Senate Hearing, 113TH Congress - Promoting College Access and Success For Students With Disabilities

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FEBRUARY 27, 2014

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TOM HARKIN, Iowa, Chairman
PATTY MURRAY, Washington
RICHARD BURR, North Carolina
ROBERT P. CASEY, JR., Pennsylvania
KAY R. HAGAN, North Carolina
RAND PAUL, Kentucky
AL FRANKEN, Minnesota
MARK KIRK, Illinois
TIM SCOTT, South Carolina
DEREK MILLER, Staff Director
LAUREN MCFERRAN, Deputy Staff Director and Chief Counsel
DAVID P. CLEARY, Republican Staff Director



Harkin, Hon. Tom, Chairman, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and
Pensions, opening statement ...............................................................................
Alexander, Hon. Lamar, a U.S. Senator from the State of Tennessee, opening
statement ..............................................................................................................
Scott, Hon. Tim, a U.S. Senator from the State of South Carolina .....................
Baldwin, Hon. Tammy, a U.S. Senator from the State of Wisconsin ..................
Casey, Hon. Robert P., Jr., a U.S. Senator from the State of Pennsylvania ......
Murray, Hon. Patty, a U.S. Senator from the State of Washington ...................
Warren, Hon. Elizabeth, a U.S. Senator from the State of Massachusetts ........


Emery-Arras, Melissa, Director of Education, Workforce, and Income Security
Issues, U.S. Accountability Office, Boston, MA .................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Ostrow, Laysha, MPP, Ph.D. Candidate, Student, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD ............................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Fink, Dana, Assistant Project Coordinator, Institute for Educational Leadership, Washington, DC ..........................................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Farrior, Will, Student, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC ............................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Getzel, Elizabeth Evans, Project Director, ACE-IT in College, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA ...............................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Myers, Katherine, Associate Director, Office of Disability Services, Wright
State University, Dayton, OH .............................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................




Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:03 a.m. in room
SH216, Hart Senate Office Building, Hon. Tom Harkin, chairman
of the committee, presiding.
Present: Senators Harkin, Murray, Casey, Franken, Baldwin,
Murphy, Warren, Alexander, and Scott.





The CHAIRMAN. The Senate Committee on Health, Education,

Labor, and Pensions will come to order.
Todays roundtable discussion will focus on how students with
disabilities are accessing and succeeding in post-secondary education. This roundtable marks our sixth in a series to examine
issues we plan to address in the upcoming reauthorization of the
Higher Education Act, and our review of this topic could not come
at a better time.
According to just released research by the Pew Research Center,
the value of a college education has never been greater. No matter
how you measure it, young college graduates do significantly better
than their less-educated peers. College graduates earn higher salaries. They are more likely to work full-time, and they are less likely
to be unemployed than their peers who do not attend college.
Today, the income disparity between college graduates and those
with a high school diploma is wider than at any time since this
comparison was first tracked in 1965.
So as this committee examines how to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for all Americans, we must remember to
include our fellow citizens with disabilities to ensure they have access to post-secondary education and to succeed once enrolled in
those programs. To provide those opportunities, we need to understand the barriers students with disabilities face, and the services
and supports that facilitate their success.
Post-Secondary education is a primary goal for more than 80 percent of high school students with disabilities. Sixty percent of
young adults with disabilities enroll in post-secondary education,
compared to 67 percent of young adults without a disability; so it
is very close. Among those who enroll in college, 41 percent graduate compared with 52 percent of those without disabilities; so the

gap widens. We must better understand why students with disabilities are more likely to dropout and what will attract them to both
enroll and to keep in school so that they are successful.
There is a great deal of diversity in the population of college-age
students with disabilities today, and the accommodations that are
required to meet their needs are just as diverse.
A blind student may need printed materials in different formats.
A deaf student may need interpreters or captioning services. A student with physical disabilities must be able to navigate the campus. Students with psychiatric disabilities may need confidential
counseling and flexible timelines for coursework completion to accommodate the often episodic nature of their disabilities. And students with intellectual disabilities need inclusive, on-campus college programs to facilitate their continued learning, and their successful transition from high school to post-secondary education.
Once students with disabilities arrive on campus, we need to ensure they have the supports and services necessary.
So what should be the Federal role in promoting success of college students with disabilities? Our panel of experts, who have
joined us today, will shed some light on that question. We will hear
from those closest to this question, program administrators and
students themselves. The students will share some of the barriers
they have faced, successes they have achieved, and the supports
and services that may have helped them along the way. And, of
course, I hope that all of you here will provide us with suggestions.
I read your testimonies last night and I see that you do have some.
The young people with disabilities who now are attending postsecondary programs are part of what I keep calling, The ADA
Generation. They have grown up with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which promises them the kind of access and opportunity
denied to people with disabilities in the past. They have been educated alongside their nondisabled peers. They know that post-secondary education can open doors for them, and they want their fair
shot at the American dream. So I am eager to hear from each of
you about your experiences and what we need to do in the Higher
Education Act to support the success of students with disabilities.
Our goal is to have an open discussion here; a roundtable discussion, rather than a formal, on-the-dais kind of thing. So we will
have a good, open discussion on this.
Now I invite Senator Alexander for his opening statement.



Senator ALEXANDER. Thanks, Mr. Chairman.

Senator Harkin has been, and is, the leading member of the U.S.
Senate in his concern for Americans with disabilities, and so that
makes this hearing especially important, not just to him, but to all
of us who are here.
We welcome you here. He and I were talking a little earlier. We
looked at the format here and we were trying to figure out how we
could get closer. We are not trying to separate ourselves from you.
We would like to actually be closer, but we could not figure out a
logical way to do it, but we would like to have more of an informal
atmosphere to this. We do not want it to be a hearing; we want
it to be more of a discussion.

About 10 percent of our college students have a disability. That
is a lot of Americans; that would mean, maybe 40,000 students
among Tennessees 400,000 college students. So we are talking
about the concerns of lots of students.
A great many of our higher education institutions are already
distinguishing themselves as places that are attractive for students
with one kind of disability or another.
I know that when I was president of the University of Tennessee,
I heard regularly from parents and students about the program at
UT Chattanooga, which is called MoSAIC and it supports students
with autism, and it includes credit bearing courses, academic life
coaching, peer and faculty mentoring.
But word travels among families and students who are dealing
with a particular disability and they search out those campuses
that are friendly and inviting, which is one of the great advantages
of our system of higher education because of Government support.
About half our students have a grant or a loan from the Federal
Government to help them go to college that follows the student to
the institution of their choice. So a student with a disability can
select a college campus that is a friendly environment.
Vanderbilt has a 2-year nonresidential certificate program for
students with intellectual and developmental disabilities called
Next Steps, and that includes individualized programs for social
skills, physical fitness, and job skills.
Senator Harkin has proposed some changes in the Vocational Rehabilitation Act to make the process of going from high school to
college easier and that, we hope, finds its way into law through the
Workforce Investment Act. So what we are doing here today are
hearings about the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act,
and we want to make sure that as we do that, we are sensitive to
the needs of students with disabilities. We look forward to hearing
your advice about how best to do that.
Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Alexander.
Now, let me introduce our panelists who are here. I will go down
the line and then we will ask each of you to give a brief statement.
First we have Melissa Emrey-Arras, Director of Education issues
in the Government Accountability Office, the GAO, Office of Education, Workforce, and Income Security team. She has led national
studies on education issues ranging from student loans to veterans
education benefits. Prior to coming to GAO in 2001, she worked at
a private sector consulting company and led projects on Medicaid
and child welfare issues for State and local clients.
Our second witness is from the State of Maryland, and that
would be Laysha Ostrow. Ms. Ostrow is a Ph.D. candidate at the
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and co-executive director of
the Lived Experience Research Network. Ms. Ostrows research,
advocacy, and writing are focused on improving mental health and
social services particularly addressing innovative practices in financing models and promoting the voice of multiple stakeholders.
She will share with us her experiences with both the psychiatric
system and the Social Security disability system as they interact
with higher education for someone with a psychiatric disability.

Then we will hear from Ms. Fink. Dana Fink is an assistant
project coordinator at the Institute for Educational Leadership
Center for Workforce Development. In this role, she supports the
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth and
D.C. Advocacy Partners. A graduate of the University of Illinois
and while there, I am told, she was a two-time wheelchair basketball national championwell, all rightand an Academic AllAmerican. Ms. Fink also served as a summer intern on the HELP
committee and we welcome you back here. Maybe you did not think
you would come back as a witness, but nice to have you back.
Our next person is from South Carolina, and I am going to turn
to Senator Scott for the purpose of introduction.



Senator SCOTT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

I am very pleased to introduce William Farrior as one of our witnesses today. Mr. Farrior is 26 years old from Ravenel, SC in the
Low country, and he has worked very hard to now be a senior at
the College of Charleston. I am looking forward to being your graduation speaker this year. I am sorry for you, by the way.
William is an inspiring example of the great things that can happen when each and every student is given the chance to realize his
or her full potential.
William was diagnosed with Aspergers when he was in the
eighth grade, which has created many challenges for him. After he
graduated from high school in 2006, he had a tough time at a community college due to his disability and to death in his family.
When school did not work out, William found himself drifting between entry level jobs. Thankfully, William was able to enroll into
the REACH program at the College of Charleston which has now
opened up a whole new world of possibilities and opportunities for
an amazing future that you will have.
William has now had the opportunity to intern at Blackbaud,
which is a fantastic company in the Low country of South Carolina,
at the YMCA, the YWCA, and in public relations at the Medical
University of South Carolina, just to name a few, which has done
amazing things in helping him to hone his skills to prepare him for
a career in his chosen field of communications.
Mr. Farrior, his testimony today, will show us all the importance
of giving every student, every young person a chance to reach their
full and highest potential, and to help us engage in a broader conversation about ensuring access as we move forward on a reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. William, thank you for being
here, sir.
Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much, Senator Scott, and we
welcome Mr. Farrior.
Next, we will hear from Ms. Elizabeth Getzel, the director of the
ACE-IT in College program at Virginia Commonwealth University, another one of the TPSID programs that we just heard about
at the College of Charleston. TPSID stands for Transition and PostSecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities. It
is much easier to say as TPSID. TPSID was part of the reauthor-

ization of HEA in 2008. With my other hat, as the chair of the Appropriations subcommittee, we have been funding TPSID for the
past 5 years. I am anxious to hear about both of the TPSID programs.
Ms. Getzels research includes effective strategies for the inclusion of college students with disabilities, career planning, and preparation. She has authored or co-authored numerous journals articles and co-edited a book entitled Going to College: Expanding Opportunities for People with Disabilities.
Our final witness is Katherine Myers, associate director of the
Office of Disability Services at Wright State University. I read a lot
about Wright State last evening. Wright State University has a
long history of providing high quality services and supports to its
students with disabilities. During her 19 years at Wright State, she
has been responsible for running the technology center, which provides textbooks and course materials in alternative formats, as well
as a variety of other computer-related adaptations. Ms. Myers has
also worked closely with students who use communication devices.
We have a great panel of experts and people who have experience with our topic. What I would like to do is ask you to make
short statements. I have all your statements. They will be made a
part of the record in their entirety. Can you give us a brief statement about what you think is the most important thing that you
want us to know, and then we will just start discussing things.
Ms. Emrey-Arras, go ahead.

Ms. EMREY-ARRAS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member

Alexander, and members of the committee for inviting me to participate in todays roundtable discussion.
My remarks today will summarize GAOs prior work on this important topic.
As Senator Alexander mentioned, national data shows that just
over 10 percent of post-secondary students have disabilities. Common disabilities include mental health conditions, attention deficit
disorders, and mobility impairments.
Based on our interviews with students, parents, and school officials, the transition from high school to college can be a challenging
one for those with disabilities. Many students with disabilities are
accustomed to certain accommodations while they are in high
school. As Senator Harkin mentioned, there are various things that
can be done to assist with the learning process.
Oftentimes, students go to campus for the first time expecting
those accommodations that they were used to, to already be in
place because that is what they have had all along, and they are
quite often surprised when those are not already there for them.
While colleges are, in fact, responsible for providing reasonable accommodations for students, students really do need to initiate the
process when it begins at the college level. And to do that, they
need to first self-identify as having a disability, and then obtain

updated evaluations to support their request for a disability accommodation, and then officially make that request.
Some students may choose not to disclose their disabilities initially. They may do so perhaps later on in the semester after they
have fallen behind, which can create issues for them. Others may
have trouble obtaining updated evaluations. It can often be costly
to obtain updated evaluations, and there can also be long waits for
appointments. So those are additional barriers that students face
in transitioning to college and receiving those really critical accommodations for their learning.
In our work, we did find that schools were reaching out to students and their parents to help them learn about their rights and
responsibilities regarding the accommodation process. And we also
did find cases of schools actively helping students obtain lower cost
evaluations. Some of them were using the resources on campus in
terms of their mental health facilities, their departments of psychology and the like, to provide those kinds of evaluations on campus for students to assist them in obtaining the needed documentation to get their requests in order.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and Senator Alexander, and members
of the committee. This concludes my formal remarks. I am looking
forward to todays discussion.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Emrey-Arras follows:]



Thank you Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Alexander, and members of the committee, for inviting me to participate in this roundtable discussion on promoting college access and success for students with disabilities. My remarks today will summarize GAOs prior work on these students as they navigate the transition to postsecondary education. The work upon which this statement is based was conducted
in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. To conduct
this work, GAO analyzed Federal survey data from the National Post-Secondary
Student Aid Study, and conducted interviews with agency officials, school officials,
students, and parents. Further details about the scope and methodology can be
found in each of these related products.
Our prior work has noted that the overall population of post-secondary students
with disabilities appears to have increased, rising to 11 percent of students. About
a quarter of students with disabilities have reported having a mental, emotional or
psychiatric condition. Other common types of disabilities reported by post-secondary
students include attention deficit disorder, mobility impairments, and learning disabilities. Demographically, we found that students with disabilities closely mirror
students without disabilities, but are slightly more likely to attend college part-time.
Two Federal laws protect the rights of students with disabilities in post-secondary educationSection 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act)
and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). The Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination by institutions of higher education that receive Federal financial assistance, such as Federal financial aid. The ADA covers a broader range of
schools, including State and locally funded and private-sector schools.
Regarding enforcement of these laws, the Department of Justice can pursue any
complaints it receives alleging discrimination under the ADA, regardless of the
funding status of the respondent. The Department of Education can pursue complaints filed against schools receiving financial assistance from the agency at the
time of the alleged discrimination. The Department of Education also provides
grants and technical assistance to support students with disabilities in the transition to college.
Our prior work has identified several key challenges faced by students with disabilities, as well as post-secondary schools:
The Transition to College Poses Challenges for Students and Schools.
The transition from high school to post-secondary school presents challenges for students with disabilities because they must assume more responsibility for their education. In contrast to elementary and secondary school, they must identify them-

selves as having a disability, provide documentation of their disability, and request
accommodations and services from their post-secondary institution. According to our
work, this transition can be overwhelming and difficult for students to understand.
Schools also face challenges related to this. Many schools proactively conduct outreach to students with disabilities and their parents to inform them of their rights
and responsibilities, but reaching all students is difficult. This can become problematic if students request accommodations after classes have begun, as they may have
fallen behind academically, and accommodations can take time to put in place.
Students Also Reported Challenges Documenting their Disability to Obtain Accommodations. Many students with disabilities are accustomed to certain
accommodations or adaptive technologies and begin college to find they are not automatically provided for them in college. In many cases, colleges require updated disability evaluations conducted by qualified professionals. These evaluations can be
costly and there may be long wait lists for appointments, which can cause delays
for students who must wait for accommodations. Some schools reported providing
assistance to students in obtaining evaluations at lower cost.
Three Student Populations May Create Additional Challenges for
(1) Veterans with Newly Acquired Disabilities: Many veterans returning from Iraq
and Afghanistan suffer from conditions such as traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder, which are difficult to diagnose. Symptoms may not surface immediately after such injuries, but may instead manifest themselves once
these students have already begun classes.
(2) Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Students with intellectual disabilities
such as developmental disabilities or autismare a population that schools believe
will increase in the coming years. These students often require more specialized
services that schools typically lack experience in providing, and may also need additional classes to address life skills, financial skills, or employment training.
(3) Students with Mental Illness: Students with mental illness usually require
multiple supports, and colleges may have difficulty coordinating accommodations
and other benefits to support them. These students, whose disabilities are less visible, may also be among a group that chooses not to disclose their disability or seek
accommodations until classes have already begun, resulting in service gaps.
In recent years, GAO has made recommendations to several Federal agencies,
including the Department of Education, and the Department of Justice, to address
some of these challenges, for example, by improving coordination among Federal
agencies providing services and strengthening enforcement efforts related to testing
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, this concludes my remarks. I am happy to take any questions.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much.

Ms. Ostrow.

Ms. OSTROW. Thank you so much for having me here today.

I can briefly summarize my written testimony. I was first in an
inpatient psychiatric unit when I was 14-years-old and labeled with
bipolar disorder and had multiple psychiatric system involvements
after that.
My freshman year of high school, I was in public school and my
parents were asked to take me out because of my disability. From
there, I was in several different high schools, eventually ending up
in a residential treatment facility for girls with emotional and behavioral problems. I was there for 212 years and technically graduated from my public school with very little actual education in
high school.
From there, I went to a private 4-year university in Massachusetts. I was integrated into a normal college setting. I am able to
secure accommodations because I have had neuropsychiatric test-

ing in high school having been a special education student. It is
often, as Ms. Emrey-Arras said, more difficult for collage students
to do that at that time if they have not had that testing in high
school because of the resources that are required, or not wanting
to disclose, or seek accommodations because of discrimination.
In graduate school, I founded the first national support group for
graduate students with psychiatric disabilities and from there created the Lived Experience Research Network, which is a student
mental health service users survivor-run organization to support
students of psychiatric disabilities.
I found through my personal experience and my advocacy and research that despite the challenges I faced, there are many far more
widespread and really disheartening experiences that people with
psychiatric disabilities face in the education system, in the higher
education system, and in high school, and as far as graduate school
as well.
These students often face discrimination, self-stigma, a public
stigma, fear of stigma from faculty, and from administrators, and
other students that prevent them from requesting accommodations.
They may not even be familiar with their rights as people with disabilities.
So based on my experiences, and advocacy work with other students, I would recommend three areas in need of attention in terms
of policy.
The first would be policies that facilitate grassroots organizing by
students for independent, mutual support and self, and systems advocacy.
The second would be institutional policy change including education about accommodations tailored to students with psychiatric
disabilities. It can also be very different because they are, invisible disabilities.
The third would be ensuring confidentiality and privacy in campus counseling centers, oversight of involuntary leave policies to
prevent schools from dismissing students based on mental health
problems, particularly suicidality. And critical investigations of consequences of stigmatizing policies that come from increasing student surveillance.
The role of institutions of higher education is to facilitate intellectual growth of students, not punish them for their struggles. As
we saw in a recent Newsweek article that the students are being
penalized for suffering and not supported in pursuing education. I
think the mental health problems should be somewhat separated
from the education as education is a right for all of our citizens.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Ostrow follows:]



My name is Laysha Ostrow. I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Johns Hopkins School

of Public Health and the co-executive director of the Lived Experience Research Network. I was hospitalized in a psychiatric unit for the first time when I was 14 years
old, and labeled with bipolar disorder. In high school I was in a residential treatment facility for girls with emotional and behavioral problems for 212 years. As an
undergraduate I was able to secure accommodations primarily because of
neuropsychiatric test results obtained as a secondary school student. This kind of
testing is often unavailable to college students who first experience problems after
high school. During my junior year of college I took a medical leave for depression.
When I tried to return to school, I was discouraged from pursuing higher education

by university clinicians, leading me to drop out. Subsequently I was declared permanently disabled and was on SSDI. I finished my Bachelors degree when I was 26.
Because of these experiences and experiences of colleagues, I co-founded the only
national support group for graduate and doctoral students with psychiatric disabilities in 2011. Through participation in the group I became aware of even more widespread and often devastating discrimination and lack of support at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. My organizations Discrimination in Higher Education
research and advocacy project has further documented the degree of discrimination
and marginalization that students all too often face, as has the recent Newsweek
headline story How Colleges Flunk Mental Health. Research confirms these reports:
in a national post-secondary survey, for example, over 50 percent of students reported discrimination or stigma in the process of requesting accommodations. Researchers working in higher education have noted that few universities have the expertise or experience to support students with psychiatric disabilities, even though
this group is one of the largest disability groups in higher education.
Based on my experiences and advocacy work with other students I recommend
three major areas in need of attention: (1) policies that facilitate grassroots organizing by students for independent mutual support and self- and systems-advocacy;
(2) institutional policy change, including education about accommodations tailored
to students with psychiatric disabilities; (3) ensuring confidentiality and privacy in
campus counseling settings, oversight of involuntary leave policies to prevent
schools from dismissing students, and critical investigations of the consequences of
stigmatizing policies to increase student surveillance.
The role of institutions of higher education is to facilitate intellectual growth of
studentsnot punish them for their struggles. Education policy should not be focused on us as sick members of society needing treatment, but individuals with disabilities with a right to education and employment.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you and it is very profound. Thank you

very much.
Dana Fink, please.

Ms. FINK. Good morning, Chairman Harkin, Ranking Member

Alexander, and members of the committee.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak about this critical topic
with which I have personal and professional experiences.
First to note about me is I am a person with multiple disabilities.
I have had my physical disability since birth, as well as an anxiety
disability acquired during college.
Since graduation, I have worked to support transition paths for
youth with disabilities into post-secondary education and the world
of work. My current role, as you mentioned, at the Institute for
Educational Leadership, I support a technical assistance center
aiming to better serve all youth, including youth with disabilities,
and a program training families and self-advocates to influence policy for people with disabilities throughout the District of Columbia.
It is through these experiences that I have seen young people
with disabilities be unable to obtain necessary services and supports throughout transition. It is with these supports that we know
they can and will become contributing members of their communities, but without them, prospects are grim.
I am also very proud to be a 2010 graduate of the University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. There was always an expectation in
my family that I would graduate and go on to college, just as my
two older sisters had before me. But in looking at some of the universities that they attended, it became clear that they could not
provide the supports that I would need to be successful.

A recent National Longitudinal Study by the Department of Educations Office of Special Education Programs, OSEP, showed completion rates for students with disabilities at 34 percent compared
with 51 percent in the general population. Of those who lacked,
reasons were varied, but included cost, poor grades, changing
schools, and not getting needed services. I know that it is only due
to the supports and services I received at my university that I was
a part of that 34 percent.
I was fortunate to be accepted into the University of Illinois, receiving a scholarship to play on the schools wheelchair basketball
team, one of four such opportunities for women in the U.S. Illinois
has been a leader in accommodations for students with disabilities
since Dr. Nugent founded the universitys disability student service
center in 1948 ushering numerous firsts for students with disabilities since.
I look forward to having an opportunity to share with you many
of these best practices with the committee today, as well as some
of the barriers that I have, unfortunately, seen faced by many of
our Nations brightest and most hardworking individuals with disabilities that have been unable to see success in post-secondary
education and on into the world of work.
Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Fink follows:]



Good Morning Senator Harkin, Senator Alexander, and committee members.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak about this critical topic with which I have
personal and professional experiences. First to note about me is that I am a person
with multiple disabilities. Ive had my physical disability since birth as well as an
anxiety disability acquired during college. Since graduation I have worked to support transition paths for youth with disabilities into post-secondary education and
the world of work. In my current role at the Institute for Educational Leadership,
I support a national technical assistance center aiming to better serve all youth, including youth with disabilities and a program training families and self-advocates
to influence policy for people with disabilities throughout the District of Columbia.
Its through these experiences, that Ive seen young people with disabilities be unable to obtain necessary services and supports throughout transition. It is with
these supports we know they can and will become contributing members of their
communities, but without them, prospects are grim.
I am very proud to be a 2010 graduate of University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. There was always an expectation in my family I would graduate and go on
to college, as had my older sisters prior, but in looking at universities they attended,
it became clear they could not provide supports I would need to be successful. A recent National Longitudinal Study by Department of Educations Office of Special
Education Programs showed completion rates for people with disabilities at 34 percent compared with 51 percent in the general population. Of those who left, reasons
were varied but included, cost, poor grades, changing schools, and not getting needed services.
In high school, I researched schools to fit my needs and enrolled immediately in
Georgia vocational rehabilitation (VR) services. I was told by my assigned VR counselor I was not a candidate for services because my disability did not have direct
impact on my desired career choice, which at that time, was journalism. When my
mother asked what would happen if I wanted to be a tap dancer, I was told instantly that would qualify me for services. This obviously did not sit right with us
and through research we discovered the Client Assistance Program through which
I was able to seek a more qualified VR counselor. I repeated this process again
when my counselor was unable to support me going to an out-of-state school. Unfortunately, this lack of awareness from VR is a story that Ive heard too many times
and most students and families are not aware that they can appeal the process so
they miss out on what allowed me to be successful in college.

I was fortunate enough to be accepted into the University of Illinois, receiving a
scholarship to play on the schools wheelchair basketball team (one of four such opportunities for women in the United States). Illinois has been a leader in accommodations for students with disabilities since Dr. Tim Nugent founded the universitys disability student service center in 1948, ushering in numerous firsts for students with disabilities. This scholarship was a financial burden lifted for my family;
but I had other costs, specifically related to my healthcare needs, so I established
eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid which provided me
with necessary healthcare coverage, while simultaneously limiting my asset limit to
$2,000. Without my scholarship, attending an out-of-state university would have
been an impossibility, even with programs like Ticket to Work and the Plan to
Achieve Self Sufficiency plans aimed at alleviating this issue. Additional issues
cropped up with SSI limitations when I tried to participate in learning experiences
such as study abroad and out-of-state internships. For me, SSI played a strong role
in helping me achieve my educational goals; however, for too many young people
it becomes a life-long parking lot.
Despite the barriers illustrated, more and more students with disabilities are enrolling in post-secondary education and discovering a higher education system not
ready to accommodate them. Were seeing students who dont know their rights
when they are no longer getting IEP services and understaffed, underfunded disability student service centers are more focused on legal compliance than supporting
students in college and future employment.
Again, I was fortunate to attend my university where the disability student center
had so many of the supports I and my peers needed to be successful including: assistive technology, note taking, priority registration, testing accommodations, interpreters, tutoring, and onsite clinical psychologists. The academic accommodations at
Illinois do not stop on campus. All their online and distance learning classes are
automatically captioned. Their comprehensive commitment to inclusion also applies
to career transitions services. Staff saw higher education as a stepping stone toward
gainful employment, hosting workshops on disability disclosure and employment
issues, providing career assessments, and bringing in organizations seeking employees and interns with disabilities. Unfortunately, this level of commitment to serving
students with disabilities is not the case in far too many of our Nations colleges
and universities.
Access at Illinois also included access to the other components that make up a
true college experience, including recreation, study abroad, integrated housing accommodations, transportation, and healthcare. I got a top-notch education and, because of these supports, I left college prepared for work and independent living.
If I could sum up a few recommendations for the committee to consider, I would
Working with existing Federal and State programs to provide students with disabilities an even playing field to afford college including creating clarity with asset
limitations and opening minority and diversity scholarships up to students with disabilities, arguably the most underrepresented minority in higher education.
Starting transition programming earlier so students are knowledgeable of how
their rights and responsibilities will change in higher education and what services
are available to them.
Improving disability student services with increased staff and better integration
into other areas of universities such as career center, tutoring services, and study
abroad offices.
Thank you for your time and for allowing me to share my story today.
The CHAIRMAN. Thanks, Dana. Thank you very much. Welcome

Mr. Farrior, welcome. Please proceed.

Mr. FARRIOR. Good morning, Chairman Harkin, Senator Alexander, and other committee members.
I must say what an honor it is here to be talking to you this
morning. My name is Will Farrior. I am a 26-year-old College of
Charleston senior at the College of Charlestons REACH program.
I major at the College of Communication.

A disability that refers to my uniqueness is called Asperger syndrome. In elementary school, I was able to function like everyone
else. In fifth and sixth grade, my parents started to see red flags
that included, excuse me, 7 hours of homework as well as observing
my interaction with peers and adults. In eighth grade, I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome.
My experience at the REACH program has been an amazing one
for several different reasons including my professors, job opportunities, and social activities. I was fortunate to have the opportunity
to learn more about my uniqueness by being able to take Introduction to Psychology and Interpersonal Communications which has
given me a better understanding to grasp and explain to others.
The part I enjoy most about being in the program is that I have
been able to take a variety of courses that have led me to my passion and field of choice. These classes include Introduction to Education, personal finance, public speaking, women and gender studies, strategic communications, business ethics, event planning, and
many others. These courses eventually helped me to enhance my
strengths and understand my weaknesses.
For example when I was younger, I would ramble on and on, I
would never pick up on body language, or be more concise when
talking to others.
The two things that are the second most marvelous part of being
in the program is the job opportunities and social activities that
come along with it. In order to graduate from the program, I must
do some internships. The internships include the admissions office,
Blackbaud, YMCA, Metanoia, Communities In Schools, and Medical University of South Carolinas public relations office. While
having the chance to work with a variety of jobs, I was able to discover what direction I want to steer my career, which is youth.
My social experience at the College has been an amazing one, as
have my job opportunities. I have been able to change and grow by
being more aware of how to interact with people along with participating in multiple organizations and jobs that are part of the campus. These include summer orientation intern, Alpha Kappa Psi
Business Fraternity, mascot, Ambassador, resident hall assistant,
and member of the Charleston 40 Tour Guide Association.
Overall, my years at the College of Charlestons REACH program
have been the best years of my life. The simple fact is that I have
been able to grasp my uniqueness while teaching and learning from
others around me. Also by being part of this program, I am able
to be more confident knowing that I can find a career that I love
and can make a difference.
Thank you and it is a privilege.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Farrior follows:]



Good morning Chairman Harkin and Senator Alexander and other members of
the committee. I must say what an honor it is to be here talking to you this morning. My name is Will Farrior and I am a 26-year-old senior at the College of
Charlestons REACH program. My major at the college is communications. I am
originally from Brooklyn, NY but was raised in a small town called Ravenel, SC
about 45 minutes outside Charleston. My disability that I refer as to my uniqueness
is called Asperger Syndrome. Between the age of 6 and 10 I was just like your average child and student making As and Bs while participating in extra-curricular activities. These include Cub Scouts and sports. During the transition stages of me

going to different schools my parents started to recognize certain signs of me struggling in 5th and 6th grade. The red flags that brought this attention toward them
included doing homework from 5 p.m. to maybe 12 a.m. or 1 a.m. as well as observing my interactions with peers and adults.
Eventually, I went to numerous doctors who tried to figure out what my actual
situation was. It was not until my 8th grade year that I was diagnosed with
Asperger Syndrome. The Doctor told my parents that I do not have ADD or ADHD.
Now, I always knew there was something different about me, but I never could figure it out until I got into my late teens.
I graduated high school in 2006. The following spring semester of my first year
in college at Trident Tech, was the most dramatic year of my life because my father
died a month later after my birthday. During that semester I could not seem to concentrate on academics or anything else. While going through a lot I eventually got
a full-time job which turned out to be the night shift at Charleston Air Force Base
as a custodian. Then after working with them for about 212 years, I switched over
to Super Wal-Mart as a stocker in dairy just for about 7 months. My life then
changed when I learned about the REACH program.
My experience at the REACH program has been an amazing one for several different reasons, including the professors, job opportunities, and social activities. During freshmen year I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to learn more about
my uniqueness by being able to take introduction to psychology and interpersonal
communications. The professors Dr. May and Dr. McGee were able to give me a better understanding of my uniqueness to grasp it and explain it to others who never
met me before. The part I enjoyed most about being in the program is that I have
been able to take a variety of courses that have led me to my passion and field of
choice. These classes include introduction to education, personal finance, advanced
personal finance, introduction to business, public speaking, women and gender studies, graphic novel, strategic communication, business ethics, event planning, and
many others. These courses eventually helped me to enhance my strengths and understand my weaknesses. For example when I was younger I would ramble on and
on and I would never pick up on body language, or be more concise when talking
to other individuals.
The two things that are the second most marvelous part of being in the program
to me is the job opportunities and social activities that come along with it. In order
to graduate from the program I have to do seven internships which dont start until
your second semester. The internships that I have been able to enjoy are in the Admission office, Black Baud, YMCA, YWCA, Metanoia, Communities In Schools, and
the Medical University of South Carolinas Public Relations office. While having the
chance to work with a variety of jobs, I was able to discover what direction to steer
my major and career toward in the near future. The career path I have chosen is
to work with youth from ages 11 and up by helping them make a smooth transition
from middle school to high school then to college or whatever direction he or she
may choose to take.
My social experience at the College of Charleston has been just as amazing as my
job opportunities. For example being here I have been able to change and grow by
being more aware of how to interact with other people along with participating in
multiple organizations and jobs that are part of the campus. These include being
the first REACH student to be a Summer Orientation Intern, Alpha Kappa Psi
Business Fraternity member, College of Charleston Mascot, College of Charleston
Student Ambassador, REACH Ambassador, Residence Hall Assistant, Nominee for
Homecoming King and member of the Charleston 40 Tour Guide Association.
Overall, my years here at the College of Charlestons REACH program have been
the best years of my life. The simple fact is that I have been able to grasp my
uniqueness while teaching and learning from others around me. Also having been
part of this program I am more confident knowing that I can find a career that I
love and can make a difference.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Mr. Farrior. Are you graduating this

Mr. FARRIOR. Yes, sir. I graduate May 10, 2014.
The CHAIRMAN. Good for you. OK.
Senator ALEXANDER. Senator Scott is his graduation speaker.
The CHAIRMAN. Oh, he is?
Senator ALEXANDER. Yes.
The CHAIRMAN. So you are giving the commencement address
there, eh?

Senator SCOTT. Unfortunately for him, yes, sir, I am.
Mr. FARRIOR. Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Well, make sure you single him out.
Senator SCOTT. I will do that.
The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Getzel, welcome. Please proceed.

Ms. GETZEL. Thank you.

It is a privilege to be here today to discuss the access to postsecondary education for students with disabilities. I have been in
the field of higher education and disability since 1979, and have
worked to research and demonstrate effective strategies and supports for college students with disabilities.
I am the project director of ACE-IT in College, which is an academic and employment preparation program for individuals with
intellectual disabilities. Our university is 1 of 27 Transition and
Post-Secondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual
Disabilities, or as Senator Harkin said, TPSID. These are model
demonstration programs that were authorized through the Higher
Education Act.
Colleges and universities are seeking models of support for all
students entering their campuses. Peer mentoring or mentors who
provide academic support are not uncommon. Internships, cooperative education, or other work experience-based programs are an integral part of all college students experiences preparing them to
compete in the global economy.
These same types of supports are being used throughout the
TPSID programs to provide opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities whose access to higher education is extremely limited.
Model demonstrations pure to TPSIDs are creating opportunities
for students to develop interests and skills for lifelong learning,
build a successful resume through internships and paid employment while on campus, and enter integrated competitive employment settings as a result of these experiences. The combination of
knowledge and skills students gain through these demonstrations
can serve to enhance their future employment options and lifelong
For me, a young woman named Susan, one of our most recent
graduates, comes to mind. Susan earned a special diploma and had
limited work experience while in high school. She was very clear
when she entered ACE-IT in College that her career goal was to
work with children. She took courses in early childhood education,
worked part-time at our Universitys child development center, and
worked as an intern at a local elementary school.
The coursework and experiences she gained helped her to develop a strong resume, making her more competitive in the workforce. Susans experiences echoes the experiences of many other
students with intellectual disabilities attending college programs
across the country.

I look forward to talking further about some of the recommendations that we would like to discuss with you in terms of the continuation of these particular programs because we see them as
vital for this particular population that typically has limited access
to many experiences that other individuals are able to have.
Thank you very much.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Getzel follows:]



Employment rates for all individuals with disabilities can range from 34 percent
to 39 percent in comparison to the employment rate of 76 percent to 79 percent for
individuals without disabilities. For individuals with intellectual disabilities, the
rate of employment has declined over the past 5 years. In 2008, the rate of employment was reported at 28 percent, while recent numbers show it is anywhere from
18 percent to 23 percent. The downward employment trend in this population will
not improve until new ways are found to meaningfully integrate these individuals
into the labor force.
We know that higher education can lead to a variety of personal and financial
benefits for all individuals seeking to learn new knowledge and skills. Advanced
learning can lead to improved outcomes for all individuals; but the impact of higher
education on individuals with disabilities is particularly evident. Individuals with
intellectual disabilities who participate in any post-secondary education experience
(not necessarily earning a degree or certificate) are employed at double the rate of
those with just a high school diploma. Based on national data gathered by the Rehabilitation Services Administration, young adults with intellectual disabilities who
participated in post-secondary education were 26 percent more likely to exit their
vocational rehabilitation program with employment and earned a 73 percent higher
weekly income.
In 2008, Congress created a new model demonstration program, the Transition
and Post-Secondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disability
(TPSIDs) and an accompanying National Coordinating Center. These programs
began in 2010 and were awarded to institutes of higher education that sought to
demonstrate and validate this emerging pathway to increased integrated competitive employment and lifelong learning. Prior to 2008, there was no guidance provided to the field of higher education and disability on programs for individuals with
intellectual disabilities. The data collected from the 27 Transition and Post-Secondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disability (TPSID) by the
National Coordinating Center provide the first national picture of how students with
intellectual disabilities can attend college and derive the same benefits sought and
achieved by other college students. Since its inception in 2010, the percentage of
paid jobs held by TPSID participants while in college increased steadily from 30 percent to 36 percent, with the majority of these individuals earning minimum wage
or higher. Close to half of these students with paid jobs had never worked prior to
attending their TPSID program. When compared to the previously stated low employment rates, students with intellectual disabilities who attend college far exceed
these rates, clearly demonstrating that post-secondary education is a viable pathway
to employment.
We know that all students with disabilities can benefit from participating in college with the right supports and accommodations, and students with intellectual
disabilities are no different. We are at a critical juncture for the continuation of the
Transition and Post-Secondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual
Disability. These programs are about increasing the employment and the long-term
earnings of students with intellectual disabilities. In the past 3 years, data from the
27 programs are showing increased access to paid employment, internships, and college coursework that can lead to better employment opportunities for individuals
with intellectual disabilities. Continued funding is necessary to expand and sustain
access to inclusive higher education in 2- and 4-year colleges, universities and technical schools. It is important that research is conducted to discern both the longterm fiscal impact on higher education institutions, as well as the potential reduction in Federal assistance program dependency as a result of these opportunities.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Ms. Getzel.

And now we will finish up, Ms. Myers. Welcome. Please proceed.


Ms. MYERS. Good morning, Chairman Harkin, and Ranking

Member Alexander, and members of the committee.
Thank you very much for this opportunity to be here this morning to talk about higher education.
To understand Wright State University and what we do now, it
is important to have a little bit of our history. The University is
quite young. We were established in 1967. The Office of Disability
Services was established in 1970 as a result of the receipt of a
TRIO Grant to start the program.
It started out in a dorm room in the only dorm that we had on
campus. This was before anything was mandated by law. We already had students with physical disabilities on campus because
the first building that we had was actually built with a flush entrance. So that actually helped to get the first student with a physical disability on the campus.
As a result of that, a commitment started to provide services to
students with disabilities. Over the years, as our population has
changed, we have increased the services and increased our staff.
We are very fortunate that our commitment is from our top level
support. We have very strong support and have had since the inception of the department, support from our president, our provost,
and we are with student affairs, and under our vice president of
student affairs. So we have very strong support within the University.
As a young University, the faculty that we had at that time also
as they were growing with us, they grew with the Department of
Disability Services. So they were also very much for what we were
doing and helped us with providing our accommodations.
We have adjusted our accommodations based on our population.
When we got our first students with learning disabilities and our
first students with blindness is when we established our tape center to tape record textbooks into audio formats for our students.
When I arrived about 20 years agoit will be 20 years in May
I was in charge of the tape center and also in charge of the adaptive technology on the campus. We were reading textbooks at the
time, but it did not take very long for us to get our first request
for a scanned book by a student with a physical disability who
could not manipulate his textbooks. He needed to be able to access
them on his computer, so we started doing scanned books for him.
Then we hadI will never forget the daywe had a student
named Brock, who came into the office who was using our tape recorded books. We also used a service from Recording for the Blind
and Dyslexic. If they had the books, we did not actually produce
them ourselves; we ordered them from them. And he came in asking if we had read the book for psychology. He had a physical disability. What was preventing him from succeeding in his classes
was his attention deficit disorder. It was so significant for him that
he had a very hard time flipping the tapes over constantly for the
4-track tapes from Recordings for the Blind. Unfortunately, we had
not read the book. We had gotten it from them. However, we had

scanned the book and it was a very rough scan. It was not cleaned
up. It had not been edited yet and I offered that to him.
A few days later he came back in and he said, For the first time,
I have been able to study for more than 15 minutes at a time. The
student went from a very marginal C student to an A/B student
who graduated with honors from Wright State, went on to get his
masters degree, and then complete his Ph.D. That told me we were
on the right track.
One of the things as part of our history, too, is the establishment
of the AHEAD organization. In 1977, the first conference on disabled students on American campuses was held at Wright State
University. The attendees of that conference formed the Association
on Handicapped Student Service Programs in Post-Secondary Education. In 1992, the organization was renamed to the Association
of Higher Education and Disability, also known as AHEAD. This
is the organization that we use to help us with our guidelines as
to what kinds of services that we do and the documentation that
we need. They have done an excellent job of assisting in that realm
for us, so that we actually have guidelines to follow.
The program has gone from, in 1970, being in a dorm room with
one person, to an office suite in our student union with seven professional staff, three support staff. Our professional staff includes
a psychologist who works on assessing students if needed. She also
has three School of Professional Psychology practicum students
that are under her, and help with testing students, and provide
some mental health counseling. We also have one graduate student
for the technology center.
So our growth is great. We have gone from providing just test
proctoring for students to providing test proctoring that includes
extra times when needed, computers with both adaptive hardware
and software. And then we also have note-taking programs for students within the classroom, interpreters in C-Print when needed
for our students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Our technology
center provides textbooks in alternative formats that include CDs
for them to listen to, text files that they can put on their computers
to listen to, or a PDF file so they can just look at the materials,
and Braille. And we do all the formats of Braille, which include the
regular Grade 2 contracted Braille, computer Braille, foreign language, math, and music.
It is a great privilege to be here and to share our recommendations on the things that we would like to see happen. Thank you
very much.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Myers follows:]



At Wright State University, we provide services to approximately 650 students

with disabilities. Nationally, roughly 11 percent of college students have disabilities
and 6 percent request services. Much like other college or university campuses, the
fastest growing group of students with disabilities is those students on the Autism
spectrum and those with mental health-related diagnoses. For our students on the
Autism spectrum, we have developed an academic coaching program. We hire upperlevel undergraduate and graduate students to be mentors; we train them how to
work with a student on the spectrum, and assign them to new incoming students
who need improvement in key skill areas. The students can meet with their assigned mentor up to 10 hours per week, working on soft skills, such as time management and organization. They might also work on establishing relationships with

professors and roommates, as well as forging new friendships. We are planning to
expand this program in the future to include students with mental health-related
Other services we have available to eligible Wright State University students registered with our office include: test proctoring (which includes extended time), private testing rooms, computers, speech-to-text software, screen reading software,
screen enlargement software, document cameras (for enlarging paper exams or
handwritten notes), scribes, readers, four-function calculators, in-class assistance,
and copies of notes from peers in the classrooms. We have a comprehensive Technology Center for the production of textbooks and other printed class materials in
alternative formats. These formats include audio CDs or MP3 files, text files for the
students to use with their screen reading software, enlargeable PDF files for students with physical disabilities or those with visual impairments, Braille (including
math Braille [Nemeth code], computer Braille, contracted Braille, foreign language
Braille, and music Braille), and raised line image enhancement.
The Office of Disability Services is not the only location on campus providing services to students with disabilities. The Biology Department has an adaptive biology
lab for students who need extra assistance completing their labs. Campus Recreation is in charge of the adapted recreation program, which includes adapted skiing
and bowling, and wheelchair basketball. There is a National Science Foundation
grant directed by a research professor; the program is designed to encourage students with disabilities to go into the STEM fields. This program includes an Ability
Advisor, who works one-on-one with the students in STEM majors, professional
mentoring, as well as its own Choose Ohio First Scholarship.

First, when it comes to working with students on the Autism spectrum and those
with mental health disabilities, we do not have all of the answers. We need technical assistance in what accommodations and supports are appropriate, both academically and socially. With that kind of assistance, we would be better prepared
to help these students to be successful in obtaining their college degrees.
Additionally, although our Technology Center utilizes a textbook clearinghouse
called AccessText for the majority of our books needing an alternative format, this
service only provides titles for approximately 60 percent of our textbooks. Students
who purchase electronic books from publishers or the bookstore usually cannot get
them to work with their text-to-speech or screen reading software because of the
graphic nature of the books. Disability Service providers really need the publishers
to be pushed to provide accessible electronic books. I would encourage the committee
to review the Department of Educations AIM (Accessible Instructional Materials)
Commissions report and print access issues in Higher Education.
There also needs to be a greater push for Universal Design for Instruction that
would include funding to train faculty on different teaching methods that would create accessible course content for all students. If courses are planned & designed to
be accessible, it would reduce the amount of work needed to provide our students
with the basic necessities for their courses. Instructors are increasingly utilizing, if
not completely relying on web-based communications. The Department of Justice is
currently engaged in rulemaking focused on accessible web design and I encourage
that those regulations be given a priority. Last, there is a dearth of data on college
students with disabilities. I would recommend that tracking the number of students
with disabilities being served be included in the IPEDS Census.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you all very much. Again, we are going

to try to make this as a general discussion. If people want to just

break in, kind of break in; I will not do recognitions, just kind of
jump in.
I am just going to kick this off. Ms. Myers, I just said that I read
about Wright State last night. I never heard of this school before.
So I was reading about all of this last night.
How big is Wright State now? Tell us.
Ms. MYERS. It is about 17,000 students.
The CHAIRMAN. Seventeen thousand.
Ms. MYERS. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. Now, what you are doing there is phenomenal.
I do not know that it is being done anywhere else. You have this
Office of Disability Services.

Ms. MYERS. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. You are doing all this stuff. Does that not cost
a lot of money?
Ms. MYERS. Yes, sir, it does.
The CHAIRMAN. Now, how did you get your board or whoever
runs your school, the college president, how did you convince them
to provide for this?
Ms. MYERS. We started out funded for the first 21 years through
TRIO Grants.
Ms. MYERS. Through TRIO Grants.
The CHAIRMAN. Oh, TRIO Grants. Yes.
Ms. MYERS. And at that time, when we lost our TRIO Grants in
1994, our director at that time went to the administration and to
the State. The first one was to the administration to make sure
that we were a line item in the Universitys budget. When we had
the TRIO Grants, we only had two of our staff members who were
funded through the University, so the entire, all of our salaries
then became funded through the University.
We also went to the State and worked with some of the other
schools within the State to get a line item in the State budget for
disability services for the other schools. So there is actually a formula based on the types of services, the amount of services that
you provide, and some of the services that are above and beyond
what most schools would do.
The CHAIRMAN. Yes, you do more than I have ever seen, anywhere.
Ms. MYERS. Those extra services include an adaptive lab for our
biology program. We also have National Science Foundation
Grants. One is for a STEM program to encourage students with
disabilities to go into STEM fields. So we seek out grants.
We also, the University has a philosophy that whatever we have
spent over our budget, they will support.
The CHAIRMAN. Now, all the rest of you, you have heard about
Wright State? Is that your experience with the schools you went to
also? Am I missing something? I mean, did they have that kind of
support services for all the students with disabilities? I do not
think so, but I do not know.
What was your experience? It seems like there are all kinds of
support systems built-in to Wright State. Everything from recruiting to accommodations for textbooks, accommodations even, I understand, for living arrangements.
Ms. MYERS. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. You even have people there to help students with
disabilities in terms of personal assistance during the day. Is this
true at your schools too, Ms. Ostrow?
Ms. OSTROW. Obviously, I am speaking on behalf of students
with psychiatric disabilities. I think the issues are a bit different
and although resources are often associated with more success in
many domains of life, there are some things that money cannot buy
like compassion.
I would say in my experience and in the experience of other students that I know through our networks, sometimes it is the informal accommodations as in talking to a professor or an advisor or

administrator that are more helpful for students than the formal
ones, obviously in terms of psychiatric disabilities.
So while I have gotten extended test taking time or a separate
room, and those things do take resources, sometimes it is the ability to work from home, or to make my own schedule, or take out
extensions that I negotiate with a professor directly that make
more of a difference in my life than a separate room to take a test.
The CHAIRMAN. What we have done in the past in these kinds
of roundtables, if you want to jump in and say something, take
your name like that, that way I know if you want to jump in and
say something. Well, there you go. That is what I mean. OK. Ms.
Ms. GETZEL. I think you raise an important question. Support
services for college students with disabilities do vary a great deal,
even within a State they can vary a great deal.
And so it is, I think, that most accommodations that universities
and colleges provide are sort of some of the standard accommodations: extended time, taking tests in areas where there is no distraction and things like that.
So there are universities and colleges in all States that, I mean,
Wright State has had a long history, and I have known about
Wright State for many, many years and they definitely are a leader
in this area. There are other schools that are leaders as well, and
we need to learn more from these leaders because there is such a
What we tell students and which is so critical during the transition process to college, is that they really need to look at what services and supports are provided to find the right match, to really
look at what is available, not only in coursework, but also in terms
of supports. And to talk to students with disabilities who have attended various colleges to really get a very, very good idea of that.
So with all students going, you want to find the college that has
the programs or courses that you want. With students with disabilities, they have the extra responsibility of looking at what kinds of
services and supports that they will need to be successful.
The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Fink.
Ms. FINK. I have been fortunate to have visited Wright State and
it definitely is a rare gem among universities. I can say the same
for my alma mater, the University of Illinois, which had so many
of the supports that I needed to be successful. Things like assistive
technology, note-taking, priority registration for your classes so you
can put them around what might be a challenging schedule with
healthcare concerns, testing accommodations, tutoring, onsite psychologists, those sorts of things.
Those accommodations did not stop on the campus either. All of
their online and distance learning classes were captioned and audio
described immediately, so anyone who wanted to do remote classes
could do that equally well.
And then I think something that is common both for Wright
State and for the University of Illinois is that comprehensive commitment to inclusion that applies to clear transition services, seeing post-secondary education as that step onto the world of work.
Things like workshops, having workshops on disability disclosure
in the workforce. Having career assessments through your dis-

ability service center or working with some of the career transition
services to work collaboratively with disability student services; it
is something that I know Wright State does and I know Illinois
does as well. Bringing in organizations that are looking to recruit
interns or employees with disabilities, so that is really going that
next step beyond accommodations in school to accommodations in
school that will then help you to be successful further in life.
The CHAIRMAN. Later on.
Senator Baldwin, did you have something you wanted to interject, before I call on Mr. Farrior?



Senator BALDWIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Perhaps just

broadening the question, this is very much on point with the question you raised, to talk about the transition between high school to
college, and what institutions of higher learning can provide at
that moment.
I was reviewing what is happening in my home State of Wisconsin, and there are two campuses of the University of Wisconsin
system, Whitewater and Oshkosh, that have looked at this transition from high school to college by deciding to host a targeted summer transition program. At the UW Whitewater campus, it is open
to any student with any type of disability, and the program enrolls
about 65 students annually and consists of two college courses for
six credits, peer mentors, social activities, access and training to
adaptive technology, and intensive case management.
As I understand it, the National Longitudinal Transitional Study
notes that students with disabilities are graduating college at a national rate of about 34 percent from 4-year degree programs. This
UW Whitewater program is lifting that up to about 48 percent in
6 years.
But I am wondering what your thoughts are from your variety
of experiences about transitional models to help increase the success at the higher educational institution.
The CHAIRMAN. Anybody? Mr. Farrior, did you want to get involved in that or Ms. Myers? I know you still wanted to have an
interjection here. I saw your card up. What did you want to say?
Mr. FARRIOR. Just to go along with what these ladies have said
is actually true. They do actually have their services on a variety
of campuses. But it is my understanding, from my perspective,
helping students that are transitioning as from my orientation end
time perspective, they do have the accommodations. There is one
woman that actually needed the assistance for her residence hall
being that she was blind, and had a seeing eye dog, and they made
accommodations for her to live in an all-girls residence hall. And
they actuallyit is just an to-each-his-own campus that allows students, when they do register early, the option to register early, as
when they get accepted, they make appointments to speak with the
staff services, so.
The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Myers, did you have a specific response to
Senator Baldwin?
Ms. MYERS. Yes, sir. I do.
The CHAIRMAN. Yes, sure.

Ms. MYERS. Transition from high school is very difficult for a lot
of students, and it is something that we recognize, and we do actively recruit students. And we have tried working with some of
the high schools to see if there can be better transition for them.
And we have also sought out a number of grants to help us get into
those high schools to help those students and establish some summer programming, which we have not been successful in doing.
But one of the things that we do because we know that that transition is difficult, our students who we consider to be our greatest
at-risk students, we do some extra programming for.
We actually have an academic coach program where we hire
upper level and graduate students to work with incoming students,
particularly on the autism spectrum. We know that they have a
very difficult time, especially socially, and dealing with the soft
skills, the time management, getting their homework done because
nobody is telling them to do that.
The coaches can work with a student up to 10 hours a week to
provide them with support, and this is a program that we are
wanting to expand and looking to do to expand to our students
with psychiatric-type disabilities in the very near future.
We also, because of the limitations that we have with student
employees as far as being able to do the coaching part, there are
students particularly with attention deficit disorder and some of
our multiply-disabled students. We do what we call one-on-one support. We target them when we do their pre-service interview as
students that we need to meet with on a regular basis.
One of our staff members will then meet with the student, usually weekly during their first semester. If they are doing really well
after their first semester, we start spacing that out to every 2
weeks, so that the student eventually becomes more independent.
This gives us constant contact with the student, so we can better
know if they are having trouble. They are more likelybecause
they are actually establishing a relationship with someonebecause some of these students are hesitant to do that. They need to
have someone that they can count on to actually be their counselor
that they can meet with all the time, and not be thrown from one
person to another to another. This counselor helps to make sure
that they are actually plugged-in to our services, along with
plugged-in to the tutoring services, our writing center, the other
services that we offer on the campus to all students.
That is a difficult piece and really needs to be addressed, and
worked on a much more intense basis.
The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Ostrow.
Ms. OSTROW. To answer your question about transition, I think
there are at least two groups of students here.
One is those students, like myself, who had disabilities in high
school and then are transitioning as students with disability to college. And the other are people who start experiencing difficulties
in college, and there are very different challenges there, I think, for
students who are coming from a high school, and is already disabled. There is more the internalized shame and stigma that they
can experience transitioning to college.
For students that start having problems in college, it is maybe
not knowing what it is that they have to do in terms of what docu-

mentation is required, which can often be extremely onerous, and
facilitating those kinds of interactions. I would think decreasing
the burden on students of documenting a disability, like having to
go through for psychiatric disabilities, or the mental health system
in order to get educational accommodation does not make that
much sense to me.
On the issue of sort of targeting at-risk students, that can be perceived very differently by people or, in fact, be carried out very differently. There is a lot of stigma about violence in people with mental illnesses, especially now and especially on campuses. As one of
those students, I do not particularly want to be targeted by the
school administration or mental health counselors. That just increases anxiety and paranoia, which can lead to more difficulties
in educational achievement. But at the same time, I do think it is
helpful to have someone consistently there that you trust that you
can seek guidance from, whether it is a peer, or a faculty member,
or someone in the counseling center, or just disabled student services.
Ms. EMREY-ARRAS. Just to piggyback off of what Ms. Ostrow was
saying about populations that may have disabilities for the first
time when they go to college.
I think it is important for us to think about veterans coming
back from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them
coming back with sort of those invisible wounds of traumatic brain
injury, PTSD, and having those disabilities in an academic setting
for the first time.
In our work, we did find that some schools are providing services
specifically for the veteran population. Some have mental health
counselors that are trained in those issues to specifically treat veterans. And we have made recommendations to the Department of
Veterans Affairs to help share best practices amongst colleges to
serve that population.
The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Fink.
Ms. FINK. I think programs like what you have mentioned are
critical for all students, including students with disabilities, but
also in particular, for students with disabilities, transition cannot
start when we turn 18. This is a burden in the school systems and
looking at some of our current systems like voc rehab and Social
Security to look at where that transition process can start when we
are 14, 15. It should not be when I am trying to look at schools
and saying, Oh, this is where my sister went to school. It is not
going to work for me. What do I do now? And that actually was
something that we have seen really delay a lot of the educational
practices of students with disabilities who end up having a larger
gap process in between high school and college.
Ms. GETZEL. There has been a lot of research, and demonstration, and work around transition. And we know that academic
preparation and understanding of what the higher education system is like. There is very little communication between higher education and secondary education. They are two different systems.
What happens with students coming out of high school with disabilities, if they do not understand that what they were entitled

through IDEA is now ended, and they go into an eligibility process
now in terms of what the accommodations are, that the accommodations at college are for access. And just the whole notion of
what types of supports they need.
We have been running a program since early 2000 and it is ACEIT in College. We have been adapting this model for a number of
years. We have worked with students who have cross disabilities.
They are college students coming to us for those supports that they
need in terms of above and beyond what they are getting from a
disability support service. We work very closely with them. But we
have been working with veterans. We have been working with a
variety of students.
Again, it comes back to an understanding of what that transition
means, and we focus a lot on that big transition which is very important, to be knowledgeable families to have transition planning.
We feel that the whole transition planning for post-school outcomes
should begin in middle school and even started to be discussed in
elementary school all the way up. And that should be for all students, but in particular students with disabilities because they do
end up at 18 saying, What am I going to do? What is happening?
So it is very, very critical for that.
We have found that students that come to us for support are unaware of how their disability impacts their learning, and what they
do need. And self-determination is a very big movement now going
through secondary education to really know all parts of you. Too
often, students are only known by their disability label, which is
unfortunate and not looking at their skills and abilities. And we
are finding this especially with students with intellectual disabilities, but it does run the gamut with students.
And it is very important to look because supports and services
do vary so widely across post-secondary institutions that it is so
important for students to really look at what that transition is, Do
I have the academic preparation? What are the supports and services? and really get a good grasp of that. We call that our first big
The second big one is getting out of college, and retention and
graduation rates, especially for students with disabilities, is not
that great. We need to continue to improve that. We looked at what
some of the causes are, and some of the causes are the lack of
available services, or financial difficulties, or personal issues, that
kind of thing.
So when we looked at our ACE-IT in College and did a study
with students with learning disabilities, and ADHD, and we have
also done it with traumatic brain injury, we found that that type
of support along with all the resources on campus, many times,
students do not know what is available to them on campus.
But I think one of the things that distresses me the most is that
we really need to be working with students with disabilities, in
particular, to really work on strengths, interests, and what are
those accommodations or supports they need. Because when they
come to us, we say to them, What are your strengths? and oftentimes these students are dumbfounded to list it. If you say, What
do you believe are your weaknesses? I mean, they can say those
things right away.

We want to look at a holistic picture of these particular students.
And when we say, How does your disability impact your learning?
oftentimes there is a difficulty in understanding that.
The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Farrior, did you have something you wanted
to add to this?
Mr. FARRIOR. Actually, I have to agree with Ms. Getzel because
from my transitioning, I have gone throughout from school to
school to school to school to find what works for me. It goes along
when you said you have to go middle school, I feel like it needs to
start in elementary, roughly about fourth to fifth grade because
when you are making that transition from elementary to middle
school, you are trying to figure out where do you fit and where do
you belong? Where is your voice, where you can advocate for yourself, because not everybody is going to have that support system.
The CHAIRMAN. That is right.
Mr. FARRIOR. So that is where you need to start; the earlier, the
The CHAIRMAN. Yes, I am sorry. Ms. Myers.
Ms. MYERS. To piggyback on what Ms. Ostrow said about students with psychiatric disabilities, it is important for students to
understand who knows what their diagnosis is. One of the things
that we have done at Wright State is it is all centralized in our office. We emphasize to the students that the knowledge of their disability is confidential.
We do not reveal to faculty, if they call us about a student, what
the disability is. We will confirm what the accommodations are for
that student, and students do have an accommodation sheet that
they can show their faculty. And we encourage students to get to
know their faculty on a personal level, be visible to their faculty,
go to them during office hours. They do not have to tell them what
their actual disability is, but to try to talk with them about it,
about themselves and the things that they actually have difficulties
with, so that they also are learning how to self-advocate for themselves.
We will step in whenever we need to. If we need to set-up a
meeting between the student and the faculty, go with them if they
are concerned about actually talking to a faculty member on their
own, so that they can actually get buy-in from their faculty about
the kinds of needs that they have.
Then the other thing is what Ms. Getzel was saying about transition beyond college. We actually have a vocational support coordinator on our staff who works with students and starts talking to
them at the very beginning about internships.
One of the things that we have seen with students with disabilities is they do not have the same opportunity to build their
resume as a lot of other students do. They are not apt to even go
to McDonalds and flip hamburgers. Some of them do not have the
ability to do that, so how are they going to build their resume, and
especially build it within the area of their interest.
So we work with them and start looking at internship opportunities. We work with the Workforce Recruitment Program that is for
Federal employment. We actually have a job fair at our University
that is strictly for individuals with disabilities, and they are all employers who are actually looking to hire people with disabilities.

And again, they do not know what the disability is. A lot of it is
non-obvious, but they know that the people who are coming into
that career fair actually do have a disability.
We work with the students on mock interviewing. We actually
have a company that came in, has started working with our students in the last month, coming in and doing mock interviews with
quite a few of our students to help prepare them for these kinds
of things.
We work with them on their resume. We work with our career
services department at Wright State as well, within the kind of employment type opportunities they have. And their job fairs and the
workshops that they do, so we are not duplicating effort, but trying
to make sure our students are included in those, and that they
know that they are welcome to go there.
They understand when it is appropriate to identify disability and
it depends very much on what the disability is. Sometimes you do
not have to identify. That is not an issue and we want the students
to understand, If you do not need accommodation, you do not necessarily need to identify your disability. Having that ability to
work with them helps a lot.
We feel in our University that if a student comes in and we do
not work with them on building those kinds of skills so that they
can go to work when they leave us, and that includes technology,
as to what kinds of things they need, we have not done our job
right if they cannot be able to be hired when they leave.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Casey, something that you wanted? I am
sorry, Ms. Ostrow, you wanted to add something before I call
Ms. OSTROW. I would certainly like to applaud efforts by the Federal Government and the private sector for initiatives to hire people with disabilities. I was encouraged to not finish college, so I
guess I feel like our day has come because if employers want to
hire us, then we need to graduate.
At the same time, I do not think we can emphasize enough that
there is a lot of heterogeneity between schools and between States.
I think some of the things you were talking about are wonderful,
but not available everywhere.
In the context of disclosing with a psychiatric disability, yes, you
do not need to disclose to disabled student services or faculty if you
do not have an accommodation. At the same time, institutions of
higher education, not just education but communities, where you
want people to know you, to know who you are, and what you are
about. And for a lot of people, that is identifying to some extent
with having a disability, or what your story is, or what you bring
to the table, again, in this context of employment for people with
disabilities. But there are risks there and you have to know the environment.
I think it would be great if all of our schools were safe for people
with disabilities to disclose, to be open about our identities and
what we can bring. But sadly, that is not the case.
The CHAIRMAN. As we continue this discussion, this is all good
information, keep in mind, what is our role, what is the Federal
Governments role? What do we need to do in higher education?

In 2008, in that last reauthorization, we put in the TPSID program, and then we funded it. I did not know there were 27 of the
programs out there. Mr. Farrior, you are in one of those also.
In our new reauthorization, what should we be thinking about?
Senator ALEXANDER. And if you could add to that, have you run
into anything on your campuses that the Federal Government is
doing that makes it harder for you to provide the kind of services
and support that you would like to support? This is a good time.
Sometimes we unintentionally do things like that.
The CHAIRMAN. Did you have something too, Senator Casey?



Senator CASEY. I do.

Mr. Chairman, first of all, thank you for having this and our
Ranking Member, Senator Alexander, we are grateful you have
convened this. We have a lot of hearings around here that we have
clocks and time deadlines. Senators love when there is no clock. We
can go, but it is a much better conversation than we often have,
and we are grateful for this.
I missed a good portion of this discussion, probably about the
first 40 to 45 minutes, so some of what I might ask about or what
you might speak to will be redundant, and I apologize for that.
But I want to start with Ms. Fink. I just have really, maybe for
Ms. Fink and Mr. Farrior; is that how you pronounce it?
Mr. FARRIOR. Yes, sir.
Senator CASEY. Thank you. This is not a very important question, but one I have to ask. You played wheelchair basketball. How
did your team do?
Ms. FINK. We won two national championships my freshman and
sophomore year, which was more than the able-bodied team did
those years. I love my team, but we are struggling a bit.
Senator CASEY. Now, what position did you play?
Ms. FINK. Small forward.
Senator CASEY. So, did you score a lot?
Ms. FINK. Not as much as I would like.
Senator CASEY. I like you better now, because that is where I always was when I played basketball. I always wanted to score more,
so we have a real kinship.
Ms. FINK. Oh, defense wins games.
Senator CASEY. Let me ask you, in your testimony, there was one
point that you made about SSI. You say,
For me, SSI played a strong role in helping me achieve my
educational goals. However, for too many people, it becomes a
lifelong parking lot.
You may have addressed some of this before. I just want to get
a better understanding of what you meant by that.
The CHAIRMAN. Can I just interject something? Do not forget this
question. I thought maybe this was a follow on to that. This is a
little bit different aspect of that.
I know some of you wanted to respond to Senator Alexander, because his question was, I think, very important. Are there things
we are doing that hinder the success of colleges in terms of sup-

porting students with disabilities? Some of you have put up your
name tags.
Ms. Ostrow, you put yours up, then we get to Senator Caseys
Senator CASEY. Sure.
Ms. OSTROW. We have lovely laws in this country to protect civil
rights. Unfortunately, I think, for students, these laws have very
little teeth. The Americans with Disabilities Act, HIPAA, FERPA,
are often not, in reality, protected by these things, but our privacy
is not necessarily protected under FERPA or HIPAA whether it is
in an educational setting or in campus health services. I think,
sadly, there is little we can actually do about that. Those laws address other problems, perhaps.
I think building stronger self-advocacy and advocacy networks
for students and families where they can address these problems
and prevent them would be even better. I know we are talking
about one bill here, I think, a number of things can be done to improve a number of different bills in terms of their implementation
of protecting students civil rights.
The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Farrior, yes. Did you have a response to Senator Alexanders point?
Mr. FARRIOR. Yes, sir.
To go along with that, I notice with different programs, the hard
thing is for the comparison of in-state versus out-of-state tuition.
Where we are not allowed, we are not able, excuse me, we are not
able to apply for certain grants and certain funding because of
what the criteria are under the Federal laws of going to post-secondary programs. So that limits students to continue to stay in
school and find other opportunities.
So it is more with the financial sustainability to what goes along
with what can we apply for and what can we not.
The CHAIRMAN. You had a response also, Ms. Myers.
Ms. MYERS. Yes, sir.
Senator ALEXANDER. Also, Ms. Myers, what percent of students
have disabilities at your University?
Ms. MYERS. I think it is about 2 percent; 2 or 3 that are revealed
to us.
We have students on the campus with disabilities that we do not
know anything about because of the accessibility that we have. A
lot of them might be low level, have low-level spinal cord injuries,
or paraplegia, or they are working with their professors themselves. So we have another couple percent that are in that category
as well.
Senator ALEXANDER. But the statistics say that 10 percent of college students are students with disabilities and only 2 percent of
yours are?
Ms. MYERS. A lot of them do not want to reveal to us. Students
with learning disabilities, and students with psychiatric disabilities, and veterans do not like to reveal to people. These are students who do not want to come through our door because they have
dealt a lot with stigmas in high school, and they are very much
afraid that they are going to be dealing with those same kinds of
stigmas when they come to college. They do not understand that

a college like ours, we are very open to students with any type of
disability, that we do not stigmatize our students and our faculty
does not.
The CHAIRMAN. Can I interrupt? Again, you had your placard up.
Senator Alexander asked a very keen question, and that is, are
there things that inhibit? There are always paperwork burdens and
regulations, Mr. Farrior mentioned that.
Is there something else that you had in mind that maybe hinder
or put undue burdens on colleges who really want to recruit and
support students with disabilities?
Ms. MYERS. Students who have Medicaid waivers who want to
come from a different State have a very difficult time getting that
transferred from one State to another, and their State might not
support them in another State with their waiver.
Students on SSI are very concerned that if they actually take an
internship, are they going to lose their SSI money? We have to
make sure that the waivers are low enough that that is not a risk.
That is really not fair to the students.
Students who get vocational rehabilitation support, the instant
their GPA goes below a 2.0, they do not have support in college.
Other students can fail, and then come back, and not be penalized
for it. Yet a student with a disability runs the risk of being penalized if they are a student, first, unlike their peers. They have to
do a level of work higher than other students to be able to maintain their supports, which is something that really is difficult for
the student, and they are constantly worried about, Am I going to
lose my support if I do not do well in a class?
Senator CASEY. Can I just ask? How do we best rectify that?
The CHAIRMAN. Yes, you were getting onto that point with your
Ms. MYERS. Well, I think in the two areas with SSI for them to
recognize that internships are important for students to be able to
eventually gain employment and not be on SSI anymore. And they
are doing a summer internship, they should not be pulling their
support just because they have made a little bit above what they
should, what they need to. So that needs to be something recognized by SSI.
With voc rehab, there should not be a one strike and I am not
supporting you anymore in college. They will support them for
other things, but not college. So voc rehab needs to understand
these young people, 18-, 19-, 20-year-olds are young people and
they struggle like other students. They have classes they do well
in; they have classes they do not. And to have this one strike ruling
that, I am not going to support you in college, really needs to be
The CHAIRMAN. Obviously, if you are on SSDI, the law has been
so since 1959 or something, we encourage people to work who are
on SSDI. It is a fallacy, a lot of people do not know; they think if
you get SSDI, you should not work at all. Right now, you can earn
up to $1,070 a month. You can earn up to $1,070 a month and still
get SSDI.
Well, I can see that if you have a college student who is on SSDI,
who maybe goes out and gets a summer job, makes more than

$1,070 a month, they get cut off of that even though they are not
making a lot of money for the year.
Ms. MYERS. Right.
The CHAIRMAN. They are making just a couple of months of summer work, and they get cut off of SSDI. So is that a problem? Is
that what you are talking about?
Ms. MYERS. Yes, I am, and they are not on SSDI. They are on
SSI usually because they have not worked before. The SSDI is for
people who have actually worked previously.
The CHAIRMAN. They have worked before, that is right.
Ms. MYERS. So these are students who come in on SSI, which is
for students with disabilities, people with disabilities who have
never worked.
The CHAIRMAN. They never paid into the system.
Ms. MYERS. Right. They have not paid into the system. They get
lower amounts of money for support in the first place, and they are
at great risk for having that pulled if they make over that in 1
month. It is not something that is looked at on an annual basis;
it is looked at on a monthly basis.
The CHAIRMAN. A monthly basis. See, that is a problem. I have
not thought about that. It is interesting.
Did you want to re-state again?
Senator CASEY. No, I just want to make sure that Ms. Fink, the
answer to the question, is that?
Ms. FINK. I am going to attempt to answer both your question
and Senator Alexanders question at one time.
Senator CASEY. OK.
Ms. FINK. I think they do kind of combine together in my experience.
I think as I mentioned in my opening statement, I received a
wheelchair basketball scholarship to the University of Illinois,
which supplemented by some academic scholarships as well as
some hard-fought voc rehab support, which I will get to in just a
minute. It made my education marginally cost-free. So this was a
massive financial burden lifted from my family, but of course had
other costs, living expenses, very specific healthcare costs that necessitated I establish eligibility for Social Security, for SSI; I am
sorry, Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid which went
along with that. And that provided me with my necessary
healthcare coverage throughout school, as well as somewhat of an
extra income to support me beyond that point. But it also simultaneously limited my assets to $2,000; limited my access to $2,000
per month with SSI in order to maintain my Medicaid and my SSI
So our programs that are in place like Ticket to Work and PASS
Plan, that are trying to alleviate some of these issues are not quite
hitting the nail right yet.
The CHAIRMAN. Dana, let me ask you a question.
Ms. FINK. Yes.
The CHAIRMAN. That $2,000 that varies by State, does it not?
Ms. FINK. It does and that actually creates some of the issues.
Switching, I went to school, I am originally from Georgia and then
I went to school in Illinois, and had to switch beyond that point,
and then I came here to do an internship in Washington, DC. That

created other issues where I could lose my healthcare coverage just
for doing an internship here, and then I studied abroad, and there
were different State by State regulations about where I could lose
my Medicaid and lose my SSI in that respect as well. And it is so
complex each State. We could have an entire hearing on what some
of these issues are with SSI.
To answer Senator Alexanders question about some of the Federal Government institutional barriers, I would definitely echo
what some folks have said about voc rehab. Me and my family, we
really believe in early transitions. So when I was in high school,
as soon as I could, I enrolled in the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Services. This is a pretty good story, so I will tell it as quickly
as I can, but I think everyone will enjoy this.
I was assigned a VR counselor and they asked me what I wanted
to do when I grew up which, at the time, I wanted to be a journalist. And I told him that and he said that I would not be a candidate for services because of that specific career choice. He then
gave an example if I wanted to be a piano teacher and I was missing an arm, then voc rehab could support me by providing me with
a prosthetic arm. At which point my mother said, Well, what if
she wanted to be a tap dancer? And he said, Yes, then you would
be a candidate for services. Which is just unbelievable, and it is
not what those supports are trying to do. It is not what they should
be doing. There is such a lack of knowledge. We, at the time, also
did not know that I could seek recourse in these instances.
There is the Client Assistance Program which can support you
if you need, if you are having issues with your voc rehab. I had to
go to court and petition to get a new counselor. I got a new counselor, and then there were issues when I said I wanted to go to the
University of Illinois, and they were supposed to pay for me what
I would have received to go to an in-state school at the out-of-state
school, and they refused to do that. Because at Georgia, there is
the HOPE Scholarship which, if you have a 3.0 GPA, you largely
get tuition free and so, they were supposed to provide equivalent
services at Illinois, and they wanted to penalize me for that even
though it was a merit-based scholarship. And then at that point,
my family would have been responsible for that cost burden.
The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Emrey-Arras, did you have any comments on
what Senator Casey asked?
Ms. EMREY-ARRAS. Yes. In terms of what we can do about this,
I think, at GAO, we have reported on the lack of coordination
across Federal agencies, and I think some of these issues have
come up just now in terms of eligibility criteria being different and
the like.
We have made a recommendation for a single, formal, Governmentwide strategy specifically focused on the transition for students with disabilities. Not only to colleges, but also to the labor
force, and we have made that recommendation to the Departments
of Education, Health and Human Services, Labor, and the Social
Security Administration. And that recommendation is still open. So
that has not happened as of yet, but we think it is a critical one.
Senator CASEY. Mr. Farrior, I know you were going to say something, but let me just ask, and I will be done with this. I know we
have others who are waiting.

As someone who was diagnosed with Aspergers, I guess you
were in eighth grade at the time?
Mr. FARRIOR. Yes. Yes, sir.
Senator CASEY. So you were getting, moving closer to adulthood.
And when you consider your own experience now in higher education, and you may have already answered this in light of what
Senator Alexander asked, but if you had to line up one, two, three,
even one or two things you hope we would do to make your experience better if you had to be doing it all over again, what would
those one or two things be?
Mr. FARRIOR. The first thing to go along with what Ms. Myers
said and Ms. Getzel, is to have the support system in the public
school as well as private schools to bringing attention to students
like, OK. This is what you have. How can we help you? Because
when I was going through different school systems, I did not even
know about Aspergers. It took me, like I said, to about age 14 just
to understand what I had to transition to.
So to go along with that, I met a third grader parents whose actually said to him, Do not tell them. Do not tell them you have
Aspergers. But he gave a whole presentation about this to his
classmates, and to students, and peers, and teachers to actually
understand to help him better succeed. So it needs to go along once
you find, once a student is actually found out that they have it,
they should find ways in the school system to be able to help them
In sixth grade, I was turned down because I got diagnosedactually in Washington, but each State is different. I was actually denied because I actually got tested in Washington, but I was supposed to be tested in South Carolina and they do not take out-ofstate testing. So they should be actually reasonable to figure out
what accommodations they can make from different States because
not every psychiatrist is going to find the proper diagnosis for that
Along with the point you are asking, how we can make a difference is just basically like I said before. Really advocate for the
students along the way, going along with Senator Alexander, is
that finding out what is eligible because of what Ms. Myers said.
I actually talked to other students, traditional students that have
lost their life scholarship that freshman year because of playing
I lost my scholarship when I was at Trident because I actually
went down from a 3.5 to a 1.5 to where an individual asked, How
can you get a 3.5 and need all this accommodation? That does not
make sense. Basically, the statement was that I was actually incompetent, so it is just actually having the assistance to succeed.
Senator CASEY. Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Murray, did you have something to say?



Senator MURRAY. Mr. Chairman, thank you.

Thank you to all of our panelists. I had an opportunity to listen
to some of this while I was in my office, but this is really a great
discussion. I really appreciate all of your courage in coming for-

ward, especially the students that are here as well. I had one general question.
For a lot of individuals including many of our newly acquired disability veteran students, they have challenges related to documentation. And I wondered if any of the students could comment
on that challenge, and what we need to be looking at.
Ms. OSTROW. For certain disability categories, I sense that it is
a lot easier than for others. If you have a physical disability or a
sensory disability, documentation may not even be required in
some instances by certain disability services offices.
For those of us with psychiatric or learning disabilities, it is a
much more complex process. I am told that I have bipolar disorder.
To my knowledge, there is no test for having bipolar disorder. So
what documentation should I produce to get accommodation? Even
if I understand perfectly what it is, but I need it in terms of accommodations.
I think another problem is that you are required to be involved
with mental health providers in order to get accommodation. You
are seeking accommodations in education or work, not within the
mental health system.
In addition to that, accessing those services is, in itself, a barrier.
You are talking about weeks or months where you are waiting to
meet with a mental health provider in order to get documentation,
and then after that provided to disabled student services so that
their ADA compliance office can approve it. And then from there,
have them contact faculty to assemble the accommodations. I
mean, we are talking several weeks into a semester where you
have already missed a mid-term or several assignments before anything even happens.
Senator MURRAY. Mr. Farrior.
Mr. FARRIOR. Can you repeat the question?
Senator MURRAY. I wanted to know what your challenges or challenges that you know about in terms of documentation.
Mr. FARRIOR. Documentation for myself, for othersand it is different for each individualhas been finding out, going back to past
testing to different States to where you can, what States are going
to offer what testing. As well as finding out what they need.
For example, I actually needed a small class size, along with authorization to take my test outside of the classroom. And you really
have to wait until youre actually accepted by the college, to my
knowledge, to start the process.
Senator MURRAY. Ms. Fink, you wanted to comment?
Ms. FINK. I think this goes back to the issues of students not
knowing how their rights change when they go from being covered
under IDEA to then ADA in higher education.
I have had my physical disability since birth and had done quite
a lot of advocacy and self-advocacy for myself and for others, and
been so proud to be a person with a disability throughout this
whole process. And then I got hit sophomore year of college with
mental health concerns and I had no idea what to do with this. I
did not have an understanding of what disability disclosure even
was because I usually, I walk into a room and people know what
my disability is. I do not have to disclose necessarily. That can be
a challenging process for students with invisible disabilities to

know what specifically they do have to disclose in order to get accommodation.
And then it also goes back to the issue of paperwork, needed paperwork focusing more on the diagnosis rather than what the
needs and the accommodations are. So, I mean, we talk about what
are the strengths, and dreams, and everything that we have for
ourselves. The accommodation should be, focus on what are the
strengths and how do we get to those dreams rather than, This
is a person who has bipolar disorder, who has Aspergers, and these
are the things that people with bipolar disorder and people with
Aspergers need. It is not that one-size-fits-all approach, which is
what tends to happen when we are submitting this paperwork to
higher education institutions.
Senator MURRAY. Ms. Getzel, you wanted to comment.
Ms. GETZEL. Yes. Documentation issues are a very long-term
issue for students with disabilities, and part of that is that transition into higher education where they are under different laws.
I think that even within a State or even within a college that
could be 10 miles apart from each other, each institution has a different way of interpreting and what they require for documentation. So that makes a family and students really have to understand what that process is, what needs to be involved, and that can
be very time consuming.
It is also a financial barrier for many students, especially students who come from various economic backgrounds who may not
be able toit is very expensive to get the testing necessary.
Another issue is that many students who have been coming
through the secondary education system have had all kinds of tests
and work around what their disability is, what accommodations,
and that kind of thing. And yet, we have many institutions of higher education that will not look at or accept that type of documentation like an IEP or a summary of performance. So that is also difficult.
Why would someone who has had a long occurring disability all
of a sudden need to get retesting? It is that whole adult norms and
those types of issues that are brought up.
I do have to say, though, that the Association on Higher Education and Disability has really been trying to work on this a great
deal, and we are seeing somewhat of a shift, not all colleges and
universities, it varies widely. But some are not asking for the documentation as the first thing out the gate. They talk with the student, What accommodations did you use? How do you learn best?
that kind of thing.
As they go on further, they then work on what accommodations
are provided at the college, which brings it more to a discussion,
more of students coming and saying, This is what I need. This is
how I learn best, which is so important from elementary school or
preschool on up that students with disabilities really understand
With acquired disabilities, we have worked with studentsin the
middle of their situation in college, a number of timeswe have
worked with students in the middle of their internship, they receive a diagnosis, and now they are on the clock because they have
to finish their internship or go to graduation, and that kind of

thing. And that can be very stressful for students. So there is
sometimes very little leeway for students with acquired disabilities
or that have not been diagnosed previously in terms of what systems they do use.
With veterans, we work with veterans with PTSD, and traumatic
brain injury, and spinal cord injury. And there are so many competing responsibilities that these individuals have coming into college that even the transition to college is difficult, and coming into
what they need to be doing. And then what stigma do they feel in
terms of letting their unit down by acknowledging that they have
a disability. There is a whole realm of issues that are very specific
to veterans as well in higher education.
The CHAIRMAN. Ms. Myers, do you want to comment?
Ms. MYERS. You had mentioned veterans and Ms. Getzel mentioned veterans. At Wright State, we have a large group of veterans on the campus because we have a very large VA hospital in
our area, and we are also adjacent to Wright Patterson Air Force
Base. So a lot of veterans do come to our area.
One of the problems that they have, though, is getting their documentation from the VA. It is, and I really hate to say it this way,
but it is a very convoluted system for them. We have a veteran we
have been working with recently who, I have told his voc rehab
counselor, I do not even need to know his diagnosis. I just want his
limitations. I need to know because what he has presented to us
does not give us any kind of long-term disability information.
Senator MURRAY. Because he does not have a rating from the
Ms. MYERS. He has a rating from the VA. We know he has a disability and we have told them, We are not questioning that. So
that we know best how to help this student, we need to know what
his actual limitations are.
Senator MURRAY. So the VA is not giving you that?
Ms. MYERS. No, they have not. And for the student to try to get
this information because they have changed his doctor, so that
takes time. And getting back to his counselor takes time, even by
e-mailing the counselor sometimes you do not get responses back.
So the VA does not make it easy at all for our veterans to be able
to go to college and be successful.
This is also a hard group to reach out to because they do not
want to admit they need any assistance. OK. So they finally get to
that point where they are, OK. I need some help. I really do. I
have got to get some help from disability services, and then the
VA is not helping them to get anything that will help us to provide
their accommodations.
Now, we have gone ahead in this particular case, and we are providing him with a private room to take his test in because that is
one of the big things that he really needed. That is not a big deal.
We will go ahead and do that, while we wait to get everything else
on him.
Senator MURRAY. Yes.
Ms. MYERS. But they do not make it easy.
The CHAIRMAN. Interesting. Ms. Ostrow.
Ms. OSTROW. In addition to being in the 22d grade, I have also
had a number of jobs throughout my life, and never a single job,

have I been asked to produce any written documentation from anyone requesting an accommodation for a disability. The fact that
when you go to college, or to graduate school, you have to have
these packets of diagnoses and testing from a professional does not
make that much sense.
The other thing that I would like to say is that for people with
psychiatric disabilities, I think there is a real lack of education and
awareness on the part of disabled student services in some places
where students with psychiatric disabilities that are not learning
disabilities, are kind of shoehorned into those kinds of accommodations because that is what the disabled student services are familiar with, and then these are very different problems that people
I believe it was Senator Harkin who mentioned the episodic nature of psychiatric disabilities. So like a persistent accommodation
may not make that much sense. At the same time, you might need
a lot more supports during certain periods of time, and those periods of time tend to be times when people are experiencing stress
or life events where it may be particularly difficult to achieve those
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Warren, did you have something you
wanted to jump in on here?



Senator WARREN. I do. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman and
thank you, Ranking Member.
I apologize for coming in late. I am going to have to leave. We
are in the middle of a banking hearing in another room. But I want
to thank you for your leadership and all that you have done to expand access for people with disabilities. Before I ended up in law
school, I was a special needs teacher in public school. So that is
where I started my life and this is really important.
We have made a lot of progress, because I was in this field a very
long time ago, and a lot of progress has been made in terms of access. But I wanted to talk just a little bit today about materials,
just wanted to focus on that part, and I am seeing people nod already on this. The changes in technology have created such incredible opportunities now to expand access, but opportunities does not
always mean that is, in fact, what is happening.
In fact, there was a 2011 Federal commission that reported that
colleges were adopting technologies that are not accessible and that
this is creating additional problems.
So the question I wanted to start with, and I thought maybe you
would be the right person for this, Ms. Myers, is why some colleges
are failing to offer accessible materials even though this is what
the law requires? Ms. Myers or anyone else who wants to, but I
thought Ms. Myers.
Ms. MYERS. Well, I think one of the difficulties is we have colleges, and this happens at Wright State, and it puts a responsibility on our technology center to be able to take what they have
adopted and get it into an accessible format.
But colleges, because of technology, are adopting more and more
electronic textbooks. One of the problems with those textbooks is
they are typically created in more of an image or graphical environ-

ment than a text environment. OK. That is not an accessible environment if you are using a screen reader or any kind of talking
technology. So those, then, have to be turned into something that
is accessible, and that is not easy to do.
The publishers are not being pushed enough to make sure that
what they are creating in those electronic environments is, indeed,
accessible. Even putting on the disks for the download, accessible
version would make things a whole lot easier for the students. It
is really hard for them when they go and they purchase that, they
download it, and they cannot use it. OK. And I think that is one
of the big problems.
The faculty members are also not being pushed to check out accessibility before they adopt to make sure that what they are
adopting is, indeed, accessible particularly if they are using something electronic, or if they are using some kind of software program
within their teaching as well, to make sure that that is going to
be accessible. But I think there is a two-way street here: faculty
making sure that what they are adopting is accessible, but publishers making sure that what they are putting out there is accessible.
The burden of responsibility falls ontohas in the past and continues, in our opinionto fall on the university to make sure that
the students have the materials that they need to be able to be successful in college. So that responsibility falls on us to make sure
that what we are giving them is accessible. But the publishers are
not helping and sometimes the faculty are not either.
Senator WARREN. Good. And I thought maybe I could ask, what
are the universities and the schools doing to push. But Ms. Getzel,
could you add to this please?
Ms. GETZEL. Yes. It is a very big difficulty, especially with publishers. I know that in work that we have been doing in working
with the disability support service office, working with students,
that it is either very long to get it or they tell us it is not available,
and it is very difficult.
What we would like to see more on sort of the publisher end now
with the technology, it is almost like all this technology is happening, but in one sector, we cannot seem to get that opened up.
And I know that there are certain regulations or policies and that
kind of thing, especially with publishers.
I know that in Virginia, at one point, they started almost like a
lending library among the universities who had accessible materials that they could then use, if you belonged to this consortium,
then you would have access to some of that to relieve some of the
costs, as well as some of the waiting time. And again, faculty do
need to be very aware of this, and sometimes books or what
coursework is put up in a short amount of time, which then the disability support services offices are scrambling to try to get that.
I know that the universities, at least at VCU, is really trying to
adhere very carefully to that and always we get things at the beginning or the end of the semester to alert faculty to be aware of
these type of things. But it really is a difficulty.
Senator WARREN. Yes. Ms. Myers.

Ms. MYERS. We did some of the lending in Ohio. We established
within our consortium, we are members of the Southwest Ohio
Consortium on Higher Education and we created a lending library.
One of the problems that we had is a problem we have within
our own University, which is, we can have two economics professors who do not adopt the same books. And when you have that
issue within your own university, having other schools adopting the
same thing, when there are no standards created by the State saying, All history teachers have to use this. Or, you know, Within
a university, all economics professors have to do this. All sociology
professors have to do this, which takes away their academic freedom. That is another part of the problem.
We do get calls from other schools asking them, well, if we have
done a book to help them out, which we will share. We have done
this for quite a while. The only problem is most of the time, it is
not something that we have because of that freedom that the faculty has.
We do use a clearinghouse called AccessText and we can get
about 60 percent of our materials from them. They do not include
the small publishers in that process. It is typically the large publishers, but there are also files that we cannot just hand over to
a student. We have to take them. A lot of times, it is one file for
the whole book, which means we have to break it up into portions
that the students can use. And sometimes page numbers are missing or there is all this missing information so we still have to work
on the file before we can hand it over.
Senator WARREN. I very much appreciate your comments on this
and they are very valuable. I think that accessible materials are
critical. We already have laws about requirements, and clearly they
are not being met.
Today, Senator Hatch and I are introducing legislation to establish guidelines to ask an independent agency to develop guidelines
so that we will have some guidelines for what kinds of accessible
materials we need. We are hopeful that what this means is that
colleges will be able to meet their legal requirements if guidelines
are out there. And that we will be able to develop a market for
these materials so that the publishers, as you rightly say, Ms.
Myers, receive some encouragement to make sure that they have
consistently available materials and that we will be able to do
more. It is not enough to say to our students, We are trying to
make college accessible, but when you get here, you are not going
to be able to deal with the material.
I just want to say this bill has strong support from the disability
community and on behalf of Senator Hatch, I wanted to come here
today to hear from you about it, and be able to mention it. And
again, I apologize. I am in a banking hearing and I am going to
have to go back to that. But thank you for the work you are all
doing and thank you for all you have done.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate it.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Warren.
I was just informed by my counsel that, and I met this group before, Bookshare has a Department of Education grant to provide
textbooks in different formats. But I was just informed that one of
the largest publishers of textbooks, Pearson, does not allow that. I

do not know why. We will have to look into that. It has to do with
the copyright, I guess, and things like that, but some publishers do,
do that. So it is sort of a little mixture of this and a little mixture
of that.
I think that is maybe something we ought to look at too in terms
of our reauthorization of our Higher Education because we put the
money into TPSID. They are doing well, but if young people like
Mr. Farrior and who else was involved with TPSID
Ms. GETZEL. I am.
The CHAIRMAN. Yes, Ms. Getzel. But if you cannot get the textbooks in a format that is accessible then that limits what we are
doing in that program, in the TPSID program. So I think we are
going to have to look at this textbook thing.
We are running out of time, but Ms. Fink, we will close this
down, but Ms. Fink, you had one last thing.
Ms. FINK. I just wanted to caution that accessible materials are
not limited to accessible textbooks.
The CHAIRMAN. Say that again?
Ms. FINK. I just wanted to caution that accessible materials are
not to be limited to accessible textbooks. When I was in school 4
years ago, half of my reading was done through Noodle or through
a system like that where a teacher would upload a couple of PDFs,
and then you have to read it by the next day, and that is not
enough time if that format is not accessible, and there needs to be
some sort of regulations about those materials going onto those online platforms as well.
The CHAIRMAN. Good point, good point.
This has been a great discussion; just a nice, open format of discussion. I think we have covered a lot of the points.
Again, I would just let you know that there are a lot of barriers
facing students with disabilities in getting a higher education; it
runs the gamut with all the things that we have talked about here
this morning. I am not saying that we can solve all that in the
Higher Education bill, and probably not, but there are certain
things that we are going to have to look at and address, and I
think you have given us some thoughts this morning on what we
can do to help try to remove some of those barriers.
I would just ask, as we proceed, that you keep in contact with
this committee and with our staff, and give us the benefit of your
thoughts as we move forward on the reauthorization. I would sure
appreciate it.
I think there are a lot of things that we can do to make sure that
we have equal access, good transitions, effective recruitment, making sure that kids who are in IDEA who have an IEP know what
they have and how colleges are able to take that and move that
into the college setting, support services, and overcoming a kind of
an attitudinal barrier that exists in a lot of schools.
Let us face it, when you talk about higher education being accessible for kids with disabilities, the first thing that pops into their
minds is, Oh, well, we must have ramps and widen doors. It is
physical. They think about the physical disability, but as you point
out, Ms. Fink, sometimes people have more than just a physical
disability, they have other disabilities too, right, Ms. Ostrow? They

have intellectual, psychiatric disabilities that need to be accommodated also.
So they need to start thinking along those lines. Obviously,
Wright State has done that in many ways, maybe the University
of Illinois too, but I do not think that this is very widespread. In
other words, thinking about accommodations and accessibility for
nonphysical disabilities that students have. So I think we kind of
have to focus on that too.
I look forward to working with members of this committee to
craft the policies that will aid youth to access higher education. If
there are certain paperwork things that are in place that are keeping colleges from offering supports, we ought to look at that too.
SSI, as I said to Senator Alexander that is sort of not in our bailiwick; that is the finance committee. But maybe we could work
with them to provide some kind of crossing State borders when you
are a bona fide student and you are going from one school to another that some kind of solution for a student during their college
years when they are working on a summer job or something like
that where they might go over the monthly limit. They need that
money for going to school. Also, we need to address the SSI limits
of only $2,000 in assets, if I am not mistaken, something like that.
If you earn a little bit more than that and you have that in the
bank, you are cut off from benefits. They will cut you off your Medicaid on SSI. But like I said, that is not in our jurisdiction, but
something maybe we could work with the finance committee on.
I thank you all. Some of you came a great distance. I appreciate
it. Thank you. You have given us great insights. Thank you for
your leadership in this area.
We will leave the record open for 10 days to allow additional
statements or supplements to be submitted for the record.
And the hearing will be adjourned. Thank you very much.
[Whereupon, at 11:53 a.m., the hearing was adjourned.]

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