Capitals: Country Name and Capital Name Are Same
Capitals: Country Name and Capital Name Are Same
Capitals: Country Name and Capital Name Are Same
Hello Readers,
One of the ardent fan, "Sneh@" provided us the post on "Mind Tricks to Remember Countries and
Capitals". So, here we are sharing the same with you. SBI asked questios from this topics. In IBPS too, it
can be expected. So, don't forget to mug up all. Also, don't forget to say thanks to Sneh@!!!
Country name and Capital name are same
Singapore - Singapore
Monaco Monaco
Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Tunisia - Tunis
Barbados BridgeTown
Koreas Family
1) South Korea Seoul
Seoul looks like Soul
Afghanistan - Kabul
Bangladesh - Dhaka
China - Beijing
Pakistan - Islamabad
Vietnam - Hanoi
Srilanka - Colombo
Philippines - Manila
Japan - Tokyo
Italy - Rome
France - Paris
Spain - Madrid
Thanks Sneh@