Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure
Once the scope and deliverables have been identified, the work of the project can be successively
subdivided into smaller and smaller work elements. The outcome of this hierarchical process is called the
work breakdown structure (WBS). The WBS is a map of the project. Use of WBS helps to assure
project managers that all products and work elements are identified, to integrate the project with the
current organization, and to establish a basis for control. Basically, the WBS is an outline of the project
with different levels of detail.
Figure 4.3 shows the major groupings commonly used in the field to develop a hierarchical WBS. The
WBS begins with the project as the final deliverable.
Major project work deliverables/systems are identified first; then the subdeliverables necessary to
accomplish the larger deliverables are defined. The process is repeated until the subdeliverable detail is
small enough to be manageable and where one person can be responsible. This subdeliverable is further
divided into work packages. Because the lowest subdeliverable usually includes several work packages,
the work packages are grouped by type of workfor example, hardware, programming, testing. These
groupings within a subdeliverable are called cost accounts. This grouping facilitates a system for
monitoring project progress by work, cost, and responsibility.
WBS Development
Figure 4.4 on page 112 shows a simplified WBS for development of a new personal computer project. At
the top of the chart (level 1) is the project end item a deliverable product or service. Note how the
levels of the structure can represent information for different levels of management. For example, level 1
information represents the total project objective and is useful to top management; levels 2, 3, and 4 are
suitable for middle management; and level 5 is for first-line managers.
Level 2 shows a partial list of deliverables necessary to develop the personal computer. One deliverable is
the disk storage unit (shaded), which is made up of three subdeliverablesexternal USB, optical, and
hard disks. Finally, the hard disk requires four subdeliverablesmotor, circuit board, chassis frame, and
read/write head. These subdeliverables represent the lowest manageable elements of the project. Each
subdeliverable requires work packages that will be completed by an assigned organizational unit. Each
deliverable will be successively divided in this manner. It is not necessary to divide all elements of the
WBS to the same level.
The lowest level of the WBS is called a work package. Work packages are shortduration tasks that have
a definite start and stop point, consume resources, and represent cost. Each work package is a control
point. A work package manager is responsible for seeing that the package is completed on time, within
budget, and according to technical specifications. Practice suggests a work package should not exceed 10
workdays or one reporting period. If a work package has a duration exceeding 10 days, check or
monitoring points should be established within the duration, say, every three to five days, so progress and
problems can be identifiedbefore too much time has passed. Each work package of the WBS should be as
independent of other packages of the project as possible. No work package is described in more than one
subdeliverable of the WBS.
There is an important difference from start to finish between the last work breakdown subdeliverable and
a work package. Typically, a work breakdown subdeliverable includes the outcomes of more than one
work package from perhaps two or three departments. Therefore, the subdeliverable does not have a
duration of its own and does not consume resources or cost money directly. (In a sense, of course, a
duration for a particular work breakdown element can be derived from identifying which work package must
start first [earliest] and which package will be the latest to finish; the difference from start to finish
becomes the duration for the subdeliverable.) The higher elements are used to identify deliverables at
different phases in the project and to develop status reports during the execution stage of the project life
cycle. Thus, the work package is the basic unit used for planning, scheduling, and controlling the project.
To review, each work package in the WBS
1. Defines work (what).
2. Identifies time to complete a work package (how long).
3. Identifies a time-phased budget to complete a work package (cost).
4. Identifies resources needed to complete a work package (how much).
5. Identifies a single person responsible for units of work (who).
6. Identifies monitoring points for measuring progress (how well).