Oxidative Stress PDF
Oxidative Stress PDF
Oxidative Stress PDF
Oxidative stress
Graham J. Burton, MD, DSc, Professor of Reproductive Biology a, *,
Eric Jauniaux, MD, PhD, Professor in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine b
oxidative stress
Considerable evidence implicates oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of many complications of human pregnancy, and this
topic has now become a major focus of both clinical and basic
science research. Oxidative stress arises when the production of
reactive oxygen species overwhelms the intrinsic anti-oxidant
defences. Reactive oxygen species play important roles as second
messengers in many intracellular signalling cascades aimed at
maintaining the cell in homeostasis with its immediate environment. At higher levels, they can cause indiscriminate damage to
biological molecules, leading to loss of function and even cell
death. In this chapter, we will review how reactive oxygen species
are generated and detoxied in the human placenta, and what
roles they may play at homeostatic concentrations. We will then
consider their involvement in normal placental development, and
in complications ranging from miscarriage to pre-eclampsia and
premature rupture of the membranes.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Oxygen is often referred to as the Janus gas, as it has both positive benets and potentially damaging
side-effects for biological systems. Reactivity allows oxygen to participate in high-energy electron
transfers, and hence support the generation of large amounts of adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP)
through oxidative phosphorylation. This is necessary to permit the evolution of complex multicellular
organisms, but also renders it liable to attack any biological molecule, be it a protein, lipid or DNA.
Consequently, our body is under constant oxidative attack from reactive oxygen species (ROS).
* Corresponding author: Physiological Laboratory, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EG, UK. Tel: 44 1223 333856.
E-mail address: [email protected] (G.J. Burton).
1521-6934/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.J. Burton, E. Jauniaux / Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 25 (2011) 287299
A complex system of antioxidant defences has evolved that generally holds this attack in balance. On
occasions, however, this balance can be perturbed, leading to oxidative stress. Because of the multiple
and diverse effects that oxygen toxicity can have on a cell, oxidative stress is best dened in broad
terms as an alteration in the pro-oxidantantioxidant balance in favour of the former that leads to
potential damage.1 Oxidative stress is now recognised to play a central role in the pathophysiology of
many different disorders, including complications of pregnancy.
The concept of a pro-oxidantantioxidant balance is central to an understanding of oxidative stress
for several reasons. Firstly, it emphasises that the disturbance may be caused through changes on
either side of the equilibrium (e.g. abnormally high generation of ROS or deciencies in the antioxidant
defences). Secondly, it highlights the homeostatic concentrations of ROS. Although ROS rst came to
the attention of biologists as potentially harmful by-products of aerobic metabolism, it is now recognised that they play important roles as secondary messengers in many intracellular signalling
pathways.2 Finally, the concept of a balance draws attention to the fact that there will be a graded
response to oxidative stress. Hence, minor disturbances in the balance are likely to lead to homeostatic
adaptations in response to changes in the immediate environment, whereas more major perturbations
may lead to irreparable damage and cell death. The boundary between normal physiological changes
and pathological insults is therefore inevitably indistinct.
The denition of oxidative stress provided above is necessarily broad because the outcome depends
in part on the cellular compartment in which the ROS are generated. There are many potential sources
of ROS, and the relative contributions of these will depend on the environmental circumstances prevailing. As the reactions of ROS are often diffusion-limited, the effects on cell function depend to a large
extent on the biomolecules in the immediate vicinity. Different insults will therefore generate different
A further feature of oxidative stress that affects its clinical presentation is that it rarely occurs in
isolation. It is now appreciated that complex interactions take place between oxidative and other forms
of cell stress, such as endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. The clinical manifestation will therefore
depend on the balance of metabolic activities in a particular cell type or organ, and so may vary from
system to system.
In this review, we will consider the main reactive oxygen species and their generation, the principal
antioxidant defences, and then how oxidative stress may be manifested at the maternalfetal interface
during human pregnancy.
2. Reactive oxygen species
The term reactive oxygen species is applied to both free radicals and their non-radical intermediates. Free radicals are dened as species containing one or more unpaired electrons, and it is this
incomplete electron shell that confers their high reactivity. Free radicals can be generated from many
elements, but in biological systems it is those involving oxygen and nitrogen that are the most
important (Fig. 1).
Under physiological conditions, the most common oxygen free radical is the superoxide anion (O
2 ),
and mitochondria are considered the principal source.3 The transfer of electrons along the enzymes of
the respiratory chain is not totally efcient, and leakage of electrons on to molecular oxygen, in
particular from complexes I and III, results in the formation of O
2 . The rate of formation is determined
by the number of electrons present on the chain, and so is elevated under conditions of hyperoxia and
of raised glucose, as in diabetes. Paradoxically, it is also increased under conditions of hypoxia, when
the reduced availability of oxygen to act as the nal electron acceptor for complex IV causes electrons to
accumulate. Under normal conditions, 2% of oxygen consumed is converted to O
2 in the mitochondria
rather than being reduced to water. Because of its charge, O
2 is membrane impermeable, and so
remains within the mitochondrial matrix.
Similarly, superoxide can also be generated through leakage of electrons from the shorter electron
transport chain within the ER.4 The formation of disulphide bonds during protein folding is an
oxidative process, and about 25% of O2 within cells is generated within the ER. This can increase in
cells with a high secretory output, and also under conditions of ER stress when repeated attempts to
refold misfolded proteins may take place.
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Fig. 1. The principal reactive oxygen species, their potential origins and detoxication pathways. NADPH, nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate.
Other sources of superoxide under physiological conditions include the enzymes nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase, which generates substantial quantities throughout
pregnancy but particularly in early pregnancy,5 cytochrome P450, and other oxido-reductases. Hence,
various growth factors, drugs and toxins cause increased generation of ROS.2 Under pathological
conditions, the enzyme xanthine dehydrogenase becomes an important contributor. This enzyme
degrades purines, xanthine and hypoxanthine to uric acid and, under normal conditions, uses NAD as
the electron recipient. However, under hypoxic conditions it is proteolytically cleaved to the oxidase
form, which donates electrons to molecular oxygen. This enzyme plays a key role in the reperfusion
phase of ischaemiareperfusion injury, when its action is augmented by the build up of hypoxanthine
as a result of ATP breakdown during the hypoxic period.
Superoxide is detoxied by the superoxide dismutase enzymes, which convert it to hydrogen
peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is not a free radical, and so is less reactive than O2. However, it comes
under the term of ROS as it is intimately involved in the generation and detoxication of free radicals.
As it is non-polar, it is able to diffuse through cell and organelle membranes, and hence acts widely as
a second messenger in signal transduction pathways. Hydrogen peroxide is in turn detoxied to water
by the enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase. It is important that the antioxidant enzymes act
in concert, as an imbalance in the concentrations of O2 and hydrogen peroxide can result in the
formation of the much more dangerous hydroxyl ion (OH). This reaction is catalysed by free ferrous
ions in the Fenton reaction. The hydroxyl ion has an estimated life of 109 s,1 and reacts with any
biological molecule in its immediate vicinity in a diffusion-limited manner. Because it is so highly
reactive there is no known scavenger of OH.
Excessive generation of superoxide can also lead to interactions with nitric oxide (NO) to form
peroxynitrite (ONOO). Peroxynitrite is a powerful pro-oxidant. As it is capable of diffusing up to 5 mm,
it may affect neighbouring cells.6
3. Antioxidant defences
Enzymatic and non-enzymatic defences inhibit oxidant attack. The enzymatic defences all have
a transition metal at their core, capable of taking on different valences as they transfer electrons during
G.J. Burton, E. Jauniaux / Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 25 (2011) 287299
the detoxication process. Two isoforms of superoxide dismutase convert O2 to hydrogen peroxide,
the manganese form that is restricted to the mitochondria, and the copper and zinc form that is located
in the cytosol. The hydrogen peroxide is then broken down to water by the actions of catalase or
glutathione peroxidase, a tetrameric selenoprotein.
The activity of glutathione peroxidase depends on the presence of reduced glutathione (GSH) as
a hydrogen donor. Glutathione is the major cellular thiol redox buffer in cells, and is synthesised in
the cytosol from L-glutamate, L-cysteine and glycine. GSH participates in a large number of detoxifying
reactions forming glutathione disulde, which is converted back to GSH by the action of glutathione
reductase at the expense of NADPH. The latter is generated through the pentose phosphate pathway,
of which glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is the rst enzyme. This enzyme is subject to
common polymorphisms, and decreased activity may compromise GSH concentrations and lead to
The non-enzymatic defences include ascorbate (vitamin C) and a-tocopherol (vitamin E). These
again act in concert, with ascorbate being necessary to regenerate reduced a-tocopherol. In addition,
thiol compounds, such a thioredoxin, are capable of detoxifying hydrogen peroxide, but in turn require
converting back to the reduced form by thioredoxin reductase. Ceruloplasmin and transferrin also play
important roles by sequestering free iron ions and so inhibiting the Fenton reaction and production of
Polymorphisms in the antioxidant enzymes7,8 or dietary restriction of micronutrients, such as
selenium, can thus play an important role in predisposing to oxidative stress and complications of
4. Biological actions of reactive oxygen species
At homeostatic levels, ROS have diverse actions on cell function,2 including activation of redoxsensitive transcription factors and activation of protein kinases. These are described below.
4.1. Activation of redox-sensitive transcription factors
Activation of redox-sensitive transcription factors, such as AP-1, p53 and NF-kB10 regulate the
expression of pro-inammatory and other cytokines, cell differentiation and apoptosis. Under normal
conditions NF-kB is held inactive by the binding of its inhibitory sub-unit IkB. However, under
conditions of stress, IkB becomes phosphorylated and dissociates from NF-kB, which then translocates
to the nucleus and activates expression of pro-inammatory and other cytokines. Increased phosphorylation of IkB is observed in term placental explants subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation in vitro,
which provides a model for malperfusion of the placenta in vivo.11 Activation of the pathway is associated with increased tissue levels of the proinammatory enzyme COX-2, interleukin 1, increased
secretion of TNF-a, and activation of the apoptotic cascade as evinced by cleavage of caspase 3.12,13 All
these effects can be blocked by the addition of vitamins C and E or sulfasalazine, an inhibitor of NF-kB
4.2. Activation of protein kinases
With activation of protein kinases, cells respond to a variety of extracellular signals and stress
through a family of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK). Of this family, ROS-induced activation
of extracellular regulated kinases (ERK1/2) generally promotes cell survival and proliferation, whereas
stimulation of p38MAPK (p38) and stress-activated protein kinasec-Jun amino terminal kinases
(SAPKJNK) mostly induces apoptosis. p38 and SAPKJNK are activated by phosphorylation through an
upstream kinase, apoptosis-regulating signal kinase 1 (ASK1). Under normal conditions ASK1 is held
inactive by binding to thioredoxin, but O2 is capable of oxidising the thiol groups in the latter, leading
to a conformational change and its release. Increased phosphorylation of p38, but not SAPK, is observed
in the term placenta after labour compared with control participants delivered by caesarean section.13
ASK1 is also activated in explants exposed to either hypoxia-reoxygenation or hydrogen peroxide, and
is inhibited by addition of vitamins C and E.13 Activation is associated with increased levels of the
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soluble receptor for vascular endothelial growth factor (sFlt-1), which has been implicated in the
pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Levels of sFlt-1 can be reduced by the addition of vitamins C and E, or
inhibitors of the p38 pathway. They can also be reduced by the addition of sulfasalazine, which indicates considerable interactions and mutual reinforcement between the NF-kB and MAPK signalling
pathways in the placenta.13
The above responses may be considered as physiological adaptive changes to alterations in the
environment aimed at restoring homeostasis. More severe attack by ROS may lead to more extensive
and irreparable cell damage, resulting ultimately in cell death through necrosis or apoptosis. These
more pathological effects are mediated by opening of ion channels, lipid peroxidation, protein modications and DNA oxidation. These are discussed below.
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the transcription factor, XBP-1, that stimulates transcription of genes regulating the breakdown of
misfolded proteins and ER biogenesis. Ire1 also contains a Ser/Thr kinase domain that is capable of
activating the NF-kB pathway through phosphorylation of IkB, and the p38 and SAPKJNK pathways through ASK1. In addition, activation of NF-kB can also occur as a consequence of inhibition
of protein translation secondary to phosphorylation of eIF2a, as the half-life of IkB is shorter than
that of NF-kB.24
The second mechanism is not related directly to activation of the UPR, but involves proteins
whose predicted structure is similar to that of one of the other signal transducing proteins, activating transcription factor.17 In the liver, cyclic AMP response element binding protein hepatocyte
is thought to reside in the ER membrane but is released upon ER stress to activate acute-phase
genes. This leads to the increased secretion of acute-phase response proteins, such as C-reactive
Of the two stresses, oxidative and ER stress, it is likely that latter will be detected at lower levels of
insults as the UPR is a homeostatic mechanism, whereas the commonly used markers of oxidative
stress reect cell injury.
Fig. 2. How reactive oxygen species may be generated within the syncytiotrophoblast, and the principal consequences for the
function of the tissue. CHOP, C/EBP homologous protein; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; ROS, reactive
oxygen species; UPR, unfolded protein response.
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Conversely, it has been reported that administration of the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine to women
suffering recurrent pregnancy loss improves the take-home baby rate.45
Further research is therefore required to test prospectively whether dietary supplementation with
micronutrients or antioxidants can reduce the rate of spontaneous miscarriage.
6.3. Placental oxidative stress in pre-eclampsia
Normal pregnancy is said to be a condition of oxidative stress, as circulating levels of oxidised lowdensity lipoproteins increase and the total antioxidant capacity in pregnant women decreases
compared with non-pregnant women.46 Pregnancy is also associated with a systemic inammatory
response, as evinced by activation of peripheral granulocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes during the
third trimester, all of which produce ROS.47 These states are therefore obviously interlinked, and
capable of forming dangerous feedforward systems.
Oxidative stress and the systemic inammatory response are observed to a much greater degree in
pre-eclampsia.48 There is irrefutable evidence of placental oxidative stress in cases of early onset preeclampsia, including increased concentrations of protein carbonyls, lipid peroxides, nitrotryosine residues and DNA oxidation.49,50 The cause for the oxidative stress is thought to be vascular, because early
onset pre-eclampsia is associated with decient conversion of the spiral arteries. In particular, the
myometrial segments of the arteries are adversely affected.5153 As the myometrial segment contains
a highly contractile portion of the artery, we have proposed that failure to convert this section results in
intermittent perfusion of the placenta, and a low-grade ischaemia-reperfusion type injury.11,25 In support
of this hypothesis, we have shown that hypoxia-reoxygenation in vitro is a potent inducer of oxidative
stress in term placental explants, much more than hypoxia alone.11 Exposure of explants to changes in
oxygenation causes generation of ROS within the trophoblast and endothelial cells, as shown by uorescent markers and the formation of nitrotyrosine residues in a pattern matching closely to that seen in
pre-eclamptic placentas. Furthermore, labour, in which the placenta is exposed to repeated episodes of
ischaemiareperfusion, induces high levels of oxidative stress.54 This is associated with increased
xanthine oxidase activity,55 and changes in gene expression that mimic those seen in pre-eclampsia.54
Another potential source of oxidative stress in pre-eclampsia is autoantibodies against the angiotensin
AT1 receptor.56 These antibodies stimulate NADPH oxidase, leading to an increase in ROS production.
In the classic two-stage model of pre-eclampsia, oxidative stress induced in the placenta is thought
to cause the release of factors into the maternal circulation that stimulate the inammatory response
and activation of the maternal endothelial cells.48 Many placental factors have been implicated,
including microparticulate apoptotic debris, pro-inammatory cytokines and angiogenic factors.13,48,57
To date, no single factor has been indentied that can account for all cases of pre-eclampsia. This may
indicate that the true causation has yet to be discovered, or that the syndrome is capable of being
initiated by a variety of different stimuli.
Early onset pre-eclampsia is almost invariably associated with IUGR, and we have recently reported
morphological and molecular evidence of high levels of ER stress in these placentas.58 Strong phosphorylation of eIF2a will cause suppression of protein synthesis. Consequently, the level of cyclin D1,
a kinase that plays a central role in the regulation of cell proliferation, is signicantly reduced.
Induction of similar stress in trophoblast-like cell lines causes a reduction in their proliferation rate.
Increased expression of the pro-apoptotic C/EBP homologous protein also takes place. This combination would provide a sufcient cause for the placental growth restriction observed. In addition, the
high levels of ER stress may contribute to the inammatory response by stimulating the p38 and NF-kB
pathways. Hence, we speculate that both ER stress and oxidative stress contribute to the placental
pathophysiology in pre-eclampsia in a mutually reinforcing fashion.50
This weight of evidence provides a strong rationale for considering antioxidants as a potential
therapy for pre-eclampsia. Unfortunately, recent trials of vitamins C and E in a number of different
settings have not proved successful.5961 This failure contrasts strikingly to the benecial effects
observed on specic signal transduction pathways and placental outcomes to oxidative challenge in
vitro.12 The difference may result from the ability of the vitamins to access the relevant trophoblast cell
compartment in the necessary concentration in vivo. Alternatively, in the clinical trials, the antioxidants
are only given once pregnancy is established, by which time the feedforward cycles may already be
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established. It is notable that multivitamin usage during the periconceptional period is associated with
a reduced risk of pre-eclampsia among lean or normal weight women.62,63 Conversely, women with
a low dietary intake of vitamin C have been reported to have a trend towards increased risk.64 These
data suggest that more attention needs to be focused on ensuring optimal health and diet in women
planning to conceive.
6.4. Placental oxidative stress in intra-uterine growth restriction
IUGR can have many causes, but most cases that have no genetic or infectious cause are thought to
arise from compromise of the maternal circulation to the placenta. This conclusion is based on the
common association with high resistance uterine arterial waveforms, but also on earlier morphological
studies of the spiral arteries. The investigators reported decient physiological conversion of the
arteries as in pre-eclampsia, but to a lesser degree, especially in the myometrial segment.52 Indeed,
a positive correlation was observed in one study between the birth weight and the degree of
conversion.51 One might predict, therefore, that the vascular insult is less severe in cases of IUGR alone,
but this requires conrmation.
In contrast to pre-eclampsia, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the role of placental
oxidative stress in cases of IUGR alone. The scanty evidence available indicates that the level of stress is
either similar to the normal control or intermediate between a normal control and an early onset preeclamptic placenta,50,65 These ndings are in keeping with the predicted vascular insult above.
However, we do still observe morphological and molecular evidence of ER stress in these placentas.58
The level of stress is lower than in pre-eclampsia, with no evidence of activation of the apoptotic
cascade. But it is sufcient to cause phosphorylation of eIF2a and suppression of protein synthesis, with
a reduction in the level of cyclin D1. ER stress can be induced by malperfusion through disturbances of
Ca2 homeostasis. Hence, we speculate that chronic low-level ER stress may occur from the time of
onset of the maternal circulation onwards, and leads to a lower growth trajectory of the placenta. This
is consistent with the reduced rate of growth of the placenta observed with serial ultrasound scans in
these cases66
6.5. Preterm premature rupture of the membranes
Oxidative stress has been implicated in preterm premature rupture of the membranes, a condition
associated with proteolytic degradation of the collagen bres in the chorio-amnion. In this condition,
increase in the generation of ROS may arise from infection and inammation, cigarette smoking, vaginal
bleeding and the release of free iron, and cocaine abuse which leads to ischaemiareperfusion.67 It has
also been shown that decient conversion of the spiral arteries predisposes to this condition.68 Exposure
of the chorio-amnion to O2 in vitro results in up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9, which can
be suppressed by the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine.67 Intriguingly, pre-treatment with vitamins C and E
protects the membranes against oxidative attack in vitro, but whether they can be effective in vivo
remains to be determined.
7. Conclusion
The role of ROS in human placentation and complications of pregnancy is a relatively recent eld,
but one that is expanding rapidly. It is increasingly apparent that they play a central role in many signal
transduction pathways, and it is important to recognise that homeostatic concentrations are present in
all tissues. Excessive antioxidant intake could potentially threaten and inactivate these vital signalling
responses, with adverse consequences. At excessive concentrations, whether caused by increased
generation or reduced detoxication, ROS can cause widespread and indiscriminate damage to cells
and tissues. ROS can be generated through many pathways within cells, but the mitochondria, ER and
enzymes such as NADPH oxidase are the most important sources. These pathways can respond to
a variety of stimuli, but arguably the most important ones for pregnancy are perturbations in the
maternal blood supply to the placenta and inammation. Because of interactions between downstream
signalling pathways, oxidative stress rarely occurs in isolation, but usually interacts with ER and other
G.J. Burton, E. Jauniaux / Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 25 (2011) 287299
forms of cell stress. We propose that spontaneous miscarriage, early onset pre-eclampsia and IUGR
represent a spectrum of placental oxidative stress-related disorders, secondary to decient trophoblast
invasion and physiological conversion of the spiral arteries. Although trials of antioxidant interventions
have not proved successful in pre-eclampsia, the rationale for this treatment remains strong, and
further research of the benets of periconceptional supplementation is required.
Practice points
The maternal circulation to the placenta is not fully established until towards the end of the
rst trimester in normal human pregnancies.
The establishment of the maternal circulation is a progressive phenomenon that modulates
the development of the denitive placenta.
That decient conversion of the maternal spiral arteries underlies placental-related
complications of pregnancy, such as miscarriage and pre-eclampsia.
Fluctuations in maternal blood ow to the placenta may be of greater pathological consequence than hypoxia alone.
The pathophysiology of miscarriage is linked to a premature and overwhelming entry of
maternal blood inside the placenta, whereas that of pre-eclampsia is linked to an ischaemiareperfusion phenomenon.
Research agenda
To establish the following:
Factors that regulate spiral arterial remodelling and unplugging of the spiral arteries
Importance of polymorphisms in the antioxidant pathways for complications of pregnancy
Factors released from the placenta that lead to the maternal inammatory response
Importance of preconceptional nutrition to the risk of miscarriage and pre-eclampsia
Why antioxidants vitamins taken during pregnancy have no effect on rates of pre-eclampsia
or miscarriage
The role of environmental oxidative stress on placental-related disorders of pregnancy.
We thank all our colleagues and collaborators who have contributed to these studies over the years,
in particular our research associates Drs T Cindrova-Davies, J Hempstock, J Johns, A Watson and H-W
Yung. We are grateful to the MRC, Tommys the baby Charity, WellBeing of Women and the Wellcome
Trust for funding.
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