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Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013

ISSN: 2277 128X

International Journal of Advanced Research in

Computer Science and Software Engineering
Research Paper
Available online at: www.ijarcsse.com

An Introduction to Basic Logic Gates for Quantum Computer

Shaktikanta Nayak, Sitakanta Nayak, J.P.Singh
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee, India
Abstract Circuit model of computer is widely accepted as a better abstraction of computational process across the
world. The building block of a circuit is the logic gates which are the main information processing units. The gates
transform the input bits to the output bits in some deterministic fashion according to the definition of the logic gate.
These gates are main information processing units not only for classical computers but also for quantum computers.
In this paper the fundamental quantum gates have been studied. Also a comparison between classical and quantum
logic gates is outlined.
Keywords Quantum logic gates, Quantum computing, Logic gate, Quantum computer
There exists some kind of well defined logic for every computation. The classical computation is being performed
using Boolean logic which uses variables 0 and 1[1].The physical interpretation of 0 and 1 is the voltage On/Off. But in
case of quantum computation, quantum mechanics provides a new set of rules that go beyond this classical paradigm.
The basic variable in quantum computing [2, 3, 4] is a quantum bit which is represented as a vector in a two dimensional
complex Hilbert space. The logic that can be implemented with such qubits is quite distinct from classical Boolean logic
and this is what has made Quantum computing exciting by opening new possibilities. In recent years quantum computing
becomes a forefront research in the field of algorithms, cryptography and artificial intelligence [5,6].We can describe
qubits as mathematical objects with certain specific properties. The beauty of treating qubits as mathematical objects is
that it gives us the freedom to construct a general theory of quantum computation, which does not depend upon a specific
system for its realization. The task of information processing can be performed using quantum mechanical principles.
And when quantum principles are applied on information processing it gives the concept of quantum computing. In
quantum mechanics the state of a physical system is represented by its wave function which contains all information to
describe the state of the system completely. Contrary to classical computing we carry out computations using quantum
states which follow properties of Quantum mechanics. Changes occurring to a quantum state can be explained using the
language of quantum computation. As classical computer is built from an electrical circuit containing wires and logic
gates, a quantum computer is built from a quantum circuit containing wires and elementary quantum gates to carry out
and manipulate the quantum information. This paper addresses the basic properties of classical and quantum gates and a
comparison is made between them with emphasising the shortcomings of classical gates
Classical computation theory became prominent after Church and Turing made their investigation into the characteristics
of computability in the year 1936 [7]. Logic gates and logic circuits took part major role in the theory of computation. In
the course of time the implementation, sophistication and optimal structure of classical logic circuits have been
developed [8].
A gate is said to be logically reversible if we can uniquely determine the input values from the output values otherwise
the gate is said to be logically irreversible. We will begin our study of classical logic gates by introducing the notion of
Boolean functions.
It is defined as a Boolean Function
The result can be written as

(Meaning: product of x and y)

It is defined as a Boolean Function

The result can be written as
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(Meaning: plus of x and y)

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XOR (Exclusive-OR) is a variant of OR function.
It is defined as a Boolean Function
The result can be written as
NAND (NOT-AND) is a universal gate from which any Boolean function can be derived. Let
be a NOT function
be a AND function. The NAND function can be defined as
Similarly NOR gate is another universal gate from which any Boolean function can be derived. It can be defined as a
The AND and OR gates are example of irreversible logical gates. The physical meaning of logical irreversibility can be
interpreted as the erase of bits during information processing. The work done to erase a bit can be represented as the heat
dissipation. According to conservation of energy this loss of energy can be interpreted as physical irreversibility which
leads to logical irreversibility in case of irreversible logic gates. This amount of energy loss can be expressed in terms of
per bit (Where K
Boltzmans constant and T
Absolute temperature) [9]. One way to overcome this
problem is to modify chip design and use only reversible logic gates. In case of reversible gates there will be no erase of
information and hence no loss of energy. NOT gate is an example of reversible logic gate. From the output of a NOT gate
we can find the input just inverting the output bit value. Classically we can design reversible logic gates [10,11] but in
the next section we will see quantum gates are reversible by nature.
In quantum mechanics the state of a physical system is represented by its wave function which contains all information to
describe the system completely. A quantum bit or qubit is the smallest unit of information used for quantum information
processing. Just as classical bit has two possible states 0 and 1, the qubit has two possible states ket
and ket
.These two states are also known as computational basis states. In general a qubit is a vector in the two dimensional
complex vector space. The main difference between a classical bit and quantum bit is that, a qubit can stay in the
superposition of basis states. The superposition is the linear combination of the two basis states
to form the
, where and are two complex scalar numbers called amplitudes. The amplitudes can be
thought of as the quantum probabilities. The classical probability amplitudes are represented by real numbers, where as
the quantum probability amplitudes are represented by complex numbers. The probabilities of a classical system must
sum to 1 to form a complete probability distribution. Similarly the squares of the absolute values of the amplitudes of
states in a quantum system must add up to 1.The logic that can be implemented with qubits is quite distinct from Boolean
logic, and that is why quantum computing is exciting by opening new possibilities.
Mathematically quantum logic gates are represented by transformation matrices or linear operators. The quantum logic
gate in the form of transformation matrix interacts with the quantum register through tensor operations. All linear
operators that correspond to the quantum logic gates must be unitary i.e. the inverse of that matrix must be equal to its
complex conjugate transpose. Unitary operators preserve the inner product of the two vectors. Geometrically the lengths
of vectors and the angle between them are preserved i.e.
. The unitary
transformation on single qubit may be visualized as rotation and reflection about the
are two unitary operators then the composition is also unitary:

axes of the Bloch sphere.

Classical gates like NAND and XOR are irreversible but the quantum gates, represented in the form of unitary matrices,
are always reversible. The matrix representation of single as well as multiple qubit gates is a convenient mathematical
way of expressing their input output relationship. If the
truth-table combinations of a gate are denoted as
, then the matrix representation of the gate can be computed as
As NOT gate is a single bit gate in classical computer, in the similar way there exists single qubit quantum gate in
quantum computer. Hence single qubit gates are those that act on only a single quantum bit.
The quantum NOT gate for qubits can be defined as a process that takes
in case of superposition, the NOT gate acts linearly in the state

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and produces

and vice-versa. However

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The matrix representation of quantum NOT gat is
The matrix representation of


If we apply quantum NOT gate to the state



Derivation of Matrix Representation of Quantum NOT Gate:

The matrix representation of


The matrix representation of NOT gate

Unitary Constraint on Quantum Gate

As shown above, a single quantum bit gate can be represented by 2 2 matrices. The normalization condition
requirement for any and in the form
, due to the requirement of the conservation
of probability to be 1. Hence in general it can be said that if a single quantum bit gate is defined by a unitary matrix U,
Verification of Unitary Constraint of Quantum NOT Gate:


Hence we can conclude from above discussion that there exists a single non-trivial single qubit bit gate i.e. NOT gate.
But in case of single qubit NOT gates, several possible cases are possible as long as the unitary constraint is satisfied.
Some of these are Hadamard gates and Z gates.
The Matrix Representation of Z-Gate is defined as:
It inverts sign of

the output is


the output is

For the state

to give

and leaves




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Derivation of Matrix Representation of Quantum Z- Gate:
The matrix representation of


The matrix representation of Z- gate

Verification of Unitary Constraint for Z-Gate:

We have to show:

The Matrix Representation of Hadamard gate is defined as:

the output is

Similarly, for

the output is

Hence, the Hadamard gate is also known as square- root of a NOT gate as it transforms
in to

, which may be considered as the mid way between

For the state




If we apply

to H:

Similarly, if we apply

to H: we will get


Derivation of Matrix Representation of Hadamard- Gate:

The matrix representation of


The matrix representation of H- gate


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Verification of Unitary Constraint for Hadamard-Gate:

We have to show:


The S-Gate is defined as:

the output is


the output is


the output is

Graphical representation:

It can be verified that S gate satisfies unitary constraint.

The T-Gate is defined as follows:
This is also known as


the output is


the output is


gate since it can also be expressed as:

the output is

Graphical representation of T gate:

Relation between S and T Gates:

The algebraic relation between S and T is as follows:


In 1995, a number of researchers declared that the two-qubit gates are basic gates [12-14] and higher qubit gates can be
constructed using them in compared to classical reversible logic gates which require three-bit gates for universality.
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Classical multiple input gates are AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR etc. Similarly we can have multiple qubit gates in case
of quantum computation.
The operation of controlled gate is described as If A is true, then do B .Where A is the control qubit and B is the target
qubit. If control qubit is set to 0 then target qubit is not altered. If control qubit is set to 1 then target qubit is inverted.
The CNOT gate is the prototype of multi qubit quantum gate. The circuit of CNOT is given below:

The CNOT Gate has two input qubits:

(I) Control Qubit: Here in the above figure control bit is represented by
(II) Target Qubit: The garget bit is represented by
The CNOT gate works in the following way: If the control qubit is set to 0 then target qubit remains unaltered. If the
control qubit is set to 1 then the target qubit is inverted. Now we will examine the functionality of CNOT gate with all
possible configurations of bits.
Input state
: Control qubit = 0 and Target qubit = 0
As control qubit is 0 the target qubit remains unaltered. Hence the output state is the same as the input state.

Input state
: Control qubit = 0 and Target qubit = 1
As control qubit is 0 the target qubit remains unaltered. Hence the output state is the same as the input state.

Input state
: Control qubit = 1 and Target qubit = 0
As control qubit is 1, the target qubit is inverted to 1. Hence the output state has both the qubits 1.

Input state
: Control qubit = 1 and Target qubit = 1
As control qubit is 1, the target qubit is inverted to 0. Hence the output state becomes

Truth Table of CNOT-Gate:

Matrix Representation of CNOT-Gate:


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CNOT gate can be considered as a generalized XOR gate since the action of the gate can be considered
stands for modulo-2 addition.
Verification of Unitary Constraint for CNOT-Gate:

CNOT-Gate is Reversible:
Unitary quantum gates are always invertible since inverse of unitary matrix is also a unitary matrix.
Universality of CNOT Gate:
Any multiple qubit logic gates may be composed from CNOT and single qubit gates. This is the quantum parallel of the
universality of the NAND gate.
Swap gate is defined as:
Graphical Representation of Swap Gate:

The swap gate is prepared using three CNOT gets. The circuit is read from left to right and each line represents a
quantum passage, maybe of time, perhaps a physical particle such as a photon or a light to move from one location to
another space.
The inputs are
.The output of first CNOT gate is
.This is fed to the second CNOT gate, the output is
.This is now fed to the third CNOT gate, the final output becomes
. Hence the overall effect is that the two qubits have been swapped.
Truth Table of Swap gate:

Matrix Representation of Swap-Gate:


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The controlled-Z gate is defined as:
The action of Controlled Z- Gate: If A is true, then do B
Truth table:


In this paper the quantum gates have been discussed with graphical and mathematical representation. The reversible
nature of quantum gates have been proved mathematically. Hence using quantum computer we can overcome the
irreversibility nature of classical computation and avoid information loss. Finally a comparison is made between the
classical and quantum logic gates.
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