2008 First Proposal
2008 First Proposal
2008 First Proposal
January 2016
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
January, 2016
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Marketing receives much criticism, among these societal criticism claim that
certain marketing practices hurt individual consumers, business firms and
society as a whole. Therefore, the principal focus of this project paper is to
describe the practice of societal marketing and expound the societal criticisms
by floriculture companies.
The study was conducted among households, managers of the companies and
employees situated in Addis Ababa city particularly around Holeta Town. To
achieve the purpose of the study five research questions were developed
based on the practice of societal marketing by floriculture companies, societal
criticisms of the business, environmental sustainability and strategic options of
the business. Questions for both employees and households are developed by
using liker scale to rate their response. and scales are starting from the very
negative(strongly disagree) to the very positive(strongly agree). Data was
gathered from a survey among 80 employees, 100 households through both
open ended and close ended questionnaire and through structured interview
from five floriculture company managers.
During the analysis interrelated procedures are performed in order to sum up
and rearrange the data. Amalgamation of the qualitative and quantitative
approaches is adopted. Triangulation in data collection is pursued. Moreover
Care is taken to promote the validity and reliability of the data and the results
are presented using tabulation, bar-chart, and pie-chart. To analyze the data
Descriptive statistics such as percentage and frequency are applied.
Based on the research results the data analysis indicates that:
Even though, the contribution is not yet satisfactory, few companies held
responsible for societal issues. On the other hand there is less concern by
management for societal benefit and some of the societal claim on the
business is; less concern for environmental safety by that corporation, what is
shown in growth rate by corporations is not justified for both the community
and employees. As a result, the foremost recommendations are; corporations
should have to justify their existence with their overall contributions,
responding immediately towards the claim of the community and employees
are vital for corporations and providing due attention for environmental safety
are the prime once.
Undoubtedly, this success has been made possible only through the will of
God; hence this is the help of God I do not have words for God, but I would
like to take this opportunity to show my sincere gratitude and appreciation to
all people in this proposal work.
First and foremost I would like to express my deeper gratitude to my advisor
DR teklu kasu PhD for his excellent suggestions to accomplish this thesis,
Next, I would like to acknowledge my families, who walked this long road with
me every step of the way.
My special, thanks goes to my friend ato Ybeletal ayilew, for his unwavering
support during this studys questionnaire translation and data collection.
Finally I would like to express my heartfelt deeper gratitude for managers of
Holeta town floriculture company managers, employees and households for
their cooperation and for being devoted in providing current information and
filling the questionnaire which are paramount important to finalize this study.
Acknowledgements-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------II
Study ..................................................................................4
1.8.1The Research
1.8.2 Data
1. Introduction
Marketing is social and managerial process by which individuals and
organizations obtain what they need and what they want through creating and
exchanging value with others. And also it involves building profitability and
value- laden exchange relationships with customers (Kotler, 2008).
Marketing starts with the concept of production that holds the needs that
prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive, and with the 21 st
century, it has come to adopt with the philosophy of societal marketing.
Societal marketing concept questions whether the pure marketing concept
overlooks possible conflicts between consumers short-run wants and long-run
welfare. The societal marketing concept holds that marketing strategy should
deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the
consumers and societies well being (Kotler, 2008).
In recent years, the emergence of world issues, such as environmental
deterioration, resource shortages, explosive population growth, world hunger,
poverty, and several social causes have challenged whether the current
marketing concept is an appropriate philosophy for todays businesses,
http://www.lib.umi.com/dissertations/fullcit/9948531, [Accessed on Nov,o3
2011]. Therefore, there has been increased pressure on many companies and
managers to recognize their responsibilities to society and act in a way that
benefits the overall community.
If so, Organizations in the twenty-first century are increasingly concerned
about managing societal issues in marketing to benefit key stakeholder
interests. Concerning with industries in Ethiopian, one successful business that
shows increasing contribution to GDP is Floriculture business. Source: (national
bank of Ethiopia).
with the aim to document the practice of societal marketing in the Holeta town
Floriculture business.
Holeta was established in 1894 when Emperor Minilik II of Ethiopia built a
Palace in the current Arada / the then Birbirsa Siba kebele and it town has
gotten municipality in 1948. Recently the town has four kebeles (Holeta Town
finance and economy bureau, 2004).
Floriculture business provides some of us with job opportunity, it has its own
disadvantage for our society (Holeta Town Households).
Even if marketers are apparently unwilling (or unable) to acknowledge or
embrace moral sensibilities and, moreover, are largely unaware of the
terminology and theory (such as it is) of societal marketing, this does not
mean that marketing decisions do not have societal outcomes, or even that
many firms have not sought to incorporate aspects of societal marketing into
their decision process (Abratt and Sacks, 1989).
Therefore, review of the society about the companys concern for societal
wellbeing, affects the floriculture business negatively. And this statement can
be supported by suggestions provided by Marwick & Fill, (1998) that
everything an organization does, and does not do, has a direct impact on its
corporate image. This means whatever companies do or do not do due to the
absence awareness on the terminology and speculation of the societal
marketing speculation, can affect their businesses corporate image.
Research question
1.4. Significance
For all concerned bodies): It provides insight into the companys societal
perspective and contributions to the society and as well to take necessary
For companies: the upshot of this study will provide fact based information
to implement measures.
Moreover, the end result of this project will provide better information to
ensure companies to apply societal marketing in order to differentiate
themselves from competitors.
For Households: The finding of this project paper is expected to reduce the
gap created by the absence of sufficient attention to societal marketing in
floriculture business.
For the Researcher: The finding of this study is expected to enable to
become rich with the concept of societal marketing in a practical world and to
update her with current information in the topic area.
Future research: The study is predicted to arose more interest and motivate
for future research on the impact of floriculture and other businesses on local
economic development and wellbeing of the society. Moreover, it has l serve
as a bench mark to study on other variables on the topic area.
1.5. Delimitation
Related terms
Social marketing: is the application of commercial marketing technologies to
the analysis, planning, execution and evaluation of programs designed to
influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences in order to improve their
personal welfare and that of their society (Andreasen 1995).
Cause-related marketing: is the process by which a firm creates a
marketing strategy that is characterized by contributions to specific causes
through customer interaction, which also serves to generate revenue for the
firm itself (Varadarajan and Menon ,1988).
Corporate social responsibility: focuses on the concept that a corporation
should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people, their
community, and the environment surrounding those people and community
(Piacentini, et al ,2000).
Even though, all the above listed related terms are part of societal marketing
scope of the study is confined to analyzing the practice of societal marketing
within floriculture business in case of Holeta Town and societal perception of
the business by using the concept of societal marketing and corporate social
responsibility. But it does not look at the other related terms such as Causerelated marketing and Social marketing.
Furthermore, this study didnt look at the other activities of flower business
beyond the practice of societal marketing.
Research methodology
Since research methods are the practical techniques used to carry out
research, this section of the study focuses on discussion of methodology and
the methods to be employed in this research. The section consists of General
research methodology, specific research method, sampling techniques and
sample size determination sample design and, data collection techniques,
data preparation, analysis and interpretation. To provide the detail of each sub
methodology application, the student researcher discusses each separately as
Floriculture companies
Employees of the
The sampling technique that will be used in this study is multi-stage clustering
to for classify the kebele probability sampling technique for the households
and systematic simple random sampling technique will be applied for the
floriculture companies.
Rationale for choosing cluster: - In cluster sampling we need to have a
number of clusters which are characterized by heterogeneity in between and
within homogeneity within. It is convenient with respect to time and money
allocated for a particular study, John.A , Haftz.T .A, Robert.R and David.N.
From the twenty flower companies found in Holeta town, the student
researcher has only chosen five companies which are expected to represent
the remaining. This was done by using systematic random sampling technique
and selected the five company mangers by using one fifth of the door.
Regarding the households there are four Gebere kebele mehaber with total
number of 37,000 population, according to Holeta town finance and economy
bureau (2004), from the four Sademo gebere mehaber kebele is which has
specifically 1000 number ofpopulation is the one which is greatly affected the
resettlement of the investment plan (Holeta town kebele gebere mehaber).
Thus, after clustering kebele into four by using purposive sampling only one
kebele, namely Sademo will be taken as a sample representative of the
remaining kebele. Moreover, employees will be selected by using convenience
sampling from five flower companies.
Mar. 5
16Mar 5 Mar.20
Review Of Related
Data processing
5 Data Analysis
Cost Budgeting
The study is expected to cost an n estimated cost not less than the following.
Cost Elements
4. Contingency
Alazar Ahmed, 2007, Horticultural Marketing in Ethiopia ( Masters thesis)
Alleviation in Ethiopia Identification of Pilot Projects May 27-June 6, 2004
Apisit Chattananon (2003), The impact of societal marketing programs on
customer attitudes
Bell, M. L. and Emory, C. W. (1971), The faltering marketing concept, Journal of
Marketing, pp. 37-42
Brenkert, George .G(2002). Ethical challenges of social marketing. Journal of
Public Policy
Christine T nnew and Nigel Waite, (2007). Financial Services Marketing, An
International Guide to Principles and Practice.
Ethiopian Horticulture Development Agency (2004).
Ethiopian M millennium Coming up Roses; After Coffee - Ethiopias Other
Export, Sep,2007 Floriculture (Rose) Section in Ethiopia
Geoffrey et al (2005) , Essentials of Research Design and Methodology,
publisher ,John Wiley
& Sons, Inc
H. Cohen and R. Brooke Lea (2005), Essentials of Research Design and
Methodology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
http://www.floracultureinternational. com/index.php?option=com, accessed on
23/ 10/ 2011
Holland Horti News March 2007. P.5
http://ejbo.jyu.fi, accessed, 02/11/2011
Ingco and Nash, 2004), Journal of Marketing education, pp.22
Vol. 33,
Jayne, Karanja, Nyoro, Strasberg, Strauss and Yamano,( 1999; Upton, 2004),
Masters thesis on
Thank You!!