How To Make Her Orgasm
How To Make Her Orgasm
How To Make Her Orgasm
eep going past the first one, that's great .. but even if you cum now, it will b
e one of the deepest and most incredible orgasms you yourself have ever had.
Refine your technique; try to make yourself hold off longer and longer. It will
enrich the sexual experience for both you and your partner.
Note to Part 2:
If you're both adventurous - and really willing to torture each other, wait unti
l the point of orgasm and stop - dead. Withdraw, and lie down beside her.. then
resume again later that or the next day. The anticipation will peak, until the n
ext time you'll both be ready with hardly any teasing!
Part Three
The Fantasy!
Most of us, when it comes to sex, have a good imagination. We might fantasise ab
out the woman who works in the office next door, someone who eats lunch at the s
ame place we do, or even imagine ourselves playing out different roles that we u
sually perform.
So - why not harness this natural power of fantasization for sex? If you're more
excited and aroused, your partner will know it and go further herself. And, as
long as she doesn't know what you're thinking, you can imagine anything.
There are those, both men and women, who like to imagine themselves dominating t
heir partner, or being submissive. This is perfectly harmless as long as it goes
no further than the mind - or, if it does go further, with a partner who is att
racted to the idea and wants to play out the other role.
And don't let appearances fool you .. a sedate appearing person may have some ve
ry kinky thoughts bubbling undetr the surface; in fact, if a person is more self
-repressed, it's more likely they'll be making up for it in their minds.
.. vs. Reality
You, and your partner, both probably have many secret little fantasies that you'
ve always wanted to try. Although dressing up as King Tutankahmen and having you
r lover wait on you hand and foot may not be something you can confide in with s
omeone you've just met, you can imagine yourself in that position .. and, when y
ou reach a stage with someone where you feel you can trust each other, let her k
now about this litle fantasy .. and encourage her to tell you her own.
If you do become open to each other's fantasies, it's important that you don't l
et them take over .. or you may find yourself resorting to kinkier and kinkier r
ole-playing, until one day, you stop yourself and say 'Whoah! This is getting sc
ary .. I'm getting out!'
It's important to realise that although fantasies - and role playing - are a gre
at adjunct to 'normal' sexual encounters, they can't replace them .. and, the mo
re you indulge in fantasies to spice up your sex life, the more you will come to
rely on them.
Strike a balance - use the anticipation of an upcoming role-playing 'session' to
fuel your desire; and maybe even run the fantasy through your mind until you ca
n both no longer resist. In this way, you can get the most 'mileage' out of your
Part Four
Healthy Body - Great Sex!
One of the biggest factors affecting the enjoyment of sex is the health of the b
ody. Smoking cigarettes constricts the capillaries and blood vessels in the body
, which restricts blood flow to the genitals and thus decreases sexual enjoyment
; alcohol and other caffeine sources destroy vital vitamin B elemnts within the
body, making us more lethargic.
This lethargy and lack of physical vitality not only communicates itself to our
partner during sex, but also comes across when we're on the look-out for a partn
er; it's ironic that the two most consumed items in a bar or night-club environm
ent - alcohol and cigarettes - are the two greatest killers of good sex! Vitamin
B, which is burnt up by the metabolising of alcohol, also makes us more relaxed
- so while the alcohol is loosening us up on the one hand, it's destroying our
Vitamin B levels. so when the alcohol has been metabolised from our bodies, we a