2006 Feb 24 - Uplink
2006 Feb 24 - Uplink
2006 Feb 24 - Uplink
24, 2006
Staff Sgt. Chris Stagner
422nd ABS Public Affairs
Uplink 6 8
2 Feb. 24, 2006 Commanders Corner The Uplink
Would it be possible for Croughton American School and the Child De-
lations. velopment Center to keep better chains of communication? When the
Corrections: The 422nd Air Base
school sends out the dates they will be closed, can they e-mail them to
Squadron Public Affairs Office strives
the CDC also and vice versa?
for accuracy in each edition of The Up-
link. If an error is noticed, contact The
Uplink staff, 422nd Air Base Squadron We here at RAF Croughton value communication between our school
Public Affairs at 236-8468 or 01280 and Child Development Center staff. Our research has suggested there
708 468 or via e-mail at 422abs.pa@ has been a lapse in communication due to a recent turnover. Now that
croughton.af.mil and a correction will it has been identified, the school has improved their channels of communication
be published. with the CDC. The school will update the CDC with closures and cancellations.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Feb. 24, 2006 News The Uplink 3
President George Bush speak to a crowd of Airmen at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. The president
signed into law the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 on Jan. 10.
diction 24-hours a day, seven-days a week, while on or off
Human duty, while on or off a military installation. However, the
majority of U.S. laws do not extend to military dependents
Continued from Page 1 and DoD civilians or civilian contractors overseas, making it
difficult for the U.S. to enforce rules against trafficking.
ing or tolerating trafficking networks. However, for U.S. civilians, the Military Extraterritorial
“Human trafficking is an offense against human dignity, Jurisdiction Act, passed in 2000, made serious crimes com-
a crime in which human beings, many of them teenagers mitted abroad punishable as if they were committed in the
and young children, are bought and sold and often sexually U.S. The act essentially ensures that DoD civilians and civil-
abused by violent criminals,” President George Bush said at ian contractors are governed by U.S. law even when operat-
the White House before signing the bill. “Our nation is de- ing in lawless regions of the world.
termined to fight and end this modern form of slavery.” DoD has established a new training program clarifying
Human trafficking is the illegal practice of procuring hu- what human trafficking is and what the implications are of
man beings for unpaid work in locations from which they are becoming involved, said Robert Wisher, DoD’s director of
not allowed to leave. Trafficking is the third largest criminal advanced distributive learning.
activity in the world, after illegal arms and drugs sales. According to Teresa Beasley, USAFE chief of sexual re-
The act goes hand in hand with Executive Order 13387 sponse and prevention, the computer based training program
signed by the president Oct. 14, 2005. Among other changes is already in place in USAFE. The 30-minute Trafficking in
to the law, the order expands the Uniform Code of Military Persons Basic Awareness Training program focuses on the
Justice to specifically criminalize patronizing a prostitute. phenomenon, cause and prevention of human trafficking as
Patronizing a prostitute is punishable by a dishonorable dis- well as the legal consequences and enforcement.
charge, confinement for one year, reduction in grade to E-1 “This annual training is mandatory for all military mem-
and forfeiture of all pay and allowances. bers, DoD civilian employees and contractors,” said Ms.
The UCMJ change will mean little difference for the day- Beasley.
to-day lives of U.S. Air Forces in Europe Airmen, said Maj. The overall goal of the training is to change people’s at-
Charlotte Liegl-Paul, a military justice attorney with Head- titudes about prostitution and human trafficking and make
quarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe. Prior to the order, the them realize the victim’s side of the story, said Robert Wish-
UCMJ already criminalized prostitution and “pandering:” er, DoD’s director of advanced distributive learning. To ac-
accepting money in exchange for sex; compelling, inducing, cess the computer based training program long on to https://
enticing or procuring a person to have sex in exchange for devweb.usafe.af.mil/ or contact a unit training manager.
money; or receiving money for arranged sex. Editor’s note: Information for this story was contributed
Military personnel worldwide are subject to UCMJ juris- by American Forces Press Service.
4 Feb. 24, 2006 News The Uplink
News Briefs
Group CC call
The 422nd Air Base Group
Commanders Call will be
March 8 at 8 a.m. in the Com-
munity Center.
Fitness Center
Until further notice the Fit-
ness Center hours are from
6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday
through Friday and 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. on Sunday.
Jahi Uzzell
Senior Airman 422nd CS
Adam Small
Master Sergeant
422nd CS Drew Scott
422nd CES
Story and p
Staff Sgt. C
422nd ABS
Royal Ai
is full of Ro
don’t know
fine with th
On horse
at midnight
intentions i
going to sw
feet ... unle
Not to w
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ly trained m
Tech. S
from the
Airman 1st Class Anthony Harmon, 422nd Security Forces ir
hours p
Squadron Alpha Flight Romeo, performs a patrol around RAF er d
Croughton. Romeos are specially trained security forces Air-
men dedicated to perimeter security.
ture The Uplink 7
Being safe involves
Combat Education
Tech. Sgt.
being ‘Project Smart’
Ronald Tucker more proac-
Staff Sgt. Chris Stagner
236-8620 422nd ABS Public Affairs tive now,” he
Combat Fitness said. “We’re
Master Sgt. RAF Croughton is different than most managing our
Dan Gallagher Air Force bases because it doesn’t have an processes more
236-8541 airfield. Croughton also has a fraction of aggressively
Combat Intro/Exit the Airmen most bases have. Croughton’s and catching
Master Sgt. mission is still just as important as any more accurate
William Franklin other Air Force base, it’s just a mission that data than we
doesn’t involve flying. did in the past.” Tech. Sgt. Justin Grant
Because the mission varies and the way Class D mis-
Combat Nighthawk 422nd ABG Safety
Airmen execute the mission is different, haps can benefit
1st Lt. Chad Johnson Croughton Airmen aren’t as susceptible to safety programs since they are less serious.
236-8191 most mishaps commonly associated with They provide a tool to gauge what is hap-
Combat Proud Air Force bases. An Airman on Croughton pening and how to better educate to avoid
Master Sgt. is never going to get hurt while working more serious incidents.
Martin Jimenez on a jet. This doesn’t mean Airmen on One area of safety that important to Ser-
236-8754 Croughton still aren’t in harm’s way. geant Grant is driving under the influence.
Combat Touch “We’ve been fortunate enough to main- The last DUI at Croughton was in May
Chaplain (Capt.) tain a very low mishap rate; especially 2004. That’s a streak Sergeant Grant would
when it comes to our on-duty accidents,” like to keep increasing indefinitely.
Eddie Jones
said Tech. Sgt. Justin Grant, 422nd Air “People need to know the consequences
236-8287 of their actions when they drink and drive,”
Base Group Safety manager.
Hidden Heroes Croughton isn’t immune to Airmen he said. “A misconception people have is
Master Sgt. injuries, though, according to the safety that they can calculate how much they can
James Foreman manager, “we’ve already had two Class C drink and then drive. The answer is zero. If
236-8584 mishaps (mishaps causing an Airman to you’ve had one, don’t drink and drive.”
Project CHEER miss time from work or involving damages Sergeant Grant went on to share a story
Hannah Slatter of more than $20,000) in fiscal year 2006. from his past before he became a safety
236-8294 One was from a sports injury and one was manager.
Project Wizard from a motorcycle accident.” “When I was an Airman a friend of mine
Accidents like the ones that injured two called and asked for a ride,” he said. “I told
Evette Pearson
Croughton Airmen are the reason Sergeant him to call someone else because I was
236-8245 asleep. My friend got a DUI that night.”
Grant utilizes the Project Smart program.
Project SMART “The goal of Project Smart on Croughton Sergeant Grant also explained the impor-
Tech. Sgt. Justin Grant is to increase safety awareness through tance of Combat Wingman, planning and
236-8580 personal risk management,” he said. knowing who to call when in need.
Customer College In addition to the Class C mishaps, “Airmen need to be good Combat Wing-
2nd Lt. Amanda Phelps Croughton has also had eight Class D men,” he said. “If someone calls you for a
236-8375 (mishaps involving medical treatment ride, give it to them. Not only will you help
Combat Care greater than first aid or damage to equip- them avoid a DUI, you could save their life
Capt. Michele Ashley ment valued at more than $2,000 but or the life of someone else.
less than $20,000) mishaps in fiscal year “For the Airmen who do go out and drink
2006. That’s more than half the number too much, use the resources we have avail-
Project Connect able,” said Sergeant Grant. “If you can’t get
in all of 2005. It might seem like a jump
Col. Vincent D’Angelo in accidents involving Airmen, but looks your Wingman, call your supervisor. Your
236-8974 can be deceiving according to Tech. Sgt. supervisor is always your Wingman. If that
Combat Wingman Dan Walsh, 501st Combat Support Wing doesn’t work, use public transportation.
1st Lt. Tim Soehner Ground Safety manager. Taxis aren’t expensive, and you can even
236-8220 “One reason we’re showing more mis- reserve one to pick you up and take you
haps is because the safety programs are home before you even leave the house.”
Feb. 24, 2006 Commentary The Uplink 9
Quality of life -- a RAF Croughton focus
Maj. Gary Dorman Defence Police. We finished early and provements they bring are the tangible
422nd Civil Engineer Squadron under budget and improved security results of our efforts. However, what
for the base and our families. may be even more important in the
Quality of life is a phrase that can The new road in front of the SF long run is how we’re improving the
mean many things to different people. facility improved safety and spruced processes which deliver these facili-
To some, regular work outs at the up the landscaping. The inside of the ties and services. We’re engaged with
gym and getting home at a reasonable building is getting attention as well Defence Estates, our designers and
hour lead to a high quality of life. For with a $1 million interior renovation our contractors in an effort to speed up
others, top-notch family housing and project under way. construction, and it’s working.
a neat, clean and professional work Recreational and support facilities In the past it was not uncommon for
environment do it. Whatever the defi- play a major role in bringing the mem- projects to be funded one year and get
nition, people know when they have it bers of our community together, and constructed several years later. Each
and when they don’t. we’re committed to improving these of our current projects is on track for
The 422nd Air Base Group and as well. Our civil engineer craftsmen completion within 12 months of fund-
Civil Engineer Squadron are commit- teamed up with services personnel ing -- well ahead of the curve. We’re
ted to providing the quality living and and we’re working hard to improve not limiting our efforts to solely major
working areas we deserve, and it’s our Consolidated Club. The back projects. Again working with Defence
worth looking at how far we’ve come. bar area has already received major Estates we reduced our change of
We’ve finished major improve- improvements, and we’re continuing occupancy maintenance times from
ments to the interior of the Child the process by installing new carpeting around 24 days to 7 days on average!
Development Center and reopened it. and interior lighting. We’ll continue to look for ways
Now we’re setting our sights on its The Bowling Center has also to improve every aspect of our qual-
exterior and surrounding areas. received a lot of attention recently ity of life, and you’ll see the benefits
We partnered with our designers, with new lane overlays, a new scoring of our efforts in the coming months.
construction contractors and Defence system and concourse renovations. Let us know how we can make the
Estates to beddown the Ministry of Construction projects and the im- Croughton experience better for you!
ebruary is National Children’s Dental Health need to brush and floss health or to schedule an
Month, and it was celebrated with the “A their teeth until age 6 annual exam, contact the
Healthy Smile is Something to CHEER!” or 9 when they have RAF Croughton Dental
Attitudes and habits established at an early age are the coordination to do Clinic at 236-8737, ex-
critical in maintaining good oral health throughout life. a good job. Brush your tension 3.
Now would be a perfect time to talk to your kids about child’s teeth twice a day
habits like brushing, flossing and a good diet. Here are and floss once a day un-
some tips on oral hygiene: less your dentist recommends otherwise.
Babies: After each feeding, wipe the baby’s gums You may also wish to have your child rinse with ACT
with a clean gauze pad. Start brushing your child’s teeth fluoride rinse (and long as they can spit it all out). The
with water when the first tooth erupts. Begin flossing as water in the Caversfield and Croughton area has almost
soon as any two teeth touch. no fluoride in it. An alternative would be to have your
Starting about age 2, use a pea-sized amount of child drink bottled water that already has the correct
fluoride toothpaste and rinse after brushing. If you are amount of fluoride added to it. Look for this at the Com-
considering using toothpaste before age 2, please talk to missary.
your dentist or physician. Never let your child fall asleep As permanent molars erupt, ask your dentist if seal-
with a bottle containing milk, formula or juice. Stick to ants are recommended. Sealants create a thin barrier that
water for a naptime drink! helps protect chewing surfaces from decay. Remember
Your child should visit a dentist by their first birth- to provide your child with a well-balanced diet and limit
day or when their first tooth erupts. This is a “well baby snacks.
check up” for the teeth. If your child has not had a dental examination in the
Children: It is great to have your child get involved last year, schedule an appoint with your dentist.
10 Feb. 24, 2006 Community The Uplink