Consumer Electronics Servicing

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1. Screwdrivers
are hand tools specifically
designed to insert and tighten, or
to loosen and remove screws.
comprises a head or tip, which
engages with a screw, a
mechanism to apply force by
rotating the tip, and some way to
position and support the
screwdriver, the tip of which is
shaped in to fit a particular type of
A. Slotted Screwdriver is used to drive
or fasten negative slotted screws.
B. Phillips Screwdriver used to drive
or fasten positive slotted screws. It is
screwdriver that could take greater
torque and could provide tighter fastenings.
C. Jeweler's Screwdriver Set is a set
of small screw drivers composed of
slotted and Phillips screwdrivers.
1. Soldering Iron is a device for applying
heat to melt solder in attaching two
metal parts.
is composed of a heated metal tip
and an insulated handle.
For electrical work, wires are
usually soldered to printed circuit
other wires, or small terminals. A lowpower iron (20-30 Watts) is suitable for
this work.
2. Soldering Tool Stand is a place where
the soldering iron is placed during usage.
This will keep the soldering iron away
from flammable materials.
The stand often comes with a
sponge used in cleaning the tip of
the soldering iron.
3. Desoldering tool is used in removing
soldered wires and components on
printed circuit boards for troubleshooting
and repair purposes.
1. Long Nose is used for holding, bending,
and stretching the lead of electronic
component or connecting wires.
2. Side Cutter is a wire-cutting pliers,
though they are not used to grab or turn
anything, but are used to cut wires.
3. Wire Stripper is a pair of opposing
blades much like scissors or wire cutters.
The addition of a center notch makes it
easier to cut the insulation without
cutting the wire.

1. 12V Mini-Drill is used to bore or drill
holes in the printed circuit board (PCB)
with sizes from 1/32 1/16.
2. Portable Electric Drill is used for boring
hole(s) in plastic or metal chassis with
the used of drill bits having sizes from
1/6 to approximately 1/4.
Metal Files These are hand tools having
a series of sharp, parallel ridges or
teeth. Most files have a narrow, pointed
tang at one end to which a handle can
be fitted.
Flat File is parallel in width and
tapered in thickness; they are used for
surfaces and edges.
Half Round File is tapered in width
and thickness, coming to a point, and
is narrower than a standard half round
and used for filing inside of rings.
Round File - is also called rat-tail file
which is gradually tapered and
used for many tasks that require a round
tool, such as enlarging round holes or
cutting a scalloped edge.
1. Utility Knife is a common tool used in
cutting various trades and crafts for
a variety of purposes
2. Hacksaw is used for cutting metals.
Some have pistol grips which keep the
hacksaw firm and easy to grip. The small
hand-held hacksaws consist of a metal
arch with a handle that fits around a
narrow, rigid blade.
1. Magnifying Glass is a convex lens
which is used to produce a magnified
image of an object.
The lens is usually mounted on a
frame with a handle.
Roger Bacon is the original
inventor of the magnifying glass.
A magnifying glass works by
creating a magnified virtual image
of an object behind the lens. Some
magnifying glasses are foldable
with built-in light.
2. Paint Brush made of bristles set in
handle, use for cleaning dirty parts of a
circuit or an object.
Electronic equipment
equipment are also needed for more
accurate and quality output.
1. Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter.
It is an equipment that combines three
functions: as a voltmeter that measures
both ac and dc voltages; an ohmmeter
that measures resistance; and
milliammeter that measures small
amount of dc current.

2. Oscilloscope. (commonly abbreviated

CRO, for cathode-ray oscilloscope, or
scope) is a piece of electronic test
equipment that allows signal voltages to
be viewed, usually as a two-dimensional
graph of one or more electrical potential
differences (vertical axis) plotted as a

function of time or of some other voltage

(horizontal axis).
3. Signal generator. A signal generator is
a device which produces simple wave

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