Amendment 01 - IRC 112 2011, JAN 2014

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Amendment to IRC:112-2011

Amendment No. 1/ IRC:112-2011 / January 2014

IRC:112-2011 Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges
S. No

Clause No. &

Page No.

(Page 12)

fpk characteristic tensile strength of fpk characteristic tensile strength of

prestressing steel
prestressing steel which is same as fp
corresponding to breaking load given in the
relevant IS codes listed in Table 18.2

6.2.2 Note: (2) Value of uk shall be taken from the Value of uk shall be taken as the uniform
standard governing the manufacture of elongation given in the standard governing
the manufacture of reinforcement.
(Page 30)

The design punching shear resistance The design punching shear resistance shall
(MPa) of slab may be calculated as be assessed at the basic control perimeter,
according to Clause 10.4.2. The design
punching shear resistance (MPa) of slab may
be calculated as follows:


(Page 103)



(Page 163)

The minimum cover for post tensioned

ducts shall not be less than maximum
of the outer diameter of ducts or
75 mm.

The minimum cover for post tensioned ducts

shall not be less than 75 mm. Local reduction
in cover at externally jointed locations of
ducts is acceptable.

(local reduction in spacing at

externally jointed locations of ducts is

16.9 (1)

(Page 186)

Deep beams can be designed using Deep beams (span/depth ratio less than 3)
appropriate elastic models or by plastic can be designed using appropriate elastic
models or by plastic methods.

INDIAN HIGHWAYS, February 2014


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