Principles of Mass Deliverance - Win Worley

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Principles of Mass Deliverance

By Win Worley

Principles of Deliverance
God took us into the promised land when He translated us into the kingdom
of His beloved Son. He has given us the sword of the Spirit and gifted us with
the discernment of spirits through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We have
been given the use of the name of Jesus. Thus equipped we are to go forth to
clear the land of the giants. The command is to go, casting out demons.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to
every creature.

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not
shall be damned.

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast
out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not
hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
(Mark 16:15, 18)

When God gave Canaan to the Israelites, He did not instantly kill nor drive
from the land all who were living there. However, He did give His people
assurance that He would be with them to guide and bless them in the battles
which would be coming.

By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou increased
and inherit the land. (Exodus 23:30)

So it is with us today. We are perfected through a process of deliverance,

released and promotions engineered and authorized by the Holy Spirit, Who
works in conjunction with our will. It is total unrealistic to imagine we are
automatically cleansed from past Satanic consequences of our actions in the
present. Supernatural forces constantly war in the soul, mind, will, emotions
and body vying for control. Salvation does not exempt anyone from this
battle, it only equips to win it.

Due to the work of Satan and his evil spirits Christians suffer illness. The
devil was identified as the source of sickness by Christ.

And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath
bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath
day? (Luke 13:16)

The Bible record is clear that Christian suffering can be the result of demon
activity. When Christ spoke to these infirmities, they came out speaking or
crying out.

Weakness in the flesh due to natural causes or imbalances can be initiated,

amplified and reinforced by evil spirits. The body is made more vulnerable to
attack when the spirit is weakened through sin, neglect, or rebellion. Chronic
health problems are often rooted in demonic activity.

Believers are also subject to emotional imbalance and illness. Yielding our
thoughts to the enemy constitutes an invitation to demonic control and one
the enemy eagerly accepts. This is why we are commanded to cast down
imaginations in 2 Corinthians 10:5.

It is both illogical and unnecessary to believe that spirit activity takes place
outside the body of the believer.

Behind every ungodly activity, negative emotion and form of idolatry Satan
has a henchman. These evil emissaries stand ready to indwell and enhance
the work of the enemy in us at our will and invitation.

For example, when a Christian gets "high" on drugs he is exercising his will.
By these actions he is saying: "Come into me, demons of sorcery. Alter my
mind, let me feel your pleasure and benefit from your presents within me.”
The demons gladly oblige, but unknown to the victim, the evil spirits remain
within the person after the initial experience.

As demons insinuate themselves to gain increasing control, the host

gradually becomes enslaved. When this occurs, the spirits have license to
express themselves in the mind and life of the believer, even though the
victim on longer desires it or finds it pleasurable or convenient. Working from
within, they coerce and compel, amplifying and exaggerating natural desires.
This, coupled with outside temptations, overcomes resistance to the demonic
forces and their suggestions (2 Peter 2:19; Romans 6:17).

We can yield ourselves to the enemy in unconscious ways as well. Habitual

giving way to negative emotions such as anger, fear, hate, rejection, etc.,
can lead to invasion by the evil spirits which reinforce these feelings.

Emotional trauma and abuse in childhood provide excellent opportunities for
demonic control to be established.

God's laws of headship and authority provide protection and blessing for the
meek. Perversion of this can also provide an enemy a way for attack on
those unfortunate enough to be submitted to an ungodly cover.
Congregations are subjected to the religious evil spirits who teach false
doctrines through a pastor. Children are open to attack from the forces
controlling ungodly parents, and wives from those working through their

Children acquire both the blessings and the curses the parents qualify for
unto the third fourth generation:

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy
God {am} a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
unto the third and fourth {generation} of them that hate me; (Exodus 20:5)

We are laid open to possible attack because of the sins of our forefathers
and ancestors. God has pronounced curses upon the disobedient unto the
third and fourth generations. For some sins the curse travels even further,
such as ten generations (400 years) on illegitimacy.

A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his
tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation. (Deuteronomy

These curses, or penalties for sin, can be enforced by demons. Depending on

the nature of the offense, evil spirits may work in the lives of the
descendants to duplicate the transgressions of the fathers and bring the
misery of the chastisement due as well. Alcoholism, lust and all kinds of
perversion, rebellion and occult involvement are common examples.
Fortunately these iniquities may be lifted by securing forgiveness for the
persons responsible for the sin at the root of the problem:

If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their
trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked
contrary unto me; (Leviticus 26:40)

Curses may then be broken in Jesus' name, and resulting demons cast out.

Christ was accursed for us that we might be free from the curse (penalty) of
the Law
(Galatians 3:13).

Spoken curses or imprecations can be simple negative statements agreed

upon or powerful hexes and enchantments pronounced by witches or Satan
worshippers. Either way, the devil makes it his business to see these come to
pass in the lives of men. They may be countered with positive statements
and renunciations, followed by the casting out of the attending demons.

Failure to obey God's Word concerning tithes and offerings is another

common way Christians invite demonic attack. Malachi 3:8-12 states that a
devourer (note the personal pronoun -- as in tormenter) in the life of the
believer is the result of robbing God. To tamper with the tithe is
embezzlement and brings a specific curse for stealing that which is holy unto
the Lord.

This devourer can bring financial losses, health problems, emotional

instability, division in the home, and all kinds of problems. However, Satan's
attack is not limited only to finances where the sin is robbing God. Do not be
confused into thinking that tithing was somehow eliminated by Christ's
coming. So long as there are harvest on earth, all men are to honor God with
the first fruits of their increase. As always, the decision to obey is required by
God. The devourer still needs to be rebuked by the Lord.

Tithing is a spiritual law. God has always required the tenth part of man's
income. Before the Mosaic Law, Abraham paid tithes (Genesis 28:22;
Hebrews 7:1-6).

Tithing is God's commandment. When we fail to pay tithes we are robbing

God and are subject to the consequences of disobedience (Malachi 3:8, 9).

Tithing definitely is for us today. In the New Testament Jesus approved it and
Paul taught it.

But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of
herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have
done, and not to leave the other undone. (Luke 11:42)

Upon the first {day} of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as
{God} hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. (1
Corinthians 16:2)

Tithing is not giving. The tenth part, the tithe of your gross income already
belongs to God, therefore it is not yours to give. You pay the tithe and give
offerings over and above the tithe (Leviticus 27:32; Malachi 3:8).

Bring the tithes into the storehouse, the local assembly where you are fed.
You do not eat at one cafe and walk down the street and pay the bill to
another restaurant. Give offerings to other ministries as God directs you.
Tithing opens the way for blessing.

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine
house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open
you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that {there shall}
not {be room} enough {to receive it}. (Malachi 3:10)

Tithing is not a formula for success, but an act of obedience which opens the
way for even greater blessings from God.

If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will
commit to your trust the true {riches}? (Luke 16:11)

The following is a suggested prayer of repentance from robbing God:

"Heavenly Father, forgive me for robbing from you. Help me to be a faithful

and honest steward of that which you entrust to me, for You are the One
which gives power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). Give me an ear to
hear Your voice in financial matters. Thank you Lord, in Jesus' name, Amen."

Art, as well as music, opens the mind and emotions and is an avenue for the
expression of the deepest parts of man's soul. As we can be drawn to God
and impressed with peace by spiritual music and art, negatively we can be
influenced by the enemy through the same mediums.

There are only two sources of inspiration in the world today, God and Satan.
Either something comes from the hand of our Lord, or from the natural world,
which is the realm controlled by Satan, god of this world. To partake of
worldly art and music imparts death, not life
(I Corinthians 10:20).

The Bible demonstrates that the right kind of music can bring effective relief
from demonic oppression. Saul's servants urged him to call for a godly
minstrel to relieve him of an evil spirit. As David played, the spirit left the
king (I Samuel 16:14-23). Again, Elisha used a minstrel to soothe his bad
mood so he could prophesy (II Kings 3:15).

These examples show only temporary relief from oppression but God's
prescription for remaining filled with the Spirit is much like the advice of the
servants of Saul
(Ephesians 5:18, 19).

The atmosphere in our homes should be filled with music and praises to God.
They should be decorated with the word of God and that which brings the
Lord to mind. Not only is this good medicine and cure for moodiness and
division, but it is also the best preventative as well. Apply liberally, with love!

The ownership of an object is an act of the will. We will to possess the things
we own and often these can be an open invitation for Satan to operate in our
lives. Examples of this include: articles of occult significance, books of the
cults and false doctrine, paraphernalia related to drugs and violence; stolen
and illegal goods, alcohol and tobacco. Worldly records, tapes and posters
are open doors and invitations for the evil spirits empowering these realms
to come and operate in our lives.

More subtle than the ownership of pornography, but just as dangerous

spiritually is the ownership of photos and mementos which recall to mind
former lustful relationships which were formed in the world, outside of God's
will. By the ownership of such things agreement with the spirits which
formerly moved through them is reached.

The command is to separate from the ungodly past and to reckon it as dead
and gone (Romans 6:2). Only really cleaning house will bring lasting relief
from such wicked spirits which trouble Christian marriages and distract with
floods of obscene thoughts.

Occult books, tools of divination, reference materials on yoga, Eastern

religions are all territory forbidden to Christians. Pray and ask God to reveal
those items you may own which are not pleasing to Him and get rid of
anything which excites evil memories or imaginations.

Destroy, do not pass on or sell object that are of themselves evil and bring
evil to mind. Things of great value can often bring great harm. Donate or
give away items that have a meaning only to you. However, when in doubt,
destroy the item rather than pass on a problem. The theme of separation
from the world and its idols as essential preparation for deliverance cannot
be overemphasized (II Corinthians 6:17).

Demons may inhabit, not only people and objects, but also places. Private
homes and public places can come under the authority of specific spirits
which must be driven out. Homes and properties should be cleansed with
specific prayer and commands for the spirits to leave, never to return. Be
wary of motel rooms and rented meeting places, even used furniture
purchases. Carelessness can lead to spiritual trouble and harassment.

Unforgiveness is a common, if not the major cause of demonic oppression

among Christians. Matthew 18:34, 35 states clearly we will be delivered to
the tormenters if we do not forgive from our hearts.

Many times it is not willful refusal to forgive, but a passive attitude towards
injuries inflicted by others. By not dealing with them properly, little hurts can
grow into big spiritual problems.

Unforgiveness can produce chronic illness of all types, emotional instability,

financial problems, hindrance in the gifts of the Spirit and general inability to
progress in spiritual growth. These tormentors will remain with us until we
forgive those responsible and rebuke the tormentor. The trespassing demons
will remain, even without legal rights, unless we command them to leave.

To perfect forgiveness towards others requires that the Holy Spirit bring to
mind those persons and experiences hidden in our past which have caused
the hurt and disappointment. Through prayer, sometimes coupled with
fasting, the Lord will reveal the roots of bitterness and the persons we need
to forgive.

A careful, honest and diligent search of our past must be made in order to
loose the legal holds tormenting spirits may have. God can bring to mind
those who have neglected, rejected and disappointed us. People who are
closest to us usually have the power to hurt us most.

We must verbally forgive those who have hurt or disappointed us and speak
forgiveness in Jesus' name as they are brought to mind. There is no
requirement that we feel warmth or affection for those who have hurt us nor
do we have to agree with their words or actions. God will in time supply the
forgetfulness and/or affection for them.

Pray something like this: "Heavenly Father, forgive me for my past failures
to forgive. Bring to mind now any and all people whom I need to forgive.
Cleanse my heart of all unforgiveness, resentment and bitterness.”

"Help me to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit when you speak to me of
these things. I do now forgive the following people who have hurt or
disappointed me {call them out by name}. Thank you Lord, in Jesus' name,

Remember that guilt is a symptom of deeply rooted and often hidden

bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. If you are troubled with persistent
guilt or shame, double check for these hidden things in your life:

(1) Do you have God's forgiveness? (2) Have you forgiven others? (3) Have
you forgiven yourself? Feeling forgiven yourself will come as you forgive

To summarize: Christians are open to attack when they fail to align

themselves perfectly with God's will. Some of the areas which may open the
way for demonic attack are -- known sin and rebellion; emotional stress and
trauma; submission to an ungodly cover; inherited curses; worldly art and
music; ownership of unclean objects; failure to cleanse property and places;
failure to tithe; unforgiveness, idolatry or a lack of separation from the things
of the world.

Discerning of spirits is a gift from God. His grace is absolutely necessary to

expose the patterns of demonic activity and to help us perfect our
repentance to pave the way for deliverance.

To perfect repentance requires the truth concerning the areas in question for
it is this truth which sets us free. Having the knowledge of the workings of a
certain spirit and our agreement with the Lord about it will enable us to keep
and effectively maintain our deliverance. Without this understanding we may
drift back into the activity, not realizing the consequences.

With God's help we can see, or discern spirits at work in behavior and the
realization of sin in our life. Most demons are not so easily identified for their
very survival depends upon concealment of their identity. Ultimately the
discerning of a spirit in the life of anyone must come as a direct gift and
revelation of the Holy Spirit. Without His guidance and instruction all ministry
will fail.

No one can see a demon in operation until repentance is complete in that

area of the life. This is true for the one ministering deliverance as well as for
the believer who is seeking help. Only after the beam is removed from our
own eye can we clearly see to help another with theirs.

When the activity is stopped in the flesh and we have removed our will from
it, then, and only then can the will be seen apart from the operation within.
Complete repentance is essential, for without such a proper foundation the
spirit may re-enter.

The latter state of the man would then be worse than the former one. Jesus
said that a returning demon would bring seven others worse than himself
with him. Ignorance of this principle of repentance has produced much
unbelief and opposition in the body of Christ towards this valid and important
ministry of deliverance.

Demons sometimes expose themselves through speech. As a believer

speaks out of the abundance of his heart, so there can occur a slip of speech,
something blurted out, or said in a moment when conscious control is

Sometimes there are things we did not mean or wish we had not said. Hurtful
or embarrassing things can come from a level so deep that it is beyond our
control when they pop out. This kind of speech, from unconscious levels,
often exposes another mind and will within. By carefully noting what is being
expressed, sometimes the spirit behind it can be discovered.

Based on materials contributed by Dean L. Andrews

Written by Win Worley

Returning Curses to the Senders

Some have loudly and vigorously protested when we send curses back to
their source. They say we should bless, not curse our enemies. I agree,
however many people do not know what it means to say, "God bless you." If
a person is lost, the best blessing God can give is to bring them to Himself to
be saved. If they profess to be believers but are walking outside the will of
God, their best blessing is to be brought back to the Lord.

When a person is so wicked and disobedient to God's Word as to stoop,

knowingly or unknowingly, to flinging witchcraft curses or coercive psychic
prayers (See Annihilating The Hosts of Hell, Vol. 1), they must be

When you return a curse to its sender you do not initiate it, but are merely
sending it back to the originator. Here the old adage, "Keep your words
sweet for you never know when you will have to eat them," is appropriate.

By returning the curses and the spirits they generate and release on their
victims to the person or persons who sent them you may be "blessing" them.
In many cases, this is the only way to get their attention and to stop their
wicked designs against God's people (Ezekiel 13:20). God is against such
evil shenanigans and hates such practices.

His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall
come down upon his own pate. (Psalm 7:16)

Hear, oh our God, for we are despised; and turn their reproach upon their
own head. (Nehemiah 4:4)

. . . . they hired Balaam against them, that he should curse them; how beit
our God turned the curse in to a blessing (Nehemiah 13:2)

The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made; in the net which they
hid is their own foot taken. (Psalm 9:15)

. . . . and let his net that he hath hid catch himself; into that very destruction
let him fall. (Psalm 35:8)

Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be
turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt. Let them be
turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha. (Psalm 70:2, 3)

As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing,

so let it be far from him. (Psalm 169:17)

Susceptibility to Demons
Although it has been mentioned in other books, I believe it would be order to
again point out that various people are not equally susceptible to demonic
attack. It has been observed repeatedly that individuals vary in their
sensitivity to inroads by demons.

For example, someone who has been deeply ensnared by the evil spirits
behind rock music but has secured deliverance will tend to be very
sensitized in that area. When I hear rock music, I am only annoyed by the
noise, the disharmony and irritating character of it. However, when someone
who has been delivered from the demons of the music is exposed to it, they
come under various forms of attack, ranging from depression to headaches.
Because music has a power ability to recall former experiences to mind, it

can constitute a medium by which the enemy can bring back many sordid
and sinful things from the past.

It works the same in many areas where deliverance has been obtained. In
those involving sexual temptation, what bothers one person and triggers all
sorts of attacks, may leave another totally unaffected. Here we have to be
sensitive to our brother's needs and weaknesses.

Like a person coming out of major surgery, a person who has experienced
massive deliverance will tend to be sensitive in those areas for a time as he
is receiving a spiritual healing. Possibly in the future he will not be so
affected by old pursuits and temptations, but in the beginning he must be
very careful not to open himself to fresh attack. We do not advise coddling
people, but to give them extra help and support in a time of real need is
another thing.

Sending Angels Forth

After attending a Hegewisch workshop I decided to put in practice a
testimony I had heard. It concerned anointing your place of work, and
binding and loosing spirits over your job.

Because my boss is not a Christian, the enemy had plenty of opportunity to

use him against me. The devil was trying hard to make me lose my job so I
decided to counter attack.

The first night I took a bottle of oil and walked the entire perimeter of the
place where I work. I anointed every door in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. I also commanded every evil spirit to be bound and to leave,
especially those who were trying to take my job (spirits such as witchcraft
and destruction).

Next, I went inside the building and anointed the office of every department
which affected my job. I loosed angels in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to
go and create favor for my department. I bound every spirit over each
department which would attack my department.

I also bound spirits in all of the management personnel who would try to use
evil against me, including Lying, Gossip, Slander and Opinionated spirits. I
loosed angels to go and create favor with my boss and secure my position
with the company.

This I did every night and soon began to notice a change in the production
output of my own department. As it began to increase, this caused great
favor with my supervisor. He gradually began to change his opinion about
me. The angels continued to cause my department to flow smoother and
consistently raised the production level. The day of our first management
meeting my boss complimented me on my department. He had never been
known to compliment anyone before. Praise the Lord!

Mass Deliverance
Forgiveness Confessions and Prayers
Father, I confess that in the past I have held unforgiveness, sometimes
bitterness and resentment in my heart against certain people who have hurt
or disappointed me.

I now recognize this as sin and confess it as sin, for You have said in your
Word that if we confess our sin, You are faithful and just to forgive us our
sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)

I do now forgive the following people whom I can remember, who have hurt
or disappointed me. {Insert here the names of all who come to mind}. I now
freely forgive all these people and ask You to bless them if they are living. I
also forgive myself for all my many faults and failures for You have freely
forgiven me.

Thank You, Father, for freedom from the load of unforgiveness, bitterness
and resentment. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Confession of Contact with the Occult

Father, I confess to You, that in the past, through ignorance, curiosity or
willfulness, I have come into contact with certain occult things. I now
recognize this as sin and confess it as sin and claim forgiveness in Jesus'

Specifically I do confess as sin and renounce all contacts which I have had
with the following occult things: {name all that come to mind}.

I also renounce and confess as sin any false oaths which I may have made to
any false god and any idolatry in which I have been involved.

Closing the Doors to Satan

Satan, I rebuke you in Jesus' Name and I am closing any doors which I or my
ancestors may have opened to you and your demons. I renounce Satan and
all his demons; I declare them to be my enemies and I want them out of my
life completely.

In the name of Jesus Christ I now claim deliverance from any and all evil
spirits which may be in me. Once and for all I close the door in my life to all
occult practices and command all connected and related spirits to leave me

Breaking Curses
In the name of Jesus Christ I break any and all curses placed against me by
witchcraft and command the curses and spirits from them to return to the
senders. (Psalm 109)

In the name of Jesus Christ I break any curses of rejection from the womb or
illegitimacy which may be in my family, even back to ten generations on
both sides of the family.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I now renounce, break and loose myself from all
demonic subjection; tram any ungodly soul ties to my mother, father,
grandparents or any other person, living or dead, who have ever dominated
or controlled me, in any way which is contrary to the will of God and the
Word of God.

I thank you Lord for setting me free. I also repent and ask You to forgive me
if I have ever dominated or controlled some other person in the wrong way.

Renunciation of Psychic Bondage

In the name of Jesus Christ I now renounce, break and loose myself and all
my descendants, from all psychic heredity, demonic holds, psychic powers,
bondage, bonds of physical or mental illness, or curses which may be upon
my family line as a result of sins, transgressions, iniquities, occult or psychic
involvements of myself, my parents or any of my ancestors (my spouse, any
and all ex-spouses, or their parents, or any of their ancestors).

In the name of Jesus Christ I now renounce, break and loose myself and all
my descendants from all evil curses, charms, vexes, spells, jinxes, psychic
powers, bewitchments, witchcraft or sorcery which may have been put upon
me or my family line; from any person or persons or from any occult or

psychic source. I renounce all connected and related spirits and command
them to leave me now. I thank you Lord Jesus for setting me free.

Cutting Evil Soul Ties

Father I break and renounce, cut and break all evil soul ties which I may have
with lodges, religious systems, adulterers, drunkards, close friends, cults,

Loosing the Mind

In the name of Jesus Christ, I command Satan and all of his demons to loose
my mind completely. I ask You, Father, to send Your angels to break, cut and
sever all fetters, bands, chains, ties and bonds of whatever sort the enemy
has managed to place on my mind by word or deed. I ask You to loose into
me and my family the spirits of the Lord: Wisdom, Counsel, Might,
Knowledge, Fear of the Lord, Power, Love, Sound Mind, Grace, Peace, and
the Spirit of the Lord.

Restoration of Fragmented Soul

Father, I ask You in the name of Jesus Christ to send out angels to gather up
the fragments of my soul and restore them to their rightful place in me.
(Psalm 7:2; 23:3)

With the full power and authority of the Lord Jesus, I ask that angels unearth
and break all earthen vessels, bonds, bands or bindings which have been put
upon my soul by any means.

Restore all the pieces of my fragmented mind, will, emotions, appetite,

intellect, heart, and personality. Bring them all into proper and original
positions where they belong.

Confession of Sins of the Fathers

In accordance with Leviticus 26, I do now confess the sins of my ancestors:
Idolatry, witchcraft, occultism, lust, adultery, divorce, perversion, rebellion,
stubbornness and wicked heart of unbelief. I claim forgiveness because of
the provisions in I John 1:9, break the curses and lift the curses, whoredoms
and iniquities from me and my descendants. I command all spirits associated
with these to leave me and my family and go wherever Jesus wants to send

Prayer of Surrender to Jesus
I come to you Lord Jesus, as my Deliverer. You know all my problems, all the
things that drive, torment, defile and harass me. I now loose myself from
every dark spirit, from every evil influence, from all satanic bondage and
from every spirit in me which is not a spirit of God.

I command all such spirits to leave me now in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I confess that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed
and sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Satan has no more
place in me, no more power over me because of the blood of Jesus.

End of Renunciations (Group Leader)

Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, I put you and all of your legions on notice
that I am attacking you from my position in Christ at the right hand of my
Heavenly Father in the third heaven. This places me high above you,
principalities, powers, thrones, dominions, world rulers, rulers of darkness,
kings, princes and every other angelic rank under your command.

In Jesus mighty name, I ask the Heavenly Father for sufficient legions of the
holy angels to bind all satanic forces here and in the air overhead, that they
will not be able to interfere in any way with God's people being delivered.

Further, I command in Jesus' name that the free demonic spirits in this place
be securely bound and taken where Jesus sends them; that they can in
nowise interfere.

I take authority from the third heaven where I am seated in Christ and
remind all evil spirits that you must obey when I call your name or your
family name. You are to come out of the people and go to wherever Jesus
sends you.

All Spirits of:

Occult: Ouija Board, Sorcery, Witchcraft Control, Witchcraft, Water
Witching, Magic, Voodoo, Divination, Fortune Telling, Jeanne Dixon, Edgar
Cayce, Irene Hughes, Automatic Writing, Handwriting Analysis, Tea Leaf,
Coffee Grounds, Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Palm Reading, Astrology,
Horoscopes, Signs of the Zodiac,

Hypnosis, ESP, Spiritualism, Medium, Séance, Table Tipping, Necromancy,
Levitation, Clairvoyance, Astral Projection, Transcendental Meditation,
Eckankar, Soul Travel, Mind Control,

Eastern Religions, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, I Ching, Krishna, Zen,

ESP, PSI, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Rosicrucians, Theosophy,
Unity, Metaphysics, Bahai, Scientology, Inner Peace Movement, Spiritual
Frontiers, Urantia, Moonies, Children of God, The Farm, Islam, Black Muslims,
The Way, The Walk (and other groups using the Bible but denying or
omitting the divinity of Christ and/or the efficacy of His death on the cross
and His resurrection from the dead or denying the existence of heaven or

Biorhythm, Yoga, Karate and all the Martial Arts, Acupuncture, Freemasons,
Eastern Star, Pierced Ears, Tattoos, Charms (Hexagram, Pentagram, Ankh,
Italian Horn, Goats Head, Unicorn, Flying Horse, Rainbows), Enchantments,
Fetishes, Potions, Spells, Dungeons and Dragons, Psychic Readings,
Reincarnation, Pyramid, Clairaudience, Mental Science, False Visions,
Superstitions, Amulets, Talismans, Satanism, Karma, Hex Signs.

Laziness, Self-Deception, Impatience, Pride, Leviathan, Ugliness, Self-Hate,

Irritation, Ambition, Loneliness, Despair, Hopelessness, Suicide; Death,
Confusion, Rejection, Misery, Depression, Torment, Torture, Doubt, Unbelief,
Greediness, Ugliness, Covetousness, Guilt, Shame, Condemnation, Evil Heart
of Unbelief.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of
a sound mind.
(2 Timothy 1:7)

All Spirits of Fear of: Giving and Receiving Love Freely, Death, Pain, Falling,
Darkness, Dogs, Cats, Insects, Snakes, Crowds, Water, Drowning, Close
Places, Future, Nightmares, Demons, Satan, Storms, Loss of Salvation,
Judgment, Purgatory, Hell.

Spirits of: Wrath, Anger, Temper, Contention, Childish Self-Will, Fighting,

Military, Jim Jones, Murder, Abbadon, Osmodeus, Destruction, Vandalism,
Malice, Envy, Resentment, Bitterness, Jealousy, Pride, Hysteria, Fits,

Child Abuse, Divorce, Separation, Broken Heart, Wounded Spirit, Bruised
Emotions, Deep Hurt, Unforgiveness, Revenge, Vengeance, Seething Anger,
Rage, Schizophrenia, Paranoia,

Profanity, Blasphemy, Filthy Conversation, Lying, Gossip, Slander, Whining,

Complaining, Self-Pity, Criticism, Mockery, Foolishness, Ridicule, Perversity.

I separate Ahab & Jezebel and forbid them to communicate or hinder this
deliverance in any way in Jesus Name. I break the curse of Jezebel back to
ten generations on both sides of the family.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I cut, sever and break all cords, snares, controls
and bondage used by these evil spirits. Father, send angels to break all
yokes of bondage to Jezebel and Ahab spirits.

I command the Mother-child relationship to be broken and all Ahab and

Jezebellic patterns in the marriages.

All spirits of Jezebel, Manipulation, Queen of Heaven, Queen of Babylon,

hatred of men, rebellion toward men, father, husband, male authority, God,
Domination, Masculine Spirits, Untamed Tongue, Temper, Destruction of
Family Priesthood, Women's Lib.

All spirits of Ahab, Nimrod, Baal, Passivity, Laziness, Hatred of Women,

Mother, Wife; Fear of Women, Childishness, Cowardice, Hidden Anger,
Sluggard, Self-Hatred, Rejection, Confusion. I break every curse of the
Automatic Failure Mechanism in the families, ten generations on both
sides of the family. All spirits of Poverty, Discouragement, Failure,
Worthlessness and Rejection must leave now.

All Spirits of Addiction rooted in Rejection: Gluttony, Overeating, Bulimia,

Anorexia Nervosa, Binging, Addiction and Craving for Food and Sweets.

Addiction and Craving for and Bondage to all Alcohol: Wine Drinking,
Mockery, Strong Drink, Hangover, Morning After the Night Before, Deception
and Stupidity.

Addiction and Craving for and Bondage to all Drugs: Marijuana, LSD
(Acid), Speed, THC, TPC, Mescaline, Angel Dust, Cocaine, Crack, Heroin,
Valium, Amphetamines, Diet Pills, Barbiturates, Tranquilizers, Phenobarbital,
and an mind altering drugs.

All Spirits of Lust: All the Sex spirits which entered through the eye, ears,
participation, transfer or by inheritance:

Masturbation, Guilt, Shame, Condemnation, Pornography, Homosexuality,

Lesbianism, Sex Perversion of all kinds including Oral Sex, Anal Sex,
Bestiality, Sadism, Masochism,

Incest, Rape, Fornication, Adultery, Immorality, Occult Sex, Prostitution,

Harlotry, Uncleanness, Filth, Filthy Dreams, Filthy Conversation, Filthy
Imaginations, Sexual Flashbacks, Sexual Fantasies, Frigidity, Impotence,
Cruelty, Incubi, Succubi, Lasciviousness, Lewdness, Nudity, Promiscuity,
Flirting, Seduction, Lust of the Eyes and Lust of the Flesh.

Come out of the sex organs, the lips, the tongue, the taste buds, throat and
mind, in Jesus' name.

I break all curses of Deformity, Infirmity, Sickness back to ten generations on

both sides of the family. Arthritis, Pain, Swelling, Infection, Cancer, Ulcer,
Tumor, Cyst and Weakness come out now.

Diseases and Allergies

I break the curses of Allergies and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities back to ten
generations on both sides of the family; Spirits of Hay Fever, Asthma,
Bronchitis, and other Sinus and Respiratory System Allergies, leave the
people now;

All Spirits causing Swelling, Itching, Burning, Infection, Excess Drainage,

Irritation come out of the lungs, the bronchial tubes, the mouth, the sinuses.

All allergies to food and chemical substances come out of the blood stream
and every organ of the body. Specifically spirits from Poisons, Methane,
Ethanol, Formaldehyde, Contaminated Blood, come out of the immune
system, the liver, the endocrine system, the brain and central nervous

Spirits of Hemorrhoids, Muscle Spasms, Cramps, Drowning, Asphyxiation,

Choking, Smothering, Fainting, Suffering, Swelling, Fits, Convulsions and

Heart Failure, Heart Attack, Heart Disease and the fear of all these. Come out
of the muscles of the heart, out of the valves, the nerves and the blood

vessels. Spirits of High and Low Blood Pressure, Hypoglycemia,

Diabetes, Gall Bladder problems, Kidney Infection, Multiple Sclerosis,

Muscular Dystrophy, Crippling, Pneumonia, Parkinson's, Alzheimer’s,
Psoriasis, Enema, Acne, Warts, Moles, Fungus, Bone Breaker, Back Breaker,
Traumatic Shock and Paralysis.

Cataract, Glaucoma, Astigmatism, Blindness and all kinds of eye trouble.

Deafness, Hard of Hearing, Vertigo and troubles related to the ears and

Religious Spirits
Legalism, Externalism, Hypocrisy, Religious Bondage, Religious Slavery,
Religious Murder, Lust and Ambition for Recognition, Lust and Ambition for
Position, Lust and Ambition for Power and Control in Religious matters.

False Love, False Gifts, False Tongues, False Discernment, False Word of
Wisdom, False Prophecy, Religious Dominance, False Laying on of Hands;
Self-Serving, Selfishness, Greed, No Love, Religious Coldness, No
Compassion, Robbing, Cheating, Pretense, False Oaths, Rigid Theology,
Blockages, Obstructionism, Hatred of the Truth, Nimrod, Semiramis,

Babylonian Spirits
Roman Catholicism, Idolatry, Catholic Baptism, Prayer to the Saints,
Dedication to the Priesthood or to be a Nun, One True Church, One Holy
Priesthood, Mass, Holy Eucharist, Adoration of the Host, Incense, Sorrowful
mysteries of the Rosary, Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, Holy Mother Church,
Authority of the Pope, Fear of the Priest and Nuns, Confession, Holy Water,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Holy Family;

Stations of the Cross, Rosary, Crucifix, Candles, Blessing of the Throat/St.

Blaise, Joseph, Guardian and Protector of Mary and Jesus, Fear of Hell, Fear of
Purgatory, Guilt, Condemnation, Unworthiness, Good Works, Mind Control,
Holy Orders;

Extreme Unction, Confirmation, Sacraments, Human Bone Relics in the

Altars, Benediction, Genuflecting, Feast Days of the Saints, Votive Candles,
Witchcraft Control, Forced Celibacy, Poverty, Religious Medals, Sacrifice of

the Mass, Angel of Good Counsel, Sign of the Cross, Spiritual Adultery,
Indulgences, Infant of Prague, Religious Hatred;

Worship and Veneration of Mary, Immaculate Conception of Mary, Sacred

Heart of Mary, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mary Queen of Heaven, Mariolatry,
May Altars in Honor of Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Mercedes, Our
Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of the Snows, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of
Martyrs, Queen of Peace, Mary, Star of the Sea;

Novenas, Scapulars, Spiritual Blindness, Spiritual Deafness, Feast of Peace

(Christmas), Feast of Life (Easter), Lent, Destruction of the Family Priesthood,
Passion Spirits of Agony and Ecstasy, Ashes on Ash Wednesday, St. Therese,
Little Flower, St. Christopher, St. Jude, St. Catherine, St. Ann, St Elizabeth,
Etc. If needed, some lists of other specialized spirits follow:

Arrested Development
Pamper me; Having My Own Way; Spoiled; Grandpa and Grandma's Little
Girl; Daddy's Little Girl; No discipline; Control Parent by Manipulation; Lying;
Three Year Old; Coloring the Truth; Getting What I Want Regardless of Cost;
Playing on People's Sympathy; Want to Return to Womb;

Irresponsible; Tantrums; Childish Self Will; Crying; Kicking; Screaming;

Ugliness; Scrawniness; No Shape; Skin Disorders; I Hate My Body; Unable to
Date; Cannot Find a Date; Can't Marry; Dodging Responsibility; Too Young :D
Work; Too Young to have Children; Too Young to Baby Sit;

Lesbian spirits; Abnormal Childhood; Abnormal Sensitivity; Abnormal

Adolescence; Abused Child; Addiction to Junk Food; Sexual Impurity;
Adultery; Ahab; Jezebel; Anger; Depression; Anti discipline; Anti Family;
Separation from Family; Inferiority Complex; Apprehension; Argument;

Bad Habits: Addiction to Chocolate; Addiction to Sugar; Addiction to Pop;

Bedwetting; Compulsion; Knuckle Cracking; Nose Picking;

Thumb Sucking; Bitterness; Resentment; Unforgiveness of Mother, Father,

Brothers, Sister, etc;

Blockages in Family Relationships, Feelings, Growth, Maturity, Normal

Family, Normal Ministry, Normal Life, Personality, Responsibility; Bondage;
Careless Indifference; Abuse by Father; Child Molestation; Child

Childish Gossip; Childish Greediness; Childish Parental Arguments;
Threatening Parents and Children; Competition, Compromise; Confusion;
Contention; Control; Life Patterns Control; Contrariness; Criticism; Criticized
Childhood; Cursing;

Daydreaming; Daydreamer; Childish Dreams; Demanding; Depression;

Disagreeable; Discord; Discontentment; Discouraged Life; Disputing;
Disgusted; Disrespect for Church, Mother, Father, Elders; Disobedience to
Parents; Disunity; Divorce; Domineering Mother/Father; Doom;

Escape from Reality; Fantasy; False Accusations; False Compassion for

Mother/Father, etc.; False Friends; Guilt; Family Accuser; Family Destruction;
Family Disunity; Family Rejection by Mother/Father; Family Separation;
Fantasy Baby; Fantasy Childhood; Personality spirits of Dad/family; Fantasy
Parents, Grand-parents; Fantasy Play Time; Fantasy Personality; Fears; Fault
Finding; Fear of Losing Mother, Father, Relatives, Friends, Family;

Fear of Rejection; Fear of Financial Failure; Bankruptcy; Block Finances; Hard

Times; Poverty; Role Playing; Fornication; Shame; Frustration; Hatred for:
Authority, Proper Food, Mother, Father, Grand-parents, Friends;

Heavy Pressure; Hopelessness; Temper; Hurt Feelings; Hyperactivity; Idle

Pouting; Idol Worship; Immature Adolescent Mind/Decision Making;
Demanding Family Relationships; Immature Self Discipline; Waiting; Jealousy;
Job; Lack of Appreciation;

Misunderstanding; Lack of Will Power; Laziness; Leader of the Home; Child

Dominance; Learning Difficulties; Loneliness; Lonely Childhood; Lost Interest;
Lost Communication; Lost Family; Lying; Malnutrition; Mental Disorder;

Messiness; Mind Confusion; Mind Control; Insanity; Schizophrenia; Morning

Moods; Nasty Mouth; Negative Approach; Negative Attitude; Anxiety; Bad
Nerves; Oppression; Nervousness; Heavy Oppression; Nervous Stomach;
Nervous Breakdown;

Nicotine; Controlled Sleep Pattern; Night Time Fears; Forbidden Sleep;

Insomnia; Overtired; Recurring Dreams; Restless Nights; Pressure Sleep;
Tormented Dreams; Over Protected; Parental Correction; Planned
Disobedience; Perseverance; Procrastination; Quitter; Rebellion; Prenatal
Rejection; Rejection from Workers, Employers; Restless Spirits; Revenge;
Rushed Childhood; Sadness at Meal Time; Self Condemnation; Slothful;

Solitude; Grief; Suicide; Tattletale; Timid; Tormented Childhood; Unclean;

Shallow Mind; Ungodly Disciple; Ungrateful; Unlearned Behavior; Unstable

Adult; Vain Babbling; Violence; Worry; Wasted Childhood; Addiction to Food;
Gluttony; Fatness; Weight Loss; Anorexia Nervosa; Bulimia; Loss of Appetite;
Starvation; Withdrawal; Wounded Spirit; Disunity; Failure;

Hate; Miscommunication; Lack of Communication; False Feelings; False

Friendship; Satanic Discipline; Deliverance Block; Freedom Block; Fear of
Animals/Dark; Bad Luck;

Block Financial Blessings; Block Budget; Covetousness; Discouraged Worker;

Fear of Giving; Fear of Future; Financial Ruin; Greed; Hardship; Losing Job;
Over Generosity; Overspending; Foolish Spending; Theft.

Arrested Body
Physical growth and development slowed or stopped; muscular dystrophy
(muscles arrested), Downes Syndrome (Mongoloid); retardation (brain cells
arrested); Epstein Barr virus; bodily functions and day to day skills arrested;
bed wetting; visual and audio problems; stunted motor skills; midget and
stunted growth.

Arrested Soul
(Mind) learning disabilities; fear of learning disabilities; slow reader; slower
hearer; dyslexia; dysgraphia; dyscalculia; mental block; fears and
insecurities; and social problems caused by these; blocked learning
confusion; spatial; motor and other perceptual deficits resulting from head
injuries and! or meningitis; memory; communication; impulsivity; short
attention span; schizophrenia.

(Will) strong self will; spirit of the child; childishness; doesn't want to leave
security by growing up, tantrums and fits, childish self will, self life, self love,
immaturity, slothful, laziness, control by parents, always wanting their way,
irresponsible, inability to put away childish things self.

(Emotions) rejection; fear of rejection; mental abuse by parents; control and

domination over protection; double mindedness; doubt and unbelief;
wavering; rebellion; rejection from father and mother; loneliness; over
dependence on others, anger; frustration; outcast.

(Spirit) Leviathan retards spiritual growth and development; impairment of
senses; faulty judgment and discernment; misunderstanding of scriptures;
false doctrine; false gifts; error and heresy; slothfulness; inexperience; guilt
and condemnation from all these; devourer (eating of precious time with the
Lord and his Word on things that matter in eternity); spiritual schizophrenia;
uncertainty concerning the Lord's voice and will.

Alcoholic Syndrome Spirits

The following is a list of spirits which have been found in alcoholics and their
descendants to the fourth generation.

1. (Inherited) alcoholic and addictive patterns

2. (Inherited) alcoholic and addictive personalities

3. Iniquities and whoredoms rooted in sins of the fathers

4. Co-dependency (rules non-drinking family members)

5. Drug addiction

Addictive Behavior Demons

Alcoholism -- Addiction to other substances after quitting

Drug addiction -- Alcohol & drugs are the top life priority

Drug personality -- Compulsion for drugs and alcohol

Drunkard -- Craving for sweets, sugar and caffeine

Spirits of Sexual Immorality

Abortion -- Debauchery and Seducing spirits

Adultery -- Incest, Fornication, other Lusts, Immorality, Uncleanness

Blasphemy -- Inflamed passions, Ancestral Sins, Profanity, Foul Mouth,

Conceived in Drunkenness/Lust, Burning Passions, Degradation,

Demons Who Hurt Others

Cruelty -- Murder, Rage, Seething Anger, Temper Tantrums, Malice

Destruction -- Verbal and Physical Threatening, Martial Arts, Explosion --

Retaliation, Verbal abuse

Hatred -- Self-hatred, Violence

Hurting People's Feelings -- Slander, Malice, Gossip

Demons Affecting the Body

Blackouts -- Sleeplessness, Nervous Stomach

Hangovers -- Nervousness, Red eyes, Headaches

Hypoglycemia -- Physical Illness, Infirmity, Poor Eating Habits

Liver disorders -- Nervous breakdown, Cirrhosis

Various physical illnesses (including emphysema)

Demons Affecting the Mind

Anxiety -- Fear of Being Rejected, Mental Instability, Paranoia Blurred Mind
-- Fear of Failure, Mind Blanking

Confusion -- Resentment, Schizophrenia, Fear of being Unwanted,

Controlled by guilt -- Guilt and Insecurity, Guilt Ridden, Self Hatred,


Deep Hurt -- Hopelessness, Hatred of Others, Inability to Give or Receive

Love Freely

Defeatism -- Impairment of Judgment, Indecision, Shame, Condemnation,

Depression, Inability to Communicate, Slow Thinking, Worthlessness,
Despair, Sorrow, No Hope, Emptiness, Emotional Illness, Jealousy, Insanity,
Madness, Suffering

Emotional torment -- Loneliness, Despair, Hopelessness, Suicide, Death

Failure -- Low Self Esteem, Torment, Fears of all kinds

Demons Affecting the Family

Spiritual Disorder -- Dysfunctional, Destruction of Family Priesthood,
Jezebel, Ahab
Family -- Lawlessness, Don't Talk

Religious spirits -- Don't trust, Pharisaism, Legalism, Self Righteousness

Rebellion against God -- Hatred of Responsibility, Don't Feel

Spiritual blindness -- Family Despair

Spiritual deafness -- Family Embarrassment and Hopelessness Child

Abuse -- Hatred of children, Family Shame, Selfishness

Sexual Molestation of Children -- Perversion, Masochism, Sadism, Slow

destruction of the Alcoholic and the Entire Family

Demons Who Cause Personality Malfunctions

Lack of personal accountability, Alibis, Distortion, Blame Losing Jobs,
Excuses, Lying, Deception, Unreliability, Denial, Irresponsibility

Wrong attitudes -- Arrogance, Fantasy, Self Centeredness, Self

Righteousness, Materialism, Atheism, Big I, Little You, Selfishness, Spiritual
Blindness, I Am Important, You Are Not, Exaggerated Self Importance,
Religious spirits

Inappropriate behavior: Hypocrisy, Compulsiveness, Idleness,

Foolishness, Reckless Driving, Poverty Mentality, Disorderliness, Laziness,
Sluggishness, Forgetfulness, Slothfulness, Mischievousness, Wastefulness,
Reckless Spending, Perfection

Inappropriate behavior toward others: Ahab & Jezebel (woman

dominant/male submissive), Deaf ears (unwilling to hear what others say and
need), Biting like a serpent (caustic verbal abuse), All forms of Verbal Abuse,

Controlling others (from parents), Insubordination to Authority, Isolation,

Deep insecurity, Disrespectfulness, Jeering & Sneering at Others

Emotional Immaturity, Pouting, Negative Attention Getting, Physical

Abuse, Explosive Temper Rejection, Hindered Watchfulness, Put-down of
Others, Childishness, Immature Thinking,

Contentiousness, Debilitating Putdown, Infantile Social Behavior

Other Spirits of Alcoholism

Addiction to Sugar; Anger; Bruising; Broken Heart; Bleating; Beer Belly;
Blurred Vision; Black-out; Confusion; Craving for Alcohol; Craving for White
Sugar; Day After the Night Before; Deception; Dry Heaves; Depression;
Diabetes; Dizziness; Dullness of Hearing and Speech; Drained Energy;
Dissipation (look of drunkenness);

Escape; False Security; Fogginess; Forgetfulness; Gluttony; Hiccups;

Hangover; Insecurity; I Need a Drink; Lost Love; Loneliness; Lying; Low Blood
Sugar; Mocking; Nausea; Poverty; Passivity; Party spirits; Rejection; Rage;
Sweet Tooth; Self Pity; Stupor; Slurred Speech; Self Destruction; Shakiness,
D.T.'s; Suicide; Stupidity; Strong Drink; Vitamin Deficiency; Vodka; Whiskey;

Spirits that came in from a tavern: Crying in Your Beer; Names of the drinks
(Gin, Rum, Boilermaker, Screwdrivers, Beer, Martini, Manhattan, Bloody
Mary, etc.); Tavern Music (Country Western, melancholy or blues music).

Attack evil spirits lodged in liver, pancreas and taste buds; i.e., blood sugar
problems, diabetes, cirrhosis, etc. Blood sugar and alcoholism manifest the
same symptoms. Liquor goes into the blood stream faster than sugar, but
over a long period of time the results are the same.

New Age Spirits

In the name of Jesus Christ., I bind and cast down all of the Ascended
Masters and Spirit Guides. I ask in Jesus name that you instruct your angels
to come by the legions to attack, bind and pull down all spirits of Mind
Control, Mind Occult and Mind Binding.

In the name of Jesus Christ I bind, rebuke, cast down and strip the powers
from all of the New Age Gods.

All spirits of: Reincarnation, Women's movement, Masters of Wisdom, Guru,

Spiritual Teacher, Channeling, Visualization, Inner-Healing, Crystal Helpers,
Universal Intelligence, Holy One, Initiate, Magician, Orion, High Priest.,
Prophet, Power Woman, Star, Warlock, Witch Doctor, Witch, Wizard.


The information in this booklet has been taken from Pastor Worley's Host of
Hell Series. Similar information, relating to the topic of this booklet, may be
found in one of the eleven other books he authored.

John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day:
the night cometh, when no man can work.

WRW, PO BOX 852626, Mesquite TX 75185


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