Philosophy Chapter 6

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Philosophy Chapter 6 Notes


Knowledge: justified true belief

o gives reasons in support of

Correspondence Theory:
o TRUTH is a correspondence between a proposition and a fact in
the real external world
o most popular
o assumes existence of a real world
o PROBLEM: it relies on the senses
if the senses deceive us, we cannot be certain of the truth
Coherence Theory:
o a belief is true if it coheres with other beliefs that we respond as
o test of truth does not correspond between belief and fact but
between belief and belief
o PROBLEM: can not distinguish between consistent truth and
consistent error
o all C.T. measures are consistency not truth
Pragmatic Theory of Truth:
o a belief is true if it works and is useful
o most accepted theory of truth
o ex: accurate prediction
o PROBLEM: centers truth on fallible judgments (error-prone
Ethics: study in Philosophy that studies morality
o morality consists of standards that an individual or group has
deemed right/wrong
ethics studies how ought to behave
Moral Diversity: many moral codes from culture to culture
Ethical Relativism: moral right/wrong depends on a persons culture
o we can only use standards of our own culture to determine
o no absolute standard to judge right/wrong
o cannot judge other cultures actions

Philosophy Chapter 6 Notes

Enculturation: the process by which an individual learns right +
wrong from the culture
o PROBLEM: if ethical relativism is correct then moral
disagreements are impossible
everything is relative
critics of moral relativism say there must be underlying
principles that are the same from to culture
Consequentialist Theories:
o family of theories
o measures the morality of an action by how good or bad the
consequences are
Instrumental Good: something not good in and of itself but good
because what it brings us good because used to get intrinsically good
Intrinsic Good: good in and of itself (peace, happiness, etc.)
Non Consequentialist Theories:
o Divine Law Theory: an action is good if it is the will of God
Ethical Egoism: something is good if it promotes our self-interest
Hedonism: something is good if it brings you pleasure
Utilitarianism: an action is good if its outcome is optimistic
o producing the maximum good for the most people

Natural Law Theory: an action is good if it is natural

KANT - Categorical Imperative: universal moral standards

o I ought never to act except in such a way that I can will that my
action should become a universal law
o 2nd Categorical Imperative: act so that you always treat
people as ends in themselves, and never merely use them as a

Philosophy Chapter 6 Notes

The Nature of Justice
Human Rights
What justifies the government?
Social Contract Theory
Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau
Retributive Justice: punishments in return for crimes
Distributive Justice: dividing the goods of society fairly among the
members of society
What do we do if the state acts unjustly?
Civil Disobedience
What duties does the state have toward other states?
Ethics of War
Right justified claim to something & imposes obligations, or duties, on

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