Method Statement For Cold Galvanization
Method Statement For Cold Galvanization
Method Statement For Cold Galvanization
Application of cold galva (Zinc spray) on metal components
Materials required Rust remover
Make example: WD40
Wire brush
Thinner / petrol
Waste cloth
Zinc spray
Make: CRC Galva brite or any reputed make mixture of zinc
(purity 98%) and non-leafing aluminum
Keep potential fires igniting material away from the work area.
Do not use on energized equipment.
Only Trained / authorized person to do the activity. Follow MSDS of product used.
Use appropriate safety PPE like gloves, masks etc.
Clean the affected portion / rusted area with wire brush / Sand paper / Rust
remover till the rust particles are removed and base metal is visible.
Clean the area using wire brush and cloth.
Apply solvent to remove completely the rust and allow area to dry
Cold Galvanization Shake aerosol can very well for at least one minute after agitator ball is free.
Stir or mix bulk product well to obtain a homogeneous dispersion.
Apply in light, even coats with 2 lighter rather than 1 heavy coat.
Additional coats can be applied after 15-20 minutes.
Number of coats
DFT after coating
Ref Standard
IS 2629 : Recommended Practice for Hot Dip Galvanizing of Iron and Steel
ASTM A780 Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hotdip Galvanized Coatings
This to be strictly followed for rust affected areas and area where hot-dip portion
is affected due to abrasion, mishandling etc. This is not an alternate method for
hot-dip Galvanization.