Manufacturer Tool v5.5.0 (Build 255) - ReleaseNotes en

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KNX Manufacturer Tool 5.5.0 Release Notes (Build 255)





KNX Manufacturer Tool

KNX Certification Tool


= MT
= CT
= CV


The system must meet the following minimum conditions:

Operating System:

Win 7 SP1
Win 8 / 8.1
Win 10

.NET Framework:
Visual Studio Professional (on integrated mode, see 1.3.1):

2013 (Update 5 recommended)

32+64 Bit
32+64 Bit
32+64 Bit

For the MT option Spell Checking functionality additionally: Not relevant for this release

MS Word 2007 SP 2, Word 2010 or Word 2013

Recommended hardware:




2 GHz
2 GB
4 GB
DirectX 9, Resolution 1024x768

1.3.1 KNX Manufacturer Tool

If an earlier MT 5.5 version is already installed, this must be uninstalled first.
MT4 and MT5.5 may be installed in parallel.
MT can be installed in two modes:

As stand-alone application (Visual Studio 2013 Shell)

Integrated into an existing/already installed Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 Professional or higher (see 3.1).

The choice between these modes can be made in the initial setup dialog.
In the first installation mode, VS_IsoShell.exe (the Visual Studio 2013 Isolated setup) must be present in the redist
subdirectory below MT Setup (or pre-installed manually). In this mode, setup may fail if there is no Internet connection (e.g.
Microsoft updates). It is recommended to install .NET Framework 4.5.1 before running setup. For the integrated installation
mode this is not necessary.
Start the setup by double-clicking on the relevant setup file MT Setup. You must be logged in as Administrator during setup.
Note that the first start or MT will take longer, because during this step the Visual Studio metadata is updated.


Problem Documentation & KNX Support

Please document all problems and attach the log file and other needed files (like product files), so our support can reproduce
the problem easily.

If you found a problem, save and clear the log file

(%LOCALAPPDATA%\KNX\ManufacturerTool\v5.5\Log\ManufacturerTool.log 1) and try to reproduce the problem.

Please enable Debug logging (Tools/Options/KNX Manufacturer Tool/General/Global log level) before reproducing.
Its possible, that after enabling the logging, the KNX MT is slower than before.

If the problem is related to a specific device, please provide the product and application identification

Please add all files to a zip file and attach it to your support case on

The easiest way to open the %LOCALAPPDATA% directory is to type

"shell:Local AppData" (without the quotes).

2016, KNX Association. All Rights reserved.

+R (the Windows key and R) and then

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Attach at least the ManufacturerTool.log from the directory



This version uses licensing via the same dongle as ETS5. To add a license, use the menu command Help > MT Licensing.
If the dongle is not recognized, the cause may be that the dongle has an outdated firmware. You can update the dongle
firmware using ETS 5.5 (even with the demo version).

Changes against KNX MT 5.0




KNX MT 5.5 is now based on VisualStudio 2013; the integrated setup supports also VisualStudio 2015
KNX MT 5.5 is now based on KNX XML Schema 1.3
MT5.5 can target ETS 3.0, ETS 3.0d, ETS 3.0f, ETS 4.1/4.2 (XML-Schema 1.1) and ETS 5.5 (XML-Schema 1.3)
Because ETS 5.5 is a free update to ETS 5.0, support for Schema 1.2 (ETS 5.0) has been dropped.

Other changes

ADD: Added IP Security settings to preview

CHG: Suppress warning for properties written by profile-provided load procedure
FIX: Translations for channels, pages, page separators on ETS5 preview.
CHG: Improved performance of translation lookup in and ETS4/ETS5 preview
FIX: ETS5 preview did not trigger parameter calculations
FIX: Improved performance on ETS4 preview for application programs with a very large number of parameters
FIX: When saving a CertDoc project, the source knxei/knxprod was added multiple times to the project
FIX: The original registration number was not displayed in CertDoc
FIX: Under rare circumstances, a Schema 1.1 knx_master.xml could overwrite a knx_master.xml with a newer
FIX: For target ETS 4.0, the Horizontal Line setting of ParameterSeparators did not work

Known problems


Interaction with other products in Integrated Setup

When integrating MT into an existing Visual Studio, there may be interactions of the MT add-in with other third-party add-ins.
These might manifest in missing menu entries, error messages or even crashes.
If you experience such problems and uninstalling or deactivating conflicting add-ins is not an option, please install MT as
standalone tool.


Test project

It is technically not possible to notify a plugin when creating the device in the test project and exporting the test project within
MT. This might make the device unusable e.g. if the plugin creates a BLOB in OnAddedDevice and is not able to handle a
device without BLOB in other functions like ParameterDialog or Download.


Missing UI Update after import

The display of the registration status displayed for an application program is not updated immediately after knrcd
import, but only after closing and re-opening the file.
The display in the Translated ... columns is not updated immediately after an ETS/XLIFF import.

2016, KNX Association. All Rights reserved.

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