Information Management Civil Eng Infrastructural Development On Geological and Geotechnical Information 03 - WT - SZ - PvO - RHL

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W. Tegtmeier


, S. Zlatanova a, P.J.M. van Oosterom a, H. R. G. K. Hack b

Delft University of Technology, OTB, GISt, Jaffalaan 9, 2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands (w.tegtmeier, s.zlatanova,
International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Hengelossesraat 99, 7514 AE
Enschede, The Netherlands (tegtmeier,hack)
Commission IV, WGIV/5, WGIV/8

KEY WORDS: databases, spatial infrastructures, interoperability, city, geology, integration

In civil engineering infrastructural projects, information exchange and (re-) use in and between involved parties is difficult. This is
mainly caused by a lack of information harmonization. Various specialists are working together on the development of an
infrastructural project and are all using their own specific software and definitions for the various information types. The variety of
information types adds to the differences regarding the use and definition of thematic semantic information. Also the source of the
information may vary from surveyed and interpreted to designed objects. This makes harmonization of geo-information extremely
difficult. Realistic 3D models describing and integrating part of the earth already exist, but are generally neglecting the subsurface,
and especially the aspects of geological and geotechnical information. This paper summarizes the first steps undertaken towards the
extension of an existing integrated semantic information model to include (above and on) surface as well as subsurface objects and in
particular, subsurface geological and geotechnical objects. Standards, exchange formats and existing models used as a basis for the
development of a core geological model as part of an integrated 3D information model are described in this paper. Examples of
definitions of subsurface geological objects and required attribute information (to be) included in the integrated 3D information
model are given. Web-based visualisation tools are, too, investigated to be able to access and visualise the model also in an
application-independent environment.

Around the world people are busy with the planning, design,
realization, or maintenance of infrastructural projects. During
these various phases of infrastructural projects tasks must be
accomplished, which require different skills from professionals.
The execution of these tasks involves large quantities of geoinformation (e.g. GIS-, CAD-, and other data sets). On the
example of infrastructural development, it becomes clear that
the lack of information harmonization is still a problem. It is,
for example, well known, although not often expressed publicly,
that the re-use and exchange of information is only seldom
achieved. The limited exchange and re-use of information
increases the project costs and more importantly, may lead to
less optimisation in project management.
One of the main problems of professionals working in
infrastructure projects is the lack of common models in which
data created in the different applications can be represented
together. Furthermore, due to differences in semantic or
geometric properties, no guarantees are given that the set of data
from one GIS or CAD system can be seamlessly converted in
another (Apel 2006, Oosterom et al 2006). By defining a
reference model, application-specific models can be integrated
and exchanged between system platforms using service-oriented
architectures (Bodum et al 2005, Dllner and Hagedorn, 2008,
Lapierre and Cote 2008, Haist and Coors 2005).
3D models have been extensively used in many areas but all the
developments have been restricted to particular tasks (design,
visualisation, etc.) and application areas. Integrated generic
models discussing real-world features on the surface, above and
beneath the surface are still in their infancy (Emgrd &
Zlatanova 2008). The integration of subsurface features, the
digital terrain model and features on the terrain remains a

problem to be solved (Kolbe & Grger 2003). Although,

geological data models and software provide tools to represent
sophisticated geological situations in three dimensions (Apel
2006, Hack et al 2006, Lattuada, 2006, Raper and Maguire
1992, Raper 1989, Breuning and Zlatanova 2006), these models
are not integrated with the surface (and above surface) models.
A number of international standards and industry specific
formats have been developed for geometric and semantic
descriptions of existing features as well as design features both
above and below the earth surface (e.g. GeoSciML, IFC, or
CityGML) but they are still quite specific for a certain domain
and not integrated. Challenges are in both, geometry and
semantic (thematic) heterogeneities.
Looking at all information types available, especially geological
and geotechnical (below) surface conditions play an important
role in most construction processes. The geological situation at
and around the construction site can have significant impact on
how the construction process and design will be planned and
undertaken as well as on the security of the construction itself.
Various examples all over the world show that the geological
conditions should not be neglected throughout any construction
This paper concentrates on the options for integrating
geological and geotechnical data in an existing integrated 3D
information model to be used in civil engineering projects. First
current problems and user requirements for an integrated
management of information are briefly presented. Then several
information models, data models, exchange formats, and
standards are discussed. Section 3 gives a short overview of
some of the designed geological classes to be included in the
integrated 3D information model. Section 4 discusses general
system architecture for access and exchange of data. Finally,

Section 5 concludes on the presented research and provides

recommendations for further developments.
In the last years several studies have been performed on the
need for integrated management of information during large
civil engineering infrastructure projects. For example Young et
al. 2007 report that 3.1% of project costs are related to software
non-interoperability. Between the factors impacting data
sharing, software incompatibility issues are leading (62%). A
study performed in the Netherlands within the project
Geoinformation management for civil infrastructure works
(GIMCIW, in the period 2006-2007 has
revealed similar low efficiency in data management. Within the
study several large companies were interviewed; the number of
involved companies differs but in any case more than 8-10. The
major conclusions of the study are:

Large amounts of the data have a geo-component.

The work within a project is file-based as each partner

maintains a copy of all necessary data sets and is
responsible for their management.

Much of the design information is based on 2D CAD

drawings (and not 3D models).

GIS is used insufficiently, while the benefit of possibilities

to perform spatial operations is well-understood.

Geological data (boreholes, soundings, etc.) are given

mostly as measurements and tests, and hardly any 3D
models of geology or geotechnical data of the underground
are used.

The name of the file provides information about the

content of the file, the version and the phase in the project
(e.g. concept, final/approved).

The exchange of information is via e-mail after a request

by the project leader.

The project leader is responsible for the management of

data, which usually done in Excel sheets or specific
software for document management (e.g. Meridian,

Often it is difficult to create a global overview on the status

of the project. A company is responsible for a part of the

Exchange of data and information is complicated by the

use of different data formats (software).

Data might be lost in consequent stages of the project

especially when a partner has completed his/her
obligations to the project.
The companies have agreed that improvements in management,
access and sharing of information are urgently needed and can
be achieved by: centralized storage of the most important data,
web-access to all the needed data from all parties (and from the
server), facilitation of data (model) conversions, standardized
metadata information, extended use of 3D models, and better
management of administrative data. There is strong
understanding that tools should be available to present the
progress within the project to both the professionals and
interested citizens. In this respect an integrated 3D model is
seen as one of the first steps in achieving better communication
and interoperability (assuming that much of 2D interoperable
challenges can be solved with recently developed national and
international standards). The work on such model is ongoing.
Within this work, Emgrd & Zlatanova 2008 took the first step
towards the development of an integrated 3D information model
(3DIM) by conceptually enriching the CityGML information

model with top-level abstract classes for above, on and below

surface features. As discussed elsewhere (Tegtmeier et al,
2008), the concept of an integrated 3DIM is considered very
appropriate for infrastructure projects Following, we have
investigated available standards for the handling of geological
and geotechnical subsurface objects to develop the geology
abstract class as proposed in 3DIM.
This paper will now concentrate further on the developments
related to organization and management of geological and
geotechnical data.
Currently the exchange of geological and geotechnical
information in The Netherlands is largely based on the Dutch
Geotechnical Exchange Format (GEF) standard (CUR 1999,
GEF 2009), but for the purpose of our study we have
investigated several existing and frequently applied common
information models such as the Dutch NEN 3610, INSPIRE,
CityGML (Grger et al. 2007), 3DIM (Emgrd & Zlatanova
2008), and the international geoscience information model
GeoSciML (GeoSciML, 2007).
The Dutch harmonized base model of geo-information NEN
3610 (NEN 3610:2005) gives specifications of features on the
surface, above the surface and utilities. The model defines a
base class and a hierarchy of sub-classes that can be extended
with sectors (domains) models. Such a sector extension is the
Dutch topographic model for scale 1:10000 (TOP10NL) as
described in (Quak & de Vries 2006).
At an international level, a first attempt towards an integrated
information model has been undertaken within the EU initiative
INSPIRE. Within Europe the INSPIRE Deliverable 2.5 of the
Data Specifications Drafting Team, the Generic Conceptual
Model (INSPIRE 2008), has similar goals as the ones behind
the Dutch NEN 3610 developments (Quak et al. 2007). In the
directive 34 different spatial data themes have been identified,
covering natural and man-made features as well as
administrative and environmental features. For the first 9
themes (Annex I), the data specifications are currently being
created and expected to be finished before the end of 2009. In
the current draft version of the theme Coordinate Reference
Systems (INSPIRE TWG CRS, 2008) it is stated that When
using both ETRS89 and EVRS the CRS used is a compound
one (ISO 19111) and shall be designated as ETRS89/EVRS. It
allows unambiguous 3D geo-referencing, as requested by
INSPIRE. The other INSPIRE Annex I themes do hardly ever
mention 3D explicitly and in the UML class diagrams the GM
primitives of ISO 19107 Spatial Schema are used without
stating if this refers to a primitive in 2D or 3D space. One
exception is the theme Cadastral Parcels (INSPIRE TWG CP,
2008), which mentions the need for 3D cadastral objects.
After the Annex I data specifications have be created, it can be
expected that in the Annex II (e.g. Elevation and Geology) and
Annex III (e.g. Soil, Atmospheric conditions, Oceanographic
geographical features, and Energy resources) themes more often
explicit reference to the 3D aspects of the objects will be made.
Very promising developments are observed within the new
OGC standard CityGML. CityGML is a common information
model used for the representation of 3D urban objects.
CityGML allows for a description of classes and relations, and
geometric, topological, semantic and appearance properties for
the most relevant topographic objects in cities. CityGML
includes hierarchies between thematic classes, levels of details
and also relations between objects and spatial properties.
Presently, CityGML does not provide support of geological
features. Moreover CityGML considers below surface features

(utilities, tunnels, geology, etc.) a subject of the so called

application domain extensions (ADE), which are subclasses
directly to the CityObject or Site class. For example, a
Subsurface ADE (focusing on tunnels) is already available
The Dutch GEF standard is a typical example of a format for the
exchange of geotechnical information. It can be compared with
the Observations and Measurements (O&M) schema by the
OGC (OGC 2007). The GEF standard consists of three types of
information about: 1) the manner and circumstances in which
the measurements have been carried out, 2) how the
measurement results are stored (metadata), and 3) measurements
including interpretations, derived models, etc. To be able to
collect all this information, a specific methodology has been
suggested as well. As to the organization of the data, the actual
measurement results (i.e. the raw data) are saved in the file,
preceded by a header which describes in a readable form (i.e.
ASCII) how the measurement is composed. In addition,
information is structured using fixed keywords (e.g.




above and
below surface




Only city
objects; no
no geology
Surface &
but basic
Only surface
& utilities; no


Geometry &
Geometry &
Way of


features in
natural &
On &
above surface
features &




Table 1: Comparison of the characteristics of the various

standards and models

The last model considered is GeoSciML. GeoSciML is a

geoscience data model, which has been designed for the storage
and exchange of geoscience information (GeoSciML 2007).
GeoSciML represents geoscience information associated with
geologic maps and observations and allows an extension to
other geoscience data. A common set of feature types is defined
based on geological criteria (e.g. units, structures, fossils) or

artefacts of geological investigations (e.g. specimens, sections,

measurements). Supporting objects such as time scale and
lexicons are also considered so that they can be used as
classifiers for the primary objects.
These different standards and models have been investigated
because of their appropriate characteristics for geological and
geotechnical features. These characteristics have also been
summarized in Table 1.
3DIM might become the bases for an integrated 3D information
model for large civil infrastructure projects, since it allows a
near complete representation of 3D urban objects. To include
geological and geotechnical information in 3DIM, the
information covered by GeoSciML, which provides geometric
and semantic information, is evaluated with respect to the needs
of the larger audience of professionals working in civil
engineering projects. In contrast to CityGML and GeoSciML,
NEN 3610, GEF, and INSPIRE provide only semantic
information or focus on 2D representations. However, they are
considered to ensure that the developed model is compliant with
national and international standards.
The thematic semantic information model (thematic semantics =
the meaning of data with regard to a specific subject) of
subsurface geological and geotechnical features as developed by
Tegtmeier et al. 2008 is considered an extension of the 3DIM.
In order to include subsurface geological and geotechnical
features in 3DIM model has first been extended by including
Geology in the subsurface class BelowSurfaceObjects (Emgrd
& Zlatanova 2008). The 3DIM has adopted many of the
concepts of the base model NEN 3610 and achieved
subdivisions of features into: 1) earth surface features, 2) above
earth surface features, and 3) below earth surface features
(Figure 1). One of the below surface classes is Geology. This
class is the super class of all the object classes described in this
section. The super class Geology includes, next to general
geological information, mainly the geotechnical aspects of
geology of importance for infrastructural construction
The class Geology is further split up into different features
(geological objects) to support infrastructural development.
After an extensive study on the use of geological objects in
infrastructure works, the following five subclasses are defined:
Layers include the subsurface geological features that
occur as continuous layers in the subsurface. Usually these
are units of igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic origin,
of comparatively homogeneous compositions with welldeveloped boundaries. The Layer can, depending on the
material it consists of, further be subdivided into three
LayerStrongSoilWeakRock and LayerSoil.
Obstacles are objects, which do not fit the description of
the geological layer, in which they are found, but which
are too big to be neglected for the construction process.
Obstacles are, for example, boulders, that are large
rounded blocks of stone lying on the surface of the
ground, or are sometimes embedded in the ground,
different in composition from the material in the vicinity
and which have been therefore transported from a
Cavity represents natural underground empty spaces,
whose size and extension is large enough and cannot be
neglected during construction processes. Natural
underground spaces can be karst holes.

Reservoir (water, oil and gas). Reservoirs can be described

as a body of rock or soil carrying water or containing an
accumulation of hydrocarbons; or as natural underground
containers of liquids, such as water, oil, and gases. In
general, such reservoirs are formed by local deformation
of strata, by changes of porosity, and by intrusions.
The definitions used are based on the Dictionary of Geological
Terms prepared under the direction of the American Geological
Institute (AGI 1976) and the Geological Nomenclature by the
Royal Geological and Mining Society of The Netherlands
(Visser 1980).
The above mentioned classes are further specialised. Figure 2 is
an example of the required subdivision for the geological
feature LayerRock with its attributes and associations. As
within a project area, different types of rock layers might occur
and/ or the properties within one type of rock layer might vary,
LayerRock will be described as an aggregation of a number of
homogeneous geological units.
A GeologicalUnit can be defined as a homogeneous unit of the
same material with none or only slight variations in material
characteristics and properties. Each GeologicalUnit can be
described by visual descriptions, field measurements, and
field/laboratory testing. Therefore all three possibilities are
included in the model (not shown here). For the management of
field measurements, sampling and laboratory testing, a separate
model has been developed and linked to the relevant
information in another thematic semantic model with the help of
IDs (e.g sampleID, measurementID, labtestID) (not shown
here). The attributes are largely derived from the Dutch GEF.

The class GeologicalUnit can be further classified as IntactRock

(i.e. rock that does not contain discontinuities of
sedimentological, structural or other origin) and RockMass
(i.e.rock as it occurs in situ, including discontinuities). All
attributes are based on the standards discussed above and
agreed with the users. For example WeatheringDesc refers to
the possibility of the destruction of the rock material by
physical, chemical and/or biological processes (Figure 2).
Several attributes give further information on the weathering
(not shown here).
Next to these descriptive models (including derived and
processed information) for each geological feature, more
detailed information collected from site investigation as well as
field and laboratory measurements are needed throughout the
whole lifecycle of the infrastructural project. A clear picture of
the geological and geotechnical situation at the construction
site as well as sufficient information about the properties and
possible behaviour of the geology with respect to the
construction activities is needed to ensure a safe and economic
planning of the infrastructural project. For that reason, another
level of the thematic semantic information model has been
developed and included in the complete model (not shown
class LayerRock Datatypes PIM


observationmethod: CharacterString
descriptionpurpose: CharacterString


objectcode: Integer
objectlocation: BoundingBox
objectname: RockSoilName
objectdepthstart: Decimal
objectdepthend: Decimal
objectthickness: Decimal
objectextension: Decimal
objectgeometry: GM_MultiSurface
geologicformation: GeologicalFormation
exposurecolour: CharacterString
outcropcharacter: CharacterString



weathering: WeatheringDesc
composition: CompositionDesc
physicalbehaviour: PhysicalDescRock
mechanicalbehaviour: MechanicalDescRock


weathering: WeatheringDesc
composition: CompositionDesc
physicalbehaviour: PhysicalDescRock
mechanicalbehaviour: MechanicalDescRock
rockmassstructure: GeologicStructure
chronostratigraphy: ChronostratigraphicDescription

Figure 2: Subdivision of LayerRock into IntactRock and

At this stage the model contains all the data that might be
collected and have to be available during the entire project life
cycle. Practically most information included in the model
should be collected throughout site investigation, field
measurements and laboratory tests. The information model
allows for differentiation and management of measurement data
and derived results (i.e. interpretations). This is to say that the
geological objects can be represented with their approximated
geometries (using surfaces or/ and solids). These geometries can
be used for integrated 3D visualisation with construction
objects (e.g. tunnels) and above surface objects (buildings and
terrain objects).
The model can be used as both exchange model and data model
for centralised management of all underground measurements
during infrastructure projects.
Figure 1. 3DIM top level clases of the BelowSurfaceObject



As mentioned above, large infrastructural projects involve many

parties, which are responsible for portions of the project and
possess a variety of data sets. Although some data sets still
remain for a single user only, there are large amounts of
information, which has to be shared. The information could be
vector (2D and 3D), raster, documents and videos (animations).
Most of the information should at least be visualised (in
integrated 2D/3D visual environment). Based on this analysis,
we have proposed access to data via geo-portal based on webservices (Figure 3). The project web site will allow authorised
access to information either to the data sets maintained by the
project partners (or other data sets) or to the centralised data
management system. The geo-counter provides metadata
information as well.
The graphics user interface on the project site should allow for
visualisation of 2D and 3D data via freeware as well as
commercial viewers available within the project. Figure 3
portrays the system architecture. At the moment, only the 2D
visualisation components are fully operational. Via the geolocket the user can access files and databases needed during a
specific infrastructure project and visualise the information
either in 2D or in 3D viewer. The information remains
accessible trough the entire period of the project.

Communication and information exchange and (re-) use is

difficult in relation to civil engineering infrastructural
development. In order to facilitate the information exchange and
communication between different parties involved and also to
achieve an economic and safe planning of infrastructural
projects, harmonization of the various types of geo-information
handled in infrastructural development must be realized.
Ideally, a conceptual model for the thematic semantics of
information frequently used in infrastructural development
should be built up. As described throughout this paper,
semantic models 3D models describing and integrating part of
the earth already exist, but are generally neglecting geological
and geotechnical information.
A solution to the integration of geological and geo-technical
information has been investigated within this research. With it,
a thematic semantic information model has been developed
including information concerning all subsurface geological and
geotechnical features considered to be of importance during the
process of infrastructural development.
The development of this model has been guided by the
discussions and interviews with companies and institutes
involved in infrastructural projects. Therefore it can be seen as a
more general model aiming at a broader group of users who
work with geology and geo-technology information (in
contracts to GeoSciML, which is intended for geologists). The
features and the terminology in the model are also adapted with
respect to this broader audience.
Another advantage of the model is that it allows not only the
handling and storage of information concerning the physical
description of the various geological objects, but also of
information and results as derived through field and laboratory
measurements aiming at a thorough description of the geology
and geo-technology in the project area (i.e. information that is
currently available in GEF).
Just as the CityGML information model, the thematic semantic
information model provides a combination of 3D geometric as
well as thematic semantic information for all objects included in
the model. As an extension of 3DIM, the thematic semantic
information model now makes the integrated handling and
exchange of above, on and below surface information possible.
The model can also be seen as an ADE of the CityGML
information model, which will allow the same browsers as
developed for CityGML to be used for the visualization of the
features in this model.
To prove the usefulness of the newly developed geological
model, future research will concentrate on the database
implementation of this extended version of the integrated 3D
information model as well as testing of the set of thematic
semantic information models using real world data as derived
from infrastructural project case studies within The
Netherlands. Emphasis will be given on 3D geometric
representation and storage of the geological features, since such
representations are still not a common feature. Currently the
model is designed as a data model, but GML coding will be
investigated as well.

Project partners







Project Web site



2D viewers

3D viewers

2D viewers

3D viewers

3D model

Figure 3: System architecture (GIMCIW)

The developed conceptual model (in UML) was transformed to
Oracle Spatial relational model using the Enterprise Architect
MDA prototype (Bennekom-Mennema, 2008). Enterprise
Architect (SparxSystems, 2007) offers standard support for
(relatively) straightforward MDA transformation rules from
object-oriented models to relational database models. However
more sophisticated transformations such as enumerations or
attributes as base table check constraints required considerable
custom development. The developed scripts were adapted for
the geological classes and successfully executed to define a
database schema. Several test sites are defined and the available
data are in process of converting to the developed data model.
Trial 3D visualisation was completed for only one (i.e. TUDelft
campus) had features above, on and below surface (Figure 4).


Figure 4: Visualisation of test site TUDelft campus in 3DIM

(Emgard and Zlatanova 2008)

This research was done in the framework of the RGI-029

project Geo-Information Management for Civil-Engineering
Infrastructure (GIMCIW), supported by the Dutch program
Space for Geo-Information. Herewith, we would like to thank
all project partners for their input, critical comments and

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