Poc Unit 3
Poc Unit 3
Poc Unit 3
When the CLOCK signal is high, the circuit behaves as Emitter follower
and the output follows the input (modulating) signal, when the CLOCK is
low, the trarissistor is cut off and the output is zero. In this way, at the
output we get PAM signal (Fig 18).
9. What do you mean by pulse time modulation (PTM). Give the type of
pulse time modulation (PTM).
Ans:In PTM amplitude of the pulse is kept constant, where as width or position
of the pulse is made proportional to the amplitude of the signal at the
sampling instant. As amplitude is kept constant and does not carry any
information, amplitude limiters can be used. The limiter similar to be that
used in FM will clip off the portion of the signal corrupted by noise and
provides a good degree of noise immunity.
1. Pulse width modulation (PWM)
2. Pulse position modulation (PPM)
In both PWM and PPM, the amplitude is kept constant.
In PWM, long pulses expend considerable power while bearing no additional
information. If this unused power is substrated from PWM, so that only time
transitions are preserved we obtain PPM. In this way PPM is more efficient
than PWM.
How to generate & demodulate the pulse position modulation
(PPM) & pulse width modulation (PWM).
Compare the performance of various pulse analog modulation
What are the elements of pulse code modulation (PCM)
Ans: Elements of a PCM system
- Basic operations performed in the transmitter: sampling, quantizing, encoding
- LPF prior to sampling is included to prevent aliasing of the message signal; the quantizing and encoding operations
are usually performed by a circuit known as analog-to-digital converter..
- Basic operations in the receiver are regeneration of impaired signals, decoding and reconstruction of the train of
quantized pulses. Regeneration also occurs at intermediate points along the transmission path as necessary
Ans :
Pulse Code Modulation involves the following three basic steps as shown in Fig.
Sampling PAM
Line coding
Time-division multiplexing
Derive the expression for power spectral density of NRZ polar
format & draw the power spectra.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Digital (pulse)
transmission as compared to analog transmission?
Ans. (a) The following are the advantages of digital transmission
over the analog transmission.
1. In digital system, message security can be improved.
2. The digital communication system having more noise immunity and
external interference rejection capabilities.
3. In digital communication system, the information (or intelligence) which is
in digital form can be easily stored where as in analog signal cannot.
4. Digital signals having two values 0 and 1 and are easy to measure and
evaluate. Error detection and correction is very easy in digital communication
system as compared to the analog communication system.
5. The digital communication system have a common format for the
transmission/ encoding of different kinds of signal like video signal, computer
data and voice signal etc., for transmitting/receiving data from one device to
the another device.
6. Digital communication system are more flexible in operation than analog
communication system.
(b) The disadvantages of the digital (pulse) communication system
or digital transmission are as follows:
1. The transmission (channel) band width required by the digital
communication system is much more than the analog communication
2. The digital communication systems are more complex than the analog
commutation systems.
3. A precise time synchronization is required between transmitter and
receiver in Digital system transmission.
Ans 9
The field strength of atmospheric noise varies approximately inversely with the
frequency. Thus large atmospheric noise is generated in low and medium frequency
(broadcast) bands while very little noise is generated in the VHF and UHF bands.
Further VHF and UHF components of noise are limited to the line-of-sight (less than
about 80 Km) propagation. For these two-reasons, the atmospheric noise becomes
less severe at Frequencies exceeding about 30 MHz.
Extraterrestrial Noise
This is the electrical noise emanating from the sun. Under quite conditions, there is
a steady radiation of noise from the sun. This results because sun is a large body at
a very high temperature (exceeding 6000C on the surface), and radiates electrical
energy in the form of noise over a very wide frequency spectrum including the
spectrum used for radio communication. The intensity produced by the
Sun varies with time. In fact, the sun has a repeating 11-Year noise cycle. During
the peak of the cycle, the sun produces some amount of noise that causes
Distant stars are also suns and have high temperatures. These stars, therefore,
radiate noise in the same way as our sun. The noise received from these distant
stars is thermal noise (or black body noise) and is distributing almost uniformly over
the entire sky. We also receive noise from the center of our own galaxy (The Milky
Way) from other distant galaxies and from other virtual point sources such as
quasars and pulsars.
Man-Made Noise (Industrial Noise)
Conductors contain a large number of 'free" electrons and "ions" strongly bound by
molecular forces. The ions vibrate randomly about their normal (average) positions,
however, this vibration being a function of the temperature. Continuous collisions
between the electrons and the vibrating ions take place. Thus there is a continuous
transfer of energy between the ions and electrons. This is the source of resistance in
a conductor. The movement of free electrons constitutes a current which is purely
random in nature and over a long time averages zero. There is a random motion of
the electrons which give rise to noise
voltage_ called thermal noise.
Thus noise generated in any resistance due to random motion of electrons i5 called
thermal noise or white or Johnson noise.
The analysis of thermal noise is based on the Kinetic theory. It shows that the
temperature of particles is a way of expressing its internal kinetic energy. Thus
"Temperature" of a body can be said to be equivalent to the statistical rms value of
the velocity of motion of the particles in the body. At -273C (or zero degree Kelvin)
the kinetic energy of the particles of a body becomes zero .Thus we can relate the
noise power generated by a resistor to be proportional to its absolute temperature.
Noise power is also proportional to the bandwidth over which it is measured. From
the above discussion we can write down.
Pn = KTB ------ (1)
From equation (1), an equivalent circuit can be drawn as shown in below figure
From equation (2), we see that the square of the rms noise voltage is proportional
to the absolute temperature of le resistor, the value of the resistor, and the
bandwidth over which it is measured. En is quite independent of the Frequency.
R.F. amplifier is saving an input resistor of 8Kr and works in the frequency range of
12 to 15.5 MHz Calculate the rms noise voltage at the input to this amplifier at an
ambient temperature of 17oC?
Shot Noise
The most common type of noise is referred to as shot noise which is produced by
the random arrival of 'electrons or holes at the output element, at the plate in a
tube, or at the collector or drain in a transistor. Shot noise is also produced by the
random movement of electrons or holes across a PN junction. Even through current
flow is established by external bias voltages, there will still be some random
movement of electrons or holes due to discontinuities in the device. An example of
such a discontinuity is the contact between the copper lead and the semiconductor
materials. The interface between the two creates a discontinuity that causes
random movement of the current carriers.
Another kind of noise that occurs in transistors is called transit time noise.
Transit time is (he duration of time that it takes for a current carrier such as a hole
or current to move from the input to the output.
The devices themselves are very tiny, so the distances involved are minimal. Yet the
time it takes for the current carriers to move even a short distance is finite. At low
frequencies this time is negligible. But when the frequency of operation is high and
the signal being processed is the magnitude as the transit time, then problem can
occur. The transit time shows up as a kind of random noise within the device, and
this is directly proportional to the frequency of operation.
Within the transistor, thermal noise is caused by the emitter, base and collector
internal resistances. Out of these three regions, the base region contributes
maximum thermal noise.
Partition Noise
Partition noise occurs whenever current has to divide between two or more paths,
and results from the random fluctuations in the division. It would be expected,
therefore, that a diode would be less noisy than a transistor (all other factors being
equal) If the third electrode draws current (i.e.., the base current). It is for this
reason that the inputs of microwave receivers are often taken directly to diode
Signal to Noise Ratio.
A receiver has an input signal power of l.2W. The noise power is 0.80W. The
signal to noise ratio is
= 10 log 1.5
= 10 (0.176)
= 1.76 dB
Noise Figure
Noise Figure F is designed as the ratio of the signal-to-noise power at the input to
the signal to noise power at the output.
The device under consideration can be the entire receiver or a single amplifier
stage. The noise figure F also called the noise factor can be computed with the
You can express the noise figure as a number, more often you will see it expressed
in decibels.