Brain Alchemy Masterclass Psychotactics

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Los Angeles

And Kia Ora from New Zealand,
Thanks again for making a wise decision to invest in the Brain Alchemy
MasterClass Home Study. It's always exciting to open up a box full of
goodies, and I know you must feel like a five year old on Christmas morning
as you read this note.
I realize you're keen to get right into this Home Study. Keen to read the
notes. Eager to listen to the recordings. And you should be. Except that this
note from me to you is just as important as the contents of the box you've
just opened. Why? Because this note will explain what you need to do and
how to do it.
I know some of you may be auditory learners and some of you may be visual.
For those of you that are visual, you'll want to read the manual right away.
My recommendation would be to listen to the audio first. Not so much
because the notes aren't complete by themselves. Far from it. The notes
were written as if I were writing a book. So the notes are complete as if you
bought a book from
However, I do believe that you'll get far greater value from listening to the
audio and then referring to the notes because the audio is likely to have a
far greater level of depth. Learning is about understanding a concept in its
entirety, and I think the sequence of audio first, will give you a much better
learning experience.
Important Learning Tip No 1: I'm an auditory learner, but if you have me
sit in front of my stereo listening to audios, I'm soon bored out of my skull.
And if you're NOT an auditory learner, the audios will soon lull you into a
deep sleep. Now you and I both don't want that to happen.
So I'd advise you to do some activity when listening to the audio. Take a
walk. Take a drive. Dust furniture if you have to. And have the audio playing
either in the background or through an mp3 player/CD player. Yes, you can
burn these CDs onto mp3 and play it through your mp3 player . Of course,
be sure to have a little note pad nearby. The ideas will flow thick and fast.
And if you don't capture the ideas on paper, you'll lose them forever. (Don't
try this while driving!) Youll find a 12-page workbook that corresponds to
the audio. The workbook is a good place to take down notes. Make sure you
have the pages handy.
Important Learning Tip No 2: Your brain and mine is not made to
understand and implement the things we learn on the first round. No doubt
the ideas in this Home Study will excite you, but real learning will only
come from repetition. I'll repeat myself to make a point.
Real learning only comes from repetition.


So if you don't go over the notes, audio etc., Several times over, you'll be
doing yourself a big disfavour. Make sure you listen/read the information
more than once and the gems will reveal themselves to you. Every time you
repeat the process, your business will have grown and so will you.
And yes, you'll understand the concepts and how to implement these
concepts in your own business, much better.
Important Learning Tip No 3: If you try to implement everything all at
once, you'll struggle. And you don't want to struggle. The whole point of this
MasterClass is to get rid of the struggle. So follow the sequence that I've
outlined for you, once you're done with listening to the audio and reading
the book. Remember, it's the simplest things that make you amazing profits.
Complexity is fine, but simplicity brings home the butter, bread and jam. So
pay close attention to the instructions and implement one thing at a time
and you'll be fine.
Important Learning Tip No. 4: You've been given resources. Some of the
resources are on the CD. Some of the resources are online. Some of them
will be in the teleclasses to follow. Depending on when you invested in this
product, you'll either have access to a live events or a recorded version of
the live events. Either way, the resources are meant to move you ahead.
Use these resources and watch your business soar.
Okay, okay, I know and notes. So here's what you need to do:
Instructions after listening to the Audio/Reading the Notes:
1) Define your message: Make sure you use the Brain Audit
2)Define your Three Prong System: This is VITAL. Don't miss out this step.
3)Define your Spider's Secret: What will you give away? What will you sell?
4)Define your Chug-Chug Marketing: The simplest things will get you the
biggest response. Put these little factors into place and you'll see results.
5)Put together a simple plan. Define three major things you're going to do
under the Three Prong System. Then make sure you set out a schedule to
implement the plan.

Education Revealed
Before I do anything else, I want to congratulate you. The Brain Alchemy Masterclass is a
highly evolved system of taking, giving immense structure and direction to your business.
The key to getting the most out of this Masterclass system and the concepts is to
understand the purpose of education.
So what does education mean anyway?
Education has often been mistaken as a term. Most of us have at some time believed
that education is all about stuffing. We believe education is about getting more and
more information. Lets go to the library, the book store and the Internet and fill our
brains with a squillion details. Thats what we think education is all about.
So try arguing with the Latin Professor
Because the word education is derived from the Latin word: Educare. The Latin root for
Education is Educare means to elicit- that is to bring out from within. The values are
all within us. We just have to bring them out and put it into practice.
See? See? Its not about stuffing
You have all of the skill and the abilities within you. Youve always had it. Youve always
known it. And if someone else can achieve wonders with their life, you can do the same.
Youve got to educate yourself. And to educate yourself, you need a catalyst. Something
or someone who can bring your latent abilities and talents to the fore. In short, thats
what you should expect to receive from the Brain Alchemy Masterclass.
Dont look for volume of content. Look for simplicity of concepts
As humans weve got the buffet mentality. We want to go to the All You Can Eat places
because we think well get great value. So we stuff ourselves like little pigs, we rumble
out of the restaurant and think weve gotten ourselves a great deal. Yet instinctively,
you know that eating mountains of food hasnt done much for your health. The same
analogy applies to your business. Once you understand the complete picture, you can eat
what you need. And grow exponentially.
And when I say grow, I dont just mean business-wise
You need to grow personally and spiritually as well. So that you dont run around like a
headless chicken searching for the next client. The clients will come. The profits will
beat a path to your door. But more importantly, youll have your peace of mind, your
happiness and your health.
This is what I wish you most of all. I wish you sanity. :) Sanity that comes from knowing
youve got a balance in your life. That wealth, health and happiness is yours in the
months and years to come. Nothing is greater than knowing that you have the power
within you.
Be prepared for an education like never before. Join me on a journey that is exciting,
scary and profitable all at once. Join me in finding what lies within you and how to get
it across to your clients, so that your future isnt some big mystery movie.
Lets get this show on the road. :) : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009

For Maximum Impact

Heres how you can get the best out of this Masterclass
1) How to have an endless recall of the concepts being taught to you
Most participants in an event do one of two things.
1) They simply sit and listen to what is being taught.
2) They take notes.
Both of these systems are effective in their own way. However, the most powerful system
you can ever use is called a mind map. The mind map system works because it operates
in the same manner as your brain. So heres how you create a mind map. The mind map
allows you to pick up every topic and then create sub topics. Even months or years later,
youll be able to pick up the sequence and the structure of the content, simply by
looking at your mind map. Instead of hundred pages of notes, (if you write that much
that is) you have one master mind map and whatever you need to append in terms of
notes (if at all). In most cases, I use
only 10 sheets of blank paper, even
when Im sitting through 3 days of
training sessions. The reason for this
efficiency (and saving the rainforests
:)) is because of the amazing power of
mind maps.
To make things easy for you...
The entire Masterclass will be mapped
out in terms of mind maps and then
youll have one master map to follow
and integrate. If it sounds geeky right
now, dont worry. Youll get it as we
go along.
2) This is your education, remember?
If you dont ask questions, youll be the loser. Make sure you ask the speakers all the
questions you need answered. Make sure you network with the people sitting at your
table. As the class progresses, test out your core marketing message. Does it excite your
fellow participants to want to know more? How can you refine what youre
communicating? Bring out the best in yourself by constant questioning!
3) Make Two Lists
Your Go-Back-And-Do-It-Now-List: What can you do right away? If you dont write down
your instant to-do list, youll forget what you meant to do and boof! the idea will slip
away. When you get hit by a thunder bolt of an idea, make sure you write it down on one
of your to-do list.
Your Stop Doing List: You cant do it all. And some things just need to be delegated. If
you try to wear all the hats of your business youll be struggling. Youll be juggling. And
its only a matter of time before the ball drops. Create your to-do list. Its very
Thats it. To sum up:
1) Use Mind Maps: They work.
2) Ask loads of questions.
3) Create two lists. Action is what gets results, not just learning. You know that :) : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009

Failure Analysis
Youre headed straight for failure. We all are.
Lets face it. If all we had was success, wed never learn anything. And wed be bored
silly. Every movie would be a hit. Every business would be successful. Every thing would
be perfect. Or would it? So lets not run down the concept of failure because failure is
our biggest teacher. Its our friend. So lets give failure a name, shall we? Lets call him
Failure Smith.
Now you and Smith are best buddies. And Smith is pretty predictable. Sure he gets mad
from time to time and does things that you cant understand. But hey, hes your friend.
And over time you figure out if you do certain things in a certain way, both you and
Smith are nice and happy. And no one gets hurt.
No one gets hurt with failure
Because Failure Smith is actually a wise teacher. Hes got stuff in his head thats all
history based. He can go back in time and bring out twenty squillion examples of why
businesses fail. Whom we should be really afraid of is Failure Smiths cousin, Amanda
Risk. Ooh! shes a tough one. Every time we cross her path, she smiles that toothy grin
and we know were headed down another roller coaster ride. But hey, that roller coaster
is fun too!
So waitasecond have we got this Failure and Risk all wrong?
Absolutely. Failure and risk are nothing to be afraid about. Why? Because risk can be
managed. Theres no such thing as a crazy risk. Unless of course, it is a crazy risk :) If
youre smart with your risk taking, you can always come on top. And if your risk is
minimised, then wheres the scope for failure?
Oooh, good question!
Failure is within you. You are facing the wrong way my friend. Youre looking for external
events and situations to blame your failure and risk on. And external events have nothing
to do with it. If they did, everyone would be poor during the Great Depression. Everyone
would be rich in the booming nineties. But thats not the case.
So obviously its up to you as an individual. Its what you think about that causes you to
fail or succeed. Because thought is the most powerful tool of all. Dont believe me?
Wiggle your little finger. Look up at the ceiling. See. Your thought did that. Your thoughts
can make you upset. Can make you happy. Can make you weep. When you analyse
everything on our planet, its all about thought. As you sit at your desk reading these
words, you cant see your family. You cant see your friends. Yet they exist. They exist in
your thoughts.
Success or failure exists too
Yes siree, your success or failure exists in your brain. Youve heard that being told to you
before. But how the heck are you supposed to get happy and trampoline around the
place, if your business is rocking like a ship on a stormy ocean? The truth is you cannot.
You cant be happy when youre sad. But you can do one thing. You can use the concept
of control.
You control what you can. You drop what you cant control
Hey, Im no saint. I didnt wake up with this halo on my pillow. Ive struggled too. Ive
cried in my car driving to networking meetings, not sure what the heck I was doing. Ive : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009

changed careers too. Ive made mistakes too. And some of the things were out of my
control. And Id get mad. Id have headaches. Ive even been put in an ambulance and
chauffeured to the hospital on oxygen. Because the doctors thought I was having a heart
attack. I bet youve never done an ambulance ride. The reason Im telling you this is to
show you that youre not alone. That over the years, Ive learned to control what I can
control and drop what I cant.

computers not working.

emails arent getting through.
car isnt starting.
breakfast is burning.

Oooh, finally something I can handle. I handle the breakfast and look at the others as
something that I cant control. Some one other than me will have to handle the
troublesome issues. And as I write this note its 6:31 am in the morning. No one will turn
up till 8:30 am to fix the computer or the emails. The car? Well, Ill just have to borrow
my wifes car or take the bus. Breakfast? Heck, I cant let the breakfast burn! So off I go
into areas I can control.
Your business is like breakfast
You can control it. But you have to control your brain first. Because as Henry Ford, thrice
bankrupt, then super-tycoon said: If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a
thing, you're right. I had to read that line twice before I got what he was saying. When
it finally got to me, I was astounded. Everything I achieved, I wanted to achieve come
what may. Everything I failed at, I didnt really want to achieve. So I took shortcuts. And I
failed. Hey, Failure Smith, lookeee what you did? And dont bring Amanda Risk into the
picture because the risk factor just went waaaaaaaaay up.
Its all in your start with
You become what you think about most of the time. Thats true. And if you havent
already read the book As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen, do so today. You can download
it from
But thinking is like dreaming. You can dream till the cows jump over the moon. And the
dish runs away with the spoon (Naughty dish!) Yet nothing is going to happen. Take for
example this MasterClass. Why did I even bother? I get more than a regular income via
the Internet, via workshops held in this part of the world. I do enough speaking and
consulting to be more than content. So why take the risk? Why go all the way to
California of all places when Singapore or Sydney is so much closer? And so much less
scary? Why take the risk?
Is it risk?
I didnt see it as risk. On the downside if the workshop didnt get off the ground, Id lose
the room hire fees. And thats it. All the preparation for the class...all the 16 week
sessions and the pdfs can and will be resold. All the branding and trust weve created
wont go to waste. And the upside? Well theres profit. Quite a bit I must add. And profit
should be the case in every one of your ventures. Plus theres a chance to meet a whole
lot of subscribers, members and even some new folk. Its all in the brain. We didnt set
out to fail. We set out to succeed. We gently dropped off Amanda Risk at the last corner.
We made sure we listened closely to Failure Smith. And we moved ahead confidently. You
too can do the same.
Success is in your head. Now use your head :) : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009

Section 1

Getting the Customers Attention

Risk Reversal


Brain Audit


Getting Client's


Target Audience


s the brain predictable? Or is it random? Is it male or female, or is it

neutral? This little introduction will help you understand how the brain
processes information. It will show you why a customer decides to buy or
to forego the purchase.
Best of all, when you are selling your product or service, you can actually
identify at which point you skipped a step that could have made the
difference to your bottom line.
How the brain works exactly like a conveyor belt
Imagine you landed at your international airport. Youve just landed and
youre waiting for your bags to come out on the conveyor belt. When you
got on the flight, you loaded seven red bags onto the plane.
As you wait with the other passengers, you see one red bag and then two.
Then three, until you have a net total of six red bags.
So when do you leave the airport?
The question is academic and almost pointless. Without doubt, you leave
when you have every one of your seven red bags. No matter how late you : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009

Section 1

Getting the Customers Attention

are or how tired you feel, you wouldnt leave without your seven red bags.
The reason why customers dont buy
Its a good idea to watch customers. Do you notice how they get a little
edgy? Have you seen how they mull over paperwork? How they say theyd
like to think about it? Fidget, fidget, fidget they go. Then its mumble
something under their breath and you never see them again.
Welcome, youre now officially in the land of the classic conveyor belt
system. You have managed to take off some of the bags in the customers
brain, and the customer is somewhat sold on your offering, but stops just
short of purchasing it.
The grim part is that it doesnt take a lot to stop your customer. Like you
stay around at the airport waiting for just one bag, your customer wont dip
into her wallet to pay you. Sadly, your sale could fall through because of one
solitary factor.
Losing a sale is bad enough. Not knowing which factor caused you to lose it,
will drive you crazy time and time again. If you know exactly which factor
was missing, you could fix it. And never lose the customer again.
This is where we get off the menacing randomness of the conveyor belt and
get into the realm of science. The science of knowing just what the bags
are, and then using them to bazooka your way into the customers brain.

Take those bags off the conveyor

belt. If you dont, they will go
around in the customers head
forever and reduce the chances of
her ever buying your offering. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009

Section 1

Getting the Customers Attention

*The customer hesitates buying from you not because they dont want to
buy. Their hesitation comes from the fact that you havent got the bags off
the conveyor belt.
*There are seven bags on the conveyor belt. Every bag has a different
function. The earlier set of three bags get the attention of the customer.
The latter set of four bags reduce the risk. All seven bags have to be taken
off the conveyor belt in the customers brain. Once this is done, the
customer is far more inclined to buy into the service or product.
*The most powerful bag of all is the PROBLEM. This gets the customers
attention immediately. Magazines, newspapers, radio and TV get your
attention by using this factor very skilfully.
*Most advertising is in direct contrast to news. News uses problems to get
your attention. Advertising uses solutions. The level of excitement while
reading a news item can be several times higher than reading an ad which is
*We are naturally attracted to problems. People are more interested in
watching a building burn down than a building being constructed. A police
patrol car draws more attention than traffic passing by.
*Customers are swamped in a deluge of information each day. To get their
attention, your communication must address their specific problem. This
problem-based communication stops them in their tracks and forces them to
think. Often the thought process takes them into the future, where its
likely the problem may occur. They may not experience the problem
currently, but bringing it up, highlights it in their brain. It creates a sense of
*Your customers biggest frustration is what you need to discover. Then
create greater pain on their brain by highlighting the message even further.
This causes them to instantly be interested in your message, so they can get
rid of their pain.

Problems attract people like a moth to

a flame. The brain is fascinated with
problems because it is always keen to
avoid them. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009

Section 1

Getting the Customers Attention

*Problems have a definite edge over solutions.
Here are some examples:
Solution based: Get fit for the summer in just 8 weeks?
Problem based: Arent you determined to get rid of those unwanted kilos of
fat? Heres how you can get fit for the summer in just 8 weeks.
Solution based: Attract clients like magic.
Problem based: Are some potential clients slipping through your net? Heres
how you can attract them like magic.
*Always consider egos. If your problem based communication offends the
readers ego in some way, all your efforts will be in vain. Put yourself in
their shoes and you will get their attention without any problem.
Not so good: Are you struggling with leadership?
Much better: Can your leadership take your company to even greater
heights? Find out what makes great leaders.

*Solutions are vital. However they come after the problem has been
created. Dont jump the gun and put your solution before the problem.
Doing so will greatly reduce the pulling power of your communication piece.
*Solutions are pain relievers. They bring down the pressure cooker situation
created by the problem. They assure the customer that there is a light at
the end of the tunnel.
*Audit your communication rigorously for solutions popping up first. Your
natural tendency will be to put a solution first. Resist that temptation and
keep it second.

*Everything depends on the target audience you choose. If you choose too
broad an audience, you risk the chance of alienating everyone. This is
because your message cannot be sharp focussed on a particular group of
people. However, when you choose a specific target audience, you flag
down the prospective customer immediately.
Eg: Womens clothes is too broad a target audience. Pregnant womens
clothes is far more focussed. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 1

Getting the Customers Attention

The power of the problem really stems from you getting the target
audience right. You can make your communication far more powerful if you
choose the right problem for the right target audience.
Eg: If youre trying to attract all women, your headline would read: Sick and
tired of your boring wardrobe?
Where as, if you were targeting pregnant women it would read: Sick and
tired of boring maternity wear?
Your target audience is always looking for communication thats catered
specially to them and for problems that are their biggest concern. Get the
audience too broad and you water down the efficacy of the problem.
Successful brands focus on one target audience. This allows them to be
more favoured, more expensive and more connected to their audience. Eg:
Tabasco focuses on people who want a hot sauce. The medium hot and the
mild can go some place else.
You can find your target audience with one of these methods.
A) You isolate the group that has been your biggest customer. For example:
You might be getting most of your business from advertising agencies.
Therefore your target audience is logically the agencies.
B) You can also choose your target audience. You may get most of your work
from advertising agencies, but find them too slow with payments. In that
case, you determine which group has a quick turnaround on payments. This
might be small business owners. Logically, this becomes your most desired
target audience from now on.
Yes you certainly can have more than one target audience. In fact, its
recommended. Different groups of clients need what youre selling. For
example: The Brain Audit sells to individual buyers. However the Brain Audit
Workshop sells to companies that want an in-depth audit of their
Be a monomaniac. Concentrate on one audience and speak to them. Theyll
perk their ears up and listen.

Even on the sunniest day,

people generally walk around
with a universe of problems. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 1

Getting the Customers Attention


*The combination of the problem, solution and target audience causes the
brain to ask the questions What do you mean by that? Or How do you do
that? Try it. It works.
*If the trigger doesnt work, youre either speaking to the wrong target
audience or your message isnt strong enough. If people go huh, youve
got to rework your message and test again. Keep testing till they response
to your statement is consistently, How do you do that? Or What do you
mean by that?
*The reason why you need to have this trigger is because our world is
overloaded with communication. Make your message stand out among the
cacophony with this simple trigger.
*Youll be tempted. Youll get bored with your trigger. Thats not good
enough to go about changing the trigger that works. The only reason you
should change your trigger statement, is if it stops working for some reason.
Or, if you test and find another trigger statement that works better. If it
aint broke, dont fix it till you test it.
*Risk is why people dont buy. If you can get the Ya But out of the way, you
can quite easily go ahead with the sale.

Objections in the customers brain stops her from buying. This is what makes
her want to think about it. Once the customers buying desire is awakened,
they feel the need to go ahead, yet are slowed down by objections.
Its no use pretending objections dont exist or that the customer wont
bring it up. She may never bring it up, but it will still be on her mind. Your
best bet is to bring up the objection and destroy it. Your prime job at this
point is to show the customer why the objection is not really an objection at
Find the biggest objection of your customer. This can be done by research or
if youre face to face, it can be done by skillful questioning. Then work your
way through the rest of the potential objections. Give logical reasons to
remove the natural fear the customer feels. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 1

Getting the Customers Attention

Feeling is everything. A sale can stall at this point because of a lack of

empathy with the customer. A good system to counter this is the Feel, Felt,
Found system. Its simple and effective. It should encapsulate the following.
I know how you feel. This is what our other customers felt. And this is
what they found. This creates an enormous amount of empathy and
reduces the resistance level of even the most aggressive customer.
There is a difference between an objection and a condition. Example: A
person is being persuaded to buy a spade for his garden. He may have a
garden and may still not buy, because he has no interest in gardening. This
is a condition. An objection is when that very person has an interest in
gardening, yet is hesitating to buy for some reason. The only way to
distinguish between the two is through questions. The more questions you
ask, the more you can qualify the customer.
The Price Factor is often given undue attention. Most business people are
convinced that their products or services would be readily accepted at a
lower price. Yet, thats rarely the case. There are a whole lot of factors that
are far more important that price. In fact, price comes in seventh in a list of

A testimonial reduces risk. Its all about you, but youre not saying it.
Someone else is. And that makes a huge difference. Its believable and
removes a large part of the doubt from the buyers mind.
There is great power in a testimonial but super power in the Reverse
Testimonial. The Reverse Testimonial is more in line with our naturally
skeptic nature. Work towards getting testimonials that are well balanced
with a good dose of initial skepticism.
Construct it with a Problem and Solution in mind. The key to a great Reverse
testimonial is the problem upfront. And then the solution. Pay close
attention to this fact. Always audit your testimonial for a problem and if
there isnt one -- get one! Remember the client came to you to solve her
problem. So the problem must exist. Use it to create drama in your
Make sure you have a good sprinkling of different angles for your
testimonials. Some clients look for speed of delivery, some look for : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 1

Getting the Customers Attention

reliability and some for friendliness. Make sure your testimonials cover all
the bases well.
The biggest secret to getting testimonials is a three letter word. Its called
ASK. Just keep asking and youll get a whole range of testimonials. It
doesnt matter if you have a hundred and ninety nine testimonials. The two
hundredth one might be a real winner. Collect testimonials like stamps. And
then put the best ones in you stamp collection :)
The best format to get testimonials is audio. Its easier to be fluent in
speech than on paper. Use a recorder to capture the moment and the tone.
If audio is not possible, use email. However, make sure you cover the
questions below and youll get really good testimonials.
The questions to cover.
1) What did you like most about the product/service?
2) What were your perceptions before we started?
3) How has that perception changed?
4) What are the three biggest benefits?
5) Would you recommend our product/service?
6) Is there anything else youd like to add?

Risk is on everyones mind. Its what stops you customer from buying your
product or service. When you take the risk away from him, you create a
world where he cant lose. That spurs him towards signing on the dotted
Recognise the fact that the customer is under tremendous pressure when he
buys your product. He doesnt want to look like a fool if something goes
wrong in the future. The only way to safeguard his future is to take the risk
upon yourself. That takes the pressure away, allowing him to examine and
fall in love with the product without the pressure of getting stuck with it.
A money-back guarantee is only one of the many forms of risk reversal. Ask
yourself what problem you solve for the customer. What does he stand to
lose if it turns to custard? Identifying the result he seeks is absolutely vital,
because hell measure his happiness and success level on that factor alone.
In many cases, a simple money-back guarantee will do, but often money : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 1

Getting the Customers Attention

may play a non existent role in his decision making process.
The biggest reason why businesses dont offer a risk-reversal is because they
havent thought about it or because theyre too scared theyll get ripped
off. The statistics disprove this supposition time and time again. By
reversing the risk, companies grow in leaps and bounds, often by 200% 300% or more. Whats more, they rarely, if ever, even hit a 5% return rate.


The USP is the Unique Selling Proposition. Its what makes you different
from your competition. If you apply all the steps in the Brain Audit, youve
achieved a lot, but now its time to clearly defined why your customer
should use you and not someone else.
You can create your uniqueness in two ways.
1) You can create it out of thin air.
2) You can find it in your own product or service.
The simplest way to test your USP is to put another companys logo on top
of your own USP. If it works, you need to go back to the drawing board.
Finding a USP can be a trying task, but it will reward you well over the years
to come.
The best way to create your uniqueness is to play Emperor. Just decide what
you want to do for your kingdom. Dominos Pizza decided they were going
to deliver in under 30 minutes in an age when pizza took ages to deliver.
What can you promise and be unique about it? : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Summary: 1
Brain Audit

Target Audience



1) To create uniqueness become

an emperor. Create it. Don't try
to find your uniqueness.
2) Uniqueness should be tested
against your competition.
3) Uniqueness may be valid today
but changes over time. Eventually
it helps to have a certain quality
that describes your business rather
than just a term.

1)Why should the client take the risk?

2) Only 2% of clients ever ask for their money back
3) Risk reversal increases sales considerably
4) Risk is not just money back. It could mean a whole
lot of things like test-drive, exchange guarantee etc.

Risk Reversal

1) Have Before/After Testimonials

2) Skeptical Testimonials work better
3) Testimonials should describe your
company in different ways. eg: Speed,
friendliness, reliability etc.
4) Testimonials are absolutely vital to
reduce risk factors considerably.

2) List every possible objection

and then kill them.
3) Objections are good. Clients
don't like to buy without some
sort of objection.

1) Bring them up in advance


2) You cannot appeal to everyone

3) Eg: Vertigo Jeans
4) Eg: Feet Petite

1) Be specific.

Getting the Customers Attention

Brain Activator
Gets Brain's Attention
Eg: Police Car

----------------1) Apple Ads

2) Newspaper Headlines
3) Audit Your Headlines
4) Add Consequences
5) Keep the Problem going
6) Combo of Problem +
Solution + Target
= Trigger

1) Solution reduces heart rate

2) Needed after the problem

3) Use graphics for solutions
Problems for headlines. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2
The Basis of Structure

Barter / Strategic Alliances

Time Leveraging Systems

Why Create Content

Piggybacking Content

Three Prong System

1) Money
2) Reputation
3) Freedom

Structuring Your

Leverage Concepts

How Three Prongs Work

Consulting Concepts

Training Concepts : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business



To understand exactly why some businesses do phenomenally better than

others you have to understand the concept called the Three Prongs. What
are the prongs that really drive your business? Once you understand where
your business comes from, you can analyse whats good for your business
and personal health. Knowing and understanding these three prongs will set
you up for a future with a purpose. Once you learn the intricacies of how
the Three Prong System works together, youll find it hard even tedious to
go back to your old ways.

The Three Prong System TM

1) Consulting
2) Training
3) Leverage

Most businesses use consulting as a primary source of income. Consulting is
pretty hands on and involves advising clients, monitoring the clients
progress and doing projects. To make it clearer, let me give you an example.
Imagine youre a web designer. Consulting would involve meeting a client,
drawing up a plan for a website, creating the website, monitoring progress
reports and all other related activities. Consulting requires you or someone
from your office to physically do whats needed. If the consultant cannot be
around, the source of income dries up.
Consulting = One on one.

Many businesses will do some sort of training for their clients. Often this
training would be part of the consulting. So a web designer would spend a
fair bit of time explaining the concepts of a website, e-commerce, search
engine positioning, etc., to a client. This would be a normal, every day
occurrence to educate the customer and more often than not would be
unpaid time.
If you look at Training from a purists point of view, its simply about being
able to impart education to multiple clients at once. This training can be
complimentary or at a fee. A workshop, teleclass or speaking engagements
would constitute as training. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Leverage is simply when you have a system or several systems in place that
generate a whole lot of income, reputation and freedom. Leverage is not
about being the worker but the manufacturer.
Read that again. Leverage is when you become a manufacturer.
In the truest form, leverage allows you to create a product and then sell
that product multiple times over. The whole system of sales can be
automated, leaving you with the simple task of collecting the profits. And
admittedly, looking at leverage in this simplistic way does the concept a
great amount of injustice. Let me explain: Eg: Say youre a chiropractor
and create a booklet. This booklet is sold at a small price of say about $10.
The booklet educates the customer at their cost. It also creates credibility
in the customers eyes, because youre only likely to author a booklet if you
have a reasonable knowledge of the subject. And the effort of writing the
booklet is a one-time effort and brings a perpetual revenue.
Heres a graphical representation of the Three Prongs SystemTM


Three Prong



Supervising Progress
Undertaking Projects : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Just knowing about the Three Prong System is pretty useless. So whats new
about it? Leverage, Training and Consulting have existed in some form or the
other forever. You know about it; everyone knows about it. Its how you put
this knowledge together that counts.

First you start with the analysis

Before you go any further, its important to understand that you have to
analyse what youve been doing so far. With the analysis comes a whole deal
of clarity. How much of time and effort do you spend on each of the prongs?
Rate yourself on a percentage of 100% (100% being the highest and 0% being
the lowest). Ill give you an example to do with PsychoTactics.
The Three Prongs:
Approximate Percentage
Leverage --------------------------------------------------------------50%
What does this percentage analysis tell you?
The percentile actually shows you the level of freedom you have in your
business. If you have a very high percentile in consulting, it means you have
to be around almost all the time as consulting is one on one. If you have
very high percentile in leverage it means you have far greater freedom as
you can literally be detached and your business will still run without you.
This is freedom in its simplest and most profound form. A simple chart like
this will help you reveal to yourself how much youre tied down by the
business and how much you need to change.
So where does the change start?
First, understand this fact. Bill Gates doesnt do consulting. And neither
does Oprah Winfrey. Or at least they dont do that any more. Youve got to
ask yourself, Why is this the case? And how you, sitting in your office can
achieve what seems reasonably impossible.
So lets look at Oprah
What does Oprah do? If you look closely youll notice that Oprah is a
manufacturer, not a consultant. This is a key element, so Ill repeat the
concept a few times before the the end of this section. Oprah creates
immense leverage from her business which is why she gets what youve been
looking for. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Here is an analysis of Oprahs Leverage, Training, Consulting break up.

L = Leverage T= Training C=Consulting


So yes, you cant ever be Oprah! Or can you? Because a journey of a

thousand miles begins with one step at a time. And admittedly, you dont
have a thousand years. So how about two or three years? With dedicated
effort, you could achieve a mini-Oprah without too much of a problem. But
before we go too much further, lets examine the purpose of why we all do
what we do. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


The three main reasons why you work each day is

With wealth you create:
1) More Clients / Selected Clients
2) Creates Barter Currency
3) Products/Training: Constant Income
Respect brings you a whole bunch of advantages:
1) Clients Form An Opinion Without You Doing a Thing
2) Clients Hear of You/Want to Work With You
3) Publicity becomes easier
Ah, freedom. Its what you live for.
1) You stop selling time
2) Youre no longer bound to your desk or country
3)Youre not bound by a yo-yo economy!
The question must arise. How do you create wealth, respect and freedom at
the same time. I mean, cmon, the benefits are obvious. So how do you
create all of the above? How do you do a mini-Oprah? Look at the options in
the pages to come. Of course, listen to the audio. Because the audio on the
CD will explain to you in great detail how to go about things.
But for now, while youre still reading, heres a list. And a powerful list too.
If you choose to implement just a few of the comprehensive list, youll have
wealth, respect and freedom beyond your wildest dreams. If you really do
manage to do all of the list, youll be an Oprah yourself.
Ok enough of the suspense already. Just flip the page.


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Audio Books
Audio Programs
Single Audio Cassettes
Video Trainings
Multi-Media Programs
Home-Study Courses
Subscription Audio / CD Series
Radio or Television Show
Private-Label Magazine
Branded Retail Products
Syndication Rights
Infomercial Product
Special Reports & White Papers
CD-ROM / DVD Training
Seminar Company Workshops


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Group Coaching Programs
Mentoring & Apprenticeship Programs
Keynote Speaking
Breakout Sessions
Speaking Representing Your Employer
Public Seminars
Train-the-Trainer Programs
Corporate Training Programs
Presenter at Large Events
Boot Camps
Teleboot Camps
Weekend Retreats
Media Expert
Syndicated Column
Industry Conventions &Trade Shows : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Hourly Consulting
Long-Term Consulting Contracts
Subscription Consulting
Ghostwriting & Co-Authoring
Counselling Services
Compiled Reference Guides : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Under normal circumstances all of these profit centres are an amazing
source of income. If you pursued any of these profit centres individually,
youd still make a sizeable income. However, its the combination of
leverage, training and consulting that really creates a system that rocks!
Let me explain how weve used it for our business.
Example of Service Based Business
August 2002




Sept 2002
Brain Audit
30 Page Book

Psycho Tactics
Sept 2002- To Date

Individual Clients
Sept 2002- To Date

Sept - To Date
Articles Written

Brain Audit Rip

Feb 2003

Treadmill One on
One Training System
July 2003-To Date

Web Trilogy
November 2003

Specific Issues
July 2003-To Date

Feb 2003
Membership Section
5000 B.C. Com

Feb 2004
Fluid Brain
Brain Audit Website

Brain Audit
Fluid Brain Book
Treadmill Home Study
Web Trilogy CD
16 Week Course
Brain Audit Rip
Brain Alchemy Home Study
How to Write Articles
Scientific Sales Letters
Publish Book on Three Prongs

16 Week Course
May 2004

Brain Alchemy
August 2004 : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Example of Product Based Business
Bed Company





Fill in the blanks above. Go on, try it for the bed business. Youll see how
easy it is to come up with the answers. And once youre done, listen to the
audio CD. Youll find that most people can come up with a whole bunch of
ideas that work really well for the three prong system. Then take this simple
model and put it to work for your company! Remember, the big thing is
about implementation, not about knowing. So go ahead and implement. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Starting with intimidation
The first thing this Three Prong System should do is intimidate you. I mean,
how the heck are you going to be able to do all of this stuff? You have hardly
any time as things stand. Where do you start? How do you write articles?
Publish a book? Doesnt that cost money?
Ok, so youre getting really hot around the collar.
Cool down a bit. If you notice, at PsychoTactics when we started, we didnt
have a whole lot of product. We didnt have a whole lot of leverage. All we
had were a few articles and one very thin book of 20 pages called the Brain
Audit (Today its over 90 pages and will soon be a whole 220 pages). That
was it. We didnt start with two hundred thousand products, services and
training sessions all at once.
And neither did the bed company. They just had their products and the usual
brochures. They did nothing but sit around and wait for the customer to
walk through the door. If they did get their message out to the people, it
was usually through an ad in the newspaper. They learned that they could be
doing so much more.
So was it challenging? You bet it was! No one likes to get out their comfort
zone, you, I or the bed company are no different. The only way to create
training or leverage is to promise the customer the goods in advance. Unless
the product needs instant delivery, you can quite safely promise the
service/training and take payments in advance. Once the day on which you
need to deliver rolls along, simply create and deliver the goods. Youve
made a promise to your clients and the date and the delivery forces you to
get off your you-know-what and deliver the goods!
And the magic of the Three Prongs Comes Alive!
From the point you create your first product or training session youre
creating leverage like never before. A product can be sold to multiple
customers time and time again with little effort on your part. Instead of
trying to educate or speak to one customer at a time, you can have a whole
lot of customers come to your premises for a training session. In most cases,
this training need not be free. You can charge for this training and
customers would still be happy to pay if the information was valuable. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009 28

Section 2

Structuring Your Business

The best part about a product or training is that it creates more demand for
your consulting. And heres the big SECRET. If you can create more products
and more training...YOU DONT NEED CONSULTING. For instance we earn a
considerable amount each month through leveraged products and training.
This enables us to charge whatever we like for our consulting. If a client
finds us too expensive and doesnt want to hire us, were fine with that. If
they do, were fine with that too.
But best of all we can travel, take breaks and do whatever we choose
because training can take you places, like this workshop in LA. And products
sell through outlets like book stores, websites, etc.. No matter what were
doing or wherever in the world we choose to go. Is this making sense?
Of course you have an option
You can do NOTHING. You can go back to your old ways. You can do just your
consulting. Or sell your product. I mean, why bother with creating
workshops and booklets and stuff like that? Seems like a whole lot of work
to you, doesnt it? Yes indeed, its a whole lot of work and it may take twothree years before youre really starting to see some outstanding results. So
the question must arise. Is three years too long to wait?
The answer is simple:
If someone told you that you were going to get an inheritance in three years
provided you conducted a few workshops and wrote a booklet and created a
product or two, would you do it? The answer is most certainly YES! And you
know what? You dont have to wait for that inheritance. You can create the
wealth all by yourself.
How do you go about creating ideas?
Look on the Internet. Whats your topic of expertise? If you search the
Internet, youll find scores of topics to write or speak on to create products
and leverage of your own. You can go online and find workshops and what
they cover. So lets take a few examples of both products and services. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009

Section 2

Structuring Your Business

A random search for kitchens brings up tons of information. You dont even have to think! The right
hand bar, with the ads gives you products you can create.

Looking for training topics? Just a simple keyword like Kitchen Workshop will bring up a whole bunch
of workshops that you can conduct. I went to the Kitchen Workshop and they were full. Whod think
anyone would be interested in paying for a kitchen workshop? Yet customers do pay for workshops.

Section 2

Structuring Your Business

If you look at the websites on this page, youll never know they belong to the same business.
The website above is the consulting arm of the business and the one below sells product and
training. This client spent a lot of her time in consulting. When she switched over to training
and products, her business got a sense of structure. Now she can create more wealth and
freedom through training and product and is no longer dependent on the call of a consulting client. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

The Heady Mix of Consulting, Training and Leverage
Consulting is great. It just takes up oodles of your time. So why bother with
consulting? There are lots of small answers but just one big one. The biggest
reason in favour of consulting is that it keeps you on your feet. When youre
consulting, clients ask you dozens of questions that you may have never
considered before. In most cases you know the answers. You dont know the
questions. Read that line again.
Consulting provides the questions. Which is why no matter how cozy you
get, you should never, ever give up consulting. Also consulting can be very
lucrative once you get the other prongs in place. When youre earning a
nice, fat packet from training and leverage, you can raise your prices
considerably. You can also pick and choose your clients putting in strict
measures and conditions when you work with someone.
Jim Collins is an example of pure leverage and training. Hes the author of
Built to Last and Good to Great and whom Forbes magazine calls the
hottest management in the world. Heres an extract of Jims
his own words:
Allow me also to use a personal example. Part of my professional vision is
to contribute through teaching and to harness my curiosity and passion for
learning in ways that make a positive impact on the world. From that goal
flows the imperative that I allocate time primarily to research, writing,
and teaching and limit consulting work only to those situations in which I
can contribute as a teacher.
To reinforce that imperative, I have created two catalytic mechanisms: the
come to Boulder rule and the four-day rule. The first rule states that I
will not engage in a direct advisory relationship with any organization
unless the chief executive agrees to travel to my Boulder research
laboratory. Executives spend huge sums of money on consultants, but
money doesnt equal commitmentif you have a big enough budget,
invoices just dont hurt. Yet all chief executives, no matter how large their
budgets, have only 24 hours in a day. If a CEO flies all the way to Boulder,
he or she has demonstrated commitment to serious discussions and hard
work, and the likelihood that I will make a significant impact as a teacher
increases exponentially. Most important, those not committed to real (and : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

perhaps uncomfortable) change eject right up front.
The second mechanismmy four-day rulestates that any given
organization has an upper limit of four days of my advisory time in a year.
The most lasting impact comes by teaching people how to fish, not by
fishing for them. Organizations that want an adviser to fish for them selfeject through this catalytic mechanism. Admittedly, these are highly
unusual devices, and they would be disastrous for most consulting firms
that depend upon continual growth to feed their machine. Yet they are
perfectly designed for a strategy aimed at explicitly not building a large
consulting business. They are unique to me, as all catalytic mechanisms
should be to their creators.
In effect, Jim is the consummate trainer and leverage expert. He earns a
living via teaching, which he loves, and leverage through his books and
other mediums. The consulting is kept to an absolute minimum and is
extremely high priced and condition-based.
Training allows you to avoid having to create one on one meetings with
clients. If you use leverage and training wisely, you almost never have to do
a sales pitch. When you have a training session, you get many clients
educated all at once AND you get them educated at their cost. This factor is
important. When the client has paid for training, they are more likely to
find value in it, than you just showing up at their office and making a
presentation. Most of the big names in different fields use training as a very
powerful weapon to get their message across and to sell leveraged product
as well.
However, lets go look at a small business owner. Instead of going to her
clients, Maria got her clients to attend small training sessions. The clients
would pay a small fee for these sessions.
Maria rarely had to do any sales pitch as a result. After a training session,
shed show the clients the services that she had available. Theyd logically
buy into the services. Training is psychologically very different from a sales
pitch because 1) The customer pays to be there 2) They are in a student
mode not in a client mode. This is a very important difference.
Being in a student mode, makes clients want to learn more from the
teacher. You, then assume the mantle of the guru or learned one. The one
whom clients must follow and listen to. Best of all training allows you to up
sell product or consulting quite easily and with the most minimal effort. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 2

Structuring Your Business

Once you start to get a loyal client database, training can be an instant
revenue earner. Last Christmas, we had sudden expenses including a
complete change of our roof. We were looking at approximately $7-8
thousand in expenses. Thats quite a bit of money to shell out at short
notice. All we did was send out one email to our client list informing them
of a day long training session. The offer was irresistible and the clients took
up the offer immediately. In under a week the seminar was completely sold
out and we had the money in the bank. Training is a powerful instant
income generation/education device. Make sure you have at least one
training workshop ranging between one hour to three days depending on the
content you have to deliver. Of course I am assuming you have excellent
content to deliver.
Where do I start? When you have leveraged products, youre a machine. You
dont have to wake up in the morning to sell your product. Your book is
selling at the downtown store, across the world in Japan or through your
Internet site or some affiliate making a presentation somewhere. The point
is that once you have a product or a series of products, you still have to put
in some hard work, but nowhere nearly as much as in consulting.
Even in a smaller training scenario, youd be quite successful in selling 8-10
products after a speech. Priced at barely $100 -$200, that would make you
an instant $1,000-$2,000 for an hours work. Obviously were not counting
the speaking fees and the possibility of signing up someone for consulting. If
you persist and create great content, its not unusual for trainers to make
$5,000-$10,000 or more in speaking fees and as much as $200,000 or more
on the sales of product. T. Harv Eker, routinely speaks at events where the
event itself is absolutely free, but sales from the products range close to or
more than a million dollars.
And selling products is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you start creating
products, youre literally creating currency. You can barter your products for
other products. The cost of production is very minuscule and it allows us to
get thousands of dollars of bartered goods for close to nothing. And barter is
simple. I send the clients my product and they send theirs in return. Our
products might be worth thousands of dollars on the open market, but in a
barter, theyre just the cost of the materials. If youre an information junkie
(and you should be) youll need a constant stream of education. Having
products that you can barter is better than money in the bank. Youre not
only able to barter, but also able to create a joint alliance with parties
worldwide. In effect, the world becomes your playground.
The key factor to remember about leveraged products is that youll be
silly...very silly not to create products. Sure there will be hurdles along the
way, and theres a lot to learn, but if you ever think of giving up, just
remember these words:Bill Gates doesnt sell consulting! : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Summary: 2

Structuring Your Business

Why Consulting?


Why Leverage?

1) Allows you to cater to clients that cant

1) Its natural. Its what you do
afford your services
2) Consulting allows you to be sharp
2) Allows you to become a manufacturer
as customers keep coming up with
and not have to be hands-on in the business
new problems for you to solve
3) Over time, it creates a regular stream of
Why Training?
3) Youll get more ideas for products
income so you dont care if you never have to
by consulting than by any other system 1) Training is an instant income generator
do consulting again.
4) When used in tandem with training 2) Training allows you to educate clients at their cost
4) It reduces the number of tire-kickers. Only
and products, consulting can be a very 3) Training saves enormous time even if you dont charge
serious buyers will go beyond the product stage
4) It helps you build product and reputation simultaneously
high income generator. Your specific
onwards to training and consulting.
consulting services can be used only for 5) It helps you build a system/structure for your business
5) Helps grow the business exponentially. A
people that are willing to pay your fee. 6) It becomes a huge barter tool
book or CD can reach a far wider audience than
7) Training is a travel ticket. With a good training system
5) Consulting is one on one. It allows
you can hope to reach with consulting or training.
you will have people paying for your travel locally and
you the ability to be more close to the
6) One product leads to another. In a short while
customer and more specific
youll find that creating product in different forms
8) Its a low risk option for most clients that want to check
is amazingly exciting and lucrative
you out without investing in expensive consulting/product
7) Leveraged product allows you to barter,
9) Its a great front-end system, enabling you to get more
create strategic alliances and create a parallel
consulting and more product sales as a result.
income for your business.
10) Training is far superior to having to do a sales pitch.
8) Leverage allows you to have both physical as
As a trainer you attain the status of teacher and expert. As
well as informational product. Remember the
a salesperson, theres far more walls put up by the buyer.
biggest power tool in the world today is
Note: Training isnt as scary as it sounds. Have you ever
information. Packaging information is not only
seen a nervous person on TV or Radio? The people being
vital for your own business, but its a wonderful
interviewed are shaking in their boots, but you cant see the
nervousness. Besides, the nervousness usually subsides within tool to sell to competitors.
9) Leveraged product is the key to freedom. Its
the first 10 minutes.
the only system that allows you to break from
the shackles of having to turn up every single
day to work. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 3
The Concept of Time

Record Everything
Store Everything you do
This includes e-mails you answer
Consulting Sessions
Training Sessions

Why it's such a
complete waste
of time

Concept of

The concept of discipline

How you need to have someone
always ready to chew your head
off. As a result you've got to
deliver product

Store all mistakes and

keep basic reminder
notes on what you fixed
and how you fixed things

Use information in forums,

posts, in your e-mail responses
to create a product or at least
to create 'frequently asked questions'

f you expected this section to be about time management then youre

about to be disappointed. Because its not the usual rah-rah about how to
prioritise things and go about creating order in your world. But for the
rare exception, Im assuming that your world is filled with chaos. Im
assuming youre never going to change your habits. And in nine cases out of
ten, Id be right. Youre either one heck of a tidy and meticulous person. Or
So how can you create time if youre not a checklist kind of person? Heres
how you do it. You look for leverage everywhere. In what you do every day.
In this section were going to explore one of the biggest problems of a
businesswoman or businessman. The concept that we have No Time. And
that this situation isnt going to improve. Ever!
Here are some very powerful time savers:
Time Saver No 1: Record Everything
The biggest advantages of recording every thing is that you stop doing
repetitive things. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 3

The Concept of Time

If you spend a lot of time doing repetitive things, make sure you have
Canned Messages. Customers often ask the same questions repeatedly. If
you have a canned message section, all you have to do is cut and paste a
previously written message.
For example: At (PsychoTactics Membership) there are multiple
passwords. Theres one password to get into the Membership section and a
personal password for the forum itself. To many people this is a pretty
straightforward exercise, but between 10-30 people get confused and type
in the wrong passwords and are refused access. Instead of re-issuing
instructions every single time, we simply cut and paste a message and the
client is able to solve his/her problem. It takes under a minute instead of
writing a 20 minute email.
Another angle to recording every thing, is the recording of client
conversations, sales pitches and just about anything that you do on a day to
day basis. With the right structure, you should be able to find a way to turn
all these recordings (either on paper/electronically/audio or otherwise) into
a saleable product.
For example: We store every sales email. Now whats the use of an email
once its gone out? Let me ask you this. If I could give you a book/cd full of
emails that have been used to sell workshops, sell books, sell consulting ,
etc., would you be interested? Then if I told you which of the emails worked
and why, would your eyes light up like a torch? Im betting they will. Yet
most businesses dont store any of their information. As you can plainly see,
this information will be turned into a very valuable product and generate
thousands of dollars over the years.
Another example: You get into a meeting with a client and you give the
client a lot of ideas, some of which you may have never thought up before
and are pretty specific to the clients questions. These answers might be
made in person or via email or via phone. Recording the communication is
very vital, because everything that you say, type or send out has
informational value. All you have to do is package the information and you
start to create a very powerful product.
Time Saver No.2: The Power of Mistakes
Imagine you have a website. And it doesnt work that well. You fix it dont
you? You get a new website design, you get new copy and bingo, suddenly
youve got sales. And you thank god you changed the website. Yet youve
overlooked one very great asset.
The asset is called Mistakes. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 3

The Concept of Time

Whenever you make a mistake your first instinct is to wipe the mistake off
the face of the planet. Yet that action of wiping out is in itself a mistake.
Because consider this. Youve spent time making that mistake. And youve
learned that its a mistake. So now its time to leverage your mistake. Oh
yes, fix your mistake, but make sure you store the goof up along with the
fixed version.
If for instance a sales pitch didnt work and youve improved it and made it
work...youve got a product. If you changed your branding or brochures or
cards or system and youve made a profit, well there are others who are
dying to know what you did, just so that they dont make the same mistake
as you did.
Mistakes are big money. People will pay more to find out what NOT to do,
than what to do. So there you go. Store your mistakes. Every one of them.
And youve started to build a product for yourself.
A good example is the Brain Audit Rip. We had a web page that wasnt
converting well at all. When we did an audit of our website we decided to
take down the page and replace it with better copy, visuals, etc. Before we
replaced the page, we saved an old copy. The new page almost instantly
converted more customers. So we took the old page and the new page and
created a teleclass called the Brain Audit Rip. Thats it. One hour on the
telephone teaching clients the before/after and this product - our mistake has netted us a considerable amount of money.
The lesson? Dont trash your mistakes!
Time Saver No. 3: Turn your Advice into Money!
Everything you do each day, you should save to be sold as a product in the
future. Many of us will go to forums, respond to daunting email questions
and give away very valid information on a day to day basis. We may also be
in consulting and give away gems of information that we make no note of.
The key to product creation is to store everything thats remotely valuable.
I spend a fair bit of time answering questions in forums and email. Now
technically thats time wasted unless I store the material. So now when I
answer an email or a forum question, I re-paste the question and the answer
in my members section. This provides value for the members as well as
forms the content for a booklet or book. The same information can then be
further repackaged to be an audio book or be given away as a bonus.
Whether youre a service or product based business, you give out huge
amounts of information each day. You may think its common knowledge. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 3

The Concept of Time

You may not think its worthwhile. Believe me, it is.
Do you think everyone knows how to choose the best kitchen? Or the best
sofa? Do you think everyone knows how to write a great article? The chances
are you have loads of information in your head that you think is
commonplace. Yet its not. And customers are more than happy to pay for
good information.
Every single day, you give out this information without putting a value to it
or seeing the ramifications of how it can bring you consulting projects,
training opportunities and the ability to create this information into a
product. Store it, file it and repackage it. And bingo, you have product that
someone will be willing to pay for.
Time Saver No. 4: Make Promises
This is strictly not a time saver. Its more of a time management/product
creation system. In this system you actually make a promise to someone
else. Then youre forced to keep that promise and as a result you turn out a
constant stream of information. Most of us are too hassled and when were
not hassled, were just plain lazy. If we dont have a gun to our heads, well
find some way to avoid doing a job.
Promise your trade magazine youll write a small article. Promise your
clients youll give them a teleclass. Promise a newsletter every month/two
months. The mere action of promising causes you to create something. Note
however, that if the promise is too big, then it kind of falls apart. You get
too busy and the commitment fails to exist. Therefore, take small steps at a
Example: When we started out, we used to write small articles for a regular
news magazine. The deadline itself would cause us to deliver on time.
Another example has been creating a series of workshops. First the
workshop is sold and only then is the content created and polished. Its the
same with audio product. In most cases, the promise is made in advance and
then delivered later.
This may not seem like a time-saving system but in reality it is. Because you
know as well as I do, if it wasnt for the last minute, nothing would get
done. People who plan to write books and create products ruminate for
hours and days and often even years, never turning out anything at all. Yet
one deadline is enough to spur them into action. Make sure you have a
deadline and someone pushing you to that deadline. Then watch how you
create products and training out of thin air :). : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 3

The Concept of Time

Time Saver No.5: Dont, Dont, Dont Reinvent
The biggest time waster of all is re-invention. Time after time, people try to
do things themselves. The easiest system of all is to follow someone who is
successful. Follow a large chunk of their system. Get their products. See
how they sell. Pattern yourself on a person/company you admire and can
relate to. And this applies not just to a business system but also to a
brochure, website, ad, etc. There are lots of examples of great
communication, great business and great structure just waiting for you to
emulate. Dont be a rip-off artist but you sure can follow the basic
guidelines and then add your own touch.
You can avoid re-invention by:
1) Investing in Education
2) Not Re-Inventing Communication
If you follow this system of time saving, youll be ahead by miles. As a
business, weve simply patterned ourselves on other successful businesses.
Weve made sure we follow the things we admire and avoid the things that
dont appeal to us.
And this is the system weve adopted when were emulating another
successful company:
1) Sign up to the newsletter
2) Buy that companys product
3) Buy into their consulting/training
4) Emulate their structure and systems wherever possible
The same non-reinvention system can also be used for a communication
piece or design.
1) You find a brochure that appeals to you.
2) You analyse the structure of what the other company is hoping to
achieve. Eg: They could be selling sofas by educating you about the sofas
first and then giving you contact details etc. You could sell computers or
consulting the same way.
3) You substitute your text and pictures where required.
4) If the company is competitive, youll have to watch what theyre doing in
terms of systems and procedures. Its best to find a company thats noncompetitive and probably not in your industry. Theyre much more likely to
be far more co-operative in giving you information.
5) Dont reinvent. Its a waste of time. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Time Savers

Summary: 3

The Concept of Time

Record Everything
1)Recording allows you to
go back and use ideas,
concepts etc. Its dead easy
to transcribe, but almost
impossible to remember
a conversation in detail.
2) Recording systems makes
sure you dont waste needless
hours doing repetitive tasks.
3) Anything you record
becomes a potential product
down the line.

Harness Mistakes
1) Dont erase mistakes. They
are very powerful potential
2) Take a mistake and the fix
and create a product out of them.
Its dead easy to do and great fun
and best of all it makes you money
without eating up too much time.
3) Mistakes can be sold to competition
as well as to customers. No one wants
to make mistakes. Theyd pay good
money to learn from your mistakes. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009

Dont Reinvent
1) The single, biggest waste of time is
the concept of re-invention. Do it yourself
Turning Advice into Ideas
isnt all its cracked up to be.
1) When you respond to email, post
2) Learning from someone else shortens
on forums or give advice in any form
your learning curve by years, even decades.
youre actually creating a product.
3) Re-Invention can be avoided in communication.
Store this advice in a manner that can
You can write ads, create websites, write newsletters,
be repackaged and distributed. Advice
even create your whole business model based solely
can be turned into multiple product/training
on following a few companies.
and leverage systems.
Make Promises
1) Getting yourself into a deadline based
situation where you have to deliver is a
very powerful motivator.
2) Promises may not seem like a time saver
but it forces you to create and deliver product
on time. When trying to create product, most
businesses waste far too much time. A deadline
kills all the hooing and haaing and gets you
down to business.
3) Examples of promises could be a syndicated
column, an article, a newsletter or any thing
that compels you to deliver to a schedule.


Section 4
Simple Leverage
1) What is Piggybacking?
2) How to create catchment areas
3) Creating syndication

1) The Importance of Alliances

2) How to create an alliance
3) Alliances vs. Networking
4) Paperwork (Very Important!)


Strategic Alliances



1) Types of Barter
2) Barter Applications
3) Crazy Deal Barter
4) Barter Triangulation
5) Rules for Barter

here are literally dozens of leverage tools. Some of them take money
and time and a lot of effort. The three tools of barter, strategic
alliances and piggy backing are the simplest and the most easy to
implement. Which is why Ive chosen these tools to show you how you can
rapidly grow your business with little or no resources.
Lets start with barter. By now, youve probably realised that its going to be
one heck of a long road if you dont create a product or a series of products.
Ideally you should be able to back up your product with a training system.
And in the notes to follow Im going to show you how you can take that
product and get hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of product in
exchange for your information.
But before we start, lets just lay down the rules of barter. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage
The Rules of Barter
1) Thou shalt avoid bartering services. Services are a pain in the you know
where and are way too ambiguous (thats a fancy word for vague). Youre
better off bartering products and/or training. Avoid bartering consultancy
under most circumstances.
2) Ok, so Im breaking the rule I just made. If you must barter consultancy
avoid bartering projects as far as possible. Barter hours for hours. That is,
Ill give you one hour of my time in exchange for one hour of your time. End
of story.
3) Barter at retail price not at wholesale. So your product may cost you $10
to produce but you sell it for $2000. Well, barter it for an equal value!
4) Barter with excess capacity. For example: If you have a workshop, dont
barter at the start. Barter at the end when you know how many seats you
have to fill.
5) Always make sure you have the paperwork. I cannot stress how important
this factor is for ALL business transactions. However in most cases, when
money changes hands, there is a tacit agreement. In barter, its almost
always verbal and confusion reigns supreme. Avoid getting into trouble and
needless arguments. Put it down on paper.
The next time you barter, look back at these rules. Weve made every single
one of these mistakes and paid the price. We were lucky. In most cases it
was more of a nuisance factor than a full blown nightmare. You may not be
so lucky, so make sure you refer back to these rules of barter before you get
any sort of agreement.
Types of Barter
1) Tangible
2) Intangible
Tangible barter is when you barter something for something. The value may
or may not be similar. So I can barter a product for another product. For
example, we will barter products such as the Brain Audit E book for another
product. Over the past year, weve bartered product for product on a
consistent basis. At retail this product were bartering for, may cost
thousands of dollars. However the cost of creating the product is just tens
of dollars plus shipping. If the product youve created is of good value,
youre very likely to get a whole bunch of product in exchange.
Therefore youll find me stressing on the importance of product right
through this series. With product in hand, you are literally creating dollars
without any effort at all. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage
You can barter $1 for $1. Thats what most businesses tend to do. However,
if youre smart...tah, dah...youll barter $2 or $3 for $1. This is what I call
Crazy Deal Barter. Let me explain. Lets say your product costs $300. If you
go to a seller and offer a $300 product in exchange for their $100 product,
are they likely to reject your offer? In most cases, a seller will be jumping
out of their skins to make the deal as quickly as possible. Of course, theres
always the silent objection of Is this too good a deal? and thats something
you have to address when approaching the seller. Tell them why you want
the product and why youre willing to give them a superb deal in exchange
for their product.
So what sense does it make to give away $300 and get $100 in return? Ya,
ya, I know it makes no sense at all. But look at it objectively. How much
does the manufacturing of your product cost you? In most cases, its very
little and its been marked up for the market. Youre getting what you want
for a tiny sum. So why not go for it? Most people are too egotistic to
understand this concept. They want an apple for an apple. And they often
get nothing. Now if youre bartering services, an apple for an apple should
be the acceptable norm. If youre bartering products, however, give the
seller a really good deal. Youll soon have all the products you want at a
fraction of the price youd pay retail.
Intangible Barter
Intangible barter is when you get product/services without offering anything
very tangible in exchange. Let me give you an example. A movie critic gets
dozens of free movies to attend in exchange for a critique. The critique may
or may not be favourable, but the movie critic gets it all the same.
The key to intangible barter is to hold some position of POWER. Sounds
good eh? Except youre wondering how you can have this giddy headed
power. Heres how. You may not have realised it, but your client database is
a very potent tool. This means that if you have clients, you can recommend
the vendors product. The more clients you have, the more POWER you
accumulate. Effectively you get to play movie critic. You can approach
vendors and ask them for their product in exchange for a review. If you find
their product wonderful, youll recommend their product to all your clients.
If you dont find it wonderful, youll say nothing.
With this simple policy, weve managed to get lots of products that we use
in our business each day. Weve got accommodation on our business trips.
Weve even got software/hardware and professional advice. And its all been
because of us being able to promote the vendors product/service to our
list. Its important to keep the barter strictly business based. If you bring in
personal gain for business, youll looking at trouble with the tax
department. As always, check with your tax consultant. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage

A more complex form of barter is Barter Triangulation. This form of barter

has been popularised by Jay Abraham, marketer extra ordinaire. If you want
to get involved in this kind of barter, youd have to have a fair bit of time
and some serious bartering skills.
Heres how Barter Triangulation Works:
1) You sell consulting and want radio time.
2) The radio station isnt interested in your consulting.
3) The radio station wouldnt mind a sofa for their reception.
4) You go to a sofa company and offer your services in exchange for a sofa.
5) You get the sofa which you barter with the radio station.
6) You get radio time.
7) And everyone lives happily ever after.
As you can see, this form of barter is effective, but needs a fair bit of
wheeling and dealing before it becomes a reality. As your business grows
exponentially and you have far more time in a day, you should be able to
put deals like this together and create amazing leverage.
Barter Applications:
Eventually though, if I were you, Id use barter only
1) If you have a surplus of product/services time.
2) If you want a product/service and dont want to pay full retail.
3) If you wanted to create strategic alliances through a crazy barter deal. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage
Piggy Back Riding
Piggy back. Who wants to ride piggy back? Most of us loved to ride piggy
back when we were kids. Well, heres the good news. You can ride piggy
back even as an adult. And you can use this simple concept in your
business day after day.
So what is Piggy Back Riding?
Piggy back riding is leverage of another kind. It allows you to create
what I call a catchment area. To give you an understanding of what I
mean, lets look at a dam. When the rain comes bucketing down, the
dam just sits there and traps the water. Theres no additional effort
involved. Once the dam is built and the catchment is created, it allows
you to use the water for power generation, irrigation and other uses.
This system of leverage can effectively be used both online and offline.
Online: Say you go to a site today and subscribe to their newsletter. In
most cases youll be taken to the thank you page once youve
subscribed. Notice theres no additional value for you as a subscriber.
Youll find the same scenario in place when you buy a product. Youll be
taken to a thank-you-for-buying-our-product-page and thats it.
These thank you pages represent a gold mine for you. If you can create
information/product thats really valuable, you are creating a
permanent catchment area. Every time someone buys something or
someone subscribes on that site, you can offer that client to come to
your site and get a free informational report/product. The more clients
come to the original site to subscribe/buy the more chances you have of
driving them to your site. The more the original site promotes their
business the more traffic they get and eventually more clients end up on
your site and if you do a good job, theyll become your clients as well.
Steps to create a catchment area online:
1) Approach a site complimentary to yours.
2) Offer to give their clients a free gift. This could be information or a
product or even a service.
3) Make sure you pitch the free gift as add on value for the sites
4) Ideally the customer should be directed to your site to sign up for the
free gift/service/product/information. This enables you to get the
customer on your client database.
5) The more the site promotes themselves, the more customers get
driven to your site and eventually become your customers.
6) A permanent catchment area is created. This catchment area requires
no supervision whatsoever. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage
Steps to create catchment areas offline:
A concept is a concept. This myth of online and offline is eventually just
that - a big myth. Heres how you can use the catchment area concept
Lets assume you own a coffee store or a bed store or even sell
consulting/training in some form or another.
1) Approach a book store in the area.
2) When their customer buys a product offer a free coffee/discount on
purchase/free consulting/ free informational product.
3) This creates a permanent catchment area every time someone buys off
the book store.
Obviously, youve got to find a complimentary business whom you can work
with. However, once you set up the catchment area, theres very little to be
done. An offline arrangement will take more effort than an online one. Once
an online arrangement is set up, the customers will continuously be driven
to your site as long as the original page stay up. An offline arrangement
requires a bit of supervision from time to time to make sure it works
Remember those comics you read as a child? Remember those articles you
read and were enlightened? Remember the TV Comedy you just watched and
had a great laugh at? Theres one thing common with all of them. Theyre
all syndicated.
Syndication is simply creating content once and making sure it goes out to
tens and hundreds of content providers all at once. This system of leverage
forces you to meet a deadline and get your content across to an eagerly
waiting audience. If youre with me, youve already realised the importance
of creating content. In fact, youve pretty much understood that its an
absolute necessity.
So now youve only got to make sure it goes out to an audience. Except
where are you going to find that audience? Thats the key isnt it? Well
heres the answer. There are two kinds of audiences again: Online and
Online: No matter what you do, there are dozens of membership sites out
there. So if youre into gardening, marketing or computers, there are plenty
of members only sites out there. The owners of these sites have to keep
these members signing up year after year. Hence they have to provide their : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage
members with rich content and ideas. Because of time constraints, the
owners of these membership sites are always looking for great content. And
if theyre not looking, you can always suggest that youd be happy to
provide a regular stream of content for their subscribers.
Be sure to underline the fact that its darn hard to create content all the
time, and how you could provide another perspective on the topic on a very
regular basis. Now for you this could be reasonably easy if you didnt sit
down to write War and Peace(Thats a really big book by the way). If all
you did was write a paragraph or two of really good information and
syndicated it to the members site, youd not only be creating:1) A sense of discipline thats usually hard to maintain.
2) A system that would drive customers of the membership site to your
business on a regular basis.
3) Bit by bit, day by day, youre creating your product. If you keep up the
creation of content, you should have a product or two to go with little or
no effort at all.
Syndication isnt easy. Youve still got to knock on doors. And take the
rejection that comes with knocking on doors. But syndication has been made
a lot easier by RSS feeds. Thats Really Simple Syndication (RSS). So your
readers/membership sites can get a whole lot of content from you either by
you emailing it them directly or by an RSS feed.
Offline Syndication:
Offline Syndication is much harder. The expanse of an Internet site is
enormous. If a website owner wants to expand his website, all he/she has to
do is add on a few pages. This isnt the case offline. A newspaper/magazine
or periodical needs to physically make space for your content. This means
you have to be really good at what you do, plus make a really good pitch to
the editor. And youre unlikely to hit a home run on your first attempt. If
you persist, however, someone will move out and youll get your slot. This
method of getting noticed is much slower and requires a dedication thats
pretty full on. But the rewards are great. Once youre accepted in one
periodical, its often easy enough to get published all over the place.
If youre really, really, really good, a syndication agency will actually sign a
contract with you and publish your expert comments worldwide. Youll
actually get paid to promote your business. How cool is that? : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage

Strategic Alliances
Strategic alliances are probably one of the most powerful tools you can have
to improve your leverage. Imagine this. Someone has spent many years
cultivating a clientele and developed a great rapport with that clientele. If
that someone recommends you to their clientele, you manage to get all
the trust and credibility as well.
Now there are several ways to do a strategic alliance.
1) Where you get a commission
2) Where you create a relationship based on giving
Lets tackle the commission one first. This is the most common strategic
alliance that exists. Where you create a scenario that enables you to earn a
fee for your recommendation.
So lets assume you have a flower store and you send your client across to
the gift store, you get a commission off what is bought at the gift store.
Now the deal between you and the gift store is simple. You can tell the gift
store that youll send your customers across and in turn you get a 5%
commission and the customer you send gets a 5% discount. Effectively,
youre sending the gift store customers they would have never had. And in
return theyre paying you a commission for it.
And thats a system that can be used both offline or online. On the Internet,
youll often find one company promoting another persons product. Similar
to the flower store, a company will bring you a product at a discounted
retail price, but still get to keep a commission.
Thats one way of creating a strategic alliance. Where the motive is sheer
profit. And youll find hundreds, if not thousands of examples of profit
driven strategic alliances. And believe me, you can create multiple streams
of income from this one system. Coke does it with McDonalds. Your garage
does it with the tyre store down the street. The travel industry has got it
down to a fine art with strategic alliances left, right and centre.
This sort of strategic alliance is based solely on profits and commissions.
When the commissions stop, the relationship effectively grinds to a halt. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage

Another way to do a strategic alliance is based on the Spiders Secret

Its called Giving. So you seek out people you want to work with. Its very
likely that when you think of doing a strategic alliance, youll approach that
person/company and offer a commission. If you offer them a commission to
sell your product, theres a likelihood that they may or may not be
interested. I mean, whos really interested in you? Lets face it, everyone is
interested in themselves. The chances are the bigger the party youre
approaching the less you have a chance to make an impression, no matter
how good the product or service you have to offer.
So heres a strategy thats worked well for us and I suspect will work well
for you as well. We offer to help out. We give the party something first
without any expectation or obligation.
Let me give you an example: I was recently at a World Internet Seminar and
I ran into a CEO who had over 20,000 clients on his list. Now most people
were approaching him to do a joint venture. In a scenario where there are
over 250 people it starts to get to you, if even 25 people start pitching to
you. So he basically shut himself off. He put on a Do Not Disturb Me sign on
his forehead and that was that. No one could come within a foot of him
from there on. So heres what I did. I went up to him and asked him his
biggest marketing challenges. And of course, he was happy to speak to me,
as he had heard me speak before. We sat for one hour and after that hour,
he bought me a drink, gave me access to his software worth $700 a year,
and offered to introduce me to his 20,000 subscribers.
Notice the lack of the word commission.
I could try all I wanted and never drum up a relationship of this kind if I
worked it around commission. And this isnt the first time Ive done a
strategic alliance using this strategy. Every single time we approach a
potential strategic alliance, we approach them from the angle of What can
I give this person/company? And every single time the response has been
extremely powerful and theres no talk of commission. This workshop was
promoted to over 50,000 people across the globe. Not one of the strategic
alliances asked for a commission.
Of course its your choice.
You always have a choice. And youll find that a system that works on
commission is a great source of income. Youll find at other times that a
system that works on you giving first and unconditionally is a better
strategy. The key to success in strategic alliances is really the same as
everything else in life. Its WIIFM (Whats in it for me?). Figure out whats in
it for the other person. Commission or help? Then act accordingly. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage
Alliances vs. Networking
Dont get me wrong. I love networking. Nothing beats a breakfast, lunch or
dinner and meeting like-minded people. And it sure gets you out of the
office. But dollar for dollar, youre better off spending the time working on
your alliances than with your potential clients.
Ill tell you why? No matter how much you network, you can at best hope to
meet between two to three people. And those people arent necessarily
your best contacts. They arent necessarily likely to be your customers.
Youre just fishing.
But even a fisherman knows where to fish
You fish where the fish are. The nice little pond might seem like a great
place to get some fishing done, but if there aint no fish, you aint going to
catch any. So you do your homework. You find out whom YOU want to
contact. You find out what that alliance wants and then you start to do
some real networking.
You get in touch via phone. If theyre based locally, take a decision maker
out to lunch. If you need to converse via email, do it. Youll find that you
can quite easily create a product/service for their target market. Then you
can literally give your product/service away to their customers.
Read that line again.
Yes, you can reach hundreds, if not thousands of customers at one go.
Admittedly, youre still doing networking of sorts, but its at such a high
level that its just mind boggling.
So I know what youre thinking. Youre a small business owner. What can you
give this big company to give to their customers? To start with, it can simply
be simple product. So lets think up some scenarios.
Coffee Store Give coffee vouchers
Video store - Free Video/DVD hire
Microphones - Information on how to choose the best mike for presentations
Health - Information on Specific Health issue
Marketing - How to improve business
Dentist - Unknown information about Teeth
Garage - Fuel Economy for your car + Voucher : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 4

Simple Leverage
I just pulled those professions out of my head. No matter what you do, you
can create a product that will get you in front of hundreds and thousands
of businesses at one go. Now, now. Dont start with the Fortune 500
companies. Start with a medium sized business and work your way up the
ladder. Eventually, youll find your ground level networking to be far less
productive than working with strategic alliances.
The Importance of Paperwork
You may think a handshake is good enough when youre working in any sort
of partnership. Let me clearly assure you that its not. The problem lies not
with ethics, but rather with communication noise. You hear what you want
to hear. The other party hears what they want to hear. What you tend to
end up with is unnecessary disagreements due to the noise.
One piece of paper with the terms clearly spelt out and signed by both
parties, is the most important thing you can do for your sanity. It doesnt
matter what the other party says just get it down on paper. Ive had a
series of issues with different companies where everything seemed hunky
dory at the start and then the entire deal turned to custard.
In the absence of the agreement you have chaos. And screaming. And I said
this and You said that. So could I have said all I wanted to say in the first
line? Could The Importance of Paperwork have been good enough to get
the message across?
So why did I take three paragraphs? Its just to underline the fact that
youre making one heck of a mistake if you dont get things down on paper. I
dont want to say I told you so, but Ill say it now. Some of you WILL NOT get
an agreement down on paper and will regret it. Ok, my responsibilitys over
:). : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


1) Strategic alliances are the key to quick and effective

growth. Nothing will grow your business faster than being
aligned to an alliance.
2) Alliances allow you to get a whole lot of product that
youd normally have to buy at retail. This is a very smart
move on your part. As long as you can barter with
alliances, you never have to buy too much product at
retail or even ever have to pay a price again.
3) Networking is a great concept, but alliances beat the
pants out of networking. While networking is pretty much
one on one, alliances can create an amazing flow of traffic
often sending tens, hundreds or even thousands of
potential clients your way.
4) You can choose to work with a strategic alliance on the
basis of commissions or on the basis of giving. You may
find the giving systems to be far more powerful than any
commissions you can work with. Dont write off the
commission system though, as it can provide you with a
good flow of income.
5) Paperwork. Did I say paperwork? I did say paperwork.
Now get the paperwork done before you do anything!

Strategic Alliances

Simple Leverage

Summary: 4

Simple Leverage

1) Its very easy to piggy back off
another companys success. Its
important to lay the ground work
and create permanent catchment
areas. This ensures a constant flow
of customers to your business.
2) Creating a catchment area may
be a lot of hard work to start with,
but it works online with little or no
supervision. Offline it helps to
have some sort of supervision or at
least some sort of formal
3) A good form of piggybacking is
the concept of syndication. As you
create content, make sure it
doesnt sit with you. The more you
get your information syndicated,
the greater the chances of you
getting a very wide exposure in
your field and eventually attracting
far more customers than ever

Barter Concepts

1) There are two main types of barter.

Tangible and intangible. The more your
company grows, the more youll be able to
use the power of intangible barter. If your
company is smaller use tangible barter.

2) Tangible barter is when you exchange

something for something. Intangible barter
is when you can barter product or services
merely on the basis of future gain.

3) There are rules for barter. Follow the

basic rules and youll do ok. Break the rules
and youll get yourself in big trouble.

4) Indulge in a lot of crazy deal barter. It

will greatly increase the number of strategic
alliances you can work with and also get you
products and even services that normally
would be off limits. When youre giving
away products or information, your cost
factor is extremely low but the perceived
value is very high. Make full use of the
perceived value of your product.

5) Barter Triangulation is a nifty concept.

When youre struggling to do straight
barter, try triangulation. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
The Spiders Secret

The Concept of Giving

What you should give
Why you should give
The Power of Opt In
The Rules of Opting In

Why bother with Education

How do you educate?
When do you educate?
Whom do you educate?

The Spiders

How to Create Evangelists

Care, Guidance and Protection

ouve tried everything under the sun to get new clients. Well, almost
everything. You see youve been facing the wrong way. You keep
trying to get clients, to get referrals. And yes that works but its
pretty inconsistent. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt and you
tear your hair out wondering what the heck you should do.
The answer is to stop trying to get clients. Use the Spiders Secret.
If you look at a fox, the fox is always trying to run after its food. Many a
time a fox will fail. Often it will go hungry. When was the last time you saw
a spider run after its food? Spiders are smart. They know what they must do.
They build a web and they attract their food to the web. And youve got to
learn the spiders secret too.
Learn how to draw clients to you instead of chasing after them like a fox.
So whats the secret? Its called GIVING. Thats it? Giving? Nothing else?
What kind of secret is giving? Actually its a pretty old secret. Its been
around for thousands of years.
Surely youve heard of Give and You Shall Receive, but hey this is business.
Why should that concept work for business? : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

It works because of a simple reason. Its called the law of Reciprocity. A law
thats well know and reasonably well documented in the book Persuasion
by Robert Cialdini, that you must read by the way. When you give you bring
down the defences of the person youre giving to. They feel compelled to
return the favour. And bingo... you get back. Instantly youve created a
web. The more you give, the more you start to get back. So, if all you did
was created a web of giving and spun it around till it was nice and big,
youd keep getting back way more than you put in. Makes sense doesnt it?
So its example time.
A friend of mine Wayne was trying desperately to sign up potential
customers. You see, Wayne had just joined a freight forwarding company as
a salesman. And he was given a list of potential clients. Well, Wayne called
and called and called. And Waynes pitch was simple. He said, Hi Im
Wayne from XYZ Freight Forwarding and Id like to tell you how we can help
you with your freight forwarding. Then hed give details and prices and
basically never hear from most of the potential clients.
Wayne was clearly upset. This strategy wasnt working too well for him at
So he used the Spiders Secret. He decided to give. But Wayne had no idea
what he could give. I mean he didnt own the company so there was
precious little to give. Except he did have information. So we sat down and
worked out the information he could give. Apparently he knew that freight
forwarding companies had their own skeletons in the closet. A client could
quite easily lose between $2,000 to $20,000 or more a year by minor shading
of currencies, etc.
Wayne found there were 20 different ways a freight company could rip off a
client. He jotted it down in a booklet called 20 Ways a Freight Company
Could Be Ripping You Off. Then he started making the calls. Hed give the
client two or three ways they could be losing money on the phone. And then
promised to give them the 17 ways when he got the appointment. And
Wayne started to get appointments galore.
At the appointment, hed give them his little booklet and then ask for
permission to keep in touch via email or regular mail. And hed keep sending
helpful information. Some of the prospects turned into clients instantly.
Others came on board shortly after. And Wayne kept converting clients as
the months passed. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

And his conversion strategy?

Notice I didnt say conversion tactic!
I said strategy. Most people think of giving as one of the things you do. I
want you to get those darned foolish thoughts out of your head. Its not one
of the things you do. Its the only thing you do! You give as a strategy. And
then watch as the customers come trooping in through the door.
Claude Hopkins, father of modern marketing outlined it extensively in his
book Scientific Advertising. Here is a small extract:
Offer Service
Remember the people you address are selfish, as we all are. They care
nothing about your interests or your profit. They seek service for
themselves. Ignoring this fact is a common mistake and a costly mistake in
advertising. Ads say in effect, "Buy my brand. Give me the trade you give to
others. Let me have the money."
That is not a popular appeal.
The best ads ask no one to buy. That is useless. Often they do not quote a
price. They do not say that dealers handle the product.
The ads are based entirely on service. They offer wanted information. They
site advantages to users. Perhaps they offer a sample, or to buy the first
package, or to send something on approval, so the customer may prove the
claims without any cost or risks. Some of these ads seem altruistic. But
they are based on the knowledge of human nature. The writers know how
people are led to buy.
Claude was bang on. So why does giving not work as it should? I mean you
could stand on the street corner and give stuff away all day. And some
people would take a look at it. Some people would throw it away. And some
people wouldnt even take what youre giving them.
Ahem...Giving has rules.
Rule 1: There must be opt-in
Rule 2: There must be a value
Rule 3: Only then do you give : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

So why all the rules?

Because when a person doesnt opt-in, youre throwing seed on stony
ground. They havent asked you for anything have they? So why should they
accept what youre giving just because its free? And then if it is free, then
free has no value right? Right in most cases! People have no value for free.
So youve got to create value for a product, even if it is free.
Let me give you an example online and offline:
Offline example:
At PsychoTactics you get free information. You get 26 articles absolutely
free. Nothing to pay. No obligation. So what happens when you run out of
articles to read? sign up. You opt in. Why? Because if you dont
sign up, you dont see the hidden articles. So that is the price you have to
pay. Thats the value. You have to give us your email address in order to get
the newsletter. Only then do you get the newsletter. These three rules have
to work sequentially or youre wasting your time by just giving away stuff.
You can give away by the truckload and still not get too much of a return.
So how does the giving strategy fit in?
Well people read the newsletter. They buy products. They attend your
workshops. They pay for consulting. And this is without us doing any
advertising or publicity whatsoever. Nothing. Just simple, structured giving.
Offline example:
Julia had a bed store. Every time some one asked for a quote for a bed,
shed give that prospect a pillow worth $50 (retail value) absolutely free.
The prospect would be gobsmacked. Theyd never ever got a gift like this
before and would take it only after a fair bit of explanation. So there you go
with the rules. Not everyone would get the pillow. Just the ones that optedin. Then there would be a value for the pillow ($50).
What was the result? We tested and the people that returned to buy a bed
was a staggering 70%. Imagine that. One act of structured giving, one pillow
that didnt cost Julia too much and a whole 70% returned to buy beds all
well over $2000 or more. Thats the power of giving. Plain and simple.
When there is no opt-in, you get tire kickers. The customers fail to qualify
themselves and hence latch on to any freebies you have to offer. Now
freeloaders are the last thing you want. The more qualified your customer,
the more chances you have of them converting to a permanent client.
So remember Rule No: 1 - Always get opt-in. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

Rule No. 2 is pretty easy to justify. If somethings free, it means the

product or service has no value. If you dont value your products/services,
how is your clients going to value the products/services.
Example: Many business owners offer to meet with a client to assess the
clients situation. Most business owners will do this assessment
complimentary. Now youve created zero value for yourself. Youve just
become another supplier. If however, you put a value tag on your services,
the client would value your time far more. So you tell the client that you
charge $200 for the consultation. And they have to fix an appointment. Let
the client protest. Let them say the $200 is too high. Then say, thats what
you charge and youll waive the fee, if...and you roll out the conditions.
The conditions could be:1) You bring in all the relevant documentation that wed require for this
2) You agree to meet at a venue of our choice (I like to meet clients outside
their office where the meeting ground is neutral) and so on. The key is to
create value. If you dont create value, and you just say Oh, Ill turn up for
the meeting at this time in your office...youve created no value. Creation
of value is very important.
In the case of Julias store, she created value by giving the prospect a pillow
and informing them that it was an $50 pillow. The sticker was on the box,
but she still informed them about the price and why they were being given
the gift.
Rule No.2: Make sure the value of the goods/services are adequately
described to the customer. They should know and feel the worth.
Rule No.3: Only once youve created Rule No.1 and Rule No.2 do you finally
give. And give freely. And youll find that youll receive many times over.
I realise you may be wondering why there are conditions to this giving
process. Why should giving be conditional? It has to be conditional otherwise
youll be swamped with so much activity that the quality of the giving will
go down. And this brings us to an important point. The quality is what
matters most of all. Any one can give anything at all. But if youre going to
give a potential client something, you want to be sure that the client is
qualified to use what youre giving. If they are qualified for what youre
giving, then you want to be sure you give them a very classy product or
service. And you cannot get quality in your business if you spread yourself
way too thin. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

Added Resources: To get the Power of Opt-In Power of Opt In.pdf

What should you give?

The most prized gift of all is information. We live in an information age and
are getting more and more confused all the time. The information we get
through conventional media is random, disconnected and causes chaos in
our brain. So people look to an expert to give them the information they
require, no less and no more. This information can be packaged in many
Youve seen this in the leverage section where there are close to 50 ways to
package and distribute information to your potential as well as existing
clients. And clients lap it up. They cant have enough of information in a
specific niche. For instance, if you wanted to learn about fly fishing, wine
making, real estate investing, marketing or any other topic youd want the
best information from one source as far as possible.
So the first thing you should do is figure out how you can package your
information. Which immediately brings us to a roadblock. What if you cant
write? What if you cant speak eloquently in public? What if you cant create
products as easily as others can? The answer to this question is quite simple.
Firstly, everyone can write, speak and do anything they choose to do. Its
just a skill like walking. You would not be walking if you didnt try and work
out the science of walking and then practise how to walk. And today, you
just get up and walk.
But what if you dont want to wait forever?
Well heres what you can do. Say you want to create an audio, all you have
to do is get on the phone and ask a friend to ask you pre-arranged questions
on your speciality. They ask the questions and you answer. And you record
the conversation.
Now youve got an audio. A little computer wizardry, and the audio is on a
CD and ready to be given out to a potential customer. Now darn it, youve
got to write as well, dont you? Well, not really. All you have to do is create
a transcript of the same audio and bingo youve got a book or a report.
Till you get comfortable writing or speaking the system above, is the
simplest, most cost and time effective system you can ever follow. Of : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

course, there are other ways to create the concept of giving. You can
actually give product or services. Maybe even someone elses services...Ooh
Im getting ahead of myself so let me explain.
In Julias case (refer to case study at the start of this chapter) she gave
away $50 pillows. Thats product and cost her real money, but it also
brought back a whole lot of customers that normally wouldnt return to buy
a bed. So the pillow was and is a worthwhile investment. If you have
product to give away, then its not hard to measure the direct impact of
giving vs. non-giving. To add to the resource, Julia also sent them a
newsletter. It was a series of collated articles from many places, cut and
pasted and put together. The customer got great information and a great
gift and headed back to the store within days of getting a quote off Julia.
However you dont always have to give away your product or services. As
you get skilful in your marketing, youll realise you can add on other
businesses as a giveaway. So Julia would invite her customers to a talk by a
chiropractor. In the bed store! And the chiropractor would give a
demonstration, give away some information plus some goodies and his
contact details. He got access to clients he would have never reached. And
Julia gets to give her clients an additional bonus by having another business
give away information and product. All Julia had to do was to convince the
other business- the chiropractor, of the value of getting clients that had
already warmed up to the bed company.
Of course, when the clients get to the bed company, what are they going to
look at? Why, beds of course! So you see, giving works. And you dont even
have to pay for it yourself. Which is cool, isnt it?
Why giving works
Its a trigger in our brain. Its almost impossible to get something and not
want to give something back. Its literally a balance of nature. Nature likes
to keep the balance going. It hates imbalance. So on the African savannah,
if the deer get faster, the cheetah get faster. The same balance applies to
life and business. Once you give, an unnatural force takes over and the
customer feels compelled to give back. The beauty of the system of giving is
that its really a form of branding. The more you give, the more you create
a sort of branding in the persons brain.
The weird part of the balancing is the imbalance
In many a case, while nature is trying to rectify the balance, it doesnt
understand how much to give back. So a pillow give away, results in the sale
of a bed. An hours training results in the purchase of consulting for a year.
The imbalance between what you give and what you get back is amazingly
loaded in your favour. So why wouldnt you give? : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

But this is all touchy-feely stuff isnt it? I mean where are the hard facts
of giving?
Before Robert Cialdini wrote his book Influence: The Psychology of
Persuasion, there were few recorded instances of hard proof. As human
beings, we know that each time mum sent a few slices of chocolate cake to
one of the neighbours, they would feel compelled to give something back.
Maybe muffins, cookies or even an invitation to tea or dinner. Thats proof in
my book, but not in a scientists book. He or she needs to have the hard
numbers. In his book, Robert talks about a few scenarios that were proven,
tested and measured by irrefutable scientific proof. Here are just two of the
In condition 1: When waiters were presenting their bill, they included a
mint for each person at the table.
In condition 2: When the waiters were presenting their bill, they included
TWO mints for each person at the table.
What happened is pretty predictable. But look what came in the next
In condition 3: When the waiters were presenting the bill, they included
one mint for each person at the table, started to leave, turned back around,
reached into a pocket and gave each person at the table a second mint
saying, "But for you..." (indicating they were given the second mint only
because they were special).
Let's look at what happened to the tips under each condition.
There was a 3.3% increase for just one mint.
There was a 14.1% for two mints given at the same time.
When the waiter gave one mint and then added a second mint, there was a
whopping 23% increase in tips.
Why would this happen? If we look at the "Principle of Reciprocity" we see
that when giving a gift of any kind, the key to making it more effective is to
make sure the gift is:
1. Significant
2. Personal
3. Unexpected.
In the third condition the waiter had all three of these elements. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

And here is some even more startling evidence:

One of the reasons reciprocation can be used so effectively as a device for
gaining another's compliance is its power. The rule possesses awesome
strength, often producing a "yes" response to a request that, except for an
existing feeling of indebtedness, would have surely been refused. Some
evidence of how the rule's force can overpower the influence of other
factors that normally determine whether a request will be complied with
can be seen in a second result of the Regan study, besides his interest in the
impact of the reciprocate rule on compliance, Regan was also interested in
how liking for person affects the tendency to comply with that person's
request. To measure how liking affected the subjects' decisions to buy his
raffle tickets, Regan had people fill out several rating scales indicating how
much they liked Joe. He then compared their liking responses with the
number of tickets they had purchased from Joe. There was significant
tendency for subjects to buy more raffle tickets from Joe the more they
liked him. But this alone is hardly a startling finding. Most of us would have
guessed that people are more willing to do a favour for someone they like.
The interesting thing about the Regan experiment, however, is that the
relationship between liking and compliance was completely wiped out in the
condition under which subjects had been given a Coke by Joe. For those who
owed him a favor, it made no difference whether they liked him or not; they
felt a sense of obligation to repay him, and they did. The subjects in that
condition who indicated that they disliked Joe bought just as many of his
tickets as did those who indicated that they liked him. The rule for
reciprocity was so strong that it simply overwhelmed the influence of a
factor - liking for the requester - that normally affects the decision to
These two examples are excerpted from The Psychology of Persuasion by
Robert B. Cialdini. If you havent already read this book, you should read
it. Its an absolutely outstanding book! : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

The Immense Power of Education

If you put an ad in the newspaper and you got 4000 responses, youd be
dancing around the office wouldnt you? Imagine this ad then continued to
pull responses and ended up with 5003 responses by the end of the month.
Cool, huh? Now keep that imagination going because in the next few months
you have over 10,000 responses.
One ad. Ten thousand responses.
This is no imaginative theoretical exercise. Its an actual fact. Merrill Lynch
released just one full page ad on October 19, 1948 in the New York Times.
And if you think the responses stopped at ten thousand, youre sadly
mistaken. In the next three years following 1948, Merrill Lynch printed and
distributed one million extra copies.
Why did one ad cause such an intense response?
The answer is education. Merrill Lynchs ad was 6000 words long. And it
explained the intricacies of stocks and bonds. How to buy and sell
securities. Best of all, there was a little paragraph at the bottom to ask for
more information. That was it. Merrill Lynch got thousands of leads from
simply educating the public.
Attract and Retain Clients with education
Stuart, is a friend of mine and also the master franchisee for a coffee chain.
When people walk into Stuarts cafes, they have no idea why they should be
paying $4 for a coffee. They know other coffee houses charge that kind of
money, so they think it must be a standard rate.
Stuart attended one of my workshops.During the workshop I get Stuart to
stand up. I say to the audience. If the leading coffee brand is charging $4
for a cup of coffee, would you pay $4.50 for the same quantity and the
same type of coffee? Almost everyone said no. They wont pay more for
what seems to be the same coffee.
So I ask Stuart about his coffee machines. What kind of coffee machines
does he use? How much do they cost? And he tells me they cost $6000.
What? Per machine? And how much does the caf down the road pay for
their machine? He tells me they pay about $1500 for their machines. So
why pay so much more for a machine? I ask. And that starts Stuart on a
roll. He talks about how his machines only measure out the exact coffee you
need to grind. Most cafes dont have the capability to grind out a specific : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

amount at a time, so they grind a lot of coffee well in advance. Once coffee
starts to sit around, it starts losing its flavour. When you drink coffee at
Stuarts cafes, your coffee is less than 30 seconds old. Its absolutely fresh
and delicious. Then the audience takes over. They ask Stuart questions
about roasting, flavours, types of coffee, the quality and origin of coffee
beans. Twenty minutes later, Stuart reels from the incessant questioning. To
his credit, he answers every question to their satisfaction.
Twenty five minutes later I ask the audience, Who would pay $4.50 for
Stuarts coffee?. The response is dramatic. Almost everyone in the audience
is now willing to pay a premium of almost 13% to drink at Stuarts cafes. And
the difference is simply education.
The customer doesnt know WHY they should buy from you. They dont
know what makes you different. They would love for you to answer their
questions but all they get is your portfolio. Look at your website and
brochures. Do they educate? Look at your sales pitch. Can it be turned into
an education? Look at all the marketing you do. All youre doing is selling.
Its time to do some telling.
Educate your customer. Because they have no idea about the value of your
product or service. Here is a previously written article that will tie exactly
to what weve been discussing in the previous paragraphs.
Why Are Customers So Indecisive?
Do you know why your customer wont buy? Youve given her the best price,
possibly even the best options. Yet she fidgets. Maybe, maybe not, she
You stand by the wayside and sweat, praying the sale will go through. Then
almost inexplicably, it slips out of your hands, and you dont even know why.
You curse, rant and rave silently at her indecisive nature. Yet ironically, the
fault is all yours.
Dont agree? Hold your horses and youll learn a simple, fundamental
psychological factor youve been missing in your marketing strategy, and
how you can rectify it in a flash.
Why The Trees In Our Front Yard Are Still Looking For a Barber
Let me tell you a story about our front garden. Any time now, Im expecting
Tarzan and a couple of chimps to swing merrily by. Like something out of a
horror movie, the foliage has spread its tentacles, and now hangs : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 5
Spiders Secret

menacingly over several parts of the house.

Yes I know we need an arborist to lop off those branches. And yes, we have
called in at least half a dozen. Incredibly, we havent made up our minds on
whom we should choose. Like deer caught in the headlights, weve been
frozen in indecision. One itty-bitty factor would have made it easy to
decide, but it has eluded us completely.
I Know What Youre Thinking, And Its Not Price
Oh boy! We have estimates up to our ears. One quote is as high as $800
(aaargggh!), while the other one blushes at $250, and all the rest do a merry
dance in between. Youd think the cheaper quote would get the thumbs up
right away, wouldnt you? Well it didnt.
In fact, it has added to the confusion because we cant understand why
there would be such a huge difference for what is essentially the same job.
And Here Is The Reason Why We Cant Decide...
Its a factor called the Full Story. While every single one of those arborists
provided us with quotes, not one of them gave us a single reason to choose
them. Any reason would have been better than none. Ten reasons would
have clinched the deal, even with a higher price.
This is one of the main reasons why most deals seem to disintegrate before
the eyes of most business owners and sales people. We fail (and fail
miserably) to educate our customers about the unique advantages of
working with us.
Its An Impossible Puzzle If It Doesnt Have The Pieces
People need to be gratified psychologically. Our brains are dying to know
more about the companies that bid and all we get are terms and prices. The
arborists should have educated me about the quality of their cutting, their
comprehensive insurance policies, their warranties, their skills, and their
service guarantees in detail. I needed to know anything and everything that
would help me decide in someones favor. Not one of those bids included
that kind of information.
Look at yourself. Lets say you hire someone for your firm. How little would
you like to know about him? Or say you go out on a date. How little do you
want to know about your partner? Every piece of the puzzle is absolutely
necessary. Dont forget to give your customers a reason to buy from YOU.
Tell them about yourself. Provide all the juicy details, and you will leave
your competitors crying in their beer.
What Is The Psychological Reasoning Behind The Whole Story?
The strong, silent type is the one our mamas told us to watch out for. We : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


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Spiders Secret

instinctively trust people less who tell us less. Even if we do like the person,
we want them to open up. If you want people to trust you, you have to tell
them about yourself.
This instinct of distrust is hardwired in our brains, and youd do well to pay
attention to it. A lack of adequate detail doesnt help to build trust, which
is why customers go from hello to sayonara very quickly. Once you have
their attention, stop saying stupid things like, Buy from me, and start
giving them all the reasons WHY they should buy from you (read the article
on The Power of Why). Add spices to your marketing strategy curry, and your
customer will be captivated by the aroma. Churn the gastric juices in their
brains. Make them salivate. Get them to drool. And when theyre ready to
eat, feed them well.
Ta-Ta Risk
Telling the Whole Story eliminates a big hurdle called risk. The less your
customers knows about you, the more they are frozen in indecision. When
faced with this scenario, they resort to the only thing they knowprice. Just
like you, they make a decision on the cheapest, trashiest option available
because thats all you gave them!
Abolish the hazard of your customer choosing to buy solely on price. Give
her a first class education about why she needs to buy from you.
The worst thing you can do is leave her hanging without sufficient info.....
Educate your customer well
Ill give you another example before we move on to the next section. I
consult with a sofa company. Here are only some of the factors that are
vital for you to know when youre buying a sofa.
1) The range of colours. What colours to choose if youve got kids.
2) The types of fabrics. How to use different fabrics for different rooms.
3) The foam. What are the foams available and what to look out for.
4) You health. How to choose the sofa which doesnt absorb moisture and
get mouldy.
5) The arms of the sofa. How to choose sofas that will support
6) The support system. Do you need one or two? And why does it matter.
7) How to give your sofas a different look each season.
8) The importance of the wooden frame and how it can make a comfort
difference. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


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Spiders Secret

Now if you were buying a $5,000 sofa youd love to know a lot about this
wouldnt you? To the sofa dealer this is old hat. Thats why youve got to use
your brochures, posters, websites, newsletters, ads and any other media to
keep education. Just remember, as long as youre selling your up against a
wall. When you tell, customers lower their wall and welcome you with open
Be a teacher and see the difference it makes to your business.
Do you know how the dictionary definition of a client? Youre guessing arent
you. You think a client is someone who pays for your holidays. Someone that
pays your office expenses. Someone who can be an angel one day and a pest
another day. You help the client overcome their challenges and voila...they
pay your bills.
Websters dictionary violently disagrees with you
Heres how Websters dictionary defines a client. One who comes under
your care, protection and guidance. See that? Youve kinda got it wrong
mah friend. That dictionary is telling you just how you should be treating
your clients.
So read the article below. It will give you an idea of where you should be
headed and how your dealings with your clients should be from now on. And
by golly, if you detest your client, maybe its time to get clients that you
adore and can care, protect and guide.
Are you concerned about customer loyalty? Are your customers so loyal that
they will stick with you through hell and high water? And if not, you really
need to question how you can create a customer relationship thats so gluey,
that you never go bluey in the face. Funnily you dont have to go far. Reach
for your Websters dictionary and youll discover a hidden secret to
customer loyalty.
Do you find it amusing? Giggle if you must, but stick with me and I will show
you the simplicity and longevity of this sane advice that will change your
marketing strategies and tactics forever.
But First, Lets Look At Nasty Hurricane Andrew
In August 1992, Hurricane Andrew went bananas. Like a drunk on one too
many Tequilas, he tore into South Florida with wind gusts of 175mph,
redrawing the landscape as he stomped onwards. Approximately 600,000
homes and businesses bore the brunt of his menace.
By the time Andrew left, he had run up a tab of $26 billion dollars and the
curses of some very, very angry insurance companies. Andrew had single : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


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handedly run up the highest insurance recorded payout in history if you

dont count September 11.
Many an insurance company looked gloomily into their crystal balls and
decided the future was too dicey. So while they grudgingly forked out the
costs required to cover the claims, they refused to renew customer policies.
State Farm Insurance Had a Different Opinion
The biggest reason Hurricane Andrew blew the roofs off the houses was
because contractors had not anchored them to the frames. State Farm not
only happily forked out the policy claims but also paid its customers more to
bring the houses up to code.
Amazingly, this insurance company was willing to overpay just to make sure
their customers have peace of mind should Andrew or one of his family
come visiting.
State Farm Wasnt Too Far From the Leo Burnett Advertising Agency
Agencies are like turnstiles. Clients come, clients go and its the same
mantra for employees. Not if you look at the Chicago-based agency called
Leo Burnett. At Leo Burnett, over a four-year period from 1986 to 1989, 98
per cent of business came bounding back from repeat clients. No other
agency even came close.
Furthermore, this Houdini of advertising has had an almost zero client
defection rate for decades. In an almost boring, old fashioned way, they
adopt a loyalty based management that keeps clients superglued to them.
And it continues to amaze and fascinate the roller coaster advertising
industry that can only watch in awe and extreme fascination.
Which Brings Us Back to Websters, Doesnt It?
Now lets look at how Websters Dictionary defines the word Client. It says:
A client is one who comes under your care, guidance and protection.
See those words?
It doesnt say someone you need to get money or make profits from. It asks,
even beseeches you to care, protect and guide your clients, like you would
with your own child. Everything you do, you do unselfishly for that child.
You put your heart and soul into creating a safe, educated environment. You : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


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become the guide and the protector. You create a bubble as secure as you
can to make absolutely sure they get the very best.
Scary, isnt it? Especially when you look out there at so many companies,
whose single motive is to simply get the sale and move on.
Hurricane Andrew Moved On, State Farm Moved Up
As soon as the brouhaha of Andrews visit died down, up came the vultures
from other insurance companies. They tried to woo State Farm policy
holders with discounts and other incentives. Most of them found doors
slammed in their face. Their customers were staying loyal no matter what
bait was being dangled in front of them. When the chips were down, State
Farm pitched in to help like family. There was no way the customers were
going to let down their own family.
Adhering strictly to Websters, State Farm had cared, guided and protected
its clients. And the clients were repaying that with rock solid loyalty.
Leo Burnett Did The Same With This Hidden Clause
The same principles apply to Leo Burnett. Like mother hens, they fuss over
their clients, doing acts of guiding and protecting that other agencies would
never even consider. Its first client, Green Giant, is still a customer some
sixty years later. Even back then, founder, Leo Burnett, put in an additional
clause that enlarged the standard vendor agreement of buying space,
producing ads and maintaining confidentiality.
It read: Counselling with you in regard to your advertising and sales efforts,
seeking new ways to improve your advertising, make it more productive,
and in every way within our power, working with you to advance your
Hey, those customers are going to walk anyway, once they find their exact
needs arent being met. And if they get stuck with something they dont
really need, theyre going to be mighty mad once they find out. You arent
doing yourself or them a favour by making them stick to what you have to
offer. Sending them to a competitor that you know will treat them well,
endears you to the customer and ensures a tidy profit as well.
Welcome To The Land Of Endless Loyalty
Loyalty at its very roots is exceedingly simple. Its exactly like a parentchild relationship. While no doubt you will come to depend on technology as : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


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Spiders Secret

your client base grows, the enduring thread that binds it all is the
underlying psychology.
Inevitably, you wont always have a trouble-free course, and both Leo
Burnett and State Farm have had stormy days. The only way out of the
driving rain is to heartily embrace the care, guidance and protection
concept. Let it be your guiding light, far superior to any mumbo jumbo
mission statement, leading to exponential profits and devoted clients.
All you have to do to succeed is play Mother Hen.
And say a silent thank you to a certain Mr.Webster.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Leaky Bucket Syndrome
Loss of clients are inevitable, no matter what you do. The aim is to gain a
whole lot more than you lose.
Heres the math:
Lose 5% Profits - Gain 10% Profits= Double the size of the business in 14 yrs
Lose 5% Profits - Gain 5% Profits = No Growth
Why Profits are not a good measure of Loyalty
1) You cant measure defections
A bank manager might think hes got great customer loyalty. After all none
of the clients have closed their accounts in the past year. These facts mean
nothing. Because the clients can quite easily be dealing with other banks
and doing a huge number of transactions. On paper, Bank 1 sees their clients
as being loyal, but defection and profits are not a good measure of loyalty.
For example: I have three merchant accounts to accept credit cards to sell
product via my website. I first started with merchant account No.1. I still
havent closed my account there. But most of my credit card transactions
are now processed through the other two merchant accounts.
The account manager at merchant account No.1 may look at his figures and
think Im still loyal. But Im not. Ive just dumped their account. The
account manager should have been in touch with me. If they had, Id have
told them why I was moving. And they could fix the problems thus really
creating a sense of loyalty.
2) You can juggle figures
If youre a big company, you can layoff staff. That will increase profits. If
youre a small business, you can cut down on expenses. That will show a : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


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Spiders Secret
profit. And your accountant will be happy and so will you.
And good on you! But this system doesnt allow you to measure loyalty.
The only real measure of loyalty is repurchase loyalty. When the customer
keeps coming back to you time and time again, thats the only measure you
have to understand the level of loyalty.
Oh and theres one more. The level of complaints. The more you can get
your customers to complain, the more you can get them to stay with you.
Understand the reason why customers complain. They want you to fix your
act. When you dont encourage complaints, youre doing yourself a big
disfavour. Get customers to complain. And see your loyalty going up.
Of course, if you care, protect and guide you just cant go wrong! :) : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Summary: 5

The Spiders Secret

The Spiders Secret

Care, Protection, Guidance (CGP)

Education makes customers smarter

It helps them to know why they choose you
It gives new life to what you may consider mundane
Education creates a teacher-student relationship.
Sales creates a customer-buyer relationship. Which
one do you prefer to be?
Education bring better results- Remember Merrill Lynch?

Profits are a poor measure of loyalty

The Power of Giving

1) Giving creates reciprocity
2) Tests prove that giving creates more attraction
3) Giving isnt one of the things you do. It should
be your singular strategy.
4) Giving needs rules.
a) Opt In b) Create Value c) Give freely
5) Make your giving
a) Significant b) Personal c) Unexpected for
best results.

The Leaky Bucket

1) You cant measure defections

2) You can juggle figures

1) Websters defines it differently.

2) Youve got to treat clients like theyre
your children.
3) Companies such as Leo Burnett,
State Farm Insurance managed quite
well. So can you.
4) For CGP to work, you need less clients.
Therefore you need to select your clients
very carefully.
5) If you cant care, protect and guide your
clients, you need to send them to your

Lose 5%-Gain 5%=No Growth

Lose 5%-Gain 10%=Double in 14 yrs. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 6
Chug-Chug Marketing
4) Why cross selling is vital for some businesses
3) How can it be an additional income source?
2) How does it impact your business?
1) What is cross selling?

3) Why you don't Up Sell: The excuses

2) How does it impact your business?
1) What is Up selling?
Up Selling

Cross Selling


1) What is bundling?
2) Why Bundle? Benefits
3) How bundling helps customers
4) Why bundling causes people to buy more

Sequential Selling
1) What is Sequential Selling?
2) How does it work?
3) Why is it important?
4) Examples of Real Life Selling

f you really want to grow your business, youve got to stop thinking tactically all
the time. Most businesses dont think through the process of where their
customers will go over the long term. They dont work out the strategic vision
in advance. Put together a sequence of how you want the customer to progress
over time.
For example, here is the logical progression of a PsychoTactics customer. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


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And why is this progression so important?

The progression is so important because we then know the value of the subscriber.
Each subscriber is of extreme value to us (and should be to you) because they then
go down the sequence, buying products and services as they go along. If we dont
tend to their needs at the subscriber stage, or if we give them half-baked content,
they will not go ahead. Its vital that you know the next steps of your customer.
Even if you dont have the products and services at this early stage, make up what
seems logical over the long term. This sequential selling will force your brain to
think about the betterment of the customer and will give you the chance to GUIDE
them through the different stages of the customer cycle.
Your Duty to your Clients
If youre looking at this sequential selling system with skepticism, youre better off
not doing so. Look at it this way. If you dont sell to your client, what do you thinks
shes going to do? Shell go to the competition. Possibly get advice thats not quite
as good. Shell be burned and waste her money and time.
And its really your fault.
Its your duty to Care, Protect and Guide for your client. If you dont map out
their future, youre doing them a HUGE disservice. Dont for one moment look at
this as a rip-off scheme. Your client is your child. Do whatever it takes to keep her
safe from the storm. Make sure youre there as a guiding light. And youve done
enough planning to make sure she never goes astray. This is your duty and your
responsibility. Dont shirk from it.
Imagine all the products and services you could possibly have. Imagine how youd
take your customer from one level to another. Think of your customer as a child.
When your child is born, you already know theyre going to play school, grade
school, summer camp, university and so on.
You map the concept in your mind, even though the child is just a few months old.
Youve got to do the same for your customer. Care, protect and guide them. Map
out their future. They have no idea whats best for them when it comes to your
services or products. Its your duty and responsibility to work it out, so that they
dont have to figure it out for themselves. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 6

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The up sell is legendary at McDonalds all over the world. You ask for a burger, and
you get the inevitable question: Will you have fries with that? In one second,
youre nodding affirmatively. And its not because the pimply-faced teenager has
cast a spell on you. Its because youve immediately figured out that the fries will
be a cool addition to the burger. In one second, McDonalds totes up squillions of
dollars around the world as gazillions of heads nod in favour of the fries.
Yet look at most businesses around the world that sell services or products. They
never, if ever up sell the Fries. Why? Beats me. Its good for the customer, its
good for you, so why these business owners avoid up selling their product/service is
the worlds biggest mystery.
Then again, maybe its not. I know the real reason. They think its B-O-R-I-N-G! Like
zzzz, yawn, snore, snore. Its far more exciting running after new clients and doing
all those exciting things instead of an up sell. I mean who does up sells?
Heres a hint...

Every single time you buy from, you get an additional bonus. You get an
opportunity to buy a product thats similar. This up sell isnt done some of the time or
most of the time. Its done ALL THE TIME. Every time. And thats the biggest learning.
How do you up sell every single time to your customer? : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 6

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Every single time you buy from, you get up sold into a logical next level. So
why do this? Is an up sell just a money making ploy? It shouldnt be. The up sell should be
mainly for the customer to get even better value. To improve their overall experience. If the up
sell you have right now doesnt work for the customer, find something that does work.
Remember the Care, Guidance and Protection. This is the Guidance factor at work. The
customer has no idea what is possible. And what benefits she can avail of, once she starts
working with you. As customers we dont know what we dont know. Your job is to tell your
customer everything they need to know. And sell to them in small bits and bites. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 6

Chug-Chug Marketing
There are three other reasons why business dont up sell their products. Pick
which one applies to you. :)
1) The Up sell isnt put into a system.
2) The business is too lazy to do an up sell.
3) The business doesnt want to appear to be like McDonalds.
Reason 1: It doesnt matter if you already have an Up Sell. There are
squillions of places to Up Sell. And if you dont sit down and audit what you
can Up Sell, guess what? Youre never, ever going to Up Sell. So get together
everything that you sell and lets do an audit.
Say youre a website designer. You sell a person a website design. Can you
not sell a maintenance package? The guys who sell fridges do it all the time.
Why cant you? Heres what you tell your client. Heres a maintenance
package. Over the next 6 months, you can make 25 changes to your
website. If each change took me about an hour to do, it would cost you
$2500. Ill make 25 changes to your website at just $800 or $500 or
whatever. Now thats a bargain. Will the client take it up? Of course they
will. Some will. Some wont. But add up just 10 clients a year. Does $8000
remind you of a nice holiday in the sun? Of course, here Im just structuring
a concept at the top of my head. It doesnt have to be a maintenance
project. You can Up Sell the client web analytics, search engine
optimisation, e-commerce options, marketing programs for websites. Yes, I
noticed you dont do any of the above. But hey, the client needs it. So why
not offer it to the client? I know why youre not offering it to the client. Its
not part of your system.
When I go to Foodtown (a local supermarket chain) they always ask me if I
have a Foodtown card. You know how they remember each time? It flashes
up on the screen. So the person earning $7 an hour, slaving it out, tired as
hell still asks the question every single time. Its da system, maan. Youve
got to put it in da system. And then you Up Sell without thinking too much.
Put it on your sheet of paper when youre selling face to face. Have x
number of steps that you need to cover. Put it on your website as people
buy your product. Get your sales people to always ask for the Up Sell. Why
do you care if the customer says no. Why do you care if the customer says
no 99 times out of 100. Even if you get one person saying yes to the $800
maintenance plan (see above) its money in the bank, isnt it?
Reason No.2: Youre lazy. Yes you are. Otherwise youd have put the Up Sell
in your system. I cant help you. You can only help yourself. Get off you're
your you-know-what and fix these revenue drainers. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 6

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Reason No.3: You dont want to be like McDonalds. Oh come on...dont fool
yourself. Youre not doing yourself and the client any favours. The only
reason you dont do the Up Sell is not because you detest the McDonalds
way, but because you dont have the nerve to take rejection. Because you
know what? Every time you ask for an Up Sell, youre going to be rejected.
Yes. Over 50% of the time, people will say NO. And youll remember the
NO. And blissfully forget about the YES. In fact, to make this Up Sell work
for you, you only have to get one YES all year. Thats it.
So stop saying you dont like being up sold. When you go to the restaurant,
the waiter asks you if youll have another drink. And you say yes. Thats an
Up Sell. So yes, you do like having that second beer. And yes, youll hate
yourself tomorrow, but you would like the chocolate syrup (Up Sell) on
your double chocolate cake with chocolate pieces.
Do yourself a favour. Up Sell till it becomes part of you. Then you will be
doing both your client and yourself a big favour. And the client will be a lot
happier as well.
When to do an Up Sell
The client is most ready to buy at the point of purchase. Were little greedy
creatures. We dont want one thing when we can get two. So if we can get a
nice little discount on two things, well go for two. But once were past the
payment stage, were off in the big wide world distracted by something else
altogether. While were at the point of purchase, all we want is what were
going to get. And if youre going to put some chocolate syrup on top, yes,
well have that too, thank you.
So make sure you always do an Up Sell at the time of sale. Of course, you
can always come back and do the Up Sell later. And that works too. I mean,
youve got to keep asking the client: Do you want chocolate syrup? When
the client has got chocolate bubbles coming out of their ears, theyll tell
you to stop. You dont even have to be pushy. You can be kind and
consistent. The client will tell you when theyve had enough. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 6

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The Cross Sell
If you dont have products or products of your own, dont panic. Lets take for
example the fact that youre that web designer. Sure youve done your bit and up
sold the customer a bigger, better website design. But once youre done with the
basic up sell, youre stuck, arent you? Well...not exactly.
Theres always the Cross Sell. A cross sell is when youre selling someone elses
product or service to your customer. Again its about enriching the customers
experience. Logically, a customer may greatly benefit from a search engine
optimisation tool or service. Or, from a measurement system that records the
activity of your visitors. Its easy to team up with service and product sellers and
offer their products/services off your website.
Again, dont disregard this advice. Ive seen business after business walk away from
hundreds if not thousands of dollars of opportunity. These business owners just
never worked the cross sell into their system. The smart business owners sipped
chilled Margaritas on hot Jamaican sands, while these not-so-smart ones sat at their
computer screens and cried in their coffee cups. (Ok, so my imagination is running
wild, but I am trying to make a point here :)
And if a big shot website like Amazon can constantly cross sell, theres no reason
why you shouldnt do so as well. Its logical and simple and once you do put your
systems in place, you never ever have to do it again.

Notice how Seal, Dido, Sarah and John Mayer are being sold right along Stings album (which is
fabulous by the way, if you havent heard it!) The other artists are the Cross Sell. Theyre not
produced or sung by Sting, so in effect theyre products from another company altogether.
However, they make sense to the customer. Quick! Jot down how you can cross sell someone
elses product or service and make your customers experience more rich and complete. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 6

Chug-Chug Marketing
Im not in favour of discounts. Theyre like a cancer. There are only two exceptions
to this rule in my book.
1) Give discounts when Bundling
2) Give discounts for Early Bird Offers
Bundling literally means getting the customer to buy three or four items or services
together. For you this means a bigger sale. For the customer the bundle represents
a saving of some sort. So if they bought one service off your site, theyd pay x
amount of dollars. If they bought 2 services theyd pay 2x. However, to incentivise
your customer, you should offer 4 services for the price of less than 4. So for
example, theyd pay 3x for 4 services. This could represent between 10% to 25% or
more depending on your profitability. However, in this case too, the bundle makes it
more enriching for the customer. How would you like to have a monitor without a
keyboard or a mouse. Imagine you had to go out and buy them separately one at a
time. Wouldnt that be super frustrating? The computer industry uses the power of
bundling ALL the time. And thats why you and I are clickety, clacking our way each
The more products and services you develop, the easier it is to bundle them

When we first started, the Brain Audit was sold by itself. PsychoBranding too
was sold by itself. We tested and sold both of them together by bundling the books. And the
uptake was instant. Over time, we found it was completely pointless to sell the books
separately. So now you get the PsychoCombo as one product. However, on certain pages of the
website you will get a bundle package where you can buy the Membership to 5000 B.C. along
with the PsychoCombo.
As we add more products and services, they will be tagged on to the combinations above and be
sold as a bundle. You too should start working towards bundling your products/services. Its the
sanest way to grow your business.
Let me emphasise. Bundling too can be done with strategic alliances. You dont have to have
your own products. You can get another product or service and bundle it with yours. Eg: A
copywriter can bundle with a designers services. A mobile phone can bundle with accessories.
There are loads of products and services you can bundle with and you dont even have to
purchase the other persons product at full price, because in effect youre advertising for them.
So there you go. You can get yourself a complimentary product or service at a discount and then
promote it at full price. It works for everyone. The customer gets great value. You get a quicker
sale and a margin of the price and the complimentary product gets free mileage and sales they
would never have done. Its profit all around. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


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Chug-Chug Marketing

I dont care if youre a speaker or a consultant, a web designer or product retailer,

singer or dancer...bundling is where its at. Youve got to bundle products and
services together for the same argument weve had right through this Masterclass.
And that argument is simple.
If a client gets only part of what you have to offer, would you be doing that client
any justice? My guess is no. If the doctor only did half the tests on you, would you
be happy? Again no. If you went to the restaurant and you didnt get the whole
enchilada, would you be satisfied? Am I hearing loads of Nos coming at me or
Bundling is everywhere. You just havent noticed it. And if you have noticed it,
youve probably said Oh yeah, Ill get down to it. And never have.
Please, please, please bundle today. Get your services or products. Put them in
bundle A, bundle B and bundle C. And sell them as a bundle. Let the customer
choose what they want. And youll find your product/services sales and profits
soaring through the roof.
You see as humans we dont want less when we can have more. When you give me
lots of stuff, my smile becomes bigger. I want it all. If you want to give your
customer a lot. If you want to make them happy, go ahead and bundle.
So heres an example:
Package 1:
1) Product/Service 1
2) Product/Service 2
3) Product/Service 3
4) Product/Service 4
5) Product/Service 5
6) Product/Service 6
7) Product/Service 7
Cost: $4995
Package 2:
1) Product/Service
2) Product/Service
3) Product/Service
4) Product/Service
5) Product/Service
Cost: $2995


Package 3:
1) Product/Service 1
2) Product/Service 2
3) Product/Service 3
Cost: $1995 : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 6

Chug-Chug Marketing
The How of Bundling
If youre dealing with strategic alliances, bundling can be a bit tricky. Heres how
you can ensure that everything you do is above board. The alliance youre dealing
with is going to have to know the details in advance too. Heres how you can make
sure everythings pretty clear and upfront.
If youre selling another persons digital product:
a) You could set up an affiliate account with an affiliate service provider. When
someone buys a bundle from you, the alliances account gets automatically credited
for a fixed amount as an affiliate. Because its automatic and because it goes
through a third party (eg: Clickbank), there is no doubt.
b) You could set up an agreement where you swap products. When the alliance does
a workshop, youll give her as many licenses for your ebook or product as she
needs. And when you have your workshop, she will give you as many licenses as you
need. Does this make sense? Ah, yes it does. Nothing is random at PsychoTactics, so
Im going to reveal the biggest secret I know. Its called giving it away to get loads
of business.
Let me give you an example: With selected alliances, we give them a copy of the
Brain Audit to give to their clients or sell to their clients. They get to keep ALLl the
money, but theres a catch. They dont have access to the product. They send us
the details and we ship out the product either via email or by CD. What sense does
this make? Why should they keep all (like 100%) of the profit and we lose additional
money in shipping? Its called front end-back end.
We get a database and we control the delivery
When the person gets one of our products, they read it or listen to it. And we have
them on our database. We can speak to them. So yes, we technically lose the
dollars we could have made by selling the product. I say technically, because the
product is going to an audience that we would never have reached. So its not really
harming our bottom line. However, heres the nice part. Customers whove bought
the product then end up communicating with us on a regular basis. They get to
know us and finally buy into more products or workshops priced at anywhere
between $750 to $2000. Can you see how this works? You could convince your
alliance to give you free product, specially if its digital and requires no recurring
cost of production. They get to contact the customer directly and possibly sell the
customer some related products or even up sell the customer.
To sum all of the above. With an enlightened alliance, you can continuously GIVE
away products or sell them at highly reduced rates. It makes huge sense for the
alliance because it brings them customers they would never have had. Of course,
youre going to run into blubbering idiots. Its inevitable. Theyll think youre
ripping them off. Theyll refuse to share the profits. Theyll refuse to give you the
products at a discounted rate or for free. And no matter how much you educate
them, all theyll be interested in, is the money upfront. Dont waste your time.
Work with the smart ones. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Section 6

Chug-Chug Marketing
Give your alliance the chance to control the delivery. That makes it easy for them
to collect their part of the profits or to add to their database. Its important for you
to find people you can trust and whose work you can trust. Do a pilot program. See
what works for you. Once you get this bundling going, its a great deal for all.
If youre dealing with Service Bundles
Its pretty easy to work this out. The alliance has to deliver the service, so they
know when your client takes up the offer. Make sure the service bundle states very
clearly that the discount offered is based on certain conditions. Eg: If your alliance
is a copywriter and is very busy at the time, there should be a clause that the
bundle only applies when the time is freed up. This gives the copywriter some
breathing space. However there should also be a time limit of say no more than 4
weeks after the first contact has been made and the brief is explained.
Service Bundles are infinitely harder to control. It depends on the other persons
integrity, deadlines, commitment to deliver and the fact that his lover hasnt run
off with his best friend. Too many imponderables come into play. And it can
seriously undermine your reputation. This service alliance is a minefield, so tread
very carefully. You could end up wasting more time, money and energy if the
alliance isnt totally reliable. Do your due diligence, its vital to your peace of
mind. The little extra money you make may not be worth the trouble.
Bundling Physical Products
If its a digital product, you can probably get the alliance to give it to you for a very
small price or even free, if you explain the back end concept well. However, with a
physical product, there are production costs involved. The alliance might be
enlightened enough to know they can still give away the product for free (even if it
costs them money to do so) or they may ask you for a small price. Pay it. Its worth
it. On the other hand, you may be able to buy their products on a as-needed basis.
You fix a price with them at the start and they ship their product to you or direct to
the client on demand. Ideally you should have the product with you in advance. You
can agree to pay the alliance for any goods used in three month/six month cycles. It
would work like a royalty cheque in a way.
The best bundle is your own. However, theres always scope for working with others
whom you trust and who can trust you. Try it. You never know till you do.
Note: You will have to check what is legal in your country. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Cross Sell
1) You dont need to have your own product
to create more profits. You can cross sell
another business products/services
2) This is vital in businesses that have
very little direct existing customer potential.
Eg: Swimming pool sellers. They cross sell
other services/products

Chug-Chug Marketing

Summary: 6

Chug-Chug Marketing

Sequential Selling
1) Sequential selling is what will drive
the revenue of your business. Existing
clients are the biggest source of revenue
for you. Youve got to work out how to
sequentially sell the customer.
2) Sequential selling is vital if you dont
want to run around like a headless chicken
trying to get new business all the time.
3) Sequential selling incorporates the
core of Care, Protection and Guidance.
You cant care for your customer more
than when you sequentially prepare a
sequential growth program.

Up Sell
1) You can Up Sell most of your product/services
2) Up Selling provides instant income
3) The best time to Up Sell is at the point of purchase.
4) The reasons most companies dont Up Sell is because
a) They dont have a system.
b) Too lazy to audit and put an Up Sell in their system.
c) They blame McDonalds but are too afraid to get a NO!

1) Bundling increases customer desire to buy
2) It helps you sell multiple products/services
at one go thus increasing profits
3) Bundling increases customers satisfaction
4) Bundling has to be carefully structured
with strategic alliances.
5) Often clients will buy the entire bundle
just to get at one of the products.
6) Make distinct packages and sell them.
Package A, Package B, Package C. : PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand : Tel: +64 9 449 0009


Your Master Plan

Chug-Chug Marketing

The Spider's Secret

1) Up Selling
2) Cross Selling
3) Bundling
4) Sequential Selling

1) The Strategy of Giving

2) The Power of Education
3) Care, Protection & Guidance

Time Concepts
1) Reinvention
2) Recording Everything
3) Storing Mistakes
4) Recycling Information
5) Disciplining Yourself by Committing

1) Piggybacking
2) Strategic Alliances
3) Barter


Brain Audit
1) Problem
2) Solution
3) Target Audience
4) Objections
5) Testimonials/Case Study
6) Risk Reversal
7) Uniqueness

1) Three Prong System

2) Consulting
3) Training
4) Products


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