Operating System LAB RECORD
Operating System LAB RECORD
Operating System LAB RECORD
Answer :
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ipconfig
Windows 2000 IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping
Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS]
[-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]]
[-w timeout] destination-list
Microsoft (R) Windows 2000 (TM) Version 5.00 (Build 2195)
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client
Telnet Client Build 5.00.99206.1
Escape Character is 'CTRL+]'
Microsoft Telnet>
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>diskperf
1 Physical Disk Performance counters on this system are currently set to start At boot.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netdiag
'netdiag' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netstat
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>pathping
Usage: pathping [-n] [-h maximum_hops] [-g host-list] [-p period]
[-q num_queries] [-w timeout] [-t] [-R] [-r] target_name
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ftp
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>sfc
Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 Windows File Checker Version 5.00
(C) 1999 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved
Scans all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct Microsoft versions.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>nbtstat
Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP).
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>rcp
Copies files to and from computer running the RCP service.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>lpr
Sends a print job to a network printer Usage: lpr -S server -P printer [-C class] [-J job] [-o option] [-x]
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tracert
Usage: tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>nslookup
*** Default servers are not available
Default Server: UnKnown
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>route
Manipulates network routing tables.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>lpq
Displays the state of a remote lpd queue.
Usage: lpq -Sserver -Pprinter [-l]
net session
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>net session
There are no entries in the list.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>drivers
'drivers' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>nettime
'nettime' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>rsh
Runs commands on remote hosts running the RSH service.
RSH host [-l username] [-n] command
host Specifies the remote host on which to run command.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>chkdsk
The type of the file system is FAT32.
Volume HCL created 22/08/2002 5:53 PM
Volume Serial Number is 3A51-1906
Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problem.
39,058,992 KB total disk space.
1,287,888 KB in 734 hidden files.
53,440 KB in 3,223 folders.
22,328,464 KB in 67,626 files.
15,389,184 KB are available.
16,384 bytes in each allocation unit.
2,441,187 total allocation units on disk.
961,824 allocation units available on disk.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>hostname Amb
net account
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>net account
The syntax of this command is:
Ex 5: Configure interfaces.
Answer :
Configure interfaces:
The following commands are available:
Commands in this context:
set machine - Sets the current machine on which to operate.
set mode - Sets the current mode to online or offline.
netsh>set interface
The following command was not found: set interface.
netsh>set mode interface
'mode' is not an acceptable value for 'interface'.
The parameter is incorrect.
netsh>set mode
Usage: set mode [ mode= ] { online | offline }
Tag Value
mode - One of the following values:
online: Commit changes immediately
offline: Delay commit until explicitly requested
Sets the current mode to online or offline.
netsh>set machine
Answer :
Ls aa ab abc agm rajesh biju sem2
Pwd home\sem
Ls x a1 a2 a.c agm a.out desktop frmstat.ui install.log
Ls al drwxr-x- - 33 root root 4096 oct 2 10:12 .
drwxxr-x 33 root root 6 oct 2 10:42 a1
-rw-r- -r-- 33 root root 5 oct 2 12:30 a2
-rwxr-x 33 root root 4 oct 2 12:45 a.c
Ex 13: Make your own subdirectories called uni and linu in your home directory, Made? Ok, now delete the
subdirectory called uni.
Answer :
Mkdir uni
Mkdir linu
Rmdir linu
Ex 14: Create a file called ignou.txt that contains the words "hello I am student of IGNOU". Now copy this
file and paste to other director. Copied? Can you move the file also from one directory to another?
Answer :
Ex 15: In the previous question you have a file ignou.txt; change its permission to rwxrwxr-x. You can try
different possibilities to changes in its permissions. One possibility may be rwxr-xr-x permissions. Find out
what are the different commands available that can be used to change the permissions of a file/files.
Answer :
Chmod a+x ignou.txt
Chmod g-w ignou.txt
Chmod o-w ignou.txt
Ex 19: Change your password and write down the restrictions for given password.
Answer :
Enter new password:
Re enter new password:
Restrictions to password
1.different from previous password
2.Have atleast 6 characters
3.Are not common words found in dictionary
Answer :
Ls l s* >redirecting.txt
Ex 22: Execute sleep 25 in the foreground, suspend it with Ctrl-z and then put it into the background with
bg. show all process running in background, bring any process back into the foreground with fg. Repeat the
same exercise using kill to terminate the process and use & for sending into background. (You need to see
different options of the kill command)
Answer :
Sleep 25 s
Ex 24: Write a shell script, which returns the PID of a process and accept the name of the process.
Answer :
Ps e | grep init
Echo $a | cut f1 d
Ex 26: Send a message to all users which are online. Make provision so that you can send messages to other
users but others cannot. Use talk to send messages.
Answer :
Mesg n
Ex 28: Send a mail to yourself, and include ignou.txt inside the mail. Read the mail you have sent to
yourself. Save the piece of message and file into some folder. Reply to yourself.
Answer :
Ex 30: Use the ls command and grep to display all names starting with "s".
Answer :
Session 4 : System Administrator Using Unix & Linux
Ex 33: Delete the user, which just now you have added.
Answer :
Deluser abc
Ex 38: Write a message to inform all users that "they should shut down their machine after completing the
lab exercises".
Answer :
Wall they should shut down their machine after completing the lab exercise
Ex 43: Connect and configure your computer with a Local Network Printer.
Answer :
To connect to a printer on a network
1. Open Printers.
2. Double-click Add Printer to start the Add Printer wizard, and then click Next.
3. Click Network printer, and then click Next.
Ex 46: Share any folder available in your directory, also configure its share permissions for different users.
Answer :
Share and Share Permissions.
I create a folder test uder c:\temp directry and set permissions as follows.
Take Properties of Local Area Connction
Enter Ip address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS Server entries.
Add WINS server Entries and Complete the Settings.
Ex 48: Install a caching DNS server and find out how it reduces the network traffic.
Answer :
Install a caching DNS server and find out how it reduces the network traffic
Windows 2000 authentication is implemented in two steps: an interactive logon process and a
authentication process. Typically, the same set of credentials is used by the interactive logon process and
the network authentication process. If your credentials differ, you are prompted to provide Windows domain
credentials each time you access a network resource. You can avoid this by logging on to your computer
using your Windows domain name, your Windows domain user name, and Windows domain password
before you try to connect to a network resource. If you log on without being connected to the network,
Windows 2000 recognizes the information from a previous successful logon. You receive the message
"Windows cannot connect to a server to confirm your logon settings. You have been logged on using
previously stored account information." When you connect to your network, the cached credentials are
passed to your Windows 2000 domain and you are able to access network resources without having to
provide a password again. Limiting the number of protocols on your computer enhances network
performance and reduces network traffic.
Microsoft TCP/IP installed. (Confirm via Start > Settings > Control Panel > Network > Protocols or
50 MB hard disk space.
32 MB for Windows 98
64 MB for Windows NT and Windows ME
64 MB for Windows 2000 (128 MB recommended)
128 MB for Windows XP (256 MB recommended) Computer with and Intel x86 processor
RedHat Version 6.2 or later Linux (Intel), or compatible libraries with glibc Version 2.1.1-6 or later, using
kernel Versions 2.2.12 or later
The VPN Client does not support SMP (multiprocessor) or 64-bit processor kernels.
32 MB Ram
50 MB hard disk space Sun UltraSPARC computer
32-bit or 64-bit Solaris kernel OS Version 2.6 or later
32 MB Ram
50 MB hard disk space
Macintosh computer
Mac OS X, Version 10.2.0 or later
50 MB hard disk space
The VPN Client supports the following Cisco VPN devices:
Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Series, Version 3.0 and later.
Cisco PIX Firewall, Version 6.2.2(122) or Version 6.3(1).
isco IOS Routers, Version 12.2(8)T and later
If you are using Internet Explorer, use version 5.0, Service Pack 2 or higher.
Installation Notes
The following files are included in this release:
vpnclient-win-msi- Windows client MSI installer
vpnclient-win-is- Windows client IS installer
vpnclient-darwin- Mac OS X installer
vpnclient-linux- Linux package
vpnclient-solaris- Z Solaris package
vpn3000-4.1.6.bin VPN 30xx Concentrator code
vpn3005-4.1.6.bin VPN 3005 Concentrator code
update- VPN Client AutoUpdate package
Because of platform differences, the installation instructions for Windows and non-Windows platforms also
The following notes are important for users who are upgrading to Windows XP and users who want to
downgrade to an earlier version of the VPN Client software.
Installation Notes - Windows Platforms
Release 4.6 includes the following installation considerations for Windows users:
Installing the VPN Client Software Using InstallShield Installing the VPN Client software on Windows NT,
Windows 2000, or Windows XP with InstallShield requires Administrator privileges. If you do not have
Administrator privileges, you must have someone who has Administrator privileges install the product for
The VPN Client Installer does not allow installations from a network drive (CSCeb43490).
Installing the VPN Client Software Using the MSI Installer
If you are using the MSI installer, you must have Windows NT-based products such as Windows NT 4.0 (with
SP6), Windows 2000, or Windows XP.
Installing with MSI also requires Administrator privileges.
When installing the Windows MSI installation package, the user must manually uninstall the previous VPN
Client if it is older than version 4.6. The version 4.6 MSI installer does not detect older versions, and the
installer will attempt to install before aborting gracefully. Once a version 4.6 MSI package has been installed,
future client versions will be able to detect the existing version 4.6 installation and automatically begin the
uninstallation process.
VPN Client Installation Using Windows Installer (MSI) Requires Windows NT SP6 When you attempt to
install the VPN Client using MSI install (vpnclient_en.exe) on NT SP3, SP4, or SP5, the error messages do
not indicate
that the VPN Client cannot be installed on those operating systems because they are unsupported. Once the
errors occur, no other messages are displayed and the installation is aborted.
When you attempt to run vpnclient_en.exe on Windows NT SP3, SP4, or SP5 you see the following
"Cannot find the file instmsiw.exe (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct
and that all the required libraries are available."
-then"Cannot find the file MSIEXEC (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and
that all the required libraries are available."
The Windows Installer (MSI) can be installed only on NT SP6, so the error messages you see using earlier
service packs are due to an MSI incompatibility (CSCdy05049).
Installation Notes - Solaris Platforms
The following sections describe actions you must take when installing the VPN Client on a Solaris platform.
Uninstall an Older VPN Client If Present on a Solaris Platform If you have a previous version of the VPN
Client running under Solaris, you must uninstall the older VPN Client before installing a new VPN Client.
You are not required to uninstall an old VPN Client, if one is present, before installing a new VPN Client for
Linux or Mac OS X. Disable the ipfilter Firewall Kernel Module Before Installing the VPN Client on a Solaris
If have an IP firewall installed on your workstation, the reboot after installation of the VPN Client takes an
inordinate amount of time. This is caused by a conflict between the vpnclient kernel module cipsec and the
ipfilter firewall module. To work around this issue, disable the ipfilter firewall kernel module before you install
the VPN Client (CSCdw27781).
Using the VPN Client
To use the VPN Client, you need Direct network connection (cable or DSL modem and network
adapter/interface card), or Internal or external modem, and
To connect using a digital certificate for authentication, you need a digital certificate signed by one of the
following Certificate Authorities (CAs) installed on your PC:
Baltimore Technologies (www.baltimoretechnologies.com)
Entrust Technologies (www.entrust.com)
Netscape (www.netscape.com)
Verisign, Inc. (www.verisign.com )
Microsoft Certificate Services
Windows 2000
A digital certificate stored on a smart card. The VPN Client supports smart cards via the MS CAPI Interface.
Ex 75: Customize and configure IPsec policy and rules for transport mode on the local computer.
Answer :
1. Using HQ-RES-WRK-01, in the left pane of the MMC Console, right-click IP Security Policies on Local
Machine, and then click Create IP Security Policy. The IP Security Policy Wizard appears.
2. Click Next.
3. Type Partner as the name of your policy, and click Next.
4. Clear the Activate the default response rule check box, and then click Next.
5. Make sure the Edit Properties check box is selected (it is by default), and then click Finish.
6. In the Properties dialog box for the policy you have just created, ensure that Use Add Wizard check box
in the lower-right corner is selected, and then click Add to start the Security Rule Wizard.
7. Click Next to proceed through the Security Rule Wizard, which you started at the end of the previous
8. Select This rule does not specify a tunnel, (selected by default) and then click Next.
9. Select the radio button for All network connections, (selected by default) and click Next.
To start Active Directory Users and Computers, open a Remote Desk Top connection to either a
Windows 2000 domain controller or a member server that has Windows 2000 Administration Tools
installed. You must log on to the server as a domain administrator in order to complete this procedure.
By default, only domain administrators, enterprise administrators, Group Policy Creator Owners, and
the operating system can create new Group Policy Objects. If the domain administrator wants a
Non administrator or a group to be able to create Group Policy objects, that user or group can be added
to the Group Policy Creator Owners security group. When a user who is not an administrator, but who is a
member of the Group Policy Creator Owners group, creates a Group Policy object, that user becomes the
creator and owner of the Group Policy object; therefore, that user can edit the Group Policy object. Being a
member of the Group Policy Creator Owners group gives the user full control of only those Group Policy
objects that the user creates or those Group Policy objects that are explicitly delegated to that user. It does
not give the non administrator user any additional rights over other Group Policy objects for the domain
these users are not granted rights over Group Policy objects that they did not create.
When an administrator creates a Group Policy object, the Domain Administrators group becomes the
Creator Owner of the Group Policy object.
When you delegate this task to non administrators, also consider delegating the ability to manage the
links for a specific organizational unit. The reason for this is that, by default, non administrators cannot
manage links, and the inability to manage links prevents them from being able to use the Active Directory
Users and Computers snap-in to create a Group Policy object.