Halogenoalkanes Test
Halogenoalkanes Test
Halogenoalkanes Test
The table below gives some of the names and structures of isomers having the molecular
formula C4H9Br
N am e
S tr u c tu re
C H 3 C H 2C H 2 C H 2 B r
H 3C
2 -b ro m o -2 -m e th y lp ro p a n e
B r
1 -b ro m o -2 -m e th y lp ro p a n e
C H 3C H
2 -b ro m o b u ta n e
Complete the table.
(Total 2 marks)
There are eight structural isomers with the molecular formula C 5H11Br. Four of these are classed
as primary, three as secondary and one as tertiary. The graphical formula of one of the
secondary compounds, isomer A, is shown below.
B r
isomer A
(iii) Draw the graphical formula of the tertiary compound with molecular formula C 5H11Br,
isomer B.
isomer B
(Total 5 marks)
Give the name of, and state an essential condition for, the first step in the
mechanism for this reaction.
Name ..
Essential condition .
Write an equation for a termination step in the mechanism for this reaction which
gives ethane as a product.
Bromomethane can undergo further substitution. Write an overall equation for the
reaction between bromomethane and bromine in which dibromomethane is formed.
Bromomethane reacts with the nucleophile ammonia according to the following equation.
CH3Br + 2NH3 CH3NH2 + NH4Br
(Total 11 marks)
Compound A (Mr = 215.8) contains 22.24% carbon, 3.71% hydrogen and 74.05%
bromine by mass. Show that the molecular formula of A is C4H8Br2.
There are nine structural isomers of molecular formula C 4H8Br2, three of which have
branched carbon chains. Give the names and draw the graphical formulae for any two of
the branched chain isomers of C4H8Br2.
Name of isomer 1 .......................................................................................................
Graphical formula of isomer 1
Name of isomer 2 .......................................................................................................
Graphical formula of isomer 2
2-bromopropane, CH3CH(Br)CH3, will react with KOH to form two different products.
One product is formed by an elimination reaction, while the other is formed by a
substitution reaction. For each type of reaction, suggest the condition(s) most likely to
lead to that type of reaction and draw the structure of the organic product.
Elimination reaction
Condition(s) .....................................................................................................
Structure of the product
Substitution reaction
Condition(s) .....................................................................................................
Structure of the product
H O :
H 3C
2 -b ro m o p e n ta n e
C H 3C H 2C H
+ H 2O + B r
p e n t-2 -e n e
(Total 3 marks)
Draw the shape of the CCl2F2 molecule. Explain this shape in terms of the electron pair
repulsion theory and suggest why the shape of the CCl 2F2 molecule is non-regular.
Suggest why, in the reaction represented by equation (5), a chlorine atom is lost rather
than a fluorine atom.
(Total 5 marks)
Suggest why the mass spectrum of 2-bromo-2-methylbutane has two almost equally
intense molecular ion peaks at m/z = 150 and m/z = 152.
(Total 9 marks)