy (Russia)
USE Dolgii Island (Russia)
Ostrov Dolgoy (Russia)
USE Dolgii Island (Russia)
Ostrov Ezel (Estonia)
USE Saaremaa Island (Estonia)
Ostrov Gogland (Russia)
USE Gogland Island (Russia)
Ostrov Gorodomlia (Russia)
USE Gorodomlia Island (Russia)
Ostrov Iturup (Russia)
USE Iturup Island (Russia)
Ostrov Kackhanna (Alaska)
USE Wrangell Island (Wrangell, Alaska)
Ostrov Kasatochiy (Alaska)
USE Kasatochi Volcano (Alaska)
Ostrov Khiiumaa (Estonia)
USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia)
Ostrov Khiuma (Estonia)
USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia)
Ostrov Khiumaa (Estonia)
USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia)
Ostrov Khiyumaa (Estonia)
USE Hiiumaa Island (Estonia)
Ostrov Khogland (Russia)
USE Gogland Island (Russia)
Ostrov Kigalga (Alaska)
USE Kagamil Island (Alaska)
Ostrov Kolguyev (Russia)
USE Kolguev Island (Russia)
Ostrov Kunashir (Russia)
USE Kunashir Island (Russia)
Ostrov Matsuva (Russia)
USE Matua Island (Russia)
Ostrov Matua (Russia)
USE Matua Island (Russia)
Ostrov Moneron (Russia)
USE Moneron Island (Russia)

Ostrov Morzhovoy (Alaska)

USE Hall Island (Bethel Census Area, Alaska)
Ostrov Moshchnyi (Russia)
USE Moshchnyi Island (Russia)
Ostrov Moshchnyy (Russia)
USE Moshchnyi Island (Russia)
Ostrov Onekotan (Russia)
USE Onekotan Island (Russia)
Ostrov Paramushir (Russia)
USE Paramushir Island (Russia)
Ostrov Rab (Croatia)
USE Rab Island (Croatia)
Ostrov Saaremaa (Estonia)
USE Saaremaa Island (Estonia)
Ostrov Sakhalin (Sakhalinskaia oblast, Russia)
USE Sakhalin (Sakhalinskaia oblast, Russia)
Ostrov Shimshu (Russia)
USE Shumshu Island (Russia)
Ostrov Simushir (Russia)
USE Simushir Island (Russia)
Ostrov Sindsha (Alaska)
USE Hall Island (Bethel Census Area, Alaska)
Ostrov Solovetskii (Russia)
USE Solovetski Island (Russia)
Ostrov Solovetskiy (Russia)
USE Solovetski Island (Russia)
Ostrov Sur-Sari (Russia : Gogland Island)
USE Gogland Island (Russia)
Ostrov Suursaari (Russia)
USE Gogland Island (Russia)
Ostrov Svyataya Matvyya (Alaska)
USE Saint Matthew Island (Alaska)
Ostrov Tuzla (Ukraine)
USE Tuzla Island (Ukraine)
Ostrov Ugamok (Alaska)
USE Chirikof Island (Alaska)
Ostrov Uganik (Alaska)
USE Uganik Island (Alaska)
Ostrov Urup (Russia)
USE Urup Island (Russia)
Ostrov Vaigach (Russia)
USE Vaigach Island (Russia)
Ostrov Valaam (Russia)
USE Valaam Island (Russia)
Ostrov Valamo (Russia)
USE Valaam Island (Russia)
Ostrov Vasilyevskiy (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
USE Vasilevsky Island (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Ostrov Vaygach (Russia)
USE Vaigach Island (Russia)
Ostrov Vrangelia (Russia)
USE Wrangel Island (Russia)
Ostrov Vrangelya (Alaska)
USE Wrangell Island (Wrangell, Alaska)
Ostrov Vrangelya (Russia)
USE Wrangel Island (Russia)
Ostrov Yevrashichey (Alaska)
USE Marmot Island (Alaska)
Ostrova Diomida (Alaska and Russia)
USE Diomede Islands (Alaska and Russia)
Ostrova Medviezhi (Alaska)
USE Woewodski Island (Alaska)
Ostrova Semidy (Alaska)
USE Semidi Islands (Alaska)
Ostrova Voyevodskago (Alaska)
USE Woewodski Island (Alaska)
Ostrova Yevdokevskiye (Alaska)
USE Semidi Islands (Alaska)
Ostrovnoi Mound (Russia)
UF Mogilnik Ostrovnoi (Russia)
BT MoundsRussia (Federation)
Russia (Federation)Antiquities
Ostrovo Ciganlija (Serbia)
USE Ciganlija Island (Serbia)
Ostrovo Golem Grad (Macedonia)
USE Golem Grad Island (Macedonia)
Ostrovo Krk (Croatia)
USE Krk Island (Croatia)
Ostrovo Rab (Croatia)
USE Rab Island (Croatia)
Ostrovo Rava (Croatia)
USE Rava Island (Croatia)
Ostrovo Sveti Petar (Macedonia)
USE Golem Grad Island (Macedonia)
Ostrovo Velika Petra (Macedonia)
USE Golem Grad Island (Macedonia)
Ostrovo Vis (Croatia)
USE Vis Island (Croatia)
Ostrovok Anikiev (Russia)
USE Anikiev Island (Russia)
Ostrow Lednicki (Poland)
USE Lednicki Island (Poland)

Ostrow Piaskowy (Poland)

USE Sand Island (Poland)
Ostrow Tumski (Poland)
USE Cathedral Island (Poland)
Ostrowski family
USE Ostrozkyi family
Ostrozhskii family
USE Ostrozkyi family
Ostrozky family
USE Ostrozkyi family
Ostrozkyi family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ostrogski family
Ostrowski family
Ostrozhskii family
Ostrozky family
Ostrum family
USE Ostrom family
strupgard (Denmark)
BT ManorsDenmark
Ostrvo Cres (Croatia)
USE Cres Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Hvar (Croatia)
USE Hvar Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Kolocep (Croatia)
USE Kolocep Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Korcula (Croatia)
USE Korcula Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Lokrum (Croatia)
USE Lokrum Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Pasman (Croatia)
USE Pasman Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Rivanj (Croatia)
USE Rivanj Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Silba (Croatia)
USE Silba Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Susak (Croatia)
USE Susak Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Vanga (Croatia)
USE Krasnica Island (Croatia)
Ostrvo Zirje (Croatia)
USE Zirje Island (Croatia)
Ostrzyce Lake (Poland)
UF Jezioro Ostrzyckie (Poland)
BT LakesPoland
Ostsee (Europe)
USE Baltic Sea
Ostwald ripening (May Subd Geog)
UF Coarsening (Chemistry)
Competitive growth (Chemistry)
Ripening, Ostwald
BT Crystal growth
Precipitation (Chemistry)
Ostyak language
USE Khanty language
USE Khanty
Osuak (Micronesia)
USE Puluwat Atoll (Micronesia)
Osufuko Lerego (Kenya)
USE Aberdare Range (Kenya)
Osugisawa Iseki (Akita-shi, Japan)
USE Osugisawa Site (Akita-shi, Japan)
Osugisawa Site (Akita-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Osugisawa Iseki (Akita-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Osukam language
USE Bokyi language
O'Sullivan family (Not Subd Geog)
UF O Suilleabhain family
RT Purcell O'Sullivan family
Sullivan family
O'Sullivan Reservoir (Wash.)
USE Potholes Reservoir (Wash.)
Osumi, Archipelago (Japan)
USE Osumi Islands (Japan)
Osumi-hanto (Japan)
USE Osumi Peninsula (Japan)
Osumi Islands (Japan)
UF Osumi, Archipelago (Japan)
Osumi-shoto (Japan)
BT ArchipelagoesJapan
Satsunan Islands (Japan)
NT Tanegashima (Japan)
Yaku Island (Japan)
Osumi Peninsula (Japan)
UF Osumi-hanto (Japan)
BT PeninsulasJapan
Osumi-shoto (Japan)
USE Osumi Islands (Japan)


Osun (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)

BT Goddesses, Yoruba
Osupuko Lerego (Kenya)
USE Aberdare National Park (Kenya)
USE Oswals
Osvold family
USE Oswald family
Oswald, Lee Henry (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Lee Henry Oswald (Fictitious character)
Oswald (Fictitious character : Shakespeare)
(Not Subd Geog)
Oswald family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Osvold family
Oswaldt family
Oswalt family
Oswold family
Oswald West Award
BT Environmental protectionAwardsOregon
Oswaldt family
USE Oswald family
Oswals (May Subd Geog)
UF Osavalas
BT CasteIndia
Oswalt family
USE Oswald family
Oswegatchie River (N.Y.)
BT RiversNew York (State)
Oswego, Fort (Oswego, N.Y.)
USE Fort Oswego (Oswego, N.Y.)
Oswego, Lake (Or.)
USE Oswego, Lake (Or. : Lake)
Oswego, Lake (Or. : Lake)
UF Lake Oswego (Or. : Lake)
Oswego, Lake (Or.) [Former heading]
BT LakesOregon
Oswego, Fort, Capture of, 1756
USE Fort Oswego (Oswego, N.Y.)Capture, 1756
Oswego Canal (N.Y.)
BT CanalsNew York (State)
Oswego River (N.Y.)
BT RiversNew York (State)
Oswego River Watershed (N.Y.)
BT WatershedsNew York (State)
Oswidonga (African people)
USE Kuanyama (African people)
Oswin family (Not Subd Geog)
Oswold family
USE Oswald family
Osyeba (African people)
USE Makina (African people)
Ot (The Hebrew word)
BT Hebrew languageEtymology
Ot Danum language (May Subd Geog)
UF Dohoi language
Uut Danum language
BT IndonesiaLanguages
Malayan languages
Ot Moor (England)
UF Otmoor (England)
BT Moors (Wetlands)England
OT Site (Wis.)
UF O.T. Site (Wis.)
BT WisconsinAntiquities
Ota Castle (Wakayama-shi, Japan)
USE Otajo (Wakayama-shi, Japan)
Ota family (Not Subd Geog)
Ota Iseki (Maebaru-machi, Japan)
USE Ota Site (Maebaru-machi, Japan)
Ota-ke Jutaku (Kawasaki-shi, Japan)
USE Kyu Ota-ke Jutaku (Kawasaki-shi, Japan)
Ota pottery
USE Makuzu pottery
Ota Site (Maebaru-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Higashi Ota Iseki (Maebaru-shi, Japan)

Ota Iseki (Maebaru-machi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Otachyrium (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.G74 (Botany)]
BT Grasses
Otago Central Rail Trail (N.Z.)
UF Central Otago Rail Trail (N.Z.)
Otago Rail Trail (N.Z.)
Rail Trail (N.Z.)

BT Bicycle trailsNew Zealand

Rail-trailsNew Zealand
Otago Harbor (N.Z.)
USE Otago Harbour (N.Z.)
Otago Harbour (N.Z.)
UF Harbour of Otago (N.Z.)
Otago Harbor (N.Z.) [Former heading]
BT HarborsNew Zealand
Otago Peninsula (N.Z.)
UF Otako Peninsula (N.Z.)
BT PeninsulasNew Zealand
Otago Rail Trail (N.Z.)
USE Otago Central Rail Trail (N.Z.)
Otago skink (May Subd Geog)
[QL666.L28 (Zoology)]
UF Girardiscincus otagense
Leiolopisma grande otagense
Oligosoma otagense
BT Oligosoma
Otaheite (French Polynesia)
USE Tahiti (French Polynesia : Island)
Otaheite Medal
USE Resolution and Adventure Medal
Otahiti Medal
USE Resolution and Adventure Medal
Otaiba (Arab tribe)
USE Utaybah (Arab tribe)
Otaisawa A Iseki (Kaminokuni-cho, Japan)
USE Otaisawa A Site (Kaminokuni-cho, Japan)
Otaisawa A Site (Kaminokuni-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otaisawa A Iseki (Kaminokuni-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Otajo (Wakayama-shi, Japan)
UF Ota Castle (Wakayama-shi, Japan)
BT CastlesJapan
Otaka family (Not Subd Geog)
Otake-ke Jutaku (Tajima-machi, Japan)
USE Kyu Otake-ke Jutaku (Tajima-machi, Japan)
Otaki family (Not Subd Geog)
Otako Peninsula (N.Z.)
USE Otago Peninsula (N.Z.)
USE Earache
Otamaca language
USE Otomaco language
Otamaco language
USE Otomaco language
Otamangakau, Lake (N.Z.)
UF Lake Otamangakau (N.Z.)
BT LakesNew Zealand
Otanabe language
USE Munichi language
Otanave language
USE Munichi language
Otani, Tetsuo, Superintendent (Fictitious character)
USE Otani, Tetsuo, Supt. (Fictitious character)
Otani, Tetsuo, Supt. (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Otani, Tetsuo, Superintendent (Fictitious

Superintendent Otani (Fictitious character)
Supt. Otani (Fictitious character)
Tetsuo Otani (Fictitious character)
Otani family (Not Subd Geog)
Otani Iseki (Kasuga-shi, Japan)
USE Otani Site (Kasuga-shi, Japan)
Otani pottery
UF Pottery, Otani
BT Pottery, Japanese
Otani Site (Kasuga-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otani Iseki (Kasuga-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
USE Ohio Tests of Articulation and Perception of

Otaria cinerea
USE Australian sea lion
Otaria forsteri
USE New Zealand fur seal
Otaria philippii
USE Juan Fernandez fur seal
USE Eared seals
USE Sea lions
Otaru Bay (Japan)
USE Ishikari Bay (Japan)

Otaru-wan (Japan)
USE Ishikari Bay (Japan)
Otatara Pa Historic Reserve (N.Z.)
UF Hikurangi Historic Site (N.Z.)
Otatara Pa Historic Site (N.Z.)
BT Archaeological parksNew Zealand
Fortification, PrehistoricNew Zealand
Historic sitesNew Zealand
National parks and reservesNew Zealand
New ZealandAntiquities
Otatara Pa Historic Site (N.Z.)
USE Otatara Pa Historic Reserve (N.Z.)
Otava River (Czech Republic)
UF Reka Otava (Czech Republic)
BT RiversCzech Republic
Otava River Valley (Czech Republic)
UF Otava Valley (Czech Republic)
BT ValleysCzech Republic
Otava Valley (Czech Republic)
USE Otava River Valley (Czech Republic)
Otavala Indians
USE Otavalo Indians
Otavalo business enterprises (May Subd Geog)
UF Business enterprises, Otavalo
BT Business enterprisesEcuador
Otavalo children (May Subd Geog)
UF Children, Otavalo
Otavalo IndiansChildren [Former heading]
BT ChildrenEcuador
Otavalo Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Otavala Indians
BT Cara Indians
Indians of South AmericaEcuador
USE Otavalo children
Textile industry and fabrics
USE Otavalo textile fabrics
Otavalo mythology (May Subd Geog)
UF Mythology, Otavalo
Otavalo textile fabrics (May Subd Geog)
UF Otavalo IndiansTextile industry and fabrics

[Former heading]
Textile fabrics, Otavalo
BT Textile fabricsEcuador
Otay Mountain (Calif.)
BT MountainsCalifornia
Otay Mountain Wilderness (Calif.)
BT National parks and reservesCalifornia
Wilderness areasCalifornia
Otay Reservoir (Calif.)
USE Lower Otay Lake (Calif.)
Otaybah (Arab tribe)
USE Utaybah (Arab tribe)
OTC (Enzyme)
USE Ornithine carbamoyltransferase
OTC drugs
USE Drugs, Nonprescription
OTC markets
USE Over-the-counter markets
Otchilpwe Indians
USE Ojibwa Indians
Otchilpwe language
USE Ojibwa language
Otchipwe Indians
USE Ojibwa Indians
Otchipwe language
USE Ojibwa language
Otdia Islands (Marshall Islands)
USE Wotje Atoll (Marshall Islands)
Oteewhy (Samoa)
USE Savai'i Island (Samoa)
Otello (Fictitious character)
USE Othello (Fictitious character)
Otero family (Not Subd Geog)
Otero Mesa (N.M.)
BT GrasslandsNew Mexico
MesasNew Mexico
Oteros Region (Spain)
UF Comarca de los Oteros (Spain)
Los Oteros (Spain)
BT ComarcasSpain
Oterson family
USE Otterson family
Otes family
USE Oates family
Otetela (African people)
USE Tetela (African people)
Otetela language
USE Tetela language
OTH radar
USE Over-the-horizon radar


Othan (African people)

USE Uduk (African people)
Othea (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
Othello (Cat) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Cats
Othello (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Otello (Fictitious character)
Othello (Fictitious character) in art (Not Subd Geog)
Othello (Game)
BT Board games
Othello Park (Seattle, Wash.)
USE Othello Playground (Seattle, Wash.)
Othello Playground (Seattle, Wash.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Othello Park (Seattle, Wash.)

BT ParksWashington (State)
PlaygroundsWashington (State)
Othello Street (Seattle, Wash.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF South Othello Street (Seattle, Wash.)

Southwest Othello Street (Seattle, Wash.)
BT StreetsWashington (State)
Other (Philosophy) (May Subd Geog)
UF Alterity (Philosophy)
Otherness (Philosophy)
BT Philosophy
Religious aspects
Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
Other (Philosophy) in art (Not Subd Geog)
Other (Philosophy) in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Other (Philosophy) in mass media (Not Subd Geog)
BT Mass media
Other (Philosophy) in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Other (Philosophy) in the Bible
Other minds (Theory of knowledge)
UF Minds of others (Theory of knowledge)
BT Knowledge, Theory of
Mind and body
Other minds (Theory of knowledge) in literature
(Not Subd Geog)
Other Place (Stratford-upon-Avon, England)
BT TheatersEngland
Otherness (Philosophy)
USE Other (Philosophy)
Othin (Norse deity)
USE Odin (Norse deity)
Othman family
USE Oatman family
Othoca (Extinct city)
BT Extinct citiesItaly
Othoes (May Subd Geog)
BT Galeodidae
NT Othoes saharae
Othoes saharae (May Subd Geog)
BT Othoes
Otholobium (May Subd Geog)
BT Legumes
Othomi Indians
USE Otomi Indians
Othomi language
USE Otomi language
Othonoi Island (Greece)
UF Fano Island (Greece)
Fanos Island (Greece)
Nesos Othonoi (Greece)
Phanos Island (Greece)
BT Ionian Islands (Greece)
Othreis (May Subd Geog)
UF Othryis
BT Noctuidae
USE Othreis
Oti Indians
USE Xavante Indians
Oti language
USE Xavante language
Oti-Volta languages (May Subd Geog)
BT Africa, WestLanguages
Gur languages
NT Dagaare language
Dagbani language

Oti-Volta languages (Continued)

Farefare language
Gurma language
Kusaal language
Miyobe language
Moore language
Nateni language
Safaliba language
Yom language
Otic barotrauma
USE Barotrauma, Aural
USE Bustards
Otideaceae (May Subd Geog)
[QK623.O (Botany)]
UF Humariaceae
BT Pezizales
NT Octospora
Sphaerosoma (Fungi)
USE Bustards
Oties family
USE Otis family
Otiki (N.Z.)
USE East Cape (North Island, N.Z. : Cape)
USE Curculionidae
Otiorhynchus (May Subd Geog)
[QL596.C9 (Zoology)]
BT Curculionidae
NT Black vine weevil
Otiorhynchus rugosostriatus
Otiorhynchus rugosostriarus
USE Otiorhynchus rugosostriatus
Otiorhynchus rugosostriatus (May Subd Geog)
[QL596.C9 (Zoology)]
UF Brachyrhinus rugosostriatus
Otiorhynchus rugosostriarus
Rough strawberry root weevil
Rough strawberry weevil
BT Otiorhynchus
Otiorhynchus sulcatus
USE Black vine weevil
Otira Gorge (N.Z.)
UF Otira River Gorge (N.Z.)
BT GorgesNew Zealand
Otira River Gorge (N.Z.)
USE Otira Gorge (N.Z.)
Otis (Birds) (May Subd Geog)
BT Bustards
NT Great bustard
Otis family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oties family
Ottis family
RT Oates family
Otis King calculators (Not Subd Geog)
BT Slide-rule
Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Tests
BT Intelligence tests
Otis tarda
USE Great bustard
Otish Mountains (Quebec)
UF Monts Otish (Quebec)
BT MountainsQuebec (Province)
Otison family
USE Otterson family
Otitic barotrauma
USE Barotrauma, Aural
Otitic hydrocephalus
USE Intracranial hypertension
Otitidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Ortalidae
Picture-winged flies
BT Diptera
NT Pseudotephritis
Otitis (May Subd Geog)
UF EarInflammation
BT EarDiseases
NT Otitis externa
Otitis media
Otitis externa (May Subd Geog)
UF Ear, ExternalInflammation
BT Ear, ExternalDiseases

Otitis in animals (May Subd Geog)

BT AnimalsDiseases
Otitis media (May Subd Geog)
UF Middle earInflammation
BT Middle earDiseases
NT Acute otitis media
Otitis media with effusion
Diagnosis (May Subd Geog)
Otitis media in children (May Subd Geog)
BT Pediatric otology
NT Otitis media with effusion in children
Otitis media with effusion (May Subd Geog)
UF Exudate otitis media
Glue ear
MEE (Otolaryngology)
Middle ear effusion
MOM (Otolaryngology)
Mucous otitis media
Secretory otitis media
Serous otitis media
SOM (Otolaryngology)
BT Otitis media
Otitis media with effusion in children (May Subd Geog)
BT Otitis media in children
Otium (The Latin word)
BT Latin languageEtymology
Otji language
USE Twi language
Otjiherero language
USE Herero language
Otjikoto, Lake (Namibia)
UF Lake Otjikoto (Namibia)
BT LakesNamibia
Otjisewa man
USE Boskop man
Otjosondu Area (Namibia)
BT Mining districtsNamibia
USE Refuseniks
Otluk Beli, Battle of, Turkey, 1473
USE Otlukbeli, Battle of, Turkey, 1473
Otlukbeli, Battle of, 1473
USE Otlukbeli, Battle of, Turkey, 1473
Otlukbeli, Battle of, Turkey, 1473
UF Bashkent, Battle of, Turkey, 1473
Otluk Beli, Battle of, Turkey, 1473
Otlukbeli, Battle of, 1473 [Former heading]
BT TurkeyHistoryMehmed II, 1451-1481
Otman family
USE Oatman family
Otmichi Site (Russia)
UF Otmichy Site (Russia)
BT Russia (Federation)Antiquities
Otmichy Site (Russia)
USE Otmichi Site (Russia)
Otmoor (England)
USE Ot Moor (England)
Otmuchow-Nysa Protected Scenic Area (Poland)
USE Otmuchowsko-Nyskiego Obszaru Chronionego

Krajobrazu (Poland)
Otmuchowsko-Nyskiego Obszaru Chronionego
Krajobrazu (Poland)
UF Nyskiego Obszaru Chronionego Krajobrazu

Otmuchowsko- (Poland)
Otmuchow-Nysa Protected Scenic Area

Protected Scenic Area of Otmuchow-Nysa

BT Natural areasPoland
Oto Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Otoe Indians
Ottoe Indians
BT Siouan Indians
Indians of North AmericaGreat Plains
Oto language (May Subd Geog)
UF Otoe language
Otta language
Ottoe language
Watoto language
BT OklahomaLanguages
Siouan languages
Oto-Manguean languages
USE Otomanguean languages
Oto-oculorenal syndrome
USE Alport's syndrome


Otoacoustic emissions
[RF294.5.O76 (Audiometry)]
UF Emissions, Otoacoustic
BT Bioacoustics
Otocic Krasnica (Croatia)
USE Krasnica Island (Croatia)
Otocic Lokrum (Croatia)
USE Lokrum Island (Croatia)
Otocic Vanga (Croatia)
USE Krasnica Island (Croatia)
USE Ground squirrels
USE Otoliths
USE Otoliths
Otocyon (May Subd Geog)
BT Canidae
BT Ear
Otodontidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Lamniformes, Fossil
NT Carcharocles
USE Earache
Otoe and Missouria Indian Reservation (Kan. and Neb.)
USE Confederated Otoe and Missouria Indian

Reservation (Kan. and Neb.)

Otoe and Missouria Reservation (Kan. and Neb.)
USE Confederated Otoe and Missouria Indian

Reservation (Kan. and Neb.)

Otoe Indians
USE Oto Indians
Otoe language
USE Oto language
Otohara Site (Japan)
UF Hanamure Otohara Iseki (Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Otohata family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Pterygotrigla
Otok Cres (Croatia)
USE Cres Island (Croatia)
Otok Hvar (Croatia)
USE Hvar Island (Croatia)
Otok Ilovik (Croatia)
USE Ilovik Island (Croatia)
Otok Kolocep (Croatia)
USE Kolocep Island (Croatia)
Otok Korcula (Croatia)
USE Korcula Island (Croatia)
Otok Krk (Croatia)
USE Krk Island (Croatia)
Otok Lokrum (Croatia)
USE Lokrum Island (Croatia)
Otok Mljet (Croatia)
USE Mljet Island (Croatia)
Otok Pag (Croatia)
USE Pag Island (Croatia)
Otok Pasman (Croatia)
USE Pasman Island (Croatia)
Otok Rab (Croatia)
USE Rab Island (Croatia)
Otok Rava (Croatia)
USE Rava Island (Croatia)
Otok Rivanj (Croatia)
USE Rivanj Island (Croatia)
Otok Silba (Croatia)
USE Silba Island (Croatia)
Otok Susak (Croatia)
USE Susak Island (Croatia)
Otok Vanga (Croatia)
USE Krasnica Island (Croatia)
Otok Vis (Croatia)
USE Vis Island (Croatia)
Otok Zirije (Croatia)
USE Zirje Island (Croatia)
Otok Zirje (Croatia)
USE Zirje Island (Croatia)
Otoko Mountain (Japan)
UF Mount Otoko (Japan)
Otoko-yama (Japan)
Otokoyama (Japan)
BT MountainsJapan
Otoko-yama (Japan)
USE Otoko Mountain (Japan)
Otokoyama (Japan)
USE Otoko Mountain (Japan)

Otokuk River (Alaska)

USE Utukok River (Alaska)
Otolaryngologic emergencies (May Subd Geog)
UF Emergencies, Otolaryngologic
BT Medical emergencies
Otolaryngologic examination (May Subd Geog)
BT OtolaryngologyDiagnosis
Physical diagnosis
NT EarExamination
Otolaryngologic surgery
USE Otolaryngology, Operative
Otolaryngological nursing (May Subd Geog)
UF Ear, nose, and throat nursing
BT Nursing
Otolaryngological practice
USE OtolaryngologyPractice
Otolaryngologists (May Subd Geog)
BT Physicians
NT Laryngologists
Women otolaryngologists
Supply and demand (May Subd Geog)
Otolaryngology (May Subd Geog)
UF Ear, nose, and throat diseases
ENT diseases
BT Medicine
NT Anesthesia in otolaryngology
Geriatric otolaryngology
Leishmaniasis, Mucocutaneous
Otolaryngologic emergencies
Otolaryngological nursing
Pediatric otolaryngology
Radiography in otolaryngology
Ultrasonics in otolaryngology
Chemotherapy (May Subd Geog)
BT Chemotherapy
Diagnosis (May Subd Geog)
BT Diagnosis
NT Otolaryngologic examination
Formulae, receipts, prescriptions
Genetic aspects
BT Medical genetics
Immunological aspects
Practice (May Subd Geog)
UF Otolaryngological practice
Radiotherapy (May Subd Geog)
Otolaryngology, Operative (May Subd Geog)
UF Operative otolaryngology
Otolaryngologic surgery
BT Surgery, Operative
Surgery, Orificial
NT EarSurgery
Lasers in otolaryngology
Complications (May Subd Geog)
UF Otolaryngology, OperativeComplications

and sequelae [Former heading]

Complications and sequelae
USE Otolaryngology, OperativeComplications
Otolaryngology in art (Not Subd Geog)
USE Otoliths
Otolith apparatus
USE Otolith organs
Otolith organs
UF Otolith apparatus
BT Vestibular apparatus
NT Otoliths
UF Ear crystals
Ear stones

BT Otolith organs
Otoliths, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
[QE853 (Fishes)]
BT Vertebrates, Fossil
Otolithus guatucupa
USE Stripped weakfish
Otologic manifestations of general diseases
(May Subd Geog)
BT EarDiseases
Otologic surgery
USE EarSurgery
Otologists (May Subd Geog)
BT Otolaryngologists
Otology (May Subd Geog)
BT Otolaryngology
RT EarDiseases
NT Pediatric otology
Otomacan language
USE Otomaco language
Otomaco language (May Subd Geog)
UF Otamaca language
Otamaco language
Otomacan language
Otomaque language
Ottomacque language
Ottomaku language
BT ColombiaLanguages
Indians of South AmericaLanguages
NT Taparita dialect
Otomanguean languages (May Subd Geog)
UF Olmeca Otomangue languages
Oto-Manguean languages
BT Central AmericaLanguages
Indians of Central AmericaLanguages
Indians of MexicoLanguages
NT Amuzgo language
Chiapanec language
Chinantecan languages
Mangue language
Mixtecan languages
Otomian languages
Popolocan languages
Proto-Popotecan language
Zapotecan languages
Otomaque language
USE Otomaco language
Otomari Harbor (Russia)
USE Korsakov Harbor (Russia)
Otombe family (Not Subd Geog)
Otome Fudohara Kitaura Iseki (Oyama-shi, Japan)
USE Otome Fudohara Kitaura Site (Oyama-shi,

Otome Fudohara Kitaura Site (Oyama-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otome Fudohara Kitaura Iseki (Oyama-shi,

BT JapanAntiquities
Otomi architecture (May Subd Geog)
UF Architecture, Otomi
BT ArchitectureMexico
Otomi art (May Subd Geog)
UF Art, Otomi
Otomi IndiansArt [Former heading]
BT Art, Mexican
Otomi calendar (May Subd Geog)
UF Calendar, Otomi
Otomi IndiansCalendar [Former heading]
BT Calendar
Otomi cartography (May Subd Geog)
UF Cartography, Otomi
Otomi IndiansCartography [Former heading]
BT Cartography
Otomi cookery
USE Otomi cooking
Otomi cooking (Not Subd Geog)
UF Otomi cookery [Former heading]
BT Cooking
Otomi cosmology (Not Subd Geog)
UF Cosmology, Otomi
BT Cosmology


Otomi Indians (May Subd Geog)

UF Hnahnu Indians
Nahnu Indians
Othomi Indians
BT Indians of Mexico
NT Matlatzinca Indians
Mazahua Indians
Pame Indians
USE Otomi art
USE Otomi calendar
USE Otomi cartography
Textile industry and fabrics
USE Otomi textile fabrics
USE Otomi languageWriting
Otomi language (May Subd Geog)
UF Hia-hiu language
Hnahnu language
Nahnu language
Othomi language
BT MexicoLanguages
Otomian languages
UF Otomi IndiansWriting [Former heading]
Otomi manuscripts
USE Manuscripts, Otomi
Otomi mythology (May Subd Geog)
UF Mythology, Otomi
Otomi-Pame languages
USE Otomian languages
Otomi rugs (May Subd Geog)
UF Rugs, Otomi
BT Otomi textile fabrics
Otomi textile fabrics (May Subd Geog)
UF Otomi IndiansTextile industry and fabrics

[Former heading]
Textile fabrics, Otomi
BT Textile fabricsMexico
NT Otomi rugs
Otomi women (May Subd Geog)
UF Women, Otomi
BT WomenMexico
Otomian languages (May Subd Geog)
UF Otomi-Pame languages
BT MexicoLanguages
Otomanguean languages
NT Chichimeca-Jonaz language
Matlatzinca language
Mazahua language
Ocuiltec language
Otomi language
Pame language
Otomo family (Not Subd Geog)
Otomo Iseki (Otsu-shi, Japan)
USE Otomo Site (Otsu-shi, Japan)
Otomo Site (Otsu-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otomo Iseki (Otsu-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Otomo Yashiki II Iseki (Maebashi-shi, Japan)
USE Otomo Yashiki II Site (Maebashi-shi, Japan)
Otomo Yashiki II Site (Maebashi-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otomo Yashiki II Iseki (Maebashi-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Otomo Yashiki III Iseki (Maebashi-shi, Japan)
USE Otomo Yashiki III Site (Maebashi-shi, Japan)
Otomo Yashiki III Site (Maebashi-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otomo Yashiki III Iseki (Maebashi-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Otomops (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.C54 (Zoology)]
BT Free-tailed bats
NT Otomops martiensseni
Otomops martiensseni (May Subd Geog)
UF Martienssen's free-tailed bat
BT Otomops
Otomycoses (May Subd Geog)
UF EarDiseases, Fungal

Otomycoses (Continued)
EarFungi [Former heading]
Fungal ear infections
Fungous ear diseases
BT EarInfections
Otonabee River (Ont.)
BT RiversOntario
Otonnica language
USE Tunica language
Otookok River (Alaska)
USE Utukok River (Alaska)
O'Toole, Bridget, Sister (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Bridget O'Toole (Fictitious character)
Sister Bridget (Fictitious character)
Sister Godzilla (Fictitious character)
O'Toole, Julep (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Julep O'Toole (Fictitious character)
O'Toole, Lucky (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Lucky O'Toole (Fictitious character)
O'Toole family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Toole family
Towle family
Otoplasty (May Subd Geog)
BT EarSurgery
Surgery, Plastic
USE Otolaryngology
Otoro language (May Subd Geog)
UF Dhitoro language
Kawama language
Kawarma language
Litoro language
Utoro language
BT Kordofanian languages
Otosazuka Kofun (Ushimado-cho, Japan)
USE Otosazuka Site (Ushimado-cho, Japan)
Otosazuka Site (Ushimado-cho, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otosazuka Kofun (Ushimado-cho, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Otosclerosis (May Subd Geog)
UF Otospongiosis
BT Deafness
Labyrinth (Ear)Diseases
USE Otoscopes
Otoscopes (May Subd Geog)
UF Otoscope [Former heading]
BT Endoscopes
Otoscopy (May Subd Geog)
BT EarExamination
USE Rakugo
USE Ground squirrels
USE Otosclerosis
USE Otoliths
Otostegia (May Subd Geog)
BT Lamiaceae
Ototoxic agents (May Subd Geog)
BT Neurotoxic agents
Ototyphlonemertes (May Subd Geog)
BT Ototyphlonemertidae
Ototyphlonemertidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Hoplonemertea
NT Ototyphlonemertes
Otowa Isekigun (Takashima-cho, Shiga-ken, Japan)
USE Otowa Site (Takashima-cho, Shiga-ken, Japan)
Otowa Site (Takashima-cho, Shiga-ken, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otowa Isekigun (Takashima-cho, Shiga-ken,

BT JapanAntiquities
Otoyol O-4 (Turkey)
UF Anadolu Otoyolu (Turkey)
Motorway O-4 (Turkey)
BT RoadsTurkey

Otra River (Norway)

UF Otter Elv (Norway)
Otter River (Norway)
Otteraa (Norway)
Otteraaen (Norway)
Otteraen (Norway)
BT RiversNorway
Otra River Valley (Norway)
UF Otra Valley (Norway)
BT ValleysNorway
Otra Valley (Norway)
USE Otra River Valley (Norway)
Otranto, Strait of
UF Canal d'Otrante
Canale d'Otranto
Canale di Otranto
Otranto Straits
Strait of Otranto
Strasse von Otranto
BT StraitsAlbania
Otranto mosaic
UF Mosaik von Otranto
BT MosaicsItaly
Otranto Plantation (S.C.)
UF Goslington Plantation (S.C.)
Yeowee Plantation (S.C.)
Yeshoe Plantation (S.C.)
BT PlantationsSouth Carolina
Otranto Straits
USE Otranto, Strait of
Otranto Straits, Battle of the, 1917
BT World War, 1914
1918CampaignsMediterranean Sea
Otrar (City)
USE Otrar (Extinct city)
Otrar (Extinct city)
UF Otrar (City) [Former heading]
BT Extinct citiesKazakhstan
Ots family
USE Ott family
Otscher Mountain (Austria)
RT MountainsAustria
Otsego Lake (N.Y.)
BT LakesNew York (State)
Otstadt family
USE Otstot family
Otstot family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Otstadt family
Otsubo Iseki (Okgaki-machi, Japan)
USE Otsubo Site (Okagaki-machi, Japan)
Otsubo Site (Okagaki-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otsubo Iseki (Okgaki-machi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Otsuka Iseki (Matsubara-shi, Japan)
USE Otsuka Site (Matsubara-shi, Japan)
Otsuka-ke Jutaku (Urawa-shi, Japan)
USE Kyu Otsuka-ke Jutaku (Urawa-shi, Japan)
Otsuka Kofun (Tachibana-machi, Japan)
USE Otsuka Site (Tachibana-machi, Japan)
Otsuka Kofun (Yamaguchi-shi, Japan)
USE Otsuka Site (Yamaguchi-shi, Japan)
Otsuka Site (Matsubara-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otsuka Iseki (Matsubara-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Otsuka Site (Tachibana-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otsuka Kofun (Tachibana-machi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Otsuka Site (Yamaguchi-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Otsuka Kofun (Yamaguchi-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Otsuki family (Not Subd Geog)
Otsuki Iseki (Yuza-machi, Japan)
USE Odate Site (Yuza-machi, Japan)
Otsup family (Not Subd Geog)
Ott family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Odt family
Ots family
Otta family
Otte family
Otten family


Ottens family
Otts family
Utt family
Utte family
RT Otto family
Otta family
USE Ott family
Otta language
USE Oto language
USE Ottanthullal
Ottan thullal
USE Ottanthullal
Ottanthullal (May Subd Geog)
UF Ottamthullal
Ottan thullal
BT DanceIndia
Ottar Nayakan
USE Bhovis
Ottarnic Pond (N.H.)
UF Otternick Pond (N.H.)
Tarnic Pond (N.H.)
BT PondsNew Hampshire
Ottava Grande (Fasano, Italy)
USE Masseria Ottava Grande (Fasano, Italy)
Ottava rimas
UF Octave rhymes
BT Poetry
Ottava rimas, Italian (May Subd Geog)
UF Italian ottava rimas
BT Italian poetry
Ottava rimas, Portuguese (May Subd Geog)
UF Portuguese ottava rimas
BT Portuguese poetry
Ottava rimas, Spanish (May Subd Geog)
UF Spanish ottava rimas
BT Spanish poetry
Ottawa-Hull Region (Ont. and Quebec)
USE National Capital Region (Ont. and Quebec)
Ottawa Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Odawa Indians
Outaouak Indians
Tawa Indians
BT Algonquian Indians
Indians of North AmericaMichigan
Indians of North AmericaOntario
NT Pontiac's Conspiracy, 1763-1765
Missions (May Subd Geog)
Ottawa language (May Subd Geog)
UF Odahwah language
Odawa language
Ottawaw language
Outaouk language
Tawa language
BT Algonquian languages
Great Lakes Region (North

Ottawa National Forest (Mich.)
BT Forest reservesMichigan
National parks and reservesMichigan
NT Sylvania Recreation Area (Mich.)
Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge (Ohio)
BT National parks and reservesOhio
Wildlife refugesOhio
Ottawa North Site (Mich.)
BT MichiganAntiquities
Ottawa River, Little (Ohio)
USE Little Ottawa River (Ohio)
Ottawa River (Quebec and Ont.)
UF Outaouais, Riviere des (Quebec and Ont.)
Riviere des Outaouais (Quebec and Ont.)
BT RiversOntario
RiversQuebec (Province)
Ottawa River Valley (Quebec and Ont.)
UF Ottawa Valley (Quebec and Ont.)
BT ValleysOntario
ValleysQuebec (Province)
Ottawa River Watershed (Quebec and Ont.)
BT WatershedsOntario
WatershedsQuebec (Province)
Ottawa Valley (Quebec and Ont.)
USE Ottawa River Valley (Quebec and Ont.)
Ottawaw language
USE Ottawa language
Otte family
USE Ott family

Ottelio Palazzo (Udine, Italy)

USE Palazzo Ottelio (Udine, Italy)
Otten family
USE Ott family
Otto de Mentock family
Ottenheimer family (Not Subd Geog)
Ottens family
USE Ott family
Otter, Peaks of (Va.)
UF Peaks of Otter (Va.)
BT MountainsVirginia
Blue Ridge Mountains
Otter (Transport planes) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Twin Otter (Transport planes)
BT De Havilland aircraft
Transport planes
Otter Brook (Minn.)
USE Silver Creek (Carlton County, Minn.)
Otter cat
USE Jaguarundi
Otter Cliffs Radio Station Site (Me.)
BT MaineAntiquities
Otter Creek, Little (Vt.)
USE Little Otter Creek (Vt.)
Otter Creek (Clarke County and Lucas County, Iowa)
USE South Otter Creek (Iowa)
Otter Creek (Clarke County-Warren County, Iowa)
BT RiversIowa
Otter Creek (Comanche County-Tillman County, Okla.)
BT RiversOklahoma
Otter Creek (Powder River County and Rosebud
County, Mont.)
BT RiversMontana
Otter Creek (Sheboygan County, Wis.)
BT RiversWisconsin
Otter Creek (Vt.)
BT RiversVermont
Otter Creek Bear-Feeding Station Site (Wyo.)
BT WyomingAntiquities
Otter Creek Reservoir (Utah)
BT ReservoirsUtah
Otter Creek Station (Okla.)
USE Camp Radziminski (Okla.)
Otter Creek Watershed (Sheboygan County, Wis.)
BT WatershedsWisconsin
Otter Creek Watershed (Vt.)
BT WatershedsVermont
Otter Elv (Norway)
USE Otra River (Norway)
Otter hound (May Subd Geog)
UF Otterhound
BT Hounds
Otter hunting (May Subd Geog)
BT Small game hunting
NT Sea otter hunting
Otter Island (S.C.)
USE Otter Islands (S.C.)
Otter Islands (S.C.)
UF Otter Island (S.C.)
BT IslandsSouth Carolina
Otter Lake, Little (Ind.)
USE Little Otter Lake (Ind.)
Otter Lake (Washington County, Me.)
BT LakesMaine
Otter River (England)
UF River Otter (England)
BT RiversEngland
Otter River (Mass. : River)
BT RiversMassachusetts
Otter River (Norway)
USE Otra River (Norway)
Otter River Valley (England)
USE Otter Valley (England)
Otter River Watershed (Mass.)
BT WatershedsMassachusetts
USE Giant otter shrew
Otter shrew, Giant
USE Giant otter shrew
Otter Tail River (Minn.)
UF North Red River (Minn.)
BT RiversMinnesota
Otter Tail River Watershed (Minn.)
BT WatershedsMinnesota
Otter Valley (England)
UF Otter River Valley (England)
BT ValleysEngland
Otteraa (Norway)
USE Otra River (Norway)

Otteraaen (Norway)
USE Otra River (Norway)
Otteraen (Norway)
USE Otra River (Norway)
Otterbein family (Not Subd Geog)
Otterbote Site (Finland)
BT FinlandAntiquities
Otterburn, Battle of, 1388
USE Otterburn, Battle of, Otterburn, England, 1388
Otterburn, Battle of, 1388, in literature
USE Otterburn, Battle of, Otterburn, England, 1388,

in literature
Otterburn, Battle of, Otterburn, England, 1388
UF Otterburn, Battle of, 1388 [Former heading]
Chevy Chase, Battle of, Otterburn, England,

BT Great BritainHistoryRichard II, 1377-1399
ScotlandHistoryRobert II, 1371-1390
Otterburn, Battle of, Otterburn, England, 1388, in
literature (Not Subd Geog)
UF Otterburn, Battle of, 1388, in literature [Former

USE Otter hound
Otternick Pond (N.H.)
USE Ottarnic Pond (N.H.)
Ottero (Norway)
USE Otterya (Norway)
Otteroen (Norway)
USE Otterya (Norway)
Ottery (Norway)
USE Otterya (Norway)
Otterya (Norway)
UF Ottero (Norway)
Otteroen (Norway)
Ottery (Norway)
Otters (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.C25 (Zoology)]
UF Lutrinae
BT Mustelidae
NT Aonyx
Captive otters
Otters (Gay culture)
USE Bears (Gay culture)
Otters as pets (May Subd Geog)
BT Pets
Ottersen family
USE Otterson family
Ottershaw Park Estate (England)
BT ManorsEngland
Otterson family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oterson family
Otison family
Ottersen family
Ottison family
Oughterson family
Outerson family
Outterson family
Ottilie (Fictitious character : Goethe) (Not Subd Geog)
Otting family (Not Subd Geog)
Ottis family
USE Otis family
Ottison family
USE Otterson family
Ottley (Charles) Landon & Co. (Imaginary organization)
USE Charles Ottley, Landon & Co. (Imaginary

Ottley Post Office (United States Virgin Islands)
USE Aubrey C. Ottley Post Office (United States

Virgin Islands)
Ottman family (Not Subd Geog)
Ottmer family
USE Ottmers family
Ottmers family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ottmer family
Otto (Fictitious character : Hayes) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Octave (Fictitious character : Hayes)
Otto cycle (May Subd Geog)
UF Cycle, Otto
Cycle, Spark-ignition combustion
Spark-ignition combustion cycle
BT Thermodynamic cycles
Otto-cycle engines
USE Spark ignition engines


Otto de Mentock family (Not Subd Geog)

UF Mentock family
Otten family
Otto family (Not Subd Geog)
RT Ott family
Otto Farmhouse (Md.)
BT DwellingsMaryland
Otto of roses
USE Attar of roses
Ottoboni family (Not Subd Geog)
Ottoceros (May Subd Geog)
BT Antilocapridae, Fossil
NT Ottoceros peacevalleyensis
Ottoceros peacevalleyensis (May Subd Geog)
BT Ottoceros
Ottoe Indians
USE Oto Indians
Ottoe language
USE Oto language
Ottoe skipper (May Subd Geog)
[QL561.H5 (Zoology)]
UF Hesperia ottoe
BT Hesperia
Ottolenghi House (Bardolino, Italy)
USE Villa Ottolenghi (Bardolino, Italy)
Ottomacque language
USE Otomaco language
Ottomaku language
USE Otomaco language
Ottoman architecture
USE Architecture, Ottoman
Ottoman art
USE Art, Ottoman
Ottoman calligraphy
USE Calligraphy, Ottoman
Ottoman copperwork
USE Copperwork, Ottoman
Ottoman embroidery
USE Embroidery, Ottoman
Ottoman Empire
USE TurkeyHistoryOttoman Empire, 1288-1918
Ottoman illumination of books and manuscripts
USE Illumination of books and manuscripts,

Ottoman lamps
USE Lamps, Ottoman
Ottoman-Polish War, 1672-1676
USE Polish-Ottoman War, 1672-1676
Ottoman pottery
USE Pottery, Ottoman
Ottoman silverwork
USE Silverwork, Ottoman
Ottoman Turkish language (Arabic script)
USE Turkish language
Ottomeier family (Not Subd Geog)
Ottoni family (Not Subd Geog)
Ottonian architecture
USE Architecture, Ottonian
Ottonian art
USE Art, Ottonian
Ottonian emperors
USE Holy Roman EmpireHistorySaxon House,

Ottonian goldwork
USE Goldwork, Ottonian
Ottonian House
USE GermanyHistorySaxon House, 919-1024
Holy Roman EmpireHistorySaxon House,

Ottonian illumination of books and manuscripts
USE Illumination of books and manuscripts,

Ottonian ivories
USE Ivories, Ottonian
Ottonian painting
USE Painting, Ottonian
Ottonian sculpture
USE Sculpture, Ottonian
Ottovolante (Group of writers) (May Subd Geog)
RT Italian literature
Otts family
USE Ott family
Otuho (African people)
USE Lotuko (African people)
Otuho language
USE Lotuko language
Otukah River (Alaska)
USE Utukok River (Alaska)
Otuke Indians
USE Otuquis Indians

Otuko (African people)

USE Lotuko (African people)
Otuque Indians
USE Otuquis Indians
Otuquis Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Otuke Indians
Otuque Indians
BT Bororo Indians
Indians of South AmericaBolivia
Oturkpo (African people)
USE Idoma (African people)
Oturkpo dialect
USE Idoma language
Otus (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.S83 (Zoology)]
BT Screech owls
NT Eastern screech owl
Flammulated owl
Western screech owl
Otus asio
USE Eastern screech owl
Otus flammeolus
USE Flammulated owl
Otus kennicottii
USE Western screech owl
Otuxo (African people)
USE Lotuko (African people)
Otuxo language
USE Lotuko language
Otway Basin (Vic. and S. Aust.)
BT Basins (Geology)Australia
Otway family (Not Subd Geog)
Otway National Park (Vic.)
BT National parks and reservesAustralia
Otway Ranges (Vic.)
UF Otways (Vic.)
BT MountainsAustralia
Otways (Vic.)
USE Otway Ranges (Vic.)
Otyiherero language
USE Herero language
Otz Valley (Austria)
USE Otztal (Austria)
Otzi (Ice mummy) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ice man (Ice mummy)
Iceman (Ice mummy)
Oetzi (Ice mummy)
BT Human remains (Archaeology)
Ice mummies
Otztal (Austria)
UF Otz Valley (Austria)
BT ValleysAustria
Otztal Alps (Austria and Italy)
UF Alpi Venoste (Austria and Italy)
Alps, Otztal (Austria and Italy)
Oetztal Alps (Austria and Italy)
Otztaler Alpen (Austria and Italy)
Otzthal Alps (Austria and Italy)
Venoste Alps (Austria and Italy)
BT Alps, Austrian (Austria)
Alps, Italian (Italy)
Otztaler Alpen (Austria and Italy)
USE Otztal Alps (Austria and Italy)
Otzthal Alps (Austria and Italy)
USE Otztal Alps (Austria and Italy)
Ou (The French word)
BT French languageEtymology
Ou family (Not Subd Geog)
Ou Radsaal (Pretoria, South Africa)
USE Raadsaal (Pretoria, South Africa)
Ou Region (Japan)
USE Tohoku Region (Japan)
Ou-yang family (Not Subd Geog)
Ou Yuan (Suzhou, Jiangsu Sheng, China)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Couple's Retreat, Garden of (Suzhou, Jiangsu

Sheng, China)
Garden of Couple's Retreat (Suzhou, Jiangsu

Sheng, China)
Ou Yuan (Suzhou Shi, Jiangsu Sheng, China)

[Former heading]
BT GardensChina
Ou Yuan (Suzhou Shi, Jiangsu Sheng, China)
USE Ou Yuan (Suzhou, Jiangsu Sheng, China)
Oua Island (Tonga)
UF Fonou-Foua Island (Tonga)

O-ooa Island (Tonga)

BT IslandsTonga
Oua-pou (French Polynesia)
USE Ua Pou (French Polynesia)
Ouabache State Park (Ind.)
UF Ouabache State Recreation Area (Ind.)
BT ParksIndiana
Recreation areasIndiana
Ouabache State Recreation Area (Ind.)
USE Ouabache State Park (Ind.)
Ouachita, Lake (Ark.)
UF Lake Ouachita (Ark.)
BT LakesArkansas
Ouachita dusky salamander
USE Desmognathus brimleyorum
Ouachita goldenrod
USE Solidago ouachitensis
Ouachita Mountains (Ark. and Okla.)
UF Quachita Mountains (Okla. and Ark.) [Former

BT MountainsArkansas
Ouachita National Forest (Ark. and Okla.)
UF Arkansas National Forest (Ark.)
Quachita National Forest (Okla. and Ark.)

[Former heading]
BT Forest reservesArkansas
Forest reservesOklahoma
National parks and reservesArkansas
National parks and reservesOklahoma
Ouachita National Recreation Trail (Ark. and Okla.)
BT National parks and reservesArkansas
National parks and reservesOklahoma
Ouachita River (Ark. and La.)
UF Washita River (Ark. and La.)
BT RiversArkansas
Ouachita River (Tex. and Okla.)
USE Washita River (Tex. and Okla.)
Ouachita River Valley (Ark. and La.)
UF Ouachita Valley (Ark. and La.)
BT ValleysArkansas
Ouachita River Watershed (Ark. and La.)
BT WatershedsArkansas
Ouachita rock pocketbook mussel (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.7.U6 (Zoology)]
UF Arcidens wheeleri
Arkansia wheeleri
Ouchita rock-pocketbook mussel
Pearly mussel, Wheeler's
Rock-pocketbook mussel, Ouachita
Wheeler's pearly mussel
BT Arkansia
Ouachita salamander
USE Desmognathus brimleyorum
Rich Mountain salamander
Ouachita Valley (Ark. and La.)
USE Ouachita River Valley (Ark. and La.)
Ouaddai language
USE Maba language
Ouaddaien language
USE Maba language
Ouadi Baradi (Syria)
USE Barada River (Syria)
Ouadi Rime (Chad)
USE Rime Wadi (Chad)
Ouala (African people)
USE Wala (African people)
Wara (African people)
Oualata Cliffs (Mauritania)
UF Dahr Oualata (Mauritania)
BT CliffsMauritania
Ouananiche (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.S2 (Zoology)]
[SH685.2 (Angling)]
UF Lake Atlantic salmon
Landlocked Atlantic salmon
Sebago salmon
BT Atlantic salmon
Ouapisiana Indians
USE Wapisiana Indians
Ouara (African people)
USE Wara (African people)
Ouargla language (May Subd Geog)
UF Wargla language


BT AlgeriaLanguages
Berber languages
Ouassoulou (African people)
USE Wasulu (African people)
Ouassoulounke (African people)
USE Wasulu (African people)
Ouasul (Romania)
USE Oas Mountains (Romania)
Ouatchi (African people)
USE Waci (African people)
Ouayana Indians
USE Wayana Indians
Ouayana language
USE Wayana language
Ouayeome Indians
USE Waiwai Indians
Ouayeone language
USE Waiwai language
Ouayeoue Indians
USE Waiwai Indians
Oub River (South Africa)
USE Great Fish River (South Africa)
Oubangui River
USE Ubangi River
Oubanguien languages
USE Ubangi languages
Oubediyeh, Tall (Israel)
USE Ubeidiya Site (Israel)
Oubediyeh Site (Israel)
USE Ubeidiya Site (Israel)
Oubre family (Not Subd Geog)
Oubykh language
USE Ubykh language
USE Ubykhs
Ouche River (France)
BT RiversFrance
Ouche River Valley (France)
UF Ouche Valley (France)
BT ValleysFrance
Ouche Valley (France)
USE Ouche River Valley (France)
Ouchi family (Not Subd Geog)
Ouchihikama Kofun (Yamaguchi-shi, Japan)
USE Ouchihikami Site (Yamaguchi-shi, Japan)
Ouchihikami Site (Yamaguchi-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ouchihikama Kofun (Yamaguchi-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Ouchita rock-pocketbook mussel
USE Ouachita rock pocketbook mussel
Ouclair family
USE Le Clere family
Oud (May Subd Geog)
[ML1015.O9 (History)]
[MT654.O9 (Instruction)]
UF Oude
BT Lute
Musical instrumentsMiddle East
Musical instrumentsArab countries
Oud and guitar music
USE Guitar and oud music
Oud and harp music
USE Harp and oud music
Oud and percussion music (May Subd Geog)
UF Percussion and oud music
Oud-Bruggenum (Grathem, Netherlands)
USE Kasteel Groot Buggenum (Grathem,

Oud duets
USE Oud music (Ouds (2))
Oud music (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered compositions not in a specific
form or of a specific type for solo oud, and collections
of compositions in several forms or types for solo

SA headings for forms and types of music that

include "oud" or "ouds" and headings with

medium of performance that include "oud" or

Oud music (Ouds (2)) (May Subd Geog)
UF Oud duets
Oud players (May Subd Geog)
BT Lutenists
Oud with string orchestra

Oudablis lauri
USE Longtailed mealybug
Oudal family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oudalstl family
Oudalstl family
USE Oudal family
Oude Biezen (Belgium)
USE Alden Biesen (Belgium)
Oude Gracht (Haarlem, Netherlands)
USE Gedempte Oude Gracht (Haarlem,

Oude Hof (Hague, Netherlands)
USE Paleis Noordeinde (Hague, Netherlands)
Oude IJsel River (Germany and Netherlands)
USE Oude IJssel River (Germany and Netherlands)
Oude IJssel River (Germany and Netherlands)
UF Alte Issel River (Germany and Netherlands)
Old IJssel River (Germany and Netherlands)
Old Yssel River (Germany and Netherlands)
Oude IJsel River (Germany and Netherlands)
BT RiversGermany
Oude IJssel River Valley (Germany and Netherlands)
BT ValleysGermany
Oude Raadhuis (Hague, Netherlands)
BT City hallsNetherlands
Oude Rijn River (Netherlands)
USE Old Rhine River (Netherlands)
Oude Ryn River (Netherlands)
USE Old Rhine River (Netherlands)
Oudemanhuis (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
USE Oudemanhuispoort (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Oudemanhuispoort (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
UF Oudemanhuis (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Oudemannenhuis (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Ouwe Mannenpoort (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Poort (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
BT College buildingsNetherlands
Oudemannenhuis (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
USE Oudemanhuispoort (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Ouden Biesen (Belgium)
USE Alden Biesen (Belgium)
Oudenaarde, Battle of, Oudenaarde, Belgium, 1708
UF Oudenaarde (Belgium), Battle of, 1708

[Former heading]
BT Spanish Succession, War of, 1701
Oudenaarde (Belgium), Battle of, 1708
USE Oudenaarde, Battle of, Oudenaarde, Belgium,

Oudenbiezen (Belgium)
USE Alden Biesen (Belgium)
Ouderkerk family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Odekirk family
Oderkirk family
Ouderkirk family
Ouderkirk family
USE Ouderkerk family
Oudry family
USE Houdry family
Oudry-Mesly Bridge (Creteil, France)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT FootbridgesFrance
Oued Azaouak (Mali and Niger)
USE Azaouak Valley (Mali and Niger)
Oued Dades (Morocco)
USE Dades River (Morocco)
Oued Draa (Morocco)
USE Dra Wadi (Morocco)
Oued Guir (Morocco and Algeria)
USE Guir River (Morocco and Algeria)
Oued Massa (Morocco)
USE Massa River (Morocco)
Oued Miliane (Tunisia)
USE Milyan River (Tunisia)
Oued Mina (Tiaret-Mostaganem, Algeria)
USE Mina River (Tiaret-Mostaganem, Algeria)
Oued Nfis (Morocco)
USE Nfis River (Morocco)
Oued Noun (Morocco)
USE Nun Wadi (Morocco)
Oued Rhir (Algeria)
USE Rhir Wadi (Algeria)
Oued Saoura (Algeria)
USE Saoura Wadi (Algeria)
Oued Sebod (Morocco)
USE Sebou River (Morocco)

Oued Sebou (Morocco)

USE Sebou River (Morocco)
Oued Seyad (Morocco)
USE Seyad Wadi (Morocco)
Oued Seybouse (Algeria)
USE Seybouse River (Algeria)
Oued Tafna (Algeria)
USE Tafna River (Algeria)
Oued Tassa (Tunisia)
USE Tessa River (Tunisia)
Oued Tessa (Tunisia)
USE Tessa River (Tunisia)
Ouedaou (Papua New Guinean people)
USE Wedau (Papua New Guinean people)
Ouedaou language
USE Wedau language
USE Wadis
Oueili, Tall al- (Iraq)
UF Tall al-Oueili (Iraq)
Tall al-Uwayli (Iraq)
Tell el-Oueili (Iraq)
Tell el-Uwayli (Iraq)
Uwayli, Tall al- (Iraq)
BT IraqAntiquities
Ouellet family
USE Ouellette family
Ouellette family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ouellet family
Oueme River (Benin)
UF Ofe River (Benin)
Ofoue River (Benin)
Okpara River (Benin)
Ouo River (Benin)
Riviere Oueme (Benin)
Ueme River (Benin)
Weme River (Benin)
Wemi River (Benin)
BT RiversBenin
Oueme River Valley (Benin)
UF Bas-Oueme (Benin)
Oueme Valley (Benin)
Vallee de l'Oueme (Benin)
BT ValleysBenin
Oueme Valley (Benin)
USE Oueme River Valley (Benin)
Ouendake Indian Reserve (Quebec)
USE Village-des-Hurons Indian Reserve (Quebec)
Ouenya (African people)
USE Genya (African people)
Ouessant, Battle of, 1778
USE Ushant, Battle of, 1778
Ouessant Island (France)
UF Eusa Island (France)
Ile d'Ouessant (France)
Ushant Island (France)
Uxisama Island (France)
BT IslandsFrance
Ouest, Lagune de l'(Vietnam)
USE Tam Giang Lagoon (Vietnam)
Ouest (France)
USE France, Western
Oufkir family
USE Ufqir family
Oughterard, Francis (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Francis Oughterard (Fictitious character)
Rev. Francis Oughterard (Fictitious character)
Reverend Francis Oughterard (Fictitious

Oughterson family
USE Otterson family
OUI (Drunk driving)
USE Drunk driving
Oui-Oui (Fictitious character)
USE Noddy (Fictitious character)
Ouiatanon, Fort (Ind.)
USE Fort Ouiatenon (Ind.)
Ouiatenon, Fort (Ind.)
USE Fort Ouiatenon (Ind.)
Ouija board
BT Automatism
NT Planchette
Ouija Board (Race horse) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Horses
Ouimet Canyon Provincial Park (Ont.)
UF Parc provincial Ouimet Canyon (Ont.)
BT ParksOntario


Ouimet family (Not Subd Geog)

UF Ouimette family
Ouimette family
USE Ouimet family
Ouinji-Ouinji (African people)
USE Anii (African people)
Ouinous qui (Vt.)
USE Winooski River (Vt.)
Ouinous-tic (Vt.)
USE Winooski River (Vt.)
Ouinouski River (Vt.)
USE Winooski River (Vt.)
Ouinoustick (Vt.)
USE Winooski River (Vt.)
Ouispe language
USE Ofo language
Ouitoto Indians
USE Witoto Indians
Oukamok Island (Alaska)
USE Chirikof Island (Alaska)
Oukloof Dam (South Africa)
UF Oukloofdam (South Africa)
BT DamsSouth Africa
Oukloofdam (South Africa)
USE Oukloof Dam (South Africa)
Oukwere (African people)
USE Kwere (African people)
USE Thaleichthys pacificus
Oulaf (African people)
USE Wolof (African people)
Oulangan kansallispuisto (Finland)
UF Oulanka National Park (Finland)
BT National parks and reservesFinland
Oulanka National Park (Finland)
USE Oulangan kansallispuisto (Finland)
Ould family
USE Olds family
Ouldeme (African people)
USE Uldeme (African people)
Ouldeme language
USE Uldeme language
Oule (African people)
USE LoWiili (African people)
Oule language
USE Bwamu language
Ouleai (Micronesia : Woleai Atoll)
USE Woleai Atoll (Micronesia)
Ouled Nail
BT Arabs
Oulefat (Legendary character)
USE Olofat (Legendary character)
Oulema (May Subd Geog)
BT Chrysomelidae
NT Oulema melanopa
Oulema melanopa (May Subd Geog)
UF Cereal leaf beetle
BT Oulema
USE Cirques (Glacial landforms)
Oulevai (Micronesia)
USE Woleai Atoll (Micronesia)
Oulianof family
USE Ulianov family
Oulianov family
USE Ulianov family
USE Mesoplodon
USE Inulatan (Berber tribe)
Oulton Estate (Little Budworth, England)
USE Oulton Park (Little Budworth, England)
Oulton Park (Little Budworth, England)
UF Oulton Estate (Little Budworth, England)
Oulton Park Circuit (Little Budworth, England)
BT Racetracks (Automobile racing)England
Oulton Park Circuit (Little Budworth, England)
USE Oulton Park (Little Budworth, England)
Oultremont family (Not Subd Geog)
Oulu Lake (Finland)
USE Oulujarvi (Finland)
Oulu River (Finland)
UF Oulujoki (Finland)
Oulun-ioki (Finland)
Oulunjoki (Finland)
Ule alv (Finland)
Ulealv (Finland)
BT RiversFinland

Oulu River Watershed (Finland)

BT WatershedsFinland
Ouluiarvi (Finland)
USE Oulujarvi (Finland)
Oulujarin (Finland)
USE Oulujarvi (Finland)
Oulujarvi (Finland)
UF Lake Oulu (Finland)
Lake Oulujarvi (Finland)
Oulu Lake (Finland)
Ouluiarvi (Finland)
Oulujarin (Finland)
Oulunjarvi (Finland)
Oviujarvi (Finland)
Ozero Ouluiarvi (Finland)
Uletrask (Finland)
BT LakesFinland
Oulujoki (Finland)
USE Oulu River (Finland)
Oulun-ioki (Finland)
USE Oulu River (Finland)
Oulunjarvi (Finland)
USE Oulujarvi (Finland)
Oulunjoki (Finland)
USE Oulu River (Finland)
Oum el Mara, Tall (Syria)
USE Umm al Mara, Tall (Syria)
Ouma Indians
USE Houma Indians
Oumu Shinrikyo saiban, Tokyo, Japan, 1996
USE Oumu Shinrikyo Trial, Tokyo, Japan, 1996
Oumu Shinrikyo Trial, Tokyo, Japan, 1996
UF Oumu Shinrikyo saiban, Tokyo, Japan, 1996
BT Trials (Terrorism)Japan
Ounas River (Finland)
UF Ounasjoki (Finland)
BT RiversFinland
Ounasjoki (Finland)
USE Ounas River (Finland)
Ounce (Mammals)
USE Snow leopard
Ounga Island (Alaska)
USE Unga Island (Alaska)
Ounimak Island (Alaska)
USE Unimak Island (Alaska)
Ounu (Extinct city)
USE Heliopolis (Egypt : Extinct city)
Ouo River (Benin)
USE Oueme River (Benin)
Ouobe (African people)
USE Wobe (African people)
Ouobe (African tribe)
USE Wobe (African people)
Ouobe language
USE Wobe language
Ouobi (African people)
USE Wobe (African people)
Ouolof language
USE Wolof language
Oup family
USE Upp family
Oup River (Namibia)
USE Auob (Namibia)
Our Gang films
When subdivided by the appropriate geographic,
topical and/or form subdivisions, this heading is used
for works about Our Gang films.

UF Little Rascals films

BT Motion pictures
Our Lady, Help of Christians
USE Mary, Help of Christians
Our Lady of Aokpe
USE Aokpe, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Aparecida
USE Aparecida, Nossa Senhora
Our Lady of Atocha
USE Atocha, Nuestra Senora de
Our Lady of Banneux
USE Banneux, Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van
Our Lady of Beauraing
USE Beauraing, Notre-Dame de
Our Lady of Boulogne
USE Boulogne, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Carmel at Aylesford
USE Mount Carmel, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Copacabana
USE Copacabana, Nuestra Senora de
Our Lady of Fatima
USE Fatima, Our Lady of

Our Lady of Good Events

USE Buen Suceso, Nuestra Senora del
Our Lady of Good Success
USE Buen Suceso, Nuestra Senora del
Our Lady of Guadalupe
USE Guadalupe, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Iniestra
USE Iniestra de Capaya, Nuestra Senora de la
Our Lady of Itziar
USE Itziar, Nuestra Senora de
Our Lady of Izamal
USE Izamal, Our Lady of
Our Lady of La Salette
USE La Salette, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Loreto
USE Loreto, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Lourdes
USE Lourdes, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Lujan
USE Lujan, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Mercy
USE Mercy, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Montserrat
USE Montserrat, Nuestra Senora de
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
USE Mount Carmel, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
USE Mount Carmel, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Nazare Festival
USE Cirio de Nazare Festival
Our Lady of Ocotlan
USE Ocotlan, Nuestra Senora de
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
USE Perpetual Help, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Pueblito
USE Pueblito, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Ransom
USE Mercy, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Refuge Ranch (Calif.)
USE Hollister Ranch (Calif.)
Our Lady of Rocamadour
USE Rocamadour, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Soledad
USE Soledad, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Sorrows
USE Dolores, Nuestra Senora de los
Our Lady of Sorrows of Carmel
USE Mount Carmel, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Suyapa
USE Suyapa, Nuestra Senora de
Our Lady of the Agony
USE Agony, Our Lady of the
Our Lady of the Conception of Suyapa
USE Suyapa, Nuestra Senora de
Our Lady of the Poor, Health of the Sick
USE Banneux, Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van
Our Lady of the Rockies (Butte, Mont.)
BT StatuesMontana
Our Lady of the Rosary
USE Rosary, Our Lady of the
Our Lady of the Scapula
USE Mount Carmel, Our Lady of
Our Lady of the Scapular
USE Mount Carmel, Our Lady of
Our Lady of Tongeren retable (Sculpture)
USE Mariaretabel van Tongeren (Sculpture)
Our Lady of Victories (Portland, Me.)
USE Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Portland, Me.)
Our Lady of White Friars
USE Mount Carmel, Our Lady of
Our Lady's Island (Ireland)
UF Lady's Island (Ireland)
BT IslandsIreland
Our Lady's Island Lake (Ireland)
USE Lady's Island Lake (Ireland)
Oura (Extinct city)
USE Olbasa (Extinct city)
Oura B Iseki (Yonezawa-shi, Japan)
USE Oura B Site (Yonezawa-shi, Japan)
Oura B Site (Yonezawa-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oura B Iseki (Yonezawa-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oura Bay (Okinawa Island, Japan)
UF Ora-wan (Okinawa Island, Japan)
Oura-wan (Okinawa Island, Japan)
Wora wan (Okinawa Island, Japan)
BT BaysJapan
Oura Iseki (Sakaide-shi, Japan)
USE Oura Site (Sakaide-shi, Japan)


Oura Site (Sakaide-shi, Japan)

This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oura Iseki (Sakaide-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oura-wan (Okinawa Island, Japan)
USE Oura Bay (Okinawa Island, Japan)
Ouranos (Greek deity)
USE Uranus (Greek deity)
Ouranosaurus (May Subd Geog)
BT Iguanodontidae
Ourasi (Race horse) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Horses
Ouratea (May Subd Geog)
BT Ochnaceae
NT Ouratea parviflora
Ouratea parviflora (May Subd Geog)
UF Gomphia parviflora
BT Ouratea
Ourax mitu
USE Alagoas curassow
Ouray, Mount (Colo.)
UF Mount Ouray (Colo.)
BT MountainsColorado
USE Mountain passesColoradoOuray,

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge (Utah)
BT National parks and reservesUtah
Wildlife refugesUtah
Ourceau family
USE Orceau family
Ourci (Extinct city)
USE Urci (Extinct city)
Ouriaghel (Berber people)
USE Waryaghar (Berber people)
Ouricury palm
USE Syagrus coronata
Ourique, Battle of, 1139
USE Ourique, Battle of, Portugal, 1139
Ourique, Battle of, July 25, 1139
USE Ourique, Battle of, Portugal, 1139
Ourique, Battle of, Portugal, 1139
UF Ourique, Battle of, 1139 [Former heading]
Ourique, Battle of, July 25, 1139 [Former

BT PortugalHistoryAfonso I, 1139-1185
Ourisia (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.P714 (Botany)]
BT Plantaginaceae
Ourki (Extinct city)
USE Urci (Extinct city)
Ouroumlouki (Greece)
USE Roumlouki (Greece)
Ourry Island (Solomon Islands)
USE Vanikolo Island (Solomon Islands)
Oursi Lake (Burkina Faso)
UF Mare d'Oursi (burkina Faso)
BT LakesBurkina Faso
Oursler family (Not Subd Geog)
Oury family (Not Subd Geog)
Ousback family
USE Osbeck family
Ouse, Great, River (England)
USE Great Ouse River (England)
Ouse, River (East Sussex, England)
UF River Ouse (East Sussex, England)
BT RiversEngland
Ouse, River (North Yorkshire, England)
UF River Ouse (North Yorkshire, England)
BT RiversEngland
Ouse, River (Northamptonshire-Norfolk, England)
USE Great Ouse River (England)
Ouse, River, Valley (North Yorkshire, England)
USE Ouse Valley (North Yorkshire, England)
Ouse River Valley (England)
UF Ouse Valley (England)
BT ValleysEngland
Ouse Valley (England)
USE Ouse River Valley (England)
Ouse Valley (North Yorkshire, England)
UF Ouse, River, Valley (North Yorkshire, England)
BT ValleysEngland
Ouselea family
USE Ousley family
Ouseley family
USE Ousley family
Ousiake ge (The Greek phrase)
BT Land tenureLaw and legislation

Ousley family (Not Subd Geog)

UF Housley family
Oseley family
Ouselea family
Ouseley family
Owesley family
Owsley family
Oussi sheep
USE Awassi sheep
Oussudu Lake (India)
UF Ousteri Lake (India)
BT LakesIndia
Ousteri Lake (India)
USE Oussudu Lake (India)
USE Outhouses
USE Internal migrants
Out-of-body experiences
USE Astral projection
Out-of-date books, periodicals, etc.
USE Obsolescence of books, periodicals, etc.
Out-of-doors Christian education
USE Christian education, Outdoor
Out-of-doors education
USE Outdoor education
Out-of-print books (May Subd Geog)
UF BibliographyOut-of-print books
Books, Out-of-print
BT Books
Out-of-print materials
RT Antiquarian booksellers
Reprints (Publications)
Out-of-print books on microfilm
BT Microfilms
Out-of-print materials (May Subd Geog)
BT Library materials
NT Out-of-print books
Out-of-state students (May Subd Geog)
BT Students
Out-of-work people
USE Unemployed
Outagami Indians
USE Fox Indians
Outagami language
USE Fox language
Outages, Electric power
USE Electric power failures
USE Utakaihajime
Outaouais, Riviere des (Quebec and Ont.)
USE Ottawa River (Quebec and Ont.)
Outaouak Indians
USE Ottawa Indians
Outaouk language
USE Ottawa language
Outardes River (Quebec)
UF Riviere aux Outardes (Quebec)
BT RiversQuebec (Province)
Outboard drives
USE Inboard-outboard engines
Outboard motor-boats
USE Outboard motorboats
Outboard motorboats (May Subd Geog)
[GV835.8 (Sports)]
[VM348 (Naval architecture)]
UF Outboard motor-boats [Former heading]
BT Motorboats
Outboard motors (May Subd Geog)
BT MotorboatsGasoline engines
Outbreaks of disease
USE Epidemics
Outbuildings (May Subd Geog)
UF Dependencies (Buildings)
BT Buildings
NT Cabanas
Carriage houses
NT Casino dell'Aurora (Palazzo Pallavicini
Rospigliosi, Rome, Italy)
Outbursts, Gas
USE Gas bursts
Outbursts, Meteor
USE Meteor showers
Outbursts, Rock
USE Rock bursts

Outcasts (May Subd Geog)

[GT6550-GT6699 (Manners and customs)]
BT Brigands and robbers
RT Outlaws
NT Pariahs
Outcome assessment (Medical care) (May Subd Geog)
UF Assessment of outcome (Medical care)
Outcome evaluation (Medical care)
Outcome measures (Medical care)
Outcomes assessment (Medical care)
Outcomes measurement (Medical care)
Outcomes research (Medical care)
Patient outcome assessment
BT Medical careEvaluation
NT Adolescent psychotherapyOutcome

Child psychotherapyOutcome assessment
PsychotherapyOutcome assessment
Outcome-based contracts (May Subd Geog)
BT Contracts
Outcome-based education
USE Competency-based education
Outcome evaluation (Medical care)
USE Outcome assessment (Medical care)
Outcome measures (Medical care)
USE Outcome assessment (Medical care)
Outcomes assessment (Medical care)
USE Outcome assessment (Medical care)
Outcomes-based education
USE Competency-based education
Outcomes measurement (Medical care)
USE Outcome assessment (Medical care)
Outcomes research (Medical care)
USE Outcome assessment (Medical care)
Outcropping (Geology)
USE Outcrops (Geology)
Outcrops (Geology) (May Subd Geog)
UF Outcropping (Geology)
BT Geology
NT Basalt outcrops
Granite outcrops
NT Red Hill Site (Pa.)
NT Hoyas Basin (Spain)
Washington (State)
NT Echo Rock (Pierce County, Wash.)
Outdoor advertising
USE Advertising, Outdoor
Outdoor art (May Subd Geog)
BT Art
NT Outdoor sculpture
Outdoor Christian education
USE Christian education, Outdoor
Outdoor classrooms
USE Outdoor learning laboratories
Outdoor concert facilities (May Subd Geog)
UF Open-air concert facilities
Open-air concert halls
Open-air music halls
Open-air music parks
Outdoor concert halls
Outdoor music halls
Outdoor music parks
BT Music facilities
RT Amphitheaters
NT Red Rocks Amphitheater (Colo.)
NT Jay Pritzker Pavilion (Chicago, Ill.)
Outdoor concert halls
USE Outdoor concert facilities
Outdoor cookery
USE Outdoor cooking
Outdoor cooking (May Subd Geog)
UF Camp cooking
Outdoor cookery [Former heading]
BT Cooking
NT Barbecuing
Outdoor education (May Subd Geog)
UF Out-of-doors education
BT Education
NT Adventure education
Christian education, Outdoor
Natural historyOutdoor books
Outdoor learning laboratories
Outward bound schools
School camps


Outdoor electric wiring

USE Electric wiring, Outdoor
Outdoor fireplaces
USE Barbecues (Fireplaces)
Outdoor furniture (May Subd Geog)
UF Site furniture
Street furniture
BT Furniture
RT StreetsAccessories
NT Exedrae (Seating)
Garden ornaments and furniture
Lawn chairs
Outdoor furniture industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Furniture industry and trade
Outdoor games (May Subd Geog)
BT Games
NT Games for campers
Outdoor Girls (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog)
Outdoor injuries
USE Outdoor medical emergencies
Outdoor journalism
USE Journalism, Outdoor
Outdoor kitchens (May Subd Geog)
BT Kitchens
Outdoor living spaces
Outdoor laboratories
USE Outdoor learning laboratories
Outdoor learning laboratories (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on outdoor spaces that
have been designed or modified for use as outdoor
learning environments.

UF Outdoor classrooms
Outdoor laboratories
BT Outdoor education
Outdoor life (May Subd Geog)
UF Rural life
BT Manners and customs
RT Camping
NT Mountaineering
Natural historyOutdoor books
River life
Wayfaring life
Wilderness survival
Accidents and injuries
USE Outdoor medical emergencies
USE Outdoor medical emergencies
Safety measures
Outdoor life in art (Not Subd Geog)
Outdoor life in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Outdoor lighting
USE Exterior lighting
Outdoor living rooms
USE Outdoor living spaces
Outdoor living spaces (May Subd Geog)
UF Outdoor living rooms
Outdoor rooms
BT Architecture, Domestic
Landscape architecture
NT Outdoor kitchens
Decoration (May Subd Geog)
BT Decoration and ornament
Outdoor medical emergencies (May Subd Geog)
UF Outdoor injuries
Outdoor lifeAccidents and injuries [Former

Outdoor lifeInjuries
BT Medical emergencies
NT Backpacking injuries
Boating injuries
Camping injuries
Hiking injuries
Mountaineering injuries
Outdoor museums
USE Open-air museums
Outdoor music halls
USE Outdoor concert facilities
Outdoor music parks
USE Outdoor concert facilities
Outdoor painting
USE Plein air painting
Outdoor photography (May Subd Geog)
UF Field photography
BT Photography
RT Nature photography
Travel photography

Outdoor photography (Continued)

NT Landscape photography
Marine photography
Street photography
Outdoor pulpits (May Subd Geog)
UF External pulpits
BT Pulpits
Outdoor recreation (May Subd Geog)
BT Recreation
RT Recreation areas
SA subdivision Recreational use under types of

land, types of bodies of water, and types of

geographic features
NT Adventure racing
Campfire programs
Dude ranches
Nature observation
Zip lines
Environmental aspects (May Subd Geog)
Federal aid
USE Federal aid to outdoor recreation
NT Federal aid to outdoor recreation
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Safety measures
Outdoor recreation areas
USE Recreation areas
Outdoor recreation for children (May Subd Geog)
UF ChildrenRecreation
BT Children
Outdoor recreation for children with disabilities
(May Subd Geog)
UF Outdoor recreation for handicapped children

[Former heading]
BT Children with disabilitiesRecreation
Outdoor recreation for handicapped children
USE Outdoor recreation for children with disabilities
Outdoor recreation for women (May Subd Geog)
BT WomenRecreation
Outdoor recreation industry (May Subd Geog)
BT Recreation industry
NT Outfitting industry
Outdoor residential electric wiring
USE Electric wiring, Outdoor
Outdoor rooms
USE Outdoor living spaces
Outdoor schools
USE Open-air schools
Outdoor sculpture (May Subd Geog)
BT Outdoor art
Outdoor sounds (May Subd Geog)
BT Sounds
Outdoor survival
USE Wilderness survival
Outdoor theater
USE Theater, Open-air
Outdoor volleyball
USE Beach volleyball
Outdoor writers (May Subd Geog)
BT Authors
Outdoor zoos
USE Open-air zoos
Outen family
USE Outten family
Outeniekwa Mountains (South Africa)
USE Outeniekwaberge (South Africa)
Outeniekwaberge (South Africa)
UF Outeniekwa Mountains (South Africa)
Outeniqua Mountains (South Africa)
Outeniquaberge (South Africa)
BT MountainsSouth Africa
Outeniqua Mountains (South Africa)
USE Outeniekwaberge (South Africa)
Outeniquaberge (South Africa)
USE Outeniekwaberge (South Africa)
Outer Banks (N.C.)
UF Banks, The (N.C.)
Carolina Banks (N.C.)
Carolina Outer Banks (N.C.)
Dare Coast (N.C.)
North Carolina Banks (N.C.)

The Banks (N.C.)

BT ArchipelagoesNorth Carolina
NT Bogue Banks (N.C.)
Hatteras Island (N.C.)
Ocracoke Island (N.C.)
Shackleford Banks (N.C.)
Outer Beach (Mass.)
USE Nauset Beach (Mass.)
Outer ear canal
USE Ear canal
Outer Long Island (Me.)
USE Long Island (Hancock County, Me.)
Outer Oases (Egypt)
USE Kharga (Egypt : Oasis)
Outer planetary atmospheres
USE Outer planetsAtmospheres
Outer planetary ionospheres
USE Outer planetsIonospheres
Outer planets (Not Subd Geog)
[QB377-QB389 (Theoretical astronomy)]
[QB649-QB693 (Descriptive astronomy)]
UF Gas giants
Jovian planets
BT Planets
NT Jupiter (Planet)
Neptune (Planet)
Planets, Ultra-Neptunian
Saturn (Planet)
Uranus (Planet)
UF Atmospheres of outer planets
Outer planetary atmospheres
UF Ionospheres, Outer planetary
Outer planetary ionospheres
BT Ionosphere
Satellites (Not Subd Geog)
UF SatellitesOuter planets [Former

BT Satellites
UF Atmospheres of outer planet satellites
Outer self
USE Self-presentation
Outer-shell electrons
USE Conduction electrons
Outer Shrine Shinto
USE Ise Shinto
Outer Silver Pit
BT Submarine topographyNorth Sea
Outer Sound (Philippines)
USE Malampaya Sound (Philippines)
Outer space
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic
Here are entered works on the space outside
Earth's atmosphere. Works on the unbounded threedimensional region in which all matter exists are
entered under Space.

BT Astronautics
Space sciences
RT Space control (Military science)
NT Deep space
Hubble Deep Field
Project Argus
Space environment
Space warfare
UF Outer spaceAnecdotes, facetiae, satire,

etc. [Former heading]

Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc.
USE Outer spaceAnecdotes
Outer spaceHumor
Caricatures and cartoons
Civilian use (May Subd Geog)
UF Civilian use of outer space
BT Astronautics
NT Space industrialization
Space tourism
USE Space colonies
Exploration (May Subd Geog)
UF Exploration of space
Solar systemExploration
Space exploration (Astronautics)
Space research
BT Astronautics
Interplanetary voyages


Manned space flight

RT Space archaeology
NT AstronauticsInternational cooperation
Extraterrestrial bases
Jupiter probes
Lunar probes
Mercury probes
Saturn probes
Venus probes
Juvenile literature
Public opinion
Mathematical models
UF Outer spaceAnecdotes, facetiae, satire,

etc. [Former heading]

In art
UF Outer space in art [Former heading]
USE Space microbiology
Military use
USE Astronautics, Military
USE Space pollution
Outer space and civilization
USE Astronautics and civilization
Outer space communication
USE Interstellar communication
Outer space in art
USE Outer spaceIn art
Outer space in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Outer space security
USE Space security
USE Coats
Outerson family
USE Otterson family
Outfalls, Ocean
USE Ocean outfalls
Outfield (Baseball)
USE Fielding (Baseball)
Outfield (Softball)
USE Fielding (Softball)
Outfielders (Baseball) (May Subd Geog)
BT Baseball players
Outfit (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog)
Outfitter industry
USE Outfitting industry
Outfitters (Outdoor recreation) (May Subd Geog)
BT Recreation leaders
Outfitting industry (May Subd Geog)
UF Outfitter industry
BT Outdoor recreation industry
Outflows, Bipolar (Astrophysics)
USE Bipolar outflows (Astrophysics)
Outgassing (Low pressure environments)
(May Subd Geog)
UF Off-gassing (Low pressure environments)
Offgassing (Low pressure environments)
BT Mass transfer
Outhous family
USE Outhouse family
Outhouse family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Outhous family
Outhuysen family
Outhuyzen family
Uithuizen family
Uythuysen family
Outhouse lily
USE Fritillaria camschatscensis
Outhouses (May Subd Geog)
[TD775 (Sewage disposal)]
[TH4975 (Building construction)]
UF Backhouses
Privies [Former heading]
BT Outbuildings
RT Toilets
Vault toilets
Outhouses in art (Not Subd Geog)
Outhuysen family
USE Outhouse family
Outhuyzen family
USE Outhouse family
Outing (Sexual orientation) (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on publicly disclosing the
homosexuality of other persons.

BT GaysIdentity

Outlander automobile, Mitsubishi

USE Mitsubishi Outlander automobile
Outlaw-couple films
USE Gangster films
Outlaw gangster films
USE Gangster films
Outlaw strikes
USE Wildcat strikes
BT Civil death
Contempt of court
Criminal procedure
NT Proscription
Outlaws (May Subd Geog)
UF Bandits
BT Criminals
RT Brigands and robbers
NT Indian outlaws
Women outlaws
United States
NT African American outlaws
Outlaws, African American
USE African American outlaws
Outlaws, Indian
USE Indian outlaws
Outlaws, Women
USE Women outlaws
Outlaws in art (Not Subd Geog)
Outlaws in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Outlaws in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Outlaws in popular culture (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the representation of
outlaws in popular culture.

BT Popular culture
Outlet malls
USE Outlet stores
Outlet stores (May Subd Geog)
UF Factory outlets
Malls, Outlet
Manufacturers' retail outlets [Former heading]
Outlet malls
Outlets (Retail trade)
BT Discount houses (Retail trade)
Wholesale trade
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Outlet syndrome
USE Thoracic outlet syndrome
Outlets (Retail trade)
USE Outlet stores
Outliers (Statistics)
BT Data editing
Sampling (Statistics)
Outline and base maps
USE subdivision Maps under names of countries,

regions, etc.
Outline maps (Not Subd Geog)
BT Maps
SA subdivision Maps under names of countries,

cities, etc.
NT Plotting charts
World maps, Outline and base
Outline type (May Subd Geog)
UF Type and type-foundingOutline type [Former

BT Type and type-founding
UF Compendiums
SA subdivision Outlines, syllabi, etc. under names

of individual persons, individual sacred

works, classes of persons, ethnic groups

and topical headings for brief statements of

the principal elements of a subject to be

studied, usually arranged by headings and

subheadings, e.g. History--Outlines, syllabi,

Computer programs
Outlying Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii)
USE Leeward Islands (Hawaii)

Outman family
USE Oatman family
Outpatient medical care
USE Ambulatory medical care
Outpatient prospective payment
USE HospitalsOutpatient servicesProspective

Outpatient services in hospitals
USE HospitalsOutpatient services
Outpatient services in military hospitals
USE Military hospitalsOutpatient services
Outpatient services in psychiatric hospitals
USE Psychiatric hospitalsOutpatient services
Outpatient services in public hospitals
USE Public hospitalsOutpatient services
Outpatient services in state hospitals
USE State hospitalsOutpatient services
Outpatient services in veterans' hospitals
USE Veterans' hospitalsOutpatient services
Outpatient surgery
USE Ambulatory surgery
Outplacement services (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on job finding assistance
offered by employers to workers who have been or
are about to be dismissed.

UF Employee outplacement services

EmployeesOutplacement services
BT Personnel management
Outpost Keating, Battle of, Afghanistan, 2009
USE Kamdesh, Battle of, Afghanistan, 2009
Outpost Wetlands Natural Area (Alta.)
BT Natural areasAlberta
USE Guard duty
Output equipment (Computers)
USE Computer input-output equipment
Output standards
USE Production standards
Outre-mer, Departements de (France)
USE French overseas departments
Outreach, Jewish
USE Jewish outreach
Outreach programs in history (May Subd Geog)
UF History outreach programs
BT HistoryStudy and teaching
Outreach programs in libraries
USE Library outreach programs
Outreach programs in museums
USE Museum outreach programs
Outriddling the princess (Tale)
USE Princess who cannot solve the riddle (Tale)
Outrigger canoes (May Subd Geog)
BT Canoes and canoeing
RT Praus
Outside directors of corporations (May Subd Geog)
UF Independent directors of corporations
Non-executive directors of corporations
BT Directors of corporations
Outside employment
USE Supplementary employment
Outside reading
USE Supplementary reading
Outsider art (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on art by self-taught artists
working outside of any established tradition.

UF Naive art
BT Art
Outsider artists (May Subd Geog)
UF Vernacular artists (Outsider artists)
BT Artists
Outsiders in art (Not Subd Geog)
Outsiders in literature (Not Subd Geog)
SA subdivision Characters--Outsiders under

names of individual literary authors, e.g.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616-

Outsiders in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog)
BT Motion pictures
Outsiders in the Bible
Outskirts of cities
USE Suburbs
USE Contracting out
Outsourcing (International trade)
USE Offshore assembly industry
Outtakes (May Subd Geog)
This heading is used as a topical heading for
works about excerpts from films and television
programs usually excluded from the final versions of
completed films or programs. When used as a topical


heading it is subdivided by the appropriate

geographic, topical, and/or form subdivisions.

BT Motion pictures
Television programs
Outtakka Mountain (Finland)
BT MountainsFinland
Outten family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Outen family
Outterson family
USE Otterson family
Outward bound schools (May Subd Geog)
BT Outdoor education
Wilderness survivalStudy and teaching
Outward investments
USE Investments, Foreign
Outwash trains
USE Valley trains
Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition
BT Portrait paintingAwardsUnited States
Portrait sculptureAwardsUnited States
Outzen family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Autzen family
Ouvea Affair, New Caledonia, 1988
UF Affaire d'Ouvea, New Caledonia, 1988
BT New CaledoniaPolitics and government
Ouveze River (France)
BT RiversFrance
Ouveze River Basin (France)
USE Ouveze River Watershed (France)
Ouveze River Watershed (France)
UF Ouveze River Basin (France)
BT WatershedsFrance
Ouvidor Street (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
USE Rua do Ouvidor (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
USE Aponogeton
Ouvrage du Hochwald (France)
USE Hochwald (France : Fortress)
Ouwe Mannenpoort (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
USE Oudemanhuispoort (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Ouwe Wester (Amsterdam, Netherlands : Tower)
USE Westertoren (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Ouyampi Indians
USE Wayampi Indians
Ouyampi language
USE Wayampi language
Ouzo (May Subd Geog)
BT Brandy
Ouzts family
USE Utz family
OV-1 Mohawk (Reconnaissance aircraft)
USE Mohawk (Reconnaissance aircraft)
OV-10 Bronco (Reconnaissance aircraft)
USE Bronco (Reconnaissance aircraft)
Ova donors
USE Ovum donors
Ova ova
USE Indian pipe (Plant)
Ovaguanyama (African people)
USE Kuanyama (African people)
Ovah (Malagasy people)
USE Merina (Malagasy people)
Ovaherero (African people)
USE Herero (African people)
Ovahimba (African people)
USE Himba (African people)
Ovaka Island (Tonga)
BT IslandsTonga
Vavau (Tonga)
Ovakuanyama (African people)
USE Kuanyama (African people)
Oval-leaf figtree
USE Weeping fig
Oval Office (White House, Washington, D.C.)
UF President's Office (White House, Washington,

BT White House (Washington, D.C.)
Oval pictures (May Subd Geog)
BT Pictures
Oval, The (Bridgetown, Barbados)
USE Kensington Oval (Bridgetown, Barbados)
Oval, The (London, England)
UF AMP Oval (London, England)
Brit Oval (London, England)
Fosters Oval (London, England)
Kennington Oval (London, England)
The Oval (London, England)
BT Cricket groundsEngland
Oval Tower (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
USE Ovale Toren (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Ovale Toren (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

UF Oval Tower (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
BT Office buildingsNetherlands
Ovalipes (May Subd Geog)
[QL444.M33 (Zoology)]
BT Swimming crabs
Ovalle family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ovalles family
Ovalles family
USE Ovalle family
BT Curves
Geometry, Differential
Ovals in art (Not Subd Geog)
Ovambadyeru (African people)
USE Mbandieru (African people)
Ovambanderu (African people)
USE Mbandieru (African people)
Ovambo (African people) (May Subd Geog)
[DT1308.O83 (Angola)]
[DT1558.O83 (Namibia)]
UF Aayamba (African people)
Ovampo (African people)
Ovambo (Bantu people) [Former heading]
Owambo (African people)
BT Bantu-speaking peoples
NT Kuanyama (African people)
Ndonga (African people)
Ovambo (Bantu people)
USE Ovambo (African people)
Ovambo language
USE Kuanyama language
Ovambo proverbs
USE Proverbs, Ovambo
Ovambo women
USE Women, Ovambo
Ovampo (African people)
USE Ovambo (African people)
Ovando family (Not Subd Geog)
Ovandonga (African people)
USE Ndonga (African people)
Ovanyaneka (African people)
USE Nyaneka (African people)
Ovard family (Not Subd Geog)
Ovarian atresia (May Subd Geog)
UF Atresia, Ovarian
Follicle atresia, Ovarian
Follicular atresia, Ovarian
Oocyte atresia
Ovarian follicle atresia
Ovarian follicular atresia
BT OvariesAbnormalities
Ovarian failure, Premature
USE Premature ovarian failure
Ovarian follicle atresia
USE Ovarian atresia
Ovarian follicular atresia
USE Ovarian atresia
Ovariectomy (May Subd Geog)
UF Castration, Female
Female castration
BT OvariesSurgery
Sterilization of women
NT Spaying
[QL881 (Comparative anatomy)]
[QM421 (Human anatomy)]
[QP261 (Physiology)]
UF Ovary
BT Adnexa uteri
NT Corpus luteum
Graafian follicle
Abnormalities (May Subd Geog)
NT Ovarian atresia
USE Ovarian atresia
Cysts (May Subd Geog)
NT Polycystic ovary syndrome
Diseases (May Subd Geog)
NT Anovulation
Failure, Premature
USE Premature ovarian failure

USE Oophoritis
Surgery (May Subd Geog)
NT Ovariectomy
Transplantation (May Subd Geog)
Tumors (May Subd Geog)
Ovariotomy (May Subd Geog)
USE Ovaries
Ovazemba (African people)
USE Himba (African people)
Ovazimba (African people)
USE Himba (African people)
Ovcarsko-Kablarska klisura (Serbia)
USE Western Morava Gorge (Serbia)
Ovce Pole (Macedonia)
UF Ovce Polje (Macedonia)
Ovci Pali (Macedonia)
BT PlainsMacedonia (Republic)
Ovce Polje (Macedonia)
USE Ovce Pole (Macedonia)
Ovcharka, Caucasian
USE Caucasian mountain dog
Ovcharov family (Not Subd Geog)
Ovchinnikov family (Not Subd Geog)
Ovci Pali (Macedonia)
USE Ovce Pole (Macedonia)
Ovdat (Extinct city)
USE Avedat (Extinct city)
Oved-Ramsasa Group (Sweden)
BT Groups (Stratigraphy)Sweden
Oven cooking, Halogen
USE Halogen oven cooking
Oven mitts (May Subd Geog)
UF Mitts, Oven
BT Kitchen utensils
RT Potholders
Ovenbird (May Subd Geog)
UF Seiurus aurocapillus
BT Seiurus
Ovenbirds, Neotropical
USE Furnariidae
Ovenden family
USE Hovenden family
USE Oven mitts
USE Stoves
Ovens, Dutch
USE Dutch ovens
Ovens, Gas
USE Gas ovens
Ovens, Microwave
USE Microwave ovens
Ovens, Solar
USE Solar ovens
Ovens River (Vic.)
BT RiversAustralia
Ovens River Valley (Vic.)
UF Ovens Valley (Vic.)
BT ValleysAustralia
Ovens Valley (Vic.)
USE Ovens River Valley (Vic.)
Ovenshine family (Not Subd Geog)
Over (The English word)
BT English languageEtymology
Over fishing
USE Overfishing
Over head projection
USE Overhead projection
Over-the-counter drugs
USE Drugs, Nonprescription
Over-the-counter markets (May Subd Geog)
UF OTC markets
Over-the-counter securities
Unlisted securities markets
BT Securities
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Trade regulation
Over-the-counter securities
USE Over-the-counter markets
Over the Forest (Iroquois rite)
USE Condolence Ceremony (Iroquois rite)
Over-the-horizon radar (May Subd Geog)


UF OTH radar
BT Radar
Over-use syndrome
USE Overuse injuries
Overachievement (May Subd Geog)
BT Performance
Overactive children
USE Hyperactive children
USE Hyperkinesia
Overall family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Overhall family
Overalls (May Subd Geog)
UF Bib overalls
BT Clothing and dress
RT Coveralls
Overback family
USE Oberbeck family
Overbagh family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Overbaugh family
Overpaugh family
Overbaugh family
USE Overbagh family
Overbay family
USE Overby family
Overbeck family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Averbeck family
Overbee family
USE Overby family
Overberg (South Africa)
Overbey family
USE Overby family
Overburden (Geology)
USE Regolith
Overburden piles
USE Spoil banks
Overbury family
USE Overby family
Overby family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Overbay family
Overbee family
Overbey family
Overbury family
USE Coats
Overcrowding in animal shelters
USE Animal sheltersOvercrowding
Overcrowding in jails
USE JailsOvercrowding
Overcrowding in juvenile detention homes
USE Juvenile detention homesOvercrowding
Overcrowding in prisons
USE PrisonsOvercrowding
Overcrowding in public schools
USE Public schoolsOvercrowding
Overcrowding in reformatories
USE ReformatoriesOvercrowding
USE Overlay dentures
Overdoors (May Subd Geog)
UF Dessus-de-portes
BT Decoration and ornament, Architectural
Overdoors (Windows)
USE Fanlights
Overdorf family (Not Subd Geog)
Overdosage of drugs
USE DrugsOverdose
Overdose of drugs
USE DrugsOverdose
Overdraft banking (May Subd Geog)
BT Banks and banking
RT Lines of credit
NT Check credit plans
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Banking law
Overdrafts (May Subd Geog)
UF Bank overdrafts
Nonsufficient funds checks
NSF checks
BT Drafts
Overdue book fines
USE Library fines
Overdue library materials
USE Library overdues
Overdues, Library
USE Library overdues

Overeating (Eating disorder)

USE Hyperphagia
Overeating diseases of sheep
USE Type D enterotoxemia of sheep
Overexertion injuries (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on conditions in which
internally created forces exceed the strength of a
tissue. Works on chronic inflammatory conditions
caused by repeated microtraumas due to repetitious
activities are entered under Overuse injuries.

BT Wounds and injuries

NT Sprains
Overexploitation of fish stock
USE Overfishing
Overfield family (Not Subd Geog)
Overfishing (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on the exertion of fishing
intensity beyond an established sustainable level.

UF Fish populationsOverfishing
Fishing overexploitation
Over fishing
Overexploitation of fish stock
BT Fisheries
RT Fishery depredation
Fishery management
FishesEffect of human beings on
Sustainable fisheries
Overflow National Wildlife Refuge (Ark.)
BT National parks and reservesArkansas
Wildlife refugesArkansas
Overflows, Combined sewer
USE Combined sewer overflows
Overgaard family (Not Subd Geog)
Overhall family
USE Overall family
Overhauser effect (Nuclear physics)
BT Nuclear magnetic resonance
Spin-lattice relaxation
Overhead costs
UF Fixed costs
Indirect costs
BT Costs, Industrial
Overhead electric lines (May Subd Geog)
UF Electric linesOverhead [Former heading]
Overhead power lines
BT Electric lines
Environmental aspects (May Subd Geog)
RT Power line bird strikes
Fault location (May Subd Geog)
BT Electric fault location
Right of way (May Subd Geog)
BT Right of way
Sag (May Subd Geog)
UF Sag of overhead electric lines
BT Strains and stresses
Vibration (May Subd Geog)
Overhead irrigation
USE Sprinkler irrigation
Overhead motorways
USE Elevated highways
Overhead power lines
USE Overhead electric lines
Overhead projection
[LB1043.5 (Audio-visual education)]
[TR738 (Projectors)]
UF Over head projection
Projection, Overhead
BT Lantern projection
Overholser, Lake (Okla.)
UF Lake Overholser (Okla.)
BT LakesOklahoma
Overholser family
USE Oberholtzer family
Overholt family
USE Oberholtzer family
Overholts family
USE Oberholtzer family
Overholtz family
USE Oberholtzer family
Overholtzer family
USE Oberholtzer family
Overholzer family
USE Oberholtzer family
Overhults family
USE Oberholtzer family
USE Water intoxication

Overkamp family (Not Subd Geog)

UF Averkamp family
Overland Campaign, Va., 1864
UF Grant's Overland Campaign, Va., 1864
BT United StatesHistoryCivil War, 1861
VirginiaHistoryCivil War, 1861-1865
Overland family (Not Subd Geog)
Overland journeys to the Pacific
Here are entered accounts of the crossing of the
continent under pioneer conditions, on foot, on
horseback, by wagon, etc.

UF Transcontinental journeys (United States)

BT Frontier and pioneer life
Voyages and travels
NT Donner Party
Overland journeys to the Pacific in literature
(Not Subd Geog)
Overland Mountain Group Mine (Colo.)
USE Fair Day Mine (Colo.)
Overland Road Historic Trail (Ariz.)
BT TrailsArizona
Overland Route
USE Overland Trails
Overland Telegraph Line (N.T. and S. Aust.)
BT Telegraph linesAustralia
Overland Trail
USE Overland Trails
Overland Trails
UF Overland Route
Overland Trail
BT TrailsUnited States
RT Oregon National Historic Trail
Saint Joe Road
NT Bridger Pass Overland Trail (Colo. and Wyo.)
Overlap integral
BT Integrals
Quantum chemistry
Wave functions
RT Chemical bonds
Molecular orbitals
Overlay, Currency
USE Currency overlay
Overlay dentures
UF Dental prosthesis, Telescopic
Dentures, Overlay
Telescopic dental prosthesis
BT Dentures
Overlay drafting systems
BT Copying processes
Mechanical drawing
Overlay management, Currency
USE Currency overlay
Overlays on pavements
USE PavementsOverlays
Overlock family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oberlach family
Oberlack family
Oberloch family
Overlock sewing
USE Serging
Overlooks, Scenic
USE Scenic overlooks
Overlord, Operation
USE Operation Overlord
Overman (Philosophical concept)
USE Superman (Philosophical concept)
Overmayer family
USE Obermayer family
Overmeyer family
USE Obermayer family
Overmiller family
Overmire family
USE Obermayer family
Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail
BT TrailsUnited States
Overmyer family
USE Obermayer family
Overnight delivery service
USE Express service
Overnight funds (May Subd Geog)
UF O/N funds
Overnight loans
Overnight money
BT Bank reserves
Overnight loans
USE Overnight funds


Overnight money
USE Overnight funds
Overpack family
USE Oberbeck family
USE Elevated highways
Overpaugh family
USE Overbagh family
Overpayment of housing subsidies
USE Housing subsidiesOverpayment
Overpayment of income tax
USE Income taxOverpayment
Overpayment of taxes
USE Income taxOverpayment
Overpeck family
USE Oberbeck family
Overpopulation (Not Subd Geog)
Here are entered general works on overpopulation.
Works restricted to overpopulation in a particular
place are entered under the name of the place with
the subdivision Population. Some general works on
overpopulation cataloged before 1993 may be found
under the heading Population.

UF Population explosion
BT Population
Overpopulation in literature (Not Subd Geog)
USE Overvoltage
Overpressure (Education)
BT Education
Mental fatigue
Overprints and surcharges (Philately) (May Subd Geog)
UF Inscriptions (Philately)
Surcharges and overprints (Philately)
BT Postage stamps
Overproduction (May Subd Geog)
UF Industrial production
BT Business cycles
Production (Economic theory)
RT Supply and demand
NT Technocracy
Overprotection, Parental
USE Parental overprotection
Overruling, Prospective
USE Prospective overruling
Overschie de Neeryssche family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Neeryssche family
Overseas assembly industry
USE Offshore assembly industry
Overseas caps, Military
USE Garrison caps
Overseas Chinese
USE ChineseForeign countries
Overseas Chinese Town (Shenzhen Shi, China)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT Amusement parksChina
Overseas departments (France)
USE French overseas departments
Overseas dependents schools
USE Military post schools
Overseas dependents schools, American
USE Military post schools, American
Overseas employees
USE subdivision Employment--Foreign countries

under individual classes of persons; and

subdivision Officials and employees-

Foreign countries under countries, etc.
Overseas employment
USE Employment in foreign countries
Overseas information libraries (May Subd Geog)
UF Information libraries
Overseas libraries
BT Government libraries
Overseas information libraries, American
(May Subd Geog)
UF American overseas information libraries
Libraries, American overseas information
Overseas information libraries, British
(May Subd Geog)
UF British overseas information libraries
Libraries, British overseas information
Overseas libraries
USE Overseas information libraries
Overseas marketing
USE Export marketing

Overseas schools, American

USE Schools, American
Overseas students
USE Returned students
Students, Foreign
Overseas teaching positions
USE Teachers, ForeignEmployment
Overseas territories
USE Non-self-governing territories
Overseers, Plantation
USE Plantation overseers
Oversight, Congressional
USE Legislative oversightUnited States
Oversight, Legislative
USE Legislative oversight
Oversize books (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on books too large to be
shelved in normal shelf sequence. Actual specimens
of such books are entered under Oversize books-Specimens, a form heading assigned without
geographic subdivision.

UF BibliographyOversize editions
BooksOversize editions
Books, Oversize
Oversized books
BT BooksSizes
NT Big books
Here are entered actual specimens of books too
large to be shelved in normal shelf sequence. This
form heading is assigned without geographic
subdivision. Works on such books are entered
under Oversize books.

Oversized books
USE Oversize books
Overskei family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Overskeid family
Overskeid family
USE Overskei family
Oversley Farm Site (England)
BT EnglandAntiquities
Overstolz family (Not Subd Geog)
Overstory cover, Forest
USE Forest canopies
Overstreet family (Not Subd Geog)
Overthrow of the Monarchy, Hawaii, 1893
USE HawaiiHistoryOverthrow of the Monarchy,

Overthrusts (Geology)
USE Thrust faults (Geology)
Overtime (May Subd Geog)
BT Hours of labor
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Overton Colliery (England)
USE Caphouse Colliery (England)
Overton family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Overturn family
Overton Park (Memphis, Tenn.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT ParksTennessee
Overtone (Linguistics)
USE Connotation (Linguistics)
Overtone singing
USE Throat singing
Overtones (Music)
USE Harmonics (Music)
Overtons Island (W. Va.)
USE Hall Island (W. Va.)
[ML1261 (History)]
Here are entered works about the overture.
Musical compositions in this form are entered under
the heading Overtures, followed if appropriate by
medium of performance.

UF OvertureHistory and criticism

OverturesHistory and criticism
BT Dramatic musicHistory and criticism
Orchestral musicHistory and criticism
History and criticism
USE Overture
Overtures (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered overtures for orchestra.
Overtures for other mediums of performance are
entered under this heading followed by the medium,
e.g. Overtures (Chamber orchestra). Works about the
overture are entered under the heading Overture.

UF Overtures (Orchestra)

History and criticism

USE Overture
Overtures, Arranged
Overtures (Accordion)
Overtures (Accordion), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for accordion [Former

Overtures (Band)
[M1204 (Original compositions)]
[M1255 (Arrangements)]
Overtures (Band), Arranged
Overtures (Bassoons (3), clarinets (2), horns (2), oboes
Overtures (Bassoons (3), clarinets (2), horns (2), oboes
(2)), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for bassoons (3), clarinets

(2), horns (2), oboes (2) [Former heading]

Overtures (Chamber orchestra)
Overtures (Clarinet and piano)
Overtures (Dance orchestra)
Overtures (Electronic music)
USE Overtures (Electronics)
Overtures (Electronics)
UF Overtures (Electronic music) [Former heading]
Overtures (Flute, guitar, viola)
Overtures (Flute, guitar, viola), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for flute, guitar, viola

[Former heading]
Overtures (Flute, guitar, violin)
Overtures (Flute, guitar, violin), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for flute, guitar, violin

[Former heading]
Overtures (Flute, violin, viola, cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Overtures (Flute, violin, viola, violoncello)

[Former heading]
Overtures (Flute, violin, viola, cello), Arranged
(May Subd Geog)
UF Overtures (Flute, violin, viola, violoncello),

Arranged [Former heading]

Overtures arranged for flute, violin, viola, cello

[Former heading]
Overtures (Flute, violin, viola, violoncello)
USE Overtures (Flute, violin, viola, cello)
Overtures (Flute, violin, viola, violoncello), Arranged
USE Overtures (Flute, violin, viola, cello), Arranged
Overtures (Flutes (2))
Overtures (Flutes (2)), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for flutes (2) [Former

Overtures (Flutes (4))
Overtures (Flutes (4)), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for flutes (4) [Former

Overtures (Guitar)
Overtures (Guitar and piano)
Overtures (Guitar and piano), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for guitar and piano

[Former heading]
Overtures (Guitar, violin, viola)
Overtures (Guitar, violin, viola), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for guitar, violin, viola

[Former heading]
Overtures (Guitars (2))


Overtures (Guitars (2)), Arranged

UF Overtures arranged for guitars (2) [Former

Overtures (Harpsichord)
[M21-M22 (Collections)]
[M25 (Separate works)]
Overtures (Harpsichord), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for harpsichord [Former

Overtures (Instrumental ensemble)
Overtures (Orchestra)
USE Overtures
Overtures (Organ)
[M6-M7 (Collections)]
[M11 (Separate works)]
Overtures (Organ), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for organ [Former

Overtures (Piano)
Excerpts, Arranged
UF Overtures (Piano), ArrangedExcerpts

[Former heading]
Overtures (Piano, 4 hands)
[M200-M201 (Collections)]
[M204 (Separate works)]
Overtures (Piano, 4 hands), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for piano (4 hands)

[Former heading]
Overtures (Piano, 6 hands)
Overtures (Piano, 6 hands), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for piano (6 hands)

[Former heading]
Overtures (Piano), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for piano [Former heading]
USE Overtures (Piano)Excerpts, Arranged
Overtures (Piano, flute, guitar)
Overtures (Piano, flute, guitar), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for piano, flute, guitar

[Former heading]
Overtures (Piano trio)
Overtures (Piano trio), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for piano trios [Former

Overtures (Pianos (2))
Overtures (Pianos (2), 8 hands)
Overtures (Pianos (2), 8 hands), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for piano (Pianos (2), 8

hands) [Former heading]

Overtures (Pianos (2)), Arranged
Overtures (Recorders (5))
Overtures (Salon orchestra)
Overtures (String orchestra)
Overtures (String orchestra), Arranged
Scores and parts
Overtures (String quartet)
Overtures (String quartet), Arranged
UF Overtures arranged for string quartets [Former

Overtures (Trumpet with string orchestra)
Overtures (Violin and piano)
[M217-M218 (Collections)]
[M221 (Separate works)]
Overtures (Violin and piano), Arranged

UF Overtures arranged for violin and piano

[Former heading]
Overtures (Violin with orchestra)
Overtures (Violin with string orchestra)
Overtures (Violins (2), cello) (May Subd Geog)
UF Overtures (Violins (2), violoncello) [Former

Overtures (Violins (2), cello), Arranged
(May Subd Geog)
UF Overtures (Violins (2), violoncello), Arranged

[Former heading]
Overtures arranged for violins (2), cello

[Former heading]
Overtures (Violins (2), violoncello)
USE Overtures (Violins (2), cello)
Overtures (Violins (2), violoncello), Arranged
USE Overtures (Violins (2), cello), Arranged
Overtures (Wind ensemble)
Overtures arranged for accordion
USE Overtures (Accordion), Arranged
Overtures arranged for bassoons (3), clarinets (2),
horns (2), oboes (2)
USE Overtures (Bassoons (3), clarinets (2), horns

(2), oboes (2)), Arranged

Overtures arranged for flute, guitar, viola
USE Overtures (Flute, guitar, viola), Arranged
Overtures arranged for flute, guitar, violin
USE Overtures (Flute, guitar, violin), Arranged
Overtures arranged for flute, violin, viola, cello
USE Overtures (Flute, violin, viola, cello), Arranged
Overtures arranged for flutes (2)
USE Overtures (Flutes (2)), Arranged
Overtures arranged for flutes (4)
USE Overtures (Flutes (4)), Arranged
Overtures arranged for guitar, violin, viola
USE Overtures (Guitar, violin, viola), Arranged
Overtures arranged for guitar and piano
USE Overtures (Guitar and piano), Arranged
Overtures arranged for guitars (2)
USE Overtures (Guitars (2)), Arranged
Overtures arranged for harpsichord
USE Overtures (Harpsichord), Arranged
Overtures arranged for organ
USE Overtures (Organ), Arranged
Overtures arranged for piano
USE Overtures (Piano), Arranged
Overtures arranged for piano, flute, guitar
USE Overtures (Piano, flute, guitar), Arranged
Overtures arranged for piano (4 hands)
USE Overtures (Piano, 4 hands), Arranged
Overtures arranged for piano (6 hands)
USE Overtures (Piano, 6 hands), Arranged
Overtures arranged for piano (Pianos (2), 8 hands)
USE Overtures (Pianos (2), 8 hands), Arranged
Overtures arranged for piano trios
USE Overtures (Piano trio), Arranged
Overtures arranged for string quartets
USE Overtures (String quartet), Arranged
Overtures arranged for violin and piano
USE Overtures (Violin and piano), Arranged
Overtures arranged for violins (2), cello
USE Overtures (Violins (2), cello), Arranged
Overturf family (Not Subd Geog)
Overturn family
USE Overton family
Overturning circulation, Meridional
USE Meridional overturning circulation
Overuse injuries (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on chronic inflammatory
conditions caused by repeated microtraumas due to
repetitious activities. Works on conditions in which
internally created forces exceed the strength of a
tissue are entered under Overexertion injuries.


CTD (Injuries)
Cumulative trauma disorders
Over-use syndrome
Overuse syndrome
Overuse syndromes
Repeated motion disorders
Repetition injuries
Repetition strain injuries
Repetition strain injury
Repetitive microtrauma
Repetitive motion injuries
Repetitive strain injuries
RSI (Injuries)

Wear-and-tear injuries
WMSD (Work-related musculoskeletal

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders
BT Wounds and injuries
NT Entrapment neuropathies
Stress fractures (Orthopedics)
Tennis elbow
Overuse syndrome
USE Overuse injuries
Overuse syndromes
USE Overuse injuries
UF Overpotential
BT Electric apparatus and appliancesProtection
Polarization (Electricity)
Overwater family (Not Subd Geog)
Overwater flying
UF Flying, Overwater
Flying over water
BT AirplanesPiloting
NT AirplanesDitching
USE Obesity
Overweight bias
USE Discrimination against overweight persons
Overweight children (May Subd Geog)
UF Obesity in childrenPatients
BT Children
Overweight persons
NT Camps for overweight children
Overweight men (May Subd Geog)
BT Men
Overweight persons
RT Obesity in men
Overweight persons (May Subd Geog)
UF Corpulent persons
Fat persons
Large persons
Obese persons
BT Persons
NT Discrimination against overweight persons
Overweight children
Overweight men
Overweight teenagers
Overweight women
Overweight persons, Cooking for
USE Reducing dietsRecipes
Overweight persons' writings (Not Subd Geog)
UF Writings of overweight persons
BT Literature
Overweight persons' writings, American
(May Subd Geog)
UF American overweight persons' writings
BT American literature
Overweight teenagers (May Subd Geog)
BT Overweight persons
Overweight women (May Subd Geog)
BT Overweight persons
RT Obesity in women
NT Discrimination against overweight women
Overweight women in art (Not Subd Geog)
Overweight women in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Overwien family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Overwijn family
Overwijn family
USE Overwien family
Overwintering in animals
USE AnimalsWintering
Overwintering in fishes
USE FishesWintering
Overwork, Mental
USE Mental fatigue
Oveyssi family
USE Uwaysi family
Ovibos (May Subd Geog)
BT Bovidae
NT Muskox
Ovibos, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Bovidae, Fossil
NT Muskox, Fossil
Ovibos moschatus
USE Muskox


[QL881 (Comparative anatomy)]
[QP265 (Physiology)]
BT Generative organs, Female
NT Fallopian tubes
Diseases (May Subd Geog)
NT OviductRadiography
Radiography (May Subd Geog)
UF Salpingography
BT OviductDiseases
Oviductal pregnancy
USE Tubal pregnancy
Oviedo (Spain)
Siege, 1934
USE Miners' Revolt, Spain, 1934
Siege, 1936
BT SiegesSpain
SpainHistoryCivil War, 1936
Oviedo, Sudarium of
USE Sudarium of Oviedo
Oviedo (African people)
USE Bini (African people)
Oviedo language
USE Edo language
Ovimbali (African people)
USE Mbali (African people)
Ovimbundu (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Banguella (African people)
Benguella (African people) [Former heading]
Benguella Mbundu (African people)
Quimbundo (African people)
South Mbundu (African people)
Umbundu (African people)
BT EthnologyAngola
NT Ciaka (African people)
Wars (May Subd Geog)
NT Bailundo War, Angola, 1902
Ovimbundu language
USE Umbundu language
Ovine babesiosis
USE Babesiosis in sheep
Ovine brucellosis
USE Brucellosis in sheep
Ovine enterotoxemia
USE Type D enterotoxemia of sheep
Ovine milk
USE Sheep milk
Ovioba (African people)
USE Bini (African people)
Ovioba language
USE Edo language
Oviraptor (May Subd Geog)
BT Oviraptoridae
Oviraptoridae (May Subd Geog)
BT Saurischia
NT Oviraptor
Ovis (May Subd Geog)
BT Bovidae
NT Bighorn sheep
Dall sheep
Ovis nivicola
Ovis alleni
USE Ovis nivicola
Ovis ammon
USE Argali
Ovis anatolica
USE Mouflon
Ovis aries
USE Mouflon
Ovis armeniana
USE Mouflon
Ovis auduboni
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis borealis
USE Ovis nivicola
Ovis californiana
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis canadensis
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis canadensis auduboni
USE Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep
Ovis canadensis californiana
USE Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep

Ovis canadensis canadensis

USE Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep
Ovis canadensis nelsoni
USE Desert bighorn sheep
Ovis cervina
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis corsicosardinensis
USE Mouflon
Ovis cowani
USE Dall sheep
Ovis cremnobates
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis cyprius
USE Mouflon
Ovis dalli
USE Dall sheep
Ovis erskinei
USE Mouflon
Ovis fannini
USE Dall sheep
Ovis gaillardi
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis gmelini
USE Mouflon
Ovis isphaganica
USE Mouflon
Ovis jubata
USE Argali
Ovis kenaiensis
USE Dall sheep
Ovis koriakorum
USE Ovis nivicola
Ovis laristanica
USE Mouflon
Ovis liardensis
USE Dall sheep
Ovis lydekkeri
USE Ovis nivicola
Ovis matschiei
USE Mouflon
Ovis mexicana
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis middendorfi
USE Ovis nivicola
Ovis mongolica
USE Mouflon
Ovis montana
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis musimon
USE Mouflon
Ovis nelsoni
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis niger
USE Dall sheep
Ovis nivicola (May Subd Geog)
UF Ovis alleni
Ovis borealis
Ovis koriakorum
Ovis lydekkeri
Ovis middendorfi
Ovis potanini
Ovis storcki
Siberian bighorn
Siberian snow sheep
Snow sheep
BT Mountain sheep
Ovis occidentalis
USE Mouflon
Ovis occidentosardinensis
USE Mouflon
Ovis ophion
USE Mouflon
Ovis orientalis
USE Mouflon
Ovis orientalis musimon
USE Mouflon
Ovis orientalis ophion
USE Mouflon
Ovis palmeri
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis potanini
USE Ovis nivicola
Ovis pygargus
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis samilkameenensis
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis sheldoni
USE Bighorn sheep

Ovis sierrae
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis sinesella
USE Mouflon
Ovis stonei
USE Dall sheep
Ovis storcki
USE Ovis nivicola
Ovis texianus
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovis urmiana
USE Mouflon
Ovis weemsi
USE Bighorn sheep
Ovitz family (Not Subd Geog)
Oviujarvi (Finland)
USE Oulujarvi (Finland)
Ovnatanian family (Not Subd Geog)
Ovo, Castel dell' (Naples, Italy)
USE Castel dell'Ovo (Naples, Italy)
Ovo-lacto vegetarianism
USE Lacto-ovo vegetarianism
Ovoca River (Ireland
USE Avoca River (Ireland)
USE Ovum
USE Puffers (Fish)
Ovolo, Monte (Italy)
USE Montovolo Mountain (Italy)
USE Ovomucoid
UF Ovomucin
BT Eggs
Trypsin inhibitors
Ovonic unified memory
USE Phase change memory
USE Mycosphaerella
USE Ovoviviparity
UF Ovoviviparism
BT Embryology
vre Anarjohka nasjonalpark (Norway)
UF Badje-Anarjohka luonddoguovdadas (Norway)
vre Anarjokka nasjonalpark (Norway)
BT National parks and reservesNorway
vre Anarjokka nasjonalpark (Norway)
USE vre Anarjohka nasjonalpark (Norway)
Ovre Fryken Lake (Sweden)
USE Frykensjoarna (Sweden)
vre Pasvik nasjonalpark (Norway)
UF vre Pasvik National Park (Norway)
BT National parks and reservesNorway
vre Pasvik National Park (Norway)
USE vre Pasvik nasjonalpark (Norway)
vreb family (Not Subd Geog)
Ovsiankin family (Not Subd Geog)
Ovtcharka, Caucasian
USE Caucasian mountain dog
Ovulation (May Subd Geog)
BT Menstrual cycle
RT Anovulation
Corpus luteum
Detection (May Subd Geog)
UF Detection of ovulation
OvulationTime determination
Time determination of ovulation
NT Natural family planningOvulation

UF Induced ovulation
Induction of ovulation
UF Regulation of ovulation
BT Biological control systems
Time determination
USE OvulationDetection
Ovulation method of birth control
USE Natural family planningOvulation method
Ovules (May Subd Geog)
UF Buds, Seed
Seed buds


BT Plant anatomy
RT Seeds
[QL965 (Embryology)]
UF Egg (Cytology)
Egg cell
Female gamete
Secondary oocyte
BT Gametes
NT Ovaries
Zona pellucida
USE Oogenesis
Ovum donors (May Subd Geog)
UF Donors, Ovum
Ova donors
BT Women
Ovum implantation (May Subd Geog)
UF Blastocyst implantation
Implantation of ovum
BT PregnancyTrimester, First
Ovum-sperm interactions
USE Sperm-ovum interactions
Ow family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Von Ow family
Ow-hap Creek (Wash.)
USE Ohop Creek (Wash.)
Owain Glyndwr's (Wales)
USE Owain Glyndwr's Way (Wales)
Owain Glyndwr's Way (Wales)
UF Glendower's Way (Wales)
Glyndwr's Way (Wales)
Owain Glyndwr's (Wales) [Former heading]
Owen Glendower's Way (Wales)
BT TrailsWales
Owambo (African people)
USE Ovambo (African people)
Owan (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Ivbiosakon (African people)
BT Edo-speaking peoples
Owan language
USE Emai-Iuleha-Ora language
Oware (Game) (May Subd Geog)
BT Board games
Owari Bay (Japan)
USE Ise Bay (Japan)
Owari manzai
USE Manzai (Dance)
Owasco Inlet (N.Y.)
UF Owasco Lake Inlet (N.Y.)
BT RiversNew York (State)
Owasco Lake (N.Y.)
BT LakesNew York (State)
Finger Lakes (N.Y.)
Owasco Lake Inlet (N.Y.)
USE Owasco Inlet (N.Y.)
Owase Bay (Japan)
UF Owase-wan (Japan)
Owashi-wan (Japan)
BT BaysJapan
Owase-wan (Japan)
USE Owase Bay (Japan)
Owashi-wan (Japan)
USE Owase Bay (Japan)
Oweekano Indians
USE Oowekeeno Indians
Oweekayo Indians
USE Oowekeeno Indians
Owen, Fort (Mont.)
USE Fort Owen (Mont.)
Owen, Lake (Wis.)
UF Lake Owen (Wis.)
BT LakesWisconsin
Owen, Cadwallader (Fictitious character)
USE Owen, Gareth Cadwallader (Fictitious

Owen, Captain (Fictitious character)
USE Owen, Gareth Cadwallader (Fictitious

Owen, Gareth Cadwallader (Fictitious character)
(Not Subd Geog)
UF Cadwallader Owen (Fictitious character)
Captain Gareth Cadwallader Owen (Fictitious

Gareth Cadwallader Owen (Fictitious

Gareth Owen (Fictitious character)
Mamur Zapt (Fictitious character)
Owen, Cadwallader (Fictitious character)

[Former heading]
Owen, Captain (Fictitious character)
Owen Allison (Fictitious character)
USE Allison, Owen (Fictitious character)
Owen Archer (Fictitious character)
USE Archer, Owen (Fictitious character)
Owen B. Pickett United States Customhouse (Norfolk,
UF Pickett United States Customhouse (Norfolk,

BT CustomhousesVirginia
Public buildingsVirginia
Owen Deathstalker (Fictitious character)
USE Deathstalker, Owen (Fictitious character)
Owen family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Owens family
Owin family
Owing family
Owings family
RT Mostyn-Owen family
Owen Foote (Fictitious character)
USE Foote, Owen (Fictitious character)
Owen Glendower's Way (Wales)
USE Owain Glyndwr's Way (Wales)
Owen Keane (Fictitious character)
USE Keane, Owen (Fictitious character)
Owen Lovejoy Princeton Post Office Building (Princeton,
UF Lovejoy Post Office Building (Princeton, Ill.)
Princeton Post Office Building (Princeton, Ill.)
BT Post office buildingsIllinois
Owen McKenna (Fictitious character)
USE McKenna, Owen (Fictitious character)
Owen Smith (Horse) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Horses
Owen submachine gun (Not Subd Geog)
BT Submachine guns
Owenby family
USE Ownby family
Owenke (Asian people)
USE Evenki (Asian people)
Owenke language
USE Evenki language
Owenko (Asian people)
USE Evenki (Asian people)
Owens, Molly (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Molly Owens (Fictitious character)
Owens Building of the United States Postal Service
(Cleveland, Ohio)
USE Jesse Owens Building of the United States

Postal Service (Cleveland, Ohio)

Owens family
USE Owen family
Owens Finance Station (Cleveland, Ohio)
USE Jesse Owens Building of the United States

Postal Service (Cleveland, Ohio)

Owens Lake (Inyo County, Calif.)
BT LakesCalifornia
Salt flatsCalifornia
Owens Park (Manchester, England)
BT DormitoriesEngland
Owens Peak Wilderness (Calif.)
BT National parks and reservesCalifornia
Wilderness areasCalifornia
Owens Post Office (Bakersfield, Calif.)
USE Buck Owens Post Office (Bakersfield, Calif.)
Owens River (Calif.)
BT RiversCalifornia
Owens River Valley (Calif.)
USE Owens Valley (Calif.)
Owens River Watershed (Calif.)
BT WatershedsCalifornia
Owens sucker (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.C27 (Zoology)]
UF Catostomus fumeiventris
BT Catostomus
Owens-Thomas House (Savannah, Ga.)
UF Thomas House (Savannah, Ga.)
BT DwellingsGeorgia
Owens Valley (Calif.)
UF Owens River Valley (Calif.) [Former heading]
BT ValleysCalifornia
Owens Valley Aqueduct (Calif.)
USE Los Angeles Aqueduct (Calif.)
Owens Valley Formation (Calif.)
USE Owens Valley Group (Calif.)

Owens Valley Group (Calif.)

UF Owens Valley Formation (Calif.)
BT Geology, StratigraphicPermian
Groups (Stratigraphy)California
Owens Valley Paiute Indians
USE Northern Paiute Indians
Owens Valley Paiute language
USE Northern Paiute language
Owerri (African people)
USE Itsekiri (African people)
Owesley family
USE Ousley family
Owey Island (Ireland)
UF Island of Owey (Ireland)
Uaigh (Ireland)
BT IslandsIreland
Oweynagat (Ireland)
UF Cats, Cave of the (Ireland)
Cave of Cruachain (Ireland)
Cave of the Cats (Ireland)
Cruachain, Cave of (Ireland)
BT CavesIreland
OWI (Drugged driving)
USE Drugged driving
OWI (Drunk driving)
USE Drunk driving
Owikeno Indians
USE Oowekeeno Indians
Owin family
USE Owen family
Owing family
USE Owen family
Owings family
USE Owen family
Owinsk Palace (Owinska, Poland)
USE Paac w Owinskach (Owinska, Poland)
Owinska Palace (Owinska, Poland)
USE Paac w Owinskach (Owinska, Poland)
Owl Canyon Site (Calif.)
BT CaliforniaAntiquities
Owl Cave (Idaho)
USE Great Owl Cavern (Idaho)
Owl Cave (Wash.)
BT CavesWashington (State)
Washington (State)Antiquities
Owl clovers
USE Owl's clovers
Owl Creek (Hot Springs County, Wyo.)
BT RiversWyoming
Owl Creek Mountains (Wyo.)
BT MountainsWyoming
Rocky Mountains
Owl Creek Watershed (Hot Springs County, Wyo.)
BT WatershedsWyoming
Owl Creek Wilderness (Wyo.)
UF Owl Creek Wilderness Study Area (Wyo.)
BT National parks and reservesWyoming
Wilderness areasWyoming
Owl Creek Wilderness Study Area (Wyo.)
USE Owl Creek Wilderness (Wyo.)
USE Owlflies
Owl House (Nieu-Bethesda, South Africa)
BT DwellingsSouth Africa
Owl monkeys
USE Night monkeys
Owl parrot
USE Kakapo
USE Owl's clovers
Owlet moths
USE Noctuidae
Owlflies (May Subd Geog)
UF Ascalaphidae
BT Neuroptera
Owlfruit sedge
USE Carex stipata
Owlpen Manor (England)
BT ManorsEngland
Owls (May Subd Geog)
UF Striges
BT Birds
NT Lady Grayl (Owl)
Screech owls


Wesley (Owl)
Owls, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Birds, Fossil
Owls as pets (May Subd Geog)
BT Pets
Owl's clovers (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.S43 (Botany)]
UF Clovers, Owl's
Owl clovers
BT Scrophulariaceae
NT Yellowbeak owl's clover
Owls in art (Not Subd Geog)
Owls in bookplates (Not Subd Geog)
BT Bookplates
Owls in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Owls Nest (Conn.)
USE Pine Swamp (New London County, Conn.)
Owmby family
USE Ownby family
Ownbey family
USE Ownby family
Ownby family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Owenby family
Owmby family
Ownbey family
Owner-built houses (May Subd Geog)
BT Dwellings
House construction
Owner-operator truck drivers
USE Independent truck drivers
Owner simulations (Fantasy sports)
USE Fantasy sports
Owners' marks (Books)
USE BooksOwners' marks
Owners of animals
USE Animal owners
Owners of carnivals
USE Carnival owners
Owners of cats
USE Cat owners
Owners of circuses
USE Circus owners
Owners of dogs
USE Dog owners
Owners of firearms
USE Firearms owners
Owners of forests
USE Forest landowners
Owners of homes
USE Homeowners
Owners of kennels
USE Kennel owners
Owners of land
USE Landowners
Owners of motion picture theaters
USE Motion picture theater owners
Owners of plantations
USE Plantation owners
Owners of ships
USE Shipowners
Ownership, Employee
USE Employee ownership
Ownership maps, Land
USE Real propertyMaps
Ownership of architectural firms
USE Architectural firmsOwnership
Ownership of firearms
USE Firearms ownership
Ownership of homes
USE Home ownership
Ownership of hospitals
USE HospitalsOwnership
Ownership of newspapers
USE NewspapersOwnership
Ownership of property
USE Right of property
Ownership of retail trade
USE Retail tradeOwnership
Ownership of slaves
USE Slavery
Ownership of stock
USE Stock ownership
Owney (Dog) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Dogs

Owoi (African people)

USE Lokoya (African people)
Owraman Region (Iran and Iraq)
USE Avroman Region (Iran and Iraq)
Owsley family
USE Ousley family
Owyhee, Lake (Or.)
UF Lake Owyhee (Or.)
Owyhee Reservoir (Or.)
BT LakesOregon
Owyhee Breaks Wilderness (Or.)
UF Owyhee Breaks Wilderness Study Area (Or.)
BT National parks and reservesOregon
Wilderness areasOregon
Owyhee Breaks Wilderness Study Area (Or.)
USE Owyhee Breaks Wilderness (Or.)
Owyhee Canyon Wilderness (Nev.)
UF Owyhee Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Nev.)
BT National parks and reservesNevada
Wilderness areasNevada
Owyhee Canyon Wilderness (Or.)
UF Owyhee Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Or.)
BT National parks and reservesOregon
Wilderness areasOregon
Owyhee Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Nev.)
USE Owyhee Canyon Wilderness (Nev.)
Owyhee Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Or.)
USE Owyhee Canyon Wilderness (Or.)
Owyhee harvester ant
USE Pogonomyrmex salinus
Owyhee Mountains (Idaho and Or.)
UF Owyhee Range (Idaho and Or.)
Owyhee Upland (Idaho and Or.)
Ruby Mountains (Idaho and Or.)
Silver City Range (Idaho and Or.)
Silver Mountains (Idaho and Or.)
BT MountainsIdaho
NT War Eagle Mountain (Owyhee County, Idaho)
Owyhee Range (Idaho and Or.)
USE Owyhee Mountains (Idaho and Or.)
Owyhee Reservoir (Or.)
USE Owyhee, Lake (Or.)
Owyhee River
BT RiversIdaho
Owyhee River, East Fork (Nev. and Idaho)
USE Owyhee River, South Fork (Nev. and Idaho)
Owyhee River, Little Fork (Nev. and Idaho)
USE Little Owyhee River (Nev. and Idaho)
Owyhee River, Little (Or.)
USE West Little Owyhee River (Or.)
Owyhee River, North Fork (Idaho and Or.)
UF North Fork, Owyhee River (Idaho and Or.)
BT RiversIdaho
Owyhee River, South Fork (Nev. and Idaho)
UF East Fork, Owyhee River (Nev. and Idaho)
Ogdens River (Nev. and Idaho)
Owyhee River, East Fork (Nev. and Idaho)
Owyhee River, West Fork (Nev. and Idaho)
South Fork, Owyhee River (Nev. and Idaho)
West Fork, Owyhee River (Nev. and Idaho)
BT RiversIdaho
Owyhee River, West Fork (Nev. and Idaho)
USE Owyhee River, South Fork (Nev. and Idaho)
Owyhee River Canyon Wilderness (Idaho)
UF Owyhee River Canyon Wilderness Study Area

BT National parks and reservesIdaho
Wilderness areasIdaho
Owyhee River Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Idaho)
USE Owyhee River Canyon Wilderness (Idaho)
Owyhee River-Deep Creek Wilderness (Idaho)
USE Deep Creek-Owyhee River Wilderness (Idaho)
Owyhee River-Deep Creek Wilderness Study Area
USE Deep Creek-Owyhee River Wilderness (Idaho)
Owyhee River Valley
UF Owyhee Valley
BT ValleysIdaho
Owyhee River Watershed
BT WatershedsIdaho
Owyhee River Wilderness, North Fork (Idaho)
USE North Fork Owyhee River Wilderness (Idaho)

Owyhee Upland (Idaho and Or.)

USE Owyhee Mountains (Idaho and Or.)
Owyhee Valley
USE Owyhee River Valley
USE Hawaiians
USE Oxen
Ox, Indian wild
USE Gaur
Ox, Vu Quang
USE Saola
Ox (Computer program language)
BT Object-oriented programming languages
Ox driving (May Subd Geog)
[HE153 (Transportation)]
[SF209.5 (Animal culture)]
UF Bullock driving
Driving, Bullock
Driving, Ox
RT Bullockies
Ox-eye daisy
USE Leucanthemum vulgare
Ox-eye tarpon
USE Oxeye tarpon
Ox-eyed daisy
USE Leucanthemum vulgare
Ox family
USE Oxx family
BT Bile
Ox Hill, Battle of, Va., 1862
USE Chantilly, Battle of, Va., 1862
Ox industry (May Subd Geog)
UF Ox trade
BT Animal industry
Ox-tongues (Plants)
USE Gasteria
Ox trade
USE Ox industry
USE Oxepins
Oxaeidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Hymenoptera
Oxala (Yoruba deity)
USE Obatala (Yoruba deity)
USE Glyoxal
Oxalate-free diet
USE Low-oxalate diet
BT Oxalic acid
RT Low-oxalate diet
NT Calcium oxalate
Oxalic acid
NT Oxalates
BT Excretion
Oxalic acid in the body
BT Body composition
Oxalidaceae (May Subd Geog)
BT Geraniales
NT Averrhoa
Oxaliplatin (May Subd Geog)
BT Antineoplastic agents
Organoplatinum compounds
Oxalis (May Subd Geog)
NT Oxalis tubiflora
Oxalis tubiflora (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxalis
Oxaluria (May Subd Geog)
BT CarbohydratesMetabolismDisorders
Diet therapy (May Subd Geog)
NT Low-oxalate diet
Oxazoles (May Subd Geog)
UF Furomonazoles
BT Azoles
NT Clomazone


Oxborough family
USE Oxborrow family
Oxborow family
USE Oxborrow family
Oxborowe family
USE Oxborrow family
Oxborrow family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oxborough family
Oxborow family
Oxborowe family
Oxbow Dam Site (Sask.)
BT SaskatchewanAntiquities
Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge (Mass.)
BT National parks and reservesMassachusetts
Wildlife refugesMassachusetts
Oxburgh Hall (England)
BT ManorsEngland
Oxby, Jack (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Jack Oxby (Fictitious character)
Oxe family
USE Oxx family
Oxen (May Subd Geog)
UF Bullocks
BT Cattle
Oxen, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
Oxen in art (Not Subd Geog)
Oxenbridge family (Not Subd Geog)
Oxender family
USE Oxenreider family
Oxenfrider family
USE Oxenreider family
Oxenger family
USE Oxenreider family
Oxenreider family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ochenrider family
Ochsenreider family
Ochsenreiter family
Ochsenreither family
Ochsenreuter family
Ocksrider family
Oxender family
Oxenfrider family
Oxenger family
Oxenreiter family
Oxrider family
Oxenreiter family
USE Oxenreider family
Oxenstierna family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Oxepins
Oxepins (May Subd Geog)
UF Oxacycloheptatrienes
BT Ethers
Heterocyclic compounds
Oxeye (Bird)
USE Semipalmated sandpiper
Oxeye daisy
USE Leucanthemum vulgare
Oxeye tarpon (May Subd Geog)
UF Megalops cyprinoides
Ox-eye tarpon
USE Leucanthemum vulgare
Oxford, Earls of (Not Subd Geog)
UF Earls of Oxford
BT NobilityGreat Britain
Oxford (Training plane)
USE Airspeed Oxford (Training plane)
Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race
USE Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, England
Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, England
UF Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race [Former

BT RowingEngland
Oxford Canal (England)
BT CanalsEngland
Oxford Green Belt Way (England)
BT TrailsEngland
Oxford Group movement
USE Moral re-armament
Oxford Hills (Me.)
BT MountainsMaine

Oxford Lake (Man.)

BT LakesManitoba
Oxford movement (May Subd Geog)
UF Tractarianism
BT Church of EnglandHistory19th century
High Church movement
RT Anglo-Catholicism
Oxford Rewley Road Railway Station (Oxford, Eng.)
USE Rewley Road Station (Oxford, England)
Oxford Road (Manchester, England)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT RoadsEngland
Oxford Stadium (Cowley, Oxfordshire, England)
BT StadiumsEngland
Oxford Street (Accra, Ghana)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT Cantonments Road (Accra, Ghana)

Oxford Street (Westminster, London, England)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT StreetsEngland
Oxfordshire Way (England)
BT TrailsEngland
Oxhey Place (Watford, England)
BT ManorsEngland
Oxholm family (Not Subd Geog)
Oxi (Iceland)
BT RoadsIceland
USE Oxycodone
USE Oxidizing agents
Oxidase test (Microbiology)
UF Cytochrome oxidase test
BT BacteriaIdentification
RT Cytochrome oxidaseAnalysis
NT Amine oxidase
Lysyl oxidase
Phenol oxidase
Polyphenol oxidase
Xanthine oxidase
Oxidation (May Subd Geog)
[QD63.O9 (Chemical operations)]
[QD281.O9 (Organic chemistry)]
[QD501 (Physical chemistry)]
UF Autoxidation
SA subdivision Oxidation under individual

chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g.

NT Electrolytic oxidation
Fretting corrosion
Krebs cycle
Oxidizing agents
Soil oxidation
Wine and wine makingOxidation
Oxidation, Biological
USE Oxidation, Physiological
Oxidation, Electrolytic
USE Electrolytic oxidation
Oxidation, Physiological
UF Biological oxidation
Oxidation, Biological
Physiological oxidation
BT Biochemistry
NT Pentose phosphate pathway
Tissue respiration
Oxidation ditches (May Subd Geog)
UF Continuous loop reactors (Sewage treatment)
Ditches, Oxidation
Pasveer ditch process
Reactors, Continuous loop (Sewage treatment)
BT SewagePurificationActivated sludge

Sewage lagoons
Oxidation lagoons
USE Sewage lagoons
Oxidation of wine
USE Wine and wine makingOxidation
Oxidation ponds
USE Sewage lagoons

Oxidation-reduction reaction
[QD716.O95 (Photochemistry)]
UF Electron transfer reaction
Redox reaction
BT Chemical reactions
NT Oxidative stress
Oxidative stress (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxidation-reduction reaction
Stress (Physiology)
NT Photooxidative stress
Oxide ceramics (May Subd Geog)
BT Ceramics
Oxide coating
Here are entered works on the coating produced
by oxidizing the surface of a metal.

BT Protective coatings
Thin films
NT MetalsAnodic oxidation
Oxide electrodes
USE Electrodes, Oxide
Oxide minerals (May Subd Geog)
BT Minerals
NT Brannerite
Spinel group
Oxides (May Subd Geog)
[QC463.E7 (Spectra)]
[QD305.E7 (Aliphatic compounds)]
[QD341.E7 (Aromatic compounds)]
[QD389.5 (Mineralogy)]
BT Chalcogenides
Oxygen compounds
NT Alkaline earth oxides
Aluminum oxide
Arsenic trioxide
Bismuth trioxide
Cadmium oxysulfate
Carbon dioxide
Chlorine oxides
Cobalt chromite
Cuprous oxide
Deuterium oxide
Hafnium oxide
Lead zirconate titanate
Manganese oxides
Metallic oxides
Nickel chromite
Nickel oxide
Niobium oxide
Nitric oxide
Nitrogen oxides
Nitroquinoline oxide
Organic oxides
Oxide ceramics
Oxide minerals
Rare earths
Rhenium trioxide
Silicon oxide
Silver oxide
Stannic oxide
Sulfur oxides
Titanium dioxide
Tributyltin oxide
Vanadium oxide
Zinc oxide
Zinc tin oxide
Zirconium oxide
Thermal properties (May Subd Geog)


USE Oxidizing agents
Oxidizing agents
UF Oxidants
BT Oxidation
NT Photochemical oxidants
Oxido nitrite
USE Peroxynitrite
USE Oxidation-reduction reaction
Oxidoreductase, Cholesterol
USE Cholesterol hydroxylase
Oxidoreductases (May Subd Geog)
BT Enzymes
NT Aldose reductase
Carbonyl reductase
Cholesterol hydroxylase
Cytochrome oxidase
Glutamate dehydrogenase
Lactate dehydrogenase
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
Nitric-oxide synthase
Proline hydroxylase
Ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase
Superoxide dismutase
Tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase
Oxikwanyama language
USE Kuanyama language
BT Organonitrogen compounds
NT Cobaloximes
Oximeters (May Subd Geog)
BT Medical instruments and apparatus
NT Pulse oximeters
Oximetry (May Subd Geog)
BT Blood gasesAnalysis
Oxygen in the body
USE Hydroxyquinoline
USE Ethylene oxide
Oxisols (May Subd Geog)
BT Ferralsols
Oxkintok Site (Mexico)
BT MexicoAntiquities
Oxley family (Not Subd Geog)
Oxmoor (Ky.)
UF Oxmoor Farm (Ky.)
BT FarmsKentucky
Oxmoor Farm (Ky.)
USE Oxmoor (Ky.)
Oxo (Trademark) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Meat extract
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Oxo)
Oxo compounds (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxygen compounds
NT Aldehydes
Carbonyl compounds
Selenic acid
Oxo process (May Subd Geog)
BT Distillation, Destructive
Oxoacid carboxylase
USE Pyruvate carboxylase
USE Cyclohexanones
USE Cyclohexenones
Oxolinic acid (May Subd Geog)
BT Quinolone antibacterial agents
Oxon Cove Park (Md. and Washington, D.C.)
BT ParksMaryland
ParksWashington (D.C.)

Oxon Hill Manor (Md.)

BT MarylandAntiquities
USE Nickel oxide
Oxonium ions
UF Hydronium ions
BT Onium ions
USE Peroxynitrite
Oxopropanoic acid
USE Pyruvic acid
USE Quinolone antibacterial agents
Oxoriok (African people)
USE Lokoya (African people)
USE Siloxanes
Oxosse (Afro-Brazilian deity) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Gods, Afro-Brazilian
Oxpeckers (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.P278 (Zoology)]
UF Buphaginae
Tick birds (Buphagus)
Tickbirds (Buphagus)
BT Sturnidae
NT Red-billed oxpecker
Oxrider family
USE Oxenreider family
Oxtail stew (May Subd Geog)
BT Stews
Oxtankah Site (Mexico)
BT MexicoAntiquities
Oxtotitlan Cave (Mexico)
BT CavesMexico
USE Boleophthalmus
Oxuderces dentatus
USE Boleophthalmus cantoris
USE Gobiidae
Oxum (Afro-Brazilian deity) (Not Subd Geog)
BT Goddesses, Afro-Brazilian
Oxus River
USE Amu Darya
Oxus, Temple of the (Tajikistan)
USE Khram Oksa (Tajikistan)
Oxwich National Nature Reserve (Wales)
UF Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Oxwich

BT National parks and reservesWales
Natural areasWales
Oxx family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ox family
Oxe family
Oxya (May Subd Geog)
BT Grasshoppers
Oxyacetylene welding and cutting (May Subd Geog)
UF Autogenous welding
Gas welding
BT Metal-cutting
OxygenIndustrial applications
Equipment and supplies
Health aspects
USE WeldingHealth aspects
Safety measures
USE WeldingSafety measures
Oxyanthus (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.R85 (Botany)]
BT Rubiaceae
Oxybate sodium
USE Gamma-hydroxybutyrate
USE Sphecidae
USE Vine snakes
Oxybelis aeneus
USE Brown vine snake
Oxybelus (May Subd Geog)
BT Sphecidae

USE Diethylene glycol
USE Vinyl ethers
USE Methyl ether
USE Craniosynostoses
Oxychilus (May Subd Geog)
BT Zonitidae
NT Oxychilus samius
Oxychilus samius (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxychilus
BT Chlorides
NT Mercury oxychlorides
Nitrogen oxychlorides
USE Plantaginaceae
USE Vaccinium
Oxycoccus palustris
USE European cranberry
USE Oxycodone
Oxycodone (May Subd Geog)
UF Dihydrohydroxycodeinone
OxyContin (Trademark)
BT Analgesics
Oxycodone abuse (May Subd Geog)
BT Medication abuse
USE Oxycodone
OxyContin (Trademark)
USE Oxycodone
Oxycorynidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Beetles
USE Leptochloa
Oxydesmidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Polydesmida
[QP921 (Physiological effects)]
Oxyethylenesuccinic acid
USE Malic acid
Oxygen (May Subd Geog)
[QD181.O1 (Chemistry)]
[TP245.O9 (Chemical technology)]
BT Chalcogens
RT Photosynthetic oxygen evolution
NT Active oxygen
MetalsOxygen content
SteelOxygen content
WaterDissolved oxygen
Industrial applications (May Subd Geog)
NT Metallurgy
Nonferrous metalsMetallurgyOxygen

Oxyacetylene welding and cutting
SteelMetallurgyOxygen processes
Isotopes (May Subd Geog)
Molecular rotation
Physiological effect (May Subd Geog)
NT Anaerobiosis
PlantsEffect of oxygen on
Physiological transport
UF Delivery of oxygen (Physiology)
Oxygen delivery (Physiology)
Oxygen transport (Physiology) [Former

NT Impaired oxygen delivery
Therapeutic use
USE Oxygen therapy


Toxicology (May Subd Geog)

NT Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Oxygen, Liquid
USE Liquid oxygen
Oxygen as a test gas (May Subd Geog)
BT Test gases
Oxygen at low temperatures
RT Liquid oxygen
BT Low temperatures
Oxygen compounds (May Subd Geog)
[QD181.O1 (General and inorganic chemistry)]
[QD405 (Cyclic compounds containing oxygen)]
[QD412.O1 (Organometallic chemistry)]
[TP245.O9 (Chemical technology)]
BT Chemicals
NT Oxides
Oxo compounds
Oxygen consumption, Maximal
USE Maximal oxygen uptake
Oxygen consumption (Physiology)
UF Consumption of oxygen (Physiology)
BT Tissue metabolism
Oxygen deficiency in the blood
USE Anoxemia
Oxygen delivery, Impaired
USE Impaired oxygen delivery
Oxygen delivery (Physiology)
USE OxygenPhysiological transport
Oxygen electrodes
USE Electrodes, Oxygen
Oxygen equipment in airplanes
USE AirplanesOxygen equipment
Oxygen equipment in space vehicles
USE Space vehiclesOxygen equipment
Oxygen evolution, Photosynthetic
USE Photosynthetic oxygen evolution
Oxygen furnaces
USE Basic oxygen furnaces
Oxygen group elements
USE Chalcogens
Oxygen in the body (May Subd Geog)
BT Body composition
RT Anoxemia
NT Active oxygen in the body
Oxygen index of materials
UF Flammability testing
Limiting oxygen index of materials
MaterialsOxygen index
BT Fire testing
Oxygen intake, Maximal
USE Maximal oxygen uptake
Oxygen radicals
USE Active oxygen
Oxygen steelmaking
USE SteelMetallurgyOxygen processes
Oxygen therapy (May Subd Geog)
UF OxygenTherapeutic use
BT Respiratory therapy
NT Hyperbaric oxygenation
Spiroscope and spiroscopy
Oxygen therapy for children (May Subd Geog)
BT Respiratory therapy for children
Oxygen therapy for premature infants
(May Subd Geog)
BT Premature infants
Complications (May Subd Geog)
NT Retrolental fibroplasia
Oxygen transport, Defective
USE Impaired oxygen delivery
Oxygen transport (Physiology)
USE OxygenPhysiological transport
Oxygen-transport fluids (Hematology)
USE Blood substitutes
Oxygen uptake, Maximal
USE Maximal oxygen uptake
BT Oxidoreductases
NT Heme oxygenase
Tryptophan oxygenase
Oxygenated diesel fuels (May Subd Geog)
BT Diesel fuels

Oxygenated gasoline (May Subd Geog)

BT Reformulated gasoline
Oxygenated sterols
USE Oxysterols
Oxygenation, Hyperbaric
USE Hyperbaric oxygenation
UF Artificial lungs
Blood oxygenation, Extracorporeal
Lungs, Artificial
BT Artificial organs
Heart, Mechanical
NT Membrane oxygenators
Oxygenators, Membrane
USE Membrane oxygenators
Oxygyrus (May Subd Geog)
BT Atlantidae
NT Oxygyrus keraudreni
Oxygyrus keraudreni (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxygyrus
BT Hemoglobin
USE Centropomidae
USE Hexagrammidae
Oxylebius (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.H49 (Zoology)]
BT Hexagrammidae
NT Painted greenling
Oxylebius pictus
USE Painted greenling
Oxyloma (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.5.S87 (Zoology)]
BT Ambersnails
NT Niobrara ambersnail
Oxyloma haydeni
USE Niobrara ambersnail
Oxyloma haydeni kanabensis
USE Kanab ambersnail
Oxymonadida (May Subd Geog)
BT Zooflagellates
NT Oxymonadidae
Oxymonadidae (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxymonadida
NT Oxymonas
Oxymonas (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxymonadidae
NT Oxymonas minor
Oxymonas minor (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxymonas
BT Figures of speech
Oxymuriatic acid
USE Chlorine
Oxymycterus (May Subd Geog)
UF Burrowing mice
Long-nose mice
BT Muridae
NT Oxymycterus amazonicus
Oxymycterus amazonicus (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxymycterus
Oxymyxteros breviceps
USE Blarinomys breviceps
Oxynaphthoic acid
USE Betaine
USE Epigonus
Oxyopidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Lynx spiders
BT Spiders
NT Hamataliva
Oxypnictide superconductors
USE Iron-based superconductors
USE Iron-based superconductors
USE Hydroxyquinoline

USE Mako sharks
USE Crabs
USE Mako sharks
Oxysalts (May Subd Geog)
BT Oxygen compounds
NT Carbonates
UF Oxygenated sterols
BT Sterols
USE Staphylinidae
Oxytenanthera (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.G74 (Botany)]
BT Bamboo
NT Oxytenanthera abyssinica
Oxytenanthera abyssinica (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.G74 (Botany)]
UF Abyssinia oxytenanthera
Abyssinian bamboo
Bamboograss, Woody
Bambusa abyssinica
Ethiopian bamboo
Introduced Yunnan bamboo
Lowland bamboo
Savannah bamboo
Woody bamboograss
Yunnan bamboo, Introduced
BT Oxytenanthera
Oxytenia (May Subd Geog)
BT Compositae
Oxytenia acerosa (May Subd Geog)
BT Livestock poisoning plants
UF Hydroxytetracycline
Terramycin [Former heading]
BT Tetracyclines
BT Oligopeptides
Pituitary hormones
Research (May Subd Geog)
UF Oxytocin research [Former heading]
USE OxytocinResearch
Oxytrichidae (May Subd Geog)
UF Pleurotrichidae
BT Hypotrichida
NT Stylonychia
Oxytropis (May Subd Geog)
[QK495.L52 (Botany)]
UF Aragallus
BT Legumes
Oxyura (May Subd Geog)
BT Anatidae
NT Maccoa duck
Ruddy duck
White-headed duck
Oxyura jamaicensis
USE Ruddy duck
Oxyura leucocephala
USE White-headed duck
Oxyura maccoa
USE Maccoa duck
Oxyura punctata
USE Maccoa duck
Oxyuranus (May Subd Geog)
[QL666.O64 (Zoology)]
UF Taipans (Reptiles)
BT Elapidae
Oxyuriasis (May Subd Geog)
UF Enterobiasis
Pinworm infections
BT Helminthiasis


Oxyuriasis in children (May Subd Geog)

BT Infection in children
Oxyurida (May Subd Geog)
UF Oxyuroidea
BT Ascaridida
NT Oxyuridae
Oxyuridae (May Subd Geog)
UF Pinworm family
BT Ascaridida
NT Aspiculuris
USE Oxyurida
Oya (Yoruba deity) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Oia (Yoruba deity)
BT Goddesses, Yoruba
RT Iansa (Afro-Brazilian deity)
Oya Siwo
USE Oyashio Current
Oyacoulet Indians
USE Oyaricoulet Indians
Oyama (Kanagawa-ken, Japan)
UF O Mountain (Kanagawa-ken, Japan)
O-yama (Kanagawa-ken, Japan)
BT MountainsJapan
Oyama Castle Site (Oyama-shi, Japan)
USE Oyamajo Site (Oyama-shi, Japan)
Oyama Dairi Tonneru (Tama-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oyama Dairi Tunnel (Tama-shi, Japan)

BT TunnelsJapan
Oyama Dairi Tunnel (Tama-shi, Japan)
USE Oyama Dairi Tonneru (Tama-shi, Japan)
Oyama Iseki (Kaminokawa-machi, Japan)
USE Oyama Site (Kaminokawa-machi, Japan)
Oyama Kaido (Japan)
UF Aoyama Kaido (Japan)
Atsugi Kaido (Japan)
Futako Kaido (Japan)
Oyamado (Japan)
Soshu Kaido (Japan)
Yagurasawa Kaido (Japan)
Yagurasawa Okan (Japan)
Yagurazawa Kaido (Japan)
Yagurazawa Okan (Japan)
BT RoadsJapan
Oyama Site (Kaminokawa-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oyama Iseki (Kaminokawa-machi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oyamado (Japan)
USE Oyama Kaido (Japan)
Oyamajo (Yamagata-shi, Japan)
USE Yamagatajo (Yamagata-shi, Japan)
Oyamajo Ato (Oyama-shi, Japan)
USE Oyamajo Site (Oyama-shi, Japan)
Oyamajo Site (Oyama-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Gionjo Ato (Oyama-shi, Japan)

Oyama Castle Site (Oyama-shi, Japan)
Oyamajo Ato (Oyama-shi, Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities
Oyamasumita Iseki (Fukuroi-shi, Japan)
USE Oyamasumita Site (Fukuroi-shi, Japan)
Oyamasumita Site (Fukuroi-shi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oyamasumita Iseki (Fukuroi-shi, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Oyambi Indians
USE Wayampi Indians
Oyambi language
USE Wayampi language
Oyampi Indians
USE Wayampi Indians
Oyampi language
USE Wayampi language
Oyampi mythology
USE Wayampi mythology
Oyampi philosophy
USE Wayampi philosophy

Oyana Indians
USE Wayana Indians
Oyana language
USE Wayana language
Oyana literature
USE Wayana literature
Oyana mythology
USE Wayana mythology
Oyanagawa Iseki (Shichigashuku-machi, Japan)
USE Oyanagawa Site (Shichigashuku-machi,

Oyanagawa Site (Shichigashuku-machi, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oyanagawa Iseki (Shichigashuku-machi,

BT JapanAntiquities
Oyanagi family (Not Subd Geog)
Oyanpik Indians
USE Wayampi Indians
Oyanpik language
USE Wayampi language
Oyapi Indians
USE Wayampi Indians
Oyapi language
USE Wayampi language
Oyapock River (French Guiana and Brazil)
USE Oiapoque River (French Guiana and Brazil)
Oyapok Fleuve (French Guiana and Brazil)
USE Oiapoque River (French Guiana and Brazil)
Oyapok River (French Guiana and Brazil)
USE Oiapoque River (French Guiana and Brazil)
Oyaricoulet Indians (May Subd Geog)
UF Ojarikoelle Indians
Oyacoulet Indians
Oyaricule Indians
BT Indians of South AmericaSuriname
Oyaricule Indians
USE Oyaricoulet Indians
Oyarzun River (Spain)
UF Rio Oiartzun (Spain)
Rio Oyarzun (Spain)
BT RiversSpain
Oyarzun River Valley (Spain)
USE Oyarzun Valley (Spain)
Oyarzun Valley (Spain)
UF Oyarzun River Valley (Spain)
Valle de Oiartzun (Spain)
Valle de Oyarzun (Spain)
BT ValleysSpain
Oyashio Current
UF Kurile Current
Oya Siwo
BT Ocean currentsPacific Ocean
Oyasu Kaido (Japan)
UF Inaniwa Kaido (Japan)
Masuda Kaido (Japan)
Senboku Kaido (Japan)
Senbokudori (Japan)
BT RoadsJapan
Oyat River (Russia)
UF Oiat River (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former heading]
Oiat River (Russia)
BT RiversRussia (Federation)
Oyer family (Not Subd Geog)
Oyerbakh family
USE Averbach family
Oykangand language (May Subd Geog)
UF Uw Oykangand
Wanggara language
BT AustraliaLanguages
Kunjen dialects
Oyl, Olive (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Olive Oyl (Fictitious character)
Oyler family (Not Subd Geog)
Oyo (African people) (May Subd Geog)
UF Oyo Yoruba (African people)
BT EthnologyNigeria
Yoruba (African people)
Oyo women
USE Women, Oyo
Oyo Yoruba (African people)
USE Oyo (African people)
Oyomei philosophy
USE Yomeigaku
Oyrat language
USE Oirat language
USE Oirats

Oyster Bay (Mason County and Thurston County,

USE Totten Inlet (Wash.)
Oyster Bay (N.Y. : Bay)
BT BaysNew York (State)
Oyster borer, Black
USE Mulberry whelk
Oyster cap (Fungus)
USE Pleurotus ostreatus
Oyster catchers
USE Oystercatchers
Oyster cracker (Fish)
USE Pogonias cromis
Oyster culture (May Subd Geog)
[SH365-SH367 (By region or country)]
[SH371SH371.3 (General works and by species or group)]
Here are entered works on the techniques used in
culturing oysters. Works on the harvesting of oysters
are entered under Oyster fisheries.

UF Farming, Oyster
Oyster farming
BT Bivalve culture
NT Oyster hatcheries
Oyster shell
Pearl oyster culture
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
BT Fishery law and legislation
Oyster dredgers
USE Bugeyes (Boats)
Oyster drill
USE Atlantic oyster drill
Oyster drill, Southern
USE Southern oyster drill
Oyster drum (Fish)
USE Pogonias cromis
Oyster family (Not Subd Geog)
UF Aister family
Eyster family
Oyster farmers (May Subd Geog)
UF Oyster growers
BT Aquaculturists
Oyster farming
USE Oyster culture
Oyster fisheries (May Subd Geog)
[SH365-SH367 (By region or country)]
[SH371SH371.3 (General works and by species or group)]
Here are entered works on the harvesting of
oysters. Works on the techniques used in culturing
oysters are entered under Oyster culture.

BT Shellfish fisheries
NT American oyster fisheries
Oyster fishing
USE Oystering
Oyster fishing boats
USE Bugeyes (Boats)
Oyster growers
USE Oyster farmers
Oyster Harbour (W.A.)
BT EstuariesAustralia
Oyster Harbour Watershed (W.A.)
BT WatershedsAustralia
Oyster hatcheries (May Subd Geog)
UF Hatcheries, Oyster
Oyster seed hatcheries
Seed hatcheries, Oyster
BT Oyster culture
Oyster industry (May Subd Geog)
UF Oyster trade
BT Bivalve industry
Oyster inventories (Surveys)
USE Oyster surveys
Oyster mushroom
USE Pleurotus ostreatus
Oyster mussel (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.7.U6 (Zoology)]
UF Dysnomia capsaeformis
Epioblasma capsaeformis
Plagiola capsaeformis
BT Epioblasma
Oyster plant
USE Salsify
Oyster plates (May Subd Geog)
UF Oyster platters
Oyster servers
BT Plates (Tableware)


Oyster platters
USE Oyster plates
Oyster Pond (Falmouth, Mass.)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

BT LakesMassachusetts
Oyster populations (May Subd Geog)
UF Oyster stocks
Populations, Oyster
Stocks, Oyster
BT Marine invertebrate populations
Shellfish populations
Estimates (May Subd Geog)
UF Estimates of oyster populations
BT ZoologyTechnique
RT OystersCounting
Oyster River (N.H.)
BT RiversNew Hampshire
Oyster River Basin (N.H.)
USE Oyster River Watershed (N.H.)
Oyster River Valley (N.H.)
UF Oyster Valley (N.H.)
BT ValleysNew Hampshire
Oyster River Watershed (N.H.)
UF Oyster River Basin (N.H.)
BT WatershedsNew Hampshire
Oyster seed hatcheries
USE Oyster hatcheries
Oyster servers
USE Oyster plates
Oyster shell (May Subd Geog)
BT Oyster culture
Oyster-shell scale (May Subd Geog)
UF Mussel scale
Oyster shucking
USE OystersShucking
Oyster stocks
USE Oyster populations
Oyster surveys (May Subd Geog)
UF Oyster inventories (Surveys)
BT Invertebrate surveys
Oyster toadfish (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.B3 (Zoology)]
UF Opsanus tau
BT Opsanus
Oyster trade
USE Oyster industry
Oyster Valley (N.H.)
USE Oyster River Valley (N.H.)
USE Eurasian oystercatcher
Oystercatchers (May Subd Geog)
[QL696.C452 (Zoology)]
UF Haematopus [Former heading]
Oyster catchers
BT Haematopodidae
NT American black oystercatcher
American oystercatcher
Chatham Islands oystercatcher
Eurasian oystercatcher
Variable oystercatcher
USE Tautog
Oystering (May Subd Geog)
UF Oyster fishing
BT Shellfish gathering
Oystermouth Castle (Swansea, Wales)
BT CastlesWales
Oysters (May Subd Geog)
[QL430.7.O9 (Zoology)]
UF Ostreidae [Former heading]
True oysters
BT Pterioida
NT Canned oysters
Contamination (May Subd Geog)
BT Food contamination
Counting (May Subd Geog)
RT Oyster populationsEstimates
Diseases (May Subd Geog)
UF OystersDiseases and pests [Former

Diseases and pests
USE OystersDiseases

USE Oyster hatcheries
Shucking (May Subd Geog)
UF Oyster shucking
Shucking of oysters
USE Oyster populations
Use in cooking
USE Cooking (Oysters)
Oysters, Canned
USE Canned oysters
Oysters, Fossil (May Subd Geog)
BT Pterioida, Fossil
Oysters, Hammer
USE Malleidae
Oysters, Pearl
USE Pearl oysters
Oytjern (Norway)
USE ytjrn (Norway)
ytjrn (Norway)
UF Oytjern (Norway)
BT LakesNorway
Oz (Artificial language)
BT Languages, Artificial
Oz (Fictitious character : Baum)
USE Wizard of Oz (Fictitious character)
Oz (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Land of Oz (Imaginary place)
BT Imaginary places
Oz (Imaginary place) in art (Not Subd Geog)
Oz (Imaginary place) in literature (Not Subd Geog)
Oz Blackstone (Fictitious character)
USE Blackstone, Oz (Fictitious character)
Oz films
USE Wizard of Oz films
Oza, Palazzo d' (Turin, Italy)
USE Palazzo Lascaris (Turin, Italy)
UF Atrophic rhinitis
Rhinitis, Atrophic
BT Rhinitis
Ozaena cirrosa
USE Eledone cirrhosa
USE Ground beetles
Ozaki family (Not Subd Geog)
Ozannes family
USE Auzenne family
Ozark Aquifer (Ark.)
BT AquifersArkansas
Ozark Bathhouse (Hot Springs, Ark.)
BT BathhousesArkansas
Ozark big-eared bat (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.C595 (Zoology)]
UF Bat, Ozark big-eared
Big-eared bat, Ozark
Corynorhinus townsendii ingens
Plecotus townsendii ingens
BT Plecotus townsendii
Ozark cavefish (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.A366 (Zoology)]
UF Amblyopsis rosae
Typhlichthys rosae
BT Amblyopsis
Ozark Cavefish National Wildlife Refuge (Mo.)
BT National parks and reservesMissouri
Wildlife refugesMissouri
Ozark Highlands Trail (Ark.)
BT TrailsArkansas
Ozark minnow (May Subd Geog)
[QL638.C94 (Zoology)]
UF Alburnops nubilus
Notropis nubilis
Notropis nubilus
Roseate shiner
BT Notropis
Ozark Mountains
UF Ozark Plateau
BT MountainsArkansas
NT Boston Mountains (Ark. and Okla.)
Ozark National Forest (Ark.)
BT Forest reservesArkansas
National parks and reservesArkansas
NT Hurricane Creek Wilderness (Ark.)

Ozark National Scenic Riverways (Mo.)

BT National parks and reservesMissouri
Wild and scenic riversMissouri
Ozark Plateau
USE Ozark Mountains
Ozark Plateau National Wildlife Refuge (Okla.)
UF Oklahoma Bat Caves National Wildlife Refuge

BT National parks and reservesOklahoma
Wildlife refugesOklahoma
Ozark Trail (Mo. and Ark.)
BT TrailsArkansas
Ozark white cedar
USE Ashe juniper
Ozarkers (May Subd Geog)
UF Mountain peopleOzark Mountains
BT EthnologyOzark Mountains
USE Ozarkers
USE Ozark Mountains
Ozarks, Lake of the (Mo.)
UF Benton, Lake (Mo.)
Lake Benton (Mo.)
Lake McClurg (Mo.)
Lake of the Ozarks (Mo.)
McClurg, Lake (Mo.)
BT LakesMissouri
Ozaukee Interurban Trail (Wis.)
BT TrailsWisconsin
Ozawkie Reservoir (Kan.)
USE Perry Lake (Jefferson County, Kan.)
Ozbrook family
USE Ausbrooks family
Ozbrooks family
USE Ausbrooks family
Oze-hara (Japan)
USE Oze Marsh (Japan)
Oze Lake (Japan)
UF Ose-numa (Japan)
Oze-numa (Japan)
Ozenuma (Japan)
BT LakesJapan
Oze Marsh (Japan)
UF Ose Marsh (Japan)
Osehara (Japan)
Oze-hara (Japan)
Ozega-hara (Japan)
Ozehara (Japan)
BT MarshesJapan
Oze-numa (Japan)
USE Oze Lake (Japan)
Oze Region (Japan)
Ozea (Greece)
USE Parnes, Mount (Greece)
Ozega-hara (Japan)
USE Oze Marsh (Japan)
Ozehara (Japan)
USE Oze Marsh (Japan)
Ozeki family (Not Subd Geog)
Ozenne family
USE Auzenne family
Ozenuma (Japan)
USE Oze Lake (Japan)
Ozernaia River (Kamchatskii krai, Russia)
USE Ozernaya River (Kamchatskii krai, Russia)
Ozernaya River (Kamchatskii krai, Russia)
Undifferentiated geographic heading. Covers all
rivers named Ozernaya River in Kamchatskii krai,

UF Ozernaia River (Kamchatskii krai, Russia)

Ozernoye River (Kamchatskii krai, Russia)
Reka Ozernaia (Kamchatskii krai, Russia)
Zaporozhskoye River (Kamchatskii krai,

BT RiversRussia (Federation)
Ozernaya River Watershed (Kamchatskii krai, Russia)
Undifferentiated geographic heading. Covers all
watersheds named Ozernaya River Watershed in
Kamchatskii krai, Russia.

BT WatershedsRussia (Federation)
Ozernoye River (Kamchatskii krai, Russia)
USE Ozernaya River (Kamchatskii krai, Russia)
Ozero Aia (Russia)
USE Aia Lake (Russia)
Ozero Akchatau (Kazakhstan)
USE Akchatau Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozero Akhcha-Tau (Kazakhstan)
USE Akchatau Lake (Kazakhstan)


Ozero Akshatau (Kazakhstan)

USE Akchatau Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozero Ashcha-Tau (Kazakhstan)
USE Akchatau Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozero Aya (Russia)
USE Aia Lake (Russia)
Ozero Azabachye (Russia)
USE Azabache, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Azhabachye (Russia)
USE Azabache, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Bagrach-kyl (China)
USE Bosten Lake (China)
Ozero Bagrash-kul (China)
USE Bosten Lake (China)
Ozero Baikal (Russia)
USE Baikal, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Baykal (Russia)
USE Baikal, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Bogrash (China)
USE Bosten Lake (China)
Ozero Bolshaya Ritsa (Georgia)
USE Ritsa, Lake (Georgia)
Ozero Bolshoe Almatinskoe (Kazakhstan)
USE Bolshaia Almatinka Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozero Bolshoe IArovoe (Russia)
USE Bolshoe IArovoe Lake (Russia)
Ozero Bolshoe Yarovoe (Russia)
USE Bolshoe IArovoe Lake (Russia)
Ozero Bolshoi Shartash (Russia)
USE Shartash Lake (Russia)
Ozero Bolshoi Tambukan (Russia)
USE Tambukan, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Borovoe (Kazakhstan)
USE Borovoe Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozero Borovoye (Kazakhstan)
USE Borovoe Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozero Chany (Russia)
USE Chany, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Elgygytgyn (Russia)
USE Elgygytgyn Lake (Russia)
Ozero Elgytkhyn (Russia)
USE Elgygytgyn Lake (Russia)
Ozero Elton (Russia)
USE Elton, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Geichia (Armenia)
USE Sevan Lake (Armenia)
Ozero Glubokoe (Russia)
USE Glubokoe Lake (Russia)
Ozero Gusinoe (Buriatiia, Russia : Lake)
USE Gusinoe, Lake (Buriatiia, Russia : Lake)
Ozero Gusinoye (Buriatiia, Russia : Lake)
USE Gusinoe, Lake (Buriatiia, Russia : Lake)
Ozero Ilmen (Russia)
USE Ilmen, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Imandra (Russia)
USE Imandra, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Inari (Finland)
USE Inari Lake (Finland)
Ozero Ingol (Russia)
USE Ingol Lake (Russia)
Ozero Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan)
USE Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan : Lake)
Ozero IUlemiste (Estonia)
USE Ulemiste Lake (Estonia)
Ozero Kaidashchino (Ukraine)
USE Kaidashchyno Lake (Ukraine)
Ozero Kaidashchyno (Ukraine)
USE Kaidashchyno Lake (Ukraine)
Ozero Kallavesi (Kuopion laani, Finland)
USE Kallavesi (Kuopion laani, Finland)
Ozero Keitele (Finland)
USE Keitele Lake (Finland)
Ozero Kenozero (Russia)
USE Kenozero Lake (Russia)
Ozero Keytele (Finland)
USE Keitele Lake (Finland)
Ozero Khubsugul (Mongolia)
USE Hovsgol Lake (Mongolia)
Ozero Kozhozero (Russia)
USE Kozhozero, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Krasnoe (Karelian Isthmus, Russia)
USE Krasnoe Lake (Karelian Isthmus, Russia)
Ozero Krasnoye (Karelian Isthmus, Russia)
USE Krasnoe Lake (Karelian Isthmus, Russia)
Ozero Kubenskoe (Russia)
USE Kubenskoe Lake (Russia)
Ozero Kubenskoye (Russia)
USE Kubenskoe Lake (Russia)
Ozero Kuli-Kalon (Tajikistan)
USE Kuli-Kalon Lake (Tajikistan)
Ozero Kulikalon (Tajikistan)
USE Kuli-Kalon Lake (Tajikistan)

Ozero Kunduk (Ukraine)

USE Sasyk Lake (Odeska oblast, Ukraine)
Ozero Lacha (Russia)
USE Lacha, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Lache (Russia)
USE Lacha, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Lake (Russia)
USE Lacha, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Lama (Russia)
USE Lama Lake (Russia)
Ozero Marka-Kul (Kazakhstan)
USE Markakol Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozero Markakol (Kazakhstan)
USE Markakol Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozero Nero (Russia)
USE Nero, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Novozero (Russia)
USE Novozero Lake (Russia)
Ozero Ouluiarvi (Finland)
USE Oulujarvi (Finland)
Ozero Pairon (Tajikistan)
USE Pairon Lake (Tajikistan)
Ozero Payron (Tajikistan)
USE Pairon Lake (Tajikistan)
Ozero Piros (Russia)
USE Piros Lake (Russia)
Ozero Piruss (Russia)
USE Piros Lake (Russia)
Ozero Plescejevo (Russia)
USE Pleshcheevo Lake (Russia)
Ozero Pronchishcheva (Russia)
USE Pronchishcheva Lake (Russia)
Ozero Ritsa (Georgia)
USE Ritsa, Lake (Georgia)
Ozero Saima (Finland)
USE Saimaa Lake (Finland)
Ozero Sakske (Ukraine)
USE Satske Lake (Ukraine)
Ozero Sakskoye (Ukraine)
USE Satske Lake (Ukraine)
Ozero Sartlan (Russia)
USE Sartlan Lake (Russia)
Ozero Sary-Chelek (Kyrgyzstan)
USE Sarychelek Lake (Kyrgyzstan)
Ozero Sary-Chilek (Kyrgyzstan)
USE Sarychelek Lake (Kyrgyzstan)
Ozero Sarychelek (Kyrgyzstan)
USE Sarychelek Lake (Kyrgyzstan)
Ozero Sarykamysh (Turkmenistan)
USE Sarykamysh Lake (Turkmenistan)
Ozero Sasyk (Odeska oblast, Ukraine)
USE Sasyk Lake (Odeska oblast, Ukraine)
Ozero Satske (Ukraine)
USE Satske Lake (Ukraine)
Ozero Sayma (Finland)
USE Saimaa Lake (Finland)
Ozero Seliger (Russia)
USE Seliger, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Sevan (Armenia)
USE Sevan Lake (Armenia)
Ozero Shablar (Bulgaria)
USE Shabla Lake (Bulgaria)
Ozero Shartash (Russia)
USE Shartash Lake (Russia)
Ozero Shira (Russia)
USE Shira Lake (Russia)
Ozero Sivash (Ukraine)
USE Syvash Lake (Ukraine)
Ozero Siverskoe (Russia)
USE Siverskoe Lake (Russia)
Ozero Siverskoye (Russia)
USE Siverskoe Lake (Russia)
Ozero Tambukan (Russia)
USE Tambukan, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Tambukanskoe (Russia)
USE Tambukan, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Tambukanskoye (Russia)
USE Tambukan, Lake (Russia)
Ozero Taykhi-nor (China)
USE Dai Lake (China)
Ozero Ubinskoe (Russia)
USE Ubinskoye Lake (Russia)
Ozero Ubinskoye (Russia)
USE Ubinskoye Lake (Russia)
Ozero Ubsu-Nur (Mongolia and Russia)
USE Uvs Nuur (Mongolia and Russia)
Ozero Verevi (Estonia)
USE Verevi Lake (Estonia)
Ozero Vodlozero (Russia)
USE Vodlozero (Russia)
Ozero Yashilkul (Tajikistan)
USE Yashil-Kul (Tajikistan)

Ozero Zaisan (Kazakhstan)

USE Zaisan Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozero Zaysan (Kazakhstan)
USE Zaisan Lake (Kazakhstan)
Ozette Indian Village Site (Wash.)
USE Ozette Site (Wash.)
Ozette Indians
USE Makah Indians
Ozette Lake (Wash.)
UF Ka-houk (Wash.)
Lake of the Sun (Wash.)
Lake Ozette (Wash.)
Lake Webster (Clallam County, Wash.)
O-se-ilth (Wash.)
Osette Lake (Wash.)
Sun, Lake of the (Wash.)
Swan Lake (Clallam County, Wash.)
Webster, Lake (Clallam County, Wash.)
BT LakesWashington (State)
Ozette Site (Wash.)
UF Ozette Indian Village Site (Wash.)
BT Washington (State)Antiquities
Ozma, Princess (Fictitious character)
USE Princess Ozma (Fictitious character)
[TN857 (Mineral industries)]
[TP695 (Chemical technology)]
UF Mineral wax
Wax, Mineral
BT Ceresin
USE Hog-nosed skunks
Ozols family (Not Subd Geog)
USE Ozonization
[QD181.O1 (Chemistry)]
[TD885.5.085 (Air pollution)]
BT Chemical tests and reagents
NT Atmospheric ozone
Umkehr effect
Physiological effect (May Subd Geog)
NT PlantsEffect of ozone on
Ozone depleters
USE Ozone-depleting substances
Ozone-depleting chemicals
USE Ozone-depleting substances
Ozone-depleting substance mitigation
(May Subd Geog)
UF Mitigation of ozone-depleting substances
ODS mitigation
BT Pollution prevention
Ozone-depleting substances (May Subd Geog)
[TD887.O95 (Air pollutant)]
UF Ozone depleters
Ozone-depleting chemicals
BT Pollutants
Ozone hole
USE Ozone layer depletion
Ozone layer (May Subd Geog)
[QC881.2.O9 (Meteorology)]
UF Layer, Ozone
Stratospheric ozone [Former heading]
BT Atmospheric ozone
USE Ozone layer depletion
USE Ozone layer depletion
Ozone layer depletion (May Subd Geog)
UF Depletion of ozone layer
Depletion of stratospheric ozone
Ozone hole
Ozone layerDepletion
Ozone layerReduction
Reduction of ozone layer
Reduction of stratospheric ozone
Law and legislation (May Subd Geog)
Ozone sondes
USE Ozonesondes
UF Ozone sondes
Sondes, Ozone
BT Meteorological instruments
Ozonia, Lake (N.Y.)
UF Lake Ozonia (N.Y.)
BT LakesNew York (State)


[QD281.O95 (Organic chemistry)]
UF Ozonation
BT Chemical reactions
NT SewagePurificationOzonization
[QD281.O95 (Organic chemistry)]
BT Ozone
USE Ozone layer
Ozophora (May Subd Geog)
BT Lygaeidae
Ozores, Ana (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog)
UF Ana Ozores (Fictitious character)
USE Ozotoceros
Ozotoceras bezoarticus
USE Pampas deer
Ozotoceros (May Subd Geog)
[QL737.U55 (Zoology)]
UF Ozotoceras
BT Cervidae
NT Pampas deer
Ozotoceros bezoarticus
USE Pampas deer
USE PhotographyPrinting processesOzotype
Ozrinic-Cevljan family (Not Subd Geog)
Oztoticpac (Texcoco de Mora, Mexico)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Oztoticpac Lands (Texcoco de Mora, Mexico)

Texcoco de Mora (Mexico). Oztoticpac
BT MexicoAntiquities
Oztoticpac Lands (Texcoco de Mora, Mexico)
USE Oztoticpac (Texcoco de Mora, Mexico)
Oztoyahualco Site (Mexico)
BT MexicoAntiquities
Ozu Kaido (Japan)
BT RoadsJapan
Ozumacin Chinantec dialect
USE Ozumacin dialect
Ozumacin dialect (May Subd Geog)
UF Ayotzintepec dialect
Ozumacin Chinantec dialect
BT Chinantec language
Ozumi Iseki (Hakusan-cho, Mie-ken, Japan)
USE Ozumi Site (Hakusan-cho, Mie-ken, Japan)
Ozumi Site (Hakusan-cho, Mie-ken, Japan)
This heading is not valid for use as a geographic

UF Ozumi Iseki (Hakusan-cho, Mie-ken, Japan)

BT JapanAntiquities
Ozun Caldera (Russia)
USE Uzon Caldera (Russia)
Ozura Site (Japan)
UF Ikarigaseki Ozura Site (Japan)
BT JapanAntiquities

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