Killing: /nell Control Scltool, (PPG) (PPG) BBL)
Killing: /nell Control Scltool, (PPG) (PPG) BBL)
Killing: /nell Control Scltool, (PPG) (PPG) BBL)
First Circulatlen
Bring the pum;-' up tr kili speec iri steps cf 5 SPM, gra'dually opening the choke
Note . ln case recorded SIDPP & SICP ar-e equa! but more than original SIDPP value,
it indicates trapped pressui-e in rn,elibore. Whereas. if SICP is more than original SIDPP,
it indicates that some infiux is stili in the weilbore.
Second Circulation
a) Line up suction uYith kili mud.
O) Aring the pump up to kiil speed in steps of 5 SFM, gradually opening the choke,
holding casing pressure constani.
c) When the pump is at kill speed, pump kill nrud from surface to bit, maintaining
casing pressure constant.
d) eump-kill mud from bit to surface, maintaining drill pipe pressure consiant equal
to FCP.
e) When the kill mud reaches surface, stop the pump reducing the punrp in steps of
S SPM , gradually closing the choke maintaining casing pressure constant.
Record pressures, sIDPP and slcP both should be equal to zero.
Open & observe the lveli. Add trip margln before resuming normal operation