8th Grade 1st Quarter Waves - 8sf Linked

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8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

Quarter 1
Module A: Waves
Science instruction in eighth grade begins in module one with physical science by developing an understanding of the properties and behaviors of
waves. The understanding that waves transmit energy rather than matter will be reviewed and the difference between mechanical and
electromagnetic waves will be clarified. An understanding of the basic properties and behavior of waves and the reflection and absorption of waves by
various materials will be developed and students will gain an understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum.

DoDEA 8th Grade Inquiry Standards

Inquiry Standards to be embedded throughout the quarter
8Sa: The student will demonstrate an understanding of technological design and scientific inquiry, including process skills, mathematical thinking, controlled
investigative design and analysis, and problem solving.
8Sa.1: Design a controlled scientific investigation.
8Sa.2: Recognize the importance of a systematic process for safely and accurately conducting investigations.
8Sa.3: Construct explanations and conclusions from interpretations of data obtained during a controlled scientific investigation.
8Sa.4: Generate questions for further study on the basis of prior investigations.
8Sa.5: Explain the importance of and requirements for replication of scientific investigations.
8Sa.6: Use appropriate tools and instruments (including convex lenses, plane mirrors, color filters, prisms, and slinky springs) safely and accurately when
conducting a controlled scientific investigation.
8Sa.7: Use appropriate safety procedures when conducting investigations

DoDEA Content Standards Addressed in the Waves Module Module:

8Sf: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties and behaviors of waves. (Physical Science)
8Sf.1: Recall that
waves transmit energy
but not matter.

Essential Understandings
It is essential for students to know that a wave is a
repeating disturbance or vibration that transfers or moves
energy from place to place.
Waves are created when a source of energy (force) causes
a vibration.
A vibration is a repeated back-and-forth or up-and-down
Waves carry energy through empty space or through a
medium without transporting matter.
While all waves can transmit energy through a medium,
certain waves can also transmit energy through empty

The objective The
objective of this
indicator is to recall
that waves transmit
energy but not
matter; therefore, the
primary focus of
assessment should
be to remember that
waves as
disturbances or
vibrations that

Additional Resources:
Glencoe Alignment:
LG: Chapter 15-Section 1
(Pgs 420-428)
LG: Chapter 20-Section 1
What are Waves?
(Pgs 576-580)
FROG: Chapter 14-Lesson 1
(Pgs 446-447)

8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources


A medium is a material through which waves can travel. It

can be a solid, liquid, or gas.

When waves travel through a medium, the particles of the

medium are not carried along with the wave.
When there is no medium, certain waves (electromagnetic)
can travel through empty space.

transfer energy.
However, appropriate
assessments should
also require students
to recall the definition
of a wave and a
medium; recognize
types of media; recall
the ways that waves
travel; or recall what
causes waves.

Waves (SMART Notebook lesson)
Waves (8Sf.1-8Sf.8) (ppt)
Waves (ppt)
Waves and Wave Properties

Informational Text:
Fundamentals of Waves

Waves as Energy Transfer


Waves (self-correcting quiz)
Waves transmit energy (Quizlet)
Lesson Plan Resources:
Waves as Energy Transfer
An introduction to waves
Waves and Wave Motion:
Describing Waves
Chapter Resources Waves

Inquiry Based:
5E's Lesson A:Waves and

8Sf.2: Distinguish
between mechanical

It is not essential for students to know the mechanisms (the oscillations of the
fields) by which energy is transferred through empty space.
The objective of this
It is essential for students to know the following
indicator is to
characteristics of mechanical and electromagnetic waves:
distinguish between

Web-Based Activities:
What are some characteristics
of waves?
Glencoe Alignment:
LG: Chapter 15-Section 1

8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

and electromagnetic

Mechanical waves
Mechanical waves require the particles of the medium to
vibrate in order for energy to be transferred. For example,
water waves, earthquake/seismic waves, sound waves, and
the waves that travel down a rope or spring are also
mechanical waves. Sound waves, as with all mechanical
waves, cannot be transferred or transmitted through empty
space (vacuum).
Electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves are waves that can travel through
matter or empty space where matter is not present. Some
examples are radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible
light, ultraviolet rays and x-rays that all travel in
electromagnetic waves.
Another way to classify waves is by how they move:
Mechanical waves in which the particles of matter in the
medium vibrate by pushing together and moving apart
parallel to the direction in which the wave travels are called
compressional or longitudinal waves. The place on the wave
that is pushed together is called the compression and the
place that is moving apart is the rarefaction. Examples of
mechanical compressional/longitudinal waves might include
sound waves and some seismic waves.
Mechanical waves in which the particles of matter in the
medium vibrate by moving back and forth and perpendicular
(at right angles) to the direction the wave travels are called
transverse waves. The highest point of a transverse wave is
the crest and the lowest point is called a trough. Examples of
mechanical transverse waves might include some waves in
a slinky spring, waves on a rope, strings in a musical
instrument, and some seismic waves
Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves that can travel
without a medium through empty space.

mechanical and
waves; therefore, the
primary focus of
assessment should
be to make
distinctions between
the characteristics of
electromagnetic and
mechanical waves.
However, appropriate
assessments should
require students to
electromagnetic and
mechanical waves;
classify waves as
mechanical or
based on their
exemplify types of
mechanical and
waves and/or
compressional and
transverse waves; or
compare ways that
waves can move.

(Pgs 420-428)
LG: Chapter 20-Section 1
What are Waves?
(Pgs 576-580)
FROG: Chapter 14-Lesson 1
Two Main Types of Waves
(Pgs 448-450)
Waves (SMART Ideas)
Waves (8Sf.1-8Sf.8) (ppt)
Mechanical and Electrometric
Waves (YouTube 4:36)
Mechanical and Electrometric
Waves (ck-12 2:09)
Informational Text:
Categories of a Wave (the
Physics Classroom)
Electromagnetic Waves
Quiz (SMART question set)
Lesson Plan Resources:
Mechanical and
electromagnetic waves
Making Mexican Waves

Chapter Resources Waves


The Wave Game

It is not essential for students to know that electromagnetic waves are caused by
vibrating electric charges, or that they transfer energy between vibrating electric and
magnetic fields.

Inquiry Based:
5E's Lesson A:Types of

8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

8Sf.3: Summarize
factors that influence
the basic properties of
waves (including
frequency, amplitude,
wavelength, and

It is essential for students to know that the basic properties

of waves are influenced by several factors.
Frequency is a measure of how many waves pass a point in
a certain amount of time.
The higher the frequency, the closer the waves are together
and the greater the energy carried by the waves will be.
Amplitude is a measure of the distance between a line
through the middle of a wave and a crest or trough.
The greater the force that produces a wave, the greater the
amplitude of the wave and the greater the energy carried by
the wave.
In a transverse wave the higher the wave, the higher the
Sounds with greater amplitude will be louder; light with
greater amplitude will be brighter.
Wavelength is a measure of the distance from the crest on
one wave to the crest on the very next wave.
Shorter wavelengths are influenced by the frequency.
A higher frequency causes a shorter wavelength and greater
Speed is a measure of the distance a wave travels in an
amount of time.
The speed of a wave is determined by the type of wave and
the nature of the medium.
As a wave enters a different medium, the waves speed
changes. Waves travel at different speeds in different media.
All frequencies of electromagnetic waves travel at the same
speed in empty space.
NOTE TO TEACHER: Properties of waves will be
diagrammed using transverse waves only.

The objective of this

indicator is to
summarize factors
that influence the
basic properties of
waves; therefore, the
primary focus of
assessment should
be to generalize
major points about
how properties of
waves (including
frequency, amplitude,
wavelength, and
However, appropriate
assessments should
also require students
to recognize the
basic properties of
waves; recall the
factors that influence
the basic properties
of waves; or interpret
or illustrate diagrams
of transverse waves
by identifying specific
characteristics stated

Glencoe Alignment:
LG: Chapter 15-Section 2
(Pgs 429-434)
FROG: Chapter 14-Lesson 1
Properties of Waves
(Pgs 451-452)
Properties of Waves (SMART
Notebook lesson)

Interactive Waves
Wave Simulator
Waves (8Sf.1-8Sf.8) (ppt)
Informational Text:
The Speed of a Wave
Lesson Plan Resources:
Fundamentals of waves
Waves and Wave Properties
Anatomy of a Wave
Chapter Resources Waves

Inquiry Based:
5E's Lesson A:Properties of
Web-Based Activities:
Interactive Waves

8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

It is not essential for students to know how to calculate the speed of a wave or how
to diagram these properties on a longitudinal wave.

Amplitude, Wavelength,
and Frequency (iScience
Virtual Lab)

8Sf.4: Summarize the

behaviors of waves
(including refraction,
transmission, and

It is essential for students to know that waves have the

following behaviors:
Refraction is the bending of waves caused by a change in
their speed as they pass from one medium to another. As
waves pass at an angle from one medium to another, they
may speed up or slow down. The greater the change in
speed of the waves, the more the waves will bend.
Refraction of light going from air through a convex lens, for
example, can make images appear larger as the light
waves bend.
Prisms or diffraction gratings separate white light into its
different components or colors by bending the light at
different angles depending on the frequencies of the light
passing through the prism or diffraction grating. Different
colors of light have different frequencies.
Reflection is the bouncing back of a wave when it meets a
surface or boundary that does not absorb the entire waves
energy. All types of waves can be reflected.
Reflections of sound waves, for example, are called
echoes and help bats and dolphins learn about their
Plane mirrors and other smooth surfaces reflect light to
form clear images.
Transmission of waves occurs when waves pass through a
given point or medium.
Sound waves are transmitted through solids, liquids, and
Light waves are transmitted through transparent materials
(may be clear or colored material such as filters) that allow

Glencoe Alignment:
LG: Chapter 15-Section 3
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and
Plate Tectonics
(Pgs 436-441)
LG: Chapter 20-Section 2
Wave Properties
(Pgs 581-585)
LG: Chapter 20-Section 3
Wave Behavior
(Pgs 587-593)
FROG: Chapter 4-Lesson 2
Waves Interaction with Matter
(Pgs 453-454)
OWL: Chapter 14-Lesson 2
The Interaction of light and
However, appropriate
assessments should
(Pgs 136-137)
also require students to
The objective The
objective of this
indicator is to
summarize the
behaviors of waves;
therefore, the primary
focus of assessment
should be to generalize
major points about the
interactions of waves
with various materials
based on behaviors
(including refraction,
transmission, and

recognize the
behaviors of waves;
exemplify the
behaviors of waves
based on descriptions
of these behaviors;
interpret diagrams of
wave behaviors;
illustrate wave
properties; or explain
the major effects of
wave behavior.

Wave Behaviors
Echolocation and Dolphins
(Discovery Education)

The Nature of Waves (SMART

Notebook lesson)

Waves (8Sf.1-8Sf.8) (ppt)

Informational Text:
Special earplugs for teen
musicians (Chicago Tribune,
adapted by Newsela)

8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

Behavior of Waves

most of the light that strikes them to pass through them.

Only a small amount of light is reflected or absorbed.

Opaque materials allow no light waves to be transmitted


Lesson Plan Resources:

Behavior of waves
Wave Behaviors (NASA)
Reflection, Refraction, and
Refraction Demo
Chapter Resources Waves

through them.
Translucent materials transmit some light, but cause it to
be scattered so no clear image is seen.
Absorption of certain frequencies of light occurs when the
energy is not transferred through, or reflected by, the given
medium. Objects or substances that absorb any
wavelength of electromagnetic radiation become warmer
and convert the absorbed energy to infrared radiation.

8Sf.5: Explain hearing

in terms of the
relationship between
sound waves and the


Inquiry Based:
5E's Lesson A: Reflection and
5E's Lesson B: Transmission
and Absorption

It is not essential for students to know the quantitative relationships in refraction,

reflection, absorption, or transmission of waves. Students do not have to know about
the behavior of diffraction or about polarization of light. Measuring angles of reflection
or refraction is not essential. Behaviors using concave lenses or convex mirrors and
concave mirrors are beyond this indicator.

Vernier Lab:
Reflectivity of Light

It is essential for students to know the relationship

between the ear and sound waves to explain hearing as
Sound waves are gathered by the outer ear which is
shaped to help capture the sound waves (energy
transferred in particles of air) and send them through the
ear canal, which transfers them to the eardrum.
The vibrations of air particles cause the eardrum to vibrate.
o If the vibrations follow each other slowly (low frequency)
the sound is heard as a low pitch. If the vibrations
follow each other in rapid succession (high frequency),
the sound is heard as a high pitch.
o Sound waves with large amplitudes push on the
eardrum with more force and are heard as loud sounds.

Glencoe Alignment:
LG: Chapter 21-Section 1
What is Sound?
(Pgs 604-613)
LG: Chapter 21-Section 2
(Pgs 615-623)
OWL: Chapter 14-Lesson 1
(Pgs 122-129)

The objective of this

indicator is to explain
hearing in terms of the
relationship between
sound waves and the
ear; therefore, the
primary focus of
assessment should be
to develop a cause and
effect model that
shows the functions of
the three main parts of
the ear and how they
transmit and transfer

Web-Based Activities:
Wave Behaviors


8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

Sound waves with small amplitudes push on the
eardrum with less force and are heard as soft sounds.
Vibrations from the ear drum are transmitted to three small
bones of the middle ear, which transmit the vibrations to
the inner ear.
The vibrations in the liquid of the inner ear cause the tiny
hairs to vibrate. The vibrating tiny hairs transmit the
energy to nerves attached to the hairs.
The nerve impulses are transmitted to the brain and
interpreted as hearing.

sound waves for

hearing to occur in the
However, appropriate
assessments should
also require students to
recognize the three
major parts of the ear;
summarize how the
major parts of the ear
transfer sound waves
to the brain for
interpretation; or
interpret a diagram of
the ear that depicts
how sound is
transferred and
transmitted at each

Waves (8Sf.1-8Sf.8) (ppt)

How Do Sound Vibrations
Reach Our Ears?
(Discovery Education)

Energy and
Waves (SMART Notebook lesson)
Sound (SMART Notebook users

II (SMART Notebook

Sound Waves (pps)

Lesson Plan Resources:
Sound detectives
Teachable Moment: Acoustic
Waves: Light and Sound
(iScience Reaching Coach)

Waves: Light and Sound

(iScience graphic organizer)

Inquiry Based:
5E's Lesson A: How Sound

It is not essential for students to know the specific anatomy of the three main parts
of the ear in more detail than what is listed above (for example, names of ear bones).
8Sf.6: Explain sight in
terms of the
relationship between
the eye and the light
waves emitted or
reflected by an object.

It is essential for students to know that the interaction the

eye and light emitted or reflected by an object to allow sight
to occur as follows:
Light waves that have been emitted or reflected by an
object, enter the eye and first pass through the transparent
layer called the cornea where they are refracted.
The light rays are then refracted again as they pass
through the transparent lens (convex).

The objective The

objective of this
indicator is to explain
sight in terms of the
relationship between
the eye and the light
waves emitted or
reflected by an object;

Web-Based Activities:
What is a Wave
How is an oscilloscope used to
tune a musical instrument?
Glencoe Alignment:
LG: Chapter 23-Section 2
Reflection and Mirrors
(Pgs 669-674)
OWL: Chapter 14-Lesson 2
Light-Emitting Objects
(Pg 135)

8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

therefore, the primary
focus of assessment
should be to construct
a cause-and-effect
model of the eye
indicating how it
interacts with light
waves to allow sight to
occur. However,
assessments should
also require students to
recognize the functions
of the major parts of
the eye; interpret a
diagram of the major
parts eye and their
functions in
transmitting and
transferring light to
nerve impulses in the
brain for sight; interpret
a diagram showing
how light rays travel
through the eye; or
summarize the transfer
of light through the
major parts of the eye.
It is not essential for students to know about vision problems, such as being
nearsighted or farsighted, but these might be interesting topics for discussion

OWL: Chapter 14-Lesson 3

Light and the human Eye
(Pgs 144-145)

It is essential for students to that the absorption and

reflection of light waves by various materials results in
human perception of color as follows:
Most materials absorb light of some frequencies and
reflect the rest.
If a material absorbs a certain frequency of light, that
frequency will not be reflected, so its color will not be
perceived by the observer.
If the material does not absorb a certain frequency of light,

Glencoe Alignment:
LG: Chapter 15-Section 2
(Pgs 429-434)
LG: Chapter 20-Section 2
Wave Properties
(Pgs 581-585)
LG: Chapter 23-Section 1

The lens focuses the light waves on the retina, located on

the back of the inside of the eye.
The retina is composed of tiny light sensitive nerves that
transfer the energy of the light waves to nerve impulses
transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain for
interpretation as sight.

8Sf.7: Explain how the

absorption and
reflection of light waves
by various materials
result in the human
perception of color.

The objective The

objective of this
indicator is to explain
how the absorption and
reflection of light waves
by various materials
result in the human
perception of color;
therefore, the primary

How Do Sound Vibrations
Reach Our Ears?
(Discovery Education)

How Do Sound Vibrations

Reach Our Ears?
(Discovery Education)

Waves (8Sf.1-8Sf.8) (ppt)

Lesson Plan Resources:
Light and Sight
Waves: Light and Sound
(iScience Reaching Coach)

Waves: Light and Sound

(iScience graphic organizer)

Inquiry Based:
5Es Light and Sight
Web-Based Activities:
Light1: Making Light of
Science (Science NetLinks)
How are colors created?

8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

that frequency will be reflected, so its color will be
perceived by the observer.
If all colors of light are reflected by a material, it will appear
white. If all colors of light are absorbed by a material, it will
appear black.
The color that we see depends on (1) the color of light that
is shined on the object and (2) the color of light that is
reflected by the object. For example, if an object reflects
red wavelengths and absorbs all others, the object will
appear red in color.
Color filters allow only certain colors of light to
pass/transmit through them; they absorb or reflect all other
colors. For example, a blue filter only transmits blue light.
Objects seen through a blue filter will look blue if the
objects reflect blue; objects of other colors will appear
black because the other color wavelengths are being
absorbed by the filter.

focus of assessment
should be to develop a
model that depicts
absorption and
reflection of light
resulting in certain
colors being seen.
However, appropriate
assessment should
also require students to
recall that light is made
up of various
frequencies that relate
to the color perceived
by humans; interpret a
diagram of how colored
materials reflect or
absorb light; infer what
is being reflected and
what is being absorbed
by a colored material;
summarize the process
by which light is
absorbed or reflected
by various materials; or
exemplify of light being
absorbed or reflected
by various

Properties of Light
(Pgs 639-647)
OWL: Chapter 14-Lesson 3
The Color of Objects
(Pgs 146-148)
Bill Nye: Light and Color and
How it Works (YouTube)
Waves (8Sf.1-8Sf.8) (ppt)
Informational Text:
Dress Color in the eyes of the
beholder (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
adapted by Newsela)

Lesson Plan Resources:

Visible Light and the Eye's
Light Absorption, Reflection,
and Transmission
Waves: Light and Sound
(iScience Reaching Coach)

Waves: Light and Sound

(iScience graphic organizer)

Inquiry Based:
5Es Light and Color The
Visible Spectrum
Vernier Lab:
Absorption of Radiant Energy
Web-Based Activities:
Light & color
Light 2: The Light Side of Color
(Science NetLinks)

8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

It is not essential for students to know which frequencies of light are perceived as
which colors. The mixing of primary colors of light or of primary pigments is also not
8Sf.8: Compare the
wavelength and energy
of waves in various
parts of the
spectrum (including
visible light, infrared,
and ultraviolet

It is essential for students to know that electromagnetic

waves have a wide range of wavelengths. The entire range
of wavelengths is called the electromagnetic spectrum.
The relationship between the wavelength and energy of
waves in various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum can
be shown as follows:

Visible light
Visible light is the range of electromagnetic waves that can
be detected by the human eye.
The entire range of visible light is called the visible light
The wavelengths of visible light are in the middle range of
wavelengths/frequencies of electromagnetic waves.
The longer the wavelength, the lower the energy of the
wave is.
The human eye reacts to different energies and
frequencies of light so that different colors are seen.
o Higher frequencies (shorter wavelengths) are perceived
as colors toward the blue-violet range and have higher
o Lower frequencies (longer wavelengths) are perceived

The objective The

objective of this
indicator is to compare
the wavelength and
energy of waves in
specific parts of the
spectrum; therefore,
the primary focus of
assessment should be
to detect similarities
and differences related
to wavelengths (and
therefore frequency)
and the energy of
infrared, visible, light
and ultraviolet waves.
However, appropriate
assessments should
also require students to
recognize specific
parts of the
spectrum that are
higher or lower in
energy, shorter or
longer in wavelengths,
and higher or lower in
frequency; interpret a
diagram of the
spectrum; infer which
specific parts are
higher or lower in
wavelength, energy,


3: All Those Seeing Color

Say Eye! (Science NetLinks)
Color Vision (PhET)
Glencoe Alignment:
LG: Chapter 22-Section 1
The Nature of Electromagnetic
(Pgs 634-638)
LG: Chapter 22-Section 2
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
(Pgs 639-647)
LG: Chapter 22-Section 3
Using Electromagnetic Waves
(Pgs 649-653)
FROG: Chapter 14-Lesson 2
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
(Pgs 459-462)
OWL: Chapter 14-Lesson 2
(Pgs 132-134)
The Nature of Light (youtube)
Light Waves Part 1 (youtube)
Waves (SMART notebook)
Introduction to the
Electromagnetic Spectrum
(SMART notebook)

Light waves
PBS: Frontline Electromagnetic Spectrum

Waves (8Sf.1-8Sf.8) (ppt)

Introduction to Electromagnetic
Spectrum (NASA 5:19)

8th Grade Science Planning Guide with Additional Resources

as colors toward the orange-red range and have lower
Infrared radiation
Infrared radiation is the range of electromagnetic waves
with frequencies lower than red on the visible spectrum,
thereby having longer wavelengths and less energy than
red wavelengths.
All objects emit infrared radiation, and hotter objects emit
more infrared radiation than cooler objects.
Heat energy is transmitted by infrared radiation.
When objects absorb infrared radiation, they become

and frequency; or
classify waves by
specific characteristics.

Electromagnetic Waves Quiz
[SMART Response question set]

Informational Text:
What is the Electromagnetic
Spectrum (EarthSky News)
Lesson Plan Resources:
EN Light en Your Mind: The
Ultimate Light Resource
Inquiry Based:
5Es Electromagnetic
Spectrum Properties of Light

Ultraviolet radiation
Ultraviolet radiation is the range of electromagnetic waves
with frequencies higher than violet on the visible spectrum,
thereby having shorter wavelengths and more energy than
violet wavelengths.
Because of the high energy of ultraviolet radiation, too much
exposure is damaging to the eyes and skin.

It is not essential for students to know the specific wavelengths of the various types
of electromagnetic radiation, nor do students have to know the relative wavelengths
and energies of other forms of radiation than visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet

Web-Based Activities:
8th Grade Science Review:
NOVA: Electromagnetic
Spectrum Tour
NASA: Introduction to the
Electromagnetic Spectrum
NASAs Solar and Heliospheric
Waves Review Jeopardy
Game [SMART Notebook lesson]

8Sf: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties and behaviors of waves. (Physical Science)
Project Based Learning (will need to be modified, a starting point)
EXAM VIEW 8th Grade Waves Module (pdf)
EXAM VIEW 8th Grade Waves Module (.tst file)
Standards-Based Tracking Guide 8th Grade Waves Module

Catch a Wave!
(you can alter the test or give the test over your local LAN)
Science Explorations Schoology Group

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