Doctors Doing Sex Crimes by Joseph Crussiah
Doctors Doing Sex Crimes by Joseph Crussiah
Doctors Doing Sex Crimes by Joseph Crussiah
Central is medical setting. But, start with a recent DC area news event; to show general system. A real
bad hombre, a suburban DC police chief; Tom Manger, who no police agency in Maryland hired as a
recruit. Self-serving and hypocrite; criticizes police in national cases and criticizes President Trump,
while his cops do so many wrongs. He's a good match for the Washington Post which casts itself,
nationally, as a watchdog; but locally; protecting, even aiding abetting wrongs of local institutions. The
very thing Manger points fingers about; cop killing an unarmed Black man, was done by one of his
cops. Day after it occurred, the Post reported the full Manger version, unchallenged. Other news outlets
did follow up stories; but “Democracy dies in darkness” Post, blackout! Manger wouldn't release
videos, saying it would taint jury pool. If he's saying justified, then what jury pool? like an admission
of guilt. 08/01/18: videos are released, looks like shooting is justified. Look again; it's a fake. The
incident time was 06/11/18 at 2:15 p.m. but videos show 18:15, four hours later.
I have good eyes for timestamps, after all; I found data recordings of a MRI machine, where a 40
minute test was 2 hours. Bill Cosby's crime is type mostly done by White men: not high drive and
impulsive; but long term, elaborate sex abuse schemes, of dysfunctional men. By doing these crimes;
things function when with their wives. Second, within nonsense world of their own creation; they get to
feel success with sex, with women, and many women at that. Other versions include adding others,
including women to be offenders; and do crimes to toddlers. FBI website quotes former AG Holder that
victims of child-porn are getting younger. This aligns with much of what child-porn is today, not
pedophile-like attraction, but attraction to abuse, exploitation and harm; to see things done by
others, to do things and know others are enjoying. Congress and Supreme Court, with crush-fetish law,
worked hard to understand the fetish of obscenity and harming small animals. What's missed is that the
numbers of those with that fetish is so tiny, wouldn't make business sense; without there being a larger
group, people who seek out a variety of abuse and harm, and take what's available.
Medical setting is awash with crimes along these lines. Powered by a system letting people within govt.
and institutions to get away with all variety of wrongs because they help each other, across institutions,
and get help from media, police, FBI, attorneys, judges; all bases covered. Involves everyone from
officials to the receptionist. And taken beyond toddlers, such things as: adults and even men being
victims, causing horrible bodily injuries, causing even death to those who may disrupt their schemes.
2010: Delaware AG Beau Biden announces he'll not run for U.S. Senate, instead; work to prosecute
Dr. Earl Bradley, pediatrician; raping girls age 3, angrily yelling at his victims, sodomizing to the point
of losing consciousness, making video, many victims from Maryland. Within months Biden suffers a
stroke. 2013: dies of worst form of brain cancer.
Feb 2013: officials and physicians from giant DC, Maryland, Virginia area healthcare entities; Johns
Hopkins, Inova, Medstar, Adventist, VCU, local govt. officials, including Montgomery County Police
Chief J. Thomas Manger III; commenced with a long-lived crime, ongoing, crime-in-progress; against
me; and includes massive bodily injury, impairment, disfigurement.
Mid-2016: I had a 30 page letter to Senator McCain, no expectation of response. Highlighted U.S.
Judge Theodore Chuang, who was gung-ho on my side, and abruptly flipped. At the time I noted the
strangeness. More recently found he was bribed, many fraudulent entries in electronic court file. With
so many having done wrong, there were multiple approaches, and Senator McCain's Office started a
process of having Senator Cardin's Office take it up with Maryland's health agency. This gave the
sickos many problems, including resignation of the secretary of that agency that same year.
2017: Senator McCain has the same terminal cancer as Beau Biden
NY Times Maureen Dowd writes about her niece in Maryland, suffering a mystery stroke in 2015.
CDC reports unexplained surge of young women getting strokes. Timing shows that doctors got ideas
from Jeffrey Dahmer, and able to succeed, where he failed: injure brain to produce type of coma, where
victim can obey commands for sex acts, have no memory. If victim walks out and things seem normal,
there's a timebomb that soon goes off. When stroke materializes, an effort to delay care, such that the
full effect takes hold. Scheme to resume sex acts when permanently debilitated. The individual stories
reported; for most of these women, the so-called stroke is more like a gunshot. These are massive
brain injuries, bursting blood vessels and swelling of the brain, language as “so explosive that the brain
shifted”. Condition, similar to that being seen right now with a pitcher for The White Sox.
In many of these cases, injury is found with the large arteries leading into the brain. CDC doesn't
accept the doctors' theory that those injuries caused strokes. And the doctors theory of how the injury
occurred is even more absurd, that it came by bending the neck. In my case, evidence is clear; a simple
injection into a vein in the arm, was instead; the insertion of a catheter into an artery. Then while I was
sealed inside a MRI machine; the catheter was threaded up to the neck, water is sent into the brain.
With the Larry Nasser case, now; Dr. William Strampel, dean of the med school and state official, who
the Michigan AG says gives the persona of an “elder statesman” is found involved in variety of sexual
misconduct, possessing images, including video of Nasser with a young patient; all missed by FBI. The
images Nasser got from others is that of his favorite, 6 year old girls. Why no investigation of persons
who created those images? When his obsession is 6 year old girls, why all his efforts for the scheme
involving an older age group? Answer: that's his contribution to the potluck network.
2009: the Delaware crime, for a supposed lone wolf, the hospitals and other physicians put together a
$130 million settlement; largest ever for a single perpetrator. And there is an older doctor as in the
Michigan case. Dr. Marvel recruited Dr. Bradley, knowing his sex abuse history from Philadelphia.
Then after the abuse complaints began pouring in, in Delaware, even from his own sister; Dr. Bradley
was voted to be head of pediatrics by his peers, and Dr. Marvel was already the head of the state's
medical society The police chief of Milford comments that powers obstructed his small agency and his
“small case”, that the “Blue wall of silence” is nothing in comparison.
Common sense dictates the way you help your buddy, is to arrange things that he cannot re-offend and
even if he does, it would be in a fresh new place as was seen in the clergy scandal. Here, though, things
are different; as with the Olympics doctor, others are enjoying these crimes and don't want to end.
California case where a brain surgeon, who was recruited from Arkansas and 2 nurses doing sex crimes
to the nurses' own very young children, with crimes occurring in Arizona, as well. The crime got
exposed when the husband of one of the women found a camcorder with the videos. The police, to
allay the fears of The Public, gave the hospital, a clean bill of health, without ever investigating within
the hospital walls. Police and FBI searched the houses. After family was told they could remove items,
the brother of one of the nurses found a GoPro camera with more videos, which authorities missed.
Neurologist in NYC area who was abusing female patients with pysch conditions, was recruited to
Drexel University and made head of neurology, though fully unqualified; no research, no teaching, and
experience is at the doctors' office, not with complex surgeries. NY, NJ prosecute; but Philadelphia DA
won't, because there; as my theory goes, at Drexel, it's more than the doctor. One victim had to make a
surprise visit to the DA's office, simply to file a police report. Another, a producer for the CBS crime
documentary 48 Hours, no less; has to resort to calling a rape crisis hotline, to get her report, submitted.
Feb 2013: At precisely the same time crime against me, commenced; in Baltimore, a long-lived sex
crime, at an OBGYN facility was brought to an end. Johns Hopkins issued a $190 million settlement,
the new world's record for a single perpetrator. Payment made to every single patient, whether or not
she is a victim. Who the victims are, and what's going on, in the images; never revealed. Great effort to
give distance to the female assistants of the OBGYN. It' clear, these women were doing the same sex
acts as the Michigan Olympics doctor. The doctor was said to have done suicide inhaling helium. They
have all these unusual weapons, owing to their knowledge and skill. Hopkins says a spy camera was
also found in the employee restroom; but there are no money claims by the supposed employee victims.
When police were asked if the doctor sent images to others, replied they don't “believe” that occurred.
Hopkins must have written a script for police. “Believe” is not a word used by police; it's a word used
by medical boards to dismiss a complaint without an investigation.
Many avenues for Congress, The Department of Justice to investigate. The sentiment of the victim in
the Stanford sex crime stated in a court filing that was publicized, is that; we have this problem where
some offenders are more equal than others, Privilege! Even in North Korea, it's not, “Off with his
head”, they have, rationale, trials, etc; for a “heads, I win, tails you lose” system.
In an USA Today article a doctor on a medical board says that these boards only punish those who
cross or compete with their friends. It's plain to see, this system has spread to all our institutions, and
they link with one another, with even the FBI being part of this system. One manifestation is the witch
hunt against The President, motive is not ideology or partisanship. A variety of long-standing schemes,
exist, many unlawful. Though The President doesn't know about a particular scheme or targets it
directly; they fear disruption by tinkering.
“Unaccountable” book by a Johns Hopkins surgeon, very critical of medical setting: “cabals” of bad
hombres dominate, shoddy work, fraud schemes, mainly unneeded surgeries that cause bodily injuries.
There is the story reported in the news, chiefly a AP story, that of Debra Van Putten, a retiree visiting
the DC Area, from Florida. It started with a situation, similar to angering the chef and he spits in the
soup. To me, it looks like the Inova ER was right, when it refused to do back surgery for the patient.
Her family fought and got surgery. She became a quadriplegic, looks to me that they deliberately
botched the surgery. The family got Medicare to investigate subsequent events, ending with death from
a very aggressive cancer. Medicare contracted to the Virginia Board of Physicians, which gave the
family a version saying no wrongdoing, but AP with a FOIA request found the real version: she got
horrible care over 4 months at Inova and at Medstar's DC rehab hospital; no food for weeks, nothing
for pain, a cancer diagnosis that was kept secret. Did they produce cancer as it is done in lab animals?
My case: some instances of others harmed; Medstar ran it's Washington Hospital Center into the
ground to fund crime. Filthy conditions caused repeated deadly infections to Congressman Scalise.
Resignations forced upon top surgeons. Not spending on cybersecurity caused ransomware attack. DC
dropped Medstar from Medicaid for denying sickest enrollees drugs, and unneeded hospitalizations.
Medicaid funds became the primary source of ready cash; money primarily for poor African Americans
in DC and MD, being used by more than 100 White perverts, against this one Asian-Indian man. And a
massive scheme to defraud Medicare, the other large federal health program,.
The sickos steal and spend million to taunt, reveal their crime to me with email campaign. Clear
evidence of multistate offenders: People in MA, RI, CT, LA, TX, GA,NY; rent mailboxes, allowing
the full group to buy more than 1700 web domain registrations, premiums for domains already owned,
rent email marketing software, design 30 emails per day, with 30 minutes of work per email; all with
multiple violations of federal anti-spam laws, with their fake commercial emails. In my DC court
filing, I submitted some of the emails. I titled “cryptically obscene”. They bought more domain names,
including “” What sickos say is that emails are not cryptic, but out in the open.
There is the10 phone calls, per day, directed my family and myself. With the emails, 30,000 thus far; in
addition to obscenity and taunting; the sickos, who include several Washington Region officials, brag
about having federal law enforcement in their pocket. They use the words “plutocracy” and “laicism”
In Maryland, the end of the line for stopping these wrongs is the U.S. Attorney; for a long time, Rod
Rosenstein. He didn't do his job; stepping over bodies, doing the O.J. Simpson routine of “the glove
doesn't fit”. Now we see that this conduct paid off for Mr. Rosenstein, he got a huge promotion. With
the Hopkins case, The FBI disowned federal jurisdiction by concluding that none of the victims are
minors, which would have triggered a federal child pornography investigation. According to The FBI,
they have some special skill; they can differentiate between the private area of a 17 year old and an 18
year old. The Delaware case had video of 3 year olds; where was the FBI?
Larry Hogan, accepts ultimate indecent proposal: use all state resources to aid and abet crime.
2014: Healthcare and DC and Baltimore media act in concert to make and give fake news about
Democrat Anthony Brown, causing the great upset, that of Hogan becoming governor
All investigations would show: health IT firm, Noridian was the contractor from hell, badly botched
launch of state Obamacare online marketplace; state agencies did all they could. No one could be this
bad; botching was intentional for their sicko buddies. Scheme wouldn't be complete without Media
blaming Brown, though he was merely a figurehead; making him out to be incompetent. Post-election,
unable to sustain this fake news, more fake news; saying the Bluest state revolted against taxes.
Larry Hogan is Gay and in the closet. Democrats and media allowed him to go on a sex bender, one
sign; he got HPV leading to cancer in throat and groin. Maryland Matters ran a story that Hogan's
company has only one business model: Developers give Hogan part ownership, magically all approvals
are given. As governor, he's being given a much greater percentage by developers, and there's a great
increase in the number of projects and their size. The story notes a comment from the state's election
commission, that; no other media outlet asked for documents. This includes The Washington Post,
which does investigations, nationally, but has many local friends that it protects.
This case is abound with hypocrisy, irony. Washington Adventist Hospital in 2009 sought approval to
relocate 7 miles away; the real reason being that it doesn't want to serve the new demographic in
Takoma Park, MD; Gays and Catholic undocumented aliens. The final nail in the coffin, of never being
approved, came in 2012, 2013, when Maryland said in denials that even if many barriers could be
rectified, the two main ones; feasibility, and bond rating at the bottom forecloses the $400 million
effort; why bother? The reason for the poor finances, and low quality was outed by Dr. Kramer and
several other doctors in an old news article. That; Church officials who run the hospitals, convert funds
into compensation for themselves. 2015, like magic, with Hogan the new governor, they resubmit, get
easy approval; and approval to increase rates. That's $400 million to be stolen from patients, private
insurers and Medicare,Medicaid!
2013: I, 42 yr old man was sent for MRI; tech lied that injection failed, inserted into artery as trained
by Dr. Jeff Jacobson, the brain surgeon credited with reducing brain fluid in James Brady. Jacobson did
the rest, caused coma. 2 women did sex acts. Large number of men watched.
Obsession with long-term dungeon; adding more women for their role, more men for their role, and
anything and everything. I wasn't working but in an active job search process. And I was paying for my
medical care. Catastrophic brain injuries would mean great expense plus I would be unable to handle
my own affairs. I would fall into Medicaid, for my region contracted to Medstar, care at it's Washington
Hospital Center and rehab campus, 2 miles north of U.S. Capitol. Jacobson's increased water, but
miraculously it drained from brain, and something else like damaged kidneys would cause death; so
sickos let me walk out, but certain of timebomb. They predicted no more than hours.
Horrible injuries were inside my body, but more miracles; the timebomb fizzled, minuscule increase in
noticeable problems over prexisting condition, all stable. No one would be none the wiser. My doctor,
Sonalee Kulkarni of Inova, was compensated for her role in the scheme. She is the one who sent me for
the unneeded MRI, and a contrast test was even more unneeded. Though doing well in med school and
residency, she was a career failure as a neurologist for 20 years. Immediately, she went from the cellar
to the top; a high level position at the VCU Med School, a state institution and federally funded.
Sickos didn't want to give up; got Dr. Kulkarni to give sham diagnosis, gave drugs that; kick-started
timebomb, now ticking more than 5 years, worsening impairment, disfigurement, suffering. They spent
taxpayer and healthcare dollars; to hide crime from me, block me from ending crime, bribing,
leveraging, blocked everything; doctors, lawyers, jobs, Social Security disability, like post-slavery;
unlawful use of police to block medical care, simultaneously police won't allow me to file report.
Had it been a cover-up; they would have been doing everything to heal the injuries; as to take away
much of the evidence of the crime. And I'd be employed and focused on other things. But they make
me sicker and sicker and poorer and poorer; reasonably I'll be after them, and finding more and more.
At DC Superior Court; those stolen $billions at work. It got well established that Judge John Mott was
bribed. I put this on YouTube, first page of a Google Search of his name. He dismissed the case. If he
thinks it was right, why is he afraid of review by the DC Court of Appeals? I filed a “notice of appeal”
on 5/29/2018; but the clerks' office refused to accept it. I got them to at least scan it into their computer,
but they have not “filed” it. I made a recording, it wasn't audible. They're malicious but thankfully not
real bright. I phoned in, days later, and they admit what they did; lawfully recorded and on YouTube.
The stolen $billions at work at U.S. District Court of Maryland; mainly judges Chuang, Xinis, Messite,
but likely virtually the entire court and staff. I appealed denial of an emergency motion by Judge Xinis
to the Fourth Circuit. The appeals court threw out her ruling and instructed her on the basics.
Federal courts and DC Superior Court are creations of Congress, which has oversight role and can pass
new laws to make structural reforms. My place in the case is that of being a victim of evil crimes, and
needing a judge to allow me to sue the wrongdoers and to order them to do some things and not do
other things. The way it is now; the appeals court sends the case back to the same lower court judge,
forcing me to work with the same unscrupulous people. And the appeals court has no supervisory
power; so Judge Xinis ignored the Fourth Circuit ruling.
They work feverishly to block Social Security disability, because it comes with Medicare, which gives
choice and I can see a doctor out of the region. But my Medicaid is run by Maryland govt. So the
sickos have complete control of my medical care. My medical condition qualifies as an emergency for
the federal law EMTALA. This means I can get treated by going to the ER, without payment or
insurance, but they have computers that will show I have Medicaid; so there's no escape!
Emails using domains as “” about “no shame families”, parents having sex with their
toddlers, misusing legitimate images of parents kissing toddlers. Paired with 10 calls a day to my
mother, where these young women ask my mother if she needs help paying off her student loan. I'm
47, old enough to be their father. My mother is 72, from India, never attended college. The sickos
deranged script is comical. If, today, these White young women, semi-hookers, get dolled up and fly in
to DC from Wisconsin; I'll have them working the streets within minutes. But it's team-building, cult-
building, gang-building activity. And they are going to fly in after I'm in similar condition as the man
returned from N. Korea, or David Rosenbaum; emails even taunt sex acts against my dead body.
Paying ex-con, including a $80,000 Mercedes, in my neighborhood to severely injure squirrels, crush-
fetish. FBI website: “it is illegal to depict actual conduct in which one or more living non-human
mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians is intentionally crushed, burned, drowned, suffocated, impaled
or otherwise subjected to serious bodily injury, and is obscene”. It is felony animal cruelty for the way
he did it, and hunting is not allowed in the residential suburban areas of Maryland and its unlawful to
shoot out of a house and unlawful to shoot across a road. The neighbors were complaining Police not
only did nothing, but put warning tickets on lawfully parked cars, that obstruct the shootings.
Non-exhaustive list of the problems that have come about and all getting worse are:
Great injury to the heart, deadly arrhythmias with astronomical values appearing on treadmill test, the
brain swollen and pushing skull outward [had skull not expanded, I wouldn’t be around], teeth getting
crushed, cannot do anything about toothache and loss of at least 8 teeth because local anesthetic enters
brain via the damaged barriers, blurred vision when tilting head downward, cannot drive at night,
numbness in fingers, pain in hands, sensation of electric shock going from hands to elbow, regularly
loosing footing and twisting ankles when not fully focused on the act of walking, sweating with
exertion and at the same time much of the body is cold, pressure from the brain pressing down on the
spine and producing great damage to the upper spine, 50 pounds of fluid accumulating in the upper
torso, greatly dehydrated and have to wake up at night frequently to drink water, very thirsty and sick at
night, an unusual hair loss in the first year limited to the left half of the head which later resolved,
recently rapid occurring male pattern baldness, having to sleep throughout the day total of 18 hours.
Appear 20 years older than age and sickly looking and short of breath; disfigurement. List compiled in
2016. Prior to 2016; if I were resting, I had no discomfort. Today, there is discomfort, suffering, all the
time. Dehydration is very severe, and occurs all day. Everywhere there are mucus membranes, dry and
painful. It comes from injury to the pituitary gland. Even without treating the underlying brain injury,
there are meds, that control hormones, which can give relief from many of these problems.
Emails sending “Bible verse of the day”, “Joseph, God's wisdom for you” portion of a Bible verse
“Likewise, ye younger, submit yourself unto the elder”. “Let ye without sin, cast the first stone”, But then many emails for dentures, hair loss, senior dating, funeral insurance, bathtubs
for frail people. No contradiction; on one end is more normal sexual attraction, then with crush fetish,
it’s also about crushing and destroying, bringing about the other end. Some of the disfigurement is in
the form of lost teeth, hair loss, and appearance of more advanced age., giant women,
and they’re White.; a skin color sexual inneundo.,,, foot references.,
“” and “”. “” and
“” were bought few days prior to bribing Judge Mott.
“3 ways you can get screwed buying a retail mattress”, the “you can get screwed” part is highlighted
in red. “are your loved ones protected if you suddenly pass away”, “Joseph if you died tomorrow”.
Links to funeral expense insurance plans, but no plan would want their product marketed with this
crass language, just like a business selling a mattress would not use words such as “screwed”. Email
shows a large decorated egg, with the title “Will you be the next winner? Crack the Egg, Amazon,
Reward inside, crack”. The egg is my brain. “joke of the day”. The title of the joke is “Dead
again”. This means that I was dead on February 15, 2013, and I will be dead again. One cannot die
twice, so what it means is that I was near-dead once, and that I will be near-dead again. All the facts
keep supporting the conclusion that the acts of February 15, 2013, were a downpayment, for long-lived,
serial acts, and adding new offenders; as the wording “next winner, suggests”. Mavourneen: dear,
darling. “mavourneen, when you come back to me, you will not be alive”.
There is an image that comes from Shutterstock, titled “confident young woman painting a room”, a
perfectly innocent image. But these sickos use it because she has one hand on her crotch and the other
holding up a paintbrush. The crush-fetish videos with small animals have a woman with one hand
masturbating and the other sometimes used to inflict sadistic injuries to the animal. It comes from the
“boytoyer” domain address, the product advertised is a credit card with an address in Beaverton, OR.
The emails also show that these offenders have gathered personal info about my family in an unlawful
manner. One of my sisters went to the Galapagos Islands a few months ago, and these offenders send
emails for vacations to Galapagos, a very uncommon vacation destination.
Then what is greatly dangerous and threatening is that my niece had a 7th grade class trip to
Costa Rica in April. These offenders now send emails for Costa Rica vacations. These dangers
extend to the other children at the school, as well.
The Las Vegas Shooting, sexually-caused, and directed at White couples, and the sickos in my case,
connected themselves to Las Vegas. Couple of days following the shooting, these sickos sent an email
advertising Las Vegas, and as with the other emails they themselves created this one. “Time to let you
hair down! Break the daily rut and take a trip with your better half”. And there's an image of a White
couple, 30's. In no way would anyone connected to Las Vegas be running this type of ad.
Riddle me this? I am useless when together but useful when I am broken apart. What am I? An egg.
What they mean is that I'm useless to them, when healthy; but when my brain is broken; then I am
useful to them. Another one “32 white horses on a red hill. First chomping, then stomping, then
standing still”. This is a large number of White women, close to 32, doing the crush-fetish. They have
a new domain name that starts with “vr6k”. This is like reading vanity plates v r sixk.
Emails are from some fake company named “Otter Travel”. At the bottom of these messages, it says
“Sea otters hold each others hands as they sleep to keep from drifting away from each other”. This
means that they are all going to stick together for their common design crime. And they admit their
conspiracy. That each one fully shares in the conduct of all. I served the civil case papers using
certified mail; a method the court says has worked well. Some very strange things occurred with the
delivery process, and with the return of the confirmation. They bribed postal employees. Some fake
thing called “Factbee” is sent in an email. The fact they teach is “The Postmaster General of the
United States is the second highest paid government official after the President”.
“Sermon notes” bulletin showed key points. “cardiovascular” and not “ulcers” is noted. There is also
an anti-Quixotic quote about “not taking on the Alps”. So this is how they saw themselves; as an
impenetrable mighty mountain. There was also the veiled threat by saying that my condition would get
worse, by going up “against the Alps”. This is precisely that which occurred, not some psych issue,
taking on The Alps; but the outcome of exacerbating brain injuries that control hormones and the heart.
He should have used the tried and true “windmill” and not a “mountain”, after all; the Christian belief
is that God can move “mountains”. But the mountain quote has a very disgusting purpose. What was
going on is that the offenders who did the crime, needed their crush-fetish theme to be stoked along.
This would later be done in those spam emails. The emails, started in December, 2015, would have its
themes match ,those of this sermon, delivered in August, 2014 and written at the beginning of 2014.
The ending of the Alps quote is that men will perish at its foothills. A frequent component of the crush
fetish is that of being crushed by feet, and here “foothills” appears. In some variants of the crush
fetish, as in that psychology article states is for men wanting to be crushed by giant women. So the
Alps could also be the White women. This pastor normally, is all business, no jokes, no foolishness.
Another thing he said is that while gardening one day, and on his knees and in the mud, the neighbor’s
huge dog got loose and when he looked up, was menacing him. Again the crush theme appears. Then
he says that this was no little dog. He makes a whimpering little dog impersonation, saying that’s not
what was menacing him, but a huge dog. And oddly, he doesn’t do an impersonation of the huge dog.
So what you have left is the whimpering little dog that is killed sometimes in the crush fantasy. He
then says that he prayed and that being on the ground was the best place to be; although there’s nothing
in the Christian belief system, proscribing the physical posture for prayer.
The other person on the platform is Allan Manuel, who at the time was a science adviser to President
Obama. The bizarre thing that he does is that he announces that there is a spider on the ground. He
conveniently has a huge white bib-like cloth napkin, proceeds to use it to grab non-existent spider,
crush it and then fold and put the whole thing in his pocket. Somehow I knew that the pastor was up to
no good, so I didn’t go to that church, but viewed it later, online. Likely, there was no spider. The FBI
website, lists the kinds of animals upon which it is unlawful to commit the crush fetish. Then when
describing the crush fetish, insects are listed, though not unlawful. At the time, there was no way that I
could have been clued into any of this. It would only be meaningful to the the perverts who wanted to
be “tided over”. That huge white cloth, as with the Alps would symbolize the White women.
The county came to cut this tree, and the neighbor came out to protest, but this time Manger's police
came to shoo her away and cut the tree. The video is on YouTube. I didn’t connect it to this matter
until later. Sure enough that one tree had been giving a great deal of shade to my house.
The faux spam emails picked up on this theme. In one that was sent 100 times, the heading is “your
house is already too hot”, and reading further it says “why turn on the stove”, and gives a link for
recipes using a crock pot. In another, “you’re really dehydrated”, and then a link for bottled water. A
daily email for a suntan product. The domain address, they bought it years
ago, but only began using at this time.
Manger is a frequent critic of other police agencies on race issues. But there is a brochure given out
only in the richest and 90% White police district, Bethesda, in this rich county, riches from federal
govt. “Reporting suspicious activity” says that no conduct is needed; anyone who looks like they're not
from the neighborhood is suspicious, (meaning Blacks). Says don't worry about being accused of
“racial profiling”. “Call police immediately” (in all Caps). When I exposed this on YouTube, the
brochure is replaced, and the new one is made for the entire county.
The Post banner “Democracy dies in darkness”; that's what it has done locally; just a big zero and in
some cases as mine, given fake news to help the bad guys. NY Times reported a local DC story the Post
didn't, AG Eric Holder's DOJ filed a brief supporting Mannie Garcia in a civil suit. Garcia is a top
photo-journalist and White House photographer, including the photo used to make the Obama “Hope
poster”. He saw Tom Manger's cops roughing up a couple of Hispanic men, for one adult buying
alcohol for another adult under 21. A supervising officer arrived, roughed up Garcia, stole his video,
arrested him. You'd think local media would be storming the police station; no, complete darkness.
He told a reporter that he played pick-up basketball with Moses Malone; conveniently, waited 6 months
after Mr. Malone’s death to tell this one. Says he became a cop because he wanted to become a
basketball player and he couldn’t make it past Malone. He also said that he became a cop because he
wanted to be like Woodward and Bernstein. Not just nonsensical but the reporter caught him on this
one, being that Manger's father was a top aide to Vice President Spiro Agnew.
Manger is a professional actor, he met his wife on stage. His acting is not to the level of faking sexual
competence, so doing sick sex crimes makes things work. He tears up and even says it brings him to
tears to see families of undocumented people separated. He has the line about cops asking about
immigration status being bad for crime fighting. Then his crime fighting record against MS13 is so bad
that his county is the national launching pad for the gang. For a long time, he hid these crimes from
The Public. In one case a 18 year old female gangmember lured a 18 year old undocumented man to
hang out with her in the woods. Just for practice, many male gangmembers used stones from the field,
but wasn't enough to kill him, so they buried him alive. Such sickos, Manger and his cops: for many
months, said it was an unidentified 38 year old man who was murdered elsewhere. The victim has
family and friends who needed to know right away; and The Public has a right to know of dangers.
More tears and righteous indignation when an officer is killed by a drunk driver; blaming the state's
DWI law, saying the driver was a past offender. But the past offense was 20 years old. The cause was
the relaxed marijuana laws done by Manger's buddies. The man took up marijuana after a 20 year
hiatus, and as seen in Colorado; drunk driving spikes. Manger even with his tears, cleverly, substitutes
the word “dope” for marijuana. The officer was working a DWI federal grant and in another police
department's turf. He was not to be making the routine stop, during which he was struck by the drunk
driver. Manger's dept is the only one in the DC area with a history of officers fatally struck by vehicles.
Few months later, in the other county adjoining DC, an officer, driving drunk, more than 100 mph in a
45 zone, with his girlfriend in the car runs into a snowplow and is killed. The authorities and media
gave fake news of some phantom criminal being pursued, calling it a line of duty death, getting the cop
a hero's funeral. But then when it was time to pay next of kin; the true story is given. The DC media
simply reports it as a correction. And not a peep from blowhard Manger.
Manger's police missed all the warning flags of a woman who would go on to kill her 2 young children.
Manger, personally ran the case where there was no evidence and no bodies. Rather than keeping her
free, and a long-term approach; Manger got her committed to a mental facility and planned endless
interrogations. Psychiatrists and judges, rightly found that she is so mentally ill that police are banned
from interrogations. Having badly botched the case, Manger insists she's faking mental illness.
Manger, a sex offender, stocks his department with cops from all over the country who were
terminated for sex charges or for failing sex questions on a polygraph. Again, none of this, these
people deny. Manger, as chief of Fairfax County police, had his hand-picked spokesman, Bud Walker.
who was later convicted of child porn, and he was able to get probation, alone, when everyone else,
even a local news reporter, who innocently handled child porn, gets federal prison.
With the little bit I submitted, those physicians and nurses figured out everything. This goes to show
that the mystery stroke is hardly a mystery. Owing to deference for physicians, even for that board
which in that time and place wanted to help the patient, allowed Kulkarni the absurd claim that the
patient got into a consensual sex scheme at the MRI facility. That I arranged the whole thing; and
presenting me in the same way as a prescription drug addict, who fights with doctors and won't take
doctors' orders. The state board ordered Dr. Kulkarni to: phone me, discuss the injuries, tell me to rush
to the ER. Dr. Kulkarni defied the order and lied to the board that she did as ordered.
Judge Chuang said that when the employee was about to print my records, she noticed and read “a
large defamatory statement” and she had visible “astonishment”. So for all the 1000s of pages
accumulated in this case thus far; this single page would have told me nearly everything, and the
person who read it could have told me the same. Manger is the former police chief in Fairfax County.
Judge Chuang said that police came in a deceitful way; lying that they came for something in the back,
later adding that they merely “arrived and appeared”. Police put whiteout on the page numbers of the
records, and they were so bad at it, didn't know that they had to run the page through the copier. Unable
to intimidate me by their presence; police gave a no trespass order, though unlawful I left.
February 2015: I lawfully made audio recordings and posted on YouTube, of the Medstar Medicaid
program and its doctors giving the runaround, and sometimes tripping up and admitting facts.To shut
this down Manger produced search and arrest warrant applications with lies. First thing in the morning
submitted to a state court judge. Manger did not want to waste a single second. Simultaneously, he
placed 2 police officers in front of my house. These officers were not from the district station. They
had driven 20 miles from headquarters in rush hour. They sat idling for an hour, awaiting the ruling,
wasting even more public resources. Even with all the lies; the judge found in my favor.
These unlawful acts succeed, in that interference wins. But in every single one, the effort to disguise
the acts as lawful falls apart. 11/2016: because they tested the recording law and failed; I'm always
recording. At the Medicaid doctors' office for medical visit and precisely when I say MRI, their scheme
to have the doctor call 911 to say I am out of control. As the tape reveals, owing to my medical
condition; I couldn't be out of control,even if I wanted to. And here they're admitting the legal standard;
they have to show “out of control” for police action to be lawful. Then another unlawful no-trespass
order. More egg on their faces: owing to the dramatic call; a mutual aid call went to the sheriff's office,
and the deputy wasn't in the loop of the wrongdoers. Everything he did was opposite to Manger's cops.
He even gave me his business card and invitation to file a sex assault complaint at his office.
We need events to stimulate the mind, so I was looking at this shooting at the office building 30 miles
away, a small building, that for the cops the building falls within their beat, should know the layout. I
went out, so that I could be the first to talk to the cops, and as the recording shows, the cops couldn't
figure out where the doctors' office is. I had to show them the way.
For several reasons, including need to get confirmation that Manger is himself guilty, I went to file a
report at the Bethesda district police station. Officers in the lobby are assigned to take reports but Ofc.
Mark Julian was sent. To show who he is: been in administration for 20 years, it’s a sign of corruption
that he is classified as a beat cop. This allows him to get hazard pay factored into his salary, and gets
Chief Manger more administration officers than are budgeted. Records show a judge ordered Julian to
take “parenting classes”. But then this poor parent is listed as a high school resource officer. Bizarre
news about Julian standing outside the police station,a 17 year old boy went up on a nearby roof, and
was hurling stones at him; begs the question, what did Officer Julian do to that boy? refused to
physically touch my envelope containing the evidence. Stated all false laws, excuses, lies.
Manger is always running his mouth, so no need to dig deep in some manual. A national news site ran
news that Washington Post-fake news-killing democracy, didn't report. National average for police
calling sex assault reports, unfounded is 8%, Manger's dept is the worst, 24%. Manger says that those
cases are only closed after investigation. So as has been the modus operandi with the courts and SSA
hearing office, having no lies against allegations; the lie available is that they never saw it.
These sickos work hard to manipulate Google search results. If my postings simply say Tom Manger,
they give eyeballs to all the other things, and mine doesn't show. But when I add sex, it shows up,
because Manger who has so many comments connected to immigration, has nothing on sex crimes. So
even though “MeToo” is so big, with Manger being a sex offender, he has nothing say about everything
from sex crimes to even workplace sexual harassment policies at his department.
His cops killed a mentally ill man for holding an ice scooper; he stated the 4 levels of force; arrival,
verbal, physical, deadly. With arrival and verbal being force; it means that using force, police blocked
my medical care for the express intent of causing the untreated injuries to grow to the level of massive
injuries, and allowing for sick sadistic sex crimes to occur. When criticizing police in other parts of the
country, he says that in every single instance where police arrive, it opens the door to deadly force.
In my quiet neighborhood with little police activity; all of a sudden Manger's cops are everywhere. One
of my neighbors is always in trouble for starting fights and domestic violence. All of a sudden, simple
court hearing notices are replaced with police dogs and lockdowns of the neighborhood, including one
time the I was blocked from going to church. With all this sound and fury, they arrest him, take him to
the psych unit, and he's back home in a couple of hours. Then for this big supporter of Hispanics, he
targeted several for arrests because they don't know their rights.
When I hadn't gone to a doctors' office for months and had reported new symptoms to SSA, to show
how these offenders act in concert; one of these doctors called me saying I would get treatment. It gets
old! My recording shows the scheme got quickly unraveled. The doctor came to the waiting room with
the pretense of talking to another patient, when he was making observations of the progression of my
injuries. Then another employee called me into an office and told me that the receptionist doesn't know
anything, and mistakenly called me to come, and so I must leave. I pointed out that it was the doctor
who called, and she had no answer. I left, drove around the building and saw the police were ready.
Republican Hogan's reelection coronation owed to Democratic leaders and local news
Maryland AG Frosh, a Democrat, who took office the same time as Hogan, also joined the crime. Then
ran the Emoluments suit against President Trump, a suit that argues that The President is a Maryland
official, subject to Maryland's constitution; when those charges are actually fitting against Hogan. None
of the leading Democrats, including Frosh, ran against Hogan.
Owing to wanting to help The Chesapeake Bay, natural methods of flood control replaced engineering.
It takes more care, wasn't a problem until Hogan, because he stole funds to run the crime against me.
The same Suburban Baltimore area had massive flooding in 2016, and a repeat in 2018. And it was
Hogan who told people and insurers to rebuild. President Bush would get the blame for a bridge
collapse, and here; Hogan gets to play the hero.
Hogan's Appointments Secretary Dennis Schrader and the deputy health secretary, head of Medicaid
Shannon McMahon, also joined the crime. Health secretary, Van Mitchell, abruptly resigned, not
because he was the worst one in the bunch, but because he didn't want to aid further in the crimes.
Schrader became the acting Secretary of Health. McMahon resigned several months later, as to play a
game, wanting to show that the unlawful conduct occurred even beyond her tenure. Schrader was
appointed to this position as well; that's 3 top positions, talk about covering bases. Whereas prior to
2015 misuse of Medicaid funds occurred at the level of the contractor, Medstar; now all of Maryland's
funds is misused. Maryland's opioid crisis increasing at a rate greater than any other state.
Recall how big DC and Baltimore papers trashed now Congressman Brown for some IT issue. These
papers give fake news to explain the turmoil at the state health agency: the cause attributed to a state
court ordering this agency to create more psychiatric beds. But that issue is being falsely presented.
All that's going on is that Maryland, like some other states, allows for some violent criminals who are
not insane, and would otherwise be in jail, to allow themselves to be medicated and treated as psych
cases. The judges who issue such orders find that the health agency in not keeping up with demand.
Nothing antagonistic; these judges see the agency is having problems, agency-wide, and is trying to
work with the agency. This has nothing to do with someone suing the agency; in all those cases, these
judges found in favor of the agency. Such an absurdity these papers advance, when that tiny function of
this agency, much less than 1% is said to be the cause of high level staffing changes, and staffing
changes focused on the Medicaid program, which is 95% of the budget, billions, mainly federal dollars.
This beds issue is a lack of spending issue, so it's caused by my issue.
Huge IT problems, connected to motor-voter caused problems for 2018 elections; no one blamed
Hogan. So strange, the comptroller, a top state official, a Democrat and from very Liberal Montgomery
County refuses to endorse Ben Jealous,his party's nominee to face Hogan. Illegal aliens are allowed to
get drivers' licenses. Auditors found more than 600 were issued for those without the alternate
documentation for the program, meaning those using it for criminal purposes. Washington Post reports
the story, but uses a large statement from a Republican from the legislature, to present Hogan in a good
light. Saying that this problem must have existed long before Hogan. Such a lie, because this law came
into being just a couple of months before Hogan was elected. Then they go to say Hogan is so good at
solving problems that the problem is solved before actually taking any action, it's in the bank.
Even where The Public and Congress are paying attention; still no stopping, more schemes
The Stanford sex crime offers the best demonstration of how multiple agencies and institutions act in
concert to carry out an improper objective, a deep-state. With factors of; case in the national spotlight,
perpetrator caught in the act and an aggressive prosecutor, the victim, rightly, expected a slam-dunk,
but then, so many unconnected institutions, acted to thwart justice. Many things not reported by the
media; though right there in the portion of case record published on the websites of newspapers: the
crime-in-progress 911 call, with the perpetrator being physically restrained by passer-by; was converted
to “medical call”, thus no dashcam recordings. Victim told the probation agent that she doesn't want the
offender to rot in jail, which was converted to she doesn't want him to serve jail-time at all. A deputy
sat in the victim's hospital room for hours until she awoke, doesn't seem to be such a friendly act. The
purpose seems to be to interview her while in a stupor, and get her to give answers that help the
offender. And when it is a stranger on stranger crime, why search the victim's phone? The letter by the
offender's father, saying how his son greatly suffers from the criminal justice process, wasn't something
boorish as reported. It was part of a scheme orchestrated by a local judge in Ohio, female, who is also
the attorney for an Air Force contract for medical prosthetic devices, run by Wright State Medical
School, where the offender's father is a big-shot. We could call this the A,B,C and X,Y,Z technique;
ignore the multiple pieces that put together show guilt; and replace with BS. A large number of
women, including a guidance counselor, using school letterhead, would write letters to say that there is
a personality trait, and this trait causes a man to never commit sex assault. In reality, there is no
recognition of such nonsense, both, in psychiatry and in the courts. They said he possessed this trait.
Then the judge in Ohio, a former federal prosecutor, writes what's taken as an expert opinion, and how
absurd coming from a judge and former federal prosecutor, who would have sent people to prison, to
say that; every single person who is incarcerated, comes out greatly damaged, never able to function in
society. The offender's father followed up, and taken as an impartial witness, to say that his son, who
possesses the personality trait to being incapable of committing sex assault; is depressed, remaining in
bed, not eating. That he is already suffering great harm from the couple of hours of incarceration
during the arrest. The California judge instructed the jury about the XYZ, and stayed silent on the
ABC, yet the jury focused on ABC and convicted. Special treatment went all the way to the 3 month
incarceration; allowed to serve between semesters, and without being in contact with others prisoners.
The well-known death of David Rosenbaum, in DC is also under the protection of the same regional
health entities and media, as in my case. The popular story, led by the local DC media is that; all
involved thought that he was homeless and passed out drunk, and nearly all the blame goes to the lazy
EMT. But reading the report of the OIG of DC and an addendum, it shows that; no one could have
known that he was the victim of a crime because the crooks were so stupid that they didn't take the
expensive watch and wedding band, and no one thought that he was homeless and drunk. Everyone
thought he was from that wealthy neighborhood and had a fall. The EMT did her job poorly,but still
did the most important thing she had to do. She got the patient to the ER, where the doctor, an African
American woman with great credentials and head of ER, and the all the skill to diagnose and heal the
patient is supposed to takeover. But the doctor deliberately didn't treat the patient, not because she
thought he was homeless, but because she has some animus toward rich White men. When the OIG
asked if the patient's skin was pale, she replied, “he's White how would I know”. The addendum shows
that another doctor in the ER, had a second job, he was the head of DC's EMS. He lied to investigators
that he had nothing to do with the disciplinary action against the EMT, that it was lower level officials
carrying out their duties. But it was found that, in the middle of the night, he summoned those
officials, and ordered them to take those actions, as to shift the blame from the doctor. Finally, DC
Government, botched the firing of the EMT, likely deliberately, by missing the deadline. And
incredibly, in 2008, two years later, Marc Fisher of The Washington Post, who today has written a book
about Donald Trump, that is said to be the product of thorough research; wrote a story, entirely ignoring
the work of the OIG of DC, instead letting the doctor, like the Stanford sex offender, to give yet another
revision, unchallenged. Here, she shifted all the blame to the nurses. There is even a medical journal
for ER medicine article where it is said that the doctor refused to treat, that's why the patient died.
With the current talk about domestic violence; in the late 90's Dana Dembrow, a Democrat was a rising
star Maryland politician. He gave his wife a bloody nose, and instantly the 90% Democratic district,
The People knocked him out of power. But the power, including the media and even Republican
governors, allowed Dembrow to hold career positions in state government, allowing him to maintain
his salary and benefits. Those positions, all, were those that impacted women. The greatest of these
was that Dembrow was made the head of the administrative law judges. And he would be the judge in
actions such as; female state employees complaining about harassment, and deciding on whether the
profoundly disabled child of a single mother should be provided with in-home nurse services. And his
wife died of a stroke at a very early age of 46.
If only federal agencies, mainly DOJ, do their job, malfeasance never even starts
My case has violations of a wide range of federal law; from kidnapping to making false statements in
connection to a federal program as Medicaid. There is a systemic reason why federal law enforcement
is so cozy with local and state officials: for many local crimes, states have the role, for the whole 9
yards, all the way to prison. By shifting this job to the feds, it becomes a money windfall for the states,
from the savings. And if becomes a budget and agency size windfall for federal; law enforcement,
courts, prisons. In one absurd 8 to 1 Supreme Court decision, the bad guys were doing home invasion
robberies against those mistakenly thought to be drug dealers in Roanoke, VA. The broad definition of
“Interstate Commerce” is the means by which states' shift their burden to the feds. The height of
absurdity; the Supreme Court found that local drug trade is equal to legitimate, national commerce.
Healthcare services is clearly part of interstate commerce. Federal kidnapping law is not absurdly broad
as interstate commerce definition, and still; Nasser easily violated this law, and others like the coaches
who kept sending gymnasts to him, if they knew what would occur; that's violation of kidnapping law.
There's a $500 million settlement, but no one's losing their assets, except The Public.
A Seventhday Adventist pastor crossed church leaders, so they used connections to get unwarranted
child protective services action. When he bought land to start his own church, there's great opposition
by neighbors, a case of NIMBY. That's how the pastor won in federal court, more than $3million
punitive damages against Prince Georges, a DC area county, for all the obstruction by it's agencies. But
those neighbors had no clout, so is was actually that old vendetta and rabble rousing, wasting all this
public money. After the church began to build; a huge arson. Then again more blocking by county
officials, so the federal judge hits the county with more fines. After throwing away it's money with this
type of madness, this county looks to make money with such things as suing drug makers for the opiod
crisis. All the while no action against the doctors who prescribe these drugs.
Many of these cases have common elements with one another; and with every single element and every
single time; an act or omission of government is present. And federal funds are in some way, involved.
When criminal investigations came; a kill 2 birds with one stone trick; the owner destroyed files,
blamed it on this woman, malicious prosecution of the whistleblower by Illinois authorities, no
conviction. This allows access into her belongings, exposing her game plan; also a fishing expedition.
With so many federal issues, DOJ sits on it's hands. Easy work for The FBI to trace down the culprit, to
easily rule out if she did it because she was terminated and would have to do it remotely.
Same old thing, the lawyers are buddies with the bad guys, she can't get a lawyer. And the well known
rule that she get a lawyer via the public defender is violated by the judge. She was finally able to get a
lawyer, so in a brief she filed, she wrote that she has a big surprise for them that only gets revealed at
the hearing. The surprise being that she broke through they're blockade and got a lawyer. So they twist
things to absurd limits. They didn't know what the surprise was, and in no way could anyone think that
she was going to set off a bomb or something. There was no history of threats or violence, and courts
have security, so it was even a physical impossibility. But they went to that same corrupt judge; got
arrest and search warrants, saying she threatened public officials.
With the case of one former NY state AG; he beat his girlfriends during sex; another with a dominatrix
theme got a hooker to do things to him. Both at times pulled out the threatening public officials card.
All this is pure malicious, even if there was a conviction, and there never was, none of this can be
sustained by the appeals courts. So it's all about abuse, cutting off jobs and money, and regularly
searching her home to spy on her strategy and to learn who she has contacted.
There was some malfeasance by court staff, she made audio recordings. State law says that all parties
must consent, one exemption is for malfeasance,crimes. The judge barred her from using the defense
and gave a $300,000 bail, so she was in jail for 20 months, and there also went the right to speedy trial;
a mistrial and no conviction. A new judge took over, who ruled that every single thing the prior judge
and prosecution did was so obviously wrong, in addition; ruling that the law was unconstitutional. The
Illinois Supreme Court seconded.
Judge Xinis has a history of penalizing cops who did nothing wrong. It's apparent that she colluded
with a federal judge in New Jersey in one such case. Today, she is allowing a case to go forward against
Officer Pierelli, U.S. Park Police, that seeks $1million for an arrest in the highest crime neighborhood
in the DC area, caused by misleading info in a database, and the total loss of liberty lasted 2 hours.
During her confirmation hearing, to show she helps police, the case of Officer Schmidt, Baltimore
Police is brought up; but does not say what case was about; accused of felony animal cruelty by fellow
officers; for strangling and slitting the throat of a dog. Xinis’ partner from the powerful law firm was
elected to be the Baltimore State’s Attorney. Same day of her inauguration, she dropped the charges.
Oddly, prosecution against Schmidt’s partner, defended by another firm, went ahead.
April, 2016; Senator McCain requested Senator Cardin's Office help me with Maryland's officials. But
Senator Cardin was scheming to save Judge Chuang. At the time, Democrats were aggressively
working to get Judge Garland confirmed to The Supreme Court. But Senator Cardin redirected all his
efforts to get one lone lower court nominee, confirmed; Paula Xinis. One of several dishonest things
done by Senator Cardin is to complain to his colleagues of a “Judicial Emergency”, meaning that 40
percent of the seats are not staffed, at the federal court in the DC suburbs. But the Greenbelt court is a
mere branch office of the main court in Baltimore. Such a calculation is not allowed and if there was a
shortage, it was because the chief judge in Baltimore, didn't assign judges properly.
Senator Cardin nominated Xinis, with no expectation of her ever being confirmed; a favor to the high
powered law firm where she was a partner. Senator Cardin also gets great support from police unions.
He wasn't going to cross that special interest. On Senator Cardin's YouTube channel are speeches he
gave pushing for immediate confirmation of Xinis. He talks about; himself being close to Xinis and
others close to Xinis always asking him why Xinis has not yet been confirmed. But Senator Cardin
never ever figured out the correct pronunciation of Xinis' name. It is “Zee nees” not “Zin is”. Senator
Cardin's Office did not call me right away in late April, 2016. They waited until June, 2016, until after
Xinis was confirmed, and Xinis would take over Chuang's mess. Senator Cardin can hardly claim
some knowledge issue, being that his career includes being chief prosecutor of Baltimore County.
Doctors and govt agencies that regulate them; know all about the brain injury sex crime
That medical board, the one in Virginia in 2013 is one of the rare ones that seems to have some interest
in patient health and not always protecting physicians. Even this board, and this has to do with the law;
makes it a honor system process for the doctor. I used the term “death panel” only one time and in
quotation marks; but Judge Chuang used the term many times, before the bribe. He was saying that
these doctors and officials were regularly meeting; and always choosing not to give medical care, but
instead keep updating their schemes to block medical care. Judge Chuang also concluded that there was
a large defamatory statement placed as the cover of my medical records. Going on to say that when I
was at the doctors' office to get records, the employee was about to print, when she started to read
aloud a statement that said defamatory things about me, then see read it quietly, but she had a look of
astonishment, as she read it. They misused police, to keep me from finding out what was written.
The sickos had taken over the doctor, dealing with the board is not to be a group effort. With this honor
system, even the most unbelievable lie of the doctor is taken as fact. First; the lie that Dr. Kulkarni
ordered a MRI test, but didn't order the version with a contrast injection. Then the huge lie “The patient
is into bizarre sex. He wanted to be injured, incapacitated, have sex acts done to him in that state; and
then later view on video and get gratification. So he made friends with the people at the MRI facility in
Maryland, who are not subject to action by the Virginia board, and they did this, for him. And whoever
did the sex acts were not even connected to the medical field, people that the patient brought. Kulkarni
is a deeply religious Brahmin family woman with 2 daughters and offended by the patient's lifestyle,
and yet she tries to help and he won't take doctors' orders to not do these things to himself”.
The medical board solved the problem this way, ordering Dr. Kulkarni to contact her patient, tell him
all about his injuries, including that he needs emergency medical care and he should immediately go to
the nearest emergency room, for treatment, otherwise he will suffer great irrepairable injury to major
organs; heart, brain. So the sickos in their brainstorming sessions did this trick: Dr. Kulkarni would
report to the board that she did as it ordered. But Dr. Kulkarni never contacted me. In the course of her
legit work, she is allowed to delegate duties to nurses. A nurse contacted me and told me that I should
go to the nearest emergency room for the bumps under the eyes. I had reported bumps under the eyes
and said that this is something that doesn't bother me. I told that nurse, that I reported many bad heart
symptoms, so if I go the ER, shouldn't it be for that. The sickos knew that I would laugh at this, and
not look like a fool showing up at the ER, complaining of little swellings similar to bags under eyes
There are physicians just beyond my most immediate family; problems here
Some are very old and well past retirement. You know how these people operate; they've got the goods
on people; so I got no help from any ready source. Immoral; but not a crime. The sickos in my case
want to taunt me so they keep revealing facts to me by their easy to decipher emails. As the Hopkins
surgeon admits in his book; he and all doctors who don't do and don't like the bad stuff, nonetheless; at
least have knowledge. So my cousin, Dr. Tania Crussiah, would be here.
Those emails and 5 years of circumstances, convince me that Tania joined this crime at the early stage;
in exchange for benefits to mainly her sister Julia's husband, Agi Mathew. It doesn't look like Julia and
Agi were unaware, thinking that Tania had connections to pull strings; but certainly becoming
knowledgeable of late. Agi, it looks like in India has a high school degree. Later he got some sort of a
bachelors and MBA, from TASCAM, a school known for fraud. I don't think those degrees have value
even in India, and certainly no value in The U.S. Over 9 years in The U.S. the hoax unraveled. The
shame of being poorly educated when his family is well educated and had all opportunities, got
compounded with the shame of being caught with the hoax.
By a miracle, I walked out in February, 2013; but the plan was for me to end up with a massive stroke.
There is a major difference in the plan for me and that with all those young women and their strokes. In
those cases, though the families don't know what's going on; they know what comes after a stroke for
young patients. That with aggressive rehab; there can be great recovery over the course of 1 year,
certainly after 2 months; the patient would not be so debilitated and incompetent that someone could
keep doing sex offenses to them, and keep doing it to them for even 10 years as was the plan in my
case. By all insurance rules; the patient has to go home, and get care as an outpatient.
So the plan was to deliberately give me poor care, keep me in bad shape for years, have offenders
always in and out of the room. Then Tania actively convincing my family that it's all normal.
Agi's job at a medical entity, Antech Labs, for 5 years is some low level work related to surveys taken
on a computer. Temporal proximity is the legal term for events occurring about the same time; a form
of circumstantial evidence. My case has so much of this. Agi gave his notice and quit. A promotion was
given, listing him as a supervisor of 8; but I don't think he ever worked this position. His coworkers
would be alarmed. So it was just on paper to build his resume.
Then he was given a supervisory job, “test lead” at NIH in the Office of Extramural Research; This
federal job needs both a masters and computer science training. All of a sudden, in April, 2013, like it
fell out of the sky, Agi has this well paying job at NIH, physically next door to the MRI facility. This
would also mean that some qualified individual was cheated out of this job.
Julia is a registered dietitian, and when she had her only child in September, 2010. She didn't like her
work environment; yet she kept working. Then oddly, in 2013, she quit her job, when her son is already
into preschool. A well-known problem with quitting a job is that they don't hire you back. The dietitian
jobs in the DC area are all run by Sodexho. This means that she would have to relocate. And then very
conveniently, in late 2015 when her son was enrolled in school for the full day at a private school, and
the only commercial enterprise within miles is Medstar Montgomery Hospital; she gets rehired by
Sodexho and a job at this hospital. A specialty dietitian, working with the gastric surgery program;
apart from the hectic environment of the past.
I explained this with detail because it leads to more people killed with cancer
These sickos thought Tania was helping me; especially in 2016, and in one visit to my assigned
Medicaid doctor. I abandoned my theory that water was used to flush blood out of the brain, and
figured out that water was used to fill and swell the brain. I took the tact, to ignore the crime angle and
all the others involved; instead accuse this doctor of being incompetent, the condition is getting worse
and worse under his watch. As heard on Youtube, he felt so insulted that he put all the blame on the
people at the MRI facility; even for new manifestations in 2016. These very fresh facts, immediately,
went to Senator McCain, in turn; asking Senator Cardin's Office to solve my Medicaid problem.
A month later, Tania's father-in-law was found with cancer, dying at the end of 2016. At that time,
Tania's mother, a retired RN had cancer. Despite all their clout, the sickos still dominate. The doctors
wouldn't give a diagnosis. So she went to India and immediately got the cancer diagnosis. She died at
the end on 2017. And Senator McCain was found with cancer in 2017.
How persistent and obsessed these sickos are; and with a blank check from taxpayer dollars. Months
ago when I confronted the ex-con injuring squirrels, he made a threat of telling me to watch my back,
but he was mainly civil. And it's no wonder that detectives make surprise visits and lawyers say to stay
silent. I easily knocked out all his lame excuses. He said squirrels were digging in his yard. I showed
him that there aren't any holes, and entire yard is baited with food. Few days ago another surprise visit,
to understand some new emails and odd sightings. They send me emails copying the website of I never heard of it, it's a very popular online educational program for young kids. At
the same time, they placed a large number of rats into the neighborhood. This time the excuse he gave
is that he's doing pest control of rats. I pointed out that I don't see any rats he's shot, and that he and his
friends are the ones who placed the rats. Response of threats, obscenities, including gestures.
Even with the doctored videos, a 4 hour discrepancy, and a 6 second difference between bodycams of 2
officers; what I see is a Black man walking in his neighborhood. In the area, with most burglaries and
such, there are Black men walking through neighborhoods. But The Constitution doesn't allow cops to
go around on fishing expeditions. There has to be probable cause, and there is none. Had the man ran
away, that could have been sufficient; but he walked away. The cop to get his way, points a gun at the
man. No justification to point a gun, this is a crime. Now the man is running as well, but reasonably, it's
to get away from the gun. The cop has the gun raised, recklessly running, like Yosemite Sam. One time,
he even tries to knock the gun out of the cop's hand, and this may have caused damage to the gun, that
can't be readily remedied. Then the man is running away, the cop is firing multiple shots at his back,
but the gun has failed. He calls in that the man keeps reaching into clothing, though it is at a later point
where the man has one hand in his pocket. The cops reports that it's suicide-by-cop. But the man
yelling to just shoot him is sarcasm and it's “give me liberty or give me death”. The man also says
“okay big shot”. Police are supposed to have the ability of gaining a good first impression. Here; it's
this man who picked up on what is going on. This is more than the improper practice of going around
checking out Blacks, to keep Whites safe, the cop is out to make a name for himself. This cop has a
strange timing for shooting the man; it's when additional officers have arrived. Throughout, the cop is
yelling “I don't want to shoot you, stop and talk to me”, never heard telling the man to keep his hands
where he can see him, never saying that he is under arrest. So, the cop is saying; stop and talk, or die!
All these institutions connect is so many ways. The Aspen Institute is some think tank the has given a
soapbox for critics of President Trump. Aspen also is a contractor for large law enforcement contracts.
In that suit against U.S. Park Police where the cop's error came from a database giving false info; that
database is the work of Aspen; one of those ways our government threw out money following 911.
Tom Manger is in leadership positions of organizations like the chiefs of police association, police
policy forum. Charleston, SC tasked the hiring of it's police chief to these groups. With a huge conflict
of interest, unknown to those citizens; Manger selected one of his stoolies, Luther Reynolds. Earlier,
Manger had tried to make Reynolds the chief in Dallas. Nowhere, does even a police chief from a
suburban county, become the chief of a large or mid-size city.
You have got to love these journalists and lawyers who knew everything and for a long time; now
playing the role of saving all the victims, and asking others what they knew and when. And play-acting
investigations when they already know everything. That's why, the media so easily could say that the
UVA coed's rape story was a hoax. That's why The Post easily unraveled the sting operation of Project
Veritas, which had sent a woman claiming to be a victim of Roy Moore.
It's good, some justice, though delayed was given, but timing suggests that media's conduct in “Me-
Too” is all about creating a sexual misconduct whirlwind, hoping that even something small as using
vulgar language could diminish Donald Trump. The timeline, media gives for uncovering widespread
sex abuse in Olympics gymnastics and with Dr. Nasser is that the Indystar, prompted by the arrest and
suicide of a coach in Indianapolis in 2015; launched an investigation. But the stories of this newspaper
in 2015, even with many civil suits against USA Gymnastics in other parts of the country; was that of
not challenging this organization, and letting it give a self-serving statement from it's lawyers.
The newspaper prints it's expose about the coaches. It says that the organization didn't take action.
Then the paper wastes ink say that the complaints were stored in files, and more strange; using the
uncommon word “dossiers”, in place of files. It was about the same time that a slanderous report about
Trump, called a dossier, was in the news. The paper, in it's Nasser coverage has a title; “the email that
started it all”, saying it received a complaint from a gymnast about Nasser, instantly, on the same day
as the publication about the coaches. But there had been complaints against Nasser for many years,
from patients and parents, even reporting to police.
The Nasser trials are misleading. His federal child-porn trial was attended by his athlete victims; but
they were not victims of those charges. Somewhere, many 6 year old girls were assaulted. He has
37000 pictures and videos with physical sex acts. Were those girls also assaulted by doctors; could
some of them be victims of Dr. Bradley in Delaware?
There was the parade of victims for Nasser's state trial. But if you read the indictment; the charges are
only for a handful of victims. Nearly all charges are for the very old events. Facts asserted are exact
same allegations those victims and their parents had been making for years; to police, to officials, and
very likely to lawyers and The Media. In the past, all it took was a single sleight of hand: the victims
were saying that it was more than molestation, it was that which fit the definition of rape. An expert
opinion was given by 3 female doctors, saying that he did nothing wrong. To do this, they entirely
ignored the penetration allegations. And the police and the officials willfully went along, knowing that
the actual allegations weren't addressed.
The state trial features a judge, who makes a presentation as some advocate for the victims and some
broader gender equity points. But, a careful look shows she's hiding her past. The bulk of her life, 16
years, she was a private practice lawyer in the field of “family law”. I think she was a lawyer for men
doing bad things, like domestic violence to women, not paying child support. And her father is a
doctor. I see all the theater in her court as a way to focus all the attention onto Nasser, alone. She
bemoans that it becomes problematic for the victims to trust doctors in the future, owing to what Dr.
Nasser did. But all her doctor buddies are involved in all variety of horrible things; why would anyone
want to trust them? Nasser has a long federal sentence, and he's in a special prison without street
hardened convicts, 80% is those convicted on child porn. There was some story about him getting beat-
up, but no evidence was provided. Why hasn't this all-talk state court judge ordered that the sentence
she imposed to be served first, one that would be in a Michigan prison, with criminals from Detroit?
There's nothing in the media about those 6 year old girls, and there's nothing about everything else that
Marvin Sharp, the coach in Indiana, was doing. He was running a photography business, as well,
specializing in girls getting into modeling. This is where most of his victims came from. And the news
doesn't report that he obtained images from others; that of boys, including a 30 minute video of a
woman engaged in sex with a boy so young that it's said to be simulated; the type of acts being done by
the brain surgeon and nurses in California.
What the media is obsessed with is with Ohio State University wrestling. This is a 25 year old story,
with the accused doctor, dead for many years. The doctor, likely, did what he is accused of, which is
fondling and staring for sexual purpose and in excess of legitimate medical care. Here, legitimate
medical care for this full contact sport does call for regular examination of the groin area. So this
becomes something like a doctor using a stethoscope on a woman's chest, or checking for lumps.
There are so many civil cases like this. The legal standard is that even where a male doctor removes a
female patient's clothing and examines her without telling her what he's doing; it's unethical, but not
actionable. With civil action, physical and sexual abuse is called battery. In Maryland, 2 cases are often
cited. In one, a man alleges that a doctor during an exam of his private area was deliberately rough, that
he went on to experience permanent pain. In the other, a woman alleges an exam of her private area
was done in a sexual way. In both cases, the courts ruled that there must be more evidence than a
patient merely saying that an exam was done improperly.
This selective game appears again; and it's not about ideology. The lone target is an assistant coach, Jim
Jordan. All these news stories are tagged under “Jim Jordan”. The tags of “university”, “wrestling”,
something to do with abuse by doctors or male victims of sex abuse; none of these are used. The
Congressman from Ohio has been a right-wing firebrand for years, why no story earlier, if it were
about ideology? And though he maybe vying for the Speaker's position, I think others are likely to get
more votes. So this weaponized story is all about Rep. Jordan exposing the FBI's misconduct.
In my case, the ex-con who the sickos pay to torture squirrels; he has a retarded son, about 19; likely
this guy hit his wife when she was pregnant. Now he gets to abuse his retarded son out in the open. I
was only able to record a small portion one day. I don't see what he does at his house. Some type of
punishment that is okay done by a drill sergeant or a coach; but clearly abuse under Maryland law done
to a retarded person. He forces him to run uphill, yells obscenities when he stops or turns back too
early, then when he keeps going, at a later point, yells obscenities again to tell him to turnaround and
run back. The retarded boy is crying and flopping his arms around in distress. I think these people who
do all these horrible things have speech codes; so I'm the bad guy, I used the word, retarded.
These people have no limits in what they do, with Washington Post providing darkness. Takoma Park
in Maryland is a longtime Adventist stronghold which then became a far-Left stronghold. So, if you're
an elected official as first term Congressman Jamie Raskin you've got to do some contortions to get
everyone's votes. You have these church people, who keep nail polish remover to remove even clear
nail polish from girls in they're schools; and the other group advocates medical alterations.
Tiny Takoma Park has 2 large Adventist churches. Sligo is where the obscene sermon was made. The
other church is called Takoma Park. Congressman Raskin spoke here in November, 2016, praising
Adventists, this would be on the church's YouTube channel. I have a YouTube channel, searched under
Takoma Adventist hospital. A video shows a sermon given July, 2017 by Dr. Reginald Barnes, a doctor
at Medstar Georgetown Hospital, mile from Dupont Circle, the Gay section of DC. Dr. Barnes is a
Medstar employee, even Medstar doctor of the month.
He speaks very good of a Jewish rabbi who came to him as a patient. Most of his sermon is a variety of
hate speech against GLBT. I never heard of a myth where people think Christ was effeminate; this
purported debunking effort, a vehicle for Gay bashing. Saying things like; someone looks like a man
but says he's a woman and vice versa, what all this means is that it's time to get on the boat; appearance
of transgender means that the World is about to end. note: Medstar does these alteration procedures.
With the video on YouTube, they think people with come to talk to them; so they add a visible police
presence to shut off Speech. And the Takoma Park police chief, who has jurisdiction didn't see a need
for police. As the images show, this is Tom Manger's Montgomery County Police. This also means that
Manger is stealing again, using resources meant for legitimate police work in his jurisdiction.
Everything goes, for these giant programs, like Obamacare. A “separate but equal” situation against
Blacks; Maryland and DC doing Medicaid expansion, low income adults get Medicaid. In DC and
adjacent Maryland; this population is nearly all African American. Much of this work goes to Medstar,
which bought out a doctors' office in Silver Spring, owned by 2 White women. They brought in a third
doctor, an Indian woman. Medstar makes it appear that all 3 docs are caring for Medicaid patients. But
what they have going is that the White doctors don't take Medicaid patients. Beginning from the
waiting room; everything is separate; receptionists, medical assistants, and the patient exam rooms.
The illegal immigrant situation is essentially a giant program. NY Times ran a huge Maryland story
Post and Sun; wouldn't. A bill to make this a “sanctuary state”, failed; in large part from opposition by
non-Whites, including Hispanics who were once themselves, undocumented. There is a middle ground
that acknowledges that there are Whites who don't want to see anyone else. But then goes on to argue
we have gone way past manageable numbers, and Whites advocating no limits, insulate themselves;
but everyone else pays a heavy price.
I see this in even small things; The Post, willfully asleep again. In Montgomery County, the people
who get public aid services from social services are 70% Hispanic, related to illegal immigration,and
20% legal immigrants from Africa. Most are served at the Silver Spring office, which sits in Woodside,
the most affluent part of Silver Spring, $800,000 homes. These well-connected homeowners are the
type of people that screech at those working for President Trump. With things like Obamaphone
giveaway day, that office needs about 10 more parking spaces. They park in the neighborhood and this
causes no harm to these homeowners. To keep these people from parking, Montgomery County wasted
money to turn unused parking spaces for 1000 cars, into a permit system. There's a church, and they
get these people's cars towed when in their unused lot. Then in another part of Silver Spring, with
$350,000 homes of Hispanics, Africans, Asians; there are orange cones, chairs and even tires; to hold
on to spaces they need. The problem is the Hampshire West apartments having too many residents.
Washington Adventist Hospital in Takoma Park and PG Hospital in Cheverly are the 2 hospitals that sit
within the border region with DC where most of the undocumented people in the DC area reside. When
Adventist got approval to move far away, PG did the same. This means that these people, who are poor
and many don't drive; would have a terrible time getting to a hospital, as a patient or to visit. The Post,
asleep here also; but it has maps, charts, photos of anyone who has met with President Trump. There
are all these groups that support these relocations. One that's so incredible is CASA, which is an
advocacy organization for undocumented people.
We have the alphabet soup of government agencies and we now have all these groups and contractors.
It would be a great system of competition and checks and balances. But they have all figured out that
because the federal govt doles out trillions; they can all get more if they unite. What it takes to get
billions from the federal government is having a bunch of groups supporting you, and then to keep the
money coming, you need auditing; but even that's all fraud.
A civil case in DC about Medicaid funds paid to the DC school system. Even to start, we see how
money goes to unexpected places. A small local firm did the audits, found problems; so the agencies,
immediately fired the auditor. Then switched to Maximus, which gave all glowing reports. Maximus is
this giant company doing all variety of work for govt. agencies. I even have an audio recording of this
company calling me, trying to get personal info to give to the sickos. The pretext was that they were
contracted to help me with my Social Security case. When their lies fell apart, they hung up.
Local DC TV, radio news in currently reporting on a stop-and-frisk of a group of Black men by DC
police. There are angry confrontations between neighbors and police, action and hearings by City
Council. But, your “democracy dies in darkness” Post; nothing. And that outfit, police executive policy
forum, or whatever, one of the ones with Tom Manger in leadership, and always critical of police, runs
out of make defenses for DC Police. So, it's all about money and power for these groups. If you join
them, you get protection. If you don't; you get it from the other end.
Some years ago, a coed at Howard University saw evidence that she was drugged, and rightly assumed
there was a sex assault. Howard U. Hospital, the same place where David Rosenbaum died; refused to
do a sex assault exam, and here also we see multiple groups working together. The hospital says, they
were ordered by DC police not to do testing. She went to GW Hospital, and they said they don't have
the kit; which consists of no more than swabs, zip-lock bags and stickers. For her civil suit no lawfirm
helped her; some firm specializing in commercial law finally took the case. It was reported in some DC
news outlets, but The Post; AWOL.
It's well proved in my case that the sickos, many with government; hacked my internet use. So, while
the issue of giving lies to get warrants is in the news; the same people are already willing to spy, with
no warrants, breaking laws. Same people who don't give value to attorney-client privilege, in my civil
case argued that because an attorney for Inova, William Carey was one of the offenders, physically at
the MRI facility in 2013, the whole crime is shielded by attorney-client privilege.
These medical people, up and down, including their friends in government; sick bastards, and the
solution is well-known; arrest, prosecution, jail. At least in Georgia, the basics are being followed. In
one case 3 nurses, fat and lazy, seen on video, not responding to WWII Vet, then after he dies does like
a wicked witch laugh, all on cue. Another case of elderly woman awaiting transfer to hospice; and 3
nursing aids make some internet short film, titled; The End.
Statute of Limitations is not an issue; the African American female doctor, who deliberately neglected
David Rosenbaum, because he was a rich, White Jew; can still be prosecuted. There is an often cited
DC court case, that has to do with negligence. For lawyers, the worst their friends can do is negligence.
A White female doctor is said to have mistakenly told a Black man that he has AIDS, when he didn't.
He went on to live a troubled life that included several suicide attempts. But if you look at the facts; it
would have been impossible to make that mistake. They say that some low level high school degree
employee of the doctor took the lab report, wrote the result on a piece of paper, and the doctor entirely
ignored the official lab report and went by the piece of paper. He has many girlfriends, and it looks like
this doctor doesn't like that; so she did the cruel act of making him think he has AIDS.
I keep pointing out, these medical people are just all sick bastards. A man getting a colonoscopy made a
recording in Fairfax, showing that while he was sedated the female anesthesiologist was talking about
shoving a shotgun up his behind, and the male doctor was mocking the college the patient attended.
The stories of Medstar's very bad sepsis issues were reported by USA Today, by not the local paper,
The Post. Story of the woman going in to Inova with backpain and leaving with cancer, done by AP,
with The Post AWOL. I found things about Inova, the “democracy dies in darkness”, Post should have
reported. A DC Circuit Appeals ruling shows something of an oddity in the world of workplace sex
harassment suits. The court found that at Inova's pediatric surgery wing, things like; pictures of naked
women on the ceiling of the operating rooms, a young nurse passing around topless photos of herself,
the head of surgery always cursing like a sailor. With all this, the nurses who filed suit, were not suing
for these things. Their case was that they got disciplined for bad language, while others didn't. And the
language thing was an excuse. This is how all these institutions and agencies work; discipline,
enforcement, prosecution; have ulterior motive. They were actually getting disciplined for complaining
about being burdened with a federal program that sends rookie nurses to be trained in their midst. Yet
another federal program of no value; but to funnel tax dollars into someone's pockets.
The bond reports say that Inova, Medstar and Johns Hopkins; the non-profits, have horded $10 Billion
in cash. If I weren't being cheated out of my lawsuits; that's mine. States and localities issue municipal
bonds on behalf of hospitals; called healthcare bonds. What Fairfax County did is: industrial bonds are
from a bygone era, this county did like others, changed the name to economic development bonds.
They resurrected the name “industrial”. This time it is a bond exclusively for Inova. No other hospital
in the county can get this. And Inova can use the money for all it's operations, including that not at a
hospital, and for it's hospitals outside the county.
The Post, and it's complete blackout, giving us Heidi, in place of the final minutes of a crucial football
game. I had some connections with the place Fairfax County, and I needed a cheap neurologist with a
quick appointment. So in a very good demonstration of what interstate commerce looks like; I went 22
miles on the Beltway to see that doctor. But Adventist which has a hospital and many people affiliated
with The Church, near my area; would never have been expected to have a connection to Inova. That's
why when I had problems with Inova, I saw an easy fix dealing with Adventist.
The big connection was not seen because of shutters over democracy “Post”. The cardiologists who do
surgeries at Inova own a cardiology practice. Inova bought a majority share using muni bonds. WAH
runs on cardiology. Hospital officials, who are also Church officials make a deal with Inova's cardilogy
practice, to run all of cardiology. And they have another group run the ER. Essentially, it's an Inova
hospital, where Church officials do no work and still get millions.
That surgeon in that news article was so right-on that what seems like justice, is something selective
and for ulterior motives. Adventist had a couple of heart surgeons doing large numbers of unneeded
procedures. Union Memorial Hospital had a similar scheme. The medical board, U.S.H.H.S. and Rod
Rosentein's U.S. Attorney's Office had no enforcement. But, then when Inova wanted to run WAH and
Medstar wanted to buy the Baltimore hospital; the wheels of enforcement got turning.
So many crime rings run by Baltimore police; that's because Rod Rosenstein didn't do his job.
Nowhere, other than in Rosentein's domain is there the situation where a cop was either victim of a hit,
or did suicide, while on duty, in uniform, the day before he was to testify against colleagues. If you
recall, that OBGYN in the same area was also said to have committed suicide.
Dowd goes with her niece to Harvard neurologist, Louis Caplan. These doctors common trick is casting
a saintly persona, so the misled Dowd calls the jackass; angelic and a Frank Capra character. Dowd
comes; knowing of well established statistics of this huge surge in strokes for young women. And in
my YouTube video “Police Chief Tom Manger is a sex offender 1”; there's a Cleveland Clinic trained
neurologist, Dr. Lawrence Whicker. He seems like a great doctor, as long as he can get his way. And he
wants me to erase the established facts I already have. These people have been playing the same tricks
on me so many times, so I challenged him, he lost the argument, and kicked me out of his office.
Caplan's given Dowd amnesia on CDC reports, journal research, and hospital numbers given to HHS.
Dowd, now, goes with Caplan's theory that there's no increase in young people getting strokes, “it's just
that doctors are now noticing that it's not just old folks”. What this would mean is that doctors were
seeing 30 year old women with strokes along with 70 year old men; but they thought that the 30 year
old women were also 70 year old men. Then without any trigger, these doctors were hit by the same
bug; they began to notice that some of these 70 year old men were really 30 year old women.
Caplan, to make Dowd think she got some gift from him, says that he checked the large artery leading
to the brain, and the doctors in Maryland were wrong, it's not completely closed. This means that the
patient can resume all her usual physical activities. Here, Caplan, undid this lie of her other doctors.
Doppler sonogram tests determine these things, and determined by computers; not something 2 doctors
can have a difference of opinion about. Caplan, fully blames these strokes on clots breaking off from
the injured artery and traveling into the brain. But, young healthy people have chemicals in the blood
that break up clots at an early stage; and even if a clot somehow got into the brain, there is collateral
circulation. All these things are compromised in the old patient with a lifetime of smoking, bad diet and
lack of exercise; this is how you get a stroke.
When old patients show signs of stroke, it's usually blockages in the brain. Expert recommendation,
from NIH both to patients and doctors is to get to an ER, ASAP, get a CT of the brain, and if blockage
is seen; any doctor can inject a synthetic version of the same chemicals that young fit people have in
abundance to break up clots.
Caplan says when young people get stroke symptoms, to go to hospitals with stroke centers that are
part of an university. So after saying these strokes are clots that move into the brain; he's saying don't
go to those hospitals, but to go to a trauma hospital. These centers treat bleeding and swelling in the
brain brought on by gunshots and motor vehicle accidents. The only reason these young so-called
stroke patients would need to go there is because they have that type of injury, which would have been
done internally by sickos.
For me it's problematic; look who treats these injuries: NY Times “The long ordeal of James Brady”
(1981) “the rapid swelling of the brain is uniformly fatal because the brain stem, which contains the
seat of cardiac, respiratory and other automatic life-support functions is pushed through the bottom of
the skull- literally 'squeezed to death'. Mr. Brady's unresponsiveness and tremendously elevated blood
pressure were signs that this process was already happening, neurosurgery resident Dr. Jeff Jacobson
instructed that the drugs mannitol and dexamethasone be given. The sugar mannitol promotes a
vigorous excretion of water from body tissues”
Washington Post article: “In seconds, Drs. Jeff Jacobson and Judy Johnson, a neurosurgeon and an
anesthesia resident respectively, are at work. The immediate perils are swelling and pressure. Because
the skull is an unyielding container, Brady's brain, untended would swell and soon be forced down,
crushing the brain stem, which controls breathing and awareness”
And the sickos match this U.S. Supreme Court case United States v. Stevens No. 08-769 (2010): a
sample crush video logged with the clerk, records the following event:
“a kitten shrieks as a woman thrusts her high heeled shoe, fracturing the skull, hemorrhages blood”
“often depict women slowing crushing animals with their bare feet or while wearing high heeled shoes,
sometimes while talking to the animals is a kind of dominatrix patter”
The sickos match John Hinckley. As with Amanda Knox Whites hide many of the sick things Whites
do. Hinckley didn't do his crimes as a means to impress an actress. Even prior to the movie and
obsession with the actress; he wrote that he was aroused by the fear response of a victim about to be
shot, called it “pornographic”. And, he was aroused by long term distress of the masses. So, just as a
terrorist, he wanted to distress The Public.
Caplan says that doctors at your local ER, fail to get a scan of the large arteries leading into the brain,
and of the large veins draining from the brain. But the NIH protocol says nothing about doing this. At
least for the arteries, when applying the theory of clots traveling into the brain, the ultimate causation
could be known, simply for the sake of total knowledge. But for the large veins draining blood back to
the heart, if the clot got lodged in the brain, it wouldn't be down in those veins, and by this process, the
clot could have then traveled further into the heart, but he doesn't say to check the heart.
But it's the perfect protocol to find out if the cause is the brain being flooded with water, by sickos
threading a catheter into a large artery, injuring it; and then with water and debris draining out of the
brain, damage to those large veins.
In my case, that Dr. Jeff Jacobson, with who I, as a competent person, have never seen, never any
lawful relationship with me, and with my civil cases, by criminal acts of persons at the federal court in
Maryland, and DC Superior Court, also a federal run court; I was denied my rights to confront this
sicko. This Jacobson was so rogue that even among all these sickos and criminals, he was an outcast.
He deliberately severed just the nerves that control urinary, bowel and sexual function of an older
professor, whose 2 sons are also back surgeons like Jacobson. He tells patients things like “all planes
takeoff, but some never land”. He used his 15 minutes of fame to attract backpain patients in DC, and
send them to his MRI facility in Maryland, where his partner Dr. John Athas, listed as the medical
director, but physically in NewYork would produce a bogus report, justifying surgery. This would be
done at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, a hospital with many problems. The Maryland Board of
Physicians tried to shut down this scheme, but the half-measure of forcing him to not send his patients
to his own MRI facility, didn't work because, he just transferred ownership to others who allowed him
to keep running the scheme. In his consent decree with Maryland Government, it is said that he only
months prior opened the facility, but in that DC court case, it said that it's operated for many years.
When Johns Hopkins bought the hospital, they let this scheme to continue; but otherwise this doctor
had little connection to everyone else. He has 3 daughters and has some odd things going on. When
they averaged age 30, all 3 lived with him, none has more than a BA degree, one even worked in some
lowly position, at his doctors' office. And she was one of several female employees, who used some
sexual charm to get these men to go along with these very dangerous and expensive back surgeries.
But when Dr. Caplan's colleagues in the DC, Maryland region, including Johns Hopkins, which would
be on Caplan's list of who a patient should go to for stroke symptoms, and Ms. Dowd calls it her niece's
Maryland doctors, and doesn't say if the nationally top rated Hopkins is involved; when Caplan's
colleagues wanted to do this sick crime to me, and those colleagues very likely include those right there
in Massachusetts, which is the most implicated in who has sent me 30,000 taunting emails; all of them
sought out the outcast Jacobson, who even while as outcast was a colleague of Caplan, and the GW
Hospital where teaches is certainly within Caplan's recommendations.
For the sickos long-term plan, they needed a rapid action short term scheme, which was all Jacobson,
and never could have been done; had his tiny MRI facility, with one machine and nothing else been
shut down. He took the tech, Manuel Macayayong Papel, who has some Maryland license to operate
CT scans, with a fake name Antonio; took him to Caplan's trusty GW med school, and thought him
how to insert a needle into the ulnar artery in the back of the hand. How else to say it; he even supplied
the bitches; at least 2 women, including that really ugly one, Miller, who didn't work at the back
surgery office, because there you need attractive women to hook those men for back surgery, the other
one could have been one of Jacobson's daughters; both went for hours to a spa, and Bethesda is a high-
rent place known for these spas and expensive hair salons. And they got a full makeover, and that was
critical for the long-term scheme, as to pull in even men who don't otherwise have bizarre sexual tastes.
And these women and no else would have any defense of being controlled, manipulated, or not having
time to think things out. They sat for hours; pampered, relaxed and a whole of time.
As these sickos said “I walked out of their office”, yet were lying in wait for the miracle to evaporate
and those horrible ends to occur. I have 2 local ER's, both stroke centers, though not with an university.
Washington Adventist is fully part of these crimes; Holy Cross in not, so Jacobson got appointed to top
position at it's stroke center. Little further are 2 trauma centers; Suburban owned by Johns Hopkins and
Medstar's Washington Hospital Center. Though they are involved in the crime; it doesn't appear anyone
at the trauma bay is involved. So, Johns Hopkins hired Jacobson as an employee, made him the head of
the trauma unit, and opened a neurology practice in the same building as the MRI facility and made
Jacobson the head of that as well. Medstar also made Jacobson an employee, appointments include
being made the head of neuro interventional radiology. His own neurology practice was moved from a
doctors' office building near GW to WHC, but not to the doctors' office buildings where 100's of other
doctors have offices, but right into the hospitals' main entrance.
The sickos steal and use more and more to perpetuate all the wrongs, doing things like blocking
my access to the courts because so many simple things stick out that no lawyering can change
Maryland enrolled me in Medicaid, year after year, without me opting-in, in violation of federal and
state law. They get $300 per month from the feds, thus far about $16,000. There are basic blood tests
that vets do for pets; and for people, doctors do with regularity, as to have a baseline and then track
changes into the future. This costs Medicaid $20, these sickos cannot show a single test during 4 years.
And I had over 100 encounters with this program; clearly proof of deliberate poor medical care. Judge
Chuang, before getting bribed, pointed out multiple instances of deliberate poor medical care. Prior to
resigning or getting fired, Maryland's health sec Mitchell sent a letter to Senator Cardin's office. In
answering the intentional poor care issue; Mitchell lied that several investigations were conducted,
when not a single one was. The lie continues with saying that the investigations were closed, but never
took the lie so far as to say what the findings were. Indeed, no one, no where, has ever denied the
allegation of deliberate poor care, let alone giving evidence, albeit meritless to disprove the allegation.
Maryland's Medicaid director, McMahon who resigned, filed in DC Superior Court that her activities
connected to me was that of her being the director and I being an enrollee. Maryland has 1.2 million
enrollees, add the doctors, state employees and everyone else; it's a mathematical impossibility that she
could have direct involvement with all 1.2 million enrollees. And nowhere could it be shown that the
state's Medicaid director duties are to be be directly involved with the care of even a single enrollee. It
was a great blunder on the part of all these lawyers that coordinate this crime, to unneededly admit that
this director of this huge bureaucracy is hands-on with a single patient. One would then expect that I
got the best care, but the evidence shows, not even a measly blood test over 4 years. It's also well
established in the courts that when there's allegation of sexual misconduct, and someone has too much
involvement with a student, patient, employee; its a strong inference to prove the allegation.
With a focus on identifying significant officials who aided these sickos: entirety of MD and Mont.Co.
govts, Karl Racine DC AG, Muriel Bowser DC mayor, Jean Lin an assistant U.S. Attorney.
The dehydration caused by the brain injury, gets worse and worse. In late January, 2018, I was
attending church service at Takoma Adventist Church. What happened, shows that the sickos were
spying on me while I was in church. The first thing I do after the service is to drink water from the
water fountain. These sickos know every part of the nature of the medical condition. With a hearing in
court a few days away, to literally silence me; the same water fountain I used 80 minutes before, was
suddenly out of service. I drank water, elsewhere an hour later, but the damage was done. Within
hours the dry lungs problem became much worse, causing great difficulty in breathing, non-stop
coughing, very loud noises with breathing, could not sleep. I went to the assigned Medicaid doctor, Dr.
Macarthy. This lowly doctor who never got vacations, now gets all expenses trips back to Nigeria. No
care given, as usual in violation of federal and state Medicaid laws. Reading my emails shows that
these perverts sent a barrage of 7 emails during those few minutes. An email that they would repeat
many more times in the days to follow has the title “Oil up”, shows image of fresh motor oil pouring
out. Then writing “keep your engine running quiet”. This is a mocking reference to my injuries. All
the manifestations got much worse.
Some instances of how sickos leveraged and bribed to harm those who helped me
I avoided Medicaid and Obamacare. The first 6 months of 2014, could, relatively said to be a “good
period”. I gained some facts, without having had to experience more injury. I was able to order my
own blood test. Though not a physician, with the aid of the internet, some facts were gained. The
physicians' lobby is so powerful in Maryland, that Maryland is one of three states where patients
cannot make use of the online lab testing companies; even reaching into DC to restrict a Marylander
from getting such a lab test at a lab in DC. The rule that these companies follow is that if the patient or
consumer uses a DC contact address, I can utilize a lab in The District. After the perpetrators found out
the I acquired a test in this manner, where no wrongdoing occurred; in a demonstration of their power
and viciousness; they bullied Labcorp, the large national lab testing firm, to discontinue providing it's
service, altogether, to the small Louisiana company.
It was reported that an associate of Dr. Jacobson had been running a theft scheme out of the MRI
facility, defrauding physicians and veterinarians, including one in Honduras. I contacted 2 of the
victims; Dr. Yale Shulman, a surgeon in NY and Dr. Jeff LaHuis a veterinarian in Michigan and a
captain in the Army. They, both wrote back, with statements that suggest that crimes occurred to me,
that it was beyond the skills of the MRI tech, and that multiple persons are involved. These offenders
tried to harm the professional licenses of LaHuis and Shulman.