05 Output Determination
05 Output Determination
05 Output Determination
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Table of content
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Table of content
1 Output Determination (SD-BF-OC)
1.1 Output Type (SD)
1.1.1 Processing Condition Records for SD Output
1.1.2 Creating Condition Records for SD Output
1.2 Output Determination Analysis (SD)
1.3 Output Processing
1.3.1 Selecting a Worklist for Output Processing Output in Worklists
1.3.2 Processing Output in Sales and Distribution Documents
1.3.3 Output from Billing Documents
1.4 Transmission Media (SD)
1.5 Printing Output (SD)
1.5.1 Printing Output Manually for a Sales Document
1.6 Sending Electronic Mails Internally
1.6.1 Entering Electronic Mails Manually in SD Documents
1.6.2 Processing Internal Mails in SD
1.7 Optical Archiving in Sales and Distribution
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The output determination component is used for output control. Output control is used to exchange information with internal and external partners.
Output control includes the following functions, described in the cross-application (CA) - Output Control documentation:
Output Determination
Output Processing
The system can automatically propose output for a sales and distribution document. You can change this output in the sales and distribution document.
The system uses the condition technique to determine output. For more information on the condition technique, see
Conditions and Pricing.
See also:
For further information on output, refer to the following documentation:
Cross-Application Components
CA Output Control
BC - SAP Business Workflow
SD Sales and Distribution: Workflow-Scenarios
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Before you can create a condition record, you must define the corresponding output type in Customizing. To maintain the output type for a sales document, for
example, choose Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output
Determination for Sales Documents Maintain Output Types in Customizing for Sales and Distribution.
To access the individual functions, choose Logistics
Sales and distribution Master data.
The table below contains an example that shows you how to process sales and distribution output for a sales document. You use the same procedure for other
types of sales and distribution output.
Menu path
Sales document Create
Creating Condition Records for SD Output
Sales document Display
Enter an output type.
Choose Edit
Key combination .
Select the key combination for which condition records are to be created.
Choose Enter .
Enter the appropriate key for each condition record, according to the key combination you selected.
Make entries for each condition record in the following fields:
Transmission medium
For transmission medium 1 (Print output) or 7 (SAPoffice = internal mail), you can maintain the communication data. To do this, choose Communication.
Save the condition records.
Output determination analysis provides you with the following information:
Whether the system proposed the output from a condition record or from the customer master record
Which output documents were found using output determination and which were not
Which accesses resulted in finding valid condition records, and the results
Which key combinations (combinations of fields) the system used in the accesses
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Change the corresponding sales and distribution document, for example a sales document:
Sales Screen
b) Sales document Change
Extras Output Header or Item
Goto Determin. analysis
The determination analysis task only works if you change the sales and distribution document (it does not work in display mode).
Output must previously exist in the sales and distribution documents. For further information, refer to
Message Determination in the CA - Message Control documentation.
You can process output by:
Selecting a worklist for output
If required, you can edit output before it is processed.
If you choose background processing, you can start several reports simultaneously. For example, after creating the billing documents, you can run
two reports concurrently:
To print the billing documents
To transmit the billing documents to Financial Accounting
See also:
For more information on report RSNAST00, see
Subsequent Processing
For more information on output processing in general, refer to
Message Processing in the cross-application documentation CA - Message Control .
Menu path
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Shipping screen
Outbound delivery
Delivery output
Loading output
Shp. unit output
Transportation screen
Billing screen
Billing documents
Output from billing documents.
Report RSNAST00
1. Enter the output type, the transmission medium, and, if required, further selection parameters.
If you wish to have a worklist displayed for output that was not processed successfully, enter 3 in the Processing mode field. The system displays all types of
output with errors, and you can then process them once again.
2. If you want to display the worklist first and/or make changes, select Program Execute .
If you want to process the output as a background job, select Program Execute in background . In this case, you cannot make any changes.
3. If you want to edit output, select the corresponding output.
For more information on processing output, refer to
Processing Output in Worklists.
Choose Edit
The system creates and processes the selected output.
If you wish to have a log generated after processing the output, choose Goto Log.
Select the corresponding output and perform the required function:
Menu path
Edit Process
Changing details
Goto Communication
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Goto Log
Menu path
Sales documents
Output Header or Item
Billing document
Invoice list
Header Output
or Item Output
If you have selected several output documents, you can continue to the next document by choosing Goto Next detail screen .
Menu path
Repeating output
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Before you can produce output for a specific billing document, that output must have been determined previously in the billing document, either:
Automatically with output determination
To check whether an output type is available in a billing document, choose Goto Header Output when changing or displaying the document.
When you call up this report and enter the selection criteria, you receive a list of the billing documents with output to be issued. Select the output that you would
like to issue and choose Edit
See also:
For more information on worklists, refer to
Selecting a Worklist for Output.
For more information on output control and determination, refer to
Message Control and
Further information
BC - SAPoffice:
BC - SAPscript: Printing with Forms
External transmission
BC - SAPoffice
BC - SAPoffice:
Forms in the Business Workplace
Electronic Data Interchange/IDoc Interface (SD)
BC - SAPoffice
: SAPoffice
Special functions
Distribution (ALE)
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The following prerequisites must be met:
An output type for printing must be available in the sales document. The output can be:
Determined automatically by the system using
message determination in the sales document
For further information, refer to
Message Determination (SD) in the CA - Message Control documentation.
Entered manually in the sales document
If an output exists in the output determination procedure, you can enter it manually in the sales document.
For further information, refer to
Message Determination Procedure in the CA-Message Control documentation.
To enter an output manually (or to display an existing output), choose Extras Output Header or Item Edit on the overview screen of the sales
document. The Transmission medium field, for the output you want to print, must have a value of 1 ( Print output ) or 2 ( Fax ).
For further information about proposing output, refer to
The traffic light should be yellow in the Status column. If the traffic light is red, you can reprint the output by selecting the output and choosing Repeat
output .
For further information, refer to
You can print output as follows:
Using the worklist (online)
Using the worklist (background job).
Printing output manually
See also:
For more information on worklists, refer to
Selecting a Worklist for Output.
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Print output
If you display the output on the screen, the system displays the current document data. This means that you can enter a new text relevant for the output and see
the result on the screen before you save it.
The general prerequisites that are described in
Printing Output (SD) also apply here.
In the output screen in the sales document, you must also enter number
3 ( immediate ) in the Time column for the output you want to print.
The following procedure illustrates how to print output, using a sales document as an example.
1. On the
sales screen, choose Sales document Change or Display.
Enter a document number and choose Sales document Issue output to.
You can also choose Extras Output Header or Item Print Preview on the overview screen of the sales document. You can only print a changed
sales document once you have saved the data. This prevents you from sending data in a printout to the customer before it has been saved in the system.
In the Issue Output dialog box, select the output that you wish to print.
to print the output
to display the output on the screen
The procedure for processing electronic mails is described in the section on
Processing Internal Mails in SD.
You can make the automatic proposal procedure dependent on certain requirements. For example, you can specify that an electronic mail should only be sent if
the value of a sales order exceeds 1,000 USD. For further information, refer to
Message Determination: Processing Condition Component Hierarchies in the CA - Message Control documentation.
You can also
manually enter mails in sales and distribution documents. If you are responsible for the original document, you can decide whether an electronic mail should be
sent. If so, you can enter output information in the document header.
See also:
Formatting SAP office Messages in the CA - Message Control documentation.
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the language in which the mail should be sent in the Language field
Choose Further data to enter the timing data for the electronic mail.
Choose Communication method to maintain the communication data for the electronic mail:
- Mark either the Functional or Standard field (for mail that is not confidential) or the Confidential field.
- Enter the transaction code with which the recipient can process the sales order. For example, enter VA02 to change a sales order or VA03 to display a sales
- If you want to write a text to go along with the mail, choose Edit
Editor to reach the SAPscript Editor.
Choose Back to return to the output screen.
The system sends the electronic mail at the time you have specified in the timing data.
You can process an electronic mail without displaying the document by choosing Edit
Process after marking the relevant mail.
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