Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 1 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

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Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 1 Some Basic Concepts

of Chemistry
It is the branch of science which deals with the composition, structure and properties of matter.

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier is called the father of chemistry.

Branches of Chemistry

what is concerned with physical chemistry?

what is concerned with analytical chemistry?

In addition to these biochemistry, war chemistry, nuclear chemistry forensic chemistry, earth
chemistry etc., are other branches of chemistry.

what occupies some space and have some mass is called?

what is matter made up of ? what do small particles have between them?

Anything which occupies some space and have some mass is called matter. It 15 made up of
small particles which have space between them. The matter particles attract each other and are
in a state of continuous monon. In which state the matter particles are (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)


What is the simplest form of pure substance?


It is the simplest form of pure substance, which can neither be decomposed into nor built from
simpler substances by ordinary physical and chemical methods. ?It contains only one kind of
atoms. The number of elements known till date is 118.
[Hydrogen IS the most abundant element in the universe.
OXYgen (46.6%), a non-metal, is the most abundant element in the earth crust.
AI is the most abundant metal in the earth crust.
An element can be a metal, a non-metal or a metalloid.]
A symbol is an abbreviation or shortened form for the full name of an element. The present
system of symbols was introduced by Berzelius.
Symbol and Latin Names for Some Elements (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)


It is also the form of matter which can be formed by combining two or more elements in a
definite ratio by mass. It can be decomposed into its constituent elements by suitable chemical
methods, e.g., water (H2O) is made of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 1 : 8 by mass.
Compounds can be of two types :
(i) Inorganic compounds Previously, it was believed that these compounds are derived from
non-living sources, like rocks and minerals. But these are infact the compounds of all the
elements except hydrides of carbon (hydrocarbons) and their derivatives.
(ii) Organic compounds According to earlier scientists, these compounds are derived from
living sources like plants and animals, or these remain buried under the earth (e.g., petroleum).
According to modern concept, these are the hydrides of carbon and their derivatives.
These are made up of two or more pure substances. They can possess variable composition and
can be separated into their components by some physical methods.
Mixtures may be homogeneous (when composition is uniform throughout) or heterogeneous
(when composition is not uniform throughout).
Common methods for the separation of mixtures are

(a) Filtration Filtration is the process of separating solids that are suspended in liquids by
pouring the mixture into a filter funnel. As the liquid passes through the filter, the solid
particles are held on the filter. (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)


(b) Distillation Distillation is the process of heating a liquid to form vapours and then cooling
the vapours to get back the liquid. This is a method by which a mixture containing volatile
substances can be separated into Its components.
(c) Sublimation This is the process of conversion of a solid directly into vapours on heating.
Substances showing this property are called sublimate, e.g., iodine, naphthalene, camphor. This
method is used to separate a sublimate from non-sublimate substances.
(d) Crystallisation It is a process of separating solids having different solubilities in a
particular solvent.
(e) Magnetic separation Tills process is based upon tbe fact that a magnet attracts magnetic
components of a mixture of magnetic and non-magnetic substances. The non-magnetic
substance remains unaffected. Thus. it can be used to separate magnetic components from nonmagnetic components.
(f) Atmolysis Tills method is based upon rates of diffusion of gases and used for their
separation from a gaseous mixture.
Atoms and Molecules
Atom is the smallest particle of an element which can take part in a chemical reaction. It mayor
may not be capable of independent existence.
Molecule is the simplest particle of matter that has independent existence. It may be
homoatomic e.g., H2, CI2, N2 (diatomic), O3 (triatomic) or heteroatomic, e.g., HCI, NH3,
CH3 etc.
Physical Quantities and Their Measurements
To express the measurement of any physical quantity two things are considered:
(i) Its unit,
(ii) The numerical value.
Magnitude of a physical quantity = numerical value * unit
Units are of two types:
(i) Basic units
(ii) Derived units (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)


(i) The basic or fundamental units are those of length (m), ass (kg), time (s), electric current
(A), thermodynamic temperature (K), amount of substance (mol) and luminous intensity (cd).
(ii) Derived units are basically derived from the fundamental units, e.g., unit of density is
derived from units of mass and volume.
The systems used for describing measurements of various physical quantities are
(a) CGS system It is based on centimetre, gram and second as the units of length, mass and
time respectively.
(b) FPS system A British system which used foot(ft). pound (lb) and second (s) as the
fundamental units of length, mass and time.
(c) MRS system Uses metre (m), kilogram (kg) and second (s) respectively for length, mass
and time; ampere (A) was added later on for electric current.
(d) SI system (1960)International system of units and contains following seven basic and two
supplementary units:
Base Physical Quantities and their Corresponding Basic Units

SUpplementary units It includes plane angle in radian and solid angle in steradian.
The SI units of some physical quantities are either too small or too large. To change the order
of magnitude. these are expressed by using prefixes before the name of base units. The various
prefixes are listed as (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)


Dimensional Analysis
Often while calculating, there is a need to convert units from one system to other. The method
used to accomplish this is called factor label method or unit factor method or dimensional
In this,
Information sought = Information given * Conversion Factor
Important Conversion Factor

Scientific Notation (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)


In such notation, all measurements (however large or small) are expressed as a number
between 1.000 and 9.999 multiplied or divided by 10. In general as
N * 10
Here, N is called digit term (1.000-9.999) and n is known as exponent. e.g., 138.42 cm can be
written as 1.3842 * 102 and 0.0002 can be written as 2.0 * 10-4.
precision and Accuracy



refers the closeness of the set of values obtained from identical measurements of a
obtain ayyayo
quantity. Precision
is simply a measure of
reproducibility of an experiment.
Precision = individual value arithmetic mean value

Accuracy is a measure of the difference between the experimental value or the mean value of a
set of measurements and the true value.
Accuracy = mean value true value
In physical measurements, accurate results are generally precise but precise results need not be
accurate. In other words good precision does not assure good accuracy.
Significant Figures
Significant figures are the meaningful digits in a measured or calculated quantity. It includes all
those digits that are known with certainty plus one more which is uncertain or estimated.
Greater the number of significant figures in a measurement, smaller the uncertainty.
Rules for determining the number of significant figures are:
1. An digits are significant except zeros in the beginning of a number.
2. Zeros to the right of the decimal point are significant. e.g., 0.132, 0.0132 and 15.0, all have
three significant figures.
3. Exact numbers have infinite significant figures.
Calculations Involving Significant Figures
1. In addition or subtraction, the final result should be reported to the same number of decimal
places as that of the term with the least number of decimal places, e.g., (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)


(Reported sum should have only one decimal point.)

2. In multiplication and division, the result is reported to the same number of significant figures
as least precise term or the term
with least number of significant figures, e.g.,
Rounding Off the Numerical Results
When a number is rounded off, the number of significant figures is reduced. the last digit
retained is increased by 1 only if the following digit is 5 and is left as such if the following
digit is 4, e.g.,
12.696 can be written as 12.7
18.35 can be written as 18.4
13.93 can be written as 13.9
Laws of Chemical Combinations
The combination of elements to form compounds is governed by the following six basic laws:
1. Law of conservation of mass (Lavoisier, 1774)
This law states that during any physical or chemical change, the total mass of the products is
equal to the total mass of reactants. It does not hold good for nuclear reactions.
2. Law of definite proportions (Proust, 1799)
According to this law, a chemical compound obtained by different sources always contains
same percentage of each constituent element.
3. Law of multiple proportions (Dalton, 1803)
According to this law. if two elements can combine to form more than one compound. the
masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass of the other element, are in the ratio of
small whole numbers, e.g., in NH3 and N2H4, fixed mass of nitrogen requires hydrogen in the
ratio 3 : 2.
4. Law of reciprocal proportions (Richter, 1792) (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)


According to this law, when two elements (say A and 13) combine separately with the same
weight of a third element (say C), the ratio in which they do so is the same or simple multiple
of the ratio in which they (A and H) combine with each other.
Law of definite proportions, law of multiple proportions and law of reciprocal proportions do
not hold good when same compound is obtained by using different isotopes of the same
element. e.g H2O and D2O
5. Gay Lussacs law of gaseous volumes
It states that under similar conditions of temperature and pressure. whenever gases react
together. the volumes of the reacting gases as well as products (if gases) bear a simple whole
number ratio.
6. Avogadros hypothesis
It states that equal volumes of all gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure
contain the same number of molecules.
Daltons Atomic Theory (1803)
This theory was based on laws of chemical combinations. Its basic postulates are
1. All substances are made up of tiny. indivisible particles, called atoms.
2. In each element, the atoms are all alike and have the same mass. The atoms of different
elements differ in mass.
3. Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed during any physical or chemical change.
4. Compounds or molecules result from combination of atoms in some simple numerical ratio.
Mole Concept
Term mole was suggested by Ostwald (Latin word mole = heap)
A mole is defined as the amount of substance which contains same number of elementary
particles (atoms, molecules or ions) as the number of atoms present in 12 g of carbon (C-12).
1 mol = 6.023 * 1023 atoms = one gram-atom = gram atomic mass
1 mol = 6.023 * 1023 molecules = gram molecular mass
In gaseous state at STP (T = 273 K, p = 1 atm)
Gram molecular mass = 1 mol (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)

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= 22.4 L = 6.022 * 1023 molecules

Standard number 6.023x 1023 is called Avogadro number in honour of Avogadro (he did not
give this number) and is denoted by NA.
The volume occupied by one mole molecules of a gaseous substance is called molar volume or
gram molecular volume.
Number of moles = amount of substance (in gram) / molar mass

Number of molecule = number of moles * NA

Number of molecules in Ig compound = NA / g-molar mass
Number of molecules in 1 cm3 (1 mL) of an ideal gas at STP is called Loschmidt number
(2.69x 1019).
[One amu or u (unified mass) is equal to exactly the 1 / 12th of the mass of 12C atom, i.e., 1
amu or u = 1 / 12 * mass of one carbon (C12) atom
1 amu = 1 / NA
= 1 Dalton = 1.66x 10-24 g
One mole of electrons weighs 0.55 mg (5.5x 10-4 g).
Atomic Mass
It is the average relative atomic mass of an atom. It indicates that how many times an atom of
that element is heavier as compared with 1 / 12 of the mass of an atom of carbon-12.
Average atomic mass = average mass of an atom / 1 / 12 * mass of an atom of C12 (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)

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The word average has been used in the above definition and is very significant because
elements occur in nature as mixture of several isotopes. So. atomic mass can be computed as
Average atomic mass
= RA(1) * at. mass(1) + RA(2) * at. mass (2) / RA(l) + RA(2)
Here, RA is relative abundance of different isotopes.
In case of volatile chlorides. the atomic weight is calculated as
At. wt. = Eq. wt. x valency
and valency = 2 * vapour density of chloride / eq. wt. of metal + 35.5
According to Dulong and Petits rule,
Atomic weight * specific heat = 6.4
Gram Atomic Mass (GAM)

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Atomic mass of an element expressed in gram is called its gram atomic mass or gram-atom or
Molecular Mass
It is the mass of a molecule, i.e., number of times a molecule is heavier than 1 / 12 th mass of
C-12 atom. Molecular mass of a substance is an additive property and can be calculated by
taking algebraic sum of atomic masses of all the atoms of different elements present in one
Molecular Mass = average relative mass of one molecule / 1 / 12 th * mass of C-12 atom
[Gram molecular mass or molar mass is molecular mass of a substance expressed in gram.
Molecular mass = 2 * V D ]
Equivalent Mass
It is the mass of an element or a compound which would combine with or displace (by weight)
1 part of hydrogen or 8 parts of oxygen or 35.5 parts of chlorine
Eq. wt. of metal = wt. of metal / wt. of H2 displaced * 1.008
= wt. of metal / volume of H2 (in mL) displaced at STP * 11200 (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)

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Eq. wt. of metal = wt. of metal / wt. of oxygen combined * 8

= wt. of metal / wt. of chlorine combined * 35.5
In general,
Wt. of substance A / Wt. of substance B = Eq. wt. of A / Eq. wt. of B
or for a compound (I) being converted into another compound (II) of same metal
Wt. of compound I / Wt. of compound II
= eq. wt. of metal + eq. wt. of anion of compound I / eq. wt. of metal + eq. wt. of anion of
compound II
Eq. mass 0f a salt = formula mass / total positive or negative charge
Equivalent mass = atomic mass or Molecular mass / n factor
n factor for various compounds can be obtained as
(i) n factor for acids i.e., basicity
(Number of ionisable H+ per molecule is the basicity of acid.)

(ii) n factor for bases, i.e., acidity.

(Number of ionisable OH- per molecule is the acidity of a base.)

(iii) In case of ions, 11 factor is equal to charge of that ion.

(iv) In redox titrations, 11 factor is equal to change in oxidation number. (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)

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Equivalent mass of organic acid (RCOOH) is calculated by the following formula

Eq. wt. of silver salt of acid (RCOOAg) / Eq. wt. of Ag(or 108) = Vt. of silver salt / Wt. of
The relative proportions in which the reactants react and the products are formed, is called
stoichiometry (from the Greek word meaning to measure an element.)
Limiting reagent It is the reactant which is completely consumed during the reaction.
Excess reagent It is the reactant which is not completely consumed and remains unreacted
during the reaction.
[In a irreversible chemical reaction, the extent of product can be computed on the basis of
limiting reagent in the chemical reaction]
Percent Yield
The actual yield of a product in any reaction is usually less than the theoretical yield because of
the occurrence of certain side reactions.
Percent yield = actual yield / theoretical yield * 100
Empirical and Molecular Formulae
Empirical formula is the simplest formula of a compound giving simplest whole number ratio
of atoms present in one molecule, e.g., CH is empirical formula of benzene (C6H6).
Molecular formula is the actual formula of a compound showing the total number of atoms of
constituent elements, e.g., C6H6 is molecular formula of benzene.
Molecular formula = (Empirical formula)n
where, n is simple whole number having values 1, 2, 3, , etc., and can be calculated as
n = molecular formula mass / empirical formula mass (Visit for all ncert solutions in text and videos, CBSE syllabus, note and many more)

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