Reduce Hazards-Vaccum System
Reduce Hazards-Vaccum System
Reduce Hazards-Vaccum System
Reduce Hazards in
Process Vacuum Systems
Stanley S. Grossel
Process Safety and Design
Explosion-related hazards
Explosions can occur in vacuum
pumps. The most common causes of
violent rupture of a vacuum system
due to an explosion results from the
ignition of flammable materials, or the
blockage or restriction of the pump exhaust. In general, the source of explosion hazards in vacuum systems fall
into one of the these categories:
Flammable materials
Pyrophoric materials
Unstable materials
Oxidants. Oxidants, such as oxygen,
ozone, fluorine and others are often
pumped using vacuum pumps. Oxidants readily react with a variety of
substances and materials. The reaction often produces heat and an increased gas volume with a potential
for fire and overpressure in the pump
or exhaust system. The practices discussed below are recommended to
minimize the potential for an explosion in pumps handling oxidants:
Environmental Manager
1. Always use perfluoropolyether
(PFPE) lubricant in pumps that are
used to pump oxygen in concentrations above 25 vol.% in an inert gas.
Although PFPE lubricants are preferred, hydrocarbon-based lubricants
may be used if a suitable inert purge
is used to guarantee that the oil is not
exposed to unsafe levels of oxidant.
2. If it is not desired to use PFPE lubricants in oil-sealed rotary vane or
piston vacuum pumps, dilute the oxidant to a safe concentration using an
inert gas (dry nitrogen). However, this
approach is only feasible for relatively
low flowrates of oxidant gases.
3. One must install safety features in
a mechanical pump system to ensure
that the minimum flow of the dilution
gas required to reduce the oxidant
concentration to a safe level is always
available, and to ensure that the flow
of oxidant does not exceed the maximum allowed flowrate. The safety system must be designed so that the flow
of oxidant stops immediately if these
conditions are not met.
Flammable materials. Many gases
are flammable and can explode (deflagrate) if they are within the flammability limits, and there is an ignition
source of sufficient energy available
(for instance, from a localized heat
source). It may be possible to reduce
the explosion hazard if the concentration of flammable gases is lowered
by introducing an inert gas at several
points within the pump or system.
Another way to reduce the probability of an explosion is to eliminate potential ignition sources. It may be difficult to eliminate all ignition sources
because there is often a possibility of
static discharge or friction hot spots
where rotating machinery is used.
Where it is not possible under abnormal conditions to avoid the flammable
zone, the equipment must be designed
to contain any resulting explosion
without rupturing or transmitting a
flame to the environment. This is typically achieved by installing a flame arrester on the exhaust piping.
Pyrophoric materials. A number of
gases (such as silane, phosphine and
others) are pyrophoric that is, they
are spontaneously flammable in air at
atmospheric pressure, so combustion
could occur if the gases were to come
Many vacuum pumps are not designed to resist wet corrosive materials. Therefore, the following points
should be considered:
Anhydrous materials: The removal
of a liquid solvent (water) will prevent corrosion. However, special
care must be taken to prevent the
ingress of wet air from the exhaust
of the vacuum pump, especially
when the pump is stopped and air
is sucked back into the pump. An
inert purge should be used as part
of the shutdown procedure in order
to flush corrosive vapors out of the
system prior to shutdown
Dilution: Use a suitable dilution gas
to prevent condensation of corrosive
vapors and thus prevent the possible resulting corrosion
Temperature: Increase the pumpand exhaust-line temperature to
prevent condensation and, therefore,
corrosion. Where the low temperature of the incoming gas flow could
lead to condensation and subsequent
corrosion, an inert gas purge should
be used to avoid condensation
Corrosion of safety equipment: Where
safety critical equipment (such as
flame arrester elements, temperature sensors, safety relief valves and
so on) could be damaged by corrosive
products in the process gas flow, their
materials of construction must be selected to avoid this hazard
Phase changes: Unplanned phase
changes can result in condensation
and possible corrosion. Consideration
of changes in temperature and pressure is required to avoid this hazard
Unplanned reactions: These can lead
to the generation of corrosive products. Careful consideration should
be given to the possibility of cross
contamination when equipment is
used for more than one purpose
To minimize hazards from chemical
sources and to minimize explosion hazards, attention should be paid to the
items listed below to ensure safe operation of vacuum pumps and systems:
Consider all possible chemical reactions within your system
Make allowance for abnormal chemical reactions, including those that
could occur under fault conditions
Refer to material safety data sheets
when you assess the potential hazards associated with your process
Use dilution techniques to minimize
reactions with oxidants and flammable materials
Use dry vacuum pumps if flammable
materials could enter the flammable
zone under abnormal conditions
Use the correct type of lubricant in
your pump when you pump oxidants,
and consider the use of a dry pump
Do not use heavy metals in the gas
path of your system if your process
uses or produces sodium azide
Take specific care when handling
toxic, corrosive, or unstable materials
Ensure that the concentration of
flammable materials in the vacuum
system does not permit these materials to enter the flammable zone.
During operation, there should be
a suitable supply of inert gas (nitrogen) to achieve dilution to a safe
level under all foreseeable operating
conditions and failure modes
Ensure that exhaust blockages cannot occur during operation, either
because of mechanical components
(such as valves or blinds) or because
of process materials or byproducts
depositing in pipelines, filters and
other exhaust components
Use only PFPE (perfluoropolyether)
oils to lubricate pump mechanisms
that are exposed to high concentrations of oxygen or other oxidants.
Other types of oils sold as nonflammable may only be suitable for
use with concentrations of oxidants
up to 30% v/v
Ensure that the accidental overpres-
Environmental Manager
Protection method
Interlock the valve so that its piping is always open when the pump is operating
Incorporate a pressure relief bypass
Incorporate a pressure relief bypass
Incorporate a pressure monitor or sensor and interlock this with the pump motor
so that the pump is shut down when the exhaust pressure is too high
Provide an exhaust pressure measurement or a differential-pressure measurement
Incorporate a pressure-relief device
Environmental Manager
tions, and ensure that any purge or
breather port connections can only
be used to introduce inert gas
Guard against reverse flow. Ensure
that the system operating procedures and protective equpment protect the system from any reverse air
flow that might result from a pump
failure. Ensure that any pumped
flammable gases are safely disposed of at the final vent from the
pump exhaust. Ensure that flammable gas mixtures cannot occur in
the exhaust piping. This is done by
using suitable inert-gas purging of
the piping before the start of, and
after the end of, the flammable gas
process, and by the use of adequate
inert-gas purging during operation,
to prevent turbulent back-mixing of
air down the exhaust
Maintain the flammable gas concentration above the UFL. Where the
flammable gas concentrations are
very high, operation above the UFL
can be used. Procedures for doing this
are given in NFPA 69 [2]. To maintain
the oxygen at a safe level, rigorous
exclusion of air and oxygen from the
process and pump system is required.
This can be accomplished by dilution
of the pumped gas with an inert gas
(usually nitrogen) or by addition of
enrichment flammable gas (NFPA
69 discusses the use of methane for
this), introduced into the pump inlet
and/or purge connections
Use of flame-arrester protection
systems. When dry vacuum pumps
are used for pumping gases or vapors
that could enter the flammable zone
under abnormal conditions, exhaust
flame arresters should be installed to
quench any resulting flame front in
the event of an ignition. Flame arresters should be closely coupled to the exhaust connections.
Where there is the possibility of continuous burning within a dry vacuum
pump, special precautions should be
taken. Such conditions could occur due
to a continuous ignition source resulting from the accidental pumping of a
gas or vapor with an auto-ignition temperature lower than the internal pump
temperatures. In this case, one must
use a PT100 or equivalent temperature-sensing device on the pump side
of each flame arrester to detect a burn
condition, and adopt a suitable flamesuppression strategy to make the system safe in the event of a burn being
detected. The suitable strategy depends
on the application, but could include
the following:
Stopping the supply of fuel. Closing
a valve located on the inlet of the
dry vacuum pump will prevent the
supply of fuel (process gas or vapor)
into the vacuum pump
Stopping the source of ignition. Stopping the pump by turning off power
to the motor will bring the pump to
a halt in approximately 10 seconds
Inerting the area of the burn. The
rapid addition of inert gas into the
area of the burn (typically, but not
always located in the exhaust manifold of the pump) will eliminate the
flame. Note that it is possible for a
flame to reignite if the source of ignition is not removed
Piping design
This section discusses design practices for piping components used with
mechanical vacuum pumps.
Bellows. Bellows are short, thinwalled components with deep convolutions. They are used to reduce the
transfer of vibration from a pump to a
vacuum system. They are available in
metal, rubber or plastic construction.
Always install bellows in a straight
line with both ends rigidly constrained. When installed correctly, the
bellows can withstand a small positive
internal pressure (refer to the Instruction Manual supplied with the bellows
for details). Note: Do not use bellows
on dry vacuum-pumps exhausts: use
braided flexible bellows (see below).
Braided flexible bellows. Braided flexible bellows are bellows with an outer
protective layer of woven stainlesssteel braid. They are suitable for use
as exhaust connections on dry pumps
and other applications where there is
significant gas pulsation or the possibility of high gas pressures.
Braided flexible bellows are intended
for installation in static systems. They
are not suitable for repeated flexing, as
this could cause fatigue failure. When
a braided flexible bellows is installed,
one must comply with the minimum
bend radius given in the manufacturerss instruction manual.
Physical over-pressure
Over-pressure can be caused by a restriction or blockage in the vacuum
system or in one of its components.
The over-pressure may also occur as a
result of compressed-gas flow from the
pump or from external compressed gas
supplies (such as those for a dilution
system). There are two main methods
of over-pressure protection, as follows:
Pressure relief. Rupture disks or
pressure-relief valves may be used
to relieve an overpressure situation.
These devices must be provided with
discharge piping to convey the relief
device discharge fluid to a safe location
(where plant personnel are not usually
located), and the vent line should have
no restrictions. If the process produces
solid byproducts, the pressure-relief
devices must be inspected on a regularly scheduled basis to ensure that
they are not blocked or restricted.
Over-pressure alarm or trip. This
method of protection is used by several
vacuum-pump system manufacturers.
The control system should be designed so that both the pump and any
gas inlets (which are capable of pressurizing the system above its maximum operating pressure) are shut
down when the trip point is reached.
Purge systems. The correct use of
a purge (usually nitrogen) can ensure
that corrosive products are removed,
preventing them from damaging the
vacuum pump, and also from plugging
or damaging protective systems such
as flame arresters. In addition, the
removal of process gases ensures that
undesired and potentially dangerous
chemical reactions do not occur between process gases and vapors used
in different process cycles.
1. Edwards Ltd., Safety Manual-Vacuum Pump
and Vacuum (corporate manual).
2. NFPA 69, Standard on Explosion Prevention
Systems, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Mass., 2008.
The author wishes to thank J.L. Ryans of Eastman Chemical Co. (Kingsport, Tenn.) for his review of the draft of this article and for his helpful comments and recommendations. I should
also like to acknowledge the assistance of the
following people, who provided technical information used during the development of this article: Peter N. Lodal (Eastman Chemical Co.),
John Campbell (SIHI Pumps Americas), Mark
Nichols (Edwards Ltd.), and Eric Johnson (Graham Manufacturing Co.).
Stanley S. Grossel is president of Process Safety
and Design, Inc. (4 Marble Court, Unit 9, Clifton,
N.J. 07013-2212; Phone: 973-779-3668; Email:
[email protected]). He provides consulting services related to process safety and loss prevention,
storage and handling of bulk solids and powders,
air pollution control, and process design of batch
plants. Prior to his 1993 retirement, Grossel spent
25 years in the Engineering Dept. of Hoffman-LaRoche, in a variety of roles. He was honored as the
only Senior Engineering Fellow ever to be designated by Hoffman-LaRoche. Grossel is a fellow of
AIChE, and holds AIChEs Norton Walton/Russell Miller Award for outstanding contributions to
loss prevention. He has lectured and been published widely, and has authored major standards
and guidelines. Grossel is also a contributor on
process safety to the 7th Ed. of Perry's Chemical
Engineers Handbook. He holds a B.S.Ch.E. from
City College of New York and an M.S.Ch.E. from
Drexel Inst. of Technology, and has completed
courses toward a doctoral degree.
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