Cryptic Degrees

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It is a peculiarity of the York Rite, whether intended or not by it's

authors, that the movement of the degrees is often inverse, and the
historical connection reversed; so that as we apparently go forward in
regular progression, the knowledge and light gained always reflect
backward upon the path we have traveled before, and the degrees that
seemed complete when we took them are found to require the explanation
of the subsequent degrees before they can be understood. This is what
makes the infinite interest in the work, and causes the reflective Mason to
continually study the sublime precepts and ceremonies of the order. This
is especially true of the Cryptic Degrees, two of which historically precede
the Royal Arch, but which hold in reserve their valuable teachings until
the candidate is ready to receive them.
ROYAL MASTER. - - In this degree HIRAM is alive again, and imparts
to the candidate the teachings of useful labor on earth and a worthy end
of life. The tragedy of his untimely death is again brought forward, with
the great loss suffered by the craft. This is especially illustrative of the
third and seventh degrees.
SELECT MASTER. - - In this degree we have dramatized one of the
incidents that occurred during the building of the Temple. It is closely
connected with the Royal Arch degree, and in fact it affords the
explanation needed for it's perfect understanding. Our three ancient
Grand Masters appear in charge of a very important work connected
with the Temple. Certain secrets are imparted to the candidate which
make clear to him the preceeding degrees. It is highly dramatic and of the
greatest interest.
SUPER EXCELLENT MASTER - - This degree has no connection either
in history or symbolism with the Royal and Select Master degrees. It is
divided into three striking scenes , in the first of which King ZEDEKIAH
of Judah listens to his false counselors and despises the warnings of the
Prophet Jeremiah, and the vengeance of the Lord is poured upon him.
Jerusalem is captured and it's wicked King is taken before King
Nebuchadnezzar who destroys the royal household, burns the city and
Temple, leaving the land in charge of the very poor. The last scene
represents the Jewish captives at Babylon, under the direction of

HAGGAI, the prophet.

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