Bentall-De Bono Revisión Histórica
Bentall-De Bono Revisión Histórica
Bentall-De Bono Revisión Histórica
Background: Aortic root pathology had been a known entity with a progressive and catastrophic course, long before
the methods to surgically address them were rst developed. Once reliable cardiopulmonary bypass was established, surgeons were able to pioneer new operative techniques, and in the half-century to follow, countless
modications and renements have provided todays surgeons with the surgical approaches that are currently at
their disposal. History: Denton Cooley and Michael De Bakey
reported the rst successful surgical intervention for aneurysms involving the ascending aorta in 1956. Nearly a decade later, Hugh Bentall described his modication, and
provided a name that would leave a lasting mark on aneurysmal surgery. In the decades to follow, numerous innovative surgeons improved on these original procedures to allow for a more reliable and consistent operation. Further,
Tirone David and Sir Magdi Yacoub each described their
methods to repair the aortic root while preserving the valve,
thus providing their patients with freedom from a prosthetic
or mechanical valve and improved quality of life. Conclusions: The development of surgical techniques required to
successfully care for patients with pathology of the aortic
root has evolved considerably since Cooley and De Bakeys
original report. Although it is common to hear aortic root
replacement referred to as a Bentall, the methods currently employed have gone through considerable evolution,
such that the techniques of today should not be referred to
as a Bentall.
Copyright 2014 Science International Corp.
Aortic root pathology is often discovered incidentally after imaging is performed in patients for unrelated reasons. The most common indications for surgery of the aortic root are dilatation or aneurysm that
disrupts the precise hemodynamic environment
unique to the root (producing aortic insufciency)
and/or increases the risk of rupture or dissection. In
the past, operating on the aortic root was reserved
only for catastrophic circumstances. Current surgical
repair of aneurysms affecting the aortic root and ascending aorta involves resection of the pathologic
section and insertion of a graft. Recent innovations
include aortic valve-sparing techniques, which provide patients with increased quality of life due to
freedom from anticoagulation therapy, and increased
longevity of the valve (compared to tissue valves). In
instances where there is also concurrent aortic insufciency or aortic cusp pathology, a composite valvegraft (either bioprosthetic or mechanical) may be
used if the valve cannot be repaired. The purpose of
this review is to focus on the historical aspects of
aortic root surgery and to illustrate the evolution in
operative technique.
Key Words
Aortic root Bentall procedure Cabrol procedure
Valve-sparing surgery
2014 Aorta.
Published by Science International Corp.
ISSN 2325-4637
Accessible online at:
*Corresponding author:
Scott Maddalo
NYU-Langone Medical Center
New York, New York 10016, USA
Tel: 1 212 263 7300, Fax: 1 212 263 3842, E-Mail: [email protected]
Functional Anatomy
The aortic root is the complex anatomical section
that lies between the outlet of the left ventricle and
the ascending aorta. Two virtual rings form the
boundaries of this space. Proximally, the basal ring is
dened by the aortic valve annulus. Distally, the sinotubular junction is marked by the superior limit of the
valve cusp attachments. In addition to these anatom-
Maddalo, S. et al.
Historical Perspective
ical landmarks, a critical component of valve physiology arises from the geometric relationships between
the sinotubular junction and the basal ring. This region forms the sinuses of Valsalva, which serve to
optimize cusp-loading, improve transvalvular hemodynamics, and minimize turbulence throughout the
cardiac cycle [1]. In recent years, a more precise understanding of the uid dynamics that arise from sinus
geometry has developed [2]. This knowledge has the
potential to guide prosthetic valve design and surgical
repair, with the goals of minimizing cusp fatigue and
stress, much like the native sinuses. Further, torsion
within the aortic root as a result of helical blood ow
functions to dissipate shear strains created during left
ventricular contraction. A nal anatomic consideration
is the asymmetry among the three aortic cusps. The
noncoronary cusp is the largest of the three and its
basal attachment is to brous tissue lying in close
proximity to the anterior leaet of the mitral valve. The
basal attachments of the left and right cusps are
muscular, and because of this, the anterior section of
the basal ring is more resistant to dilation.
Surgical Technique
Initial Reports through the 1960s
Denton Cooley and Michael De Bakey reported the
rst successful replacement of a fusiform ascending
aneurysm in 1956 [3]. Prior to their experience, the
means to correct aneurysms in this anatomical location had been limited to narrow-necked saccular aneurysms [4]. These could be corrected with tangential
excision and aortorrhaphy. Reliable cardiopulmonary
bypass had yet to be consistently performed, and
even a brief interruption of aortic ow proximal to the
aortic arch meant disastrous neurologic consequences. Cooley and De Bakeys report of the initial
introduction of cardiopulmonary bypass to aortic aneurysm surgery was an incredible leap forward that
allowed the surgeon to temporarily halt aortic ow
without the compromise in systemic perfusion that
would result in the absence of circulatory support.
With the aid of cardiopulmonary bypass, surgeons
now had the time and surgical exposure necessary to
excise the defect and suture in place a homograft
before restoring normal cardiac function.
In the years that followed, the surgical group at
University of Oregon Medical School was at work cre-
Historical Perspective
Figure 1. Classic drawing of Bentalls original root replacement. Figure reprinted with permission from Bentall et al. [14].
ment. Notably, they credit Cooley with the development of a combination valve prosthesis and aortic
graft replacement, without mention of the work of
Wheat. Despite this, their innovation secured a lasting
name within aortic root repair. The early results of
subsequent procedures were complicated by the tenuous anastomosis resulting from implantation of the
coronaries into the graft with the inclusion technique.
Further, pseudoaneurysm formation at the coronary
anastomoses grew to be a well known concern following these original methods. The solution to the
limitation in proximal excision created a new challenge, one that would fuel the next era of innovation
seeking to improve on this technically challenging and
often unpredictable procedure.
Beyond a Classic Bentall: The Modications Necessary
for a Reliable Procedure
The specic anatomic-pathologic changes seen in
the aortic root are not consistent from patient to
patient. This is particularly evident when considering
the relationship of the coronary ostia to surrounding
structures. Commonly, the dilative and degenerative
process displaces the ostia to such an extent that
direct anastomosis to the graft is facilitated: such was
the case in Bentalls original procedure (Fig. 1). However, as the frequency of these operations grew from
isolated case reports to larger series, it became evident that there were individuals in whom the restricted mobility of the ostia precluded an uncomplicated anastomosis. In the subset of patients with
nondisplacement of the supra-annular segment, an
alternative means of anastomosis needed to be devised.
Maddalo, S. et al.
Historical Perspective
Historical Perspective
Figure 2.
Maddalo, S. et al.
Historical Perspective
Historical Perspective
Figure 3.
Valve-sparing procedure as done by Yacoub. Figure reprinted with permission from Yacoub et al. [25].
Historical Perspective
Table 1. David Classication by Miller for Valve-Sparing Aortic
Plus external synthetic strip over
brous portion of left ventricular
Plus plication of graft (d 4 mm)
at sinotubular junction
Plus plication of graft (d 68
mm) at both sinotubular junction
and basal ring to create
Figure 4.
rened their technique, adding numerous modications. A classication schema beyond simply calling a
procedure reimplantation versus remodeling was
needed, and despite the objections of David, Miller
popularized the David-I through David-V classication
(Table 1) [1]. He labeled Davids classic reimplantation
procedure using a cylindrical tube graft as David-I,
while Yacoubs classic remodeling procedure was
identied as a David-II. In this system, David-III referred
to a remodeling variation where a synthetic strip is
placed over the brous portion of the left ventricular
outow tract, achieving a narrowing and reinforcing
annulopasty. The nal two methods identied are
variations on reimplantation. David-IV refers to the
technique of using a graft 4 mm larger than the
annulus to allow for plication, and David-V employs an
Maddalo, S. et al.
Historical Perspective
In the fty-eight years since De Bakey and Cooley
rst replaced an ascending aneurysm with the aid of
cardiopulmonary bypass, a number of surgeons devised innovative steps to improve patient outcomes.
From the creation of the rst useable aortic valve
replacement to the valve-sparing techniques described by David and subsequent modications, surgeons can now treat aortic root pathology without
removing a patients native aortic valve, which greatly
improves quality of life. The design of the De Paulis
Valsalva graft is another great addition to the surgeons arsenal and reinforces the need to continue
analyzing and improving surgical techniques based on
the dynamic physiologic environment of the aortic
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